Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 49

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 49', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 49', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 49". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 49

507. Ralph Arundell, kinsman and heir of John Arundell of Trembleyth, knight
Writ of devenerunt, 11 …, 11 Richard II
CORNWALL. Inq. taken at Launceston, Thursday after St. Peter’s Chains, 12 Richard II.
John Arundell of Trembleyth, knight, did not hold any lands &c. … on the day of his death, but the under-mentioned manor &c. came to the king’s hands by the death of the said John and by reason of the minority of the said Ralph, his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of John de Arundell, knight, son and heir of … his son, who has died [while a minor in the king’s wardship].
Conerton. The manor, and two-thirds of the hundred of Penewyth, held of the heir of John de Welyngton, a minor in the king’s wardship, by …
The said Ralph died on the last day …, 6 Richard II. John Arundell, his brother, aged 22 years …, is his next heir.
C. Ric. II File 49 (1)
508. Thomas son and heir of John Aubrey
Writ of devenerunt, 1 March, 11 Richard II
HEREFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Ledbury, 6 March, 11 Richard II.
The said Thomas died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands and fractions of manors.
Tadynton. A seventh part of the manor, held of the king in chief by service of two-thirds of a sixth part of a knight’s fee. Two-thirds of the said seventh part descended to him by hereditary right immediately after the death of the said John Aubrey, and the remaining third part, which was held in dower by Margaret late the wife of the said John, descended to him after the death of the said Margaret.
Tadynton. A virgate of land, held of Baldwin Frevyle by service of 2s. It descended to him by hereditary right after the death of the said John and Margaret. Margaret held it for life jointly with John her husband, to wit, to them and the heirs of the said John, and survived her husband.
Tadynton. A messuage and half a virgate of land, held of Thomas atte Barre by service of 1 lb. cummin. The said John and Margaret held the same jointly, to wit, to them and their heirs, and it descended to Thomas by hereditary right as John’s son and heir.
The said John died on 5 July, 1 Richard II, and Margaret died on 5 January, 4 Richard II.
Cowarne, alias Great Cowarne. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of Mary daughter and one of the heirs of Humphrey le Boun, late earl of Hereford, who was a minor in the king’s wardship, as of the honor of Braghnok. The said Thomas recovered it against Philip Wroth and Roger Wroth by a writ of scire facias on a fine levied in the king’s court in 11 Edward II.
He died while a minor in the king’s wardship on 9 September, 6 Richard II. Robert his brother, aged 21 1/4 years and more, is his heir.
Writ of certiorari to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer touching the tenor of an inquisition after the death of the said Thomas, taken by Henry Moton, late escheator in the county of Hereford, which is said to have been returned into the Exchequer. 2 March, 11 Richard II.
Endorsed: The tenor of the said inquisition is attached hereto. The inquisition is among the particulars of the account of Henry Moton from 25 October, 5 Richard II, to 12 December, 6 Richard II, in the custody of the king’s remembrancer.
HEREFORD. Inq. taken at Ledbury, 6 October, 6 Richard II.
The under-mentioned fourth part came to the king’s hands by reason of the minority of the said Thomas, who died while a minor in the king’s wardship.
Cowarne, alias Great Cowarne. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of Mary daughter and one of the heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, a minor in the king’s wardship, as of the honor of Breghnok. He recovered it against Philip Wroth and Roger Wroth in the king’s court by a writ of scire facias.
The said Thomas had the custody of a fourth part of the manor of Cowarn by grant of the king by letters patent dated 24 October, 5 Richard II, until his lawful age, rendering 4l. 13s. 4d. yearly at the Exchequer, and had possession of the same and received all the issues thereof until the day of his death. After his death Richard Broun, the executor of his testament, had possession and received the issues until Michaelmas last. This fourth part is the same as the fourth part mentioned above.
He died on 9 September last. Robert his brother, aged 16 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 49 (2)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 259 (2)
510. William de Aldeburgh, the elder, knight
Writ, 22 April, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Monday after Ascension Day, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuages and lands.
Waynflet. 15 messuages, 11 tofts and 30 a. land, pasture and marsh, held of Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, as of his manor of Croft.
He died on 1 April last. William his son aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 22 April, 11 Richard II
YORK. Inq. taken at Harewod, 5 May, 11 Richard II.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the under-mentioned rent.
He held the under-mentioned manor &c. for life, with successive remainders to William de Aldeburgh, the younger, knight, and Margery his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and to his own right heirs.
Harewod. 56s. 8d. yearly rent from 16 messuages and 4 carucates 18 bovates of land in the hands of divers free tenants. The said rent was lately parcel of the manor of Harewod; and the said manor, with the rent, is held of the king in chief, as of the crown, by service of one knight’s fee and service of rendering to the king and his heirs, for fines of the wapentake of Skirak, 18s. yearly at Michaelmas by the hands of the sheriff.
Kelfeld. The manor, and a messuage and a carucate of land, held of John Percy of Kildale by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Ric. II File 49 (3)
512. Patrick Beker, ‘arblaster’
Writ of precipimus, 8 October, 11 Richard II
LONDON. Inq. taken before the mayor, at the Guildhall, 29 November, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned moiety in fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, by bequest of John Byker, ‘arblaster’, his father, by the testament of the said John proved, proclaimed and enrolled in the husting of London of pleas of land held on Monday the eve of St. Margaret, 35 Edward III.
Parish of St. Katharine of Crychirche, in Aldgate ward. A moiety of a tenement, and of a garden belonging thereto, held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city of London.
He died about the Purification, 3 Richard II, day not known. Richard Beker, his son, aged 13 years and more, is his heir.
From the time of his death until 30 May, 9 Richard II, John Cofham of London, ‘draper’, had possession of the moiety and received all the issues and profits thereof, by what title the jurors know not. Since the said 30 May, John Charneye of London has had possession and taken the issues by virtue of letters patent of that date granting him the same for life.
