[Norf.] |
A. 10201. Grant by John son of Astel of Wendlinge to William son
of William de Wendlinge for his homage and service and 5s. 1d., of 7d.
yearly rent which William used to pay him for the wood called 'Tyndeker'
there; rent, 1d. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham, Alexander his son,
and others (named).
Endorsed: Carta Johannis Astil. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10202. Feoffment by Aubrey (Aubrea) daughter of Osbert de
Ka[r]wenran to Roger son of Roger de Carminou, for his homage and
service, of la. land in Karwenran; rent, 26d. half yearly at All Hallows
and Hockedai for all service; consideration, 1 mark. Witnesses:—Roger
son of Robert, Ralph de Halton, Ralph . . . , Walter de Treverbin,
Robert de Marisco, Robert de Carmino, Thomas le Viel (vitulo), Richard de
Kalestoc, Nicholas [G]ancellain, Richard his brother, Philip de Lanthian,
Stephen the clerk. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10203. Feoffment by John Warner of Castelacre to Nicholas
Aleyn, 'sengelman,' of a parcel of a messuage with buildings in Castelacre
called 'Bunneshall,' next the churchyard, &c., which together with
George Porter, Geoffrey Mynnes, and John Crofte, since deceased, he had
by the feoffment of William Fissher and Richard Payn. 10 November,
21 Henry VII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10204. Indenture of demise by the . . . . and convent of
St. Mary of Castelacre to . . . . . of a tenement called 'Bunnyshall,'
in Castelacre, at 12d. rent and suit of court twice a year. . . . 13
Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10205. Feoffment by John Cowper of Castelacre to John Gedge,
Roger Synnowe, chaplain, and William Gardener, of Castelacre, of a
messuage called 'Bunnyshall,' in Castelacre. 7 April, 14 Henry VI.
Seal, broken. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10206. Feoffment by William Fyssher of Castelacre and Richard
Payne of the same to John Warner of Castelacre, George Porter, Geoffrey
Mynnes, and John Crofte of the same, of a parcel of a messuage called
'Buneshalle,' abutting on the north on another parcel thereof, &c., which
together with William Cokkes, late vicar of the parish church of Castelacre
and Francis Calybut, who had released his right to him therein, he had
by the gift of John Everard of Newton. 8 October, 8 Henry VII. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10207. Feoffment by Nicholas Aleyn, 'sengelman,' to John
Warner of Castelacre, Margery his wife, and John their son, and Edward
Rix, of that parcel of a messuage, with buildings, in Castelacre, called
'Bunneshall,' &c, which he had by the gift of the said John Warner.
12 November, 21 Henry VII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10208. Feoffment by John Warner, clerk, rector of the church
of Stanfylde, co. Norfolk, son and heir of John Warner late of Castelacre,
deceased, to Robert Peper, clerk, vicar of Castelacre, of a parcel of a
messuage, &c., called 'Bunneshall,' &c., which descended to him on his
said father's decease. 20 February, 6 Edward VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10209. Feoffment by John Warner, clerk, rector of the church of
Stanfelde, to Robert Halman of Castelacre of a parcel of a messuage, &c.,
in Castelacre, called 'Bunneshall,' &c., which he had by the feoffment of
Robert Peper, clerk, vicar of Castleacre, by charter dated 2 March,
6 Edward VI. Castleacre, 19 April, 7 Edward VI. Seal. |
[Salop.] |
A. 10210. Feoffment by Robert Halman of Castellacre to John
Browne and Margery his wife of West Lexham, of a parcel of a messuage,
&c. in Castelacre, called 'Bunneshall,' &c., which he had by the feoffment
of John Warner, clerk, rector of Stanfelde, by charter dated 19 April,
7 Edward VI. Castelacre, 3 October, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. |
[Herts.] |
A. 10211. A fragment only, now reunited with A. 6483. |
A. 10212. Bond by William, bishop of Winchester, Thomas bishop
of Exeter, Richard Lescrop, treasurer . . . . . . chamberlain of
the King, and William Strete to James . . . . Antoigne, John Crede,
Piers Mark, and Angel Cavalcant, in 2,000 marks due at Michaelmas.
Dated . . . 1371. Fragments of five seals of arms. |
[Salop.] |
A. 10213. Indenture of demise by Richard Archer to William Lode,
of the site of the manor of Appeley, with the orchard and a furlong (stadio)
called 'le Hoorde furlonge,' and of two fields called 'le Churchefild' and
'Ludwas,' from the Purification next for 12 years, at 56s. rent, &c. Friday
after St. Luke, 25 Henry VI. |
[Herts.] |
A. 10214. Release by Isabel daughter of Sagarus de la Berne to the
prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, of her right in the land which
was her father's in the town of Berkeden; grant to her and Maud her
daughter for their lives by the canons, of a messuage next the house of R.
de Aqua; they have also granted her for life, for her keep, two quarters of
mesline (mictilionis) as gathered up (sicut colligitur) in their mills yearly.
Witnesses:—William Sumeter, John de Lyesnes, Nicholas de Gathesberi
and others (named). Endorsed: . . . . . . . . Henricus Berkarius
tenet. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10215. Feoffment by Hugh son and heir of Bartholomew de
Beausale to Thomas Lovekyn of Schreueleye and Anabilia, Hugh's sister,
and the heirs of their bodies, of all the lands, &c. in Schreueley which he
had by the feoffment of the said Thomas; with remainder in default of
their issue to the right heirs of Thomas. Wednesday the feast of St.
