General Index: G

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: G', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: G', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: G". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Gadd, John, the elder, sherman, 391.
-, ………, Richard, cit. and barber of London, 1055.

Gadlegh, co. Devon. See Cadleigh.

Gage, Gauge, Gawage, Agnes, wife of William, esq., 1160.
-, ………, Eleanor, mother of William, d. and co-heir of Thomas St. Clere, 205.
-, ………, John, 1160.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of William, esq., 1160.
-, ………, William, 205.

Gage, William, esq., Sussex, 1160.

Gaggysplace Place, co. Wilts. See Brinkworth.

Gainsborough, Ganesburgh, co. Linc., land in, 639.

Gainsford, Gaynesford, Gaynysford, Joan. See Brent, Joan.
-, ………, John, 774, 846.
-, ………, John, esq., 781, 996.
-, ………, Katharine. See Rede, Katharine.
-, ………, Nicholas, 425, 485, 640.
-, ………, Nicholas, esq., 781, 996.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Joan Brent, widow, 781.
-, ………, William, 381, 425, 467, 985.

Gallow, Galowe, hundred, co. Norf., land held of, in co. Norf., 1143.

Galmpton, co. Devon, Greenway (Greynway) in, 755; ferry in, 755; land held of manor of, 755.

Galowe hundred, co. Norf. See Gallow.

Galsehouseyng, co. Cumb. See Burgh-on-the-Sands.

Gambon, John, 303.
-, …….., Robert, 760.

Gamelston, co. Notts. See Gamston.

Gamelyngey, co. Camb. See Gamlingay.

Gamlingay, Gamelyngey, co. Camb., Avenell manor in, 150; baptism at, 898; burial at, 898; Lovell, Richard, of. See Lovel.
-, ………, Struttes in, 150.

Gamston, Gamelston, co. Notts., manor of, 1193.

Garaden, co. Leic. See Garendon.

Garberston, co. Somers. See Garston.

Gardner, Gardyner, Etheldred, wife of Richard, late wife of —— Barton, 567.
-, ………, John, 764.
-, ………, Mary, d. and h. of Richard, 567.

Gardner, Richard, Camb., 567.

Gardner, William, 1136.

Gardyner, Etheldred, &c. See Gardner.

Garendon, Garaden, co. Leic., abbey of, land held of, in co. Leic., 1116.

Garet, Crosbe, co. Westmd. See Crosby Garret.

Garford, co. Berks, land in, 132, 707.

Garforth, Garthford, Church, co. York, land in, 480.

Garghgelynnyn, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.

Garlond, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 674.

Garnek, John, 121.

Garnetts, co. Essex. See Easter, High.

Garnettis, co. Essex. See Garnets.

Garneys, Garnysshe, co. Suff. See Brockford.

Garneys, Edmund, 810.
-, ………, John, esq., 1001, 1094, 1180, 1181.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 810.

Garneys, Margaret. See Peyton, Margaret.

Garneys, Thomas, esq., 810.
-, ………, William, 190.

Garnon, Margery, sister and h. of Thomas Harrowdon, esq., and d. and h. of Margaret Harrowdon, 295, 298, 299.
-, ………, Margery, widow, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 753.

Garnon, Theydon, co. Essex. See Theydon.

Garnysshe, Margaret, &c. See Garneys.

Garstang, Gayrstang, Henry, gent., 238.

Garston, Garberston, co. Somers., manor of, 121.
-, ……… in Alwington, co. Devon, 755.

Garth, Richard, 157.

Garthford, Kyrk, co. York. See Garforth, Church.

Garthom, co. York. See Garton.

Garthorpe, co. Leic., manor of, 352.

Garton, Garthom, co. York, manor of, 1145.

Garyngton, co. Kent, manor of, 530.

Gascoign, Ralph, esq., 1145.
-, ………, William, knt., 220.

Gascoign, William, knt., Staff., 357.

Gascoign, William, s. and h. of William, knt., 357.

Gatcombe, I. of Wight, manor (1/2) of, 199.

Gate, Gayte, Burton, co. Linc., land in, 639.

Gate, Geoffrey, s. and h. of William, esq, 24.
-, ………, Thomas, 149, 995.

Gate, William, esq., co. Essex, 24.

Gate, William, esq., land held of, in co. Essex, 1144.

Gatehampton, co. Oxford. See Gathampton.

Gatele, co. Norf. See Gateley.

Gateley, Gatele, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Gateriges Place, co. Hants. See Gaterygges.

Gaterygges, Gateriges, Place in Romsey, co Hants. See Romsey.

Gatewardes, co. Essex. See Hockley.

Gathampton, Gatehampton, co. Oxford, land in, 467; manor of, 467.

Gattesbury, co. Herts. See Braughing.

Gatton, Henry, clk. See Gratton.

Gauge, William, &c. See Gage.

Gauncell, William, 698.

Gaunt, Gilbert de, land held of heirs of, in co. N’hamp., 906.

Gausangrey, co. Hants. See Causingrey.

Gausell, John, &c. See Gawsell.

Gautby, Gokby, co. Linc., land in, 634.

Gavecran, co. Cornw. See Gaverigan.

Gaverigan, Gavecran, co. Cornw., land in, 26.

Gavilgeld, in. co. Cumb., 157.

Gavilkind, in co. Kent, 996.

Gawage, William, &c. See Gage.

Gawen, Gaweyn, Gawyn, Anne, wife of John, 88.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 88.

Gawen, Thomas, esq., Wilts., 88.

Gawens (Gaweyns) manor, co. Wilts. See Norrington.

Gaweyns manor, co. Wilts. See Gawens.

Gawsell, Gausell, John, 1072.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, and d. and ch. of William Wootton, 1072.

Gawton, co. Devon, land in, 1184.

Gawyn, Thomas, &c. See Gawen.

Gay, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 155, 680.

Gaygnes manor, co. Hunt. See Waresley.

Gayhurst, Gotehurst, co. Bucks., advowson of, 1148; manor of, 1148.

Gaynesford, William, &c. See Gainsford.