Writ of certiorari to the mayor of London and the chamberlain of the Guildhall touching the tenor of the testament mentioned in the above inquisition. 14 December, 11 Richard II.
Transcript of pleas of land held in the husting of London on Monday the eve of St. Margaret, 35 Edward III.
On that day came Alice late the wife of John Byker, king’s artiller in the Tower of London, one of the executors of the testament of the said John, and caused the said testament, so far as concerned the lay fee contained therein, to be proved by William de Osemundibergh and Roger le Couper, who said they were present when John made it, as follows.
A.D. 1361. He bequeathed all his tenements &c. in the parish of St. Katharine of the Trinity within Algate to Alice his wife, for life. After her death, the whole of the inn within the great gate of the said tenement, with the chambers, gardens and all other easements, was to remain to Boneface his son and the heirs of the body of the said Boneface, rendering 20d. yearly to the house of the Holy Trinity, London, with remainders (1) of a moiety thereof to Patrick his son and the heirs of the body of the said Patrick, rendering 10d. yearly to the said house, and in default of such issue to Joan his daughter and the heirs of the body of the said Joan, and in default of such issue to his own right heirs, and (2) of the other moiety thereof to the said Joan and the heirs of her body, rendering 10d. as above, and in default of such issue to the said Patrick and the heirs of his body, and in default of such issue to his own right heirs.
He also bequeathed to the said Patrick, after the death of the said Alice, all that tenement, with the chambers, kitchens and latrine as wholly as Joan Latiner, now holds them, and with the great solar called ‘le wynsoler’ and a small shop built on the said solar, situated on the south side of the great [gate] aforesaid, to hold to the said Patrick and the heirs of his body of the said Boneface and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the said Joan and the heirs of her body, and with remainder over to his own right heirs.
He also bequeathed to the said Joan all that tenement … built called ‘le Peynted House’ wherein Richard Oxewiche now dwells, and also a small shop with a small solar by the said gate on the north side, to hold to her and the heirs of her body of the said Boneface and the heirs of his body at a rent of 10d., with remainder to the said Patrick and the heirs of his body, and with remainder over to his own right heirs.
He bequeathed the residue of his goods to Alice his wife.
He appointed the said Alice to be principal executrix of his will, and Boneface and Patrick, his sons, to be her co-adjutors.
C. Ric. II File 49 (4)
514. Richard de Burley, knight
Writ of precipimus, 30 May, 11 Richard II
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Cambridge, 16 June, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor and land in joint feoffment with Beatrice his wife, who survives, by grant of Peter de la Mare, knight, Roger Nassh, parson of the church of Kyngeslane, Hugh Vaghan, parson of the church of Troye, Roger Pertriche, John Sergeaunt and Stephen Makeseye to them and the heirs of their bodies, with successive remainders to the heirs of the body of the said Richard, to Simon de Burley, knight, for life, and to the right heirs of the said Richard.
Orwell. The manor, and a carucate of land in the town, held of the fee of … of the king, services unknown.
The said Richard died on Thursday before Whitsunday, 10 Richard II, without heir of his body. William Burley, his brother, aged 33 years and more, is his heir.
Since his death the said Beatrice has had possession of the manor and received all the issues and profits thereof.
Writ, 30 May, 11 Richard II
HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inq. (indented) taken at Webbeley, 22 July, 12 Richard II. (Faded and illegible in places.)
He held the under-mentioned manor of Burley, Kyngton and Aston and messuage &c. in Sutton.
He also held the under-mentioned castle and manors of Neweland, Monyton and Tyberton and lands &c. in Bellymare jointly with Beatrice his wife, by grant as above and with remainders as above (Cambridge inquisition).
He was also seised in fee, a year before his death, of the under-mentioned castle and manor of Dorston, and enfeoffed thereof Peter de la Mare, knight, Roger Nasshe, Hugh Vaughan, Roger Partryche and John Sergeaunt, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, on condition that, as soon as they should be assured of his death beyond seas, they should enfeoff the aforesaid Beatrice of the said castle and manor, to hold to her and the heirs of his body by her, and that, failing such issue, they should sell the same to the heirs of William Solers, son of … Solers, knight, sometime lord of Dorston, for 700 marks, or, if the said heirs would not pay so much, to Simon de Burley, Richard’s uncle, for 500 marks, or, if he would not pay so much, to whoever would pay most therefor. Accordingly, on being assured of the said Richard’s death beyond seas, the said Peter and the others named enfeoffed the said Beatrice of the said castle and manor.
Burley, Kyngton and Aston. The manor (sic), held of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, a minor in the king’s wardship, as of the honor of Wygemore, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Sutton. A messuage and a virgate of land, held of the prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by a rent of …; and a toft and 18 a. land, held of the abbot of Lire by service of 6d. yearly.
Neweland. The castle and manor, held of the aforesaid Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, as of the honor of Radenore, by service of one knight’s fee.
Monyton in Stradhull. The manor, held of Lewis de Clyfford, as of the honor of Ewyas Haralde, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Tyberton. The manor, held of the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Hereford by 17s. 6d. yearly, other services not known.
Bellymare. A messuage and 18a. land, held of Kinard de la Bere, as of his manor of Chyldeston …
Dorston. The castle and manor, held of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, as of the honor of Clyfford, …
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Ric. II File 49 (5)
516. Thomas Bekeryng
Writ, 15 November, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Langwath, Thursday after St. Nicholas, 11 Richard II.
