Elizabeth: June 1560, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: June 1560, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp100-113 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1560, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp100-113.

"Elizabeth: June 1560, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp100-113.


June 1560, 6-10

June 6. 162. Sir William Petrie to Cecil.
1. Cecil's letters, dated at Scroby, the 4th inst. were brought hither last night. The Queen wished him to give Cecil her hearty thanks for his letters, and to write him to advertise her by his next of his opinion touching the order of the man he lately wrote of to her, when the same man shall come hither. Since his going no letters have come from Throckmorton or Gresham; when any come they shall be sent to him. The Queen is moved for Dr. May to be elected to York, and Petrie is willed to send for him to understand his mind therein. The Queen is also careful for some meet man to supply his place in the deanery of St. Paul's. The Archbishop of Canterbury, being written unto to name some meet men for the Bishops of Ireland, has sent hither a bill of names, but he finds none willing to go to Ireland.
2. Kerne has written to the Queen and others about the sending of the Abbot of St. Salute. Desires Cecil to consider with Dr. Wotton what he thinks good to be answered if the licence should be sent for before his return. Has sent to my Lady and done Cecil's recommendations here to my Lords. Mr. Treasurer would himself write his thanks by this post. Mr. Fareham departs from London to-morrow with 300 harquebussiers. This day a servant of the Bishop of Valence is sent with a passport and letters to the said Bishop to Newcastle, and if he shall be gone thence, he is to follow to Berwick. The printer who printed the Latin answers to the French protestation desires to know whether the French protestation shall also be printed in Latin. He also desires to know what he shall do with this answer.—Greenwich, 6 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 6. 163. Parry to Cecil.
1. Is glad to hear that he is well recovered, whereof Lady Cecil shall hear. The Queen has received letters from Carne of the 6th of May, importing that the Abbot of St. Salute comes by France to the Low Countries to the Regent to pray her to send hither for a licence for him to come to do his message. Mr. Englefield has also written to the Lord Keeper thereof. Farneham has his despatch with 300 harquebussiers, and goes in the morning north.
2. The Queen is very glad to understand of Cecil's health, and hopes for his good success, and desires him to write his mind to her in that he last wrote, and to hear from him as oft as may be. Touching the treasure, he sends herewith a letter of Sackville's. Albeit the writer procured his Lordship to write, and wrote himself, he could never get any other than that 15,000l. was despatched thither. Has had but one letter from Cecil, although he would be glad to have more, thereby at least to know how he does, and where he lies, and what he wills him to do.—6 June 1560. Signed: Tho. Parry.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Mr. Treasurer to my master. Pp. 4.
June 6. 164. Percy to Norfolk.
1. According to his Grace's commandment by Sir G. Hayworth he has spoken with Lord Grey, and upon the same sent his trumpeter to M. D'Oysel, who was well received by fair words and by meat and drink also. There were with D'Oysel, MM. de la Brosse and Martigues. The first communication was about the loosing of his cousin Captain Hayes and Captain Parrot. The trumpeter demanded Captain Barclaye, who came and spoke with him a long time. Immediately that MM. la Brosse and Martigues were departed out of the chamber, the trumpeter was sent for by D'Oysel, who said, "I sent my drum the last day into the camp, commanding him to speak with your master, and thinking you be come presently for the same purpose." The trumpeter answered that he was come to know his pleasure. M. D'Oysel began with him in this sort: "You know very well that I have borne goodwill to your master, and seeing that we are presently in distress, not in victuals I assure you, and so tell your master (of mine honour); but being more in despair of our succours from France, and hearing of your army coming forwards, which makes us think that by time you will overcome us, therefore I was desirous to speak with Sir Henry for this cause, that knowing the ill treatment of our soldiers by Lord Grey, as also by the uncourteous language to our messengers, I had rather we, the nobility, should fall into the hands of Sir Henry than to taste of the cruelty of my Lord Grey, which is not unknown unto us. For as we have had experience of the mercy which your master has shown in victories against us, so are we assured of the violence that the Lord Grey can do unto us, whose reports come to us daily; therefore I sent my drum the last day to show your master this matter, if he would speak with me, and if so be I durst come forth of the town unsuspected to the soldiers and noblemen, I assure you I would be glad to speak with Sir Henry; and but if he would come into the town, I would make him what assurance or pledge he would desire for his safe return."
