Elizabeth: June 1560, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: June 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp91-99 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp91-99.

"Elizabeth: June 1560, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp91-99.


June 1560, 1-5

[June.] 146. Complaint of the Merchants of the Low Countries to King Philip.
1. That whereas the treaty between Burgundy and England made in 1495 is kept to on their side, it is not by the English, namely: as it was agreed that no other duties than those which were used to be paid fifty years before 1495 should be set, divers new customs and burdens have been laid upon them. Besides this, an order is taken that they shall all have their ware valued on arrival and find as surety Englishmen to employ the same within three months on English wares; moreover they have been inhibited from purchasing tin, lead, leather, undressed cloths, wool, felts, beer, cheese and butter, by laws, privileges, and intolerable customs. Nothing now remains for them to employ their money on but a little saffron and undressed cloths, on which they must pay 13s. the cloth by a new ordinance. This difficulty of employing their money and the finding securities almost destroys the trade.
2. They therefore beg that he will take such order as will redress their grievances, and that they may be lovingly and favourably used in England according to the treaty of intercourse.
A marginal note by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[June.] 147. The English Army in Scotland.
"The names of such captains as did best serve in Scotland under the Lord Grey of Wilton, as well the gentlemen of the country, as also the old captains." Forty-six names.
Pp. 2.
[June.] 148. Advertisements out of Sundry Places.
1. From Constantinople.—The Turk, being informed from Dragut that Tripoli and Algiers were in some danger, has sent the Vice Admiral with 2,000 janissaries and 2,000 spahis, and being advertised that King Philip's army by sea passes not fifty galleys, with a few other ships, determines to send out but seventy-five galleys, with a few other ships. Fifteen of them shall remain for the defence of the Archipelago, the rest shall go straight to Tripoli, where are already 3,000 renegades for the defence of the place. The Sophy's Ambassador has had good audience, who spent a good time to persuade the Turk to spare his own blood and reconcile his two sons, and great hope there was that he would follow that advice; but suddenly, upon the coming of a post from Selim, he turned all his quietness to ire, threatening the Ambassador that if his master did not deliver his son into his hands he would make war upon him in his own person.
2. From Milan.—The Duke of Lessa has sent his baggage and the substance of his servants to Genoa, there to provide passage for him; he himself was going to Nice to remain with the Duke of Savoy until the return of a post which he sent to King Philip. The Duke of Savoy was clearly recovered, the Duchess remained yet something weak.
3. From Rome, 27th April.—The Pope, being informed that the Catholics in England stand firm in their opinions, and that there was some hope that the Queen would be found tractable, has determined to send the Abbot of St. Salute as an express messenger unto her. The Ambassadors of Savoy made their entry into Rome very honourably. The Pope makes a strait inquisition how such jewels as the Cardinal of Naples has, came into his hands, and it is thought that such testimony as he has proved by writing will hardly serve. The Cardinal of Tournon is made Legate de Latere, and shall be sent immediately into France to see what may be done for the staying of such sects as are lately begun there. King Philip's army is fortifying Gerbes, which done, if the time will serve, they will go forward with the enterprise of Tripoli.
4. From Nice, 28th April.—The Duke of Sessa arrived and would shortly go by Genoa into Spain with the Duke's galleys. The Duchess of Savoy is recovered, and it is held for certain that she is with child.
5. From Naples, 27th April.—By a messenger from the army it is declared that the fort making at Gerbes is of that sort that it can neither be battered or mined, and will hold 1,000 footmen, which by the month of April shall be furnished. The Viceroy has sent all the galleys of Naples and Sicily to repair to the coast of Gerbes, which they think he has done to resist the power of the Turk drawing to those quarters; but some think that it is to transport the army, saving such as shall remain to defend the fort; it being thought expedient to abstain from the expedition to Tripoli for four or five months, there being much sickness in the army by reason of the great heat. The Turk's corsairs are very busy upon the coasts of Naples and Calabria.
6. From Milan, 29th April.—The Marquis of Pescara has entered into the government of Milan, to the great contentation of all parties. The Count of Tendiglia, being sent from King Philip to Rome, was arrived at Avignon.
7. From Rome, 4th May. The French Ambassador arrived very bravely, all his familiars being clothed in velvet, and twenty of his gentlemen in capes of velvet. His errand was to render the King's obedience, which doing in the name of Franciscus II., Galliarum Rex, it was told him he must say Francorum. In the end he demanded a consistory to consult upon the staying of the sects lately risen in France, which was promised him. The Abbot of St. Salute is upon his departing; who shall first go as Nuncio into France, and hence to Flanders, and whilst he shall be there he shall have 100 crowns the month for his diet, but when he shall be in England 200. The Bishop of Cameriano is departed for Nuncio to the King of Poland.
