Elizabeth: June 1560, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: June 1560, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp113-118 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1560, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp113-118.

"Elizabeth: June 1560, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp113-118.


June 1560, 11-15

June 11. 181. Frederick II., King of Denmark, to the Queen.
Has received her letters sent by Johannes Spithovius, and will attend to her suggestions for the expulsion of ancient errors and the advancement of true religion, for which he professes great zeal. He will herein follow the example of his father, and advance as far as is possible the progress of that faith which he holds in common with herself.—Copenhagen, 3 Ides of June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 11. 182. Payne to Gresham.
There are come in two Scotch ships and a boat, thirteen days from Scotland; two of these are from Queen's Ferry and the other from Edinburgh. They say the French had no bread, the Scots having taken away their two mills; they had nothing but seed corn for their bread, and fish such as they got by Leith, and rock sampire. They say that Leith could not possibly be held any long time. They have brought salmon, fells, skins, cloths, and lead; they hold the salmon at 40s. the barrel and the lead at 26s. the "waye." The Commissioners are not come down yet. There are four Biscay ships taking in merchants' goods for Biscay. They will be ready by midsummer, and divers other hulks to sail towards Spain and Lisbon. There is but small stirring of merchants either to buy or sell such commodities as are here.— Middleburgh, 11 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Pay the bearer one stiver. Pp. 2.
June 12. 183. Frederick II., King of Denmark, to the Queen.
Complains that her subjects have often taken away in their ships cattle belonging to the inhabitants of his island of "Vuestoenœ," without paying for them. Begs that the offenders may be punished.—Copenhagen, 12 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 12. 184. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
June 12. 185. Payne to Gresham.
Yesternight came a Scotchman from the French Court, who served the King for a long time and has six months wages owing to him, and who stole away secretly, fearing that if the French were overcome in Scotland he would not be well intreated. He says there are many ships making out who carry but "bowrys" [boors] or peasants, and that the King has no money. He has letters (he says) from the Congregation to the Governor of Scotland, that if he will send 10,000 men into Bretagne, the Congregation would assist him with 40,000; for they are set all against the house of Guise, because "he" has done great execution, contrary to the King's proclamation that they should conceive every man according to his conscience. The Commissioners are not yet come down; the captains here think the voyage to be done with the Spaniards. There is an Yenges [English] ship come in with malt and three crayers with beer and bacon, which they cannot sell but for 1d. per pound; it is worth, as he hears, at London 2d. The malt is but 6l. the last, which makes in England eleven quarters. There are many ships from Amsterdam and the east parts laden with wheat and rye. The price of the best wheat, the last, is at twenty-eight gold guilders, rye nineteen gold guilders.— Middleburgh, 12 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Give the bringer one stiver. Pp. 3.
June 12. 186. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
"A note of the Queen's prolongations from the payment of the Paysse mart of 1560, till the payment of the Barnes mart, 1560." Total amount, 495,059 florins. Signed by Gresham.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 12 June 1560. Pp. 4.
June 13.
Burgon's Life of Gresham, i. 308.
187. Gresham to Parry.
1. The writer by his letter of the 10th signified the great overthrow that King Philip had at Tripoli by the Turk's army, in which conflict were lost thirty galleys and twentyfive great ships, and all the rest of the galleys burnt. The saying is that the Duke of Medina Cœli forsook all his galleys and took to a fort with all his men, where, as he is victualled for four months, it is judged the Turks will take it by famine or otherwise. They say that King Philip has more need of help than able to help the French King.
2. The 4,400 Spaniards are still here, and will remain, as the Estates will consent to no payment of money. The eight ships prepared for their transportation remain in Zealand. The ships with the Queen's velvets and satins are wind bound. There is shipped twenty pieces of velvet of pile [powder], and 300 ells of crimson velvets; there is in readiness to be shipped twenty pieces more of velvet. Parry's son is well given to virtue and his studies, and is beloved of all men. He begs his father to increase his stipend to 100 crowns a year, as this country is very chargeable. Desires to be commended to Lord Robert Dudley.—Antwerp, 13 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Received 17 June. Pp. 2.
June 14. 188. Articles of Berwick. (fn. 1)
Articles agreed upon at Berwick respecting the suspension of arms between the French and the English and Scots, viz,—
1. That the suspension shall last from Monday the 17th till the following Saturday, during which time neither party shall carry on any hostile preparations.
