London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.
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'Index of subjects', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Index of subjects', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Index of subjects". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
Administration, letters of, 178 (p. 106), pp. x, xvi n
Administration bonds, p. x
Alabaster head of St. John, 40, p. xviii
Alb, 6, 11
Ale, bequest of, 99; to be distributed at a funeral or obit, 4, 32, 77, 178 (p. 106); owed for, 194, 199
Almain rivets, almon revyttes (light armour), 168, 178 (p. 104)
Altar cloths, awter clothis, 4; linen, 38
Ambry, aumbere, 190 (p. 114), p. xix
Anchorite, anker, 38
Ancients, awncienttes, Company of, 157
Andirons, aundirons, aundeans, handyarns, handyrnes, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 116), 194, 209
Angell (money), 183, 184; Angell noble, 204
Anker, see Anchorite
Antiphonar, see Books, Antiphoner
Antyms, see Books, Anthems
Appornes, see Aprons
Apprentices, 135, 148, 164, 183, 229, 232, 237; indentures of apprenticeship cancelled or shortened, 135, 148, 183
Aprons, appronys, appornes, 198, 200 (p. 126); coarse, 178 (p. 105); say, 198
Arms and armour, see Almain rivets; Bow and arrows; Bracer; Buckler; Crossbow; Dagger; Foils; Gorget; Knives; Sallet; Skalle; Sword
Arras work, 113
Aundeans, see Andirons
Awncienttes, Companye of, see Ancients
Awter clothis, see Altar cloths
Ax(e), 190 (p. 116)
Back garret, bake garet, 178 (p. 104)
Bakers, Company of, 127; see also Trades & occupations
Banker, 158, 194, 200 (p. 125), 215; verder, 178 (p. 103)
Barbers, Company of, 184; see also Trades & occupations
Barbers and Surgeons, Company of, 183
Barley, 11, 14, p. xvii
Barley malt, 8
Barnabe Pulmer, ship called, 157
Basin, basyn, baysyn, bassyn, basson, bacon, etc., 88, 118, 156, 174, 184, 232; christening, 178 (p. 105), 194; deep, 232; hand, 194; latten, laten, latyn, lattyn, 156, 162, 169, 174, 192 (p. 119), 214; pewter, 51, 66, 84, 215; with two hearys (ears), 174
Basket(t), bassket, 178 (pp. 103, 104), 194, 200 (p. 125); hand, 156; of foils, 118; see also Prickle
Bastards, legacies to, 110
Baudekin cloth, 178 (p. 103)
Bead(e)s, bedes, beddes, bedis, bedys, beedes, 161; amber, awmbyre, 198, 200 (p. 126); coral, corall, 116, 138, 174, 178 (p. 106), 183, 198, 223; gauded, gawded, with silver, 116, 178 (p. 106), 179, 183, 194, 200 (p. 126), 223, 232; ivory, ivery, 58; jet, 116, 174, 200 (p. 126); of stolework, 176; treen, 38
Beasts, beestes, to keep a day, 68; see also Cows
Bed, bede, bedde, 4, 7, 12, 20, 37, 75, 78, 79, 81, 85, 91, 118, 130, 155, 164, 185, 194, 209, pp. xviii, xix; flock, flacke, 158, 214, 223; joined, 130, 209; red and green say, 223; tester, testour, of, 2, 37, 138, 158, 169, 174, 178 (p. 104), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 194; see also Bedstead; Featherbed
Bedde panne, see Warming pan
Beddes, see Beads
Bede rolls, 32
Bedes, bedis, see Beads
Bedstead, bedsted, bedstedde, bedstyde, 2, 138, 158, 169, 190 (p. 114), 192 (p. 117), 194, 214, 222, p. xix; joined, jonyd, 130, 204, 178 (pp. 103, 104), 243; standing, 178 (p. 104); trundle, tryndell, 178 (pp. 103, 104), p. xix; with a mattress, 156; see also Bed
Bedys, beedes, see Beads
Beer, bere, double, dowbull, and single, 119
Beestes, see Beasts
Bell(s), 33; casting or changing, 8, 9; repair, 33, 94
Benches, 178 (p. 102)
Bere, see Beer
Bible, see Books, Bible
Bible, bibill, clerk, 77
Bill, byll: forest, foryst, 190 (p. 116); hedging, hegyng, 190 (p. 116)
Billets, byllytes, of wood, 58, 190 (p. 115)
Biscuit bread, biskyttebread, 182
Bishop's books or registers, p. x
Blake booke of masses, see Books, Black book of masses
Blankets, blankittes, blankytes, blancketes, blanckeddes, 2, 7, 10, 40, 56, 66, 68, 75, 92, 114, 130, 138, 140, 154, 158, 161, 169, 178 (p. 103), 184, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 200 (p. 125), 214, 234; furred, 10
Blind, blynde, woman, 209
Boards, bordes, bordis, 40, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 115); table, tabell, 190 (p. 114)
Boat, bote, with gins, gynnys, 74
Boge, boby, bogy, see Budge fur
Bokes skynne, see Buckskin
Boking tubbe, see Tub, bucking
Bokyrom, see Buckram
Boles, bolles, see Bowls
Bolokes, see Bullocks
Bolster, bolstre, bowlster, bowster, boulster, boustere, 2, 4, 7, 23, 30, 37, 40, 53, 56, 75, 85, 86, 92, 118, 130, 133, 138, 140, 154, 155, 158, 162, 169, 174, 178 (p. 104), 183, 184, 193, 194, 200 (p. 125), 204, 208, 209, 214, 215, 223, 232, p. xix; canvas of flock, floke, 190 (p. 115); of feathers, 192 (p. 118); tick, tycke, 190 (p. 115); twill, 44
Bonnet, bonett, 2, 101, 123, 219
Booge, see Budge fur
Bookeram, see Buckram
Books, bokes, 3, 6, 7, 22, 32, 34, 56, 58, 62,
66, 77, 90, 184n, 196, pp. xvii, xxi;
on civil law, 204; on surgery, 108; to
be chained, 38, 84
-, Anthems in pricksong, antyms in priksonge, 95
-, Antiphoner, 7, p. xvii
-, Bible, bibill, 58
-, Black book, blake booke, of masses in
pricksong, 95
-, Breviary (portas or porteferum), 3, 6, 12,
56, 88
-, Commentary on the Decretals by Nicholaus de Tudeschis, 58n
-, Dialogues and homilies of Gregory the
Great, 7n
-, Directorium sacerdotum (Pye) of
Clement Maydeston, 3n
-, Dirge book (Placebo & Dirige), 3n
-, Epistles and gospels for the mass with
the sequences, 38
-, Glosa ordinaria and Expositiones of
Nicholaus de Lyra, 47n
-, Legenda aurea, Legenda awria or
Legend, 7, 38
-, Manipulus curatorum, 84
-, Manual, printed, 10
-, Meditationes (or Speculum) vite Christi
ascribed to St. Bonaventura, 22n
-, Medulla gramatice, 38
-, Missal, 10, 38, 40, 56
-, Primer, prymer, 40, 108; Latin, 177;
parchment, 12
-, Sententiarum libri quatuor of Petrus
Lombardus, 23n
-, Sermones de tempore et de sanctis of
Paratus (Sermones Parati), 84n
-, Sermones discipuli of Johannes Herold,
40, 84
-, Sermons of Philip Repyngdon, 7n
-, Works of St. Vincent Ferrer, 58n
Boots, bottes, pair of, 178 (p. 104), p. xx
Bordes, see Boards
Bote with gynnys, see Boat
Bottes, see Boots
Bottle, bottell, botell, bottyll, 66; stone, 156; tin, tyn, 156
Boulster, boustere, see Bolster
Bow(e), 2, 108; weighted or pesed, 193
Bow and arrows or shafts, 56, 71, 108, 117, 156, 177, 187, 193, 224, p. xvii
Bowge, see Budge fur
Bowls, boles, bolles, 156; washing, wascheyng, 178 (p. 105); wood, wod, 190 (p. 116)
Bowlster, bowster, see Bolster
Box for a pursuivant, purcyvant, 178 (p. 106)
Bracer, 108
Branches, braunches, for tapers, 54
Brass, bras, 40, 174, 178 (p. 102), 194, 209; see also Pan; Pot, etc.
