Elizabeth: March 1560, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: March 1560, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp455-461 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1560, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp455-461.

"Elizabeth: March 1560, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp455-461.

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March 1560, 16-20

March 16.
R. O.
867. The Emperor to the Queen.
He forwards the petition of certain citizens of Lubeck for redress of the injuries they had received by the sinking of their ship by John Ash, and requests that she will give it due consideration.—Vienna, 16 March 1560.
Copy. Endd.: The Emperor's letter in favour of Byllynghuse. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 16.
R. O.
868. Stephen Loitz to the Count Mansfeld.
1. The Queen has summoned some of the maritime cities to England, giving them hope of recovering their privileges; and the four cities of Lubeck, Dantzic, Hamburg, and "Colonia" will shortly send Envoys with full powers into England. Those of Dantzic will be here next Wednesday. Advises him to credit some one who shall act with them. Since money lenders in these parts are not satisfied with the English securities, the Queen can treat with the maritime cities before she decides on granting the privileges for a loan of 400,000 dollars, for which the city of London and the Parliament may become security. If this security is offered, the money may be had without difficulty at 12 per cent. interest, payable at Antwerp; especially if permission be granted to the lenders to export annually 6,000 undressed hides free of duty.
2. Forces are being raised on all sides, so if the Count likes the writer will confer with Christian Manteuffel and Francis Sparren, to levy some trained soldiers, in case the Queen should be pleased to pension them. The Count will be able to understand better by his own agent in England, about the security.—Stettin, 16 March 1560. Signed.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 16.
R. O.
869. Complaint of the French Ambassador. (fn. 1)
1. A vessel named the Jehanne de Renaudet, master Jacques Hillaire, laden with five pipes of Olonne, two casks and one tierce of wax, stockfish an cask staves, was boarded off Olonne (within two leagues of Rochelle), on Friday 19th Jan., and plundered by an English vessel, commanded by a man about thirty-five or forty years of age, with a red beard, wry-necked, and lame, who took everything from them.
2. About 26 Jan. a hoy and two vessels were captured by Admiral Winter in the Frith of Scotland.
3. About a month ago, a Breton ship called the Marie of Abrilduc, was captured, between Berwick and Eyemouth, by the Lion, one of Winter's ships.
4. A Flemish ship sent to Bredin with merchandise by a Scottish burgess of Dieppe, three months ago, has been captured off Folkestone, and taken into Dover by an English ship called the Pietre, commanded by William Tedemont.
5. He therefore begs that all these vessels with their crews and cargoes may be set at liberty.
Endd. by Cecil, and with a few marginal notes by him. Fr. Pp. 4.
March 17.
R. O.
870. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Duke of Norfolk.
Having written to the Queen of England to declare her mind to the French Ambassador at London, touching the reparation of the attempts committed by her Admiral in the Frith, Elizabeth has answered that she has directed inquisition to be made by the Duke. A copy of this letter the writer encloses, desiring him not only to take order for the restitution of certain ships, men, and goods, taken by the said Winter, but also to appoint a day and place for the trial of these matters.—Edinburgh, 17 March 1559. Signed: Marie.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Mrch 17.
R. O.
871. Henry Balnaves of Halhill to Sadler.
1. On the 17th received his letter of the 14th, and has seen the contents of the Duke of Norfolk's sent to the Lord James. The Earl of Arran is with his father at Glasgow, preparing for his journey; his letter is sent to him, and writings sent to the Duke of Châtellerault, warning him of the contents of Sadler's letter, and the practices devised by the French Ambassador, which are well known, and will get no place here.
2. The Duke of Norfolk should hasten forward the army. Their purpose was to have taken the fields on the 20th, but upon the Duke's first letter appointing the 28th for meeting, they deferred their meeting to the 23rd and 24th at Stirling. This diet they dare not alter, because their people having any stay will cast matters in doubt; and the Dowager noises abroad that the English army is stayed, and that the Queen is fully agreed with the French King; and the day before the Duke's letter came she made it manifest through the country that he would not keep the first day appointed; the Duke, therefore, should make all diligence to come forward.
