Aug. 2. Brussels. |
246. Sir John Masone to Queen Mary. The news of the Prince's
arrival and of the marriage has caused universal joy here. The
storms which in all times past had risen in England, and were
in danger to continue, may by this blessed joining of two so
well meaning Princes together be clearly calmed and set in
quiet. The chief way to this end is to restore again the fear of
God, which for a time has been banished, and thereby to reconcile
themselves to Him whose displeasure they have felt in so many
kinds of way, and whom, for his own part, he thanks most
humbly, with all earnestness prostrate on the ground, that he
has lived to see this day, which so long and with so many prayers
of all good men, has been desired; the benefit of which not
England only, but all Christendom must feel and enjoy. If it
shall be her Majesty's pleasure to continue him in this place,
requests to know whether his original commission is to hold,
or whether it is to be altered by reason of the marriage. As upon
the approach of the Emperor's army at Binche, the French retired
in such sort as he had in former letters (now missing) signified
to her Majesty, so their retreat was so fast, that although the
Emperor used a diligence beyond the reason of the war, and
marched in one day 21 miles, he could not overtake them.
At length approaching to their frontiers lack of victuals caused
him to stay, sending only after them some bands of horsemen
who distressed a great part of their carriage, and had done them
much more harm if, as it is said, some of the captains had done
their part. Had the French been as desirous of battle as they
bragged, they might easily have had commodity to give it,
since the same place where, in their retreat, they lay the one night,
was occupied by the Emperor's troops on the one following. The
Emperor having rested his army at Quesney, and laid in provisions, hearing that the enemy had stayed not far from Cambray
marched forward in that direction, and is now encamped one league
and a half on this side of the town, and the enemy at about the
same distance on the other. There are daily skirmishes, without
any notable hurt on either part. The town is weak, albeit there
is a strong castle in it, and if the Imperial army were not so
near, some sudden violence might be attempted there. Although
the Emperor's army is very strong, in a few days it will amount
to between 40,000 and 50,000, horse and foot. The Turk's army
is arrived on the coast of Italy. Andrea Doria has gone to
Messina with 48 gallies, to which he joins six gallies of Sicily, and
five of Spain, so as in all they will be upon the point of 60, either
to meet the Turk's army if they shall find them strong enough,
or at least to stay them from coming farther to the aid of the
French faction. Doria's gallies are well manned with old Spanish
soldiers from Naples, and the Emperor has commanded them to
try fortune with the enemy, in case they see any advantage.
Were it not that of late years Princes have not much sought
foughten fields, this month shows great appearance of the likelihood of four notable battles:—1. Between the French and the
Emperor, if the former keep the field; 2. Between the Marquis of
Marignano and Strozzi; 3. Between the Turk and Andrea Doria;
4. between the Sophy and the Turk, whose armies, by last
accounts, were not far asunder. The states of Brabant are
summoned to meet here on the 6th for consultation as to defences
and aids. Nothing of late done in Italy; Strozzi being in desperation for lack of victual seems to desire the fight; the Marquis
perceiving his lack will do what he can to weary him by the
belly. The German Princes have met at Worms, for the staying
of Marquis Albert, who again begins to stir, and also for the
repressing of the Bishop's soldiers, who since the Marquis' overthrow have committed sundry insolencies. Antwerp, where was
the beginning of a small tumult, is pacified and quiet, and so
is all the rest of the country. The Emperor is, for a Prince
in his case, in right good plight, and condescended in the camp
to commune for a quarter of an hour with Francisco, the bearer
hereof. [Three pages. |
Aug. 4. Brussels. |
247. Sir John Masone to Sir William Petre. Sends packet from
Mr. Vannes. The Emperor is close by Cambray and nearer the
French than before. By a book of the last pay found in a coffer,
taken among other things in the late distress of the French carriages
by some Spaniards, who found with it 5,000 crowns, it appears there
are in the French camp 35,000 foot and 10,000 horse. The Emperor's camp increases daily, but Georych Van Holt with his band
is not so nigh as was said, and some doubt whether he will come at
all. The Emperor neither will, nor conveniently may, move from
his present position, so long as the French remain where they are;
and they are so nigh that either some exploit must follow or one of
the parties must dislodge, which undoubtedly the Emperor will not.
Thinks them too wise to try battle, although there is much likelihood thereof on the Emperor's side; for which reason the French
have drawn to them the Duke of Vendôme with the power which
he had on the coast of Artois. Beseeches Petre as he may to help
the poor miserable woman, Sir John Cheke's wife. Her husband is
in Italy, which that Petre may the more boldly affirm, sends copy
of his last letter written from Padua. Is in good hope that Christopher Millanest shall have a convenient good end in his matter.
