Index to Session 1831: A-J

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'Index to Session 1831: A-J', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index to Session 1831: A-J', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index to Session 1831: A-J". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

ABERDEEN, Account of Degrees taken in King's College and Marischall College, from 1800 to 1830; Address for; Vide Address, No 3.

Abergavenny Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Accounts-(1.) of Number of Private Bills in progress on 22d April last, distinguishing them by Classes, and the Stages to which they had advanced, and those passed which had not received the Royal Assent; ordered. - Laid on the Table by the Clerk Assistant.
-, 2. - (Annual) Revenue Accounts of The East India Company; delivered.
-, 3. - of Pensions granted out of the Civil List of Scotland, for the Year ended 20th June 1831; delivered.
-, 4. - of the Margate Pier and Harbour Company; delivered.
-, 5. - of the Pilots Fund, Trinity House; delivered.
-, 6. - of the Royal Military Canal; delivered.
-, 7. - respecting Richmond Bridge; delivered.
-, 8. - respecting Staines Bridge; delivered.
-, 9. - of Commissioners of the Northern Light houses; delivered.
-, 10. - of Expences under the Act for the Redemption and Sale of the Land Tax, to 5th April 1831; delivered.
-, 11. - of the Commissioners of Westminster Bridge; delivered.
-, 12. - of the Number and Names of the Governors of the different Counties in Ireland, adding to the Names of the Governors those who exercise the Office of Custos Rotulorum; ordered. - Ordered forthwith. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 13. - of Compensations to Weighmasters of Butter in Ireland; delivered.
-, 14. - of the Names of Magistrates for each County in Ireland, specifying the Number of Times that each has attended the Petit Sessions within the Twelvemonth previous to 1st June last; ordered. - Ordered forthwith.
-, 15. - of the Names and Residences of all Magistrates who have been struck out of the Commission of the Peace in Ireland during the last Four Years, ending June 1831; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 16. - of the Quantity of Capsicum and Capsicum Pods imported into Great Britain for the last Seven Years, distinguishing each Year, and the Amount of Duty paid thereon; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 17. - of the Quantity of French, Cape and other Wines respectively remaining Dutypaid in the entered Stocks on the 5th of January 1830 and 1831, (United Kingdom;) ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 18. - of Duty paid on each Description of Wine in 1829 and 1830, and the Quantity permitted out of Stock; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 19. - of the Quantity and of the Official and Real Value of all Imports from the Cape of Good Hope, from the Year ending 5th January 1812 to the Year ending 5th January 1831, both inclusive; distinguishing each Year, and shewing the several Rates of Duty; ordered. - Delivered. - to be printed.
-, 20. - of the Quantity of Wine imported into the United Kingdom from all Parts in the last Fifteen Years, shewing the Rates of Duty, and each Country and Year; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 21. - of the Declared Value of all British Manufactures exported to Portugal every Year during the last Three Years; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 22. - of the Declared Value of all British Manufactures exported to France every Year during the last Three Years; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 23. - of all Persons now in Execution for Debt in the King's Bench and Fleet Prisons, and White Cross Street Prison; setting forth the Names, Time when, and Amount of the Debt for which such Persons were charged in Execution, and whether such Persons have petitioned the Insolvent Debtors Court for Discharge, and whether any and what Proceedings have been had on such Petitions; ordered forthwith. - Order discharged, and an Account of all such Persons who have been in Execution for not less than Six Months, distinguishing other Prisoners by the Initials only of their Names, and setting forth the same Particulars; ordered forthwith. - Delivered, as to the Fleet and White Cross Street Prisons. - To be printed, ibid. - Delivered, as to the King's Bench Prison, and to be printed.
-, 24. - of the Total Sums contributed by Great Britain for the Erection of Fortifications in the Netherlands, or towards the Defence and Incorporation of the Belgic Provinces with Holland, in Fulfilment of the Additional Articles of the Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, dated 13th August 1814; shewing the Total Amount contributed by Great Britain under each of the Deputations contained in the First of those Articles; ordered.
-, 25. - of the Number of Houses assessed to the Inhabited House Tax in each County of Great Britain in the Year ending 5th April 1830; distinguishing the Proportions in each County assessed, at Rentals as follows; viz. at £10 to £15, £16 to £20, £21 to £30, £31 to £40, £41 to £50, £51 to £60, £61 to £70, £71 to £80, £81 to £90, £91 to £100, £101 to £110, £111 to £150, £151 to £200, £201 to £300, £301 to £400, and all above, with the Total Amount of Rental at which each Class was assessed; also of the Number of Farm Houses in each County exempt; and also a separate Account, made out in like Manner, of the Number of Houses so assessed in the Cities of London and Westminster, the Ten Parishes in Surrey within the Bills of Mortality, the remaining Part of the Hundred of Brixton, in Surrey, the Hundred of Blackheath, in Kent, and in the Hundred of Becontree, in Essex; so far as the same can be made out for England and Wales: Also,
-, 26. - (1.) of the Number of Houses assessed to the Inhabited House Tax in each County of Scotland in the Year ended 25th May 1830; distinguishing the Proportion in each County assessed at Rentals as within mentioned, with the Total Amount of Rental at which each Class was assessed; and distinguishing further the Number of Farm Houses in each County exempt from House Tax; as far as the same can be made out:
-, 27. - (2.) of the Number of Dwelling Houses in each County of Scotland charged with Window Duty in the Year ending 25th May 1830; distinguishing the Proportion in each County charged with Number of Windows, as within mentioned; and showing the Total Amount of Duty at which each Class has been charged: Also,
-, 28. - (1.) Copies of the Assessment for the Inhabited House Duty at which a Hundred of the highest rated Houses in London are assessed:
-, 29. - (2.) The same in the Country, distinguishing the Counties:
-, 30. - (3.) The same on the Houses from No. 1 to No. 60 inclusive, in Cornhill; from No. 1 to No. 27 in the Poultry; from No. 56 to No. 80 in Cheapside: Also,
-, 31. - from each City and Royal Burgh in Scotland, of the Number of Persons in each owning or occupying a Dwelling House and Premises (separate or attached) rented at or of the Value annually of £10 and under £15; of £15 and under £20; of £20 and upwards; distinguishing Owners and Occupiers, and made up with Reference to the Boundaries of each City or Burgh strictly so called; together with a separate and similar Account, comprehending all adjacent Towns or Suburbs, and stating the Name or Names of such adjacent Town or Suburb: Also,
-, 32. - of the Number of Persons composing the Corporation of each of the said Cities or Royal Burghs in Scotland in whom the Elective Franchise is now by Law vested; and specifying the Cities and Burghs which are single, or contributory with each other, in returning Members to Parliament: Also,
-, 33. - (1.) of the Population of each City, Borough and Town in England and Wales now returning Members to Parliament; prepared from the Parliamentary Census of 1821:
-, 34. - (2.) of the Population of each City and Town in England not now returning Members to Parliament which amounted in 1821 to 10,000 or upwards:
-, 35. - (3.) of the Population of each County in England and Wales and Scotland; prepared from the same Census:
-, 36. - (4.) A similar Return of the Population of each City and Royal Burgh in Scotland now sharing in the Return of a Member to Parliament, and of each City and Town not so sharing, the Population of which in 1821 exceeded 8,000: Also,
-, 37. - (1.) of the Number of Houses in each City and Borough in England now returning Members to Parliament:
-, 38. - (2.) of the Number of Houses in each City and Town in England not now returning Members to Parliament, the Population of which amounted in 1821 to 10,000 or upwards:
-, 39. - (3.) of the Number of Houses in each County in England and Wales and Scotland:
-, 40. - (4.) of the Number of Houses in each Royal Burgh and Town in Scotland now sharing in the Return of a Member to Parliament, and of each City not so sharing, the Population of which in 1821 exceeded 8,000; distinguishing, in each of such Accounts, the Number of Houses assessed to the Inhabited House Duty from £10 to £19 inclusive, and from £20 to £39 inclusive, and at £40 and upwards; as well as the same can be made up in the Department of Taxes: Also,
-, 41. - (1.) A Return (taken from the Census of 1821) of the Population of the several Parishes, Precincts and Liberties comprised within the District of the Liberty of the Tower, in the County of Middlesex, distinguishing each:
-, 42. - (2.) A Return (taken from the Census of 1821) of the Population of the Parishes of St. Marylebone and St. Pancras, in the County of Middlesex, and of Lambeth, in the County of Surrey: Also,
-, 43. - A Statement of the Number of Houses in each City, Borough and Town in England and Wales sending Members to Parliament, and the greatest Number of Electors polled at any Election within the same, at any Period during the last Thirty Years, so far as the same can be ascertained from the Returning Officers: Also,
-, 44. - (1.) A Statement of the Population of each Borough in England and Wales returning Members to Parliament, of which the Population in 1821 did not exceed 2,000; the Number of Houses; the greatest Number of Electors polled within the last Thirty Years; and the Number of Houses in each Borough rated to the Inhabited House Duty in the Year 1830 at and above £10 a Year:
-, 45. - (2.) A similar Statement with respect to all Boroughs exceeding 2,000 and not exceeding 4, 000 Inhabitants:
-, 46. - (3.) A similar Statement with respect to all Cities and Boroughs exceeding 4,000 Inhabitants:
-, 47. - (4.) A similar Statement with respect to all Cities and Royal Burghs in Scotland: Also,
-, 48. - of the Population of each Town in Wales not now returning Members to Parliament which amounted in 1821 to 10,000 or upwards: Also,
-, 49. - of the Number of Houses in the several Towns of Wales specified in Schedule (F.) annexed to the Bill for reforming the Representation of England and Wales, distinguishing the Number of Houses in each assessed to the Inhabited House Duty at £10 and under £20 Rent, at £20 and under £40 Rent, and at £40 Rent and upwards; together with the Population of the same, from the last Returns: Also,
