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'International history', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
'International history', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
"International history". History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. , British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
In this section
Hermits, recluses and anchorites: a study of eremitism in England and France, c.1050-c.1250. Duff, Jacqueline F.G.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1250
Categories: Medieval
Images of Biblical dreams in England and northern France, c.1240-1375. Dumelow, Zoe L.J.
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Ayers, Tim; Nuechterlein, Jeanne
Chronological coverage: 1240–1375
Categories: Medieval
In search of solidarity: international solidarity work between Canada and South Africa, 1975-2010. Hope, Kofi
D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Williams, Gavin; Cheeseman, Nic
Chronological coverage: 1975–2010
In the hands of the Turk: British, Indian and Dominion prisoners from the ranks in the Ottoman empire, 1914-8. Brown, Patricia C.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Afflerbach, Holger H.W.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Miracula, saints' cults and socio-political landscapes: Bobbio, Conques and post-Carolingian society. Taylor, Faye
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, Claire; Balzaretti, Ross
Chronological coverage: 950–1050
Categories: Medieval
Peter Damian and 'the World': asceticism, reform and society in 11th-century Italy. Gledhill, Michael R.
Ph.D., King's College London. (Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.; Ferente, Serena
Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
Categories: Medieval
Satô and America: U.S.-Japanese political, military and diplomatic relations during the tenure of Satô Eisaku, prime minister of Japan, 1964-72. Hoey, Fintan
Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Downey, Declan
Chronological coverage: 1964–1972
Soviet policy in West Africa, 1957-64. Iandolo, Alessandro
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol. ; Int. Rel.). Supervised by Pravda, Alex; Deighton, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1957–1964
The ethos and practice of warfare in the high middle Ages c.1050-c.1250: a military, social and literary study. Bennett, Matthew
Ph.D., Northampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Catherine A.; Solokoff, Sally I.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1250
Categories: Medieval
Duse Mohamed Ali and the development of Pan-Africanism 1866-1945. Duffield, I.
Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Fyfe, C.H.
Studies in the history of pyrometry and related topics in the 18th and 19th centuries. Chaldecott, J.A.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Smeaton, W.A.
Categories: Science and technology
The history of metallic magnesium, 1808-90. Brown, E.G.
M. Sc., Salford.
Categories: Science and technology
The wartime inter-allied negotiations on the zonal division of Germany. Sharp, A.J.
Ph. D., Dundee. Supervised by Bartlett, C.J.
Problems of decomposition in the early 19th century. Coddington, Kathryn R.
M. Litt., lancaster. Supervised by Brooke, J.H.
Categories: Science and technology
The breakdown of public security: the case of Ireland, 1916-21, and Palestine, 1936-9. Bowden, T.A.
Ph. D., Manchester.
The early history of electro-magnetic telegraph instruments. Dawson, K.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hall, A.R.
Categories: Science and technology
The Straits questions, 1908-36. Macfie, A.L.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Dakin, D.
A comparitive study of the modernization of Muslim education in Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey since their national independence. Agha, G.N.S.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Holmes, B.
A history of nautical astronomical tables. Cotter, C.H.
Ph. D., London.
Categories: Science and technology
The conference of Lausanne, 1922-3. Yanoulopoulos, Y.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Dakin, D.
The development of the tribo-electric generator and associated measuring devices from Gilbert to Sir William Snow Harris. Hackmann, W.D.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Turner, G.L.E.
Categories: Science and technology
The rise of the national security state: anti-communism and the origins of the cold war. Yergin, D.H.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wilson, J.Q.
A history of the scientific investigation of limestone caves to 1900. Shaw, T.R.
Ph. D., Leicester. Supervised by Keller, A.G.; Ford, T.D.
Categories: Science and technology
Chemists, magicians and mechanists: the social origins of modern science. Woods, S.
M. A., Keele.
Categories: Science and technology
The development of microtechnique, with special reference to microtomy applied to histology in the 19th century. Bracegirdle, B.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Clarke, E.S.
Categories: Science and technology
The history of Pan-Africanism, with special reference to Marcus Garvey, Graveyism and Britain, 1887-1940. Miller, Patricia D.
M. Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Duffield, I.; Shepperson, G.A.
The international political system and imperial expansion: France, Britain and the United states, 1870-1913. Le B. Cooney, S.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Northedge, F.S.
The international politics of oil polution control, 1920-62. Pritchard, Sonia Z.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by James, A.M.
The role of the wet process in the growth of the pyrites industry. McIntyre, J.B.
Ph. D., Nottingham. Supervised by Coates, A.W.
Categories: Science and technology
A history of the development of the marine engine. Bisset, D.I.
M. Sc., Manchester.
Categories: Science and technology
The 19th-century revolution in optics: a case study in the interaction between philosophy of science and history and sociology of science. Worrall, J.
Ph.D., London.
Categories: Science and technology
The early history of radioactivity, 1896-1904. Sinclair, S.B.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hall, M.B.
Categories: Science and technology
The evolution of the electric computer. Mitchell, M.J.
M. Sc., Manchester.
Categories: Science and technology
The history of corrosion technology up to about the time of the First World War. Smith, C.A.
Ph. D., Open University. Supervised by Russell, C.A.
Categories: Science and technology
The origins, development and capitulation of steady-state cosmology: a sociological study of authority and conflict in science. Martin, B.R.
M. Sc., Manchester.
Categories: Science and technology
International law and the financial history of foreign state loans in the 18th and 19th century. Felter, P.G.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Collier, J.G.
Semi-conductors, 1833-1919: an historical study of selenium and some related materials. Hempstead, C.
Ph. D., Durham. Supervised by Knight, D.M.
Categories: Science and technology
The history and development of thermogravimetry. Keattch, C.J.
Ph. D., Salford.
Categories: Science and technology
An astronomical symbiosis: stellar evolution and spectral classification, 1860-1910. DeVorkin, D.H.
Ph. D., Leicester. Supervised by Meadows, A.J.
Categories: Science and technology
Debate on Yalta: Poland, the Far East and American domestic politics, 1944-55. Anelay, T.R.
Ph. D., Keele. Supervised by Adams, D.K.
Dividing the circle: the development of techniques of precision angular measurement in instrument-making and their relationship to the practice of astronomy, 1500-1850. Chapman, A.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Turner, G.L.E.
Categories: Science and technology
The development of instruments and apparatus for physical oceanography, 1800-1914. McConnell, Anita
Ph. D., Leicester. Supervised by Keller, A.G.
Categories: Science and technology
The oil companies and the British government, 1900-25. Jones, G.G.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Trebilcock, R.C.
A history of gas engines, 1791-1900. Barlow, K.A.
Ph.D., Manchester (UMIST).
Categories: Science and technology
A history of physiological optics, 1650-1800. Osborne, P.M.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hall, A.R.
Categories: Science and technology
The comparitive reception of scientific naturalism in Great Britain and the Arab world, 1860-1930. Hassani, A.M.
Ph. D., Leicester. Supervised by Brock, W.H.; Keller, A.G.
Categories: Science and technology
The East in Marxist thought, 1848-1924. Warlick, J.B.
M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Kindersley, R.K.
Arab military and commercial penetration of the Maghrib and its Sahara, the western Sudan and southern Europe during the 5th/11th century: a reinterpretation in the light of medieval Arabic sources. Al-Sheikhly, S.I.S.
Ph.D., Manchester.
The development and interchange of navigational information and technology between the maritime communities of Iberia, N. W. Europe and Asia, 1500-1620. Baldwin, R.C.D.
M. Litt., Durham. Supervised by Loades, D.M.
Categories: Science and technology
The development of the polarimeter in relation to problems in pure and applied chemistry: an aspect of 19th-century scientific instrumentation. Ward, R.
Ph. D., London.
Categories: Science and technology
The nature of set theory and topology. Hallett, M.F.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Zahar, E.G.; Bell, J.L.
Categories: Science and technology
A mathematical elucidation of the bases of Kepler's laws. Davis, Ann E.L.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hall, A.R.
Categories: Science and technology
Anglo-American diplomacy and the problem of the Berlin blockade. Bell, M.B.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.
Attempts to measure annual stellar parallax: Hooke to Bessel. Williams, Mari E.W.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hall, Marie B.
Categories: Science and technology
Borochovism: an early Marxist theory of the national question. Najenson, J.L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Barber, J.D.
British policy in Palestine after World War II: the Anglo-American committee of inquiry into the problems of European Jewry and Palestine, 1945-6. Nachmani, A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bullock, A.L.C.
From Bengal to British Guiana: the emigration of Indian indentured labour, 1854- 84. Mangru, B.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Ballhatchet, K.A.
Irish neutrality: the United Nations and the peace-keeping experience, 1945-69. MacQueen, N.J.D.
D.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Sharp, A.J.
Jewish diplomacy at war and peace: a study of Lucien Wolf, 1914-19. Levene, M.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kochan, L.E.
Land reform and populism in the Atlantic community, 1879-90: towards a comparative approach. Wood, J.D.
M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Jeffreys-Jones, R.
Middle East oil and Anglo-American relations, 1918-34. Venn, Fiona M.
Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Vincent, J.R.
North African immigration to the Paris region, 1946-75: the housing problem. White, A.W.J.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Ogden, P.E.
Portuguese trade and society in China and the S. China Sea, c.1630-1754. Souza, G.B.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Scammell, G.V.
The development of spectroscopy and its application to the constitution of the universe during the 19th century. Golightly, R.M.
M.Sc., Durham.
Categories: Science and technology
The early development of spectroscopy and astrophysics. James, F.A.J.L.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hall, Marie B.
Categories: Science and technology
The Irish factor in world Methodism in the 18th and 19th centuries. Taggart, N.W.
Ph.D., Belfast.
The Paris Peace Conference of 1919. O'Brien, B.D.
M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Hinsley, F.H.
The Rio Tinto Company, 1873-1954: an economic history of a leading international mining concern. Harvey, C.E.
Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Alford, B.W.E.
Britain, the dollar shortage and European integration, 1945-50. Newton, C.C.S.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Campbell, A.E.
Britain, the United States and Scandinavian security problems, 1945-9. Turner, H.
Ph.D., Aberdeen.
British and United States policy on Palestine after the Second World War. Jones, M.D.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kedourie, E.
Commonwealth collaboration in foreign affairs, 1939-47: the British perspective. Adams, Judith E.
Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Dilks, D.N.
Manpower and organizational problems in the expansion of the British and Commonwealth armies during the two World Wars. Perry, F.W.
Ph.D., London.
Mitrany's Functionalism, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the development of safeguards against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, 1945-75. Imber, M.F.
Ph.D., Southampton.
Soviet-Egyptian relations, 1945-70, with special reference to strategic and naval affairs. El-Hussini, M.M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Ranft, B.McL.
The bungalow, 1600-1980: a study of the cultural, social, political and economic factors in the production of a global house-type. King, A.D.
Ph.D., Brunel.
The history and development of nomography. Evesham, H.A.
Ph.D., London.
The ideology of anti-Zionism: 1881 to the present day. Stellman, H.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kedourie, E.
The neutrino and nuclear physics, 1930-40. Morton, A.Q.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Post, H.R.
Categories: Science and technology
Dreams to ashes: the negotiation and conclusion of the ANZUS Pact, 1947-52. Tyler, M.M.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by Garson, R.A.
Exposition and critique of Marxist theories of Fascism and National Socialism. Fletcher, R.E.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Pulzer, P.G.J.
The role of national defence in industrialization and in international trade conflicts in manufacturing, 1800-1980. Sen, G.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Desai, M.J.; Strange, Susan
The search for Western security: the creation and evolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1948-51. Pickett, N.C.
M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Dunbabin, J.P.D.
The Soviet Union, Comintern and the British labour movement, 1929-35. Evans, A.T.B.
M.Phil., Birmingham.
The United Nations' Relief and Works Agency UNRWA): the first decade, 1950-60. Lalor, P.G.
M.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Fraser, T.G.
`All things to all men'? Protestant missionary identification in theory and practice, 1860-1910, with special reference to the London Missionary Society in central Africa and central China. Bonk, J.J.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.P.
Britain, the United States and French Indochina, 1946-54. Griffiths, A.D.
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Lowe, P.C.
From friendship to hostility: Soviet-Israeli relations, 1947-53. Saffer, S.P.
M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Lowy, S.; Morison, J.D.
Long-term growth phases: long waves, long swings and traverses - a case study of Britain, France, Germany and America since c.1850. Solomou, S.N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Matthews, R.C.O.
The ether and super-powers, 1945-75. Dynes, M.E.
M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Knapp, W.F.
The United Nations and the apartheid question, 1945-64. Toase, F.H.
Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth).
Turkey in British foreign policy and strategy, with special reference to Turco- Soviet relations, 1935-41. Catherwood, C.M.S.
M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Hinsley, F.H.
Anglo-American relations and Western European economic integration, 1950-61: some political considerations. Kennedy, S.M.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Hayes, P.M.
Britain, the League of Nations and the problem of war, with reference to theories of evolution and progress. Williams, Alison M.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Robertson, E.M.
Christadelphianism: a study in doctrine and development. Lancaster, J.M.
M.Sc., Salford. Supervised by Gordon, M.C.
French attitudes and policies towards Islam in West Africa, c.1900-1940. Harrison, C.H.G.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.
Imperial `partnership': British colonial development and welfare policy, 1938-50. Parsons, G.N.
M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.
Latin America in the world revolution: the Communist International, 1919-43. Aguero, M.A. Caballero
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bethell, L.M.
Military aspects of French policy in Spanish America, 1871-1914. Klepak, H.P.
Ph.D., London.
The failure of quadripartite negotiations for economic reform and the blockade of Berlin: American policy, currency reform and the division of Germany, 1945-8. Neef, G.D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by James, H.
The Great Powers and the struggle over Austria, 1945-55. Kurth, Audrey E.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Roberts, E.A.
The limits of civil defence: the evolution of policies since 1945 in the United States, Switzerland, Britain and the Soviet Union. Vale, L.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bull, H.
The origins of the U.S.-Japan security treaty in 1951. Nishi, M.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Howard, M.E.
The Ottoman empire and the European Great Powers, 1884-7. Yasamee, F.A.K.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Heywood, C.J.
The professionalization of English dentistry in the 19th century, with comparative reference to France and the United States. Spero, Marlene E.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Burrage, M.C.
The role of Sir Roderick Murchison in promoting the geographical and geological exploration of the British empire and its sphere of influence, 1855-71. Stafford, R.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.
Vertical disintegration in the international petroleum industry, 1950-70. Robinson, D.G.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mabro, R.E.
Domestic analogy in proposals for world order, 1814-1945: the transfer of legal and political principles from the domestic to the international sphere in thought on international law and relations. Suganami, H.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Donelan, M.D.
Food aid and industrialization: an examination of the role and contribution of the United States surplus agricultural commodities to the economic development of the South Korean economy, 1945-75. Cathie, J.
Ph.D., Strathclyde.
Sir Evelyn Wrench and the English-Speaking Union, 1918-41. Sinha, Margaret J.
M.Phil., Lancaster. Supervised by Constantine, S.
The ideal of the self-governing church: an examination of the official policies of the Church Missionary Society in relation to the development of self-governing churches, with special reference to creating an independent native episcopate, c.1850-c.1910. Williams, C.P.
Ph.D., London.
The influence of an idea on foreign policy: the case of the domino theory in American foreign policy in Indo-China, 1945-56. Saravanamuttu, P.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Leifer, M.
The international dimensions of British West African policy, 1939-49. Kent, C.J.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hargreaves, J.D.
The Russo-Afghan boundary demarcation, 1884-95: Britain and the Russian threat to the security of India. Bali, Anila
D.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Fraser, T.G.
Three case studies in the development of the upper house of parliament in the Westminster model of government: the United Kingdom, 1866-74; Canada, 1867-78; and Australia, 1901-4. McHugh, J.T.
M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Martin, G.W.; Barron, T.J.
American efforts at banking reform in occupied Japan, 1945-52. Tsutsui, W.M.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Stockwin, J.A.A.
Britain and France in the Middle East: competing giants in decline [1918-26]. Donnelly, C.G.D.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. Supervised by Ward, J.T.
British policy on oil resources, 1936-51, with particular references to the defence of British-controlled oil in Mexico, Venezuela and Persia. Thynne, J.F.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Philip, G.D.E.
English and French approaches to personal laws in S. India, 1700-1850. Reyes, A.F.T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Stein, P.G.
Financial and manpower aspects of the Dominions' and India's contribution to Britain's war effort, 1914-19. Martin, G.W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
How the Anglo-American invasion of North Africa in 1942 was prepared and realized. Harouni, B.
Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Cook, A.E.
International financial crises during the reign of Philip II, 1556-98. Steele, M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Earle, P.
Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Colombia in letters written to his friend by Paul Erdman Isert Copenhagen, 1788): a translation with annotations. Winsnes, Selena A.
M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.
Migration and the international Catholic Goan community. Mascarenhas-Keyes, Stella V.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Caplan, L.
Moroccan policy towards the United States: a study of Moroccan society under the impact of western penetration, 1830-1912. Al-Harithi, T.A.
Ph.D., Exeter.
Multinational oil, Anglo-American defence policy and national security in the Persian Gulf, 1943-53. Holly, Susan K.
Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Venn, Fiona M.
Portuguese colonialism in Africa: the tradition of resistance in Guinea-Bissau, 1879-1959. Mendy, P.M.K.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hughes, A.
The conduct of the Korean war, 1950-3, with the emphasis on the civilian control over the military in the United States. Kim, S.N.
Ph.D., Aberdeen.
The French Confederation Generale du Travail and the International Secretariat of National Trade Union Centres 1900-14): French syndicalist attitudes towards internationalism and the international labour movement. Milner, S.E.
Ph.D., Aston.
The Genoa conference and Soviet-Western diplomacy, 1921-2. White, S.L.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kindersley, R.K.
The great debate: the decolonization issue at the United Nations, 1945-80. Burke, Catherine L.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Roberts, E.A.
The impact of sport on international relations, with special reference to the modern Olympic movement. Jacobson, L.B.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by James, A.M.
The influence and effect of German expressionist drama on theatrical practice in Britain and the U.S.A., 1910-40. Smith, R.J.B.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cave, R.A.
The Lebanese in Senegal: a history of the relationship between an immigrant community and its French and African rulers. Boumedouha, S.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.
The political dynamics of Indo-Soviet relations, 1930-77. Rai, S.S.
