Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.
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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: H', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII(London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: H', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII(London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: H". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Hablenche, co. Worc. See Hob-Lench.
Habrough, Haburgh, co. Linc., manor of, 244.
Haburgh, co. Linc. See Habrough.
Hacch Beauchamp, co. Somers. See Hatch.
Hacche, co. Hants. See Hatch.
Hacche, Thomas, &c. See Hatch.
Hacker, or Hacket, Thomas, clk., 187.
Hackford, Hakford, co. Norf., land in, 1089.
-, ……… Hall manor, co. Norf., 53.
Hackforth, Hakforth, co. York, Appleton by. See Appleton; land held of manor of, 541; messuage in, 675.
Hackington, Hakyngton, co. Kent, land in, 433.
Hackleton, Haculton, co. N’hamp., land in, 529.
Hackney, Hakeney, co. Middx., Elrington, John of, gent. See Elrington.
Hackthorn, Hakthorn, co. Linc., land in, 1037.
Hacleston, co. Wilts. See Haxton.
Haculton, co. N’hamp. See Hackleton.
Haddam, co. Herts. See Hadham.
Haddenham, Hadenham, Hadnam, co. Bucks., land held of manor of, 8.
-, ……, co. Camb., land held of manor of, 1173; land in, 1173.
Haddesore, co. Worc. See Hadsor.
Haddesouer, co. Worc. See Hadsor.
Haddeston, co. Norf., Banyards manor of, 1058.
-, ……, co. N’th’l’d. See Hadstone.
Haddlesey, Hathelsay, Hathilsey, co. York, manor of, 1100.
Haddon, co. Oxford, manor of, 932, 1200.
Haden, co. N’th’l’d. See Haydon.
Hadenham, co. Bucks. See Haddenham.
Haderlegh, co. Devon. See Hatherleigh.
Hadham, Haddam, co. Herts., land held of manor of, 446; land in, 894; Mores in, 446.
-, ………, More, Robert, of. See More.
Hadle, co. Middx. See Hadley.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Hadleigh.
Hadlegh, co. Essex. See Hadleigh.
-, ……, co. Middx. See Hadley.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Hadleigh.
Hadleigh, Hadle, Hadlegh, Hadley, co. Essex, land in, 1144.
-, ……, co. Suff., land held of, manor of, 1136; land in, 1136; Mansers manor in, 809.
Hadley, Hadle, Hadlegh, co. Middx., land in, 88, 99.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Hadleigh.
Hadley, John, 1150.
Hadleys manor, co. Essex. See Roding, White.
Hadlo, co. Kent. See Hadlow.
Hadlow, Hadlo, co. Kent, Brampton Pechams manor in, 820; manor of, 380.
Hadnam, co. Camb. See Haddenham.
Hadsor, Haddesore, Haddesouer, co. Worc., land in, 2, 1224.
Hadstone, Haddeston, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 269.
Hagbourn, Hagburn, West, co. Berks., manor of, 29.
Hagburn, West, co. Berks. See Hagbourn.
Haggenet, honor of, land held of, in co. Norf., 540, 594.
Hagur, Nicholas, 58.
Hagyngton, Est, co. Devon, manor of, 379.
Hagynthorpe, co. Derby, tenement in, 424.
Hailes, Hayles, co. Glouc., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Glouc., 860, 1177.
Hakeney, co. Middx. See Hackney.
Hakeworthe, Christine. See Cosyn, Christine.
Hakeworthe, John, 852.
Hakford, co. Norf. See Hackford.
Hakforth, co. York. See Hackforth.
Hakthorn, co. Linc. See Hackthorn.
Hakwell, or Brakwell, co. Essex, manor of, 1144.
Hakyngton, co. Kent. See Hackington.
-, ………, Est, co. Devon, rent in, 403.
Haldenby, co. N’hamp. See Holdenby.
Haldenby, Joan, &c. See Holdenby.
Haldworth, co. York, land in, 353.
Hale, co. Norf., Stowedele Leet in, 101.
Hale, Thomas, &c. See Hall.
Halegode, Richard, 60.
Hales, Norton in, co. Salop. See Norton.
Halesowen, co. Worc., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Salop, 726.
Halesworth, Halysworth, co. Suff., manor of, 77.
Half-Blood, Findings according to doctrine of, 98, 205, 479.
Halffnaked, co. Sussex. See Halnaker.
Halfhyde, co. Dorset, manor of, 427.
Halford by the Fosse, co. Warw., land in, 748.
Halgh, William, 1075.
Halistane, co. N’th’l’d., advowson of Abbey of, 971.
Hall, Hale, Halle, in Bentworth, co. Hants, manor of, 12.
-, ……… in Chard, co. Somers., land in, 754.
-, ……… [in Smeeth], co. Kent, manor of, 138.
-, ………, Nethir, co. Norf. See Nether Hall.
-, ………, Over, co. Norf. See Over Hall.
-, ……… Place, co. Berks. See Charney.
Hall, Elizabeth, 771.
-, ………, John, 53, 846; land held of, in co. Devon, 680.
-, ………, Richard, 465, 466, 715.
-, ………, Richard, gent., 167, 168, 201.
-, ………, Richard, of Newton, esq., 868.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 1038.
-, ………, Thomas, rector of Dembleby, co. Linc., 1149.
-, ………, William, 152.
-, ………, William, clk., 1136.
-, ………, William, gent., 694.
Hallaton, Haloughton, Halowton, co. Leic., land held of manor of, 818; manor of, 114, 583; manor (1/3) of, 818.
Halles manor, co. Norf. See Helhoughton.
Halley, John, knt., land held of heirs of, in co. Linc., 244.
Halling, Hallyng, co. Kent, land in, 782.
Hallingbury, Halyngbury, [Great], co. Essex, advowson of, 509; Imberlynges, messuage called, in, 509; Morley manor in, 509.
Hallsteads, Halsteddes, co. Cumb., land in, 245.
Hallyng, co. Kent. See Halling.
Hallysbury, co. Devon. See Halsbury.
Halnaker, Halffnaked, co. Sussex, manor of, 1060.
Haloughton, co. Leic. See Hallaton.
Halowe, co. Norf., manor of, 35.
Halowell, co. N’th’l’d. See Holywell.
Halowton, co. Leic. See Hallaton.
Hals, co. Devon, manor of, 155.
Hals, Elizabeth, wife of John, esq., 139.
-, ………, John, esq., 163, 465.
Hals, John, esq., Oxford, 139.
Hals, Richard, Devon, 519.
Hals, Richard, s. and h. of Richard, 519.
-, ………, Richard the elder, 139.
Halsbury, Hallysbury, co. Devon, land in, 661; manor of, 680.
Halscombe, co. Devon, land in, 923.
Halsedon, co. Somers. See Chipstable.
Halsham, East, co. York, land in, 670.
Halsham in Holderness, co. York, manor of, 670.
Halsham, Joan. See Lewknore, Joan.
-, ………, Joan. See Ros, Joan.
-, ………, John, 1078.
-, ………, Richard, 1078.
Halstawe, co. Devon. See Allington.
Halstead, Halsted, co. Essex, Booses (Bouser), manor in, land held of, 1144; land in, 152, 453; Shadlow (Shardlows) manor in, 1144.
Halsted, co. Camb., manor of, 1098.
-, ……, co. Essex. See Halstead.
Halsteddes, co. Cumb. See Hallsteads.
Halston, co. Norf., manor of, 901.
Halstoo, co. Kent. See Halstow.
Halstow, Halstoo, co. Kent, land in, 606.
Haltoft, Gilbert, 157.
Halton, co. Bucks., land in, 111.
-, ……, co. Linc., land in, 1257.
-, ………, More, John, rector of. See More.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Holton.
Halton, Miles, rent due from, in co. Cumb., 245.
Halwyll, John, knt., land held of, in co. Devon, 755, 855.
Halybourne, co. Hants. See Holybourn.
Halykeld, co. York, manor of, 250.
Halyngbourn, co. Hants. See Holybourn.
Halyngbury, co. Essex. See Hallingbury.
Halyok, co. Leic. See Holyoaks.
Halysworth, co. Suff. See Halesworth.
Halywell, co. Hants, manor of, 935.
-, ……, co. N’th’l’d. See Holywell.
Ham, Hamme, co. Glouc., manor of, 778.
-, ………, West, co. Essex. See West Ham.
Hambrigge, co. Essex. See Fambridge.
Hambury, co. Worc., manor of, 1224.
Hamcotes, Agnes, &c. See Amcoats.
Hamerton, co. Hunt., manor of, 626.
Hamet, co. Cornw., manor of, 208.
Hamfordshoe, Auneffordes Hoo, co. N’hamp., hundred of, parcel of earldom of Huntingdon, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 1178.
Hamme, co. Glouc. See Ham.
Hamond, John, &c. See Hammond.
Hamondfeld, in Ealing, co. Middx., 159.
Hammond, Hamond, John, 187.
-, ………., John, clk., 1142.
-, ………, William, 1075.
Hammoon, Ham Mohun, co. Dorset, manor of, 1114.
Hammys, Henry, land held of, in co. Heref., 454.
Hamond, Stoke, co. Bucks. See Stoke Hammond.
Hampden, co. Bucks., Hampden, John, esq., of, 413.
-, ………, Hampden, Thomas, esq., of, 124.
Hampden, Christine, wife of John, of Kimble, co. Bucks., and sister of John Brecknock, 418.
-, ………, Edmund, knt., 413, 934.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John, and d. and ch. of William Sydney of Banyards, esq., 400.
-, ………, John, 400, 977.
-, ………, John, esq., 1031, 1175.
-, ………, John, esq., s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 124.
-, ………, John, father of Thomas, 149.
-, ………, John, of Hampden, co. Bucks., esq., 413.
-, ………, John, of Kimble, co. Bucks., 418.
-, ………, Margery, of Hampden on the Hill, co. Bucks., 1071.
-, ………, Margery, wife of Thomas of Hampden, esq., 124.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of Thomas, 149.
-, ………, wife of Thomas, and daughter of Richard Bedford of Chinnor, co. Oxford, 149.
-, ………, Thomas, 171, 418.
Hampden, Thomas, Bucks., 149.
Hampden, Thomas, esq., land held of, in co. Wilts., 369.
Hampden, Thomas, of Hampden, co. Bucks., esq., Essex, 124.
Hampden, Clifton, co. Oxford. See Clifton.
Hampshire, lands in, 1169.
Hampstead, Hampsted, co. Berks., land in, 934.
-, ………, Moreton, co. Devon. See Moreton.
Hampsted, Morton, co. Devon. See Moreton.
Hamptenet, West, co. Sussex. See Littlehampton.
Hampton, in Hope under Dinmore (beside Hope), co. Heref., manor of, 438.
-, ……… Lovett (Lovet), co. Worc., advowson of, 2; advowson of chantries in, 2; manor of, 2; Tickenapultree manor in, 2.
-, ………, Sistir, co. Somers., land in, 1202.
Hampton, Elizabeth. See Morgan, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Joan. See Newton, Joan.
-, ………, John, 67, 80.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., land held of heirs of, in co. Somers., 1150.
-, ………, William, knt., 30, 396.
Hanams, Chadder, co. Somers. See Chedder.
Hanchet, Thomas, land held of, in co. Bucks., 576.
Hancok, John, 1197.
-, ………, alias Alyen, John, 1110.
Handeson, William, rector of Munslow, co. Salop, 726.
Handy, Robert, 292, 888.
Hanger, co. Devon, land in, 899.
Hanging Houghton, co. N’hamp. See Houghton.
Hangleton, co. Sussex, manor of, 552.
Hanham, Hannam, co. Glouc., manor of, 116.
Hanington, Hanyngton, Christopher, 12, 827.
Hankeford, co. Devon. See Hankford.
Hankerton, co. Wilts., Thekyngdon, or Theckenden, in, 864.
Hankford, Hankeford [in Bulkworthy], co. Devon, manor of, 155.
Hanley, co. Derby, land in, 424.
Hanmer, Ancret, mother of William, esq., d. and ch. of Thos. Barre, knt., 472, 682.
-, ………, Edward, or Edmund, s. and h. of William, 682, 684.
-, ………, William, esq., 472, 682.
Hannam, co. Glouc. See Hanham.
Hannewell, co. Oxford. See Hanwell.
Hanney, East, co. Berks., Southbury manor in, 132, 707.