-, 50. - Copy of a Circular Letter issued from the Home Office to the Returning Officers of all Cities, Boroughs and Towns in England and Wales, respecting the Limits, Houses and Population of the said Cities, Boroughs and Towns; together with the Statements received from the Returning Officers in Reply to such Circular Letter: Also,
-, 51. - A Return of the Population of each City and Borough in England from the Population Reurns of 1821, distinguishing in each Case whether the Population given be that of the Borough or of the Borough and Parish together; and distinguishing the Boroughs mentioned in Schedules (A.) and (B.) of the Bill to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales: Also,
-, 52. - Return of the Population of each City and Royal Burgh in Scotland having a Vote in the Election of a Member of Parliament; as also of the Towns of Paisley and Greenock, from the Population Returns of 1821; distinguishing in each Case whether the Population given be that of the Burgh or Town exclusively, or of the Burgh or Town and Parish together:
-, 53. - A like Return of the Population of the Parishes in which the Suburbs of the Burgh of Perth are situated, including that of Bridgend; and distinguishing as far as possible the Population of such Suburbs from that of the rest of such Parishes: Also,
-, 54. - Copies of any Memorials addressed to The Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department from the Corporation or Inhabitants of any Borough, respecting the Population of the said Borough: Also,
-, 55. - of the Number of Houses assessed to the Inhabited House Duty at £10 and upwards in the Tower Hamlets, including the Parishes in the Tower Division of Ossulston Hundred, Middlesex; also in Finsbury, including the Parishes of the Finsbury Division in Ossulston Hundred, Middlesex, and the Parishes of St. Andrew, Holborn, and St. George the Martyr, and St. GilesintheFields, and St. George, Bloomsbury, and the Liberties of Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden and Ely Rents, all in Middlesex; also in Marylebone, including the Parishes of St. Marylebone, St. Pancras and Paddington, Middlesex; and also in Lambeth, including the Parishes of St. Mary, Lambeth; St. Mary, Newington; Bermondsey and Rotherhithe, Surrey; distinguishing in each Division the Number of Houses assessed from £10 to £19 inclusive, and from £20 to £30 inclusive, and from £31 to £39 inclusive, and at £40 and upwards: Also,
-, 56. - Supplement to Copies of any Memorials addressed to The Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department from the Corporation or Inhabitants of any Borough, respecting the Population of the said Borough: Also,
-, 57. - Additional Supplement to Copies of any Memorials addressed to The Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department from the Corporation or Inhabitants of any Borough, respecting the Population of the said Borough: Also,
-, 58. - Copies of all Applications (not already laid before Parliament) made to His Majesty's Government, that any City, Town or District should be continued in or admitted to the Right of sending Members to Parliament: Also,
-, 59. - Copies of further Information touching the Amount of Population and the Number and Value of Houses in Towns or Districts now sending Members to Parliament, or proposed in the Reform Bill to send Members in future: Also,
-, 60. - of the Total Amount of Assessed Taxes for each of the Years ending 5th April 1829th April 1830 and 5th April 1831, for Places sending Members to Parliament: Also,
-, 61. - of the Total Amount of Assessed Taxes in each of the Years 1828 1829 and 1830 levied on the Places contained in Schedule (C.) of the Bill (last amended) to amend the Representation in England and Wales:
-, 62. - (2.) of the Total Amount of Assessed Taxes in each of the Years 1828 1829 and 1830 levied on the Places contained in Schedule (D.) of the Bill (last amended) to amend the Representation in England and Wales: Also,
-, 63. - Returns of the Population, according to the last Census, of all such Towns or Districts in England and Wales as are proposed in the Reform Bill to send Members to Parliament in future: Also,
-, 64. - Return of the Population, according to the last Census, of the Parish or Parishes in which any City, Borough or Cinque Port in England and Wales now sending Members to Parliament is wholly or partly situate; distinguishing, in Cases where the Limits of the Parish and the Town are not the same, the Population of each respectively, so far as the said Return can at present be furnished: Also,
-, 65. - Further Returns of the Population, according to the last Census, of Boroughs and other Places not mentioned in Schedules (A.) (B.) or (F.) of the Reform of Parliament (England) Bill: Also,
-, 66. - Copies of all Applications (not already laid before Parliament) made to His Majesty's Government, that any City, Town or District should be continued in or admitted to the Right of sending Members to Parliament: Also,
-, 67. - of the Total Amount of the Assessed Taxes in each of the Years 182829 and 1830 levied in Places contained in Schedule (F.) of the Bill to amend the Representation in England and Wales: Also,
-, 68. - A Return of the Number of Resident Electors in each of the Boroughs named in Schedule (B.) of the Reform of Parliament (England) Bill: Also,
-, 69. - A Return of the Number of Freeholders resident in the several Cities and Towns being Counties within themselves in England and Wales: Also,
-, 70. - Return of the Fiftysix English Boroughs the Population of which stands lowest in the Census of 1831; of the Fortyone Boroughs immediately above them; and also of the Sixteen Boroughs next in Order according to the local Limits of the Returns of 1821; those Boroughs being excluded which now return One Member only, (excepting Higham Ferrers,) as well as those which are placed in Schedule (E.) of the Reform Bill; distinguishing the Boroughs which now stand in Schedules (A.) and (B.) respectively, or are in neither of those Schedules:
-, 71. - (2.) Return of the Fiftysix English Boroughs the Population of which stands lowest in the Census of 1821, with the Population of the same according to the Census of 1831; of the Fortyone Boroughs immediately above them; and also of the Sixteen Boroughs next in Order according to the local Limits of the Returns of 1821; those Boroughs being excluded which now return One Member only, (except Higham Ferrers,) as well as those which are placed in Schedule (E.) of the Reform Bill; distinguishing the Boroughs which now stand in Schedules (A.) and (B.) respectively, or are in neither of those Schedules: Also,
-, 72. - of the Number of Houses in the several Towns of Wales specified in Schedule (F.) annexed to the Bill for reforming the Representation of England and Wales, distinguishing the Number of Houses in each assessed to the Inhabited House Duty at £10 and under £20 Rent, and at £20 and upwards; together with the Population of the same, from the last Returns:
-, 73. - A like Return for the Towns of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Aberavon and KenFig:
-, 74. - A like Return for the Towns and Parishes of Abergavenny, Monmouth, Chepstow and Usk, and the Parish of St. Wollos; distinguishing the Borough of Newport, and the Townships of Pontypool, Trosnant and Sowhill, in the Parish of Trevethin, in the County of Monmouth: Also,
-, 75. - A Return of the Total Assessed Taxes paid for each of the Towns and Parishes in the County of Monmouth enumerated above during each of the last Three Years: Also,
-, 76. - of the Population, under the Census of 1821 and also under that of 1831, so far as the same can be made up, of each County in England and Wales, exclusive of and distinguishing (under the Head of the County in which it may be wholly or principally situated) the Population of each City, Town or District which is to send a Member or Members to Parliament under the Provisions of the Reform Bill; enumerating each County in the Order of the Amount of such Population; stating the Number of Members which each such County, City, Town or District is to send to Parliament, and the Amount of Assessed Taxes paid in the Year 1830 for each such County, City, Town or District, distinguishing them as aforesaid: And also,
-, 77. - of the Population, under the Census of 1821 and also under that of 1831, so far as the same can be made up, of each County in England and Wales, exclusive of and distinguishing (under the Head of the County in which it may be wholly or principally situated) the Population of each City, Borough or Town which now sends a Member or Members to Parliament, enumerating each County in the Order of the Amount of such Population; stating the Number of Members which each such County, City, Borough or Town sends to Parliament, and the Amount of Assessed Taxes paid in the Year 1830 for each such County, City, Borough or Town, distinguishing them as aforesaid; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 78. - respecting the Tolls and Expenditure of the Exeter Turnpike Road Trust since 1803; ordered.-Delivered. - Referred to the Committee on the Exeter Road Bill.
-, 79. - Estimate of the Annual Amount of Fees received by the Commissioners of Bankrupt in London, by the Secretary of Bankrupts, by the Patentee in Bankruptcy, and by the Messengers to the Commissioners of Bankrupt; and also of the Expence of Assignments and Bargains and Sales; which Expences and several Fees are proposed to be abolished by the Bill for establishing a new Court in Bankruptcy: Also,
-, 80. - Estimate of the Establishment to be formed under the Act to establish a Court in Bankruptcy, stating the Offices proposed to be created, and the Pay of each, with their proposed Pensions and retiring Allowances, and from what Funds to be paid: And also,
-, 81. - of the Expences of the Office of Secretary of Bankrupts, upon the Average of Three Years ending 31st March 1830; distinguishing how much on the Average was retained by the Secretary for his own Use, how much was paid to the Deputy Secretary and each of the Clerks, and how much was applied to pay the general Expences of the Office; ordered.- Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 82. - of the Prices, per London Chaldron, of Seaborne Coals at the Coal Exchange in London upon each Market Day from the 1st of February to the 17th of October 1831; distinguishing the different Sorts of Coals; ordered.
-, 83. - of the Number of Causes in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, distinguishing undefended Causes, Causes tried, defended Causes tried, and Causes compromised, for the last Twenty Years, distinguishing each Year; ordered.
-, 84. - of Licences taken out for the Sale of Beer, Ale and Cyder, &c. under the Act of 1st William 4th, C. 64; delivered, (pursuant to Order of 14th April last,).
-, 85. - of the Number of Bushels of Malt that have paid the Duty in the last Ten Years, ending 5th April 1831; distinguishing the Number of Bushels returned in each Year; delivered, (pursuant to Order of 14th April last,) and to be printed.