Wolstan the Bishop and Confessor, 5 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10216. Feoffment by Thomas Lovekyn of Schreueleye to Hugh
son and heir of Bartholomew de Beausale, of all the lands, &c. in Schreue-
leye, which he had by the gift and feoffment of Sir John de Dufford, knight,
lord of Schreueley. Sunday after St. Hilary, 5 Edward II. |
[Leic.] |
A. 10217. Letter of attorney by Stephen de Cornhill to 'Renaud'
de Wypstede to receive seisin of the wardship (garde) of the manor of
Mustone, which he had by the grant of the earl Marshal. London, Ash
Wednesday, 14 Edward [I]. French. Seal of arms, broken. |
N'hamp |
A. 10218. Feoffment by Simon atte Grene to John de Catesby, of a
water mill, &c. in Helidene next Catesby, co. Northampton. Witnesses:—
William de Catesby, John de Shukkeborow, and others (named). Sunday
after St. Denis the Martyr, 6 Richard II. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10219. Indenture of demise by John Sloley of Arley to William
Fylungley, and John his son, of a pasture called, formerly, 'Molynton
Halle,' with a croft called 'Smythescrofte,' in the lordship of Bentheley; to
hold from the Purification for their lives in survivorship, rendering to the
chief lords the services due and accustomed, and if they have held the said
pasture more than twenty years they shall pay 10l. yearly to him and his
heirs; on payment of 20s. for every year unexpired of the said term of
twenty years it shall be lawful to him and the heirs of his body to re-enter
thereon; and whereas each of the parties was bound to the other in 40l.
the said bonds shall be void if the above covenants are observed.
Atherstome, the Purification, 8 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 10220. Indenture of demise by Joan late the wife of William
Smert, daughter and heir of Joan Waryn, to John Adams of Thornbury
and Isabel his wife and Thomas Adams of Moreton and Joan his wife, for
the term of their lives in survivorship, of the reversion of lands, &c.,
within the manor of Thornbury, called 'Longhows' and of 2a. land
in Mannesworth in Thornburysynlond, which William Adams of Moreton
held for the term of his life by the demise of Thomas Waryn and Joan
his wife; also of the reversion of a parcel of land in Ewlond expectant
on the decease of John Carteyse; rent, 9s., &c. Moreton, 6 September,
29 Henry VI. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10221. Feoffment by Isabel late the wife of Robert [Harm] of
Esseby to Nicholas de Stok of the same, of a half acre of land, next Nicholas
de Craunford's mede, &c. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10222. Perhaps a release by same to same of same. Faded.
Endorsed: Harm. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 10223. Counterpart of an indenture made at Compton Chamber-
leyn, Thursday after St. Matthias, the Apostle, 4 Richard II, being a demise
by Katharine late the wife of Hugh Tyrel to Guy Miles, Edith his wife and
William their son, for their lives in survivorship, of two messuages with a
curtilage and two virgates of arable in Bourton next Madyngton, which
Nicholas Daubeneye and Roger Wolward formerly held; rent, 30s., and
suit of court once a year to the Hokkeday court of Compton, &c.
Witnesses:—John Goweyn and others (named). One seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10224. Indenture of demise by Mariota daughter of Ralph de
Franketon to Robert de Dunstaple and Margaret his wife, of a place of
land, &c. in Coventre, for . . . years, from the feast of
in the year of King Edward son of King Henry. . . . Damaged. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10225. Indenture of demise by William de Catesby, for the term
of his life, to Lawrence de Benteleye of Beoleye, of his lands, &c. in Tone-
worthe, with 3s. rent there, woods and ponds excepted; rent, 6 marks, and
to the earl of Warrewych, the chief lord of the fee, 31s. &c. Witnesses:—
John and Edmund de Catesby and others (named). Coventre, Sunday after
Michaelmas, 49 Edward III. Fragment of seal. Enclosed: Dolphyn. |
Middx. |
A. 10226. Indenture made 10 September, 36 Henry VI, being a
memorandum that Thomas More of the 'towne of Westmynster, counte
Middilsex, haberdassher,' owed unto John Randolff, of the same, esquire,
29l. 6s. 8d. due 'in the fest of Alhalowen next commyng,' and for 'more
suerte' had delivered to the said John 'to plege,' 'ij chargers vj platers vj
disches vj sawsers ij potelpottes and a quart pott of sylver.' English. |
Warw. |
A. 10227. Feoffment by Richard Matheu of Ruyton, and Celota his
wife, to John de Catesby and William Broke, rector of the church of
Lodbrok, and the heirs and assigns of John, of all the lands, &c. which they
had in Prioures Herdywyk, co. Warwick. Thursday in Easter week, viz.
Thursday next after the Annunciation, 3 Henry IV. Seals. |
A. 10228. Bond by John Holt, esquire, to William Catesby, esquire,
in 100l. due at Easter. 17 July, 20 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Linc.] |
A. 10229. Grant in frank marriage by William son of Hawysya de
Drexthorp with Muriel his daughter to John son of Thomas de Schyrbeck,
of 2a. arable in the field of Drexthorp and Langton; rent, an iron needle
at Michaelmas; with remainder to himself in default of their issue. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 10230. Grant in pure alms by Maud Everard (Evorardi) to the
nuns of Lacok, of all her land in the manor of Amberesbur'. Witnesses:—
Sir Henry de Albiniaco, Sir Alexander de Chiverel, Sir Robert de Hokessam,
Sir William de Derneford, knights, Garin le Saucer, and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 10231. Feoffment by William son of Richard de Benetford, of
the town of Taneworth, to Richard son of Martin, of Gorsthul, for his
homage and service, of a piece (particulam) of land in the territory of
Taneworth, next the road from Benethford mill to 'le ded cherles ford,'
&c.; rent, 4d.; for this Richard gave him 9s. beforehand. |
[Essex.] |
A. 10232. Indenture of demise by Maud de Cornherthe, prioress of
Wykes, and the convent of the same, to John Aleyn of Bradefelde, and
Alice his wife, for sixty years, of a piece of land in Bradefelde, called
'le dam de Bradefeldemell'; rent, 2s. The priory of Wykes, Tuesday
after the Purification, 16 Richard II. |
[Lanc.] |
A. 10233. Acquittance by Dame Sybill de Clyderowe to Sir John de
Bold, by the hands of William Danyell, for 50s. due at the Nativity of the
B.V.M. 1 Henry IV, 50s. due at the Annunciation, 2 Henry IV, and 33s. 4d.
in part of 50s. due at the Nativity of the B.V.M. next following, for an
annuity of 100s. made to her by Richard de Bold for her life. Salebury,
Monday after St. Edmund the King, 3 Henry IV. Seal, cracked. French.