2. The French are not to leave their forts, nor the English not to approach them.
3. Appended are several clauses from the Articles of Berwick.—Berwick, 14 June 1560.
Draft. Endd.: At Berwick, 14 June; the first articles of suspension devised by the French Ambassadors. Mr. Treasurer. Fr. Pp. 3.
June 14.
Keith, 1. 287.
189. Articles of Berwick. (fn. 2)
Articles concluded at Berwick between the Commissioners of the Queen of England and of the King and Queen of France and Scotland.
1. The town of Edinburgh to be the place of treaty.
2. They will convene together and begin the treaty on Monday next, which shall last no longer than the Saturday following, unless the Commissioners prorogue the same for some just cause.
3. On the Monday, the Commissioners shall agree upon the form of a cessation of arms during the time of treaty.
4. The French Commissioners, and the retinue included in the letters of safe conduct, shall enter the limits of Scotland with the English Commissioners, and none shall carry more money than is necessary for their ordinary expenses. Nor shall it be lawful for them to have any conference with French or Scotch men on the road to Edinburgh, or during their abode in Scotland in the time of treaty, but by consent of the English Commissioners, or such persons as shall be appointed by them to look after this matter.
5. No person belonging to the retinue of the Sieur de Randan and Bishop of Valence to leave their lodgings appointed for them at Edinburgh, without the consent of such Englishmen as are deputed by the English Commissioners to accompany them.
6. The English Commissioners agree that the French Commissioners during the time of the treaty may confer with the Archbishop of St. Andrews, and with one who was secretary with the Queen at her death, and the Justice Clerk. If either of them refuse the same, then they shall have licence to speak with other Scotchmen, not being in any of the forts holden by the French.
7. The said three Scotchmen shall after their communication with those of France, return from whence they came.
8. It shall be lawful for the French Commissioners to demand and retain such ciphers and writings as were left by the Queen Dowager in the hands of the secretary, and likewise that Captain Chapperon shall speak with them and deliver to them such commissions and writings as he carried into Scotland from France.
9. It shall be permitted for them to send to the ladies and gentlewomen of France who served the Queen, to comfort them, or for them to come to the Commissioners.
10. The Commissioners of England bind themselves as far as concerns their parts.
11. Finally the Commissioners of France likewise bind themselves to observe and cause to be observed by theirs, all things in the premises.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Articles 1 to 6 inclusive in Lat., 7 to end in English. Endd.: 14 June 1560. Pp. 3.
June 14. 190. Draft of the above in French. (fn. 3)
Endd. Pp. 3.
June 14. 191. Payne to Gresham.
1. There is come in a Scotchman to Camfer with news that for a truth the old Scottish Queen died on Monday last past, and there was great shooting of ordnance at Leith both by sea and land. They say they wish the young Queen were in the same state as her mother. "God have mercy on her soul, and all Christians, and forgive her soul her body's misdeeds. Amen."
2. Janson, of Enkhuizen, the Admiral of the eight hulks, is come to Armuyden and looks for the Commissary to come down. Payne thinks that the Spaniards will not come down, many of them being married in the country and having given over their service to the King without money taken, because they will not go to Spain for the religion's sake. Twelve merchant hulks have departed for Spain and Lisbon. A small boat from Harwich has brought 2,000 lbs. of bacon dried in flakes, and sells it for 1d. a pound. The news is that the Turks have taken and sunk thirty galleys and forty ships of the Spaniards and Italians, in their going away from the island, which they had recovered again of the Turk. Prays God to send better news.—Middleburgh, 14 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 15.
Burnet, iii. App. p. 307.
192. The Privy Council to Cecil and Wotton. (fn. 4)
1. Understand by their letters of the 11th their proceedings with the French Commissioners, and the death of the Dowager of Scotland. The Queen well allows their opinion for signifying unto King Philip's Ambassadors that they are entered into treaty with the French and are in very good way towards accord; and she has taken order that one shall be out of hand sent to declare the same unto them, with signification of the Dowager's death.
2. Touching the other points wherein they require the Queen's resolution, they have considered the same, and the Queen has resolved, first, in case the French Commissioners upon hearing the Dowager's death press to return back again, then by such means as they can best devise to continue them; but, if they must needs break off and return, thereupon to consult with the Duke of Norfolk, and, imparting the case to the Lords of Scotland, to take order by their advice for the expelling of the French according to that has been heretofore determined, without further delay; the rather that it appears by all advertisements that the French seek nothing so much as to win time. If the French Commissioners require the presence of some of their colleagues in the town it is in no wise to be granted. If they should require the assistance of such Scots as are of the French faction, the Queen thinks that unless they and the Lords of Scotland see some reasonable cause to the contrary it may be granted.