Long before his death, in 6 Richard II, he enfeoffed John de Harlyngton of Yakeslee, Thomas Warde, parson of the church of Catworth, and others, in the under-mentioned manor, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, in fee simple, under what condition, secret or open, the jurors know not. Joan sometime the wife of John de Bekeryng, knight, holds the said manor, and was and still is in possession of it, as her dower of the said manor and the manors of Laxston, co. Nottingham, and Catworth, co. Huntingdon, by assignment of the said John de Harlyngton, Thomas Warde and the other feoffees. If the said feoffment is invalid, the reversion of the manor belongs to Thomas de Bekeryng and his heirs.
Bekeryng. The manor, with its appurtenances in Houton, Bekeryng, West Tyryngton, Halton on Humber, Lyndwode and Helythorp.
Thomas Bekeryng died in parts beyond seas on Thursday after St. Barnabas, 9 Richard II. Thomas his son, aged 4 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 15 November, 11 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Tuxford, Thursday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned third part, messuage, rents &c. in his demesne as of fee.
Tuxford. A third part of the manor (extent given), except the dower of Joan late the wife of John de Bekeryng, knight, held of the king in chief by as much service as belongs to a third part of a knight’s fee. It is charged with 5 marks yearly to the heirs of William Deyncourt.
Laxton. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, 12 a. meadow and 13l. rent of assise, held of Adam de Everyngham of Laxton, knight, by service of 1/2d. yearly.
Laxton Morehouse. 20s. yearly rent, held of the same Adam by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee; and 3 a. land, held of the master of the hospital of St. John by service of 18d. yearly.
Allerton in Shirwod. A moiety of a watermill and 13s. 4d. rent of assise, held of John Fitz William, knight, by knight’s service.
Bughton. 3s. rent of assise, held of the heirs of John Burdon of Mapulbek by service of a rose yearly.
Date of death and heir as above. Since his death Thomas Ward, parson of Catworth, co. Huntingdon, has had possession of the premises and received all the issues and profits thereof, by what title the jurors know not; and he has sold the underwood of a wood called ‘Esthed’ and received the issues and profits thereof to the value of 40s.
Writ, 15 November, 11 Richard II
HUNTINGDON. Inq. taken at Huntingdon, Friday before St. Andrew the Apostle, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor in his demesne as of fee.
Catteworth Magna. The manor, held of the earl of Hereford by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as above. Since his death Thomas Warde, parson of Catteworth Magna, has had possession of the manor and received all the profits thereof, by what title the jurors know not.
C. Ric. II File 49 (6)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (15) (Nottingham)
519. William Blees
Writ, 16 July, 11 Richard II
HEREFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Webbeley, 4 August, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage, part of a messuage and lands in his demesne as of fee.
Staundon. A messuage, 30 a. land and 2 a. meadow, held by knight’s service of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, a minor in the king’s wardship, who holds it of the king in chief.
Lonteley. Two-thirds of a messuage, of a carucate of land, of 4 a. meadow, and of 35s. rent, held by knight’s service of the heir of Richard Baskervill, knight, who holds them by knight’s service of Nicholas de Audeley, knight, as of his manor of Dilewe, and is a minor in the king’s wardship because the said Richard held a moiety of the manor of Erdesley by knight’s service of the heir of Henry de Ferrariis, who was then a minor in the king’s wardship and held that moiety by knight’s service of the king in chief. The jurors were asked whether the said Richard Baskervill held, or his heir holds, any lands &c. of the king in chief, and said that they did not.
Lonteley. 2 a. wood, held of the aforesaid Nicholas by knight’s service.
C. Ric. II File 49 (7)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (6)
520. William de Benteley
Writ, 1 October, 11 Richard II
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Stafford, Saturday after All Saints, 11 Richard II.
With the king’s licence he enfeoffed William Leveson, Nicholas Wyghtwyk, chaplain, and Clement Leveson of Wolvernehampton of the under-mentioned messuage &c. (except 4 a. land, parcel thereof), and the said feoffees [had licence] to grant the same to him and Eleanor his wife, and Richard Leveson of Wolvernehampton, to hold to them and the heirs of the bodies of the said William and Eleanor, with successive remainders to the heirs of the body of the said William, to Nicholas de Ruggeleye, brother of the said William, and the heirs of his body, to John Jus, brother of the said Nicholas, and the heirs of his body, and to the right heirs of the said William. William died seised of such estate therein.
He held the other under-mentioned lands in his demesne as of fee.
Benteleye. A messuage, a mill, 1 1/2 carucates of land, 12 a. meadow, 16 a. wood and 7s. rent, held of the king in chief by service of keeping the king’s hay in the forest of Cannok called ‘Benteleyhaye’.
[Benteleye]. The aforesaid 4 a. land and a moor called ‘le Dopemour’, held of the king in chief by the aforesaid service.
Whateleye. A plot of land called ‘le Midelfeld’, and a plot of land called ‘Calerheye’, held as last above.
He died on Friday before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary last. Nicholas de Ruggeleye, to whom the aforesaid messuage &c. ought to remain because William and Eleanor died without heir of their bodies and William died without heir of his body and Richard Leveson is dead, is 30 years of age and more. William Leche of London is kinsman and heir of the said William Benteleye, to wit, son of Ellen sister of John his father, and is 30 years of age and more.
C. Ric. II File 49 (8)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (18)
521. Richard de Byngham, knight
Writ, 6 November, 11 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. (indented) taken at Byngham, Thursday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 11 Richard II.
Long before his death he enfeoffed Robert Braybrok, clerk, Reynold Braybrok, Simon de Leek, knight, and Henry de Codyngton, parson of the church of Botellesford, and their heirs, in the under-mentioned manor of Bingham, and the said Simon entered in the name of himself and his fellows and took the issues and profits of the manor for four years. After the said term Richard re-entered and took the issues and profits of the manor until his death, without being re-enfeoffed by the above feoffees or any of them.
He held the under-mentioned messuage, lands and rents in his demesne as of fee.