2. The writer has reported to Lord Grey M. d'Oysel's communication for the loosing of Captains Hayes and Parrot, and that M. D'Oysel would have him enter the town, which he will not do unless commanded on the pain of his allegiance. Trusts that his Grace will not have him enter upon their gentleness, whose promises have been well experimented. For so much as the matter partly touched Lord Grey, he did not make him privy any further than he has written. Has entered into the whole matter with Sir George Hayworth, but would be loath to enter into the thing if he had thought the Duke would have made Lord Grey or Sir James Croftes privy to it.
3. On Monday he sent this bearer with the effect of this letter and one from Sir G. Hayworth, commanding him to put it into his boot hose, and if he were taken to destroy it, which has chanced, and which grieves him more than anything that has happened to him these seven years; not for his man or his horse but for the Duke's disappointment. Will declare unto Sir G. Hayworth the loss of his letter.
4. The Dowager of Scotland in in great danger, "but when I send one to your Grace then credit that she is dead."—Musselburgh, 6 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
June 7. 165. Gresham to the Queen.
Having now order to write from time to time to Sir Thomas Parry, gives her to understand that all her proceedings here and at Hamburg pass well. Has prolonged for six months longer her debts due in May last at the interest of six per cent.; for which he desires bonds accustomed to recover her other bonds. Trusts by the last of this month to see all her creditors paid, by which day the payments for this mart will be fully ended, and there will be no more bargaining till the payment of the "Syngzon" mart on the 20th August next. Desires licence to come home for a time, whereby the great "couttiers" and money merchants of this Bourse may perceive that she has no more need of money. This practice he used in the last payment, and where she paid one pound he took up in the next mart four. Desires likewise to come home to give up his accounts. Has written more at large to the Treasurer of all things.—Antwerp, 7 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received 12 June. Pp. 2.
June 7. 166. Payne to Gresham.
1. Trusts that his good lady and young master are well. Since his last of the 5th has been to Camver, where this day arrived two Scotch ships from Burnt Island, whose people told him that it was eight days since they left; and that the French in Leith were driven to eat their horses for hunger, and come out sometimes by fifties to skirmish for victuals, and that they come stealing out by twos and threes daily to the leaguer, desiring pardon. They say they trust it is taken before this day. There are in Leith two Bishops and a Lord of the north of Scotland; and if they had not been there they would have given it up ere this.
2. There are come in two great hulks from Calys [Cadiz] in Spain and four from St. Tuen's laden with salt. Was at Flushing this night and saw two great ships coming in. There is a small boat of Scharram that came from Calais, which was stopped a tide here because of a certain pinnace of fifty tons, bound for Scotland, with forty mariners and forty soldiers, which had 28,000 francs in crowns. Trusts she will be a good prize for the Queen. She has but two quarter slings and sixteen basses. The Commissioners are not yet come down.—Middleburgh, 7 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 7. 167. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
1. On the 3rd inst. received two letters from them, of the 27th and 29th ult. for himself, with one to be sent to Sir Thomas Chamberlain. Understands by the first that upon a knowledge of a commission brought by M. de Randan to certain French Commissioners, Cecil has been appointed to go northward; wherein they have wisely foreseen the danger of treaty with those in Leith in not suffering them to come abroad, and by sending the Duke of Norfolk. By the last he perceives the whole discourse of the Bishop of Valence's journey to and from Scotland, clean contrary to the furnished report made by the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Ambassadors of Spain. Albeit he [Throckmorton] had already declared, by means of Mr. Jones, the effect thereof unto them, yet he has spoken with them himself, and delivered unto them in French, in writing, so much as touched on the Bishop of Valence's doings; the rather because the Cardinal had delivered his report to them, a copy whereof he sends to the Queen. He showed to the said Ambassadors the Queen's meaning for her proceeding with the French; and although they had been somewhat lofty to Mr. Jones, and so partial as if they looked that the Queen should be ruled altogether by the King of Spain, to her great disgrace and the French advantage, yet at his being with them the 6th inst. he found them clean altered in countenance; for in reading that which concerned the Bishop of Valence they said the Queen's order was to be liked, and that they never believed the French, and where they seemed to be contrary it was because they were English to French and French to English to understand things. And because there was no faith in the French, they wished the Queen to do as she liked, and assured him that the