Elizabeth: July 1560, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: July 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp159-172 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp159-172.

"Elizabeth: July 1560, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp159-172.


July 1560, 1-5

July. 259. The Bastard of Gueldres to Queen Elizabeth.
Henry Boschovius, natural son of Charles, the late Duke of Gueldres, declares that he has served with honour for many years in Italy, France, and Germany; and that he has been solicited three months ago to serve King Francis, which he has refused to do on account of his affection for the reformed religion. He informs her that Charles, the present Duke of Gueldres, offers his services to her. Sigismond, King of Poland, and several of the German Princes, can certify how faithful Charles has been in former expeditions, as is also proved by letters in his favour written by John a Lasco to her late brother, Edward VI.
Endd.: July 1560. Lat. Broadside.
July 1. 260. Payne to Gresham.
My Heer van Wack "feze admiral," is not yet come; the Commissioner Carre and William Janson, of Enkhuysen, the Admiral of the eight hulks, are gone into Holland. There is come a ship of one John Penrith of Tervere out of Scotland on Wednesday, who brings word that on Thursday next after, Leith should be stormed and the ladders were all ready, and that there should be 15,000 men to storm it that the Duke of Norfolk had brought. The Grave of Skrawsborough, a High Dutch, with but four men and a priest of Bruges, passed through the town for Flushing or Dunkirk to pass into England. A hoy of Tervere came here from Dieppe laden with bastards and vinegar, and they say there are no ships ready at Dieppe, but there is much ado against the house of Guise, and they would not have more than five men of war to enter the town at a time, to buy victuals and such things. They say there was a marvellous business at Rouen on Corpus Christi Day, and some of the priests killed that carried it. The hulks and ships of the Spaniards tarry yet for a good wind. Two English crayers laden with skins from Berwick have arrived, which has gone up to Antwerp.— Middleburgh, 1 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Pay the post one stiver. Pp. 3.
July 2.
Haynes, p. 335.
261. Cecil and Wotton to the Queen. (fn. 1)
1. They are sorry that after so great a likelihood of peace it chances otherwise. After the receipt of the Queen's letters of the 24th June, brought to them on Thursday last, they pressed the French, according to her letters, to procure by proclamation the defacing of her style and arms used in France, and to obtain either continuance of the treaty as it is now betwixt her and the nobility of Scotland, or the substance thereof, tending to the preservation of Scotland in liberty from conquest. To neither of these would they by any means be brought; alleging for the first, that they could not alter any word from that which had for that purpose been offered before and sent to the King their master, (whereof they sent the Queen a copy,) until they have an answer from the King by M. De Bueil; to the second, that they had precise commandment not to meddle with that treaty, but to pass it over. After long debate on both parts, and finally with inward grief, they were forced to break off and make semblance of departure out of this country.
2. The next day the writers, being most desirous for peace, offered the French, for the first point, to refer the matter of the defacing by proclamation to a new treaty, according to her letter. For the second point, touching the league with Scotland, they devised two sundry articles (fn. 2) which they send herewith, the first signed A., the second B. None of these were accepted, they using still their first answer. After this he Bishop sent to them his secretary with a sentence in Latin and French also, the copy whereof is noted C., saying, that to confirm the whole treaty was not reasonable, but if there were any articles in the same for the weal of both realms, they might be inserted in the treaty. They hereupon collected a summary of articles out of the said treaty, and formed them to be inserted in the present treaty, which they sent them; and those also the French misliked. The copy of these is marked D. Although thus being trifled withal, yet for love of peace the writers were contented to accept the sentence of the French, which the French also denied, using some impudency therein, saying it was but the Bishop's opinions and writings, and not M. De Randan's. This was not to be allowed by the writers for the Queen's honour. But for peace and sparing of blood, Cecil yesterday morning (Sunday) met the Bishop apart, and debated the matter as patiently as might be; in the end he pressed the Bishop thus, that there might be a mutual defence of both realms, "betwixt your Majesties," and the same confirmed by Act of Parliament, both of England and Scotland. This he seemed to allow, and said he would confer with Randan, and thereupon draw an article after his fancy. Cecil promised to do the like with Wotton, and so he did (which is noted E), and being ready to send it, the Bishop sent his secretary to Cecil praying him to look for no writing, for Randan would not agree thereto, yet he [Cecil] sent his to the Bishop. He received answer that neither Randan nor himself could but like it very well, and thought it convenient for both realms; but they had no authority to make any such new league.
