House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 24 June 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 24 June 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 24 June 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 24 June 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, 24 die Junii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Pickeringe.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Warwicke.
Comes Mulgrave.
L. Viscount Hereford.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Midd.
Comes Northumb.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Denbigh.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. North.
Ds. Lawarr.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Berkeley.
Ds. Hunsdon.

Letter from the Commissioners with the Army.

A Packet from the Earl of Nottingham, to the Speaker of this House, was read; with an humble Representation of the Army inclosed, was also read.

Letter and Papers from the Commissioners with the King.

The Speaker acquainted the House with a Letter from the Lord Mountagu, brought by Sir Peter Killegrew, dated the 23th of June; which was opened, and read, with the Papers inclosed. (Here enter it.)

The House was adjourned into a Committee of the whole House during Pleasure, to read the Representation from the Army again.

The House was resumed.

This Question was propounded, "Whether to send a Letter to the King, to desire Him for some Time to make a Stay at Royston, or to go to Newmarket, as He shall think fit, in regard of some Things as are lately fallen out?"

Then this Question was put, "Whether the abovesaid Question shall be now put?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Letter to be wrote to the King, to go back to Newmarket, or remain at Royston.

Then the Question was put, "Whether to send a Letter to His Majesty, to desire Him for some Time to make a Stay at Royston, or to go to Newmarket, as He shall think fit, in regard of some Things as are lately fallen out?"

And it was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Protest against it.

Memorandum, That these Lords following, before the putting of the abovesaid Question, desired Leave to enter their Dissents, if the Question was carried in the Affirmative: Which was granted; and accordingly do enter their Dissents, by subscribing their Names.

"Comes Lyncolne.
"Comes Stamford.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Midd.
L. Visc. Hereford.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. Berckley."

Letter to the King to that Effect.

Ordered, That the Speaker do prepare a Draught of a Letter, in Pursuance of the aforesaid Vote.

The Draught of the Letter to the King, was read.

And the Question being put, "Whether to agree to send this Letter to the King?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Protest against it.

Memorandum, That, before the putting this Question, these Lords following desired Leave to enter their Dissents to this Question, if it were carried in the Affirmative: Which was granted; and accordingly they entered their Dissents, by subscribing their Names.

"Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Stamford.
L. Visc. Hereford.
Comes Midd.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. Berkley."

Letter to Sir T. Fairfax.

Ordered, That a Letter be written to the General, from both Houses; and the Speaker is to prepare it, and present the same to the House.

The said Letter was read, and Agreed to; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Letter to the Committee with the King.

A Letter to be sent to the Lord Mountague, was read, and Agreed to.

Message to the H. C. with the Letters to the King, and Sir T. Fairfax.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page:

To deliver the Letter to be sent to the King, and the Letter to Sir Thomas Fairfax, with the Vote; and desire their Concurrence therein.

Adjourn to P. M.

Resolved, That this House shall be adjourned till Six of the Clock this Afternoon.

Letter from the Commissioners with the King, that He agreed to go to Richmond; and that they had ordered Colonel Rossiter's Regiment to meet them at Royston.

"For the Right Honourable the Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers pro Tempore.

"My Lord,

"I received your Letters Yesterday by Sir Peter Killegrew, who arrived here at Twelve of the Clock. We forthwith delivered the Letter from both Houses to His Majesty, who, having read it in our Presence, told us, "That it was a very fair and civil Invitation; that He was glad of it, and confirmed thereby in His Resolution of coming to Richmond, since He found the Address we had made to Him was according to the Intention of the Houses." We have this Day sent Part of His Majesty's Stuff from hence to Royston; the King having appointed to lodge there on Thursday Night, and at Theobalds upon Friday, with Resolution to march thence upon Saturday to Richmond.

"Upon the Orders we dispatched to the Commander upon the Place of Colonel Rosseter's Regiment, which were received by Major Twisleton near Grantham upon Monday last, we had the inclosed in Answer from himself; whereupon we have written to him, to attend the King at Royston, upon Thursday Night, without Fail, as you may see by these our Second Orders, a Copy whereof I have here sent you. And, being much encouraged by your Approbation of my Service to be diligent therein, I remain

Newmarkett, 23 Junii, 1647.

"Your Lordship's
Most humble Servant,
Ed. Mountagu."

Letter from Major Twisleton, that he will advance Colonel Rossiter's Regiment to meet them;—and desiring Sir T. Fairfax's Order for it.