-, ………, West, co. Berks., land held of manor of, 707; land in, 132, 707, 801; manor of, 1106.
Hanningfield, Hanyfeld, Hanyngfeldes, East, co. Essex, Claydons alias Hanningfields manor in, 32; land in, 32.
-, ……… Hall, East, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 517.
-, ………, South, co. Essex, land in, 32, 517.
-, ………, West, co. Essex, Chervyles manor in, 515; Clovill, John, esq., of. See Clovill; Clovills manor in, 517; land held of manor of, 515, 517; land in, 32, 759.
Hansard, Thomas, knt., 648.
-, ………, Thomasine, wife of Thomas, knt., and d. and ch. of William Brewes, esq., 648, 1025.
Hanscombe, Hansecombe, John, Bedf., 1029.
Hanscombe, William, s. and h. of John, 1029.
Hansecombe, John, &c. See Hanscombe.
Hantle Bridge, co. Camb., tenement near, 245.
Hanwell, Hannewell, co. Oxford, Nether Hall manor in, 958.
Hanwell, William, 121.
Hanworth, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1143.
Hanyfeld, West, co. Essex. See Hanningfield.
Hanyngfeldes, co. Essex. See Hanningfield.
Hanyngton, Christopher. See Hanington.
Hapcote, co. Somers. See Hopcote.
Happisburgh, Happysburgh, co. Norf., Cryspynes manor in, 1143.
Happysburgh, co. Norf. See Happisburgh.
Harberd, Edmund. See Herbert.
Harberton, Herberton, Hurberton, co. Devon, Hilling, William, vicar of. See Hilling; land held of manor of, 755; 1110; manor (1/2) of, 1164, 1167.
Harbledowne, co. Kent. See Poldhurst.
Harborough, Haverbergh, co. Leic., manor of, 1047.
Harbottle, Herbotell, co. N’th’l’d., castle of, 971; fair, &c., in, 971.
Harby, Hardby, co. Leic., Cawnte, Nicholas of. See Cawnte; Jervis, Nicholas of. See Jervis; land held of manor of, 645.
Harby, Gabriel, of Stathern, co. Leic., 645.
Harcombe, co. Devon, land in, 852.
Harcourt, Harecote, Harecort, Harecourt, Mill, co. Salop, land in, 1117.
-, ……… Park, co. Salop, land in, 1117.
Harcourt, Anne. See Wellesbourne, Anne.
-, ………, Anne, wife of John, esq., 329.
-, ………, Christopher, s. and h. of Richard, knt., 163, 168, 201, 202, 205, 397.
-, ………, Edith, wife of Richard, knt., and d. and co-heir of Thomas St. Clere, 201, 205, 397.
-, ………, Elizabeth, widow, land held of, in co. Suff., 330.
-, ………, John, esq., 169, 995.
Harcourt, John, esq., Oxford, 329.
Harcourt, Katharine, wife of Richard, knt., 163, 201.
Harcourt, Katharine, wife of Richard, knt., late wife of Miles Stapleton, knt., Berks., 518; Norf., 1097; Suff., 1096; Surrey, 397.
Harcourt, Miles, land held of, in co. Sussex, 431.
-, ………, Miles, grandson and heir of Richard, knt., 163, 168, 201, 202, 205, 397.
-, ………, Richard, land held of, in co. Sussex 738.
-, ………, Richard, knt., 181, 205, 397, 518, 976, 1096, 1097.
Harcourt, Richard, knt., Berks., 167; Dorset, 163; Oxford, 168; Surrey, 201; Sussex, 202.
Harcourt, Richard, son of Christopher, 163, 397.
-, ………, Robert, knt., 329.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of John, esq., 329.
-, ………, Simon, son of Christopher, 163, 397.
-, ………, William, son of Richard, knt., 163, 201, 397.
Harcourt, Stanton, co. Oxford. See Stanton.
Hardben, Philip, cit. of London, 497.
Hardby, co. Leic. See Harby.
Hardegreyes manor, co. Essex. See Havering.
Hardemede, co. Bucks. See Hardmead.
Hardenhuish, Hardenhysh, co. Wilts., rent in, 752.
Hardenhysh, co. Wilts. See Hardenhuish.
Hardewyk, co. Norf. See Hardwick.
Hardwik, Kempston, co. Bedf. See Kempston Hardewik.
Hardewyk, John. See Hardwick.
Hardewyke, co. Glouc. See Hardwick.
Harding, Hardyng, Robert, 779.
Hardingham, Hardyngham, co, Norf., land in, 1089.
Hardingstone, Hardyngston, co. N’hamp., land in, 372.
Hardmead, Hardemede, Hardmed, co. Bucks., land held of manor of, 355; land in, 355; manor of, 16, 724.
Hardmed, co. Bucks. See Hardmead.
Hardness, Ardenes, co. Devon. See Dartmouth.
Hardwick, Hardewyke, Hardwyke, co. Glouc., Field Court manor in, 126; land in, 946.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 1143.
-, ……, co. Staff., land in, 874.
-, ……, co. Warw., land in, 27, 136.
Hardwick, John, 868.
Hardwyk, co. Staff. See Hardwick.
Hardwyke, co. Warw. See Hardwick.
Hardy, John, of London, skinner, 238.
Hardyng, Robert. See Harding.
Hardyngham, co. Norf. See Hardingham.
Hardyngston, co. N’hamp. See Hardingstone.
Hardyscot, co. Wilts. See Eastcot.
Hareby, Isabel, widow, late wife of —— Darell, Norf., 540.
Harecort, Elizabeth, &c. See Harcourt.
Harecote Park, co. Salop. See Harcourt.
Harecourt, Richard. See Harcourt.
Harefield, Herfeld, co. Middx., Brakenburgh manor in, 82; Sampfordez in, 82; Woodcocks in, 82.
Haresceagh, Band-Harscogh, tenement called Band-, in Kirkoswald, co. Cumb., 157.
Hareward, Robert, 1.
Harewell, Herrewell, Edmund, 888.
-, ………, William, 136.
Harewood, Harwod, co. York, manor (1/2) of, 614.
Harford, Herford, co. Devon, land in, 303, 1042; honor of. See Hertford.
Hargham, co. Norf., land in, 1139.
Hariett, William. See Heriot.
Harleston, Alice. See Heveningham, Alice.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Alice, Lady Heveningham, 883, 884.
-, ……… Robert, esq., 52, 883, 884.
-, ………, William, 439.
Harleton, co. Camb. See Harlton.
Harley, John, knt., land held of, in co. Salop, 726.
Harling, Harlyng, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 384.
-, ………, East, co. Norf., Berton, John, of, See Berton.
Harling, John, Essex, 25.
Harlington, Harlyngdon, Harlyngton, co. Bedf., land in, 577; manor of, 730.
Harlow, co. Essex, land in, 152, 895.
-, ……… Bury (Bery), co. Essex, land held of manor of, 409.
Harlsey, West, co. York, deed dated at, 250; manor of, 250.
Harlton, Harleton, co. Camb., land in, 950; Ludys in, 950.
Harlyng, John, &c. See Harling.
Harlyngdon, co. Bedf. See Harlington.
Harlyngton, co. Bedf. See Harlington.
Harman, Henry, gent., 749.
Harmeston, co. Notts., Hodsock soke in, 714.
Harmondesworth, co. Middx. See Harmondsworth.
Harmondsworth, Harmondesworth, Hermondesworth, co. Middx., land held of manor of, 60; land in, 60.
Harnehull, co. Glouc. See Harnhill.
Harnham, East, co. Wilts., manor of, 351.
-, ………, West, co. Wilts., manor of, 43.
Harnhill, Harnehull, co. Glouc., advowson of, 973; manor of, 973.
Harold, John, 58.
Harold, Staunton, co. Leic. See Staunton Harold.
Harough atte Hille, co. Middx. See Harrow on the Hill.
Harow, Peper, co. Surrey. See Peper Harow.
Harowdon, co. N’hamp. See Harrowdon.
Harowe, co. Middx. See Harrow on the Hill.
Harowe, John, vicar of Northe Petherton, co. Somers., 652.
Harowedon, Margaret, &c. See Harrowdon.
Harpden, co. Oxford. See Harpsden.
Harpeley, co. Norf. See Harpley.
Harper, John, 23.
-, ………, Richard, 23.
-, ………, William, 23.
Harpley, Harpeley, Herpeley, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1084; land in, 1084; manor of, 976.
Harpsden, Harpden, co. Oxford, advowson of, 413; manor of, 413.
Harre, Robert, 934.
Harrington, Harryngton, Haryngton, Herryngton, co. Linc., manor of, 1041.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land held of manor of, 910.
Harrington, James, knt., land held of, in co. N’hamp., 796.
-, ………, Agnes, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
Harrington, Alice, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Anne, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Clemence, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Eleanor, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Elizabeth, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Isabel, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Isabel, wife of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Joan, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
Harrington, John, knt., N’hamp., 1178.
Harrington, Katharine, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Margaret, d. and ch. of John, knt., 1178.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., land held of, co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, William, knt., 37; land held by, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, William, Lord. See Bonvile.
Harris, Harrys, Herrys, Francis, 78.
-, ………, John, 757.
-, ………, John, gent., 1240.
Harris, John, esq., Devon, 78.
Harrison, Harryson, Herryson, Katharine, wife of … Harrison, sister of Robert Methwold of Little Ellingham, co. Norf., 101.
-, ………, Thomas, chaplain, 821.
Harrold, Staunton, co. Leic. See Staunton Harold.
Harrow on the Hill, Harough atte Hill, Harowe, co. Middx., Flambardes manor in, 159; land held of manor of, 82; Pinner manor in, 82.
Harrowdon, Harowdon, Harowedon, co. N’hamp., land in, 1178.
-, ………, Great (Michell), co. N’hamp., land in, 372; manor in, 295.
-, ………, Little, co. N’hamp., land in, 372.
Harrowdon, Ellen, wife of Thomas, esq., 298.
Harrowdon, Margaret, widow, N’hamp., 295.
Harrowdon, Margaret. See Longueville, Margaret.
-, ………, Margery. See Garnon, Margery.
-, ………, Richard, 299.
Harrowdon, Thomas, esq., N’hamp., 298.
Harryngton, co. Linc. See Harrington.
Harryngton, Thomas, knt., &c. See Harrington.
Harrys, John, &c. See Harris.
Harryson, Thomas, &c. See Harrison.
Harscogh, co. Cumb. See Haresceagh.
Harston, Heyer, co. Devon, land in, 1042.
Harsyk, Roger, knt. See Arsic.
Hart, Herte, John, 81, 996, 1022.
-, ………, John, canon residentiary of York, 1115.
-, ………, John, clk., 1145.
-, ………, Walter, clk., 1078.
-, ………, William, 433.
-, ………, alias Lyard, Walter, bishop of Norwich, 208.
Hartford, co. York. See Hartforth.
Hartforth, Hartford, co. York, manor of, 541.
Hartham, Hertham, in Corsham, co. Wilts., land in, 351.
Hartland, Hartlond, Hertlond, co. Devon, abbey of, land held of, in co. Devon, 379, 685; land held of manor of, 680; land in, 685.
Hartlebury, co. Worc. See Mitton.
Hartley, Hertlay, Hertley, co. Westmd., castle, &c., of, 693.
-, ……, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 161.
Hartlip, Hertlep, co. Kent, land in, 396, 606.
Hartlond, co. Devon. See Hartland.
Hartwell, Hertwell, William, 577.
Hartyng, Edmund, 1143.
Harvy, Thomas. See Hervey.
Harwardes, co. Norf. See Trowse by Norwich.
Harwich, co. Essex, land in, 1006.
Harwod, co. York. See Harewood.
Harwood, Horewode, co. Devon, manor of, 251.
Haryngton, co. N’hamp. See Harrington.
Haryngton, William, &c. See Harrington.
Haschocke, co. Devon, land in, 680.
Hascombe, co. Surrey, manor of, 1002.
Haseley, co. Oxford. See Rycote.
Haselond, co. Derby, Haseland Hall in, 424.
Haselyngfeld, co. Camb. See Haslingfield.
Hasilden, Hasylden, co. Wilts., manor of, 1063.
Hasilden, William, 543.
Hasilrig, Thomas, esq., 1049.
Hasilwode, Thomas. See Hazlewood.
Hasilwood, co. Derby. See Hazlewood.
