Mary: October 1557

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: October 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: October 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: October 1557". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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October 1557

1557. Oct. 1.
671. The Bishop of Bologna to Queen Mary. Cardinal Pole and the Bishop of Ely ]Thirlby] have obliged him by soliciting a favour from her Majesty in his name. Begs she will grant it and continue to favour his house, which is most devoted to her, and which, by reason of benefits received, is, as it will always be, the most obliged servant of her crown. [Italian. One page.]
Oct. 2.
672. Sir Edward Carne to Sir John Boxall. Had been in hope after peace was concluded between the Pope and the King to have his Holiness of better disposition in the matter of the legacy than he was during the wars, but now, although he highly commends his Majesty (as he has good cause so to do) finds him rather more earnest against it than he was before, since he will not have Carne to move in it till sent for, whereby has no great expectation of any good resolution therein. Thinks by the seventh capitulation of the treaty of peace, which he had forwarded to her Majesty, that the Pope is bound to restore the Legate, so that the King will earnestly call upon it. Has been so bold as to advertise her Majesty thereof, to the intent if it seems good to her she may send to the King to require the restitution not only of the Legate but of all others that were put out of their offices for the Imperial cause, as his Grace was, which all the Cardinals here can tell. Wishes that Boxall or some other who could open the matter fittingly to his Majesty or his Council, should be sent thither, since if it may not be obtained that way, he doubts much his Holiness therein, as " he is a sore man, and very earnest where he is set." Cardinal Caraffa, who is appointed Legate to his Majesty to treat of peace between him and the French King leaves shortly; if any one is to be sent from England for that purpose, he should be there before the Cardinal arrives, wherefore specially dispatches this present post. [One page and a half.]
Oct. 6.
St. James'.
673. Queen Mary to the Confederates of the Hanse Towns. In reply to their letter from Lubeck of 9th September, with reference to their privileges, and suggesting that a meeting of mutual Commissioners should be held in England next year, for the settlement of all differences. [Latin. Copy. Three pages.]
Another copy, "taken out of the register book of the Merchant Adventurers." [Four pages.]
Oct. 9.
674. Intelligence from Rome. In execution of the conventions of peace made between his Holiness and the most Catholic King of Spain. On Thursday the 30th September Sig. Bernardino Carbone with 400 Spanish infantry and as many Calabrians entered Paliano, and at the same time the Pope's troops departed. They consist of seven companies containing 1,200 infantry very well armed and all fine men, and they arrived in Rome on Saturday and Monday last. After the rendezvous they were paid and discharged, by which it is understood that they are all on their road to serve the Duke of Ferrara in the present war. 18 French gallies had arrived at Civita Vecchia and taken up four ensigns of Gascons who were at Cornetto and the Cardinal of Armagnac, and on Tuesday set sail for Marseilles. On Wednesday there was a Consistory; some business was done in the matter of the churches and the abbeys of France, the Bishop of Cologne was confirmed (he who was only elected) when a third of the expense of the despatch of the bulls was remitted to him, and the cross was given to Cardinal Caraffa, who was escorted out of the gate by all the Cardinals, and after the accustomed ceremony every one returned to his own house. Yesterday the Cardinal sent off a part of his household, and the rest will go daily till Monday when he himself will leave. He will go with 100 posts, and besides his brother the Marquis di Montebello, he will be accompanied by many Prelates, the Bishops of Vercelli, Pola, Tiano, Cariata, that is, "the Fantuccio," Mons. Antonio Agostini, auditor of the Rota, Mons. Buoncompagno, and L'Aragonia, "abbreviatori di [Parco] Maggiore," (fn. 1) and many others, as Mons. Lomelino, Mons. Foglietta. He will go by Florence, and at Pisa will converse with the Duke.[of Florence]; then to Modena and Milan where he will perhaps meet the Duke of Alva, who is paying the Germans and Spaniards at Naples before embarking them in the gallies to be conveyed to Piedmont. The process of the cause of Cardinal Morone was published in an extraordinary Congregation of the Inquisition held on Monday before the Pope and defences allowed; in consequence of which he has had three days liberty of conversing with everybody. Interrogatories on his part have been made for the purpose of re-examining those who have spoken against him; it is believed that the trial will be finished so that Cardinal Caraffa may be able to report the decision to the King of Spain. Thursday evening Cardinal Trivulci arrived, and went to reside in the palace with Cardinal Caraffa where he is very much made of. His arrival was expected by the Pope for the purpose of conferring with him as to whom he is to have as Nuncio for Venice. As he has not yet spoken with his Holiness more than once, it is believed that it is not yet determined who shall be sent, but some say he will send the Archbishop of Sienna, others the Bishop of Piacenza; some say one, some say another. Friday evening Cardinal Caraffa, the Duke of Paliano, and the Marquis Montebello went to the Cardinal Chamberlain and communicated to him that the Pope had restored his son Alexander to the clerkship of the chamber, and to the other offices and benefices of which he had been deprived, and will further cause that the Prior shall be restored to the possession of his gallies which were detained at Civita Vecchia, and have either the money or the gallies themselves. Cardinal Pacheco, who for many months has not been in apparent favour with the Pope, has been again summoned and admitted, so that for the future it is to be hoped they will be better Catholics than of late they have been good Christians. [Italian. Two pages.]
