Index to Session 1830-31: A-J

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'Index to Session 1830-31: A-J', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index to Session 1830-31: A-J', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index to Session 1830-31: A-J". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

Absentees, Ireland, Petition respecting; Vide Petition, No 59.

Abuses in Church And State, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 38.

Accounts - 1. of the Number of Writs issued and filed in each County in Wales, from 1820 to 1830; the Number of defended and undefended Causes, and the Number of Judgments given, during the same Period (so far as relates to the Chester Circuit); delivered (pursuant to Order of 13th July last).
-, 2. - of the Prices of Provisions and Necessaries, as far as the same can be obtained from the Books of Greenwich and Chelsea Hospitals; distinguishing each Year, from 1795 to 1830; ordered. - Delivered (from Greenwich Hospital). - From Chelsea Hospital, and to be printed,. - Account from Greenwich Hospital to be printed.
-, 3. - of the Quantity of Foreign Lead and Lead Ore imported from 1st January 1830 to 1st January 1831: Also,
-, 4. - of the Total Amount of Duty paid on the same: And also,
-, 5. - of the Quantity of British Lead and Lead Ore exported during the same Period; the Countries and Places to which such Exports have been made, and the Periods; and from what Ports of the United Kingdom the Exports have been made; ordered. - Forthwith. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 6. - of the Number of Tithe Suits commenced in the Courts of Chancery, Exchequer and Common Law, during the last Forty Years; ordered.
-, 7. - of the Number of Processes issued in Matters of Tithes from the Bishops Courts in Ireland, from 1st November 1829 to 1st November 1830: Also,
-, 8. - of the Number of Decrees issued from the same Courts in Matters of Tithes, during the same Period: And also,
-, 9. - of the Costs paid upon such Decrees; ordered.- Forthwith. - Delivered.
-, 10. - of all Parishes in Ireland in which Tithe Compositions have been made in pursuance of an Act of the Fourth Year of His late Majesty, to provide for the establishing of Compositions for Tithes in Ireland for a limited Time; specifying the Amount of each of such Compositions, and whether the Whole, or, if not, what Portions thereof are payable to the Incumbent, or to an Impropriator, or others: And also,
-, 11. - of all Parishes in Ireland in which Special Vestries have been held in pursuance of the last-mentioned Act, and in, which no Compositions have been made; specifying whether the Whole, or, if not, what Portions of the Tithes of such Parishes are payable to the Incumbent, or to an Impropriator, or others; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 12. - of the several Sums advanced for making Roads and other Public Works in Ireland in 1822 and the subsequent Years, to the present Time; specifying the Counties in which such Works were carried on; the Names of the Engineers under whose Direction they were conducted; the Amount of Money paid to each; the Number of Miles laid down in the Plans and Specifications; distinguishing each, and how far these Works have been carried into Execution; ordered.Forthwith.
-, 13. - (Annual) of Grand Jury Presentments in Ireland, delivered.
-, 14. - (Annual) of the Number of Persons committed to the different Gaols in Ireland for Trial; delivered.
-, 15. - of the Stamp Duties received on certain Proceedings in the Courts of Chancery and in the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland: Also,
-, 16. - of all Sums paid into the Exchequer in Ireland on account of Stamp Duties granted by the Act 4 Geo. 4. C. 78. and of all Salaries and Allowances which have been paid to the Masters in Ordinary in Chancery, and to the Chief Remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer, in Ireland: And also,
-, 17. - of the Stamp Duties received on certain Proceedings in the Courts of Law in Ireland; delivered.
-, 18. - of Contingency Fund of the Imperial Gas Light Company; delivered.
-, 19. - Abstract of, of the Commissioners of Northern Light Houses, to 30th June 1830; delivered.
-, 20. - of Sums issued and applied in 1830 on account of the Russian Dutch Loan;delivered.
-, 21. - of Sums received and expended by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; delivered.
-, 22. - of Annuities transferred and Sums paid to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, of Sums received and paid on account of Savings Banks and Friendly Societies, and Expences of the Commissioners; delivered.
-, 23. - of all Exchequer Bills and other Government Securities purchased or Advances made by the Bank; delivered.
-, 24. - respecting the Port of Arundel; delivered.
-, 25. - of Unclaimed Army Prize Money; delivered.
-, 26. - of Emoluments of Receivers General of Taxes in the Year ended 5th January1831; delivered.
-, 27. - of the Receipt and Expenditure of Dovor Harbour; delivered.
-, 28. - of the Commissioners of Shoreham Harbour;delivered.
-, 29. - of Allowances, &c. granted to the Officers and Servants of The East India Company; delivered.
-, 30. - of Commissioners of Shrewsbury and Holyhead Road; delivered.
-, 31. - Finance, in Eight Classes; delivered.
-, 32. - of Additions made to the Public Debt; delivered.
-, 33. - (Annual) of Increase and Diminution of Salaries, &c. in Public Offices; delivered.
-, 34. - of Trade and Navigation; delivered.
-, 35. - of the Orphans Fund; delivered.
-, 36. - from the Chamberlain of London respecting London Bridge; paving the City; maintaining the Sewers; Navigation of the Thames; Coal Market; Metage of Coals;Mooring Chains in the Thames; Salary to Harbour Masters; and Blackfriars Bridge; delivered.
-, 37. - respecting the Liverpool Docks; delivered.
-, 38. - of Commissioners for building new Churches;delivered.
-, 39. - of Superannuation Allowances granted under the Act 3 Geo. 4. C. 113; delivered.
-, 40. - of Pensions granted out of the Civil List of Scotland, for the Year ended 20th June1830; delivered.
-, 41. - of the Total Amount of Valued Rent in each County of Scotland; ordered. - Laid on the Table by the Clerk Assistant, and to be printed; and an Abstract to be prepared and printed.
-, 42. - of the Total Number of Persons in Possession of £100 Scots Valued Rent, and so qualified to become Commissioners of Supply, in each County: Also,
-, 43. - of the Number of Commissioners of Supply actually on the Roll at present in each County: Also,