Haske, co. Devon, land in, 661.
Haslarton, co. Camb. See Foulmere.
Haslewood, Hasilwode, Hasylwod, Thomas, esq., 749, 753.
Haslingfield, Haselyngfeld, co. Camb., manor of, 33.
Haslingfield, Thomas, 37.
Haspaldes manor, co. Norf. See Swaffham.
Hastelyns, co. Essex. See Astelyns.
Hasterby, George, of Hunstanton, co. Norf., 53.
Hastingez, Wellesborn, co. Warw. See Wellesbourne Hastings.
Hastingleigh, Hastynglegh, co. Kent, manor of, 373.
Hastings, Hastyng, Hastynges, Hastynggez, Hastyngs, Hastyngys, co. Sussex, castle of, land held of, 399; Groveles tenement in, 322.
Hastings, Anne, wife of Hugh, knt., 377.
-, ………, Edmund, 949.
-, ………, Edmund, knt., 949.
Hastings, Edmund, knt., N’hamp., 523.
Hastings, Edward, knt., land held of, in co. Derby, 424.
-, ………, Edward, knt., Lord Botreaux, Hastings, Hungerford and Moleyns, 27; land held of, as Lord de Botreaux, in co. Glouc., 323; as Lord de Hastings, in co. Devon, 755, 899, 978; in co. Leic., 583, 1103, 1222; in. co. Notts., 382; in co. Sussex, 399; in co. Wilts., 1247; as Lord de Hungerford, in co. Cornw., 364; in co. Wilts., 260, 505, 986; as Lord de Moleyns, in co. Wilts., 657; land held of, jure ux., in co. Devon, 1110; in co. Wilts., 1195.
-, ………, Edward, (styled) Lord Hastings, 377.
-, ………, Hoo and, Lord. See Hoo, Thomas.
-, ………, Hugh, land held of, in co. Norf., 384; land held of heirs of, in co. Notts., 962.
Hastings, Hugh, knt. Norf., 444; York, 377.
Hastings, Isabel, wife of John, knt., d. and h. of Ralph Babthorp, knt., 634, 635, 636.
-, ………, John, esq., s. and h. of Edward, (styled) Lord Hastings, 377.
-, ………, John, knt., 634, 635, 636; land held of, in co. York, 600.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Hugh, knt., 377, 444.
-, ………, Katharine, late wife of William, Lord, land held of, in co. Sussex, 110.
-, ………, Lord, land held of, in co. Cumb., 51; in co. Dorset, 39.
-, ………, Mary, wife of Edward, knt., Lord Hastings, and d. and h. of Thomas Hungerford, knt., 1198. See also Hastings, Edward, knt., Lord Hastings and Hungerford, land held of, jure ux.
-, ………, Ralph, 1198.
-, ………, Ralph, knt., land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, Richard, knt., Lord Willoughby, land held of, in co. Linc., 366, 1041.
-, ………, Robert, 1025.
-, ………, Roger, s. and h. of Edmund, 523.
-, ………, William, knt., Lord Hastings, 12, 110, 237, 392, 1198.
Haston, co, Suff., land in, 909; manor of, 654.
Hastyng, co. Sussex. See Hastings.
Hastynges, Lord. See Hastings.
Hastyngesbury manor, co. Bedf. See Kempston.
Hastynggez, John, &c. See Hastings.
Hastynglegh, co. Kent. See Hastingleigh.
Hastyngs, Ralph, &c. See Hastings.
Hastyngys, Katharine, &c. See Hastings.
Hasylden, William. See Hazilden.
Hasylwod, Thomas, &c. See Hazlewood.
Hasyngbroke in Stanford le Hope, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 291.
Hatch, Hacche, co. Hants, manor of, 187.
-, ……… Beauchamp, co. Somers., advowson of, 768; manor of, 768.
-, ………, West, co. Essex. See West-Hatch.
-, ………, West, co. Somers., land in, 870.
Hatch, John, the younger, 598.
Hatch, Thomas, s. and h. of John, the younger, Devon, 598.
Hatclyfe, William, 143.
Hatfelde, co. Herts. See Hatfield.
Hatfield, Hatfelde, co. Herts., land held of manor of, 406.
-, ………, Wood, John of. See Wood.
-, ………, Bishop’s, co. Herts., land in, 512.
-, ……… Peverel, co. Essex, land in, 1040.
Hatfield, Robert, 809.
Hathelsay, co. York. See Haddlesey.
Hatherlegh, co. Devon. See Hatherleigh.
Hatherleigh, Haderlegh, Hatherlegh, Hatherley, co. Devon, land in, 536, 661, 680, 855.
Hatherley, co. Devon. See Hatherleigh.
Hathilsey, co. York. See Haddlesey.
Hatle, Hungre, co. Camb. See Hatley, Hungry.
Hatley, Hatle, co. Bedf., Cokayne, Margaret, of. See Cokayne.
-, ………, Bury, co. Bedf., manor of, 668.
-, ………, East, co. Camb., land in, 1050.
-, ………, Hungry [St. George], co. Camb., manor of, 150.
-, ………, St. George, co. Camb. See Hatley, Hungry.
Hatton, co. Derby, land in, 158.
-, ……, co. Warw., land in, 719.
Hauden, Thomas, 1145.
Haugh, John, gent., 782.
Haughley, co. Suff., land in, 439.
Haughton, Hoghton, co. Notts., manor of, 962.
-, ……, co. York. See Houghton.
Haukedon, co. Devon, land in, 303.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1163.
Haukerigge, co. Devon. See Hawkeridge.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Hawkeridge.
Haukyns, John, &c. See Hawkins.
Hausted, co. Suff. See Hawsted.
Hautbois, Hautboys, Great, co. Norf., manor of, 190, 261.
Hautboys, co. Norf. See Hautbois.
Haute, Richard, &c. See Hawte.
Hauteyns, Hautynges, manor, co. Norf. See Barnham Broom.
Hautynges manor, co. Norf. See Hauteyns.
Hauzte, Richard, esq. See Hawte.
Havardes, co. Berks. See Shottesbrook.
Havell, John, 46.
Haverbergh, co. Leic. See Harborough.
Haverhill, Haveryll, Hall, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 1144.
Haverholme, co. Linc., priory of, land held of, in co. Linc., 1149.
Havering, Haveryng, co. Essex, Dovers manor (1/3) in, 237; Germyns manor in, 1165; Goshays manor in, 237; Hardegreyes manor in, 1165; land in, 237.
-, ……… atte Bower (Bowre), co. Essex, land held of manor of, 237, 1166; recovery suffered in manor court of, 1166.
Haveringland, Haverlond, Heverynglond, co. Norf., land in, 384; Ulstons manor in, 677.
Haversham, co. Berks., advowson of, 843; manor of, 843.
Haveryll, co. Essex. See Haverhill.
Haveryng, co. Essex. See Havering.
Havyles manor, co. Norf. See Rainham, St. Mary.
Hawe, Christopher, 554.
-, ………, Joan. See Lovet, Joan.
-, ………, John, 554.
-, ………, John, J.C.P., 753.
-, ………, Thomas, 136.
-, ……… See also Hawes.
Hawes, Christopher, 1235.
-, ………, John, gent., 391.
Hawes manor, co. Norf. See Sall.
Hawes. See also Hawe.
Hawick, Hawyk, co. N’th’l’d., land in, 565.
Hawkchurch, Hawkechurch, co. Dorset. See Castle alias Nash.
Hawkechurch, co. Dorset. See Hawkchurch.
Hawkeridge, Haukerigge, co. Devon, land in, 443.
Hawkesbury, co. Glouc. See Kilcot.
Hawkins, Haukyns, Hawkyn, George, s. and h. of John, 446.
-, ………, John, 113.
Hawkins, John, Herts., 446.
Hawkyn, John, &c. See Hawkins.
Hawles, Richard, 306.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 392.
Hawley, Elizabeth. See See, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Ralph, esq., 1186.
Hawnby in Blakehammore, co. York, manor of, 998.
Hawsted, Hausted, co. Suff., Drury, Roger, of. See Drury.
Hawte, Haute, Hauzte, Edward, s. and h. of Richard, esq., 373.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Darey, Elizabeth.
-, ………, James, esq., 1175.
Hawte, Katharine, wife of Richard, knt., late wife of John Green, esq., and formerly wife of Walter Writtle, Essex, 895.
Hawte, Katharine, &c., 50, 86, 152.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 926, 1175.
Hawte, Richard, esq., Kent, 373.
Hawte, Richard, knt., 331, 895.
-, ………, Richard, the elder, esq., 681.
-, ………, William, 1078.
-, ………, William, knt., 681, 704, 996.
Hawton, co. Linc. See Holton.
Hawton, Elizabeth. See Whalley, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Ellen, wife of William, d. of —— Fitton, 628.
-, ……… John, 628.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of William, 628.
-, ………, William, 628.
Hawvylles manor, in Clothall, co. Herts, 129.
Hawyk, co. N’th’l’d. See Hawick.
Haxton, Hacleston, co. Wilts., St. Amand’s manor in, 752.
Hay, Thomas, 1181.
-, ………, Urry de la. See De la Haye.
-, ………, William, 1208.
Hay, Le, fee of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. Linc., 1037, 1149.
Hayden, Heydon, co. Glouc., land in, 946.
-, ………, co. N’th’l’d. See Haydon.
Haydon, Haden, Hayden, co. N’th’l’d., land held of manor of, 671; land in, 565.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.
Haydon, John. See Heydon.
Haydonwick, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.
Hayford, co. N’hamp. See Heyford.
-, ……… at Bridge, co. Oxford. See Heyford.
Hayles, co. Essex. See Epping.
-, ……, co. Glouc. See Hailes.
Haylesdon, Heylesdon, co. Norf., Fayrechyld in, 1229; land held of manor of, 1229.
Haynysbury, co. Wilts. See Heytesbury.
Hays, John, 1067, 1164.
Hayte, Katharine, widow, 58.
-, ………, Nicholas, 58.
Hayton, co. Cumb., rents in, 157.
-, ……, co. York, land in, 273.
-, ……… in Gilsland (Gillesland), co. Cumb., Barnardhowe in, 157; tenement at, 157.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Heyton.
Hayward, Heyward, Anne, wife of John, gent., 358.
-, ………, John, 702.
Hayward, John, gent., Hants, 358.
Hayward, Richard, 358.
-, ………, Thomas, 755.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, gent., 358.
Haywodes, co. Norf. See Heywood.
Hazlewood, Hasilwood, co. Derby, land in, 158.
Hazlewood, Hasilwode, Hasylwod, Thomas, esq., 749, 753.
Headington, Hedyngdon, Hedyngton, co. Oxford, manor of, 75, 467, 560.
Heaghen, co. Devon. See Heghen.
Healaugh, Helehawgh, in Swaledale, co. York, manor (1/2) of, 1062.
Healle, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 146.
Healthwaite, Helthwayt, co. York, land in, 614.
Heanor, Heynour, co. Derby, land in, 776.
Heanton, Heaunton, Coffyns, co. Devon, land in, 674.
-, ……… Punchardon, co. Devon, manor of, 379.
Heath, Heth, House, co. Salop, land in, 1117.
-, ……… St. Mary’s, co. Devon, land in, 923.
Heath, Francis, 913.
-, ………, John, bailiff of Droitwich, co. Worc., 888.
Heathpool, Hethpole, co. N’th’l’d., manor (1/4) of, 638.
Heaton, Heton, co N’th’l’d., manor of, 344.
Heaunton, co. Devon. See Heanton.
Hecham, co. Bucks. See Hitcham.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Hockham.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Hitcham.
Hechelampton, co. Wilts. See Etchilhampton.
Heckfield, Hekfeld, co. Hants, land in, 95.
Hedde, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 1206.
Heddon, John. See Denford, co. Berks.
Hedenesford, co. Staff. See Hednesford.
Hedenham, co. Norf., manor (1/2) of, 309.
Hedeswod, co. Cumb., land in, 157.
Hedgerley, Hugeley, co. Bucks., Sampsons in 564; Stapull wood in, 564.
Hedingham, Hengham, Heningham, Henyngham, co. Essex, castle of, land held of, in co. Essex, 100, 409; honor of, land held of, in co. Camb., 994; in co. Essex, 1039.
-, ……… at Castle, co. Essex, land in, 453, 1144.
-, … ….., Sible, co. Essex, land in, 453, 1144.
