Elizabeth: March 1560, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: March 1560, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp444-455 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1560, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp444-455.

"Elizabeth: March 1560, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp444-455.

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March 1560, 11-15

March 11.
R. O.
850. Robert Meynell and Michael Wandisford to the Marquis of Winchester.
1. Have received lately from the Queen two letters, authorizing them to exercise the offices of chancellor, steward, and other offices in the county palatine of Durham, in such sort as they occupied the same in the late Bishop's time; and two others with instructions from his Lordship for their better exercising the same. They lack the attendance of a Sheriff, which room was substantially filled in the late Bishop's time by Robert Tempest, Esq. Have as yet not heard what seal they shall have for sealing writs and other records; and they send him an impression in wax of that formerly used. The Great Seal is in the custody of the Bishop's executors, together with divers ancient charters, records, and books of survey concerning the liberties, privileges, and possessions of the county palatine; these they do not think the executors will deliver up without commandment and warrant for their discharge. They desire a warrant from the Queen for the using of the said several seals.
2. A complaint has been made by Christopher Athye, clerk of the works, that one Edward Cookson, under pretence of a patent granting to one Whiting the custody of a wood called Frankland, being now in the Queen's hands as part of the temporalities of the said bishopric, has entered into the wood with his beasts, and consumed the spring thereof, and taken suit against the said Christopher Athye and other keepers before the Council at York, whereby they are so vexed that the Queen's woods cannot be well saved. It is necessary that the said suit were stayed by letters to the Council, or injunction to the party. They have also received a commission of the peace, whereby they perceive that William Claxton, Richard Hebburn, John Swinburn, and William Brackenbury, Esquires, are left out, and Robert and John Conyers, men unknown, are put in. The gaol has been accustomed to be delivered at this time in the year; it is requisite that commission were had for the delivery of prisoners that have been a long time in gaol. The names of the Commissioners to be appointed appear in the Chancery, from whence commissions have been of late time directed.—Durham, 11 March. Signed.
Orig., in Meynell's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 12.
R. O. Haynes, p. 261.
851. Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 1)
He has received Cecil's letters of the 9th. Expresses his earnestness to serve the Queen to the best of his abilities. Waits till he receives answer to this letter, to decide either to tarry or go forward in this journey, wherein he will act as it shall please the Queen to command. He is not furnished as he would wish, having nothing for such a journey ready, but tents only.—Newcastle, 12 March. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 12 Martii 1559. Pp. 2.
March 12.
R. O.
852. John Bennett to Cecil.
1. Has laden three ships of the town with ordnance and munition for the field, which has disfurnished them here, through the furnishing of six ships of the town for men of war with certain ships of Hull, and through the furnishing of captains by land; so there remains not past one last of serpentine, and one and a half lasts of corn powder. Has delivered since his lieutenancy above twenty-six lasts by warrant.
2. Will repair to Berwick and ship ordnance and munitions for the field, which, being done, there will be as small remain as at Newcastle. There remain but few harquebuses and corryers, as they are delivered forth to captains as fast as they may be made serviceable. There is great want for the arms that were in the ship that was lost, so that there are delivered forth above 800 arms unfurnished. He desires that they may have relief, and that some ship ordnance may be remembered, as he has delivered to the ships small pieces meet for the field.— Newcastle, 12 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 13.
R. O.
853. Francis Edwards to Cecil.
1. Arrived at this town on the 7th, and received a letter from a friend at Rouen, who wrote that he had seen a letter from Portland [Dieppe], mentioning that Charles [d'Elbœuf] had departed into the country. The merchants are glad of the same, for he was right noisome unto them; few men can say well by him or the Chief Justice [Cardinal of Lorraine], and think there will be some stir before they bring their matters to pass. All men draw back and get themselves out of the way, in order not to go with him on his voyage; some say they are sick, and other they lack money. There is much talk of the Laurel tree [the Queen]. The poor merchants would be sorry to have cloth [war] of her making; they say it is too great a price for them, they will not be able to wear it out; they will be content with their old coats [peace], they have no money to buy new clothes [war] at present; "wishing the Chief Justice [Cardinal of Lorraine] were bound to a stake and all the dogs of Pallis Garden upon his back."
2. Men fear a naughty work amongst themselves. They will suffer much and speak fair whilst they are behindhand, and he cannot perceive they will be beforehand this year.
