Elizabeth: July 1560, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: July 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp188-201 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp188-201.

"Elizabeth: July 1560, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp188-201.


July 1560, 11-20

July 12. 327. The Queen to— (fn. 1)
Being advertised that the King of Sweden minds to arrive by the 15th or 16th of August, she directs him to hold himself and wife in readiness to repair to the Court, to receive him at three days' notice.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 12. 328. J. Melville to Killegrew.
1. Received the letter of his "gentle brother Hery" on the 2nd "Julyet," by Sir Thomas North's son, dated at Greenwich, June 4; which gave him no little pleasure, for since his arrival in these countries the writer has received no letters from France or elsewhere, this of Killegrew's only excepted, in which he has declared all things that Melville could have wished to know. Thanks him for his other letter, which he did not receive, and for his courtesy to the unthankful man. His reason for not writing since he came hither was because he believed Killegrew would have been closed up in France. Can spy no sure means of writing to the Ambassador thither. Thanks the Ambassador for the assurance of the P [pension?] "I thank him and you, more than any worthiness that is in me, for the same; all is one, how little that it be, so that I may live in good company."
2. Has found the country even as Killegrew told him, which causes him to study more diligently in the tongue. Would be glad of his counsel as to the length of his "tarry in thir parts, or if I could do any service in the mean while." The Rhinegrave's eldest brother, who served King Henry VIII. in this country, is presently at this Court, and says that his brother in France was commanded to go with the army into Scotland, but he has refused, saying that he could not carry so many men over the sea without money, and so is come to his own house in Lorraine, and will come shortly to Heidelberg, and Jacob Von Augsburg will take his charge. They have heard long ago of preparations made at Havre de Grace, either to land in some of the English ports or to go into Scotland. Count Egmont "thir days past" came to Heidelberg, unto whom was written a letter by the Regent of Flanders, making mention how M. De Limoges, the Ambassador in Spain, desired help against England and Scotland; to whom it was answered that King Philip would in no ways declare open war by reason of Flanders, that would have so great loss thereby, but that he would write "to Envers" [Antwerp] that they should lend the French King money, for which he would be surety; and also to cause him to have of his men to menace England with, notwithstanding his great loss at Tripoli, as the writer believes came to Killegrew's ears in the time of M. D'Egmont's abode. A letter has come from Italy that some Turks have landed at Marseilles, and done much harm, and defeated a band of the Duke of Savoy's men at arms, and taken divers gentlemen, which has made some stop in his enterprise against Geneva.
3. The Dowager of Lorraine is come to Heidelberg, to try to persuade her elder sister, the old Countess Palatine, to give over to her and her children the right and title to the realm of Denmark, as her aforesaid sister has no children; and also to make a marriage with the Palsgrave's second son and one of her daughters; which marriage will be very commodious for her son, seeing the troubles that are like to come over France if "thir" enterprises get the upper hand, or with Almaine, whensoever they make war for the liberty of Metz. Two other marriages have been made here of late; the second brother of Saxony with the Palsgrave's second daughter, and the Palsgrave's eldest son with the Landgrave's daughter. Divers gentlemen with the Palsgrave's eldest son are presently performing the same in Marburg, in the land of Hesse.
4. Nothing moves here, but only the difference of the "cene" waxing greater and greater will engender trouble at last. There was a dispute for the same cause at Heidelberg, of late openly, before and between the Count Palatine's doctors and preachers and the Duke Hans Frederic of Saxony's doctors and preachers, whereof is come little edification.
5. Desires his commendations to be made to the Ambassador, [Throckmorton] to Sir Thomas Wroth, Randolph, and Killegrew's brother. Some of the farmers have been at Heidelberg, and have been in hand with him if they can have any intelligence by the way of England, to pursue their right, but which he has not desired to meddle with without commandment.
