House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 18 November 1644

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 18 November 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 18 November 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 18 November 1644". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Lunæ, 18 die Novembris.

Prayers, by Mr. Walker.

Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.

Comes Rutland.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Kent.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Ds. North.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Mountague.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Maynard.

The King's Answer, about a Pass for the Committees with the Propositions.

The Speaker acquainted the House, "That the Lord General sent his Lordship the King's Answer, concerning a safe Conduct to those Persons as are appointed by the Parliament to present the Propositions of both Kingdoms for a safe and well-grounded Peace to His Majesty;" which Letter and the safe Conduct were read, as follow. (Here enter it.)

Ordered, That this Letter and the safe Conduct be communicated to the House of Commons.

Message to the H. C. with it, and the Pass;

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Aylett:

To deliver to them the Letter and the safe Conduct.

and for Committees to meet about The States Ambassadors.

2. To desire that the Committee that are appointed to treat with The States Ambassadors may meet this Afternoon.

Messengers of the Chancery to be sworn.

Ordered, That Baron Trevor shall administer the usual Oaths to Michaell Baker, Thomas Parker, John Guidott, Andrew Durant, as Officers of Messengers of the Chancery, &c.

Message from the H. C. about examining the Gentlem in Usher, concerning the Goods of Delinquents in his Custody.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Stroude, &c.

To desire their Lordships Answer to the Desire of the House of Commons, in referring to the Committee of Lords and Commons at Habberdashers Hall the Examination of Mr. Thayne, Gentleman Usher of this House, touching what Goods of Delinquents are in his Custody; the said Committee being already possessed of the Information thereof, and might by the Ordinance of Sequestrations proceed therein; but, in Respect of their Lordships, they thought it fit to acquaint their Lordships first with it, in regard the Gentleman Usher is an Attendant upon this House.

Ordered, That this House agrees with the House of Commons, in referring this Business to the Committee of Lords and Commons at Haberdashers Hall, as is desired.

Gentleman Usher to attend the Committee at Haberdasher's Hall.

Ordered, That the Gentleman Usher attending this House shall attend the Committee of Lords and Commons at Haberdashers Hall this (fn. 1) Afternoon, to be examined by the said Committee, and make his Defence there.

Carriages going through Palace Yard.

This Day the Judgement of this House, concerning the Carts and Coaches coming through The Ould Pallace Yard at Westm. was read, and approved of.

(Here enter it.)

Letter from the Committee in Dorsetshire.

A Letter was read, directed to this House, from Sir Anthony Ashly Cooper, Tho. Erle, Tho. Crompton, Ric'd Brodrepp, Jo. Bingham, Henry Henly, Rob't Row, Francis Chettell, from Blandford, the 9th of Nov. 1644, giving an Account of the Affairs in Dorsettshire, and desiring some more Forces may be sent to the Relief of those Parts, and some Money for Sir Wm. Waller's Soldiers.

Also a Copy of a Warrant of Sir Lewis Dives, to the Constables of Dorsetshire, was read.

(Here enter them.)

Ordered, That this Letter and the Warrant be communicated to the House of Commons; and that a Letter be writ to this Committee, to give them Thanks for their Respects shewed to this House, in writing this Letter.

Ordinance for Mr. Lisle to be Master of St. Cross's Hospital.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for making Mr. Lisle Master of the Hospital of St. Crosses is referred to these Lords following, to consider of it, and report the same to this House:

Comes Stamford.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Kent.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Ds. North.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Mountague.
Ds. Howard.

Any Three, to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Three of the Clock.

White and Middleton.

Ordered, That White's Cause, against Middleton, shall be heard the First Monday after the End of this Term.

Jennings's Cause.

Ordered, That Mr. Jennings' Cause shall be heard the First Wednesday after this Term.

Answer from the H. C.

Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Aylett return with this Answer from the House of Commons:

That they have delivered the Letter and the safe Conduct; and they have appointed their Committee that treat with The States Ambassadors to meet this Afternoon, in the Prince's Lodgings.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Aylett:

To deliver to them the Letter from the Committee [ (fn. 2) of Dorsetshire], and the Copy of Sir Lewis Dives' Warrant.

Prince Rupert's Letter, with the King's Pass.

"My Lord,

"1. I herewithal send your Lordships Two safe Conducts from His Majesty, according as is desired by you; His Majesty's Affection to Peace being such, as although He could never receive any Answer to those gracious Invitations to a Treaty which have been made by Him of late, yet He would not lose the least Time in retarding His to you, upon so welcome a Subject as Propositions for Peace. I shall only add, that His Majesty would have been very glad that this Overture had been made in such a Manner, as that it might forthwith have been accompanied with a Cessation of Arms. But, since you have not thought fit to do it in such a Way, I shall declare to your Lordship, that it must not be expected that this Message should set any Stop upon the Proceedings of His Majesty's Army. And so I rest

"Your Lordship's Servant,

Malingsborough, this 16th Day of Nov. 1644.


