Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1880.
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'A Short English Chronicle: London under Henry VI (1422-71)', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].
'A Short English Chronicle: London under Henry VI (1422-71)', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,
"A Short English Chronicle: London under Henry VI (1422-71)". Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.
London under Henry VI (1422–71)
The names of the maires and shoreffes of the Cite of Lodnon in the tyme of the regne of Kyng Henry the vjth.
This yere the xxj day of Octobre (betwene vij and viij of the clok a fore none in the Cite of Parys (fn. 1) ) dyed Kynge Charles of Fraunce. Also the first day of Marche William Tayler was brent in Smythfeld for eresy. Also the secounde day of March Powntmelayne was yolden to the gode Erle of Salysbury. Also John Duke of Bedford, the kynges uncle, Regent of Fraunce, spoused the Dukys sister off Burgoyne.
This yere the xxj day of Octobre was the Parlement holden at Westmester. And the xxvj day of Novembre the kynge was brought in to the Parlement. And the same daye the kynge remevid to Waltham, and the Parlement was engorned in to the xx day after Cristmas. This yere the xiiijth day of Feveryere dyvers bylles were cast in London and in the subbarbys of the same a yenst merchantes strawngers. (fn. 2) Also the xiiij day of Feverell Sir John Mortymer was dampned be Parlement, hanged, drawe, and quarterd for brekynge of prison.
This yere in the monthe of Octobre the Duke of Glowceter and his Duches sayled to Caleys and so forthe in to Henaude wher was his wiffes eritage, where he was at the fyrst worsshupfully resseyved, but after they sett nott by him, and so came home and lefte his lady at Moynys in Henaude. And then the Duke of Burgoyne beseged hir and wanne the towne and brought hir to Gawnte in Flaundres, but she scaped from thens and came in to Holonde, and there longe tyme helde wer a yenes the Duke and put him dyverse tymes at the worste.
This yere on Witsonday the Kynge was made Knyght at Leyseter of my Lorde of Bedford, and the kynge made xxxiiijti other knyghtis. Also the same yere was a grete dissencioun be twene the Duke of Glowcester and the Bysshoppe of Wynechester that tyme Chauncyler, for the whiche all London a rose with the Duke a yenest the forsaide Bysshoppe.
This yere be for Shroftide the Bysshoppe of Wynchester saylled over to Caleys, and sone after the Duke of Bedford and his Duches. And upon our Lady day the Annonciacion the Bysshoppe of Wynechestre was made cardenall in Seint Mary chirche of Caleys, beyng ther present the Duke of Bedfford and his Duches. And popis cosynne brought in the cardenalles hatte, and with grete reverence sett it upon the auter, and ther hit stode all the masse tyme. And when the bysshoppe had songe and was un revessed, ther was done on him an habite in maner of a freres cope off fyne scarled furred with puryd graye. And than he knelid downe upon his kneys befor the auter, while the Popis bullys were red to him. And the first byll was his charge, and the secounde byll was that the pope confermed that he shulde have still at the benfies that he hathe in Englonde. And whan this was done the Duke of Bedforde went up to the auter and toke the cardenales hatt and sett it on the bysshoppys hede and abeyed to hym, and afterwarde toke him all wey above him. This yere Wylliam Wa[we] was drawen, hanged, [and] quarterde. (fn. 3)
This yere the Duches of Holand, whiche longe tyme was besegid and vexid by the Duke of Burgoyne, understondynge that no remedy nor helpe was ordeyned for hir in Ingelonde, and also cosiderynge that the Duke of Glowcester hadde for sake hir and spowsed a noþer woman, by gode and wyse consayll submytt to be governed afterward by the Duke of Borgoyne. Also the same yere the Cardenale came to London upon Seint Gylis daye, and the Meir Shoreffes and the craftis of London rode a gaynes him in a gode a raye.
This yere sone upon Midsomer the Cardenall saylled over the see with a fayre mayne waged to werre upon the lordis of Prage. But a lite a for the departynge of the Cardenall oute of Englonde the Erle of Southefolke, the Lord Talbott, the Lorde Scalys, and many oþer lordys, knyghtis, and squiers were taken, and many slayne at the sege of Orlyaunce, and the sege broken.
This yere on Seint Lenardes (fn. 4) daye in Dessembre the kynge was crowned at Westmestre (the dominical letter B (fn. 5) ).
Nicholas Wotton, Maire | Water Churchesey | A° ixe. |
Robert Large | ||
John Wellis | Stephen Browne | A° xe. |
John Aderley |
This yere the kyng went in to Fraunce and the xiij day of Decembre was he was crowned in Parys. (fn. 6)
This yere the kynge came oute of Fraunce in to Ingelonde in savete to the Cite of London. And the Maire, Aldurmen and Shoryvis with all the comenalte of the Cite him resseyved right worthely.
