Mary: March 1557

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: March 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: March 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: March 1557". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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March 1557

March 1.
579. Dr. Wotton to Lord Paget, Lord Privy Seal, and Secretary Sir William Petre. Has previously certified her Majesty of the good will which the bearer, Kirkawdry, seemed to bear to England, his discontent with the present state of Scotland, and his desire to see it delivered from the yoke of the French and restored to its former liberty. Also of his repeated offers to serve her Majesty, to which no reply has been received. As he now returns to Scotland through England, has advised him to communicate with them on the subject of service, and should they think him meet for any such, it is earnestly required that any dealing with him may be reserved to themselves, for if the rest of the Council were made privy to it the fact might escape and put his life in peril. Has only known him since coming here, and, by the occasional intercourse had with him, thinks either he must be a very great and crafty dissembler, or else he bears no good will at all to the French, and next to his own country has a good mind to England. Kirkawdry will declare to them at length the return of his father and of Balneaves into Scotland, and for what purpose it is thought they are revoked. Also that Melvin who accused the Bishop of Durham has come hither recommended to the King by the Queen Dowager of Scotland, and will tell them of the arrival of four troops of Scottish horsemen and of a plan of Berwick, which the King has howsoever gotten, and how the French are nothing sorry for the death of the Earl of Douglas. He will also inform them of a Scottish physician named Durham, married in London, who acts as spy for the King and the Queen Dowager of Scotland, receiving therefor a pension of 300 crowns; how ill the Bishop of St. Andrew's can away with the rule of the French in Scotland; of the arrival at the Court of a son of the Landgrave of Hesse, and how greatly he is made of; the regret felt for the death of the Marquis Albert here, and all other news spoken of at the Court. [Cipher, deciphered. Two pages. Printed by Tytler, History of Scotland, Vol. vi., App. p. 442.]
March 3.
580. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Yesterday forenoon the Duke of Guise, accompanied by Cardinal Caraffa, arrived here, and was received with all the honour of the Court. His army, consisting of 8,000 or 9,000 foot and 3,000 horse, have reached Arimony [Rimini]. To-day he was in the Pope's chapel to take ashes from his hand, and served him with water afterwards. He is much esteemed here. Cannot learn whether his army is to remain here or goes to invade Naples by Ascoli; but as far as he can hear from the Ambassador of the Duke of Ferrara, the troops of the latter do not remove thence. It is rumoured that there is some variance betwixt him and the Duke of Guise; also that the Pope intends shortly to make many Cardinals, and the report is that he will make six French and six Italians of the French faction with six of his kinsmen, to the intent that if he fail they may have another French Pope. His army still lies about Tivoli and Vicovaro. The Consistory will be held soon. [One page and a half.]
March 6.
581. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Repeats portion of the intelligence conveyed in his letter of the 3d inst. All the soldiers here are ordered to the Pope's camp at Tivoli, except 300 to guard the gates, and on Monday or Tuesday next the army shall remove towards Neptuno to attempt to recover it. Hears that it is so well fortified and provided that this will be somewhat difficult. The Duke of Ferrara's troops will not come here. Provision for the war is so scarce that they lack 40,000 robbias of corn before the new comes. Some say that the Duke of Alva has 50,000 ducats to take up men in the confines of Hungary, and to have them by water by the Gulf of Venice to Naples, which will be sooner than through Lombardy, and that the Venetians have given them licence for conveying them that way. The Consistory will probably be held on Wednesday. Is just informed that the Pope and the Duke of Guise do not all agree, for the Pope wishes the French to invade Naples, and the French will not, knowing that they are far unable for that enterprise, and further alleging that their coming was only to defend the Church. They would rather invade Tuscany and Sienna, but to this the Pope will not consent. One Villa, a Ferrarese, has been sent by the Pope to Florence, supposed for the purpose of essaying to draw the Duke to join with the Pope; and if not, then the French will be set upon Tuscany. A Secretary of the Duke of Florence, sent in a brigantine to Naples, on Monday last fell upon a galley, and was taken prisoner and brought to Palo beside Civita Vecchia, but previously threw his letters into the sea. The Florentine Ambassador reported yesterday that the Pope gave the said Secretary the brigantine and all that was taken therein, and that the Pope speaks much good of the Duke, so much so that he commanded Sign. Brandino, who is a great doer about him, and most of all with Cardinal Caraffa, to be imprisoned in St. Angelo for opening some letters of the Duke without any commission. This so moved Cardinal Caraffa that yesterday he would give audience to no man, Cardinals or others, for of all men he favours Brandino, and did his utmost to save him from prison. Is also informed that the Duke of Ferrara swerves from the Pope and the French because they will not set upon Parma, whereat was his stroke. It is said that to-morrow the Duke of Paliano and Paulo Giordano de Vecinis shall receive the Order of France. [Three pages.]
March 14.
582. Cardinal Farnese to Queen Mary. Pays his respects to her Majesty by the bearer the Cavalier Ardinghello, who, as agent for the Duke his brother, goes with him into England. [Italian. One page.]
March 16.
583. Dr. Wotton to same. Sends the bearer, John Somer, his Secretary, to England, properly instructed of all that needs to be written at this time, and requests her Majesty to appoint somebody to hear the report of that which he has to declare. [Cipher, deciphered. Half a page.]
1557. March 28.
584. Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, to same. Some days since he wrote to her Majesty recommending Hans Elverdunk, Hubrecht Van Breen, Leonard Vogel, and companions, merchants resident in Antwerp, and requested licence for them to bring from England 250 barrels of ale wherewith to supply the camp of the King during the present war. Hearing that his letter has not arrived, writes again. [French. One page. Indorsed by Petre.]