"For the Earl of Essex, General. These."

The King's Pass, for the Persons who are to attend Him with the Propositions.

"Charles R.

"Charles, by the Grace of God, King of Greate Brittaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To Our Generals, Lieutenant Generals, Commanders in Chief, Governors of Towns, Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Captains, Officers, and Soldiers, belonging to any of Our Armies or Garrisons, and to all other Our Ministers and loving Subjects to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Our Pleasure and Command is, That every of you permit and suffer the Earl of Denbigh, the Lord Maynard, the Lord Viscount Wenman, Denzill Hollis Esquire, William Pierrepoint Esquire, and Bulstrode Whitlocke Esquire, and their Attendants, not exceeding Fifty Persons, with their Horses, Coaches, and other Accommodations for their Journey, freely, peaceably, and quietly, to pass by and through all Guards, from London unto Us, wheresoever We shall be; and to return back again, by and through all Guards and Places, from Our Court or Army, to London, when they shall think fit, without any Let, Hindrance, or Molestation; and to these Our Commands we require your due Obedience, as you tender Our Service, and will answer the contrary at your uttermost Perils.

"Given under Our Signet, at Our Court at Marlingesborough, this Sixteenth Day of November, 1644.

"By His Majesty's Command,

"George Digby."

Letter from the Committee of Dorsetshire, giving an Account of the Situation of Affairs in that County.

"My Lords,

"Our last of the 26th of October gave your Lordships an Account of our taking the Field, with those Horse and Foot we could conveniently draw out of the Garrisons of Weymouth, Wareham, and Poole; since which, at the Rendezvous at Dorchester, it was unanimously agreed by the Council of War, to march to the Relief of Taunton, which we understood was in Distress, and to which Service the Towns of Lyme afford the Assistance of Five Hundred Foot and Sixty Horse: But, upon Information that there was an inconsiderable Party of the Enemy at Abbotsbury House (a Place of great Annoyance to the Garrison of Weymouth), we thought fit to take that in our Way; and accordingly, upon our First Advance, sent them a Summons; which they slighting, we drew up our Men to storm it, and, after Five or Six Hours hot Service, wherein both Officers and Soldiers behaved themselves very gallantly, the House was fired; and then the Enemy cried for Quarter, but were denied it, in regard they had Twice before refused it; notwithstanding, an Officer contrary to Command gave it them; whereupon our Soldiers rushed in, and the Enemy's Magazines firing, many of them were killed and wounded. We have Prisoners Colonel James Strangewayes, a Major, Three Captains, and above One Hundred Soldiers, and above Thirty Horse taken. This unhappy Accident of the Powder, and the Mutiny of the Chichester Regiment for Pay presently after, much lessened our Numbers, and therein put a Stop to our former Design, and rendered us unable to encounter (fn. 3) so potent an Enemy as is both at Taunton and Sherborne, being beside near Double the Number to us in Horse; yet, to the End we might not by this give the Enemy an Advantage, and to make the best Use of that Force we have left, we marched toward Sturmister Newton, a Place they had begun to fortify; but, upon our Motion thitherward, they quitted it, and went to Sha'sbury, which they have since likewise left on our further Advance to Blandford, where our Forces now are, being a Place most convenient for the victualling of the Garrisons of Poole and Wareham, the only Work we can with Safety undertake till a Supply of Horse come to us, which we formerly have written for, and long expected. This is our present Condition; which is much the worse, in regard Sir William Waller's Soldiers, whom we find to be very ready upon Duty, are necessitated for Want of Pay.

"Our humble and earnest Suit therefore to your Lordships is, That these Parts of the Kingdom may receive some considerable Assistance; which if speedy, we are confident not only to remove the Enemy that provides for his Winter Quarters at Sherborne, but relieve our Brethren at Taunton, that are ready to be devoured by their cruel Countrymen. If Five Hundred Horse had been timely sent us, or our own Horse carried by our Sheriff to Sir William Waller been left us, we might have, by the Blessing of God, been in a Condition of Security amongst ourseives, and a Relief to our Neighbours, If the Western Parts are esteemed considerable, and the Lives and Fortunes of us that have been this long engaged in the County are of any Account, we hope the Parliament will not suffer us only to be exposed as a Prey to our Enemies. We beseech you pardon us, if the Sense of the Misery of our poor Country daily in our Eyes, and the many Advantages we find lost by Delays, not a little affect us, and enforce us with Earnestness to reiterate our former Desires, for the speedy marching of Forces into those Parts; and that some Money may be sent to those Foot of Sir William Waller's already here, for their Encouragement. We shall humbly expect your Lordships Commands in these our Requests; and, praying for a good Success upon your Counsels, we shall ever remain,

"My Lords,

"Your Lordships most humble and most faithful Servants,

"An. Astly Cooper.
Tho. Erle.
Tho. Crompton.
Ri. Brodrepp.
Henry Henly.
Francis Chettell.
Jo. Bingham.
Ro. Rowe.