-, 44. - of the Number of Persons in Possession of the Dominium utile of £100 Scots Valued Rent, and less than £400, in each County; and distinguishing also those in the Enjoyment of the Dominium utile of the smaller Sums of not more than £90, £80, £70, £60, £50, £40, £30, £20, and £10 Scots Valuation each: And also,
-, 45. - of the Number of Peers in Possession of £100 Scots Valued Rent in each County; ordered.
-, 46. - of the Total Number of Freeholders enrolled in each County; ordered. - Laid on the Table by the Clerk Assistant, and to be printed; and an Abstract to be prepared and printed.
-, 47. - of the Number of Freeholders not in Possession of the Dominium utile of the Lands for which they are enrolled:Also,
-, 48. - of the Number of Freeholders enrolled upon Superiority in Fee: And also,
-, 49. - of the Number of Freeholders enrolled upon Superiority in Life Rent; ordered.
-, 50. - All, relating to the Trade of India and China, and to the Finances of India, presented (by Command) in 1829 and in the present Year, and all such further Accounts relating to the same Matters which have been ordered by the House or prepared for the Committee on the Affairs of The East India Company during the present Year, to be completed to the latest practicable Period, and laid before the House within Fourteen Days of the ensuing Christmas Recess; ordered. - Delivered in part (so far as relates to the Customs). - Delivered further in part.- To be printed. - Delivered further in part, and to be printed. - Delivered further in part. - To be printed.
-, 51. - of Remittances in Merchandize from India in each Year since 1814; delivered (pursuant to Order of 29th of June last).
-, 52. - of the Quantity of Coculus Indicus, Quassia and Extract of Quassia imported into Great Britain during the Year 1830, and the Amount of Duty paid thereon; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 53. - of all Salaries and Emoluments held and enjoyed by the Clerks and Officers of this House between the 5th January 1829 and 5th January 1830, the Total Amount of which shall exceed £1,000; ordered. - Laid on the Table.
-, 54. - of Fees received by the Commissioners of Lunatics on an Average of Five Years; with the Date of the Appointment of each Commissioner; ordered.
-, 55. - of Monies received and paid by the Clerk of the Metropolitan Commissioners of Lunacy, from 1st August 1829 to 1st August 1830; delivered.
-, 56. - of the Number of Lunatics now under the Care of The Lord Chancellor, with the Date of the Inquisitions; and of the Total Annual Sums allowed for their Maintenance and Care; and an Estimate of the Total Rents and Profits of their Estates, Real and Personal; ordered. - Order discharged, and a similar Account, omitting "with the Date of the Inquisitions;" ordered.
-, 57. - of the Amount of Fees received by the Commissioners of Bankrupt in London respectively, for the Years 1828, 1829 and 1830; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 58. - of the Total Amount of all Fees received in the Office of The Lord Chancellor's Secretary for Commissions of Bankrupt, in each Year, from 1st April 1815 to 1st April 1831; distinguishing how much thereof has been retained in each Year for the Secretaries, Clerks, and other Expences of the said Office, and how much thereof has been paid in each Year to The Lord Chancellor as Part of his Lordship's Emoluments from Bankruptcy: Also,
-, 59. - of the Total Amount of all Fees received by The Lord Chancellor's Purse Bearer from the different Branches of the Bankruptcy Business, in each Year, from 1st April 1815 to 1st April 1831; distinguishing how much thereof has been in each Year paid to The Lord Chancellor as Part of his Lordship's Emoluments from Bankruptcy: Also,
-, 60. - of the Number of Public and Private Meetings of Commissioners of Bankrupts which have been held in London during the Years 1828, 1829 and 1830; distinguishing the Number in each Year, and classing them under different Heads, according to their Nature and Purpose: Also,
-, 61. - of the Number of Certificates to Bankrupts allowed by The Lord Chancellor in the Years 1828, 1829 and 1830, distinguishing the Number in each Year: And also,
-, 62. - of the Amount of Fees received by each of the Commissioners of Bankrupts in London in each of the Years 1828, 1829 and 1830, or for such Portion of the said Years as the Party making the Return shall have held the Office of a Commissioner; ordered.
-, 63. - of the Number of Vessels that have cleared out from the Port of London for the Settlement formed on the Swan River, their Tonnage and Number of Passengers: And also,
-, 64. - of all Persons appointed to Place and to Situations at the Swan River, their Names, Salaries, and Dates of Appointment, and if now resident there; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 65. - of the Quantity of Foreign Tobacco imported into Great Britain and Ireland for Seven Years ending 5th January last, and the Amount of Duty paid thereon; distinguishing each Year: And also,
-, 66. - of the Quantity of Foreign Tobacco exported from Great Britain and Ireland for the same Period, distinguish- ing each Year; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 67. - showing the Quantity and the Official and Real Value of Cotton Wool imported into the United Kingdom from Foreign Countries in each of the last Ten Years; distinguishing the Countries, and showing the Rate and the Amount of Duty in each Year: And also,
-, 68. - similar, of Cotton Wool imported from British Possessions; distinguishing the Possessions, and showing the Rate and the Amount of Duty in each Year; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 69. - of the Amount of Monies raised by each Parish in Kent for Payment of Constables Bills from Michaelmas 1827 to Michaelmas 1830, distinguishing each Year: And also,
-, 70. - of the Amount of Monies raised in Kent for County Rate for the same Period, distinguishing each Year; ordered.
-, 71. - of the comparative Ability of the several Counties in England respectively to support their Agricultural Populations; laid on the Table pursuant to Report from the Select Committee on the Poor Laws, and to be printed.
-, 72. - of the Number of Licences taken out for the Sale of Beer, Ale, Cyder, &c. under the Act II Geo. 4. Cap. 64. up to the latest Period; distinguishing the Counties in which the said Licences have been taken out: And also,
-, 73. - of the Number of Bushels of Malt that have paid the Duty in the last Ten Years, ending 5th April 1831; distinguishing the Number of Bushels returned in each Year; ordered.