Ackerley; A Bill to enable Joseph Chamberlayne Wilkinson, to take the Name of Chamberlayne, presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Adair v. Adair or Black et al.; Appeal presented. - Appellant to prosecute Appeal in formâ Pauperis (on Petition). - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Two Months allowed.

Address - (1.) of Thanks on His Majesty's Speech, moved, and, after Debate, agreed to; and a Committee appointed to prepare the Address; Address reported and agreed to, and to be presented to His Majesty by the Whole House, and the Lords with White Staves to wait on His Majesty humbly to know when His Majesty will please to receive the same. - The King's Answer reported. - The King's Answer to Address reported, and, together with the Address, to be printed.
-, 2. - to His Majesty for Statements, Calculations and Explanations submitted to the Board of Trade, relating to the State of the British West India Colonies, since 19th May 1830; ordered. - King's Answer.
-, 3. - for an Account of the Number of Degrees taken Annually in the University of Edinburgh, from 1800 to 1830 inclusive; distinguishing the Faculties and the Graduates in each of the Four Faculties respectively; also those who have taken Degrees after Residence and Attendance at Lectures for the Space of One or more Sessions, from those who have received Degrees without such Residence or Attendance; and also, Similar Accounts from the Universities of Glasgow, St. Andrews, King's College Aberdeen and Marischall College Aberdeen; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 4. - for a Return of every Rectory, Vicarage and Curacy, whether perpetual or impropriate, in Ireland; specifying the Amount of the Composition for Tithes in such as have been compounded for under the Acts for that Purpose, whether with the Incumbent or Impropriator, and the Number of Statute Acres in each Parish so compounded; ordered. - King's Answer.
-, 5. - to His Majesty for an Account of all Sums of Money presented and accounted for for the Repair of the Road leading from the Town of Roscommon to Lanesborough, a Distance of Seven Miles, within the last Ten Years; distinguishing the Names of the Persons to whom the Money has been granted by the Grand Jury, and by whom the different Sums have been accounted for at the several Assizes and accounting Sessions during that Period; ordered. - King's Answer. - Delivered.
-, 6. - for Copies of Representations which have been addressed to His Majesty's Government, in the present Year, from the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, respecting the Duties on Cape Wine; and Copies or Extracts of any Dispatches from the Governor of the said Colony on the same Subject; ordered. - King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 7. - of Concurrence with His Majesty's Message for further Provision for The Duchess of Kent and The Princess Alexandrina Victoria; ordered, Nemine Dissentiente. - King's Answer.
-, 8. - for a Copy of the Third Report of the Commissioners for enquiring into the Proceedings in Suits in the Superior Courts of Common Law; ordered.-King's Answer.- Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 9. - that His Majesty will order that the Galleries erected in the House in Session 1820 be re-erected for the Accommodation of the Peers during the present Session; ordered.
-, 10. - for a Comparative Account of the Population of Great Britain in the Years 1801 1811, 1821 and 1831, with the Annual Value of Real Property in the Year 1815; also, A Statement of Progress in the Enquiry regarding the Occupations of Families and Persons, and the Duration of Life, as required by the Population Act of 1830; ordered. - King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 11. - that His Majesty will carry into Effect the Resolutions contained in the Report from the Select Committee on the Library of the House. - Vide Committee, No 7.

Administration of Justice, Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Agriculture; A Bill for facilitating and encouraging the Employment of Labourers in, presented by The Lord Kenyon; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - King's Consent given; Bill read 2a, and committed to a private Committee; all Lords added; and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Committee put off. - Amendments made by the Committee to be printed for the Committee. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be printed as amended.

Ailsa; Archibald Earl of Cassillis, being created Marquess of, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Animals, Cruelty to; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 68.

Annandale Claim of Peerage; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Notice thereof to be given to all the Claimants. - Petition of J. Johnstone of Drum, Esquire, that the Decision may be postponed until he is enabled to complete his Researches, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.- J. J. Hope Johnstone, Esquire, to lodge an additional Case (on Petition).

Appeal Cases, Motion for a Standing Order respecting the Mode of preparing; Vide Orders, Standing.

Appeals, Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 3.

Arbitration; A Bill for settling Controversies by, presented by The Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee with One Amendment. - Amendment reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Argyll, Duke of, and Selkrig, v. Mac Alister and Kelso; Appeal presented, and Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.

Arms Continuation, Ireland, Bill;Vide Ireland.

Ashbrook, Viscount; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Ashton Under Lyne Tithes; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Assessed Taxes Composition; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Petitions for Repeal of; Vide Petitions, No 1.
-, - Return of Cases stated and signed by Commissioners of; delivered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - same as to Scotland; Vide Scotland.

Athenry; Petition of Edward Birmingham of Dalgin House, Galway, to His Majesty, claiming the Title of Lord Birmingham, Baron of, and Premier Baron of Ireland; presented (by Command), and referred to Committee for Privileges.

Attorney General, The (on relation of The Provost of Montrose, et. al.) v. Browne Mill; Considered, and Orders affirmed.

Attorneys Certificate Duty, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 37.

Augmentation of Ecclesiastical Benefices; A Bill to extend the Provisions of an Act passed in the 29th of Charles 2d, intituled, "An Act for confirming and perpetuating Augmentations made by Ecclesiastical Persons to small Vicarages and Curacies;" and for other Purposes, presented by The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a (after Debate), and committed; and Lords summoned. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Recommitted, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments. - Commons Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Avon and Gloucestershire Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a5.-2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Aylesbury Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Aylsham and Cromar Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Baillie v. Grant; Petition of Respondent that Appellant may revive Appeal, or that it be dismissed, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition to revive on Part of Appellant, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Baird v. Ross; Hearing appointed.

