Elizabeth: June 1560, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: June 1560, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp134-149 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1560, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp134-149.

"Elizabeth: June 1560, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp134-149.


June 1560, 21-25

June 21. 219. Lord Wharton to Cecil.
Thanks Cecil for his letter, which he received on the 20th. Has goodwill to serve, but knowing how unmeet he is in many respects he does not desire to have private charge. Praises the Duke of Norfolk as a "special jewel." The cause and the time move the French to go backwards and forwards, the place where they are being convenient for that purpose. He learns that as the Duke [of Châtellerault] and his faction do against them, there are other factions that work with the French. It is known that numbers of fathers and brothers show for the Duke, and the sons and brothers show to be neuters; so that which side prevails, friend is to do for friend. It is said there are hundreds in rebellion against the Duke and his friends in these parts and the north-west. Is glad that Cecil presently looks to know the manifest doings of the French. Sends his hearty commendations to Dr. Wotton.—Berwick, 21 June 1560. Signed: Thomas Wharton.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 22. 220. Sir Thomas Parry to Cecil.
1. This day Mr. Treasurer wrote him [Parry] that the 22,000l. mentioned in his last comes with all speed to Edinburgh.
2. The advertisements from France are confirmed out of all parts; as well touching the losses at Gerbes, as of their ragged state and inability to annoy. All look to have speedy news from Scotland. The Lord Admiral has written in the enclosed letters to Mr. Winter for him to have good regard to his charge, and that the shallop that spoils the victual at Dunbar be looked unto. All his friends are in health and desire to hear from him. Sends his commendations to Lord Grey, himself, Dr. Wotton, Sadler, and the rest.—22 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[June 22.] 221. Portage of Treasure to Berwick.
1. Charges for sending 22,000l. from London to Berwick (268 miles): viz., six men attending at the Tower, three carts and twelve men for sixteen days, sixteen post horses and two guides, constables for watching at night, and standards; in all 86l. 16s. 8d.
2. Charges for sending the same from Berwick to Stirling, (64 miles) six post horses for two days, 35l. 13s. 0d.
The second article in Cecil's hand. P. 1.
June 22. 222. Money owing for Victual in the North.
A brief declaration of all such money as is owing to the Queen for victual by certain captains, officers, and labourers at Berwick, and also for that sent to Wark Castle, the camp, the garrison of Berwick, and the ships delivered, until 28th April. Sum total owing, 22 June 1560, 17,543l. 10s. 7d.
Endd. by Cecil.: 22 June 1560. The debt for the victuals delivered by Abington. Pp. 14.
June 22. 223. B. Hampton to Cecil.
Excuses himself for not writing. The Queen is in good health, and is as desirous to hear from time to time of his so being, "as of any one news that can come." There are daily news brought hither out of France of great preparations made there of men, ships, munition, victual, and other necessaries for an army by sea, and all the haste used in setting forward the same that they can devise, which is confirmed by sundry advertisements. The Queen's navy is at Portsmouth, and in as good order and strength as any that has been set forth of like number. The Spanish Ambassadors say now that their master's loss at Gerbes is not so great as was at first supposed; divers galleys and men that were thought to be lost being now arrived at Naples and other places of Italy. Some think that they rather set a good countenance than that there is indeed any ground that they should set it so light. The news of the French great preparations to the sea begins to wax cold.—Greenwich, 22 June 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 22. 224. Gresham to Sir Thomas Parry.
1. Sent him with his last of the 17th, a letter from Thomas Prendeuples to Robert Hogan, stating that the same day the Abbot of Salute arrived at Louvain and spake to Lady Dormer, and so departed in post to Brussels. Recommends Robert Hogan as a true man, although he was "shoryne" King Philip's servant, and advises that the Queen should take him into her service and give him the same stipend as King Philip did. For the better understanding of the Abbot of Salutes' coming the writer has sent Hogan to Louvain to Lady Dormer and Prendeuples, and has required his friend A. [Schetz] to ascertain whether the Abbot came through France or Germany; he has therefore gone in post to Brussels. Gresham did not write of his coming, as the Bishop of Rome and his doings are here but little regarded. Gresham's friend A. [Schetz] informed him that King Philip's Ambassador at Rome was the cause that he was once stayed.