Hednes manor, co. Essex. See Maplestead.
Hednesford, Hedenesford, co. Staff., land in, 874.
Hedon, co. York, messuage in, 1062.
-, ……… in Holderness, co. York, land held of manor of, 108.
Hedreslawe, co. N’th’l’d., manor (1/4) of, 638.
Hedsor, co. Bucks., land held of manor of, 426; land in, 426.
Hedyngdon, co. Oxford. See Headington.
Hedyngton, co. Oxford. See Headington.
Heern, co. Kent. See Herne.
Heg Hoton, co. Cumb. See Hutton.
Hegge, Ellen, of Colchester, co. Essex, 490, 945.
Hegge, Wotton, under, co. Glouc. See Edge, Wotton under.
Heggesett, co. Suff. See Hesset.
Heggill, co. Camb. See Heggle.
Heggle, Heggill, co. Cumb., common called, 245.
Heghen, Heaghen, co. Devon, land in, 923; manor of, 155.
Heigham, Heyham, co. Norf., land in, 1229.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Higham.
-, ……… Benstede, co. Essex. See Higham Bensted.
Heighton St. Clere (Seyntclere), co. Sussex, manor of, 1160.
Hekfeld, co. Hants. See Heckfield.
Helagh, co. York, manor of, 477.
Helbek, Thomas, esq., land held of, in co. Essex, 631.
Hele Sachevill, co. Devon, rent in, 680.
Helehawgh, co. York. See Healaugh.
Helhoughton, Helloughton, co. Norf., Halles manor in, 1143; land in, 1143; Paynes manor in, 1143; Stapylles manor in, 1143.
Heliden, co. N’hamp. See Hellidon.
Helion Bumpstead, co. Essex. See Bumpstead.
Helions, Upton, co. Devon. See Upton.
Helland, Hellond, co. Cornw., land in, 364; manor of, 208.
Hellidon, Heliden, co. N’hamp., land in, 922.
Hellingly, Helynglegh, co. Sussex, land in, 738.
Hellond, co. Cornw. See Helland.
Helloughton, co. Norf. See Helhoughton.
Helmdon, Helmeden, Helmenden, co. N’hamp., burial at, 1208; land in, 1208.
Helmeden, co. N’hamp. See Helmdon.
Helmenden, co. N’hamp. See Helmdon.
Helmesley, co. York. See Helmsley.
Helmsley, Helmesley, co. York, land held of manor of, 998.
Helperthorpe, co. York, manor (1/2) of, 1062.
Helpringham, Helpryngham, co. Linc., land in, 1037.
Helpryngham, co. Linc. See Helpringham.
Helsbury, co. Cornw., land held of manor of, 761.
Helth, co. Kent. See Hylth.
Helthwayt, co. York. See Healthwaite.
Helynglegh, co. Sussex. See Hellingly.
Helyon Bumpsted, co. Essex. See Bumpstead, Helion.
-, ………, Upton, co. Devon. See Upton Helions.
Helythorp, co. Linc., land in, 570.
Hemerford, Hymerford, John, esq., 143, 1202.
-, ………, John, the elder, esq., 1202.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 1202.
Hemingbrough, Hemmyngburgh, Hemyngburgh, co. York, land held of rector of, 636; land in, 636.
Hemingbrough, John, 1145.
-, ………, Thomas, 1145.
Hemmynburgh, John. See Hemingbrough.
Hempnale, co. Norf. See Hempnall.
Hempnall, Hempnale, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 319, 677; Ser Raafes manor in, 677.
Hempnall, Ralph, 330.
Hempshill, Hemsell [in Strelley], co. Notts., land in, 383.
Hempston Cantilupe (Cantelhoo, Cantelowe), co. Devon, knight’s fee in, 536; land held of manor of, 84; land in, 84.
Hempton, co. Oxford, land in, 46.
-, ……… [in Almondsbury], co. Glouc., manor of, 123.
-, ……… Priory, co. Norf., advowson of, 35.
Hemsell, co. Notts. See Hempshill.
Hemseys, co. Berks., advowson of, 518; manor of, 518.
Hemyngburgh, co. York. See Hemingbrough.
Hemyngton, Joan. See Ade, Joan.
-, ………, Joan. See Lorchun, Joan.
-, ………, Richard, 191, 571.
Henbury in Salt Marsh, co. Glouc., manor of, 973.
Hendescote, Nicholas. See Henscot.
Hendon, co. Middx., land in, 133.
Hendred, Henrede, East, co. Berks., advowson of chapel, 1106; manor of, 1106.
Hene, Philip, 1250.
Henes, Henynges, co. Linc., priory of, land held of, in co. Linc., 639.
Henfield, Hennefeld, in Pucklechurch, co. Glouc., land in, 123.
Hengeston, Robert, &c. See Hingston.
Hengham, co. Essex. See Hedingham.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Hingham.
Hengrave, co. Suff., land in, 495.
Hengston, Robert. See Hingston.
Hengyscote, John. See Henscot.
Heningham, co. Essex. See Hedingham.
Henknoll, co. Dorset. See Hincknolle.
Henle, co. Oxford. See Henley on Thames.
Henley on Thames, Henle, co. Oxford, Elmes, John, the elder, of, 592; land held of manor of, 592; land in, 413, 592.
Henmersche, Bourton in, co. Glouc. See Bourton.
Henmersshe, Berton in, co. Warw. See Berton.
Hennefelde, co. Glouc. See Henfield.
Henney, co. Camb., manor of, 1085.
Henscot, Hendescote, Hengyscote, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 661.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Nicholas, 762.
Henscot, Nicholas, Devon, 762.
Henstead, Henstede, co. Norf., Boudes, William, of. See Boudes.
-, ……, co. Suff., manor of, 189, 190.
Hensted, co. Norf. See Henstead.
Henstede, co. Suff. See Henstead.
Henstill, co. Devon, messuage in, 403.
Henteshagh, co. Cumb., land in, 157.
Henton, co. Wilts. See Hinton.
-, ……… Bluet, co. Somers. See Hinton Blewett.
-, ……… Bourhont, co. Hants. See Hinton Boarhunt.
Henton, John, &c. See Hinton.
Henxworth, Heuxtworth, Elizabeth, wife of John, 1035.
-, ………, John, 759, 1035.
Henynges, co. Linc. See Henes.
Henyngham, co. Essex. See Hedingham.
Henyngham, Thomas. See Heveningham.
Hepworth, co. Suff., advowson of, 975; manor of, 975.
Herbert, Harberd, Edmund, clk., 1028, 1143.
-, ………, Elizabeth, Lady. See Somerset, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, sister and ch. of Richard Widville, Earl Rivers, 681.
-, ………, William, 12.
-, ………, William, Earl of Huntingdon, land held of, in co. Heref., 113; in co. Somers., 118; in Wales, 116.
Herberton, co. Devon. See Harberton.
Herbotell, co. N’th’l’d. See Harbottle.
Herce, Pilarton, co. Warw. See Pillerton Hercy.
Hercus manor, co. Herts., 406.
Hercy, Pillerton, co. Warw. See Pillerton Hercy.
Herd, Richard, of Tillingham, co. Essex, 381.
Herdescot, co. Wilts. See Eastcot.
Hereford, co. Heref., Audley, Edmund, Bishop of. See Audley.
-, ………, Bishop of, land held of, in co. Heref., 7, 130, 262, 451, 472, 684, 825, 1105; in co. Wilts., 873.
-, ………, Burcote in. See Burcote.
-, ………, Dean and Chapter of, land held of, in co. Heref., 454, 825.
-, ………, earldom of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. Essex, 291; in co. Heref., 619; in co. Norf., 1219; in co. Wilts., 1152.
-, ………, land in, 7, 684.
-, ………, palace of, land held of, in co. Heref 130.
Heresford, co. Hunt., rent out of, 1086.
Herfeld, co. Middx. See Harefield.
Herford, co. Devon. See Harford.
Herford, earldom of. See Hertford.
Heriot, Hariett, William, 629.
Herle, William, 927.
Herlewyn, William, land held of, in co. Bedf., 577.
Hermondesworth, co. Middx. See Harmondsworth.
Herne, Heern, co. Kent, land in, 277; Spitellese in, 277.
Herne, John, 768.
Herome, Nicholas, 1022.
Heron, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 520.
Heron, John, land held of, in co. N’th’l’d., 161.
-, ………, Thomas, heir of Walter, 128.
Heron, Walter, Glouc., 128.
Herpeley, co. Norf. See Harpley.
Herpyngton, co. Surrey, manor of, 390.
Herrewell, Edmund. See Harewell.
Herringby, Heryngby, co. Norf., land in, 458.
Herryngton, William, knt. See Harrington.
Herrys, John, gent. See Harris.
Herryson, Katharine. See Harrison.
Herstperpoynt, co. Sussex. See Hurstpierpoint.
Hersyng, James, land held of heirs of, in co. Kent, 277.
Hertburn, Robert, clk., 86.
Herte, John, &c. See Hart.
Hertford, Herford, co. Herts., earldom of, land held of, in co. Essex, 24; in co. Oxford, 709; honor of (Harford), land held of, in co. Glouc., 860; land in, 512; priory of, land held of, in co. Oxford, 170.
Hertham, co. Wilts. See Hartham.
Herthill, co. Norf. See Hunworth.
Hertingfordbury, Hertyngfordbury, co. Herts., Rokesford manor in, 175.
Hertlay, co. Westm’d. See Hartley.
Hertlep, co. Kent. See Hartlip.
Hertley, co. N’th’l’d. See Hartley.
Hertlond, co. Devon. See Hartland.
Hertlond, John, land held of, in co. Heref., 7, 472.
Hertmere, Hurtmere, [in Godalming], co. Surrey, manor of, 19.
Hertwell, William. See Hartwell.
Hertyngfordbury, co. Herts. See Hertingfordbury.
Hervey, Harvy, Hervy, George, 889, 891, 925.
-, ………, Humphrey, 537.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of George, and d. and ch. of John Stanford, 889, 890, 891, 925.
-, ………, Robert, 1143.
-, ………, Thomas, 439.
-, ………, William, 342.
Hervy, William. See Hervey.
Herwyke, co. Linc., land in, 570.
Herynden, John, 996.
Heryngawes, co. Sussex, manor of, 552.
Heryngby, co. Norf. See Herringby.
Heryngsett, Le, co. Norf., land in, 916.
Hesedenei manor, co. Essex. See Maplestead.
Hesill, co. York. See Hessle.
Heslarton, co. York, knight’s fee in, 612.
Hesset, Heggesett, co. Suff., Lawenes manor in, 305.
Hesshett, co. Sussex, manor of, 552.
Hessle, Hesill, co. York, ferry at, 1045; manor of, 1045.
Hester, John, 149.
Heth, John, &c. See Heath.
Hetherington, Hethryngton, John, 157.
Hetherlond, co. Devon, manor of, 85.
Hethersett, Hethirset, co. Norf., Keteringham, William de, parson of mediety of church of, 742.
Hethfeld, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 461, 1110; land in, 661.
Hethfeld, Knyghton, co. Devon. See Knighton.
Hethirset, co. Norf. See Hethersett.
Hethpole, co. N’th’l’d. See Heathpool.
Hethryngton, John. See Hetherington.
Heton, co. N’th’l’d. See Heaton.
Heton, William, 1041.
Heuxtworth, John. See Henxworth.
Heveningham, Henyngham, Hevenyngham, co. Norf. See Hevingham.
Heveningham, Alice, wife of John, knt., late wife of Robert Harleston, esq., and daughter and co-heir of Henry Bruyn, knt., 883, 884.
-, ………, Anne, wife of Thomas, esq., 1228.
-, ………, Edmund, 384.
-, ………, George, s. of John, knt., 883.
-, ………, John, esq., 810.
-, ………, John, knt., 77, 330, 384, 648, 700, 701, 810, 883, 884, 975, 976, 994, 1001, 1083, 1136, 1144, 1228, 1///, 1240; land held of, in co. Essex, 759; in co. Norf., 101.
Heveningham, Margaret, late the wife of John, knt., formerly Lady Margaret Clinton, widow, and sometime wife of Walter Hungerford, esq., Essex, 1241.
Heveningham, Robert, esq., 384.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 384.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 384, 1001.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., s. and h. of John, knt., 1228.
-, ………, Thomas, gent., 1144.