Baking Trade, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Balmer v. Hogarth; - v. - et al.; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered and put off.

Bankrupt, Commissioners of, &c.; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos.

Bankruptcy; A Bill to establish a Court in, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Recommitted, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and recommitted. - House again in Committee, further Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Recommitted, and Lords summoned. - Put off. - House put again in Committee (after Debate), and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported and agreed to, and Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Bill read 3a (on Question) and passed; Dissentient, with a Reason, entered; and Bill sent to the Commons. - Petition of D. Richardson in favor. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments; to be considered. - Commons Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Court, Proposed; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 80.

Banks, Sir Joseph, Estate Bill; Vide Stanhope, Earl.

Barbadoes, &c. (Importation of Flour); Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Bill read 2a, Standing Orders dispensed with, and Bill committed instanter; reported; read 3a, and passed.- Royal Assent.

Barton and Brandon Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Beattie, T. Esquire; Petition of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee, and all Lords added. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill, and Petition complied with. - Bill presented, and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent, .

Beer Act Amendment Bill; A Bill to amend an Act of the First Year of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act to permit the general Sale of Beer and Cyder by Retail in England," presented by The Lord Melbourne; read 1a, and to be printed. -2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Petition of Clergy of Deaneries of Sittingbourne and Ospringe respecting Beer Shops, presented. - Report of Amendments to be received, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Petition of W. Washington respecting. - Amendments reported and agreed to, and further Amendments made; and Report to be further considered, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petition of Vicar, &c. of Islington respecting; Consideration of Report put off, and Lords summoned. - Petition of Clergy of Deaneries of Elham and Lympne for Regulation of Beer Houses presented. - Consideration of Report put off, and Lords summoned. - House again in Committee (on Motion), Amendments made, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Report of Amendments to be received, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. 1000. - Petition of licensed Brewers, &c. in Northwich for extending the Time allowed for selling Beer, presented. - Amendments reported and agreed to; further Amendments made, and Bill to be printed as amended, ibid. - Amendments to be further considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered and agreed to, and Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 4. 42. 46. 58.
-, - Licences, for the Sale of; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 84.

Belfast Bridge Bill; - Harbour Bill; Vide Ireland.

Belgic Fortifications, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 24.

Belgium, Motions for Addresses for Papers respecting; Vide Motion, Nos 3. 5.
-, - Protocol of a Conference held at the Foreign Office, 17 April 1831, between the Plenipotentiaries of Austria, Great Britain, Prussia and Russia, and Note addressed by them to the Plenipotentiary of France, respecting Belgium; delivered (by Command).

Bell, R. and F. v. Gray et al.; Appeal presented.- Baker to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Two of the Respondents that Recognizance may be vacated, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and first Petition not complied with.

Benefices; Pluralities of Dignities and; A Bill to restrain and regulate the holding of, by Spiritual Persons, presented by The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Bill recommitted, and Lords summoned. -Went through Committee with Amendments, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Amendments reported, and further Amendments made; Bill to be ingrossed, and printed as amended. - To be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - On Motion, after Debate, Bill read 3a, passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Plurality of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 81.

Berners, Barony; Petition of R. Wilson, Esquire, to His Majesty, praying for a Termination of the Abeyance of, in his Favor, presented (by Command) and referred to Committee for Privileges.

Beverley, George Earl of, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Bill, pro formâ, read 1a.

Bills, Private; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 1.
-, - moved, That where any Petition for a Private Bill shall set forth that a similar Petition was presented in the last Session, or which shall refer to any Petition presented then, and that the Judges to whom such Petition was referred did report thereon, the same be referred to a Committee to examine and report whether any Alteration hath taken place in the State or Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Petition and Bill were stayed by the late Prorogation; and that in that Case that Leave be given to bring in a Bill similar to the former one: That if any such Bill so renewed and presented shall be committed in this Session, (such former Bill having been also committed in the last Session,) the Committee be at liberty to proceed on the same in a Week after the Committal thereof; and that where any Evidence was taken in the last Session before the Committee, the same be referred to the Committee appointed to consider such renewed Bill, and be received as Evidence; Motion to be considered. - Considered, agreed to, and to be printed.
-, - received the Royal Assent by Commission.
-, -

Birmingham Grammar School; Petition of the Governors of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill; and Petition complied with; Bill presented and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed.- 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments. - Amendments considered and agreed to, ibid. - Royal Assent.
-, - Poor; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and Copy of Bill referred to Judges. - Reference to Judges changed (on Petition). - Judges Report read. - Bill read 2a, and committed; and Judges Report referred to Committee. - F. J. Walthew to attend to be sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Edward; Petition of, claiming the Barony of Athenry; Vide Athenry.

Blackmoor, Vale of, Road Bill; Vide Vale of Blackmoor.

Bloomfield, Lord; Claim of, to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Board of Trade at Dublin, Petitions to establish; Vide Petitions, No 71.

Bolton and Leigh Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Booth, J. and L. v. Booth and Black; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Bouchier et al. v. Dillon; To be considered. - Considered, and Order Affirmed, with £100 Costs.

Bray v. Malkin et al; Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Hearing appointed. - Report made, and Petition complied with .

Breadalbane, John Earl of Breadalbane, being created Marquess of, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

British Manufactures Exported to Portugal and France, Accounts of; Vide Accounts, Nos 21. 22.

Brodie v. Sinclair; To be heard. - Appellant's Counsel heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Reversed so far as they find the Pursuer liable in Expences to the Defender, and in other respects Affirmed.

Brown, Elizabeth, and Others; Petition of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee, and all Lords added. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill; and Petition complied with. - Bill presented and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Bryden et al. v. Bryden et al; Appeal presented. - M'Crae to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Buchanan's Estate Bill; Vide Kinkaid.

Buckingham House Exemption; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1afba80. - 2a and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bulkley v. Wilford; Petition of Appellant for Production of the Judges Notes on the Hearing of the Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Bull-Baiting, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 68.

Burial Act, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 53.

Burlington; Lord George Augustus Henry Cavendish, being created Earl of, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Burning Land, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Burns and Grier v. Stewart; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed .

Burntisland Whale Fishing Company et al. v. Trotter et al.; Petition of Appellants for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in . - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Appellants Counsel heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £200 Costs.

Bute, The Marquess of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Reference to Judges changed (on Petition). - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a; and Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Standing Order considered and dispensed with, and Bill 2a, and committed. - Lord Stuart de Rothesay sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee. - Reported specially with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments. - Amendments considered and agreed to, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Butter, Weighmasters of, Ireland; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 13.

Cabbell et al. v. Brock; Petition of Respondent for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Cadell v. Palmer et al; Petition of Appellant for an early Day for Hearing, and the Judges to attend, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Calcraft's Divorce Bill; A Copy of the Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court having been delivered last Session, a second Copy dispensed with (on Petition); then the Bill was presented (on Petition), read 1a, and to be read 2a, and Lords summoned, and the usual Orders made. - Evidence on former Bill to be received (on Petition) and Mrs. Love to attend. - Witnesses to attend. - Order for 2a Reading discharged. - To be further considered, and Lords summoned, and several Witnesses to attend. - Second Reading put off for Six Months.

Calder v. Aitchison and Co.; Appeal presented. - Bell to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. -Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Appellant to advance the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - Put off. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £100 Costs.

Caledonian Canal, Report respecting; Vide Scotland.

Cameron v. Mackie et al.; Appeal presented, and Mundell to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Three Weeks allowed. - Petition of Appellant for further Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee 4. - Report made, and allowed now to lodge Cases. - Hearing appointed exparte, ibid.
-, - N. Esquire, and Others; Petition of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee, and all Lords added. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill; Petition complied with, and Bill presented and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. -Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. -3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Camperdown, Robert Viscount Duncan, being created Earl of, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Canada, Lower; Petition of the Commons of; Vide Petitions, No 50.

Canadian Revenues; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.- To be printed. -2a, and committed. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - On Motion that Bill be read 3a, objected to, and (on Question) resolved in the Affirmative; Dissentient, with Reasons, entered; and Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Candle Duties Repeal; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Cape of Good Hope, Imports from; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 19.
-, - Wine, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 17.
-, - Duties on, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 6. - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 47.

Capsicum, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 16.

