General Index: L

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: L', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: L', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: L". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


La Hay, fee of. See Hay, Le.
-, ………, Urry de. See De la Hay.

La Moote, manor of, co. Sussex, 110.

La Thorpe, Kirkby, co. Linc. See Kirkby.

La Vache, co. Bucks., Thomas Restwold of. See Restwold.

Lacche, Est, co. Glouc. See Eastleach.

Laceby, co. Linc., land in, 639; manor of, 244.

Lachyndon, co. Essex. See Latchingdon.

Lackenby, Lakkenby, Lakneby, co. York, knight’s fee in, 250; land in, 108.

Lackford, Lakford, co. Suff., manor of, 1001.

Lacock, Lacok, John, 169.

Lacok, John. See Lacock.

Lacy, Gilbert, land held of, in co. York, 353.
-, ………, Richard, 738.
-, ………, Hom, co. Heref. See Holme Lacy.

Ladybury manor, co. Camb. See Whaddon.

Lagham, co. Surrey. See Legham.

Laindon, Leyndon, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 291; land in, 104, 291.

Lake, co. Wilts., land in, 1207.

Lake, Richard, clk., 391.
-, ………, Robert, 1167.

Laken, Richard, cit. and mercer of London, 679.

Lakford, co. Suff. See Lackford.

Lakkenby, co. York. See Lackenby.

Lakneby, co. York. See Lackenby.

Lalford, Little, co. Warw. See Lawford, Little.

Lalleford, co. Essex. See Lawford.

Lalling, co. Essex. See Lawling.

Lambard, Edmund, &c. See Lambert.

Lambardes manor, co. Wilts. See Lamberts.

Lambe, John, 732.

Lamberd, John, &c. See Lambert.

Lambert, Lambard, Lamberd, Edmund, esq., Wilts., 942.

Lambert, John of Chigwell, co. Essex, 152.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of Edmund, esq., 942.

Lamberts manor, co. Wilts. See Maiden Bradley.

Lambeth, Lambyth, Marsh, co. Surrey, land in, 171.

Lamborne, co. Essex. See Lambourne.

Lambourn, co. Berks, Roger’s manor in, 460.

Lambourne, Lamborne, co. Essex, manor of, 188.

‘Lambournes,’ co. Oxford. See Sibford-Gower.

Lambroke, co. Somers. See Lambrook.

Lambrook, Lambroke, Middle, co. Somers., manor of, 209.

Lambson, Thomas, clk., 112.

Lamburn, John, 543.

Lambyth, co. Surrey. See Lambeth.

Lamcote, co. Notts., land in, 917.

Lamelyn, co. Cornw., manor of, 208.

Lametton, co. Cornw., advowson of, 761; manor of, 761.

Lamkyn, William, of Wendling, co. Norf., 1143.

Lammas, Lammes, co. Norf., manor of, 1097.

Lammers in Great Wymondley, co. Herts., manor called, 321.

Lammes, co. Norf. See Lammas.

Lampet, George, 810.

Lampets, Lampettes, Thomas, 152, 895.

Lampets, co. Essex. See Fyfield.

Lampettes, co. Essex. See Lampets.

Lampford, co. Devon, land in, 661, 685; manor of, 379.

Lampham, Lamppam, near Pevensey, in Westham parish, co. Sussex, land in, 202.

Lamplugh, Laumpley, Alexander, 238.

Lamport, Lampporte, co. Bucks., land in, 844.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 1178.
-, ……, co. Somers. See Langport.

Lamppam, co. Sussex. See Lampham.

Lampporte, co. N’hamp. See Lamport.

Lamprey, John, 560.

Lampreys, fishery of, 157.

Lancarse, co. Devon. See Landcross.

Lancastell, John, esq., advowson held of, in co. Wilts., 351.

Lancaster, duchy of. See Aquila, honor of; Durleigh; Easter, High; Fakenham; Hay, Le; Hereford, earldom of; Higham Ferrers; Knaresborough, honor of; Leicester, honor of; Mandeville, honor of; Methwold; Pevensey Castle; Pickering Lythe; Pleshey, co. Essex, manor of; Pontefract; Rothwell; Smithdon hundred, co. Norf.; Snettisham, co. Norf.; Sprotton Castle; Tickhill, honor of; Trowbridge; Tutbury, honor of; Wighton.
-, ………, Bray, Reginald, knt., Chancellor of, 347.
-, ………, land held of, in co. Bedf., 284, 286; in co. Berks., 460, 733, 957, 1106; in co. Bucks., 564; in co. Camb., 360, 571, 1085; in co. Derby, 455; in co. Devon, 255, 661, 685, 899, 1220; in co. Essex, 86, 100, 276, 291, 378, 779, 859, 1006; in co. Hants, 259, 987, 1246; in co. Heref., 601; in co. Kent, 373, 482; in co. Leic., 164, 911, 1223; in co. Linc., 639, 941, 1037, 1127, 1233; in co. Norf., 210, 309, 444, 1012; in co. N’hamp., 37, 297, 573, 922, 1051, 1147, 1178; in co. Notts., 382, 962, 1101, 1193; in co. Oxford, 963; in co. Somers., 652, 768; in co. Staff., 874; in co. Suff., 304, 624, 975; land held of, in co. Sussex, 202; in co. Warw., 91, 748, 835; in co. Wilts, 752, 1152; in co. York, 256, 353, 477, 614, 636, 1100, 1145.

Lancaster, Lancastre, Eleanor, wife of William, esq., 812.
-, ………, John, 10, 190, 330.
-, ………, Richard, clk., 1196.

Lancaster, William, esq, Norf., 812.

Lancastre, John. See Lancaster.

Lanceveton Castle. See Launceston.

Landcross, Lancarse, co. Devon, manor of, 379.

Landkey, Londekey, co. Devon, manor of, 581.

Landy, John, 406.

Landymer Hall, in Thorpe le Soken, co. Essex, manor of, 100.

Lane, John, 554.
-, ………, Ralph, 1234.

Lane, Richard, s. and h. of Ralph, Staff., 1234.

Lane, William, 429, 457.
-, ………, William, of Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, 1166.

Laneman, Roger, 1166.

Lanercost, co. Cumb., advowson of priory of, 157.

Langaller, co. Devon, manor of, 760.

Langar, Langer, co. Notts., land held of manor of, 714.

Langbaurgh, Lanbergh, co. York, wapentake of, 612.

Langbergh, co. Cumb. See Longburgh.
-, ……, co. York. See Langbaurgh.

Langdale, John, 10.
-, ………, William, esq., 273.

Langdon, Langedon, co. Devon, land in, 303, 930.
-, ……, co. Essex, 381, 985.
-, ……… [in Wembury], co. Devon, manor of, 249, 785.

Langdon, Thomas, 1036.

Langdyk, co. N’hamp., hundred of, land held of, 524.

Lange Huwysshe, co. Devon. See Huish.

Langedon, co. Devon. See Langdon.

Langeford, co. Devon. See Langford.

Langeford, Edward, &c. See Langford.

Langelegh, co. Devon, manor of, 379.

Langeley, Walter, &c. See Langley.

Langenham, co. Dorset. See Langham.

Langenhoe, co. Essex, manor of, 409.

Langeport, co. Kent. See Langport.

Langer, co. Notts. See Langar.

Langeston, co. Devon. See Langston.

Langfeld, co. York. See Langfield.

Langfield, Langfeld, co. York, Bug, John, of. See Bug; land in, 353.

Langford, Langeford, co. Bedf., manor of, 655.
-, ……, co. Berks., messuage in, 169.
-, ……, co. Devon, manor of, 1004.
-, ……, co. Norf., advowson of, 101; manor of, 101.
-, ……… Cervyngton, co. Wilts. See Longford.
-, ……… Lester (Leyster), co. Devon, land held of manor of, 755, 978.

Langford, Edward, 877, 963.
-, ……… Edward, esq., 934, 935, 1004.
-, ………, Edward, s. of Thomas, esq., 934, 935.
-, ………, John, 1120; land held of, in co. Berks, 877; in co. Cornw., 660.
-, ………, John, esq., s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 934, 935, 936, 1004.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of Thomas, d. of John Rogers, esq., 1004.

Langford, Thomas, land held of, in co. Hants, 1199; in co. Herts., 406.

Langford, Thomas, esq., Berks., 934; Devon, 1004; Hants, 935; Herts., 936.