Braunches for tapers, see Branches
Bread, bred(e), breed, to be distributed, 4, 32, 38, 40, 50, 77, 122, 164, 178 (p. 106), 195, 199; for Bedlem, 219; for sacramental purposes, 12
Bread bin, bred byn, 178 (p. 102)
Bread grater, bred grate, 156
Breders, see Breeders
Breed, see Bread
Breeders, breders, for conies, 178 (p. 104)
Breviary, see Books
Brewers, Company of, 202; see also Trades & occupations
Broche, see Brooch
Brode cloth, see Cloth, broad
Broiderer, see Trades & occupations
Brooch, broche, 174, 243
Brotherhoods, fraternities or gilds in parish churches, 10, 12, 22, 26, 34, 36, 55, 58, 70, 90, 96, 97, 99, 101, 105, 144, 199; see also (in Index of Persons and Places) Pappey, brotherhood of St. John the Evangelist; Rome, fraternity of St. Thomas; Trinity, brotherhood of sixty priests
Brown blue, broune blew, 117, 176, 183, 200 (p. 125)
Brushes, broushes, 190 (p. 116)
Brushing, brusshyng, chamber, 178 (p. 104), p. xviii
Buckler, bucler, 192 (pp. 117, 118)
Buckles, silver and enamelled, buckilles, sylver and amylled, 174
Buckram, bucram, boccram, bookeram, bokyrom, 126, 130, 169, 176, 178 (p. 105)
Buckskin, bukskyn, bokes skynne, 155, 180
Bucler, see Buckler
Bucram, see Buckram
Budge fur, boby, boge, bogy, booge, bowge, bug(g)e, 30, 77, 156, 184, 219, 230
Bukskyn, see Buckskin
Bullocks, bullokes, bolokes, 14, 68, 81, p. xvii
Buns distributed to children and poor, 162
Butchers, see Trades & occupations
Butlers, see Trades & occupations
Butter wife, see Trades & occupations
Buttery, buttrye, 156, 178 (p. 102), p. xviii
Buttons, golden, 176, 244
Byllytes, see Billets
Cabirons, cabbyrans, coborns, 138, 156, 158
Calaber, calybre, fur, 184
Caldron, cawdryne, 84
Calico, calycow, 223
Calves, calvys, 81
Calybre fur, see Calaber
Calycow clothe, see Calico
Camlet, chamblet, chamlet, 2, 4, 5, 58, 68, 101, 126, 154, 156, 178 (p. 105), 183, 184, 187, 196, 210, 215, 223; chargeable, 116; silk, 219
Candle mould, kandyllmode, 214
Candles, 32, 53; Whitsun, 175
Candlesticks, candelstykes, candyllstyckes, canstykes, kandilstykkes, 51, 54, 68, 131, 138, 144, 156, 158, 190 (pp. 115, 116), 192 (p. 119), 215, 222, 223, 232, 234, p. xx; bellied, 194; latten, 174, 178 (p. 103), 194, 223
Canvas, 91, 178 (p. 103), 188, 190 (p. 116); sheets, 178 (p. 104), 183, 190 (p. 115), 200 (p. 126)
Cap(e), capp(e), cappy, kape, kapp, 5, 12, 56, 58, 84, 108, 113, 118, 156, 177, 184, 188, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 196, 200 (p. 126), 209, 210; man's, 178 (p. 106); night, of satin, 177; quilt, 176, 178 (p. 106); quilted linen, 219; velvet, 160; woollen, 176
Capper, see Trades & occupations
Cappy, see Cap
Carpent, see Carpet
Carpenters, Company of, 106n; see also Trades & occupations
Carpet(t), carpent, carppet, carpyt, 156, 158, 190 (p. 114), 192 (117), p. xviii; Kentish, 178 (p. 103); of cloth of baudekin, baudkyn, 178 (p. 103); turkey, 215
Cawdryne, see Caldron
Celure, selar, of a bed, 178 (p. 103)
Chafer, chaffir, chuffer, 40, 84, 138, 178 (p. 102); brass, 51, 192 (p. 118); brass with a lion on it, 222; with feet, 215
Chaffing dish, chaffyng dysse, chaffyn dysche, 174, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 119), 215; latten, 156, 178 (p. 103)
Chain, 38, 84; of silver and gilt, 244
Chair, chayer, cheyer, cheyre, chere, etc., 84, 121, 138, 164, 169, 190 (p. 114), 192 (p. 117), 194, 209, 234, pp. xviii, xix; carved, 214; close with coffer, 178 (p. 103), p. xix; hollow, 214; joined, 178 (p. 102); leather with three feet of wood, 56; straw, 156; thrown, 44; turned, 178 (pp. 102, 104), 200 (p. 125)
Chalice, chales, chalesse, 67, p. xvii; parcel gilt, 6, 77
Chamber, chambre, chaumber, chawmbar, 2, 7, 12, 37, 40, 56, 63, 68, 87, 95, 128, 133, 156, 158, 174, 185, 190 (p. 114), 209, 216, p. xviii
Chamber of London, see London, chamber of (in Index of Persons & Places)
Chamblet, Chamlet, see Camlet
Chancery, Chauncerey, 182
Chandler, see Trades & occupations
Chantry, chauntery, chawntree, 3, 58, pp. xiii, 1557; box, p. 157
Charger of pewter, 214
Chaumber, see Chamber
Chauncerey, see Chancery
Chawmbar, see Chamber
Chayer, chayre, chear, see Chair
Cheast, see Chest
Chere, chery, see Chair
Chest, cheaste, chyste, 2, 32, 37, 56, 121, 125, 138, 156, 158, 160, 162, 169, 174, 176, 177, 178 (p. 104), 183, 188, 190 (p. 115), 194, 196, 198, 200 (p. 125), 206, 209, 214, 215, 234, pp. xvii, xix; bound with iron, 192 (p. 117); great, 193; joined, 118, 178 (p. 103); ship, 178 (p. 104); spruce, 54; square, 192 (p. 117); wainscot, 117, 178 (p. 103), p. xviii; with leaves, 178 (p. 102)
Chey(er), cheyre, see Chair
Chimney, chymny, hanging irons, 40
Chire, see Chair
Chopping board, chopyng borde, 156
Chopping knife, chopyng kneyfe, 156
Christening basin, crystenyng bassyn, 194; with an ewer, 178 (p. 105)
Chuffer, see Chafer
Churchwardens, 4, 11, 14, 16, 18, 27, 40, 77, 92, 95, 97, pp. 1567; wardens and keepers of St. Mary Woolnoth, 76
Chuverynge, see Covering
Chyest, see Chest
Chymny, hangyng yrons, see Chimney, hanging irons
Chyst, see Chest
Clappers, clapers (hutches) for conies, 178 (p. 104)
Claricymbals, clarysimballes, 19
Clasps of silver, 12
Clavichords, clavycordes, 62, 177
Clerk of the Counter, see Trades & occupations
Clerk of the Kitchen, see Trades & occupations
Cloak, cloke, cloek, 12, 48, 61, 113, 155; black, 144; freseadawe, 108; lined, 42; of green medley, 116; of one colour, 190 (pp. 114, 115); trimmed with cony, 12; with hood, 36
Clock with plommets, 178 (p. 102), 224, p. xix
Close chayer, see Chair
Cloth, 144; broad, 182; of arms, 192 (p. 118); of the Passion of Christ, 88; painted, 40, 90, 156, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 115), 194, 214, 223n, 234; stained, 2, 7; see also Buckram; Calico; Camlet; Canvas; Cotton; Damask; Diaper; Frieze; Linen; Northern dozens; Puke; Sarsenet; Satin; Say; Silk; Twill; Velvet; Worsted
Clothes, 212, pp. xix, xx; see also Boots; Cap; Coat; Doublet; Foresleeves; Girdle; Gown; Handkerchief; Hat; Hose; Jacket; Jerkin; Kerchief; Kirtle; Mantle; Neckerchief; Night cap; Night gown; Overstocks; Partlet; Petticoat; Shirt; Shoes; Sleeves; Smock; Stockings; Tippet; Tunic; Waistcoat
Clothworkers, see Trades & occupations
Coal, cole, rake, 156
Coals, colles, collys, 53, 144, 190, (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), p. xix
Coat, coot(te), cote, cott, cowte, 68, 177, 178 (p. 107), 182, 183, 188, 194, 210; black cloth, 192 (p. 118); black worsted, 196; camlet, 4, 5; frieze, fresh grey, 228; frieze tawny, 192 (p. 118); green, grene, 155; motley, motlaye, 101; riding, ryddyng, 108, 156, 241; russett, 160; tawny, 50, 192 (p. 118)
Cobbler, cobler, see Trades & occupations
Cobborde, coberde, coborde, see Cupboard
Coborns, see Cabirons
Cock, coke, 58
Coffer, cofferse, cofer, koffere, 37, 190 (pp. 114, 115), 200 (p. 125); green, 194; little, of silver and gold, 86
Coke, see Cock
Colander, collender of latten, 156
Cole rake, see Coal rake
Collender, see Colander
Colles, see Coals
Colliers, see Trades & occupations
Collys, see Coals
Colt(e), 68; gelded, geldid, 68
Common, commyng, box of a church, 77
Cony, cunny, fur, 12, 58, 116, 146, 155, 178 (p. 105), 184, 194, 196
Cony, connye, chamber, 178 (p. 104), p. xviii
Cook(e), see Trades & occupations
Cooking utensils, p. xix; see also Basin; Bowls; Chafers; Frying pan; Kettle; Pan; Pot, etc.