Gaynysford, William. See Gainsford.

Gayrstang, Henry. See Garstang.

Gayte Burton, co. Linc. See Gate Burton.

Gayton, Geyton, co. Linc., land in, 366.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 210, 1143; Wicken Hall, alias Brechames, alias Parsons, manor, in, 872.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., Tanfield, Robert, esq., of, 429.

Gayton, Reginald, 1166, 1209.

Gaywood, co. Norf., land in, 1181.

Gebon, John. See Gibbon.

Gebons manor, co. Essex. See Bumpstead, Steeple.

Geddyng, Anne, 1001.
-, ………, John, 1001.
-, ………, Margery, d. and h. of Robert, 1001, 1118.
-, ………, Nicholas, esq., 1001.

Geddyng, Robert, s. and h. of John, Norf., 1118; Suff., 1001, 1018.

Geddyng, Thomasine, wife of Robert, 1001.

Gedney, Thomas, 706.

Gee, John, of Stathern, co. Leic., 645.

Geffrason, John. See Jefferson.

Geffrey, John, chaplain, of Chelmsford, co. Essex, 759.
-, ………, William, 1000.

Geffreys, co. Norf. See Congham.

Gegleswyk, co. York. See Giggleswick.

Geist, co. Norf., manor of, 1143.

Gelihowse, co. Essex. See Maldon.

Geltesdale, pasture called, in Irthington, co. Cumb., 157.

Gelyn, Agnes, 342.

Gembling, Gemlyng, co. York, manor of, 477.

Gemlyng, co. York. See Gembling.

Genney, Edmund, &c. See Jenney.

Gent, Thomas, 1143.

George, Anne, d. and ch. of George of Box, 1195.

‘George of Wightones’ manor, co. Norf. See Wighton.

Georges, Edmund, knt. See Gorges.

Georges manor, co. Suff. See Boxford.

Gerard, Joan. See Littleton.

Gerard, Stephen, of Polscoe, Cornw., 546.

Gererd, Clist, co. Devon. See Clyst.

Gerlyngton, co, Somers. See Yarlington.

Germyns manor, co. Essex. See Havering.

Gernon, Girnon, Hugh, 281.
-, ………, Richard, 255; land held of, in co. Cornw., 154; in co. Devon, 59.

Gerves, William. See Jervis.

Gerveys, John. See Jervis.

Geyton, co. Norf. See Gayton.

Geyton, Reginald. See Gayton.

Ghilberd, Otho, &c. See Gilbert.

Gibbon, Gebon, Gybons, John, 913.
-, ………, John, clk., 23, 56.

Gibbs, Gibbys, Gybbys, Agnes, wife of John, esq., 303.
-, ………, Christopher, 303.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of William, 303.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of William, and d. of Gilbert Yard, esq., 899.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 685.

Gibbs, John, esq., Devon, 303.

Gibbs, Thomas, 303.
-, ………, William, 899.
-, ………, William, grandson and h. of John, esq., 303.
-, ………, William, s. of John, esq., 303.

Gibbyn, Bikkes, co. Oxford. See Bix Gibwen.

Giffard, Gifford, Gyffard, Gyfford, Agnes, widow, 685.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John, esq., 680.

Giffard, John, Devon, 255.

Giffard, John, esq., Devon, 680.

Giffard, Leonard, brother and h. of John, 255.
-, ………, Lewis, s. of John, esq., 680.
-, ………, Richard, s. of John, esq., 680.

Giffard, Robert, esq., 1234.
-, ………, Robert, father of John, 255.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, esq., 680.
-, ………, William, s. of John, esq., 680.

Gifford, Gyfferd, Gyfford, John, 59, 172.
-, ………, John, esq., land held of, in co. Bucks., 595.
-, ………, Katharine. See Billing, Katharine.
-, ………, Robert, esq. See Giffard.
-, ………, Roger, 753.

Gifford, Bowers, co. Essex. See Bowers Gifford.

Giffords manor, co. Suff. See Wickhambrook.

Gigger, Gygour, Gygur, John, clk., warden of Tattershall College, 324, 1037, 1043, 1045, 1050, 1053, 1148.

Gigges, Gygges, Thomas, gent., 1136, 1143.

Giggleswick, Gegleswyk, co. York, manor of, 477.

Gilbert, Ghilberd, Gylbart, Alice. See Montague, Alice.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John, and d. of John Croker, knt., 755.
-, ………, Geoffrey, s. of Otho, 755.
-, ………, John, 429, 829.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Otho, 755.
-, ………, John, the elder, 14.
-, ………, John, the younger, 14.
-, ………, Otho, land held of, in co. Devon, 155, 403, 760, 855.

Gilbert, Otho, Devon, 755.

Gilbert, Otho, esq., 526, 760, 1068, 1164.
-, ………, Otho, s. of Otho, 755.
-, ………, Robert, gent., Derby, 423.
-, ………, Robert, s. of Otho, 755.
-, ………, Thomas, 14.
-, ………, Thomas, s. of Otho, 755.
-, ………, William, 14.
-, ………, William, co. Somers., 510.
-, ………, William, s. of Otho, 755.

Gilcamon, co. Cumb., Park called, 245.

Gilcrux, Gylcroux, co. Cumb., Hudylston, William, vicar of. See Huddleston.

Gildenwelles, co. York. See Gildingwells.

Gilderidge, Gylderegge, Gylderyge, William, 416, 425, 431.

Gildford, Richard. See Guildford.

Gildingwells, Gildenwelles, co. York, Hodsock Soke, co. Notts., in, 714.

Gildy Morden, co. Camb. See Morden, Guilden.

Giles, Gyles, Gylys, Alice. See Prebyll, Alice.
-, ………, John, 1229.
-, ………, Walter, 449.

Gill, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Gille, Thomas, 598.

Gillesland, co. Cumb. See Gilsland.

Gillet, Richard, 419.

Gilling, Gyllyng, co. York, land in, 257.