3. Upon a motion made by the Bishop, Cecil was content again to speak apart, and told him that if the French would privately with subscription of their hands avow their opinions, and add for excuse lack of authority thereto, he would take it; and so they would go through all the rest of the articles, which were penned by them [Cecil and Wotton] in Latin. The Bishop allowed this, saying, they need not seek the conservation of the league with Scotland, for they had accorded an article whereby the French King and Queen should confirm and ratify the treaty now made betwixt them and the Scots. And indeed he spake therein truly. The having of that article made Wotton and himself shrink from the other, for by it the liberty of Scotland should be well provided for, which was the purpose of the other request. Then the Bishop prayed Cecil to deliver him the Latin articles, because he would show them to Randan, and have an answer shortly. Within an hour he sent word he could not make speedy answer, because he was forced to translate them into French for Randan's understanding, and could not send before this morning. He returned the articles this forenoon with rejections of divers reasonable points, and amongst them, the article they both agreed to eight days past, and of the which the Bishop yesterday made mention as a thing accorded; which is touching the confirmation of the treaty and accord which the French now make with the Scots, the copy whereof is noted F. To all other scruples noted in the articles the writers yielded and bent themselves to the bow of the French, saving one, wherein they obtained with great difficulty to be confessed in words that England and Ireland of right appertained to the Queen, the copy of which is noted G. In this point Cecil exceeded discretion, but not duty, and offered in that quarrel to spend his blood upon any that would deny it; but yet without much vehemency and threatening it was not obtained.
4. Concerning the article for confirmation the French flatly answered that they had special instructions, which they offered to show, not to mingle matters of Scotland with England in the treaty, nor dishonour their King with noting that he is forced by the Queen to observe anything to his subjects. The English Ambassadors offered to put in a several writing by itself. The French would not, but with a new invention they two would be bound privately to us two privately, that the French King should confirm it. The writers said they doubted not of confirmation, but of keeping, and for that their bond could not serve. Finally, they cannot get it, although Cecil offered that the French should at their pleasure change the words, so they keep the sense. If that liked them not, Cecil and Wotton required the short sentence of the French, noted C.; but it was all in vain; whereupon, considering with themselves as well as they could, they were forced against their mind to break off with the French.
5. First, they cannot leave this matter without offence and breach of the Queen's commandment, both in their first instructions and her last letters. Secondly, they see not but this might follow without this article obtained; the French will confirm the Queen's treaty and their own with the Scots, and by likelihood also keep the treaty with her for a time; yet after a certain time when they be ready they will break with the Scots and bring an army upon pretence into Scotland; against which the Queen cannot then by any part of the treaty, (lacking this article required,) do anything to impeach the same, as she has done now upon just occasion given by them in breaking the treaty by using her style and arms, from which and like offences to her they will abstain until they are deeper in with Scotland, and then they will not forbear any longer. If peace might follow it would redound to her honour, with a sure testimony to the world against the French's false pretenced title. Thirdly, they consider by lacking this article, the Scots shall be without any comfort of England, and thereby being left in despair shall the sooner be alienated from the Queen, and by many devices the greater part recovered by France to the danger of England. The writers are sorry they could not obtain their desires; they are determined to return from hence.
6. Knowledge is given to Norfolk for his entry, which stays only upon lack that the treasure is not yet arrived, although they perceive by the Duke's letter, it will shortly be there; but there is no more than will pay the army but to this day.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 2 July 1560. Pp. 5.
July 2.
Haynes, p. 341.
262. Cecil and Wotton to the Queen. (fn. 3)
After the other letter sealed, being perplexed with the lack of peace upon one only article, Cecil, (with the Dean of Canterbury's assent,) pretended to send a brawling message for his particular respect to the Bishop; and so entered into a new device to obtain their purpose, putting thereto a few fair words, as in the enclosed paper shall appear, which in the end is thus obtained as is added by them in the margin. And being brought to the extremity, either peace this way or none, the writers have, with the contentation of the Lords of Scotland, accepted the same, and so now, no matter being left of any controversy, they will take order to write the treaty with all speed, and that done, fall to execution of removing the men of war.—Edinburgh, 2 July.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., written on the back of the previous letter. P. 1.
July 2. 263. Gresham to Parry.