Coope, see Cope
Coopers, see Trades & occupations
Copberde, see Cupboard
Cope, coope, cloth of gold, 77
Coppe, see Cup
Copyhold land, 72, pp. xvii, 156
Cordwainers, see Trades & occupations
Corn(e), 190 (p. 116)
Corporal, corporas, case, 23; cloth, 23, 38
Corriar, see Trades & occupations, Currier
Corten, see Curtain
Coschin, see Cushion
Costs and prices, p. xxi
Cotton, coton, cotten, 156, 157, 190 (p. 115); for lining, 101, 161, 176
Counter, 162, 209; in the hall, 37
Coussinge, see Cushion
Covering, chuverynge, coverynge, keveryng, 209, 214, p. xix; arras work, 113; bed, 44, 118, 156, 160, 184; carpet, 192 (p. 118); lined with canvas, 178 (p. 103); Norwich, 178 (p. 103); tapestry, 56, 178 (p. 103), 184, 192 (p. 118); white diaper drawn with gold, 193
Coverlet, coverlede, coverlight, coverlytte, keverlette, 2, 7, 10, 40, 44, 68, 70, 75, 133, 138, 140, 154, 162, 169, 174, 190 (p. 115), 215, 234, p. xviii; bed, 37, 156, 158, 200 (p. 125); lined with canvas, 194; of imagery, 130; Norwich, 178 (p. 103)
Cow(s), kowe, kene, kine, 9, 14, 24, 26, 34, 41, 70, pp. xvii, xviii, xxi, xxii; flecked, 68; for an obit, 4, 11, 14, 61, 81, p. xvii; milch, 11; to keep a light, 40, 81, p. xvii
Cowpe, see Cup
Cradle, cradyll, 178 (p. 104), p. xx
Creepers, crepers, pair of, 178 (p. 103)
Cross, for a church, 20; gold, 86; latten, 208; silver, 200 (p. 126), 244; see also Crucifix
Crossbow, crossebowe, 58
Crowchyd Freers, see Friars, Crossed or Crutched
Crucifix, with a silver clasp, 12
Crusado, for a gemew, jemy, 230
Cruse, stone, covered with silver, 236
Crystenyng bassyn, see Christening basin skin, 155, 180; camlet, 101, 126,
Cup, cuppe, coppe, 178 (p. 105), 192 (p. 118); gilt with a cover, 179, 207; silver, 219; standing, with a cover, 168, 179
Cupboard, cobborde, coberde, coborde, 37, 40, 44, 54, 138, 169, 178 (p. 102), 192 (p. 117), 194, 206, 209, 234, pp. xvii, xviii, xix
Curriers, see Trades & occupations
Curtain(s), corten, curtayne, curtyn, 190 (p. 116); bed, 155, p. xviii; blue buckram, blew bokeram, 130; buckram, 178 (p. 103); silk, 178 (p. 103); window, of yellow and red, 178 (p. 104)
Cushion(s), cusshyn, cussyn, cussyon, cusshen, coussinge, coschin, kossyn, qweschyne, qwyschyne, 138, 158, 190 (p. 114), 194, 200 (p. 126), 215, p. xviii; Bruges, Brege, satin, stuffed with flock, flookes, 178 (p. 103); of feathers, 178 (p. 103), 232; needle, nedyll, work, with flowers, etc., 115, 178 (p. 103); small, 223; tapestry work, 192 (p. 117); unfilled, onfyllyd, 192 (p. 117)
Custom of the City of London as to distribution of the goods of a citizen at his death, 126, 130, 148, 213, 230, 235, 243, p. xxi
Cutler, see Trades & occupations
Cutting board of a currier, 101
Dagger, daggar, 156, 168, 177, 192 (p. 118)
Damask(e), 11, 35, 101, 178 (p. 105)
Darny, see Dornick
Deschis, see Dishes
Desk(es), deskys, 178 (p. 102), 196; to lay books on, 56
Device, dyvyssyng, with a cross, 200 (p. 126)
Diaper, diepar, dierpar, dyaper, 86, 92, 174, 178 (p. 104), 190 (p. 115), 193, 200 (p. 126)
Diocesan repositories, pp. xi, xii
Directorium sacerdotum, see Books, Directorium sacerdotum
Dirige, see Books, Dirge book
Dishes, deschis, disshes, dysches, dysshys, 85, 90, 131, 133, 144, 154, 155, 156, 158, 162, 164, 174, 183, 208, 215, 222, 223, 232, 241; pewter, 6, 51, 54, 58, 68, 84, 92, 144, 169, 175, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 119), 194, 232
Docates, see Ducats
Doctor of physic, see Trades & occupations
Doeskin, do skyn, 188
Dominican Friars, see Friars, Black
Dornick, Dorneckes, Darny (fabric), 178 (p. 103), 188
Doublet, dobelet, doblet, dowblett, dubblett, dublete, etc., 2, 4, 60, 66, 71, 114, 117, 118, 133, 156, 160, 167, 188, 209, 230, 235, 243; black, 126, 183; buckskin, 155, 180; camlet, 101, 126, 210, 219; canvas, 188, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118); cason, 108; damask, 101, 178 (p. 105); doeskin, 188; Dornick, 188; fustian, 2, 68, 155, 183, 196; green, 192; leather, 6, 108, 141; sarsenet, 192 (p. 118); satin, 88, 108, 116, 126, 187, 196; say, 127; tawny, 88, 116, 126, 187, 196; velvet, 183, 197; worsted, 10, 68, 108, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 196, 232
Dowcheman, see Dutchman
Dragg, 58
Drapers, see Trades & occupations
Drinking house, 178 (p. 102), p. xviii
Drinking pot, see Pot, drinking
Dripping, drepyng, drypinge, dryppyng, pan, panny, payn, 156, 158, 178 (p. 105), 192 (p. 118), 209, 234
Dryfate, 194
Drypinge panne, dryppyng payn, see Dripping pan
Ducats, docates, 110
Dutchman, Dowcheman, 209, 242
Dyaper, see Diaper
Dyer, see Trades & occupations
Dysches, dysshys, see Dishes
Dyvyssyng, see Device
Education, p. xvii; see also School
Entermentes of stele, see Surgical instruments
Entry, entre, 178 (p. 104)
Epistles, see Books, Epistles
Ewer, ewar, ewry, yewer, yowre, 174, 178 (p. 105), 232; pewter, 194
Ewes, ewys, 216; see also Sheep
Ewry, see Ewer
Exhibition for a priest, 34
Faggot(t)s, 133
Farms and farming, 190 (p. 114), pp. xvii, xxi
Featherbed, federbedd, feytherbedde, etc., 2, 7, 23, 30, 37, 40, 51, 53, 56, 68, 77, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92, 118, 130, 133, 138, 154, 155, 162, 169, 174, 178 (p. 104), 183, 184, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 193, 194, 200 (p. 125), 204, 208, 209, 214, 215, 222, 223, 232, 234, 243; see also Bed
Fetters, fetres, 190 (p. 115)
Fire of London, p. ix n
Fire rake, fiar rack, 190 (p. 115), 234
Fire shovel, fier shovell, 88
Fishmongers, see Trades & occupations
Flax, hatchel for, 156
Fletcher, see Trades & occupations
Flock, floke, flooke (for pillows, etc.), 178 (p. 103), 190 (p. 115), 194
Fockys, see Fox
Foils, foilles, 118
Foot paces, fott pacys, 178 (pp. 102, 103)
Foredrove, 8, 8n, 41; see also Mortuary
Foresleeves, 176, 178 (p. 105), 198; of Flanders making, 219; see also Sleeves
Form, fourme, furme(y), 158, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 117), 194, 209, 214; stacked, 178
Foryst byll, see Bill, forest
Fott pacys, see Foot paces
Founders, see Trades & occupations
Fourme, see Form
Fox, fockys, fur, 2, 5, 12, 116, 141, 145, 158, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 194, 215, 243
Franciscans, see Friars, Grey
Fraternities in churches, see Brotherhoods, fraternities or gilds
Fre pulter, see Trades & occupations, Poulterer
Freese, see Frieze
Freres Observauntes, see Friars, Observant
Friars, frears, freers, of Cambridge, 11;
of Chelmsford, 58, 75; of Clare,
Suffolk, 24; of Colchester, 14; of
Greenwich, 38, 85
-, Black, Dominican or Preachers, in
London, 17, 97; in Newcastle, 47