3. Whilst the writer has vote in Council, no practice of the French shall detain any of the Lords here from their performances. Wishes him to cause it to be noised abroad that the English will enter Scottish ground two or three days before they actually do enter, which will make the French go sooner to their holds, and the Scottish folks come forward sooner. The Earl of Huntley has promised as much as they would wish, and many other Lords have joined them since their return from Berwick. The gentleman called Levingston, who is stayed in England, delivered a writing to a Scottishman, which was sent to the Dowager from her brothers, the Duke of Guise and Cardinal of Lorraine. This day this letter was presented to the Lord James; it is all written in cipher on one sheet of paper; and because none can get at the understanding of it, it is sent to Cecil in this packet.—St. Andrews, 17 March 1559.
Orig. Hol. [?] Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 17.
R. O.
872. John Brigantine to Cecil.
1. Journeying in East Friesland, and having intelligence that the Countess of Emden was at one of her castles, twenty miles from the town, he delivered her his letter of credence and declared the cause of his coming. She replied that as her Council was not there she would shortly return to Emden and give him answer, and desired him to remain there. Forasmuch as it was thought that the French would make suit to her for some place to assemble and embark their men for Scotland, she plainly said that there had been none made. The messengers that she has twice sent into France were sent on account of three Emden ships taken by the French in the time of Henry II., of which there is little likelihood of restitution. This he has been told by a merchant, who had part of the goods in the ships.
2. Count Anthony of Oldenburg, who is at a castle for his pleasure, desired him to return in eight days to Oldenburg. In the meantime he has journeyed towards Westphalia, where he has found the Colonel Frederick Spedt and Colonel Langar, who have told him that whereas Count Christopher of Olenburg should serve the French with twelve ensigns of foot and some horse, he will take no charge without twentyfour ensigns.
3. To-morrow the writer will go forward to both the Counts of Hoye. Cecil shall have shortly more intelligence about the French proceedings and the German nobility. Intends to send to Gresham for the 100 crowns for Colonel Langar, who perseveres earnestly in frustrating the proceedings of the French.—Haselune in Westphalia, 17 March 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 18.
R. O.
873. Lord James Stewart to the Duke of Norfolk.
1. Understands by his writing from Newcastle of the 13th, that his stay to the last of this month comes from necessity of preparation. The power of the Scotch being advertised to come to Stirling on the 24th, so that (according to the Duke's writing) they might have met on the 28th, they dare not for wasting of their provision alter the same; but will take the easier journeys to the meeting. Thanks him for his good advice touching the meeting of the craft of the French.
2. This day he received a letter sent from the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen Dowager; and because it is written in cipher and seems to contain the chief point of their devices, he encloses it to be sent to Cecil, to find some one able to disclose the same. He has directed the Earl of Arran's writing to him [Arran] with best advice to his father; for presently they are both together.— St. Andrews, 18 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 18.
R. O.
874. Cecil to Christopher Pintzberg.
Perceives by his letters, delivered by Wolfgang Bachman, how well affected he is towards the Queen; and how zealously affected towards the Christian religion. Of this Cecil has informed the Queen, who desires him to express her thanks. Nothing is more their wish than to promote the Gospel of Christ among themselves and their neighbours, peaceably, if possible; but if Satan resists by stirring up the French and the Pontificians, the English will not be found wanting.— Westminster, 18 March 1559.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 19.
R. O.
875. The Lords Erskine and Alexander Home to the Lord James.
Perceiving the troubles occurring in this realm, and greater appearing, if any army comes forth of England, they ask whether he would commune with them upon such purposes as would stay the same, and he would meet them at some convenient place where they might reason the matter at length. They think that the Queen would agree to anything reasonable, and desire to know when and where they shall meet, thinking themselves bound to execute a debt, due first to God, and next to their country and friends.—Edinburgh, 19 March 1559. Signed.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. P. 1.
March 19.
R. O.
876. Armour for the North.
1. A note of the armour sent to Berwick between 13 Dec. 1559 and 19 March following:—Demi-lances 240, corslets 2,500, Almain rivets 200, jacks 500, steel saddles 50, courriers 500.