D.Phil., York.
The role of China in international relations: the impact of ideology on foreign policy, with special reference to Sino-African relations, 1949-86. Debeche, I.
D.Phil., York.
The Spanish question and the Cold War, 1944-55. Jones, R.B.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Polonsky, A.B.
The United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan UNMOGIP), 1948-65, with a postscript on the impact on UNMOGIP of the Indo-Pakistan war of 1971. Dawson, P.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by James, A.M.
U.S.-Algerian relations, 1954-80: balance between interest and principle. Belkheiri, A.
Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Smith, J.; Shaw, M.T.
U.S.-Egyptian relations from the 1952 revolution to the Suez crisis of 1956. Sayed-Ahmed, M.A. El-W.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.
Yugoslavia in Western Cold War policies, 1948-53. Heuser, D. Beatrice G.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kindersley, R.K.
A history of the world semiconductor industry. Morris, P.R.
M.Phil., Bath. Supervised by Buchanan, R.A.
Categories: Science and technology
Anglo-German commercial and financial rivalry in Brazil, 1900-29. Moller, C.H.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((City of London Polytechnic)). Supervised by Lewis, C.M.; Greenhill, R.G.
Arabic printing in Malta, 1825-45: its history and its place in the development of print culture in the Arab Middle East. Roper, G.J.
Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Sluglett, P.J.
Britain and the problem of a West German military contribution to NATO, 1950- 5. Saki Dockrill, Mrs.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Freedman, L.D.
Conservation and colonial expansion: a study of the evolution of environmental attitudes and conservation policies on St. Helena, Mauritius and in India, 1660-1860. Grove, R.H.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Supple, B.E.
European support for and opposition to closer union of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, with special reference to the period 1946-53. Ross, G.A.
M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Duffield, I.
Evangelism in transition: a comparative analysis of the work and theology of D.L. Moody and his proteges, Henry Drummond and R.A. Torrey. Toone, M.J.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Lovegrove, D.W.
Britain, the United States and the problem of Formosa, 1949-50. Roffey, W.J.
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Lowe, P.C.
Politics by economic means: contrasting attitudes to Soviet trade (U.S.A. and Germany), 1917-62. Seppain, Helene
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wiles, P.J.
Popular culture and troop morale in the British and Dominion forces, 1914-18. Fuller, J.G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Winter, J.M.
Prelude to trade: a re-assessment of Anglo-American trade and commercial relations with Soviet Russia, 1918-24. White, Christine A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Trebilcock, R.C.
The development of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel, 1952-75. Lavy, G.J.W.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Windsor, P.
The history of scientific publishing. Tatner, M.F.
M.Litt., Stirling.
Categories: Science and technology
The international trade cycle, 1885-96. Cha, M.S.
Ph.D., Warwick.
The New York Times and the Algerian revolution, 1956-62: an analysis of a major newspaper's reporting of events. Barkaoui, M.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Adams, D.K.
U.S. military and economic assistance to Pakistan, 1953-83. Oike, A.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Dunbabin, J.P.D.
Years of fear and hope: the issue of arms control and disarmament in Soviet- American relations, 1957-60. Parsons, D.J.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by Garson, R.A.
A comparative study of nationalist expressions of the Algerian community under French domination 1919-51) and the Black community in the U.S.A. during the 1960s (1960-70). Laraba, M.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.A.
Anglo-American naval relations in the Pacific, 1937-41. Cowman, I.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dockrill, M.L.
Anglo-French colonial co-operation, principally in West African affairs, 1943-54. de Brabant, C.P.A.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.
Belgium, the United Nations and the colonial question, 1945-55: a study in international relations. Lwanwa, C.L.P.
Ph.D., Sussex.
British and American policy with regard to Greece, 1943-7: the transition from British to American patronage. Frazier, R.L.
Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Spring, D.W.
Changing courses: Britain, America and Yugoslavia, 1945-9. Fitzgerald, J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wheeler, M.C.
Land expropriation and assimilation: a comparative study of French policy in Algeria and federal Indian policy in the United States during the 19th century. Osmane, Rahima K.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Crawford, M.S.
Roots of domination and dependency: British reaction to the development of Omani commerce at Muscat and Zanzibar in the 19th century. Bhacker, M.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wilkinson, J.C.
The British political elite and the ending of empire: safeguarding British interests with special reference to 1945-63). Moussavizadeh, A.-R.
M.Phil., Wales (Aberystwyth).
The domestic and international political aspects of the development of British merchant shipping, 1940-50. Papadopoulos, P.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Watt, D.C.
The history of protecting pedestrians and residents from the effects of wheeled and motor traffic, with special reference to Britain, Germany and the United States. Hass-Klau, C.H.M.
Ph.D., Reading.
The international refugee regime and the refugee problem in inter-war Europe, 1919-39. Skran, Claudena M.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Vincent, R.J.
The Port Hamilton affair and Russo-British rivalry in the Far East, 1876-1905. Kim, Hyun-Soo
Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Gillard, D.R.; Robbins, K.G.
The Royal Air Force and imperial policing, 1919-39. Omissi, D.E.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dockrill, M.L.
The special relationship and post-war British policy towards Germany. Croft, S.J.
Ph.D., Southampton.
United States, Great Britain and Greece, 1949-52: the problem of Greek security and internal stability. Stefanidis, I.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Sked, A.
Australia, S.E. Asia and the Cold War, 1948-54. Lowe, D.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Low, D.A.
Best intentions: contact between German Pietists and Anglo-American Evangelicals, 1945-54. Kennedy, R.L.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.
Britain, the Commonwealth and the ANZUS Treaty, 1950-2. Demain, D.J.
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Lowe, P.C.
British military policy in Egypt and Palestine, August 1914-June 1917. Newell, J.Q.C.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bond, B.J.
Evangelism and the World Council of Churches, 1954-84. Lumley, J.B.
M.Phil., Manchester.
Indians in British Guiana, 1919-29: a study in effort and achievement. Shiwcharan, C.T.
Ph.D., Warwick.
Metal-workers and the origins of the Cold War: the international labour movement, 1945-7. MacShane, J.D.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Pimlott, B.J.
Political influences on the effectiveness of the World Health Organization, 1948- 85: the issues of universality of membership, decentralization, malaria eradication and essential drugs. Siddiqi, J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Symonds, R.; Kingsbury, B.W.
Regionalism and the Allied debate on post-war world and European organization, 1940-5. Gyallay-Pap, P.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Stern, G.H.
Soviet-Japanese normalization talks, 1955-6, with special reference to the attitude of Britain. Tanaka, T.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nish, I.H.
`The apple of discord': the impact of the Levant on Anglo-French relations during 1943. Evans, K. Elizabeth
Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Dilks, D.N.
The Arab Gulf countries in Egyptian strategy: a study of Muhammed Ali's ambitions and British responses, 1818-40. Al-Ghamdi, H.M.
Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Stanwood, F.J.
The development of aviation, 1903-14: the Wright brothers to the First World War. Driver, H.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hayes, P.M.; Howard, M.E.
The history of external sovereign debt: an international relations perspective. Lieberman, Ira W.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Tsoukalis, L.
The international implications of the Greek civil war: the interaction of domestic and external forces, 1946-9. Economides, S.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Windsor, P.
The significance of `Ostindien' in the evolution of German colonial thought, 1840-85. Boske, T.R.M.
Ph.D., Wales. Supervised by Chamberlain, Muriel E.
The Sultanate of Muscat and the United States: a study of mutual co-operation between Sultan Said and the American merchants. Al-Khudhairi, M.S.
Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Venn, Fiona M.
Turkish-Balkan relations in the light of the Balkan entente, 1930-4. Turkes, M.
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Yasamee, F.A.K.
A Chinese exploration of Sino-Soviet relations since the death of Stalin, 1953-89. Zhu, J.
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1989
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and China; China, and the U.S.S.R.
Anglo-American tensions over the Chinese offshore islands, 1954-8. Steele, Tracy L.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Nish, I.H.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1958
British management of the sterling area, 1950-8. Schenk, Catherine R.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Milward, A.S.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1958
China and the Middle East, 1950-88: a changing framework of relations. Calabrese, John
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Rel.). Supervised by Windsor, P.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1988
Divided we stand: the Suez crisis of 1956 and the Anglo-American `alliance'. Lucas, W. Scott
Ph.D., London. (William). Supervised by Watt, D.C.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1956
Dutch policy towards Islam in Indonesia 1945-9. Goksoy, Ismail H.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S.E. Asia). Supervised by Smith, R.B.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Economic and political aspects of the relations between Brazil and the African continent, 1945-85. Saraiva, Jose F.S.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1985
Foredoomed to failure: the re-settlement of British ex-servicemen in the Dominions, 1914-30. Fedorowich, Edward K.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Boyce, R.W.D.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1930
'Fortunes à faire': the French in Asian trade, 1719-48. Manning, Catherine M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Marshall, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1719–1748
Indefeasible state sovereignty, the international community and attempts to abrogate war, from the Congress of Vienna to the establishment of the League of Nations. Ryan, Alan M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Langhorne, R.T.B.
Chronological coverage: 1814–1919
Informal empire and containment on the periphery: the N. Atlantic triangle and continental E. Asia, 1949-54. Lee, Steven H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Shlaim, A.
Chronological coverage: 1949–1954
The Anglo-American press and the sensationalization of the Arctic, 1855-1910. Riffenburgh, Bruce A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Scott Polar). Supervised by Holland, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1855–1910
The British Foreign Office, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and the displaced persons problem in British-occupied Europe, 1944-7. Best, Sylvia R.M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, D.C.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1947
The effect of international law and international institutions on the place of war in society in the 20th century. Jones, E.E.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Lyall, F.; Lentin, A.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: International law; War
The Foreign Office and international sport, 1918-48. Polley, Martin R.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Smith, M.S.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1948
The fourth International, 1923-53. Driver, Ian D.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Thames Poly.). Supervised by Duke, F.; Lindop, F.J.
Chronological coverage: 1923–1953
The Russian advance in Central Asia and the British response, 1834-84. Tealakh, Gali O.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Sweet, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1834–1884
The Soviet Union and Egypt, 1947-55. Ginat, Rami
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Kedourie, E.
Chronological coverage: 1947–1955
The tax-seeking state: protectionism, taxation and state structures in Germany, Russia, Britain and America, 1870-1914. Hobson, John M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc.). Supervised by Cohen, P.S.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
The United Nations' role in nuclear disarmament. Bourantonis, Demetrios
Ph.D., Reading. (Pol.). Supervised by Jones, P.M.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
The World Economic Conference, 1933: the economic diplomacy of Britain, the United States, Germany and France in the Great Depression. Clavin, Patricia M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Overy, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1933
Unequal partners: Great Britain, the U.S.A. and the British occupation of Germany, 1945-9. Thorpe, Keir M.
M.A., East Anglia. (Eur. Hist.). Supervised by Farr, I.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1949
A description of the trade in readers for children by Longman's to British India and by Thomas Nelson to the British West Indies, 1900-39. Kublalsingh, Wayne B.D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Eagleton, T.F.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Thomas Nelson, publishers; Longman's, publishers; British West Indies; Books, for children; India
Britain, Germany and the Cold War, 1951-5. Shepherd, Gregory M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Shlaim, A.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1955
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Germany; Germany; Cold War
British strategy and Anglo-American relations in the Middle East, Jan. 1955 - March 1959. Ashton, Nicholas J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1959
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.
Cultural transmission between Roman Egypt and western India. Fynes, Richard C.C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.; Gombrich, R.F.
Chronological coverage: -30–630
Index terms: India, and Egypt; Egypt, and India; Egypt, Roman
Iranian resistance to Soviet pressure: Irano-Soviet relations, 1941-7. Geranmayeh Rad, M. Ali
Ph.D., London. (S.S.E.E.S.). Supervised by Hanak, H.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1947
Index terms: Iran, and the U.S.S.R.; U.S.S.R., and Iran
Italy in Great Power relations, 1943-9, with special reference to the U.S. and the U.K. Favorite, Michele J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Smith, D. Mack
Chronological coverage: 1943–1949
Index terms: United States of America; Italy
Lobbying the League: women's international organizations and the League of Nations. Miller, Carol A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: League of Nations; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; 20th Century
Norway in United States strategy, 1954-60. Berdal, Mats R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by O'Neill, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1960
Index terms: United States of America; Norway
Nuclear sharing within NATO and Britain's approach: the strategy for short-range nuclear weapons in the 1950s. Kikuyama, Kaoru
M.Phil., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1950–1960
Index terms: NATO, see North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Nuclear weapons; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Defence policy
Some contributions to the history of analytical chemistry. Burns, D.T.
M.A., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1900
Index terms: Chemistry, analytical
Categories: Science and technology
The British empire and the civic tradition, 1656-1742. Armitage, David R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Luckett, R.
Chronological coverage: 1656–1742
Index terms: Civic tradition; British empire
The history and presentation of leukaemia, 1845-1960. Piller, Gordon J.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Bynum, W.F.; Coley, N.G.
Chronological coverage: 1845–1960
Index terms: Leukaemia; Medicine
Categories: Science and technology
The Middle East in China's united front calculations, 1957-8. Biel, Robert A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
Chronological coverage: 1957–1958
Index terms: China, and Middle East; Middle East
The politics of command: Britain, the United States and the war in the Mediterranean, 1942-4. Jones, Matthew C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Parker, R.A.C.
Chronological coverage: 1942–1944
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Mediterranean Sea
A comparative study of the Jerusalem (1928) and Tambaram (1938) international missionary conferences. Mitchell, Ronald A.
M.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, H.S.
Chronological coverage: 1928–1938
Index terms: Tambaram conference (1938); Missions, Christian; Jerusalem conference (1928)
France's `crise coloniale' and the breakdown of policy-making in Indochina, 1944-7. Shipway, Martin J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Wright, V.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1947
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, French, in Indochina; France; Indochina
Ideology in the labour process: a study of the Americanization movement. Green, Marci R.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Benson, J.; Reinders, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Americanization, in the labour process
Internationalism and officialdom in the British labour movement: Labour's attitude towards European socialism, 1918-39, with special reference to the role of the international secretary of the Labour party. Collette, Christine F.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Treadwell, V.W.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1956
Index terms: Labour party; Socialists, Socialism; Labour movement; Internationalism
The development of bookbinding structures in the early middle ages, during the period 3rd - 9th/10th centuries, as evidenced by extant binding structure from Egypt and Western Europe. Marshall, Vanessa C.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 200–1000
Index terms: Bookbinding, in Egypt and western Europe; Egypt
The Greek state and the international financial community, 1922-32: demystifying the `foreign factor'. Pepelasis Minoglou, Ioanna S.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, C.M.
Chronological coverage: 1922–1932
Index terms: Economic policy, Greek; Financial community, international; Greece
The interaction of event and opinion during the Franco-Algerian war, 1954-62. Le Poidevin, John
M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Rees, T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1962
Index terms: France, and Algeria; Franco-Algerian war (1954-62); Algeria, and France
The political economy of north-south relations: Japan's relations with Nigeria, 1960-85. Chife, Aloy C.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Rel.). Supervised by Leifer, M.; Mayall, B.L.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1985
Index terms: Nigeria, and Japan; Japan, and Nigeria
The United States and the occupation of Japan. Davies, Clifford
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by MacDonald, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1947
Index terms: United States of America, and Japan; Japan, and the U.S.A.
The zone of international administration of Tangier, 1923-35. Spencer, Claire C.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Pol. Stud.). Supervised by Tripp, C.R.H.
Chronological coverage: 1923–1935
Index terms: Tangier, Morocco
A history of copyright law, 1474-1911: from printing press to record press. Robinson, A.J.K.
M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
Chronological coverage: 1474–1911
Index terms: Copyright law
American perceptions of Soviet economic and military power, 1921-46. Leshuk, Leonard G.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1921–1946
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; United States of America; Army, Soviet
An enlightened physicist: Alessandro Volta and electricity, 1745-1827. Pancaldi, Giuliano
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Robert
Chronological coverage: 1765–1827
Index terms: Electricity; Volta, Alessandro (1745-1827); Physics
Categories: Science and technology
Anglo-American relations in the Persian Gulf, 1941-7. Davis, Neil S.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, J.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1947
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Persian Gulf; United States of America, and Britain
Anglo-Canadian relations and the Geneva conference on Indo-China, 1954. Broadhead, Lee-Anne
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Thornton, M.; Dilks, D.N.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1954
Index terms: Canada, and Britain; Geneva conference (1954); Commonwealth relations, with Canada; Indo-China
Anglo-Soviet relations and Turkey, 1918-23. Gokay, Bulent
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Langhorne, R.T.B.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1923
Index terms: Turkey; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.S.R.
Article 2 and the non-military development of NATO, 1948-57, with special reference to Canada. Milloy, John C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Dunbabin, J.P.D.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1957
Index terms: North Atlantic Treaty Organization; NATO; Canada
French resistance to the Algerian war: an oral history of motivations. Evans, Martin J.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Kedward, H.R.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1960
Index terms: France, and Algeria; Algeria
`Good and bad Communists': Australian attitudes and policies towards the Soviet Union, 1939-49. Ashcroft, Miles R.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Lyon, P.H.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1949
Index terms: Australia, and the U.S.S.R.; Communists, Communism; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; World War II (1939-45)
Le Monde on the Algerian war under the Fourth Republic: a study of the newspaper's coverage, 1944-58. Khane, Mahamed
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Fortescue, W.A.I.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1958
Index terms: Le Monde; France; Algeria; Press, newspaper, in France
Medicine, race and gender: an examination of medical theory and practice in the late 19th century. Collinson, Susan R.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Pol.). Supervised by Solomos, J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1900
Index terms: Medical theory; Gender; Race; Medicine
Categories: Science and technology
Misunderstanding and mistranslation in the origins of the Pacific War of 1941-5: the importance of `magic'. Komatsu, Keiichiro
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Knapp, W.F.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1941
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Pacific War (1941-5)
Photography, geography and British imperialism, 1840-1914. Ryan, James R.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, F.F
Chronological coverage: 1840–1914
Index terms: Imperialism; Empire, British; Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Photography; Geography
Race relations between Japan and the West, 1895-1925. Jenoff, Pam R.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Langhorne, R.T.B.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1925
Index terms: Japan, and the West; Race relations
Remedies for the empire: the 18th-century Spanish botanical expeditions to the New World. Nieto Olarte, Mauricio
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Second, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: New World; Botany; Spain; Botanical expeditions, Spanish; Expeditions, scientific, Spanish
Categories: Science and technology
Swinging the club: relations between the United States and the British Commonwealth in the economic transition from war to peace, 1943-8. Norman, Nicholas W.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Lyon, Peter H.
