General Index: M

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: M', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: M', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: M". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Mablethorpe, Malberthorp, co. Linc., advowson of, 639; manor (1/2) of, 639.

Macchyng, co. Essex. See Matching.

Machons Mill, co. Essex. See Witham.

Machyng, co. Essex. See Matching.

Mackworth, Makworth, co. Derby, land in, 613.

Mackworth, George, grandson and h. of Henry, esq., 300.

Mackworth, Henry, esq., Rutl., 300.

Mackworth, John, s. and h. of Henry, esq., 300.

Maddington, Winterborne Madyngton, co. Wilts., land in, 151, 282; manor of, 151, 282, 1122.

Maddyngley, co. Cumb. See Madingley.

Maderdale, co. Cumb. See Matterdale.

Madingley, Maddyngley, Madyngley, co. Camb., land in, 342, 862.

Madyngley, co. Camb. See Madingley.

Madyngton, Winterborne, co. Wilts. See Maddington.

Madys, Thomas, clk., 1229.

Magattisfild, co. Glouc. See Mangotsfield.

Magdalen College. See Oxford.
-, ……… Lauver, co. Essex. See Laver, Magdalen.
-, ……… Laver, co. Essex. See Laver, Magdalen.

Magelyn, John, land held of heirs of, in co. Linc., 1041.

Magestone [in Gillingham], co. Dorset, manor of, 42.

Magna, Kyngton, co. Dorset. See Kington, Great.

Maiden, Mayden, Bradley (Bradelegh, Bradeley, Bradlegh), co. Wilts., Lambardes manor in, 942; land held of manor of, 942; manor of, 351; priory of, land held of, in co. Wilts., 351, 811, 942.
-, ……… Newton, co. Dorset. See Crookston; land in, 145.

Maideston, co. Kent. See Maidstone.

Maidstone, Maideston, co. Kent. See Shofford; All Saints’ College, land held of, in co. Kent, 380; Lee, John, clk., Master of All Saints College. See Lea; mill in, 1235; Parlabene in, 1055.

Mainstone, Maynston, co. Heref., land In, 7, 472, 684.

Maintre, co. Essex. See Manningtree. Maior, William, land held of, in co. Devon, 685.

Makeney, Henry, 712.

Makkesmyll, co. Somers., land in, 764.

Makworth, co. Derby. See Mackworth.

Makworth, Henry, &c. See Mackworth.

Malary, William, &c. See Mallery.

Malary, Kyrkeby, co. Leic. See Kirkby Mallory.

Malasarde, Kyrkeby, co. York. See Kirkby Malzeard.

Malberthorp, co. Linc. See Mablethorpe.

Malden, Thomas. See Maldon.

Maldon, Malden, co. Essex, Gelihowse in, 64; manor of, 64.

Maldon, Agnes. See Allen, Agnes.
-, ………, Agnes, wife of Henry, and d. of Branche, 532.

Maldon, Henry, Essex, 532.

Maldon, Thomas, of Sudbury, co. Suff., mercer, 1144.

Maleerbe, William. See Malherbe.

Maleherbe, Bocton, co. Kent. See Boughton Malherbe.

Maleherbes manor, co. Norf. See Newton Flotman.

Malet, Shepton, co. Somers. See Shepton Mallet.

Malette, Curi, co. Somers. See Curry-Mallett.

Malettes manor, co. Camb. See Hinton.

Malherbe, Maleerbe, Maleherbe, William, esq., Cornw., 943; Devon, 944.

Malherbe, Boughton, co. Kent, See Boughton.

Mallery, Malary, Anthony, bro. and h. of Robert, 687, 736.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Brandon, Elizabeth.

Mallery, Robert, Camb., 736; Hunt., 687.

Mallery, William, esq., 883, 884.

Mallesley-feld, co. N’hamp., held of Faxton manor, 9.

Mallet, Shepton, co. Somers. See Shepton Mallet.

Mallett, Curry, co. Somers. See Curry Mallett.

Malley, Lord de. See Mauley.

Mailing, Mallynge, co. Sussex, land held of manor of, 522.
-, ………, South (Suth), co. Sussex, dean and chapter of, land held of, in co. Sussex, 1160.

Mallynge, co. Sussex. See Mailing.

Malmesbury, co. Wilts., abbey of, land held of, in co. Wilts., 281, 479, 521, 752, 864, 970, 1163; Charleton by. See Charlton; John, abbot of, 926; Rodbourne in. See Rodbourne.

Malpas, David, 1209.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Cook, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Philip, citizen and draper of London, 94.

Malsanger, co. Hants, manor of, 964.

Malster, John, brother of William, 862.

Malster, John, nephew and heir of William, 862.

Malster, William, Camb., 862.

Maltby, co. York, knight’s fee in, 612.

Malton, co. Camb., land in, 1050.
-, ……, co. York, castle (1/3) of, 223, 663; Norton near. See Norton; priory of, land held of, in co. York, 264, 1005.
-, ………, New, co. York, land in, 264, 556, 1005; profits (1/3) of borough courts, &c., 223, 663.

Maltravers, Mawtravers, Thomas Arundel, knt., Lord. See Fitzalan.

Malvern, Little, co. Worc., priory of, land held of, in co. Heref., 7, 472, 684.

Malveseres in Swannington, co. Norf., manor of, 384.

Malwyn, Agnes, sister of Richard, 657.
-, ………, Joan. See Long, Joan.
-, ………, Richard, 657.

Malyverer, Halnath, &c. See Mauleverer.

Malyvery, William. See Mauleverer.

Malzeard, Kirkby, co. York. See Kirkby.

Man Ash (Asshe), co. Devon, land in, 303.

Man, Thomas, clk., 909.

Mandele, John, clk., 1144.

Mandeville, Maundevyle, Maundvyle, honor of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. Essex, 61; in co. Herts, 219, 239, 512, 682.
-, ………, Sutton, co. Wilts. See Sutton.

Manfeld, co. York. See Manfield.

Manfeld, Robert. See Manfield.

Manfield, Manfeld, co. York, manor of, 258.

Manfield, Robert, lands held by, in co. Bucks., 16.

Mangotsfield, Magattisfild, co. Glouc., messuages in, 766.

Mangrene, co. Norf., manor of, 1229.

Manneworthy, co. Devon, See Manworthy.

Manning, Mannyng, Christine. See Spelman, Christine.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 1159.

Manningham, Manyngham, Oliver, knt., 528; land held of, jure ux., in co. Bucks., 564.
-, ………, Roger, knt., land held of, in co. Oxford, 592.

Mannington, Mannyngton, co. Norf., death at, 1009.

Manningtree, Maintre, Manytre, co. Essex, Badons in, 100; land in, 631.

Mannock, Mannok, Joan. See Radcliff, Joan.
-, ………, John, 265.
-, ………, John, esq., land held of, in co. Essex, 94.

Mannok, John, &c. See Mannock.

Mannyng, Christine, &c. See Manning.

Mannyngton, co. Norf. See Mannington.

Mansers manor, co. Suff. See Hadleigh.

Manston, co. Devon. See Sidbury.

Manton College, Villiers, William, master of. See Villiers.

Mantonsbrech, co. Wilts. See Colynsdowne.

Manworthy, Manneworthy, co. Devon, land in, 303.

Manyngham, Oliver. See Manningham.

Manytre, co. Essex. See Manningtree.

Mapartysshall, co. Bedf. See Meppershall.

Maperton, co. Somers., land in, 22, 337, 991.

Maplebeck, Mapulbek, co. Notts., land held of manor of, 1210.

Mapledurham, Mapulderham, co. Berks., land in, 1031.
-, ……… Gurnay, co. Oxford, manor of, 172.

Maplestead, Maplested, Great, co. Essex, Dignes manor in, 453; Hesednei, or Hednes, manor in, 453.

Maplested, Great, co. Essex. See Maplestead.

Mappleton, Mapulton, co. York, manor of, 258.