6. The principal solicitors will be presently at Strasburg, where they will remain some days. Has spoken with some of the captains of horse who in the last wars served in France; they all say they will not go against the religion; but Killegrew knows what money will do with such captains. Desires him to thank Mr. Drury for his courtesy. Desires to be remembered to the Laird of Lethington, of whom he wishes to hear in Killegrew's first letter. Wrote to his brother R. [?] not twelve days ago by Sir Thomas Wrothe's sons, who be presently in Heidelberg.—"Marckbourg in Hesseland," 12 July 1560. By your humble friend and brother at power, J. Malville.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To . . . . . . Henry Killegrew, servant to the Queen, in the Court of England. Pp. 2.
July 12. 329. Stephen Loitz to Alexander Spiis, Chancellor.
Has been negociating with respect to the loan of the 400,000 dollars, with certain men who have money, and who are displeased that nothing definite has been yet decided. Has told the Count that 100,000 dollars could be had immediately on the bond of the Hanse towns, and 300,000 at the Feast of the three Kings [Epiphany]. They thought that England delayed, with the intention of being certain with the respect of their own advantage. Now, however, one of his friends, (to whom he has promised a gold chain worth 400 crowns,) has renewed the negociation, and has undertaken to produce the 100,000 dollars within a fortnight, if he will engage to procure the bonds of the Hanse towns within a fixed time, and to give interest at 10 per cent. for as long as a time as they have kept back their money until Epiphany. He is obliged to agree to this, and (unless he gets the bond of the cities in time,) to insure them against loss of the money by war or fire. They also promise 300,000 dollars by Epiphany, but at not less than 12 per cent. interest at Antwerp. They wish him to be security for the interest in case the bond of the cities does not arrive at the fixed time. Has taken a fortnight to consider these conditions. Warns the Count to be careful, as the English if they make peace will leave him [Loitz] to stick in the mud. Hopes that his expenses will be paid. Those with whom he is negociating do not wish to have to do with the English, and the whole matter hangs on obtaining the bond of the Hanse towns.—Lunenburg, 12 July 1560. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
July 14. 330. Throckmorton to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Has just received letters from the Lords of the Privy Council informing him that an accord of peace was concluded between the Commissioners of the two sides on the 6th of this month. Asks him to acquaint their Majesties.—Paris, 14 July 1560.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 14. 331. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 14. 332. The Cardinal of Lorraine to Throckmorton.
Has just received his letter and has informed the King and Queen of the accord and pacification.—La Ferté Alais, 14 July 1560.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 14. 333. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 15. 334. Sir Thomas Parry to Cecil.
1. The writer since his last letter has been the sickest that may be of his old disease. Praises God for giving Cecil health and wisdom to end so great a cause so honourably to the Queen and the realm, and so beneficially that all English hearts have cause to praise God, and Cecil, and his colleagues. The Queen takes his service in most thankful part.
2. Upon conferring of dissolving of charges upon sea and land, it was thought that upon the Treasurer sending 20,000l. for July, it would be sufficient, considering the great numbers that are now cassed. Desires to know Cecil's opinion herein, as he wishes all the despatching to be both honourable and profitable, and whether he thinks 20,000l. will suffice, as some think that less will serve. Will move the Queen to give order for sending sufficient money thither. Has moved the Treasurer to make haste with money, whereby the charge growing may be more speedily cut off. Beseeches him to let Binks post hither with his answer, that the Queen may see it. There are large sums to be discharged, as the soldiers, mariners, and captains at Portsmouth, whereof two parts are to be cassed on the 20th inst., like as the navy at its repair thither shall have household charges and such like. Prays him to send the particulars of the charges that of necessity must be paid, that money may be sent accordingly.
3. Lady Cecil is in good health and came hither to rejoice with the rest. Let them whine who list, for he is now merry and trusts that Cecil is so. Sends his commendations to Cecil and Wotton, and desires him to tell Wotton, if he is provided of the stuff he wrote about, to send it, as the Lord Chamberlain looks thereto.—At the Court, 15 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
July 15.
Haynes, p. 357.