3. Men write that Charles [d'Elbœuf] his merchandise is still in his ships until the rest are ready; Edwards will write more fully when he hears from Folkstone [Newhaven]. Passage is scant to come by. Three ships are being made ready to serve; the Great Carrick, Salamander, and the barque Young. He sends this by the lackey of a friend, who will know where to find him on his return. A Scot serving the Cardinal of Lorraine is sent to the Queen Dowager, or some other; he can be known by a cut between his eyes, flaxen hair, small yellowish beard, cut leather jerkin, a velvet cap, gentlemanlike; he is sent with privy letters and will go perhaps by way of England, or perhaps by Zealand.—13 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 13.
854. Articles proposed to the French by the English Ambassador.
A summary of the Articles proposed by the English Ambassador (under protest that he had no authority to furnish them in writing,) to the French King, the Queen Mother, and the Cardinal of Lorraine, 13 March 1559, to be granted by the said King to the Queen of England, for the preservation of the peace between their Majesties. It consists of seven articles.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 3.
March 14.
R.O. Haynes, p. 262.
855. Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. Forwards letters from the Lord James Stuart with others addressed to Cecil. Understands by other means that the Lords of the Congregation prepare their forces to meet the English army at the place and day appointed between them at their last conference at Berwick. Upon receipt of his letters of the 7th inst., he wrote to the Earl of Arran, Lord James, and Lord Ruthven, and deferred the day to the 28th inst. And now, upon receipt of the Queen's letter of the 10th, he has written again to the said Lords that upon consideration of things necessary to be prepared for the better furnishing of our army, he is enforced to prolong the day till the 31st hereof; which delays will not please them. Has also written to the Duke of Châtellerault and the said Lords and advised them of the French practices, and admonished them to stand fast against all temptations. He has written to Winter, advising him to use no hostility in the Frith against the French, now being in Scotland, except they provoke him thereunto, yet to stay all succours that may come unto them.—Newcastle, 14 March 1559. Signed.
2. (fn. 3) P. S.—The news is that Lord Ambrose Dudley is deceased, which, if it should fall out true, the writer requests Cecil to be a suitor with the Queen to remember with the office of the ordnance his cousin, Sir George Howard.
Orig., the letter in Railton's hol., the P. S. in the Duke's. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 14.
856. The Master of Maxwell to Lord Dacre.
1. Has received his writing, with one for the Duke of Châtellerault, which he sends away with diligence. Believes all will be well in this matter, for he has heard that the Earl of Huntley has lately joined himself to the rest of the Lords of this part. The Lairds of Drumlangrik, Lochinvar, and Garlies have promised him to pass to the Duke, and to labour with Lord Morton and the Karrs to the same effect, whereby he hopes that they will be of one mind to expel the strangers from their country.
2. Whilst they are absent, Dacre ought to see that the country is not oppressed by Scotch or English thieves, and show plainly that whoever does annoyance to them or theirs who go forth in this service, he will annoy them as time and occasion may serve.—Dumfries, 14 March 1559. Signed: John Maxwell.
Copy. P. 1.
March 15.
R. O.
857. The Queen to the Emperor.
Has received his letters written at Vienna on 11 Feb. delivered by George von Helfenstein, by which she understands that he knows of her answer to Gasper Preyner, Baron of Stebyng. She has also heard the message with which Count Helfenstein was intrusted. She thus perceives the goodwill of the Emperor's son, the Archduke Charles, towards her, which she highly appreciates; nevertheless she is not willing to change her single life. She concludes with expressions of kindness and gratitude towards himself and his family.—Westminster, 15 March 1560.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. by him. Lat. Pp. 4.
March 15.
R. O. 171 B.
858. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
March 15.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 360.
859. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 12th inst., her courier, Frances, arrived at Amboise with the letters of herself and the Council of the 7th. According to her instructions he repaired on the 13th to the Court; and after having dined with the Cardinal (who was accompanied with the Chancellor, Olivier, the Prince of Joinville, the Archbishop of Vienne (Marillac), the Bishop of Orleans, and divers others of the long robe), the Cardinal retired with him to his chamber, where he told him that the King and he had received letters from their Ambassador in England containing the effect of certain articles proponed to him there, which Throckmorton would more amply dilate to them.
2. Thereupon the writer declared he had done what he could tending to peace between the Queen and the French King; that the French Ambassador had made an appearance of the good disposition of the King to accord all things touching the Queen and the matters of Scotland, and that she had commanded him to open to the King the means that may confirm the same and establish perpetual peace between them; which not being accorded, she could not be persuaded that the amity could long endure without jealousy and doubt, specially considering the late suspicions. The writer said also that by letters received from the Queen he understood that their Ambassador had travailed with the same to have all things friendly compounded, and for that purpose had given occasion of devising certain articles, whereof the French Ambassador allowed part, rejected others offered by the Queen, and misliked others, although without these last the Queen saw no surety could follow.
