Sept. 5. Citadel of Dunslacken. |
258. William, Duke of Cleves, to same. Congratulates her
Majesty on her marriage by his Councillor, Dr. Herman Cruser,
of whom this letter is accreditory, and who with his wife is for
some time to remain with the Duke's sister. [Latin. Broadside.] |
Sept. 5. Compiegne. |
259. Dr. Wotton to same. Returns thanks to her Majesty for
sparing the lives of his nephews, Robert Rudstone and William
Cromer, and soliciting that she may cause them to be restored to
those self small livings which they before enjoyed. [One page.] |
Sept. 8. Brussels. |
260. Sir John Masone to the Council. This morning the broker
of Antwerp has been with him for answer to the bargain offered to
her Majesty, which he seems to be very earnest to understand.
Had informed him that in three or four days he expected to hear
out of England. The Emperor is in person at Bethune; part of
his army has entered France to retaliate for the ravages committed
on the frontiers in the beginning of summer, and part remains to
fortify Renti and to assist in constructing a new fort in a strong
site between two rivers within a mile of Hesdin. If this is brought
to pass, then may the French King say "Early in the morning and
never the near," for anything that he does this year with great
vaunting, for Marienburg being far from relief shall never have
half that commodity to serve his turn, as this other if achieved will
serve that of the Emperor. The Swiss have left the French right ill
satisfied, having up to the very time of their dismissal been led to
believe that they were to be entertained all this winter; and large
offers having been made to them to return, upon knowledge of the
Emperor's intention to build this fort, they have utterly refused to
do so with high and brave words. The soldiers of Renti are bountifully rewarded, from the highest to the meanest, and in this war
the Emperor has generally used more liberal payment than at any
time he has heretofore used. These countries have granted him an
aid of 1,450,000 crowns, each crown taken at 4s., viz.: Brabant,
400,000; Flanders, 600,000; Holland, 200,000; Zealand, 100,000;
Artois and Hainault, 150,000; and the Pope has granted him the
tenth part of the spiritual promotions in Spain, which will amount
to no small sum. The Siennese are closed in round about. Dragut
Rey has returned towards Constantinople laden with a poor sort
of Christian souls, who have good cause to pray for the success of
the French King by whose means they have come into the infidel's
hands! Marvels at the conduct of the French King's dealings with
the Turk, winning in effect thereby nothing but dishonour and the
wrath of God. Sends copy of a letter found among P. Strozzi's
writings. The deputies of the German States at Worms have agreed
to enforce the ban against Albert, and to contribute thereto not only
for the future but for the past, being the rather moved thereto by the
Marquis returning to Germany and beginning to assemble a power.
It is said that the King of the Romans will be at Augsburg on
the 20th inst. to begin the Diet so long talked of. [Two pages.]
Incloses, |
260. I. "Copy of a letter written to Pietro Strozzi, found among
other writings of the said Pietro Strozzi at the day of his
overthrow." From the French King, communicating the
Prince of Salerno's plan of enterprise on the city of
Naples, for which he is to receive 12,000 crowns, and the
use of the French gallies and navy of Algiers for 20 days
to convey thither 3,000 Italian soldiers. Has informed
Cardinal Farnese of this, and directed him to confer
thereon with the Prince of Salerno, and has appointed
the said Cardinal superintendent of his officers in Italy
during the absence of the Cardinal of Ferrara. [Three
pages. Translation.] |
Sept. 18. Brussels. |
261. Sir John Masone to the Council. Has this morning their
letter of the 14th, and is glad to understand their resolution not
to meddle with the dishonourable bargain offered by the broker in
the name of certain merchants of Antwerp. "To such a pride are
those kind of men become by the reason of the disorder of Princes,
as all seemeth to them reason that necessity maketh to be sought
for at their hands; so as contrary to nature and all God's forbode
the merchant is now become the prince, and who needeth aid at
their hands shall so pass therein as he shall feel the tyranny they
have by princes' wilful desire either of enlarging of dominions or of
revenge attained unto. Ex quo discordia, &c." The letter for
Mr. Vannes shall be forwarded to-morrow. The Emperor's fort in
course of construction within a mile of Hesdin goes forward lustily;
the soldiers, who have sixpence a day beyond their ordinary wages,
being as diligent in working as the ordinary labourers. It will be
as strong as any earthwork may be. With his next shall send a
plot thereof. The Emperor at present is at Arras, whither he has
summoned the States of Flanders and Hainault, and it is thought
he will remain there 18 or 20 days, being anxious to understand
some perfection of the fort before he withdraws farther hence.