335. Cecil to the Lords of the Council. (fn. 2)
1. He perceives their pleasure is that the Queen's ships shall not enter the Thames upon their return, but keep their course to Portsmouth, where the rest are. Winter will not fail to attend to their directions. The former determination to have turned into the Thames arose upon conference with Winter and himself. As for the dressing and grounding of the ships, Winter cannot as yet be persuaded but Gillingham is better. It will be the end of the month ere they come home, and so with August the season of the year will grow out for further sea service; and it is accorded here on both parts of England and France that the preparations should cease, as by letters sent by Carew of the 19th inst. does appear. These things considered, Cecil saw no occasion of service, and thought that to avoid charges these ships should come to their winter place now rather than sail to Portsmouth, and within twenty days to return to Gillingham, as last year all the ships did. He changes his opinion now, and thinks that some further matter has moved their Lordships thereto.
2. For the entry of any of the Queen's ships into any haven of France, it was so much considered here, that not one of them shall have any French person aboard. As to the Primrose and Minion, they were forced with importunities of Martigues and D'Oysel, that either of them might sail in them with sixty persons only; yet none of the said vessels shall enter any French haven. The number of the French is so many, that except they all depart at once they would not embark, and there is no small shift made to provide equipage for them. It is known to their Lordships that there need a great number of merchant ships (whereof none will take at most above 200, and the most not above eighty or 100 persons besides the mariners) to transport 4,000 and more, with their armour and baggage.
3. This day the town was dismantled round about and made assaultable, with the foundations of some points of the bulwarks undermined. They trust to-morrow to see some part lie flat, and commit the rest to the Scots. By this night there will be 1,000 French embarked, and he trusts the rest will be by to-morrow night. Here is goodwill on all parts that the French be gone; we to carry them, and the Scots to curse them hence, so as by Wednesday night we men of peace trust to lodge at Haddington.
4. He has occasion to intermeddle here with cassing of divers unnecessary bands, and receives no more thanks than he expected. Out of 8,000 footmen, 3,000 shall depart in the morning, and if the 5,000 be well ordered, they will do as much service as the 8,000. With the horsemen, he has given advice to leave but 300 lances and 200 light horsemen, cassing 500 away; and for what he sees the lances may at their arrival at Berwick depart also. For good order there may remain at Berwick 4,000 or 5,000 footmen, but he sees no reason to keep them there longer than a month; therefore, if they see any, it may be well to order it by their directions to Norfolk.—Edinburgh, 15 July 1560.
Draft by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
July 15. 336. Transportation of the French out of Scotland.
1. Article between the French and English Commissioners providing for the transportation and victualling of the troops, viz. 10s. to be paid for each man, and [blank] for each woman. Any extra expenses to be borne by the French.
2. The ships to be allowed to return to Dover, or the Thames, without molestation. The French to give four hostages for the due performance of these conditions, who are to remain at or near London.—Edinburgh, 15 July 1560.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
[July 15.] 337. Transportation of the French out of Scotland.
Obligation of the Bishop of Amiens, M. De la Brosse, and others binding themselves to be securities for the performance of the conditions of the above compact on the part of France.
Draft by Cecil. Lat. P. 1.
July 16. 338. [Cecil] to the Earl of Huntley.
Begs him to bestow his wisdom and authority to preserve his country, and join fast with the rest of the nobility in the just defence of their liberties; and to beware how, under pretence of fair offers by the French to the persons next the crown, he permits that their estate be undermined and overthrown.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 16 July 1560. . . . . of my lord master his letter to the Earl of Huntley. Apparently a P. S. only. Pp. 2.
July 17. 339. The Lords of the Congregation to Queen Elizabeth.
Have received her letters by Cecil and Wotton, who have also repeated her most noble inclination to continue the amity between the two realms. Thank her for obtaining such a treaty from the French.—Edinburgh, 17 July 1560. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, Ar. Argyll, James Stewart, Ruthven, John Stewart, Robert Stewart.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Broadside.
July 17. 340. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
July 18. 341. The Earl of Arran to Queen Elizabeth.