3. Here the Cardinal said that Throckmorton had made a fair proposition in words as though the Queen desired peace, and yet by his doings it seemed as if she minded to break. To which the writer made no answer, but continued his tale; and said that among other things, their Ambassador had accorded that these innovations made by the King here and the Queen his wife touching her arms and title, should forthwith be reformed and cease for ever. Whereunto, said the Cardinal, he has gone besides his commission; for he had no ground from them to proceed in this sort, further than to say that it should be no hindrance to the amity. "But no marvel" quoth he, "for he hath from the beginning had such a disposition to bring things to quiet as he, without respect to anything else, hath clean forgotten himself."
4. The writer then declared the articles about the withdrawal of the French troops from Scotland and the sending of a commission for that purpose.
5. The Cardinal desired to have these articles in writing. Throckmorton answered that he had no commission for so doing, but at length thought good (under protest) to draw them out in such a form that they cannot take advantage by any of them. A copy of which he sends.
6. Hereupon, being brought to the King, he delivered her letters and then declared what he had proposed to the Cardinal. Whereunto the King said nothing, but pressed him to put the matter in writing. He answered with the same protestations as he had made to the Cardinal, and promised to put the same in articles.
7. From him he was conducted by M. de Randan, (brother to the Conte Rochefaucault) to the Queen Mother, to whom also he delivered her letters and commendations, who thanked the Queen, and made the like request as the King and Cardinal. Whereunto Throckmorton agreed as before. The Cardinal desired the writer to signify to the Queen a conspiracy wrought against him and the Duke, his brother, which arose from Geneva. Throckmorton said that the Queen would be sorry to hear of it, and would aid the King against such meddlers. The Cardinal said that some of them had been met, and on the 12th inst. eighteen men were apprehended by M. de Sansar near Tours, every one of them carrying behind him on horseback a bag full of pistoletts, shot, and powder. This is all that passed between the King, the Queen Mother, the Cardinal, and the writer.
8. The same evening he sent the Articles to the Cardinal, praying him to return an answer likewise in writing to be sent to the Queen. He said he would show them to the King, consider them, and then give answer; for which the writer waited till the 13th, when, not hearing from him, he sent again, alleging that the Queen's courier only stayed for his answer, whom she would think long in returning. He answered that the King had seen them, but had not resolved thereupon. Wherefore, weighing that on the 13th inst., about midnight, they despatched one to their Ambassador in England without giving the writer knowledge, and that the expedition of the Queen's affairs is of so great importance, he has thought good to despatch this bearer, so that she may not be abused by any indirect dealing, and also understand what he does here, the better to proceed with the French King's ministers on that side.
9. He has understood from the Spanish Ambassador that on the 14th inst., there passed by this Court a courier from Spain into Flanders, who carried letters to M. de Glaion, a man of experience and of the Privy Council, to pass over into England to the Queen; and that also another should be appointed, whom he knew not, to come to this Court; both to travail to compound matter between the Queen and the French King. He perceived also that the Bishop of Limoges, resident with the King of Spain for this King, sent a courier, who arrived within four hours after the other, who makes her proceedings other than they are, for his master's advantage. Hereupon, fearing lest the King of Spain, through ignorance of her proceedings, might conceive otherwise than well, the writer thought it not amiss to make the Spanish Ambassador privy to the Articles delivered by him to the French King. He said plainly that she could desire no less; that she had reason to demand a great deal more, that the French in refusing to satisfy her in the same would seem unreasonable; and he was sure his master, understanding this much, (whatever the French Ambassador might say,) would mislike their proceeedings, and would be gladder and more esteem the Queen if she do as she may do and make an end to her advantage. He assured the writer that Glaion was a wise man, and would consider as well as any man the necessity of amity between England and the Low Country, and said the other would not be here so soon but that his master might be advertised of her proceedings; and asked for a copy of the Articles to send the same to the King of Spain, who, being instructed accordingly, would give less ear to the French persuasions. To this Throckmorton consented; whereupon the Ambassador told him he would despatch one into Spain in post.