Gillingham, Gillyngham, Gyllingham, Gyllyngham, co. Dorset. See Magestone; land held of manor of, 1124; land in, 11.
-, ……, co. Kent, Arnold, Robert, gent., of. See Arnold; Bamme, John, esq., of. See Bamme; land in, 396, 606; Westcourt manor in, 433.

Gillyngham, co. Dorset. See Gillingham.

Gillyslond, co. Cumb. See Gilsland.

Gilmore, pasture called, in Gill, co. Cumb., 245.

Gilsland, Gillesland, Gillyslond, co. Cumb., Barnardhowe in, 157; Blatern in, 157; Hayton in. See Hayton; Lord Dacre and. See Dacre, Humphrey; Lord Dacre of. See Dacre, Thomas.

Girdlers, Gyrdelers, co. Glouc. See Barton Regis.

Giresby, co. York. See Girsby.

Girnon, Richard, &c. See Gernon.

Girsby, Giresby, Grysby, co. York, manor of, 223, 663.

Girton, Gyrton, co. Camb., land in, 862; manor of, 360.

Girton, John, clk., 576, 577, 578, 580, 583.

Gisburgh, Gysburgh, Gyssburgh, John, clk., 477, 542, 544.
-, ………, William, 1166.

Gisburn, Gyseburn, co. York, honor of, land held of, in co. York, 250; priory of, land held by, 612; land held of, in co. York, 363, 1188.
-, ……… in Cleveland, co. York, advowson (1/2) of priory, 250, 612.

Gisburn, William, clk., 133.

Gittisham, Gyddesham, Gyddysham, co. Devon, land in, 797; manor of, 379.

Glamford Brygg, co. Linc. See Glanford Bridge.

Glanford, Glamford, Bridge (Brygg), co. Linc., land in, 883.

Glassen, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Glassenby, co. Cumb. See Glassonby.

Glassonby, Glassenby, co. Cumb., manor of, 157.

Glasthorp, co. N’hamp., land in, 372.

Glastonbury, co. Somers., abbey of, land held of, in co. Berks., 414; in co. Dorset, 468, 514, 1114, 1124; in co. Somers., 18, 22, 41, 182, 197, 337, 463, 537, 548, 603, 716, 764, 991; in co. Wilts., 43, 1152, 1163.
-, ………, John, Abbot of, 22.
-, ………, street beside. See Street.

Glemeham, co. Suff. See Glemham.

Glemeham, John. See Glemham.

Glemham, Glemeham, co. Suff., land in, 939.

Glemham, John, land held of, in co. Suff., 939.

Glemsfords manor, alias Peverell, co. Suff., 1014.

Glencoyne, co. Westmd., land in, 10.

Glory, co. Bucks., manor of, 554.

Glosthorp, co. Norf., land in, 872; manor of, 266.

Gloucester, co. Glouc., duchy of, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 753.
-, ………, Duke of. See Plantagenet, Richard.
-, ………, earldom of, land held of, in co. Worc., 857.
-, ………, honor of, land held of, in co. Bucks., 595; in co. Camb., 73; in co. Devon, 249, 379, 760, 855, 1068, 1231; in co. Dorset, 39, 1023; in co. Glouc., 750, 766; in co. Oxford, 1108; in co. Somers., 156, 248, 462, 1171, 1198.
-, ………, messuage in, 126, 787.
-, ………, St. Peter’s Abbey, land held of, in co. Glouc., 126, 128, 456, 860; in co. Hants, 187; in co. Heref., 262.
-, ………, Upton St. Leonard near, land in, 128.

Glove, William, 286.

Glovebarough, co. Devon, land in, 303.

Glytton, co. Herts., manor of, 1035.

Gnateshale, co. Suff. See Knattishall.

Goathill, Gotehall, co. Somers., manor of, 241, 1129.

Gobber Fell, co. Cumb., pasture called, 245.

Gobulcote, co. Bucks., manor of, 967.

Gobyon, John, 237.

Gobyons manor, co. N’hamp. See Northampton.

Godale, Edmund, of Syderstone, co. Norf., 1143.

Godales, co. Norf. See Syderstone.

Godalming, co. Surrey. See Hertmere.

Godding, Goddyng, Simon, 1136.

Goddyng, Simon. See Godding.

Goddyshalter, co. Devon, land in, 519.

Godefelowes Court, co. Oxford. See Goodfellows.

Godelegh, co. Devon. See Goodleigh.
-, ……… by Dunkeswill, co. Devon. See Goodleigh by Dunkeswell.

Godeman, John. See Goodman.

Goderiche in Welsh March. See Goodrich.

Goderygge, John, 1167.
-, ………, Nicholas, 1167.
-, ………, Richard, 1167.

Godewyne, John, &c. See Goodwin.

Godeyere, John, &c. See Goodyer.

Godfrey, Richard, 1035.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 577, 889.

Godfreys, co. Norf. See Creake, South.

Godington, Godyngton, co. Oxford, Vaux, John, rector of. See Vaux.

Godman, Richard, &c. See Goodman.

Godmandham, co. York. See Goodmanham.

Godmersham, co. Kent, land in, 380.

Godston, co. Suff., land in, 939.

Godstone, co. Surrey, messuages in, 201, 397; Stanstrete in, land in, 201, 397.

Godstone, John, esq., 418.

Godstow, Gotistowe, Abbey, co. Oxford, lands held of, in co. Glouc., 128.

Godwick, Godwyk, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Godwyk, co. Norf. See Godwick.

Godyngton, co. Oxford. See Godington.

Goghert, William, 48.

Gokby, co. Linc. See Gautby.

Goldale, co. York. See Gowdall.

Goldangre, co. Essex. See Goldhanger.

Goldbridge, Goldbrigge, co. Sussex, manor of, 190, 662.

Goldbrigge, co. Sussex. See Goldbridge.

Goldesborough, Goldesburgh, Goldisburgh, Edward, 429.
-, ………, Edward, Baron of the Exchequer, 409.
-, ………, Edward, chaplain, 541.
-, ………, William, 1145.

Goldesburgh, Edward, &c. See Goldesborough.

Goldewell, Thomas. See Goldwell.

