
Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities 1550-1820. Originally published by University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, 2007.

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Nancy Cox, Karin Dannehl, 'Bibliography', in Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities 1550-1820(Wolverhampton, 2007), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

Nancy Cox, Karin Dannehl, 'Bibliography', in Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities 1550-1820(Wolverhampton, 2007), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

Nancy Cox, Karin Dannehl. "Bibliography". Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities 1550-1820. (Wolverhampton, 2007), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section


This is a list of bibliographic references to all works used in addition to the material provided by the Dictionary Archive. In the first column references appear in alphabetical order in the shortened form used in the articles, consisting usually of the author's surname followed by the date in round brackets. All works cited are included in this list, whether they are in conventional hard copy or on the web, whether published or in manuscript, and whether early-modern or recent. For example, 'Anon (1695)' is the short reference for 'Anon (1695), The Way to save Wealth, shewing how a Man may live plentifully for Two Pence a Day, printed and sold by G. Conyers, London [British Library in 'A Collection of four Tracts', piece number 1506/520, formerly 7074.b.42 (1-4)', and 'Amlwchdata (online)' for 'Amlwchdata, copyright © Neil Summers (2003), at Given that web references can be problematic in that they may move or disappear, they are usually given along with the date they were last accessed by the compilers. The editors stress that despite its uncertainties the web is a valuable source, which in its ephemeral nature is not entirely different from the often equally ephemeral primary sources available for the study of traded goods and commodities.


Accum (1820) Accum, Frederick (1820), A Treatise on Adulteration of Food and Culinary Poisons, exhibiting the fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spirituous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and other Articles employed in Domestic Economy. And Methods of detecting them, 2nd edition, sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London [1st edition published the same year]
Acton (n.d.) Acton, Eliza (n.d.), The People's Book of Modern Cookery with additional Chapters on Cooking for Children, Cooking for Invalids, and the Digestibility of different Foods, 35th edition revised and enlarged, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., London
Acworth (1987) Acworth, Margaretta (1987), Margaretta Acworth's Georgian Cookery Book, edited by Alice and Frank Prochaska, Pavilion Books in association with Michael Joseph, London
Adair (1790) Adair, J.M. (1790), Essays in Fashionable Disorders, Bateman, London
Agricola (1556, new ed. 1950) Agricola, Georgius (1556, new edition 1950), De Re Metallica, translated from the first Latin edition by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover, Dover Publications, New York
Alcock (1993) Alcock, N.W. (1993), People at Home: Living in a Warwickshire Village, 1500-1800, Phillimore, Chichester
Almond Board (online) The Almond Board of California, updated 2003, accessed 14 November 2006, at
Alpern (1995) Alpern, Stanley B. (1995), 'What Africans got for their slaves: a master list of European trade goods', History in Africa XXII
Americanrevolution (online) American Revolution (n.d.), accessed 9 November 2006
Amlwchdata (online) Amlwchdata, © Neil Summers (2003), accessed 14 November 2006 at:
Angerstein (2001) Angerstein, Reinhold Rücker (2001), R R Angerstein's Illustrated Travel Diary, 1753-1755: Industry in England and Wales from a Swedish Perspective, translated by Torsten and Peter Berg with an Introduction and Notes by Marion Palmer, Science Museum, London
