Separate wills: 1508-29 (nos. 96-105)

London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.

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'Separate wills: 1508-29 (nos. 96-105)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Separate wills: 1508-29 (nos. 96-105)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Separate wills: 1508-29 (nos. 96-105)". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.

1508–29 (nos. 96–105)

96. [bdle. I. 1] Rycherd Martyn. 24 Jan. 1508.

I Rycherd Martyn gyffe my sool to Almygthy God, to Owr Blyssyd Lady Senct Mare and to all the company off hewyn and my body to be berryd yn the closter off Sent Martyns in the le Vyntre in London, or ellesyer as ytt schall plesse God. I gyffe to the hy auter off Senct Martyns in the Vyntre for my tythys and offryns neclegent forgottyn 4d., to the Broderhed off Owr Lady in the forsayd paryche churhe 4d., to Senct Cristofer Broderhed 4d. I make my sole executryx Alys my wyffe and sche to hayffe all my goodys, and to ressave all my dettes and to pay all my dettes, to her own huse, to kepe her and my chyldren and to dyssposse for the welthe off my soole, her soolle and for all Christyng soolys. In wyteynys thys my last wyll and testament, Johne Frankelyn, Necallys Yrond and multis alliis. Per me Dominum Johannem Yngywe capellanum.

[Proved on 9 Feb.]

97. [bdle. I. 2] John Bery. 27 Jun. 1526.

I John Bery cumend my sule unto Allmyty God and unto Owr Blessed Lady and Vergen and unto the holy company off heffen, and my werchd body to be bered in the chere off Synd Bredes a ffore the chappell off Synt John ther I have wont to sette, and I bequeth unto the hey auter for my desschegyng my concenese tyes 20d. I bequeth unto the Fratyrnite off Owr Lady, 3 li. 6s. 8d. I wull the Bredryn off Owr Ladys have at the day off my berell 6s. 8d. to prey fore my solle and all Crestyn sullys. I bequeth unto the cherch off Synt Breddes fore thenges that ys most nedffull to myntyn Godes sarves with 3 li. 6s. 8d. I wull that Juhus autyr have 3s. 4d., unto Synt John ys lyte 20d. I woll have an onest prest fore the spas off 3 yeres be the ves off my exceturs and the cherch wardynes for tyme beng have yerely 16d., that the prist kepe Godys sarves and to have yerly 7 li. and yff the prist woll nat as the cherch wardyne woll a vesse hym do he schall heve but 9 marke a yere. I woll the prist prye fore John Rooper and my sule, my fadyr and moder and John Pratt ys sole and all Crysten solly. I bequeth unto Thomas, my son, 6 li. 13s., also I bequeth unto my master Roper (fn. 1) 40s. and unto Mr. Crystoffyr Roper 20s., to Edwarde 10s., and unto Mastres Elsobyt Roper 10s. I woll have a onest priste to syng at the Saffy (fn. 2) 2 trenthalles ffor my solle and Crysten solles 20s. Item to have a trentall at the Blake Fryers, a nodyr at trentall the Greyffryers a noder 22s. Also I woll that Recred Loreng have 10s. I woll that Mastes Anne Roper have 10s. And I mak myn exseketres John Seth off Heron and Wyllam Genes and John Seth to heve fore hys pene and labor 20s., and fore hys costes 6s. 8d. and Wyllam Genes 20s. No more but God have mercy on me. The Sum thall 43 li. 13s. 8d. (fn. 3) In wytnesse of John Seth. (fn. 4)

98. [bdle. I. 3] Sir Robert Tennet. 4 Dec. 1526.

Jesus amen Jesus. I Sir Robart Tennet, priest off the gyldhall appertenyng unto the wurshypffull ffelyshyppe off the Skynners, bequethe my sowle to Allmyghty Gode, the Blessed Lady and to all the celestiall cowrt off hevyn, and my body to be buryed afore the crucifyx in the body off the chappell aforesayde. I beqwethe to the commyns off the geldall 6s. 8d. I bequethe also unto my sisters 20s. a pece. I bequethe to my landresse a blakke gowne for suche labor as she hath hadde for me. I bequethe unto ffelysche[p] off the Skynners to be present at my obseque, masse and dirrige 6s. 8d. The rest off all my goodes I bequeth to Jhon Dane, goldsmythe and marchant off London, whome I make my sole executor, he to make suche expence abowte my funerall after hys discrecion, the rest thereoff I remytt to hym and my sister, hys wyff, to dispose godly after thayre goode mynde and pleasyer. And thys to be my last wyll I have pytt to my seale. (fn. 5) Wytnes, Rychard Capar, custos of gyldhall, John Church, prest, Rychard Cole, prest, Rychard Harris, prest. (fn. 6)

99. [bdle I. 4] Stevyn Ynglond. 7 Jul. 1526.