Langford, Thomas, s. of Edward, esq., 1004.
-, ………, Walter, esq., s. of Edward, esq., 934, 935.
-, ………, William, esq., 934.
-, ………, William, s. of Edward, esq., 934.

Langfyt, messuage called, in Dacre, co. Cumb., 157.

Langgetre, co. Devon. See Langtree.

Langham, Langenham, co. Corn., land in, 546.
-, ……, co. Dorset, advowson of chapel of, 1124; manor of, 1124.
-, ……, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 278.

Langhirst, co. N’th’l’d. See Longhirst.

Langle, South, co. Hants. See Langley.

Langley, Langeley, Langle, Longley, co. Herts., manor of, 936.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Brishing.
-, ……, co. Norf., abbey of, advowson of, 190, 261.
-, ………, co. N’th’l’d., Hayden in barony of. See Haydon; manor, &c., of, 542.
-, ………, South, co. Hants, land in, 531.

Langley, Alice, wife of Robert, and sister and heir of Thomas Montgomery, knt., 1040.
-, ………, Edmund, escheator of Gloucestershire, 213, 214.
-, ………, Edmund, esq., 68, 140.

Langley, Edmund, esq., Glouc., 672.

Langley, Edward, s. and h. of Henry, 1132.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Henry, of Lolworth, co. Gamb., and d. of Thomas Peyton, of Isleham, co. Camb., esq., 1132.

Langley, Henry, Essex, 291.

Langley, Henry, feoffee, land held of, in co. York, 636.
-, ………, Henry, of Lolworth, co. Camb., 704.

Langley, Henry, of Lolworth, co. Camb., Camb., 1132.

Langley, Henry, of Rickling, co. Essex, 490.
-, ………, Humphrey, 291.
-, ………, John, 291.
-, ………, John, esq., 250, 388.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of William, 362, 447.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of Henry, 291.
-, ………, Maud. See Wikes, Maud.
-, ………, Robert, 1040.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 1178.
-, ………, Thomas, gent., 950.
-, ………, Walter, 68.
-, ………, Walter, s. and h. of Edmund, esq., 672.
-, ………, William, 291.

Langley, William, Coventry, 450; Kent, 362; Northampton, 447; Salop, 448.

Langport, Lamport, Langeport, co. Kent, manor of, 109.
-, …….., co. Somers., Baker, John, of. See Baker.
-, ……… Estover, co. Somers., messuages in, 385.
-, ……… Westover, co. Somers., land in, 463; messuages in, 385.

Langrake, co. York, land in, 1145.

Langrig, William. See Longridge.

Langstok, co. Hants, land in, 1246; manor of, 1246.

Langston, Langeston, co. Devon, land in, 443.

Langston, John, 528.
-, ………, John, esq., 1147.

Langthorn, co. York, manor of, 675.
-, ………, Stratford, co. Essex. See Stratford Langthorn.

Langthwaite, Langtwate, co. York, manor of, 256.

Langthwate, co. Cumb. See Longthwaite.

Langtoft, co. York, land in, 363, 1188.

Langton, co. Linc., Strubby, near. See Strubby.
-, ……, co. Suff., land in, 439.
-, ……… by Partney, co. Linc., Langton, John of, esq., 1127.
-, ……… Homlok, co. Linc., manor of, 1186.
-, ………, North, near Wragby, co. Linc., manor of, 1186.

Langton, John, esq., 780.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of John, 1127.
-, ………, Nicholas, clk., 780.
-, ………, Thomas, of Huddleston (Hodylston), co. York, s. of John, esq., 780.

Langtons Manor, co. Essex. See Canfield, Little.

Langtree, Langgetre, co. Devon. See Riveton; land held of manor of, 855; land in, 855, 907.

Langtwate, co. York. See Langthwaite.

Languesdon, co. Derby. See Longstone.

Languillers, John, &c. See Longvillers.

Lanteford, Richard, land held of, in co. Devon, 685.

Lantyan, co. Cornw., land held of manor of, 208.

Lapworth, co. Warw., land held of manor of, 882; land in, 748, 882.

Larder, Alice, wife of Hugh, 463.
-, ………, Constance, wife of William, and d. and h. of Nicholas Pine, esq., 235.
-, ………, Edmund, son and heir of Constance, 235.
-, ………, Hugh, 463.
-, ………, Thomas, 235, 463.
-, ………, William, 235, 463.

Larkbeare, Larkebeare, co. Devon, manor of, 905.

Larkebeare, co. Devon. See Larkbeare.

Larkedon, co. Essex. See St. Lawrence.

Larling, Larnyng, co. Norf., land in, 384.

Larnyng, co. Norf. See Larling.

Larport, Lertport, Lortport [in Mordiford], co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684; manor of, 7, 472, 684.

Lartington, Lyrtyngton, co. York, chantry in, 258; manor of, 258.

Lasyngby, co. Cumb. See Lazonby.

Lasyngby, co. York. See Lazenby.

Latchingdon, Lachyndon, co. Essex, Collis in, 532.

Latemer, Nicholas. See Latymer.

Latham, Lathom, co. York, land in, 363, 1188.

Latham, Lathum, Ralph, clk., 816.

Lathbery, co. Bucks. See Lathbury.

Lathbury, Lathbery, co. Bucks., hundred of, land held of, 504; land in, 1148.

Lathell, Nicholas, Baron of the Exchequer, 886.
-, ………, Nicholas, gent., 51, 1078.

Lathom, co. York. See Latham.

Lathorp, Kyrkeby, co. Linc. See Kirkby la Thorpe.

Lathum, Ralph, clk. See Latham.

Laton, William, &c. See Layton.

Latton, co. Essex, Bibbesworth Grove in, 72; manor called Latton Hall in, 72; pasture called Stayngrove in, 72.

Latton Park, wood called, in Latton, co. Essex, 72.

Latymer, Latemer, Elizabeth, Lady. See Nevill, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Lord; land held of, in co. N’hamp., 573. See Nevill, George, and Nevill, Richard.
-, ………, Nicholas, knt., land held of, in co. Dorset, 11, 747.

Laucombe, co. Devon. See Longcombe.

Laumpley, Alexander. See Lamplugh.

Launceston, Lanceveton, Launceveton, Launsceston, co. Cornw., castle of, land held of, in co. Cornw., 26, 48, 546, 851, 1082; manor of, land held of, in co. Cornw., 761; priory of, land held of, in co. Cornw., 660.

Launsceston, co. Cornw. See Launceston.

Laurens, Litheyard, co. Somers. See Lydeard St. Lawrence.

Laurens, William. See Lawrence.

Lauver, Magdalen, &c., co. Essex. See Laver.

Lavendon, co. Bucks., land in, 576.

Lavenham, co. Suff., land in, 234.

Laver, Lauver, High, co. Essex, advowson of, 152; land in, 152, 409, 895; manor of, 152, 895; Otes manor (1/2) in, 415.
-, ………, Little, co. Essex, land in, 152, 409, 895.
-, ………, Magdalen, co. Essex, land in, 152, 895.

Laverstoke, Laverstokke, co. Wilts., deed dated at 829; manor of, 829.

Laverstokke, co. Wilts. See Laverstoke.

Laverton, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Lavington, Lavyngton, co. Wilts., advowson of chantry in, 752; manor of, 752.
-, ………, East, co. Wilts., land in, 1163.
-, ………, West, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 1163.

Lavyngton, co. Wilts. See Lavington.

Lawenes in Hesset, co. Suff., manor of, 305.

Lawes, Alan, Norf., 1084.

Lawes, Thomas, 872.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of Alan, 1084.

Lawford, Lalford, Lalleford, co. Essex, land in, 631.
-, ………, Little, co. Warw., manor of, 23.

Lawley, co. Salop, land in, 1117.

Lawling, Lalling, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 532; Pakes in, 532; Walettes, North and South, in, 532.

Lawraunce, Thomas, &c. See Lawrence.

Lawrence, Laurens, Lawraunce, Thomas, 134.
-, ………, William, of London, grocer, 204.

Laxton, Loxton, co. N’hamp, land in, 584; manor of, 573.
-, ……, co. Notts., manor of, 962; Walter, vicar of, 962.

Layham, Leyham, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 1017; manor of, 1088; manor (1/3) of, 21, 1168.