This yere was a gre clepes on Seint Botholloes daye
John Brokley, Maire | Thomas Chalton | A° xije. |
John Lynge | ||
Robert Otley, Marie | Thomas Barnwell | A° xiije. |
Symond Eyre |
This yere was a great froste, the whiche dured from Seint Katerynes daye to Seint Volantynes daye. And the vintage of wyne came ovir Sheters Hill in cartys from Gravisende.
This yere hit was oppenly knowen that the Duke of Burgoyne was forsworne unto the Crowne off Engelonde, for in this yere he laide sege unto Caleys, and he lete make a grete bastyle, the whiche bastile oure men of Calleys wanne, and toke ther in many prisoners, and slowe all the remnante, and forthe with brent it. And that tyme the Duke of Glowcester, the Duke of Northfolke, the Erle of Huntyngdon, þe Erle of Stafford, the Erle of Warwyck, and many oper crles, baronez, knyghtes, and sqwyers, were poynted to goo to Calleys to breke the sege. But the peple of Calleys had broke the sege or they were redy, and þat tyme every lord founde a cer teyn meyne on her owne coste, and every bysshoppe, abbay, howsell of religiouns, and every gode towne fonde a certayne of men. And London sent a for that vc sowdyors for to kepe Calys. And yet London yave to the werrys ml li. And so my Lord of Glowseter toke his shippe with many other lordes at Wynchelsey, and so sayled to Calleys with all his oste, and his shippis waitinge on the see coste off Flawndres upon our Oste. And so the Duke of Glowseter toke his jorney taward Flaunders the Monday after Seint Lauerence daye, in the yere of our Lorde ml. cccc.xxxvijthe, and lay that nught at Sparkys place by syde Oye; upon the morne he passed the water of Gravenynge at x of the clokke, with men nombryd. And ther he made dyverse knyghtis. And so passyd forthe to Mardyke and brent hit and Poperynge and Bell, and so distoryed all West Flawndres. And our shippis brentt a gode Ile whiche is called Cagent, and sone after the Duke with all his oste retorned to Caleys, and so came a yene in to Englond.
This yere fell downe the Towre of London Brygge with ij arches. And the same yere dyed Quene (fn. 7) Kateryne, þe whiche is buryed at Westmester.
William Estfeld, Mair | William Halys | A° xvje. |
William Chapman | ||
Stephen Browne, Maire | Hugh Dyke | A° xvije. |
Nicholas Yoo |
This yere the Duke of Orlyaunce went over the see to Caleys with a certayne lordys, and so was delyved by composicioun made; and in that yere the Erle of Hontyngdon was sent in to Gascoyne. And in that yere whete was worthe throwe the londe xvj d. a busshell. And in that yere was ordeyned that all the comyn strompeters sholde were raye hodis and white roddis in her hondes.
This yere the water condyt was in Flete strete fyrst made. (fn. 8)
This yere hit was ordeyned by Parlement that all maner strangers shulde go to Oste. In that yere were two men honged in Temmes by yonde Seynt Katerynes, for they had rubbed vitalers in Temmes. And in this yere was Sir Robert White, some tyme vicorye of Depfford, and anoþere seculer man, dampned for heresye, and brent at Toure Hill in a mornyng at vij of the cloke.
Elynor Cobham, Duches of Glo[cester]. (fn. 9)
This yere the Duke of Yorke was made Regent of Fraunce and Normandy for v yere, and went overe þe see with a ryall power. And in that yere was a chalange made of a knyght of Spayne and Sir Richarde Wodfelde, knyght, whiche was done in Smythfeld a for the kynge and the lordys. And the kynge toke it in his honde with in iiij strokes, and so was ended. And in that yere Dame Elynore Cobham, Duches of Glowseter, and a clerke of hires that was called Maiste Roger Bultyngbroke, throwe nigrymancye, and a wyche of the Eye, by wychcrafte, had conspired the kynges dethe. All thre were a rested and put in holde.
This year Dame Elynor Cobham a for wreten was made to go throwe London, openly beryng a taper in hir hande by pennaunce enjoyned by the Chirche and the Kynge, and after hir body to perpetuall prison. And the clerke was dampned to be hanged, drawe, and quartered, and þe wiche was brent in Smythfelde for the treson afor wretyn. And this yere was a chalange previd with in lystis in Smythfelde a for the kynge of a knyght of Aragon and John Assheley, squyer, the whiche Assheley had the felde, and of the kynges honde was made knyght in the felde for his wele doynge. And the lorde of Aragon after that offerd up his harneys at Wyndsore.