King, their master, would not make war on the Queen, as he was unable, and that both the French and the Queen mistrust them, which was all they gained; and that the King intermeddled to keep the Queen from so great charges, but would not have her accord but to that which should be for her surety and honour. The writer thereupon told them of the Duke of Norfolk's new entry into Scotland, and of the Lord Admiral's going to sea and to set forth the Queen's forces. They asked why she set forth so many ships; he said they did so in order to be assuredly the stronger in the narrow seas. They told him of the Tripoli matter and how the French laughed at it in their sleeves; "hinc illœ lacrimœ. "He told them that on account of the suspicion of the times he could send no one to the coasts to get news. They said that the French King had altered his journey upon this news, and instead of going to Paris and St. Germain's was going to Normandy; and that whereas the Cardinal of Lorraine told them he would tarry at Blois and Chateaudun for twelve days each place, he will abridge the time one half. They tried to persuade Throckmorton that the French thought themselves stronger for the King of Spain's loss, which is a very enigma to him. They also thought that the French would hasten their preparations upon the news of Gerbe, whither the King of Spain would send reinforcements; he therefore thinks that they have only broken France to deal with. Nothing can hurt the French but war; and peace, if it be granted to them as they desire it, will be the beginning of a war, and their present estate is such as they have no need of it. The bearer will inform them of the distress of Gerbe.—Blois, 7 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
June 7. 168. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Has received Cecil's letter of the 22nd of May on the 2nd of June by Suasso the Spanish courier. As he gathers from it that Cecil is departed northwards he will send with his next despatch the French memorial of April 11th, which Cecil sent and Somer has deciphered, whereby it appears that the Guises mean nothing but to win time; and also that, what commissions soever the French Ministers pretend to have, the whole power to determine and conclude is referred to the Queen Dowager of Scotland, whom he thinks Cecil will find far enough off to condescend to that which is meet. Considering their troubled state in France, he thinks nothing would be so beneficial to the French and dangerous to the English as peace, unless their conditions be fully satisfied in all points. Howsoever he [Cecil] may talk of accord, he is not to suffer the men of war to leave off their begun enterprise, as it appears in the said memorial that if the Dowager can bring the matter in suspense, that would highly please the King till he be ready. To be short, the French must be utterly expelled and kept out of Scotland. The matter of the arms and style must not be passed over. Dumbarton must not be in the custody of any Frenchman, or of any affected to the French. Not knowing whether Cecil takes the "counterpayne" of his cipher with him, he [Throckmorton] is in doubt how to write. Though he wished Cecil to be at the treaty, he is sorry to hear that he is from the Court, as he may be worst spared now, as "who can or will stand fast against the Queen's arguments and doubtful devices? Who will speedily resolve the doubtful delays? Who shall make despatch of anything?" Fears that in Cecil's absence he will remain without knowledge of anything.
June 7. 2. It is like there has been slender looking to things about Leith, since Octavian, and the parson of Roxburgh, Carr, Almoner to the Queen Dowager, arrived from thence on the 3rd inst. Octavian came with five mariners in a small boat, and in the day time crept along the shore and at night made what haste he could to the coast of Flanders, and from hence hither, and in the same sort escaped Carr. Is minded to send shortly Mr. Jones into England, fully instructed of all matters here. Notwithstanding all reports, terrible bruits, and fair promises of sending aid into Scotland by June or July, he is credibly informed that the French can and will do nothing to impeach the English, so doubtful are they of their state at home. Is informed that their galleys cannot come from Marseilles for lack of money. D'Andelot, their colonel, has refused this voyage, whereupon the captains and soldiers draw back. The Rhinegrave has also refused to go into Scotland, as has also the Admiral of France. As for the King of Spain, the Turk so occupies him that he will have no great power to do harm. The great embassy from Venice is not very acceptable, for after their congratulations to the King they required satisfaction of their debt. Since every estate espies its time and opportunity to have reason at these men's hands, God forbid the English should not do the same.
3. In his last he advertised that new garboils were here brewing. Such as are the principal of that matter have lately sent a summons to the King to remove the house of Guise and such as impeach the progress of the Gospel from his Council, or else they will by force of arms remove them. There are also particular "pykes" amongst those of the greatest appearance, as between the Constable and his friends and the house of Guise and theirs.