10. Guido Cavalcanti bears great affection to the Queen's service, and follows the writer's advice in his proceedings. He is in good grace with the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise, who (Cavalcanti says) said they would sell lands, goods, and all that ever they had rather than agree to the Articles, and yet he knows if she stands in them they will condescend thereunto. Their case is such now that they cannot choose; for they have nothing ready for the war and are in doubtful terms at home. They have so many irons in the fire, they cannot tell which way to turn them. Cavalcanti also says, that the Queen's proceedings are so liked among the strangers of this Court, that her realm has more estimation than when it had Calais, so if the end succeed she shall during her time be quiet and these men afraid to enter into war with her. Here they will do nothing but trifle to win time and make as much preparation as they may. He advises her not to let the occasion slip, as in their present condition they will be glad to make an honourable end with her and perhaps grant more than is yet spoken of. As long as the house of Guise rules in France these "pikes" will never be forgotten, but revenge will be sought. He advises, for the prevention of malice hereafter from the French, that the King of Spain and the Emperor be desired to make a treaty of continual peace between her and the French King, with capitulation that whoever first breaks, the other two, with the aid of the Prince injured, shall set upon the beginner of the war. In respect of the state of Christendom, this will be well for the Emperor; and King Philip being occupied with his country upon Barbary, will give good ear thereunto, especially since the French will not attempt anything against the Low Countries for fear of the Queen. He advisedly omitted to make mention of the 3rd Article, (which is to have the matter brought to communication,) because, before the coming of her courier, he understood it was the only point the French desired, and whereby they might have most colour to win time. It is understood here, by a post from Scotland on the 11th inst., that Leith is not guardable ten days, unless they have present relief.
11. He advises her,—in case Cievre or M. de Valence desire to have audience, and in their declaration to be made to her of the proceedings here between the Cardinal and himself, upon the arrival of the courier despatched on the 13th inst. without his knowledge, do not give a resolute answer touching the demands he has proponed to them, and that to her satisfaction,—to answer them that she will stay treating with them till she hears from him what answer he receives on this side. He begs her in that case to order that neither Cievre nor any other send any despatches into Scotland; and that if she perceives they mind not to resolve upon answer to the Articles ministered by him to them, to revoke him with great speed and secresy, and then take her opportunity to constrain them to come to better terms.
12. He is glad that Glaion repairs into England; she can win him to be affectionate to her and her realm, for he is a man worthy to be won and to be made of.
13. There is granted to the King here 600,000 francs only for the rigging of ships and provision of victuals. John Ribaud and Ross continue still upon the sea coasts for the preparation of ships. The garboil here is now very hot, which troubles them sore and will rather increase, and here is already sending out of horsemen and pistoliers on all sides. The Pope has granted the request of the Emperor for his coronation; and Cardinal Morone shall go into Almaine for that purpose; who is not thoroughly cleared of the causes charged to him during his imprisonment. The Pope has referred the matter of the Council to the Emperor. The Cardinal of Guise has returned to this Court. The Cardinal of Bellay, Dean of the College, is dead, and in his stead Cardinal Tournon is like to be elected. The Pope demanded licence of this King to bestow the Cardinal Bellay's benefices, because he died at Rome. The enterprise of Tripoli is broken, the revolt being pacified and quieted by Dracut Raiz; to whom the Turk has sent a succour of thirty galleys to defend the sea coast. So King Philip's enterprise failed, and his men of war are constrained to retire.—Amboise, 15 March 1559. Signed.
14. P. S.—The Marshal of St. André was, the 15th inst., sent forth with 300 horsemen to Tours for apprehending certain companies there; and the Duke of Nemours and the Admiral of France the same day were also sent forth with 200 others for the empeaching of another company not far hence.
Orig. Large portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 13.
March 15.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 369.
860. Throckmorton to the Council.
On the 12th inst. he received their letters of the 7th inst. by Francisco, the courier, and others from the Queen. He recapitulates the information and advice contained in his letter of the same date to the Queen. Recommends to them M. de Glajeon, sent from the King of Spain, to be entertained as appertains to such a personage.—Amboise, 15 March 1559, at 8 p.m. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 9.
March 15.
R.O. Haynes, p. 262.
861. Norfolk and his Council to the Privy Council. (fn. 4)
1. They perceive that 20,000l. are coming hither, whereof they have great need, for there is not past 3,000l. which was last sent towards the pay which is due for February now past. The charge is great here, and daily increased by reason of the charge of the limmer horses and carriages, the furniture of the ships of Hull and Newcastle, and the advancement of money to Winter, because also the number of footmen is daily increased. They request that another mass of treasure may be sent hither immediately to follow the aforesaid sum, considering that when the pay is made for February and March there will not be much remaining of that which is now coming. When the army enters Scotland the writers must advance a month's wages aforehand, because the soldiers must have always ready money. Much money is owing to the garrison of Berwick, which must be paid, especially to those as shall go this journey.