Hevenyngham, co. Norf. See Hevingham.
Hever, co. Kent, land in, 530.
Heverlond, co. Norf. See Haveringland.
Heverynglond, co. Norf. See Haveringland.
Hevingham, Hevenyngham, co. Norf., land in, 913.
Hew Caple, co. Heref. See How Caple.
Heweldon, co. Devon, land in, 760.
Hewellesfeld, co. Glouc. See Hewelsfield.
Hewelsfield, Hewellesfeld, co. Glouc., land in, 597.
Hewfild, co. Hants, land in, 769.
Hewish, Hewyshe, co. Wilts., advowson of, 771; manor of, 771.
Hewissh, co. Devon. See Huish.
Hewode, co. Wilts. See Heywood.
Hewyk, Anne, d. and ch. of John, 821.
-, ………, Denyse, d. and ch. of John, 821.
-, ………, Isabel, d. and ch. of John, 821.
-, ………, Isabel, wife of John, 821.
-, ………, Joan, d. and ch. of John, 821.
Hewyk, John, Essex, 821.
Hewyk, Kenelburga, d. and ch. of John, 821.
Hewyshe, co. Wilts. See Hewish.
Hexstall, Henry, 530.
Hexte, Thomas, 303, 537, 977.
Heydon, Haydon, co. Essex, Aspland, John, of. See Aspland.
-, ……, co. Glouc. See Hayden.
-, ……, co. Norf., advowson of, 1025; Cardmer, Thomas, rector of. See Cardmer; land in, 1012; Loverders manor in, land held of, 1012.
Heydon, Henry, 309, 384, 485, 1088.
-, ………, Henry, knt., 1, 101, 384, 444, 507, 682, 795, 809, 872, 977, 1001, 1085, 1143, 1175, 1218, 1229; land held of, in co. Norf., 53, 1012, 1036.
-, ………, John, 1, 377, 975, 976, 977, 1175.
-, ………, John, of Baconsthorpe, co. Norf., 700.
-, ………, John, esq., 1025, 1036.
-, ………, John, esq., s. and h. of Henry, knt., 1218, 1219.
Heyer Harston, co. Devon. See Harston.
Heyford, Hayford, co. Oxford, land in, 579.
-, ……… at Bridge, co. Oxford, manor of, 732.
-, ………, Nether, co. N’hamp., manor of, 372; Halmede in, 372.
-, ………, Over, co. N’hamp., land in, 372; manor of, 372.
Heygh, Thomas, notary, co. Norf., 1143.
Heygham, Thomas, &c. See Higham.
Heygrove, co. Somers., rent in, 764.
Heyham, co. Norf. See Heigham.
Heylesdon, co. Norf. See Haylesdon.
Heynour, co. Derby. See Heanor.
Heynton, co. Berks. See Hinton.
Heyron, John, 257, 754, 756.
-, ………, Roger, 846.
Heys, Clyst, co. Devon. See Clyst.
Heytesbury, Haynysbury, co. Wilts., hundred of, land held of, 505.
Heyton, Hayton [in Stanford], co. Kent, manor of, 138.
Heyward, John, &c. See Hayward.
Heywood, Haywodes, Hewode, by Westbury, co. Wilts., Estovers in Hilwode in, 1163; manor of, 1163.
-, ……… [in Diss], co. Norf., manor of, 812.
Hi Swynden, co. Wilts. See Swindon.
Hickling, Hikling, Hiklyng, co. Norf., manor of, 35.
-, ……… Priory, co. Norf., advowson of, 35.
Hide Abbey, co. Hants. See Hyde.
Hide, Thomas, &c. See Hyde.
Hidman, John. See Hydeman.
Hidon, Hydon, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 235.
-, ………, Clay, co. Devon. See Columb Pyne.
Hierd, Thomas. See Hurd.
High Easter, co. Essex. See Easter, High.
-, ……… Lauver, co. Essex. See Laver, High.
-, ……… Laver, co. Essex. See Laver, High.
-, ……… Peak Castle, co. Derby. See Peak.
Higham, Heigham, Heygham, Hygham, co. Kent, land in, 745; priory of, land held of, in co. Kent, 745.
-, ……, co. Leic., land in, 784.
-, ……, co. Suff., land held of manor of Higham Hall in, 312; land in, 439; tenement in, 312.
-, ……… Bensted, in Walthamstow, co. Essex, land in, 62; manor of, 62.
-, ……… Ferrers (Ferreys, Ferres), co. N’hamp., college of, land held of, in co. Essex, 409; manor of, parcel of duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. Bedf., 730; in co. N’hamp., 966, 1192; Newenton by. See Newton.
Higham, Emma. See Torell, Emma.
-, ………, Clement, land held of, in co. Suff., 1013.
-, ………, Clement, esq., 52, 567.
-, ………, John, 1013.
-, ………, Richard, 195, 567, 699, 740, 859, 1013.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 195, 699, 740, 1001, 1017, 1165.
-, ………, Thomas, gent., 872.
-, ………, Thomas, the younger, 52.
-, ………, William, clk., 567.
Highanton, co. Devon, land in, 685.
Highbray, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 674; manor of, 851.
Highbridge, Highbrigge, co. Somers., land in, 697.
Highbrigge, co. Somers. Highbridge.
Highkam, Thomas, 551.
Highweek, Hywyke, co. Devon, land in, 755.
Hiklyng, co. Norf. See Hickling.
Hilberworth, co. Norf, See Hilborough.
Hilborough, Hilberworth, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1; land in, 1.
Hill, Hull, Hyll, co. Bedf., manor of, 1104.
-, ……, co. Hants, manor of, 185, 1240.
-, ………, Beech, co. Berks. See Beech Hill.
-, ………, Copthorn, co. Herts. See Copthorn.
-, ………, Eston at, co. Essex. See Easton, Great.
-, ……… Farrance (Hilleferons, Hylleferons), co. Somers., land in, 257, 756.
-, ……… Hall, co. Essex. See Theydon Mount.
-, ……… Hall, co. Norf. See Holkham.
-, ………, Harrow on the, co. Middx. See Harrow.
Hill, Oreton on the, co. Leic. See Orton.
-, ………, St. Martha’s, co. Surrey. See St. Martha’s Hill.
-, ………, Sutton on the, co. Derby. See Sutton.
Hill, Agnes (at Hyll), widow, Surrey, 390.
Hill, Eleanor, d. and h. of Hugh (Longslow), 294.
-, ………, Giles, s. and h. of Robert, esq., 923.
-, ………, Griffin, 294.
-, ………, Henry (At Hyll), grandson and h. of Agnes, 390.
-, ………, Humphrey, 294.
-, ………, John, 872, 1150.
-, ………, John, of Shepton Mallet, co. Somers., 118.
-, ………, Margery, land held of, in co. Somers., 18.
-, ………, Nicholas, knt. See Lisle.
-, ………, Ralph, 560.
-, ………, Richard, cit. and taylor of London, 1055.
-, ………, Robert, 248.
Hill, Robert, esq., Devon, 923.
Hill (Hulle), Roger. See Huls.
-, ………, Thomas, 656.
Hill, Thomas, knt., Essex, 32; Hunt., 120.
Hill, Thomas (At Hyll), s. and h. of Agnes, 390.
-, ………, Walter, clk., 167.
-, ………, William, 294.
-, ………, William, coz. and h. of Margaret Colyngton, 294.
-, ………, William, of Eccleshall, co. Staff., 357.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 32, 120.
-, ………, alias Prior, William, 166.
Hille, Thomas, &c. See Hill.
Hilleferons, co. Somers. See Hill Farrance.
Hilles, St. Margaret, co. Kent. See St. Margaret.
Hillesden, Hyllesdon, co. Bucks., land in, 576.
Hillesley, co. Bedf., manor of, 733.
Hilling, Hyllyng, Thomas, 1202.
-, ………, William, clk., vicar of Harberton, co. Devon, 303, 908, 1164.
Hillington, Hillyngton, co. Norf., advowson of, 35; land in, 1084; manor of, 35; Nether Hall manor in, 1022; Uphall manor in, land held of, 1084.
Hillond, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 1161.
Hillyngton, co. Norf. See Hillington.
Hilton, Hylton, co. York, land in, 669.
Hilton, Adam, s. of Roger, 1178.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Thimbleby, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Godfrey, esq., 1193.
Hilton, Hawis. See Bruerne, Hawis.
-, ………, John, 823.
-, ………, Margery. See Walrond, Margery.
-, ………, Robert, knt., land held of, in co. Linc., 244.
-, ………, Roger, 1178.
Hilyard, Hilyerde, Robert, knt., land held of, in co. Linc., 639.
Hilyerde, Robert, &c. See Hilyard.
Himley, Hymley, co. Staff., manor of, 288.
Hinckley, Hynkley, co. Leic., land in, 1223.
Hincknolle, Henknoll [in Netherbury], co. Dorset, manor of, 15.
Hinde, Hynde, Elizabeth, wife of John. See Butler, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Grisild, wife of John the elder, 152.
-, ………, Joan. See Writtle, Joan.
-, ………, John, citizen of London, 109, 152.
-, ………, John, eldest son of John and Elizabeth, 109, 152.
-, ………, John, younger son of John and Elizabeth, 152.
-, ………, William, 372.
Hinderwell, Hynderwell, co. York, manor of, 612.
Hindon, Hyndon, co. Wilts., manor of, 351.
Hingham, Hengham, co. Norf., Ellingham Hall manor in, 1089; land held of manor of, 677; manor of, 507; Mutford Hall manor in, 1089.
Hingston, Hengeston, Hengston, co. Devon, land in, 443.
Hingston, John, 443.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Robert, 443.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of Robert, 443.
Hingston, Robert, Devon, 443.
Hinkirsull, Hynkyrsull, co. Derby, manor of, 3.
Hinstock, Hynstok, co. Salop, advowson of, 231; manor of, 231.
Hintlesham, Hyntlesham, co. Suff., advowson of, 809; manor of, 809.
Hinton, Henton, Heynton, Hyneton, Hynton, Hynyngton, co. Berks., suit of court of, 801.
-, ……, co. Camb., land held of manor of, 1075; Malettes manor in, 1075.
-, ……, co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 151.
-, ……… Blewett (Bluet), co. Somers., manor of, 870; rent in, 764.
-, ……… Bourhunt (Bourhont), co. Hants, manor of, 392.
-, ……… Columbers, co. Wilts., manor of, 1152.
-, ……… Little, co. Dorset, advowson of, 20, 338, 988; manor of, 20, 338, 988.
-, ……… Wase, co. Wilts., manor of, 1152.
Hinton, John, clk., 55.
-, ………, John, prior of Bruton, co. Somers., 717.
Hiptoftes, rent called, in Wisbech, co. Norf., 210.
Hitcham, Hecham, co. Bucks., land held of manor of, 426; land in, 426, 554.
-, ……, co. Suff., land in, 52.
Hitchcock, Hychcok, Agnes, wife of William, 355.
-, ………, William, 355.
Hitchin, Hycchyn, co. Herts. See Minsden; land held of manor of, 682; Moremede manor in, 321; tenements in, 321, 512, 682.
Hobart, Hobert, James, 265, 266, 589, 809, 939; land held of, in co. Suff., 439.
Hobbes, Thomas, clk., 732.
Hoberddes, co. Suff. See Preston.
Hobert, James. See Hobart.
Hob-Lench, Hablenche, co. Worc., manor of, 802.
Hobson, Thomas, 1145.
Hocclyf, co. Bedf. See Hockliffe.
Hockering, Hokeryng, co. Norf., advowson of, 507; land held of manor of, 266; land in, 469; manor of, 507.
Hockham, Hecham, Hokham, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 875; land in, 384, 875, 976.
Hockley, Hokley, co. Essex, Boxser, John, of. See Boxser; Gatewardes in, 1161; Skottes, Thomas, of. See Scott; Skottys in, 1161; Thedomes in, 1161.
-, ………, Little, co. Essex, manor of, 1087.
Hockliffe, Hocclyf, co. Bedf., land in, 577.
Hockwold, Hokewold, co. Norf., advowson of St. Peter’s, 35.
Hockworthy, Hokworthy, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 923.
Hodcote, co. Berks., manor of, 733.
Hoddesak, co. Notts. See Hodsock.
Hoddesdon, co. Herts., William Smith of, 204.
Hode, co. Devon, manor of, 977.