Goldhanger, Goldangre, co. Essex, land in, 759.

Goldhurst alias Buckhurst [in Chigwell], co. Essex, manor of, 152.

Goldingham, Goldyngham, Elizabeth, wife of Walter, knt., 152.
-, ………, John, esq., 700, 701.
-, ……… Thomasine, wife of John, esq., and d. and ch. of Robert Liston, 700, 701.
-, ………, Walter, knt., 152.

Goldisburgh, Edward. See Goldesborough.

Goldsmith, John, 457.

Goldstanstone, co. Kent. See Goldston.

Goldston, Goldstanstone [in Ash near Sandwich], co. Kent, manor of, 127.

Goldwell, Goldewell, Geoffrey, land held of, in co. Kent, 694.
-, ………, James, Bishop of Norwich, 64, 800.
-, ………, Thomas, 803.
-, ………, Thomas, fishmonger, 1078.

Goldyngham, Walter, &c. See Goldingham.

Goldyngton, Stoke, co. Bucks. See Stoke Goldington.

Gollar, co. Cumb., park called, 245.

Golthaugh, co. Linc. See Goltho.

Goltho, Golthaugh, co. Linc., manor of, 1037; Wragby by. See Wragby.

Gonelsbury, co. Middx. See Gunnersbury.

Gonneld, William, 1143.

Gonnston, co. Devon, land in, 760.

Goodes in Asshe, co. Suff. See Campsey Ash.
-, ……… in Wilby, co. Suff. See Wilby.

Goodfellows, Godefelowes, Court, co. Oxford. See Filkins, Lower.

Goodleigh, Godelegh, co. Devon, land in, 255 680.
-, ……… by Dunkeswell (Dunkeswill), co. Devon, manor of, 1253.

Goodluk, John, 1160.

Goodman, Godeman, Godman, John, 394.
-, ………, Margaret, d. of Richard, 640.
-, ………, Richard, 640.

Goodmanham, Godmandham, co. York, land in, 363.

Goodrich, Goderiche in Welsh March, land held of manor of, 262; Tradraghaun manor in, 262.

Goodwin, Godewyne, John, Bucks., 426.

Goodwin, John, s. and h. of John, 426.
-, ………, Petronill, wife of John, 426.

Goodyer, Godeyere, John, gent., 51.

Gooshays, Goseys, in Havering, co. Essex, manor of, 237.

Gordano, Eston in, co. Somers. See Easton.

Gorecourt, co. Kent. See Otham.

Gorfyn, Thomas, 827.

Gorges, Georges, ——, land held of, in co. Somers., 147.
-, ………, Edmund, knt., 698.

Gorges manor, co. Suff., 52.

Goring, Goryng, John, 468, 548, 552, 1078.

Gorlyngton, co. Hants, land in, 1121.

Gorney, Thomas. See Gurnay.

Gorven, co. Devon, rent in, 680.

Goryng, John. See Goring.

Gosbak, co. Suff. See Gosbeck.

Gosbeck, Gosbak, co. Suff., advowson of, 330; manor of, 330.

Gosberkyrk, co. Linc., land in, 1174.

Goseys, in Haveryng, co. Essex. See Gooshays.

Gosfeld, co. Essex. See Gosfield.

Gosfield, Gosfeld, co. Essex, land in, 453, 1144.

Gosse, Nicholas, 755.

Gotehull, co. Somers. See Goathill.

Gotehurst, co. Bucks. See Gayhurst.

Gotistowe Abbey, co. Oxford. See Godstow.

Gotton, co. Somers., land in, 257, 756.

Goueld, Thomas, land held of, in co. Camb., 342.

Gould, William, 784.

Gourney, Thomas. See Gurnay.

Gowdall, Goldale by Snaith, co. York, land in, 488.

Gower, Edward, 264.
-, ………, John, brother and h. of Thomas, esq., 264, 556, 1005.

Gower, Thomas, esq., York, 264.

Gower, Thomas, knt., 264.

Gower, Thomas, knt., York, 556, 1005.

Gower, William, 612.

Gower, Sibford, co. Oxford. See Sibford-Gower.

Gowthorpe, co. Norf., land in, 1229.

Goylyn, Agnes, daughter of John, 46.
-, ………, Agnes, mother of John, 46.

Goylyn, John, Oxford, 46.

Goylyn, John, son and heir of John, 46.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, 46.

Goylyn, Margery, d. of John, 46.
-, ………, Thomas, s. of John, 46.

Gracedieu Priory, co. Leic., land held of, in co. Leic., 164.

Graces by the Tower of London, Abbey of St. Mary, land held of, in co. Kent, 606; in co. Surrey, 400.

Graddon, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Grafton, co. Heref., manor of, 130.

Grain, Grean, Isle of, co. Kent, St. James’ parish, land in, 396.

Grainthorpe, Granethorpe, co. Linc., rent in, 1125.

Graistok, Baron of. See Greystock.

Grancesden, Little, co. Camb. See Gransden.

Grandcourt (Graun Courtes) manor, co. Norf. See Fincham.

Grandon, co. Somers., manor of, 603.

Granesden manor, co. Camb. See Abington.

Granethorpe, co. Linc. See Grainthorpe.

Granger, Graunger, John, 166.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., vicar of Ware, co. Herts., 1230.
-, ………, William, clk., 41.

Gransden, Grancesden, Little, co. Camb., land held of manor of, 736.

Grant, Graunte, Walter, 136.
-, ………, Walter, bailiff of Droitwich, co. Worc., 888.

Grantchester, Grauncester, co. Camb., land in, 51.

Grantham, Edward, s. and h. of Thomas, 1186.

Grantham, Thomas, Linc., 1186.

Grantley, co. York, Respleth by. See Respleth.

Granvile, ——. See Granville.

Granville, Granvile, Graynefeld, Graynvyle, Greynefeld, Greynefild, Greynevyle, ——, land held of, in co. Devon, 155.
-, ………, Thomas, land held of, in co. Cornw., 660; in co. Devon, 206, 685.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 270, 271, 674, 688, 760.

