Mary: November 1557

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: November 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: November 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: November 1557". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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November 1557

Nov. 1.
681. Gustavus, King of Sweden, to same. Credentials of Dionysius Borre, agent for his Majesty. [Latin. Broadside.]
Eod. die.
682. Eric, Crown Prince of Sweden, to same. Credentials of the same person. [Latin. Copy. One page. This copy has been probably made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, as her name is inserted by mistake for that of Mary.]
Nov. 17.
[St. James'.]
683. Queen Mary to Lord Wentworth. Thanks them for their letter by the bearer Mr. Drury, communicating the successful execution of a plan devised by them against the enemy. Drury, who has had audience of her Majesty, is now dispatched to the King to declare to him the good success lately had against the Scots, (which in passing he will mention to them,) and certain other matters. [Minute. One page and a half.]
Nov. 17.
St. James'.
684. Same to Lord Grey. Returns thanks for the great pains and diligence which she has been informed by the Deputy and Council he has used in the wise conducting of an enterprise in the Boulognois committed to his leading and charge, wherein he has acquitted himself very well, as well as for his past services. [Minute. One page.]
Nov. 17.
685. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since his letter of the 14th a post has arrived out of France from the Nuncio of his Holiness, who had sent to the French King to license the son of the Duke of Paliano and those of other noblemen who had gone there with him to return to his Holiness. This the King had promised to the Nuncio, and therefore they had taken their leave of the Court and had gone as far as Paris, when they were stayed and not suffered to depart. The cause of their detention is that the French King requires the Pope to set at liberty the Count of Petigliano who is prisoner in Castle Angelo, and satisfaction of such charges as he was at here in the wars last year against his Majesty before their departure. The Count of Petigliano has three strong holts joining the state of Sienna, which people suppose the Pope would gladly have, but cannot without his Majesty's help, because of their strength. It is said the Duke of Florence is inclined to assist herein, hoping thereby to get Montalcino out of the hands of the French; also that Don Francisco de Hasse [D'Este,] brother of the Duke of Ferrara, at present in France, is to be sent to be captain of Montalcino. Hears that his Majesty intends again to send the Marquis Saria to be Ambassador Resident here. In his last of the 13th had informed her Majesty that the Pope had revoked his order for the commission of appeal betwixt [Charles] Tyrrell and Chetwood, (fn. 1) which he had committed of his own invention and will to the Legate now sent to his Majesty, where Carne sued to have it committed to indifferent judges in England, and that Cardinal Alexandrino had apprized him his Holiness had so done, because on the arrival here of the post from Chetwood on the 12th, the Pope had such new information that he would have the cause in no wise committed out of this Court here. Upon this had sued for audience, in the view of picking out who had sent such advertisements hither, and had appointment for the 15th, but as yet cannot have it, for one [Thomas] Wilson, Chetwood's solicitor here, has made, as he is informed, the Cardinal di Napoli of that part. This Cardinal is a very young man and nephew to the Pope, about whom he does all in the absence of Caraffa, so that no man dare either speak or do about his Holiness but as he commands, so that through his means he can as yet get no audience. Has learned, however, that immediately after the arrival of Chetwood's post Wilson went to this Cardinal di Napoli desiring to see him, and sent him word that he had letters to the Pope from the Grey Friar late made Cardinal in England [Peto], and that he had matters to be declared to his Holiness without any delay. Whereupon by the said Cardinal he was brought to the Pope five hours within night, and thereby the Pope had such information, that he stayed the matter of the said appeal here. What was written to his Holiness, or shown to him by Wilson, cannot yet learn, but when he has audience perhaps may learn somewhat. The Duke of Alva is still at Gaeta, tarrying for wind and weather to pass to Lombardy with the gallies. His Majesty's army has lately taken a hold in Piedmont called Court Major [Cortemeglia] which the French occupied, also 100 of the Duke of Ferrara's horsemen, and put the rest to flight that were in that skirmish. [Three pages.]
Nov. 20.
686. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Repeats what he had written in his letter of the 17th in reference to the matrimonial cause between Chetwood and Tyrrell, adding that he hears Wilson has sent his excuses, by whom or to whom he knows not, and that lest Carne should inform anything against him. Doubts whether he has sent the Pope's expedition withal. Has repeatedly attended the Court in expectation of speaking with his Holiness, but invariably after long tarrying has been put off on the plea that the Pope had such business that he could not speak with him, but if he would send to the Cardinal of Naples he should know when he could. Had accordingly on the 17th sent his son to the Cardinal, who gave for answer that he could not have audience on that day as there was to be a Congregation of the Duke of Paliano and other of his Holiness' kinsmen so that there would be no leisure, neither on the day following, as there was to be a Congregation of the Inquisition, after which, if he would send, he should know. Yesterday again sent his son to the Cardinal, who said that on that day the Pope would be occupied by his kinsmen aforesaid, with the Signature to-day, and to-morrow, being Sunday, he will give no audience. Having willed his son, in case he could get no appointment to the Cardinal, to apply directly to the Pope himself, who was wont to hear him very graciously when sent by his father, he did so, notwithstanding some impediments, and delivered his message. His Holiness heard him very well, laying his hands on his shoulders while he showed the message, and desired him to go to the Cardinal of Naples who, as he said, was privy with him and would appoint when he might speak with Carne. His son then went to the Cardinal and received the like answer as before, but was told to send again on Monday. His object in wishing to see the Pope being to endeavour to gather from his conversation anything of the informations sent, which probably are what moved his Holiness, thinks that to be the very cause why he is prevented from speaking to him. Will again send on Monday. During Caraffa's absence the Duke of Paliano manages all business abroad, and the Cardinal of Naples all about the Pope's person, so that they make their harvest now. Hears that in addition to Court Major his Majesty's army has also taken a hold called Pulsone in Piedmont. [Three pages.]
Nov. 27.
687. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. News arrived on the 22d that the Duke of Alva and his army had reached Port Ercole from Gaeta in safety. It is said that the King's army in Lombardy so scours Piedmont that the French dare not venture out of their forts. Cardinal Caraffa is in Germany long before this; and Cardinal Trivulci departed towards the French King this morning. Has made most earnest suit to have audience of his Holiness, but cannot see him, although twice appointed this week; where he gave attendance so long that he has taken such a catarrh that he fears it will tarry longer by him than he needs it. The Pope keeps himself so secret, hat very few dare go to him or move him, and yet he is strong enough. Receives always fair words from the Cardinal of Naples, and does his best with others who are great about him, but is invariably put off. Will do what he can to know why he is so strangely looked upon, as there must be something of which his Holiness is informed since the coming of Chetwood's post; in times past it was not wont to be so. Hears that the Pope is nothing contented with the French King for detaining his nephew whom they call here the Marquis of Cavia [Cava], son to the Duke of Paliano, and whom it is said he would gladly match with the daughter of the Duke of Florence, if he might have him here. [Two pages.]


  • 1. Vide Strype, Annals, vol. i., part i., p. 51, ed. of 1824.