2. The Duke of Savoy has besieged Geneva, wherein the French King aids him, and King Philip is not much behind; this will bring all the Switzers and Germans against him. Philip's loss at Tripoli is confirmed by letters of the 29th ult. from Sicily; many here would cloak the matter, but he is informed it is the greatest loss that might come to him, and that he is driven to borrow twenty-four galleys and certain great ships of the French King at Marseilles.
3. Bowmont, Cecil's friend, writes from Brussels that the French King is at Chateaudun, twelve leagues this side Blois, very ill at ease; he has thirty-six great ships ready at Newhaven and Dieppe.
4. The eight hulks in Zealand daily look for the 4,400 Spaniards, as by Payne's letters of the 17th and 19th he shall perceive. The Emperor is recovered of his ague; since there are resorted to him the Dukes of Cleves and Bavaria with divers other nobles. It is thought there is some marriage towards of his two daughters, and that he will divide his possessions in his lifetime to his sons.
5. Had advice on the 20th from A. [Schetz] that the Abbot of Salute came by post to Spiers, thence down the Rhine to Cologne, and on to Louvain and Brussels in post; and that he comes only from the Pope. In this town they laugh at his coming to England to persuade the Queen in religious matters. The Pope will call a General Council at Trent for the establishing of religion. Many English friars and others went to welcome the Abbot at Brussels, who will shortly depart for England. The ships, wherein was laden the thirty pieces of velvets, the 600 ells of crimson velvet, 970 ells of black damask, and 260 ells of crimson satin, are departed without any search, which amounts to 2,500l. Will send forty pieces more by the next ships, and desires their coming may be kept secret.
6. On the 21st he received Parry's letter of the 17th, his letter sent by Francis Bertie has not come to hand. Perceives that the Treasurer has not shown the Queen the state of her money, and that he supposes there should remain 50,000l. in Gresham's hands. Sent Cecil his account, whereby it will appear that the Queen is indebted to him about 16,000l., since which he has received of the merchant adventurers and by exchange 46,000l., whereof he has paid away 40,000l., the rest is laid out on provisions and munitions. Has directed Candeler to give him a copy of his account. Asks him to inform the Queen that he has not above 300l. by him, and to obtain licence for his return home. Perceives that the Lord Treasurer is offended because he is not privy to all his doings; he was commanded by the Queen to make no man privy but Parry and Cecil. This is the third time he has served him so, viz., once in King Edward's time, once in Queen Mary's time, and now.
7. Candeler writes that Lord Hunsdon marvels that the Queen's harness comes no other way home, and thinks that Gresham has sold it to the merchants in London. He had already sent from Antwerp 8,000 corslets when his passports were banished, when he was fain to transport all his armour and munitions to Hamburg, where there has been for the space of four months 5,000 or 6,000 harness and other provisions, which lay there because the Queen would not venture above 600l. in a ship; and on the 10th of May last he has ventured in every bottom 2,000l. which is 1,000l. more than his commission, whereby it will plainly appear that he has done his duty. Beseeches him to be the means that he may return home and bring the old bonds with him. Cannot learn that the Count of Oldenburg or Tydo von Kynpenhaus gather up any men. Sent Mr. Brickenden's letter to Cecil, written from Emden of the 8th, on the 18th.
8. Cannot learn the cause of the Rhinegrave's going to the Count Palatine. France is in great garboil; the King makes all preparations for the sea, but they say he can come by neither men or money to set forth his ships. Has not yet learnt from Clough what he has done with Count Mansfeld. This morning Mr. Bowmont came to him and declared that he came to the town with the French Ambassador, who came to practise with some Scotchmen to send letters from the French King to the Earl of Arran, offering him the whole government of Scotland if he will proceed no further with the Queen, and that all the Frenchmen shall depart out of Scotland, and offering him his pardon. Encloses two letters of Bowmont's, one from his wife and the other from a friend.
9. The French Ambassador told Bowmont that the King, his master, had no great trust in King Philip, having had nothing but words from him; likewise he asked him if he knew Gresham, to which he said that he had met him once casually. Hereupon the Ambassador said, "This Gresham is a parlous fellow, for it is he that hath furnished the Queen with all the money, armour, and munitions which now he transports at Hamburg, for that his passports were banished here." He remains here three days for letters from Calais.
10. P. S.—Encloses a letter to the Queen from Paulus van Dall in answer to hers. Has just received a letter from his friend Schetz of the 21st from Brussels, of the new preparation of King Philip for the relief of Tripoli, and that the Abbot Salute stays at Brussels till he hears out of England; this letter he encloses, written in French.—Antwerp, 22 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received the 27th of the same. Pp. 8.