Mapplewell, Mapulwell, co. York, land in, 256.

Mapulbek, co. Notts. See Maplebeck.

Mapulderham, co. Oxford. See Mapledurham.

Mapulton, co. York. See Mappleton.

Mapulwell, co. York. See Mapplewell.

March, Earldom of, land held of, in co. Berks., 141; in co. Heref., 438, 451, 772, 825; in co. Salop, 604, 828, 997; in co. Worc., 370; Gloucester, honor of, parcel of, land held of, in co. Camb., 73.

March, Thomas, 389.

Marchall, Margery. See Marshall.

Marchewood, co. Hants. See Marchwood.

Marchwood, Marchewood, co. Hants, manor of, 1057.

Marchyll, John, &c. See Marshall.

Marcle, Much, co. Heref., Audleys manor in, 113; land in, 772; Walwyn, Richard of. See Walwyn.

Mardays, co. Norf. See Brundall.

Marden, Merden, co. Heref. See Sutton Freene.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Read; land held of lordship of, 380; land held of manor of, 1235.
-, ……, West, co. Sussex, manor of, 322, 437.

Maresfield, Marsfeld, co. Sussex, King’s demesne of, land held of, 431.

Marewe, Thomas. See Marow.

Margaret, The Lady, the King’s mother. See Beaufort.

Margaret, Yeng, co. Essex. See Margaretting.

Margaretting, Marget Guynge, Yeng Margaret, co. Essex, Frestling (Thrustelyng) Hall manor, in, 563; manor of, 779.

Margate, co. Kent, land in, 362.

Marget Guynge, co. Essex. See Margaretting.

Marham, Marram, co. Norf., Old Halle manor in, 540, 594.

Maries, Stowe, co. Essex. See Stowe Maries.

Marion, John, &c. See Maryon.

Mariot, Maryot, Joan. See Catesby, Joan.
-, ………, Richard, land held by, in co. Bucks., 16.

Mariot, Richard, Bedf., 723; Bucks., 724.

Maris, Hugh, 652.

Markeaton, Marketon, co. Derby, manor of, 613.

Markeham, Thomas, &c. See Markham.

Markes, James, 961.

Markeshale, co. Essex. See Markshall.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Markshall.

Marketon, co. Derby. See Markeaton.

Markham, Markeham, West, co. Notts., land in, 962.

Markham, John, esq., land held of, in co. Notts., 1210.
-, ………, John, knt., C.J.K.B., 725.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Robert, knt., 1174.
-, ………, Robert, knt., 3, 962; land held of, in co. Linc., 1037.

Markham, Robert, knt., Linc., 1174.

Markham, Robert, s. of Robert, knt., 1174.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 475, 477, 542, 544, 547.

Markham, Thomas, of Sedgebrook, Linc., 326.

Markland, John, 1145.

Markshall, Markeshale, co. Essex, land in, 1144.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 1229.

Markys, co. Essex. See Merks.

Marland, Merlonde, co. Devon, parish of. See Petersmarland.

Marlborough, Marleborough, Marleburgh, co. Wilts., castle of, land held of, in co. Wilts., 770; Hewyshe by. See Hewish; St. Margaret’s priory, land held of, in co. Wilts, 1152.

Marleborough, co. Wilts. See Marlborough.

Marleburgh, co. Wilts. See Marlborough.

Marlesford, co. Suff., land in, 439.

Marley, William, 1145.

Marlow, Merlowe, Great, co. Bucks., land in, 844.
-, ………, Little, co. Bucks., Marlow manor in, 844.

Marmyn, Mermyn, John, of Marlborough, co. Wilts., Berks., 926; Wilts., 952.

Marmyn, Nicholas, s. and h. of John, 926.

Marmyon, Peter, 465, 467.
-, ………, Richard Fitzhugh, knt., styled Lord, 347, 348.

Marmyon, Stoke, co. Oxford. See Stoke.

Marney, Henry, knt., 1144.

Marnhill, co. Dorset. See Marnhull.

Marnhull, Marnhill, Marnhyll, co. Dorset. See Kentisworth; land held of manor of, 514.

Marnhyll, co. Dorset. See Marnhull.

Maroms, co. Essex. See Moverons.

Marow, Marewe, Thomas, gent., 365.

Marram, co. Norf. See Marham.

Marres, William, 1119.

Marsfeld, co. Sussex. See Maresfield.

Marsh, Merrshe, Mersh, co. Devon, manor of, 379, 674.
-, ………, Barow in le, co. Linc. See Burgh.
-, ………, Bawdyn, co Devon. See Bawdyn.
-, ………, Burgh in the, co. Linc. See Burgh.
-, ………, Lambeth, co. Surrey. See Lambeth.

Marshall, the Earl. See Berkeley, William; land held of, in co. Hants, 653; in co. Wilts., 1197.

Marshall, Marchall, Marchyll, John, cit. and mercer of London, 391.
-, ………, John, clk., 60.
-, ………, John, his wife, heiress to Henry Langly, 291.

Marshall, Margery, widow, Norf., 940; Suff., 939.

Marshall, Richard, gent., 10, 157.
-, ………, William, rector of Kirkoswald, co. Cumb., 10, 157.

Marshe Mowne, co. Heref., manor of, 866.

Marshwood, Mershewode, co. Dorset, land held of manor of, 332, 1114.

Marske, Merske, co. York. See Applegarth and Clints; land in, 257; manor of, 612.

Marston, Mershton, Merston, co. Staff., land in, 874.
-, ……… Bigott, co. Somers., manor of, 18.
-, ……… Bygod, co. Somers. See Marston-Bigott.
-, ……… Butlers (Botiller), co. Warw., land in, 748.
-, ……… [in Wolston], co. Warw., manor of, 136; Metley, Nicholas, of. See Metley.
-, ………, Little, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 537; manor of, 18, 334.
-, ……… Moretaine, co. Bedf. See Wroxill.
-, ……… Parva, co. Somers. See Marston, Little.

Martel Hall, or Martels, manor, co. Essex. See Ardleigh.

Marten, William. See Martin.

Martha’s Hill, St., co. Surrey. See St. Martha’s Hill.

Marthrawall, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.

Martilsham, co. Suff. See Martlesham.

Martin, Mertyn, co. Wilts., land in, 657.

Martin, Marten, Martyn, Christopher, 145, 1114, 1207.
-, ………, Edmund, 530, 1169.
-, ………, Iseult, wife of William, 118.
-, ………, John, 846.
-, ………, John, esq., 1169.
-, ………, John, of Poldres, co. Kent, 735.
-, ………, Richard, 169.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 996.
-, ………, Thomas, cousin and heir of Henry, Grey, knt., 1228.

Martin, Thomas, esq., Dorset, 118; Somers., 119.

Martin, Thomasine, widow, sister of Philip Baynard, Hants, 653.

Martin, Thomas, land held of, in co. Dorset, 11.
-, ………, William, esq., 604, 613, 1114, 1207; land held of, in co. Dorset, 145.
-, ………, William, son and heir of Thomas, esq., 118.

Martirhill, co. Surrey. See St. Martha’s Hill.

Martlesham, Martilsham, co. Suff., manor of, 318.

Marton, Merton, co. York, knight’s fee in, 250; land in, 670.

Marton, Thomas, 993.

Martyn, Thomas. See Martin.

Martyn, Combe, co. Devon. See Combe Martin.
-, ………, Wynterbourne, co. Dorset. See Winterborne St. Martin.

Martyndale, Roger de, land held by heirs of in co. Cumb., 157.

Martyndale, William, knt., land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.

Marwode, Myddel, co. Devon. See Marwood.

Marwood, Marwode, Merwode, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 674; land in, 674.
-, ………, Middle, co. Devon, land in, 674.

Marwood, William, 1220, 1231.

Marwynchurch, co. Cornw. See Morwinchurch.