Haywod. An assart so called in the forest of Shirwod, held of the king by service of paying 18d. yearly by the hands of the sheriff.
Notingham. A messuage within the borough, held of the king, as in free burgage, by service of paying 12s. yearly by the hands of the bailiffs of Notingham.
Sibthorp. 18s. yearly rent issuing from a messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of the king, as of the honor of Peverell.
Colwyk. 1/2 a. meadow, held of Adam de Everyngham, knight, services not known.
Kercolston. . .d. yearly rent issuing from a fourth part of a messuage, held of Thomas de Byngham of Kercolston, services unknown.
Bingham. The manor (extent given, including a fair held on the feast of SS. Simon and Jude and a market held every Thursday), held of John, duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Tutbury, by knight’s service. The king has 24s. rent in the manor, payable to him by instalments of 6s. at Midsummer and 18s. at the feast of St. Andrew, doing suit to the county court of Nottingham every month, by what title the jurors know not.
The said Richard died at Westchestre on Thursday after St. Matthew last. Robert, aged 3 years and more, son of William de Bingham his son, is his next heir.
C. Ric. II File 49 (9)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (16)
522. Thomas Blaunchard
Writ, 13 December, 11 Richard II
WILTS. Inq. taken at Bereford St. Martin, Monday after the Purification, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned toft &c. in Bereford and lands in Honybrigge in his demesne as of fee. He also held the under-mentioned messuage in Wilton.
Long before his death he granted the under-mentioned manor by charter to Walter Lymbergh, John Milbourne and Sir Stephen Priour, chaplain, his son, for life, at a rent of 27 marks yearly.
Bereford St. Martin. A toft (wherein there was and ought to be a common oven), with 2 small gardens adjacent and a moiety of a virgate of land, together with the bailiwick of a forestership in fee in the forest of Grovele called ‘la Southbailie’, held of the king in chief by service of paying 10s. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
Bereford. The manor, held of Ivo Fitz Waryn, lord of Wilton, and the prioress of Ambresbury, service not known.
Wilton. A messuage with garden, formerly belonging to Robert Brudecombe, in the borough of Wilton, held of the aforesaid lord of Wilton, service not known.
Honybrigge. A croft containing 12 a. pasture called ‘Cokkesclos’ and 1 a. meadow called ‘Cokkesmede’, held of the lord of Honybrigge, as of his manor of Honybrigge, by service of 1 1/2d. yearly.
He died on 22 November last. John Blaunchard, his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 49 (10)
523. Alice late the wife of Walter de Boynton, knight
Writ, 25 June, 11 Richard II
YORK. Inq. taken at Stokesle, 20 July, 11 Richard II.
Castellevyngton. The manor, held of the king in chief by homage and fealty, and by the service of providing a man with an unbarded horse, armed with ‘aketon’, ‘palet’, lance and gauntlets of ‘plate’, for 40 days when there is war in Scotland. The said Alice died seised of the manor in fee tail by virtue of a grant thereof made by Nicholas son of Nicholas de Menyll to John de Menyll, his brother, grandfather of the said Alice, to wit, father of John her father, whose heir she was. The said Nicholas son of Nicholas granted the reversion of the manor after the death of Christiana late the wife of Nicholas de Menill, who held it for life with reversion to himself and his heirs, to the said John Menill, his brother, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to himself and his heirs. The grant was made by licence of Edward II in the fourth year of his reign, and Christiana attorned to the said John Menill. She died many years ago. The right to the reversion of the manor descended from Nicholas son of Nicholas to the said Alice as his kinswoman and heir, to wit, daughter of John son of the aforesaid John Menill his brother; and from Alice to Walter son of Walter de Boynton, knight, as her son and heir.
She died on Tuesday after Midsummer last. The said Walter son of Walter, aged 24 years and more, is her next heir, and also kinsman and heir of the aforesaid John Menill.
C. Ric. II File 49 (11)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (3)
524. Sarah late the wife of William de Catesby
Writ of mandamus, 25 June, 11 Richard II
LONDON. Inq. taken at the Guildhall, 27 July, 11 Richard II.
The said William (by the name of William Catesby, ‘brewere’ and citizen of London) and Sarah, by a charter of feoffment dated 31 January, 47 Edward III, enrolled in the husting of London of common pleas held on Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 47 Edward III, acquired the whole of the under-mentioned tenement jointly, to them and their heirs and assigns, from Margaret late the wife of John de Ellerton, late king’s serjeant-at-arms, Roger, rector of the church of Bassyngbourne, William Belle, rector of the church of St. Mary, Stivekeye, and John Dysford, chaplain, executors of the testament of the said John de Ellerton, who had the same during his lifetime and bequeathed it in his said testament to be sold. Afterwards, in the last will of the said William de Catesby, proved, proclaimed and enrolled in the husting of London of common pleas held on Monday before SS. Simon and Jude, 3 Richard II, the said William and Sarah by common consent bequeathed the tenement, after the death of the survivor of them, to John their son, for life, with remainder to Richard Taillour, ‘maltmonger’, and Ralph Brystowe, hurrer (hurar’), wardens of the fraternity of All Saints in the church of Stanyng, and their successors forever, on condition that the whole profit and rent thereof (after the necessary repairs) should be expended on the support of a chaplain to serve the said fraternity and on the keeping of their anniversary days, at least five masses to be celebrated at each such anniversary, and a suitable sum to be paid to the clerk for tolling the bell. The said William appointed Sarah his wife, and William Asshford to be his executrix and executor, who caused his said testament to be proved and enrolled in the husting of London of common pleas held on Monday before SS. Simon and Jude in the year aforesaid. Sarah survived her husband, and was in possession of the tenement until her death.