Thanks her for having procured peace in Scotland, and more especially for having shown such favour to himself by saving him from the hands of those who sought his life, and returning him safe to his own country, which she has now restored to its pristine liberty. He esteems himself happy in having had the opportunity of viewing those singular graces which God has so liberally given her. Offers his services to her.—Edinburgh, 18 July.
Copy, in Maitland's handwriting. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Copy of the Earl of Arran's letter to the Queen of France [sic]. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 18. 342. Francis Henry, Duke of Lunenburg, to the Queen.
1. Has served the King of France faithfully for two years in his late wars, with 1,200 horse, but when he expected payment the house of Guise (who govern all there), through spite and envy invented a thousand false reports against his life, honour, and estate, and finally made use of poison, so that two of their own people died whilst supping with him. Nor have they kept the contract signed by the late King and the French Parliament for 4,200 crowns pension during his life, and for 43,000 payable to him and his pistoliers.
2. Is at present engaged in a suit with his nephews for his patrimony, and is in arrears in consequence of the death of the King of France. Desires therefore to be taken into her service, and engages to levy, as often and as speedily as she likes, such a number of good soldiers as shall seriously trouble any enemy she may have. Is a poor Prince. Has sent Andreas Loriche with full powers.—Brunswick, 18 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 19. 343. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. Sends him herewith a copy of one of the Articles agreed upon between her and the French King's Commissioners, whereby it is accorded that all preparations for war shall cease on all sides. The time and manner of the ceasing has been referred to the Privy Council and the French Ambassador, who have ordered as follows.
2. Like as she has cassed her army in the North, saving the garrisons of the holds, so has she given orders for disarming her navy. The Ambassador was told that if the King, his master, would appoint a certain time within twelve or fourteen days for Throckmorton to send some of his folks to see how this article is observed on his part, order would be taken for him to send and see if the Queen did the like. Throckmorton is to send some discreet persons into Gascony, Brittany, and Normandy. She desires to know how they like this accord.—Greenwich, 19 July 1560.
Copy by Throckmorton's clerk. Pp. 3.
[July 20.] 344. Another copy of the above.
Portions underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Endd.: 20 July. Pp. 5.
July 19. 345. Throckmorton to the Queen. (fn. 3)
1. On the 12th inst. M. De Schantonet, the King of Spain's Ambassador, sent his secretary with a packet from Montague and Chamberlain, wherein was a letter addressed to her, which he encloses. By letters addressed to himself from them he learns that on the 23rd June Montague was ready to return from Toledo towards England; and that the King of Spain has despatched Don John Pachecho to pass by this Court towards her, with commission to persuade her to compound the matters between France and her, little to her surety and commodity, for he desires the dissolution of the league between her and Scotland, and that she will content herself with the leaving off of her arms and style used and borne by the French, as sufficient satisfaction for all injuries. The French do not let to say that Don Pachecho has in charge once again to threaten the Queen. The King of Spain evidently mislikes her alliance with Scotland, and is unwilling that all occasions of war should be taken away betwixt the French and her; for he fears that she will give them the looking on, and such is their state that they cannot long remain in peace, notwithstanding this late alliance by the last marriage. He is as loath to have a league betwixt her and Scotland as the French are, and desires that she and her realm should take part in his fortune and infinite quarrels. Throckmorton trusts that she will entertain the Ambassadors with gracious words and show of great confidence in their master's amity.