This yere the Duke of Somersed went in to Fraunce with x ml men, and that yere came the Cardenalle Erchebysshope of Rone, Chaunseler of Normandy and Bysshoppe of Hely, in to Englond, and here dyed, &c.
This yere came the Duke of Somersed oute of Fraunce, þ e whiche had lost myche of his peple. And that yere the Earl of Southefolk, and the Prevey Sealle, (fn. 10) and Sir Robert Roose, the kynges secretory, went on enbassetory in to Fraunce to trete for pees, and to make a maryage for the Kynge with the Dukys doughter of Angios, whiche pees was made for xviij monthes, and seuerte hadde of the maide for maryage a for recorde of all the riales of Fraunce in presens of oure enbassestours. And so they came a yene in to Engelond, presentyng the kynge this tythinges, for the whiche was made bothe in Inglonde and Fraunce grete solemnyte. And in that yere died the Duke of Somersett. And in that yere was ordeyned that no markett sholde be holde on the Sonday. And this yere the Erle of Stafford was made Duke of Bokynham, þe Erle of Dorsett was made Markes of Dorsett, the Erle of Southfolke Markes of Southefolke, the Erle of Warwyke made Duke of Warwyke.
Quene Margaret, the Duke of Angyos dowghter, cam fyrst into Englonde, A° D'ni 1444.; Coronacio Regine Margarete uxoris Henrici Sexti.; The Translacion of Seyn [t] Edwarde made halyd [ay].
This yere Queen Margeret came in to Englond with grete rialte of the kynges coste. And the xxix daye of Maye all the craftes of London with the Meire and Aldermen met with the quene on hors backe in blewe gownes browdered and rede hodis, and brought hir to the Towre of London; and on the same day was made xlvij knyghtis of the Bathe. And on the morowe all the craftes of London in her best a ray brought hir to Westmester, and all the forsaide knyghtes a for ridynge. And the xxx day of May (the whiche was than the Sonday next after Trinite Sonday (fn. 11) ) she was crowned at Westmestre. And iij dayes after open justynge to all tho that wolde come. And in this yere the priour of Kylmayne of Irlonde apeled the Erle of Ormond. And in this yere came serteyne enbassetours oute of Fraunce to trete for pees to be hadde generall whiche duryd not but xji monthis after the xviij monthis a for wretyn. And in this yere was the translacioun of Seynt Edward made holy throwe London; and Poules stepyll sett on fire with lyghtnynge.
Symond Eyre, Maire | John Derby | A° xxiiije. |
Geffray Feldyng | ||
John Olney, Mayre | Robert Horne | A° xxvc. |
Geffrey Boleyn |
The Parlament at Saynt Edmundes Bury, and Humfrey Dewke of Glowceter and regent of Englond there was slayne, A° Domini 1446, viz. 24to die Januarij.
This yere was the Parlement at Bury for the Duke of Glowcester with grete treison wrought a yenes him comyng thedir, and was loged in the Ospitale, for whom was raysed lx ml men. And as he sate at soper, lordis of dyverse degreis came to him in the kynges name dischargeynge him of the kynges presense, and of all other maner of answeres. And so they a restid him of hie treyson. And þat he mekely obeyed, and all his men were avoyded from him full hevely. And sone after he dissesyd, the sykenes howe God knowith. And xxxij of his men were sentt to dyverse persones, and afterward v of his men were broȝt to London. And ther thei were dampned to be drawe, hanged, and quarterd; and so they were drawe to Tiborn. And thes bethe their names: Arteys the Dukys bastard sonne, and Herberd squyer, Medilton squyer, and Sir Roger Chamburlayne knyght, and Nedame yoman. And ther thei were hanged and lette downe quycke; and ther was the Markes of Southefolke, and shewed a chartour generall for hem all; and so they were pardoned and had lyfe and godes.
This yere the xxij day of Marche the water brake in oute of Temmes be syde Lymeoste, and in a noþer place in Temmes, and dide myche harme. And in the same yere was an herytik brent at the Toure Hill.
Stephen Browne, Maire | William Cantlowe | A° xxvije. |
William Marowe | ||
Thomas Chalton, Maire | Thomas Canynges | A° xxviije. |
William Hewlyn |
John Cade; The batel on London Bryge by twene men of London and Kentyssh men, Jak Cade beyng capten of Kent.; John Cade taken yn kent, and so hurt yn his takyng that he dyed the same nyght.