June 22. 225. Abstract of Gresham's letters of 22nd and 24th June.
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 23. 226. Philip II. to Queen Elizabeth. (fn. 1)
Letter of credit for Don John Pacheco, sent into England to assist in allaying the controversy between the Queen and the King of France, relative to Scottish affairs, which had been in progress of discussion by Alvarez Quadra and Glajon, his Councillors and Ambassadors. He urges her to come to equitable terms with the French.—Toledo, 23 June 1560. Signed: Philippus,—G. Perezius.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Broadside.
June 23. 227. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
June 24. 228. The Queen to Cecil and Wotton. (fn. 2)
1. Understands by their letters of the 19th what they have hitherto done with the French Commissioners. Thanks them for their wise and careful proceedings. Has communicated her resolution to the Privy Council, and by their advice has resolved as follows:—
2. Touching the satisfaction for the title and arms: she likes the articles proposed by them to the French Commissioners for taking the same away from the places where they have been set up, and altering the writings wherein they are used. They are to press that the French King shall openly proclaim that the same be taken down within six months after the date of the treaty. If the French Commissioners stick at this point, then she is pleased that the same be referred to the King of Spain. They are to require for a recompence for the same, Calais and 500,000 crowns. If that cannot be obtained, then they are to refer the said recompence to a further treaty; with condition that, if it be not agreed on within three months, then it is to be referred to the King of Spain, and in case he make no end of it, then her claim and right is to remain against the said King and Queen.
3. If it shall be agreed that the soldiers shall be retired, then 2,000 of the tallest and best appointed soldiers are to be chosen to be placed in Berwick besides the old ordinary garrison, as she thinks they will be a good encouragement to the Lords of Scotland.
4. If it be agreed that the French soldiers be removed, then it is good that they be sent away in such victuallers and merchant ships as may be found in the Frith, they paying the charge of their transportation. If it be required, some may pass through England, so that they pass quietly, and not above 40 in one company, without other weapons than their swords and daggers.
5. Hostages are to be provided that the English ships may go and come safely, and that the charge for the transportation of the French be truly answered. In case it be required, two or three of her own ships may see them wafted to the coast of France. The prisoners on both sides may be put to liberty freely, so as they pay for their ordinary charge. She is well pleased to agree that preparations on both sides shall cease.
6. Whereas by their instructions they are to require that the league between her and the Scots might continue, and if that could not be brought to pass, that the substance of it tending to the preservation of the liberties of Scotland might be agreed by contract between her and her nobility, and the French King and Queen and their nobility of Scotland; they are to press at first that the said French King and Queen may jointly covenant and agree as is contained in the articles of the said league; and in case they cannot obtain this, then they are to follow their former instructions. All other points are left to their own wisdom and consideration.—Greenwich, 24 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
June 24. 229. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
June 24. 230. Norfolk to Cecil.
1. They were so long in mustering the men yesterday that he had no leisure to write. Finds not the whole number arrived, although he understands that the greatest part will be here by Wednesday night. If they were come, and money, (of which he hears nothing,) he would have to hope all things ready for his entry by the 2nd or 3rd of July. Marvels that they hear nothing of the continuance of abstinence, or else breaking up. Hopes this day to hear from him. There arrived this morning a packet with books and private letters broken up, with ne'er a letter for Cecil or himself; believes there has been some lost by the way.—Berwick, 24 June 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Sends the packet unsealed and unbound as it was brought.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 24. 231. Sir W. Petre to Cecil.
Thanks Cecil for his letters, which reached the writer almost one whole day before others sent from Berwick, three hours before Cecil's dated at Edinburgh. Have good hopes of this agreement between the French and the Scots. Prays God to send a good end of these "pykes." The King of Spain's Ambassadors have been made privy, as Cecil advised, and take the same in very good part. The Lords of the Council mind to send Mr. Jones presently to Throckmorton with letters. The writer showed Mr. Treasurer Cecil's letters, touching his charges, who he thinks will take occasion to deliver them. The Duke of Holstein will this day have the Order presented to him. Refers him for the rest to the Queen's letters.—Greenwich, 24 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Discoloured by damp. Pp. 2.