Carvalho, Custodio Pereira de, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - Petitioner's taking the Oaths (having taken them last Session) and the usual Certificate dispensed with, and former Evidence to be received (on Petition); Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Cathcart v. Sir J. A. Cathcart and Ritchie (1st Appeal); Answer brought in. - To be heard. - Heard in Part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.
-, - v. - (2d Appeal); Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellant to hear this Cause with the First Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and both Petitions complied with. - To be heard. - Heard in Part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £150 Costs.

Catholic Ceremonies, Compulsion of Protestants to attend; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 69.
-, - Places of Worship, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 13.

Catholics and Protestants, Marriages between; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 54.

Causes; A Bill to enable the House to re-hear Two, presented by The Lord Chancellor; and read 1a; and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and Bill to be read 2a; the Orders to be then considered, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned.

Certificate of the Sixteen Representative Peers for Scotland; Vide Scotland.

Chamberlayne's Name Bill; Vide Ackerley.

Chancery; A Bill touching Affidavits in, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed; and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned.- 2a, and committed.

Charities; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Chaworth; John Chambre Earl of Meath of Ireland, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Cheltenham Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; a Petition against, presented and referred to Committee, with liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Cholera Morbus; Copies of or Extracts from Dispatches or other Communications received relating to the Symptoms and Progress of the malignant Disorder now prevailing in the Northern Parts of Europe; ordered.
-, - Copies or Extracts of all Information or Opinions communicated to Government relating to the Nature and Extent of any infectious Disease prevailing in the Eastern Parts of Europe, and to the Precautions recommended to prevent the Introduction of such Diseases into this Country; and also, A Return of the Names of Persons appointed as a Board of Health to consider of the Measures proper to be adopted to watch the Nature of such Disease; delivered (by Command) and ordered to printed.

Church Lands, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 55.

Churches Building; A Bill to amend and render more effectual an Act of the Seventh and Eighth Years of His late Majesty, intituled, "An Act to amend the Acts for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in populous Parishes," presented by The Lord Bishop of London; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Petitions for extending the Powers of, from Ministers of the Established Church in the County and Diocese of Hereford, Clergy of Doncaster; and Docking. - Report of Amendments received (on Motion), and Bill recommitted, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - Petition of George Bliss, Clerk, to exempt the Chapel of Sennicots from the Operation of the Bill. - To be read 3a. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments. - Commons Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Report respecting; Vide Scotland.
-, - The Eleventh Report of Commissioners for building new; delivered, and to be printed.

Cirencester Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.- 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed . - Royal Assent.

Civil List, Scotland; Pensions granted out of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 3.

Clare Presentments Bill; Vide Ireland.

Clements; Nathaniel Earl of Leitrim of Ireland, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Clerk, Sir G. et al. v. Dr. W. Adam et al; Appeal presented, . - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.

Clifford of Chudleigh, Hugh Charles Lord, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father, (Catholic,) 1031.

Clifton, Edward Lord, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Cloncurry; Valentine Browne Lord Cloncurry of Ireland, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Clyne, v. Sclater et al.; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard, and Interlocutors Reversed, and Cause remitted.
-, - v. - Appeal presented. - Petition of Respondents to dismiss Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellant to have the Cause remitted, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Coal, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 82.
-, - London, Bill; Vide London.
-, - Meters, Dublin; Petition for Compensation to; Vide Petitions, No 56.

Coals, &c. Duties Repeal; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Went through the Committee with an Amendment. - Amendment reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - Put off. - 3a (after short Debate) Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Colfox, W; Petition of, to reject a Petition purporting to be signed by him against the Reform Bill; Vide Petitions, No 86.

Commissioners of Public Accounts, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Commissions for passing Bills; Vide Bills.

Committee - (1.) for Privileges appointed.
-, 2. - Sub-, for perusing the Journals, appointed.
-, 3. - respecting Appeals and Writs of Error, appointed, and all Lords added to Committee. - 1st Report from. - 2d Report. -3d Report. - 4th Report. - 5th Report. - 6th Report. - 7th Report. - 8th Report.
-, 4. - Select, appointed to consider of the Expediency or Inexpediency of the Regulations proposed in Langton's Discovery Act Amendment Bill, pursuant to the Standing Order No 198, and to meet. - Report made.
-, 5. - Select, appointed to consider of the Expediency or Inexpediency of the Regulations proposed in the General Steam Navigation Company's Bill, pursuant to Standing Order No 198, and to meet. - Order referring Bill to the Committee, discharged.
-, 6. - Select, appointed to consider of the General Steam Navigation Company's Bill, under Standing Order No 210, and to meet. - Report made.
-, 7. - Select, to consider of some Additions to be made to the Library, appointed, and to meet. - Lords added to the Committee, vizt. Duke of Cumberland and Marquess of Cholmondeley. - Lord Auckland. - Lord Lyndhurst. - Marquess of Salisbury - Earl of Essex. - Instruction to the Committee to consider of some Mode for more effectually ventilating the House. - Report made, That Authority should be given to the Committee to employ Mr. S. Smirke to carry into Effect his Plans for improving the Ventilation of the House; agreed to, and ordered accordingly. - Instruction to Committee to consider of additional Accommodation for the Peers who may attend during the Remainder of the Session. - Report made, That an Address should be presented to His Majesty, to request His Majesty to order that the Galleries erected in the House in Session 1820 be now re-erected; agreed to, and an Address ordered thereon. (Vide Address, No. 9.) - Committee to meet. - Third Report made from, to be printed, and to be considered. - The Report, "That the Committee had come to the following Resolution, That the Interior of the House should be restored to the State in which it was previously to the Address of the 23d September: That a Gallery should be erected at the lower End of the House: and, That the Fire-place should be removed, and Benches placed in the Front of the same," read, agreed to, and an Address ordered thereon. - (Vide Address, No 11.)
-, 8. - Select, appointed to consider of the Expediency or Inexpediency of the Regulations proposed in the Baking Trade, Ireland, Bill, pursuant to Standing Order No 198, and to meet. - Report made.
-, 9. - Select, to consider of the Turnpike Roads, Scotland, Bill, appointed, and to meet, and appoint their own Chairman. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be printed.
-, 10. - Select, to consider of the Expediency or Inexpediency of the Regulations proposed in the London Coal Bill, pursuant to Standing Order No 198, appointed, and to meet. - The Report and Evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Coal Trade, in Sessions 1829 and 1830, referred to the Committee; and Report made.
-, 11. - Select, to consider of the Game Bill, appointed, and to meet. - Bill reported with Amendments.
-, 12. - Select, to consider of the Expediency or Inexpediency of the Regulations proposed in the Cotton Factories Bill, pursuant to the Standing Order No 198, appointed, and to meet. - The Earl of Harewood and Lord Feversham added to the Committee. - Report made.
-, 13. - Select, to consider of the Vestries Bill, appointed, and to meet. - Petition of the Vicar, &c. of St. Pancras to be heard by Counsel against the Bill, referred to the Committee. - Petition of Rate Payers of St. Pancras in favor, referred to Committee, ibid. - Petition of Vestrymen of St. Marylebone against, and of Vestrymen of St. James, Westminster, to be heard by Counsel against, referred to Committee. - The Earl of Radnor and Lord King added to the Committee, ibid. - Petition of Henry Jackson to be heard in favor, referred to Committee.-Petitions of Rate Payers of St. Pancras, and T. Potter, in favor, referred to Committee. - Bill reported with Amendments.
-, 14. - Select, to consider of the Proceedings under the Reports of the Lords Committees on the Office of Clerk of the Parliaments in 1824 and 1826, appointed, and to meet. - Report made, agreed to, and ordered accordingly.

Committees; The Earl of Shaftesbury appointed, Nemine Dissentiente, to take the Chair in all, for this Session.

Common Law Courts, Fees in, Bill; Vide Fees.
-, - Suits in, Bill; Vide Suits.
-, - Third Report of Commissioners on Proceedings in Suits in; Address for; Vide Address, No 8.

Commons directed to choose a Speaker, and present him here for His Majesty's Approbation. - Mr. Manners Sutton presented, and approved.

Compensation to Macers of the Court of Session, Warrant granting; Vide Scotland.

Conference had with the Commons on the Subject Matter of their Disagreement to some of the Amendments to the Lunatics Bill, and Report made of their Reasons for the same.