-, Crossed or Crutched, 92, p. 154
-, Grey, Franciscan or Minor, 110; in
Bedford, 42; in London, 31, 97; in
Northallerton, 12
-, Observant, 47; of Richmond, 56
-, White, in Cambridge, 24
Frieng pan, see Frying pan
Frieze (cloth), freese, frese, fris, fryse, 58, 156, 194, 215; black, 190 (p. 115); grey, 228; Irish, 113; tawny, 192 (p. 118)
Frock(e), froke, chamlet, 223; cloth, 223; grey frese to make, 228; worsted, 232
Fruiterer, see Trades & occupations
Frying, frieng, fryne, fryneng, pan(e), 138, 156, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 194, 234
Fryse, see Frieze
Fuchez (fur), fychys, fytchis, 5, 215, 232
Fuller, see Trades & occupations
Funeral expenses, details of, 178 (p. 106), 199, 200 (p. 126)
Furme(y), see Form
Furs, see Budge; Calaber; Cony; Fox; Fuchez; Lamb; Marten; Shanks
Fustian, fusten, fustyan 2, 68, 117, 155, 183, 192 (p. 118), 196
Fychys, fytchis, see Fuchez
Fyrepan, see Warming pan
Gaberdine, gaberden (loose upper garment), 190 (p. 114)
Gaket, see Jacket
Garret, garet, 178 (p. 104)
Garters, gartors, of silk, 218, p. xx
Gelding, 132, 190 (p. 114)
Gemew, gymow, jemmowe, gold, 176
Gerkyn, see Jerkin
Girdle, girdell, girdill, gyrdell, gyrdle, kyrdell, 180, 183; coarse, 174, 198; harnessed with silver, 51, 58, 223; jet, geett, gete, 194, 232; silk, 65, 174; silver, 178, 179; stoolwork, 176, 179; sword, 177
Girdlers, see Trades & occupations
Glass (window), 18, 34, 54, 108
Glosa ordinaria of Nicholaus de Lyra, see Books, Glosa ordinaria
Goblets, gobbletes, nest of with gilt cover, 168, p. xx; parcel gilt, 179; parcel gilt with a cover and a knop, 183
Goldsmiths, see Trades & occupations
Gorget, 178 (p. 104)
Gown, 2, 4, 10, 26, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 66, 68, 69, 77, 81, 87, 98, 114, 115, 118, 127, 131, 133, 140, 141, 144, 148, 155, 156, 160, 162, 168, 174, 175, 178 (p. 105), 183, 190 (pp. 114, 115), 194, 196, 198, 200 (p. 125), 209, 210, 211, 215, 219, 229, 230, 232, 235, 239, 244; cloth, 155, 169, 237; faced with camlet, 126, 156, 178, 215; faced with cony, 178 (p. 105); faced with fox, 158, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118); faced with lamb, 156; furred with budge, 30, 77, 146, 184; furred with calaber, 184; furred with cony, 146, 184, 194; furred with fox, 116, 145, 192 (p. 117), 193, 194, 243; furred with fychys, 5; furred with lamb, 6, 30, 90, 101, 130, 134, 146, 155, 178 (p. 105), 196; furred with marten, martrane, 114; furred with shanks, 164; lined with buckram, 126, 178 (p. 105); lined with cotton, 101, 161, 176; lined with frieze, 190 (p. 115); lined with russell worsted, 161, 176, 187, 200 (p. 125); lined with sarsenet, 89, 184; lined with satin, 56; lined with taffeta, 178 (p. 105); livery, 241; long, 60, 66, 84, 89, 155; man's, 232; marvell, 190 (p. 115); puke, 101, 130, 156, 161, 176, 178 (p. 105), 187, 214, 243; round, 101, 164; russell worsted, 183, 184; short, 2, 56, 58, 60, 66, 68, 87; single, 90, 117, 167, 168, 190 (p. 114), 194; study, 196; summer, 183; turned, 158; unlined, 38, 56, 222; with hood, 7, 30, 34, 51, 53; woman's, 101, 194
Grass, 190 (p. 116)
Gredean, gredyerne, see Gridiron
Green, gryne, churchyard, 105
Gridiron, gredean, gredyerne, gydiryne, 156, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118)
Grinding stones, gryndyng stonys, 183, 184
Grocers, see Trades & occupations
Grosgrayne, grogram, 183n
Gryne chirch yerde, see Green churchyard
Gydiryne, see Gridiron
Gymow, see Gemew
Gyrdell, gyrdle, see Girdle
Gyrkyne, see Jerkin
Haberdashers, Haberdasshers, Company of, master and wardens, 199; see also Trades & occupations
Hacchat, see Hatchet
Hall(e), hale, haulle, 10, 11, 37, 40, 138, 156, 161, 164, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 114), 192 (p. 117), 194, 245, pp. xvii, xviii
Hall (foot) pace, pase, 178 (p. 102), 245
Hammer, hammar, 190 (p. 115)
Hamper, 178 (p. 103)
Handkerchief, hankerchere, 200; see also Kerchief
Handwriting, pp. xiii, xv, xviii, xxii, see also Signatures to wills
Handyarns, handyrnes, see Andirons
Hanger, see Knives, wood
Hangings, hangynges, 2, 192 (p. 118), 194, 209; in the chamber, 12, 37, 63, 68, 87, 156, 158, 178 (p. 103); in the hall, 37, 40, 138, 161, 164, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 114), 245; of green say, 56; painted, 40, 178 (p. 103), p. xvii
Hankerchere, see Handkerchief
Hanking of the pascall, see Paschal, hanking of
Harness, 156; wacchynge (?washing), 146
Harness maker, see Trades & occupations
Harness scourer, see Trades & occupations
Harp(e), 108
Hat(t), 84, 156, 190 (p. 115); satin, sattin, 177; taffeta, 187; trimmed, thrimbed, with black silk, sylke, 177
Hatchel, hecchell, for flax, 156
Hatchet, hacchat, 190 (p. 115)
Hay(e), 68; load of, 151; staddle of, 68
Hecchell, see Hatchel
Hegyng byll, see Bill, hedging
Hemp shetes, see Sheets, hemp
Hens, hennys, 58
Highway, hyeway, hyghwey, money left for repair of, 11, 33, 75, 94, p. xviii
Hog, hogge, 54
Hokes, see Hooks
Holy water stock(e), 192 (p. 119)
Hooks, hokes, howkes, gilt, garnished with pearl, 179; silver, 138, 144, 169, 176, 198, 200 (p. 126)
Hoop(e), houpe, of gold, 230; with a sapphire, saffer, 86; see also Ring
Hoose(n), see Hose
Horses, 2, 4, 20, 68, 75, 78; equipment for a woman, 154; see also Mare
Hose, hoose, hoossen, hossyn, etc., 2, 58, 59, 81, 114, 121, 127, 141, 156, 160, 167, 177, 178 (p. 105), 188, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 196, 198, 209, 219, 224, 230
Howkes, see Hooks
Husbandmen, see Trades & occupations
Husting, Court of, p. xviii
Hyerne, see Iron
Hyeway, see Highway
Iarne bare, see Iron bar
Innholders, see Trades & occupations
Inventories, 156, 158, 160, 169, 174, 176, 178 (pp. 1026), 188, 190 (pp. 11416), 192 (pp. 11719), 194, 198, 200 (pp. 1256), 209, 224, 232, 244, pp. x, xiv, xvi, xx, xxi, xxii
Inventory to be produced, 18, 21, 34, p. xvi
Iron, hyerne, iarne, bar, 190 (p. 115); old, 194
Ironmongers, see Trades & occupations
Irysshe Fryes, see Frieze, Irish
Jack, jake, 156
Jacket, jackytt, jakkett, jakytt, gaket, gakit, 12, 66, 81, 117, 118, 127, 133, 156, 183, 215, 219, 224, 230, 232; camlet, 68, 116, 126, 178 (p. 105), 187, 196; cloth, 2, 57, 108, 156, 219; leather, 141; worsted, 40, 101, 144, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 209
Jake, see Jack
Jemmowe, see Gemew
Jerkin, gerkyn, gyrkyne, jerkyn, jherkyn, 118, 160, 177; cotton, 190 (p. 115); furred, 108, 116, 191; fustian, 117; leather, 108, 178 (p. 105), 192 (p. 118)
Jewels, jewelles, juelles, juellys, 135, 176, 178 (p. 106), 198, 225, p. xx; see also Brooch; Hoop; Ring, etc.