June 24. 232. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his last letter of the 7th inst. sent by Jones he has had sundry conferences with the King of Spain's Ambassadors; who say that their master will give no further overtures of aid to the French, as he has such esteem for the Queen, now the matter has grown to open hostility between England and France. As long as the question was betwixt France and Scotland, to reduce the disobedient Scots to their obedience, the King of Spain offered to assist his brother of France in this matter. M. Schantonet said that the King of Spain had a thankless office in seeking to compound matters between them, and asked him [the writer] whether, if the French gave up the arms and style and revoked their forces, the Queen would dissolve the league betwixt her and Scotland. To which he replied that as the French had occasioned the Queen to doubt by their delays, she would provide by all the best means to conserve her realm in long peace. The Ambassador said with a great oath, that in making the league with Scotland the Queen had done most wisely, but would not believe that the French would ever suffer it. To which Throckmorton replied, Ingens telum necessitas, and that England well governed and united had oftentimes constrained the French to hard conditions. "Well," said he, "I would rather be a 'crocheteur,' (fn. 3) than to be the French King and suffer such a shameful conclusion." Throckmorton said there might as much have been spoken by suffering the late and many hard conclusions at Cambray. Hereupon he set forth and preferred his master's power and force above the Queen's, and therefore said that treaty was more tolerable. Throckmorton said that the Queen's father constrained the French to make peace without the restitution of Boulogne; and she was in as good case now at least as her father was, and France was much weaker.
2. Is well informed that the Spaniards are almost as loath to have Scotland at the Queen's devotion as the French, thinking that she will not be occasioned to depend so much on the Spanish amity. The alterations of the French King's determinations have been the cause why he has not written since the 7th. Since they have received advertisement of the Dowager's death, whereas three days ago they rested not to send into Scotland at all, now they with all haste make to the sea; it were well to give order to the Duke of Norfolk and her ministers on the seas to look well after them.
3. A Frenchman named Vincent, servant to M. D'Oysell, has been of late at Leith with two ships, and put into the town thirty barrels of powder and 10,000 crowns. Carr, the parson of Roxburgh, has brought the Guises all intelligences; he was brought out of Scotland by an English merchant as his servant, and embarked at Hull as his factor for Flanders. He has brought letters signed by the Earls of Huntly and Bothwell, Marshall [and] Montrose, that they will aid the French if they land; and that Huntly makes but a show to lean on the Duke of Châtellerault, for that he has married his daughter. The said parson has also assured the Guises of the Carrs and Buccleughs. The Admiral of France lies now at Newhaven. The thing that touches the Guises the nearest is the Queen's league with Scotland; they will be brought to agree to the rest of her demands, but the league "stands in their stomachs." These preparations by the sea are bruited to be for the aid of King Philip after his great overthrow at Algerbe. The French King has fortified places along the coast upon the bruit of the Queen's Admiral going to the sea. Hears that M. De Monluc, brother to the Bishop of Valence, was of late besieged in a town of Provence by a good number of Protestants, but now the matter is pacified; but he was first constrained to redeliver unto them certain preachers. Certain Turks landed of late at Nice, and notwithstanding 600 or 700 horse and foot that the Duke of Savoy (being then within the town) assembled upon the sudden, they pressed him so near that they took two of the chiefest gentlemen about him and he himself escaped very hardly.
4. The Duke of Guise sent of late to the Constable to give him to wit that, whereas he, the said Constable, had bought the county of Dammartin nigh Paris, and as the Countess herself was not minded to redeem it, he, the Duke, being her next kinsman, might according to the laws and customs of France redeem it. He therefore prayed the Constable to let him have it. The Constable answered by Damville, his son that as he had bought and enjoyed it so would he keep it, whatsoever stir the Duke made to the contrary.
5. If this late overthrow of the King of Spain at Algerbe had not happened, he, the Emperor, and the French King would by a Council have gone about to overthrow the Protestants in all places, beginning with England, where they looked for a good party.
6. The King of Navarre has apprehended of late certain persons who at first confessed to have sought to destroy him as set awork by the King of Spain, but afterwards it was found that they were instruments of the Guises.
7. The Cardinal of Lorraine has written to the Pope for a Provincial Council in France; a copy of which letter he encloses. The Pope answered that he would not divide Christ's garment, for so did the Jews; but that he would agree to a General Council, when the rest of the Princes of Christendom would consent thereto. The Cardinal has written again, pressing him to condescend to his request.
