Mary: March 1558

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: March 1558', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: March 1558', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: March 1558". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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March 1558

[March 1.] 729. Warrant to Thomas Gresham to pay 200l. in prest to Sir William Pickering, Knt., and money for his diets at four marks a day from the 8th inst. while engaged on her Majesty's service abroad. [Draft. One page.]
March 6.
730. Cardinal Caraffa to Queen Mary. The two fathers who bear this letter come from Italy to explain to her Majesty certain matters pertaining to their congregation of Canons Regular. Begs her to give them a favourable hearing, and send them away consoled by receiving justice, conformably to the hope they entertain. [Italian. Half a page.]
March 10. 731. Queen Mary to Thomas Gresham. Having given commission to Sir William Pickering, Knt., to repair to the King and from him to go further into Germany or otherwise according to the King's commands to take musters of 3,000 Germans for her service, who will need money for the better dispatch of this business, commands Gresham to lend him out of the money he shall receive in the Low Countries such sums as shall be required by the King's warrant. [Minute, autograph of Petre. Two pages.]
March 10.
732. Philip, Count of Hornes, to Bernardo de Fresneda, Confessor to King Philip II. Has received his letter by the archer, and has written to his Lieutenant to know why he has not taken the oath. His statement differs from what the archer says. Rumours from the coast as to war with England. [Spanish. One page and a half.]
March 12.
733. Instructions given by Queen Mary to Thomas Gresham, sent to Flanders as her factor.
1. He is to take full information of the bargain offered to Germayn Scioll by Chemany for 100,000l. for one year at 12 per cent., and 1 per cent. for reward, brokerage, &c.
2. He is to take full information of the quantities of powder, saltpetre, and other provision to be made there for armour and munitions, and to provide such parcels as shall be appointed by the Queen or her Council. He is to go to Antwerp by post and to ascertain as soon as possible from Chemany if the bargain will be performed or not, and if it will to send word in post to England with full information for the bonds to be made.
3. He is then to repair to the King and deliver the letters which he has for him communicating the effect of these instructions, and to sue for his licence for the provision and conveyance of the powder and munitions and the money necessary to be brought from Flanders to England.
4. The premises declared, and the King's pleasure known, he is to go to Antwerp to get the 100,000l. from Scioll and to borrow another 100,000l. for a year at interest not exceeding 14 per cent.
5. If the bargain do not take place he is to endeavour to borrow 200,000l., or as much of it as he can, at not more than 14 per cent.
6. He is to have 20s. a day for his diet from the 10th March.
7. He is to have four clerks at 16d. a day.
8. He is to be further allowed the expense of any provisions, or of posting and messengers, to the King, Queen, or Council.
9. He is to allowed house-hire for the keeping of treasure, powder, &c., and for carriage of the same.
10. The Commissioners or Auditors of his account to allow him all these expenses beyond his diet, and clerks, on his oath.
11. If the money now going to Flanders as valued money shall fall, he is to have proper allowance.
12. In all other matters he is to act as directed by the Queen or Council. [Two pages.]
March 14.
734. Francisco Bernardo de Fresneda (King Philip's Confessor) to Queen Mary. Returns thanks for her Majesty's letter of 23d ult. His Majesty has been unwell for some days, with his usual complaint, occasioned by the ill success of affairs. Trusts she will not lay this too much to heart. Hopes for peace with France by the intervention of England. [Spanish. Two pages.]
March 14.
St. Omer.
735. Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, to same. She will have been advertised that, soon after the French had entered Calais, John Highfield, late Master of the Artillery there, came to Bruges. From strong suspicion that there had been an understanding between him and the French, had caused him to be arrested and detained at Bruges, where he has been until now. Lately while repassing through that town was importuned by the prisoner's wife to set him free. Sends her under the charge of a French gentleman, Francis du Bourch, the bearer. [French. One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 15. 736. Instructions from Queen Mary to Sir William Pickering, appointed to repair to the King, and by his order to receive 3,000 Germans for the Queen's service in England. He is to go to Brussels, after receiving the Queen's letters or those of the Council or others, to the King, and learn his pleasure concerning the levying and sending over of the band. After this he is to repair to Thomas Gresham and receive the sums necessary for that purpose by the King's warrant, for which he is to ask. After seeing the money safely carried he is to repair, with the persons appointed by the King to assist him, to the places where the Germans are to be levied, and bargain to the best advantage, taking such as are best armed and so sorted as he knows most expedient for the service of this realm. When levied he to take them to Dordrecht, or elsewhere appointed by the King, to embark them for Newcastle, and either accompany them himself or commit them to responsible persons, whom he shall order to see them delivered to the persons appointed by the Earl of Westmoreland, the Queen's Lieutenant there. The Queen allows him for his own diet, over and above post-horses for him and his train, four marks a day and the allowance of Thomas Daniel and Peter Smythe accompanying him, of which money he is to receive 200 marks before going and the rest from Gresham, as aforesaid. He is to write an account of their embarkation and the probable time of their arrival at Newcastle. [Three pages.]
March 15.
737. Cardinal Caraffa to Queen Mary. Before leaving the King and returning to Rome, as he is shortly about to do, thinks it his duty at least to write to her Majesty, since he cannot go to kiss her hands, and to beg that as the King has made him by his great kindness his perpetual servant, she will deign to hold him hers in similar manner. [Italian. One page.]
March 16.
738. Francisco Bernardo de Fresneda to same. Recommending to her Majesty the bearer, a Canon Regular, who has business of his order to attend to. [Spanish. One page]
March 16.
739. Same to same. A league has been entered into between the Kings of France and Denmark with certain Easterling maritime cities against King Philip, and those cities are preparing a large fleet to aid the former Sovereign against his Majesty. Captain Vogel has laboured much to dissolve this league; he has a cause presently depending before her Majesty's Council which is solicited by Doctor Quetiene, and for the speedy and favourable hearing of which she is entreated, as Vogel is able to do her good service with these Easterlings. Trusts that this trading with Muscovy and the Indies will not cause great disturbances between Spain and England. The fleet of the Easterlings seems to have offensive intentions towards England, as her Majesty may see by a letter which he has received from Count Hornes which he sends herewith. [Spanish. Two pages.]
March 17.
740. The Consuls and Senators of the Hanse Towns to same. Credentials of Envoys again sent to her Majesty. [Latin. Broadside on vellum.]
March 17.
741. Sir Edward Carne to same. In his letter of the 12th had mentioned the death of Cardinal Fano, the stay of his Holiness' nephew, son of the Duke of Paliano, in France, the departure of Francisco D'Este, and the none effect of such practices as he attempted with the Pope. Also that Duke Octavio of Parma was in camp against the Duke of Ferrara, that the realm of Naples was well provided with horse and foot against all storms, and that his Holiness was somewhat acrazed. Within the last two days a post from the Duke of Paliano's son mentions his having received licence to depart from Marseilles; and it is said that the Pope and the said Duke are not contented with the resolution taken by Cardinal Caraffa with his Majesty in relation to the recompence of the Duke. This information came by a post from his Majesty to his agent, Sign. Ascanio Caracciolo, on the 10th, but Cardinal Pacheco having the same advertisements went straight to his Holiness that night, and on the following night the like were communicated to the Pope by a post from Cardinal Caraffa. Ever since the arrival of the post Caracciolo has daily sued for audience of the Pope, but as yet cannot be heard. The recompence is, that the Duke should have the principality of Rustiane [Rossano] in Apulia, and 8,000 crowns yearly out of the customs of silk in Naples. Hears that Cardinal Caraffa is contented, forasmuch as his Majesty gave him 12,000 ducats per ann. of pension out of Toledo, and also letters of naturality whereby he may be capax to receive 8,000 ducats more in Spain, and has also had the priory of St. John in Naples. The Cardinal of Naples has likewise provision for 4,000 or 5,000 ducats in Spain. As far as he hears both Cardinals are contented, and there is no great love between Caraffa and his brother the Duke. Hears from Venice that the Duke of Urbino is become his Majesty's servant, that his Majesty's Ambassador in Venice went to the Duke therefor, and that it was effected by means of the Duke of Parma. Understands that the French King would have all the French Knights of Malta to come to Corsica and settle there in such place as he will appoint them, and if they will not they shall have none of the revenues that they have in France. The Turks are reported to be setting forward their navy with all the haste they may, and the Venetians to be arming 100 gallies. [Three pages.]