"May it please your Honours,

"I received your Letter, with the Orders inclosed from the Parliament. There is not any shall be more observant of their Commands than myself; but it is altogether unpossible for to be with the Regiment at Newmarkett on Wednesday; although we are now upon our March, and intend to quarter this Night not far from Grantham. The Occasion of our present March is, that I have received Orders from the General to march with the Regiment up to the Army with all convenient Speed. I humbly entreat you to give Notice to the General of the Parliament's Order concerning my Colonel's Regiment, that we may have Orders from him to observe your further Orders. I intend to march with Speed I can, and hope to be with the Regiment at Huntingdon on Wednesday about Noon, where I shall be glad to receive your further Commands, carefully observed, and punctually obeyed, by him who is

June, 21th 1647.

"Your Honours
Most humble and
faithful Servant,
Phillip Twisleton.

"I received your Honours Letter about 11 Clock upon the Road, not far from Grantham.

"For the Right Honourable the Committee of Parliament at Newmarkett. These humbly present.

"Vera Copia."

Letter from the Commissioners, to Major Twisleton, to meet them at Royston.


"The King intends to begin His Journey on Thursday, and will be that Night at Royston. We therefore desire you, if you cannot on Wednesday be at Newmarkett with your Regiment according to our former Orders, that you do not fail to be at Royston on Thursday next, to attend His Majesty thence the next Day. And we remain

Newmarkett, 22 Junii, 1647.

"Your loving Friends,
Ed. Mountagu.
J. Cooke. J. Crew.
Rich'd Browne.

"For our Loving Friend, Major Phillip Twisleton, Major to Colonel Rosseter's Regiment of Horse. These, at Huntingdon.

"Vera Copia."

Letter to the Commissioners with the King, with the following Letter to Him.

"My Lord,

"I am commanded, by the Lords in Parliament, to give you an Account of a Letter that they have written unto His Majesty; the which they desire you with the rest of the Commissioners to deliver unto Him. A Copy of the Letter you shall receive here inclosed from

"Your humble Servant."

Letter to the King, desiring He will stay at Royston or, return to Newmarket.

"May it please Your Majesty,

"Your Majesty's loyal Subjects, the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, in respect of some Occurrences lately fallen out, do humbly desire Your Majesty, that You will be pleased to stay at Royston, or to return to Newmarkett, for some Time; and they hope that this Delay of Your Majesty's coming to Your House at Richmond will be no Ways prejudicial to Your Majesty, or make any Retardment of the present Settling of the Peace of Your Kingdoms; which is the earnest Desire of

"Your Majesty's
Loyal Subjects and
Humble Servants.
For Your Majesty."

Letter to Sir T. Fairfax, about the King's staying at Royston.


"The Lords and Commons have written a Letter unto His Majesty, to desire Him that He will be pleased to stay at Royston, or to return to Newmarkett; and that they have commanded us to give you this Notice of it, and to send you here inclosed a Copy thereof.

"This is all we have in Command, as

"Your Friends and Servants." (fn. 1)

Durham to be instituted to Burfield.

Ordered, &c. That Doctor Aylett, or his lawful Deputy, shall give Institution and Induction, upon Sight hereof, unto William Durham Clerk, Master of Arts, to the Rectory of Burfeild, in Com. Berks, per Lapsum Temporis; this with a salvo Jure cujuscunque, and he taking the National League and Covenant, and producing his Presentation under the Great Seal of England.

Post Meridiem.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Warwick.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Pembrook.
Comes Stanford.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Midd.
Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Northumberland.
Comes Rutland.
Ds. North.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. La Warr.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Berkley.

Langham and Lymbrey.

The Order between Langham and Lymbrey, dated the 22th of June Instant, being read;

And the Question being put, "Whether the said Order shall stand, to the next Tuesday after the End of the Term?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Sir B. Grenvill, a Pass.

Ordered, That Sir Bevill Greenvill shall have a Pass, to come out of France, into England, with his Servants.

Sir P. Killegrew not to carry the Letter to the King.

A Dispute did arise, whether Sir Peter Killegrew should carry the Letters passed this Morning to the King, &c.

The Question was put; (videlicet), " As many as are of Opinion that this Letter should be sent to His Majesty by Sir Peter Killegrew, say Content;" others, "Not Content"."

Passed in the Negative.

Message from the H. C. with a Letter to the Commissioners with the King;

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Walter Erle and others;

To desire their Lordships Concurrence:

1. That a Letter be sent to the Commissioners, touching the King's Stay at Royston or Newmarkett, and touching the restraining some from coming to the King's Presence. (Enter it.)