This year the kynge helde his Parlement at Westmester. And that same yere was all Normandy loste. And also in the terme of Cristmas while the Parlement was at Westmester the Duke of Southefolke was a rested and sent to the Toure of London. And with in a moneth after the kynge sent after the duke frome the Toure to the towre at Westmestre, and a yenes Ester the Parlement was enjorned to Leyseter, and the kynge toke with him the Duke of Southefolke. And whan the kynge and the comenys were come to Leyseter the comenys saide that they wolde have excusyon don upon the traytors that hadde solde Normandy, Gyan, and Gascoyne, and were causes of the dethe of the Duke of Glowcester, for the whiche the Duke of Suthefolke was named chefe, and the Lord Saye and Danyell squyer, and many other. And so the comenys cryed so sore on the Duke of Southefolke that at the laste the kynge did exile hym oute of the londe. And so the duke shepped and was forwarde in the see, and ther mett with him a shippe calles (fn. 12) Nicholas of the Toure, and toke the duke and smote of his hede in the see the first day of Maye. And so he was brought to Dovyr a londe, and forthe with the Parlement was ended. And than the comynes of Kent a rose and hade chosen hem a capteyne the whiche namyd hym sylfe John Mortymer, whose very trew name was John Cade, and he was an Iresheman; (fn. 13) and so he come to the Black hethe withe the comynes of Kentt. And the kynge with all his lordis made hem redy with all her power for to with stonde him. And the capteyn hiryng that the kynge was comynge, and so the nyght a fore the capteyne with drowe him and his peple; and so the xviij day of June the kynge toke his wey taward the Blacke Hethe. And Sir Umfrey Stafford, knyght, and John Stafford, squyer, with her peple went in the fowarde, and they were slayne and myche of her peple. And the kynge came to the Blacke Hethe with his lordys. They hirynge of þis jorney a none the lordis meyne went togeder and said, but the kynge wolde do excussyon on suche traytors as were named else they wolde turne to the capteyn of Kent. And than the kynge grawnte hem that they shuld have ther entent, and bade hem name suche persones as were fectyffe, and they shulde have as lawe wolde. And than the lordis men saide that the Lorde Saye was one, the Bysshuppe of Salysbury, the Baron of Dudley, the Abbott of Glowcester,and Danyell, and many moo. And the Lord Saye was rested in the kynges presence, and sent to the Toure of London; and so the kynge went to Grenewiche, and so to London by water, and ther was ij or iij dayes, and than made him redy to remeve to Kyllyngworthe. And the Meire of London with the comynes of the cite came to the kynge besekynge him that he wolde tarye in the cite and they wolde lyve and dye with him, and pay for his costes of housholde and halff yere; but he wold nott, but toke his jorney to Kyllingworthe. And whan the kynge was gone the capteyn with the comynes of Kent came a yene to the Black hethe. And the iijthe day of Juyll he came to London; and as sone as thei entred in London they rubbed Phelippe Malpas. And the iiij day of Jule he behedid Crowmer and a noþer man at Myle Ende; and the same day at after none the Lorde Say was fett oute of the Toure to the Yelde Hall to for meire to have jugement, and whan he came befor the meir he saide he wolde be juged by his perys. And then the comenes of Kent toke him from the officers and ledd him to the Standart in Chepe and there smote of his hede. And than the capteyn did do drawe him thorowe London, and over London brige, and to Seint Thomas Watring, and ther he was hanged and quartered, and his hede and Crowmers hede and a noþer manes hede were sett on London brige. And after that he smote of ij oþer menes hedis in Sowthewerke. And the vth day of Jule at nyght (and beyng Sondaye (fn. 14) ) the comynes of London sett upon the comynes of Kent, for they began to rubbe. And all the men of Kent that were in London that nyght they went to her capteyne in to Sowthewerke. And the same nyght the Meir and Shoreffess and my Lorde Scalys and Mathew Gowghe and the comynes of London went to London Brygge, and ther they faughte from ix of the cloke at eve till ix on the morowe, and at the laste the capteyne fired the drawe brigge. And forthe withe went the Chaunseler (fn. 15) to þ e capteyne and sessed him and yave him a chartur and his men a noþ er, and so with drowe hem homward. Than the xij daye of Juyll was in every shire proclamed that whate man that couthe take the forsaide capteyne shulde have a ml marke and brynge him to the kynge quycke or dede, and as for any man that longed to him, x marke; for hit was openly knowe that his name was nott Mortymer, his name was John Cade, and þerfor his chartor stode in no streynthe. And so one Alexandre Iden, a squyre of Kent, toke hym in a garden yn Sowthsex the xiij day of Jule; (fn. 16) and in the takynge of him he was hurtt and died that same nyght, and on the morowe he was brought in to the Kynges Bynche, and after was drawe throwe London and his hede set on London brige.
Burdens lost.