2. The remain of the armour within the Tower, 19 March 1560: corslets 2,300, swartzritters, armour 700, demi-lances 1,500, jacks 500, brigandines 500, Almain rivets 100, steel saddles 200, skulls 3,000, curriers and burgonets 4,000, shirts of mail 440, sleeves of mail 900 pairs.
Endd.: 19 March 1559. Pp. 2.
March 19.
R. O. Haynes, p. 265.
877. Norfolk and his Council to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. Wrote to the Duke of Châtellerault, informing him what report the French Ambassador now resident in London made concerning his submission to the French King. He has written in return and sent Tho. Randolph hither with credence to make his purgation, which he [Norfolk] has caused Randolph to commit to writing, and which accompanies the letters. Randolph has returned to the Duke. Randolph has got in Scotland a copy of the beginning and ending of a patent granted by the French King and Queen when he was Dauphin; which copy the Duke sends, that Cecil may perceive how they use the titles and arms of England and Ireland. Randolph says he had in his hands the original patent in Scotland. He also states that the Duke and the Lords make all preparations to come to the fields at the day appointed, which he has deferred.
2. The Earl of Huntley, being now joined with them, prepares also to come to the field. Their party and power increase daily, and rejoice to join the Englishmen for expulsion of the French out of Scotland. The writer was informed yesterday that eight French ensigns, departed on Friday last from Edinburgh and Leith towards Stirling, for what purpose he knows not. Randolph informed him that the Duke of Châtellerault was advertised seven nights past that the French would repair westward from Edinburgh, whereupon he sent certain of his servants towards Edinburgh to bring him the truth of it. At the coming of Randolph from Glasgow hitherward on Friday last at one o'clock p.m. none had returned; so the Duke had no certainty. Randolph also showed him that the Earl of Arran and Lord James intended to levy a power suddenly to distress the four French ensigns which remain in Stirling, for which they desired of Mr. Winter the aid of 500 arquebusiers. It is supposed the French have got intelligence thereof and sent the said eight ensigns to reinforce them at Stirling and keep the town and passage there, or else to retire from thence to Leith.—Newcastle, 19 March 1559. Signed: Tho. Norfolk, William Gray, R. Sadler, G. Howard.
Orig., in Railton's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
R. O.
878. Usurpation of the Arms of England.
An unsigned memorandum to the effect that when M. d'Ardois, the Constable's secretary, took the ratification of the peace in the name of the King Dauphin to King Philip, during the life of the late King Henry, he delivered it to M. d'Arras in this style, "Francis, King of Scotland, England, and Ireland, Dauphin," etc. And when the Bishop of Arras heard that England was comprised in it he laughed.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[March 20.]
R. O.
879. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise to the Dowager of Scotland.
1. This bearer has made good diligence to bring them her letters, whereof they were very glad, the rather that they had received none from her since the coming of Protestant the courier. Since which time the Queen of England has kept them in alarm that she would begin the war, and shows by all her dealings that she is stirring the coals. They believe she has forgotten nothing whereby she might think to draw any fruit of her evil suspicion. Nevertheless she has given the fairest words of the world, whereunto the French King has not so much trusted but that he has advertised the King of Spain of all that she has done, who has answered that there is no cause to disallow his intent specially to go through with matters in Scotland; and that to chastise the rebels he will give the King as many vessels, men, and victuals as he wishes; (fn. 3) and so he has written to the Queen, who knowing that she can hope for nothing of that she reckons, begins to use other language, and causes her Ambassador to say that what she has done was only for jealousy, lest her realm be taken suddenly unawares. They believe that before the Dowager gets this letter, she will perceive that the Queen's intents have waxed very cold; and if what her Ambassador said be true, she will understand the whole story by a man whom M. de Sevre will send. Nevertheless they have sent this bearer by way of Flanders to advertise her that her rebels will be far from their reckoning if they count on the said Lady's protection, or else there is much dissimulation.