Consolidated Fund; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. -2a, and committed.-Reported. - To be read 3a. - On Motion (after short Debate) read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Constables (Special) Bill; Vide Special.

Contempts in Ecclesiastical Courts of England and Ireland; A Bill for enforcing the Process upon, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Cork and Ross, The Bishop of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to the Judges on the Cork Circuit. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered and dispensed with; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Corn Laws, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 36.

Cornwall, Duchy of, Leases; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Corporate Funds; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Cotton Factories; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Referred to a Select Committee under Standing Order No (Vide Committee, No 12.) 1068.- Report made, that it is expedient to proceed with the Bill; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 38.

Court of Chancery; A Bill for rendering the Administration of Justice in the, more expeditious and more certain, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed.

Courts of Common Law, Address for Report respecting; Vide Address, No 8.

Cove Harbour, Naval Station in; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 29.

Coventry, George William Earl of, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Cowley; The Right Honorable Sir Henry Wellesley, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Cranstoun et al. v. Bontine; Appeal presented, and Caldwell to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.

Crediton Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Creditors; A Bill to prevent Debtors from defrauding their, by lying in Prison and absconding from England, presented by The Lord Wynford; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee (on Question), and Bill reported; to be ingrossed and read 3a, and Lords summoned. - On Motion to be now read 3a, objected to; Amendment moved, to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Week"); after Debate, on Question that ("now") stand Part of the Motion, it was resolved in the Negative; and Bill to be read 3a this Day Week, and Lords summoned.- Petition of R. S. Tighe, a Prisoner in the King's Bench, against, and that the Bill may be referred to the Consideration of the Commissioners of Common Law Inquiry, ibid. - Third Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - On Motion to be now read 3a, objected to; and after Debate, further Debate adjourned. - Debate resumed, and on Motion to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"), objected to; and on Question that ("now") stand Part, it was resolved in the Negative; and Third Reading put off for Six Months.

Criminal Laws, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 7.

Crofton, Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Crown Land Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Bill read 2a; The King's Consent given; Standing Orders considered and dispensed with, and Bill committed instanter; reported, read 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Cruelty to Animals, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 68.

Cuninghame, W. Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland.

Customs Management; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - &c. Oaths Abolition; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. -2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Put off.- 3a, and passed (after short Debate). - Royal Assent.

Cuthbertson v. Dick; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Dick v. Cuthbertson.

Darlington and Barton Lane Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Dean Forest Boundaries; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. -2a, and committed. - Put off. - Went through Committee with an Amendment. - Amendment reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported. - 3a, and passed2. - Royal Assent.

Deare v. The Attorney General; Considered, and Orders Affirmed.

Declaration Against Transubstantiation, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 41.

Decrees in Equity; A Bill for the better Execution of Decrees and Orders made in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer in England and Ireland respectively, presented by The Lord Plunket; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. -a, and committed. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported and agreed to, and Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Deputy Lieutenants And Militia Officers, Return of Qualifications of; delivered.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

De Ros, Henry William Lord, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Mother.

De Saumarez; Admiral Sir James Saumarez, Baronet, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Desvignes, Peter Hubert and George, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - The Petitioners taking the Oaths (having taken them in the last Session) and the usual Certificate dispensed with; and former Evidence to be received (on Petition); Bill 2a, and committed - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Dick v. Cuthbertson, et e con.; Answer to Cross Appeal brought in. - Petition of Respondent to restore Cross Appeal and lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Cross Appeal to be heard with Original. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with a Declaration, and Cause remitted.

Dickson et al. v. Cuninghame nd Another; Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Diffusion of Knowledge, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 73.

Dillon v. Sir W. Parker; To be further heard. - Petition of Appellant to postpone Hearing until Respondent's Supplemental Case is lodged. - Order for Hearing discharged. - To be further heard. - Order discharged.

Dingwall, Provost, &c. et al. v. The Honorable Mrs. Mackenzie and Munro; To be heard. - Put off. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with a Declaration, and Cause remitted.

Dinorben; William Lewis Hughes, Esquire, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Dissent, against not agreeing to the Second Reading of the Reform Bill.
-, - Leave given to enter a, against the Third Reading of the Wine Duties Bill.
-, - to sign a, against not agreeing to the Second Reading of the Reform Bill, before the rising of the House this Day.
-, - with a Reason, against the Third Reading of the Eau Brink Drainage Bill.
-, - against the passing of the Bankruptcy Court Bill.
-, - with Reasons, against the Third Reading of the Canadian Revenues Bill.
-, - against the Third Reading of the Wine Duties Bill.

Distillation from Molasses, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 39.
-, - Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

District Parishes, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 30.

Divorce Bills, Additional Standing Order respecting; Vide Order, Standing.
-, - Vide Calcraft; Kinnaird; Le Fevre; Trower; Turton (Mrs.)
-, - Law of Scotland Bill; Vide Scotland.

Dixon, J. and W. v. The Monkland Canal Company, et e contra; Answer to Cross Appeal brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Cross Appeal to be heard with Original. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Doe (on Demise of Hearle et al.) v. Hicks; Writ of Error; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Heard, (the Judges present,) a Question of Law put to the Judges, and Consideration put off sine Die.

Doncaster and Tadcaster Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Dover; The Right Honorable George James Welbore Agar Ellis, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Drogheda Road Bill; Vide Ireland.

Dublin and Kingston Railway Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Board of Trade at; Petitions to establish; Vide Petitions, N 71.
-, - Trinity College; Petitions to extend Elective Franchise to; Vide Petitions, No 12.

Duchy of Cornwall Leases Bill; Vide Cornwall.

Duffy v. Orr et al.; To be heard. - Heard, and Decree Affirmed, with £100 Costs.

Dundee Municipal Government Bill; Vide Scotland.

Dunmore; George Earl of Dunmore of Scotland, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Durham and Shotley Bridge Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Easement Bill, Ireland; Petition for Repeal of; Vide Petitions, No 79.

East India Company, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No. 2.
-, - Report of H.C. respecting; Message for; Vide Message, No 3.
-, - Resolutions of, granting Pensions; delivered..
-, - Judicature Act; List of Lords who have delivered in Lists pursuant to; laid on the Table. - Further Proceedings.- Titles to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown.
-, - Indies; Resolutions passed by The Governor General and Governors in Council of Bengal, Fort St. George and Bombay, in the Year 1830; delivered.

Eau Brink Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Three Petitions against, presented and referred to the Committee, with Leave to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman; a Petition against, presented and referred to Committee. - Evidence taken before Committee to be printed from Time to Time. - Petition against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel. - Bill reported. - The King's Consent given; on Motion that the Bill be read 3a, objected to; (on Question) it was resolved in the Affirmative; Dissentient, with a Reason, entered; and Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Ecclesiastical Benefices, Augmentation of, Bill; Vide Augmentation.
-, - Courts, Contempts in, Bill; Vide Contempts.
-, - Lands Exchange; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Put off. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed.

Edinburgh; Account of Degrees taken in University of, from 1800 to 1830; Address for; Vide Address, No 3.
-, - Improvement Bill; Vide Scotland.

Education, Ireland, Grants for; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 8. 23.
-, - Report respecting; Vide Ireland.

Edwards, J. Esquire; Petition of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee, and all Lords added. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill; and Petition complied with. - Bill presented and read 1a, ibid. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to - Royal Assent.

Eiston v. Houston; Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Elective Franchise, England; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 62. 82. 84. 85. 87. 88. 89.
-, - Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 12. 15. 32.
-, - Scotland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 40. 45. 72. 74. 75. 76. 77.
-, - Wales; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 82.

Ely, Marquess of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Embankment, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Equity, Decrees in, Bill; Vide Decrees.

Etzerodt, Christian, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - Certificate produced, Petitioner takes the Oaths, Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Ewing v. Wallace; Hearing appointed ex-parte.

Exchequer Bills, £1316,400; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Court of, Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - Causes in; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 83.

Exeter Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; and a Petition from Honiton, that Provision may be made to protect them against additional Tolls, presented and referred to the Committee; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Accounts on the Subject ordered, (Vide Accounts, No 78.). - Bill reported with an Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Exeter Turnpike Road Trust, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 78.

Expenditure, Petition for Reduction of Taxation and; Vide Petitions, No 1.

Expired Commissions, &c. continuing, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Factories, Petitions for regulating the Hours of Labour in; Vide Petitions, No 38.