Parish of All Hallows, Stanyng, in Langebourne ward. A tenement in Fancherchestret, situated breadthwise between the churchyard of All Hallows, Stanyngecherche, and the lane leading from Fancherchestret to the said churchyard on the east side, and the tenement of Roger atte Basket on the west side, and extending lengthwise from Fancherchestret on the north to the garden formerly belonging to Thomas de Walden on the south, held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city of London.
She died about the feast of the Translation of St. Swithin, 7 Richard II, exact day not known, without making any other demise or bequest of the above tenement. The said John her son died during her lifetime. William Catesby, aged 26 years on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross last, is son and heir of the said William and Sarah.
Immediately after the death of the said Sarah and John the aforesaid wardens of the fraternity of All Saints entered into the tenement and have taken the issues and profits thereof ever since.
C. Ric. II File 49 (12)
525. John de Chidyok, knight, the elder
Writ, 15 May, 11 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Mountagu, Tuesday after Holy Trinity, 11 Richard II.
The said John held the under-mentioned manor of Tateworth for life, by surrender of William Bonevyll, knight, by a fine levied in the king’s court, at a rent of a rose yearly at Midsummer, the reversion belonging to the said William and his heirs.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Hescombe for life, by grant of Roger Danyel and Roger Carter, chaplains, with remainder to Richard Chidyok, his son, for life, and with remainder over to his right heirs.
He died seised of the under-mentioned manors of Alwynesheye and Kyngeston and tenements in Yevell in his demesne as of fee.
Tateworth. The manor, held of the bishop of Bath, as of his manor of Cherde, by knight’s service.
Hescombe. The manor, held of John, duke of Lancaster, of his honor of Troubrug, by knight’s service.
Alwynesheye. The manor, held of the lord of Walkehorn, as of his honor of Walkehorn, service not known.
Kyngeston by Yevele. The manor, held of Gilbert Talbot, as of his castle of Richard-escastell in Wales, by knight’s service.
Yevell. 2 burgage tenements, held of the rector of the church of Yevell by service of rendering 1/4d. yearly.
Yevell. The rent and service of a burgage tenement which he demised for life to John Thorne, Joan his wife and Emma their daughter, at a yearly rent of (illegible). The tenement is held of the said rector by service of rendering 1/4d. yearly.
He died on 6 May last. John de Chidyok, his son, aged 40 years and more, is his heir.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Well, Monday after St. Denis, 12 Richard II.
The said John was seised in fee on the day of his death of the under-mentioned burgage tenement &c.
Well. A burgage tenement with curtilage, a toft, a dovecote, 12 a. arable and 6 a. meadow, held of the bishop of Bath by service of 12d. yearly and by fealty.
Date of death and heir (John de Chidiok, knight), as above.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Brideport, Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Chellebergh as tenant by courtesy after the death of Isabel his wife, as of the inheritance of the said Isabel, and 14 years ago surrendered his estate therein to John de Chidyok, his son by the said Isabel, by word of mouth, no deed or writing being made. John the son continued his seisin in the manor until his father’s death, but nevertheless the escheator has seized the manor into the king’s hand.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Chidyok, Cotteley and Bukham, and messuages and lands &c. in Hakerigge, Okford and Baillye by Yatmynstre.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Morekurchell, and gave it to John de Chidyok, his son, and Joan, the latter’s wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his own right heirs. The said John and Joan were seised of the manor accordingly, and afterwards he intruded on their possession and took all the issues and profits thereof until the day of his death.
He died seised of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Brydeport for life, by grant of Roger Carter, chaplain, and Philip Berewyk, with remainder to John son of Ralph de Chidyok and his heirs.
Chellebergh. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Chidyok. The manor, held of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, a minor in the king’s wardship, as of his manor of Mersshwode, by knight’s service and service of rendering 20l. yearly.
Hakerygge in the vale of Mersshwode. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the same heir, as of his manor aforesaid, by knight’s service and service of rendering 2s. or a pair of gilt spurs yearly.
Okford in the vale of Mersshwode. A messuage, 40 a. land and 2 a. meadow, held of the same heir, as of his manor aforesaid, by knight’s service.
Cotteley. The manor, held of the bishop of Salisbury, as of his manor of Cherdestoke, by knight’s service.
Bukham. The manor, held of the same bishop, as of his manor aforesaid, by knight’s service.
Baillye by Yatmynstre. A toft, a carucate of land, 8 a. wood and 20 a. pasture, held of the same bishop, as of his manor of Whitefeld, by knight’s service.
Morekurchell. The manor, held of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, as of his manor of Gissiche Boun, by knight’s service.
Brydeport. A messuage, 2 tofts, 2 curtilages, a garden, 3 closes of pasture and 4l. 18s. rent, held of the king in chief by free socage, as of the borough of Brydeport, which the burgesses hold of the king at fee-farm.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, 15 May, 11 Richard II
WILTS. Inq. taken at Westbury, Saturday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Ric. II File 49 (13)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 263 (6 & 7)
529. John Chalers, knight
Writ, 28 February, 11 Richard II
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. (indented) taken at Whaddon, Thursday the feast of St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
He died seised of the under-mentioned manor.
Whaddon. The manor (extent given, including a watermill in ruins), held, together with the manors of Wydiale and Reede, co. Hertford, of the king in chief by service of two knight’s fees. The Lady Margaret late his wife is to be dowered thereof.
He died on Thursday after St. Matthias last. Thomas his son, aged 4 years on the feast of St. Lambert last, is his heir.
Writ, 28 February, 11 Richard II
HERTFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Buntyngford, 14 March, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manors in fee on the day of his death.
Wydyhale and Reed. The manors (extents given), held, together with the manor of Whaddon, co. Cambridge, of the king in chief by service of two knight’s fees, doing the service of four men-at-arms in the king’s army for 40 days, as is proper for two knight’s fees. The extent of Wydyhale includes 100 a. arable held of the duke of York, as of the castle of Ansty, by service of 10s. yearly, 60 a. arable held of Edward le Spenser in socage by service of 1d. yearly, and a court. The extent of Reed includes a court. Margaret late the wife of the said John Chalers is to be dowered of those manors.