Anon (1695) Anon (1695), The Way to save Wealth, shewing how a Man may live plentifully for Two Pence a Day, printed and sold by G. Conyers, London [British Library in 'A Collection of four Tracts', piece number 1506/520, formerly 7074.b.42 (1-4)] The 1697 edition was said to be by Thomas Tryon, the founder of the Tryonists
Anon (1695, facs. 1994) Anon (1695, facsimile 1994), The True Way of Preserving and Candying, and Making Several Sorts of Sweet-Meats, According to the Best and Truest Manner. Made Publick for the Benefit of all English Ladies and Gentlewomen; especially for my Scholars, printed for the Author, London, facsimile Jacksons, Ilkley
Anon (1696) Anon (1696), The Merchant's Ware-House Laid Open: or, the Plain Dealing Linen-Draper, Shewing how To Buy all Sorts of Linnen and Indian Goods: Wherein is Perfect and Plain Instructions for all sorts of Persons, that they may not be Deceived in an Sort of Linnen they want. Useful For Linnen Drapers, and their Country Chapmen, for Semstresses, and in General for all Persons whatsoever. Whereunto is added, the Art of cutting out Shifts, so that You may save a Quarter of an Ell, in cutting out one Shift, and yet cut it as long and as large, as Others shall out of a Quarter more. A Work never before Attempted. Dedicated to the Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark. By J.F., printed for John Sprint and Geo.Cony, London
Anon (1705) Anon (1705), The Whole Art of Dying In Two Parts: the First being an Experimental Discovery of all the most Useful Secrets in Dying Silk, Wool, Linnen and the Manufactures thereof as Practised in England, France, Spain, Holland and Germany. To which is Added, a Discourse of Pot and Weyd Ashes, as well as several other Foreign Ingredients used in Dying. Written originally in the German Language. The Second Part is a General Instruction for the Dying of Wools and Woollen Manufactures of all Colours; for the Culture of the Drugs used in the Tnictorial Art, as also for the Dying of Hats; Published by the especial Command of the present French King in that Language, and Illustrated with several Philosophical and Practical Annotations by the German Translator, both of which are Faithfully rendred into English from their Respective Originals, printed by William Pearson, London
Anon (1725) Anon (1725), An Essay on the Nature, Use and Abuse of Tea, in a Letter to a Lady, with an Account of its mechanical Operation upon Human Bodies, with an Attempt towards adjusting the Difference between Perspiration and Sweat, printed by Pressick Rider and Thomas Harbin, for Edward Hamilton, Dublin
Anon (1744, facs. 1983) Anon (1744, facsimile 1983), Adam's Luxury and Eve's Cookery; or The Kitchen-Garden display'd. In Two Parts. I. Shewing the best and most approved Methods of raising and bringing to the greatest Perfection, all the Products of the Kitchen-Garden; with a Kalendar shewing the different Products of each Month, and the Business proper to be done in it. II Containing a large Collection of Receipts for dressing all Sorts of Kitchen Stuff, so as to afford a great Variety of cheap, healthful, and palatable Dishes. To which is Added, The Physical Virtues of every Herb and Root. Designed for the Use of all who would live Cheap, and preserve their Health to old Age; particularly for Farmers and Tradesmen in the Country, who have but small Pieces of Garden Ground, and are willing to make the most of it, printed for R. Dodsley, London, facsimile edition, Prospect Books, London
Anon (1759) Anon (1759), London Fishery Laid Open: or the Arts of the Fishers and Fishmongers Set in a True Light, London, British Library, piece number 1029.e.28 and 103.i.4
Anon (1794) Anon (in fact David Steel) (1794), The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship, two volumes, printed for David Steel, London
Anon (1833) Anon (1833), Vegetable Substances: Materials of manufacture, published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Knowledge, in the Library of Entertaining Knowledge, Charles Knight, London
Anon (1908) Anon (1908), A Book of Simples, with an Introduction by H.W. Lewer, Sampson Low, Marston and Co., London The manuscript from which this was transcribed is in several hands and probably dates from the first half of the eighteenth century.