Endd.: 1560, June. Pp. 4.
[June 1.] 149. Intelligence from the Court.
1. News has come out of Almaine that the Count of the Rhine, the Marquis of Baudien, the Count Palatine, Duke Christopher of Wurtemberg, the elder Landgrave, with the Ambassadors of England and Scotland, and of a certain house of France, have met at Worms; at which meeting has been agreed a league named "The revenge of Christian blood," to root out of all realms those who shall withstand or propose anything against the doctrine of the Gospel. (fn. 1) From this league none shall depart until this revenge is executed, and all the soldiers are to be sworn never to withdraw from their ensigns, even if money should lack. The head captain is not to be an Almaine, nor of the aforesaid Frenchmen.
2. Since March a large quantity of money has passed into Almaine. The foresaid league extends to be occupied with the King in the defence of the Imperial towns, and they shall assemble in some place of France, with a great number of Frenchmen also sworn against the house, etc. The Queen of England shall cause her strength to be landed at places found to be most commodious in Normandy, Brittany, or Guienne.
3. To prevent all these troubles and dangers that may happen to this realm the chiefest have sat in deliberation to subtract some things of the ancient and accustomed religion, and to set it in the foremost and primitive estate; and it is so nigh passed to consent, quod sit abdicanda privata missa, that it may be for the public quietness, vel metu privato eorum qui sibi timent.
4. On the 1st of June, the great Vicar of the Bishop of Valence passed on his way from Scotland, who said that he was present at dinner with the Queen's mother when a fair young gentleman named Peltier, made his reverence before her, and presented to her a large packet, by the order of a certain Lord whose name was not mentioned; this on being opened was found to contain the confession of faith of the Huguenots, or of the new learning, and also the accusation against them.
Copy [?] injured by damp. Endd. by Throckmorton [?]: From Harrie Wilson. Pp. 3.
June 2.
Haynes, p. 320.
150. Norfolk to the Queen. (fn. 2)
1. Before his departure the Queen desired him that when any matter of weight chanced he should scribble his opinions to her; at which time she told him in her gallery, alongst her garden, that the Berwick bands had been aforetime far out of order, and that now he should find them always well furnished according to their duties. He has sought to fulfil this trust; assuring her that the abominable robbery of her garrison of Berwick has infected her country bands. The garrison was first encouraged to robbery by the unsatiable pilling and polling of her Captain, Croftes, who has used himself so suspiciously in this last service (as the writer partly advertised her by his cousin Percy), as, having the choice of sending him up or staying him here, he durst do none other than the former, for his disordinate doings.
June 2. 2. There three things are to be tried to his face: First, that since his going into Scotland he has by all means sought to discourage the Queen's friends there. Howsoever Croftes was affected at first, the writer knows not; but he always found him against her proceedings; the danger whereof, as the case is now, he trusts she does consider; secondly, as it is to be tried by all those that were in the field at the assault, he did neglect his duty and charge committed to him; thirdly his manifest deceiving of the Queen, which, considering the great disorder risen thereby, Norfolk accounts not the least of his ill doings. All these are to be tried to his face, besides other presumptions of greater matters, which the writer will declare. He trusts she will weigh her own estate, and the dangers that may ensue by suffering such disorders to escape punishment.
3. The writer stays in the town till the new supply arrives, and to appoint any other captain for the same till he understands her pleasure, but leaves the charge thereof to the Marshal of the town, who has had it all the time Croftes has been in the field. He assures her that neither the Earl of Westmoreland or Lord Evers in his opinion are meet for the same, nor any nobleman here in the North, except Lord Wharton. Asks that he may understand to whom he shall commit the charge. He perceives by the message which the Queen sent him by Sir Peter Carew of her remembrance of him, which makes him the more willing to seek all the means he can to find where the authors of any such disorder should be.—Berwick, 2 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
June 2. 151. Norfolk to Cecil.
1. Since his last letter concerning Croftes he [Croftes] is arrived here, but the writer durst not retain him, considering divers matters against him that have come to his ears since his [Croftes] coming from the camp. As he supposes that Cecil is now on his way hitherwards, he encloses a letter for the Queen, she having commanded him in such matters not to advertise them except to herself or Cecil. Has touched nothing against him but what he can prove, the copy whereof he sends.
2. Hopes that he and his uncle Wotton will take their lodging at the Queen's house in Newcastle, for the time the writer's, where he will promise them nothing good but wine; Croftes minds to meet him.—Berwick, 2 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 2. 152. Lord Clinton to Cecil.