Date of death and heir as above.
(Writ missing)
NORFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Disse, 5 June, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county on the day of his death because by his charter dated 20 September, 7 Richard II, he granted the under-mentioned manor to John Topclyf of Melreth, Thomas Canele and Thomas, vicar of the church of Whaddon, to hold to them and their heirs, on condition that after his death they should enfeoff thereof Margery his wife and Thomas his son by the said Margery, to hold to them and the heirs of the body of the said Thomas, with remainder in default of such issue to the said feoffees and their heirs, to be sold by them and the moneys forthcoming from such sale to be devoted to pious uses for the weal of his soul and the souls of his ancestors.
Melveton. The manor, held of Thomas de Morelee, knight, by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum, 6 March, 11 Richard II
HERTFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Buntyngford, 21 March, 11 Richard II.
Therfeld. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Walter Arderne and his tenants, lately held by Hamo de Ware and Margaret his wife.
Bradefeld. The manor, held of him by William Fitz Rauf by service of half a knight’s fee.
Bradefeld and elsewhere in the county. 4 knight’s fees, held of him by the same William.
Reed. One knight’s fee, held of him by John Edmund, lately held by John Shakeleston and John atte Reed; a fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by the same John Edmund, lately held by John son and heir of Maurice Caperoun; and a twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Edmund Lancastre and his parceners, lately held by John Lancastre, father of the said Edmund.
Walyngton. Half a knight’s fee, held of him by Andrew de Mohun, lately held by William de Hoggeswelle.
Leyston. A thirteenth part of a knight’s fee, of the tenement formerly of Robert de Corneye, held by the abbess of Halywell; and a twelfth part of a knight’s fee, of the tenement formerly of William de Corneye, held by the same abbess.
Wydyhale. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by Elizabeth late the wife of Gilbert de Elesfeld, knight.
All the said tenants of fees and portions of fees are still alive.
C. Ric. II File 49 (14)
533. Richard Charles
Writ, 10 October, 11 Richard II
KENT. Inq. taken at Rochester, Friday before SS. Simon and Jude, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manors jointly with Alice his wife, who is still living, namely, to them and his heirs, by gift and feoffment of James de Pekham, Robert Faryndon, parson of the church of Wrotham, John Colpepir, Stephen Norton and John atte Felde, parson of the church of Adynton.
Adynton. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of March, as of his manor of Swannescompe, by knight’s service and service of rendering at the said manor 36s. at the feast of St. Andrew. The extent includes a watermill, 80 a. pasture of ‘gavelkynde’ tenure held of the earl of Notyngham by service of rendering 43s. 4d. yearly at his manor of Reyerssh, and rents of cocks, hens, eggs and 7 ploughshares.
Palster. The manor (extent given), held of the castle of Ledys, as of the honor of Crewker, by knight’s service, and not of the king in chief as of the crown. The extent includes a toft in Wyghtryshame, rents of cocks, hens and eggs, and a moiety of the ferry of Smallyde.
Nasshenden. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the honors of Peverell and Hagenet, by knight’s service, and not of the king in chief as of the crown. The extent includes 74 a. pasture of ‘gavelkynd’ tenure, held of the lord de Gray by service of rendering 5s. at his manor of Eillisford and by suit to the court of the said manor every three weeks, and rents of a cock, hens, a goose and a fourth part of a (illegible).
Little Delse. The manor (extent given), held of [John de] Fallisley, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, in right of the said Elizabeth, as of their manor of Patrikkesbourne, by knight’s service, and not of the king in chief immediately.
He died on 21 April, 10 Richard II. James Charles, his son, aged 2 1/2 years and 16 weeks, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 49 (15)
534. Joan late the wife of John Clynton, knight
Writ, 4 March, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. missing.
Letter from the keeper of the privy seal to Sir Peter de Courtenay, the king’s chamberlain, reciting that by an inquisition taken before William Bolle, escheator in co. Lincoln, it was found that the said Joan held of the king in chief in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death a moiety of the manor of Notton, and that Elizabeth wife of Thomas Tryvet, knight, is her daughter and heir, and of full age, and stating that Thomas is coming to do homage to the king in person for the said moiety on account of offspring begotten between him and the said Elizabeth. The chamberlain is therefore asked to present Thomas to the king for that purpose. London, 8 July.
Note at top of document: Le roy ad receu son homage le iij daust.
Signed at foot, in the same hand: Deveros.
Writ, 4 March, 11 Richard II
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Ikelyngton, Thursday in Easter week, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned messuages and lands.
Ikelyngton. 2 messuages and 80 a. land, held for life; whereof a messuage and 3 r. land are held of the abbot of Telteye by service of 18d. yearly and suit to the court of his manor there, as parcel of a knight’s fee which the abbot holds of the king in chief, as of the honor of Boulogne, and the other messuage and 79 a. 1 r. land are held of the lord de Lucy by service of 6s. 8d. yearly.
Hynkeston. A messuage and 60 a. land, held for life of the bishop of Lincoln by service of a ‘laumprey’ to be paid in March and homage and fealty.
Horsethe. A messuage and 80 a. land, held for life of the countess of Oxford (assigned by way of dower) by service of a quarter and a half and a fifth part of half a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Wykham. A toft, 20 a. land and pasture and 5 a. wood, held for life of the master of Bertelmeus, as of the manor of Stretlehalle, by service of 5s. yearly and suit of court.
Horsethe. 28d. rent from divers tenants.
She died on Friday, 21 February last. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Trevet, knight, her daughter by Philip Lymbery, aged 28 years and more, is her heir.