Graseley, John, &c. See Gresley.

Gratton, Gatton, Henry, clk., rector of Barton [Blount], co. Derby, 2, 114.

Grauncester, co. Camb. See Grantchester.

Graunger, John, &c. See Granger.

Graunte, Walter. See Grant.

Grauntpounde, in the suburbs of Oxford. See Oxford.

Grauntson, Ocle, co. Glouc. See Ocle.

Graveley, co. Herts., advowson of, 406; land in, 512.

Gravesend, Gravisend, co. Kent, Melton by. See Milton.

Gravisend, co. Kent. See Gravesend.

Gray, Edward, esq., &c. See Grey.

Gray, Rethyrfeld, co. Oxford. See Rotherfield Gray.

Grayles, co. Oxford. See Rotherfield Greys.

Graynefeld, Thomas, &c. See Granville.

Graynvyle, Thomas, esq. See Granville.

Grayson, Thomas, 237.

Graystok, Baron of. See Greystock.

Grayvs, Le, in Irthington manor, co, Cumb., pasture called, 157.

Grean, Isle of, co. Kent. See Grain.

Great Ambresbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.
-, ……… Ayton, co. York. See Ayton.
-, ……… Bentley, co. Essex. See Bentley.
-, ……… Braksted, co. Essex. See Braxted.
-, ……… Bromley, co. Essex. See Bromley, Great.
-, ……… Burstead, co. Essex. See Burstead.
-, ……… Carleton, co. Linc. See Carlton, Great.
-, ……… Carlton, co. Linc. See Carlton.
-, ……… Chaldefeld, co. Wilts. See Chalfield Magna.
-, ……… Chesterford, co. Essex. See Chesterford.
-, ……… Chishall, co. Essex. See Chishall, Great.
-, ……… Chishull, co. Essex. See Chishall, Great.
-, ……… Chiverell, co. Wilts. See Cheverell.
-, ……… Cokbury, co. Glouc. See Cokbury.
-, ……… Corby, co. Cumb. See Corby, Great.
-, ……… Corkeby, co. Cumb. See Corby, Great.
-, ……… Cressingham, co. Norf. See Cressingham, Great.
-, ……… Dodyngton, co. N’hamp. See Doddington.
-, ……… Dorsyngton, co. Glouc. See Dorsington.
-, ……… Elyngham, co. Norf. See Ellingham.
-, ……… Everdon, co. N’hamp. See Everdon.
-, ……… Evysdon, co. Camb. See Eversden.
-, ……… Fordham manor, co. Essex. See Fordham.
-, ……… Fraunsham, co. Norf. See Fransham.
-, ……… Hallingbury, co. Essex. See Hallingbury.
-, ……… Haughton, co. York. See Houghton.
-, ……… Hautbois, co. Norf. See Hautbois.
-, ……… Holwell, co. Bedf. See Holwell.
-, ……… Horkesley, co. Essex. See Horkesley.
-, ……… Hornyngesherth, co. Surf. See Horningsheath.
-, ……… Kimble, co. Bucks. See Kimble, Great.
-, ……… Kington, co. Dorset. See Kington.
-, ……… Kymbell, co. Bucks. See Kimble, Great.
-, ……… Maplested, co. Essex. See Maplestead.
-, ……… Missenden, co. Bucks. See Missenden.

Great Mele Fell, co. Cumb. See Mell Fell.
-, ……… Merlowe, co. Bucks. See Marlow.
-, ……… Morton, co. Cornw. See Morton.
-, ……… Musgrave, co. Westmd. See Musgrave.
-, ……… Okeley, co. N’hamp. See Oakley.
-, ……… Oxston, co. N’hamp. See Oxenden.
-, ……… Pagrave, co. Norf. See Palgrave.
-, ……… Plumpsted, co. Norf. See Plumstead
-, ……… Preston, co. York. See Preston.
-, ……… Reyn, co. Essex. See Rayne.
-, ……… Reynham, co. Norf. See Rainham, Great.
-, ……… Rollandright, co. Oxford. See Rollright, Great.
-, ……… Rollright, co. Oxford. See Rollright, Great.
-, ……… Saling, co. Essex. See Saling, Great.
-, ……… Sampford, co. Essex. See Sampford.
-, ……… Saxham, co. Suff. See Saxham.
-, ……… Shelford, co. Cumb. See Shelford, Great.
-, ……… Stivecle, co. Hunt. See Stukeley, Great.
-, ……… Stukeley, co. Hunt. See Stukeley, Great.
-, ……… Sutton, co. Wilts. See Sutton.
-, ……… Tew, co. Oxford. See Tew.
-, ……… Tey, co. Essex. See Tey, Great.
-, ……… Teynton, co. Glouc. See Taynton.
-, ……… Thyrlowe, co. Suff. See Thurlow.
-, ……… Torrington, co. Devon. See Torrington, Great.
-, ……… Toryton, co. Devon. See Torrington, Great.
-, ……… Totham, co. Essex. See Totham.
-, ……… Totness, co. Devon. See Totness.
-, ……… Waltham, co. Essex. See Waltham, Great.
-, ……… Wenden, co. Essex. See Wenden.
-, ……… Whites, co. Herts. See Whites.
-, ……… Wirley, co. Staff. See Wyrley, Great.
-, ……… Wymondley, co. Herts. See Wymondley, Great.
-, ……… Wyrley, co. Staff. See Wyrley, Great.
-, ……… Yeldham, co. Essex. See Yeldham.

Grede, William, 125.

Green, Grene, Agnes. See Sanger, Agnes.
-, ………, Cicely. See Burbage, Cicely.
-, ………, Cicely, late wife of John, Acton, and sometime wife of Robert Green, knt., 773, 774.

Green, Edward, s. and h. of Cicely, sometime wife of Robert, knt., and late wife of John Acton, Herts., 773; London, 774.

Green, Elizabeth, wife of Walter, esq., 774.
-, ………, John, 50, 152.

Green, John, esq., Essex, 86; Middx., 99.