Anon (online 1999) Anon (1999), Fisheries, online page, updated 1999, accessed 14 November 2006, at:
Arlott (n.d.) Arlott, John (n.d.), English Cheeses of the South and West, G.G. Harrap in association with the English Country Cheese Council
Arnold (1977) Arnold, James (1977), Farm Waggons and Carts, David and Charles, Newton Abbot
Ashton (1948) Ashton, T.ES. (1948), The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830, The Home University Library of Modern Knowledge, Oxford University Press, London
Au Jardin (online) Au Jardin, Cherries, copyright © 1999-2005, accessed 21 November 2006, at:
Austen (1813) Austen, Jane (1813), Pride and Prejudice, by the author of 'Sense and Sensibility', three volumes, printed for T. Egerton, London
Badiarov (online) Paduan Ms, 'Ricette per far ogni sorte di colore, etc.', ca.1584, quoted in Badiarov, Dmitry (2001-3), Historical Varnishes and Polishes, online page accessed 14 November 2006 at
Bailey (1558, facs. 1972) Bailey, Walter (1558, facs. 1972)], A short Discourse of the three Kindes of Peppers in common Use, and certain special Medicines made of the same, tending to the Preservation of Health, [London?], facsimile Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam The facsimile is no. 425 in The English Experience: its record in early printed books published in facsimile
Baines (1985, new ed. 1998) Baines, Patricia (1985, new edition 1998), Flax and Linen, Shire Albums, Princes Risborough
Balassa (1988) Balassa, Iván (1988), Tokay Wines: Types and Production' in Alexander Fenton & Janken Myrdal (eds), Food and Drink and Travelling Accessories: Essays in Honour of Gosta Berg, John Donald Publishers, Edinburgh
Barker-Benfield (1992) Barker-Benfield, G.J. (1992), The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth Century Britain, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Barbot (1746) Barbot, John (1746), A description of the coasts of North and South Guinea, volume 5 in Awnsham and John Churchill, A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others translated out of foreign languages, and now first published in English: To which are added some few that have formerly appear'd in English, but do now for their excellency and scarceness deserve to be reprinted In six volumes. With a general preface, giving an account of the progress of navigation, from its first beginning to the perfection it is now in, &c. The whole illustrated with a great number of useful maps, and cuts, all engraven on copper, printed by assignment from Messrs Churchill, for John Walthoe etc., London
Barr (1988) Barr, Andrew (1988), Drink: A Social History, Pimlico, London
Barraclough (1984) Barraclough, K.C. (1984), Steelmaking before Bessemer. Volume 1. Blister Steel: the Birth of an Industry, The Metals Society, London
Barrell (1980) Barrell, John (1980), The Dark Side of the Landscape: the Rural Poor in English Painting, 1730-1840, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Barry (1932) Barry, T. Hedley (1932), Natural Varnish Resins, Ernest Benn, London
Beales (1997) Beales, Peter (1997), Classic Roses: an illustrated Encyclopaedia and grower's Manual of Old Roses, Shrub Roses and Climbers, first published 1985, now newly enlarged, updated and reillustrated, Harvill Press, London
Bean (1914-33, revised ed. 1976) Bean, W.J. (1914-33, revised edition 1976), Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, eighth edition revised, D.L. Clarke chief editor, John Murray, London
Beck (1886) Beck, S. William (1886), The Draper's Dictionary: a Manual of Textile Fabrics: their History and Applications, The Warehousemen & Draper's Journal Office, London
Berg (1999) Berg, Maxine (1999), 'New commodities, luxuries and their consumers', in Maxine Berg and Helen Clifford (eds), Consumers and Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe 1650-1850, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 63-82
Berg and Clifford (1999) Berg, Maxine and Helen Clifford (eds) (1999), Consumers and Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe, 1650-1850, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York
Bettey (1982) Bettey, J.H. (1982), 'The Production of Alum and Copperas in Southern England', Textile History, 13/1, 91-98
Bevan (1877) Bevan, G. Philip (ed.) (1877). British Manufacturing Industries: Tobacco, Hides and Leather, Guttapercha and Indiarubber. Fibres and Cordage, 2nd edition, Edward Stanford, London
Bexfield (online) Daniel Bexfield Antiques © 1997-2000, by Daniel Bexfield Antiques, accessed 14 November 2006, at:
Blanchard (1976) Blanchard, Ian (1976), 'English Lead and the International Bullion Crisis of the 1550s', in D.C. Coleman and A.H. John, Trade Government and Economy in pre-Industrial England; Essays presented to F.J. Fisher, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 21-44