Maryon, Marion, John of Roding Aythorpe, co. Essex, 152.

Maryot, Richard. See Mariot.

Mascalesbury, co. Essex. See Maskelsbury.

Mascals, co. Kent, land in, 820.

Masdale, Mosedale, co. Cumb., land in, 157; tenement called Bowscale in, 157.

Masefeld, co. Sussex. See Mayfield.

Masham, Lord le Scrope of. See Scrope.

Maskallesbury, co. Essex. See Maskelsbury.

Maskelsbury, Mascalesbury, Maskallesbury, manor, co. Essex. See Roding, White.

Mason, William, 560.

Massey, Stondon, co. Essex. See Stondon.

Massingham, Massyngham, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 53.
-, ………, Little, co. Norf., Elingham manor in, 53; land held of manor of, 1143; land in, 1143; Walcotys manor in, 53.

Massingham, John, of Norwich, grocer, 1143.

Massy, Henry, 265.

Massyngham, co. Norf. See Massingham.

Massyngham, John. See Massingham.

Masworth, co. Bucks., land in, 576.

Matching, Macchyng, Machyng, co. Essex, land in, 152, 895; manor of, 291.
-, ……… Barns (Bernes), co. Essex, land held of manor of, 409.

Matesale, co. Norf. See Mattishall.

Mateshale, co. Norf. See Mattishall.

Mathew, Alice, &c. See Matthew.

Mathue, John. See Matthew.

Matok, Nicholas. See Mattok.

Matterdale, Maderdale, co. Cumb., fell called, 245; land at Dowthwait in, 245.

Matthew, Mathew, Mathue, Alice, wife of David, and d. and h. of Robert Veell, 323.
-, ………, David, 323.
-, ………, John, 554.
-, ………, John, clk., 818.
-, ………, John, vicar of Spondon, co. Derby, 423.
-, ………, Robert, 689.

Mattishall, Matesale, Mateshale, Matyshale, co. Norf., land in, 469, 913; manor of, 507.
-, ……… Borough (Berugh), co. Norf., land in, 913.

Mattok, Matok, Nicholas, 554, 1035.

Mattok, Nicholas, cit. and fishmonger of London, 1055.

Matyshale, co. Norf. See Mattishall.

Maude, Thomas, 1249.
-, ………, William, s. of Thomas, 1249.

Maudeley, Richard, 192.

Mauduit, Walton, co. Warw. See Walton.

Mauleverer, Malyverer, Malyvery, Maulleverer, Maulyverer, Edmund, 612.
-, ………, Halnath, esq., land held of, jure ux., in co. Cornw., 761; in co. Devon, 674, 755; in co. Dorset, 1201.
-, ……… Joan, wife of Halnath, esq., [and d. and h. of —— Carminows], 761, 1201.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 489.
-, ………, William, 362, 447, 448.

Mauley, Malley, Lord de, land held of heirs of, in co. York, 256, 600.

Maulleverer, Edmund. See Mauleverer.

Maulyverer, Thomas. See Mauleverer.

Maunby, co. York, land in, 670.

Maundevyle, honor of. See Mandeville.

Maundit, Walton, co. Warw. See Walton Mauduit.

Maundvyle, Sutton, co. Wilts. See Sutton Mandeville.

Maunse, John, land held of, in co. Oxford, 579.

Maunsell, John, 754.

Mauntel, Mauntell, manor, co. Bucks. See Missenden, Little.

Mauntel, Amicia, wife of Walter, knt., 372.
-, ………, Edward, 372.
-, ………, Henry, s. and h. of Walter, knt., 372.
-, ………, John, grandson and h. of Walter, knt., 372.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of Thomas, 372.
-, ………, Thomas, 372.
-, ………, Walter, knt., 79, 803, 910, 932, 1200.

Mauntel, Walter, knt., N’hamp., 372.

Mauntell, co. Bucks. See Mauntel.

Mawney, co. Essex, manor of, 832.

Mawtravers, Lord. See Maltravers.

Maxstoke, co. Warw., priory of, land held of, in co. Warw., 545.

May, Meye, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, esq., and d. and ch. of Alice Falke, 130.
-, ………, James, 451.
-, ………, Sybil. See Caple, Sybil.
-, ………, Thomas, 554.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 130, 451.

Mayden Bradelegh, co. Wilts. See Maiden Bradley.
-, ……… Hall, manor of, co. Suff., 52.
-, ……… Neuton, co. Dorset. See Newton, Maiden.

Maydenford, co. Devon, land in, 760.

Mayfield, Masefeld, co. Sussex, land in Newmannysland in, 202.

Mayhewe, Henry, 627.
-, ………, Joan, 627.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of Thomas, 627.
-, ………, Thomas, 95.

Mayhewe, Thomas, Canterbury, 627.

Mayland, Maylond, co. Essex, land in, 1034.

Maylond, co. Essex. See Mayland.

Maynard, William, 41.

Mayneston, co. Devon, land in, 78.

Maynston, co. Heref. See Mainstone.

Maynston, Rorger. See Colyngton, Margaret.

Maysy, Penyton, co. Hants. See Penton Mewsey.

Meade, Mede, Joan, wife of John, cousin and co-heir of John Worston, 974.
-, ………, John, 974.

Meaux, co. York. See Mewx.

Mechell Dene, co. Glouc. See Mitcheldean.

Meching, co. Sussex. See Meeching.

Medbourne, Medburn, co. Leic, manor (1/3) of, 457.

Medburn, co. Leic. See Medbourne.

Medburne, John de, 3.

Meddilton, co. York. See Middleton.

Meddyl Aston, co. Oxford. See Aston, Middle.

Mede, co. Kent, manor of, 138.

Mede, Joan. See Meade.

Medeburne, co. Wilts., manor of, 1152.

Medford, Robert, 58.

Medilton, Hygforde, co. Salop. See Hygforde.

Medmenham, co. Bucks., abbey of, lands held of, in co. Bucks., 283.

Medylmore, Edward. See Middlemore.

Medylton, co. Norf. See Middleton.

Meeching, Meching, co. Sussex, manor (1/4) of, 878.

Meeres, Thomas, esq., 721.

Meflyn, Joan, wife of John, 902.
-, ………, John, 902.

Meghen, Meighen, Iscoide, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.
-, ……… Naunt, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.
-, ……… Ughcoide, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.

Megur, Roger, 406.

Meighen, in Marches of Wales. See Meghen.

Mekelton, co. York. See Mickleton.

Mekesburgh, co. York. See Mexborough.

Mekilbring, co. York. See Micklebring.

Melbourn, Melburn, Meldeburn, co. Camb., Argenteins manor in, 994; land held of manor of, 1075; land in, 1085; Trayles manor in, 398.

Melburn, co. Camb. See Melbourn.

Melbury, East, co. Dorset, land in, 1124.
-, ……… Osmond, co. Dorset, advowson of, 954; manor of, 954; manor (1/2) of, 181.

Melbury, Sampford, co. Dorset, advowson of, 954; Browning, William, esq., of. See Browning; manor of, 954.

Meldeburn, co. Camb. See Melbourn.

Meldon, co. Devon, land in, 661; manor of, 661.

Meldreth, Melreth, co. Camb., land held of manor of, 1085; land in, 398, 994, 1085; Legates in, 1075.

Mele Fell, co. Cumb. See Mell Fell.

Melett, John, 993.

Melkeley, co. Herts., land held of manor of, 635.

Melkesham, co. Glouc., manor of, 213.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Melksham.

Melkesham, John, Herts., 320.

Melkesham, John, s. and h. of John, 320.

Melksham, Melkesham, co. Wilts., land in, 657.

Mell Fell, Mele Fell, co. Cumb., pasture called Great, 245; Tong below, land in, 245.

Melles, co. Somers. See Mells.

Mells, Melles, co. Somers., land in, 248.

Melmerby, Melmoreby, co. Cumb., cottage in, 157.