Oct. 16.
675. Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, to Queen Mary. As he finds his annual gift of falcons acceptable, and received not on account of their intrinsic value but as a mark of friendship, sends by the bearer six for the King and the like number for her Majesty. The birds are not easily to be met with this season. [Latin. Broadside.]
Oct. 26.
676. The Consuls and Senators of Lubeck to same. Complaining that one of the merchant vessels of their fellow citizens, laden with salt and other articles of commerce from Lisbon, had been attacked and fired upon by some of her Majesty's ships of war, and praying for redress. [Latin. Broadside on vellum. Indorsed by Petre.]
Oct. 30. 677. "A note of all the crews and garrisons extraordinary placed within the marches of Calais." [Three pages.]
Oct. 30.
678. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since his letter of the 23d there have been no innovations here; but the Pope having in a Consistory restored all officers who had been deprived in the wars, among others by name John Antonio de Tassis, master of the posts for the Emperor and his Majesty here, the decree concerning him has not been put in execution. And now his Holiness has put down all masters of posts except his own, those of the French King and the Venetians inclusive, to the intent, it is said, to put out the said John Antonio, contrary to the capitulations of the peace agreed upon with the Duke of Alva. Has in vain endeavoured to procure a copy of the decree revoking the Cardinal as Legate a Latere, he that has it daring in nowise to give it without the Pope's special licence; but all the Cardinals say that at the time of the revocation his Holiness declared that it was not decent for his see or for himself to have Legates or Nuncios where his Majesty had to do, and therefore he recalled all who were in his dominions, especially the Cardinal of England. Suggests that she should write to the King to be earnest with Cardinal Caraffa for the restitution of the legacy according to the capitulation agreed on and to have it done out of hand whether it be by justice or by grace. If it be but promises by words, which be very easily spoken and be good cheap here, doubts much whereunto it will come. Unless by enforcing the terms of the capitulation there is no chance of the legacy being confirmed in this Pope's days as far as may be perceived; he will not gladly hear the matter spoken of, and has been very loth to give Carne audience on other subjects lest it should be referred to. Cardinal Caraffa, who left on the 22d, is said to be at Florence, ready to remove when he hears that the Duke of Alva draws towards Pisa to the Duke of Florence, that all three may meet there. Much marvel here that no letters have been received from his Majesty since peace was concluded, except one of general congratulations which came two days ago. The Legate to the French King has not left, nor is the time of his departure spoken of. Advices from Venice mention that of late his Majesty's army in Lombardy has revictualled and succoured Corregio, so long besieged by the Duke of Ferrara; and that the Swiss who are with that Duke are for the most part sick and do die apace. Also that recently 50 Frenchmen of the Duke's army going for a prey were all taken by his Majesty's troops, and that the Duke of Ferrara with his son is in camp. It is likewise said that Duke Octavio of Parma is in camp with a round army. Within these four day the Duke of Alva has written to the Pope for licence to 8,000 men to pass through the lands of the Church towards Lombardy; this his Holiness has granted. [Three pages.]
Oct. 30.