Layton, Laton, Thomas, 612.
-, ………, William, clk., 238.
-, ………, William, of Dalemain, co. Cumb., rent due from, 245.

Lazenby, Lasyngby, co. York, knight’s fee in, 250; land in, 108.

Lazonby, Lasyngby, co. Cumb., Baronwod in 157; Cotehill in, Purpresture at, 157; Hugh Bolton’s tenement in, 157; manor of, 157; Pottery in, 157; tenements in, 157.

Le Breton, co. Hants. See Breton, Le.

Le Buttys by Dorchester. See Dorchester.

Le Devisez, co. Wilts. See Devizes.

Le Hay, fee of. See Hay.

Le Heryngsett, co. Norf., land in, 916.

Le Knott, co. Cumb. See Knott.

Le Mote, co. Kent. See Mote.

Le Straunge, Lord. See Stanley, George.

Lea, Lee, Leey, Legh, Ley, Lye, co. Glouc. (Ley), land in, 116.
-, ……, co. Linc., Lord of, land held of, in co. Linc., 639.

Lea, Benet (Lee), of Warwick, 837.
-, ………, Edmund (Lee), esq., 1001.
-, ………, Isabel (Legh), wife of John of Stockwell, co. Surrey, esq., late wife of Richard Culpeper, esq., 820.
-, ………, John (Lye), 306.
-, ………, John (Legh), of Stockwell, co. Surrey, esq., 820.

Lea, John (Lee), clk., Master of All Saints’ College, Maidstone, 380.
-, ………, Joyce (Legh), wife of Ralph, sister and co-heir of Thomas Culpeper, 820.

Lea, Margaret (Legh), widow, late wife of Robert Willoughby, esq., Notts., 725.

Lea, Ralph (Legh), 820.
-, ………, Robert. See Lieghys.
-, ………, Robert (Ley), 825.
-, ………, Robert (Lee), esq., 1001, 1180, 1181.
-, ………, Robert (Lye), esq., bro. and h. of Thomas, 1026.
-, ………, Thomas (Lee), 1049.
-, ………, Thomas (Ley), 23, 56.

Lea, Thomas (Lye), Norf., 1026.

Lea, Thomas, clk. (Lee), 465, 466.
-, ………, Thomas (Lee), of Coton, co. Salop, land held of, in co. Salop, 720.
-, ………, William (Lee), 52.
-, ………, William (Legh), 1000.
-, ………, William (Leghe), 702.
-, ………, William, knt. (Legh), heirs of, land held by, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ……… See also Legh, Leigh, and Lye.

Leacroft, Leycroft, co. Staff., land in, 874.

Leamington Priors, co. Warw. See Newbold Comin.

Leathley, Lethley, co. York, manor of, 477.

Leavington, Levinton, Castle, co. York, manor of, 387.
-, ………, Kirk, co. York. See Kirk Leavington.

Lebberston, Liberston, co. York, land in, 233.

Leche, Philip, esq., 423.

Lechyngham, Maud. See Lethingham.

Leckefford, co. Hants. See Leckford.

Leckford, Leckefford, Lekford, co. Hants, land held of manor of, 368; land in, 368, 646.

Leckhampstead, Lekhamsted, co. Bucks., land in, 967.

Leckonfield, Lekenfeld, Lekynfelde, co. York., manor of, 477.

Leckonfield, Roger, 1166.

Ledbourn, co. Bucks. See Ledburn.

Ledburis Foreyn, co. Heref. See Ledbury.

Ledburn, Ledbourn, Leddeburn, co. Bucks., manor of, 284.
-, ……… in Mentmore, co. Bucks., Wygge, Ralph, of, 615.

Ledbury, Ledburis, co. Heref., land in, 825.
-, ……… Foreyn, co. Heref., land in, 826.

Leddeburn, co. Bucks. See Ledburn.

Leden Rodyng, co. Essex. See Roding, Leaden.

Ledicote, co. Heref., manor of, 825.

Ledum, co. Salop, advowson of, 1111; manor of, 1111.

Ledwych, co. Salop, manor of, 840.

Lee, co. Kent. See Leigh.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Leigh, The.

Lee, John, &c. See Lea.

Leek, John. See Leke.

Lees, co. Essex. See Leighs.
-, …….., Dalbury, co. Derby. See Dalbury.

Leet, called Stowedele, in South Pickenham, &c., co. Norf., 101.

Leey, co. Linc. See Lea.

Legates, co. Camb. See Meldreth.

Leget, Robert, 195, 1229.

Legge, John, of North Pickenham, co. Norf., 1143.

Legh, co. Salop, land in, 604.
-, ……… All Saints, co. Devon. See Leigh.
-, ……… by Swimbridge, co. Devon, land in, 680.
-, ………, Este, co. Devon. See Eastleigh.
-, ………, Weste, co. Devon. See Westleigh.

Legh, William, knt., &c. See Lea.

Legham, Lagham, in Walkamsted [Godstone] parish, co. Surrey, manor of, 201, 397.

Leghes, co. Kent, rent in, 362.

Leghton on Bromswold, co. N’hamp. See Leighton.

Leicester, Leycester, Leycestyr, co. Leic., abbey of, land held of, in co. Wilts., 1152; castle of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. Leic., 1049, 1116; fee of, land held of, in co. Sussex, 1160; honor of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 372; land held of manor of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, in co. N’hamp., 297; land in, 144, 419; messuages, in, 164, 784, 1081; Pomeroy, John, abbot of, 784.

Leigh, Lee, Legh, Ligh, Lye, Lygh, co. Devon, manor of, 1253.
-, ……, co. Dorset, land in, 143.
-, ……, co. Kent, manor of, 681.
-, ……… All Saints, co. Devon, land in, 760, 1110.
-, ……… (Ligh) by Castlecombe, co. Wilts., manor of, 479.
-, ………, The, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 873.
-, ……… [upon Mendip], co. Somers., land in, 18, 334, 1126.

Leighs, Lees, co. Essex, priory of, land held of, in co. Essex, 924.

Leighton, Leghton, Lyghton, in co. N’th’l’d., land in, 565.
-, ……… on Bromswold, co. N’hamp., land in, 1179.

Leintwardine, Leyntwardine, co. Salop, manor (1/2) of, 649.

Lekburnthuayte, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Leke, Leek, John, 324, 922, 962; land held of, in co. N’hamp., 796.

Lekenfeld, Roger. See Leckonfield.

Lekford, co. Hants. See Leckford.

Lekhamsted, co. Bucks. See Leckhampstead.

Lekynfelde, co. York. See Leckonfield.

Lematon, Jobn, gent., 208.

Lemburgh, co. Bucks. See Lenborough.

Lemmesworth, Kylkymton, co. Cornw., See Kilkhampton.

Lemyng, Thomas, rector of Strelley, co. Notts., 382.

Lenborough, Lemburgh, Lenyngburgh, Lethynburgh, in Buckingham, co. Bucks., manor of, 844.

Lenn, South, co. Norf. See Lynn.

Lentall, Roland, &c. See Lenthall.

Lenten grain, date fixed by sowing,

Lenthall, Lentall, Leynthall, Isabel, wife of Roland, esq., and sister of Walter Devereux, knt., 438.
-, …….., John, brother and heir of Roland, 438.

Lenthall, Roland, esq., Heref., 438, 445.

Lenthall, Roland, knt., 445.

Lenton, co. Notts., priory of, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 372.

Lenton, John, 647, 1119.
-, ………, Margaret, sister of William Aldwinkle alias Titchmarsh, 647.
-, ………, Thomas, coz. and h. of William Aldwinkle alias Titchmarsh, esq., 647.
-, ………, William, 647.

Lenyngburgh, co. Bucks. See Lenborough.

Leominster, Leomynstre, co. Heref., messuages in, 7, 472, 684.

Leomynstre, co. Heref. See Leominster.

Leope, co. Hants. See Lepe.

Lepe, Leope, co. Hants, manor of, 1121.

Lepizate, Philip. See Lipyeatt.

Lepers’ House of Carlisle, co. Cumb., land near, 157.

Lepeyate, Philip. See Lipyeatt.

Lertport, co. Heref. See Larport.

Lesbury, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.

Lesenes, co. Kent. See Lessness.

Lesfrende, William, 1154.

Leskert, co. Cornw. See Liskeard.

Lessness, Lesenes, [in Erith], co. Kent, abbey of, land held of, in co. Kent, 393.