Endorsed: Derysbury. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10234. Indenture of demise by Geoffrey de Hulle, of Coventre,
tanner, to Stephen Scathelok of Coventre, and Emma his wife, for their
lives in survivorship, of 3d. rent from the messuage which Robert de
Hampton of Coventre, dyer (tinctor), held of him, for the term of the life
of the said Robert, and Alice his wife, in Wymundeslane, Coventre.
Witnesses:—John le Warde, bailiff, Roger de Pacwod, coroner of Coventre,
and others (named). Wednesday after St. Valentine, 14 Edward HI.
Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10235. Release by Peter son and heir of John Haiward of
Braundeston to William de Baddeby of the same, and Agnes his wife, of
his right in two messuages, &c. there. Tuesday, the feast of St. Lawrence
the Martyr, 24 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10236. Declaration of the bounds of the moor of the lord of
Tredeves situate within the limits and tithings (decimaciones) of the parish
church of St. Wynwolaus of Landewennech made by Richard, vicar of the
church of Mullion (Sancti Melany), John le Yorl, Edward le Yorl, Richard
le Oen, Henry le Oen, Odo de Landewennech, William le Duer, John
Wendrech, Richard David, sworn, Thomas Marsily and John de Herysy, to
whom the oath was remitted (remissum fuit juramentum) by the consent of
Sir John Lonedrein and Master Matthew de Penfern, rector of the church
of Ruan Minor (Sancti Rumoni Parvi), which rectors the present business
(negotium) concerns: they say that the said moor is bounded as follows:—
on the west in a place called Penkennans, and thence to Halmur, and
thence to the moor of Predannechwartha, and thence to the stone called
Hyrven, and thence by the sanctuary of Merther to the bridge of Merther,
and so outside the close of Pulkenow to the road which divides between the
said moor and the moor of John [Marsi]ly of Sente Rumon, and so by the
said road to Krucgrageth and so by the said road to the land of Gos (?).
They also say that there is a road from Helleston to Krucgragueth, and one
part of the said moor lies on the west of it, and all that part is within
the parish of St. Wynwolaus of Landewennech; and there is another
part of the said moor on the east side of the said road, and it begins in
the said road and extends to the bridge of Merther, and so outside
the close of Pulkefon to the land of John Marsely of Sente Rumon,
and thence to Krucgruageh, and so to the said road, on the south; they
also have heard from certain elders that one Sir Hervey Tyrel, formerly
rector of the church of St. Wynwolaus of Landewennech, fifty years ago and
more, sent his servant, Michael Parys by name, to seek tithes to a place
called Ponsmerther on the east of the said road, but whether Michael carried
away the tithes, or the rector of the church of St. Ruan Minor (Rumoni
Parri), they know not; also, in their time, they had seen that part of the
moor on the east frequently cultivated, at intervals of years and the rector
of St. Ruan Minor, to wit Sir Roland de Boskenhal, and Matthew de
Penfern, his immediate successor, taking the tithes thereof unchallenged,
down to the present year. Certified under the seal of the dean of Keryer,
present in person. Dated at St. Ruan Major, Thursday the feast of the
Assumption, 1325. |
Berks, Devon, Gloucester, Meath. |
A. 10237. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement
between Sir Hugh le Despenser the father and John de St. Amand (Seint
Amaund), viz., that John shall take Margaret, Hugh's daughter, to wife;
Hugh shall pay him 1,000 marks, half at Easter and half at Michaelmas
next; John before Midsummer shall enfeoff the said Margaret of 300l. of
land in England and Ireland, viz. at Gormannestone in Ireland, in the
county of Meath, Ippelpenne in Devonshire, Cerneye in the county of
Gloucester, Hildesle in the county of Berks, for term of her life, with remain-
der to the heirs begotten between them, remainder to his own heirs; bond by
John in 2,000l. for performance of covenants. Westminster, 4 December,
7 Edward II. French. |
Kent. |
A. 10238. Indenture of demise by the prior, Adam, and the convent
of Ledes, to the abbot, Richard, and the convent of Begeham, of the church
of Lamberherst, with tithe of sheaves, and all buildings, gardens, and lands
which they have in the said parish, on the side of the county of Kent, but
saving to them all other lands, &c. in the said parish; to hold from the
feast of St. James the Apostle, 1297, for five years, at 20l. 2s. 4½d. rent;
the abbot to keep the buildings, &c. in repair, taking no wood except for
hedging, &c., putting the dung from the court of the church on the land
there and nowhere else, storing the tithes there, except such as were nearer
to their monastery of Begeham; the abbot and convent are bound in all
their goods to the bishops of Rochester and Chichester and their successors
for due observance of covenants, &c. the privileges of the Premonstratensian
order not withstanding, &c. Ledes, the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin
and Martyr, 1296. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 10239. Feoffment by Jocelin de Rouceby to Ralph de Wygornia,
for his homage and service, and for 3 marks 4s. in gersum, of his part of
that meadow in Litleslade which he and Geoffrey son of Hubert used to
share, and 3a. 1 rood arable in the field of Brohton, &c.; rent, 3d.