This yere the kynge went in to Kent to Caunterbury and sate and did grete justice upon tho that rose with the capteyne, and ther dyed viij men upon a daye. And in oþer places in Kent the kynge did grete justice; and so þþ e Kynge wentt in to Southsex, and so westwards to Salisbery, and ther as the Bysshoppe of Salysbery (fn. 17) was slayne. And the same yere stode at one xiij hedis on London brige. And this yere was Burdeux lost.
This yere Richard Duke of Yorke came oute of Walys by Kyngeston brygge unto the Blacke Hethe with a grete power to clere him selfe a gaynes Kynge Henrey of all maner poyntes that the kynge was his hevy lorde fore. And the kynge came ridinge thorowe London with a riall power agayn the sayde duke. And ther the lordis bothe spirituall and temporall toke the mater in honde and entretid hem of rest and pees; the whiche the seid duke at the last agred to on this condission, that his peticiouns for the wele of the kynge and the realme myght be hadde and his enemyes to the Toure to a bide the lawe; and so were the lordis a greed and sworne euche to other. A none the duke sent home his men ayen, and him selfe mekely obeyed the kynge at the Black Hethe, and his adversaryes stode present contrary the poyntment and othis. And so they brought him thorowe London ungirde by twene two bysshopis to his owne place, and after that made him sworne on the sacrement at Powles after ther entente, and putte him from his gode peticiouns.
The byrthe of Prince Edwarde, the sonne of Kyng Henry the vjte.
This yere was the quene delyverde of a sonne, the whiche was called Edwarde, that tyme called Prince.
This yere the ridynge of the Mayres to Westmester was for done, and John Norman, Draper, was the first maire that went to Westmester by barge.
The fyrst Batel at Seint Albons.
This yere the Lord Egrymond was take by Sir John Nevell, my Lorde of Salysburys sone. And in the same yere (the xxth day of May, beyng Thyrsday (fn. 18) ) was the fyrst (fn. 19) batayll at Seint Albonys; and ther was slayne the Duke of Somersett, the Erle of Northehomberlonde, the Lord Clyfforde, with oþer mo under the kynges baner. And the Duke of Yorke, the Erle oof Warwyke, the Erle of Salysburye wanne the felde, and so came with the kynge to London with mycche ryalte. And this yere the Kynge of Scottys with the rede face layde sege to Berwyke bothe by water and londe. But he was dryve thensse, and all his ordenaunce and vitayle that was on the watir syde lefte be hynde them.
This yere was a grete horlynge be twene the mercers and Lombardes; and then the kynge helde his Counsell at Coventre. And Cauntelowe, mercer and alderman, was sent ffore to come a ffor the kynges Counsell; and as sone as he came he was a rested by the kynges commaundement, and the Baron of Dodley had him in kepinge in the Castell of Dudley for the mater a for wretyn.
This yere Sir Thomas Percy brake oute of Newgate. And in the same yere was an hurlynge by twene mercers with oþer craftes a yenes Lombardes. And after that by comaundement of the kynge xxviijti mercers men and other were sent to Wyndsore Castell, and the Lorde Fakonbrige had the kepynge of them till their came to the kynges presence. And in this same yere the Sencyall of Normandy, Sir Peers the Brassyle, (fn. 20) and Flokket, (fn. 21) came with iij ml men and londyd be syde Sandwyche, and toke the towne and spoyled hit, and toke a way myche goode, and slewe dyverse persones, and toke many prisoners; but the contre came downe and drove hem a wey, and in her fleynge to shippe ther were drowned mo than vjxx men of the Frensshe parties.
Bysshop Pecock.
This yere as the Duke of Yorke and the Erle of Salysbury lay peaseblye in London, than came to London the Duke of Somersett, and the Erle of Northehomberlond, and the Lord Egrymond, and other lordes of ther affynite, and loged hem from Tempill Bar to Westmester, with myche people all aboute to Seynt Gylis; and they came in that entent for to fight with the Duke of Yorke. And in the meane tyme came from Caleys the Erle of Warwyke with a godely fellaueshippe to helpe the Duke of Yorke and his fader, but the Meire off London with a godely fellaueshippe of men of armes kepte the pees. And in the same yere Bysshope Pecok was acusyd of heresye, and many of his bokys brent, and he put in holde to the Erchebysshoppe of Caunterbury. And the same yere the Erle of Warwyke destressed the Flete of Spayne taward Flawndres. Also a none after he toke xvij hulkes with oþer smaler vesselles laden with salt for be cause they wolde not strike in the kinges name of Inglond.