2. On the 14th inst. the writer received letters from the Council dated on the 12th, with an abstract of the Articles agreed upon between her Commissioners and the French in Scotland; and understanding that the King had no knowledge of it, he despatched Mr. Somers with a letter to the Cardinal of Lorraine (the minute of which he encloses) so instructed that the Cardinal could take none advantage of anything he should say. After Somers had delivered the letter to the Cardinal, he with a displeased countenance asked him what day the accord was made, and being answered that it was the 6th inst., the Cardinal paused awhile, and said that it was before De Brueil was arrived in Scotland, and asked him what he heard from thence. Somers said nothing, but that the accord was made. He inquired also whether Throckmorton had received any knowledge of Martigues' death, for it is taken that he is slain at Leith; Mr. Somers answered that it was unknown to him. The Cardinal then stepped aside and showed the King the letter; and without any show of rejoicing for the peace on the King's or Cardinal's behalf, Throckmorton received the enclosed answer from the Cardinal. Mr. Somers being in the Court was by a number of gentlemen of all estates questioned withal, none of whom made any demonstration of gladness for the peace, which is strange, weighing what triumph the French have been always accustomed to make upon conclusion of peace. Thinks that they meant only to gain time and no peace at all, and that they mean not to continue this; therefore the Queen is wise in keeping her force by land and sea uncassed or dispersed. Two things persuade him that this accord is both honourable and profitable to her; the one is that France mislikes it, and the other is that the King of Spain is displeased at finding that she and her realm do not altogether depend upon his order and pleasure.
3. Don Pacheco was well onwards on his way before M. Chantonet sent Montague's and Chamberlain's packets to Throckmorton on purpose that he might not give the Queen advertisement of his coming or commission. The Sophy has betrayed the Turk's son into the Turk's hands, which was so acceptable to the Turk that he gave him that brought the news the governorship of a country. It is judged that he will put his son to death, and having none other puissant enemies to resist, being out of care either of the Sophy or his son, shall be able to do a great deal more against King Philip, so that he will be in danger of the failing of his enterprise at Gerbes, notwithstanding that Don Alvaro De Sangra, his lieutenant, has advertised that he will be able to keep the fort till September.
4. The General Council is now said to be appointed at Constance, according to the desire of the Princes of Almaine, which the Pope sticks not at, thinking he may thereby the more easily betray them. It is said that he will pardon all heresies, so as he may have the chief stroke and appointment at the Council; but it is judged that it is all practice to win time and that he minds not indeed any Council. The Queen Mother goes into Spain about October to visit her daughter, and (it is thought) to practise a marriage between the Prince of Spain and the Lady Margaret her youngest daughter, and that the talk of the marriage of her to the King of Portugal and the Duke of Cleve's son are but colours to cover the other marriage. The men here having cast their accounts find that there remains clear unto them but 7,000,000 francs of yearly revenue. The Duke of Guise has, besides armour and munitions, sent 1,500 men to his castle and town of Guise. There are fifteen Almaine captains despatched from this Court into Almaine, every one has 300 crowns of yearly pensions, and is bound to bring for the French King's service 300 pistoliers apiece; it is thought that he will be better served than by the Duke of Saxony and others, which are more costly. Desires to know whether he shall inform M. De Chantonet of the treaty now passed, and whether he shall show him a copy of the treaty between France and Scotland at the marriage of the French Queen. The Ambassador is desirous to see it, and has told Throckmorton that the Cardinal of Lorraine said that the Scotch Lords were contented that the French should govern in Scotland.
5. The French King is at Fontainebleau, where it is said that he will remain two months. With some charge and difficulty he has recovered the true transcript of the contract of marriage between the French King and his wife, as it is registered in the Chamber of Account in the Parliament of Paris, which he sends herewith. The Ambassador would peradventure take more exception to a transcript sent from Scotland than one sent from hence, because the Lords of the Congregation are parties to the cause. Suggests that she should command courtesy to be used to the French adversaries now in her hands, and not imitate their own example, which they set after their victories at Ambleteuse, Calais, and Guines.
6. This bearer, named Henry Middlemore, his poor kinsman, is the same for whom he has long ago been a suitor to her to accept to her service.—Paris, 19 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. The conclusion in Throckmorton's hand. Pp. 7.
July 19. 346. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
1. On the 14th inst. received theirs of the 12th by Daveys, together with an abstract of the Articles agreed upon between the Queen and the French in Scotland.
2. Gives the same information as that contained in his letter of this date to the Queen, concerning the interview of Somers with the Cardinal of Lorraine: Throckmorton's notion of the King of Spain's policy, the embassy of Don John Pacheco, the affairs of the Sophy and the Turk, the General Council, the departure of the Queen Mother into Spain, the revenue of France, and the Almaine captains.