Read, and Agreed to.

and with an Order.

2. An Order concerning the Reformadoes of Colonel Sanderson's Regiment. (Here enter it.)

Read, and Agreed to.

Answer returned was:


That this House agrees to the Particulars now brought up.

The Question being put, "Whether a Letter shall be written to the General, that all such Officers that have borne Arms on the King's Side, and are now in the Army under Sir Thomas Fairefax, shall be put out of the Army?"

It passed in the Negative.

Message from the Common Council, concerning the Subject of Sir T. Fairfax's Letter to them.

Mr. Alderman Fowke and others, from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, were called in to the House; who did acquaint the House, "That they had received Two Letters from Sir Thomas Fairefax, in One of which he doth desire that a Committee be sent from the said Lord Mayor and Common Council, to remain in the Army, to maintain a good Understanding between the City and the Army; the other concerning the Two Propositions, That the Reformadoes be sent to the several Counties for their Pay, and that the listed Soldiers may be discharged."

An Order, made at Guildhall, was read, touching the paying of Soldiers and Reformado Officers their Pay.

Answer to them.

The said Alderman Fowke and others were called in. And Answer was made, "That this House takes well this Respect of theirs, in communicating the said Letters; and that this House leaves it freely to their Liberty, to send down what Committee they shall think fit to the Army.

"Touching the Two other Requests, this House will take them into speedy Consideration, and give some Resolution therein."

Sending Reformado Officers out of Town.

Ordered, That the First Business To-morrow Morning shall be, to take into Consideration, whether Tuesday next shall be the Day for the sending the Reformado Officers and Soldiers out óf the Town.

Letter from Sir T. Fairfax, &c. to the L. Mayor, &c. that they hear of an Army intended to be raised, to act against the old One;—that they can't go further from London till they have an Answer from the Houses to their Demands;— the Reformadoes sent from London; and the Members of the H. C. accused by them, excluded.

"Right Honourable,

"We received yours of the 18th of this Instant; whereof though all Passages were not so answerable to our Expectation as we hoped, yet we apprehend the same good Affection in you towards this Army as was expressed in your former Letter; and that not only from the Assurance of the worthy Gentlemen your Commissioners again sent to us, but also from that Information we have received of your extraordinary Endeavours to procure Money for the Army, to prevent further raising or listing of Soldiers, and to procure those already listed to be disbanded (some Persons of your Militia only having been active for the raising of them without your Privity); as likewise from that Letter (filled with Respect) which you prepared and intended to us, and, being sent to the Parliament, was obstructed by some Persons, who (labouring to embroil the Kingdom in a new War) would not have the Forces already raised to be disbanded; who excepted against your Discovery to the House, That some Persons only of the Militia had joined in the raising of the new Forces; who also would prevent a right Understanding between your City and this Army; knowing, a firm Correspondence between them would make the Designs of all such Men hopeless. And though our taking Notice of these Things seems not regular, yet, being so publicly done, we thought fit to mind you of them.

"Now, although we have Confidence of the real and clear Intentions of your Lordship, the Aldermen, and the Commons of your City, to promote the Peace of this Kingdom, and the just Desires of this Army, also to prevent all Tendencies to a new War or any further Blood, and therefore hold ourselves obliged to yield all possible Compliance to what you desire of us; yet, adding to the former Grounds the many Informations which daily come to us, of the continued underhand Workings of some Persons still to list Men; that divers Agents are sent into several Parts of the Kingdom, to levy Forces; and Worcester the Place appointed for a General Rendezvous, whither the Forces designed for Ireland (that were Part of this Army) are by some of the Committee at Darby House ordered to march; and several of those Companies who went out from us for the Service of Ireland having it intimated to them, and by divers Carriages perceiving, they were intended a Foundation for a new Army and a new War, they so much abhorred the Thoughts of it, as both the Officers and Soldiers of divers Companies are of late entirely returned to the (fn. 2) Army; likewise that no Means is left unattempted to bring in Forces, from Ireland, France, and Scotland, against the Peace of this poor Kingdom: We (upon the whole Matter) offer to yours and all Mens Considerations, whether, with yours, ours, or the Public Safety, we can remove further backward, until, upon yours and our joint Endeavours with the Parliament, those Things of immediate and pressing Necessity be provided for, which we desired in our Paper last given in to the Parliament's Commissioners, in order to the better proceeding upon the Heads of the Representation and Charge, with more Hopes of Safety, and of a timely and happy Issue to ourselves and the Kingdom; (videlicet,)

"That the Persons impeached by us may not continue in Power and Capacity to obstruct due Proceedings against themselves, and, for their own Escape from Justice, to threaten Ruin to the whole Nation.