Blome (1673) Blome, Richard (1673), Britannia, or a Geographical Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland ... illustrated with a Map of each County ..., Thomas Roycroft for R. Blome, London
Blount (1656, facs. 1972) Blount, Thomas (1656), Glossographia: or a Dictionary interpreting all such Hard Words, Whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, Teutonick, Belgick, British or Saxon, as are now used in our refined English Tongue. Also the Terms of Divinity, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, Heraldry, Anatomy, War, Musick, Architecture; and of several other Arts and Sciences explicated. With Etymologies, Definitions, and Historical Observations on the same. Very useful for all as desire to understand what they read, printed by Tho. Newcomb, London Facsimile no. 32 in Anglistica & Americana; a Series of Reprints selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Martin Spevack, George Olms, Verlag
Borsay (1989) Borsay, Peter (1989), The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town, 1660-1770, Clarendon Press, Oxford
Bossche (2001) Bossche, Willy van den (2001), Antique Glass Bottles; their History and Evolution (1550-1850), a Comprehensive Illustrated Guide with a World-wide Bibliography of Glass Bottles, Antique Collectors Club, Woodbridge
Boucher (1967) Boucher, F. (1967), 20.000 years of Fashion; the History of Costume and Personal Adornment, Harry N. Abrams, New York
Bradley (1725) Bradley, Richard (1725), Dictionaire oeconomique, or, the Family Dictionary. Containing the most experienced Methods of improving Estates and of preserving Health ... The most advantageous Ways of Breeding, Feeding and Ordering all Sorts of Domestick Animals, as Horses, Kine, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Bees, Silkworms, &c. The Different Kinds of Nets, Snares and Engines for taking all Sort of Fish, Birds, and other Game. Great Variety of Rules, Directions, and new Discoveries, relating to Gardening, Husbandry, Soils and Manures of all Sorts ... The best and cheapest Ways of Providing and Improving all Manner of Meats and Drinks ... Means of Making the most Advantage of the Manufactures of Soap, Starch, Spinning, Cotton, Thread, &c. The Methods to take or destroy Vermin and other Animals, injurious to Gardening, Husbandry, and all Rural Oeconomy ... An Account of the several Weights, Measures, &c. of Metals and Minerals, with their Preparations and Uses. All Sorts of Rural Sports and Exercices, conducing to the Benefit and innocent Enjoyment of Life ... the whole illustrated throughout with very great Variety of Figures, done into English from the second edition, lately printed at Paris, in two volumes, folio, written by M. Chomel: with considerable Alterations and Improvements. Revised and recommended by Mr. R. Bradley, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, and F.R.S., printed for D. Midwinter, London
Bradley (1728) Bradley, Richard (1728) Dictionarium Botanicum: or a Botanical Dictionary for the use of the Curious in Husbandry and Gardening, two volumes, printed for T. Woodward and J. Peele, London
Bradley (1736, facs. 1980) Bradley, Richard (1736, facsimile 1980), The Country Housewife and Lady's Director, in the Management of a House and the Delights and Profits of a Farm, containing Instruction for managing the Brew-House, and Malt Liquors in the Cellar; the making of Wine of all Sorts; Directions for the Dairy, in the Improvement of Butter and Cheese upon the Worst of Soils; the feeding and Making of Brawn; the Ordering of Fish, Fowl Herbs, Roots , and all other useful Branches belonging to a Country Seat, in the most elegant Manner for the Table; Practical Observations concerning Distilling, with the best Method of making Ketchup, and may other curious and durable Sauces; the Whole distributed in their proper Months, from the Beginning to the End of the Year. With particular Remarks relating to the Drying or Kilning of Saffron, sixth edition with additions, printed for D. Browne, London, facsimile with an Introduction, a Glossary and Notes, and Bibliography by Caroline Davidson, Prospect Books, London, [Parts I and II, first published in 1727 and 1732 respectively]