1. Since his letter of the 29th ult., his factor Clough has arrived this day with instructions from Count Mansfeld (which are here enclosed), dated Mansfeld, 17 June 1560, which Gresham has translated into French from German. The reason of Clough's delay was that the Count had ridden to his silver and copper mines, sixty Dutch miles from Mansfeld.
July 2.
Gresham to Parry.
2. Clough has declared to Gresham as follows, by the Count's directions. The Count will presently deliver to the Queen 300,000 dollars at 5s. apiece, amounting to 75,000l. to be delivered in Antwerp the 15th August at the furthest, at ten per cent., to be letten for one year, upon such bonds as she has been accustomed to give the Tuckers and other merchants. Count Mansfeld says 400,000 dollars more may be had, if the Queen will give certain of the steads of the Steelyards' bond for that sum, which Gresham thinks is not convenient. The Count could give no answer touching the silver and copper till he had spoken with the rest of his brethren; there will be nothing done herein, as he demands 30,000l. or 40,000l. aforehand, besides ready money at the delivery at Hamburg; saying that the Duke of Saxony has offered him as much as he can reasonably desire for his silver.
3. The Count has given marvellous entertainment to Clough, sending Hans Keck and six of his gentlemen eight miles to meet him, and he himself received him at the gate of his palace with his family and had him into the fairest chamber in his house, and there remained three days, showing him his mines of silver and copper. On the third day he journeyed to Mansfeld, and showed him by the way his towns and castles; at divers places divers nobles of his house met him, so when he came to Mansfeld he had 150 horse with him. He kept Clough two days banqueting ere he could get any direct answer. Clough told him that if the Queen had need of soldiers he would be employed before any man. The Count burst out that Frederic Spedt had given certain nobles to understand that he had commission to levy 20,000 foot and 5,000 horse, and marvelled that the Queen gave any credit to such a false knave "and a villain borryne." He likewise declared that he had divers times written to the Queen for a pension of 3,000 or 4,000 crowns for the Duke of Saxony, which he did only for her service, as she would then have 200,000l. or 300,000l. for the setting forth of soldiers at the Duke's hands. Moreover, if the Queen levied an army he would be fain to serve under the Duke. He also offered to send his only son to be brought up by the Queen. Gresham thinks that a pension to the Duke were well given; for by having the Duke her friend she is sure of the Palzgrave, the Marquis of Brandenburg, the Duke of Pomerania, and divers other notable Princes. Doubtless the Count of Mansfeld is a jolly gentleman and valiant, and marvellous well beloved of the nobles and captains of Saxony. He showed Clough a letter from the Palzgrave, asking him to prefer two Palzgraves, kinsmen of his, in case he levied any men for the Queen to serve under him; and another from the Duke of Prussia, that if there were any foot or horse in his country that he would have for the Queen's service, they were at his commandment, with passage through his country to the sea.
4. The Count stayed Clough two days at Mansfeld to see his estate that he would keep for the honour of the Queen; where were divers Counts and Earls, who were served all in silver, and in the presence of all these noblemen there was no remedy but that he must first "wasse" [wash] alone, and first sit at the table, being marvellously sumptuously served. On the third day he commanded all the horses to be made ready, and gave Clough the enclosed instructions, and told him the Queen should pay but ten per cent. interest, and that the 75,000l. should be in Antwerp by the 15th August. The Count's Chancellor presented him in his master's name a silver standing cup worth 20l., and the Countess sent him a little feather of gold and silver worth 10l., and thus he departed.
5. The Count has desired the writer, through Clough, to get the Queen to give him 8,000 or 10,000 dollars in reward to divers noblemen and captains who had been at charges for the entertainment of soldiers, thinking that she would have used them ere this. As Clough came through the land of the Landgrave von Hesse, Gresham's doer there gave him to understand that the Landgrave had prohibited the exportation of armour and munitions under pain of death; but learning that they were for the Queen, had withdrawn it and ordered his officers to assist him.