Melmoreby, co. Cumb. See Melmerby.

Melpalysh, West, co. Dorset. See Melplash, West.

Melplash, Melpalysh, West, [in Netherbury], co. Dorset, manor of, 15.

Melreth, co. Camb. See Meldreth.

Melsenby, John, rector of the mediety of the church of Aikton, co. Cumb., 10.

Melton by Gravisend, co. Kent. See Milton by Gravesend.
-, ………, Little, co. Norf., manor of, 76.
-, ……… Mowbray, co. Leic, Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, Lady of, 300; land held of manor of, 457; land in, 457.

Melton, John, knt., land held of, in co. Hants, 12, 354.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of Richard, 946.
-, ………, Richard, 946.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Richard, 946.

Mendelesham, co. Suff. See Mendlesham.

Mendip, Leigh upon, co. Somers. See Leigh.

Mendlesham, Mendelesham, co. Suff., manor of, 624.

Menelf Fee, co. York, land held of, 233.

Mentmore, co. Bucks. See Ledburn.

Menwynnek, William, 30, 181.

Menyot, Carlton, co. York. See Carlton Miniott.

Meperteshale, co. Herts. See Meppershall.

Meppershall, Mapartysshall, Meperteshale, Meppertysshall, co. Bedf., manor of, 481, 588, 889, 925.
-, ……, co. Herts, messuages in, 481, 588, 889, 925.

Meppershall, Joan de. See Butler, Joan.
-, ………, John de, 481, 925.
-, ………, Katharine de, 481, 925.

Meppertyshall, co. Bedf. See Meppershall.

Merbery, William, esq., 724.

Merche, Robert, land held of, in co. Devon, 1000.

Merden, co. Kent. See Marden.

Mere, co. Wilts, advowson of chantries in, 1122; land in, 151.

Merecourt, co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684; manor of, 7, 472, 684.

Meres, John, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., land held of, in co. Linc., 1041.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 1041.

Merevale, co. Warw., Abbey of, land held of, iu co. Leic, 1069, 1103.

Merghanby, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Merifeld, John, 757.

Merks, co Essex. See Easter, High.

Merlond, Petris, co. Devon. See Petersmarland.

Merlonde, co Devon. See Marland.

Merlowe, co. Bucks. See Marlow.

Merlynche, co. Somers. See Moorlinch.

Mermyn, Nicholas. See Marmyn.

Merrewe, co. Surrey. See Merrow.

Merrow, Merrewe, co. Surrey, land in, 162.

Merrshe. See Marsh.

Mersea, Mersey, co. Essex, Smith, Stephen, of, 398.

Mersey, co. Essex. See Mersea.

Mersh, co. Devon. See Marsh.

Mershe Bawdyn, co. Devon. See Bawdyn, Marsh.

Mershewode, co. Dorset. See Marshwood.

Mershton, Little, co. Somers. See Marston.

Merske, co. York. See Marske.

Mersshe, Caundel, co. Dorset. See Caundle Marsh.

Mersshton, co. Salop, manor of, 726.

Merston, co. Bedf. See Marston-Moretaine.

Merston, co. Heref., manor of, 825.
-, ……, co. Staff. See Marston.
-, ……, co. Warw. See Marston.
-, ……… Botiller, co. Warw. See Marston Butlers.
-, ……… Bygod, co. Somers. See Marston Bigott.
-, ……… in Cransley, co. N’hamp., manor of, 429.
-, ………, Little, co. Somers. See Marston, Little.

Merston, Anne, wife of William, gent., 1176.
-, ………, John, knt., 1176.
-, ………, John, of Brooke by Braunston, co. Rutl., yeo., 114.
-, ………, Rose, wife of John, knt., 1176.

Merston, William, gent., Surrey, 1176.

Merston, William, s. and h. of William, gent., 1176.

Merton, co. Norf., Jarmyn, Robert, rector of. See Jermyn; manor of, 1058.
-, ……, co. Surrey, priory of, land held of, in co. Surrey, 1176.
-, ……, co. York. See Marton.
-, ……… College. See Oxford.

Merton, William, clk., 465, 466.

Mertringham, co. Linc. See Metheringham.

Mertyn, co. Wilts. See Martin.

Mervyn, John, esq., 67, 80, 462, 1198.
-, ………, Walter, 67; land held of, in co. Wilts., 1152.

Merwode, William. See Marwood.

Merymannys tenement, co. Suff., 740.

Meryng, William, esq., 1174.

Meshaw, Mewshaue, co. Devon, manor of, 403.

Metcalf, Miles, 165, 675.
-, ………, Thomas, 165.

Metefeld, co. Suff. See Metfield.

Metfield, Metefeld, co. Suff., manor of, 330.

Metham, Thomas, knt., 477, 542, 544; land held of, in co. York, 1053; in York city, 165.

Methe, co Devon, land in, 255.

Metheringham, Mertringham, Metringham, co. Linc., manor of, 1037.

Methewold, Richard, &c. See Methwold.

Methwold, Methewold, co. Norf., Dyghton, Thomas, of. See Dighton; land held of manor of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, 555; land in, 384.

Methwold, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Joan, 101.
-, ………, Elizabeth, sister of Robert, of Little Ellingham, co. Norf., 101.
-, ………, Hugh, 101.
-, ………, Joan, daughter of Richard and Joan, 101.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Richard, 101.
-, ………, Katharine. See Harrison, Katharine.

Methwold, Richard, Norf., 101.

Methwold, Richard, esq., 903.
-, ………, Richard, son and heir of Hugh, 101.
-, ………, Richard, son and heir of Richard, 101.
-, ………, Robert, of Little Ellingham, co. Norf., 101.

Metley, Margaret. See Hugford, Margaret.
-, ………, Nicholas, of Marston, co. Warw., 136.
-, ………, William, esq., land held of, in co. Warw., 748.

Metringham, co. Linc. See Metheringham.

Mettingham, Metyngham, co. Suff., college of, land held of, in co. Norf., 1008.

Metton, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 98, 384; Pernowhalle manor in, 701.

Metyngham, co. Suff. See Mettingham.

Meux, co. York. See Mewx.

Meverell, Thomas, esq., Derby, 1156.

Meverell, Thomas, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 1156.

Mewsey, Penton, co. Hants. See Penton.

Mewshaue, co. Devon. See Meshaw.

Mewx, Meaux, Meux, co. York, Abbey of, land held of, in co. York, 363, 1188.

Mexborough, Mekesburgh, co. York, King’s turn of, land held of, 488.

Meye, Thomas, &c. See May.

Meysy, Penyton, co. Hants. See Penton Mewsey.

Michaelchurch, Michelchurche, co. Heref. See Aberhall; mill in, 262.

Michaelstow, Mighelstowe, co. Cornw., land in, 761.

Michelchurche, co. Heref. See Michaelchurch.

Michell, Mychell, Agnes, d. of Walter, esq., 756.
-, ………, Agnes, wife of Walter, esq., 257, 756.
-, ………, Eleanor, d. of Walter, esq., 756.
-, ………, Henry, 910.
-, ………, Joan, d. of Walter, esq., 756.
-, ………, John, 255, 464, 537; land held of, in co. Sorners., 768.
-, ………, John (of Calne), 479; land held of, in co. Wilts., 1152.

Michell, John, s. and h. of Walter, esq., Somers., 756.

Michell, Margery, d. of Walter, esq., 756.
-, ………, Reginald, s. of Walter, esq., 756.
-, ………, Thomas, bro. and h. of John, 756.
-, ………, Walter, esq., 756.

Michell, Walter, esq., Somers., 257.

Michell, William, land held of, in co. Somers., 652.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of Walter, esq., 257, 756.

Michell Perchyng, co. Sussex. See Patcham.

Micklebring, Mekilbring, co. York, land in, 256.

Micklethwaite, Mikilthuayte, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Mickleton, Mekelton, in Teesdale, co. York, manor of, 258.