3. Forasmuch as they understand that one Parris, a fugitive Irishman, has come from the French and yielded himself up to Lord Grey, they direct them to see what he can say touching the practices attempted in Ireland, to the intent that if his meaning and doing seem to deserve the same they will be suitors to the Queen for his pardon.—Greenwich, 15 June 1560. Signed: Winchester, Northampton, E. Clynton, Thos. Parry, William Petre, Rich. Sackvyle.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 15. 193. The Privy Council to Norfolk.
Having received intelligence from France that of late a certain Scotchman passed out of Scotland thither, taking ship at Tynemouth by Newcastle in a Flemish ship, and that on his arrival the French preparations were hastened, and four ships sent with victuals into Scotland,—they direct him to cause special watch to be had at Tynemouth, Newcastle, and all the ports on that coast, and to suffer none to pass out without good knowledge of the cause of their going. Also to give warning to Winter to meet with the four ships, and so let the purposes of the French as much as he may.—Greenwich, 15 June 1560. Signed: North., Winchester, E. Clynton, Tho. Parry, Willm. Petre, Ry. Sakevyle.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Cecil to Petre.
    June 15.
    Haynes, p. 326.
    The writers are so traversed with this French Bishop that they can make no certainty of their proceedings. All yesterday was spent in articles touching their entry, their manner of treaty, the abstinence of wars, and so agreed as the writers determined to take their journey this morning. Yesternight the French forbare signing them upon cavillations, and gave the writers hope that they would finish them by 4 o'clock this morning, and now it is 6, and they [Cecil and Wotton] cannot speak with them, they excusing themselves by long sleep. They are in contention about a word, wherein the writers mean to have the victory, or else not depart this day. Here is such abominable robberies in the camp by the old captains, that it would weary any Prince to have victory with their service; commonly they lack not a half part, but three parts, and also infect the country captains. It has been no small fault of Sir J. C., who is now there, to give example and nourish them therein. His faults in that part are too evident in this town. If the writers depart this day they will write to-morrow from Haddington.—Berwick, 15 June 1560. Signed.
  • 2. Another copy occurs in P. M. Calig. B. x. 93.
  • 3. Another copy occurs, B. M. Calig. ix. 124.
  • 4. Cecil and Wotton to the Privy Council.
    June 11.
    Haynes, p. 325.
    The writers have to do with men who leave no way unsought for their purpose. The Queen's letter will show that now they are all going into Scotland. Besides divers other causes, two principally move them to accord thereunto. The one is, that the danger of the Queen's life, and the discourage in the town, shall rather provoke the Ambassadors to be more ready to accord; the other is, that they see without being nigh the place they shall not without loss of much time come to an end. They trust to be at Edinburgh on Saturday, and on Sunday afternoon and Monday forenoon to enter into substantial talk. The supply of southern men comes very slowly, although, as they hear by report, marvellously chargeable to the people by new devices of charges in arraying of the soldiers. They look hourly to hear of the state of the Dowager; on Saturday, they hear she was speechless. The report is, the town is much destitute of victuals; until they know the truth more certainly, they will not affirm it, for they have suspicion of the contrary. It is true that D'Oysell offered Sir Henry Percy to have some communication, being afraid of Grey's cruelty. They thank their Lordships for imparting to them Lord Montague's letters, with their opinions thereupon. They think it were well to let the King Catholic's Ministers understand that they have entered into a fair way towards accord, and that they find things not so hard to accord as was doubted upon; by this means it shall be reason that the King of Spain be neither at cost of sending ships, nor at pain to name umpires.—Newcastle, 11 June 1560.
    2. P. S.—Their Lordships will perceive by Norfolk's letter what he is advertised of the Dowager's death. Hereupon will follow sundry alterations. If the French will return now without following their commission, although they will provoke them to continue, what shall they do? What if they require the presence of some of their colleagues in the town? This the writers will not allow without their Lordships' order. If they require assistance of other Scotchmen, that were French, which they think not unreasonable, although they think none will be so bold, what shall they do? Of these things they beseech their Lordships to think, and advertise them of the Queen's pleasure. Signed.