1. Is glad to hear that Cecil's recovery is such that he proceeds on his journey northwards. Has these four days been staid in this place by stormy contrary winds. All this navy is in very good order, well furnished in all sorts for the war. The number of ships with him are thirty, and four galleys, and at Portsmouth he will find of great hulks and Venetian ships sixteen, the least of burden 500 or 600 and some 1,000 tons, all thoroughly well appointed, without lack of anything, to serve for three months; and ships out of the west country and other places also meet him at Portsmouth to the number of twenty-eight and three pinnaces, all thoroughly in order.
2. This day one of his espials assured him that the French have better will to set forward their force by sea to impeach the matters of Scotland than their power serves to accomplish, for all their preparations grow backwards. When he comes to Court he will write more oft. Desires to be commended to the Duke of Norfolk and Dr. Wotton.—From the Elizabeth Jonas, before the King's Channel in the Thames mouth, 2 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 3. 153. Gresham to Sir Thomas Parry.
1. Wrote to Cecil on the 29th ult., and received his letter of the 26th ult. on the 2nd, directing him to address all his letters and doings to Parry, the Queen having appointed Cecil to go into Scotland. They say that the 4,400 Spaniards shall presently depart to Zealand to be shipped for Spain, and his doer in Zealand writes that the eight ships which were appointed to receive them are re-victualled; on whose departure it were well to doubt the worst, for fear they land in Scotland. They say that the French King goes to Rouen and Newhaven for the setting forth of his men of war, and that he has sixty ships of war, twelve hulks, and twenty galleys. Hopes the Queen's fleet will interrupt their journey.
2. The Emperor is sore sick of a quartan ague. Repeats his conversation with "Count Elverstone," given in his letter of the 29th ult. Her marriage is the thing that must be the stay of all things. All men here with whom he has talked wish Don Carlos to be the man.
3. In accordance with her order he has taken up 10,000l. upon exchange, upon his credit to pay the Queen's debts, which he was appointed by Cecil to receive of Mr. John Marsh; but it appears by a letter from Marsh (which he encloses) that the Lord Treasurer has appointed the money to be paid otherwise. Whereupon Gresham begs that order may be taken for paying it to his factor, Richard Candiler, otherwise the Queen will utterly undo him.
4. With respect to the provision of [powder], since his coming over last, he has sent above forty thousand weight, and will have forty or fifty thousand weight more to be delivered before the end of the month, for the which he requires the Queen's warrant. Trusts that he has received the seven pieces of tapestry. The 100 short Almaine corslets black and white, which he has had made in Germany, will be here by the end of the month. Desires that there may be no fault of the payment of the 10,000l., and that he will give credit to his factor, Richard Candiler. The English merchants have only made over 10,426l. of the 15,000l. they were appointed to do by the Queen.—Antwerp, 3 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received 8 June. Pp. 4.
June 3. 154. Copy of the preceding, as far as relating to the 4,400 Spaniards and the French preparations. Endd. Pp. 2.
[June.] 155. Gresham's Accounts.
Statements of money received and expended by Gresham, showing a receipt of 64,227l. 11s. Endd.: 1560. Pp. 2.
[June.] 156. Munitions from Flanders.
List of armour, gunpowder and military stores, to be provided by Gresham by the last of May, with a note of the number received. Signed by Gresham.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 3. 157. Payne to Gresham.
Trusts that his good lady and young master are in good health. There has arrived a small Holland fisher boat laden with five last of Scots salmon, hides, fells, and church lead, that came out of Burnt Island and was there within thirteen days. They say the French hold Leith yet, and it is beleaguered by land and sea by the ships' boats that have brass pieces in them, so that there can come no victuals unto them. Here is laden from Flushing a ship for Leith with wines of a Frenchman, who has much French money. There is another ship laden with Gascon wines of one John Semonett for Scotland, also there are two Scotch ships at Camver ready to depart with wines and also a boat of Camver laden with wine for Scotland. This day there are come in five Biscayans laden with wool, proper ships of 200 and 300 tons; they have but small ordnance, half slings and basses, and the Admiral has four half slings and two murderers, all of iron. The two other Biscayans lading for Spain are not yet gone, nor the two other hulks. The eight hulks are here still, but the Spaniards are looked for after the holidays.—Middleburgh, 3 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To be delivered in the long new street in Antwerp. Pay the bringer one stiver. Endd.: Richard Paynell. Pp. 2.
June 4. 158. Wotton and Cecil to Norfolk.