Writ, 8 June, 11 Richard II
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Luyton, Saturday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned messuage and land.
Lymbury. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the heirs of Hugh Mortymer by service of 42s. 5d. and suit of court twice a year, and by yearly rent of 2s. 6d. to the house of St. Paul, London, and 2s. to Baldwin Bereford, knight.
She died on 21 February, 11 Richard II. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Tryvet, knight, daughter of Philip de Lymbury, aged 30 years and more, is her next heir.
Writ, 4 March, 11 Richard II
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Wetherisfeld, Monday before Ascension Day, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned lands for life.
Wetherisfeld. 2 a. meadow and 2 a. pasture, parcel of a tenement called ‘Hanchachhall’, held of the earl of Gloucester by service of homage and fealty.
Date of death and heir (aged 28 years and more) as above.
C. Ric. II File 49 (16)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (10) (Suffolk)
538. Edward le Despenser, knight
Writ of plura, 18 March, 11 Richard II
CORNWALL AND DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter, Monday after St. Luke, 12 Richard II.
He held the following fees and advowson in fee of Edward III in chief.
Southmolton. One knight’s fee, held of him by James Daudeley, knight.
La Heavede, La Birche, Southcote and Colecote. One knight’s fee, held by John Cersiaux and Elizabeth his wife, in right of the said Elizabeth.
Womberleghe, Lanteglos and Conerton with their members. 16 1/2 knight’s fees, held by John de Welyngton, knight.
Esse Reigny. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by John de Sully, knight.
Halberton. One knight’s fee, held by John Boys.
Holecombe Portmor. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Richard Barry, William Whyte, John Pyteford and their coheirs.
Shabbecombe. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the abbot of Dunkeswille.
Burlescombe and Lomene. 10 1/2 knight’s fees, held by John Clavylle.
Calwodelegh and Boleworthy. One knight’s fee, held by John de Calwodelegh.
Bydeforde and Kilkhampton. 1 1/2 knight’s fees, held by Theobald de Grenevylle, knight.
Yeddeslegh and Uppecote. 2 knight’s fees, held by John de Sully, knight.
Clystfomsoun and Canounteyng. One knight’s fee, held by John de la Pomeray, knight.
Lappeforde, Northlieu and Halghewill with their members. 5 knight’s fees, held by Elizabeth Blount.
Wynkelegh Kaygnes. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by John Kaygnes.
Denysbeare, Wolfardesworthy and Allislond. One knight’s fee, held by William de Hamptesforde.
Clovely. One knight’s fee, held by William Cary.
Canounleghe, Chillelomene and Dunsforde. One knight’s fee, held by the abbess of Canounlegh.
Halbertone. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Bristol.
Langhetrue. The advowson of the church.
C. Ric. II File 49 (17)
539. William Deyncourt, knight
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum etc., 6 March, 11 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Shelford, Wednesday after the Close of Easter, 11 Richard II.
He held 18 1/4 knight’s fees in the county in his demesne as of fee, and no advowsons.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Chestrefeld, Saturday after Michaelmas, 12 Richard II.
He held 5 1/2 knight’s fees in the county in his demesne as of fee, and no advowsons.
C. Ric. II File 49 (18)
540. Peter Everard
Writ to the escheator—on a petition from Alan Redhed, kinsman and heir of Peter Everard, now deceased, that the king will be pleased to order livery to be made to him of 6 a. land in Fordham, late of the said Peter, which were seized into the king’s hand, and are still in the king’s hand, by reason of Peter’s outlawry for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to answer John Coryngham in a plea of debt—to enquire touching the death of the said Peter, the estate which he had in the said land, and the reason for the land being in the king’s hand, and also to enquire whether the petitioner is Peter’s next heir. 14 February, 11 Richard II.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. (indented) taken at Newmarket, Tuesday after the quinzaine of Easter, 11 Richard II.
The said Peter died a natural death on Monday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 11 Richard II, after 8 days’ illness. He had the said 6 a. land in fee simple on the day of the promulgation of his outlawry, and the said 6 a. are still in the king’s hand by reason of that outlawry. The said Alan Redhed, alias Everard, is his next heir, to wit, son of Richard Everard, alias Redhed, brother of Hugh Everard, his father, and is 70 years of age.
The same Peter, on the day of the promulgation of the said outlawry, to wit, in 3 Richard II, also had an estate in fee simple in a messuage and a toft containing 2 a. land in Saham and a toft and 9 a. land in Fortham.
Ever since the said outlawry Stephen Stotevile has occupied and taken the profits of the said messuage and toft and 5 r. of the land in the fields of Fortham, and is to answer to the king therefor, Thomas Frost has occupied &c. 3 r. land in Fordham, the prior of Fordham has occupied &c. 5 r. land there, Joan late the wife of Thomas de Felton has occupied &c. 1/2 a. land there, and John Bramton of Fordham and William Wygenhale of the same have occupied &c. divers parcels of the 9 a. land in Fordham, amounts not known. The remainder of the land has remained unoccupied and barren.
C. Ric. II File 49 (19)
541. Adam de Everyngham of Laxton, knight
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Retford, Monday after the quinzaine of Easter, 11 Richard II.
He died seised of the under-mentioned manor, to him and the heirs male of his body, by grant of Nicholas de Scalton, parson of the church of Laxton.
Laxton. The manor (extent given, including a view of frankpledge of his tenants which he had by rendering to the king 5s. yearly), held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He died on Saturday, 8 February last. Reynold de Everyngham, knight, his son, aged 30 years, is his next heir male.
Writ, 12 February, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Claypole, Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor to him and the heirs male of his body by grant of Nicholas de Scalton, parson of the church of Laxton.
Westburgh. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Date of death (at Laxton, co. Nottingham) and heir as above.