A grete fray in [F]letestrete betwene [t]he Cyte and the men of corte.; Blorechethe felde
This yere was a grete fraye be twene the Cite of London and men of Cowrte, which were drevyn with the Archeres of the Cite from the Standarde in Flete strete to ther innes, the xiij day of Apreill, and some were slayne and some were taken, where for William Tayllour, Alderman of the same warde, was sent to Wyndsore to a byde the kynges grace, and ther thei bode till Hewlyn was Meire, and so thorowe his prayer thei had grace of the kynge. And þis same yere the kynge and the quene and ther lordes lete make a grete gaderynge in the northe contre, where of was grete noyse. And the Erle of Warwyke came from Caleys thorowe London, and the Erle of Salysbery went from Medlame for to mete withe the Duke of Yorke and Warwyke his sonne with iiij mlmen, and the quene lay by the wey with xiiij ml men to stoppe his wey. And he toke a felde manly at Blorehethe the xxiij day of Septembre, and faught and slowe many and put the remnant to flight, and helde forthe his wey in purpos to Ludlowe, where Kynge Henry came with l ml men a gayne the Duke of Yorke, the Erle of Marche, the Erle of Rotlonde, the Erle of Warwyke, the Erle of Salysbury, the whiche never entendid to be oþerwyse then feythefull and trewe liege men to the kynge, but crowelly were banysshed oute of this londe and not excepte like as thei were worthi. And so there departed the Duke of Yorke and his sonne Rotlond thorowe Godis helpe in to Irelonde; and the Erle of Marche, the Erle of Warwyke, and the Erle of Salysbury, and Sir John Wenloke in a litell vessell, Almighti God gided hem oute of the Weste Contre by the see to Caleys.
The Lords Scalys slayne the xxthdays of july, A° D'niM iiiijclx
This yere the kynge graunted the Duke of Somersett for to be Capteyne of Caleys. A[nd] anone he made him redy thedirwarde; but the Erle of Warwyke was þer a fore, and kepte him that he myght not londe there; and so he was conveyed to Gynes and his pepylle, and assone as he was with in the castell he made stronge werre a gaynes Caleys, and they of Calys a gaynes him. And than he sent in to Englonde to the kynge for more pepull. And so the kyng sent the Lorde Ryveres and his sonne Antony with iiije men for to strenthe the Duke of Somersett. And as they were at Sandwyche the Erle off Warwyke had knowleche, and a none he made a sawte over with a godely fellaweshippe and londed at Sandwyche, and toke the Lorde Reveres and his sonne and distrussyd all his pepull. And so they were brought to Caleys a yenes her will. And this yere a for this tyme the Duke of Exceter was syned for kepe the see a yenes the Erle of Warwike, but his viage turned to nought; and or he went to the see he toke a gentilman of the Temple that was called Nevell, and John Goode felaue, vinter, and oþer viij persones, and bare hem and honde that they were going to Caleys to the Erle of Warwyke with bowestrenges and arowes heded. And here upon thei were dampned of treison, and her hedis sett on London Brige, and ther quarters on the yatis aboute the towne. And this yere Judde, that was maister of the kynges ordenaunce, as he caried ordenaunce to the kynge warde, a litell beyonde Seint Albonis, he was slayne on Seint Albones daye. And þat same tyme Moumfford was made capteyne of iiije men for to goo to help the Duke of Somersett. And as they were at Sandwiche the Erle of Warwyke had knowleche of them, and a none he made oute a pussaunce of pepulle and beseged Sandwyche, and wanne the towne, and toke Moumford, and may of his men slayne; and so they led him to Caleys, and so led him to Rise banke, and ther the shipmen smote of his hede, and ij of his menes hedis. And sone after came the Erle of Marche, the Erle of Warwyke, the Erle of Salysbury, and Sir John Wenlok, and the Lorde Audeley from caleys, and londid at Sandwyche; and so they came to London warde, and ther mett with hem the Lorde Cobham and þer statys and comyns of Kentt, and so they came to London. And the Lorde Scalys was tha t tyme in London, and he desired to be capteyn of the cite but the comenys wolde not have him. Than the Lord Scalis, the Lord Lovell, the Erle of Kendale, Thorpe, and Browne of Kentt, and many galy men, with oþer peopulle, went to the Toure of London, and made grete werre a yenes the cite. And in the mene tyme these oþer lordes sent to the meire and to the statis of the cire to have all ther hertes. And a none ther was sent sertayne aldermen and comynes for to well come them; and so they came came with all ther pusaunce of pepull in to Sowthwerke. And on the morowe they came, to the nombre of xlml, to London Brigge, and toke downe suche hedis