[One page.] Incloses, |
247. I. Sir John Cheke to Sir John Masone. Padua, July 12th
1554. Mr. Wrothe and he came to Padua on the 10th,
and there in a fair and quiet city entered to rest. Trusts
he shall not mislike this part. Beseeches him to help his
poor wife's travail to Masone's friend to come to some end
of the travail and misery wherewith he thinks she is now
burdened, as easily by letter he may do, and to let him
have by some of his servants sometime such necessary
understanding as is fit for him to know. If he may
tarry here, he intends to learn not only the Italian
tongue, which he despairs not of, but also philosophically
to course over the civil law; not seeking perfection, which
requires a man's life, but avoiding the extremity of
ignorance, and learning to give aim like a stander by,
where he is not in game like a shooter. This he trusts to
do by the time his licence is expired, and though he come
not home rather yet shall he be more able to serve if God
do hereafter, as he trusts He will not, call him to such
misery as he has before been overthrown with. If by
Masone's means he can hear sooner of his own matters
and of his wife than he can from herself, prays that he
may receive the benefit of it, as Masone knows how
ignorance of all things is troublesome, and specially of
those things that be nighest a man. Desires Masone to
make his commendations to his (Cheke's) mother. [One
page. Copy.] |
Aug. 8. Lucca. |
248. The Magistrates ["Gli Antiani e Gonfaloniere di Giustizia"] of Lucca to Queen Mary. Credentials of Bartholomeo
Micheli and Scipione Sardini, Ambassadors to her Majesty.
[Italian. One page.] |
Aug. 10. Compiegne. |
249. Dr. Wotton to King Philip and Queen Mary. On the 29th
ult. had received the Council's letter, informing him of the safe
arrival of his new Sovereign Lord, and of the marriage of their
Majesties, whereof he received as much gladness and contentation of
mind as he might receive of any worldly thing, considering the
great benefit likely to ensue therefrom, not only to England but to
all Christendom. Wherefore he thinks, that God at last beholding
with pity the lamentable state of the rented and divided Christendom, running headlong into manifest and apparent perdition, has
for its conservation and reformation ordained this marriage; for
such is the fervent zeal which both their Majesties bear to the maintaining of the Catholic faith and true Christian religion, such their
wisdoms, virtues, knowledge, and power, that it is well to be hoped
and looked for that God will assist, prosper, and bring to good effect
whatsoever they shall undertake for His glory and the profit of His
people. Recalls to their remembrance the great commodity and
benefit to all Christendom from the marriage of their progenitors
Ferdinand and Isabella: no less, he trusts, will come of this
marriage, which he heartily prays God may prosper. Will defer to
his next letter the various news, which will be fully explained,
however, by the bearer Edward Randall, who has been at the
French camp and learned all that could be known there. He can
also declare the dissolution of the band of rebels, effected by means
of Staunton, their complete discredit here, and the departure of
Pickering and Carew, which last was also wrought chiefly by
Randall. As the Duchess of Valentinois goes to Anet, there to
remain for some time, it is supposed that the King will not return
here soon. The information that Strozzi had taken the fort next
Sienna, proves to have been incorrect. [Two pages. The latter
half in cipher, deciphered.] |
Aug. 10. Compiegne. |
250. Dr. Wotton to Queen Mary. Strongly recommending the
bearer, Edward Randall, to her Majesty's clemency and employment.
No man is better skilled in military matters. [One page.] |
Aug. 10. Compiegne. |
251. Same to Sir William Petre. They have to give thanks
to God for this marriage, whereon most men consider the welfare
of England and the great commodity of Christendom to depend;
since thereby, God willing, the tyrannical ambition of some
lawless Princes, putting all Christendom in trouble, may the more
easily be resisted and repressed. Is right glad to hear that the
King uses himself so gently and lovingly to all men, because it
had been reported, that when in Italy it had been wished that he
had shown somewhat more benign countenance to the people than
he did. Whether such report was malicious, or increase of years
has increased knowledge in him, it is great cause of rejoicing that
his present use is otherwise; so that henceforth the rebels shall be
fain to seek some other colour whereon to ground their rebellion,
than the terrible and fearful oppression of the Spaniard. Does not
clearly understand the terms used in the cession by the Emperor to
the King of the Realms of Naples and Sicily; since in one letter
Petre terms it "Naples and Jerusalem," and in another of same
date "Naples and Sicily." Explains the diplomatic difference
between the "Realm of Naples" and "Kingdom of the Two
Sicilies." As these realms are feuda Ecclesiœ, going ever together
and not well to be separated, it were better that the Emperor made
the cession by known and accustomed, than in doubtful words,
whereof may arise contention. As the Queen, by Act of Parliament,
is to make statutes for the newly-erected cathedral churches, fears
lest his fellows of Christchurch will, in his absence, seek to have
certain statutes devised and confirmed, which shall take from the
Dean certain rights and privileges secured to him by the foundation
deed under the Great Seal, as in his former absence they have
gone about to do. Therefore requests Petre, in such event, to find
the means that he may be apprized of it, and see the book, and be
heard for his interest in it, as is but reasonable. Thanks him for
the efforts made by him and the Council to have the lives of
his own nephews, Rudstone and Cromer, spared; and is desirous,
if it be possible, that her Majesty should restore them to their
former livings. Requests to know whether he should make direct
or indirect application to her Majesty for this purpose. [Two pages.