4. Having written thus far, he received Cecil's of the 27th ult. on the 3rd., presented by Davy. Has despatched Mr. Jones into England, fully instructed. Is advertised that the King of Spain sent forty-seven galleys and some great hulks with men and munitions to succour the Duke of Medina Cœli at the Gerbes, and that the Turks meeting them have "distressed" thirty-six galleys and seventeen hulks; wherefore the army on land being without hope of succour, is like to be shortly at the enemy's mercy. It is thought to be a greater loss than his father had at Algiers, and that the Duke with 5,000 men on land are also lost. This will abase the courage of the hollow hearts in England and dash quite the papistical practices.
5. Received his of the 18th May on the 7th June by way of Flanders, together with letters found inter Edinburgh and Leith.
6. At present the Spanish Ambassadors seem much to suspect the French, imputing the Turks' victory to their treachery, and mistrusting their preparations. The writer will notwithstanding have a good eye to their doings. The Rhinegrave will within three days be despatched hence; the Spaniards mistrust his practices in Germany, as also does Throckmorton. Asks Cecil to let his ministers about the Count Palatine have an eye to him. Wishes he were with Cecil but three hours and here again with a wish. It appears, by the letters taken between Leith and Edinburgh, that the Queen Dowager is fortifying and victualling the castle of Edinburgh. Fears that Lord Erskine plays false. "For the love of God provide by one means or thher that the Queen Dowager were rid from thence, for she is no [ready] in her business and hath the heart of a man of war."
7. Has written to Sir W. Petre to send Cecil the copy of the aforesaid letters deciphered, wherein he may perceive at length many good things. Desires to be commended to Wotton.—Blois, 7 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Received at Edinburgh, 19 June. Pp. 6.
June 7. 169. The Privy Council to Cecil and Wotton.
1. The Queen having received letters out of Spain from Montague and Chamberlain, her Ambassadors, albeit she can only discover in them the King of Spain's meaning in general terms, grounded for the more part upon the self matter and arguments heretofore alleged by the Bishop of Aquila, yet she sends them to them. There are two points worthy of especial consideration in the said letters: one, that the Duke of Alva says plainly that all things imparted to the said Bishop have been by him written over only as talk passed between him and the Queen, without requiring on her behalf the King's advice; whereby appears indirect dealing on the Bishop's part, for the King was referred by the Queen's express letters unto the report of the said Bishop for the understanding of her meaning and the state of things, whereof it appears there has been no mention. The other special matter to be noted is that the French King is content that the King of Spain shall name umpires for the compounding of the differences between the Queen and him. Do not know what could have moved this offer, nor the grounds on which the King of Spain accepted the same, unless it be that he takes hold of the motion made by the Queen to be content for the satisfaction and recompence of the wrong done by usurping her arms, &c., to stand by the arbitration of such indifferent persons as the King of Spain should name.
2. For the first point, it is meant the Bishop shall be talked withall, and his manner of dealing herein plainly told him. And for the second point, it is thought better it be passed over in silence, unless the same shall be specially moved to the Queen on the King of Spain's behalf by his Ambassador.
3. They send an article of a letter from Gresham touching such advertisement as has been brought him, together with an abstract of intelligence sent from Sir Hugh Paulet from Jersey, whereby they may perceive the preparations in France, for the better meeting of which the Admiral has been written to, and a copy of the advertisement sent to him.—Greenwich, 7 June 1560. Signed: W. Northampton, Pembroke, W. Howard, Thomas Parry, E. Rogers, W. Petre.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 7. 170. Norfolk to Cecil.
Has received his letters this morning and made Lord Ruthven privy to them, who minds with the Laird of Lethington to be with him according to his discourse. If they bring the French to this town, it standing as now it does, much determent may ensue thereby if they are lodged there. The Dowager is either dead or in great peril of death. Wishes the supplies were present that might amaze the French brags. When his man returns from the camp he will be able to certify him more certainly of the state of affairs there.—Berwick, 7 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 7. 171. The Marquis of Northampton to Cecil.
According to Cecil's request, sent by the writer's cousin, John Fitzwilliams, the writer has appointed Mr. Villars for the leading of the last appointed number of men that go out of Northamptonshire, and commends his desire to serve the Queen. Requires Cecil to be a mean with the Duke of Norfolk that he and his soldiers be not separated, or appointed to any other captain. Is glad to hear of his good amendment, and professes his friendship for him. "You shall hear good stuff in the copy of the letter sent to the Queen out of Spain." He shall know their minds touching the material points contained in the same by their common letter sent to him and Wotton.—Greenwich, 7 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 7 & 8. 172. Randolph to Norfolk.