Green, John, s. and h. of John, esq., by Katharine his wife, 86, 895.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Margaret, 1038, 1039.
-, ………, John, the younger, 1250.
-, ………, Katharine. See Hawte, Katharine.

Green, Margaret, widow, late the wife of William Green, esq., Essex, 1039; Suff., 1038.

Green, Mary, widow, N’hamp., 557; Sussex, 522.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 28.
-, ………, Robert, knt., 773, 774.
-, ………, Thomas, 916.
-, ………, Thomas, bailiff of Worcester, 888.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 3.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 447, 888, 1148.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., s. and h. of Mary, 522.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 522.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, esq., 86.
-, ………, Thomas, of London, skinner, 238.
-, ………, Walter, esq., 774.
-, ………, William, esq., 291, 1038, 1040.
-, ………, William, of Tillingham, co. Essex, 381, 985.

Green’s, co. Suff. See Hoo.

Greenham, Grenham, co. Berks., land held of manor of, 708; land in, 708.

Greenhithe, Grenehith, co. Kent, marshes in, 984.

Greenhoe, Grenehowe, South, co. Norf., hundred of, land in, 539.

Greenhow, co. York, manor of, 250.

Greenstead, Grenested, Grynsted, co. Essex, land in, 490, 821, 945.
-, ………, Monkis alias Bobyngford in, 1217.
-, ………, Talbottis on Greenstead Green in, 1217.

Greenway, Greynway, in Galmpton, co. Devon See Galmpton.

Greetham, Greteham, co. Rutl., land in, 240.

Gregory, William, of Walbrook, London, skinner, 238.
-, ………, William, the elder, of London, alderman, 238.

Gregson, Richard, 675.

Greindour, Joan. See Barre, Joan; see Walwyn, Joan.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 116.

Grekehill, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Gremescote, co. N’hamp. See Grimscote.

Grench in Gillingham, co. Kent, manor of, 396.

Grendall, co. York. See Grindale.

Grendon, co. Bucks., manor of, 729, 849.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 796.
-, ………, Over Grendon manor in, 796.

Grendon, John, 922.

Grene, Robert, &c. See Green.

Grenefeld, William, 578, 583, 584.

Grenehall, in Marches of Wales, manor of, 982.

Grenehith, co. Kent. See Greenhithe.

Grenehowe, co. Norf. See Greenhoe.

Grenested, co. Essex. See Greenstead.

Grenham, co. Berks. See Greenham.

Grenrig, co. Cumb., land at, 157.

Gresacre, Ambrose. See Cresacre.

Gresell, Thomas, cit. and draper of London, 615, 617.

Gresham, Gressham, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Gresley, Graseley, Gressle, Grisley, John, 51, 58.
-, ………, John, knt., 934, 935.

Gresley, John, knt., Derby, 455; staff., 359.

Gresley, John, rector of Quarrington, co. Linc., 1149.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., s. and h. of John, knt., 359, 455.

Gresley, Castel, co. Derby. See Castle-Gresley.

Gressenhale, co. Norf. See Gressenhall.

Gressenhall, Gressenhale, co. Norf., advowson of, 444; chapel of St. Nicholas of Rougholm in, 444; manor of, 444.

Gressham, co, Norf. See Gresham.

Gressle, John. See Gresley.

Grete Whitys, Le, co. Herts. See Whites.

Greteham, co. Rutl. See Greetham.

Greves, Katharine. See Salle, Katharine.

Greves, Robert, citizen and tailor of London, Kent, 931.

Greville, Grevyle, Grevyll, Richard, esq., 13.
-, ………, William, 1211.

Grevyle, William. See Greville.

Grevyll, Richard. See Greville.

Grey, Gray, Anne, d. of Edward, knt., Viscount Lisle, 249.
-, ………, Ann, wife of George, Earl of Kent, late wife of William Bourchier, knt., and sister and ch. of Richard Widville, Earl Rivers, 681.

Grey, Anne, wife of George, Earl of Kent, late wife of William Bourchier, knt., sister and ch. of Richard Widville, Earl Rivers, Essex, 516.

Grey, Bartholomew, 632.
-, ………, Cicely, wife of Thomas, Marquess of Dorset, d. and h. of William Bonvile, knt., Lord Harrington, and great-granddaughter and h. of William, Lord Bonvile, 661, 713, 1048.
-, ………, Edmund, Earl of Kent, 681, 1128; land held of, in co. Bedf., 56, 577; in co. Bucks., 57; in co. Leic., 343; in co. N’hamp., 37, 299, 372.
-, ………, Edward, esq., land held of, in co. Bucks., 724.
-, ………, Edward, knt., Viscount Lisle, 249, 370, 959; land held of, in co. Herts., 512.

Grey, Edward, knt., Viscount Lisle, Berks., 789; Bristol, 783; Cornw., 819; Devon, 785; Glouc., 860; Glouc. City, 787; Leic., 784; N’hamp., 790; Somers., 764; Staff., 791; Wilts., 786; Worc., 792.

Grey, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII.
-, ………, Elizabeth, d. of Edward, Viscount Lisle, 249.
-, ………, Elizabeth, Lady de Ferrers de Groby, mother of Edward, Viscount Lisle, 784.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Edward, knt., Viscount Lisle, and sister and heir of Thomas Talbot, knt., Viscount Lisle, 764, 783, 784, 785, 787, 789, 860, 959.

Grey, Elizabeth, wife of Edward, knt., Viscount Lisle, and sister and heir of Thomas Talbot, knt., Viscount Lisle, Glouc., 249; Worc., 370.

Grey, George, knt., Earl of Kent, 516; land held of, in co. Bedf., 690, 730, 850, 968; in co. Bucks., 1238; in co. Leic., 1223; in co. N’hamp., 664, 796, 966, 1147, 1178, 1192; in co. Suff., 1013.
-, ………, George, knt., Lord Grey de Ruthyn, s. and h. apparent of Edmund, Earl of Kent, 150.
-, ………, Henry, 249.

Grey, Henry, knt., Norf., 1228.

