Mary: April 1558

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: April 1558', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: April 1558', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: April 1558". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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April 1558

April 4. 749. Queen Mary to Thomas Gresham. Has learned by his letters lately addressed to the Council his diligence in the provision of money to her use. Desires him to proceed in the bargain lately made for the 10,000l.; if he cannot get it at 14 per cent. he is to give more at his discretion, as well in future sums as in the present. That he may take up the money as speedily as possible he is to make allowance of interest for it from any day he can settle to the day of payment the 15th May next, and get the money delivered. He is to bargain as speedily as he can for the further sums specified in his instructions, and to pay thereof to Sir Wm. Pickering, for levying, &c., the German troops, as much as shall be demanded by the order in the former warrant. Also he is to provide with the same money such quantity of munitions of war as shall be signified to him by the Master of the Ordnance, to whom charge has been given to write thereupon. [Minute. Two pages.]
Eod. die. Copy of schedule of articles required, inclosed in the preceding letter. [Half a page.]
April 6.
The Court at Greenwich.
750. [Secretary Boxall] to Thomas Gresham. At Gresham's departure from Greenwich he received letters from the Council to the King. They doubt if he has delivered them, since in his first letter he made no mention of his having done so. Prays to be informed as soon as possible what he has done therein, that, if her Majesty inquire, he may satisfy her thereupon. Recommends him in all his greatest affairs to repair from time to time to the King, and take order from him, or at least make him privy to all he is about to do. By this he will better accomplish his charge and find more help and favour therein. [Minute. One page. Partly printed by Burgon, Vol. i., p. 157.]
April 12.
751. Thomas Gresham to Queen Mary. Received her Majesty's letter of the 4th inst. on the 12th at Brussels, with her own and the City's bonds for a bargain made with Andreas Lixshalls and the Company for 10,000l. Received also a letter from the Council and another from the Count de Feria to the King, which he delivered with his own hand to day at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at his coming from the Grey Friars of Boytendalle three English miles hence, where he has kept this holy time of Easter. Thanks be to God the King is in as right good health as her Majesty's own heart can desire. According to her instructions informed the King of the taking up of the 10,000l. and of all his other proceedings, which he approved of, and said he stayed only for the coming of the Captain of the Germans, when he would give order to Gresham for the necessary payments. To this replied that he was ready to make them and any other which were needed. The King then commanded him to advertise her of intelligence had from Dieppe out of France, which he gave to Gresham in writing. Sends it herein. Has been referred by the King for all other matters to the Duke of Savoy, whom he finds most ready to accomplish her Majesty's wishes. The news here is that the King intends shortly to be in England.
P.S.—Antwerp, April 14. After writing his formal letter, rode over to Antwerp for the provision of saltpetre and munitions. On the 13th inst. bargained with Jeronimus Rechingre the elder for 2,000l. at 14 per cent., and bought of him 1,500l. of saltpetre. [Two pages.] Inclosing,
751. I. Intelligence referred to. I. de Courteville to —. Has been desired by the Duke to forward this report of April 7th received by him from M. de Buzincourt. Last Tuesday saw M. de Dlere embark at Dieppe; he was accompanied to the ship by his wife, and the Governor of Dieppe dined with them. He has with him 12 vessels well fitted out and painted in his colours, and they carry 12 ensigns of foot. It was said in Dieppe that these men had been levied in Normandy a long while since; also that on the same day 50 ships would sail from Grace, Hableneuf, and Treport to meet the Spanish fleet. Knows no other muster in France. [French. One page.]
Copy of the preceding letter from Gresham. [Two pages.]
April 12.
752. The Cardinal of Trent to Queen Mary. The Emperor has in his wars made use of the faithful assistance of his brothers and nephews, some of whom have been taken prisoners and some died in battle; they have also been present in all the wars of King Philip, and are now taking part in them. When he heard of her Majesty's preparations for war, thought it not inconsistent with his fidelity towards her and her husband to offer to her the service of his nephew, who previously served her Majesty in the Piedmontese wars and lately at Naples, and has so cultivated the military profession that he is considered an experienced soldier. If it meets with her approval he could bring her Majesty 4,000 or 6,000 foot or more picked Germans, and serve her faithfully. If he fails in obtaining her approval, he shall be glad to have shown that his will is ever prompt and ready to serve her. [Latin. One page.]
Eod. die. Copy of the preceding. [One page.]
April 20.