I Stevyn Ynglond off the paryshe off Saynt Mary Our Lady off Ysseldon (fn. 7) in the diocese of London commend my sole to Almygthi God, Owr Blessyd Lady Saynt Mary and to all the holy company off hevyn, my body to be buried in the churche yerd off Owr Lady Saynt Mary in Isseldon. I bequethe unto the hei altare off the same churche for all tythes etc. forgotten 40d. I bequethe unto Jesus Brotherhed off the same churche 4d. I bequethe to John, my eldest soone, 6s. 8d., to John, my yeuggest soone, 6s. 8d., to Johan my dowghter 20s., to Mathew, my soon, 40s., to John my yewgest sone and Wylliam 40s., to be partyde in equale porcyons. I bequeth to Tomas Bell a kylderkyn alle. I bequeth to Tomas Sherar also a kylderkyn ale. All the residew off my goodes moveable and immoveable now to me belongyng I geve to my wyffe, Agnes, whom I ordayn my sole executrix, she to pay my dettes and to do for my soule as shalbe to hir syght and mynd most meditorious. And so I make Sir Robert Peers supervisor. Wytnesse Robert Warde, John Ynglond, John Ynglond, Tomas Sherare, Tomas Bell.

[On 11 Aug. Agnes refused the executorship, but was granted the right of administration and paid the fee for registration.]

100. [bdle. I. 5] John Bygges. 6 Dec. 1527.

Jesu mercy. Memorandum that John Bygges of the parych of Sent Stevens yn Colman Stret yn London mayd hys wyll yn this maner, fyrst he bequeth ys sowll yn to the handes of Allmyghty God, howr Lady Sent Mary and to all they company in heven to prey fur hym, hys body to be beryd yn the church yard of Sent Stevens yn Colman Stret. Also he bequeth to the hy auter for thynges and offrynges forgottyn 2 pond of wax to bryn a for they Sacrament over the hy auter wyll Godes servys ys yn doyng. All the resydue off all hys godes, hys dettes peyd, he gyfes unto Kateryn, hys wyffe, whych he mayd hys true executor as hys trust ys yn hyr for to dyspens for hys sowll. Wytnes, Sir Jamys Hurst, hys gostly fader, Wyl Aldingsone, Thomas Serll, Rapheell Scharpe, John Haward with dyvers oder.

101. [bdle. I. 6] — Crosland. [Undated.]

[— Crosland] of London, coryer, dwellyng within the parishe of Saint Bryde of London bequeth my soule to Almyghty God my Maker, Creator and Redeymar, to Our Lady Saint Mary the Virgine and to all the holy company of hevyn and my body to be buryed in the church yarde of the parisshe church of Our Lady of Aldremanbury of London by the crosse as nere unto the place wher my twoo late wyfes lye buryed as conveniently may be. I bequeth to the hyghe aulter of the same church wher I was late parisshoner, for my tythes and oblacions negligently forgoten 20d. I bequeth to the Fraternitie or Brotherhod of Seint Clement kept at Isyng Spytle of London wherof I am broder, 20d. I bequethe to William Gray of London, my fader in lawe, my coote of motlaye and my best bonet. I bequethe to Isabell Rydysshe of London, wydowe, my gowne of black pewke furred with whyt lame behynde and black lame before. I bequeth to the same Isabell for the greate payne and labour that shee hath taken with me in my sekenes sythen Christemes 6s. 8d. I bequeth to my brother, Alyn Crosland, my best doblet of damaske and chamlet, foreslevyd with grene saten of Bruges, and my jaquet of tawny worsted, which jaket ys in the custodye of my suster Alis, the wyf of Henry Spedy, citezein of London. Wher I owe to the prisoners of Ludgate for myn income and fyne ther I will the same be paid to theym and 2s. 7d. more to make upp 3s. 4d. desiryng theym to pray for my soule and all Christen soules. I bequethe to every prisoner lodgyng within the warde called Lumbertes warde within the said Gaole of Ludgate where I lye and have greatley anoyed and diseased theym in my sekenes 2d. a pece. I bequeth to William Crosland, my broder Alyn son, an old rownde gowne for a woman, colour black, lyned with cotton. Wher William Snowdon of London, cordewaner, owith to me as it apperis by my booke 27s., in consideracion of his troble and busynes that he and I have long occupied to gyder I forgyve to hym of the said 27s., 13s. 8d., and for the residue of the said somme which is 13s. 4d., I will that myn executours shall never vex nor troble hym for the same, but to take it of hym as he may be able to paye yt. I bequeth to the same William Snowdon my cuttyng borde. The residue of all my goodes, catalles and dettes, my dettes paid, my body honestely buryed and my legasies paid and fulfilled, I gyve to my said suster Alis, whom I ordeyn sole executrice of this my testament and last wyll, she therwith to doo hir free wyll for the well of my soule and all Christen soules lyk as she wold I shuld doo for hyr yf I were in case lyke. And overseers I make Thomas Sherle, coryar, and Richard Kays, haberdassher, citizeins of London, and I gyve to every of theym for their labour 5s. apece. Wytnesses, Robert Bolser, mercer, Richard Nevet, sharman, William Snowdon, cordewayner, and Rauff Trerise, cowper, and diverse others.