Joists, joysts and boards, 161
Kandilstykkes, see Candlesticks
Kandyllmode, see Candle mould
Kape, see Cap
Kechyn, see Kitchen
Kene, see Cows
Kerchief, kercher, kerchew, kerchyffe, etc., 58, 138, 144, 162, 174, 175, 176, 178 (p. 105), 198, 200 (p. 126), 244; calico, calycow cloth, 223; see also Handkerchief; Neckerchief
Kettle, ketell, ketle, ketyll, etc., 40, 70, 84, 138, 162, 169, 174, 178 (p. 103), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 119), 215, 223
Keverlette, see Coverlet
Keveryng, see Covering
Keyrchaves, see Kerchief
Kine, see Cows
King's Bakehouse, Kynges Bakhowse, 210
King's Wardrobe, wardroppe, 192, 225
Kirtle, kertell, kertyll, keyrtell, kyrtyll, etc., 105, 138, 161, 162, 164, 194, 198, 232, 244; black, 161, 175, 183; camlet, 223; red, 161, 200 (p. 125), 211, 214; russet, russell, worsted, 178 (p. 105), 183; scarlet, 178 (p. 105), 200 (p. 125); tawny worsted, 176; worsted, 138, 178 (p. 105)
Kitchen, kechyn, kytchyn, 156, 178 (p. 103), 192 (p. 118)
Knives, knyvys, p. xx; chopping, 156, 192 (p. 119); great, with sheath garnished with silver, 76; pair of, 168; wood (or hanger), 2, 39, 58, 66, 118, 241
Koffere, see Coffer
Kossyn, see Cushion
Kowe, see Cows
Kyrdell, see Girdle
Labourers, see Trades & occupations
Ladle, laddell, ladell, ladyll, 156, 192 (p. 119), 223
Lair, leyre (tape or binding), 192 (p. 118)
Lamb, 26, 81; skin or fur of, 6, 30, 56, 90, 101, 134, 146, 155, 156, 178 (p. 105), 196; see also Shanks
Lamp in church, 81, pp. xvii, xx
Lance, fine, 108
Latten, 51
Latten founder, see Trades & occupations
Laundress, landresse, see Trades & occupations
Laystall, layston (place of burial), 85
Lead, lede, old broken, 190
Lead, leyd (pot), to boil meat in, 178 (p. 102)
Leading, ledinge, of church roof, 87
Leathersellers, see Trades & occupations
Lede, see Lead
Ledinge of church, see Leading of church
Legenda awria, see Books, Legenda aurea
Lennen welle, see Linen wheel
Leyd, see Lead
Leyre, see Lair
Library, lyberary, at Guildhall, 38; in St. Nicholas Newcastle, 47; in St. Peter Cornhill, 183, 184
Lights in churches, 13, 31, 33, 36, 40, 54, 74, 81, 85, 94, 97
Linen, lennyng, lynen, lynnen, lynyn, 164, 200 (p. 126); see also Napery; Napkins; Table cloths, etc.
Linen cloth, 38, 157, 174, 219; called canvas, 91; painted, 130
Linen draper, see Trades & occupations
Linen wheel, lennen welle, 190 (p. 115), 214
Lock(e), 190 (p. 115)
Lomber, see Lumber
Looking-glasses, p. xix
Lowte, see Lute
Lucretia, pane of, 223
Lumber, lomber, 178 (pp. 102, 104, 105), 194, 200 (p. 125)
Lute, lowte, 108
Lutheran dedications, 120, 206, 228, 240, p. xxii
Lyberary, see Library
Malt, 4, 14, 33, p. xvii
Manipulus curatorum, see Books, Manipulus curatorum
Mantle, mantell, mantyll, 244; red, 105; worsted, 123
Manuell prynted, see Books, Manual
Marchauntes marke, see Merchant's mark
Mare, maere, meer, mer, 68, 190 (pp. 114, 116); with foal, foole, 81; see also Horses
Mariner, see Trades & occupations
Marriage of poor, help for, p. 157
Marten, martrane, fur, 114
Marvades (Spanish coins), 110
Marvell (marled or mottled), goune of, see Gown, marvell
Maslin, mystelyn, 14, p. xvii
Mass(e) book, see Books, missal
Mats, mates, 194
Mattress, matteres, mattrys, materas, matrys, 29, 70, 84, 140, 174, 178 (p. 104), 184, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 200 (p. 125), 214, p. xix
Mazer, massar, masser, bound with silver, 198; bound with silver and gilt, 116; set of eight, 168; standing, 86
Meat, mette, 40, 178 (p. 106)
Meditationes vite Christi, see Books, Meditationes vite Christi
Medulla gramatice, see Books, Medulla gramatice
Meer, mer, see Mare
Mercers, Company of, 176n; see also Trades & occupations
Merchant, see Trades & occupations
Merchant Tailors, Taillours, fellowship, felishipp of, 76; see also Trades & occupations
Merchant's, marchauntes, mark, 219
Milk(e) house, 190 (p. 115)
Minstrel, see Trades & occupations
Mirrors, p. xix
Missal, see Books, Missal
Money, value of, p. xxi
Mortar, morter, stone, and pestle, pesstel, pestyll, 156, 178 (p. 105), p. xx; see also Spice mortar
Mortuary, 52; see also Foredrove
Moulds, moldes, 93
Musical instruments, p. xvii; see also Claricymbals; Clavichords; Harp; Lute
Mystelyn, see Maslin
Nails, 121
Napery, 174, 176, 178, 225; see also Linen
Napkins, napkyns, napking, 184, 192, 194, p. xix; coarse, 178 (p. 104); diaper, 86, 178 (p. 104), 190 (p. 115); plain, 86, 200 (p. 126), 223; table, 156, 215
Neckerchief, neckercheffe, neck kerchewe, nyckerchews, nekerchere, 138, 176, 198, 200 (p. 126), 219; see also Kerchief
Night cap, nyght capp, 178 (p. 107); satin, 177; velvet, 177
Night gown, nyght gown, 241; cotton, 156
Northern dozens, northeren dossens (coarse woollen cloth), 157, 168
Norwysche koverlet, see Coverlet, Norwich
Notaries public, see Trades & occupations
Nowch, see Ouch
Nuncupative wills, 26, 186, 188, 200, p. xv
Nuns, nunnes, 34, 40, 91, p. 154
Nurses for children, 178 (p. 107)
Nut(e), nutte, gilt, 178; gilt with a cover, 207; silver gilt, with a cock on the cover, 123
Nyckerchews, see Neckerchief
Nyght capp, see Night cap
Nyght gown, see Night gown
Obit, 18, 77, 83, 93, 183; beasts or kine left for, 4, 11, 14, 24, 61, 68, 81, p. xvii
Ordination books, p. x
Ouch, nowch, of gold, 86
Our Lady's cloth, 178 (p. 106)
Overstocks, over stokes (knee breeches), pair of, 188
Pail, payle, 156
Painted cloth, see Cloth, painted
Painter stainers, see Trades & occupations
Pan, panne, panny, payn, 156, 174, 178 (p. 103), 192 (p. 119), 223; brass, 214, 215; wort, 190 (p. 116)
Pantyde cloth, see Cloth, painted
Parish clerks, brotherhood of, 77; see also Trades & occupations
Parlour, parlowr, 243
Parrot, perott, 223
Parties of Abbot, see Books, Commentary on the Decretals by Nicholaus de Tudeschis
Partler, see Trades & occupations
Partlet(t), satin, 176; velvet, velewet, 176, 178 (p. 106), 184, 232
Paschal, pascall (candle), hanking or hanging of, 85
Pastler, see Trades & occupations
Paul's, Poules, Pardon, 14, 54
Payle, see Pail
Payn, see Pan
Pellos, pelowys, see Pillows
Penseor, pere of, see Pincers
Pentid cloth, see Cloth, painted
Perott, see Parrot
Pestle, pesstel, pestyll, see Mortar and pestle
Petticoat, peticot(te), petycot(te), 115, 161, 162, 164, 174, 198, 209, 232; red, 176, 178 (p. 105), 184, 200 (p. 125)
Pew in church, 32
Pewke, see Puke
Pewter, 40, 51, 174, 200 (p. 126), 209, 223; garnish of, 86, 114, p. xx; see also Dishes; Platters; Pot, etc.