1. Lord James and those who went with him to St. Johnstons returned to the camp on the 5th. Of as many as appointed there to meet of the northland Lords, there came only the Earl Marshal. Of the others some for particular debates between them and the Earl of Huntley, some that were brought in suspicion by the Queen's ministers that she has in the country there of secret practices against them (as that the Lord James brought besides his friends 400 harquebussiers, and Sir Harry Percy with the Laird of Grange, were come over with 300 light horse); divers, also measuring their promises (how assuredly some men make them) as it shall please their wives to have them performed, absented themselves. The Earl Marshal showed himself very reasonable in all his talk. This day he arrived and intends to join with as many of his friends as he can procure. He is esteemed very wise, and able to do great good to the cause. The Earl of Athol, one of the disfavourers of the Earl of Huntley, wrote to Lord James that he would be very glad to meet him at Dunkeld. After many debates they agreed that he might have a copy of the contract with England, and of the bond made between the Lords; and that he might be assured whether the Lords meant the deprivation of the Queen: thirdly, to be assured whether he or his friends would be forced in their religion; and, fourthly, he desired to know what had passed between the Lords and the Dowager since the siege of Leith. In these and all other points he will in a short time be so satisfied that he will no longer delay to join.
2. At their return from Dunkeld word was brought to Lord James that the Lady Drummond was come. Her husband was one of those who broke his appointment to meet the Earl of Argyll at Stirling. The matter was very evil taken of the Earl and some token of unkindness sent to Lord Drummond, whose wife has come to repair the matter. She has so trafficked with Lord James that her eldest son with all their friends should adjoin within seven days, for her husband is very sick. Lord Oliphant has so discorded with a gentleman named Mountecrythe, that many are offended with him; howbeit, this matter will shortly be repaired, nor the cause greatly hindered though he never come. The Earl of Cassilis will be here on Sunday next; his friends are harder to be agreed with than he himself. The Earl of Montgomery desires assurance that he may speak with the Queen in the castle, and thereupon will give answer what he will do; the Lords will deliberate hereupon; it is judged that he is more wilful than wise, very young and evil guided. It is very certain that Earl Bothwell has his despatch into France, and is now in the north parts to search passage; he was with the Earl of Athol and divers gentlemen; his train is very small, he rides only with five horses, and uncertain to all where he comes, or how long he tarries in one place.
3. Wilson, of whom it was written in the last letter deciphered and sent back from his Grace to Lord Grey, is yet assuredly in the castle. What the four Lords have done at the castle, and in what case the Queen is, he will be advertised from Lord Grey. To-morrow the Duke of Châtellerault and his son intend to see her at her own request. Whatsoever becomes of her, the Bishops and others of the clergy, are like to remain there or be delivered into the Lords' hands, and so were they as good accompany Bonarde [Bonner] in the Marshalsea, so well are all men here affectioned towards them. The Lord Ruthven has since his coming to Berwick put the Lords in remembrance of Heimouth [Eyemouth]; when the Laird of Lethington repairs unto him he will understand further thereof than was thought good Lord Ruthven should be privy unto; wherefore the Lords answered that there was no necessity thereof. Would be very glad at this meeting of the Commissioners to do his duty to his Grace, Mr. Secretary, and Dr. Wotton, to whom he must attribute whatever is in him either for hope ever to serve the Queen, or be counted worthy the name of an honest man. If he can get leave from Lord Grey and the Council he doubts not but that the Scottish Lords will spare him.—Holyrood House, 7 June 1560. Signed.