Bradley (1756, facs. 1996-8) Bradley, Mrs Martha (1756, facsimile 1996), The British Housewife: Or, The Cook, Housekeeper's, and Gardiner's Companion, Calculated for the Service both of London and the Country; And directing what is Necessary to be done in the Providing for, Conducting, and Managing a Family throughout the Year. Containing a general Account of fresh Provisions of all Kinds. Of the several foreign Articles for the Table, pickled or otherwise Preserved; and the different Kinds of Spices, Salts, Sugars, and other Ingredients used in Pickling and Preserving at Home: Shewing what each is, whence it was brought, and what are its Qualities and Uses. Together with the Nature of all Kinds of Foods, and the Method of Suiting them to different Constitutions; ... The Whole Embellished with a great Number of curious Copper Plates, shewing the Manner of Trussing all Kinds of Game, wild and tame Fowls, &c., as also the Order of setting out Tables for Dinners, Suppers, and Grand Entertainments, in a Method never before attempted; and by which even Those who cannot read will be able to instruct themselves. ... The Whole (which is deduc'd from Practice) compleating the careful Reader, from the Highest to the Lowest Degree, in every Article of English Housewifery, printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, London. Facsimile of Volume 1, January, with an Introduction by Gilly Lehmann, Prospects Books, London
Brears (1987) Brears, Peter (1987), Traditional Food in Yorkshire, John Donald Publishers, Edinburgh
Brewer (1870, 1907 ed.) Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham (1907 edition), Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words that tell a Tale, (first edition 1870), Cassell and Co., London
Brightman (1966) Brightman, Frank H. (1966), The Oxford Book of Flowerless Plants: Ferns, Fungi, Mosses and Liverworts, Lichens, and Seaweeds, illustrated by B.E.. Nicholson, Oxford University Press, London
Bristow (1996) Bristow, Ian C. (1996), Interior House-painting Colours and Technology, 1615-1840, printed for the Paul Mellon Centre for the Studies of British Art by Yale University Press, New Haven and London
Britannica (1769-71) Encyclopædia Britannica or, a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, compiled upon a new Plan. In which the different Sciences and Arts are digested into distinct Treatises or Systems: and the various Technical Terms &c. are explained as they occur in the order of the alphabet. Illustrated with one Hundred and sixty Copperplates, by a Society of Gentlemen in Scotland, in three volumes, printed for A. Bell and C. Macfarquhar, and sold by Colin Macfarquhar, Edinburgh (1769-71)
Brogan (online) Brogan, Nicole (online), History of Herbs and Medicine in the Middle Ages, on line edition accessed 01/09/2003 at Not available November 2006
Brongers (1964) Brongers, George A.(1964), Nicotiana tabacum; the History of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoking in the Netherlands, Theodorus Niemeyer, Groningen, Netherlands
Brooks (1983) Brooks, Catherine M. (1983), 'Aspects of the sugar refining industry from the 16th to the 19th Century' in Post Medieval Archaeology 17, 1-14
Brown (1995) Brown, Peter B. (1995), In Praise of Hot Liquors: The Study of Chocolate, Coffee and Tea-Drinking 1600-1850, York Civic Trust, York
Brunskill (1971, 1976 ed.) Brunskill, R.W. (1971), Illustrated Handbook of Vernacular Architecture, Faber and Faber, London, new edition by Readers Union, Newton Abbot (1976)
Burnby (1983) Burnby, Juanita G.L. (1983), A Study of the English Apothecary from 1660 to 1760, (Medical History Supplement no. 3) Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London
Burnett (1966, pb 1983) Burnett, John (1966 paperback 1983), Plenty and Want: A social History of Diet in England from 1815 to the Present Day, paper back edition, Methuen, London and New York
Burnett (1999) Burnett, John (1999), Liquid Pleasures: A Social History of Drinks in Modern Britain, Routledge, London and New York
Byng (1996) Byng, John (1996), Rides round Britain, by John Byng, Viscount Torrington, edited by Donald Adamson, Folio Society, London
Calvin News (online) Calvin News, © Calvin College 2006, accessed 9 November 2006, at:
Cambridge History, Pepys (online) The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907-21), VIII/X/13/'His blindness and the closing of the Diary'.. © 2005, accessed 9 November 2006, at:
Camporesi (1989) Camporesi, Piero (1989), Bread of Dreams: Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Europe, translated by David Gentilcore, Polity Press, Oxford
Capper (1957) Capper, K.R. (ed.) (1957), British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1954, third impression, Pharmaceutical Press, London
Cardiff (mss) Cardiff Central Library, MS 3.250/4
