Bills brought in this session: 12 August 1625

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'Bills brought in this session: 12 August 1625', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Bills brought in this session: 12 August 1625', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Bills brought in this session: 12 August 1625". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Anno Primo Caroli Regis.

Bills brought in this Session.

1a et 2a vice lecta 25 Jun. 1625.-3a vice lecta 30 Jun. 1625.


An Act for the Settling and Confirmation of the Copyhold Estates and Customs of the Tenants in Base Tenure of the Manor of Cheltenham, in the County of Glouc. and the Manor of Asheley, otherwise called Charleton Kings, in the said County, being holden of the said Manor of Cheltenham, according to an Agreement thereof made between the King's most Excellent Majesty, being then Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall and of Yorke, and Earl of Chester, Lord of the said Manor of Cheltenham, and Gyles Grevill, Esquire, Lord of the said Manor of Asheley, and the said Copyholders of the said several Manors.

1a et 2a vice lecta 27 Jun. 1625.-3a vice lecta 30 Jun. 1625.


An Act to enable the King's Majesty to make Leases of Lands, Parcel of His Highness's Dutchy of Cornewall, or annexed to the same.

1a vice lecta 27 Jun. 1625.-2a vice lecta 30 Jun. 1625.-3a vice lecta 1 Julii 1625.


An Act for punishing divers Abuses committed on the Lord's Day, called Sunday.

1a vice lecta 27 Jun. 1625.- 2a vice lecta 30 Jun. 1625.

An Act for the making of the Arms of the Kingdom serviceable in Time to come.

1a vice lecta 27 Jun. 1625. - 2a vice lecta 6 Julii 1625.

An Act for the better Maintenance of Hospitals and Alms-houses.

1a vice lecta 27 Jun. 1625. - 2a vice lecta 2 Augusti 1625.

An Act for the better preserving of His Majesty's Revenues.

1a vice lecta 1 Julii 1625. - 2a vice lecta 10 Augusti 1625.

An Act for the Explanation of a Branch of the Statute, made in the Third Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King James, intituled, An Act for the better discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants.

1a et 2a vice lecta 5 Julii 1625. - 3a vice lecta 6 Julii 1625.


An Act for the Enabling and Confirmation of an Agreement, or Composition, made between the King's Majesty's Commissioners of Revenue (His Majesty being then Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, and Earl of Chester), on His Majesty's Behalf, and His Majesty's Copyholders of His Highness's Manor of Macclesfeild, in the County of Chester, and of a Decree made in the Court of Exchequer at Chester, for the perfect Creation and Confirmation of certain Lands and Tenements, Parcel of the said Manor, to be Copyhold and Customary Lands, according to the Tenor of the same Decree.

1a vice lecta 5 Julii 1625.-2a vice lecta 6 Julii 1625. -3a vice lecta 6 Julii 1625.


An Act for the Ease in obtaining of Licences of Alienation, and in the Pleading of Alienations with Licence, or of Pardons of Alienation without Licence, in the Court of Exchequer, and elsewhere.

1a et 2a vice lecta 5 Julii 1625.-3a vice lecta 6 Julii 1625.


An Act for the further Restraint of Tippling in Inns, Alehouses, and other Victualing-houses.

1a vice lecta 7 Julii 1625.-2a vice lecta 11 Augusti 1625.

An Act for the Maintenance and Increase of Shipping and Navigation, and for the free Liberty of Fishing and Fishing Voyages, to be made and performed, in and upon the Seas, Sea-coasts, and Places of Newfoundland, Virginia, New England, and other the Seas, Sea-coasts, and Parts of America.

1a, 2a, et 3a vice lecta 8 Julii 1625.


An Act for the Grant of Two Entire Subsidies, granted by the Temporalty.

1a, 2a, et 3a vice lecta 8 Julii 1625.


An Act, That this Session of Parliament shall not determine by His Majesty's Royal Assent to this and some other Acts.

1a vice lecta 9 Julii 1625.

An Act of a Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage.

1a, 2a, et 3a vice lecta 11 Julii 1625.


An Act for Confirmation of the Subsidies granted by the Clergy.

1a et 2a vice lecta 11 Augusti 1625.

An Act against the Forging, Falsifying, and Counterfeiting of the King's Majesty's Seals, of His Highness's Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, The Exchequer, and Dutchy.

1a et 2a vice lecta 5 Julii 1625.-3a vice lecta 8 Julii 1625.

An Act for the better enabling of Sir George Rivers, Knight, Richard Amherst, Serjeant at Law, and Edward Lumley, Esquire, to sell certain Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, mentioned to be conveyed unto them, and to the Right Honourable the Lord William Howard, of Naward, in the County of Cumberland, or some of them, by the late Right Honourable Richard Earl of Dorsett, for and towards the Payment of the Debts of the said Earl, and to raise Portions to his Daughters and Coheirs the Lady Margarett Sacvill, and the Lady Isabella Sacvill, according to his Will in Writing; and for the Confirmation of the Sales by them already made of Part thereof for that Purpose; and for the better settling and establishing of divers Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of the said late Earl, upon the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Dorsett, of the Most Noble Order of the Garter Knight, and his Sons, and the Heirs Males of the several Bodies of the said Sons to be begotten; and upon the Right Honourable Anne Countess Dowager of Dorsett, for Term of her Life, for her Jointure; and upon the Lady Margarett Sacvill and the Lady Isabella Sacvill, Daughters and Coheirs of the said Richard Earl of Dorsett; and upon the Heirs of their several Bodies respectively; according to the Purport of certain Conveyances, hereafter in this Act mentioned to be made by the late Earl deceased.