6. Received Parry's of the 28th ult., this day. It is no small comfort to him that the Queen and he are satisfied with respect to the Treasurer's information, and that he has satisfied Lord Hunsdon. The ships in which he sent the fifteen pieces of velvet departed on the 30th ult.; to-morrow he intends to lade fifteen pieces of velvet more and 1,000 ells of black damask. Gardiner and other jobbers mar all, and make all things unreasonable dear. Is informed by his friend the searcher that Gardiner was the man who spake the word to the customer. Has perfect intelligence of all that the customers intend to do. Is glad to hear of the towardness of accord between the Queen and the French King, and that Leith is likely to be taken. Has sent away Mr. Brickendine's letter. In the matter of refining the moneys, he has persuaded Daniel Wolfstadt to go over to England in two or three days and confer about it, and conclude with the Queen for the performance thereof. As he cannot come home till Count Mansfeld's business is concluded, which will not be till the money is paid, he reminds him there is owing on the 20th present 11,514l. to Otmer Rydler, and on the 20th August 138,586l. 6s. 8d., and asks whether the Queen will pay any part with Count Mansfeld's money, or prolong the whole for six months. There is here great scarcity of money.
7. If it is desired to have the whole 75,000l. of Count Mansfeld's made, it must be kept secret, for the exchange will presently rise, to the great loss of the Queen. It is said that the 4,400 shall go into France to aid the French King at home, which he does not believe, as he would have heard of it from his friend A. [Schetz] at Brussels.
8. Mr. Bowmont told him this day that the French King was at St. Degar in Normandy; and by a letter which arrived at the French Ambassador's on the 30th ult., it is said that he has in readiness in Brittany 7,000 men, who shall be landed on the west of Scotland by means of Lords Semple, Bothwell, and Casillis. They say that the Abbot Salute comes to visit Antwerp and recreate himself.
9. It would stand the Queen to good purpose if she would get a passport for powder and other provisions; and also to reward Payne of Middleburgh and Harry Garbrand of Dunkirk. Thanks him for his gentle entertainment of his poor wife. Whereas the Queen wants a great iron chest with a little key, he has sent the key of the fairest chest to be got in all this town, if it be not too big; if she will let him know the length, he will have one made purposely.
10. P. S.—Encloses a letter for the Earl of Bedford from Frederick Spedt.—Antwerp, 2 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
July 2. 264. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
July 3. 265. The Queen to the French King.
Doubts not but that the bearers, the Bishop of Valence and M. De Randan, will declare her final contentation at this reconciliation of amity, and that he will have regard to the matters not fully ended, which are to be treated upon at London.
Cecil's draft. Endd.: 3 July 1560. Pp. 2.
[July 3.] 266. Intelligence from France.
1. Intelligence brought by Hugh Barnesby. (fn. 4)
2. The last of June the watch of Rouen, wishing to take certain men whom they found singing Psalms at 10 p.m. in our Lady's churchyard, they resisted and beat them back in at M. Villebon's gate, and killed the captain and four men, and hurt eleven.
3. On the 1st of June a vessel of 100 tons called a garbon came to Newhaven from High France, laden with ordnance and powder and shot.
4. The 15th present, shall all the soldiers be mustered in France.
5. There is come to Dieppe 600 soldiers on the last of June.
6. They are trimming at Dieppe the ten ships that should have gone with the Marquis to Scotland.
7. They have arrested all the ships that should have gone to Guinea, Brazil, Biscay, and Candia, and all French merchantmen above twenty tons.
8. 2,000 men-at-arms lie ready between Orleans and the Court.
9. The Lord Admiral mustered all the captains in council at Newhaven, June 20.
10. They make a great number of trunks for wild fire at Rouen.
11. There are above 60,000 men ready in France for God's Word at an hour's warning.
12. The Duke of Savoy's wife is departed, aunt to the French King.
13. The Duke of Boullion, Governor of Normandy, is departed.
14. The Lord Admiral sent the Captain of Dieppe to the Court by post, the 2nd of this present.
15. The Grand Prior departed to Marseilles for the galleys.
16. There is a great army ready in High Almaine upon the Council that was at Worms.
17. There are fifteen great pieces of brass in Dieppe laid along the waterside anew.
18. They will not let a mariner pass to no place, but he be bound to return by a day.
19. They have discharged all the hulks at Newhaven.
20. Proclamation was made at Dieppe a Friday that every nobleman and man of worship should muster his tenants.
Signed: H. Barnsbe.
Add.: To my friend Peter Warmall in London. For Sir William Peter. Endd.: July 1560. Intelligence brought by Hugh Barnsby. Pp. 2.
July 3. 267. Payne to Gresham.