Ackerley, Joseph Chamberlayne Wilson; A Bill to enable, to take the Name of Chamberlayne, presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - 2a, and committed.

Acts of Sederunt of the Court of Session; delivered.

Address- 1. of Thanks on the Speech of His Majesty, moved; objected to, and after Debate, on Question, Motion agreed to; Committee appointed to prepare the Address; Address reported and agreed to, and to be presented by the Whole House, and the Lords with White Staves to wait on His Majesty humbly to know when He will please to be attended with the same. - The King's Answer reported. - The King's Answer to Address reported, and, with the Address, to be printed and published.
-, 2. - to His Majesty for Protocol of the Conference of the Ministers of the Allied Powers in June 1814, relating to the Affairs of the Netherlands; ordered. - The King's Answer.
-, 3. - for Extract of a Dispatch from Lieutenant Governor Stirling to The Right Honorable Sir George Murray, dated Perth, Western Australia, 20th January 1830, containing Information relative to the Progress of the Settlement at Swan River; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 4. - for Copies of or Extracts from such Dispatches as may have been received from the Lieutenant Governor of the Settlement at the Swan River, dated subsequent to the 20th January 1830; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Extract of Dispatch, dated 18th October 1830, delivered, and to be printed.
-, 5. - for the Second Report made to His Majesty by the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Law of England respecting Real Property; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 6. - for Copies of Orders in Council and Orders or Minutes of the Treasury relating to the Duties on the Importation of Barilla, issued since 1st November 1830; ordered. - Delivered. - The King's Answer.
-, 7. - for an Account of all Sums paid by the Treasury to the Agents of the Russian Government, by Treaty of May 19th, 1815, between Great Britain, Russia and the Netherlands, and specifying the Date of the last Payment; ordered. - Delivered. - The King's Answer.
-, 8. - for an Abstract of the Numbers and Classes of the Resident Incumbents and Non-resident Incumbents, according to the Diocesan Returns made to the Privy Council, relative to the Residence of the Clergy in England and Wales; ordered.-The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 9. - for a Copy of the Report of The Archbishop of Dublin to The Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ireland, containing the Reasons for uniting episcopally the Vicarage of Wicklow, and the Rectory and Vicarage of Drumkey, and the Vicarage of Kilpole, in the Diocese of Dublin; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered.
-, 10. - for Papers respecting our Commercial Relations with Portugal; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered.
-, 11. - for a Copy of a Memorial to the Lords of the Treasury from the Earls of Clanricarde and Clancarty, dated 30th May 1825, concerning the Drainage of a Tract of Land by removing Obstructions in the River Shannon; ordered. -The King's Answer.- Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 12. - for a Copy of the Interlocutory Report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners; ordered. - The King's Answer.
-, 13. - for an Account of the Number of Decrees taken annually in the University of Edinburgh, from 1800 to 1830 inclusive; distinguishing the Faculties, and stating the Number of Graduates in each of the Four Faculties respectively; also distinguishing those who have taken Degrees after Residence and Attendance at Lectures for the Space of One or more Sessions, from those who have received Degrees without such Residence or Attendance; and also similar Accounts from the Universities of Glasgow, St. Andrew's, King's College, Aberdeen, Marischall College, Aberdeen; ordered. - The King's Answer.
-, 14. - for an Account of the Waste Lands belonging to the different Manors of the Crown in England and Wales; ordered. - The King's Answer.
-, 15. - for Statements, Calculations and Explanations submitted to the Board of Trade, relating to the Commercial, Financial and Political State of the British West India Colonies, since 19th May 1830; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered.
-, 16. - to His Majesty for Copy of the last Report from the National Vaccine Establishment; ordered.-The King's Answer, ibid. -Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 17. - for summary Statements of the Number of Persons charged with Criminal Offences who were committed to the different Gaols in England and Wales for Trial at the Assizes and Sessions held for the several Counties, Cities, Towns and Liberties therein, during the last Seven Years; distinguishing the Number in each Year, and shewing the Nature of the Crimes respectively of which they were convicted, acquitted, and with which those were charged against whom no Bills were found, and who were not prosecuted; also the Sentences of those convicted, and the Number executed of those who received Sentence of Death; ordered. -The King's Answer, ibid.-Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 18. - for Accounts of the Population (taken from the Census of 1821) of each City, Borough and Town in England and Wales now returning Members to Parliament; of each not now returning Members; and of the Population of each County in England, Wales and Scotland, and of each Royal Burgh in Scotland; also, Accounts of the Number of Houses in each City, Borough and County in England and Wales, and of each County, Royal Burgh and Town in Scotland, now returning Members to Parliament, and of those not now returning Members to Parliament; distinguishing the Number of Houses assessed to the Inhabited House Duty, from £10 to £19 inclusive, and from £20 to £39 inclusive, and at £40 and upwards; also, A Statement of the Population of each Borough in England and Wales returning Members to Parliament, of which the Population in 1821 did not exceed 2,000; the Number of Houses; the greatest Number of Electors polled within the last Thirty Years; and the Number of Houses in each Borough rated to the Inhabited House Duty in the Year 1830 at and above £10 a Year; also, A similar Statement with respect to all Boroughs exceeding 2,000 and not exceeding 4,000 Inhabitants; also, A similar Statement with respect to all Cities and Boroughs exceeding 4,000 Inhabitants; and also, A similar Statement with respect to all Cities and Royal Burghs in Scotland; moved, and after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 19. - for Copies of the several Reports of the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty's Warrant of the 21st June 1830 to inquire into the Receipt and Expenditure of the Revenue in the Colonies and Foreign Possessions: ordered. - Delivered.
-, 20. - for the Communication from the Governor of Canada to the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, recommending a final Arrangement relative to the Administration of Justice in the Province; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.

Administration Of Justice; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported; Bill to be printed as amended, and to be read 3a. - Put off. - 3a, several Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Advances To Government; Copy of all Applications to the Bank for, for the Year ending 5th January 1831, and of the Minutes of the Court of Directors thereon; delivered.
-, - by the Bank, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 23.

Agricultural Distress, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 105.
-, - Labourers, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 12.

Agriculture, Improvement of, &c.; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 53.

Allen et al. v. Winter et al.; Appeal dismissed (on Petition,).

America, Commercial Intercourse between, and the British West India Colonies; Correspondence with the United States relative to; delivered (by Command).

Anatomy, Petition to facilitate the Study of; Vide Petitions, No 100.

Annandale Claim of Peerage; Petition of G. C. M. L. W. S. Johnston against the present Claimants, and for Time to procure Evidence to establish his own Right, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Petition of James Johnstone of Drum, Esquire, to defer the Decisions on the Claims already presented, to afford him Time to substantiate his Claim to the said Peerage, presented, and referred to the Committee for Privileges. - Petition of J. J. H. Johnstone Esquire to appoint a Day for proceeding further on the Claims to this Peerage.

Annuities granted by Commissioners for Reduction of National Debt, Account of; Vide Accounts, No 45.

Appeals, Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 3.

Arbitration; A Bill for settling Controversies by, presented by Lord Tenderden; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - To be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Army Prize Money, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 25.

Arrest For Debt, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 6.

Arundel, Port of, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 24.

Ashburnham, Bertram Earl of; sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Ashford and Canterbury Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported.- 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Assessed Taxes, Copies of Cases stated and signed by the Commissioners of, since 12th February 1830; delivered 19. 199.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 39.
-, - Scotland; Copies of Cases stated by the Commissioners of; Vide Scotland.