Miculhaugh, Richard, 781.

Middelton, co. Kent. See Milton.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Middleton.
-, ……, co. Somers. See Middleton.
-, ……, co. Sussex. See Middleton.

Middelyng, Elizabeth, land held of, in co. Essex, 391.

Middilhope, co. Salop. See Middlehope.

Middle Durneford, co. Devon. See Dornaford.
-, ……… Lambrook, co. Somers. See Lambrook, Middle.
-, ……… Marwood, co. Devon. See Marwood.
-, ……… Rasyn, co. Linc. See Rasen.

Middlehope, Middilhope, co. Salop, manor of, 997.

Middlemead, or Basset’s, manor, co. Essex. See Baddow.

Middlemore, Medylmore, Edward, 465.

Middlethorpe, Midelthorp, co. Notts., land in, 1210.

Middleton, Meddilton, Medylton, Middelton, Middylton, Midelton, Midilton, Myddelton, Myddilton, Mydelton, Mydylton, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 309, 1143; land in, 1143; manor of, 35; Tyrrington Hall manor in, 35.
-, ……, co. Somers., land in, 248.
-, ……, co. Sussex, manor (1/4) of, 878; Style, Sampson of. See Style.
-, ……, co. Warw., manor (2/4) of, 867.
-, ……, co. York, land in, 600; manor of, 250.

Middleton, Edmund, baptd. at Carlisle, 470.
-, ………, John, 348.
-, ………, John, knt., land held by, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, John, knt., land held of, in Bewcastle, co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 693, 910.
-, ………, Thomas, 477, 542, 544.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 165, 377, 444.
-, ………, Thomas, father of Edmund, 470.
-, ………, Thomas, of Lonsdale, esq., 693.
-, ………, William, 993.

Middlewood, John, 1145.

Middleworthy, Myddelworthy, Agnes, 974.
-, ………, John, 974.
-, ………, John, cousin and co-heir of John Worston, 974.

Middylton, Edmund, &c. See Middleton.

Midelthorp, co. Notts. See Middlethorpe.

Midelton, Thomas, &c. See Middleton.

Midgley, Migeley, Mygeley, co. York, fee of (1/4), in Wakefield, 256; land in, 353.

Midilmade or Bassettes manoir, co. Essex. See Baddow.

Midilton, John, knt. See Middleton.

Migeley Fee, co. York. See Midgley.

Mighelstowe, co. Cornw. See Michaelstow.

Mighenden, Mihenden, co. Wilts., land in, 479.

Mihenden, co. Wilts. See Mighenden.

Mikilthuayte, co. Cumb. See Micklethwaite.

Milborne, St. Andrew, co. Dorset, land in, 747.

Milborne, Milburne, Mylborn, Mylbourne, Cicely, d. of Thomas, knt., 814.
-, ………, Henry, s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 814.
-, ………, John, 872.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of Thomas, knt., 829.
-, ………, Simon, esq., 888.

Milborne, Thomas, knt., Hants., 830; Surrey, 814; Wilts., 829.

Milbourne, co. Wilts., land in, 864.

Milburne, co. Wilts. See Milbourne.

Milcourte, co. Hants. See Mill Court.

Mildenhale, Robert. See Mildenhall.

Mildenhall, Mildenhale, Robert, gent., 238.

Mileham, Myleham, co. Norf., land held of Durwode Hall manor in, parcell of honor of Richmond, 1143.

Milet, William, gent., 1175.

Milewater, John. See Millwater.

Milford, Milleford, Mylford, co. Hants, land held of manor of, 1121.
-, ……, co. Wilts., Fuling mill in, 829.

Mill Court (Milcourte), co. Hants. See Binstead.

Mill, Richard, 1250.
-, ………, Robert, of Pulborough, co. Sussex, yeoman, 1250.

Mill, William, s. and h. of Richard, Sussex, 1250.

Mille, co. Devon, land in, 303.

Milleford, co. Wilts. See Milford.

Miller, John, the elder, 1167.
-, ………, Nicholas, 1167.

Millom, co. Cumb., Huddleston, Miles, vicar of. See Huddleston; manor of, 969.

Millwater, Milewater, John, esq., 445.

Milne Cotys, co. N’hamp. See Cotes, Chamberlain.

Milneton, co. Notts. See Milnton.

Milnhouse, Mylnhouse, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Milnton, Milneton, co. Cumb., land in, 157.
-, ……, co. Notts., land in, 962.

Milstead, Milstede, Mylksted, co. Kent, Hogshawes manor in, 931.

Milstede, co. Kent. See Milstead.

Milton, Melton, Middelton, Mylton, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 680, 899; land in, 899.
-, ……, co. Dorset, Abbey of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 11, 427.
-, ……, co. Kent, burial at, 1169; Northwood Chasteners (Chastyners) manor in, 1169.
-, ……, co. Somers., manor of, 192.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 873.
-, ……… Bryant (Bryan), co. Bedf., land in, 577.
-, ……… by Canterbury, co. Kent, advowson of, 434; manor of, 434.
-, ……… by Gravesend, co. Kent, manor of, 781.
-, ……… by Stapleton (Stapilton), co. Somers., land in, 713, 1048.
-, ……… Damerel (Damarell), co. Devon, land in, 685; manor of, 155.
-, ……… [Keynes], co. Bucks., land in, 576.
-, ……… in Adderbury, co. Oxford, land in, 46, 689; Palmer, William, of. See Palmer.

Milton, Elisabeth, of Stamford, N’hamp., 524.

Milverton, co. Somers., tenements in, 616, 764.

Mimms, Mymmes, South, co. Middx., land in, 159.

Minchin Buckland, co. Somers. See Buckland.

Mines, Coal, in Tynyelfell, co. Cumb., 157.

Miniott, Carlton, co. York. See Carlton.

Minsden, Myndelesden, [in Hitchin], co. Herts., manor of, 936.

Minstead, Myndstede, Mynstede, co. Hants., advowson of, 1121; manor of, 1121.

Minster, Mynster, in the Isle of Thanet, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 694.

Mirfield, Myrffeld, William, esq., 1046.

Missenden, co. Bucks., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Bucks., 564; Henry, prior of, 1080; Toft, John, prior of, 1071.

Missenden, Great, co. Bucks., baptism at, 1071, 1080; manor of, 8; Warde, John, parish priest of. See Warde.
-, …….., Little, co. Bucks., Mauntel manor in, 149.

Misteleigh, co. Essex. See Mistley.

Misterton, co. Leic, land in, 788.

Mistley, Misteleigh, co. Essex, land in, 631.

Mitcheldean, Mechell Dene, co. Glouc., land in, 116.

Mitcheldever, Mochelldever, co. Hants, land called Northampton in, 354.

Mitford, Margaret, d. and ch. of Thomas Musgrave, 344.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Margaret, 344.

Mitham, Mytham, co. Worc., 2.

Miton, Myton, Mytton, [in St. Nicholas’, Warwick], co. Warw., land in, 27, 136.

Mitton, Mytton, [in Hartlebury], co. Worc., manor of, 1107.

Mitton, William, esq., land held of, in co. Salop, 720, 726.

Moccas, Mockas, co. Heref., manor of, 619.

Mochelldever, co. Hants. See Mitcheldever.

Mochelney, co. Somers. See Muchelney.

Mochettes manor, co. Camb. See Ditton.

Mockas, co. Heref. See Moccas.

Mockings, Mockynges, co. Middx. See Tottenham.

Mockynges, co. Middx. See Mockings.

Modbury, Modebury, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 855; Tremur court of, 977.
-, ……… Burgh, co. Devon, messuage in, 461.
-, ……… Little, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 255.

Modebury, co. Devon. See Modbury.

Modcrby, co. Cumb. See Motherby.

Modreby, co. Cumb. See Motherby.

Moggerhanger, Mogreangre, co. Bedf., manor of, 286, 287.

Mogreangre, co. Bedf. See Moggerhanger.