Fees in Courts of Law; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, Committee negatived, and to be read 3a. - Put off. - 3a, an Amendment moved and negatived, and Bill passed. - Royal Assent.

Ferrybridge Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Fingall; Arthur James Earl of Fingall of Ireland, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Finlay et al. v. Whyte et al.; Respondents peremptorily to answer.

Flathmann, Herman Hinrich, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - Certificate produced, Petitioner takes the Oaths, Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Flour (Foreign); Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 21.

Flowerdew v. The Dundee, &c. Shipping Company; Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with .

Foreign Flour, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 21.

Forfar Road Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, Foundlings, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 78.

France and Belgium; Motion for an Address relative to Employment of French Officers to act with the Belgium Army; Vide Motion, No 5.
-, - Manufactures exported to; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 22.

Fresh Wharf; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Frodingham, &c. Inclosure and Drainage; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Several Witnesses to attend Committee. - Petition of Earl Beauchamp against, presented and referred to the Committee, with liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Frome Roads; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Galleries to be erected in the House for the Accommodation of the Peers, Address for; Vide Address, No 9.
-, - to be removed, and a Gallery erected at the lower End of the House; Vide Committee, No 7; Address, No 11.

Galway; Copy of the Charter of the Corporation of, ordered. - To be printed, (the same having been delivered to the House in the Cause the Corporation of Galway v. The Attorney General for Ireland,) 1079.
-, - Elective Franchise, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 15.
-, - Franchise Bill; - Harbour Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - The Corporation of, v. The Attorney General for Ireland, (on Relation of Blake and Blakeney); Pleadings proved. - Copy of Charter (20 Eliz.) delivered. - To be printed.

Game; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Petition of T. Goodlake, Esq. against. - Bill read 2a (on Motion), and committed, and Lords summoned, ibid. - House in Committee (on Motion) after Debate, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - House again in Committee, and went through the Bill with Amendments; Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Bill referred to a Select Committee. (Vide Committee, No 11.) - Reported from Select Committee with Amendments, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, and Lords summoned; and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported and agreed to; further Amendments made; and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Game Laws, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 28.

Gardiner v. Simmons; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

General Steam Navigation Company Bill; Vide Steam.

Gibson v. Kirkland and Sharpe; Appeal presented, and Dobie to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Giles v. Grover and Pollard; Writ of Error; To be heard, and Judges to attend. - Heard, (the Judges present,) Two Questions of Law put to the Judges, and Consideration of Cause put off sine Die.

Gillon v. Mackinlay et al.; To be heard. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £150 Costs,.

Glamorganshire Canal Company v. Blakemore; Writ of Error; To be heard. - Heard. - To be considered. - Considered, and put off. - Considered, and Judgment Affirmed, with £200 Costs.

Glasgow, Account of Degrees taken in University of, from 1800 to 1830; Address for; Vide Address, No 3.
-, - Improvement Bill; Vide Scotland.

Glendonwyn and Kennedy v. Goldie et al.; Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Petition of Appellants, that this Cause may be heard with Napier v. Goldie or Crombie, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Two Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer of Lady M. Gordon brought in. - Petition of Lady M. Gordon, One of the Respondents, to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and both Petitions complied with. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Goodlake; Leave for a Bill to enable John Surman, to take the Name of Surman (on Petition). - Bill presented and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Gorbals Statute Labour Bill; Vide Scotland.

Gordon, Dame Mary, v. Goldie; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Napier v. Goldie.

Gormanston, Viscount; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Governors of Counties, Ireland; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 12.

Graham v. Shand et al.; To be heard. - Counsel called in; and Notice being taken that the Name of Dr. Lushington, who appeared for the Respondents, was signed to the Appellant's Case, the Appellant's Agent was called in, and, being interrogated, stated that the Case was printed in Scotland and transmitted to him by Mr. John James Fraser, the Agent in Edinburgh; and Mr. J. J. Fraser ordered to attend this House, or forthwith send to the Clerk Assistant the Authority upon which he affixed the Name of Dr. Lushington to the Case. - Order discharged, and Cause to be heard. - Put off, 1043. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Consideration put off, 1066. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £264 5s. Costs.

Grahame v. Alison; Appeal presented.
-, - v. Jolly; To be heard. - Heard in part. - Order for further Hearing discharged. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors in Part Affirmed, and Cause remitted, with a Finding.

Grand Jury Laws, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 20.

Gray and Woodrop v. M'Nair; Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Grieve v. Wilson; To be further heard by One Counsel of a Side. - Heard. - To be considered. - Put off.

Grosvenor Chapel; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Hackney Coach Act Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition of Proprietors of Hackney Coaches and Cabriolets against. - Reported, ibid.-3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Hamilton, The Duke of, v. Aikman; Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.
-, - Petition of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee, and all Lords added. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill; and Petition complied with. - Bill presented and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed.-3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.-Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Handsworth Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed . - Royal Assent.

Harland et al. v. Emerson et al.; Appeal presented. - Brodrick to enter into Recognizance.-Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents for an early Day presented, and referred to Appeal Committee.

Harris v. Kemble et. al.; Petition of Appellant and Three of the Respondents for an early Day, presented, and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellant for an early Day, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - To be heard. - Heard.- Order for further Hearing discharged. - To be further heard. - Order discharged. - To be further heard. - Put off. - To be further heard. - Order discharged. - Petition of Three of the Respondents for an early Day. - To be further heard. - Further heard. - Fully heard, and Decree Affirmed.

Harwich Elective Franchise, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 84.

Hatton, &c. Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. -2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Headfort, Marquess of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Hebeler, Bernhard, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - On Petition, the Petitioner's taking the Oaths (having taking them last Session) and the usual Certificate, dispensed with; and the former Evidence to be received; Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Hicks and Williams v. Morant; To be heard. - Heard - Considered, and Decree Affirmed.

Highland Society Bill; Vide Scotland.

Hindoo Widows, Burning of; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 19.

Holdsworth et al. v. Fairfax and Eamondson; Appeal presented. - Baillie to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Respondents for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Holyhead Roads and Harbour, &c.; Eighth Report on; delivered, and to be printed.

Hop Duties Payment; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a. -3a, and passed.-Royal Assent.

Hospitals, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

House, Galleries to be erected in the, for the Accommodation of the Peers; Address for; Vide Address, No 9.
-, - to be restored to the State it was previously to the above Address, and a Gallery to be erected at the lower End of the House; Address for; Vide Address, No 11.
-, - Ventilation of, and Erection of Galleries in; Instructions to Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 7.

Houses, Population, &c. Papers respecting; Vide Accounts, No 25.

Houston and Griffiths v. Hughes et al.; To be further heard.-Petition of T. Lesingham, One of the Respondents, that his Counsel may be further heard.-Fully heard. - Considered, and Decree Affirmed.
-, - v. Mackenzie; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Mackenzie v. Houston.

Howden; John Francis Lord Howden of Ireland, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Huddersfield and Woodhead Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Hume, John, Esquire; Petition of, claiming the Earldom of Marchmont; Vide Marchmont.

Hundred, Indemnity to the, in Cases of Damage in Riots; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 26.
-, - Recovery from the; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 60.

Hunter v. Gardner; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard.-Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.
-, - v. Roughead and Melrose; Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.
-, - v. The Trustees of The Honorable B. Cochrane; Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Appellant to amend Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Respondents for an early Day, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - To be heard. - Heard, in Part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.
-, - And Campbell v. Duff et al.; Appeal presented. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed exparte.

INCLOSURE Acts Exchanges; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Inglis et al. v. Harper; To be heard. - Put off. - To be heard. - Heard. - Consideration put off. - To be further considered. - Considered, and further Consideration put off. - Considered, and Interlocutors Reversed, and Cause remitted, with Directions.