Lestrange, Le Straunge, Straunge, Hamon, knt., 53.
-, ………, Henry, 309.

Lestrange, Henry, esq., Norf., 53; Suff:, 52.

Lestrange, John, grandfather of Henry, esq., 52.
-, ………, John, son of Henry, esq., 53.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of Henry, esq., and daughter of Roger Drury, 52, 53.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 1001.
-, ………, Robert, son of Henry, esq., 52, 53.
-, ………, Roger, esq., 1001, 1036, 1143.

Lestrange, Roger, son and heir of Henry, esq., 52, 53.

Letcombe, Nether, co. Berks, land held of manor of, 1106.

Lethingham, Lechyngham, Maud, d. of Richard More, esq., 1194, 1244.

Lethley, co. York. See Leathley.

Lethyngburgh, co. Bucks. See Lenborough.

Letice, John, 1229.

Letlee, co. Hants. See Netley.

Letton, Nether, co. Heref., land in, 772.
-, ………, Over, co. Heref., land in, 772.

Letwell, co. Notts., Hodsock soke in, 714.

Leukenore, John, &c. See Lewknore.

Leveden, co. N’hamp. See Lyveden.

Leventhorp, co. York, knight’s fee in, 250.

Leventhorp, Denis, 291.
-, ………, Joan. See Stanford, Joan.
-, ………, John, esq., 204.
-, ………, John, the younger, 481, 586, 889, 925.
-, ………, Thomas, 204, 406.
-, ………, Thomas, of London, 446.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of Joan Stanford, 481, 586, 889, 890, 925.
-, ………, William, 922.

Leverington, Lewryngton, co. Camb., land in, 1098.

Levermer, co. Suff. See Livermere.

Levermore, Richard, 121.

Leversage, John, &c. See Leversedge.

Leversdale, Lyversdale, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Leversdale, Robert de, land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.

Leversedge, Leversage, Leversege, Leversegge, Agnes, wife of Robert, 1163.
-, ………, Edith, wife of William, esq., 67.
-, ………, Edmund, son and heir of William, esq., 67, 80, 1153, 1163.

Leversedge, Edmund, of Westbury, co. Wilts., esq., Somers., 1153; Wilts., 1163.

Leversedge, John, 1163.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Somers., 268.
-, ………, Robert, 1163.
-, ………, William, esq., 1153, 1163.

Leversedge, William, esq., Glouc., 80; Somers., 67.

Leversedge, William, lord of Frome, land held of, in co. Somers., 334.

Leversege, co. York. See Liversedge.

Leversege, Edmund. See Leversedge.

Leversegge, William, &c. See Leversegge.

Leverton, Leyverton, North, co. Notts., land heid of lord of, 382; land in, 382.
-, ………, South, co. Notts., land in, 382.

Levinge, Levyng, William, esq., 969.

Levinton, Castel, co. York. See Leavington.

Levyng, William. See Levinge.

Levyngton, Kirk, co. York. See Kirk Leavington.

Lew, North, co. Devon, land in, 685.

Lewekenour, Joan. See Lewknore.

Lewelleston, Lewelston, co. Somers., land in, 257, 756.

Lewelston, co. Somers. See Lewelleston.

Lewes, Lewys, co. Sussex, barony (1/8) of, 878; borough (1/8) of, 878; priory, land held of, in co. Norf., 210, 875.

Lewes, Thomas, &c. See Lewis.

Lewis, Lewes, Thomas, 163.

Lewkenore, Richard, &c. See Lewknore.

Lewknore, Leukenore, Lewekenour, Lewkenore, Lukenore, co. Oxford, Knody, Robert, clk., vicar of. See Knawdy; land held of manor of, 1030.

Lewknore, Alexander, 735.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Richard, esq., and d. and ch. of Thomas St. Clere, 205.

Lewknore, Joan, widow, late wife of John, d. and h. of Richard, Halsham, Kent, 1078.

Lewknore, John, 468, 548, 552, 996, 1078.
-, ………, Richard, 996.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 200, 205, 397.
-, ………, Richard, of Brambilty, esq., 738.
-, ………, Richard, the elder, esq., 431, 1160.
-, ………, Roger, knt., 436, 1078; land held of, in co. Middx., 159.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 278, 1078.

Lewryche, William, 913.

Lewryngton, co. Camb. See Leverington.

Lewys, co. Sussex. See Lewes.

Lexham, East, co. Norf., manor of, 444.

Ley, co. Glouc. See Lea.
-, ………, Asthal, co. Oxford. See Asthal Ley.
-, ………, in Monkleigh, co. Devon, land called, 206.

Ley, Thomas, &c. See Lea.

Leycester, co. Leic. See Leicester.

Leycestyr, co. Leic. See Leicester.

Leycroft, co. Staff. See Leacroft.

Leycroft, William, 331.

Leyes, co. Camb., manor of, 994.

Leygh Combrey, co. Salop, manor of, 604.

Leyham, co. Suff. See Layham.

Leyndon, co. Essex. See Laindon.

Leynham, Henry, s. and h. of Robert, 712.
-, …….., Margaret, wife of Robert, 712.

Leynham, Robert, Berks., 712.

Leynthall, Roland, &c. See Lenthall.

Leyntwardine, co. Salop. See Leintwardine.

Leyster, Langford, co. Devon. See Langford Lester.

Leyverton, co. Notts. See Leverton.

Liberston, co. York. See Lebberston.

Lichefeld, co. Staff. See Lichfield.

Lichfield, Lichefeld, Lychefeld, and Coventry, bishopric of. See Coventry.

Lichfield, Edmund, clk., 485.

Licter, John, 631.

Lidcote, Littlecot, in Stewkley, co. Bucks., land in, 8.

Liddington, Ludyngton, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.

Lidney, co. Glouc. See Lydney.

Lieghys, Robert, 754.

Lifton, Lyfton, co. Devon, hundred of, 228; manor of, 228.

Ligger, Luveger, Luyger, Lygger, Joan. See Sterte, Joan.
-, ………, John, 1110.
-, ………, Peter, 1215.

Ligh, co. Somers. See Leigh upon Mendip.
-, ……… by Castelcombe, co. Wilts. See Leigh.

Light, Sincler, 1167.

Lightfoot, Lightfote, Cuthbert, clk., 638, 675.

Lightfote, Cuthbert, &c. See Lightfoot.

Lighthorne, co. Warw., land in, 656, 1052.

Ligon, Thomas, &c. See Lygon.

Lilbourne, Lylburne, co. N’hamp., land in, 1061.

Lilford, co. N’hamp., manor of, 477, 533.

Lilleshall, Lylsille, co. Salop, abbey of, land held of, in co. Salop, 726.

Lillingstone, Lillyngston, Dayrell (Darell), co. Bucks., manor of, 595.

Lillington, Lyllyngton, co. Dorset, land in, 301.
-, ……, co. Warw., manor of, 1183.

Lillisdon, Lyllesdon, Lyllysdon, [in North Curry], co. Somers., land in, 510; manor (1/2) of, 156.

Lillyngston, co. Bucks. See Lillingstone.

Limbery, Thomas. See Limbury.

Limbury, Lymbery, Lymbury, Richard, 479, 1163.
-, ………, Thomas, 181.

Liminge, Lymmynge, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 138.

Limpsfield, Lymmysfeld, co. Surrey, land in, 739.

Linacre, Lynacre, Lynacur, in Brampton, co. Derby, manor of, 424.

Linacre, Agnes. See Rollesley, Agnes.

Linacre, John, esq., Derby, 424.

Linacre, John, s. William, of Brampton, co. Derby, 424.
-, ………, Margaret. See Cook, Margaret.
-, ………, Nicholaa, wife of John, esq., and d. of William Algarthorpe, 424.
-, ………, Robert, 424.
-, ………, William, 424.

Linch, Lynche, John, 234.

Lincoln, co. Linc., Alnewik, William, bishop of. See Alnwick.
-, ………, Bishop of, land held of, in. co. Bedf., 284, 1104; in co. Leic., 164; in co. Linc., 639, 1115; in co. Notts., 1227; in co. Oxford, 467, 487, 496, 1030; in co. York, 541.