Mogynton, co. Derby. See Muggington.

Mohun, Ham, co. Dorset. See Hammoon.

Moigne, Thomas, 1186.

Moile, co. Salop, land in, 604.

Mokkyng, co. Essex. See Mucking.

Molen, Corfe, co. Dorset. See Corfe Mullen.

Moleneux, Robert. See Molyneux.

Molens, Lord. See Moleyns.

Moleyns, Molens, Molines, Molyns, Lord. See Hastings, Edward, knt.
-, ………, Robert, Lord de. See Hungerford, Robert.
-, ………, Thomas, 145, 1114, 1207.

Molines, Lord. See Moleyns.

Molland, Mollond, co. Devon, Courtenay, John, of. See Courtenay.
-, ………, Botreaux, co. Devon, manor of, called Knowstone, 461.
-, ………, West, co. Devon, land in, 461.

Mollond, co. Devon. See Molland.

Molt, John, 1119.

Molton, North, co. Devon, manor of, 464; messuage in, 685; Swancote, land called, in, 536.
-, ………, South, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 461, 680; land in, 680; rent in, 155.

Molton, Robert, 812.

Molyneaux, Moleneux, Robert, 821, 962.
-, ………, Thomas, 3, 962.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 1174.
-, ………, William, 821.

Molyns, Robert, Lord. See Moleyns.

Momby, co. Linc. See Mumby.

Mommeworth, co. Wilts., Fulling mill in, 829.

Mompesson, Mountpesson, Drew, 185.
-, ………, Henry, clk., 1240.
-, ………, John, esq., 462, 479, 829, 1063, 1198.

Monculme, co. Devon. See Monk Culme.

Mondys, William, the younger, 93.

Monery, Thomas, 1250.

Mongemory, Thomas. See Montgomery.

Mongewell, Thomas, land held of, in co. Bucks., 426.

Mongomery, Thomas, &c. See Montgomery.

Mongton, West, co. Somers. See Monkton.

Monialium, Bokelond, co. Somers. See Buckland, Minchin.

Monk, Mounke, John, 59.

Monk Culme, Monculme, in Silverton (Sylferton), co. Devon, land in, 808.

Monkehuyde, co. Heref. See Monkhide.

Monkelane, co. Heref. See Monkland.

Monkelegh, co. Devon. See Monkleigh.

Monkeley, co. Devon. See Monkleigh.

Monken Risborough, co. Bucks. See Risborough, Monks.

Monketon, co. Somers. See Monkton.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Monkton.

Monkhide, Monkehuyde, co. Heref., land in, 451.

Monkis alias Bobyngford, co. Essex. See Greenstead.

Monkland, Monkelane, co. Heref., manor of, 438, 445.

Monkleigh, Monkelegh, Monkeley, co. Devon. See Annery; Ley in. See Ley; land held of manor of, 206, 680.

Monks Eleigh, Monkes Yllegh, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 234; messuage called Stakwoodes in, 234.

Monks Horton, co. Kent. See Horton, Monks.
-, ……… Risborough, co. Bucks. See Risborough, Monks.

Monkton, Mongton, Monketon, co. Somers., land in, 652, 768.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.
-, ………, West, co. Somers., land in, 197.

Monmouth in Wales, burgages in, 116; priory of, land held of, in co. Glouc., 116; in Wales, 116.

Monnington, Monyngton, on Wye, co. Heref., manor of, 601.

Monnington, Joan, late wife of Thomas, esq., 825.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Heref. 7, 472, 684.
-, ………, John, of Westhide, co. Heref., 825.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 825.

Monnington, Thomas, knt., Heref. 825.

Monnington, Thomas, s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 825.

Monoux, George, 698.

Montacute, Montague, co. Somers., land in, 147; priory of, land held of, in co. Devon, 206, 680; in co. Somers., 1202.

Montague, co. Somers. See Montacute.

Montague, Mountague, Alice, wife of William, esq., late wife of William Gilbert, 510.
-, ………, Isabel, Marchioness. See Nevill, Isabel.
-, ………, John, Marquess. See Nevill, John.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of William, 510.
-, ………, Robert, grandson and h. of William, esq., 510.
-, ………, Thomas, N’hamp., 929.

Montague, William, esq., Somers., 510.

Montague, William, s. and h. of William, esq., 510.

Montague, Sutton, co. Somers. See Sutton Montis.

Montfort, Mountford, Mountforth, John, chaplain, 451.
-, ………, John, clk., 512.
-, ………, John, esq., son of Simon, knt., 868.
-, ………, Simon, knt., 331, 868; land held of, in co. Warw., 136.
-, ………, Thomas, 250; land held of, in co. York, 541.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 802; land held of, in co. Staff., 874.

Montgomery, Mongemory, Mongomery, Moungomery, Mountgomery, castle of, land held of, in co. Salop, 604; honor of, land held of, in co. Salop, 604.

Montgomery, Alice. See Langley, Alice.
-, ………, Anne, land held of, in co. Essex, 152, 459.
-, ………, Lora. See Butler, Lora.
-, ………, Thomas, 64, 883.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 392, 643, 740, 1136; land held of, in co. Essex, 86, 1161.

Montgomery, Thomas, knt., Essex, 1040.

Monyngton, co. Heref. See Monnington.

Monyngton, John. See Monnington.

Moore, Thomas, &c. See More.

Moorhouse, Morhous, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Moorland, Morelond, co. Somers., manor of, 652.

Moorlinch, Merlynche, Myrlynche, co. Somers., land in, 257, 756.

Moorside, Kirby, co. York. See Kirkby.

Moote, La, manor of, co. Sussex, 110.

Morcombe, co. Devon, manor of, 674.

Mordak, Compton, co. Warw. See Compton Murdak.

Mordall, William, of Shrewley, co. Warw., 720.

Mordaunt, John, 667, 724, 800, 922, 1035.

Mordeford, co. Heref. See Mordiford.

Morden, Guilden (Gildy), co. Camb., land in, 1050.
-, ………, Steeple, co. Camb., land in, 1050; manor of, 73.

Mordiford, Mordeford, Mordyford, co. Heref.

See Larport; land in, 7, 472, 684.

Mordyford, co. Heref. See Mordiford.

More, Moore, co. Devon, land in, 855.
-, ……, co. Oxford, manor of, 932.
-, ……, co. Wilts., hamlet of, 1122.

More, Agnes, of Paddeworth, co. Camb., 898.
-, ………, Alice. See Ralph, Alice.

More, Alice, widow, Dorset, 1070, 1076; Somers., 1077.

More, Alice, wife of John, esq., 933.
-, ………, Alice, wife of Robert, and d. of John Fitzjames, 15.
-, ………, Alice, wife of Thomas, 15.
-, ………, Anne, d. of Richard, esq., 1194, 1244.
-, ………, Bridget, wife of Richard, 932.
-, ………, Christine. See Wilkins, Christine.
-, ………, Christine, d. and co-heir of Nicholas, 1196.
-, ………, Christine, wife of Henry, 1196.
-, ………, Ellen, sister of John Dean, 946.

More, Ellen, widow, late wife of John, esq., Oxford, 1200.

More, Ellen, wife of John, esq., 932.
-, ………, George, esq., s. of John, esq., 932, 1027, 1032, 1200.
-, ………, Henry, 186.
-, ………, Henry, father of Nicholas, 1196.

More, Henry, s. of William atte, 1199.
-, ………, Ingelram (Ingram), 117, 339.
-, ………, Isabel. See Doyly, Isabel.
-, ………, Isabel. See Williams, Isabel.
-, ………, Joan, d. and co-heir of Nicholas, 1196.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Nicholas, and d. and h. of John Drew (Druez), of Bristol, merchant, 1196.
-, ………, John, 81, 121, 303, 403, 755, 761, 1253.
-, ………, John atte, 1199.
-, ………, John, clk., 324, 888.
-, ………, John, gent., 753.
-, ………, John, esq., 803, 1200.