as were there, and beryed them at Seint Mangnus; and so they rode forthe to Seint Powlys and ther offerd. And þere mett with them the Erchebysshoppe of Cawnterbury, withe many other bysshoppes, and the meire and the aldermen, with all the statis of the cite; and ther was declared all the poyntis and pardon to all the realmel. And than all thes lordis went to the Grey Frerys and helds ther a counsell on the Thorsday. And on the Fryday they went to the Gelde halle, and ther was endited many persones and putt in presone. And sone after rode the Erchebysshoppe of Caunterbury, the Byssshoppe of Excester, and many other bysshoppis, and a legett, (fn. 22) and the Erle pf Marche, and the Erle of Warwyke, the Lord Faconbryge, the Lorde Bowser, and his sonnes, with myche other pepull of Kent, Southesex, and Esex, tawarde the Kynge with grete ordenaunce; and the Erle of Salysbury, the Lorde Cobham, and Sir John Wenlock, were lefte in he cite of London with the meire. And forthe with the Lord Cobham and the shoreffes went and laide grete ordenaunce a yenes the Toure on the towne syde, and Sir John Wenlok, an[d] Harow mercer, kept on Seint Katerynes side, and myche harme done on bothe parties. And in all placis of London was grete watche for doute of tresoun. And then they skyrmysed to gedir, and myche harme was done dayly. And on the Thorsdye, the ixth (fn. 23) day of Julle, was the bataylle be syde Northhampton in the Newfelde be tween Harsyngton and Sandyfforde, and ther was the kynge take in his tente. And ther was slayne the Duke of Bockyngham, the Erle of Shrovysbury, the Vycounte Bemonde, the Lord Egremonde, and Sir William Lucy, and many other knyghtes and squyers, and many comyners were drowned. And than the Erle of Marche, and the Erle of Warwyke, with oþer lordis, brought the kynge to Northampton with myche rialte. And so the kynge with his lordis came to London, with the Erle of Marche; þe Erle of Warwyke bare the kynges swerde. And ther came with the kynge the Bysshoppe of Caunterburye, withe many other bysshoppes and lordis. And the Erle of Salysbury rode a yenes the kynge withe myche rialte; and then was called and sett a Parlement. And on the Fryday after the kynge herde the masse of Jesus at Poulys, and so went a processyon thorowe the cite. And on that same daie was the Toere yolden. And on the Saturday Sir John Wenlok and Harowe mercer were sent to the Toure to put hem to warde that were gilty, and so thei died; but they sent the Lord Scalys a wey prevely. And that was perceyved by the shippmen, and they laide watche and toke him, and slowe him and leyde him naked in Seint Mary Overes chirche yerde. And forthe with the Erle of Warwyke rode to the Toure, and ther he made a proclamacion, and all a boute the cite, chargynge that no maner of persone shuld not sle, nor stelle, nor morde, on peyne of dethe. And the same day dyned all the bysshoppes and lordis with the meire. And on the Wenesday aftir the lordis and the meire went to the Gildhall, and they comaundid the shorevys to fette the prisoners from the Toure, and so they feghte Senkeler, and Browne of Kent, Okeley, Monkys, Davy John, Fawkoner, with oþer. whiche were reyned, and some were dampned of tresoun, and were drawe and hanged, and her hedis smytten of. And this yere Thorpe was goinge a wey, and he was disgysed, but he was take and brought to London a yene with a newe shave crowne, and so brought to the Erle of Salysbury plave, and afterwarde sent to the Toure of London. This yere came the Duke of Yorke and his sonne Erle of Rotlonde oute of Irlonde to Westmester, to the forsaide Parlement, on a Friday, the x day of Octobre, cleymynge his right and titell, where in the lordis were a yenes him, but that was afterwards full dere bought. And ther it was argued and prevyd betwene Kynge Harry and the seid duke, with all ther wise counsell, spirituall and temporall, in the seid Parlement, that þe right of the crowne is of Inglond and of Fraunce to þe seid duke and his eyres perteyneth and longethe, and to none othir. And yett they be liege men a yene to Kyng Henry for his lyve tyme, and eche to oþer sworne to be trewe, and hit was proclamed.
The Lorde Scalys slayne the xxth day of July, A° D'ni m1, iiik.e lx .
Wakefelde on new yere evyn; The Secunde Batell [at] Seynt Albons.; md., the Erle of Marche, fyrst so callyd, after was kyng, namyd Edwarde the iijth. Mortymers Crosse in Walys; Md. Kyng Edward the iiijth at Westmynster the iiijthday of Marche toke fyrst hys septor with his dignite, but not hys crowne;Palme Sonday fe[lde] called York felde, the xxixthday of Marche, A° D'ni ml. iiijc. lxj°. Coronacio Edwardi iiijti, 28 die Junii, A° D'ni 1461.