Lincoln, Bishop of, John, 372, 1196.
-, ………, Burton by. See Burton; castleguard of, 1149; chancellor of. See Simeon, Geoffrey; Countess of, land held of, in co. Norf., 1159, 1229; Dean and Chapter of, land held of, in co. Berks., 169; in co. Linc., 639, 706, 1115; Earl of. See De la Pole; Fitzhugh, George, Dean of. See Fitzhugh; Lipyeatt, Philip, sub-dean of. See Lipyeatt; mayor and citizens of, land held of, 1054; messuages in, 1054; rent in, 639; Rudyng, John, Archdeacon of. See Rudyng; Russell, John, Bishop of. See Russell; St. Mary Crachpool (Craykpole) in, tenements in, 1054.

Lind, Lynde, John, son and heir of Thomas, esq., 54, 172.
-, ………, Katharine, 753.

Lind, Thomas, esq., Bucks., 54; Oxford, 172.

Lindhurst, Lyndhurst, co. Hants, land held of manor of, 830.

Lindrick, Carlton in, co. York. See Carlton.

Lindsay, Lyndesey, Lynsay, John, rector of Danbury, co. Essex, 373.
-, ………, William, 793.

Lindsey, Lyndesey, co. Linc., Kirketon in. See Kirton.

Linford, Lynford, co. Bucks., land in, 1148.

Lingfield, Lyngefeld, co. Surrey, land in, 400, 739.

Linley, Lynley, co. Salop, manor of, 997.

Linstead, Lynsted, Upper, co. Suff., land in, 439.

Linwood, Lyndwode, Lynwode, co. Linc., land in, 570.

Linwood, William, Bishop of St. Davids, 1161.

Lipyeatt, Lepeyate, Lepizate, Philip, rector of Sall, co. Norf., and sub-dean of Lincoln, 1025, 1149.

Liskeard, Leskert, Liskerd, co. Cornw., borough of, land in, 208, 943; land held of borough of, 208, 943; land held of manor of, 208; land in, 208; manor of, land in, 208.

Liskerd, co. Cornw. See Liskeard.

Lisle, Lyle, Lysle, Edward, Viscount. See Grey.
-, ………, John, esq., 1248.
-, ………, Nicholas, esq., or knight, land held of, in. co. Dorset, 15; in co. Hants, 185, 367, 646, (“Hylle”) 1240; in co. Somers., 870.
-, ………, Thomas, Viscount. See Talbot, Thomas, knt.

Lisle, Kingston, co. Berks. See Kingston.

Liss, Lys, co. Hants, hundred of, 70; rent in, 70.
-, ……… Abbess (Abbes), co. Hants, land in, 1255.
-, ……… Turney (Lysturmy), co. Hants, Rengeborn, Elizabeth, of. See Ringbourn.

Liston, Lyston, Netherhalle, co. Essex, advowson of, 1157; manor of, 1157.
-, ……… Overhalle, co. Essex, manor of, 1157.
-, ……… Weston, co. Essex, manor of, 1157.

Liston, Elizabeth. See Hyde, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Isabel, land held of, in co. Norf., 384.

Liston, Isabel, wife of Robert, Norf., 701; Suff., 700.

Liston, Joan. See Tracy, Joan.
-, ………, John, esq., land held of, in co. Norf., 98.
-, ………, Margaret. See Rous, Margaret.
-, ………, Margery. See London, Margery.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 700.
-, ………, Thomesine. See Goldingham, Thomesine.

Litcham, Lucham, co. Norf., manor of, 1143.

Litchborough, Lychebarowe, co. N’hamp., land in, 796.

Litchurch, Lutchurch, co. Derby, quit-rent in, 776.

Litelcote, Alice. See Littlecote.

Litelham, co. Devon. See Littleham.

Litell, co. Heref., land in, 451.
-, ……… Dene, co. Glouc. See Dean, Little.

Litelore, Randal. See Littler.

Litelton, co. Wilts. See Littleton.

Liteltowne, co. Wilts. See Littleton.

Litheyerd, Laurens, co. Somers. See Lydeard St. Lawrence.

Litill Perchyng, co. Sussex. See Patcham.

Litilton, co. Somers. See Littleton.

Litilton, Thomas, &c. See Littleton.

Litlington, Lytlyngton, co. Camb., manor of, 73.

Littilbury, Humphrey, Linc., 324.

Littilbury, Margaret, wife of Humphrey 324.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of Humphrey, 324.

Little Ambresbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.
-, ……… Assheby, co. Leic. See Ashby Parva.
-, ……… Ayton, co. York. See Ayton.
-, ……… Baddow, co. Essex. See Baddow.
-, ……… Badwe, co. Essex. See Baddow.
-, ……… Bentlegh, co. Essex. See Bentley.
-, ……… Bowden, co. N’hamp. See Bowden, Little.
-, ……… Burley, co. N’hamp. See Burley.
-, ……… Byntworth, co. Hants. See Bramley.
-, ……… Cambok, co. Cumb. See Cambok, Little.
-, ……… Canfeld, co. Essex. See Canfield, Little.
-, ……… Canfield, co. Essex. See Canfield, Little.
-, ……… Chishall, co. Essex. See Chishall, Little.
-, ……… Chishull, co. Essex. See Chishall, Little.

Little Chissehull, co. Essex. See Chishall, Little.
-, ……… Cokbury, co. Glouc. See Cokbury.
-, ……… Corby, co. Cumb. See Corby, Little.
-, ……… Corkeby, co. Cumb. See Corby, Little.
-, ……… Crakhall, co. York. See Crakehall.
-, ……… Dean, co. Glouc. See Dean, Little.
-, ……… Dilwyn, co. Heref. See Dilwyn.
-, ……… Dodyngton, co. N’hamp. See Doddington.
-, ……… Dunham, co. Norf. See Dunham.
-, ……… Durnford, co. Wilts. See Durnford.
-, ……… Ellingham, co. Norf. See Ellingham, Little.
-, ……… Everdon, co. N’hamp. See Everdon.
-, ……… Evysdon, co. Camb. See Eversden.
-, ……… Fulford, co. Devon. See Fulford.
-, ……… Grancesden, co. Camb. See Gransden.
-, ……… Haughton, co. York. See Houghton.
-, ……… Hinton, co. Dorset. See Hinton, Little.
-, ……… Hokley, co. Essex. See Hockley.
-, ……… Hornyngesherth, co. Suff. See Horningsheath.
-, ……… Horsted, co. Sussex. See Horsted.
-, ……… Lalford, co. Warw. See Lawford, Little.
-, ……… Lauver, co. Essex. See Laver, Little.
-, ……… Laver, co. Essex. See Laver, Little.
-, ……… Lawford, co. Warw. See Lawford, Little.
-, …….. Levermer, co. Suff. See Livermere.
-, ……… Malvern, co. Worc. See Malvern, Little.
-, ……… Marston, co. Somers. See Marston, Little.
-, …….. Massingham, co. Norf. See Massingham, Little.
-, ……… Melton, co. Norf. See Melton, Little.
-, ……… Merlowe, co. Bucks. See Marlow.
-, ……… Merston, co. Somers. See Marston, Little.
-, ……… Missenden, co. Bucks. See Missenden, Little.
-, ……… Medbury, co. Devon. See Modbury.
-, ……… Musgrave, co. Westmd. See Musgrave.
-, ……… Oxston, co. N’hamp. See Oxenden.
-, ……… Packington, co. Warw. See Packington.
-, ……… Porynglond, co. Norf. See Poringland.
-, ……… Preston, co. York. See Preston.
-, ……… Rayne, co. Essex. See Rayne, Little.
-, ……… Reyn, co. Essex. See Rayne.
-, ……… Reynham, co. Norf. See Rainham, Little.
-, ……… Reynis, co. Essex. See Rayne, Little.
-, ……. Rosby, co. Linc. See Rosby.

Little Ryburgh, co. Norf. See Ryburgh.
-, ……… Rycote, co. Oxford. See Rycote.
-, ……… Ryngstedde, co. Norf. See Ringstead.
-, ……… Sampford, co. Essex. See Sampford.
-, ……… Sarnesfeld, co. Heref. See Sarnesfield.
-, ……… Saxham, co. Essex. See Saxham.
-, ……… Sobburry, co. Glouc. See Sodbury, Little.
-, ……… Sodbury, co. Glouc. See Sodbury, Little.
-, ……… Stepyng, co. Linc. See Steeping.
-, …….. Stoughton, co. Bedf. See Staughton.
-, ……… Sutton, co. Wilts. See Sutton.
-, ……… Torrihgton, co. Devon. See Torrington, Little.
-, ……… Toryton, co. Devon. See Torrington, Little.
-, ……… Totham, co. Essex. See Totham.
-, ……… Wenden, co. Essex. See Wenden.
-, ……… Wolston, co. Bucks. See Woolstone.
-, ……… Wymondley. See Wymondley, Little.