3. Desires that they will be a means with the Queen for his revocation. Returns them the letter in cipher, deciphered, The characters are new and difficult. Notes in it a declaration of the French meaning for protracting of time, and no disposition in them to have fallen to appointment but by constraint; also the dangerous intelligence they have how their letters have been deciphered. Mr. Somers' great travail and good service declares itself worthy recompence. Prays that they may be endued with God's Holy Spirit.—Paris, 19 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
July 19. 347. Throckmorton to Petre.
Thanks Petre for his good remembrance of him. Since Cecil's departure the writer has oftener advertised of the proceedings in England than he was accustomed. Has written to Cecil, and requests Petre to send the packet to him and a duplicate of the deciphered letter, whereof he has sent presently one copy to the Queen and another to the Lords. Beseeches him to lend a helping hand for his revocation; for besides his own necessities require it, the Queen will be better served by another, as he is in so evil grace with the French, who impute a great part of their disadvantage to his legation.—Paris, 19 July 1560. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 19. 348. Sir W. Petre to Cecil.
1. Cecil's letters dated at Edinburgh on 14th inst. were brought hither this morning. The Queen likes well that Sir Francis Leek should take the charge of Berwick for a time, and presently writes to him and the Duke of Norfolk for that purpose. What she has resolved for Lord Grey will appear in the Lords' letters sent herewith. She sends Mr. Killegrew into France with the despatch of the agreement for the stay of any preparations for the wars, and to learn such further matter as he can of their doings there.
2. Yesterday were brought hither letters from the Ambassadors in Spain, wherein are contained many good words and promises of that King; and there is come a special gentleman from thence named Don John Pacheco; what his message is it is not yet known, for he has not yet been at Court. Among other things the Duke of Alva told Lord Montague and Chamberlain that he wished two things to be specially provided for, in this treaty in Scotland; first, that if the French King should send any other forces into Scotland than is agreed by this treaty, then the Queen might lawfully use force for expelling them; the other was for the ratification of the treaty of Cambray, especially for Calais. Half so many good words in the beginning had been much more to be esteemed.
3. The Queen is minded to remove hence the 29th of this month to begin a progress towards Portsmouth; wishes much that Cecil would come before her remove, for that he is unable to follow except in a litter, and that not without danger and pain.—Greenwich, 19 July 1560. Signed.
4. P. S.—Has stayed his letter, thinking to have sent with it Leek's despatch, but the Queen stays therein; he thinks she will resolve it this day, July 20.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 20. 349. John Shers to Cecil.
1. Present occurrences are scarcely worth his knowing. This week M. Du Manna arrived at Rome from the French King, to provoke forwards for a General Council. The King of Spain follows in that part by one II Sign. di Connobbio, both now at Rome. The Emperor is not so far forward, because first he would have another Diet amongst the Princes in Germany, to know what they will say. The discourses on these matters are long; but the most part conclude that none of these Princes, neither the Pope himself, would seek to reform what is amiss, but to find out a means, under pretence of a General Council, to thrust down whom they list, as members disobedient to them, the truth, and God's Church. "And for this end consisteth their whole study for a General Council, which I suppose is so well foreseen as we shall not live to see a General Council indeed."
2. At Rome at present all other matters are put apart. The Pope, or rather those appointed by him for the examination of the Caraffas, attends wholly from morning to night to their matters; so that men look to hear the end of their travail. "None so basse as in these days past, none so high as they. None new trade in our days." There are advices from Malta that the Spaniards within the fort at Gerbes "stand to their holt like men," and of late have given the Turks an overthrow or twain. The Count of Pitigliano has rendered Soana to the Duke of Florence, and the Duke has revoked his men; lamenting that the Count durst put him to such charges and trouble.