Endorsed: Nota bene. pro tribus denariis redditus de terris Thome
Tychemers. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10240. Feoffment by Robert de Duston in Welton to Emma his
daughter in tail, with remainder in default to her sister Joan, of a house
and curtilage there; rent, 3d. Copy. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10241. General release by James Haket of Zelvertoft to William
Wrythe of Cleycotes. Monday before St. Richard, the Bishop and
Confessor, 20 Richard II. Seal, cracked. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10242. Feoffment by John Ketel of Lodbrook to John de
Fleckenho in Catesby, of ½a. 1 rood arable in Lodbrok. Sunday after the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 12 Edward II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10243. Indenture made between Richard Wydeslade and Ralph
Reskemer, esquire, witnessing that Ralph, 1 September, 26 Henry VI, did
homage to Richard for the lands and tenements, which he holds of him, and
Mary his wife, in her right, she being cousin and heir of William Bryt, late
of Bochym, viz. daughter of John, son of the said William, in Tolvenou,
Bokton, Roswoehgen, Treanhelegan, Tresies, Tregentalen, Trenkulyek and
Trengof, by knight's service. Dated at Bochym the day and year above.
Seal, a wolf's head erased. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10244. Feoffment by Henry Wilcokes of Stodleye to Richard de
Montefort, of all his lands, &c. in Stodleye. Witnesses:—Thomas le Archer
and others (named). Thoneworth, Tuesday, the feast of St. Andrew the
Apostle, 46 Edward III. |
Warw. |
A. 10245. Release by Elizabeth Catesby late the wife of George
Catesby, esquire, to Philip Etyntone, chaplain, of all her right in all the
lands, &c. which she bought of John Beribroune, and Joan his wife, in
the lordships of Solihull and Tonworthe, co. Warwick. 21 November,
22 Henry VII. Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 10246. Letter of attorney by Maud daughter and heir of Nicholas
de Haversham to William de Bendynges to deliver seisin to William de
Olney, of the manor of Comptone and the advowson of the church of
Bereford, land and meadow in the marsh in the parish of Bereford, 44s. rent
in Wynterburnestok, 17s. 8d. rent in Putton and 26s. rent in Bereford; also
to deliver to the said William all her goods on the said manor which she
had sold him for 30l. paid to her beforehand on the day of date at
Haversham in her manor there. Haversham, 17 March, 1 Edward II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10247. General release by Joan late the wife of Robert Andrewe
of Assheby Leger to Roger Judde of the same. Daventre, 2 June,
1 Henry V. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10248. Indenture of demise by Thomas de Asteley, knight, to
John Fyel of Fylungleye and Thomas and John his sons, for their lives, of
a field called 'Cabells lond' in Fylungleye, enclosed with hedges and ditches,
six selions of land there in 'le Wryghtfeld,' with the meadow adjacent in
'le Brodmedewe,' a place of land in Filungleye next the messuage of John
son of Henry le Wryght and two butts of land in the same town in 'le
Netherfeld,' with the reversion expectant on the death of Robert Goffe,
bondman (nativi domini), of a messuage next that of John son of Henry;
rent, 10s. &c. Asteley, the Invention of the Holy Cross, 40 Edward III.
Copy. |
[Bucks.] |
A. 10249. Release by Richard Aylmer of Cestreham to Master John
de Cadomo, of 2a. land which he held of Godfrey Flinchard, in the field
called 'Punyngeslose,' his land and the said Godfrey's on either side, &c.
Witnesses:—Robert de Cressebrok and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 10250. Testament, dated 30 September, 1473, of Katharine Man,
of Upwelle; soul to God, body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish
church of St. Peter and St. Paul; to the high altar for tithes forgotten, 12d.;
to repairing the altar of St. Mary, 12d.; and to repairing the altar of the Holy
Trinity 12d.; to the repair of the church and bells, 12d.; to the light of the
great crucifix, 12d.; to John her son, a cow; residue, to the disposal of Sir
John Leget, her brother, whom she appoints executor, to pay her debts and
dispose for the souls of herself, her parents and all faithful deceased.
Memorandum of probate endorsed, at Upwell, 15 October, before the dean
of Fyncham, 1473. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 10251. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement between
John son of Hugh de Liegh and William his son of the one part and
William de Dutton and Thomas de Lyegh of the other, to wit William the
son shall take to wife Ellen daughter of Thomas de Leygh, after the divorce
made between him and Joan daughter of the said Thomas; after the said
divorce the said John shall enfeoff the said Ellen and her issue by the said
William of 40a. land in Leygh, part of the tenements contained in a writing
made between Thomas de Leygh and John son of Hugh de Leygh, the said
land to remain to John and his heirs if she die without such issue, which
land the said John was to have given to the said William and Joan; John's
bond in 100l. for performance of covenants is in the hands of David de
Beston, &c. Beston, the feast of St. Boniface, 14 Edward II. French. |
A. 10252. Acquittance by William de Tywe, rector of the church of
Acford Skillyng, in the diocese of Salisbury, to John de Novo Castello, for
6l. wherein the said John was bound to him by writing obligatory. York,
the feast of St. John the Baptist, 10 Edward III. Seal. |
[Herts] |
A. 10253. Confirmation by Hugh de Marinis to John de Marinis his
brother of all the land in Westmelne which the said John had by the gift
of his brother Theobald. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 10254. Chirograph, not indented, being an agreement between
earl William of Salisbury, and Ralph Bloet, his neighbour, concerning the
church of Lach', which is in the common fee of them, and in the common
patronage (advocatione) of them, viz. that each patron (advocatus) shall
present alternately; the parson to be obedient to each lord, as patrons; it is
further agreed that neither of them shall give the church to religious or
otherwise (in religionem vel in alium locum) so that one, through the other,
may lose the donative. Witnesses, Eleanor, the countess (A. Coma'), Roger
son of Geoffrey, Robert his brother, W. de St. Martin, Richard de Herierd,
W. Bloet, Walter Bloet, Richard the sheriff (Ric' Vic'), Richard Cotel,
Godfrey de St. Martin, William de Poertona, William the chaplain,
Richard chaplain of Lach', W. son of Warin, Roger de Dernef[ord].