"The Town of Taunton hath offered to render on Quarter; but the Besiegers refuse, and keep in Men, Women, and Children, to starve them, that Colonel Blake is fain to relieve them out of his Provisions in the Castle. We have daily Letters from them for Help.

Blandford, this 9th November, 1644.

"To the Right Honourable the Lords of the High Court of Parliament."

Sir Lewis Dives's Warrant, to prohibit the Levies in Dorsetshire for the Parliament Forces.

I have seen a Writing, importing a Warrant under the Hands-of Richard Brodripp, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Thomas Erle, Rob't Rowe, Thomas Crompton, Francis Chettle, Elias Bond, and Richard Bury, maintaining, that no Obedience be given to Warrants of His Majesty's Commissioners for raising of Horse, Arms, and Provision of Victuals, to be brought to Sherborne, or other Places; most falsely and scandalously alledging and insinuating, that the same doth send to the robbing and spoiling of the Country, and Oppression of the King's good Subjects, and for the maintaining of the French Papists, and other Outlandish Monsters, for the destroying of Religion, Laws, and Liberties. I cannot but wonder at the Impudence of these Men; who, having destroyed and defaced our Churches, burnt the Houses of their Neighbours, driven away their Cattle, plundered them of all their Horses and Goods, and imprisoned their Persons, should yet pretend Religion, Laws, and Liberties: But I much more wonder at these Men, especially Sir Anth. Ashley Cooper, should dare to set it under their Hands, and publish it to the View of the World, that the Horse, Arms, and Provision, commanded by His Majesty's Commissioners to be brought to Sherborne, should be for the Maintenance of the French Papists, and monstrous Outlandish Men, when these Men knew it to be a most notorious Falsehood, and invented by themselves, to colour their foul and unnatural Rebellion against their Sovereign Lord the King: But the World may see and understand, when Men have once wilfully broken their Oaths of Allegiance to the King, how little Account they make of Rebellion, and laying false and scandalous Aspersions on those that continue faithful unto His Majesty. I do therefore hereby Declare and Publish, That whosoever shall neglect the Performance of mine or the Commissioners Warrants, or shall obey any of the Warrants of those sacrilegious Rebels, I will proceed against them, as Enemies to the King's Majesty, and Disturbers of His Majesty's Peace, and the Welfare of the Kingdom.

Sherborne, October 31, 1644.

To all Constables, Tithing-men, and other His Majesty's Officers and loving Subjects, within the said County; particularly to the Constables of the Hundred of Sixpenny Hauly Hundred; who are to cause the same to be published in all Parish Churches within their Hundreds, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost Perils.

"Lewis Dives."

Judgement concerning the Carriages of Wharsingers, &c. going through Palace Yard.

"Upon reading of the Petition of the Wharsingers, Brewers, Woodmongers, Lightermen, Timber Merchants, and other Inhabitants, beyond The Chaine, in The Old Pallace, Westm. to The Horse-ferry, depending before the Lords in Parliament; and upon the full Hearing of the Counsel and Witnesses on the Petitioners Part, as also the Counsel and Witnesses on His Majesty's Behalf, who were all permitted to say what they could, touching the Right of any High Way through the said Pallace Yard, from beyond the said Chaine, for Carts, Carriages, Coaches, or Horses; and upon due and deliberate Consideration of the whole Matter: It is this Day Ordered, Adjudged, and Decreed, by the said Lords in Parliament assembled, That there neither is, nor ought to be, any Way for Carts, Carriages, Coaches, or Horses, through the said Old Pallace Yard, Westm. beyond the said Chaine, towards The Horse-ferrey, as aforesaid."

Mr. Matide to be Parson of Micklam.

"Upon the humble Desire of the Countess Dowager of Peterborough, made this Day to the House, That her Household Chaplain, Francis Maude, Clerk, might be inducted in the Parsonage of Micklam, in the County of Surry, it being in her Ladyship's Gift: It is Ordered, That Mr. Doctor Mason, Chancellor to the Bishop of that Diocese, shall, upon Sight of this Order, institute and induct the said Mr. Maude into the Parsonage of Micklam aforesaid; and this Order shall be a sufficient Authority for him in that Behalf."


House adjourned till 9a cras.


  • 1. Origin. after.
  • 2. Origin. at Haberdashers Hall.
  • 3. Origin. for.