Hodelston, Isabel, &c. See Huddleston.
Hodeston, co. Wilts. See Hodson.
Hodgson, Hogeson, John, 157.
Hodilston, co. York. See Huddleston.
Hodington, Hodyngton, co. Worc., rent from manor of, 888.
Hodsock, Hoddesak, co. Notts., manor of, 714; soke of, 714.
Hodson, Hodeston, co. Wilts, land in, 1152.
Hody, John, 609.
-, ………, William, 14, 15, 181, 754, 972, 1082; land held of, in co. Dorset, 145.
-, ………, William, knt., Chief Baron of Exchequer, 601, 682, 1134.
Hodylston, William, &c. See Huddleston.
Hodyngton, co. Worc. See Hodington.
Hoffe manor, co. Westm’d., 10.
Hogcestre, co. Dorset. See Hoghurst.
Hogeson, John. See Hodgson.
Hoggekyn FitzAndrewes, in Willingale Spain, co. Essex, 391.
Hoggeshawe, John. See Hogshaw.
Hoggesthorp, co. Linc. See Hogsthorpe.
Hoggisthorp, co. Linc. See Hogsthorpe.
Hogh, Gilbert, 33.
Hoghardes, land called, in Thorpe Morieux, co. Suff., 234.
Hoghton, co. Notts. See Haughton.
Hoghurst, Hogcestre, in Whitchurch, co. Dorset, land in, 332.
Hogons, co. Suff. See Preston.
Hogshaw, Hoggeshawe, John, 454.
Hogshawes, co. Kent. See Milstead.
Hogsthorpe, Hoggesthorp, Hoggisthorp, co. Linc., land in, 366, 686, 1127.
Hoigge, William, clk., 47.
Hokcomb, co. Somers., manor of, 270.
Hoke, John, 510.
Hokehat, co. Devon, manor of, 661.
Hokeryng, co. Norf. See Hockering.
Hokewold, co. Norf. See Hockwold.
Hokham, co. Norf. See Hockham.
Hokkyngton, co. Camb., land held of manor of, 476; manor of, 476.
Hokkyswoode, co. Salop, land in, 997.
Hokley, Little, co. Essex. See Hockley.
Hokworthy, co. Devon. See Hockworthy.
Hokys Manor, in Clothall, co. Herts., 129.
Holampton Manor, co. Heref. See Holme Lacy.
Holand, co. Linc. See Holland.
Holand, Lord. See Holland.
Holawey, Alexander. See Holloway.
Holbache, Thomas. See Holbeach.
Holbeach, Holbache, Holbech, co. Linc., manor of, 336.
Holbeach, Thomas, 889.
Holbeame, Holbeme, co. Devon, manor of, 978.
Holbeame, Christopher, gent., 249.
-, ………, John, clk., 642.
Holbeame, John, Devon, 978.
Holbeame, John, s. and h. of John, 978.
Holbech, co. Linc. See Holbeach.
Holbeme, co. Devon. See Holbeame.
Holbeme, John, &c. See Holbeame.
Holbeton, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 443; manor of, 760.
Holbroke, Arthur, 485.
Holcombe, Holcumbe, co. Devon, land in, 755; More, John of. See Morc.
-, ……, co. Dorset, manor of, 1114.
-, ………, Paramore, co. Devon, land in, 855.
Holcoote, co. N’hamp. See Holcot.
Holcot, Holcoote, co. N’hamp., manor of, 1178.
Holcroft, James, 1178.
Holcumbe, co. Devon. See Holcombe.
Holden, Anne, wife of John, and sister and co-heir of Thomas Culpeper, 820.
-, ………, John, 820.
Holden, John, of Hunton, co. Kent, 394.
Holdenby, Haldenby, co. N’hamp., advowson of, 929; land in, 929.
Holdenby, Joan, widow, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 796.
-, ………, Richard, esq., land held of, in co. N’hamp., 1213.
-, ………, Thomas, 1145.
Holderness, co. York, Coldon in. See Colden; Halsham in. See Halsham; Hedon in. See Hedon; land held of lordship of, 258; Sutton in. See Sutton; Withernwick in. See Withernwick.
Holdesworthy, co. Devon. See Holsworthy.
Holdich, Holdych, Agnes, sister of Richard, of Didlington, co. Norf., esq., 101.
-, ………., Alice. See Nawnton, Alice.
-, ………, Alice. See Sayeve, Alice.
Holdich, Joan, late wife of Richard, Norf., 555.
Holdich, John, s. and h. of Richard, 555.
-, ………, Katharine, sister of Richard, of Didlington, co. Norf., esq., 101.
-, ………, Margaret, sister of Richard of Didlington, co. Norf., esq., 101.
-, ………, Richard, of Didlington, co. Norf., esq., 101, 555.
-, ………, Richard, of South Pickenham, co. Norf., esq., 101.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of John, 555.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 555.
Holdisworthy, co. Devon. See Holsworthy.
Holdych, Richard, &c. See Holdich.
Holdysworthy, co. Devon. See Holsworthy.
Holebray, co. Devon, land in, 674.
Holes, Roger, 829.
Holeway, Nicholas, land held of, in co. Devon, 930.
Holewell, co. Bedf. See Holwell.
Holewey, co. Middx. See Holloway.
Holford, Holleford, co. Somers., land in, 697.
Holford, John, Master of St. John’s, Bridgwater, co. Somers., 257, 756.
Holgrave, John, 12, 28.
Holgrave, Sutton, co. York. See Sutton Howgrave.
Holkham, co. Norf., Borow Hall manor in, land held of, 1033; Hyl Hall manor in, 1033; land in, 1033.
Holland, Holand, Holond, co. Linc., Kyrkton in. See Kirton.
Holland, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, d. of Thomas Hugyn, 754.
-, ………, Henry, Duke of Exeter, land held of, in co. Devon, 155; in co. Somers., 153.
-, ………, John, 257, 756.
-, ………, Lord. See Lovel, William, knt.
-, ………, Richard, of Denton, 1178.
-, ………, Roger, 464, 537, 562.
-, ………, Roger, esq., 1164.
-, ………, Thomas, 754.
Holland, Thurstan, s. and h. of Richard of Denton, 1178.
-, ………, William, 809.
Holleford, John. See Holford.
Holler, John, 913, 1143.
Hollingbourn, Holyngbourne, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 1055.
Hollington, Holynton, co. Derby, land in, 776.
Holloway, Holawey, Holewey, co. Middx., land in, 133.
Holloway, Alexander, 712.
Holme, Hom, co. Bedf., Eston, John, of. See Eston.
-, ……, co. Notts., Hodsock, soke in, 714.
Holme Lacy, co. Heref., Andrew, William, vicar of. See Andrew; land held of Holampton manor in, 454; lands in, 454.
-, ………, on Spalding Moor, co. York, manor of, 363.
-, ………, St. Bennet’s, co. Norf. See Hulme.
Holme, John, 1046.
-, ………, Robert, 93; land held of, in co. York, 1005.
-, ………, Thomas, 169.
-, ………, William, 265, 266.
Holnest, co. Dorset, land in, 301.
Holond, William. See Holland.
Holsworthy, Holdesworthy, Holdisworthy, Holdysworthy, co. Devon, Estlak by. See Estlak; land in, 155, 685, 760.
Holt, Christine, d. and ch. of Richard, 1255.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Pownde, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Joan. See Darell, Joan.
-, ………, John, 1023.
-, ………, Richard, 1255.
Holtby, co. York, land in, 264, 1005.
Holte, in Thorverton, co. Devon, land in, 1220.
Holton, Halton, Hawton, co. Oxford, Seintlice manor in, 75.
-, ……, co. Suff., land in, 77.
-, ……… cum Beckering, co. Linc., manor of, 570.
Holvile, William, esq., land held of, in co Warw., 23.
Holwell, Holewell, co. Bedf., manor of, 699, 730, 850.
-, ………, Great, co. Bedf., land in, 1029.
-, ………, in Bigbury, co. Devon, land in, 443.
Holwey, Thomas, 1004.
Holwine, John, the elder, 899.
Holy Croke, co. Devon. See Croke.
Holybourn, Halybourne, Halyngbourn, co. Hants., Brocas, William of. See Brocas; manor of, 358; Wattys, land called, in, 12.
Holyngardyn, co. Sussex, manor of, 365.
Holyngbourne, co. Kent. See Hollingbourn.
Holynghawe, Robert, chaplain, 1132.
Holynton, co. Derby. See Hollington.
Holyoaks, Halyok, co. Leic., land in, 1081.
Holywell, Halowell, Halywell, co. N’th’l’d., land in, 348; manor of, 161.
Hom Hous, Le, co. Heref. See Brockhampton, Lower.
-, ……… Lacy, co. Heref. See Holme.
Homedeux, John, land held of, in co. Wilts., 873.
Homere, co. Somers. See Hummer.
Homet, William, 612.
Homlok Langton, co. Linc. See Langton.
Homonby, co. York. See Hunmanby.
Hone, co. Derby, manor of, 89.
Honecrofte, co. Devon, land in, 303.
Honey, service of,
Honiley, Honyley, co. Warw., land in, 136.
Honing, Honyng, co. Norf., manor of, 976.
Honingham, co. Norf., land in, 1089.
Honiton, Honyton, Hyneton, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 1220; land in, 758, 1220.
-, ………, Clyst, co. Devon. See Clyst.
Honors. See Albemarle; Aquila; Basing; Berkhamstead; Boulogne; Carmarthen; Chester; Cheylesmore; Clare; Clifford; Colwent; Cormayles; Dilwyn; Dover; Eye; Gloucester; Grooby; Haggenet; Hedingham; Huntingdon; Kyngton; Montgomery; Mortaine; Okehampton; Pembroke; Pevensey; Peverell; Pinkney; Plympton Earls; Radnor; Rayleigh; Richmond; Rochford; Rosse; Somerton; Tikhill; Wallingford; Weobley; Winchester; Winkleigh; Wormegay.
-, ……… See also Baronies.
Honybere, co. Somers., manor of, 603.
Honycote, co. Somers., manor of, 697.
Honyesham, co. Devon. See Huntsham.
Honyley, co. Warw. See Honiley.
Honyng, co. Norf. See Honing.
Honyngham, co. York. See Hovingham.
Honyton, co. Devon. See Honiton.
Hoo, co. Bedf. See Luton.
-, ……, co. Kent, land in, 606.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Howe.
-, ……, co. Oxford, land in, 1030.
-, ……, co. Suff., Grenes in, 909.
-, ………, Auneffordes, co. N’hamp. See Hamfordshoe.
-, ……… Hall, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 909.
-, ……… and Hastings, Lord. See Hoo, Thomas.
Hoo, Anne. See Boleyne, Anne.
-, ………, John, of Blythburgh, co. Suff., 1136.
-, ………, Margaret. See St. Clere, Margaret.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 738, 1078.
Hoo, Thomas, esq., Bedf., 205; Herts., 160; Sussex, 322.
Hoo, Thomas, knt., 205.
Hoo, Thomas, knt., Lord Hoo and Hastings, 322.
-, ……… See also Boleyne, Anne.
-, ………, Thomas the younger, 189, 261.
Hooberne, in Stopsley, co. Bedf., manor of, 356.
Hooe, East, co. Devon. See East Hooe.
Hooke, co. Hants. See Tichfield.
Hooper, Houper, Richard, 616.
Hoorde, Thomas, &c. See Horde.
Hooton, Hoton, Pagnell, co. York, rent held of manor of, 488.
Hopcote, or Hapcote, co. Somers., land in, 1232.
Hope, co. Heref., Hampton beside. See Hampton.
-, ……… Mille in Sandeherst, co. Kent. See Sandhurst.
Hope, Robert, clk., 266.
Hopken, Thomas, 804.
Hopper, John, 599.
Hoppes, William, 1143.
Hoppewell, co. Derby. See Hopwell.
Hopton, co. Staff., land in, 874.
-, ……, co. Suff., manor of, 1007.
Hopton, Arthur, s. and h. of Geo., knt., 480, 643, 644.
-, ………, David, clk., 681.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Brewes, Elizabeth.
-, ………, George, knt., 644.
Hopton, George, knt., Suff., 589, 643; York, 480.
Hopton, John, clk., vicar of Reydon, co. Suff., 1218.
-, ………, John, esq., 648, 654, 810.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of George, knt., 589.