Two or three lines in cipher, deciphered.] |
Aug. 10. Compiegne. |
252. Dr. Wotton to the Council. Acknowledges their letter of the
20th ult. informing him of the Prince's safe arrival and of the
marriage; for which marriage he heartily thanks God, believing
it to be appointed by his Providence, for the working some notable
effect to the great good and benefit not only of England, but of
all Christendom. Had communicated to Cardinal Tournon in
French, such portions of the letter as he considered expedient.
Their Ambassador had written to the King of the marriage; "to
say the truth, they rejoice hereof, never a whit more than they
have cause to do." Had not made any mention of their Ambassador, thinking it time enough when they shall speak of that
matter to him. Has also received the copy of Sir Hugh Poulett's
letter concerning the handling of Le Bretoniére, which shall serve
him well if they should again refer to it. Edward Randall will
largely satisfy them of the news here. [One page, partly in
cipher, deciphered.] |
Aug. 13. Brussels. |
253. Sir John Masone to same. Had expected daily to have sent
them intelligence of a battle between the French and the Imperialists,
but they have passed without any notable exploit all this time.
The Emperor's army is now about Bethune, and that of the French
King a good day and a half's journey from him. Some say the
Emperor stayed to continue the following of him so near, being
informed that he intended to send back a good part of his army to
have taken hold again of the river of Meuse. So much is he with
child with that country. Instead of that, it is rather thought that
he intends for the saving of money to dismiss his Swiss, having
bargained with them that if they should be continued in service
after payment of the first three months, they must be entertained
three whole months more. If this be true he will not long keep the
field. Renti was threatened, and to aid it 400 Spaniards are sent
into the town under the conduct of one Navaretto. In these nine
or ten days following of his enemy the Emperor has shown great
courage and warlike skill; but much more notably by entering
with so small an army as he then had into Namur, a town of no
strength but commodious for the letting of his enemy's purpose,
against the advice and persuasion of all his captains. Had he not
done so, Liege and all those countries would have had such a foil
as would long after have been remembered. Had Marienburg not
have been betrayed, the French would have nothing to boast of in
this expedition beyond the burning and spoiling of all sorts of poor
people, a matter easily to be done and scanty to be avenged; yet in
their letters to Italy they have represented Dinant and Bouvis
[Bouvines] as impregnable as if they had been two castles of Milan,
and God wot they were two very weak pieces builded altogether
d l'antiqua, without any kind of such defences as are requisite for
the wars now-a-days." Hears that Marquis Albert came to the
French Court on the last day of July very simply accompanied:
if so he has well bestirred himself, that having lost an estate of
20,000l. per ann. in his own country is now driven to seek his
living in the Court of him whom once he so notably deceived!
The Turk's army, making a face towards the strait of Sicily, have
turned their sail suddenly toward the Gulf of Venice, to the
great marvel at the first of that state; but finally have come to the
coast of La Puglia, and are battering Beaustesin, where they would
gladly land. "The piece is not strong; marry it may with small
travail be satisfied. It is trusted they shall be kept off well
enough." On the 26th of July the army of the Duke of Florence
and the enemy had two notable skirmishes in which above 2,000
were slain on both sides, and another on the 31st, when were slain
and hurt above 800; but the greatest stroke fell upon Strozzi's
side. These two armies are so close, that tidings of a pitched battle
are daily expected. |
P.S.—Autograph of Masone. Before making up his letter received the inclosed schedule, whereby they may perceive that Pietro
Strozzi with his whole army is overthrown. [Two pages. Inclosure.