Endorsed, Lacok, de vocacione ecclesie. |
Warw |
A. 10255. Release by Elizabeth Pywalle to George Catesby, esquire,
of her right in lands, &c. in the lordships of Solihull and Tonworthe, co.
Warwick. 18 October, 21 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 10256. Feoffment by Richard Nedler of Salisbury to John
Botiller, John Pepe (sic), William Schillyng and John Nedler, of a
tenement and croft in the town of Stratford Common (co'i) under the
castle of old Sarum, co. Wilts, formerly belonging to John Heryng of
Stratford Common (co'i); also of 5a. with a croft which he had by the
feoffment of Richard Smyth of Wodeford. Stratford Common (co'em), the
eve of St. Michael, 5 Henry VI. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10257. Release by Thomas son of William Perot of Yelvertoft
to Simon Terry of the same, of his right in 1½a. 1 rood arable there, which
Simon had by the feoffment of Thomas son of John Robert. Saturday
after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 4 Edward III. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 10258. Indenture tripartite being the memorandum of an agree-
ment, Tuesday after the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, 1327, between
William son of Ralph de Baggilegh and Richard son of Robert de Bulky-
legh, for a partition of the inheritance which had descended to Clemence
and Agnes their respective wives, as daughters and heirs of Sir Roger de
Chedle, on the death of Maud late the wife of the said Roger; their bonds,
one to the other, in 100l. were delivered to Sir Hugh de Dotton, &c.
French. |
A. 10259. General release by John Smyth, 'purveyour,' dwelling in
Smythfeld, to William Catesby, knight. 5 January, 34 Henry VI. |
A. 10260. Letters of attorney by Hugh le Despenser to Robert
Graunsak, clerk, to receive seisin of the manor of 'la Musardere,' which
he had by the gift of Malcolm Musard. London, the eve of St. James
the Apostle, 25 Edward [I]. |
N'hamp. |
A. 10261. Indenture 1 April, 16 Edward IV, being the defeasance of
a feoffment made by 'Alice Pydyngton of Yelvertoft in the Countie of
Northampton lady of oon maner ther,' to Sir William Catesby, knight,
William Catesby, his son, Nicholas Cowley of Swynford, ' gentilman,' and
others, of the said manor; viz. 'that yeff Thomas Pydyngton son and heir
to William sum tyme her son and heir com whom a gayn in to Yelvertoft
and claym the forsaid maner,' they shall make an estate to him thereof
subject to the performance of her last will, viz., that John Belt her old servant
should take the rents for three or four years after her decease 'in to the
reward of his good servyce,' and that her debts and 'all such costes as ben
made and don at her berying' should first be paid; but that 'yef the said
Thomas be deed,' after the performance of her will, as above, if they found
'by the sight of her evidences or by the sight of the evidences of Richard
Haddon son and heir of William Haddon sum tyme of London the which
pretendeth a title to the said maner 'that they lawfully could, they should
sell the 'said lyvelood' to the highest bidder, and distribute the money for
the souls of herself, her 'auncetry and for all Cristen sowlys.' English. |
[Sussex] |
A. 10262. Letters patent by John de Warenn, earl of Surrey, being
the defeasance of a bond in 1,000 marks, due to him at the Friars Minors
of Lewes at Michaelmas next, from John de Mount Martyn, prior of the
house of Lewes and the convent of the same; viz. if the said prior was of
good carriage towards him (se porte bien e convenablement dever nous),
without alienation, dilapidation or destruction of the goods of the said
house to the damage thereof without his consent, &c. the bond to be void.
Given at our castle of Reygate, Monday after St. Nicholas, 5 Edward II.
French. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10263. Release by Alexander Aschewell of Zelvertoft and John
his son to Thomas Gundewyn of the same, of their right in 3a. arable and
1 rood meadow which descended to them on the decease of John Baker of
the same. Witnesses:—Thomas and William Pydyngton and John Aston
of the same. The Epiphany, 11 Henry VI. Seals. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10264. Feoffment by Alexander Aschewell of Yelvertoft to
Thomas Gundewyn of the same, of 3a. arable 1 rood meadow there; rent,
6d. to the lord Sougch, for all service. Christmas, 11 Henry VI. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10265. Release by Maud late the wife of Eustace Golafre of
Watforde, widow, for her life, to Richard son of Richard Martyn of Welton,
of a third of 2a. in Welton. Saturday after the Beheading of St. John the
Baptist, 26 Edward [I]. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10266. Grant by Nicholas Ster of Brandeston to Alexander
Phelype of Berughby, John Borow and Henry Frances of Brandeston, of
all his goods, &c. in Brandeston and elsewhere. Monday after Christmas,
8 Henry IV. |
N'hamp. |
A. 10267. Bond by John Warde, the elder, late of Colde Assheby,
co. Northampton, 'husbondeman,' and John Warde, his son, of Naseby in
the said county, to John Skarborow of Welford, in 10l. at Michaelmas.