Attorney General v Winstanley; Writ of Error; Petition of Plaintiff to advance the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, Cause to be heard, and Judges to attend. - Heard; the Judges being present, Two Questions of Law put to them, answered in the Negative, and Judgment Affirmed.

Attornies, &c. Certificates, Scotland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 55.
-, - Petition respecting the Conduct of, and Forms of Law; Vide Petitions, No 96.

Aylsham and Cromer Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed.

Baillie v. Grant; Petition of Appellant for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed, ibid. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Respondent that Appeal may be revived, or stand dismissed, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Baird v. Ross; Appeal presented. - Deane to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, a Month allowed. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for further Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, a Month allowed. - Petition of Respondent for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, a Fortnight allowed.

Balmer v. Hogarth et al.; - v. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed exparte. - Answers brought in. - Petitions of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petitions complied with.

Bandon, Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Bank of England; Account of Exchequer Bills or other Government Securities purchased or Advances made by the; Vide Accounts, No 23.
-, - Applications to the, for Advances to Government; Vide Advances.

Bankrupt Act Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.
-, - Petition to extend it to Ireland; Vide Petitions, No 28.
-, - Commissions of, Fees on; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 58.
-, - Laws, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 44.

Bankrupt Laws, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 28. 68.

Bankruptcy; A Bill to establish a Court in, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - House in Committee (on Motion), Amendments made, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Moved, that the Bill be recommitted on 15th April next; objected to; on Question, resolved in the Negative; and Bill recommitted for Monday next. - Committee put off. - House to be again in Committee. - Put off. - Put off, and Lords summoned.
-, - Business, Fees on, received by The Lord Chancellor's Purse Bearer; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 59.

Bankrupts; A Bill for amending the Laws relating to, presented by The Earl of Eldon; read 1a, and to be printed, 28.-Petition of Sir P. Pole, and others, in favour of, (received as the Petition of the Persons signing it,) 182.
-, - Account of Fees received by Commissioners of; Vide Accounts, Nos 57 to 62.
-, - Certificates To; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 61.
-, - Commissioners of; Account of Meetings of; Vide Accounts, No 60.

Barilla, Duties on; Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 6. - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 66.

Barrington, Sir Jonah; The Books and Papers relative to, sent to this House by the Commons in the last Session, to be returned.

Bathgate Road Bill; Vide Scotland.

Beattie, Thomas, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a.- 2a, and committed. - Reported, with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Beccles Navigation; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bedfont Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. Royal Assent.

Beer Act, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 113.
-, - &c.; Licences for the Sale of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 72.

Bell et al. v. Kay And Another; Petition of The Honorable D. Ogilvy not to receive the Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Bermondsey Church; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bill, pro formâ, read 1a.

Bills, Private, Petitions for, not to be received after 17th March, nor Reports from the Judges thereon after 13th April.
-, - received the Royal Assent by Commission.
-, - 511.

Birmingham and Bromsgrove Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - And Liverpool Canal; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Grammar School; Petition of the Governors of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given; Bill reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - Petition of Inhabitants of Birmingham against, presented. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - (St. Martin's) Burial Ground; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bishops Courts, Ireland; Petition for Abolition of; Vide Petitions, No 94.

Blackfriars Bridge, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 36.

Blake v. Gossen or Blake; To be heard.-Order discharged. - Petition of Appellant to withdraw Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Booth And Another v. Booth And Another; Appeal presented, and Thomson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in.

Boracic Acid, Petition for Repeal of Duty on; Vide Petitions, No 123.

Brack v. Johnston et al; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Bray v. Malkin et al.; Appeal presented. - Fisher to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Bread and Biscuit, Foreign; Petition respecting; Vide Petition, No 60.

Bristol Poor; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. Royal Assent.

British Shipping, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 103.

Brodie v. Sinclair; Appeal presented. - Appellant to prosecute in formâ pauperis (on Petition). - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed exparte.

Bromley and Westerham Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Brougham, The Right Honorable Henry, having been appointed Lord Chancellor, took his Seat on the Woolsack.

Brougham and Vaux; The Right Honorable Henry Brougham, Lord Chancellor, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Brown, Elizabeth; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed.

Bruton Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bulkley v. Wilford; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Appellant to withdraw the Appendix to his Case, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with, and another Appendix to be lodged within a Fortnight. - Petition of Respondent, that Appellant may be ordered to withdraw his new Appendix, and present another confined to the Proceedings in the Cause, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. -Report made, and certain Documents to be expunged from Appendix, and an amended Appendix to be lodged within Three Weeks.

Bull-Running, Petition for Abolition of; Vide Petitions, No 54.

Burial Act, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 74.

Burns and Grier v. Stewart; Hearing appointed.

Burntisland Whale Fishing Company et al. v. Trotter et al.; Appeal presented, and Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.

Burton and Bosworth Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Upon Trent Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bury and Blackburn Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.- 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bushell's Charity Estate Bill; Vide Latham.

Bute, Marquess of, v. Couper et al.; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £50 Costs.

Cabbell et al. v. Brock; Appeal presented.-Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Respondent for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Cadell v. Palmer et al.; Petition of Appellant for an early Day for Hearing, and that the Judges may attend, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Calcraft, Granby Hales; A Bill to dissolve his Marriage, presented (on Petition); read 1a, and to be read 2a, and Lords summoned, and usual Orders made, a Copy of the Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court being first delivered (upon Oath) at the Bar. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Second Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Counsel heard, Witnesses examined, and Second Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Witnesses examined. - Second Reading put off, and Lords summoned, and Mrs. Love to attend.

Calico Duties Repeal; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - To be read 2a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Cambridge University; Petition of The Chancellor, &c. of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Reference to Judges changed (on Petition). - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Cameron, Nathaniel, et Ux.; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - A supplemental Petition presented and referred to the same Judges. - Judges Report read (on Petition) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed.

Canada Lands; A Bill to explain and amend the Laws relating to Lands holden in Free and Common Soccage in the Province of Lower Canada, presented by Viscount Goderich; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Lower, Administration of Justice in; Address for Paper respecting; Vide Address, No 20.
-, - Timber; Vide Timber Duties.

Canadian Revenues; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a.

Canterbury, The Dean and Chapter of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, with One Amendment, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Canton, Interruption of Commerce at; Paper respecting; Vide East India and China.

Carlisle, Prisoners confined in County Gaol at; Petition of; Vide Petitions, No 80.

Carnegy v. Scott; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - To be heard. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Carvalho, Custodio Pereira de, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill 2a, and committed.

Cathcart v. Sir J. A. Cathcart and Another; Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Appellant to lodge an additional Case, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.
-, - v. Sir J. A. Cathcart and Another; Appeal presented, and Robertson to enter into Recognizance.