Chronological coverage: 1943–1948
Index terms: Commonwealth, British, and the U.S.A.; Commonwealth, British, see also Empire; United States of America, and the British Commonwealth; World War II (1939-45)
The development and objectives of German southern African policy, 1893-9. Seligmann, Matthew S.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Röhl, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1893–1899
Index terms: Germany, and southern Africa; Africa, southern
The Egyptian question, 1831-41: the expansionist policy of Mehmet Ali Pasa of Egypt in Syria and Anatolia, and the reaction of the Ottoman government. Kutluoglu, Mohammed H.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Yasamee, F.A.K.
Chronological coverage: 1831–1841
Index terms: Ottoman empire, and Egypt; Egypt, and Ottoman empire; Syria; Mehmet Ali (c.1769-1849); Anatolia
The evolution of the Peruvian oil business and its place in the international petroleum industry, 1880-1950. Myers, David F.C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, C.H.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1950
Index terms: Petroleum industry, international; Peru; Oil business, in Peru
The history and development of aircraft instruments, 1909-19. Bradley, John K.
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Smith, N.A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1909–1914
Index terms: Aircraft instruments
Categories: Science and technology
The machinery of government and the formulation of British colonial policy, 1945-51. Finlayson, John M.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Whiting, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration
The Soviet Union and the United States military presence in Europe, 1943-56. Kennedy, Caroline M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by O'Neill, R.J.; Kindersley, R.K.
Chronological coverage: 1943–1956
Index terms: United States of America; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Army, U.S.; Europe
The superpowers and the Arab regional sub-system, 1955-67. Gerges, Fawaz A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Shlaim, A.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1967
Index terms: Arab regional sub-system; Superpowers
The `thaw' in East-West relations in 1955, with special reference to Europe. Hara, Timoko
M.Phil., Dundee. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, C.J.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1955
Index terms: International relations; Europe
Trade between the Turks and the Genoese, 1300-1453. Fleet, Katherine H.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Chrysostomides, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1300–1453
Index terms: Genoa, Italy; Trade, of Turks; Trade, of Genoa; Turks
Turkey's involvement in Western defence initiatives in the Middle East in the 1950s. Ersoy, Hamit
Ph.D., Durham. (Mid. E. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1950–1960
Index terms: Defence, in the Middle East; Middle East; Turkey
Turkey's relationship with the United States, 1960-75. Uslu, Nasuh
Ph.D., Durham. (Mid. E. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1960–1975
Index terms: Turkey, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Turkey
U.S. policy towards South Africa, c.1960-c.1990: from political realism to moral engagement. Mangi, Lutfullah
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Pol. Stud.). Supervised by Young, T.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1990
Index terms: United States of America; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; South Africa
Anglo-American negotiations, 1938-44: strategy and the road to ANVIL. Weiss, Steve
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Michael L.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1944
Index terms: Strategy, see Military policy and...; World War II (1939-45); France; Anvil operation (1944); Military policy and strategy, Allied
Britain, India and the genesis of the Colombo plan, 1945-51. Charrier, Philip J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Low, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: India, and Britain; Foreign relations, with India; Colombo plan (1951)
Britain, the United States and the question of the Italian colonies, 1940-52. Kelly, Saul M.B.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, D.C.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1952
Index terms: Italy; Foreign relations, with Italy; Colonies, Italian; International relations; United States of America
Changing concepts of euthanasia. Levine, Sarah L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1995
Index terms: Euthanasia
Civil military relations: comparative analysis of military interventions in post-war Turkey and Greece. Karabelias, Gerasimos
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Near & Mid. E.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Civil-military relations, in Turkey; Army, in Greece; Army, in Turkey; Greece; Turkey; Civil-military relations, in Greece
Greece and the Arab Middle East: the Greek Orthodox communities in Egypt, Palestine and Syria (1919-40). Roussos, Sotirios
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Burrell, R.M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1940
Index terms: Greece, and Arab Middle East; Greek Orthodox Church, in Egypt, Palestine and Syria; Middle East; Egypt; Palestine
Imperial environmentalism: the agendas and ideologies of natural resource management in British colonial forestry, 1800-1950. Rajan, Soundararajan R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1950
Index terms: Environmentalism; Natural resource management; Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Forestry, in British colonies
Israel and the Great Powers, 1948-53. Ash, Toby S.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Shlaim, A.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1953
Index terms: Israel, and the Great Powers
Maintaining the Mandate: French political strategy in Syria, 1927-36. Shambrook, Peter A.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Musallam, B.F.
Chronological coverage: 1927–1936
Index terms: Mandate, in Syria; Syria; France, and Syria
Sympathy or strategy? President Harry S. Truman's decision to recognize the State of Israel, May 1948. Benson, Michael T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lucas, N.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1948
Index terms: Israel; Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972), president of the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
The Commonwealth, the United States and international trade negotiations, 1942-8. McKenzie, Fiona A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.
Chronological coverage: 1942–1948
Index terms: Trade, international; United States of America, and the British Commonwealth; Commonwealth, British, and the U.S.A.
The concept of imperial trusteeship. Main, Penelope S.J.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1939
The forgotten partner: Canada's relations with the European Community, 1958-93. Potter, Evan H.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Rel.). Supervised by Hodges, M.R.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1993
Index terms: European Community, and Canada; Canada, and the European Community
The idea of the `concert' in diplomatic practice between 1878 and 1900. Odubena, Samuel A.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Evans, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1878–1900
Index terms: `Concert', in diplomacy; Diplomats, Diplomacy
The promise of alliance: conceptions of NATO, 1948-94. Thomas, I.Q.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Neild, R.R.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1994
Index terms: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
The racial equality proposal at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference: Japanese motivations and Anglo-American responses. Shimazu, Naoko
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Darwin, J.G.; Hurrell, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1919
Index terms: Paris Peace Conference (1919); Racial equality; Japan
The United Nations in the political evolution of Cameroon from trusteeship to reunification, 1946-61. Pungong, Victor P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicol, D.
Chronological coverage: 1946–1961
Index terms: Cameroon; United Nations
The United States, Britain and Turkey's search for security, 1945-52. Athanassopoulou, Ekavi
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Hale, W.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1952
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Turkey; International relations; United States of America; Turkey; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.
The value of travellers' accounts of Cairo and Istanbul in the 16th century. Smithson, Daniel P.R.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Travellers, in Egypt and Turkey; Turkey; Istanbul, Turkey; Egypt; Cairo, Egypt
Thinking imperially? Imperial pressure groups and the idea of empire in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Thompson, Andrew S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1911
Index terms: Empire, British
Tourism, pilgrimage and the commemoration of the Great War in Great Britain, Australia and Canada, 1919-39. Lloyd, David W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Winter, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Australia; Canada; World War I (1914-18), commemoration of; Tourism; Pilgrimage
United States policy towards decolonization in Asia, 1945-50. Pallesen, Edward S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Shlaim, A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1950
Index terms: United States of America; Decolonization, in Asia; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Asia
An analysis of United States' security policy towards a Third World state during the Cold War era: a case study of U.S.-Iran relations. Yoo, H.S.
Ph.D., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1975
Index terms: Security policy, of the U.S.A.; Iran, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Iran; Cold War; Third World
Anglo-American relations and the attempts to settle the Korean question, 1953-60. Kim, Heesu
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C. John
Chronological coverage: 1953–1960
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Korea; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Korean question (1953-60)
Britain and the problem of international disarmament, 1919-34. Kitching, Carolyn J.
Ph.D., Teesside. (Hum. Stud.). Supervised by Richardson, Richard C.; Dilks, David N.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1934
Index terms: Disarmament
British and American policy toward France, 1958-63. Van Houten, Christopher S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrew, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1963
Index terms: United States of America; Foreign policy; France
British mass media coverage of the late colonial wars in Cyprus and Kenya in the 1950s. Jennings, Paul D.T.L.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Stead, Peter P.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1963
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Kenya; Kenya; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Cyprus; Cyprus; Media; War, in Cyprus; War, in Kenya
Changes in the concept of security since World War II among Western international theorists. Cobb, Adam C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hinsley, Harry
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Security, concept of
Forging hegemonic consensus: America, France and the making of the post-war order, 1945-54. Patrick, Stewart M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Walter, A.R.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1954
Index terms: United States of America; France
French policy towards the Unionist regime in the Ottoman empire, 1908-1914. Harrison, James
Ph.D., Manchester. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Yasamee, Feroz A.K.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1914
Great Britain, Germany and the Chinese question, 1897-1902. Otte, Thomas G.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1897–1902
Index terms: China; Foreign relations, with Germany; Germany, and Britain
Great Britain, the United States and the Western alliance: Anglo-American reactions to de Gaulle's NATO policy, 1960-3. Pagedas, Constantine A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Michael L.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1963
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Gaulle, Charles de (1890-1970), French general and president; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; NATO; France
How important were the intelligence activities of the Mediterranean powers in the 16th century?. Naito, Keiko
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Intelligence activities, of Mediterranean powers; Mediterranean Sea
International Calvinism and the Reformed Church of Hungary and Transylvania between 1613 and 1658. Murdock, Graeme N.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Evans, Robert J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1613–1658
Index terms: Reformed Church, of Hungary and Transylvania; Transylvania; Hungary; Calvinists, Calvinism
International health and nutrition in the 20th century. Ruxin, Joshua
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: Nutrition, international; Health, international
International relations between the United States and Spain, 1945-53: economics, ideology and compromise. Liedtke, Boris N.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Preston, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1945–1953
'Over there', 1944-5 - Americans in the Liberation of France: their perceptions of and relations with France and the French. Thomson, Andrew A.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Welch, David A.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1945
Index terms: Americans, and French; United States of America; France; World War II (1939-45); French, and Americans
Pseudo operations: the use by British and American armed forces of deception in counter-insurgencies, 1945-73. Melshen, P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, G.L.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1973
Index terms: United States of America; Army, U.S.; Army; Insurgencies
Real estate advisory services: growth and competition in Japan, Europe and the United States, 1960-90. Lapier, Terrence W.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hannah, Leslie
Chronological coverage: 1960–1990
Index terms: Japan; Real estate, in Japan, Europe and the U.S.A.; United States of America
Tethered falcon: the South Korean Air Force, 1946-56. So, Chintae
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Saki
Chronological coverage: 1946–1956
Index terms: Air force, of South Korea; Defence, of South Korea; Korea, South
The Baghdad Pact and Anglo-American defence policies in the Middle East, 1955-9. Yesilbursa, Behcet
Ph.D., Manchester. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Yasamee, Feroz A.K.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1959
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Baghdad Pact (1955); United States of America, and Britain; Defence policy; Middle East
The Foreign Office and policy-making in China, 1945-50: Anglo-American relations and the recognition of Communist China. Watson, Robert E.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1950
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Foreign Office; China; Communists, Communism, in China
The origins of nuclear first-use: NATO strategy, 1949-54. Johnston, A.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clark, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1949–1954
Index terms: Nuclear policy; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; NATO
The strategy and tactics of siege warfare in the early Byzantine period: Constantine to Heraclius. McCotter, Stephen E.J.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 312–641
Index terms: Byzantium; Constantine I (Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus) (274-337), Roman emperor; Siege warfare; Heraclius (c.575-641), Byzantine emperor
Categories: Medieval
The United States and the Turkish settlement, 1919-27. Hitchen, Stephen
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1927
Index terms: United States; Turkey
Through the prism of the Habsburg monarchy: Hungary in American diplomacy and public opinion during World War I. Glant, Tibor
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by MacDonald, Callum A.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: United States of America; Hungary; Diplomacy, U.S.; Habsburg empire; World War I (1914-18); Public opinion, in the U.S.A.
Agents and principals: the Crown Agents for the colonies, 1880-1914. Sunderland, David T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Offer, Avner
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Crown Agents for the colonies
An artery of Empire: the British post office and the postal and telegraphic services to India and Australia, 1837-1914. Forbes, Andrew S.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1914
Index terms: Empire, British; Post office; India; Telegraphic service; Postal service; Australia
A region of beauty and delight: British imagination and the Arctic, 1818-1914. David, Robert G.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Heelas, Paul; MacKenzie, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1818–1914
Index terms: Inuit people
Berlin, N.A.T.O. and East-West relations: a study of the positions of the British and United States governments, 1945-61. Bradley, Jason
M.Phil., Brunel. (Amer. Stud. & Hist.). Supervised by Matthews, Geoffrey F.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1961
Index terms: Foreign relations; NATO; Foreign relations, of the U.S.A.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Berlin; East-West relations; United States of America
Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the expansion of American power in the S.W. Pacific, 1941-6. Orders, Paul G.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1946
Index terms: New Zealand, and Britain and Australia; Australia, and Britain and New Zealand; United States of America; Foreign relations, with Australia and New Zealand; Pacific Ocean
British and American army counter-insurgency learning during the Malayan emergency and the Vietnam War. Nagl, John A.M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1975
Index terms: Malaya; Vietnam War (1954-75); Army; Counter-insurgency; Army, American
Commerce and experience in the 17th-century Mediterranean: the market dynamics, commercial culture and naval protection of English trade to Aleppo. Dickie, Trevor M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Slack, Paul A.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Trade, external; Mediterranean Sea; Aleppo, Syria; Navy
Co-operation and constraint: Britain's influence on American economic warfare policy in CoCom, 1948-54. Jackson, Ian R.W.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1948–1954
Index terms: Economic warfare policy, of U.S.A.; CoCom - WHAT STAND FOR?; United States of America; Cold War
Diplomatic, ideological and military aspects of the Russo-Turkish War, 1768-74. Papavlassopoulos, Kosmas
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Dukes, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1768–1774
Index terms: Army, Turkish; Russo-Turkish War (1796-74); Army, Russian; Diplomacy; Russia; Turkey
Fabianizing an empire: the Fabian Colonial Bureau, decolonization and 'imagined communities' in Africa. Johnston, Deborah C.E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vaughan, Megan A.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1970
Index terms: Empire, British; Fabian Colonial Bureau; Decolonization; Following an enquiry from a reader to find this DPhil and who used Thesis Completed as a citation source, this is just a note to explain that the author never deposited a copy with the Bodleian and while leave to supplicate was giving in 2 June 1997, the student did not appear to have attended the degree ceremony. I don't know whether you are able able to add a note to your record to this effect at all, but I thought I'd let you know.
Great Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the Malaysian-Indonesian confrontation, 1961-5. Subritzky, J.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1965
Index terms: Foreign relations, of Australia, New Zealand and the U.S.A.; Australia; New Zealand; United States of America; Foreign relations, with Australia, New Zealand and the U.S.A.; Malaysia, and Indonesia; Indonesia, and Malaysia
Military occupations and civilians: three traditions and the laws of war, 1874-1949. Nabulsi, Karma
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Roberts, E. Adam
Chronological coverage: 1874–1949
Index terms: Military occupations; War, laws of
Mounting, directing and employing multinational military forces: the U.N. experience, 1948-94. Hillen, John F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.; Ceadel, Martin E.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1994
Index terms: Army, see also Military forces; Military forces, multinational; United Nations
Personality and policy-making: the case of the Cuban missile crisis. Marlow, Susan J.
M.Phil., Keele. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Danchev, A.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1962
Index terms: International relations; Cuban missile crisis (1962)
Salvaging democracy? America and Britain in British Guiana, 1961-4. Sillery, Jane L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Dallek, Robert; Rowett, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1964
Index terms: British Guiana; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain; Guiana
Shipbuilding and trade in the eastern Mediterranean during the 7th century: possible effects of the Muslim invasion. Harpster, Matthew
M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 600–700
Index terms: Trade, in the Mediterranean; Mediterranean Sea; Shipbuilding, in the Mediterranean; Muslims, in Mediterranean
Categories: Medieval
The 1684 French Jesuit mission to China. Ray, Hillary F.E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Schaffer, Simon J.
Chronological coverage: 1684–1684
Index terms: Jesuits, French, in China; Missions, Christian, in China; China
The American press and the rise of Hitler, 1923-33. Klein, Gary A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, David
Chronological coverage: 1923–1933
Index terms: Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945), German dictator; Press, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
The arms transfer policy of the Federal Republic of Germany towards the Middle East, 1949-82. de Roy van Zuijdewijn, Edwin K.W.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Wright, Jonathan R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1949–1982
Index terms: Arms; Germany; Federal German Republic; Middle East
The Cuban missile crisis: a study of the positions of the British and American governments. Barber, Natasha
M.Phil., Brunel. (Amer. Stud. & Hist.). Supervised by Matthews, Geoffrey F.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1962
Index terms: United States of America; Foreign policy; Cuban missile crisis (1962; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
The 'empire of the Raj': conflict and co-operation with Britain over the shape and function of the Indian sphere in eastern Africa and the Middle East, 1850s - 1930s. Blyth, Robert J.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Tyzack, Rosemary M.; Bridges, Roy C.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1940
Index terms: Africa, east; India; Empire, British; Middle East
The failure of limited commitment: the Vietnam policies of President John F. Kennedy, 1961-3. Riley, Michael A.
M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Bailey, Adrian F.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
Index terms: Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Vietnam; Vietnam; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
'The greatest difference': Britain, the United States and the Buraimi oasis dispute, 1952-7. Al-Baho, Amer I. J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C. John
Chronological coverage: 1952–1957
Index terms: United States of America; Buraimi oasis, Oman; Oman; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.
The growth of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the British response, 1933-53. Al-Feheid, A.
D.Phil., Sussex.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1953
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Saudi Arabia; Saudi Arabia, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Saudi Arabia; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Middle East
The history of diplomatic relations between the Republic of China on Taiwan and the European Community and its member states. Chang, J.Y.P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Edwards, G.R.
Chronological coverage: 1957–1997
Index terms: Taiwan, and the European Community; China, Republic of (Taiwan), and the European Community; European Community, and Taiwan
The influence of British Protestant missionaries on the development of the British empire in Africa and the Pacific, c.1865-c.1885. Darch, John
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Eldridge, Colin C.
Chronological coverage: 1865–1885
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism; Missions, Christian; Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Empire, British; Africa; Pacific
The political economy of the Kennedy round period and the shift in U.S. trade policy towards the European community. Alexander, Klinton W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
Index terms: European Community; Trade policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.