Littleborough, Lytylbourgh, co. Notts., fail in, 382; land in, 382.

Littlebury, Lytilbury, Lyttelbury, Humphrey, esq., 721, 903, 1041.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of Humphrey, esq., land held of, in co. Linc., 1041.

Littlecot, co. Bucks. See Lidcote.

Littlecote, Litelcote, Alice, d. and h. of Simon, 479.
-, ………, Joan, mother of Simon, and sister and h. of Thos. Norris, gent., 479.
-, ………, Simon, 479.

Littlefield Green tenement, co. Berks. See Waltham, White.

Littleford, Lytelford, co. Devon, land in, 1110.

Littleham, Litelham, Lytelham [in Shebbear hundred], co. Devon, advowson of, 155; land in, 685; manor of, 155.

Littlehampton, Hamptenet, West, co. Sussex, manor of, 1060.

Littler, Litelore, Lytilore, Randal, 195, 1165.

Littleton, Litelton, Liteltowne, Litilton, Lytelton, Lyttylton, co. Somers., manor of, 870.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1152; manor of, 829.
-, ……… by Somerton, co. Somers., land in, 463.

Littleton, Joan, widow, d. and ch. of William Burley, 726.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Hugh, and d. and h. of Stephen Gerard, 546.
-, ………, Hugh, 546.
-, ………, Richard, gent., 249,
-, ………, Thomas, serjeant-at-law, 656.

Litton, Lytton, co. Dorset, land held of manor of, 332.

Livermere, Levermer, Little, co. Suff., land in 1007.

Liversedge, Leversege, co. York, land in, 353.

Liverton, Lyverton, co. York., land in, 108.

Llandovery, Thlanandovery, co. Carm., castle, &c., of, 601.

Llanvillinge, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.

Loche Bukyngton, co. Devon. See Loge Bickington.

Lockerley, Lokerley, co. Hants, land in, 185.

Locking, Lockyng, co. Somers., land in, 1150.

Lockington, Lokyngton, co. Somers., manor of, 335.
-, ……, co. York, land in, 1211.

Lockyng, co. Somers. See Locking.

Loddington, Lodyngton, co. N’hamp., manor of, 9.

Loddiswell, Lodiswell, Lodyswill, co. Devon, manor (1/2) of, 30; rent from, 536.

Loddon, Lodne, co. Norf., Bacones manor in, 93.

Loders, co. Dorset. See Pymore.

Lodiswell, co. Devon. See Loddiswell.

Lodne, co. Norf. See Loddon.

Lodyngton, co. N’hamp. See Loddington.

Lodyswill, co. Devon. See Loddiswell.

Lofford, co. Dorset. See Loveford.

Loftmans, Lostemannis, manor [in Canewdon], co. Essex, 64.

Loftsom, co. York, land in, 477.

Loge, Loche, Bickington (Bukyngton), co. Devon, land in, 908.

Logge, Robert, clk., 778, 800, 826, 828.

Lokerley, co. Hants. See Lockerley.

Loketon, co. Devon. See Lupton.

Lokton, Ellen, wife of Walter, 150.
-, ……, Thomas, esq., 543, 1075.
-, ………, Walter, 543; land held of, jure ux., in co. Camb., 150.

Lokyn, William, 169.

Lokyndale, co. Kent, manor of, 530.

Lokyngton, co. Somers. See Lockington.
-, ……, co. York. See Lockington.

Lolleworth, co. Camb. See Lolworth.

Lolworth, Lolleworth, Lolwurth, co. Camb., Langley, Henry of. See Langley; manor of, 1132.

Lolwurth, co. Camb. See Lolworth.

Lombard, Lumbard, Street, London, See London.

Lomley, John, &c. See Lumley.

Londekey, co. Devon. See Landkey.

Londesborough, Londsburgh, co. York, land held of manor of, 1062.

-, Aldersgate. See St. Anne’s.
-, Algate Street, tenement in, 566.
-, All Hallows, Barking, messuages in, 854.
-, Batty’s Lane, tenements in, 1236.
-, Bishop of, land held of, in co. Essex, 104, 391, 642, 759, 1144, 1165; in co. Middx., 159, 195.
-, Bishopsgate. See St. Helen’s.
-, Breadstreet ward. See St. Augustine’s.
-, Cripplegate Ward. See St. Laurence Jewry.
-, Dowgate Ward, land in, 1236.
-, Fenchurch Street (Fanchirche Strete), tenements in, 746.
-, Fissh Strete, Old, in parish of St. Nicholas Golden Abbey, tenement in, 1187.
-, Fleet Street, tenements in, 485.
-, Grey, Lord de, his house, 566.
-, Hey Wharf in Dowgate Ward, 1236.
-, Kemp, Thomas, bishop of. See Kemp, land in, 171.
-, Le Old Wol Key, 586, 891.
-, Lombard street, tenements in, 485.
-, Recorder of, Thomas Fitzwilliam, knt. See Fitzwilliam; Humphrey Starky. See Starky; Thomas Urswick. See Urswick.
-, St. Anne’s, Aldersgate, tenements in, 566.
-, St. Antholin, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Augustine’s beside Paul’s, Bread Street Ward, tenements in, 253.
-, St. Benet Sherehog, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Botolph’s, Billingsgate, tenements in, 586, 891.
-, St. Bride, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Dionis Backchurch, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Dunstan’s in the East, tenements in, 746.
-, St. Katharine’s by Tower. See St. Katharine’s.
-, St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate, Priory, lands held of, in co. Middx., 159.
-, St. Laurence Jewry in Cripplegate Ward, messuages in, 236.
-, St. Martin-le-Grand, College of, land held, of, in co. Bucks., 426; in London, 566; tenement owned by, 1187.
-, St. Martin Vintry, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Martin’s Lane, tenements in, 566.
-, St. Mary, Berkyng, Old Wol Key in, 586, 891.
-, St. Mary Fenchurch (Fanchirche), building site in, 485; tenements in Fanchirchestrete in, 746.
-, St. Mary Graces by Tower. See Graces.
-, St. Mary-le-Bow, tenement in, 774.
-, St. Mary Woolnoth, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Michael Cornhill, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Nicholas Cole Abbey. See Fissh Strete, Old.
-, St. Pancras, tenements in, 485.
-, St. Paul’s, Dean and Chapter of, land held of, in co. Essex, 100, 381, 985, 1135; in co. Middx., 60, 159; St. Augustine’s beside. See St. Augustine’s.
-, St. Stephen, Coleman Street, baptism at, 678.
-, St. Swithin’s, Candlewick Street, tenement in, 49.
-, St. Thomas Apostle, tenement in Vintry Ward in, 774.
-, Smithfield, West, messuages in, 891.
-, Thames Streət, tenements in, 586, 891.
-, Toure Strete, tenements in, 746.
-, Vintry Ward, tenement in. See St. Thomas Apostle.
-, Walbrook Ward, Gregory, William, of See Gregory; suit of court of, 1012; tenement in, 49.
-, Westchepe, tenements in, 485.
-, Whittington College, Underwood, James, Master of. See Underwood.
-, Woolnoth, St. Mary, tenements in. 485.

London, Margery, wife of William, d. and ch. of Robert Liston, 700, 701, 913.
-, ………, Ralph, s. and h. of William, 913.

London, William, Norf., 913.

London, William, mayor of Norwich, 700, 701.

Londsburgh, co. York. See Londesborough.

Long Assheton, co. Somers. See Ashton, Long.
-, ……… Barnes, co. Essex. See Roding, Beauchamp.
-, ……… Itchington, co. Warw. See Itchington, Long.
-, ……… Ludford, co. Linc. See Ludford.
-, ……… Stanton, co. Camb. See Stanton, Long.
-, ……… Whatton, co. Leic. See Whatton, Long.

Long, Henry, 38, 39.
-, ………, Henry, esq., 83, 404, 727, 732, 829, 1152, 1197, 1198, 1216.

Long, Henry, esq., Glouc., 630; Wilts., 657.