8. There has been of late very great stir at Rouen between M. De Villebon and divers of the town for matters of religion, which passed not without the slaughter of some of Villebon's men, and as yet the Protestants have the better party, for the appeasing whereof there are certain Presidents of Rouen now at the Court. And whereas he wrote in May that there were certain irons in the fire, and that if the same broke out the Guises would have little lust to impeach the Queen; the same begin now to kindle in some places. Thinks that they will break from this order of hasty sending into Scotland. Sends certain letters set up and cast abroad through France, printed. Uses this cipher as stronger than the Queen's private cipher. Understanding that Nicolas Tremain, whom he despatched to her long since, had been stopped at St. Malo, he wrote to the Duke of Guise for his enlargement. Encloses his letter and the King's answer.—Dreux, 24 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
June 24. 233. Throckmorton to the Lords of the Council.
1. On the 8th (the day after the writer despatched Jones to the Queen) the French King arrived at Blois. Since then he has passed his time at many little houses of his subjects in hunting in Sologne, Beauce, and Perche, and is now at Maillebois, a house of M. D'Ho, captain of the Scottish guard, in the skirts of Normandy, hovering to hear what will come of this meeting of the Commissioners, and then to dispose his remaining in some certain place, some say Fontainebleau, others Normandy, to see the embarkment for Scotland, which they hasten as much as may be. Soldiers arrive daily at Dieppe and Newhaven. The Admiral of France lies at that place.
2. Has received sure advertisement that on the 4th inst. there were 800 soldiers and five ships ready at Newhaven; at Fecamp two fair ships; at Dieppe three ships and the great carrick; and at La Rochelle twenty-five great hulks, ready to come with the first commandment. Eight ensigns from Piedmont are between Lyons and Orleans, going thitherwards. At Caudebec, Harfleur, and Newhaven, there is exceeding great store of provisions and munitions, sufficient for 25,000 men for six months. Since then they have pro vided more ships and men. Eight or ten days ago the embarkment was stayed, but now they make all haste possible to arm for the sea.
3. Gives his opinion of the French designs, saying that they intend the subjugation of Scotland, and urges the Council to make all speed and clear the country, which being done, he does not think that they will adventure upon any new landing place where they are not sure of being well received, besides knowing the strength of the Queen's navy, and weighing what a torn state their country is in. He does not see how they can gather any great force to fear the Queen and her realm by any other way than by Scotland. What the Queen does in Scotland is not for the Scots' sake, but to provide for her own security.
4. The uncertainty of their proceeding has been such as to stay his writing since the 7th inst. Having received advertisement on the 21st of the Queen Dowager's death, whereas three days before they had determined to stay their proceedings, they have suddenly changed their mind, and make with all haste for the sea. Will advertise in his next more particularly of the cause thereof.
5. Repeats the same information about Vincent and Carr of Roxburgh, as is contained in his letter to the Queen of the same date. Vincent has sunk some of the Queen's victuallers. —Dreux, 24 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
June 24.
Wright, i. 32.
234. Throckmorton to Cecil. (fn. 4)
1. If he were to discourse all that they had done since his letter of the 7th, Cecil would think him as fond in observing the Guises' doings as they are mad in variable executing. No man knows overnight where the King will lodge tomorrow; from all parts they have such news as greatly perplexes them. Every day they have new advertisements of new stir, as of late again in Dauphine, in Anjou, in Provence; and to make up their mouths, the King being in the skirts of Normandy, at Rouen upon Corpus Christi Day there was somewhat to do about the solemn procession, so as there was many slain on both parts, but at length the churchmen had the worst, and for an advantage the order is by the King commanded that the priests for their outrage shall be grievously punished. "What judge you when the Cardinal of Lorraine is constrained to command to punish the clergy and such as do find fault with others' insolence, contemning the irreverent usage to the holy procession?"
2. They will better judge of the Guises' credit by such printed books as he herewith sends. Mentions Vincent's exploits and the vacillation of the Guises, and recommends a strict watch to be kept in the Frith, as also for Carr, parson of Roxburgh, and his mission. (fn. 5) There is bruit that the Almains assemble themselves, which perplexes the Guises, fearing that the displeased number at home will conjoin with them. He has proved a true prophet, since he has not heard from the Court since Cecil departed. Is now at the town where the ancient famous religious Druids had their chief abode. (fn. 6) The Guises mean once more to attempt to win the Prior of St. Andrews, for Carr says in him consists all.