The rise of imprisonment in the U.S.A., Britain and Europe, 1780-1840. Burgoyne, Cindy C.
Ph.D., Sunderland. (Soc. & Int. Stud.). Supervised by Rushton, Peter; Morgan, Gwenda
Chronological coverage: 1780–1840
Index terms: Europe; Prisons, in Europe and the U.S.A.; United States of America; Prisons; Imprisonment; Penal practice; Punishment
The role of America in the development of the Italian fashion industry, 1945-65. White, Nicola
M.Phil., Kingston. (Hum.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1965
Index terms: Fashion industry, in Italy; Italy; United States of America
The United States and Egyptian Pan-Arabism, 1953-7. Takeyh, Raymond
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Shlaim, Avi
Chronological coverage: 1953–1957
Index terms: Egyptian Pan-Arabism, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Egyptian Pan-Arabism; Pan-Arabism, Egyptian; Arabs
Towards 'a tolerable state of order, without war': U.S. foreign aid, 'nation-building' and containment in S.E. Asia, 1953-68. Seitz, T.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by MccGwire, M.K.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1968
Index terms: Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Asia, south-east
Venetian mercantile presence in the western Mediterranean, 1398-1405. Congdon, Eleanor A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1382–1421
Index terms: Mediterranean sea; Italy; Venice, Italy; Trade, of Venice
Women in two nations and four states: a comparative study of the impact of political regimes and culture on the status of women in the two Koreas and the two Germanies, 1945-89. Youn, Miryang
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by O'Leary, D. Brendan
Chronological coverage: 1945–1989
Index terms: Korea, and Germany; Germany, and Korea
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; 20th Century
A history of mission and of Christianity outside Europe. Ross, Andrew C.
Litt.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1570–1997
Index terms: Missions, Christian; Christianity
An anatomy of policy failure: the Kennedy administration and the Vietnam War. Price, Jamie
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, Peter C.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
Index terms: Kennedy, John F. (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Vietnam War (1954-75); Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
British defence policy and the Anglo-American alliance in the Middle East, 1957-62. Blackwell, Stephen J.
Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.). Supervised by Baylis, John B.
Chronological coverage: 1957–1962
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Middle East; Defence policy; United States of America, and Britain
Containment and non-alignment: the United States and Indonesia, 1945-59. Mason, Richard
Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Garson, Robert A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1959
Index terms: United States of America, and Indonesia; Indonesia, and the U.S.A.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, American public opinion and Nazi Germany, 1941-5. Casey, Steven
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Fawcett, Louise L.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1945
Index terms: National Socialist party, National Socialism, in Germany; Nazi party, see National Socialist party; Public Opinion, in the U.S.A.; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), U.S. president; Germany, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Germany
Fritz Grobba and Nazi Germany's Middle Eastern policy, 1933-42. Flacker, Edgar
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, Donald Cameron
Chronological coverage: 1933–1942
Index terms: Middle East; Foreign policy, of Nazi Germany; National Socialism, in Germany; Germany; Grobba, Fritz (b. 1886)
German-Israeli intelligence and security co-operation, 1956-92. Shpiro, Shlomo
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1992
Index terms: Germany, and Israel; Middle East; Israel, and Germany; Intelligence; Security
I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., Interhandel and General Aniline and Film corporation: a problem in international political and economic relations between Germany, Switzerland and the United States, 1929-65. O'Reilly, Declan
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Trebilcock, R. Clive
Chronological coverage: 1929–1965
Index terms: General Aniline and Film corporation; Interhandel; Germany; Switzerland; I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G.; United States of America; International relations
Image and pilgrimage: the cult of the Virgin of Czestochowa in the late middle ages. Maniura, R.J.
Ph.D., London.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
Index terms: Religious cults; Virgin, cult of the; Poland; Czestochowa, Poland; Pilgrimage
Categories: Medieval
Japan and the Sino-Soviet rift, 1950-64. Braddick, Christopher W.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Stockwin, J. Arthur A.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1964
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and China; Japan; China, and the U.S.S.R.
Japan's South Seas mandate in international politics, 1919-47. Tohmatsu, Haruo
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Roberts, E. Adam
Chronological coverage: 1919–1947
Index terms: South Seas; Japan
Jewish migration to South Africa and the Poor Jews Temporary Shelter, London, 1880-1914. Barker, Caroline
M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Paulsson, G. Steve; Cull, Nicholas J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Jews, in South Africa; Migration, to South Africa; London; Migration, Jewish; Poor Jews Temporary Shelter, London; Poverty
'La querelle anglaise': diplomatic and legal debate during the Hundred Years' War, with an edition of the polemical treatise 'Pour ce que plusieurs' (1464). Taylor, Craig D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Peter S.
Chronological coverage: 1337–1464
Index terms: Pour ce que plusieurs (1464), polemical treatise; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
Categories: Medieval
Lord Hailey and the interaction of race and Empire in the Anglo-American dialogue of the Second World War. Wolton, Suzannah A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Ranger, Terence O.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; World War II (1939-45); United States of America, and Britain; Hailey, William Malcolm (1872-1969), 1st Baron Hailey; Race; Empire, British
Practising peace: American and British Quaker relief work in the Spanish Civil War. Mendlesohn, Farah
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, Edward
Chronological coverage: 1936–1939
Index terms: Quakers, British and American; United States of America; Spanish Civil War (1936-9); Relief work, in Spain
Redefining security in the post-Cold War era: implications for the development of U.S.-European security relations. Grimley, Ruth
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, G.L.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1995
Index terms: Europe, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Europe; Security
Representing the New World: English and French uses of the example of Spain, 1492-1713. Hart, Jonathan L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Pagden, Anthony R.D.
Chronological coverage: 1492–1713
Index terms: France; Spanish America; New World; Spain
Rome, Canterbury and A.R.C.I.C. I: the legacy of the final report. Brading, Jeremy
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
Chronological coverage: 1968–1995
Index terms: A.R.C.I.C. I (1968-81); Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Church of England; Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission
Shinty dies hard: Scotland's national game - a re-assessment and re-definition, with particular reference to its survival and development in the 19th century in Australia, Canada, England and Ireland. MacLennan, Hugh D.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
Index terms: Ireland; Canada; Australia; Scotland; Sport; Shinty
The American response to the European revolutions of 1848. Roberts, Timothy M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Daniel W.
Chronological coverage: 1848–1848
Index terms: United States of America; Revolutions (1848)
The foreign policy of the Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, 1081-c.1100. Doimi de Frankopan Subic, Peter J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.
Chronological coverage: 1081–1100
Index terms: Foreign policy, Byzantine; Alexios I Komnenos (1048-1118), Byzantine emperor; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
The greatest prize in Southeast Asia: United States policy towards Indonesia in the Truman and Eisenhower years. Roadnight, Andrew K.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by MacDonald, Callum A.
Index terms: Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Indonesia
The Lausanne conference: the evolution of Turkish and British diplomatic strategies, 1922-3. Demirci, Sevtap
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
Chronological coverage: 1922–1923
Index terms: Turkey, and Britain; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Lausanne conference
The political career of Juan Manuel, 1282-1348. Quinn, Patrick J.
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1302–1348
Index terms: Juan Manuel, (1282-1348), Infante of Castile; Spain
Categories: Medieval
The reign of Anastasius I, 491-518. Nicks, Fiona K.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.
Chronological coverage: 491–518
Index terms: Anastasius I (c.430-518), Byzantine emperor; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
The role of the Moravian church during the missionary awakening in England, 1760-c.1800. Mason, John C.S.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Marshall, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1860
Index terms: Moravian Brethren, in British world; Missions, Christian
The Russian ultimatum to Iran in 1911: Anglo-Russian rivalry in the 19th and early 20th centuries in Iran, and the emergence of the third power strategy. Gharavi, Alaedin Vahid
Ph.D., Bradford.
Chronological coverage: 1911–1911
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Russia; Third power strategy; Iran, and Russia; Russian, and Britain; Russia, and Iran
Unequal allies? United States security and alliance policy towards Japan, 1945-60. Swenson-Wright, John H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Stockwin, J. Arthur A.; Foot, Rosemary
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Japan, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Japan; Security, U.S.
United States intelligence on Iran from Truman to Reagan, with special reference to the problem of policy-formation. Donovan, Michael P.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Rothwell, Victor H.; Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri
Chronological coverage: 1945–1992
Index terms: Reagan, Ronald (b. 1911), president of the U.S.A.; Iran; Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972), president of the U.S.A.; Intelligence, U.S.; United States of America
An edition of the Histoire des Ducs de Normandie et Rois d'Angleterre contained in French MS. 56 of the John Rylands Library, Manchester University. Craw, William
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 1350–1350
Index terms: Histoire des Ducs de Normandie et Rois d'Angleterre
Categories: Medieval
Anglo-American relations and the Vietnam War, 1964-8. Ellis, Sylvia A.
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Bernard J.; Ward, Brian E.
Chronological coverage: 1964–1968
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Vietnam War (1954-75)
Anglo-Jewish refugee relief and rescue efforts, 1938-45. Shatzkes, Pamela J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, Donald Cameron
Chronological coverage: 1938–1945
Index terms: Refugees; Jews; Relief organizations
Bertrand de la Tour and Franciscan poverty. Nold, Patrick J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Murray, Alexander
Chronological coverage: 1316–1334
Index terms: Franciscans; Poverty; La Tour, Bertrand de; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses
Categories: Medieval
Britain's interdependence policy and Anglo-American co-operation on nuclear and conventional force provision, 1957-64. Middeke, Michael
M.Phil., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C. John
Chronological coverage: 1957–1964
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Nuclear force policy
Byzantine monastic libraries in the 11th and 12th centuries. Waring, Judith S.
Ph.D., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Libraries, monastic; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Chinese chess: U.S. China policy and Taiwan, 1969-83. Madsen, Robert A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Markwell, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1969–1983
Index terms: Taiwan, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Taiwan; United States of America, and China; China, and the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
Christian perceptions of Islam and the doctrine of holy war in the 11th and 12th centuries. Rayborn, Tim
Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Robinson, Neal
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Holy war; Islam; Christianity; France, and Islam
Categories: Medieval
Christians in Al-Andalus, 8th-10th centuries. Christys, Ann R.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
Chronological coverage: 700–1000
Index terms: Al-Andalus; Christianity, in Spain; Spain
Categories: Medieval
Contending with contradictions: People's Republic of China policy towards Soviet eastern Europe with special reference to Poland, 1953-60. Kuo, Mercy A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tsang, Steve Y.-S.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1960
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and China; China, and the U.S.S.R.; China, and Poland; Poland, and China; Foreign policy, of China
Economy and society in the age of Justinian. Sarris, Peter A.V.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.
Chronological coverage: 527–565
Index terms: Rome, ancient; Justinian (482-565 B.C.), Roman emperor
Categories: Medieval
European attitudes towards the Ottoman empire. A case study: Sultan Abdülaziz's visit to Europe in 1867. Upton-Ward, Judith M.A.
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1867–1867
Index terms: Abdülaziz (1830-76), Ottoman sultan; Ottoman empire, and Europe
Form and power: patronage and the visual arts in Florence, c.1480-1512. Burke, Jill
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Rubin, Patricia L.; Hirst, D. Michael G.
Chronological coverage: 1480–1512
Index terms: Art, in Italy; Florence, Italy; Italy; Patronage, artistic, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
From fire-proof house to middle power: narrative, identity and Canadian foreign policy, 1939-56. Bays, Jonathan E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Khong, Yuen F.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1956
Index terms: Foreign policy, of Canada; Canada
Imperial networks, ethnography and identity in colonial India and New Zealand. Ballantyne, Anthony J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bayly, Christopher A.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1880
Index terms: Empire, British; India, and New Zealand; New Zealand, and India; Ethnography
Imported Mediterranean medieval and post-medieval pottery from the 12th to the 17th centuries. Gutierrez, Alejandra
Ph.D., Southampton.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1700
Index terms: Mediterranean; Pottery, Mediterranean
Categories: Medieval
In the name of the father: wardship in romance and law, c.1200-c.1420. James, Noël
D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1420
Index terms: Wardship
Categories: Medieval
Japanese inward investment in U.K. car manufacturing: a case study in international business and national government relations within the context of the European Union. Kim, Young-Chan
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Harvey, Charles E.; Turner, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1972–1990
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Japan; Business; Car manufacturing industry; Japan
Long-term perspectives on the transformation of international order: the external relations of the Byzantine empire A.D. c.400-c.1200. Harris, Anthea L.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 400–1200
Categories: Medieval
Management and art museums in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom: contemporary issues in historical perspective. Chong, Derrick
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Management). Supervised by Harvey, Charles E.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1997
Index terms: United States of America; Museums; Canada; Art museums, management of
Medieval kingship. Williams, Victoria L.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Denton, Jeffrey H.
Chronological coverage: 400–1500
Index terms: Kingship, medieval
Categories: Medieval
Military aspects of the Albigensian crusade. Noah, Rachel L.
M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Strickland, Matthew J.
Chronological coverage: 1209–1229
Index terms: Albigensian crusade (1209-29); France
Categories: Medieval
Neglecting the distaff? Women's involvement in Languedocian Catharism, c.1190- c.1320. Jones, Felicity A.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Biller, Peter P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1190–1320
Index terms: Women, in France; Languedoc, France; Catharism, in France
Categories: Gender and Women; Medieval
Opposition to government in early 16th century Florence, 1494-1530. Knox, Henry A.L.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Stephens, John N.; Mackenney, Richard S.
Chronological coverage: 1494–1530
Index terms: Florence, Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Papal authority and the Barons' Crusade of 1239. Lower, Michael T.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1239–1239
Index terms: Barons' Crusade (1239); Papacy
Categories: Medieval
Particular interests: the transmission of Italian renaissance humanism to England, 1420-50, in its social and political context. Saygin, Susanne
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1420–1450
Index terms: Italy, and England; Humanists, Humanism; Renaissance
Categories: Medieval
Piety, property and power in 8th-century central Italy: the rise of the abbey of Farfa in its social and political context, c.690-787. Costambeys, Marios J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 690–787
Index terms: Church, medieval; Farfa, abbey of; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Portuguese lançados in Asia in the 16th and 17th centuries. Yimprasert, Suthachai
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Brookshaw, David
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Empire, Portuguese; Portugal
Prising the doors of empire: the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission and the American quest for a new West Indies, 1938-45. Whitham, A.C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1938–1945
Reinterpretation of the Couvade. Dixon, Robin
Ph.D., Essex. (History). Supervised by Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Chronological coverage: -500–1990
Index terms: Couvade
Representations of sanctity in Milan and Ravenna, c.400-c.900 A.D. Pilsworth, Clare L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 400–900
Index terms: Italy; Ravenna, Italy; Milan, Italy; Sanctity
Categories: Medieval
Rex pacificus: studies in royal peace-making in the early medieval West. Kershaw, Paul J.E.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 800–1200
Index terms: Peace-making; Kings
Categories: Medieval
Russian revolutionaries in America, 1915-19. Hackett, Anastasia N.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Williams, Beryl J.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1919
Index terms: United States of America, and Russia; Russia, and the U.S.A.
Scotland, Great Britain and the United States: contrasting perceptions of the Spanish-American War and American imperialism, c.1895-1902. Donald, Iain
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ranson, Edward
Chronological coverage: 1895–1902
Index terms: Spanish-American War (1898); United States of America; Scotland; Imperialism, American
Sir Anthony Eden and the Suez crisis, 1956: the decision to use force. Pearson, Jonathan P.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Conyne, George R.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1956
Index terms: Avon, 1st earl of, see Eden, Anthony; Eden, Anthony (1897-1977), 1st earl of Avon; Suez crisis (1956)
Technological history of corn milling. Müller, John
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Chartres, John A.
Chronological coverage: -1000–1995
Index terms: Agriculture; Corn milling; Technology
The Anglo-American special relationship and the Anglo-Iranian oil crisis, 1950-4. Marsh, S.
Ph.D., Swansea. (Swansea)
Chronological coverage: 1950–1954
Index terms: Iran, and Britain; United States of America, and Britain; Middle East; International relations; Special relationship
The archbishops and church provinces of Mainz and Cologne during the Carolingian period, 751-911. Carroll, Christopher J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 751–911
Index terms: Archbishops, medieval; Church, medieval; Carolingian kings, in France; Cologne, Germany; Mainz, Germany
Categories: Medieval
The contract of marriage: the maritagium from the 11th to the 13th century. de Trafford, Claire E.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Crouch, David B.; Childs, Wendy R.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1300
Index terms: maritagium; Marriage
Categories: Medieval
The cult of St. Magnus. Antonsson, Haki
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Barbara E.
Chronological coverage: 1075–1116
Index terms: Magnus (c.1075-1116), Saint; Religious cults
Categories: Medieval
The development of ideas about pain and suffering in the works of 13th-century masters of theology at Paris, c.1230-c.1300. Mowbray, Donald C.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Bull, Marcus G.; Wei, Ian P.
Chronological coverage: 600–1500
Index terms: Theology, masters of; Paris; France; Pain and suffering
Categories: Medieval
The dualist heresy in Aquitaine, c.1000-c.1249. Taylor, Claire
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Michael C.E.; Hamilton, Bernard F.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1249
Index terms: Aquitaine, France; Heresy, in France; Dualists, Dualism
Categories: Medieval
The early medieval inscriptions of Britain, Gaul and Spain: studies in function and culture. Handley, Mark A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 500–800
Index terms: France; see also Gaul; Spain; Gaul; Inscriptions, medieval
Categories: Medieval
The encounter of Greeks and Franks in Cyprus in the late 12th and 13th centuries: phenomena of acculturation and ethnic awareness. Nicolaou-Konnari, Angel
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Edbury, Peter W.
Chronological coverage: 1180–1300
Index terms: Cyprus; Greeks, in Cyprus; Ethnicity; Franks, in Cyprus
Categories: Medieval
The impact of air power on navies: the United Kingdom, 1945-57. Benbow, Timothy J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1957
Index terms: Navy; Air power
The origins of Anglo-American anti-Bolshevism, 1917-21. Ruotsila, Markku M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1917–1921
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Anti-Bolshevism; United States of America, and Britain
The reign of Lothar I (795-855), emperor of the Franks, through the charter evidence. Screen, Elina M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 840–855
Index terms: Charters; Lothar I (795-855), emperor of the Franks; Franks
Categories: Medieval
The rise and fall of arms control in the Middle East, 1947-55: great power consultation, co-ordination and competition. Danin, Robert M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Shlaim, Avi
Chronological coverage: 1947–1955
Index terms: Great powers; Arms control, in the Middle East; Middle East
The role of interested states in international peace support operations: British and French experience, 1964-94. Allen, Mark G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Towle, Philip A.