Pewterers, see Trades & occupations
Physicians, see Trades & occupations
Picture, peyctour, of Christ, 62, 118, p. xviii; of Mary Magdalene, 14; of Our Lady, 118, p. xviii
Piler, see Pillows
Pillowberes, pyllow beyres, etc., 138, 155, 174, 176, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 200 (p. 126), 215, 219, 223, 244, p. xix
Pillows, pellos, pelowys, pewlous, piler, pyllos, etc., 130, 133, 155, 158, 169, 178 (p. 104), 190 (p. 115), 200 (p. 125), 204, 209, 215, 244; canvas, 190 (p. 115); down, doune, 138, 178 (p. 103), 184, 214; feather, fether, 194; flock, floke, 190 (p. 115), 194; fustian, 192 (p. 118); red and green say, 223
Pin, pyn(ne), silver, 194, 232
Pincers, penseor, pair, pere, of, 190 (p. 115)
Pincushion, pyn kassyn, 200 (p. 126)
Platters, platers, platres, 6, 58, 85, 90, 131, 133, 154, 155, 156, 158, 164, 183, 194, 208, 222, 228, 232; pewter, 84, 169, 174, 175, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 119); treen, 156
Plumbers, see Trades & occupations
Pochyngeres, podyngers, poddengeres, see Porringers
Pomander of silver, sylvir, 179
Porringers, pochyngeres, poddengeres, podyngers, porryengers, 156, 158, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 119), 209
Portas, porteferum, see Books, Breviary
Porters, see Trades & occupations
Portose, see Books, Breviary
Portuguese, portugale, 110
Posnet, possenette, possnet, 156, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118); brass, 174; brass with a slit, slett, 223
Pot, potte, 118, 156, 194, 232, 234; brass, brasen, 40, 54, 84, 138, 156, 162, 169, 174, 178 (p. 102), 179, 190 (p. 116), 192 (p. 118), 208, 215, 222, 223, 234, 243; brass with 3 feet and a handle, 104; drinking, pewter, 190 (p. 115); earthen, erthern, 156, 200 (p. 126); hooped, hoped, 162; iron, 156, 162, 178 (p. 102), 234; pewter, 51, 68, 90, 138, 158, 194, 215, 222; pewter with a standing foot, 177; silver and gilt with a cover, 183, 184, 223; silver with a cover, 168; silver with 2 ears, 183; stone with a cover, 168, 177; water, 209
Pot hangings, pott hanginges, 234
Pot hooks, pott hockes, howkes, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 116), 192 (p. 118)
Pottle-pot, pottell pott, 192 (p. 119), 215, 232; pewter, 194
Pouch, puche, with a lock, loke, of silver, 230
Poulterer, see Trades & occupations
Preacher, precher, of the word of God, 95
Prekele off ware, see Prickle of wares
Pres to le clotheses in, see Press to lay clothes in
Press, 37; to lay clothes in, 190 (p. 115), p. xix
Pressing iron, pryssyng yern, yron, 156, 221, p. xix
Prickle, prekele (wicker basket), of wares, 194
Priest's house, p. 156
Priests, passim; wages of, see Wages
Primer, prymer, see Books, Primer
Prisons & prisoners, 53, 101, p. xxi; see also (in Index of Persons & Places) Bread Street Counter, Counters, Fleet Prison, King's Bench Prison, Ludgate, Marshalsea Prison, Newgate, Westminster Gatehouse
Probate procedure, p. xv
Prymer, see Books, Primer
Pryssyng yern, see Pressing iron
Public Records, Royal Commission on, p. ix
Puche, see Pouch
Puke, pewke, puk, 101, 176, 178 (p. 105), 187, 196, 214, 243
Pulpit(t), 95
Purcyvants box, see Pursuivant's box
Purse of cloth of gold, 23
Pursuivant's, purcyvants, box, 178 (p. 106)
Purveyor, see Trades & occupations
Pye, see Books, Directorium sacerdotum
Pyllos, see Pillows
Pyn(ne), see Pin
Pyn kassyn, see Pincushion
Pyx, hook for, 65
Queschyne, see Cushion
Quiver of black leather, 56
Qweschyne, see Cushion
Rack, rake, to hang pottes on, 215; see also Pot hangings
Rail, rayle, raylle, raylus, reylle, 138, 144, 156, 176, 178 (p. 105), 184, 198, 200 (p. 126), 209, 223; double, 219; single, 219
Rake, 209; coal, 156; fire, 190 (p. 115), 234
Raymente, see Clothes
Razors, rasers, case with, 183
Recorder of London, 204
Register FitzJames, pp. xiii, 155
Register Palmer, 195, pp. ix, xii, xiii, xv, xvi, xxii, 151, 152, 155
Religious houses:
-, abbeys and priories, see (in Index of
Persons & Places) Austin Friars;
Black Friars; Charterhouse; Chertsey,
Surrey; Coggeshall, Essex; Colchester, Essex; Crowland, Lincs.; Crutched
Friars; Ellerton, Yorks.; Greyfriars;
Malling, Kent; St. Bartholomew
Smithfield; St. John the Baptist
Holywell; St. Paul's Cathedral; Swine
Yorks.; Thame, Oxon.; Thoby
Essex; Vale Royal, Cheshire; Walden,
Essex; Waltham, Essex; Westminster
-, colleges, see Cambridge, Jesus, Pembroke; College in Crooked Lane; Jesus
College, London; Oxford, Balliol,
King's, Lincoln, Magdalen, Merton
and University Colleges; Pleshey
College, Kent; Stoke by Clare
College, Suffolk; Wye College, Kent
-, hospitals, see Elsing Spital; St. Anthony,
hospital of, near St. Benet Fink; St.
Bartholomew, Smithfield; St. Thomas
of Acon
Repair of records, pp. x, xii
Ribbon, riband, rybande, rybbyne, 138, 198; crane colour silk, 176
Ring, ryng(e), 7, 108, 174; gold, 69, 138, 148, 157, 178 (p. 106), 183, 230; gold with a diamond, dyamond, 230; gold with the five wounds, wondys, 179; gold with a ruby, 86; gold with a sapphire, saffeur, safure, 244; gold with an inscription, subscription, on the inside, 86; silver, syllvar, 198; silver and gilt, 176, 200 (p. 126), 206; wedding, 161, 244; with a jassyng, 179; with a medas, 179; with a red stone, 194; with a turquoise, 179; see also Hoop
Rode lowte, see Rood light
Rood(e), rode, 4
Rood light, lowte, 33, 192 (p. 117), 199
Rood loft, 4
Rooms, p. xviii; see also Back garret; Brushing chamber; Buttery; Chamber; Cony chamber; Drinking house; Entry; Hall; Kitchen; Parlour; Study
Royal(l) of gold, 204
Rybande, rybbyne, see Ribbon
Ryddyng cote, see Coat, riding
Sacers, see Saucers
Sacrament, sacarment, the, 100, 175, 230
Saddle, saddull, 154
Saddlers, see Trades & occupations
Saffron(e), 33
St. James', Jamys, shell, 174
St. John, alabaster head of, 40, p. xviii
Saler, sallett, pewter, pouter, 190 (p. 115); see also Salt; Salt cellar
Sallet, salet (light helmet), 168, 178 (p. 104)
Salt(e), salter, 84; gilt, 223; parcel gilt, 179, 184; pewter, 174, 177, 234; silver, 178; silver with a cover, 168; see also Saler; Salt cellar
Salt cellar, sawlt sellare, 138, 156, 192 (p. 119), 222; see also Saler; Salt
Salters, see Trades & occupations
Sarcenett, see Sarsenet
Sarmoney of Rypplyngton with other additions, see Books, Sermons of Philip Repyngdon
Sarsenet, sarcenett, sarsnet, 2, 58, 60, 66, 68, 179, 184; green, 192 (p. 118); Cypress, Sypures, 89
Satin, saten, satyn, satten, sattin, 4, 56, 108, 176, 177; black, 126; blue, 161; Bruges, Breges, 101, 178 (p. 103); Cypress, 56, 140; green, 101; purple, 56; tawny, 88, 116, 187, 196; white, 178 (p. 105)
Sattylle, see Settle
Saucers, sacers, sawcers, sawsars, sayssars, sawsshers, 68, 84, 85, 90, 131, 133, 144, 154, 155, 156, 158, 164, 174, 183, 190 (p. 116), 192 (p. 119), 194, 208, 215, 222, 223, 232; pewter, 51, 58, 84, 169, 178 (p. 105)