2. They have a great lack of armour, for all that was sent is bought by the captains, and shall be well paid for. If it were possible to send 2,000 corselets more they would be well bought, and their footmen well armed, whereof a great number are unfurnished.—Newcastle, 15 March 1559. Signed: Thos. Norfolk, W. Grey, R. Sadler, G. Howard, H. Percy, F. Leek.
Orig., with seal, in Railton's hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 15.
862. Norfolk to Cecil.
Lest, if there should want money at the entering of the army into Scotland, fault should be imputed to him for not giving warning, he writes to the effect that he has received 10,000l. by Valentine Brown, which, with 20,000l. more, would be well enough, if there had not been a new supply of men, which almost amount to as much charge again as the number appointed at his coming from London; and whereas he was discharged from paying the garrison at Berwick, yet he has since received the Queen's commandment to pay those that go with him to the field, besides the money that Winter has had of him, and the charges for 200 carts and carters, and 400 "lymmers" and their keepers. Cecil will consider how far this sum is unable to countervail these charges, not to speak of the prest to be paid to the soldiers before entering Scotland. Wishes that Newcastle in this pinch were as well able to lend her money as London.—15 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 15.
R. O.
863. The Duke of Châtellerault to Norfolk.
Perceives by Norfolk's letter of the 11th inst. the malice borne towards him of the French, who by false reports and other dishonest means seek to hinder his credit with the Queen of England, seeing that by no other means can they force him to change his purpose or fail in his promise. He never (by his honour) had any such thought in his head as that which the French Ambassador has falsely burdened him with to the Queen; and never wrote, or caused to be written, any letter into France since his son's coming into Scotland. Has desired this bearer, Mr. Randolph, to declare further of his mind unto him.—Glasgow, 15 March 1559. Signed.
Copy, in Randolph's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[March 15.]
R. O.
864. Randolph's Credit to the Duke of Norfolk from the Duke of Châtellerault.
1. He shall confirm as amply as he can that which the Duke has written to Norfolk concerning the false report made of Châtellerault unto the Queen of England by the French Ambassador, or others.
2. He shall declare that on the Duke's honour and faith to God there was no such thought in his head; and that he has made oath and given his bond to the rest of the Lords of the Congregation never to talk or communicate with the French, or any of their faction, without the consent of the most part of them.
3. And further, if the Queen have any suspicion of him, contrary to his promise made to her and sent by the Laird of Lethington, and confirmed to the Duke of Norfolk by the late Commissioners, he is to declare in the Duke's name that for her further security he will at all times, if she demand it, deliver into her hands any son of his except his eldest, who cannot be spared; or if she be not satisfied, will put his eldest son in state of his lands, and yield up himself into her hands.
4. He is to give thanks to the Duke of Norfolk for his letter, and especially because he would not credit any such report as this against his honour. In which quarrel the Duke of Châtellerault offers himself to fight with any his equal, or to assign one who shall fight with any his inferior as he shall be in degree, to the meanest that begs his bread.
5. Finally, he is to ask the Duke to continue his favour to Scotland and to further this action; also to remember the Lords' request to Winter for 500 soldiers in order to expel those in Stirling; and Randolph is to declare the whole estate of things.
Copy, in Randolph's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
March 15.
R. O.
865. Lord James Stewart to Norfolk.
1. Understands by the Duke's writing from Newcastle of the 11th, which he received from the Admiral, that he cannot keep the day of meeting before fixed, but has deferred it to the 28th inst., whereof he has advertised the country. As they were ready to keep the former day, so he trusts that they will be to keep this. He has also advertised the Duke of Châtellerault. Hopes that the French (bolstered with their plain falsehood and manifest lies going about to trap and abuse Norfolk and the Scotch,) will not raise any fruit thereof. The French are even as busy to spread the like bruit of the English among the Scotch.—St. Andrews, 15 March 1559. Signed.
2. P. S.—Hopes Norfolk has received his other writings of Lord Huntley's adjunction in this cause.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 15.
R. O.
866. Philip Buckart to Cecil.
Announces the death of his father, Francis, on January 15, being the seventh week after his return. Cecil's letters arrived after that event and have been forwarded by the writer to Volrade, Count Mansfelt, whom they chiefly concerned.—Weimar, 15 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Another copy of this letter is at Hatfield House in the Duke's letter-book.
  • 2. Another copy occurs at Hatfield House in the Duke's letter-book.
  • 3. This P.S. does not occur in the copy at Hatfield.
  • 4. Another copy in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House.