Carter (1730, facs. 1984) Carter, Charles (1730, facsimile1984), The Complete Practical Cook: or, A New System of the Whole Art and Mystery of Cookery. Being a Select Collection of About Five Hundred Recipes for Dressing, after the most Curious and Elegant Manner (as well Foreign as English) all Kinds of Flesh, Fish, Fowl, &c. As also Directions to make all Sorts of excellent Pottages and Soups, fine pastry, both sweet and savoury, delicate Puddings, exquisite sauces, and rich Jellies. With the best Rules for Preserving, Potting, Pickling, &c. Fitted for all Occasions: But more especially for the most Grand and Sumptuous Entertainments. Adorned with Sixty Curious Copper Plates; Exhibiting the full Seasons of the Year, and Tables proper for every Month; As also Variety of large Ovals and Rounds, and Ambogues and Square Tables for Coronation-Feasts, Instalments, & c. The Whole intirely New; And none of the Recipes every published in any Treatise of this Kind. Approved by divers of the Prime Nobility; And by several Masters of the Art and Mystery of Cookery, printed for W. Meadows, C. Rivington and R. Hett, London, facsimile edition, Prospect Books, London
Caulfield & Saward (1885, facs. 1989) Caulfield, Sophia F.A. and Blanche C. Saward (1885, facsimile1989), The Dictionary of Needlework: an Encyclopedia of Artistic, Plain and Fancy Needlework, illustrated with more than 800 Wood Engravings, facsimile edition of the second edition, Blaketon Hall, Exeter
Cell (1969) Cell, Gillian T. (1969), English Enterprise in Newfoundland 1577-1660, University of Toronto Press, Toronto
Chapman (1995) Chapman, Colin (1995), How Heavy, How Much and How Long: Weights and Money and other Measures used by our Ancestors, Lochin Publishing, Dursley
Chemistrystore online © 2005, accessed May 2006
Cherniawsky (online) Todd J. Cherniawsky, contribution to a discussion dated 1 April 1996 on the Index of Refraction, © Conny Joensson 1996, accessed 9 November 2006, at:
Chesterton (1984) Chesterton, R.J. (1984), English Glass, Allen and Unwin, London
Cheyne (1724, facs. n.d.) Cheyne, George (1724, facsimile. n.d.), Health and Long Life, printed for George Strahan, London, and J. Leake, bookseller at Bath, facsimile, Doddington Press, Doddington
Childs (online) Childs, P.E. (Summer 1993), 'Epsom Salts', reprinted from Chemistry in Action, 40, accessed 20 January 2004 at: Not available November 2006
Childs (1981) Childs, W.R. (1981) 'England's iron trade in the fifteenth century', Economic History Review, XXIV, 25-47
Chippendale (1762) Chippendale, Thomas (1762) The Gentleman and Cabinet-maker's Director: being a large collection of the most elegant and useful Designs of Household Furniture, in the most fashionable Taste: including a great Variety of Chairs ... and other Ornaments, to which is prefixed, a short Explanation of the five Orders of Architecture; with proper Directions for executing the most difficult Pieces ... the whole comprehended in two hundred Copper-plates ... calculated to improve and refine the present Taste, third edition, printed for the author, London
Cipolla (1974) Cipolla, Carlo M. (ed.) (1974), Fontana Economic History of Europe: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Fontana, London
Clarke (online) Clarke, John Henry A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry CLARKE, M.D, transcription copyright © Médi-T ® 2000, accessed 14 November 2006:]
Clifford (1999) Clifford, Helen (1999), 'A commerce with things: the value of precious metalwork in early modern England', in Maxine Berg and Helen Clifford (editors) (1999), Consumers and Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe, 1650-1850, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York
Cobbett (1821, pb 1978) Cobbett, William (1821, pb 1978), Cottage Economy: containing Information relative to the Brewing of Beer, Making of Bread, Keeping of Cows, Pigs, Bees, Ewes, Goats, Poultry, and Rabbits, relative to other Matters deemed useful in the Conducting of the Affairs of A Labourer's Family; to which are added, Instructions relative to the Selecting, the Cutting and the Bleaching of the Plants of English Grass and Grain, for the Purpose of Making Hats and Bonnets; and also Instructions for the Erecting and using Ice-houses, after the Virginian Manner, first published by C. Clement, London, paperback Harris Edwards Publications, Shrewsbury
Coffee History (online) History of Coffee, updated May 2004, accessed 14 November 2006
Coleman and John (1976) Coleman, D.C. and A.H. John (editors) (1976), Trade, Government and Economy in pre-Industrial England, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London