2. The King knowing after what sort he must trust Englishmen, leaves not to prepare twenty-four great ships to the intent (if need requires) to give order to them and other forces kept ready to succour the Dowager. In the meantime he has sent the Bishop of Valence, one of his Privy Council, to understand plainly the Queen's meaning, and in case the same be good, to come on to her with large memorials to essay to appease things in Scotland, and to find means to win time. The writers are hindered from furnishing her with money as often as they would be glad to do. This they durst not adventure, nor the Marquis their brother, for the evident danger that might happen; but it cannot be long before they see some way open, when they will not lose one quarter of an hour.
3. This matter of religion has so gone to work in Francc that within twelve or fifteen days there is discovered a conspiracy to kill them both, and then to take the King and give him masters and governors to bring him up in this wretched doctrine. For this purpose there should assemble a great number of persons hereabouts, who are not without the comfort and favour of some great ones, and betwixt the 6th and 16th of the month they would execute the same; so that without the help of God and the intelligence they had from all parts of Christendom, as well as from some of the conspirators, the matter would have taken effect. But this being discovered and many being prisoners, they hope that the matter is bolted out and the danger avoided.
4. She shall be advertised more particularly hereafter, especially if the way is freer. Montignac is presently arrived, whereupon order shall be taken out of hand.
Orig., entirely in cipher. Fr. Pp. 2.
[March 20.]
880. Translation of the above into English.
Portions in Throckmorton's cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil: 20 Martii. Letters deciphered from France to the Queen Dowager. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Complaint by the French Ambassador, with Winter's Reply.
    March 16.
    B. M. Calig. B. ix. 64.
    1. About the 26th Jan. a hoy, charged with artillery for St. Andrews by the Queen Dowager of Scotland, was taken in the Frith of Scotland by the fleet under Admiral Winter, and likewise two little ships belonging to two Frenchmen named Ferdinand and Coullais, which had been armed by her to keep those seas. Winter will not give them up without the Queen's commandment; he has, however, given most of their men a passport to go home through England.
    2. About a month or more ago, the Lyon, belonging to Winter's fleet, took a ship of Bretagne, the Marie of Abrildur, between Berwick and Eyemouth, on her return from Scotland, where she had been taking corn for the French King, under colour that he wanted her to carry men to Berwick. Winter also told the mariners that there was war, and they must come to Scotland, which he compelled them to do. Winter's folk carried the ship to Burnt Island, the English fleet lying in Leith Roads, and kept her, with her cargo of salmon, wool, leather, clothes, &c., belonging to a Scottish merchant, who had freighted her for Dieppe. Some of the mariners have come by land under the Duke of Norfolk's safe conduct. Copy, in Railton's hol.
    Winter's Reply.
    1. That he captured a hoy laden with brass ordnance, and also two men of war, manned with Frenchmen and bound eastward, because he had vehement suspicions of war on account of their killing and wounding several of his men, as they were returning unarmed to the ships; and also firing on the fleet as they entered Leith Roads, from the forts and town of Leith, with cannon and culverin, and injuring the ships and men. They merely saluted with shot, to show they were friends. He has restored the vessels and contents to their owners, saving the brass ordnance, at the request of the Earl of Arran and the Lords of the Congregation; if he had kept them they would not be able to recompense for the hurt done to his ships and men.
    2. He took the Breton vessel because he wanted her, all his smaller barks being separated from him by weather. All her goods have been restored to the owners, and the ship is at the owners' will and pleasure. He never spoke of there being war between France and England to anyone.
    Copy, by Winter's scribe. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
  • 2. Also in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House.
  • 3. The Admiral Coligny to the Constable.
    March 1.
    L. Paris, p. 319.
    . . ."Yesterday your Ambassador in Spain informed us that the King of Spain, being well informed as to the evil offices which the Queen of England was doing us in the matter of the Scots, offered to the King his galleys, ships, troops, provisions, and all other things necessary for obtaining satisfaction from the Scotch; adding, that he had sent such a despatch to the Queen as would put a curb into her mouth to turn her aside from her designs. The bearer can give further particulars. It is the writer's opinion that if the said Queen sees a good opportunity for reducing the two realms to her devotion, she will accept it. We ought not to sleep. There are in preparation twenty-four ships, and provisions for 10,000 men." . . .—Amboise, 1 March 1559.