Chronological coverage: 1964–1994
Index terms: Peace support operations; France, and Britain
The theology of secular rule: the legacy of Ambrose and Gregory. Hipshon, N. David A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 374–606
Index terms: Gregory I (540-604), Saint, pope; Papacy; Ambrose (339-97), Saint, bishop of Milan; Church, medieval
Categories: Medieval
The Vivarini workshop and its patrons, c.1430-c.1450. Holgate, Ian R.
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1430–1450
Index terms: Vivarini workshop, Venice; Italy; Patronage, artistic
Categories: Medieval
United States-Republic of Korea security relations, 1953-60: great power and small state. Hwang, In Soo
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1953–1960
Index terms: United States of America, and Korea; Korea, and United States of America; Security
U.S. policy in the Middle East since 1945. Cronin, John R.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Pol. Stud.). Supervised by Tripp, Charles R.H.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1995
Index terms: United States of America, and the Middle East; Middle East
Venetian ambassadors, 1454-94: an Italian elite. Beverley, Tessa
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Mallett, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1454–1494
Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy; Ambassadors, Venetian; Venice, Italy
Categories: Medieval
West Germany, the United States and the crisis of the Western Alliance, 1963-6. Salzmann, Verena T.E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1963–1966
Index terms: United States of America; Germany; Western Alliance
Adest meliori parte: a portrait of monastic friendship in exile in Goscelin's Liber Confortatorius. van Rossum, Irene
D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Bradley, Sidney A.J.; Fletcher, Richard A.; Biller, Peter P. A.
Chronological coverage: 1070–1107
Index terms: Friendship, monastic; Liber Confortatorius, of Goscelin; Goscelin (d. after 1107); Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses
Categories: Medieval
Aid and population policies in the 20th century: Scandinavian aid to the Indian family planning programme. Engh, Sunniva
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, M.
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Index terms: Scandinavia, and India; India, and Scandinavia; Population policy; Family planning, in India; Aid
Anglo-American relations and the Vietnam War, 1964-7. Twine, Christopher
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1964–1967
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with U.S.A.; Vietnam War (1954-75)
An illustrious man and his Uomini Illustri: Francesco di Marco Datini and the decoration of his palace in Prato. Bastianich, Tanya
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kemp, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1355–1410
Index terms: Prato, Italy; Datini, Francesco di Marco (c.1335-1410); Italy; Patronage, artistic
Categories: Medieval
Aspects of the relationship between the empire of Nicaea and the Latins, 1204-54. Papayanni, Aphrodite
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1204–1254
Index terms: Nicaea, empire of; Latins
Categories: Medieval
Basil II and the government of empire, 976-1025. Holmes, Catherine J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.
Chronological coverage: 976–1025
Index terms: Basil II (c.958-1025), Byzantine emperor; Byzantine empire
Categories: Medieval
Britain and Kennedy's war in Vietnam, 1961-3. Busch, Peter E.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Best, Antony M.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1965
Index terms: Vietnam War (1954-75), and Britain
Britain and the origins of the Cold War in East Asia, 1944-9. Baxter, Christopher J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Saki
Chronological coverage: 1944–1949
British-colonial privateering in the War of the Spanish succession, 1702-13. Morley, Nicholas
M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Newman, Simon
Chronological coverage: 1702–1713
Byzantine-Arab relations in the early 9th century. Lambert, Toby M.H.
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.
Chronological coverage: 800–825
Index terms: Arabs, and Byzantium; Byzantium, and Arabs
Categories: Medieval
Byzantine-Khazar relations c.620-c.965. Andreou, Andreas S.
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.; Whittow, Mark
Chronological coverage: 620–965
Index terms: Khazar empire, and Byzantium; Byzantium, and the Khazar empire
Categories: Medieval
Byzantium and Islam, 850-1050. Abou Se'Ada, Al Amin
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.). Supervised by Macrides, Ruth J.
Chronological coverage: 850–1050
Index terms: Islam, Islamism, and Byzantium; Byzantium, and Islam
Categories: Medieval
Colonial emergencies in Malaya, Cyprus and Kenya. Arditti, Roger
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1948–1960
Index terms: Kenya; Cyprus; Malaya
Conceptions of kingship under Charlemagne. Davis, J.R.
M.Litt., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 771–814
Index terms: Charlemagne (c.742-814), Holy Roman Emperor; Kingship
Categories: Medieval
Early medieval glosses on Prudentius's Psychomachia. O'Sullivan, Sinead C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
Chronological coverage: 500–1000
Index terms: Prudentius (b. 348); Psychomachia, of Prudentius; Glosses, medieval
Categories: Medieval
Franco-Iraqi relations and Fifth Republic foreign policy, 1958-90. Styan, David A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Rel.). Supervised by Halliday, Fred
Chronological coverage: 1958–1990
Index terms: Fifth Republic, in France; France, and Iraq; Iraq, and France; Foreign policy, of France
From Masjid to Casa-Mezquita: neighbourhood mosques in Seville after the Castilian conquest, 1248-1634. Ecker, Heather L.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1248–1634
Categories: Medieval
Idea factories: American policies for German higher education and political re-orientation, 1944-9. Tan, Patricia S. Ming
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pogge von Strandmann, Hartmut J.O.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1949
Index terms: Education, higher, in Germany; United States of America, and Germany; Higher education, in Germany; Germany, and the U.S.A.
'Interdependence' or 'common purpose'? Anglo-American co-operation in the Middle East after Suez. Morey, Alastair W.D.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1957–1959
Index terms: Middle East; United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Suez crisis (1956)
'Ladies of much ability and intelligence': gendered relations in British protestant missions. Semple, Rhonda A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1900
Index terms: Protestant missions; Gender; Missions, Protestant
Les relations anglo-bretonnes au XVe siècle et l'enjeu stratégique de la Normandie (1413-75): analyse politique, diplomatique et historiographique. Scordia, Pierre
M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Michael C.E.
Chronological coverage: 1413–1475
Index terms: Historiography; Normandy, France; Brittany, France
Categories: Medieval
Odo of Tournai: scholar and holy man. Hughes, T. David
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.; Webber, M. Tessa J.
Chronological coverage: 1090–1113
Index terms: Odo of Tournai (d. 1113)
Categories: Medieval
Papal policy and local lordship: Pope Innocent III, the Trencavel family and the Albigensian crusade. Graham-Leigh, Elaine
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Asbridge, Thomas S.
Chronological coverage: 1209–1229
Index terms: France; Trencavel family; Innocent III (1160-1216), pope; Papacy; Albigensian crusade (1209-29)
Categories: Medieval
Patronage, art and society in Lusignan Cyprus, c.1192-c.1489. Christoforaki, Ioanna
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mango, Cyril
Chronological coverage: 1192–1489
Index terms: Lusignan family; Cyprus; Patronage, artistic
Categories: Medieval
Political representation in the later middle ages: Marsilius of Padua in context. Lee, Hwa-Yong
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Brett, Annabel S.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Marsilius of Padua (c.1270-c.1342); Italy
Categories: Medieval
Politics and reform in Spain and New Spain: the life and thought of Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, 1600-49. Alvarez de Toledo, Cayetana
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Elliott, John
Chronological coverage: 1600–1659
Index terms: New Spain; Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, bishop of La Puebla de Los Angeles (1600-49); Spain; Politics, in Spain and New Spain
Shanghai-Paris: Chinese artists in France and China, 1919-37. Xiu, Huajing J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1937
Index terms: China; France; Shanghai; Paris; Artists, Chinese
Southern elites: a comparative study of the landed aristocracies in the American South and the Italian South, 1815-60. Dal Lago, Enrico
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Halpern, E.B (Rick)
Chronological coverage: 1815–1860
Index terms: Aristocracy, in Italy and the U.S.A.; United States of America; Italy; Landed aristocracy, in Italy and the U.S.A.
The Atlantic partnership and Middle Eastern strategy in the early Cold War. Varble, Derek
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
Index terms: International relations; Cold War; Middle East; Atlantic
The audiences and reception of the book of Sir John Mandeville. Tzanaki, Rosemary
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Rubiés, Joan-Pau
Chronological coverage: 1366–1400
Index terms: Mandeville, Sir John, see Travels; Travels, of Sir John Mandeville
Categories: Medieval
The early development of the Florentine economy: local and regional market networks. Day, William R.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Epstein, Larry
Chronological coverage: 1000–1300
Index terms: Market networks, in Italy; Florence, Italy
Categories: Medieval
The ecology of wood use in early modern Württemberg, 1450-1650. Warde, Paul S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
Chronological coverage: 1450–1650
Index terms: Württemberg, Germany; Wood, use of, in Germany; Ecology; Germany
Categories: Medieval
The English Crown and military architecture in Gascony in the 14th and 15th centuries: a documentary study. Clover, Catherine A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vale, Malcolm G.A.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Gascony,; Architecture, military, in Gascony; Crown
Categories: Medieval
The evolving consensus: the domestic roots of President Nixon's China policy. Quigley, Kevin M.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Colin D.H.
Chronological coverage: 1968–1974
Index terms: Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-94), president of the U.S.A.; China, and the U.S.A.; International relations; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America, and China
The Hospitallers and crises in the Latin East, 1187-1274. Bronstein, Judith L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1187–1274
Index terms: Latin East; Hospitallers
Categories: Medieval
The image of the Jew in the Passion narratives of central Italy, c.1200-c.1350. Tepperman, Hailey I.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1350
Index terms: Passion narratives; Italy; Jews, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
The intellectual life and religious organization of the Camaldolese order in Tuscany, 1480-1520. Lackner, Dennis F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.; Holmes, George A.
Chronological coverage: 1480–1520
Index terms: Intellectual life, Italy; Tuscany, Italy; Italy; Religious organization, Italy; Camaldolese order; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses
Categories: Medieval
The life and legend of Giles of Santarem, Dominican friar and physician (d. 1265): a perspective on medieval Portugal. McCleery, Iona M.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Simone C.
Chronological coverage: 1204–1265
Index terms: Dominicans; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Portugal; Physicians; Giles of Santarem (c.1184-1265); Medicine
Categories: Medieval
The liturgy of the Holy Sepulchre in western Europe, c.1100-c.1500, with special reference to the practice of the orders of St. John of Jerusalem. Dondi, Cristina F.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Webb, Diana M.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1500
Index terms: Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Europe, Western; Liturgy of the Holy Sepulchre; Church, mnedieval; Religion
Categories: Medieval
Themes and imagery in the works of Abbo of Fleury and his contemporaries. Gazzard, Kay C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
Chronological coverage: 965–1004
Index terms: Abbo of Fleury (c.945-1004)
Categories: Medieval
The military capacity of the Milanese state under Ludovico il Moro. Powell, Michael R.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Mallett, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1481–1499
Index terms: Ludovico il Moro, see Sforza, Ludovico 'il Moro', duke of Milan; Sforza, Ludovico 'il Moro' (1451-1508), duke of Milan; Military capacity, of Milanese state; Milanese state, Italy; Italy; Milan, duke of, see Sforza, Ludovico 'il Moro', duke of Milan
Categories: Medieval
The mirror of the observance: image, ideal and identity in observant Franciscan literature, c.1415-1528. Lappin, Clare E.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Andrew D.; Dickson, M. Gary
Chronological coverage: 1415–1528
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Franciscan literature
Categories: Medieval
The nature and history of wars of attrition: a case study analysis. Malkasian, Carter A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1942–1960
Index terms: Wars of attrition
The reign of Charles III 'the Fat' (876-88). Maclean, Simon J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 876–888
Index terms: Charles III, 'the Fat' (839-88), king of France; France
Categories: Medieval
The 'Visio Baronti' in its early medieval context. Lucey-Roper, Michelle M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
Chronological coverage: 600–900
Index terms: 'Visio Baronti'
Categories: Medieval
The Young Turk revolution and the Macedonian question, 1908-12. Psilos, Christopher
Ph.D., Leeds. (Russ. Stud.). Supervised by Collins, David N.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1912
Index terms: Greece; Turkey; Macedonian question; Young Turks; Revolution, Young Turk
Turkey's role in the Eisenhower administration's security policy in Western Europe and the Middle East, 1953-60. Cakir, M. Faruk
Ph.D., Leicester. (Pol.). Supervised by Young, John W.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1960
Index terms: United States of America, and Turkey; Turkey, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and the Middle East; and Western Europe; Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969), president of the U.S.A.; Security, U.S.; Middle East, and the U.S.A.; Europe, Western, and the U.S.A.
Anglo-Spanish relations, 1272-1369. Sorrentino, Kevin C.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1272–1369
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Spain; Spain, and Britain
Categories: Medieval
A performing edition of Old French and Occitan crusading songs. Bracken, Paul
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1095–1291
Index terms: Crusading songs, Old French and Occitan
Categories: Medieval
Apocryphal themes and apocalyptic elements in Bogomil dualist theology and their implications for the study of Catharism. Stoyanov, Yuri
Ph.D., London. (Warburg)
Chronological coverage: 950–1500
Index terms: Dualist theology; Cathars, Catharism; Apocalypse, apocalypticism; Bogomils
Categories: Medieval
Aspects of the Eucharist: theology and iconography in French Romanesque sculpture. Saxon, Elizabeth A.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1050–1175
Index terms: Romanesque; Sculpture, Romanesque; France; Iconography, medieval; Eucharist
Categories: Medieval
Aspects of violence in Byzantium. Meitanis, Andreas
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 600–1000
Index terms: Violence, in Byzantium; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Coercion versus co-optation: Western relations with the M.P.L.A. and F.R.E.L.I.M.O., 1956-76. Clissold, Gillian R.G.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Rel.)
Chronological coverage: 1956–1976
Index terms: F.R.E.L.I.M.O., see Frente de Libertaçâo de Moçambique; Frente de Libertaçâo de Moçambique; Movement for the Popular Liberation of Angola; M.P.L.A., see Movement for the Popular Liberation of Angola
Colonial environmentalism through the establishment and spread of forestry in the British empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mizuno, Shoko
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
Index terms: Forestry, in the British empire; Environmentalism, colonial; Empire, British
Disability in medieval Europe: theoretical approaches to physical impairment during the high middle ages, c.1100-c.1400. Metzler, Irina
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1100–1400
Index terms: Physical impairment; Disability
Categories: Medieval
Doctrine and liturgy in Merovingian Gaul, c.481-c.751. Batstone, Louise P.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 481–751
Index terms: Liturgy, in Merovingian Gaul; Religious doctrine, in Merovingian Gaul; Gaul; Merovingian Gaul; Church, medieval
Categories: Medieval
Experiencing landscapes: a study and identity in the three marginal areas of medieval Britain and Scandinavia. Altenberg, Karin
Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Scandinavia; Landscape
Categories: Medieval
German, British and Ottoman espionage and propaganda in the Middle East during the First World War. Ludke, H. Tilman
D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Rogan, Eugene L.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Gloriosa praedicatrix: the origins, development and influence of the medieval legends about Saint Mary Magdalene as preacher and apostle. Spreadbury, Joanna M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Theol.)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Mary Magdalene, Saint; Saints, cult of
Categories: Medieval
Health, sickness, medicine and the friars in the 13th and 14th centuries. Montford, Angela M.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrews, Frances E.; Macdougall, Simone
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Categories: Medieval
Henry of Marcy, heresy and the crusade, 1177-89. Chideock, Cassandra E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1177–1189
Index terms: Henry of Marcy, cardinal bishop of Albano (1179-89); Heresy; Crusades
Categories: Medieval
Intelligence and Anglo-American close air support in the Western Desert and Tunisia, 1940-3. Gladman, Brad W.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1940–1943
Index terms: Military intelligence; U.S.A., and Britain; Intelligence, military; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.
Marriage contracts in the southern Low Countries and the north of France in the 12th century. Napran, Laura
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Marriage contracts, in France and the Low Countries; France; Low Countries, see also Netherlands; Netherlands, see also Low Countries
Categories: Medieval
Merovingian episcopal hagiography: text and portrayal. Hamilton, Sarah L.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 450–751
Index terms: Merovingian hagiography; Hagiography, episcopal
Categories: Medieval
Miracle stories and communities: local saints' cults in Aquitaine and the Flanders region, c.850-c.1050. Fisher, Helen
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 850–1050
Index terms: Saints, cult of, in Aquitaine; Saints, cult of, in Flanders; Cult of saints, see Saints; Miracle stories; Aquitaine; Flanders
Categories: Medieval
Monks and popes: the legitimation of deviation from the Benedictine rule in the middle ages. Murphy, Gillian E.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 500–1500
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic house; Papacy; Benedictines
Categories: Medieval
Northern Spain between the Iberian and Atlantic worlds: trade and regional specialisation, 1550-1650. Grafe, Regina
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1550–1650
Index terms: Regional specialisation, Spanish; Trade, Spanish; Atlantic worlds; Spain
Representation of space in exempla and chronicles: constructions of royal and ecclesiastical power in northern France, c.1180-1260. Lambert, Richard D.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1180–1260
Index terms: Ecclesiastical power, in medieval France; France; Chronicles, medieval; Exempla, medieval; Church, medieval
Categories: Medieval
Rievaulx abbey and its social environment, 1132-1300. Jamroziak, Emilia M.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1132–1300
Index terms: Rievaulx abbey
Categories: Medieval
The 14th-century church of the Archangel Michael at Kavalariana, Crete. Demetriou, Erika
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Kavalariana, Crete; Church of the Archangel Michael, in Crete; Crete
Categories: Medieval
The aristocracy of Norman Italy, c.1050-1195. Cant, Craig
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1050–1195
Index terms: Aristocracy, in Norman Italy; Normans; Italy
Categories: Medieval
The family of Laval and the nobility of Maine in the 15th and 16th centuries. Walsby, Malcolm M.