Interpleader Bill; A Bill to enable Courts of Law to give Relief against adverse Claims made upon Persons having no Interest in the Subject of such Claims, presented by The Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and com mitted. - Went through Committee with an Amendment. - Amendment reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

-, - Administration of Justice; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent, 1060.
-, - Arms Continuation; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Ashbrook, Henry Jeffrey Flower Viscount; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - Message to H.C. for Pryse Pryse, Esquire, (a Member,) to attend Committee. (Vide Message, No 2.) Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Baking Trade in; A Bill to regulate the, presented by The Marquess of Westmeath; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - Order discharged, and Bill referred to a Select Committee under the Standing Order No 198. (Vide Committee, No 8.) Message to H.C. for several Members to attend Committee. (Vide Message, No 2.) Petition of Journeymen Bakers of Navan for regulating the Hours of Employment in the Trade. - Report made from the Committee, that it is expedient to proceed with the Bill; Bill 2a, and committed. - Petition of Corporation of Waterford to extend the Bill to that City. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Recommitted, and Lords summoned, 1063. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported and agreed to, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Belfast Bridge; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Harbour; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - Petition of Peirce Mahony, that no additional Tax on Steam Vessels may be authorized by this Bill, and to be heard by Counsel against. - 2a, and committed; and the Petition referred to the Committee with Leave, as also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Petition of the Dublin Steam Packet Company against, presented and referred to the Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel. - Two Petitions in favor, presented and referred to the Committee, 925. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amend ments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Bloomfield, Lord; Claim to vote for Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Burning Land in; A Bill to provide against the setting aside, for Want of Form, Convictions for Offences in, presented by The Marquess of Westmeath; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and com mitted. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Butter, Weighmasters of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 13.
-, - Church Lands, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 55.
-, - Clare Presentments; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported.-3a, and passed. -Royal Assent.
-, - Coal Meters, Dublin; Petitions for Compensation to; Vide Petitions, No 56.
-, - Cove Harbour, Naval Station in; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 29.
-, - Crofton, Edward Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to the Committee for Privileges.
-, - Distillation; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a; and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - District Parishes, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 30.
-, - Drogheda Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Dublin and Kingston Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed, 915. - Two Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Petition against. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Board of Trade at; Petitions to establish; Vide Petitions, No 71.
-, - Education, Annual Report of Commissioners of; delivered.
-, - Grants for; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 8.
-, - Elective Franchise, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 32.
-, - Ely, John Marquess of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - Put off. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Embankments; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Went through Committee with an Amendment. - Amendment reported and agreed to; a further Amendment made, and Bill to be read 3a. - On Motion that Bill be read 3a, objected to, and (on Question) it was resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Expired Commissions, &c. Continuing Bill; A Bill to revive and continue expired Commissions, Appointments, Patents and Grants in Ireland, and to indemnify certain Persons in relation thereto, presented by The Lord Melbourne; read 1a, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Bill 2a, Committee negatived, Bill to be ingrossed, Standing Orders considered and dispensed with, read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Galway Elective Franchise; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 15.
-, - Franchise; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Copy of the Charter of the Corporation of Galway, ordered. - House to be in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petition from Tholsel in favor. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Harbour; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Gormanston, Jenico Viscount; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet . - Earl of Fingall sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee, ibid. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Governors of Counties; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 12.
-, - Grand Jury Laws; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 20.
-, - Headfort, Marquess of; Claim to vote for Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Put off. - Order discharged. - Committee to meet, and a Message sent to H.C. for Edward Michael Conolly Esquire, (a Member,) to attend Committee. (Vide Message, No 2.) The Earl of Limerick and Viscount Templetown sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Hospitals; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.-2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Kilkenny; Petition respecting making a Railway from, to the most convenient SeaPort; Vide Petitions, No 44.
-, - Lanesborough; Road from Roscommon to; Address for Account respecting; Vide Address, No 5.
-, - Langford, Hercules Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Lieutenants for Counties, &c.; A Bill to provide for the better Order and Government of Ireland by, presented by The Lord Melbourne; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill to be printed as amended.-Report to be received. - Reported, further Amendments made, and Bill to be ingrossed and to be printed, with the Amendments. - To be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Moved to be now read 3a; objected to; after Debate, the further Debate put off, and Lords summoned. - Debate resumed, and Bill read 3a (on Question); several Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments, and Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Lisburne, Ernest Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - Several Witnesses to attend Committee and produce Documents. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Magistrates; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 14.
-, - Magistrates struck out of the Commission of the Peace; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 15.
-, - Military Accounts; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Ministers Money; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 67.
-, - Mountmorres, Francis Viscount; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.
-, - Mulgrave, Constantine Henry Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - The Marquess of Bristol sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Newtownbarry, Affray at; Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 1.
-, - Norbury, Hector John Graham Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Committee to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Normanton, Welbore Ellis Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet, and Lord Mendip sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Nugent, George Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.
-, - Oath of Allegiance at Elections; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 33.
-, - O'Connell, Daniel, Esquire, and Others; Record of the Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench in, against; Vide O'Connell.
-, - Peasantry; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 63.
-, - Poor Laws; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 16.
-, - Public Accounts, Commissioners of; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - 19th Report of Commissioners for auditing; delivered.
-, - Works; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Reported, and to be read 3a.- 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Ranfurly, Thomas Viscount Northand, Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.
-, - Rectory, Vicarage and Curacy in; Address for Return of every; Vide Address, No 4.
-, - Roscommon, Road from, to Lanesborough; Address for Account respecting; Vide Address, No 5.
-, - Sefton, William Philip Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Election of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.-Lord Foley sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee. - Committee to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Shrewsbury and Waterford, Earl of; Claim to vote for Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Put off. - A Witness to attend with Documents, and Notice of the meeting of the Committee to be given to The Attorney General, and The Attorney and Solicitor General for Ireland. - Order for Committee to meet discharged. - Committee to meet. - Vide Waterford.
-, - Slane Claim of Peerage; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Witnesses to attend Committee and produce Documents.- Petition of James Stewart Fleming of Belville, Cavan, against the present Claims, and to produce Evidence if he should be so advised, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Committee put off. - Order dis charged, and Committee to meet. - Petition of Henry Fleming to postpone the Consideration of the Claims. - Petition of James Fleming of Monkstown, Dublin, against the Claim of Mr. Bryan, presented and referred to the Committee. - Committee put off. - Committee to meet. - Petition of Edward Lord Dunsany against the Claim of G. Bryan Esq..
-, - Southwell, Thomas Anthony Viscount; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - Earl of Fingall sworn, at the Table, to give Evidence before the Committee, ibid. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - State of; Petition to take into Consideration the; Vide Petitions, No 63.
-, - Subetting Act Repeal Bill; A Bill to repeal an Act of 7 Geo. 4, "to amend the Law of Ireland re specting the Assignment and Subletting of Lands and Tenements," and to substitute other Provisions in lieu thereof, presented by The Lord Melbourne; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Tithes, Composition for; Address for Return respecting; Vide Address, No 4.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 6. 24. 66.
-, - Tobacco Growth Prohibition; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent, 937.
-, - Trimlestown, John Thomas Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; and Committee to meet. - Order for Committee to meet discharged.
-, - Trinity College, Dublin, Elective Franchise; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 12.
-, - Ulster Canal; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Union of Parishes Bill; A Bill to amend an Act to consolidate and amend the Laws in force in Ireland for Unions and Divisions of Parishes, presented by The Lord Bishop of Leighlin and Ferns; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - with Great Britain; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 11. 27.
-, - Valuation of Lands; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Vestry, SubLetting and Burial Acts; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 9. 48. 53.
-, - Waterford; Petition of John Earl of Shrewsbury and; Vide Ireland, Shrewsbury.
-, - to His Majesty, claiming the Earldom of; presented (by Command) and referred to the Committee for Privileges.
-, - Whiteboy Offences; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Wine Imported into, Duties on; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 22.
-, - Yeomanry Corps; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 51. 52.

Isherwood, John, and Others; Petition of, to present a Bill similar to that of last Session, presented and referred to a Committee, and all Lords added. - Report made, that no Alteration has taken place in the Interest of the Parties since the Proceedings on the former Bill; and Petition complied with; Bill read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition for additional Provision in the Bill, presented and referred to same Judges as the Petition for the Bill in the last Session. - Judges Report read, and referred to Committee. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

James and Another v. Price and Another; Considered, and Decree Affirmed, with £100 Costs.

Johnstone v. Barbour; Appeal presented. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and One Month allowed.

Journals, SubCommittee for perusing; Vide Committee, No 2.

Judge; Mr. Baron Bayley, and a Master in Chancery, take the Agreement to The Queen's Annuity Bill to the Commons, the rest of the Judges being on the Circuit.

Judges present on the Hearing or Consideration of Causes.
-, - Questions put to, in the following Writs of Error, Giles v. Grover1. - Doe v. Hicks.
-, - (Two) take the Agreement to The Duchess of Kent's Annuity Bill to the Commons.