3. By letters from Constantinople of the 21st ult., he learns that the Turk sends a certain number of galleys to Gerbes, furnished with new men, with 600 barrels of powder, and 5,000 "gun stones of iron." Of Bajazet, the Turk's second son, the French Ambassador affirms that he is prisoner with the Sophy, and will be delivered to his father; but the Spaniards and many others believe it not. Yesterday the French Ambassador made a banquet, at which he had the Legate, and the most part of the Ambassadors and agents for Princes, and as he found occasion. as oftentimes he has done the like, he raised his tongue more largely than honestly of the Queen; and, albeit every man knows in what terms France stands if England would use the time, he spares not to advance his Prince and country. He has had the protestation made to the Queen, printed and sold here in the Riva Alta [Rialto], and at Saint Marks, as it were in Lombard Street, places of most resort, and those that sell them cry out; "La protesta d'il Re Christianissimo alla Regina d'Inghilterra:" perchance not so truly printed as it was protested, for he has seen the answer, which he would have had translated and sent, if he durst have done so without further commission, seeing plainly the rude vulgus all Italy over believe and seek no further for knowledge of the truth than they see or hear.—Venice, 20 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 20. 350. Petre to Throckmorton.
1. The bearer Mr. Killigrew will tell him fully of all things. On Monday it was agreed that Leith should be demolished, and that the French should embark on Tuesday and depart on Wednesday. Mr. Secretary and Mr. Wotton meant to return to Berwick; all things are executed there quietly. The Scots begin their Parliament to-day. The Queen is minded to begin her progress towards Portsmouth.—Greenwich, 20 July 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Don John de Pacheco has arrived from Spain, but hath not yet had audience.
Orig. Hol., slightly torn. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 20.] 351. The Government of the North.
Lord Wharton's memorial for the Government of the North.
One of great power and large commission. Every office to have an officer well chosen, and captains of fortresses and garrisons also. All chief houses there meet for service to be the Queen's. Her Highness's lands, domains, personages, and others, to be ordered for maintenance of the officers. A wise Council of six, whereof two learned, to be with the Governor, and he to be in the North where it please him, and as service shall occasion. All officers to continue during pleasure. Days of marches to be often times kept. Warden Courts two times in the year, and oftener as occasion serves. The Governor to know and order the doings of the Wardens. Oyer and terminer to be kept at York, Newcastle, and Carlisle when occasion serves. The Governor to know all offenders and their offences, wheresoever they dwell. No wages to marchers, but rewards for good services. All inheritors and officers to be at their houses and offices. Make inclosures and "avoid" idle people. Make Berwick tenable, and have horsemen there, and in all fortresses, and in the marches. The Wardens to cause watches to be kept in the boundary parts of the marches at times convenient.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil: 20 July 1560. Pp. 2.
July 20. 352. Charges at Berwick and Holy Island.
1. For the bake-house and brew-house during June, 137l. 11s. 4d., consisting of wages for, one clerk of the bakehouse, one overseer, two furners, twenty-two bakers; one clerk of the brew-house, twenty-six brewers, one keeper of the water, three millers; one clerk of the gardeners, ten keepers and turners of grain, three keepers of oxen and sheep; one basket maker, two carters, five women dighters of corn, one overseer of coopers, thirty coopers; one clerk of the catery, one clerk of the butter and cheese, three purveyors, one porter.
2. There was also an establishment of twenty-two persons at Holy Island; and at Stockton, two keepers of the cattle, and one clerk of the shipping and sending of provisions from London. Also for the hire of three transports, 36l. Total monthly charge 173l. 11s. 4d. In this account is not considered the purchase of coals, hops, carts, horses, &c., nor building expenses. As the army is reduced so may this establishment be the same.
Endd. Pp. 11.
[July 20.] 353. Memorial for Berwick.