"That all Forces lately raised or listed, in or about the City, may be forthwith discharged, except the usual Number of Trained Bands and Auxiliaries; and that all Endeavours publicly or privately to raise any further Forces may cease and be suppressed.

"And that the same Measure may be allowed to this Army, in paying them up to the same Foot of Accompt, as is already given to those who have deserted the same.

"And for the Things expressed in our Representation; though of weighty Importance, yet, because they will require Time, they shall be no Occasion to impede our Remove; and in the mean Time, both by Proclamation from his Excellency and all other Ways, we shall endeavour that the accustomed Supplies to your City may be freely sent up.

"To conclude; we say from our Hearts, That, as our special Ends are, the Glory of God, and the Good of the whole Land; so our Endeavours shall be, to prosecute the same, without Prejudice to the Being or Well-being of Parliaments in general (the Maintenance whereof we value above our own Lives), or (as we have formerly said) of this Parliament in particular; but altogether in order to the Good and Peace of this Nation, and with a most tender Regard to your City, to which we profess we shall by all Actions make good all Engagements tending to the Security thereof, in what Way yourselves shall desire, consisting with the Good of the whole Kingdom; you making good your mutual Correspondency with us, not doing any Thing to our Prejudice in the Prosecution of our just Desires and Endeavours.

St. Albones, June 21, 1647.

"We hear (even now) since the Writing of this Letter, that (Yesterday) divers of the Reformadoes came again (in a threatening Manner) to Westm'r, the House of Commons then sitting, to the great Affrightment and Terror of divers faithful Members then present, and to Discouragement of others from their Attendance there; so that we cannot but perceive that the Freedom of this Parliament is no better than that those Members who shall, according to their Consciences, endeavour to prevent a Second War, and act contrary to their Ways who for their own Preservation intend it, they must do it with the Hazard of their Lives; which indeed is a Thing so destructive to Parliaments and Freedom, that we conceive ourselves in Duty bound to endeavour to the utmost to procure Redress therein.

June 22, 1647.

"By the Appointment of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairefax and the Council of War.

"Jo. Rushworth, Sec."

Letter from Sir T. Fairfax, to the Common Council, to send a Committee of theirs to reside with the Army.


"We desire, to the End we may keep a right Understanding with the City of London, that some of your Number may continually reside with us in the Head Quarter, until it shall please God to put an End to the present Distractions. I shall (as I told you) remove my Head Quarter to Barkhamstead, expecting to hear from you To-morrow Night; being resolved to order my Affairs the next Morning, as I may not prejudice a Business of such Concernment to the Kingdom by the Loss of a Day.

June 23th, 1647, St. Albons.

"Your assured loving Friend,

"T. Fairefax.

"For Alderman Warner, and the rest of the Honourable Committee sent from this City of London to the Army.

"Vera Copia.

Order for the Reformadoes of Colonel Sanderson's Regiment to be paid.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That such Gentlemen of Colonel Sanderson's Regiment as have their Debentures signed by the Committee of the Three Counties of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, being not Commissionate Officers, nor yet to be taken in the Capacity of Common Troopers, do receive their Pay from the Treasurers at Christ Church, according to such Proportions as are made due to them by the said Debentures, out of the Monies assigned for the present Satisfaction of the Soldiery."

Letter to the Commissioners with the King, about His staying at Royston, or returning to Newmarket.

(fn. 3) "My Lords and Gentlemen,

"By the Command of both Houses of Parliament, we send you herewith their Votes, concerning the King's Stay for some Time at Royston or Newmarkett, with Copies of their Letters to His Majesty and to the General; desiring you further to observe the Instructions formerly given you, especially touching such Persons as are not to have Access to the King. This being all we have in Charge for the present, we rest

"Your affectionate Friends and Servants.

"Signed by the Speakers of both Houses.

"For the Right Honourable Edward Lord Mountague, and the rest of the Commissioners residing with His Majesty. These.

"Haste Haste, Haste, Post Haste."


Adjourn, 10 To-morrow Morning.


  • 1. After this, in the Original, occurs the Letter which is entered at the End of the Proceedings, P. M. p. 292. with the following Note. "This Letter should have been entered in the Afternoon, which is done accordingly."
  • 2. Deest in Originali.
  • 3. There is a Duplicate of this Letter entered among the Proceedings A. M. in the Original.