Catholic Clergymen, Marriage of Protestants with Catholics by; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 81.

Chamberlayne's Name Bill; Vide Ackerley.

Chancellor, The Right Honorable Henry Brougham, having been appointed Lord, took his Seat on the Woolsack.

Charitable Donations, Commissioners of, et al. v. Harris et al.; To be heard. - Order discharged; - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Decree reversed, with Directions.

Cheadle and Leek Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Chelsea Hospital, Account of Prices of Provisions for; Vide Accounts, No 2.

Cheltenham Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.

China Trade; Vide East India and China; Accounts, No 50.

Church Cesses, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 75.

Churches Building; A Bill to amend an Act of His late Majesty, for amending the Acts for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in populous Parishes, presented by The Bishop of London; read 1a, and to be printed. - Petition of J. Masterman Esquire, and The Reverend T. Williams, to be heard by Counsel against. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Petition of G. Bliss, Clerk, to modify a certain Clause. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Report of Amendments received (on Motion), and Bill recommitted, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, further Amendments made, and Report to be received. - Report of Amendments put off. - Amendments reported, an Amendment made, and Bill to be printed as amended. - To be ingrossed and read 3a, and Lords summoned. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - New; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 37. - Petitions respecting Presentations to, No 93.

Churchwarden; Petition for Exemption from serving the Office of, in Ireland; Vide Petitions, No 42.

Churchwardens, Police, &c.; Petition of G. Gunning respecting; Vide Petitions, No 36.

Civil List; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed, and to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and a Message sent to the Commons by Two of the Judges to acquaint them therewith. - The Entry in the Journals of the 26th of May 1820 of The King's Consent to the Civil List Bill, and the Address to His Majesty thereon, read; and a Debate arising thereon, ordered that the Debate be adjourned. - Royal Assent.
-, - Scotland; Pensions granted out of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 40.

Cleeve and Evesham Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Clergy, Resident and Non-resident; Address respecting; Vide Address, No 8.
-, - Bill respecting Incumbents of Ecclesiastical Benefices; Vide Incumbents.

Clerkenwell, Petition against Erection of a second new Church in; Vide Petitions, No 107.

Clonbrock, Lord; Claim of, to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Clown and Budby Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Clyne v. Sclater et al.; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant to amend Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Coal Market; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 36.
-, - Trade; Petition for regulating; Vide Petitions, No 99.
-, - Report respecting; Message for; Vide Message, No 3.

Coals, Metage of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 36.
-, - Petitions for Repeal of the Richmond One Shilling Duty on; Vide Petitions, No 96.
-, - respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 7. 29.

Cockerell, Sir C. et al. v. Cholmeley; Appeal presented, and Hall to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. Report made, and Three Weeks allowed. - Petition to revive on the Part of One of the Appellants, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Coculus Indicus, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 52.

Cogan v. Lyon et al.; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Coleman, Henrietta Charlotte Lucy; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges.

Colonial Acts Validity; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Trade; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, 381. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Colonies, Revenue of; Address for Reports on; Vide Address, No 19.

Colquhoun, Sir J. v. Colquhoun; Petition of R. G. Colquhoun and others, to be made Parties Respondents, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - To be heard. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Heard, ibid. - Considered, and Cause remitted with special Instructions.

Colvin et al. v. Newberry and Benson; Writ of Error delivered. - Petition of Plaintiffs for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - A like Petition of Defendants, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and both Petitions complied with. - Hearing appointed.

Commissioners of Supply, Scotland; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 42. 43.

Committee - (1.) for Privileges appointed.
-, 2. - Sub-, for perusing the Journals, appointed. - Report made, that the 62d Volume (Session 1830), with an Index, was ready; ordered to be delivered in the same Manner as former Volumes.
-, 3. - respecting Appeals and Writs of Error, appointed, and all Lords added to the Committee. - 1st Report from. - 2d Report. - 3d Report. - 4th Report. - 5th Report. - 6th Report. - 7th Report. - 8th Report. - 9th Report. - 10th Report. - 11th Report. - 12th Report.
-, 4. - Select, to consider of the Poor Laws, appointed. - Lords added to Committee, vizt. Lord Selsey. - Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Lord Kenyon. - Earl of Hillsborough. - Messages to the Commons, requesting that they will give Leave to the following Members to attend the Committee, vizt. T. L. Hodges Esquire. - Leave given. - T. G. B. Estcourt Esquire. - Commons will send an Answer. - R.A. Slaney Esquire. - Commons will send an Answer. - T. B. G. Estcourt Esquire, and M. T. Sadler Esquire. - Commons will send an Answer, ibid. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Evidence taken from Time to Time to be printed, and delivered to Members of the Committee only, and Committee to report Evidence from Time to Time. - Lords sworn to give Evidence before the Committee - Duke of Richmond. - Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham. - Bishop of Bath and Wells. - Earl Stanhope. - Committee to report from Time to Time. - First Report made, and to be printed. - Evidence to 1st February reported, and Prints thereof to be delivered to the Members of the House; and the future Evidence, when reported, to be delivered out in like Manner. - Second Report made, That a Tabular Statement of the comparative Ability of the several Counties in England respectively to support their Agricultural Population, by The Reverend J. T. Becher, having been laid before the Committee, they are of Opinion, that the same ought to be laid before the House; agreed to; and the said Statement laid on the Table, and to be printed. - Further Evidence to 18th March, reported. - Petition from Ballymacarret for Assistance to emigrate, presented the 26th of November last, referred to the Committee. - Third Report made, That the Committee think it expedient that the Opinion of the Judges should be taken by the House on certain Questions; read, and to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Further Evidence to 22d April reported. - Third Report to be printed, ibid.
-, 5. - Select, to consider of the Proceedings had under the Reports of the Lords Committees on the Office of Clerk of the Parliaments in Sessions 1824 and 1826, appointed. - First Report made. - Certificate of the Fee Fund of the House referred to the Committee. - The Lord Chancellor, The Earl of Eldon, The Viscount Sidmouth and The Lord Holland added to the Committee.

Committees, The Earl of Shaftesbury appointed to take the Chair in all, for this Session.

Common Law Courts at Westminster; A Bill to prevent the Expence and Delay of Suits in, presented by The Lord Wynford; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - House to be in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Commons, directed to choose a Speaker, 5. - Mr. Manners Sutton presented and approved of, 6.

Compensation, Ireland; Certificates and Warrants respecting; Vide Ireland.
-, - Scotland; Warrants granting; Vide Scotland.