Long, Joan, second wife of Henry, esq., 657.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Henry, esq., d. and h. of Richard Malwyn, 657.
-, ………, John, brother of Henry, esq., 630, 657.
-, ………, John, clk., 1160.
-, ………, Thomas, land held of, in co. Hants, 1121.
-, ………, Thomas, nephew and heir of Henry, esq., 630, 657.
-, ………, William, 1023.

Longbridge beside Warwick, co. Warw., 375.

Longburgh, Langbergh, co. Cumb. land in, 157.

Longcombe, Laucombe, in Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, land in, 1167.

Longevyle, Overton, co. Bedf. See Overton Longville, co. Hunt.

Longewyke, co. Bucks. See Wick, Long.

Longford, Langford, co. Derby. See Alkmanton.
-, ……… Cervington, co. Wilts, manor of, 43.

Longham, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Longhirst, Langhirst, co. N’th’l’d., messuage in, 348.

Longley, co. Salop, manor of, 726.

Longley, John, esq. See Langley.

Longmede meadow, co. Kent, 1055.

Longridge, Langrig, William, 157.

Longslow, Lonkeslowe, co. Salop, land in, 294.

Longslow, Isabel, d. of Hugh. See Hill, Eleanor.
-, ………. Hugh. See Hill, Eleanor.

Longstone, Languesdon, co. Derby, land in, 158.

Longthwaite, Langthwate, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Longueville, Longvile, Longvyle, John, knt., land held of, in co. N’hamp., 296.

Longueville, Margaret, late the wife of Richard Harrowdon, N’hamp., 299.

Longvile, John, knt., &c. See Longueville.

Longvile, Overton, co. Hunt. See Overton Longville.

Longvillers, Languillers, Elizabeth. See Stanhope, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, s. of Thomas, 962.
-, ………, Thomas, 962.

Longvyle, Margaret, &c. See Longueville.

Lonkeslowe, co. Salop. See Longslow.

Lonsdale, Lonysdale, co. Westmd., Middleton, Thomas of. See Middleton.

Lonysdale, co. Westmd. See Lonsdale.

Lopham, co. Norf., land ln, 266.

Lorchun, Joan, daughter of Richard Hemyngton, 191.

Lorchun, John, Camb., 191.

Lord, James, chaplain, 237.
-, ………, John, of Irthlingborough, 297.

Lortport, co. Heref. See Larport.

Loryng, Ingleby, co. York. See Ingleby.

Loscombe [in Netherbury], co. Dorset, manor of, 15.

Loseley, John, 55.

Lostemannis, co. Essex. See Loftmans.

Loterell, Hugh, &c. See Lutterel.

Loterigge, co. Cornw., land in, 660.

Loudwater, Lowdewater [in Chipping Wycombe], co. Bucks., land in, 107.

Loughrigg, Lowthryg, co. Westmd., manor (1/2) of, 314.

Loughton, co. Bucks., land in, 843.

Loughtor, co. Devon, manor of, 461.

Lound, co. Suff., manor of, 975.

Louth, Lowthe, Alice. See Wigge, Alice.
-, ………, Christine. See Parowe, Christine.

Louth, Edith, wife of Robert the elder, 175.
-, ………, Giles. See Grime, Giles.
-, ………, Joan. See Cokayne, Joan.

Louth, Robert, Herts, 175.

Louth, Robert, land held of, in co. Herts., 171.
-, ………, Robert, the elder, 175.

Louthiane, Robert, 157.

Louthorp, co. York. See Lowthorpe.

Louthre, Richard, &c. See Lowther.

Lowthryg, co. Westmd. See Loughrigg.

Loutt, William, 909.

Loveday, John, gent., 1144.

Loveford, Lofford [in Puddletown], co. Dorset, manor of, 145.

Lovel, Lovell, Agatha. See Wayte, Agatha.
-, ………, Alice. See Parker, Alice.
-, ………, Eleanor, wife of William, knt., Lord Morley, 507.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Chamberlain, Elizabeth.

Lovel, Elizabeth, wife of Henry, Lord Morley, and d. to John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, Norf., 469.

Lovel, Elizabeth, wife of Henry, Lord Morley, d. to John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, 504; land held of, in co. Norf., 913.
-, ………, Francis, Viscount Lovel, 499, 803; land held of, in co. Oxford, 170.
-, ………, Gregory, knt., land held of, in co. Norf., 1162.

Henry, bro. of William, knt., Lord Morley, 504, 506.

Lovel, Henry, Lord Morley, Bucks., 491, 504; Essex, 509; Herts, 508; Kent, 501; Oxford, 506; Norfolk, 507; Salop, 500; Staff., 499; Surrey, 502; Warw., 503; Wilts., 505.

Lovel, Henry, Lord Morley, 469; land held of, in co. Hunt., 626; in co. Norf., 266, 677.
-, ………, Joan. See Rotherham, Joan.
-, ………, John, 543, 1061.
-, ………, John, father of Francis, Viscount Lovel, 504.
-, ………, Richard, of Boveney in Burnham, co. Bucks., 887.
-, ………, Richard, of Gamlingay, co. Camb., 898.
-, ………, Thomas, 98.
-, ………, Thos., knt., 444, 977, 1175; land held of, in co. Norf., 1159.
-, ………, William, knt., Lord Lovel, Burnell, and Holland, 137, 504.
-, ………, William, knt., Lord Morley, 491, 504, 506, 507.

Lovel, Updon, co. Wilts. See Upton Lovell.

Lovelane, co. Devon, manor of, 760.

Lovell, Lord, &c. See Lovel.

Lovell, Stoklond, co. Somers, See Stockland.

Loverders manor, co. Norf. See Heydon.

Loveryng, Richard, land held of, in co. Devon, 674.

Lovet, Anne, wife of Thomas, esq., and sister and h. of Richard Drayton, esq., 750, 1208.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Thomas, esq., late wife of John Hawe, J.C.P., 753.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 655, 1208.

Lovet, Thomas, esq., Glouc., 750; Hunt., 749; N’hamp., 753; Oxford, 751.

Lovet, Thomas, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 749, 750, 753.

Lovet, Thomas, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., N’hamp., 1208.

Lovetop, John, vicar of Steeple Bumpstead, co. Essex, 550.

Lovetot, fee of, land held of, in co. Camb., 736.

Lovetotys manor, co. Suff. See Bramford.

Lovyntor in Peynton (Paignton), co. Devon, land in, 755.

Lowdewater, co. Bucks. See Loudwater.

Lower Brokhampton, co. Heref. See Brockhampton.
-, ……… Bullinghope, co. Heref. See Bulling hope.
-, ……… Eatington, co. Warw. See Eatington, Lower.
-, ……… Filkins, co. Oxford. See Filkins, Lower.
-, …….. Stirthill, co. Dorset. See Stirthill, Lower.
-, ……… Toynton, co. Linc. See Toynton.

Lowthe, Edith, &c. See Louth.

Lowther, Louthre, Richard, land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.

Lowthorpe, Louthorp, co. York, messuages in, 600, 947; St. Martin’s College, land held of, in co. York. 600.

Lowts, co. Essex, land in, 291.

Loxton, co. N’hamp. See Laxton.

Lubbenham, co. Leic. See Lubenham.

Lubenham, Lubbenham, co. Leic., manor of, 1182.

Lucas, John, 220, 409.

Lucas Tenement, co. Essex. See Shalford.

Lucham, co. Norf. See Litcham.

Lucker, Lukree, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.

Luckton, co. Devon. See Lupton.

Lucy, Alice, late wife of William, knt., Leic., 1138.

Lucy, Alice, late the wife of William, knt., 843.
-, ………, Edmund, the younger, s. and h. of William, knt., 835, 839, 1138.
-, ………, Eleanor, 835, 838.
-, ………, Margaret, d. of John Brecknock, 418.
-, ………, William, esq., 249, 835, 838.
-, ………, William, knt., 1138.

Lucy, William, knt., Bedf., 842; Bucks., 843; Glouc., 838; Leic, 836; Salop, 840; Warw., 835; Wilts., 839; Worc., 837.

Lucys manor, co. Leic. See Claybrooke.

Ludborough, Ludburgh, co. Linc., manor of, 648.

Ludbrok, South, co. Cornw., land in, 546.

Ludburgh, co. Linc. See Ludborough.

Luddham, co. Norf. See Ludham.