Formally written, with larger lettering marking the beginning of each new clause, on two sheets of paper sewn together lengthwise. The document has been badly damaged by water and the top part is torn away.

102. [bdle. I. 7] Wyllyam Mowntteham. 28 Jan. 1528.

Jesus. Memorandum that I Wyllyam Mowntteham byqueve my sowll unto Awllmythy Jesu and to Ower Ladey Saynt Marre and to awll the holly company off heven, and my bodey to [be] berred in the cherchyard in wat parressh wer so ever I dy and I mak Ellyssabeth, my wyeffe, my exssekares and my overseer and I wyll that have done for my sowll at my berreyntt 5 masses off the 5 wondys. As for my gudys mevabyll and unmevabyll I geve them to my sayd wyeff and to do with them and dysstrebyd them at her dysskressyun and that sche pay my dettes as far as my gudes may ressenabbylly exstend and I wyll morover that so be that the land in Kent come for to passe that they be rekonerd I wyll the be besstrebed affter the mynd off Ellyssabeth my sayd wyff. I wyll that lytyll Ser John the Freyer in the Awstenys Freyrs schall seng for my sowll and say 30 dyrreg and 30 masses and he to have for every derrege and masse 4d., and that thys be done in the spasse off di (fn. 8) a yer.

103. [bdle. I. 8] Jhon Cater. 18 Jun. 1528. (fn. 9)

I Jhon Cater, grosser and cytezen off London, bequeyth my sowle to Allmyghtye God my Maker and Redemer, to Hys Blyssed Mother Oure Ladye Sent Marye the Vyrgyn and to all the hoolye companye off hevyn, my bodye to be buryed in the chyrche yerd off Oure Ladye off Wullchyrche in London, wher I am paryshner. I bequeyth to the hygh awter in my paroche chyrche beforsayd, for tythys or offerynges neclygently forgoten 12d.; the resydue off my goodys moveable or unmoveable, I put into the dysposycion off myn executryx, whom I make Johan my wyfe, and supervysor heroff, I make John Pleyvys, and I wyll that he for hys labor have 3s. 4d. His testibus Rogero Holt, clerico, and Alexandro Tallfer.

[Endorsed 'Testamentum Johannis Cater.']

104. [bdle. I. 9] John Gyllyke. 30 May 1528.

I John Gyllyke, yoman, bequeth my soull to God Allmygthty, my Creator and to Owr Lady Sentt Mary and to all the compeny off heven, my body to be byryd in the chirch yerd off Sent Sepulcurres. I bequeth to the hee auter 8d. I bequeth to Thomas Spencer a brasse poott with 3 feytt and a handull, to Jon Skelton a payr off schettes. The resodowe off all my goodes I gyff to John Fynkyll to dysspoys for my soull helth after hys dyscrescion, the wych John Fynkyll I make my sowyll excecutor. Wytnysse, Robert Hasyll and John Bolmor.

105. [bdle. I. 10] Annes Wotton. 7 Jan. 1529.

I Annes Wotton, dwyllyng in the parysch off Sent Sepullcurres, bequethe my soull to God Almygthty my Creator and to Owr Lady Sentt Mary and to all the compeny off heven, my body to be byryde in the gryne chirch yerde betwyxe the cross and the walle. I gyff to the hee auter 4d., to the Bredryn off Corpus Christi, 4d. I bequeth to Jone Apurlay a gown and a kyrtyll, to Richard Revys my rede mantell. I wyll att all my goodes, my bequestes forfyld, be sowlde and dyssposyd at my beryall for my soull helth. I wyll att Richard Revys be my excecutor to performe thys my wyll, and I wyll at Master John Heton, my curett, be overseer as he wyll ansswer a for Gode etc.


  • 1. William Roper, who married Margaret, the daughter of Sir Thomas More. John Roper was his father; he died in 1524. The other Ropers mentioned were brothers and sisters of William.
  • 2. Savoy.
  • 3. The total is incorrect.
  • 4. What may be a note of probate at the bottom of the document is torn through.
  • 5. A small strip of paper is turned back over the seal.
  • 6. The names of the witnesses are in a different hand.
  • 7. Islington.
  • 8. Half.
  • 9. The numerals in the date are in arabic. There is a cross above the will.