Complaint against Lieutenant Thomas Woodcock; Vide Privilege.
-, - to the House respecting James Sisk; Vide Privilege.

Compton Bassett Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Consolidated Fund; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and to be read 3a. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Bill read 2a, Committee negatived, said Standing Orders dispensed with, and Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - (£5,000,000); Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Constables Bills, Kent; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 69.

Convicts, Two Reports of J. H. Capper respecting; delivered.

Cooke and Another v. Bishop of Elphin and Another; Writ of Error; Petitions of both Parties to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petitions complied with. - Hearing appointed. - To be heard. - Heard in part. - Fully heard, and Judgment Affirmed.

Cork, Elective Franchise of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 22.

Corn, Foreign; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 41.
-, - Laws, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 65.

Cornwall, Duchy of, Leases; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed.

Corporate Funds; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Corporations (Ireland); Petition for Abolition of; Vide Petitions, No 108.

Cotton Factories; Petition for limiting the Hours of Labour in; Vide Petitions, No 116.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 45. 109.
-, - Wool, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 67. 68.

County Rates, Kent; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 70.

Court of Chancery, Petition for Reform in; Vide Petitions, No 89.
-, - of Session, Acts of Sederunt of; Vide Scotland.

Coventry and Over Whitacre Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - and Stoney Stanton Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Craven, William Earl of, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Creditors; A Bill to prevent Debtors from defrauding their, by lying in Prison or absconding from England, presented by The Lord Wynford; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Petition of T. Smith and I. Francis in favor. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - Petition of J. Smyth in favor. - Went through Committee, with Amendments, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Amendments reported (on Motion), and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Criminal Laws, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 48.
-, - Offenders, Address for Statements respecting; Vide Address, No 17.

Crown Manors, Waste Lands belonging to; Address for Account respecting; Vide Address, No 14.

Cuthbertson v. Dick; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Dick v. Cuthbertson.

Dartford road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Davies et al. v. Bush et al.; To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Appellants Counsel heard, and Decree Affirmed, with £50 Costs.

Dean Forest Boundaries; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.

Debtors, Fraudulent; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 70.

Debts, Assessment of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 80.

Declaration Against Transubstantiation, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 10.

Deeds, Office for General Registry of; Petitions respecting; Vide Register Office.

Deputy Governors and Militia Officers, County of Down; Return of Qualifications of; Vide Down, Ireland.
-, - Lieutenants, Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Desvignes, Peter Hubert, and George, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition) and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths. - Bill 2a, and committed, ibid. - Reported, and to be ingrossed.

Devon; Petition of William Viscount Courtenay to His Majesty, claiming the Earldom of, presented (by Command) and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Committee to meet (on Petition). - Order discharged. - Committee to meet. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Evidence taken before the Committee to be printed. - The proper Officer ordered to transmit to this House a Copy of the Act of the 11th Richard the Second for the Attainder of Vere Earl of Oxford; also of the Act of the 21st of the same Reign, for the Restitution of the said Earl of Oxford; also of the Act of the 16th of the same Reign, restoring the Lands of Robert de Vere Duke of Ireland and Earl of Oxford. - Report made, that the Claimant had made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be laid before His Majesty.

Dick v. Cuthbertson, et e Contra; Appeal presented, and Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Answer brought in. - Cross Appeal presented.

Dickson et al. v. Cunninghame and Lord Medwyn; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent Lord Medwyn to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent J. Cunninghame to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard.

Dingwall, The Provost of, et al. v. Mackenzie and Another; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented, and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Dissolution of Parliament, Motion for Address respecting; Vide Motion, No 4.

Distress in Ireland, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 32.
-, - of the Country, Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 1.
-, - Petitions relating to; Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 3.

Divorce Bills; Vide Calcraft; Trower; Turton (Louisa).
-, - Petition for, signed under Power of Attorney; Vide Trower.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Dixon, John and William, v. The Monkland Navigation Company, et e contra; Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Answer brought in. - Cross Appeal presented.

Doe (on Demise of Hearle et al.) v. Hicks; Writ of Error; To be heard. - The Judges to attend. - Put off.

Doncaster and Ferrybridge Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Reported, with Amendments, and Consideration thereof put off for Three Months.

Donegal, Marquess of, v. Houlditch et al.; Petition of Appellant to withdraw Appeal without Costs, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Appeal to be withdrawn on Payment to Respondents of reasonable Costs. - Petition of Respondents for Payment of Costs, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

D'Orsay, Count, et Ux.; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Ireland.

Douglas et al. v. Brown and Craig; To be heard. - Heard in part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors in part Reversed, and Cause remitted with a Declaration.

Dovor Harbour, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 27.

Down; Return of Deputy Governors, &c. of County of; Vide Ireland.

Draycot Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Drumkey, Rectory of; Address respecting; Vide Address, No 9.

Dublin, Freedom of the City of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 118.

Duff v. Fraser; Petition of Respondent to order Appellant's Appendix to be withdrawn as incompetent, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with. - To be heard. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Duffy v. Orr et al.; Petition of Two of the Respondents for an early Day for Hearing. - Petition of Appellants and Two of the Respondents to read Copies of Documentary Evidence without Proof of Examination, presented, and Leave given to read such Copies as are admitted by the Agents on both Sides. - Petition of both Parties for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Dundas and Bruce v. Dundas et al.; To be heard. - Answer brought in. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Dundee Improvement Bill; Vide Scotland.

Dundee, the Magistrates, &c. of, v. Kay and Morton; Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Petition of Appellants for an early Day for hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of The Honorable W. Ogilvy to be made a Respondent, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - Petition of J. M. Lindsay to be made a Respondent, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Hearing put off. - Report made, and latter Petition complied with, with Reservations; Petition of the Honorable W. Ogilvy not complied with. - Answer brought in. - Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Dunlop and Co. v. Earl of Dalhousie et al.; Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Durham and Shotley Bridge Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.

Duvergier v. Fellowes; Writ of Error; Delivered. - Hearing appointed.