Thursday the feast of St. Mark, 26 Henry VI. Fragments of seals. |
N'bamp. |
A. 10268. Feoffment by Robert Fene, esquire, and Eleanor his wife
late the wife of John Umfrehay, esquire, to William Hastynges, knight,
lord de Hastynges, William Catesby, knight, John Catesby, serjeant at law,
John Catesby of Olthorp, Thomas Wyndesore, esquires, Thomas Kebeell
and Edmund Newnham, of two crofts of pasture in Watford, co. North-
ampton, late belonging to John Watford, son and heir of Thomas
Watford; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Sabyn and Thomas Norys,
31 January, 16 Edward IV. Witnesses:—William Haryngton and Walter
Mawntell, knights, William Newnham, George Burneby and Nicholas
Catesby, esquires. Seals, one broken. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10269. Feoffment by William Rage and Agnes his wife, to
Thomas Rage the elder, Thomas Rage the younger, and John Rage, their
sons, John Payn of Flekenho, Robert Shawe of Braunston, Robert Bartlotte
of Braunston, John a Borough and Thomas Mollesley, of the same, of all
the lands, &c. in Braunston which the said Agnes inherited on the death of
Thomas Burgh her father, as in the charter of John Burgh to the said
Thomas and his heirs. 12 August, 15 Edward IV. |
A. 10270. Bond by Hugh Jakes of Bristoll, merchant, to Richard
Boteler, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Marsburgh, citizen, and 'Bowyer' of
London, in 40l. at the Purification. 30 November, 22 Edward IV. Seal,
broken. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10271. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Harwedon of
Assheby Leger to Margery daughter of John Smyth of Watford, single and
of age (in pura virginitate sua ad plenam etatem), of ½a. land on Foxoles, next
land formerly Nicholas de Craunford's, and 1 rood land, under 'le Moor,'
reaching to the meadow of Nicholas Burneby, knight, in Assheby Leger,
in exchange for 2 roods there. Monday after St. Nicholas the Bishop,
33 Edward III. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 10272. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement
between Richard de Coupland of Bolton, of the one part, and Jouett (or
Jonett) de Denton, Richard de Skeltonand William de Denton of the other, to
wit, that the said William shall take to wife Katharine daughter of the said
Richard de Coupland within fifteen days after the feast of St. Martin in the
winter next, for which marriage the said Richard, John de Hodeleston,
knight, and Richard de Hodeleston shall be bound to the said Jouett,
Richard and William in 106l. 13s. 4d. to be paid at Easter next, conditioned
for their paying to them 40 marks at the feast of St. Martin in the winter,
or within fifteen days, at Millom, and other 40 marks on the feast of St.
James the Apostle following, or within fifteen days; the said Jouett,
Richard and William, on their part, shall before Whitsuntide enfeoff the
said William de Denton and Katharine his wife of 10 marks of land and
rent of the lands, &c. called 'Garboclandes,' &c. Millom, Thursday before
St. Wilfrid the Bishop, 17 Richard II. French. |
Cornw. |
A. 10273. Feoffment by Daniel son of Jordan de Trewen to Nicholas
the clerk (clerico) of Tregenuoro, of a messuage and a moiety of all his land in
the town of Trewen, for 12 marks paid beforehand, to wit, the moiety of a
ferling of land there; rent to the chief lords, 5d. for all service, saving the
common tallage of the county of Cornwall. Witnesses:—John de
Trembethou, Thomas de Tregymynyon, Benedict de Brevannec, John de
Trebweher, William de Trenruf, Henry de Boskawenros, Thomas de
Trennyer. |
N'hamp. |
A. 10274. Letter of attorney by John Drayton, parson of the church
of Broughton Asteley to William Warton to deliver seisin to James
Audeley, lord de Audeley, Hugh Erdeswyk, Edmund Basset and Ralph
Basset, esquires, and Thomas Bolsham of Kelysby, of a half virgate of land,
&c. in Yelvertoft, co. Northampton, which by the name of John Drayton,
parson of the church of Cleycoton, he, together with John Cok of Lylburne
and William Palmer, since deceased, had by the gift and feoffment of
William Smyth, of Yelvertoft, and Maud his wife, and by the release of
John Isowde of the same. Saturday in Whitsun week, 5 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10275. Release by Hugh Pacwode, clerk, to William de Catesby of
Coventre, of his right in all those tenements in Wymondeslone in Coventre,
which he had by the gift and feoffment of Geoffrey de Hulle of Coventre,
'barkere.' Saturday after St. Lawrence, 26 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10276. Indenture being the defeasance of a recognisance, made in
the Exchequer, whereby William de Botreaux, Silvester de Trefruthken,
John de Aldestowe, Robert de Forde, and John de Skewys were bound
to Master John de Hildeslegh in' 157l. 19s. 5¼d., 105l. 4s. 6¼d. thereof to
be paid to the said Master John at York in the quinzaine of St. Hilary
next, and 52l. 14s. 11d. in the quinzaine of Easter next; viz. on payment
by the said William de Botreaux of 105l. 4s. 6¼d. into the king's exchequer
at the quinzaine of St. Hilary aforesaid and 52l. 14s. 11d. at the said
quinzaine of Easter. York, 23 November, 9 Edward III. Seals of arms,
(1) Chequy on a bend three horseshoes; (2) a chevron between three oak
leaves slipped; (3) a bird, one wing expanded, within scroll work; (4) on
a saltire five cinquefoils: (6) on a chief three (? roses) over all a bend. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10277. Grant by Thomas Cararthyn to Ralph Reskymmer, esquire,
of all the estate which he had by the gift of Richard Newton, in a yearly
rent of 26s. 8d. to be received yearly from all the lands, &c. in the towns of
Banathlek, Mewechyn and Helstonburgh, according to the form of the
estate made by John Gerves of Banathlek to the said Richard Newton, viz.
at the terms usual in the hundred of Kerrier, &c. by letters patent (set out
at full) dated at Helstonburgh, Thursday after the Conception, 3 Henry V.