Hopton, John, s. and h. of George, knt., Suff., 644.
-, ………, Thomasine, widow, land held of, in co. Suff., 77, 643.
-, ………, William, 1160.
Hopwell, Hoppewell, co. Derby, manor of, 423.
Horde, Hoorde, John, 667.
-, ………, John, esq., 982.
-, ………, Margaret. See Cornwall, Margaret.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 545, 562, 720, 924, 982.
Horethorne, co. Berks., land in, 927.
Horewode, co. Devon. See Harwood.
-, ……, co. Glouc., land in, 778.
Horewode, Thomas, &c. See Horwood.
Horham, co. Norf., manor of, 721.
Horkesley, Great, co. Essex, manor of, 924.
Horle, co. Surrey. See Horley.
Horley, Horle, co. Surrey, land in, 436.
Horn, William, alderman of London, 133.
Hornby, co. York, Conyers, John, of. See Conyers.
-, ………, deed dated at, 638; manor of, 675.
Hornchirche, co. Essex. See Hornchurch.
Hornchurch, Hornchirche, co. Essex, land in, 237.
Horndon, Est Thorndon, co. Essex, Keme, John, of. See Keme; land in, 381, 985; manor of Horndon House in, 381, 985. See also Ardern Hall.
-, ………, East, co. Essex, Abbots-Hall in, manor of, land held of, 381, 985.
Horne, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, 348.
-, ………, Gervase, esq., 694.
-, ………, Henry, land held of, in co. Kent, 856.
-, ………, Henry, esq., 694, 996.
-, ………, John, 404.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 106, 460, 782.
-, … ….., Thomas, land held of, in co. N’th’l’d., 348.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of William, 404.
Horne, William, Wilts., 404.
Hornecliffe, John, 964.
Hornecote, co. Cornw. See Hornicote.
Hornesee, co. York. See Hornsea.
Hornicote, Hornecote, co. Cornw., manor of, 1082.
Horninghold, Hornyngold, co. Leic., land in, 1081.
Horningsheath, Hornyngesherth, Hornyngherth, Great, co. Suff., land in, 1180.
-, ………, Little, co. Suff., land in, 495; manor (1/2) of, 1180.
Horningtoft, Hornyngtoft, co. Norf., land in, 1143.
Hornington, Hornyngton, co. of city of York, land in, 1043.
Hornsea, Hornesee, Hornsee, co. York, land in, 363, 1188.
Hornsee, co. York. See Hornsea.
Hornyngesherth, co. Suff. See Horningsheath.
Hornyngherth, co. Suff. See Horningsheath.
Hornyngold, co, Leic. See Horninghold.
Hornyngtoft, co. Norf. See Horningtoft.
Hornyngton, co. of city of York. See Hornyngton.
Horseheath, Horseth, co. Camb., Carbonelles in, 567; Horseheath Hall manor in, 994; land in, 567; Stystedes in, 567.
Horsemonden, Horsmonden, co. Kent, land in, 433.
Horseth, co. Camb. See Horseheath.
Horsey, Horsy, ——, esq., land held of, in co. Hants., 1057.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Somers., 692.
-, ………, John, late of Okeley, land held of, in co. Somers., 1202.
Horsford, Horsforth, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 677; manor of, 190, 261.
Horsforth, co. Norf. See Horsford.
Horsham St. Faith’s, co. Norf. See St. Faith’s.
Horsington, Horsyngton, co. Somers., land in, 147.
Horsley, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 161.
-, ………, West, co. Surrey, manor of, 19.
Horsmonden, co. Kent. See Horsemonden.
Horsted, Little, co. Sussex, land held of manor of, 738.
Horsy, John. See Horsey.
Horsye, co. Sussex, manor of, 431.
Horsyngton, co. Somers. See Horsington.
Horton, co. Bucks., land in, 618; manor of, 16.
-, ……, co. Devon, manor of, 155.
-, ……, co. Dorset. See Woodlands.
-, ……, co. Glouc., land in, 778.
-, ……, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 138; land in, 793.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 529; manor of, 796.
-, ……, co. Salop, land in, 1243.
-, ……, co. Surrey, manor of, 1176.
-, ……… Kirby (Kerkeby, Kyrkeby), co. Kent, advowson of free chapel in, 1175; land held of manor of, 434, 781, 793, 1102; manor of, 1175.
-, ………, Monks, co. Kent, priory of, land held of, in co. Kent, 138; Sellyng by. See Selling.
Horton, Richard, land held of, in co. N’hamp. 372.
-, ………, Richard, feoffee, 372.
Horwood, Horewode, Eleanor, d. of John, 1199.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John, 1199.
-, ………, Hugh, brother and heir of John 1199.
Horwood, John, Hants, 1199.
Horwood, John, s. and h. of John, 1199.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of William, 1199.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of John, s. and h. of William, 1199.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 71, 72.
-, ………, William, 1199.
Hose, Howes, co. Leic., land held of manor of, 1221.
Hosebruge, co. Hants, land in, 830.
Hospitallers, Knights. See St. John, Knights of.
Hosyer, Richard, bailiff of Worcester, 888.
Hot, Thomas, 993.
Hotham, Hothom, Ralph, 477, 542, 544.
Hothom, Ralph. See Hotham.
Hoton. See Hutton.
-, ……… Panell, co. York. See Hooton Pagnell.
Hotton, co. Cumb. See Hutton.
Houedon, co. York. See Howden.
Hough, West, co. Devon. See West Hough.
Hough, Richard, 1167.
Houghton, Haughton, Howeton, Howton, co. Hants, land in, 830.
-, ……, co. Leic., land in, 419.
-, ……, co. Norf., Houghton manor in, 1019; Stowedele Leet in, 101.
Houghton, Great, co. York, manor of, 600.
-, ………, Hanging, co. N’hamp., land in, 1178.
-, ………, Little, co. York, manor of, 600.
-, ……… Regis, co. Bedf., land in, 629.
-, ………, Winterborne, co. Dorset. See Winterborne Houghton.
Houndean, Hownden, co. Sussex, manor (1/8) of, 878.
Houndeherst, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 380.
Hounespyll, co. Somers. See Huntspill.
Houper, Richard. See Hooper.
Houton, co. Dorset, manor of. See Winterborne Houghton.
Hoveden, co. York. See Howden.
Hovell manor, co. Suff. See Weybread.
Hovingham, Honyngham, co. York; manor of, 800. See Ovyngham.
How, Hew, co. Somers. See Winsford.
-, ……… Caple, co. Heref., advowson of, 451; manor of, 451.
Howard, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, Earl of Surrey, land held of, 1143.
-, ………, John. See Vere, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, Duke of Norfolk, 33, 286; attainder of, 654; land held of, in co. Devon, 30.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Margaret Scales, 33.
-, ………, Margaret. See Scales, Margaret.
-, ………, Robert, knt. See Scales, Margaret.
-, ………, Thomas, Earl of Surrey, land held of, in co. Bedf., 577; in co. Essex, 574; in co. Norf., 1159; in co. Suff., 909, 939; jure ux., in co. Norf., 1143.
-, ………, William, clk., 1161.
Howchyn, John. See Hutchins.
Howden, Houedon, Hoveden, co. York, land held of manor of, 636; land near park of, 220.
Howe, Hoo, co. Norf., Skarlet, William, of. See Skarlet.
Howell, Richard, 171.
-, ………, Thomas, 698.
Howes, co. Leic. See Hose.
Howet, Robert, of Beaumont, co. Essex, 631.
Howeton, co. Norf. See Houghton.
Howghton, co. Devon, land in, 855.
Howgrave, Sutton, co. York. See Sutton.
Hownden, co. Sussex. See Houndean.
Howton, co. Devon, land in, 443.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Houghton.
-, ……… on Humber, co. Linc., land in, 570.
Hoxne, co. Suff., land in, 439.
Hubard, John, 1145.
Hubawde, Edward, 841.
Huberd, James, 1060.
Hubert, son of Peter, land held of, in co. Heref., 113.
Hubert, Corfe, co. Dorset. See Corfe Hubert.
Huchynson, Robert. See Hutchinson.
Huddelston, Henry, &c. See Huddleston.
Huddersfield, Huddresfeld, co. York, Dalton by. See Dalton.
Huddesdon, Huddysdon, co. Devon, land in, 661, 680.
Huddesfeld, William. See Huddisfield.
Huddeswell, co. York. See Hudswell.
Huddisfeld, William. See Huddisfield.
Huddisfield, Huddesfeld, Huddisfeld, Huddysfyld, William, knt., 4, 14, 18, 181, 248, 334, 758, 760, 765, 899, 922, 1123, 1126, 1171; land held of, in co. Devon, 403, 755.
Huddleston, Hodelston, Hodilston, Hodylston, Huddelston, Hudelston, Hudulston, co. York, land in, 353; Langton, Thomas, esq., of. See Langton.
Huddleston, Elizabeth. See Cheney, Elizabeth.
Huddleston, Henry, esq., N’hamp., 297.
Huddleston, Isabel, wife of William, esq., and d. and co-heir of John Nevill, Marquess Montague, 161, 221, 241, 1085, 1130.
Huddleston, Joan, widow, late wife of William Alington, and d. and ch. of John Ansty, Camb., 1075.
Huddleston, Joan, wife of William, esq., and d. and ch. of Miles Stapleton, knt., and Kath., Lady Harcourt, his wife, 397, 518, 1096.
-, ………, John, 612.
-, ………, John, knt., 150, 518, 1096.
Huddleston, John, knt., Cumb., 969.
-, ………, John, knt., son of John, knt., 969.
-, ………, Miles, vicar of Millom, co. Cumb., 969.
-, ………, Richard, grandson and heir of John, knt., 969.
-, ………, Richard, knt., s. of John, knt., 969.
-, ………, William, esq., 161, 241, 397, 518, 1085, 1130.
-, ………, William, esq., s. of John, knt., 969.
-, ………, William, vicar of Gilcrux (Gylcroux), co. Cumb., 969.
Huddresfeld, co. York. See Huddersfield.
Huddysdon, co. Devon. See Huddesdon.
Huddysfyld, William. See Huddisfield.
Hudelston, John, &c. See Huddleston.
Hudflatte, co. York, messuage in, 258.
Hudgrey, Robert, 821.
Hudson, William, 612.
Hudswell, Huddeswell, co. York, land in, 223, 663.
Hudulston, William, &c. See Huddleston.
Hugeley Stapull, co. Bucks. See Hedgerley.
Hugford, Huggeford, Alice, daughter and co-heir of John, esq., 136.
-, ………, Ann, daughter and co-heir of John, esq., 136.
-, ………, Joan. See Beaufo, Joan.
Hugford, John, 23.
Hugford, John, esq., Staff., 200; Warw., 27, 136.
Hugford, Margaret, wife of John, esq., and d. and h. of Nicholas Metley, 136.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 447, 922.
Huggeford, John, &c. See Hugford.
Hugyn, Elizabeth. See Holland, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Giles, 754.
-, ………, Joan, granddaughter and h. of John, esq., 754.
-, ………, Joan, wife of John, esq., 754.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Thomas, and d. of John Bret, 754.
-, ………, John, 14, 17, 156, 257, 756.
Hugyn, John, esq., Somers, 754.
Hugyn, John, s. and h. of John, esq., 754.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Thomas, 754.
-, ………, Thomas, 754.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, 754.
-, ………, Walter, 754.
Huish, Hewissh, Huwysshe, Huyssh, co. Devon, land in, 760; manor of, 760.
-, ………, Long (Lange), co. Devon, rent in, 1215.
Hulcote, co. N’hamp., manor of, 666.
Hulcote, John, esq., N’hamp, 666.
Hulcote, Richard, coz. and h. of John, esq., 666.
Hulcourte in Shipton-Moyne, co. Glouc., 4.
Hulegh, co. Salop, land held of manor of, 726.
Hulkeshey, co. Somers., manor of, 146.
Hull, Kyngeston on, co. York. See Kingston.
Hull, Margery, &c. See Hill.
Hulle, Roger. See Huls.
Hulme, Holme, St. Bennet’s, co. Norf., abbey of, land held of, in co. Norf., 76, 384, 440, 916, 976.
Huls, Hulle, Roger, 4, 334, 1123, 1126.
Humber, Humbre, the, ferry over, 1045.
-, ………, manor submerged by, 1062.
-, ………, Howton on, co. Linc. See Howton.