East India and China; All Accounts relating to the Trade with, and to the Finances of India, presented, by Command, in 1829 and in the present Year, and all further Accounts relating to the same Matters which have been ordered or prepared for the Committee on the Affairs of The East India Company during the present Year, to be completed to the latest Period to which the same can be made up, and laid before the House within Fourteen Days after the Termination of the Christmas Recess, Ordered. - Vide Accounts, No 50.
-, - Copies of all Correspondence which has taken place between the Factory of The East India Company at Canton and the Court of Directors with respect to the recent Interruption of Commercial Intercourse at Canton; delivered. - To be printed.
-, - Company; Account of Allowances granted to the Officers and Servants of the; Vide Accounts, No 29.
-, - Resolutions of the Court of Directors of, granting Pensions, &c.; delivered.
-, - Judicature Act; A List of the Lords who have delivered in Lists under the, laid on the Table. - Further Proceedings. - Fresh Lists to be delivered in. - Further Proceedings. - Titles to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown.
-, - Trade with; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 50. 51.
-, - Indies, Trade with; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 35. 122.
-, - Retford Election; The Books and Papers relative to, sent to this House by the Commons in the last Session, to be returned.

Ecclesiastical Benefices, Incumbents of; Bill respecting; Vide Incumbents.
-, - Commissioners, Address for Report of; Vide Address, No 12.
-, - Laws, Petition for Alteration of; Vide Petitions, No 125.

Edinburgh, The Society of Solicitors of, et al. v. Smillie et al.; Answer brought in. - To be heard. - Heard in part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £100 Costs.

Education, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 11.

Edwards, John, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. 2a, and committed.

Elections, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Elective Franchise, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 22. 24. 50.

Emigration, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 18.

Employment for the People, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 20.

Enfield Chase Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Evans v. Morgan et al.; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Morgan et al. v. Evans et al.

Ewen et al. v. Bannerman et al.; To be heard. - Heard in part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Reversed, with a Declaration.

Ewing v. Wallace; Appeal presented. - Butt to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer.

Exchequer Bills, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 23.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Expenditure of the Country, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 51.

Fast, General; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 82.

Faussett v. Carpenter (Lessee of Palmer and others); Writ of Error (Ireland); Petition of Defendant to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard, and Judgment Affirmed, with £100 Costs.

Fee Fund, Certificate of; Vide House.

Finance Accounts; Vide Accounts, No 31.

Finlay et al. v. Whyte; Appeal presented, and Mundell to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Finlayson and Pedie v. Munro; Dismissed for want of Prosecution (on the Petition of the Respondent), the Appellants Agent consenting.

Fire Insurances, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 64.

Fisheries, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions No 26.

Flowerdew v. The Dundee, &c. Shipping Company; Appeal presented. - Butt to enter into Recognizance.

Fraser v. Fraser; To be heard. - Put off. - Heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £50 Costs.
-, - v. Gordon; Appeal presented. - Arnott to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant's Agent to extend the Time for entering into Recognizance, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.
-, - v. Vans Agnew; Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed. - To be heard. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Frauds on Creditors Bill; Vide Creditors.

Frederick, Sir R.; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges.

Freeholders, Scotland; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 46 to 49.

Freeman et al. v. Fairlie et al.; Petition of Appellants that the Cause may be continued in the List of Appeals, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Friendly Societies, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 22.

Galbraith v. Galbraith; To be heard. - Petition of Appellant to postpone the Hearing, ibid. - Put off. - Heard in part. - To be further heard. - Put off. - Further heard. - To be further heard. - Fully heard. - Further heard. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Galway Elective Franchise, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 50.
-, - The Corporation of, v. The Attorney General for Ireland (on relation of Blake and another); Hearing appointed.

Game Laws, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 2.

Gaols, Ireland; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 14.
-, - Reports respecting (and Schedule B.); delivered.

Gardiner v. Simmons; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Gardner, Alan Legge, Lord, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Gaywood v. M'Keand; Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Appeal withdrawn (on Petition).

Gillon v. Mackinlay et al.; Appeal presented, and Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Glamorganshire Canal Company v. Blakemore; Writ of Error; Petition of Defendant for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.
-, - Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Glendonwyn and Another v. Goldie et al.; Appeal presented, and Macqueen to enter into Recognizance.

Gloucester, James Henry Lord Bishop of, takes the Oaths.

Goodlake, John Surman; A Bill to enable, to take the Name of Surman, presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, with One Amendment, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Gorbals Statute Labour Bill; Vide Scotland.

Graham v. Shand et al.; Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.-Petition of General W. Burnett, and others, to be made Respondents, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Grahame v. Jolly; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Grand Jury Laws (Ireland); Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 111.
-, - Presentments, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 67. - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 13.

Great Marlow Church; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition against, presented and referred to the Committee. - Reported, with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Greenwich Hospital, Account of Prices of Provisions for; Vide Accounts, No 2.
-, - Contribution to; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 61.

Grieve v. Wilson; To be heard. - Put off. - Heard.- Considered, and put off.

Grosvenor's Relief; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - 2a; Committee negatived; Standing Orders dispensed with; Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Haig v. Sir W. J. Homan, Baronet, et al.; Appeal revived (on Petition of Appellant). - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard. - Considered, and Decree in part reversed, and in part altered.

Hamilton, The Duke of, v. Aikman; Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Petition of Respondent to dismiss Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Appeal dismissed.
-, - Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, with One Amendment, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.

Harbour Masters Salaries, Account respecting; Vide Ac- counts, No 36.

Harrington, Charles Earl of, sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Harris v. Kemble et al.; Cause to be heard (on Petition of Respondents). - Put off. - Order for Hearing discharged.

Haslemere Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Headfort, Marquess of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Hebeler, Bernhard, Naturalization; Bill presented (on Petition), and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Com- mons.

Hereford, Petition of Mayor, &c. of, for Protection of Corporate Rights; Vide Petitions, No 129.

Herne Bay Pier; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Herring Fishery, Report of the Commissioners of, for the Year ended 5th April 1830; delivered.

Highgate and Whetstone Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Highland Roads and Bridges, Report respecting; Vide Scotland.

Hilgay Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.- 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and pass. - Royal Assent.

Holyhead and Shrewsbury Road, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 30.

Honyman, Sir R. B. J. Baronet, v. Campbell et al.; Petition of Appellant to restore Appeal, and lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, Appeal restored; Appellant allowed now, and Respondents Two Months, to lodge Cases. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed, ibid. - Petition of both Parties for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - Heard in part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Horley and Brighton Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

House and Window Duty, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 33.
-, - Fee Fund of the; Certificate of, laid on the Table, and referred to the Select Committee on the Office of Clerk of the Parliaments.
-, - Roll for calling over the, laid on the Table, and to be printed. - Roll withdrawn to be amended, and Order for printing discharged.
-, - Salaries of the Officers of the; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 53.
-, - The Right Honorable Henry Brougham having been appointed Lord Chancellor took his Seat on the Woolsack.