This yere the Duke of Yorke, the Erle of Rotland, and the Erle of Salysbury, with myche oþper pepull, rode northewarde to kepe her Crystmas. And there lay in her wey at Wakefelde to stope hem the Duke of Excester, the Duke of Somerset, the Erle of Wildeshire, the Lord Roose, with other lordys and myche other pepull, and os fell upon hem and slowe the Duke of Yorke, the Erle of Rotlonde, the Erle of Salysbury, and Harowe and Pekerynge, mercers, and myche other pepull; and this was done on newe yeris evyn. And a none after the quene reysed all the northe and all oþper pepull by the wey, compelled, dispoyled, rubbed, and distroyed all maner of cattell, vetayll, and riches to Seint Albones, where pe Duke of Northefolke, the Erle of Warwyke, and many þ er lordis with Kynge Harrye and grete multitude of comynes and ordynaunce mett with hem with batayle, and slewe myche pepull on bothe the parties. And there Kynge Henry brake his othe and grement made be twene hym and his trewe lordis, and so wyckedly for sworne went to the contrary parte of the northe, and disseyved his trewe lordis that stode in grete jopardy for his sake, Northeffolke, Warwyke, with other moo, whiche were full fayne to scape with her lyves, and the Lorde Bonvyle and Sir Thomas Kyryell, that bode with the kynge and trusted on him, for he graunted to save them; and they were be hedid evyn a for the quene and prince so called at that tyme. And so the kynge and the quene purposed for to come to London and do excucion upon suche persones as was a yenes the quene; but the comynes of the cite wolde not suffer hem, nor none of herrys, to entyr in to London; and so they torned northewarde. And the Erle of Marche kept his Crytmas at Glowceter. And when tythinges came that my lorde his fader and his brother with many oþper lordys falsely was mortherd and slayne, to hym the grettes hevynes that might be, and how the northe was reysed like as it a for wretyn commynge southewarde, than a none he dide sende in to dyverse shires of knowlache, and after he hadde xxx ml of gode men commyng to fyght with hem. Than came sodenly oþer tidynges that the Erle of Wildshire and the Erle of Pembroke by see were come in to Walys with Frensshemen and Brettons, and Iresshe men, comynge and reysen Walys thorowe purposynge hem for to distroye hym, and he with all his men torned a yene bacwarde into Walis and mett with hem at Mortymers Crosse, where that hit was saide on a Sonday Candilmasday by the morowe appeared the sonne as iij sonnys sondry on hym in the este and closyd a yene to geder. And than he kneled doune on his kneis and made his prayers and thanked God. And anone fresshly and manly he toke the felde upon his enemyes and put hem at flyght, and slewe of them iij ml, and some of ther capteyns were take and he hedide, but Pembroke and Wildshire stale a wey prevely disgysed and fled oute of the contrey. And a none forthe with he made him redy a gayne in the marche of Walis, and on the Thorsday the first weke of Lenten he came to London with xxx ml men of Westren men and Walsshmen, Kentes men and Esex men togeders, and so in feld and towne everychone called Edward Kynge of Ingelond and of Fraunce. And the iiijth day of Marche he rode to Westmester and resseyved the septor with his dignite. And also that tyme Sir Baudewyn Fulforde, knyght, and Haysond, squyer, were saylenge on the see taward Brettayne for to reysse pepull agaynes Kynge Edwarde, but they were take and brought to Bristowe, and ther were drawe, hanged, and quartered, and Sir Baudwyns hede caryed to Excester and sate upon the castell yate. And than our Kynge Edwarde made him redy with hym the Duke of Northffolke, the Erle of Warwyke, the Erle of Kent, with oþer lordis, knyghtes, and squyers northewarde, and hem folowed grete multitude of pepull, and thei mette be side Shireborne with the lordes of the northe on ether syde lyke an And ther was slayne on bothe partes xxxvj ml. vijc. lxxvij. And ther wan Kynge Edwarde the felde thanked by Jesu. And than rode the kynge to Yorke and ther he was rialy resseyved. And ther he in the castell toke the Erle of Devynsshyre and oþer mo, and did lett smyte of her hedes. And Kynge Harrye fled with his quene an deverse lordis with hem to Berwyke, and they delyverd that towne and many oþere castelles in the northe to the Scottis and to the Frensshemen for to have socoure of hem. And after that Kynge Edward came a yene to London, and ther he was rialy resseyved, and forthe with he was crowned at Westmester the xxviij daye of June on Seint Petirs evyn. And there he made his ij brethern dukys, that is to sey, Lorde George Duke of Clarence, the Lorde Richard Duke of Glowcester, and he made many knyghtes and squyers.