1. Has received his of the 1st of July. This day there came a ship of Flushing from Leith with tidings that Leith was won, and that the French were gone out "beholding life and that as he could bear with him;" and that the English and Scots went in "with flying fanes." Commissary Carre has come from Dort, where he bought Rhenish wine; Janson went to Amsterdam for more victuals, and had two days given him by the Commissary. The ships must have 100 tons of beer brewed, they have no more ordnance or mariners. They say the Admiral will not come till he hear the Spaniards are coming. There is come in a "playte" of Rosendal from Rouen with wine and prunes, who says that the English ships have taken five puncheons of wine from him and of his mariners' apparel. There are many Dutch mariners come in here that were in the hulks that were arrested by the French King; they say the ships can have no money and are almost lost by reason of grounding. There is much business both at Rouen and Dieppe of the Congregation, and Dieppe would be "beleyed" of the Congregation. A crayer from Berwick with fells is here. There is a great boat of Flushing at Camfer lading rye for Scotland, the Scots there buy large quantity of wine and iron.
2. Iron is risen 12d. in the cwt. in fourteen days; it is 9s. the cwt.—Middleburgh, 3 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Pay the bringer one stiver. Pp.3.
July 4. 268. The Privy Council to Cecil and Wotton.
Intelligence has come out of Flanders that 3,000 of the Spanish soldiers there are ready to be embarked, as some say towards Spain, but as most men suppose towards Scotland to aid the French. Albeit they are not very certain of this news, nor think the force of any such great moment to work any impeachment to the Queen's service, yet it were well done to warn William Winter, and cause him to be in continual readiness to meet this matter, and disappoint these men of their purpose, if they should attempt it.—Greenwich, 4 July 1560. Signed: Pembroke, E. Clynton, W. Howard, T. Parry, E. Rogers, William Petre, R. Sackville.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil and again by Wotton: Recepta Edinburgi, 11 Julii 1560, hora 6 mane Pp. 2.
July 4. 269. Norfolk to Cecil.
All things considered, this is like to prove the happiest peace ever concluded. His cousin, Sir George Howard, hopes that Cecil will direct him with the news of the Court. If the proportion of money that Cecil had wrote for had been sent it would have saved the Queen a great deal of money, which now will be spent in keeping the bands in wages until a greater mass arrives. Thanks him for his often writing, to which before Cecil's arrival in Edinburgh he was not much used.—Berwick, 4 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. by Railton. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[July 4.] 270. Gresham to Parry.
1. Encloses a copy of his letter of the 2nd June [July] advertising the arrival of Clough from Count Mansfeld, and also a copy of the Count's instructions. The Queen should write a letter of commendation to the Landgrave of Hesse for letting her munitions pass through his country. Count Mansfeld spoke much honour of the Duke of Holstein, and told Clough that he had secret intelligence that his going into England was to treat of a marriage between the Queen and the King of Denmark, his brother's son, which would be the best marriage she could make, as he is allied to all the nobles of Germany, and that after the Emperor's decease he would be Emperor. There is no other talk in Antwerp but of the coming of the King of Finland's eldest son into England, with 100 sail of great ships and men and treasure, for the love of the Queen, and how he will marry none other but her.
[July 4.] 2. This day Arnold Rosenberg came to him, to whom he showed Parry's letter of the 28th, saying that Leith was easy to be taken, and that the French had offered to demolish it and abandon the crew. He spoke of the King's son being ready to go to England by the last of the month in company with 200 gentlemen, and 300 men in a brave livery for his guard. Rosenberg has weekly post from the King, his master. He asked Gresham whether there was any contract of marriage between the Queen and the Earl of Arran. The writer wishes to know what the Queen will do with the money from Count Mansfeld, whether she will pay part of her debts due in Antwerp on the 20th of July and 20th of August next or prolong. This must be kept secret, lest it raise the exchange, which has fallen in two months from 23s. 4d. to 21s. 6d. through the merchants delivering money from London. Desires the Queen's warrant to deliver it by exchange, or transport it in gold or silver or in bullion, and also to know how much she would venture by land to Dunkirk and sea to Dover, and how much by sea from Antwerp to London. They say the 4,400 Spaniards will go by land into France, which he does not believe. Desires him to remind the Queen of Payne and Garbrand.
3. P. S.—A. [Jasper Schetz] came this day from Brussels and informed him that the 4,400 Spaniards would be shipped hence into Spain out of hand, if the States would consent to the payment of the money.—Antwerp, 4 June [July] 1560.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 4 June 1560. Pp.4.
July 5. 271. Norfolk to Cecil.