Houston and Griffiths v. Hughes et al.; Petition of Appellant for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - Two Answers brought in. - To be heard. - Heard in part. - Order for further Hearing discharged.
-, - v. Mackenzie; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Mackenzie v. Houston.

Hume et al. v. Duncan; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard in part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £50 Costs.

Humphrys v. Pratt; Writ of Error; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Judgment Affirmed.

Hunter v. Gardner; Appeal presented. - Time for entering into Recognizance extended. - Butt to enter into Recognizance, ibid. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in.
-, - v. Roughead and Melrose; Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.
-, - v. Trustees of Cochrane; Appeal presented, and Macdougall to enter into Recognizance.

Hyde and Werneth Waterworks; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a, 418. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Hypothec, Landlords Right of, Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Idolatry In India, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 92.

Imperial Gas Company, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 18.

Incumbents Leasing; A Bill for enabling Incumbents of Ecclesiastical Benefices to demise the Lands belonging to their Benefices, and for restraining Ecclesiastical and other Corporations from granting Leases for Terms for Lives in certain Cases, presented by The Bishop of London; read 1a, and to be printed.

Indemnity; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - To be printed. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Indigent Blind Institution; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Inglis et al. v. Harper; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Insolvent Debtors Acts, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 6. 27.

Interpleader; A Bill to enable Courts of Law to give Relief against adverse Claims made upon Persons having no Interest in the Subject of such Claims, presented by Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - To be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

-, - Absentees, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 59.
-, - Bandon, James Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Committee to meet. - Lord Arden and The Earl of Wicklow sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Bankrupt Laws; Petition to extend to; Vide Petitions, No 28.
-, - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 44.
-, - Burial Act; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 74.
-, - Church Cesses; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 75.
-, - Clonbrock, Robert Lord; Claim of, to vote at Elections of Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet (on Petition). - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Coals Imported Into; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 29.
-, - Compensation; Certificates in the Case of the late Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland for; also in the Cases of John Brenan, Esquire, and Thomas Prendergast, Esquire, Officers in the Court of Chancery in Ireland; and The Lord Lieutenant's Warrants thereon; delivered.
-, - Cork Elective Franchise; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 22.
-, - Distress In; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 32.
-, - Down; Return of the Qualification of Deputy Governors and Militia Officers in the County of, in the Year 1830; delivered.
-, - Education; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 11.
-, - Elections; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.
-, - Fisheries; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 26.
-, - Galway Elective Franchise; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 50.
-, - Gaols; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 14.
-, - Grand Jury Laws; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 111.
-, - Presentments; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 67.
-, - Headfort, Thomas Marquess of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.
-, - Improvement of, and against the Introduction of the Poor Laws; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 121.
-, - Insolvent Debtors Acts; Petition to extend to; Vide Petitions, No 27.
-, - Macdonald, Godfrey Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Committee to meet; Message to the Commons for Sir J. Macdonald to attend the Committee (Vide Message, No 5.). - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Military Account Office; Copy of Treasury Minute discontinuing the Salaries in, and granting Retired Allowances; delivered.
-, - Naturalization Act; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 3.
-, - Parish Offices; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 42.
-, - Poor In; Message for Reports on; Vide Message, No 1.
-, - Employment of; Petition respecting, Vide Petitions, No 47.
-, - Population; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Prisons; Ninth Report on the General State of; delivered.
-, - Registrar of Deeds and Conveyances; Treasury Minute, dated 17th December 1830, on the Office of; delivered.
-, - Richmond Lunatic Asylum; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Roads and Bridges; Sixth Report of Commissioners of; delivered.
-, - and Public Works; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 12.
-, - Shannon; Copy of the Report of Mr. J. Grantham, Engineer, to The Lord Lieutenant, dated 31st December 1822, concerning the Drainage of a Tract of Land by removing Obstructions in the; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, - Copy of a Memorial presented to The Lord Lieutenant, 30th May 1825, by the Earls of Clanricarde and Clancarty, on the same Subject; ordered. - Order discharged. - Vide Address, No 11.
-, - Slane, Barony of; Claim of Peerage; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Order discharged. - Committee to meet. - A Witness to attend to produce certain Documents.
-, - Stamp Duties; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 15. 16. 17.
-, - Subletting Act; A Bill to repeal the, and to substitute other Provisions in lieu thereof, presented by Lord Melbourne; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Order of the Day for the Second Reading, read.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 72. 73.
-, - Teignmouth, John Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - Committee to meet. - Lord Hill sworn at the Table to give Evidence. The Earl of Mayo sworn to give Evidence. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Tithes; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 7. to 11. - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 67. 75.
-, - Tobacco; Cultivation of, in; Message to the Commons for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 2.
-, - Growth Prohibition; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.
-, - Trade Between West Indies and; Petition for Protection of; Vide Petitions, No 120.
-, - Tyrconnel, John Delaval Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges; the Committee to meet, and several Witnesses to attend and produce Registers. - Witnesses to attend. - Message to the Commons for Sir R. Price, Baronet, and Sir R. T. Wilson, to attend Committee (Vide Message No 5.). - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Union with; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 15.
-, - Vestry Act; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 71. 73. 74.
-, - Vice Treasurer; Treasury Minute (30th November 1830) regulating the Office of; delivered.
-, - Waterford, John Earl of Shrewsbury and; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges.
-, - Wicklow, Drumkey and Kilpole Vicarages; Address respecting; Vide Address, No 9.
-, - Writs and Returns electing George Thomas John Marquess of Westmeath as Representative Peer for, in the Room of The Earl of Bandon deceased; delivered (on Oath).

Isherwood, John, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - A Witness to attend to give Evidence before the Judges. - Judges Report read (on Petition), and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed.

Jews, Petitions respecting the; Vide Petitions, Nos 3. 4.

Johnstone, John and Samuel, v. Darling; Answer brought in.-Hearing appointed.-Appeal withdrawn (on Petition).

Journals, Sub-Committee for perusing; Vide Committee, No 2.

Judges carry down the Regency Bill to the Commons.
-, - present at the Hearing or Consideration of Causes, Macdougall v. Purrier.-The Attorney General v. Winstanley, Writ of Error. - Warburton v. Loveland, Writ of Error (Ireland).
-, - Questions put to the, in The Attorney General v. Winstanley, Writ of Error. - Warburton v. Loveland, Writ of Error (Ireland).

Judgment and Execution; A Bill for the more speedy, in Actions brought in His Majesty's Courts of Law at Westminster, presented by Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, 111. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - To be read 3a.-3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. Returned agreed to, with an Amendment. - Amendment considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Justice, Administration of, Bill; Vide Administration.
-, - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 49.