Copy or draft, not dated. |
[Suff.] |
A. 10278. Feoffment by Alice late the wife of Edmund Harneys to
Richard de Martelesham and Alice his wife, and Richard's heirs, of all the
tenement and curtilage, late belonging to Thomas Dunkepot, in the town of
Ipswich, viz. in the parish of St. Nicholas. Witnesses:—John Cobat and
Henry Starlyng, then bailiffs of Ipswich and others (named). Monday
after Michaelmas, 43 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10279. Manumission by Robert, abbot of Stonle, and the convent
of the same, of Geoffrey son of one William Austyn of Wottenhull.
Monday after the Purification, 8 Edward III. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 10280. Counterpart of demise by Katharine la Cras, abbess of
Lacok, and the convent of the same, to Edward Dodyng and Joan his
wife, of a messuage and a virgate of land in Natton in Lacok, an acre of
land and a croft of meadow excepted, for the term of their lives, after the
decease of the said (sic) Joan late the wife of John atte Broke, &c. Sunday
before the Purification, 6 Edward III. Seal. |
Linc. |
A. 10281. Release by Maud daughter of John Brand of Lincoln to
Osbert le Lung of Lincoln and the heirs of his body and of Albreda his
wife, her sister, begotten, of her right in all the lands, rents and tenements,
which were her brother Walter's, in Lincoln and the suburb of the same,
saving to her and the heirs of her body begotten the messuage which was
the said Walter's in the parish of St. Swithun of Lincoln, which messuage
Osbert in consideration of this quit-claim granted to her and the heirs of
her body begotten for ever. Done on the day of St. Lucy the Virgin, in her
free widowhood, A.D. 1293. Witnesses:—Alexander Martin and others
(named). Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10282. Grant by Roger de Carwenou (sic), knight, lord of Merthhyn,
to John de Banadlek that the said John might keep the park he had erected
in his land of Bannellec next Roger's demesne of Merthhyn and maintain
the same forever, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Tregot, knight, John de
Kayrwethenec, Luke de Trethaec, and others (named). Merthyn,
Tuesday the feast of the Holy Cross, 31 Edward I. Copy. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10283. Feoffment by William de Alveston of Hatton to Thomas
Lovekin of Schreueleye, of a half acre of land, with headland (capitio) of
meadow, in the field of Schreueleye, &c. to hold, with the headland
(chevicio), &c. Sunday before St. Gregory the Pope, 8 Edward II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10284. Indenture being a feoffment by Joan late the wife of John
Pengersek to Richard Trelowargh, of all her messuages, lands and tene-
ments in Helstonburgh, in the street called 'Stret Wyndesore,' a
seld and garden, the moiety of a place next the lane leading to
the well called 'Fenten Wendron,' &c., an acre of land in
Gueldrenek, &c. and the moiety of an acre of land in Guelguarthaendree,
&c, which after her decease by right of inheritance ought to descend to
him; rendering to her therefore yearly during her life 6s. 4d. at the four
terms usual in Helstonburgh. 8 September, 2 Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10285. Indenture being a feoffment by Stephen son of John Ivy
to John de Tretherf for life, of the rents and services of Robert Attebarue
and Henry Cok for lands, &c in Padystowe; rent, 1d. Padystowe, Thursday
before the Conversion of St. Paul, 2 Henry IV. Seal, possibly of arms. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10286. Indenture being the defeasance of a feoffment by John
Le Men to Ralph de Bossehan, chaplain, of a place in Helleston Burgh in
St. Mary Street, on payment of 100s. on the morrow of Michaelmas next.
Thursday after St. Martin the Bishop, 17 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10287. Counterpart of demise by Roger de Carminou to Sir Peter
de Lankuc for life, of his land of Yestere Disard and Westere Disard; rent,
a pair of white gloves. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Pridiaus, Sir John
Beaupre, Sir John de Alet, Sir Hugh Peverel, and Sir William de Merysaus,
knights. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10288. Letter of attorney by John Trevysa and Amisia his wife
to William John, chaplain, and John Pellour, to deliver seisin to Henry
Trevysa and Martin Pendre, of lands, &c. in Lannargh Mor, Helstonburgh,
Hellogan, Bodryvyell, Trewodones, Carvolgh, Carnegynfyn, Boswyn,
Trevynsyn, Penhelek Byan, Polleowe, Trefoyll and Padystowe. Lannargh
Mor, 10 August, 22 Edward IV. Seals. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10289. Release by John Bokelly to William Carnsuyowe the
younger, of his right in lands, &c. in Bokelly, saving and reserved always
to James Luke his heir (heredi meo), and the heirs of Luke's body, 25s.
yearly rent. Bokelly, 26 April, 14 Henry VII. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10290. Feoffment by Gervase de Trelanbyan to Ralph de
Lougans, chaplain, of his capital messuage and all his demesne in Trelan-
byan, with a park called Parcanloe, of Henysmour, of his meadow for
mowing and of all the land between Henysmour and the land of Kynny-
awos and of all that land which is below the mill stream, between it and
the land of Roscrousi, of all the pasture through all the moor Gounnyli
and Gounmoerdon and elsewhere through all his unenclosed lands (terras
meas extra clausum) and of his corn-mill with its waters, multures and
other appurtenances. St. Kevern (Sanctum Kyeranum), Friday after St.
Denis, 31 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10291. Release by Richard Trevaignon, esquire, to John Car-
wynnek nephew of William Trevailek, viz. son of Thomasia his sister, of
his right in all the lands, &c. in Trevailek and Carwynnek, which descended
to the said William on the death of John Trevailek his grandfather, and in
a tenement, dovecot, close of land and alder grove in the borough of
Graundpond which the said John had by his grant to him his heirs and
assigns. Witnesses:—John Tretherf, esquire, Richard Resprena, John
Jaybien, Oto Tregonan, Edward Sage. Carehays, 14 May, 8 Henry VI.