1. Think that M. de Randan and the Bishop of Valence will be at Newcastle to-morrow at night, where they trust to be on Friday. Understand that M. de Randan has divers captains in his train, whose meaning is probably to explore all things at Berwick and on the frontiers, and further the enemy by divers means in Scotland; they therefore desire his Grace to devise that they shall not come near Berwick or Leith. And as the writers cannot directly impeach them, because they have the Queen's passport with express naming of every one of them, the Lords of Scotland might impeach the known captains and men of charge not being of De Randan's household from entering Scotland; and, if not, it is to be considered whether it may not be requiredof De Randan and the Bishop to undertake that the said captains shall not approach the camp or Leith, or depart out of their train.
2. Thank his Grace for his gentle offer of his lodging and wine at Newcastle, whereof they mean to be bold enough.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 4 June 1560. Pp. 2.
June 4.
Haynes, p. 321.
159. Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 3)
1. Yesternight arrived here Lord Ruthven, a man very much esteemed by the Lords of the Congregation, having commission to confer with him at what place the French should come to treat, who reports that the Lords wholly put the appointment of the place and their own lives in the Queen's hands, having sent a passport for them to pass to Edinburgh. Nevertheless they would be glad that they shall not come nearer the Borders than Newcastle, alleging divers annoyances that came to them by the entry of the Bishop of Valence. They say that he delivered a sum of money in French crowns to the Dowager, whereby their enemies have been heartened, and they are afraid it would withhold the neutrals from being plain partakers. The Dowager has already sent to the neutrals, showing them Randan's news and the Bishop's return, promising them great mountains if they withhold themselves from the Congregation till it be seen what point the treaty will fall to, to the which they are easily entreated. And again they have advertisements that there should be divers skilful men, as captains and engineers, in their train. All these things now declared, Cecil may use as he thinks good.
2. The writer wishes to have some speedy answer whereby Lord Ruthven may advertise the Lords of the Congregation of his determinations. He would hope to ease the Frenchmen if the footmen were come, for if they were once before Leith with a greater power, it would soon be theirs either by force or surrendering. They have made a resolution that, if they must yield, they would rather trust to Winter's courtesy than Gray's. They are afraid of revengement, yet he cannot see how there can be any prisoners, the Queen's proclamation being as it is. The hope of gain one way and the great sweetness that comes by polling the Queen the other would make some wish the continuance of this brute life; but so as the Queen and her realm be delivered with honour in their enterprises and he at home at Kenninghall, he cares not in what other country they have their fill thereof. The bellwether of all mischief will meet Cecil by the way, whose company he cannot miss, and if it were for half a score miles never had so much ado as to use temperance with him. He saw that Norfolk did no way like his doings, nor greatly his company, yet could he never be rid of his inquisitive head. Hears that on some points he will plead ignorance. Prays him to give his hearty commendations to his uncle Wotton.— Berwick, 4 June. Signed.
3. He hopes Cecil and his uncle Wotton will take his house at Newcastle; if by request he cannot obtain this at his hands, then he will stretch his authority during his mayoralty.
Orig. Hol. Add. by Railton. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 4. 160. Troops for the North.
Receipt of John Farnham for 37l. 10s. advanced to Roger Alford for the impresting of 300 harquebussiers in London for the Queen's service in the North.—4 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 5. 161. Payne to Gresham.
1. Trusts his good lady and young master are well. Since his last there are come in here two great hulks from Calys [Cadiz] laden with salt, which are gone towards Amsterdam; likewise three hulks laden with salt from St. Troen's in Spain; also a great Easterling hulk laden with bay-salt from the bay in Brittany, who says that he came with ten great Hollander hulks laden with bay-salt, and each with 100 tuns of wine besides, which were taken up for the French King, and they departed from their captain towards Newhaven, where was the most part of the French King's army of ships, 250 in number, besides galleys, they making great preparations for war through all France. There is a hoy of Armuyden laden with wines of a Frenchman bound for Leith.
2. Was this day at Armuyden and spake with part of the masters of the eight hulks; they look for the Commissary to bring down money this week; Janson their Admiral tarries at the Court with him. A great hulk has arrived, which was arrested in England to serve the Queen, but is now discharged. The saying is that the King of Spain has sent word to the Queen and to the French King, desiring them not to arrest any of his laden merchant ships, but only those in ballast. The Scots here look every day for ships out of Scotland.—Middleburgh, 5 June 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Sir Thomas Gresham in the long new street in Antwerp. Pay the bringer one stiver. Endd. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Here a line is erased in the MS.
  • 2. Another copy occurs in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House.
  • 3. Another copy occurs in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House.