To see the 2,000 ordinary and 2,000 extraordinary appointed by the captain, to appoint the muster of them and accord upon capitulation. To see the houses that must be bought for the fortifications. To consider whether the nether part of the town shall be included in the fort. To take order betwixt the Captain of the town and the Mayor, and whether the Scots shall enter to the market in the town. To cause an ordinary muster to be made of the old ordinary garrison, and a survey to be made by commission of the office of the ordnance. To send to Edinburgh for the sick men when they be whole, and to pay them. To require of Abington a note of the dear prices of victual, and by whom; and of Gower, the expense at Leith for powder and shot. To procure a meeting upon the frontiers by Lord Grey with Lords Hume and Cessford. To consider what shall be done with the hostages at Newcastle. To understand from Mr. Winter of the number of French embarked. To understand what armour remains unsold. In the margin: Lord Grey, 100 light horse. Stroud and Blunt at Leith, Cornwall and Stafford at Dunbar, to be revoked.
In Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 20.] 354. Wages at Berwick.
Hard hewers at 12d. per diem; carpenters, sawyers, wheelwrights, coopers, mason hewers of freestone, bricklayers and rough layers, at 10d. per diem; quarriers, lime burners, labourers, carters, and victuallers, at 8d. per diem; hod boys at 5d. per diem; and clerks and overseers at 12d. per diem. Also sixty carriages at 4s. each per day. Amounting (with tasks, emptions, and freights) to 13,106l. 13s. 8d. for seven months ending 14 September, and 34,242l. 16s. calculated for six months.
Endd. Pp. 6.
[July 20.] 355. Artificers at Berwick.
Wages of artificers, cart hire, and other charges connected with the fortifications, for the month of July 1560, 1,894l. 18s. 8d. The like for seven months between Lady Day and Michaelmas 1561 will amount to 13,264l. 10s. 8d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 20.] 356. Berwick Garrison.
List of captains, with the ordinary and extraordinary complement of their companies. Total ordinary garrison 2,000. Extraordinary 4,000.
Endd.: 20 July 1560. Pp. 2.
[July 20.] 357. Berwick Accounts.
An abstract of the accounts of Sir William Ingleby, late Treasurer of Berwick, viz.:—Receipts, 251,549l. 8s. 7d. Payments, 251,243l. 7s. 5d. Due by him to the Queen 306l. 1s. 2d.
Endd. Broadside.
[July 20.] 358. The Queen's Debts in Antwerp.
£ s. d.
Debts due in October and November 95,103 16 0
Debts due in February, May, and 20 July 38,876 16 8
Total 133,980 12 8
Orig., in Gresham's hol., and signed by him. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Lord Hunsdon to the Earl of Sussex.
    July 12.
    Howard's Letters, p. 203.
    They have peace with Scotland, but the compositions are not yet thoroughly known. The King of Swithland [Sweden] is expected here with divers others of those parts. The Duke de Nemours, with others from France, will arrive here shortly for the conclusion of peace in the north parts.—From the Court, 12 July 1560. Signed.
  • 2. The original letter is preserved at Hatfield House.
  • 3. Francis II. To the Bishop of Limoges.
    July 28.
    Teulet, 1. 606. L. Paris, p. 420.
    Sends an extract from the treaty of Edinburgh that the Bishop may discover its iniquity and see the hard and intolerable conditions to which he has been compelled to submit, as well for the repose of Christendom as the advantage of his own subjects. He thinks it unendurable that a great Prince, such as he is, should be reduced to the extremity of receiving the law from his own subjects; but the necessity of the times, so full of calamities and miseries, compelled him rather to yield some portion of his rights, thereby sacrificing his own private interests, than by obstinately adhering to them, to follow out a course full of danger and difficulty. The Bishop may hence understand how much the writer is indebted to the Queen of England, who has encouraged his subjects to attempt that of which, without her support, favour, and aid, they would never have dared to dream. It is unnecessary, however, for the Bishop to do more than inform the King of Spain of the writer's satisfaction at finding that his words are now proved to be true, and that he has had more regard for the public good than his own private advantage. Also that he is glad at securing a peace which will leave him at leisure to attend to the internal affairs of his own kingdom. The Bishop shall also thank the King for his good offices rendered to France in this matter.—Fontainebleau, 28 July 1560. Signed.