Sawlt sellare, see Salt cellar
Saws, 121
Sawsshers, see Saucers
Say(e), 56, 127, 198, 223
Sayssars, see Saucers
Scales, pair, payer, of, 156, p. xx
Schankes, see Shanks
Schepe, see Sheep
Schetys, see Sheets
Scholars, 12, 17, 47, 77, p. xvii
School, scole, 53, 62, 184n, pp. xvii, xviii
Schopp, see Shop
Scole, see School
Scriveners, see Trades & occupations
Scythe, sythe, 190 (p. 116)
Seals attached to wills, 7, 23, 25, 30, 39, 53, 64, 66, 82, 83, 98, 111, 114, 118, 120, 125, 126, 130, 131, 148, 155, 193, 194, 204, 209, 213, 219, 220, 230, 244, 245, p. xiv
Seatell, see Settle
Selar, see Celure
Sententiarum libri quatuor, see Books, Sententiarum libri quatuor
Sequens, pistilles and gospelles, book wretyn with, see Books, Epistles and gospels
Sergeant at Mace, see Trades & occupations
Sergeant of the Counter, see Trades & occupations
Sergeants, shargeantes, Company of, 145
Sermon, sermond, 95
Sermones de tempore et de sanctis of Paratus, see Books, Sermones de tempore
Sermones discipuli, see Books, Sermones discipuli
Sermones Parati, see Books, Sermones de tempore
Sermons of Sancte Vincent, see Books, Works of St. Vincent Ferrer
Sermons of Philip Repyngdon, see Books, Sermons
Servingmen, see Trades & occupations
Settle, sattylle, seatell, setyll, 161, 178 (p. 104), p. xviii; long, 209; low joined long, 178 (p. 102); with a bridle, 178 (p. 104)
Sextons, see Trades & occupations
Seynt Gregorys diologes with the omelys, see Books, Dialogues and homilies of Gregory the Great
Shaftes, see Bow and arrows
Shanks (fur), schankes, 6, 164, 179, 215
Shargeantes, cumpany of, see Sergeants, Company of
Sheaf pick, she pick, she pikes (pitchfork), 190 (p. 116)
Shearer, see Trades & occupations
Shearmen, see Trades & occupations
Shears, sheres, sherres, pair, payre of, 156, 190 (p. 116), 208, 221, 222
Sheep, shepe, schepe, sheppe, 8, 9, 14, 41, 81, 190 (p. 114), pp. xvii, xviii; see also Ewes
Sheep, ship, rakes, 190 (p. 116)
Sheets, shetes, shettes, schetes, schetys, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 37, 54, 66, 68, 70, 75, 86, 92, 104, 114, 118, 130, 133, 138, 140, 144, 154, 156, 158, 169, 174, 176, 178 (pp. 104, 107), 179, 183, 184, 192 (p. 118), 193, 194, 208, 209, 215, 219, 223, 234; burying, 178 (p. 105); canvas, 178 (p. 104), 183, 190 (p. 115), 200 (p. 126); coarse, course, 174, 219; fine, 155, 174, 178 (p. 104), 200 (p. 126); hemp, 190 (p. 115)
Shelves, shelvys, 178 (p. 102)
Shepe, sheppe, see Sheep
Sheres, see Shears
Sheriff of London, 83
Sherres, see Shears
Shetes, see Sheets
Shewes, see Shoes
Ship rakes, see Sheep rakes
Ship(p)s, 157, p. xxi; King's, 182
Shipwright, see Trades & occupations
Shirt, shert, shurtte, shyrte, 81, 114, 160, 177, 178 (p. 105), 188, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 219, 230
Shoemakers, see Trades & occupations
Shoes, shewes, 167
Shomoke, see Smock
Shooting, shotynge, glove, 108
Shop, shoppe, schopp, 93, 125, 135
Shop board, borde, 156
Shovel, showll, 200; fire, 88
Shurtte, shyrte, see Shirt
Signatures to wills, 7, 23, 32, 33, 36, 39, 40, 62, 77, 116, 126, 148, 177, 183, 184, 195, 204, 219, 220, 230, 245, p. xiv
Silk, sylke, 7, 176, 177, 178 (p. 103), 218, 219
Sirplyc, see Surplice
Skalle, skole (close-fitting headpiece), 178 (p. 104)
Skillet, skyllet, skelyt, 162, 169
Skimmer, skyner, 156, 190 (p. 115)
Skinners Company, guildhall of, 98; yeomanry, yemenry, of, 230; see also Trades & occupations
Skole, see Skalle
Skyllet, see Skillet
Skyner, see Skimmer
Slaves, 110, p. xxi
Sleeves, slyves, 178 (p. 107); velvet, 183; white satin, 178 (p. 105); see also Foresleeves
Smiths, see Trades & occupations
Smock, smok(e), shomoke, 161, 176, 178 (p. 105), 184, 198, 200 (p. 126), 223, 244
Soldiers, sogger, see Trades & occupations
Spaniard, Spanyard, 110
Spanish leather, Spanys lether, 116
Speculum vite Christi, see Books, Meditationes vite Christi
Sperver (sparrow hawk), 4
Spice, spyce, mortar, 156, p. xx
Spices, spyces, 178 (p. 106)
Spinning wheels, spynnyng wyles, 156, p. xx
Spits, spetes, spettes, spytt(e)s, 84, 138, 156, 158, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 194, 209, 214, 215; of iron, eyron, 169
Spoons, spone, sponis, sponys, spownes, 223; pewter, 177; silver, 6, 12, 40, 51, 58, 62, 63, 68, 85, 86, 89, 123, 138, 161, 168, 174, 179, 183, 198; treen, tene, 190 (p. 115); with diamonds, 183; with lions, lyons, 168; with a maiden head, 62; with moors' heads, morrenheddes, 179
Spurs, spoures, 108
Spyce morter, see Spice mortar
Spynnyng wyles, see Spinning wheels
Staddle, stadelle, of hay, 68
Stalle, see Stool
Standard of living, pp. xxi, xxii
Stationer, see Trades & occupations
Steeple, stepull, of a church, bequest for repair, 68, 85
Steyned cloth, see Cloth, stained
Stockfishmongers, see Trades & occupations
Stockings, 12, 42, 91
Stoeters, 121
Stondyng cop, see Cup, standing
Stone, bound with silver, 198; for a grave, see Tomb
Stool, stalle, 156, 192 (p. 117), pp. xviii, xix; foot 138; joined, 138, 156, 158, 178 (p. 102)
Streamer, stremer, of cloth, 7
Study, books and desks in, 196
Subscription books, p. x
Surgeons, Company of, 108, p. xxi; see also Trades & occupations
Surgical instruments, entermentes of stele, 108
Surplice, sirplyc, surpless, surplys, 3, 12, 36, 56, 66, 84, 95
Sword, swerd(e), 160, 177, 192 (p. 118), 228
Sythe, see Scythe
Tabard, 121
Tabernacle, taburnacull, 84, 85, 89; of St. James, 19; of St. Mary Magdalene, 24
Table, tabyll(e), etc., 121, 138, 155, 156, 158, 178 (p. 102), 192 (p. 117), 194, pp. xviii, xix; folding, 178 (p. 102), 194, 232; joined, 214; on a frame, 155, 178 (p. 102); plain with trestles, 178 (p. 104), 190 (p. 115), 214; playing, 178 (p. 102); round, 108; round with a foot, 178 (p. 103); spruce, 54
Table board, 190 (p. 114)
Table cloths, tabyll clothys, klothes, 54, 86, 133, 156, 190 (p. 115), 194, 200 (p. 126), 215, 234, p. xix; canvas, 190 (p. 116); diaper, 92, 178 (p. 104); hemp, 190 (p. 115); plain, 86, 144, 174, 176, 178 (p. 104), 192 (p. 118), 200 (p. 126)
Tache, 198, 200 (p. 126); silver, 68, 194; silver and gilt, 65
Taffeta, taffata, taffetta, taffyta, tavyta, 168, 178 (p. 105), 183, 187
Tailors, see Trades & occupations
Tallow chandlers, see Trades & occupations
Tankard, see Water tankard
Tapers, 38, 54, 59, 82, 85, 94, 122, 150, 160, 164, 175, 200 (p. 126)
Tapestry, tapstery, tappestarie, 56, 184, 192 (p. 118)
Tavyta, see Taffeta
Tepat, tepett, see Tippet
Tester of a bed, see Bed, tester of
Thread, bolts of, thred, bowtes of, 192 (p. 118)
Tick, tycke, 190 (p. 115)
Tilers, Company of, 229; see also Trades & occupations
Tippet, tepat, tepett, tipett, typatt, typpett, 12, 60, 118; furred with cony, 58; sarsenet, 2, 58, 66, 68, 215; satin, 56; tawny cloth, 56