753. Obligation by John Ribault, citizen of Dieppe, to pay to John de Palme, a Portuguese, certain sums of money pursuant to sentence pronounced against him by the Parliament of Rouen. [French. Certified copy. Five pages.]
April 24.
754. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since his letter of the 16th nothing has occurred here, except that his Holiness heard from France on the 10th that the sons of the Duke of Paliano and Antonio Caraffa, his nephew, should not come from France until the French King and he were better accorded. Nevertheless, on the 17th the Pope had word of their having licence, and so they arrived on the 19th. Cardinal Caraffa is expected here to night or to-morrow at the farthest. Prior to his Holiness hearing of the Cardinal's arrival at Ancona, he was in great heaviness and had no cheer within him, seeing there had been no tidings of the Cardinal from the time that he took his galley at Venice, which, as some say, was on Easter Eve, others on Good Friday, from which time till the 20th no certain intelligence of him had been received. On that day, however, a post came with accounts of his safe arrival at Ancona on the evening of the 19th. This so much delighted the Pope that he gave the post 500 crowns, and now his Holiness is well amended in his strength and is merry. Upon Wednesday last he kept a Consistory wherein he deprived the late Bishop of Pergamo [Bergamo], declaring him a heretic. He has also made process against Sign. Carnesicca in Venice, whom Carne knew here when he was Secretary to Pope Clement. John Bernardine, her Majesty's servant at Venice, has written to him that the Venetians have in full readiness 120 gallies well appointed. Hears no speech of the Turk's army now. Bernardine also informs him that the Duke of Ferrara's Ambassador there says the marriage of the Prince of Ferrara with the Duke of Florence's daughter is concluded. As yet the Duke of Norfolk's dispensation for his marriage is not had: it must tarry the coming of Cardinal Caraffa. [One page and a half.]
April 26.
755. Thomas Gresham to Queen Mary. By his letter of the 22d inst. signified to her Majesty that he had bargained with Lazarus Tucker for 11,000l. at 14 per cent. to be repaid on the 20th May twelvemonth. Since then has been to Brussels by order of Mr. Pickering with 1,500l. for the dispatch of Capt. Wallerthum. Saw the King there in good health upon St. George's Day in his robes, and the Duke of Savoy with him; the feast was kept very solemnly by the King with all his nobles and gentlemen about him. Since his return to Antwerp has bargained with Jacob Van Gottesheim for 3,000l. at 14 per cent. to pay as above. Has bought 55,000 weight of serpentine powder, which is the whole remainder of her commission for powder, as he has signified to the Council. Begs her Majesty's pardon upon his account, which he did not trouble her with on his leaving England. This his uncle Sir John Gresham always had of King Henry VIII. under his broad seal of England. His credit was at a great stay both in Flanders and England because he was so long upon the ending of his account. Has written to the Council to plead with her for him in this behalf. [One page and a half. Partly printed by Burgon, Vol. i., p. 107.]
April 26.
756. Thomas Gresham to Secretary Boxall. By his letters of the 22d inst. signified to him the bargain made with Lazarus Tucker for 11,000l. at 14 per cent., to be repaid the 20th May twelvemonth Has since been at Brussels by order of Sir William Pickering with 1,500l. to bring Capt. Walertone [Wallerthum] whose demands have been very great, to some agreement. Left the declaration of it to Pickering. Returned with the money, by Pickering's advice, to Antwerp. When they agree, their next way will be to come to Antwerp, where he will be ready to pay them whatever sums the King commands. Has bargained with divers men of Antwerp for 55,000 weight of serpentine powder at 3l. 3s. 4d. a hundred, to be delivered by the 10th and 20th prox., which is the remainder of the Queen's commission for powder. Has bought 400 dags, 200 splints, 200 skulls, 300 morions, and 150 pair of sleeves of mail. Will not ship them till further orders, for there are no ships of war at Antwerp to carry them. Mentions his bargain with Jacob Van Gottescheim and asks for the necessary bonds. Requests him to be the means of getting his pardon upon his account. [Two pages. Partly printed by Burgon, Vol. i., p. 196.]
April. 757. Contract of marriage between Mary, Queen of Scots, and Francis, Dauphin of France. [Copy. French. Eight pages. In Sir Joseph Williamson's Collection, 1st Series, Vol. ii., p. 130. Printed by Keith, History, Appendix, p. 353, ed. Spottiswoode Socy. and Acta Parl. Scot. Vol. ii., p. 511.]