3. Is in the way to discover a dangerous practice against the Queen and her government, but finds some mazes in it, and fears it will prove as evil a matter as Cardinal Pole's. The Spaniards are as loath for a league between England and Scotland as the French, therefore it imports the Queen to keep it entire. Is greatly abused if any other amity prove so necessary, so safe, and profitable for England.—Dreux, 24 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Received at Edinburgh, 2 July. Pp. 4.
June 24. 235. The Lords of the Council to Throckmorton.
1. The Queen has received his letters sent by Mr. Jones and heard his report.
2. The English and French Commissioners have been at Newcastle, Berwick, and Edinburgh, but have hitherto concluded upon no end; but have on either side proponed articles, copies of which are enclosed. The number of men to be kept at Dunbar and Leith is now communed of between the French and the Scots. They will not be suffered to protract the time any long while, as the Duke of Norfolk being upon the borders with 6,000 or 7,000 men, will enter Scotland without long delay, and achieve that by the strong hand which the, French shall refuse to yield by treaty. The Queen's navy at Portsmouth and the realm throughout is in great order and strength. What will follow these meetings and treaties is as yet uncertain. The Queen is in good health. For further information he is referred to the bearer.
Copy. Endd.: 24 June 1560. Pp. 3.
June 24. 236. Gresham to Parry.
1. Since his letter of the 22nd, there came again to him on the 23rd Mr. Bowmont, who told him that the French Ambassador was practising with Peter Mosserone, a Frenchman and free denizen of Antwerp, to take up 30,000 French crowns to be sent to Calais, and thence to Leith, which are hard to come by, the scarcity is such, as likewise the French King is of no credit here. The 4,400 Spaniards remain in garrison, and the eight ships in Zealand remain ready for them. It were well for the Queen to reward Payne with forty or fifty crowns, as also for the like to be given to Harry Garbrand at Dunkirk. Encloses a letter of small importance from A. [Schetz] of the 22nd, at Brussels, who is both factor and counsellor of King Philip.
2. This day there came a merchant, a friend of Gresham, to him, and said that the chief "Tolner" had said to his informant that he had advice of the arrival of great quantities of powder and munitions in the Tower; and as Gresham was his friend, he would have him beware lest he played his part of officer, since the Court was also aware of the arrival of such things. He wondered why Gresham did not sue for passports, and on the informant saying that Gresham's passports were rendered frustrate, the other said that if he [Gresham] made suit for them, he would speed. Thinks that the customer spoke thus because transporting the munitions by Hamburg was 2,000 marks out of his way. Nevertheless it were convenient to try the Regent for a licence for 200 barrels of gunpowder. Albeit he will be daily doing from hence four or six pieces of velvets in a ship, and all other kinds of silks, as opportunity serves.
3. This day received Parry's letters of the 19th and 20th, with the Queen's bonds, and a packet for Throckmorton. Will to-morrow consider the bonds, and deliver them and receive the old. Has heard nothing from Richard Clough of the Count of Mansfeld. Trusts that Parry has given the Queen full explanation of the money which the Treasurer said was in his [Gresham's] hands, and explain his proceedings with regard to the transportation of armour, &c., from Hamburg in the same terms as in his letter of the 22nd; and asks for licence to come home and deliver his account. He recounts his service, and complains of the Lord Treasurer.
4. This day there is advertisement out of Germany that the Emperor's son, Ferdinand, will marry the King of Poland's daughter, and one of the Emperor's daughters will marry the Vivode of Transylvania, the King of Hungary's son. Men wish the Queen would marry Don Carlos, saying then all Christendom would be in rest and peace. There is no more intelligence of the Duke of Savoy besieging Geneva. Has heard this day that the Vice-Admiral, M. De Wacken, is commanded to Zealand, to prepare certain ships of war. Parry's son is in good health; Gresham advises him to augment his stipend 100 ducats a year.—Antwerp, 24 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received the 27 of the same. Pp. 6.
June 25. 237. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
Commission authorizing him to appoint Edward Grimstone muster master of the army of the North, to stop "the great frauds used amongst sundry the captains and soldiers of the army."—Greenwich, 25 June 1560, 2 Eliz. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 25. 238. The Lords of the Privy Council to Cecil.
They recommend to him the bearer Grimstone, who has skill in ordering musters, and has been chosen for that purpose and sent with the Queen's letter to the Duke of Norfolk.—Greenwich, 25 June 1560.—Signed: Pembroke, E. Clynton, W. Howard, T. Parry, E. Rogers, F. Knollys, William Petre.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 25. 239. Declaration of the General Requests of the Nobility of Scotland. (fn. 7)
1. Having been required yesterday in the name of the nobility and Council to have, in articles by writing, such devices as may pacify these troubles; these are the principal heads, which being accorded, the King and Queen will be assured of their good obedience.