4. P. S.—This morning at 8 o'clock the Duke, the Earl Marshal, and Lord James went into the castle to the Queen; they found her to their judgment worse than she was yesterday, her lips, hands, and legs very cold, her tongue and wits failed her very greatly, and she herself without hope of life, her mind well disposed towards God and willing to hear anything that is well spoken. She is also well content to speak with Mr. Wyllocke, who is presently with her. She desired that at all times until her departure some of the Lords might not be far from her; wherefore this day there dined there the Earl Marshal, Lord James, and Lord Saltoun; and this afternoon there goes up unto her the Earl of Arran; being so required of the Lords and she herself desirous of the same. There is a precept sent to Lord Erskine by the Lords to stay the Bishops and all others till order be taken what shall be disposed of them. The Laird of Lethington will shortly be with his Grace. whom he intends to accompany, if Lord Grey will give him leave. Sends a letter from Killigrew received this morning, assuring his Grace that if there be one true word therein of that the Bishop has reported, he will be content to sustain the reproach of an unhonest man as long as he lives.—From the camp, 8 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 8. 173. John Brigantyne to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. Wrote from Antwerp on May 21 what the Landgrave and other Princes discoursed with Frederick Spedt. The Bishop of Osnabruck, whom the writer found here with the old Count Christopher of Oldenburg, said that Spedt was one who sought to abuse all men with whom he had to do; nevertheless the writer has not promised him or any other anything whereby the Queen might be charged, but all things are the same as when he left London, except the 300 crowns which Gresham paid to Herbert von Langer, his assign.
2. The Bishop of Osnabruck and other Lords sent for him to dinner at the old Landgrave's, where they used him better than he required. He presses not much for a pension, but would not refuse the Queen's liberality. Count Christopher has been practised withal; he alleges what fraud has been used of mean personages who have served England, such as Ryffenberg, Peter van Gelder, Lightmaker, and others; he said he might have had of the French King 2,000 crowns pension, he had of Duke Maurice 1,500 dollars pension, and gage for twelve captains. There are given in the empire three kinds of pensions; dienst gelt, man gelt, and gnade gelt: the first to serve personally at commandment; the second to one and his heirs; the third, that he shall always extend his good will, friendship, and counsel to prevent the proceedings of the one, and advance his whose pension he receives.
3. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure as to how he shall handle the two Earls whom Cecil desired him to commune with without conditions, as after this sort Count Christopher will not serve. Things would be better here if the Queen would write favourable letters to the King of Sweden that he would extend his favour unto the young Lords of Friesland, whose mother sent her Chancellor this day to Brigantyne on that behalf that they might repair unto their country with his friendship as they entered into his. If this letter might be obtained and a copy sent, he will deliver it to the lady, who will forthwith send the same to the King. If the Queen grants the Steelyard their liberties, he asks her that this city might be in the number. If these or part might be gotten, he trusts that he would get them to be willing to serve for smaller stipend.
4. The young Earl of Friesland would well serve the turn for the second kind of service, Count Christopher for the last kind; the latter has very good intelligence, and is much thought of by many Princes. The good lady and her friends are very sorrowful for her children, and have written to divers Princes that they would favourably write in their behalf.
5. To-morrow he intends to repair to Duke Otto of Lunenburg, who wrote for him to come; and there remaining twelve or fourteen days he will return, and trusts to have an answer shortly. Has received no letters from Cecil since his departure out of England, but by his servant James. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure whether he shall repair according to his first instructions to the Elector Augustus and the Duke of Saxony.
6. Understands that the Queen has taken order that all able men in the country or elsewhere shall practise such weapons as they shall be most apt, and be trained by such as have skill, whereby they may defend the country against all invasions. This is a goodly policy, much to the honour of those about her. For, as the Bishop of late discoursed, What has made Germany so rich but the great wars of other Princes, whose treasure is exhausted by foreign soldiers? notwithstanding one regiment of lanzknechts would do well in Scotland, whose order and discipline might show a great light. In his idle time takes on himself to set forth a work of the discipline of the wars, and the order of the Almaines in approach, defence, and fortification of towns and castles.— Emden, 8 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
June 8. 174. Payne to Gresham.
Since his letter of the 7th there are come in eight great Holland hulks laden with salt from Cadiz and two from St. Lucar in Spain, with salt and other merchandise. There are divers hoys and boats of Flushing, Middleburgh, and Armuyden, come in with beer, bacon, "fresh," and wood from London, Faversham, Ipswich, Colchester, and Lowestoffe. There are no more Scots come in as yet. They have brought much lead and bell-metal over with them; the price is 26s. the "weight," and bell-metal 2l. 10s. the cwt., which is a great price; yet the French buy it, and the Easterlings, to carry into France. They buy all the coals that come from Newcastle. The Commissioners are not yet come down from the Court. There is a man at Flushing from London who says that the Ambassador of France and Cecil have ridden together towards Berwick to speak with the Council of Scotland. There are come to Middleburgh two small boats of Frenchmen with Hans Rose.—Middleburgh, 8 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
June 8. 175. Munitions from Flanders.