Marquis Albert was sent to Metz, to see what could be done by
invasion of the coast of Namur to divert the Emperor from this
enterprise; but the Count of Meghem and Martin Van Rosse have
too well assured those parts. The Diet at Worms is adjourned to
Frankfort, there to be resumed next month. In the meantime the
Palsgrave, the Bishop of Strasburg, and the Duke of Wirtemberg
are appointed to see to the common expenses of the Empire, ne
quid respublica detrimenti capiat by the said Marquis. Sienna is
still firmly inclosed. The Marquis has dispatched the whole
cavalry of Naples and has dismissed Don Juan de Luna with the
whole aid of Lombardy, retaining about Sienna 15,000 or 16,000,
which he considers sufficient. Nothing before next spring is to be
feared of Strozzi. Andrea Doria is still in the Levant for the
defence of La Puglia [Apulia]; on his return after the departing of
the enemy, which is shortly expected, he will freight his gallies in
Sicily with corn and other victual, of which there is a marvellous
necessity in Tuscany, for the furniture of the Duke of Florence's
state and army. Valle Ferrara in Piedmont, a town of much
importance, whereof the French made an assured account, is so
re-victualled in spite of their teeth that the siege is raised. Is
informed by the Ambassador of Ferrara here that there is some
heart-burning because of precedence being assigned to the Ambassador of Florence over him of Ferrara at their late being in
England, whereby the latter was fain to absent himself at the day of
the triumph, which is alleged never to have been seen in any place
before. Pleaded ignorance thereof, and said he doubted not that
in such a controversy their Lordships adopted such a course as had
respect to the honour of both Dukes. Sends herewith portion of
a letter sent to him last Saturday by Mr. Gresham's factor, who is
a right honest man, whereby they may perceive how ready the
English are to bring over lewd and false reports and to promulgate
the same. Suggests that such persons should be talked with
severely in order to check similar licentious rumours. "In all other
countries speeches be at liberty, for such are the people's natures as
when they have talked they have done. In our country it is otherwise, for there talking is a preparatory to a doing; and the worst
act that was ever done in our time, was the general abolishing of
the act of words by the Duke of Somerset, whereof we have had
already some experience, and I pray God we have no more." Has
sent to Antwerp not to examine the matter, but to inform the honest
sort of the truth and put the rest to silence; for such a bruit
was suddenly risen upon these reports as it was wonder to hear.
[Three pages.] Incloses, |
261. I. Portion of letter from Richard Clough. Three or four
men have arrived here to-day, who state that when they
left England there was a great noise that the Earl of
Pembroke had gone into Wales, and it was the common
opinion in London that next day he should be proclaimed traitor for divers causes. Also that some or
all the Lords of the North had assembled at York and
called a parliament. Antwerp, September 16, 1554.
[One page.] |
Sept. 25. Naples. |
262. The Duke of Amalfi to Queen Mary. Being engaged in
her Majesty's service in this kingdom, he is unable to pay his respects
to her in person, wherefore delegates the bearer to discharge that
duty. [Italian. One page.] |
Sept. 26. Brussels. |
263. Sir John Masone to same. The Emperor's fort near Hesdin
goes so well forward that in 15 days it is thought it will be
tenable. Already in some places it is 15 feet high. The contention of the noblemen to whom the charge is committed, each to
advance his part, is so great, that the one causes the other's instruments to be stolen over night, in order that he may be able next
day to set more men to work. The matter of the fort is tough
clay and faggots, 16 and 17 feet in length. The foul weather,
though it has been tedious to the labourers, has been very good for
the settling of the work. Sends a plot of it, with the names in
each corner of those to whose charge each portion is committed.
