Mary: February 1557

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: February 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: February 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: February 1557". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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February 1557

Feb. 6.
573. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since his last of the 30th ult., the Spaniards have evacuated Tivoli; the Pope's troops had privily cut off their way of escape, hoping to have inclosed them therein, but they contrived to get off in time. On the morrow after Candlemas-day, the Pope's army, esteemed to amount to 6,000 or 7,000 men, were mustered here, and yesterday they marched to Vicovaro to endeavour to recover it. The recently made Duke of Paliano has gone in person with the army, which he did not all the while the Duke of Alva was there. Yesterday he lay at Tivoli. They have recovered all that the Duke of Alva won nigh this city, and did most annoy it. Last night intelligence was received that the Duke of Guise's army was within 10 miles of Piacenza, and he is thought to be by this time at Reggio, where Cardinal Caraffa and the Duke of Ferrara are to meet him. It is also reported that the French have taken Barlanicia, and that Brissac has taken Ponte Astura in Lombardy, a stronghold made by the Duke of Alva on the Po when last in that country. Some say the Duke of Guise will go against Florence, and that the Turk's gallies will come. Sees no hope of peace, but of war on every side. The Duke of Alva is said to be in Pruscia [Brescia] to provide as surely as he can for that part, being next in the realm to Marchio, which it is thought the French will first invade. There has yet been no consistory wherein the bishoprics [in England] might be provided for; but it is daily called upon as diligently as may be. [Two pages.]
Feb. 13.
574. Same to same. As he mentioned in his letter of the 6th, the Pope's troops are at Vicovaro, in which are 500 Germans and Spaniards, who are said daily to skirmish with them. On the 9th five great cannons, a large culverin, and many muskets and falconets were sent thither. The Duke of Paliano is at Tivoli, a good way out of the gunshot. Hears that the Neapolitan troops come with the Count de Populo to the rescue of Vicovaro; and that the Duke of Alva fortifies Naples, having with him 6,000 Neapolitan infantry and 2,000 horse, and that there are coming to him from Sicily 3,000 foot and 1,000 horse, besides the Germans and Spaniards that are expected. It is asserted here that the Cardinal of Trent and the Marquis of Pescara have in Lombardy 14,000 Germans already, are preparing an army of 24,000, and that they might have stopped the French on their passage, but that they lacked horsemen. Many here think that they will come on the back of the French, who on the 6th were at Florentiola, betwixt Piacenza and Parma, and could make no great journey for snow and waters that letted them; but forwards they come, estimated in numbers to be of Tramontanes 14,000 foot, 1,500 light horse, and 600 men-of-arms. The Duke of Guise is said to be coming with 300 horse and 50 men-of-arms. The Duke of Ferrara is said to have of Italians 5,000 foot and 600 horse, and will join the French army. Also that the Duke of Guise will meet the Cardinals of Caraffa and Ferrara at Reggio, and there deliver to the Duke of Ferrara the staff of generality for the French King in Italy. Moreover, it is said that the Duke of Guise sent to the Cardinal of Trent that the French King minds not to break the truce with his Majesty, and that the taking of Valentia was by the disorder of the soldiers, who took it for the Pope, and put up his army there, and that this army is the Pope's and not the French King's. Great provision of victuals and artillery was found there. The report of the capture of Ponte Astura has not been authenticated. Two gentlemen of France are said to be sent to the Turk to move his army to these parts. Andrew Doria is reported to have departed to God. A rumour that the French besiege Parma is not credited, because Duke Octavio suffers them to have victuals through his country. At the next Consistory it is supposed that the Pope will do what he can against his Majesty, and only awaits the return of Cardinal Caraffa from Bologna. His Holiness is very extremely set, and unless God puts to His hand, all here is likely to proceed to the utmost. As yet no Consistory to have her Majesty's Bishops there purposed; is put in hope to have it done in the next, and calls upon it as diligently as he can. [Three pages.]
Feb. 20.
575. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since he wrote on the 13th, he hears that the realm of Naples has granted to his Majesty during these wars 100,000 ducats per mensem to maintain the wars out of the realm; and that some merchants of Genoa disburse 300,000 ducats out of hand, and they to take it up as it is gathered upon the subjects. Also that the Duke of Alva comes with the Neapolitan power to Anagni, and thence to Neptuno. The Pope's army has taken Vicovaro; on the 13th and 14th it was strongly battered, and some great breaches were made in the walls. During the battering, a person attempting to enter the town was seized and brought to the Duke of Paliano and Strozzi, and on his person was found a letter to the Captain of the town desiring him to endeavour to keep it for five days, when it should be rescued. On the 14th the town was taken, after a desperate resistance, at the second assault, 400 of the assailants being killed and wounded. Mostly all in the town were put to the sword. 300 Spaniards there were all slain, with the exception of about 40, who, vainly attempting to escape, surrendered and were spared. The two captains of the town were brought here prisoners; four of the Pope's captains were killed in the assault, so the victory was dearly bought. There was no ordnance in the town, but six or seven small muskets; if they had had great pieces to shoot hail, they would have destroyed the most of the Pope's army, which consisted of not above 5,000 men. They have left four bands of soldiers to keep the town, and the rest have returned here, where they shall rest without attempting any other enterprise till more provision be made for shot, for they had not in all with them at Vicovaro but 700 shot, of which they spent there 500. Hears that they prepare more daily. The army of the Duke of Guise is said to be still beside Parma, the one part of it called the battle in St. Donino, between Piacenza and Parma, and the foreward on this side of Parma. They say that the French and the Duke of Ferrara would have that army to remain there for two months, for lack of forage and necessaries here, and in the meanwhile would gladly be in hand with Parma, to which the Duke of Ferrara has great devotion; but the Pope will not have them meddle there, but to march hither. On the 12th Cardinals Caraffa and Ferrara are reported to have met the Dukes of Ferrara and Guise at Reggio. The former Cardinal is expected here in two or three days, and till his arrival there can be no Consistory where her Majesty's Bishops can be purposed. Great preparations are said to be made at Marseilles to set forth 30 gallies, to come with the late Prince of Salerno; and 2,000 soldiers of the sea-side, and the Turk's army by sea is looked for also. Equal preparation made on the other side. [Three pages.]
Feb. 22.
576. The Cardinal of Augsburg to Queen Mary. The bearer, Raymond Bishop of "Elorch" in Ireland ["Raimundo Vescovo Elorchen' in Hibernia"], who returns, having succeeded in his business of deposing and denouncing as a heretic and schismatic his intrusive adversary Otho; as her Majesty will see by the bulls of Pope Julius III., to which he testifies, having been at Rome when the matter was discussed and decided. The bearer also carries with him the gift of the priory of St. Mary in Louth ["Lut"], belonging to the Order of Canons-regular of St. Augustine, in the diocese of Armagh. Requests her Majesty will give orders that the good and poor old man may be put in possession of his see and priory.[Italian. One page.]
Feb. 22.
577. Same to same. The priest who accompanies Bishop Raymond has requested a provostry in Ireland, and he recommends him to the patronage of her Majesty. [Italian. Half a page.]
Feb. 23.
578. Peter [de Tagliavia], Cardinal of Palermo to Queen Mary. Had formerly besought her intercession with his Majesty on behalf of his nephew the Marquis of Terra Nuova, as had also the King of the Romans and all his sons; and although not doubting that such potent mediation will suffice, he cannot refrain from again writing to testify the long services of his family, his late brother and present nephew in the Imperial cause. Apart from the services of his ancestors, and his own for 25 years, his brother had sold the town of the marquisate of Giuliana that he might devote himself to the Emperor and aid him in many battles. No reward or compensation has ever been received for these or the sale of the marquisate, wherefore intreats her influence that his family and the Marquis his nephew may be honoured with a higher title. [Latin. One page and a half.]