2. Have experienced how hurtful the men of war have been to the commonwealth these two years, who, being for the most part unpaid of their wages, have levied at discretion by oppressing the poor. The country is not fertile enough to support strangers, nor have their Princes ever kept garrisons above the heads of the people; it is therefore convenient that they be delivered of that burden and none anew brought in, and all obligations for sustaining them paid.
3. As the realm has never been preserved from the enemy by building of strengths, but has rather owed its safety to their absence; it were well that all built since the last treaty were demolished, and none be built without the consent of the Estates.
4. It is evident that the fort of Inchkeith cannot keep out a navy, and in the hands of an enemy might greatly annoy the inhabitants on both sides of the Frith; therefore it is convenient that it should be demolished, and Lord Glamis (to whom the isle belongs) restored to his rights.
5. Whereas the castles are committed to the hands of French captains, it were well for the King to cut off his expenses by committing the same into the hands of the nobility, as formerly was customary.
6. The government of the country should be committed to the hands of natives, and not to strangers, as is not done in Spain and the Low Countries, nor was in England in Queen Mary's time.
7. As they have always been accustomed to have a Parliament at least every two or three years, they humbly desire the King and Queen to ratify the order taken for assembling the Estates on the 10th of June, to confirm or alter such laws as may be found necessary for the quietness of the realm, as well in civil policy as in uniformity of religion.
8. As the Queen being forth of the realm cannot be so particularly informed of matters as if she were present, they beseech her to trust herself upon the advice of the Estates, and allow the order which they by common order shall take anent the premises.
9. As no two nations approach so near in similitude of government as England and Scotland, they humbly beseech Their Majesties to grant such promises to them as were granted to England by the Emperor Charles in behalf of his son, before the marriage of Queen Mary.
10. They ask her to follow in the vestiges of her predecessors, in which case they assure her of their good obedience.
11. They pray that a law of oblivion may be passed for all offences committed since the 6th March 1558, to be extended by the Estates of Parliament to such as they may think worthy thereof.
12. Whereas they have been defamed to all nations as a rebellious people, and although they have been highly irritated by the intolerable injuries of the Queen's ministers, yet they never meant to subtract their due obedience from her.
Endd. by Cecil: 25 Junii. Altered. Pp. 6.
June 25. 240. Gresham to Parry.
Wrote on the 24th advertising him of his receipt of the Queen's bonds and Throckmorton's letters, which he has sent away. Has spoken with Bastian Fukker's doers, who have sent their particulars in writing; they are sufficient to accomplish what they take in hand, and will put in securities for its accomplishment. They will not bargain for bullion at any price for the deliverance of any, because all men will mistrust them for the conveyance thereof. They want to know when the Queen wishes to begin this business, upon which knowledge one of the masters would make a start into England. There is advertisement from Naples that the Duke of Medina Cœli and Andrea Doria's son have escaped the Turk with eleven brigantines, and are arrived at Messina. Has received his of the 14th by Mr. Bertie.—Antwerp, 25 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 25. 241. Intelligence from France.
At Newhaven areten hulks from Barough [?] in wages of the King, which are being unladen of salt. At Honfleur two great ships of four tops apiece that came from Bressell [Brazil] are staid to serve the King. All the merchant ships that should have gone to Guinea, Brazil, Biscay, Candia, and other far places are likewise staid for the same service. The Carrick and nine other good ships are at Dieppe ready rigged, lacking but men and victuals. At Newhaven are four good ships of the King, and a great host of small ones. To-day all the soldiers in France are to be mustered. A great number of trunks for wildfire are being prepared, and a large number of halberds and horsemen's pikes have been lately carried out of Rouen. To-day there has been a proclamation by the King made in Rouen that no man should call another Papist or another Heretic under pain of death.
Orig. Injured by damp and in a fragile condition. Endd. by Throckmorton: From Robert H [uggins]. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Montague and Chamberlayne to the Queen.
    June 20.
    Haynes, p. 328.
    1. They have this day despatched Frances Picher, the Queen's post, with large declaration of their proceedings with the King and his Ministers upon her letters returned by the courier they sent from hence. (fn. 2) They are suddenly warned of the despatch of one this night to the French Court, and so are not able to put the duplicate of their former letter in cipher; they have thought meet to put the sum and effect thereof in this, touching the King's amity towards her, and his good disposition to the compounding of these matters.