1. Sends a letter which he has received from the Queen for Mr. Grimstone, which he is sure he should not have received so slenderly, without some advertisement upon what occasion the writer's man shall be displaced. Asks Cecil what is best to be done. Hopes Strange has not neglected his duty or deceived the Queen. So long as his truth therein might be known to the world, the gain to a true man is not so great that hewould sue to keep the office. Hopes, if Cecil's journey takes good effect, not to be long from home, and then treble the gain of the office could not make Strange tarry here. The treasure has arrived, but in no great sum; it will all be due within five days or thereabouts.—Berwick, 5 July 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Requests that the Queen's letter be returned to him.
Orig., with armorial seal. Hol. Endd. by Cecil. Add. Pp. 2.
[July 5.] 272. Commencement of Articles proposed by the French Deputies to the Lords of the Congregation.
1. They have offered and still offer to preserve the laws, liberties, and franchises of the realm intact; and if the Lords will point out where they have been contravened, it shall be remedied.
2. They wish to mark the principal points in which the Lords have failed in their obedience; not for reproach, but to assure the Queen of their allegiance for the future.
3. They have assembled in arms, stired up the people, threatened and constrained the nobility to join them, passed new ordinances about religion, destroyed the churches, and . . . . .
Unfinished. Fr. P. 1.
[July 5.] 273. The Removal of the French Forces.
Articles proposed by the French for the removal of their forces from Scotland.
1. Hostages shall be given by the English for the performance of the following things, who shall be kept where the Deputies appoint.
1st. A fourth part of the French soldiers shall embark, and at the same time a fourth part of the English shall march to Musselburgh, and thence to Berwick. The charge of this shall be given to four gentlemen of either party.
2. The French shall withdraw half their artillery from Leith to the mouth of the harbour, and at the same time half the English artillery shall be withdrawn to Newhaven and Musselburgh.
3. After this, half of the soldiers that remain on either side shall be withdrawn, the French shall embark, and the English march with all diligence to Berwick.
4. At an appointed time, pioneers shall be sent from both sides; the English to destroy the bulwarks of Leith towards Edinburgh, and the French to destroy the new forts near the English camp; the pioneers to work for four hours, and then to be replaced by others.
5. Then the remainder of the artillery on both sides shall be withdrawn, that of the French shall be embarked, that of the Scotch given up to the Lords, and that of the English shipped at Musselburgh.
6. Then the remaining soldiers shall be withdrawn, the French embarked, and the English marched to Berwick, except the gentlemen appointed to see all things carried out, who shall also embark on the morrow. These things being performed the hostages shall be discharged.
Corrected copy in a French hand. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 5. 274. The Demolition of Leith, and the removing of the French.
Fœd. xv. 591. Haynes, p. 350. Keith, 1. 289. 1. The day after peace is proclaimed six gentlemen shall be named, three French and three English, (fn. 5) and by their oversight this article shall be executed. All the artillery within Leith shall be put in the market place; and at the instant one of the pieces shall be removed from the ramparts one of the English pieces shall also be removed, and then another of the town and one of the English, or two if there be more in the battery than within the town. And after the artillery on both parts is retired, it shall be placed in the most convenient place to be embarked.
2. This done, the ensigns within the town, trenches, and forts shall be taken down in similar order.
3. This day the six gentlemen shall be interchanged, and two of the principal gentlemen in Leith delivered to the English as hostages for the things following.
4. As soon as the French shall begin with all their puissance to demolish the fortifications of the town, the English footmen shall retire to Musselburgh, and the Lords of Scotland shall furnish as many pioneers as they may to proceed with the work, and if there be not sufficient, the English may aid.
5. When the French are embarked, the English shall march straight to Berwick and there disband.
6. When they are embarked, the hostages shall be returned, provided that four other principal gentlemen be given as hostages to answer for the return of the ships in which they are embarked, and for satisfaction for their hire, and of the victuals the French shall spend or waste therein; who shall remain in London.
7. The French shall not let to embark, or the English to retire, although the demolition be not sufficiently done; six gentlemen of either party being left to assist the demolition.
8. The soldiers of either party shall be forbidden to enter the camp or the town without the licence of the said six gentlemen.
9. Any gentleman or lady being sick may pass by land through England, provided they be not more than forty in one company.
10. All doubts shall be determined by the Ambassadors, using the advice of the Lieutenants on both sides.—5 July 1560. Signed: J. Monluc,—Randan,—W. Cecil,—N. Wotton.