M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Maine, France; Nobility, of Maine; Laval family, Maine; France
Categories: Medieval
The influence of Hermetic texts on western European philosophers and theologians, 1160-1300. Porreca, David
Ph.D., London. (Warburg)
Chronological coverage: 1160–1300
Index terms: Theology, western European; Philosophy, western European; Hermetic texts
Categories: Medieval
The League of Nations and human rights: from practice to theory. Metzger, Barbara H.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1946
The little state department: McGeorge Bundy, the N.S.C. staff and the escalation of the Vietnam War, 1961-5. Preston, A.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1965
The 'obediences' of the Great Schism and conciliar era: the distinction between the personal and territorial with jurists Johannes de Imola, Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano and Petrus de Monte. Cable, Martin J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Coleman, Janet
Chronological coverage: 1378–1417
Index terms: Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano (d. before 1436), jurist; Papacy; Johannes de Imola (d. 1439), jurist; Schism, papal; Petrus de Monte (c.1400 x 4-1457), jurist
Categories: Medieval
The representation of chivalric ideals in 12th-century northern France. Trudgill, Marian
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Chivalry, in France; France
Categories: Medieval
The structure of war in the duchy of Brabant during the second half of the 14th century. Boffa, S.R.Y.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, Peter M.
Chronological coverage: 1350–1400
Categories: Medieval
The transition from late Byzantine to early Ottoman southeastern Macedonia (14th-15th centuries): a socio-economic and demographic study. Moustakas, Konstantinos
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Macedonia; Ottomans, Ottoman empire; Byzantium; Demography
Categories: Medieval
The Turkish Straits and the Great Powers: from the Montreux Convention to the early Cold War, 1936-47. Seydi, Suleyman
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1936–1947
Index terms: International relations; Cold War; Montreux Convention; Turkish Straits; Great Powers
The Virgin Mary as Sponsa, c.1100-c.1400. Dye, Jenifer M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1100–1400
Index terms: Mary, the Virgin, see Virgin Mary; Virgin Mary
Categories: Medieval
Thomas à Kempis's Imitatio Christi: devotional literature in an age of confessional polarity. von Hapsburg, Max
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1400–1471
Index terms: Imitatio Christi, of Thomas à Kempis; Kempis, Thomas à (1379-1471); Devotional literature
Categories: Medieval
To the east or to the west? Agents in the recruitment of migrants for British North America and Habsburg Hungary, 1717-70. O'Reilly, William T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.; Evans, Robert J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1717–1770
Virtues, vices and Venice: studies on Henry of Rimini, O.P. Siddons, Hilary A.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1240–1260
Index terms: Henry of Rimini; Italy; Venice, Italy; Dominicans
Categories: Medieval
A history of the International Centre for Theorectical Physics, 1960-80: ideology and practice in a United Nations institution for scientific co-operation for Third World development. de Greiff, Alexis
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Ortiz, Eduardo; Warwick, Andrew C.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1980
Allegiance, citizenship and migration in the Anglo-American world, 1783-1870. Anderson, C.E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1783–1870
Index terms: Migration; Citizenship, in the Anglo-American world; United States of America, and Britain; Anglo-American world
Aspects of episcopacy in 7th-century western Europe. Pettiau, Herold P.C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
Chronological coverage: 600–700
Categories: Medieval
Bhuvanekabahu VII and the Portuguese: temporal and spiritual encounters in Sri Lanka, 1521-51. Strathern, Alan Leiper
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Carey, Peter B.R.; Earle, T.
Chronological coverage: 1521–1551
Britain and the Greek-Turkish war and settlement of 1919-23: the pursuit of security by 'proxy' in western Asia Minor. Daleziou, Eleftheria
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by O'Brien, Phillips P.
Chronological coverage: 1917–1923
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Greece; Asia Minor; Turkey, and Greece; Greece, and Turkey; Foreign relations, with Turkey
Britain and United Nations peacekeeping, 1948-67. Briscoe, Neil D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Roberts, E.A.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1967
Index terms: Peacekeeping, United Nations; United Nations, and Britain
Britain, the Laos problem, and the collapse of peace in Indochina, 1954-62. Hughes, Phillip T.K.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1962
Coinage, monetary policy and monetary economy in Greece, 1204-1350. Baker, Julian R.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz., Ottoman and Mod. Greek Stud.). Supervised by Bryer, Anthony A.M.; Haldon, John F.
Chronological coverage: 1204–1350
Index terms: Greece; Monetary policy, Greek; Coinage, Greek; Economy, in Greece
Categories: Medieval
Democracy and human development: a critical empirical investigation using data from 123 countries, 1970-90. Vourkoutiotis, Velis
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by O'Leary, D. Brendan
Chronological coverage: 1970–1990
Index terms: Democracy
Diplomatic relations between the ‘Abbasid Caliphate and the Byzantine empire: methods and procedures. Vaiou, Maria
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Robinson, Chase F.; Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.
Chronological coverage: 842–950
Categories: Medieval
Faith in reason or reason as faith? Questioning the argumentation in early 12th-century Christian-Jewish intellectual discourse. Novikoff, A.J.
M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Abulafia, Anna B. Sapir
Chronological coverage: 1100–1120
Categories: Medieval
Free Frency+h and British intelligence relations, 1940-4. de Young de la Marck, D.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrew, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1944
From Eisenhower to Kennedy: the United States' policy of accommodating the United Arab Republic, 1958-63. Al-Otaiby, Sattam
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Feroz A.K. Yasamee; Lowe, Peter C.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1963
From Malabar to Macau. The Portuguese in China during the 16th century: a synthesis of early Luso-Chinese sources. Chang, Stephen T.-H.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Rubies, Joan-Pau
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
From 'red menace' to 'tacit ally': constructing the U.S. rapprochement with China, 1961-74. Goh, C.-L. Evelyn
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Foot, Rosemary J.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1974
Index terms: United States of America, and China; China, and the U.S.A.
Gouverneur Morris in Paris. Betros, G.M.
M.Phil., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1792–1794
Harry Truman and the United States' recognition of Israel. Ottolenghi, M.
M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1948
Hermits in the west of France during the 11th and 12th centuries. Kerney, Damian A.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Foot, Sarah R.I.; Luscombe, David E.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Theology
Categories: Medieval
Imperial footprints: Lady Aberdeen and Lady Dufferin in Ireland, Canada and India, 1870-1914. McLeish, Valerie
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Imperial ideology in Middle Byzantine court culture: the evidence of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus's De Ceremoniis. Woodrow, Zoe A.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Louth, Andrew
Chronological coverage: 913–959
Categories: Medieval
In the eye of the beholder: the depiction of the eye in Western sculpture, with special reference to the period 1350-1700 and to colour sculpture. Hagele, H.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1350–1700
Index terms: Eye, depictions of; Scuplture
Categories: Medieval
Islam in Europe, 1960 to the present. Hieber, J.M.A.T.G.
M.Phil., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1960–2000
Late Byzantine aristocratic women: diplomacy and gender. Williams, Anna M.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz., Ottoman and Mod. Greek Stud.). Supervised by Brubaker, Leslie
Chronological coverage: 1250–1453
Index terms: Diplomacy, Byzantine; Aristocracy; Women, aristocratic, in Byzantium; Byzantium; Gender, in Byzantium
Categories: Cultural history; Byzantine history; Gender and Women; Social history; Medieval
Managing the Dominions: the Dominions Office and the Second World War. Stewart, Andrew D.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Saki
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Negotiating the boundaries of gender and empire: Lady Curzon, vicereine of India, 1898-1905. Thomas, Nicola J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.). Supervised by Ryan, James R.; Coones, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1898–1905
Other times, other customs? Analysing the Gesta Roberti Wiscardi. Titchen, John
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1100
Categories: Medieval
'Our land is desolate as if laid waste by the enemy': Franks and Northernmen in the 9th century. Adfield, David J.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Loseby, Simon T.; Foot, Sarah R.I.
Chronological coverage: 800–900
Categories: Medieval
Plague of poverty: the World Health Organization, tuberculosis and international development, c.1945-1980. Amrith, S.S.
M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Rothschild, Emma
Chronological coverage: 1945–1980
Power and politics in Provence, c.850-c.1000. Thompson, S.N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Shepard, J.E.B.
Chronological coverage: 850–1000
Categories: Medieval
Psyche's labyrinth: Minoan archaeology and modern prophecy, 1900-45. Gere, C.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. & Phil. of Sc.)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1945
Index terms: Prophecy, modern; Minoan civilization; Archaeology, Minoan
Public bodies and private spaces: locating cloistered contemplative discourses in female Franciscan spirituality in 13th-century Umbria. Mo, Lily Anne
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Dunn, Marilyn J.; Roach, Andrew P.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Categories: Medieval
Romantic nationalism and modernity as competing narratives of identity in the Museum of Scotland, with reference to the Canadian Museum of Civilisation, and the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Hourston, Laura A.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Archit.)
Chronological coverage: 1950–2000
Index terms: Canadian Museum of Civilisation; Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa; Museum of Scotland; Nationalism, romantic; Canada; Scotland; New Zealand
Rules, righteousness, character and freedom: right reason in late medieval ethical and political thought. Bleakley, H.M. Hamilton
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Evans, Gillian R.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
Surgery in the Crusades to the medieval eastern Mediterranean. Mitchell, Piers
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Nutton, Vivian
Chronological coverage: 1095–1270
Categories: Medieval
The Anglo-American relationship and propaganda strategies in the Middle East, 1953-7. Vaughan, James R.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1953–1957
The Christology of Ramon Lull in the light of his Ars Magna. Hughes, Robert
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Pumfrey, Stephen P.
Chronological coverage: 1252–1316
Categories: Medieval
The Church, religious difference and the self in the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa. Emerson, E.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brett, Annabel S.
Chronological coverage: 1421–1464
Categories: Medieval
The Commonwealth and European integration: competing commitments for Britain, 1956-67. Alexander, Philip R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hyam, Roland
Chronological coverage: 1956–1967
The depiction of deformity in Italian art, c.1450-c.1650. Butterworth, A.J.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1450–1600
Index terms: Deformity, in Italian art; Italy; Art, Artists, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
The economic dimensions of the Marshall Plan in Greece, 1947-52: the origins of the the Greek economic miracle. Vetsopoulos, Apostolos
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1947–1952
The geographies of global humanitarianism: the Anti-Slavery Society and the Aborigines Protection Society, 1884-1933. Mitcham, Roderick E.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, Felix
Chronological coverage: 1884–1933
The Muslim colony of Lucera. Taylor, Julie A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 711–1492
Categories: Medieval
The reception of Aristotelian philosophy among Latin Iberian scholars during the 13th and early 14th centuries. Giletti, Ann M.
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Burnett, Charles S.F.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1330
Categories: Medieval
The role of senior representatives of the U.S. military in negotiating the charter of the United Nations, 1944-5. Haynes, Lukas H.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Roberts, Edward A.; O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1950
The significance of Liebig's Familiar Letters on Chemistry (1843) for the popularization and institutionalization of chemistry in the 19th century. Edwards, Nicholas P.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Cull, Nicholas J.
Chronological coverage: 1843–1900
The technique of late medieval diplomacy: England and the Avignon popes, c.1342-1362. Plöger, Karsten
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
Chronological coverage: 1342–1362
Categories: Medieval
The town and archbishopric of Patras from the 13th to the 15th century. Quelch, Ian D.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Chrysostomides, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Categories: Medieval
The works and career of the 14th-century theologian and statesman Demetrios Cydones. Gilliland, Judith R.
M.Phil., Oxford. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, N.G.
Chronological coverage: 1344–1398
Categories: Medieval
Warwick and Wavrin: two case studies on the literary background and propaganda of Anglo-Burgundian relations in the Yorkist period. Visser-Fuchs, C.T. Livia
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, David A.L.
Chronological coverage: 1461–1485
Categories: Medieval
'Where West and East meets': change and continuity in the British administration of Jamaica, Barbados and the Leeward Islands in connection to the rule of India. Billstrom, T.L.
M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Wood, Betty C.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1947
'Abnormal law and order requirements in a revolutionary situation': Eisenhower, Kennedy, and internal security assistance to South Vietnam. Rosenau, William
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Saki
Chronological coverage: 1952–1963
Index terms: United States of America, and Vietnam; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid) (1890-1969), president of the U.S.A.; Vietnam, and the U.S.A.
American entry into the Vietnam War, 1964-5: a re-evaluation. Moyar, M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1964–1965
Index terms: Vietnam, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Vietnam; Vietnam War (1954-75)
American-Vietnamese diplomatic relations after the fall of Saigon, 1975-9. Menétrey Monchau, Cécile J.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1975–1979
Index terms: Diplomacy, American-Vietnamese; Saigon, Vietnam; Vietnam, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Vietnam
Animals and animal lore in the Bonum universale de apibus by Thomas of Cantimpre, c.1200-1270. Pollini, Nadia
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rubin, Miri E.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1270
Index terms: Bonum universale de apibus, of Thomas of Cantimpre; Thomas of Cantimpre (c.1200-c.1270); Animal lore
Categories: Medieval
An invisible surrender: the United Nations and the end of the British empire, 1956-63. Hanzawa, Asahiko
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.; MacFarlane, S.N.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1963
Index terms: United Nations, and Britain; Empire, British
Beasts in the woods: medieval responses to the threatening wild. Pluskowski, A.G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hills, Catherine M.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Wild animals, medieval responses to
Categories: Medieval
Birger Jarl and 13th-century Swedish kingship. Line, Philip
Ph.D., Leeds. (Medieval Stud.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
Chronological coverage: 1250–1266
Index terms: Birger Jarl (c.1200-1266), regent of Sweden; Sweden; Kingship, in Sweden
Categories: Medieval
Britain and the Rhodesian crisis, 1964-5, with special reference to South Africa and the United States. Robinson, Alice
M.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, T.G.; Murray, C.D.
Chronological coverage: 1964–1965
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Rhodesia, South Africa, the U.S.A.; Rhodesia, and Britain; South Africa, and Britain
Britain, France, the U.S.A. and West German rearmament, 1945-55. Pastor-Castro, Rogelia
Ph.D., Central Lancashire. (Hum.). Supervised by Thomas, Martin; Paris, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain, France, Germany; France, and the U.S.A., Germany, Britain; Germany, and Britain, France, the U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with France, the U.S.A., West Germany; Rearmament, German
Carolingian women and property holding in the St. Gall archive, 700-920. Bullimore, Katherine J.
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.
Chronological coverage: 700–920
Index terms: Property holding, in France; St. Gall, France; France; Carolingian empire; Women, Carolingian
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; Social history; Medieval
Episcopal elections in Normandy and greater Anjou, c.1140-c.1230. Peltzer, Joerg H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Dunbabin, Jean H.
Chronological coverage: 1140–1230
Index terms: Normandy; Anjou; Episcopal elections, in France; Church, in France
Categories: Medieval
Facing the Colonels: British and American diplomacy towards the Colonels' junta in Greece, 1967-70. Conispoliatis, Helen
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Cull, Nicholas J.
Chronological coverage: 1969–1973
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Greece; Diplomats, Diplomacy, American; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Greece
Franks and Greeks, Latins and Romans: Greek identity and the Frangokrateia. Page, Gillian P.
Ph.D., Leeds. (York St. John). Supervised by Loud, Graham; Lock, Peter
Chronological coverage: 486–768
Index terms: Romans; Latins; Greeks; Franks
Categories: Medieval
Icelanders and the early kings of Norway: the evidence of legal and literary texts. Boulhosa, P.P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon)
Chronological coverage: 860–1000
Index terms: Kings, Kingship, in Norway; Norway, and Iceland; Iceland, and Norway
Categories: Medieval
Imperial orations in late Byzantium, 1261-1453. Tot, Ida
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1261–1453
Index terms: Oratory, Byzantine; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Invisible women/hidden voices: women writing on sport in the 20th century. Bennett, Victoria
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Lanfranchi, Pierre
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Index terms: Writing, on sport; Sport, and women; Women
Categories: Intellectual history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Machiavelli and Italian nationhood. Landon, William
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Mackenney, Richard S.
Chronological coverage: 1489–1527
Index terms: Italy; Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527), Italian statesman and writer; Nationhood, Italian
Categories: Medieval
Open vs. proprietary knowledge: the case of computer software, 1955-90. Tannenbaum, David
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, G.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1990
Index terms: Computer software
Perceiving Germanness: changing concepts of German culture and history as seen from abroad - a Swedish and an American perspective. Tellenbach Uttman, Magdalena
Ph.D., Wales (Swansea).
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Index terms: Sweden, and Germany; Germany; Culture, German; United States of America, and Germany
Pinturicchio's Roman fresco cycles re-examined, 1478-94. La Malfa, Claudia
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.; Hope, Charles A.
Chronological coverage: 1478–1494
Index terms: Pinturrichio (Bernardino di Betto Vagio) (1454-1513), Italian painter; Italy; Fresco cycles, of Pinturicchio; Art, Artists
Categories: Medieval
Relations between the Latin East and western Europe, 1187-1291. Ross, Linda Drummond
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1187–1291
Index terms: Europe, western, and the Latin East; Latin East, and western Europe
Categories: Medieval
The career of the Empress Judith, 819-43. Ward, Elizabeth F.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 819–843
Index terms: Judith (c.800-843), Carolingian empress; Carolingian empire
Categories: Medieval
The Carter administration and the Horn of Africa. Jackson, D.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1977–1981
Index terms: United States of America, and Africa; Carter, (James Earl) Jimmy (1924-), president of the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
The Christianisation of Scandinavia: a comparative study. Sanmark, Alexandra
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Wendy
Chronological coverage: 850–1100
Index terms: Christians, Christianity, in Scandinavia; Scandinavia
Categories: Medieval
The chronology, the scale and the impact of the Norman conquest of/on southern Italy in the 11th century. Bonniot, Christine A.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.
Chronological coverage: 1034–1100
Index terms: Italy, southern; Normans
Categories: Medieval
The city of Troia and its territory, c.1020-c.1220. Oldfield, Paul
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.
Chronological coverage: 1020–1220
Index terms: Troia
Categories: Medieval
The education of queens in the 11th and 12th centuries. Shergold, M.G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Education, of queens; Queens, Queenship; Women
Categories: Medieval
The merchant of Genoa: the Crusades, the Genoese and the Latin East, 1187-1225. Mack, M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1187–1225
Index terms: Merchants, in Italy; Genoa, Italy; Italy; Crusades
Categories: Medieval
The political economy of Anglo-American naval relations: pirates, slaves and the equatorial Atlantic, 1819-63. Hunter, Mark C.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1819–1863
Index terms: America, North, see also United States of America; Navy, American and British; Foreign relations, with North America; Pirates, Piracy; Slave trade, Atlantic
The politics of exclusion in Florence, 1215-1434. Ricciardelli, Fabrizio
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Butters, Humfrey C.