    2. First, by the conference had with the King and his Ministers jointly, with other good intelligence, the writers inform the Queen that she ought neither at this time nor from henceforth, if it pleases her to accept him for her brother and friend, to fear the common enemy that has been, to whom, these present quarrels compounded, he will always have an eye, both for her interest and surety and for his own. For more ample signification of his good will, he will send in three or four days Don John Pacheco, a gentleman of his chamber, unto the Queen, with his advice and resolution how she should accept composition out of hand for avoiding of greater inconvenience, without sticking at some points of small moment, as at the breach of the last league with the Scots and redelivery of their hostages, which can neither now, nor hereafter, be any assurance; experience teaching sufficiently to know their fidelity in keeping promise, which they never did. The King also would not have the Queen greatly to stand for this time at the keeping still of 300 or 400, or three or four ensigns of French soldiers at the most, in Scotland, making strong capitulations upon this agreement in that behalf. The King understands it to be almost agreed upon, for leaving of the Queen's arms and titles, suffering the Scots to be governed by their own laws from henceforth, with forgiveness for the past, and the razing of Leith. The King advises that in this conclusion two special articles might be remembered with protestation: the one, that whensoever the French King attempts to place a greater number of soldiers than are agreed upon, the Queen may seek to expulse the same, and be not imputed to have violated the common peace; the other, that for anything at this time done by her, the French shall never impute her a breaker of the last league made at Cambray for restitution of Calais, meaning thereby to take advantage in that respect and break that covenant. If the French King condescends to the same in this conclusion, the King is of opinion that both the Queen and himself have the advantage if hereafter the French start again, as they are not to be trusted. The King and his Ministers think it meet the Queen should bend herself to this composition. They hope Frances shall arrive well unto her, and almost as soon as this.—Toledo, 20 June 1560. Signed.
  • 2. This occurs in B. M. Vesp. C. vii. 127.
  • 3. Cecil to Petre.
    June 27.
    Haynes, p. 334.
    Imparts the contents of the Queen's letters last sent by John Binks. By them they are commanded to make a contract with these men for the substance of the league betwixt the Queen and the Scots, which the latter cannot, having (as they affirm,) no authority therefor ; and passing much alteration, they offer the English a general clause to confirm all things in the said treaty, Quœ spectant tantummodo ad conservationem libertatis utriusque regni. With this Wotton will not be contented, having great regard to the Queen's letter; and so, notwithstanding all Cecil's indirect policy, they will needs depart. Before Cecil and Wotton pressed this matter, the Scots were content to pass over this league and not to meddle with it, which the writer would have interpreted to have been a permission answerable to an article in their instructions, but Wotton doubts therein and dare not venture. Cecil assures Petre, for things known to him, that if the Queen's letters had left this matter to his discretion, he would rather have adventured it with those terms than broken this accord, whereunto they were of all parts come. Cecil and Wotton are but ministers to do as they are commanded, and no further, unless lack of money hinders the preparation of the army, and that these men perceive, and therefore grow colder now. If anything be seen to-morrow of better purpose, he will advertise. He thinks they will be forced to depart on Monday, for the French are offended that they do not procure their conduct this day.—Edinburgh, 27 June 1560. Signed.
  • 4. Crocheteur, a porter, or common burthen-bearer.—Cotgrave.
  • 5. Forbes' transcript of this letter occurs in the Sloane MS. 4106, 22.
  • 6. See Throckmorton's letter to the Queen of the same date, No. 232.
  • 7. This and the previous sentence are in Throckmorton's writing.
  • 8. Cecil to Norfolk.
    June 23.
    Haynes, p. 333.
    1. He refers to this bearer the report of things here. They grow nigh appointment, only diffidence makes strangeness. The travail of the English, especially Cecil's, is more with the Lords of Scotland than the French.
    2. He finds some so deeply persuaded in the matter of religion, as nothing can persuade them that may appear to hinder it.
    3. Lethington (whose capacity and credit is worth six others), helps much in this, or else folly would hazard the whole. He thinks this afternoon will try the issue; yet, till he hears answer of John Binks's message from the Court, they cannot fully conclude the treaty. Trusts to hear of him by Thursday night or Friday by 12 o'clock.—Edinburgh, 25 June 1560. Signed.
    Orig. Add.