Luddismore, co. Glouc., meadow called, 128.

Ludecote, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Ludford, Long, co. Linc., land held of manor of, 1037.

Ludham, Luddham, co. Norf., manor of, 976.

Ludlow, co. Salop, College of, land held of, in co. Salop, 726; messuages in, 726, 997.

Ludlow, Christine, wife of John, gent. See Chamber, Christine.
-, ………, Joan, 531, 1004.

Ludlow, John, Hants, 368; Wilts., 369.

Ludlow, John, Surrey, 275; Sussex, 274.

Ludlow, John, gent., Hants, 531.

Ludlow, John, s. and h. of John, 274.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of John, 367.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of John, gent., 531.

Ludshut, co. Hants, manor of, 827.

Ludwill, co. Somers., land in, 1150.

Ludyngton, co. Wilts. See Liddington.

Ludys, co. Camb. See Harlton.

Luffeton, cc. Dorset, land in, 11.

Luffincott, Luffyncote, Thomas, 465.

Luffyngcote, Thomas. See Luffincott.

Lukenore, John. See Lewknore.

Lukree, co. N’th’l’d. See Lucker.

Lullingfield, Lullyngfeld, co. Salop, land in 1243.

Lullingstone, Lullyngstone, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 793.
-, ……… Rose, co. Kent, manor of, 482.

Lullington, Lullyngton, co. Derby, manor of, 455.

Lullworth, Lulworth, East, co. Dorset, manor of, 39.

Lullyngfeld, co. Salop. See Lullingfield.

Lullyngstone, co. Kent. See Lullingstone.

Lullyngton, co. Derby. See Lullington.

Lulworth, Est, co. Dorset. See Lullworth, East.

Lumbard Strete, London. See Lombard.

Lumley, Lomley, Elizabeth. See Briston, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 372.
-, ………, Marmaduke, 98.

Lupton alias Luckton, Loketon, co. Devon, manor of, 498.

Luskin, George, of London, taylor, 566.

Lutchurch, co. Derby. See Litchurch.

Luton, co. Bedf., land held of manor of, 356; Hoo manor in, 205; Hooberne manor in, 356; manor of, 668.

Lutterel, Lutterell, Loterell, Elizabeth, Lady, land held of, in co. Somers., 651.
-, ………, Hugh, land held of, in co. Dorset, 15, 1114.
-, ………, Hugh, knt., land held of, in co. Somers., 302, 535, 603, 692, 764, 938.

Lutton, East, co. York, land in, 233.
-, ………, West, co. York, land in, 233.

Lutton, Roger, land held of, in co. York, 220.

Luveger, John. See Ligger.

Luyger, John. See Ligger.

Luyston, co. Devon, land in, 443.

Lyard, Walter. See Hart.

Lychebarowe, co. N’hamp. See Litch borough.

Lychefeld, Edmund. See Lichfield.

Lycheford, Henry, land held of, in co. Sussex, 322, 437.

Lyddeford, co. Somers., land in, 463.

Lydeard, Litheyerd, St. Lawrence (Laurens), co. Somers., manor of, 768.

Lydelynche, co. Dorset. See Lydlinch.

Lydlinch, Lydelynche, co. Dorset, land in, 608; manor of, 42.

Lydney, Lidney, co. Glouc., land in, 116.

Lydyard, John, esq., 1031.

Lye, co. Devon. See Leigh.
-, ……, co. Dorset. See Leigh.
-, ……, co. Heref., Nekyllys manor in, 825; Thorn manor in, 825.
-, ……… by Astalle, co. Oxford. See Asthalleigh.
-, ……… Court, La, co. Heref., manor of, 825.

Lye, Thomas, &c. See Lea.

Lyes, Dalbury, co. Derby. See Dalbury Lees.

Lyffyn, Margaret. See Alley, Margaret.

Lyford, co. Berks., land held of manor of, 708; land in, 708.

Lyfton, co. Devon. See Lifton.

Lygger, Peter. See Ligger.

Lygh, co. Somers. See Leigh.

Lyghton, co. N’th’l’d. See Leighton.

Lygon, Ligon, Thomas, esq., 888.
-, ………, Thomas, gent, 292.

Lykstath, co. Camb. See Fluskew.

Lylburne, co. N’hamp. See Lilbourne.

Lyle, John, esq., 512.

Lyle, Kyngeston, co. Berks. See Kingston Lisle.
-, ………, Stoke, co. Oxford. See Stoke Lyne.

Lyle, The Lord. See Grey, Edward, Viscount Lisle.

Lyllesdon, co. Somers. See Lillisdon.

Lyllyngton, co. Dorset. See Lillington.
-, ……, co. Warw. See Lillington.

Lyllysdon, co. Somers. See Lillisdon.

Lylsille, co. Salop. See Lilleshall.

Lymbergh, co. Linc., land in, 366.

Lymbery, Thomas. See Limbury.

Lymberys, co. Camb., manor of, 994.

Lymbury, Thomas. See Limbury.

Lyme Regis, co. Dorset, Wathe in. See Wathe.

Lymmynge, co. Kent. See Liminge.

Lymmysfeld, co. Surrey. See Limpsfield.

Lympeney, co. Kent. See Lympne.

Lympeny, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 907.

Lymplesham, co. Somers, manor of, 764.

Lympne, Lympeney, co. Kent, land in, 856.

Lynacre, John, &c. See Linacre.

Lynacur, John, &c. See Linacre.

Lynche, John. See Linch.

Lynde, Betton under, co. Salop See Betton.

Lynde, Thomas, &c. See Lind.

Lyndesey, co. Linc. See Lindsey.

Lyndesey, William. See Lindsay.

Lyndhurst, co. Hants. See Lindhurst.

Lyndryk, Carleton in, co. Notts. See Carlton.

Lyndwode, co. Linc. See Linwood.

Lyne, co. Devon, manor of, 379, 674.
-, ………, East, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 674.
-, ………, Stoke, co. Oxford. See Stoke.

Lynford, co. Bucks. See Linford.

Lyng, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1008.

Lyng, Joan, of Whissonsett, co. Norf., widow, 1143.

Lyngefeld, co. Surrey. See Lingfield.

Lyngham, William, of Weston, 1223.

Lynley, co. Salop. See Linley.

Lynn, Lenn, co. Norf., Thursby, Thomas of, gent. See Thursby.
-, ………, Bishop’s, co. Norf., land in, 1181.
-, ………, Old, co. Norf., St. Edmund’s manor in, 976.
-, ………, South, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Lynryke, Carleton in, co. York. See Carlton in Lindrick.

Lynsay, John. See Lindsay.

Lynsted, co. Suff. See Linstead.

Lynwode, William, Bishop of St. David’s.

See Linwood.

Lyrar, John, heir of Richard, 618.

Lyrar, Richard, Bucks., 618.

Lyrtyngton, co. York. See Lartington.

Lys, co. Hants. See Liss.

Lysle, Edward, Viscount, &c. See Lisle.
-, ………, Nicholas. See Lisle.

Lyston, co. Essex. See Liston.

Lyston, John, &c. See Liston.

Lysturmy, co. Hants. See Liss Turney.

Lyte, John, 463.

Lytelcote, co, Bucks. See Littlecot.

Lytelford, co. Devon. See Littleford.

Lytelham, co. Devon. See Littleham.

Lytelton, co. Somers. See Littleton.

Lytelton, Richard, &c. See Littleton.

Lytelworth, co. Sussex. See Lytylworth.

Lytilbury, Humphrey. See Littlebury.

Lytilore, Randal. See Littler.

Lytlyngton, co. Camb. See Litlington.

Lyttelbury, Humphrey. See Littlebury.

Lytton, co. Dorset. See Litton.

Lytton, Christopher, clk., 682.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Robert, esq., sometime wife of Thomas Windsor, esq., 16, 28, 497.
-, ………, Robert, esq., land held of, jure ux., in co. Hants, 964; in co. Surrey, 497.

Lyttylton, Joan, &c. See Littleton.

Lytylbourgh, co. Notts. See Littleborough.

Lytylworth, Lytelworth, co. Sussex, park of, 322, 437.

Lyveden, Leveden, co. N’hamp., land in, 1179.

Lyvelod, Robert, 409.

Lyversdale, Robert de. See Leversdale.

Lyverton, co. York. See Liverton.

Lyxton, co. Devon. See Aveton Giffard.