(Writ missing)
YORK. Inq. taken at Kirkbrun, Saturday in the third week of Lent, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Everyngham by virtue of a fine levied in the king’s court in the octave of St. Martin, 6 Richard II, and recorded in the quinzaine of Easter, 7 Richard II, whereby Nicholas de Skalton, rector of the church of Laxton, granted them to Adam de Everyngham of Laxton, the elder, for life, with remainder to the deceased, son of the said Adam the elder and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies. After the death of Adam the elder the deceased and Joan his wife, entered into the manor and advowson, and Joan died 10 years ago. The church of Everyngham is filled by Richard de Shupton, rector thereof, who was presented by the deceased.
He held the other under-mentioned manors, cottages and lands in his demesne as of fee.
Kyrkbrun. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Brotton in Clyveland. The manor, with the services of the free tenants thereof (to wit, of Reynold de Toucotes, of full age, who holds of the manor a messuage and a carucate of land in Brotton by a rent of 1d. yearly, of William Johnson, of full age, who holds of the manor a messuage and 2 bovates of land by knight’s service and a rent of 4d. yearly, and of Ralph de Lomley, knight, of full age, who holds of the manor a messuage and 2 bovates of land in Brotton by knight’s service only), held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
There are no other services or fees, and no advowsons of churches, pertaining to the above manors.
Skynnergreve. 24 cottages with crofts adjacent, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Kybelyngcotes. A waste plot and 44 bovates of land, whereof 12 bovates are held of the provost of Beverley by fealty only, 22 bovates are held of the lord de Roos of Hamelake by fealty only, and 10 bovates are held of Gerard de Grymston by fealty only.
Everyngham. The manor and the advowson of the church thereof, held of the archbishop of York by knight’s service.
The deceased died on 8 February last. His firstborn son by the said Joan was William de Everyngham, who married Alice daughter of John Gray, lord of Codenore, and died during his father’s lifetime, leaving two daughters by the said Alice, to wit, Joan and Katharine, who are the deceased’s kinswomen and next heirs, both to the aforesaid manors &c. held in fee simple and to the manor and advowson of Everyngham held in fee tail. Joan, aged 25 years and more, has been married to William Elys, and Katharine, aged 23 years and more, by John son of Thomas de Etton.
Transcript of a final concord made in the king’s court at York on the morrow of All Souls, 11 Edward III, and afterwards granted and recorded there in the quinzaine of Easter, 12 Edward III, between Adam de Everyngham, the elder, and Nicholas de Scalton, parson of the church of Laxton, whereby the manor of Westburgh, and 3 knight’s fees therein, together with the homages and all the services of William la Zouche, knight, John de Bereford, Walter de Sutton, William de Hebbeden and Hugh atte Barnes, and their heirs, for all their tenements in the said manor, were settled on the said Adam for life, with successive remainders to Adam de Everyngham, the younger, and Joan his wife and the heirs male of his body, to Robert brother of the said Adam the younger and the heirs male of his body, to Edmund brother of the said Robert and the heirs male of his body, to Alexander brother of the said Edmund and the heirs male of his body, to Nicholas brother of the said Alexander and the heirs male of his body, and to the right heirs of the said Adam the elder.
Transcript of a final concord made at York, as above, whereby the manor of Laxton and 10 (?) knight’s fees therein, together with the homages and all the services of the priors of Haverham and Shelford and their successors, and Thomas de Lungvilers, knight, Thomas de Bekeryng, knight, Philip de Somervyll, knight, Reynold de Haslacton, knight, Henry de Edenstowe, clerk, John del Asches, Emma Crispyn, Benet de Normanton, clerk, Richard Ingereme, Thomas de Whatton, Roger de Pilleye, John Ursel, chaplain, William Margh and John de Everyngham of Birkyn, knight, and their heirs, for all their tenements in the said manor, were settled on Adam de Everyngham, the elder, for life, with successive remainders to Adam de Everyngham, the younger, and the heirs male of his body, and to Robert, Edmund, Alexander and Nicholas and the heirs male of their bodies, as above (last entry), and with remainder over to the right heirs of Adam the elder.
C. Ric. II File 49 (20)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 261 (7) (Nottingham)
544. Elizabeth late the wife of Henry Fitz Roger, knight
Writ, 12 September, 11 Richard II
DORSET. Inq. taken at Dorchestre, Monday after Michaelmas, 11 Richard II.
She held no lands &c. in the county.
She died on Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin last. Elizabeth wife of John Bonevyll, daughter and heir of John Fitz Roger son and heir of the said Henry, aged 17 years and more, is her kinswoman and heir.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Yevelchestre, Saturday before Michaelmas, 11 Richard II.
She held no lands &c. in the county on the day of her death. Long before her death she held the under-mentioned manor and hundred, claiming to hold it for life; but in Hilary term, 9 Richard II, John de Bonevill and Elizabeth his wife recovered seisin thereof against her before the justices of the Bench by reason of a gift thereof made by James de Mohun, by a fine levied in the king’s court at York in the octave of Holy Trinity, 30 Edward I, to Joan late the wife of Reynold son of Peter for life, with remainder to Peter son of Reynold and the heirs of his body, making the descent as follows, to wit, from the said Peter to Roger as his son &c., from the said Roger to Henry as his son &c., from the said Henry to John as his son &c., and from the said John to the aforesaid Elizabeth wife of John Bonevill as his daughter and kinswoman and heir of the said Henry. By virtue of that judgment the said John and Elizabeth were put in seisin of the manor and hundred by John Copleston, then sheriff of the county; and after such delivery of seisin Elizabeth late the wife of Henry Fitz Roger had no interest therein except at the will of the said John and Elizabeth.
Chiweton. The manor and hundred.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Ric. II File 49 (21)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 255 (9)