Orig. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
July 5. 275. Translation of the above into English. (fn. 6)
Endd. by Cecil, who has added on the last page various genealogical and topographical notes respecting Scotland. Pp. 4.
July 5. 276. Draft of the same, with corrections and additions by Cecil, and endorsed by him.
Pp. 3.
July 5. 277. The same in French, prior to the additions made by Cecil, as mentioned in the last number.
Endd. Pp. 4.
July 5. 278. Henry Garbrand to Gresham.
Advertises Gresham of the arrival of his man John on Wednesday, and of his departure for England. The French have arrested all kinds of ships to serve the King, and still work hard at Calais. Has sent the reckoning for the horses which stood here, amounting to 20l. which is to be paid to his wife's brother, Nicholas De la Fortrie, at Antwerp.— Dunkirk, 5 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd: Pay the post. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The original is at Hatfield House, where it is dated 1 July, at 9 p.m.
  • 2. Treaty of Edinburgh.
    June 29.
    Haynes, p. 338.
    The first offer on Saturday in the forenoon.
    A. That nothing in this present treaty, or in that of the date of [blank] between the King and Queen of France and the people of Scotland shall be interpreted to the prejudice of the treaty made at Berwick on the 27th February last between the Queen of England and the Scots, but that the said treaty shall remain in full force.
    B. This also was offered for a change. That the treaty made at Berwick between the Queen of England and the nobility of Scotland for the defence of the laws and liberties of that country, shall remain in full force, notwithstanding any clause in this present treaty, or any other that may be agreed upon by the deputies of the King and Queen, and the people of Scotland.
    C. This Article was made by the Bishop and sent to Cecil and Wotton in writing, yet in the end they will not accept it. That that part of the treaty only shall be confirmed which refers to the preservation of the liberty and rights of the two kingdoms and the two Queens of England and Scotland. Cecil and Wotton were content to admit their own Article, and yet the French impudently deny it, the Bishop falsely excusing himself by Randall's denial.
    These Articles were formed upon the sentence that the Bishop of Valence sent in writing to the English Ambassadors.
    D. 1. That the Queen of England should take the realm of Scotland under her protection, for the purpose of preserving its laws and liberties during the marriage of the Queen with the King of France, and for one year after.
    2. That the nobility and people of Scotland shall regard as enemies all who in any way manifest hostility against the kingdom of England, even though they should be of their own nation.
    3. That the said nobility and people of Scotland shall not suffer the realm of Scotland to be brought into subjection or annexed to the crown of France, otherwise than it is at present by the marriage of their Queen with the French King.
    4. That in case the French invade England, the Scots shall send at least 2,000 cavalry and 1,000 infantry to the Queen's assistance. The said force to serve in any part of England at the Queen's expense. If, however, the invasion should take place north of the Tyne, they are to serve for thirty days at their own charges.
    5. The hostages given to the Duke of Norfolk by the Duke of Châtellerault shall remain in England for the space of six months, and shall then be exchanged for others of equal rank, who shall likewise remain for six months, and then be similarly exchanged; and this shall continue to be done during the marriage of the Queen of Scots, and for one year after.
    6. The preceding Articles shall be ratified by the two Queens and their Estates in their next Parliament.
    E. These Articles were formed upon an accord between the Bishop of Valence and Cecil.
    1. In case of any invasion of Scotland, the Queen of England shall be bound to send forces for the defence of the liberties of the realm and the sovereignty of Queen Mary.
    2. In case of the invasion of England, the King and Queen of Scotland shall afford similar assistance.
    3. The last two Articles shall remain in force during the lifetime of either Queen.
    4. The three preceding Articles shall be ratified by the three Estates of either realm at the next Parliament.
    The French Ambassadors say that these Articles are good and reasonable, but that they lack authority to accept them.
    F. This is the Article whereunto both Valence and Randan accorded, but in the end would not accept. That the King and Queen should solemnly ratify this treaty within 50 days after its completion.
    G. This Article was stiffly denied until by threatening it was gotten. That the King of France and Queen Mary should abstain from using the arms, title, or style of England, under any circumstances whatsoever.
    Lat., Fr., and Eng.
  • 3. The original is at Hatfield House.
  • 4. See Throckmorton to Petre, June 30, No. 257.
  • 5. Three for the English,—Sir Henry Percy, Francis Somerset, William Pelham. Note in the margin of the copy described in the following number.
  • 6. See B.M. Calig. B. ix. 146.