Chronological coverage: 1215–1434
Index terms: Politics of exclusion, in Italy; Italy; Florence, Italy
Categories: Medieval
The politics of submission in the early medieval British Isles and Brittany (8th-11th centuries). Davidson, Michael R.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Thomas S.; Wolff, A.
Chronological coverage: 700–1000
Index terms: Politics of submission; Brittany
Categories: Medieval
The politics of youth: the representation of young noblemen in the late 15th- and early 16th-century interludes. Dunlop, Fiona S.
Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, Jeremy; Havely, Nicolas
Chronological coverage: 1480–1520
Index terms: Nobles, see Aristocrats; Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Young people
Categories: Medieval
The presentation and practice of Crusading according to John of Joinville and his contemporaries. Smith, C.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1248–1319
Index terms: John of Joinville (d. 1317); Crusades
Categories: Medieval
The relationship between the counts of Flanders and the Capetian kings, 1060-1214. Ruel, James
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Bull, Marcus G.
Chronological coverage: 1060–1214
Index terms: Capetian kings; Flanders, counts of; France
Categories: Medieval
The Russian-Chinese encounter in Harbin, Manchuria, 1898-1932. Gamsa, Mark
D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Smith, G.S.; Dudbridge, G.
Chronological coverage: 1898–1932
Index terms: Harbin, Manchuria; Russia, and China; China, and Russia; Manchuria
The sons of Neptune and the sons of Ham: a history of slave ship sailors and their captive cargoes. Christopher, Emma L.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
Index terms: Slave trade
The tribunal of Zaragoza and crypto-Judaism, 1484-1515. D'Abrera, A.Y.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1484–1515
Index terms: Spain; Zaragoza, tribunal of; Judaism
Categories: Medieval
The West looks at Constantinople: the idea of the city as renewal and utopia in selected medieval French and Franco-Italian texts. Devereaux, R.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (French)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Constantinople
Categories: Medieval
Uses of the Psalter in Carolingian St. Gallen. Tibbetts, T.N.S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 768–987
Index terms: St. Gallen, France; France; Carolingian empire; Psalter, Carolingian
Categories: Medieval
Women and the use of space in Normandy, c.1050-c.1300. Hicks, L.V.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Van Houts, Elisabeth M.C.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1300
Index terms: France; Women, in Normandy; Normandy
Categories: Gender and Women; Medieval
Workers and revolutionaries on the shopfloor: the breakdown of industrial relations in the automobile plants of Detroit and Turin, 1947-73. Pizzolato, Nicola
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Körner, Axel
Chronological coverage: 1947–1973
Index terms: Turin, Italy; Automobile industry, in Italy and the U.S.A.; Detroit, U.S.A.; Industrial relations, in Italy and the U.S.A.; United States of America; Italy
Anglo-Continental musical relations, c.1485-1530. Dumitrescu, Theodor G.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1530
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Europe; Music
Categories: Medieval
A Pacific pact lost: the creation of security arrangements in the Asia-Pacific, 1945-51. Konagaya, Hideaki
M.Litt., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Asia, and the Pacific; Security, in the Asia-Pacific; Pacific, and Asia
Articulating the Hijaba: 'Amirid artistic and cultural patronage in al-Andalus, c.970-1010. Rosser-Owen, Mariam S.A.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 970–1010
Index terms: Patronage, cultural, 'Amirid; Spain; 'Amirid dynasty; al-Andalus; Hijaba; 'Amirid dictatorship; Patronage, artistic, 'Amirid
Categories: Medieval
Childhood in Anglo-Saxon and Frankish hagiography, c.A.D. 400-1000. Tytel, Emma
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Skinner, Patricia; Golding, Brian J.
Chronological coverage: 400–1000
Index terms: Hagiography, Anglo-Saxon; Childhood, Frankish; Childhood, Anglo-Saxon; Hagiography, Frankish
Categories: Medieval
Constructions of sanctity and the Anglo-Saxon missions to the Continent, 690-900. Palmer, James T.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Loseby, Simon; Foot, Sarah
Chronological coverage: 690–900
Index terms: Missions, Anglo-Saxon; see also holiness; Sanctity; Church, medieval
Categories: Medieval
German-Jewish refugees in London and New York, 1935-45: a comparative study of adaptation and acculturation. Bihler, Lori Gemeiner
Ph.D., Sussex.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1945
Index terms: New York, German-Jewish refugees in; London, German-Jewish refugees in; Refugees, German-Jewish; United States of America; Jews, German; Migration, German-Jewish, to London; Migration, German-Jewish, to New York
'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven’: cosmological depictions in early Rus (10th-13th century). Caudano, Anne-Laurence D.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 900–1300
Index terms: Cosmology, early Rus; Rus
Categories: Medieval
Milites Christi in Hortis Liliorum Domini? Hagiographic constructions of masculinity and holiness in 13th-century Liege. More, Alison
Ph.D., Bristol. (Theol.). Supervised by Meussig, Carolyn
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Holiness, in Liege; Masculinity, in Liege; Hagiography; Liege
Categories: Medieval
The memory of politics and the politics of memory: the Cuban diaspora in Spain. Berg, Mette L.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1959–1980
Index terms: Spain, and Cuba; Cuba, and Spain; Politics, and memory, Cuban; Diaspora, Cuban; Memory, and politics, Cuban; Migration, Cuban, to Spain
Theological controversy in the 7th century concerning activities and wills in Christ. Hovorun, Serhii
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Louth, Andrew
Chronological coverage: 600–700
Index terms: Religion; Theological controversy; Wills
Categories: Medieval
The origins of counter-insurgency in Malaya, Kenya and Cyprus, c.1948-1957. Arditti, Roger C.
M.Phil., London.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1957
Index terms: Counter-insurgency, in Malaya; Cyprus; Kenya; Malaya; Counter-insurgency, in Kenya; Counter-insurgency, in Cyprus
The property rights and strategies of widows in Iceland and Yorkshire in the 12th and 13th centuries: a comparison. Ricketts, Philadelphia
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Stafford, Pauline
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Property rights, of women; in Iceland; Widows; Women; Widows, in Iceland; Women, in Iceland; Iceland; Yorkshire
Categories: Medieval
The Sampson-Schley controversy and aspects of the naval campaign of 1898 in the Spanish-American War as portrayed and analysed by selected American newspapers, 1898-1901. Anderson, James R.
M.Litt., Aberdeen.
Chronological coverage: 1898–1901
Index terms: Spain, and the U.S.A.; Spanish-American War (1898); Naval campaigns, in the Spanish-American War; United States of America, and Spain; Newspapers, see Press; Press, newspaper, in the U.S.A.; Sampson-Schley controversy
The traffic in saints: the social and sexual economies of old French hagiography. Campbell, Emma E.
Ph.D., London.
Chronological coverage: 800–1200
Index terms: Hagiography, in France; France; Saints, in France
Categories: Medieval
The United Nations and democratisation, 1945-96: ideas, instructions and action. Lombardo, Caroline E.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1996
Index terms: Democratisation; United Nations
A history of evolution and interaction: man, roads and the landscape to c.1850. Harrison, Sarah A.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1850
Index terms: Landscape; Roads
Categories: Medieval
Armenia: history, archaeology and ethnicity. Laycock, Joanne
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Gatrell, Peter W.
Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
Index terms: Ethnicity, in Armenia; Archaeology, in Armenia; Armenia
Categories: Medieval
A study of Byzantine-Bulgar relations, 775-816 A.D. Sophoulis, Pananos P.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.
Chronological coverage: 775–816
Index terms: Bulgars, and Byzantium; Foreign relations, Byzantine-Bulgar; Byzantium, and Bulgars
Categories: Medieval
Bishop Gerard I of Cambrai (1012-51) and the representation of authority in the Gesta episcoporum cameracensium. Riches, Theo
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Jinty
Chronological coverage: 1012–1051
Index terms: Gesta episcoporum cameracensium (11th cent.); Church, medieval, in France; Gerard I (d. 1051), bishop of Cambrai; France
Categories: Medieval
Byzantine coinage, A.D. 1204-1453: some problems in monetary affairs. Lianta, Eleni
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1204–1453
Index terms: Economy, Byzantine; Coinage, Byzantine; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Chess in the Cold War. Stevens, Timothy
Ph.D., Keele.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1975
Index terms: Games, Gaming; Chess; Cold War
Christian and non-Christian Templar associates in the 12th- and 13th-century crown of Aragon. Stiles, Paula R.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, Hugh N.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Templars, see Order of the Temple; Spain; Order of the Temple; Aragon, Spain; Christians, Christianity
Categories: Medieval
Chymistry and crucibles in the Renaissance laboratory: an archaeometric and historical study. Martinon-Torres, Marcos
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.)
Chronological coverage: 1400–1550
Index terms: Science, in the Renaissance
Categories: Medieval
Competition and co-operation: U.S. trade and foreign direct investment in Malaya, 1870-1957. Yacob, Shakila P.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1957
Index terms: Malaya, and the U.S.A.; Trade, U.S., with Malaya; United States of America, and Malaya; Investment, U.S., in Malaya
Concepts of ill health and pestilence in 15th-century Siena. Whitley, Antonia
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Mann, C. Nicholas J.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Index terms: Pestilence, in Italy; Italy; Siena, Italy; Public health, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
Containing liberation: the U.S. Cold War strategy towards eastern Europe and the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Long, Stephen J.
M.Phil., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1956
Index terms: Revolution, see Hungarian revolution; Hungarian revolution (1956); Europe, eastern, and the U.S.A.; Cold War; United States of America, and eastern Europe
Contested loyalties: Vietnamese soldiers in the service of France, 1927-39. Rettig, Tobias F.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S.E. Asia). Supervised by Brown, Ian G.
Chronological coverage: 1927–1939
Index terms: France, and Vietnam; Army, French, in Vietnam; Vietnam, and France
Crusade and family memory before 1225. Paul, Nicholas Lithgow
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1096–1225
Index terms: Family memory; Crusades
Categories: Medieval
Family involvement in the Order of the Temple in Burgundy, Champagne and Languedoc, c.1120-c.1307. Schenk, Jochen G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1120–1307
Index terms: Languedoc, France; Champagne, France; Burgundy, France; Family, in France; Order of the Temple; France
Categories: Medieval
Fight with us, women, and we will emancipate you: France, the F.L.N. and the struggle over women during the Algerian War of National Liberation, 1954-69. Seferdjeli, Ryme
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
Chronological coverage: 1954–1969
Index terms: Women, in Algeria; Algerian war (1954-62); Algeria, and France; F.L.N., see Front de Libération Nationale; France, and Algeria; Front de Libération Nationale
Categories: Gender and Women; Military/naval history; Political history; Europe; 20th Century
Forgotten armies: British and American troops in south-east Asia and the brutalisation of warfare, 1942-5. Kraljic, Tatiana G.U.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1942–1945
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Warfare, brutalisation of; Military, of the U.S.A.; Military; United States of America, and Asia
Franco-Scottish politics: crown and nobility, 1160-1296. Pollock, Melissa
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Michael H.
Chronological coverage: 1160–1296
Index terms: Scotland, and France; Nobility, in France; France, and Scotland; Nobility, in Scotland
Categories: Medieval
From testimony to the culture industry: representations of the Holocaust in popular culture. Marshman, Sophia F.
Ph.D., Portsmouth.
Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
Index terms: Culture, popular; Holocaust
Gaming artefacts of the Viking homelands and northwest expansion: a study of Tafl games. Sperr, Alexandra P.
M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 700–1100
Index terms: Tafl games; Games, Gaming; Vikings
Categories: Medieval
Grand strategy into Africa: Communist China’s use of political warfare, 1955-76. Chau, Donovan C.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1976
Index terms: China, and Africa; Africa, and China
'Greed, gluttony and intemperance'? Testing the stereotype of the 'obese medieval monk'. Patrick, Philippa
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.). Supervised by Waldron, Tony; Milne, Gustav
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Stereotypes, religious; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Gluttony; Greed; Obesity
Categories: Medieval
Heresy in 13th-century Catholic texts. Sackville, Lucy J.
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Biller, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Roman Catholic church; Heresy
Categories: Medieval
Ideals, masculinity and inheritance: a study of father/son relationships presented in the narrative sources of Iceland and Normandy in the 11th to 13th centuries. Percivall, Nic
Ph.D., Liverpool.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1300
Index terms: Narrative sources, medieval; Ideals, in medieval narrative sources; Inheritance, in medieval narrative sources; Family relationships, in medieval narrative sources; Masculinity, in medieval narrative sources; Iceland; Normandy
Categories: Medieval
Literacy and lay society in the sénéchaussée of Carcassonne, c.1270-1330. Corner, James D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1270–1330
Index terms: France; Lay society, in France; Literacy, in France; Carcassonne, France
Categories: Medieval
Masculinity, nobility and the moral instruction of the Carolingian lay elite. Stone, Rachel S.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 768–987
Index terms: Lay people, Carolingian; Moral instruction, Carolingian; Nobility, Carolingian; Elites, Carolingian; Masculinity, Carolingian; Carolingian empire
Categories: Medieval
Medieval maritime law and its practice in the towns of northern Europe: a comparison by the example of shipwreck, jettison and ship collision. Frankot, Edda B.I.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Pederson, Fredrik J.G.; Forte, Angelo
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Ship collision, law of; Jettison, law of; Shipwreck, law of; Maritime law
Categories: Medieval
Memory and mobility; representing Chinese exclusion at Angel Island Immigration Station. Hoskins, Gareth
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
Chronological coverage: 1910–1940
Index terms: United States of America, and China; China, and the U.S.A.; Migration, Chinese, to the U.S.A.; Angel Island Immigration Station, California
Military saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200. White, Monica Morrison
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Slavonic). Supervised by Franklin, Simon
Chronological coverage: 900–1200
Index terms: Rus, and Byzantium; Saints, military, in Rus; Saints, military, in Byzantium; Byzantium, and Rus
Categories: Medieval
Model boats in the context of maritime history and archaeology: an investigation into their usage, between the 9th and 10th centuries A.D. in north-west Europe, and their potential for further research. Roach, Alistair
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 800–1000
Index terms: Archaeology, maritime; Boats, model; Europe
Categories: Medieval
'One chance in a thousand': the mission of Sumner Welles to Europe (February-March 1940), Rooseveltian foreign policy and Anglo-American relations, November 1937-May 1940. Rofe, Simon
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Pol.). Supervised by Dobson, Alan P.; Simpson, Michael A.
Chronological coverage: 1937–1940
Index terms: Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), U.S. president; World War II (1939-45); Europe, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, an Europe; Welles, Sumner (1892-1961), diplomat; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Diplomacy, of the U.S.A.
Pascual de Gayangos (1809-97) and Anglo-American Hispanism. Heide, Claudia
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1829–1897
Index terms: Gayangos, Pascual de (1809-97), writer; Hispanicism, Anglo-American
Perceptions of women in the narrative histories of Crusading and the Latin East. Hodgson, Natasha R.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Haseldine, Julian P.
Chronological coverage: 1095–1291
Index terms: Latin East; Women, in the Crusades; Crusades
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; Imperial and colonial; Medieval
Perfecting prevention: the medical writings of Maino de' Maineri (d. c.1368). Proctor, Caroline V.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Simone C.
Chronological coverage: 1320–1368
Index terms: Medical writings, of Maino de' Maineri; Maineri, Maino de', Milanese writer (d. c.1368)
Categories: Medieval
Piercing the bamboo curtain: tentative bridge building to China during the Johnson years. Lumbers, Michael
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1963–1968
Index terms: United States of America, and China; Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-73), U.S. president; China, and the U.S.A.
Propaganda, the British press and contemporary war: a comparative study of the Gulf War, 1990-1, and the Kosovo conflict, 1999. Willcox, David
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1990–1999
Index terms: Kosovo conflict (1999); Gulf War (1990-1); Television reportage; Press, newspaper; Propaganda, military
Russian rule in Samarkand, 1868-1910: a comparison with British India. Morrison, Alexander
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1868–1910
Index terms: Samarkand, Uzbekistan; Russia, and Samarkand; India, British
Secret rooms: private spaces for private prayer in late medieval Burgundy and the Netherlands. Lotz, Ezekiel
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
Index terms: Prayer, private, in the Netherlands; Burgundy, and the Netherlands; Prayer, private, in Burgundy; Netherlands, and Burgundy
Categories: Medieval
Settlement and community: their location, limits and movement through the landscape of historical Cyprus. Sollars, Luke Hayward
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Knapp, A. Bernard; Given, M.
Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
Index terms: Landscape, in Cyprus; Community, in Cyprus; Settlement, in Cyprus; Cyprus
Categories: Medieval
Strangers in strange lands: colonisation and multiculturalism in the age of Scandinavian expansion. Lewis-Simpson, Shannon M.
Ph.D., York.
Chronological coverage: 800–1100
Index terms: Multiculturalism; Colonisation, Scandinavian; Scandinavia
Categories: Medieval
The application of reform in France: the conciliar activity of Hugh, bishop of Die (1073-82), archbishop of Lyons (1082-1106) and legate to Gregory VII. Rennie, Kriston
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 1073–1106
Index terms: Die, bishopric; France; Lyons, archbishopric; Roman Catholic church, in France; Gregory VII (c.1020-1085), pope; Papacy; Hugh (1081-1106), bishop of Die and archbishop of Lyons
Categories: Medieval
The coming-of-age of a northern Iberian frontier bishopric: Calahorra, 1045-1190. Carl, Carolina
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1045–1190
Index terms: Episcopacy, in Spain; Calahorra, Spain; Bishops, Bishoprics, see Episcopacy; Spain
Categories: Medieval
The ideology of slavery: a comparative study of slavery in the military of the Byzantine and ‘Abbasid empires in the 9th-century. Nawaz, Robina
M.Phil., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 800–900
Index terms: Byzantium; Slavery, Byzantine military; Slavery, 'Abbasid military; 'Abbasid empire
Categories: Medieval
The image of the Mongols in western European imagination, 1220-1500. Fielding, Ann T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Massing, Jean Michel
Chronological coverage: 1220–1500
Index terms: Mongols, image of in Europe
Categories: Medieval
The impact of the Leipzig trials after the First World War on the development of war crimes jurisdiction and international humanitarian law. Millett, Anthony J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Gow, James
Chronological coverage: 1921–1922
Index terms: War crimes; Leipzig trials; World War I; Law, international
The international wool market, 1840-1913. Brearley, Stephen C.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, David M.; Attard, Bernard
Chronological coverage: 1840–1913
Index terms: Wool trade, international
‘The king is dead’: the thanatology of kings in the Old Norse synoptic histories of Norway, 1035-1161. Salvucci, Giovanna
Ph.D., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1035–1161
Index terms: Norway; Thanatology; Kingship; Old Norse
Categories: Medieval
The Knights Templar and the kings of England and France. Gatti, Irina
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Barber, Malcolm C.