Italian. Four lines.] |
Aug. 15. Richmond. |
254. The Council to Thomas Gresham. Perceive by his letter
of the 10th ult. the small readiness in which the treasure to be
received there is. At this they much marvel, the rather as since
receipt of his letter they have heard nothing of his proceedings
in the charge committed to him. As he alleges that the lack of a
passport for its transportation was the cause why the money was
not received before his Majesty left, they cannot tell what let such
lack should be to the receiving of the money. As he says he has
by his instructions only one way left for sending over the treasure,
they think that, seeing he says money is now so scant to come by
there, he may find honest and sure merchants, who occupying
the traffic of oils, wines, fruits, and other wares commonly laden
from them, will be content to take a good portion of the money
from him to be repaid in England to her Majesty's use. Require
him to see what may be done therein, foreseeing that he deals not
but with such men as be honest and substantial. As regards his
instructions to send the said treasure by his servant to Calais
for shipment there, and himself thereafter to return home by land,
they cannot but much marvel that he would commit the doings
and order of a matter of such importance to any other but himself,
the thing being of such great weight and consequence as they think
there cannot be too much diligence, policy, and circumspection used
therein. Wherefore they pray him to consider the matter in such
substantial sort, and to take such order therein, as may be answerable to the trust reposed in him. As for the 120,000 ducats that
remain above the 200,000 for which he has already passport, he
shall do well to sue for them at the hands of the Princess of
Portugal, to whom as Governess and to the Council, both the
Emperor and her Majesty had addressed letters for that purpose.
Beg that they may hear from him more frequently. |
P.S.—If the money were not ready at the days agreed upon,
presumes he will consider it unreasonable that her Majesty should
pay at the days covenanted, promises on the other side not having
been kept, and that he will protest and use the matter accordingly;
apprizing them whether money has been paid at all hands to him
according to agreement or not. [Two pages.] |
Aug. 23. Vienna. |
255. Maximilian, King of Bohemia, to Queen Mary. Credentials
of Don Perolasso de Castilla, Master of the Household of the Queen
of Bohemia, by whom he has written relative to the elevation to
the Cardinalate of the Nuncio resident at his Court, and requesting
her Majesty's mediation with the Cardinals of Naples, Carpi and
Santiago, that they will support the claims of the Nuncio at the
first creation of Cardinals. [Spanish. One page.] |
Aug. 26. Brussels. |
256. Sir John Masone to the Council. Yesterday received their
letter of the 14th inst., and having talked with Petro Usore Mare,
broker of Antwerp (called here il Solicito), perceives that the
bargain opened by him to the Council will not altogether take
place, although he says he is at a point another way not much
different from the other, except that the spice must be turned to
fustian. He incontinently thereafter departed for Antwerp, and
to-day or to-morrow will be back with his full resolution in
the matter, which shall be instantly forwarded by an express
messenger. Is unable to inform them of the proceedings between
the Emperor and the French King with such speed as were worth
the reading, because the Ambassadors are commanded to reside
here, which is almost a hundred miles from the place where they
think they ought rather to be. All news from the place where the
Emperor is may be heard at London as soon, if not sooner than
here. Presumes by other means, they have heard of the skirmish
on the 13th, with some loss on both sides, about the getting of a
hill; of the French standing in arms the most part of the 14th,
as if they would have prevented battle, and of their retreat on
the 15th, unespied till out of all danger, favoured by a dark night
and thick mist on the morning of the 16th. Does not know
whether they mind to dismiss the Swiss or to dissolve their whole
army. The news of Strozzi's overthrow are confirmed. In his
carriages which were taken were found not only his writings,
plate, and collar of the Order of France, but 20,000 crowns, and
about the same time were taken in another place coming to him
24,000 more. Among his writings were found many practices
worth discovery, especially one which was a treason concluded for
the setting on fire of the powder and munition in the castle of
Naples and Gaeta at the same time on the 20th inst., when the
Prince of Salerno should have landed with 3,000 soldiers. The
draft of this now disappointed enterprise was in the French King's
hand. Among the conspirators, all of whom are in hold, the chief
is called Spinosa. Strozzi has returned to Montalcino, gathering
reliquias fusi exercitus, but being without money and credit, he
is likely to do but little more hurt this year. The Marquis has
returned to Sienna, where he fortifies before Porta Romana, which
gate until now he could never shut up. The city is said to be
victualled for two or three months yet, and to contain 3,000
soldiers. Thinks they have been informed by the Ambassador
there that Peter Carew is in Venice. Forty-four great pieces of
artillery, of which ten are mortars, have left Mechlin for St. Omer,
to be employed, it is said, upon Ardres. An Ambassador from the
Duke of Savoy to the King and Queen has this day departed in
post. He is a gentleman of a right good house in Piedmont, and
was long time Ambassador in this Court for the late Duke of
Savoy. He has always borne good affection to the English Crown,
and is very courteous to its Ambassadors. Begs their Lordships will
let him understand that somewhat has been written to them of
him. Has this evening received a letter from il Solicito, the
broker above mentioned, mentioning that one of the merchants
with whom he must have to do is presently at the camp, and
therefore till Monday he can do nothing. The merchants' names
will not be learned till it be assured whether the bargain shall be
accepted. [Two pages and a half.] |
Aug. 31. Rome. |
257. Cardinal Sarasino [John Michael Sarracena] to Queen
Mary. Congratulates her Majesty upon her marriage with his
master the King of Naples. [Italian. Half a page.] |