Grey, Henry, knt., Lord Grey of Codnore, 725; land held of, in co. Derby, 423; in co. Linc., 551.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Edward, Viscount Lisle, and late wife of Robert Drope, 764, 860.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Henry, knt., 1228.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Norf., 309.
-, ………, John, knt., Lord Grey de Wilton, 868.
-, ………, John, knt., Lord de Powis, land held of, in co. Hants, 827.

Grey, John, knt., Lord de Powis (Powys, Powes), Hants, 983; Linc., 980; Rutl., 981; Salop, 982; Suff., 1168; Wales, 982; Worc., 979.

Grey, John, s. and h. of Edward, Viscount Lisle, and Elizabeth his wife, 249, 764, 783, 784, 860, 959.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of John, knt., Lord de Powis, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 1168.
-, ………, Katharine, Countess of Kent, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 796.
-, ………, Lord de, his London house, 566; land held of, in co. Essex, 884; in co. Leic., 164.
-, ………, Margaret. See Walwyn, Margaret.
-, ………, Margaret, d. of Edward, knt., Viscount Lisle, 249.

Grey, Reginald, esq., land held of, in co. Bedf., 56.

Grey, Reginald, esq., Bedf., 690.

Grey, Reginald, Lord Grey de Wilton, 726.
-, ………, Richard, knt., 249.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of Geo., Earl of Kent, 516.
-, …….., Roger, clk., 372.
-, .. ……, Thomas, 249.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 79.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 150, 446; land held of, in co. Leic., 1103.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., Lord Ferrers de Groby, Marquess of Dorset, 249, 372, 681, 704, 713; honor of Winchester held by, 27; land held of, in co. Bedf., 286; in co. Camb., 360; in co. Cumb., 621, 969; in co. Devon, 461, 855, 908, 1206; in co. Dorset, 332; in co. Leic., 287, 784; in co. N’hamp., 372, 929, 1061; in co. Salop, 294; in co. Warw., 27, 331; land held of, jure ux,, in co. Devon, 661; in co. Somers., 1048.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of Reginald, esq., 690.
-, ………, William, 116.
-, ……… See also De Grey.

Greyby, John, 504.

Greyleshay, co. Dorset. See Griddleshay.

Greylesley, co. Dorset. See Griddleshay.

Greynefeld, Thomas, &c. See Granville.

Greynefild, Thomas. See Granville.

Greynevyle, Thomas, &c. See Granville.

Greynham, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Greynham Raw, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Greynway, co. Devon. See Greenway.

Greys manor, co. Suff. See Cavendish.

Greys, Rotherfield, co. Oxford. See Rotherfield Greys.

Greystock, Graistok, Graystok, co. Cumb., advowson of College of, 245; barony of, 245; burgages in, 245; castle of, 245; common called Graystok More, 245; manor of, 245.

Greystock, Elizabeth, granddaughter and heir of Ralph, Baron of Greystock, 231, 243, 304, 432.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Robert, 304.
-, ………, John, styled Lord Greystock, land held of, in co. York, 363.
-, ………, Ralph, knt., Baron of Greystock, 949.

Greystock, Ralph, knt., Baron of Greystock, Bedf., 243; Cumb., 245; Leic., 307; Salop, 231; Suff., 304; Westmd., 432.

Greystock, Ralph, knt., Baron of Greystock, land held of, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Ralph, Baron of Greystock, 231, 243, 304, 432.

Griddleshay, Greyleshay, Greylesley, in Whitchurch, co. Dorset, land in, 332.

Griff, co. Warw., manor (1/2) of, 289.

Griffin, Griffyn, Gryffon, Gryfyn, Emmote, wife of John, esq., 36.
-, ………, John, esq., 522.

Griffin, John, esq., N’hamp., 37, 664.

Griffin, Nicholas, esq., 37, 1178; land held of, in co. N’hamp., 845, 1146.
-, ………, Nicholas, s. and h. of John, esq., 37, 522, 664.
-, ………, Richard, 1208.

Griffites, Walter, &c. See Griffiths.

Griffith, John, &c. See Griffiths.

Griffiths, Griffites, Griffith, Joan. See Dymoke, Joan.

Griffiths, John, Salop, 1010.

Griffiths, Margery, d. and h. of John, 1010.

Griffiths, Rhys, esq., Linc., 953.

Griffiths, Walter, knt., 366, 951, 953.
-, ………, Walter, s. and h. of Walter, knt., 953.

Griffiths, Walter, s. and h. of Walter, knt., York, 951.

Griffyn, John, &c. See Griffin.

Griggs, Gryckes, Grygges, Gryggez, Alice, d. of Thomas, 1033.
-, ………, Aubrey, s. and h. of Thomas, 1033.
-, ………, John, 1143.
-, ………, Robert, 1033.

Griggs, Thomas, Norf., 1033.

Grime, Gryme, Giles, wife of John, and sister and co-heir of Robert Louth, 175.
-, ………, John, 175.
-, ………, Thomas, 384.

Grimsby, Grymesby, Grymmesby, co. Linc., messuages in, 941.

Grimsby, Henry, esq., 776.

Grimscote, Gremescote, Grymmescote, co. N’hamp., manor of, 372, 447.

Grimsditch, Grymesdich, Hugh, 294.

Grimstead, Grymestede, Grymstede, co. Wilts., manor of, 1122.
-, ………, East, co. Wilts., land in, 177.

Grimston, Grymston, co. Norf., land held of manor in, 1022; land in, 1022.
-, ……, co. Notts., land in, 962.
-, ……… Hall, in Colneis hundred, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 102.

Grimston, Edward, 181.

Grimston, Edward, Suff., 1094.

Grimston, Edward, s. and h. of Edward, 1094.
-, ………, Elizabeth, d. of Edward, 1094.
-, ………, James, s. of Edward, 1094.
-, ………, Joan, d. of Edward, 1094.
-, ………, Thomas, 1094.
-, ………, William, s. of Edward, 1094.

Grimville, Agnes, wife of John, 1250.
-, ………, John, 1250.

Grindale, Grendall, Gryndall, co. York, manor of, 264, 556, 1005.