Toasting, tostyng, fork, 178 (p. 102)
Tomb or tombstone, 19, 33, 84, 122, 171, 219; marble, 18, 58, 62, p. xxii
Tongs, tonnges, pair of, 88, 156, 174, 178 (p. 102), 190 (p. 116), 209, 234
Tools, 93, 132, 135, 229, p. xxi; see also Cutting board; Pressing iron; Razors; Shears; Surgical instruments
Tooth pick, tothe pycke, 178 (p. 106)
Torches, torchelyght, 33, 53, 85, 155; as bequest to church, 48, 144, 150, 215
Torques, torkes, 177
Tostyng forke, see Toasting fork
Tothe pycke, see Tooth pick
Towel(e)s, towlis, toulles, 54, 133, 144, 156, 174, 176, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 194, 200 (p. 126), 215, p. xix; diaper, 178 (p. 104)
Trades & occupations:
-, Bakers, 37, 127, 168, 183, 187, 222
-, Barbers, 107, 172(2), 183, 184
-, Brewers, 114(2), 117, 119, 178 (p. 106),
185, 215, 222, 225, 229, 230
-, Broiderer, brotherer, King's, 165
-, Butchers, 129, 132(2), 151, 168, 220
-, Butlers of Gray's Inn, 196(2)
-, Butter wife, wyff, 178 (p. 106)
-, Capper, 182
-, Carpenters, 106, 235
-, Chandler, chaunlar, 215
-, Clerk(e) of the Counter, Cownter, 204
-, Clerk(e) of the Kitchen, Kechyn, of the
bishop of London, 33
-, Clothworkers, 117, 130(2), 143, 145,
146(2), 168, 174, 182, 188, 190 (p. 116),
191, 198, 222, 234, 235
-, Cobbler, cobler, 240
-, Colliers, colyer, 160(3)
-, Cook(e), 243
-, Coopers, coper, cowper, 101, 158, 236
-, Cordwainers, 101, 113
-, Curriers, curreer, corriar, coryer, 72, 77,
101(2), 177, 215
-, Cutler, cottelar, 168
-, Doctor of physic, physick, 201
-, Drapers, 7, 38, 83, 157(3), 237(2); see
also Linen draper
-, Dyer, dyar, 117
-, Fishmongers, fisshmonger, fysshmonger,
27, 83(2), 155
-, Fletcher, 238
-, Founders, 30, 53, 182; see also Latten
-, Fruiterer, frewterer, 194
-, Fuller, 67
-, Girdlers, gurdeler, 83, 133
-, Goldsmiths, goldsmythe, gould smythe,
12(2), 76(2), 77, 111, 114, 129(2), 198,
213(2), 215
-, Grocers, 16, 30, 53, 103, 157, 174, 215
-, Haberdashers, haberdassher, 25, 101,
148(2), 153, 159, 167(2), 177, 178
(p. 102), 192 (p. 117), 199, 200 (p. 125),
-, Harness maker, harnesmaker, 220
-, Harness scourer, harnes skowrar, 168
-, Husbandmen, 174, App. 5 (p. 155)
-, Innholders, ynholder, 114, 117, 130,
166, 190 (p. 116), 193
-, Ironmongers, iermonger, yremonger, 85,
-, Labourers, laborer, 155, 182
-, Latten, lattyn, founder, 117
-, Laundress, 98
-, Leathersellers, 174, 175, 187, 217
-, Linen, lynnen, draper, 114
-, Mariner, 142
-, Mercers, 7, 38, 101, 113, 125, 142, 177,
183, 184
-, Merchant, merchaunt, 33
-, Merchant tailors, merchaunt taylor,
116, 128, 145, 178 (p. 102), 182, 188,
191, 228
-, Minstrel, minsterell, 225
-, Notaries public, 25, 36, 76, 110, 111,
137n, 191, p. xv
-, Painter stainers, payntor steynor, 155,
192 (p. 117)
-, Parish clerks, 1, 2, 11, 159, 163
-, Partler, 163
-, Pastler, 56
-, Pewterers, 130, 232
-, Physicians; doctor of physick, 201;
lycenciat in physyk, 110
-, Plumbers, plomer, plommer, plummer,
126, 187, 232
-, Porter, 165; of the King's Wardrobe, 192
(p. 117); of the Steelyard, 150(2),
-, Poulterer, fre pulter, 146
-, Purveyor, poweyar, purvior, to the
King, 151; to the Kynges shippys,
-, Saddlers, 145, 180
-, Salters, sallter, 29, 92, 114, 198
-, Scriveners, scryveners, 7, 126, 130, 131,
148(2), 155(2), 191, p. xv
-, Sergeant, sargant, of the Counter,
Cownter, 168
-, Sergeant, sarjant, at Mace, Mase, 145
-, Servingmen, 85, 218, 221
-, Sextons, sexten, 4, 77, 191; lady, 40
-, Shearer, sherer, 194
-, Shearmen, sherman, 7, 168, 198
-, Shipwright, schep wrytte, 106
-, Shoemakers, 182, 209, 225
-, Skinners, 145, 146, 157, 230
-, Smiths, smeth, smyth, 53, 142, 158, 168
-, Soldiers, sogger, 185(2)
-, Stationer, 137
-, Stockfishmongers, stokfyshemoner, 47
(2), 169
-, Surgeon, 108
-, Tailors, tailliour, tayllor, 113, 116,
133(2), 156, 167, 182, 183, 232, App.
5 (p. 154)
-, Tallow chandlers, tallough chaundeler,
126, 131(4), 174
-, Tilers, tyllar, 126, 169, 229
-, Upholder, 174
-, Vintners, 125, 219
-, Wax chandler, waxe chanler, 194
-, Woolmen, wolman, 238(2)
-, Woolpackers, wollpacker, 190 (pp. 114,
-, Yeomen, yoman, 115, 174, 220
Trenchers, trencheres, 190 (p. 115)
Trestles, tressells, trestille, triscill, 40, 138, 158, 168, 178 (pp. 102, 104), 190 (pp. 114, 115), 192 (p. 117)
Trivet, trevete, trevytte, 156, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118)
Trough, trowgh, 54
Tub(s), tobe, tube, tubbe, 156, 214; bound with iron, 178 (p. 102); bucking, boking (washing), 156, 178 (p. 105); water, 156
Tunic, 61
Twill, twyll, 44
Tycke, see Tick
Typatt, see Tippet
Upholder, see Trades & occupations
Valance, of paynted lynen clothe, 130; to a bed, 155
Velvet, velveytt, vellet, vellyt, welvett, welwite, 108, 123, 160, 176, 178 (pp. 105, 106), 179, 183, 184, 197, 232
Verjuice, verges, 133, 164
Vestments, 6, 10, 14, 38, 58, 77; suit, sewte, of, 49, pp. xvii, xxii; white damask, 11, 35; see also Alb, Cope, Surplice
Vicar-generals' books, pp. ix n, x n
Vinegars, vyneigars, 133
Vintners, Vynteneres, Company of and hall of, 219; see also Trades & occupations
Visitation books, p. x
Vyne, see Wine
Vyneigars, see Vinegars
Vynteneres, see Vintners
Wages, 210; of a maid, 178 (p. 106); of nurses, 178 (p. 107); of a priest, 2, 92, 122, pp. xxii, 156
Waistcoat, waste cootte, 12, 178 (p. 107)
Warming pan, bedde panne, fyrepan, 138, 223, p. xix
Wascheyng bolle, see Bowl, washing
Washing facilities, p. xix
Water tankard, watter tankerd, tanccard, 156, 178 (p. 105), 190 (p. 115)
Watermarks, pp. xii, xv
Watter pott, see Pot, water
Watter tankerd, see Water tankard
Wax, wex, 12, 33, 59, 84, 100, 164, 175, 178 (p. 106), 199
Wax chandler, see Trades & occupations
Weddyng ryng, see Ring
Well house, welhows, 178 (p. 104)
Wessinges stokes (?washing trough), 190 (p. 115), p. xix
Wheat, whete, wheete, 4, 8, 9, 84, 216
Whistle, wyscyll, silver, 178 (p. 106)
Winding, wyndynge, sheet, 178 (p. 106)
Window, wyndow, wyndewe, 18; and glass, 108, p. xxi; curtain, 178 (p. 104); lattice, 88, p. xvii; to be glazed, 54; to be latticed, 54
Wine, vyne, 12, 164
Wod bolle, see Bowl, wood
Wode knyffe, see Knives, wood
Wolsted, see Worsted
Wood knives, see Knives, wood
Woolmen, Wolmen, Company of, 238; see also Trades & occupations
Woolpackers, see Trades & occupations
Worsted, wosted, wostide, wolsted, wusted, 10, 40, 68, 108, 123, 138, 144, 184, 190 (p. 115), 192 (p. 118), 209, 232; black, 176, 196; russell, 161, 176, 178 (p. 105), 183, 187, 200 (p. 125); tawny, 101, 176
Wort pans, 190 (p. 116)
Wostide, see Worsted
Wrenches, wrynchys, 184
Writing school, 53
Wusted, see Worsted
Wyscyll, sylver, see Whistle, silver
Wytsons kandelles, see Candles, Whitsun
Yeomen, see Trades & occupations
Yewer, yowre, see Ewer