Coles (1676, facs. 1973) Coles, Elisha (1676), An English Dictionary explaining the difficult Terms that are used in Divinity, Husbandry, Physick, Philosophy, Law, Navigation, Mathematicks, and other Arts and Sciences. Containing many Thousands of Hard Words (and proper Names of Places) more than are in any other English Dictionary or Expositor. Together with the etymological Derivation of them from their proper Fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other Language. In a Method more comprehensive, than any that is extant. By E Coles, School-Master and Teacher of the Tongue to Foreigners, printed for Samuel Crouch, London Facsimile no. 76 in Anglistica &Americana; a Series of Reprints selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Martin Spevack, George Olms, Verlag
Collingwood and Woollams (1792) Collingwood, Francis and John Woollams (1792), The Universal Cook, and City and Country Housekeeper. Containing the various Branches of Cookery: the different Methods of Dressing Butchers Meat, Poultry, Game, and Fish; and of Preparing Gravies, Cullices, Soups and Broths; to dress Roots and Vegetables, and to prepare little elegant Dishes for Suppers or light Repasts: to make all Sorts of Pies, Puddings, Pancakes, and Fritters; Cakes, Puffs, and Biscuits; Cheesecakes, Tarts, and Custards, Creams and Jams; Blanc Mange, Flummery, elegant Ornaments, Jellies, and Syllabubs. The various Articles in Candying, Drying, Preserving, and Pickling, the Preparation of Hams, Tongues, Bacon, &c. Directions for Trussing Poultry, Carving and Marketing.. The Making and Management of Made Wines, Cordial Waters, and Malt Liquors. Together with Directions for Baking Bread, the Management of Poultry and Dairy, and Kitchen and Fruit Garden; with a Catalogue of the various Articles in Season in the different Months of the Year. Besides a Variety of useful and interesting Tables, the Whole embellished with the Heads of the Authors, Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year, and proper Subjects for the Improvement of the Arts of Carving, elegantly engraved on fourteen Copper Plates, by Francis Collingwood and John Woollams, Principal Cooks at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand, Late from the London Tavern, 2nd edition, printed by R. Noble for J. Scatcherd, London
Collins (1877) Collins, James (1877), 'Hides and Leather' in G. Philips Bevan (ed.). British Manufacturing Industries: Tobacco, Hides and Leather, Guttapercha and Indiarubber. Fibres and Cordage, 2nd edition, Edward Stanford, London, 33-68
Collins (1994) Collins, Brenda (1994), Flax to Fabric: the Story of Irish Linen, Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum, Lisburn
Columbia Encyclopedia (online) Columbia Encyclopedia (2003), 6th edition, Columbia University Press, New York:, online edition, © “005, accessed 14 November 2006, at:
Cox (1966, pb 1989) Cox, James Stevens (1966, paperback 1989), An Illustrated Dictionary of Hairdressing and Wigmaking: containing Words, Terms and Phrases (current and obsolete), dialectical, foreign, and technical, used in Britain and America pertaining to the Crafts of Hairdressing and Wigmaking : also Words derived from these Crafts having a wider Use, B.T. Batsford, London
Cox (1990) Cox, N.C. (1990), 'Imagination and Innovation of an Industrial Pioneer: the first Abraham Darby (with an Appendix on the Gloucester Coastal Port Books 1695-1725 by Nancy Cox and Peter Wakelin)', Industrial Archaeology Review, XII/2, 127-44
Cox (2000a) Cox, Nancy (2000), ' "A Flesh pott, or a Brasse pott or a pott to boile in": changes in metal and fuel technology in the early-modern period and the implications for cooking', in Moira Donald and Linda Hurcombe (eds), Gender and Material Culture in Historical Perspective, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 143-57
Cox (2000b) Cox, Nancy (2000), The Complete Tradesman: a Study of Retailing, 1550-1820, Ashgate, Aldershot
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The full title in the 1577 edition was: Joyfull Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde, wherein is declared the Rare and Singuler Vertue of Diverse and Sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones with their Applications, aswell for Physicke as Chirugerie, the saied beying well Applied bryngeth such Present Remedie for all Deseases, as maie seme altogether Incredible; notwith standyng by Practize founde out, to bee True: also the Portrature of the saied Hearbes, very aptly discribed: Englished by Jhon Frampton, Marchaunt
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[The original title page reads: Purchas his Pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the Historie of Man. Relating the Wonders of his Generation, Vanities in his Degeneration, Necessity of his Regeneration. Meditated on the Words of Dauid. Psal. 39.5. Verily, euery man at his best State is altogether Vanitie. Selah. By Samuel Purchas, Parson of S. Martins neere Ludgate, London: printed by W[illiam] S[tansby] for Henry Fetherstone, London]
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