More, John, esq., Camb., 933; N’hamp., 1027; Oxford, 932; Warw., 1032.

More, John, grandson and heir of John, esq., 932, 1027, 1032, 1200.
-, ………, John, nephew and heir of John Dean, 946.
-, ………, John, of Cullompton, co. Devon, 270, 609, 674, 758, 765, 899.

More, John, of Holcombe, Devon, 765.

More, John, of More, co. Devon, 923.
-, ………, John, rector of Halton, co. Linc., 686.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of John, of Holcombe, co. Devon, 765.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Richard, esq., 1194, 1244.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of Richard, esq., 1194, 1244.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of George, esq., and d. of George Newport, esq., 1027.
-, ………, Maud. See Lethingham, Maud.

More, Nicholas, Hants., 1196.

More, Philip, bro. of Nicholas, 1196.
-, ………, Philip, gent., 497.
-, ………, Richard, bro. of John, 932.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 1027.

More, Richard, esq., Berks., 1244; Hants., 1194.

More, Robert, esq., land held of, in co. Dorset, 145.
-, ………, Robert, of Hadham, co. Herts., 446.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Thomas, 14, 15, 1070.
-, ………, Thomas de la, heirs of, land held by, in co. Camb., 157.
-, ………, Thomas, gent., 764.

More, Thomas, esq., Dorset, 15; Somers., 14.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co. Devon, 680.
-, ………, William, of London, skinner, 238.
-, ………, William, s. of John atte, 1199.

Morecote, co. Glouc., manor of, 860.

Moreham, John, 1145.
-, ………, Thomas, 1145.

Morells, tenement called, in Stanford Rivers, co. Essex, 94.

Morelond, co. Somers. See Moorland.

Moremede in Hitchin, co. Herts., manor of, 321.

Mores, co. Dorset, manor of, 514.
-, ……… in Hadham, co. Herts., 446.

Moresby, Morisby, Reginald, 781.
-, ………, Christopher, knt., land held of, in Kirkland, co. Cumb., 157.

Moreshed, Kirkeby, co. York. See Kirkby Moorside.

Moreston, co. Berks. See Moreton.

Moreton, Moreston, Morton, Mourton, co. Berks., hundred of, land held of, 1031; suit of court of, 801.
-, ……, co. Bucks., land in, 595.
-, ……, co. Essex, land in, 152, 895.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Morton.
-, ……, co. Oxford, manor of, 932.
-, ……, co. Somers., manor of, 1216.
-, ……… Corbet, co. Salop, manor of, 1117.
-, ……… Hampstead, co. Devon, Boughdon in. See Boughdon; Cranbroke in. See Cranbrook; land in, 757, 1206.
-, ………, North, co. Berks., advowson of, 518; manor of, 518.
-, ………, South, co. Berks., land in, 712.
-, ……… Valence, co. Glouc., manor of, 860.

Moreton, Joan, sister and h. of William Preston, gent., 529.
-, ………, John. See Morton.

Moretowne, co. Somers., manor of, 38

Morewyke, co. N’th’l’d. See Morwick.

Morgan, Morgayn, Elizabeth, wife of John, and d. and ch. of Thomas Hampton, esq., 1150.
-, ………, John, land held of, jure ux., in co. Somers., 1150.
-, ………, John, clk., M.A., 764.
-, ………, Robert, 841.
-, ………, Robert, esq., land held of, in co. Salop, 726.

Morgayn, John, &c. See Morgan.

Morhous, co, Cumb. See Moorhouse.

Moriell, Thorp, co. Suff. See Thorpe Morieux.

Morisby, Reginald. See Moresby.

Morker, co. York, manor of, 675.

Morle, John de. See Morley.

Morlegh, co. Devon. See Morleigh.

Morleigh, Morlegh, co. Devon, manor (1/2) of, 81.

Morley, Morle, co. Norf., land in, 469, 913; manor of, 507.

Morley, Elizabeth. See Lovel, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, d. and ch. of John Quidhampton, 622.
-, ………, John de, 742.
-, ………, Lord. See Lovel.
-, ………, Roger, land held of, in co. York, 220, 221.
-, ………, Thomas, 622.

Morley manor, co. Essex. See Hallingbury.
-, ………, Swanton, co. Norfolk. See Swanton.

Morleys manor, co. Essex. See Bromley Great.

Mors, Thomas. See Morse.

Morsby, Thomas, 1094.

Morse, Mors, John, 265, 1067.
-, ………, Thomas, 53, 1033.

Mortaine, knights’ fees of, 26, 48, 206, 208, 944.

Mortemer. See Mortimer.

Mortimer, Mortemer, Mortymer, David, Essex, 1006.

Mortimer, David, esq., 100, 893; land held of, in co. Essex, 893.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Guildford, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Isabel or Elizabeth, wife of David, and d. and h. of Elizias Doreward, 100, 1006.
-, ………, John, esq., 1060.
-, ………, John, knt., 1085, 1105, 1130.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of David, 893.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, knt., and d. and ch. of John Nevill, Marquess Montague, 161, 221, 241, 1085, 1130.

Mortimer, Robert, Essex, 100.

Mortimer, Robert, esq., 1006.

Mortimer, Farleigh, co. Hants. See Farleigh.
-, ………, Strathfield. See Strathfield Mortimer.

Mortimers, co. Essex. See Dovercourt.

Morton, Moreton, Mourton, co. Berks. See Moreton.
-, ……, co. Bucks. See Moreton.
-, ……, co. Staff., manor of, 359.
-, ……, co. Westmd., manor of, 693.
-, ……… Corbet, co. Salop. See Moreton.
-, ………, Great, co. Cornw., manor of, 660.
-, ……… Hampsted, co. Devon. See Moreton Hampstead.
-, ……… in Cleveland, co. York, manor of, 675.
-, ……… North, co. Berks. See Moreton. Pinkney (Pynkeney), co. N’hamp., manor of, 298.
-, ……… Valence, co. Glouc. See Moreton.

Morton, Dorothy, wife of —— Morton, and daughter and heir of John Twinyhoe, esq., 140.
-, ………, Frideswide, wife of John, and sister and co-heir of Thomas Delamare, 763.

Morton, Frideswide, wife of John, and sister and co-heir of Thomas Delamare, Berks., 1140, 1252.

Morton, Joan. See Moreton.
-, ………, John, 1088, 1140, 1252.
-, ………, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 559, 764, 785, 809, 860, 939, 1040, 1085, 1086, 1090, 1140, 1198, 1229.
-, ………, Robert, Bishop of Worcester, 793.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 1040.

Morton, Walleron, 489.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co. Suff., 809.

Mortymer, Robert, &c. See Mortimer.

Mortymere, Strathfeld, co. Berks. See Strathfield Mortimer.

Morwick, Morewyke, co. N’th’l’d., messuage in, 348.

Morwinchurch, Marwynchurch, co. Cornw., manor of, 660.

Morys, Nicholas, 831.
-, ………, Roger, 888.

Mosedale, co. Cumb. See Masdale.

Mosseley, co. York, land in, 377; Taylor, Thomas of. See Taylor.

Mosterton, Mottesthorn [in South Perrot], co. Dorset, Blount’s Court manor in, 15; manor of, 15.

Moston, Thomas, 656.

Mosyer, John, father of Richard, 166.

Mosyer, Richard, Oxford, 166.

Mote, Le, co. Kent, tenement called, 1235.

Motelegh, co. Devon, land in, 688.

Motham, Thomas, clk., 174.

Motherby, Moderby, Modreby, co. Cumb., tenements in, 157, 245.

Moton, William, 329.

Mottesthorn, co. Dorset. See Mosterton.

Moulsey, Mulsey, co. Surrey, manor (1/2) of, 1190.

Moulsham, Mulsham, co. Essex, land in hamlet of, 759.