Seal, broken. Endorsed: De terris in Trevelek et Carwynnek. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10292. Release by John de Kyllygrewe to Richard de Reskymmer,
of his right in lands, &c. in the manor of Rosneythyon. Witnesses:—
Richard Sergeaux, knight, Thomas Carmynou, knight, Henry Trewynnard,
John Enys, Ralph Clegher. Lostwythyell, Monday after St. Martin the
Bishop, 35 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10293. Bond by William Luddr' to John Trevysa, Elizabeth
Lannargh and Marina Lannargh in 20l. at Easter, conditioned for his stand-
ing to the award of John Denys of Orly, Richard Vyvyan and John
Godolghan, on his side, and of Thomas Uttysfylde, Thomas Lukome and
James Leveies, on theirs, touching the title of all the lands, &c. which were
of James Lannargh, deceased. 13 February, 1 Richard III. Endorsed:
Loddra. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10294. Feoffment by John, called de Chaumond (Calvo Monte), lord
of Trenewed, to Pascoe (Paschasio) de Treredenec, and Nicholaa his wife,
of all his land called Nanstrelaec, bounded as follows, viz. from
the place called Crous Hervy as the big ditch goes thence to Gwael
Kephamoc, and thence as the ditch extends north to the land of
Treredenec, as it divides the land of Nanstrelaec from the land
of Trelaecvighan, and as the bounds are, and divide, between
the land of Clement and Francis de Treghemynyon and the said land
of Nanstrelaec, from the land of Tredenec to Gwaeldreysec; and so, as the
ditch divides, between the said lands of Gwaeldreysec and Nanstrelaec to
the said place called Crous Hervy; to hold to them and the heirs of their
bodies, for the fourth part of one ferling, in pure socage for ever; rendering
therefore 1d. yearly in the usual money of the country (patrie) on the feast
of St. Michael in September for all service. Witnesses:—Sir Walter called
'de Cornewale,' knight, John, lord of Trelanbighan, Master William de
Trewsus, Henry called Trily, Roger de Eyrysy. Treredenec, Sunday the
feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 1306, 34 Edward I. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10295. Feoffment by John, called de Chaumont, lord of Trenewed,
to Mabilla, daughter of Master Ralph de Treredenec, and the heirs of her
body, of all his land in Boden Wour, viz. all the land which John de
Carrogan held there of him, with houses, gardens and other appurtenances,
rendering therefore 4d. yearly, viz. on the feasts of St. James, St. Michael,
St. Andrew and Mid Lent, for all service, save suit of court once a year on
the feast of St. Michael in the manor of Trenewed, &c. And however
often she, or her heirs, may be in mercy in one day in that court, the
amercements (misericordie) of one day not to exceed 2d.; if she die without
heir of her body, the land to remain to Pascoe (Paschasio) de Treredenec
and the heirs of his body. Witnesses:—Walter called 'de Cornewaylle,'
knight, Master William de Trewsus, Sir Ralph portioner in the church of
Menster, John Crock (Crocka), lord of Lanhergh, John de [Tre]lanbighan,
Bartholomew de Tregemynyon, William de Roskadan. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10296. Counterpart of agreement, made at Mowla, 14 March,
5 Henry VII, for sale by John Reskymer, esquire, to Roger Gaylard and
Thomas Trygyan, of all his wood growing in Mowla, for 7 marks; they
shall 'have iij yere space after the date of thys present to cutte lette lye
dygge the ground to make pyttys for to barn and make colys of the sayd
wode and to cary away the said wode and colys,' &c. One seal. Endorsed:
Maulawode by Trelowyth Redruth. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10297. Counterpart of demise by Richard son and heir of Michael
de Carveynek to John de Trevaygnon and Joan his wife and the heirs of the
body of the said John, of a messuage and the moiety of an acre of land
Cornish in Trevaek, viz. all the lands, &c. which John de Trethywy held of
him as conventionary tenant (de me convencionarie tenuit) in the same town;
rent, a rose at Midsummer for the first 12 years, the term beginning on
Sunday after St. Ambrose the Bishop next, and thereafter 20s. quarterly.
Witnesses:—Ralph de Arundel, Thomas Peticru, Thomas de L'Isle
(de Insula), Nicholas de Meuleder, Thomas the clerk. Guthfos, Friday
before St. Ambrose the Bishop, 6 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10298. Letter of attorney by Michael Power, esquire, feodary and
escheator of the king of his duchy of Cornwall and Devon to John Gybbe
of Pensans to occupy his office in the hundred of Penwyth during good
conduct, &c. 25 October, 23 Henry VI. Seal of arms. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10299. Letter of attorney by Robert Kyrrys of Westham, co.
Essex, 'gentilman,' son of John Kyrrys, late of Rostvyek, co. Cornwall,
to Richard Martyn, of the county of Cornwall, clerk, and Gilbert
Polwhevererwartha, of London, tailor, to deliver seisin to William
Wittryng, of Westham, co. Essex, 'yoman,' and Roger Martyn, citizen
and brewer (pandoxatori) of London, of all his lands, &c. in the towns and
fields of Rostvyek aforesaid and Garros in the parish of Gulval (Sancte
Wilvele) in the hundred of Penwith in the said county. Rostvyek, 28 July,
13 Edward IV. Seal. Endorsed: Rostwyk. |
[Lanc.] |
A. 10300. Demise by Thomas son of Richard de Maghall to Arabilla
wife of William dele Halegh and William her son, for term of their lives,
of all his meadow in Le . . . . . between the meadow of Gilbert de
Halsele, &c. Dated at Maghal the morrow of the Holy Trinity, 1341. |