Armour received from Sir Thomas Gresham between Christmas 1558 and June 8, 1560: Corslets, 5,222; Almain corslets, 600; morrions and burgonets, 4,500; shirts of mail, 550; sleeves of mail, 100 pairs; sculls, 3,798 splints, 408 pairs.
P. 1.
June 8. 176. Munitions from Flanders.
Received of Sir Thomas Gresham from September 8, 1559, unto June 8, 1560, sundry parcels of guns, bows, powder, and other munitions to the value of 23,136l. 2s. 8d.
Pp. 1.
June 10. 177. Affairs of Scotland. (fn. 2)
Articles agreed upon by the Bishop of Valence and M. de Randan, Ambassadors of the King and Queen of France, at a conference held on June 8 and 10 at Newcastle with Sir W. Cecil and Dr. Wotton, Ambassadors of the Queen of England.
1. That M. de Randan and the Bishop of Valence should pass from Alnwick into Scotland either by Berwick or by such other convenient way as the Duke of Norfolk should direct.
2. That on their entry into Scotland they should not carry more treasure than should seem to the Duke convenient for their proper expenses.
3. That they shall pass with their train to Edinburgh, as they shall be directed by the Duke, without conference with any French, other than shall be allowed by the gentleman in charge; and on their arrival none shall enter the castle save M. de Randan with one gentleman of England or Scotland, appointed by Lord Grey, and then only to remain two hours.
4. The Bishop shall have access to the Dowager. (fn. 3)
5. None of their train shall pass out of their lodgings but with the leave of Lord Grey, or such other as shall be appointed by him to attend upon them.
6. The Bishop and M. de Randan bind themselves and train to observe these presents.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 10. 178. Minute of the same in English.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.
June 10. 179. Affairs of Scotland.
Things to be demanded of the French and Scots.
To be demanded of the French.
1. That all French forces sent into Scotland be retired into France.
2. That the King and Queen shall make a revocation of all writings wherein they have used the style of England.
3. A general prohibition for their subjects to keep any artificial thing wherein the arms of England be joined with the arms of Scotland.
Things to be demanded by the Scots only.
1. That the government of Scotland be granted to the nation of the land.
2. All things done by the nobility and people to be accepted as things done in defence of their liberties and the right of their Sovereign.
3. No force of Frenchmen to remain in Scotland.
4. Perpetual peace to be made between England and Scotland, and that the contract thereof might be made by the nobility and Princes of both realms during the Queen's absence.
5. The Duke of Châtellerault's right as second person in the realm to be confirmed.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: A memorial at Newcastle, 10 June 1560. Pp. 2.
June 10. 180. The Marquis of Northampton to Cecil.
Has participated Cecil's letters of the 5th unto Lord Pembroke and the Lord Chamberlain, who like his consideration had of the Duke of Norfolk, whom he greatly praises. Yesterday morning Sir Jas. Croftes arrived, of whom and his matter the Queen has very well considered, for she makes fair weather with him until she may again be advertised from the Duke of Norfolk and fully understand all charges against him, which it seems she can well like to hear of by her words. Manet alta mente repostum, "You know what I mean." Commendations from Lord W. Howard and Lord Pembroke.—Greenwich, 10 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Notes of an answer to this letter occur under the date of June 16.
  • 2. Cecil and Wotton to the Council.
    June 8.
    Haynes, p. 324.
    1. The writers have spent this afternoon in talk with these Frenchmen, and entered into many matters. Randan affirms precisely that he may not treat of any matter of Scotland without speech with the Dowager. Much has been said this day, but nothing resolved.
    2. They perceive that the Dowager is in great peril. The town makes some appearance of lack of victual; but they fear the lack comes not near the soldier, but the superfluous people. Cecil means for divers respects, as it were by stealth, to meet to-morrow night with the Duke of Norfolk at Alnwick; and, returning on Monday morning, they will conclude with the French for their going or tarrying.—Newcastle, 8 June (in the night) 1560. Signed.
  • 3. Substituted for a clause according this privilege only in case of the Dowager desiring spiritual consolation.