Moulsoe, Mulso, co. Bucks., land in, 576.

Moulsoe, Thomas, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 584.

Moulton, Mowton, Multon, co. Norfolk, advowson of, 319; land held of manor of, 812; land in, 319, 916; manor of, 319.

Mounchelsey, Boughton, co. Kent. See Boughton Monchelsea.

Moundelers Court, Southampton, manor of, 863.

Moungjoy, Lord. See Mountjoye.

Moungomery, castle of. See Montgomery.

Mounke, John, &c. See Monk.

Mount, Theydon, co. Essex. See Theydon Mount.

Mountague, William, &c. See Montague.

Mountbourghechier, Lord, heirs of, land held of, in co. Notts., 962.

Mount-Bures, Buris-at-Hill, co. Essex, advowson of, 425; manor of, 425.

Mounteney, Thomas, &c. See Mountney.

Mounteney, Yng, co. Essex. See Mountnessing.

Mounteneys, manor of, in Elmdon, co. Essex, 291.

Mountfichet, Stanstede, co. Essex. See Stansted.
-, ………, Welwyn, co. Herts. See Welwyn.

Mountford, Simon, &c. See Montfort.

Mountforth, Thomas. See Montfort.

Mountfort, John, &c. See Montfort.

Mountgomery, Anne, &c. See Montgomery.

Mountjoye, Moungjoy, John Blount, Lord, &c. See Blount.

Mountnessing, Yng Mounteney, co. Essex, Arnoldes manor in, 892.

Mountney, Mounteney, Thomas, clk., Norf., 1139.

Mountney, William, 238, 330.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of Thomas, clk., 1139.

Mountpesson, John, esq. See Mompesson.

Mourton, co. Somers. See Moreton.

Mourton, Thomas. See Morton.

Moverons, Maroms, manor, co. Essex. See Brightlingsea.

Mowbray, Mowebrey, Anne, d. and h. of John, Duke of Norfolk, 654.
-, ………, Eleanor, Duchess of Norfolk, land held of, in co. Norf., 701, 795.
-, ………, Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, 828; land held of, in co. Camb., 1075; in co. Herts., 160, 1035; in co. Leic, 164, 457, 645; in co. Norf., 266, 1056, 1143; in co. Rutl., 300; in co. Suff., 330, 654, 909.
-, ………, Elizabeth, late wife of John, Duke of Norfolk, 800.
-, ………, John, Duke of Norfolk, 654, 800.

Mowbray, Melton, co. Leic. See Melton.

Mowebrey, Melton, co. Leic. See Melton Mowbray.

Mowne, Marshe, co. Heref., manor of, 866.

Mowton, co. Norf. See Moulton.

Moygn, Henry, land held of, in co. Camb., 342.
-, ………, Owre, co. Dorset. See Owre Moyne.
-, ………, Weston, co. Dorset. See Weston Moyne.

Moyne, Owre, co. Dorset. See Owre Moyne.
-, ………, Shipton, co. Glouc. See Shipton Moyne.
-, ………, Weston, co. Dorset. See Weston Moyne.

Moynes Manor, co. Norf. See Tofts, Roteland.

Much Badew, co. Essex. See Baddow.
-, ……… Marcle, co. Heref. See Marcle, Mueh.

Muchelney, Mochelney, co. Somers., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 181; in co. Somers., 156, 182, 463, 938, 1134.

Mucking, Mokkyng, co. Essex, land in, 381, 985.

Mucklestone, Mugleston, co. Salop, land held of manor of, 726.

Muggington, Mogynton, co. Derby, advowson of, 776; manor of, 776.

Mugleston, co. Salop. See Mucklestone.

Mulbarton, Mulberton, co. Norf., land in, 1229.

Mulberton, co. Norf. See Mulbarton.

Mulcote, co. Devon, land in, 661.

Mulford, Thomas, 1249.

Mulismore, co. Devon, land called, 908.

Mullen, Molen, Corfe, co. Dorset. See Corfe Mullen.

Mulsey, co. Surrey. See Moulsey.

Mulsham, co. Essex. See Moulsham.

Mulso, co. Bucks. See Moulsoe.

Mulso, Thomas. See Moulsoe.

Multon, co. Norf. See Moulton.

Multon, Henry, land held of, in co. York, 220.

Mumby, Momby, co. Linc., land in, 366, 386.

Munchelse, Boughton, co. Kent. See Boughton Monchelsea.

Munde, John, 759.

Mundeford, co. Norf. See Mundford.

Mundens, co. Herts., manor of, 1035.

Mundford, Mundeford, Mundforth, co. Norf., advowson of. 903; deed dated at, 903; manor of, 903; Sayeve, John, &c., of. See Sayeve.

Mundforth, co. Norf. See Mundford.

Munslow, Monslowe, co. Salop, William Handeson, rector of. See Handeson; manor of, 726.

Murdak, Mordak, Compton, co. Warw. See Compton Murdak.

Murder, Conviction of, 1072.

Murrah, Murwra, co. Cumb., Fulling mill in, 245.

Murwra, co. Cnmb. See Murrah.

Muscombe, co. Devon, land in, 923.

Muscote [in Norton], co. N’hamp., land in, 372.

Musgrave, Great, co. Westmd., manor of, 693.
-, ………, Little, co. Westmd., manor of, 693.

Musgrave, Edward, s. and h. of Richard, esq., 693, 695.
-, ………, Elizabeth, 344.
-, ………, Isabel, 344.
-, ………, Joan. See Fenwick, Joan.
-, ………, Joan, widow, 693.
-, ………, John, esq., 471.
-, ………, John, knt., 693.
-, ………, Margaret. See Mitford, Margaret.
-, ………, Richard, rent due from, 245.

Musgrave, Richard, esq., Cumb., 695; N’th’l’d., 69 6; Westmd., 693.

Musgrave, Robert, 344.

Musgrave, Thomas, gent., N’th’l’d., 344.

Musgrave, William, esq., 693.

Muskham, North, co. Notts., Prebend of, land held of, 1210.

Muston, co. York, manor of, 998.

Mustowe, St. Michael, Norwich. See St. Michael, Much-Stow.

Mutford Hall manor, co. Norf. See Hingham.

Mychell, John, &c. See Michell.

Mychell, Stoke, co. Somers. See Stoke St. Michael.

Mychellescourt, co. Berks., manor of, 1031.

Myddelworthy, John. See Middleworthy.

Myddilton, Thomas. See Middleton.

Mydelton, John, &c. See Middleton.

Mydylton, Thomas. See Middleton.

Mygeley, co. York. See Midgley.

Mylborn, Thomas, &c. See Milborne.

Mylbourne, Thomas, &c. See Milborne.

Myleham, co. Norf. See Mileham.

Mylford, co. Camb., Clopton, John, of. See Clopton.
-, ……, co. Hants. See Milford.

Mylksted, co. Kent. See Milstead.

Myll, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Mylle, East, co. Hants. See Fordingbridge.

Myllond in Powderham, co. Devon, land in, 1220.

Mylne, William, of Huntingdon [co. Hunt.], 1178.

Mylnhouse, co. Cumb. See Milnhouse.

Mylton, co. Bedf. See Milton.

Mylton, co. Dorset. See Milton.

Mymmes, South, co. Middx. See Mimms.

Myndelesden, co. Herts. See Minsden.

Myndstede, co. Hants. See Minstead.

Myngys tenement, co. Essex. See Willingale.

Mynstede, co. Hants, See Minstead.

Mynster, co. Kent. See Minster.

Mynster, Wymbourne, co. Dorset. See Wimborne.

Myres, meadow called, in manor of Burghupon-the-Sands, co. Cumb., 157.

Myrffeld, William. See Mirfield.

Myrlynche, co. Somers. See Moorlinch.

Mytham, co. Worc. See Mitham.

Myton, co. Warw. See Miton.

Mytton, co. Warw. See Miton.

Mytton, William. See Mitton.