679. Intelligence from Italy. 1. From Rome, October 30. The day after his departure from Rome Caraffa stayed in Ariano; does not know if there be news of his departure from the city of Castello. Some negotiation for an alliance with the Duke of Florence has been and is spoken of by the marriage of a daughter of his Excellence with the son of the Duke of Paliano, and it might happen that not only the fact but the mere idea of this would make the King of France walk the more warily in consenting to that son's return. The Duke of Alva finding the sea passage obstructed by contrary winds sent to ask the Pope for a pass for the Germans, who number about 8,000, intending to send them through the Campagna to Tuscany by way of Perugia. On arriving at Cortona the pass was granted; but he was reminded of the poverty and ruin of the inhabitants of the Campagna, who have not the means of living for themselves and cannot provide for the wants of the troops, and the way of Reati was suggested, by the Abruzzi, and from Reati to Perugia and Cortona, as he intended. As the weather however has cleared up, it is believed he will decide on the sea voyage as much shorter, and because he had already prepared for it the things necessary. The authority for this is one of his commissaries who arrived at Rome yesterday morning for the provisions for the passage of the troops if they went by land Sign. Camillo Orsino is again made one of the Council in Rome, in which Monsieur di Verona acts as secretary when it is held. The Bishop of Sambrone is going to govern in the Campagna. It is reported that a son has been born to Marc Antonio Colonna. Provision of money was made for the journey of Cardinal Caraffa, not only to the extent formerly written, but so great as to alarm everyone who hears of it; and according to Trivulcio there are not to be found now 500 crowns wherewith he can send off a part of his household; nevertheless to-morrow a portion will leave, and the Bishop, after holding a signatura on Thursday, will likewise depart. The Cardinal of Naples subscribes all the letters which are sent out. A new order is made that all couriers and ordinaries are to go from and come to the Pope's post and not take couriers' horses; to travel for nobody without licence. The grain which during the year sold only for five crowns now sells for six gold crowns. The Roman wine sells at two crowns the barile and at Ripa is not to be got by any chance.
2. From Milan, October 25. A muster, and payment of 400 light horse has been made in Vigenano, and in Tortona of 300 men- at-arms; also in Alessandria of 7,000 infantry, viz., 3,000 Germans, as many Spaniards, and the rest Italians. This morning the Governor left for Pavia, where he will remain three or four days in order to distribute some companies in the parts of Vinelina to keep those roads safe from the French, hearing that Francisco Bernardino, who is in Valenza with 1,000 foot and 60 horse, is scouring the neighbourhood of Pavia to make reprisals; and he will put 100 more horse in Mortara to secure the road of Punzone intending to make this enterprise at the first opportunity. The French make great preparation of gabions near Casale, and have ordered to Moncalvo two pieces of artillery, suspecting that the Imperialists may attack them. At Pavia there were ordered this morning six pieces of artillery and some carts of munition. Mons de Brisac is in Chiera, and is engaged in fortifying and garrisoning all those places; and lately 18 ensigns of Gascons and French and 1,200 Italians commanded by the Vidame passed into France.
3. From Constantinople, October 5. The Grand Signor is prepared with all the Court to set out for Adrianople, where he intends to stay this winter, and the army has reached that place reduced and in very bad condition. His Highness has received the news of the defeat of the French King's army, which has displeased him infinitely; and as it seemed to him a great marvel, he desired to know how it happened, inquiring again and again if it were true, and remaining in deep reflection for a long while.
4. By letter of the Duke of Parma from the camp of Montecchio, October 29. Fifty celate of Carpi made a sally to cut off the highway from the suttlers of this side. Had sent against them a good number of their own men, who routed them with slaughter of the most part. Twenty-five were taken and sent to the camp. Some of their own men are still prisoners, and one foot soldier and one celata wounded. The fortification of this place will be in a state of defence within three days, which is of no small importance for the affairs of Reggio, and then they will enter to make a fresh enterprise. Foot and horse sallied out of Reggio when they heard of the defeat of these men; their troops made them retire. This is the first time the enemy have let themselves be seen in the field. One thousand Germans, 500 Spaniards, 100 horse, and 4 standards of men-at-arms from Milan have joined the camp.
5. From Florence, October 30. Cardinal Caraffa arrived yesterday, with Cardinal Vitelli, and was met and received by Sign. Don Luigi di Toledo and Sign. Ciappino Vitelli with a numerous cavalcade. He did not enter pontifically as he had intended, because all the streets were full of mud, remaining from the inundation. As soon as he arrived he ordered a donation of murate to be made to the monastery. Bonfires and feasts were made, and the bells rang for his arrival. This evening he leaves for Pisa to see the Duke who has returned from Leghorn, where he has been three or four days waiting for the Duke of Alva. [Italian. Two pages.]
Oct. 31.
680. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Yesterday had written to her Majesty by the post of Venice, but as since then Sign. Garcilasso has arrived from Naples and departs with diligence towards his Majesty, thinks it good to send the abridgment of his said letter though he has not leisure to write at length. [The same information as in No. 678. Two pages.]


  • 1. "L' Officio de gli abbreviatori è di far le minute delle bolle sopra le suppliche già segnate da sua Santità, e rivedere le Bolle dopo che sono rescritte in cartapecora."—Lunadoro.