Grindalyth, Kirby, co. York. See Kirby.
-, ………, Thoralby, co. York, land in, 233.

Grinsdale, Grynsdale, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Grinstead, Grinsted, East, co. Sussex, land in, 1160.

Grinsted, Est, co. Sussex. See Grinstead, East.

Grinton, co. York. See Fremington.

Gripston, co. Devon, land in, 760.

Grisdale, Grysedale, co. Cumb., corn mill at, 245; forest called, 245; tenements in, 245.

Grisley, John. See Gresley.

Gristhorpe, Grysthorpe [in Filey], co. York, manor of, 233.

Groby, co. Leic. See Grooby.

Grooby, Groby, co. Leic., Ferrers de, Lady. See Grey, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Ferrers de, Lord. See Bourchier, John, knt.
-, ………, honor of, parcel of honor of Winchester, 27; land held of, in co. Warw., 27.

Groos, John, 173.

Groos, John, Norf., 384.

Groos, John, nephew of h. of John, 384.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, 384.

Grotmore, Richard, 171.

Grove, co. Berks., land in, 132, 576, 707, 708, 1106.
-, ……… in Watford, co. Herts., manor of, 320.

Grove, John, gent., 1175.
-, ………, John, of Aylesbury, co. Bucks., 115.

Groveherst, Thomas, 1169.

Grovelegh, co. Devon, land in, 303.

Gruele, Gruell, John, 468, 548.

Gruell, John. See Gruele.

Grundesbourgh, co. Suff. See Grundisburgh.

Grundisburgh, Grundesbourgh, co. Suff. See Burgh.

Gryckes, John. See Griggs.

Gryffon, Richard. See Griffin.

Gryfyn, John, &c. See Griffin.

Grygges, Thomas, &c. See Griggs.

Grymalbury, co. Heref. See Whitbourne.

Grymbald, John, 612.

Gryme, Giles, &c. See Grime.

Grymesby, co. Linc. See Grimsby.

Grymesdich, Hugh. See Grimsditch.

Grymestede, East, co. Wilts. See Grimstead, East.

Grymmesby, Henry. See Grimsby.

Grymmescote, co. N’hamp. See Grimscote.

Grymstede, co. Wilts. See Grimstead.

Grymston, co. Norf. See Grimston.
-, ……, co. Notts. See Grimston.

Grymston, Edward. See Grimston.

Gryndall, co. York. See Grindale.

Grynsdale, co. Cumb. See Grinsdale.

Grynsted, co. Essex. See Greenstead.

Gryppthorpe, co. York, manor of, 477.

Grysby, co. York. See Girsby.

Gryse, Andrew, 1145.

Grysedale, co. Cumb. See Grisdale.

Grysethwayte, co. York, manor of, 477.

Grysthorpe, co. York. See Gristhorpe.

Gubwyll, co. Devon, land in, 688.

Guildford, Gildford, Guldeford, Gyldeforde, Gylford, co. Surrey, toll (1/8) of, 879.

Guildford, Elizabeth, wife of George, and d. and h. of Robert Mortimer, esq., 1006.
-, ………, George, 1006.
-, ………, John, knt., 428, 694; land held of, in co. Surrey, 400.
-, ………, Richard, knt., 362, 428, 447, 694, 735, 1140, 1235.

Guiting, Guytyng, Power, co. Glouc., land in, 607.

Guldeford, co. Surrey. See Guildford.

Guldeford, Richard, &c. See Guildford.

Gull, William, clk., S.T.P., 725.

Gunnace, Dorothy, d. and h. of John, 273.

Gunnace, John, York, 273.

Gunnace, Margaret, widow, 273.
-, ………, Robert, 273.

Gunnersbury, Gonelsbury [in Ealing], co. Middx., manor of, 159.

Gunter, Gunttour, John, land held of, in co. Surrey, 162.
-, …….., Ralph, 640.

Gunthorp, John, clk., 1145, 1217.

Guntons, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1143.

Gunttour, John. See Gunter.

Gurnay, Gorney, Gourney, Gurney, Thomas, esq., 976; land held of, in co. Norf., 1084.
-, ………, William, esq., 677, 1001, 1028, 1136, 1143.
-, ………, William, the younger, esq., 507, 1036.

Gurnay, Mapulderham, co. Oxford. See Mapledurham.

Gurney, William, &c. See Gurnay.

Guynge, Marget, co. Essex. See Margaretting.

Guytyng Power, co. Glouc. See Guiting.

Gyan, Wolston, co. Somers. See Wolston.

Gybbys, John, &c. See Gibbs.

Gybons, John, &c. See Gibbon.

Gyddesham, co. Devon. See Gittisham.

Gyddysham, co. Devon. See Gittisham.

Gyffard, Thomas, &c. See Giffard.

Gyfferd, John, &c. See Gifford.

Gyfford, John, &c. See Giffard.

Gyfford, Boures, co. Essex. See Bowers Gifford.

Gyffordes manor, co. Suff. See Giffords.

Gygges, Thomas. See Gigges.

Gygour, John, clk. See Gigger.

Gygur, John. See Gigger.

Gylbart, Robert, gent. See Gilbert.

Gylcroux, co. Cumb. See Gilcrux.

Gyldeforde, John, &c. See Guildford.

Gylderegge, William. See Gilderidge.

Gylderyge, William. See Gilderidge.

Gyles, John. See Giles.

Gylford, George. See Guildford.

Gyllingham, co. Dorset. See Gillingham.

Gyllyng, co. York. See Gilling.

Gyllyngham, co. Kent. See Gillingham.

Gylmyn, John, 342.

Gylys, Alice, &c. See Giles.

Gynnour, Thomas, 468, 548.

Gyrdelers. See Girdlers.

Gyrlyng, William, 913.

Gyrton, co. Camb. See Girton.

Gysburgh, John. See Gisburgh.

Gyseburn, co. York. See Gisburn.

Gyssburgh, William. See Gisburgh.

Gyttecote, co. Devon. See Kitcot.

Gytyns, Richard, 1220.