It will be to great purpose for defence of these frontiers and the
annoyance of the enemy, and be a right good recompence for
Marienburg. When completed, the Emperor intends another enterprise, supposed to be Dourlens. On the 18th the Duke of Savoy
devised to have met with the garrison of Montreuil, who are in
number 2,000 horse; but the garrison, being advertised by espial
or otherwise, kept themselves within the walls, and suffered the
foragers to carry away what they pleased, and their villages to be
set on fire in their sight. 200 horse harquebusiers, coming out for
a fray, made such haste to return that they did not even discharge
one of their pieces, but for all their haste 30 or 40 of them were
laid on the ground, and as many taken. The seeking of this enterprise was partly to revenge the breaking of the arm of M. de
Champeigny, brother to M. D'Arras, by the stroke of a harquebuse
four days previously. The Emperor is still at Arras, having in this
changeable weather been somewhat troubled with the gout; he is
now very well amended, and minds shortly to be here. Hears
from Italy that the Siennese, though in great misery for lack of
provisions, gallantly stand to their defence. They have rid out of
the city 3,000 mouths of the poorest sort, and many of the richer
would also leave, if they were not afraid to be taken by the way.
An envoy, sent by them to declare their state to the French King,
narrowly escaped the hands of the Marquis of Marignano; but his
servants and baggage were taken. Pietro Strozzi, who has been
made one of the four Marshals of France, labours by all means to
amass provisions in Montalcino, with the view of conveying them
afterwards to Sienna by sleight or force. The Duke of Florence's
army has taken Monte Regione, a place of importance, and said to
be impregnable but by famine. It was surrendered for want of
water. The French King has sent to Strozzi nine ensigns of
Gascons. M. de Thermes has laid siege to Calvi, in Corsica: to
impeach this, the Genoese have ordered Prince Doria, who was at
Messina, to sail thither. Marc Antonio Colonna, who was at this
Court all last winter suing for some living for his mother and himself at his father's hands by mean of the Emperor, has in his way
from Sienna, with the Neapolitan horse, taken forcible possession
of his father's house, called Marino, 12 miles from Rome, where his
father lies sick, intending to do the like with the whole estate.
The qualities of the father are such, and the ill-handling of his
wife, who was sister to the late Marquis of Pescara, is so misliked,
that very few lament his case. His misery and niggardness is so
great, that having two daughters of 24 and 22 years of age, he
keeps them both unmarried for lack of dowry, he being a man of
notable riches. Many think that of late he has had secret practices with the French, because the Emperor had taken from him a
charge of horsemen, with the entertainment of 2,000 crowns per
annum, and given it to the son, for pity to see the young man so
destitute of living. Since the dissolution of the Diet of Worms,
wherein was concluded a contribution for the late wars sustained
by the Duke of Brunswick and the Bishops, there has been another
at Ulm. At this is concluded the setting of 8,000 horse into the
country, under the conduct of the Palsgrave and Bishop of Strasburg, for defence against Marquis Albert, who hovers about Metz,
sometimes with a small and sometimes with a larger company.
On the 14th of next month there is to be a meeting of the two
Circles of Germany at Frankfort, to treat of measures tending to
bridle the insolent meanings of the Marquis, and for the general
peace of Germany. [Two pages and a quarter.] |
Sept. 26. Brussels. |
264. Sir John Masone to the Council. For general intelligence
refers them to his letter to her Majesty of same date. Has narrowly
examined as to the authorship of the lewd bruits in Antwerp, and
finds no fault attaches to any of their countrymen, the same
having been first uttered by certain Flemings, who arrived at
Antwerp in hoys on Saturday week, and since then confirmed by
two or three merchant-strangers' couriers, who affirmed to his face
that at their departing from London the whole city was full
thereof. Requests they will order one of their clerks to signify to
him weekly that all is quiet, as on the moving of every air people
resort to him for the truth, and so he may be able to make
answer. The labour of the clerk will not be much, nor the conveying of the letter be costly, if the same be sent to Titchett.
[One page.] |