Humberston, co. Leic., land in, 164.
Humbre, water of. See Humber.
Hummer, Homere, co. Somers., land in, 1202.
Humphrey, Umfrey, Richard, 133.
-, ………, William, 1250.
Hundelby, co. Linc. See Hundleby.
Hunden, co. Suff. See Hundon.
Hundercombe manor, co. Bucks. See Huntercombe.
Hundeshaue, co. Devon. See Hunshaw.
Hundleby, Hundelby, co. Linc., land in, 1257.
Hundleby, John, land held of heirs of, in co. Linc., 1257.
Hundmandby, co. York. See Hunmanby.
Hundon, Hunden, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 1013.
Hundon, Thomas, chaplain, 1193.
Hungate, Margaret, wife of William, esq., late wife of —— Brande, and d. and ch. of William Sawley, esq., 780.
-, ………, William, esq., 780.
Hungerford, Hungyrford, Hungyrforth, co. Berks. See Charnam Street.
-, ………, Denne myll by, 957.
-, ………. See Sandon.
-, ……… See Standen.
Hungerford, Anne, wife of Thomas, knt., 462, 1198.
-, ………, Edmund, knt., 137; land held of, in co. Oxford, 46.
-, ………, Edward, esq., 249, 404.
-, ………, Lord. See Hastings, Edward, knt.
-, …….., Margaret. See Heveningham, Margaret.
-, ………, Margaret, Lady Botreaux, widow, late wife of Robert Hungerford, knt., the elder, Lord Hungerford, 462, 1198.
Hungerford, Margery, late wife of Edmund, knt., Oxford, 137.
Hungerford, Mary. See Hastings, Mary.
-, ………, Nicholas, esq., s. and h. of Margaret, Lady Heveningham, 1241.
-, ………, Robert, knt., Lord Hungerford and Molines, 1198.
-, ………, Robert, the elder, knt., Lord Hungerford, 462, 1198; land held of heir of, in co. Wilts., 839.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 462, 1198.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of Edmund, knt., 137.
-, ………, Walter, esq., 1241.
-, ………, Walter, knt., land held of, in co. Wilts., 873, 1247.
Hungre Hatle, co. Camb. See Hatley, Hungry.
Hungry Hatley, co. Camb. See Hatley, Hungry.
Hungyrford, Lord de. See Hungerford.
Hungyrforth, co. Berks. See Hungerford.
Hunmanby, Homonby, Hundmandby, co. York, land held of manor of, 233, 264, 998; land in, 233, 363; land in Falthorpe Feilde near, 233; manor of, 477.
Hunnesdon, co. Herts. See Hunsdon.
Hunscote, co. Devon, manor of, 674.
-, ……, co. Warw., Hunscote manor in, 835.
Hunsdon, Hunnesdon, co. Herts., land called Cadyngtons in, 204; land called Olyves in, 204; land held of manor of, 204.
Hunsham, co. Devon. See Huntsham.
Hunshaue, co. Devon. See Huntshaw.
Hunshaw, Hundeshaue, co. Devon, manor of, 379.
Hunspyll, co. Somers. See Huntspill.
Hunstanton, co. Norf., manor of, 53.
Hunston, Simon, 1143.
Hunt, Henry, s. and h. of Robert, 316.
Hunt, Hugh, Leic., 1223.
Hunt, John, of Burbage, 837.
-, ………, John, of Pulborough, co. Sussex, 1250.
Hunt, Robert, York, 316.
Hunt, Thomas, 158.
-, ………, William, chaplain, s. and h. of Hugh. 1223.
Huntercombe, Hundercombe, in Burnham, co. Bucks., manor of, 452.
Huntham, co. Somers., land in, 510.
Huntingdon, Huntyngton, co. Hunt., castle of, service of keeping, in war-time, 113.
-, ………, Earl of. See Herbert.
-, ………, earldom of. See Hamfordshoe.
-, ………, honor of, land held of, in co. Bedf., 286; in co. Camb., 1073; in co. Hunt., 120, 203, 412; in co. Middx., 174; in co. N’hamp., 478; land in, 120; priory of, rent due from, 1086.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Hunton.
Huntingdon, Thomas, esq., 1144, 1161.
Huntington, Huntyngton, co. York, land in, 264, 556, 1005.
Huntley, Agnes, wife of John, 1201, 1202.
Huntley, John, Dorset, 1201; Somers., 1202.
Huntley, John, the younger, s. and h. of John, 1200, 1201.
Hunton, Huntingdon, Huntyngton, co. Kent, Holden, John, of. See Holden; land in, 1235.
Huntsham, Honyesham, Hunsham, co. Devon, advowson of, 799; Beer, John, of. See Beer; manor of, 799.
Huntshaw, Hunshaue, co. Devon, manor of, 403.
Huntspill, Hounespyll, Hunspyll, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 257, 756; land in, 257, 756.
Huntyngdon, Thomas. See Huntingdon.
Huntyngton, co. Hunt. See Huntingdon.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Hunton.
-, ……, co. York. See Huntington.
Hunworth, co. Norf., Herthill manor in, 1162.
Hurberton, co. Devon. See Harberton.
Hurd, Hierd, Robert, land held of, in co. Devon, 685.
-, ………, Thomas, 237.
Hurdcott, Hurdecote, co. Wilts., manor of, 88.
Hurdecote, co. Wilts. See Hurdcott.
Hurdeshayn, co. Devon, land in, 799.
Hurst, co. Glouc., land in, 116.
-, ………, La, co. Heref., land in, 825.
Hurstperpoinct, co. Sussex. See Hurstpierpoint.
Hurstpierpoint, Herstperpoynt, Hurstperpoinct, co. Sussex, manor of, 190, 662.
Hurtmere, co. Surrey. See Hertmere in Godalming.
Huse, Stannden, co. Berks. See Standen Hussey.
Huse, Thomas, &c. See Hussey.
Hussey, Huse, Husee, Husy, Hussy, Elizabeth, d. of William, knt., C.J.K.B., 1166, 1209.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of William, knt., C.J.K.B., 1209.
-, ………, Gilbert, esq., 883.
-, ………, John, Esq., Squire of the Body to King Henry VII., son and heir of William, knt., C.J.K.B., 869, 1166, 1209.
-, ………, Margaret. See Tirell, Margaret.
Hussey, Margaret, wife of John, esq., d. and h. of Simon, s. and h. of Edmund Blount, esq., Wilts., 869.
Hussey, Mary. See Willoughby, Mary.
-, ………, Nicholas, esq., 79, 1078.
-, ………, Peter, clk., 883.
-, ………, Robert, son of William, knt., C.J.K.B., 1166, 1209.
-, ………, Thomas, 151, 1122.
-, ………, Thomas, of Witchampton, co. Dorset, esq., 514.
-, ………, William, 282, 1186.
-, ………, William, knt., 883.
Hussey, William, knt., C.J.K.B., Essex, 1166; Rutl., 1209.
Hussey, William, knt., serjeant-at-law, and C.J.K.B., 601, 604, 724, 869, 1037, 1043, 1198.
-, ………, William, s. of William, knt., C.J.K.B., 1166, 1209.
Hussey, Standen, co. Berks. See Standen Hussey.
Hussher, John, 157.
Hussy, Gilbert, &c. See Hussey.
Husy, Nicholas, &c. See Hussey.
Hutchins, Howchyn, John, clk., 358.
Hutchinson, Huchynson, Robert, 1037.
Hutton, Hoton, Hotton, co. Cumb., Barmescowgh in, 471; chantry in St. James’, 471; Elfhow in, 471; manor of, 471, 695.
-, ……, co. Somers., advowson (1/2) of, 1150; Elbarow in. See Elborough; land in, 716; manor (1/2) of, 1150.
-, ……, co. York, manor of, 675.
-, …….. by …., co. York, fee in, 250.
-, ……… by Penrith (Penreth), co. Cumb., Thorp, Robert, chaplain, rector of, 470.
-, ……… Forest, co. Cumb., Hutton, John, of, 471; land in, 471.
-, ………, Heg, co. Cumb., tenement at, 245.
-, ………, in Pickering Lythe, co. York, manor of, 223, 663.
-, ……… John, co. Cumb., Christopher Blencowe of, 245; Henry Hutton of, 245.
-, ……… on the Darwent (on Derwent), co. York, manor of, 264, 556, 1005.
Hutton Roof (Roffe), co. Cumb., Hutton, Richard, of, 245.
-, ………, Sheriff, co. York, land held of manor of, 108.
Hutton, Alice, wife of John, d. and h. of Thomas Child, 949.
-, ………, Edmund, 470.
-, ………, Henry, of Hutton John, co. Cumb., rent due from, 245.
-, ………, Isabel, late wife of William, land held by, in co. Westmd., 432.
-, ………, John, 470, 950.
-, ………, John, of the Forest, co. Cumb., 471.
Hutton, Lancelot, Cumb., 470.
Hutton, Lancelot, nephew and heir of Robert, 471.
-, ………, Matthew, rector of Uldale, co. Cumb., 969.
-, ………, Richard, of Hutton Roof, co. Cumb., rent due from, 245.
-, ………, Robert, land held of, jure ux., in co. Camb., 1050.
Hutton, Robert, of Hutton, Cumb., 471.
Hutton, Robert, of Hutton, co. Cumb., 470.
-, ………, Thomas, brother of Robert, of Hutton, co. Cumb., 470, 471.
-, ………, William, 432.
Huwysshe, co. Devon. See Huish.
Huyk, John, chaplain, 541.
Huyssh, co. Devon. See Huish.
Hycchyn, co. Herts. See Hitchin.
Hychcok, Agnes, &c. See Hitchcock.
Hyde, Hide, co. Glouc., land in, 456.
-, ……… near Winchester, co. Hants, abbey of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 1114; in co. Hants, 178, 354, 827, 1255; in co. Wilts., 1152.
-, ……… in Weston Turville (Turvyle), co. Bucks., manor of, 111.
Hyde, Elizabeth, wife of Leonard, esq., d. and ch. of Robert Liston, 700, 701.
-, ………, James, co. Berks., 707.
Hyde, John, Berks., 708.
Hyde, Leonard, esq., 700, 701.
-, ………, Oliver, s. and h. of John, 708.
-, ………, Ralph, clk., 76, 77, 994.
-, ………, Thomas, of Wolverton, co. Hants, 964.
Hydeman, Hidman, John, of Tillingham, co. Essex, 381.
Hydon, co. Devon. See Hidon.
-, ………, Clyst, co. Devon. See Clyst.
Hye, William, gent., 46.
Hyetowne, co. Hants. See Wolverton.
Hygforde, co. Salop, manor of, 840.
-, ……… Medilton, co. Salop, manor of, 840.
Hygham, Thomas, &c. See Higham.
Hyhofer, co. Herts, manor of, 321.
Hyldesley, co. Glouc., advowson of St. Giles’ chantry, 778.
Hyll, co. Bedf. See Hill.
Hyll, co. Hants. See Hill.
Hyllard, Thomas, 1217.
Hylleferons, co. Somers. See Hill Farrance.
Hyllyng, William. See Hilling.
Hyllyng, Upton, co. Devon. See Upton Helions.
Hylth, Helth [in Nettlestead], co. Kent, manor of, 1235.
Hylton, Robert. See Hilton.
Hymerford, John. See Hemerford.
Hymley, co. Staff. See Himley.
Hynckley, William, 381.
Hynde, John, &c. See Hinde.
Hyndecombe, in Whitchurch, co. Dorset, land in, 332.
Hynderwell, co. York. See Hinderwell.
Hyndeson, John, 753.
Hyndon, co. Wilts. See Hindon.
Hyneton alias Hynyngton, Little, co. Dorset. See Hinton, Little.
-, ………, Clyst, co. Devon. See Honiton.
Hynkley, co. Leic. See Hinckley.
Hynkyrsull, co. Derby. See Inkersull.
Hynstok, co. Salop. See Hinstock.
Hyntlesham, co. Suff. See Hintlesham.
Hynton, co. Camb. See Hinton.
-, ……, co. Glouc., manor of, 778.
-, ……, co. Heref. See Hinton.
Hynyngton alias Hyneton, Little, co. Dorset. See Hinton, Little.
Hysefeld alias Isfeld, co. Sussex. See Isfield.
Hywyke, co. Devon. See Highweek.
Hyxton, co. Staff., manor of, 359.