Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1880.
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'A Short English Chronicle: London under Edward IV (1461-83)', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 7 January 2025].
'A Short English Chronicle: London under Edward IV (1461-83)', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed January 7, 2025,
"A Short English Chronicle: London under Edward IV (1461-83)". Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 7 January 2025.
London under Edward IV (1461–83)
Edwardus iiijtus.
Thes bethe the names of the Maires and Shoreffes of the Cite of London in the tyme of the regne of Kynge Edward the Fourthe.
This yere was imagened and wrought grete treyson a yenes the kynge by the menys of the Erle of Oxenford and his sonne Aubry, with oþper knyghtes and the kynges rebelles, traytors and advessaryes with oute the londe, the whiche tresones God sent the kynge hym selfe knowleche, and anon they were taken and juged to dethe. Fyrst the Lorde Aubrye was drawe the xx daye of Feverell thorowe London to the Toure Hill, and ther hewas behedid; and the xxiij day of Feveryll was Sir Thomas Tudnam, knyght, and Sir William Tyrrell and John Mongomery, squyer, drawe from Westmester thorowe London to the Toure Hill, and ther was be hedyd upon a scaffolde. And the xxvj day of the same monthe was John Veer the Erle of Oxynford led thorowe London to the Toure Hill, and ther was be heded on the same scaffolde. And the fyrst d[a]y of Marche was Sir William Kenedy, knyght, led from Westmester thorowe London to the Toure Hill, and ij other men with him, and ther were be hedid on the same scaffold. Also this yere the Egill on Poulis stepell was take downe for hit was broke, but whan hit shulde be set up a yene he that shulde have set it up fell downe and was dede, and so anoþper man was hired and sett up the Egyll the iij daye of Juyll. This yere was dyverse of the castelles in the northe yolden a yene to Kynge Edwarde.
This yere Quene Margaret toke Bamburgh, Anwyke, and Donsynburgh with the nombre of vj Ml of Frensshemen; and in this same yere the kynge did make grete gunnes and other grete ordynaunce at London, and did do cary hit in to the northe contre. And ther the kynge with thes lordis laide sege to thes castelles a for wreten; the whiche were yolden, savynge Bambrough wold not yelde till the wallys were betten downe; and ther in was take Sir Rauffe Graye, knyght, and he was be heded at Yorke. Also this yere Thomas Routhe, squyer, and ij oþer men, were be hedid at the Toure Hill for treson. Also this yere the Duke off Somersett be came the kynges liege man and sworne, but he kepte not his othe, for he went a yene to the contrary parte.
A grete drought, for it never reyned from the myddys of Marche tyl the morow after Mydsomer day.
This yere came diverse lordes and gentillez to Exham of the queues affynete, and the Lord Mountegew with other knyghtes an squyers had knowleche of them, and ther them toke the moste parti of them, that is for to sey: Harry the Duke of Somersett, the whiche was be heded the xv day of May at Exham; Sir Emonde Fyssh, knyght, Bradshawe, Rawlyne Honte, and Blacke Jackett, were be heded at Yorke the xv day of May; and the xviij day of May was be hedid Sir Thomas Hull, knyght, John Marfyn, late servaunte with the quene, John Botler, John Gosse, late kerver to the Duke of Somersett, Roger Water, late purcer to Kynge Henry that was, Harry Docfford, William Dawson, William Pryce, Thomas Hegge, Thomas Fenwyck, and John Champyon; at Midlam were be heded Sir Philippe Wynterworthe, (fn. 1) knyght, Sir William Ponyngton, wardeyne of Topclyff, Olyver Wyntworthe, William Spyller of Yorke, Thomas Honte, late yoman with the quene that was. Also at Newcastell the xxvij day of May were beheded the Lord Honger ford, the Lorde Roose, Sir Thomas Fyndorne, knyght, Bernarde Delamore, Nicholas Massy, and the xxviij and of May was other vj persones be heded. Also this yere was a grete drouthe, the whiche duryd from myddes of Marche till the morne after Mydsomer day that never reyned. And this yere whete was worthe iiij d. a busshell, and all maner of vetaille grete chepe, and wyne grete chepe, and grete skarssete of money. Also this yere was a grete pestilence thorowe all the realme.
The coronacion of Quene Elyabeth.; Here be gan fyrst the nobyl of x s. callyd the ryal.
This yere there was a grete frost and grete snowne, where thorowe mych cattell of bestis and shepe for fawte of mete were distroyed. Also this yere the kynge spoused the duches doughter of Bedford, þewhiche was crowned at Westmester the Sonday a for Wytsonday, that is to sey, the xxvi day of Maye, att the whiche coronacion was made xlvij Knyghtes of the Bathe, where of were foure men of London, þat is to sey, Rauffe Josselynge, draper, that tyme beynge maire, Hugh Wiche, mercer, John Plomer, grocer, Harry Waffer, draper. Also this same yere Kynge Harry was taken in the northe contre, and ij doctors with him, the whiche wer called Doctor mannynge and Doctor Beden, the whiche were all thre brought to London. And by the wey the Erle of Warwyke mett with hem at Islyngdon by the kynges comaundement, and ther a rested the forsayde Kynge Hanry upon serteyne poyntes, and so brought him in att Newgate and thorowe Chepe side, and so thorow all London to the Toure, that is to sey, on Seint James evyn the xxiiij day of Jule. Also this yere the kynge lete smyte a mewe noble with a roose standyng there as the crosses shulde at the value of x s. ster. And the olde nobill was valued, and so to goo for viij s. iiij d. and ther was newe grotes and pensse made after the valewe of the nobyll, that is to sey, lighter then they were a fore. Also he lete make a pece of golde valued at vj s. viij d., that is to sey an angell, and oþer smaller peces of golde of les valure, &c.