March 18.
742. Lord Grey to [Sir William Petre]. Accepting Petre as one of the chiefest of his friends is forced to declare his most miserable adversity, which tends to the very utter undoing of him and his house for ever; as he is rendered prisoner into the hands of Count Rochefoucault, who is not only determined to levy unreasonable ransom upon him, but also to send him to the place where he was prisoner, and so to double his guards with such a payment to them that without speedy remedy he may account himself a lost man. Beseeches mediation with the Queen for redress.
P.S.—1. Desires to be commended to the Lord Admiral, who shall be partaker of this letter, having no time to write to him.
P.S.—2. Requests him to credit the bearer, Capell, who can declare the least required for ransom. "Once again, take pity of your dear friend, and help him in this misery who is almost in despair." [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 18.
Frankfort on the Maine.
743. "Recessus Francofortensis in Causa Religionis." Proceedings of the Frankfort Recess, and the names of those who adhere to that and the Confession of Augsburg. [Latin. Twenty-one pages.]
March 19.
744. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Wrote on the 17th by a post from Naples passing to the King. The Pope's nephew has not yet arrived, although a post came from him to his Holiness to state that his passport had been amended and that he would leave Marseilles on the morrow; but as yet there is no account of him, which induces some to suppose that the Pope and the Duke show themselves outwardly discontented with the recompence appointed for the Duke for the state of the Colonnas here. As many, however, think that inwardly they are very well contented, and would not have it published till the return of Caraffa, trusting by that time to have their nephew from France. In the meanwhile all the resolution between his Majesty and the Cardinal is kept privy. There is a saying that his Holiness will to Bologna after Easter, and lie there this summer, because of the great scarcity of necessaries here; though some say he will to Avignon in Provence. This he cannot believe. The Venetians not only arm 100 gallies, but also 30 ships and their great galeon for defence against the Turks. [One page and a quarter.]
March 24.
745. Lord Grey to Queen Mary. Supplicates her Majesty to consider his estate and utter undoing as a miserable prisoner, without her gracious favour and helping hand, as he has caused her to be informed more at length by his cousin Hastings, who can more lively express by words that which he fears he should trouble her with by writing. [Half a page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 24.
746. Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, to same. Knowing her by natural affection and divine inspiration to be so Catholic and to hold in so great observance what pertains to the Christian religion, feels he should greatly offend her piety if he were to endeavour by reasons to render her more favourable to the poor servants of the Church than she has ever been. Nevertheless he cannot avoid recommending to her the two religious persons who bear this letter for aid in regaining a benefice of St. Andrew, in the diocese of Ely, which by Royal gift and consent of all the Barons of the realm and the then Prelate of the diocese, was perpetually united to the monastery of St. Andrew, in the city of Vercelli, and possessed by it for more than 200 years. They beg her protection. [French. One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 26.
747. Sir Edward Carne to same. It is reported that the Duke of Parma has recovered by force his town of Owarnison (sic), which had been taken by the Duke of Ferrara two or three months ago, and that 1,500 Gascons in it were all slain. The Duke of Parma's army is now in the country of Reggio, which the Duke of Ferrara holds. Caracciolo has been with the Duke of Paliano offering on part of his Majesty the recompence which he is contented to give him to release and forego the state of the Colonnas. This the Duke did neither accept or forsake, but would let all stand in suspense till the return of Cardinal Caraffa. Notwithstanding Caracciolo on the King's behalf protested of his said offerture, and that it staid not by his Majesty, but that the recompence were made. The Duke's son is not yet returned. News have come that on the 10th the Emperor resigned the Empire in the Diet kept in Germany in favour of his brother the King of the Romans, who is now elected Emperor. [One page and a quarter.]
March 31. 748. "Provisions made and to be made in Flanders as followeth." A list of articles to be supplied by Alexander Bonvisi and Thomas Gresham. [One page. Printed by Burgon, Vol. i., p. 477.]