Chronological coverage: 1119–1314
Index terms: Knights Templar; France
Categories: Medieval
The life and works of Osbert of Clare. Briggs, Brian
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1136–1160
Index terms: Clare, Osbert of (d. in or after 1158), prior of Westminster abbey; Church, medieval
Categories: Medieval
The medieval papacy. McDonald, Jennifer
M.Phil., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Pederson, Federik J.G.; Ditchburn, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Roman Catholic church; Papacy
Categories: Medieval
’The metaphysics of the law’: drawing the boundaries of copyright law, 1710-1911. Alexander, Isabella J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Cornish, W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1710–1911
Index terms: Law, of copyright; Copyright law
The New Left Review and voices from the non-anglophone world, 1962-83. Jones, Steve
M.A., Glamorgan. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Berger, Stefan; Gemie, Sharif
Chronological coverage: 1962–1983
Index terms: Press, ???; New Left Review
The Order of the Golden Tree: the gift-giving objectives of Duke Philip the Bold of Burgundy. Chattaway, Carol M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, David A.L.
Chronological coverage: 1363–1404
Index terms: Patronage, in Burgundy; Gift-giving, in Burgundy; Order of the Golden Tree; Burgundy; Philip the Bold (1342-1404), duke of Burgundy
Categories: Medieval
The origins of bills of rights in the British Commonwealth: the emergence of domestic human rights instruments in Britain’s overseas territories, 1950-62. Parkinson, Charles
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1962
Index terms: Human rights, in the Commonwealth; Commonwealth
The production and reception of military texts in the aftermath of the Hundred Years War. Nall, Catherine
Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Taylor, Craig D.; Riddy, Felicity
Chronological coverage: 1453–1485
Index terms: Military texts, medieval; Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
Categories: Medieval
The secret war in the south: the Covert Center in Algiers and British and American intelligence in the western Mediterranean, 1941-4. Wales, Thomas C.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri; Stafford, David
Chronological coverage: 1941–1944
Index terms: Covert Center, in Algiers; World War II; Mediterranean; Intelligence, military, Anglo-American; Algiers; United States of America, and Britain
The work and thought of Hugh of Amiens (c.1085-1164). Freeburn, Ryan P.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1105–1164
Index terms: Roman Catholic church, in France; Amiens, Hugh of (c.1085-1164), Archbishop of Rouen; France
Categories: Medieval
Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War, 1961-9. Milne, David
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1969
Index terms: Vietnam War (1954-75); United States of American, and Vietnam; Rostow, Walt Whitman (1916-), U.S. economist; Vietnam, and the U.S.A.
What was the Investiture Controversy a controversy about?. Knight, Emma
M.A., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1075–1122
Index terms: Investiture controversy; Papacy
Categories: Medieval
A citadel amongst the Alpine passes: the nature of cultural and political identity in early medieval Chur-Rhaetia, 500-900 A.D. Carr, Helena F.
Ph.D., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 500–900
Index terms: Political identity, see Identity; Identity, Cultural, in Chur-Rhaetia; Cultural identity, see Identity; Identity, political, in Chur-Rhaetia; Chur-Rhaetia
Categories: Medieval
An edition and study of select sermons from the Carolingian sermonary of Salzburg. McCune, James
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 800–830
Index terms: Salzburg, Carolingian; Sermonary, Carolingian; Carolingian empire
Categories: Medieval
Anglo-American relations in connection with the application and early membership of the European Economic Community, 1969-75. Ward, Steven J.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1969–1975
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; European Economic Community
Art, artist, patron, community in Venetian Crete, 1200-1450. Newall, Diana
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
Chronological coverage: 1200–1450
Index terms: Art, Artists, in Crete; Venice, and Crete; Crete, Venetian; Patronage, artistic, in Crete
Categories: Medieval
Attlee, Bevin and the role of the United Nations, 1945-9. Rahman, Abdul
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1949
Index terms: Bevin, Ernest (1881-1951), trade unionist and politician; Attlee, Clement Richard (1883-1967), prime minister and 1st Earl Attlee; United Nations
'Bloodied banners': the form and function of military display on the medieval battlefield. Jones, Robert W.
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Battlefields, medieval; Military display
Categories: Medieval
Canadians in the Spanish Civil War. Petrou, Michael
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1936–1939
Charles II of Navarre and England. Gray, Fabia A.
M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1349–1387
Index terms: Charles II (1332-87), king of Navarre; France; Navarre
Categories: Medieval
Chivalry as community and culture: the military elite of the late 13th and 14th century. Honeywell, Mark
Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1280–1400
Index terms: Military; Chivalry
Categories: Medieval
Conditions and pre-conditions of royal female rule in Italy, c.450-c.774. Martin, Sally
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 450–774
Index terms: Queenship; Italy; Women, royal, in Italy; Italy; Queenship, see also Kingship
Categories: Medieval
Containment and decolonisation: the United States, Great Britain and Singapore, 1953-61. Long, S.R. Joey
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1961
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.; Foreign relations, with Singapore; Singapore, and the U.S.; Decolonisation, in Singapore; United States of America, and Singapore; Empire
Conversion and Christianity in north-western Europe, A.D. 400-1200. Brunning, Susan
M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 400–1200
Index terms: Conversion, to Christianity; Christianity
Categories: Medieval
'Co-prosperity' or 'commonwealth'? Japan, Britain and Burma, 1940-5. Mori, Takato
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: Burma, and Japan; Foreign relations, with Japan; Burma, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Burma; Japan, and Burma; Japan, and Britain
Crusade and pilgrimage spirituality, c.1095-c.1187. Purkis, W.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1095–1187
Index terms: Spirituality; Pilgrimage; Crusades
Categories: Medieval
Experts, empire and development: fundamental research for the British colonies, 1940-60. Clarke, Sabine M.
Ph.D., London. (Imperial)
Chronological coverage: 1940–1960
Index terms: Empire
Founding for salvation: the burial chapel of the founder in Byzantine monastic institutions and its decoration. Kotoula, Dimitra
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1453
Index terms: Burial chapels, Byzantine; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, Byzantine; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Frankish legal formularies. Rio, Alice
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 486–768
Index terms: Legal formularies, Frankish; Francia
Categories: Medieval
German colonialism in Africa and the development of racial thinking. De Vos, Vincent
M.Res., Kingston.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1919
Index terms: Racial thinking; Colonialism, German; Africa, and Germany; Germany, and Africa; Empire, German
Gibraltar: attempts to solve an international problem, 1963-2002. Archibald, Gary
Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1963–2002
Index terms: Gibraltar
Optimism betrayed: the golden age of Mexican-Spanish relations, 1931-9. Pliego-Moreno, Ivan H.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1931–1939
Index terms: Mexico, and Spain; Spain, and Mexico
Passion, politics and the past: the role of affect in U.S. decision-making during the Korean War. Donskoi, Vladimir J.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1953
Index terms: United States of American, and Korea; Korean war (1950-3)
Perceptions of power: American perceptions of the U.S.-Soviet military balance and the course of the Cold War, 1976-85. Walsh, David M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1976–1985
Index terms: United States of America, and the U.S.S.R.; Cold War; Military, of the U.S.S.R.; Military, of the U.S.A.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the U.S.A.
Piety and purgatory: wall-mounted memorials from the southern Netherlands, c.1380-1520. Brine, Douglas
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
Chronological coverage: 1380–1520
Index terms: Memorials, in the Netherlands; Purgatory, in the Netherlands; Piety, in the Netherlands
Categories: Medieval
Place, identity and memory: a study of American ante-bellum autobiographical slave narratives, and Holocaust survivor accounts by Jews living in Bialystok, Poland, after 1918 and up to 1943. Marlow, Margaret
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1820–1943
Index terms: Poland; Holocaust survivor narratives; United States of America; Slave narratives, in America; Bialystok, Poland; Jews
Political history of the Carolingian kingdom of Lotharingia, 843-925. Hope, George A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 843–925
Index terms: Carolingian empire; Lotharingia
Categories: Medieval
Political use and impact of art and theatre in the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. during the 1920s and 1930s. McGregor, Alex
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1920–1940
Index terms: Theatre, in the U.S.S.R.; Theatre, in the U.S.A.; Art, Artists, in the U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Art, Artists, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
Pope John XXII and the Franciscan ideal of poverty. Brunner, Melanie
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1316–1334
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Franciscan order; Poverty, Franciscan; Papacy; John XXII (c.1245-1334), pope
Categories: Medieval
'Pour le bien du roy et de son royaume': Burgundian propaganda under John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy, 1405-19. Hutchison, Emily
Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1405–1419
Index terms: Burgundy; John the Fearless (1371-1419), duke of Burgundy; Propaganda, Burgundian; France
Categories: Medieval
Reform and reception: Iran, the United States, and modernisation in the early 1960s. Cooper, Adam
M.Phil., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1965
Index terms: Iran, modernisation of; United States of America, and Iran; Iran, and the U.S.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.
Russian naval strategy in the Far East, 1895-1904. Papastratigakis, Nicholas
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
Chronological coverage: 1895–1904
Index terms: Naval strategy, Russian; Russia, and the Far East; Far East, and Russia
Social, economic and cultural history of bingo, 1906-2005. Downs, Carolyn
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1906–2005
Index terms: Games, Gaming; Bingo
Soldiers, riot control and aid to the civil power in India, Egypt and Palestine, 1919-39. Shoul, Simeon B.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Riot control; Military, in Palestine; India; Military, in Egypt; Military, in India; Egypt; Palestine
'The anatomy of abuses': artifice, nature and the body, c.1300-1700. Bowen, Rachel
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.)
Chronological coverage: 1300–1700
Index terms: Nature; Artifice; Body
Categories: Medieval
The career and writings of Demetrius Kydones: a study of Byzantine politics and society, c.1347-c.1373. Gilliland, Judith
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1347–1373
Index terms: Byzantium; Kydones, Demetrius (c1324-c.1398), Byzantine politician; Society, Byzantine; Politics, Byzantine
Categories: Medieval
The construction of a triangle: new perspectives on U.S. Taiwan policy since 1949. Tunsjo, Oystein
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1949–2006
Index terms: United States of America, and Taiwan; Taiwan, and the U.S.A.
The foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Franco-German relations and the Algerian war, 1954-62. von Bulow, M.U.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1954–1962
Index terms: Federal Republic of Germany, and Germany; Germany, see also Federal Republic of Germany; Algerian war (1954-62); France, and the Federal Republic of Germany
The Gattilusio lordships in the Aegean, 1354-1462. Wright, Christopher
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1354–1462
Index terms: Gattilusio lordships; Aegean region
Categories: Medieval
The 'imperial rule' of Cnut the Great: a re-examination of the nature of his hegemony in England and Scandinavia. Bolton, T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon)
Chronological coverage: 1015–1035
Index terms: Scandinavia, and England; Kingship; Cnut (d. 1035), king
Categories: Medieval
The presence, patronage and artistic importance of the German community in cinquecento Venice. Oakes, S.P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Index terms: Patronage, artistic, in Venice; Art, Artists, German, in Venice; Venice; Italy
Categories: Medieval
The transmission, reception and use of information about and idea of the Indies in Europe, c.1250-1450. O'Doherty, Marianne
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1250–1450
Index terms: Indies, and Europe; Europe, and the Indies
Categories: Medieval
The two expeditions of the Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes in 1068 and 1069. Vratimos-Chatzopoulos, Antonios
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 1068–1069
Index terms: Byzantium; Romanos IV Diogenes (d. 1072), Byzantine emperor
Categories: Medieval
The use of drawings in the communication between artists and patrons in Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries. Pesenti, Allegra
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Patronage, artistic, in Italy; Art, Artists, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
Transnational activism and its limits: the campaign for disarmament between the two world wars. Davies, Thomas R.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Disarmament
Unbound possessions: the circulation of used goods in Florence, c.1450-1600. Matchette, Elizabeth A.
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1450–1600
Index terms: Florence; Trade, in Florence; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Urban society and communal independence in 12th-century southern Italy. Oldfield, Paul
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Society, urban, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
U.S. hegemony in European security: establishing and transforming the European security order, 1947-2002. Schulz, Sabrina B.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
Chronological coverage: 1947–2002
Index terms: Security, European; United States of America, and Europe; Europe, and the U.S.A.
Vengeance and the crusades, 1095-1216. Throop, S.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1095–1216
Index terms: Crusades; Vengeance
Categories: Medieval
Anthony Eden and the formulation of British foreign policy for the Geneva conference on Indo-China of 1954. Bufton, Joe
M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1951–1954
Index terms: Foreign policy; Indo-China; Eden, (Robert) Anthony, 1st earl of Avon (1897–1977), prime minister; Geneva Conference on Indo-China (1954)
British multinationals, culture and empire in the early 20th century. Johnson, Valerie
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1925
Buried in the sands of the Ogaden': the United States, the Horn of Africa and the demise of détente. Woodroofe, Louise Prentis
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
Chronological coverage: 1977–1980
Index terms: Africa, and the U.S.A.; United States of American, and Africa; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
Felix Fabri and his audiences: the pilgrimage writings of a Dominican preacher in late medieval Germany. Beebe, Kathryne
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1441–1502
Index terms: Pilgrimage; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Dominicans; Audience, for pilgrimage writings; Germany; Felix Fabri (1441/2-1502), Dominican preacher
Categories: Medieval
Fulbert of Chartres and his circle: scholarship and society in 11th-century France. Gowers, Bernard G.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1028
Index terms: Scholarship, in medieval France; Fulbert of Chartres (d. 1028), bishop of Chartres; Society, in medieval France; France
Categories: Medieval
Institutions and endowments: state credibility, fiscal institutions and divergence, Argentina and Australia, c.1880-1980. Mitchell, Andrew H.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1880–1980
Internationalising Tibet at the United Nations, 1950-2005. Anhal, Aarti
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1950–2005
Index terms: United Nations; Tibet
International law at sea, economic warfare and Britain's response to the German U-boat campaign. Russell, Bruce
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Kingship and usurpation, 1399-1485. Brown, Lucy
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1399–1485
Index terms: Usurpation; Kingship
Categories: Medieval
Late Byzantine warfare. Kyriakidis, Savvas
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1453
Index terms: Warfare, Byzantine; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Literary-legal relations in Commonwealth-period Iceland. Burrows, Hannah
Ph.D., York.
Chronological coverage: 930–1262
Index terms: Literature, Icelandic; Law, in Iceland; Iceland
Categories: Medieval
Military necessity or moral tragedy; challenging the myth surrounding the use of the atomic bomb. Titcombe, James
M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1950
Index terms: Nuclear weapons; Atomic bomb
Mission from the margin: a critical analysis of the participation of West Indians as agents of Christian mission in the western missionary enterprise in Africa in the 19th century, with special reference to their conception of Christian mission. Newman, L.G.
Ph.D., Wales.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Africa; Mission, Christian, in Africa; West Indies, and Africa
Moral diplomacy and the trade negotiations between the Commonwealth Caribbean states and the European Community, 1972-92. Corrie-Kordas, Dawn N.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1972–1992
Index terms: Commonwealth; Caribbean; Trade negotations, international; European Community; Diplomacy, moral; European Union, see European Community
Operational rations and Anglo-American long-range infantry in Burma, 1942-4: a subcultural study of combat feeding. Johnstone, Rachel S.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1942–1944
Index terms: United States of America, and Burma; Infantry, long-range; Rationing, military; Army, U.S.; Army; Burma
Pater Patriae: St. Stanislas and the art of the Polish kings, 1200-1455. Roznowska-Sadraei, Agnieszka
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1200–1455
Index terms: Art, Polish royal; Stanislas, St.; Poland
Categories: Medieval
Post-colonial transition, aid and the Cold War in South-East Asia: Britain, the United States and Burma, 1948-62. Foley, M.
Ph.D., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1962
Index terms: Burma, and the U.S.A.; Burma; South-East Asia; Foreign relations, with Burma; Cold War; United States of America, and Burma
Power, the episcopacy and elite culture in the post-Roman Rhône valley. Dodd, Leslie
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 550–700
Index terms: Episcopacy, in France; Elite culture, in France; Rhône valley; France; Power, in France
Categories: Medieval
Punishing international aggression: American responses to the outlaw state and aggressive war, 1914-46. Kampmark, Binoy
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1946
Index terms: Aggression, international; United States of America; Outlaw states; Warfare
Space, light and experience in middle Byzantine churches. Nesbitt, Claire
Ph.D., Newcastle.
Chronological coverage: 800–1200
Index terms: Churches, Byzantine; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
St. Christopher in medieval Spanish literature. Buxton, Sarah V.
M.A., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Christopher, St.; Spain; Literature, Spanish
Categories: Medieval
Thailand and the American secret war in Indochina, 1960-74. Osornprasop, Sutayut
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1974
Index terms: United States of America, and Thailand; Thailand, and the U.S.A.; Indochina
The archaeology of pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Spain: a landscape perspective. Candy, J.M.
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
Index terms: Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Spain; Pilgrimage
Categories: Medieval
The ars movendi: medieval to early modern. Owen, Kirsty
Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Tarlow, Sarah
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Change; Transition
Categories: Medieval
The Fifth Column in British India: Japan and the I.N.A.'s secret war. Ali, Azharudin Mohamed
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Tomlinson, B.R. (Tom)
Chronological coverage: 1941–1945
Index terms: Fifth Column, in India; India; World War II (1939-45); Japan; Indian National Army; Army, in India
The forgotten Holocaust? Post-war representations of the non-Jewish victims in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Starmes, Hazel F.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Kushner, A.R.J. (Tony)
Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
Index terms: United States of America; Holocaust, non-Jewish victims
The idea of paradigm in church history: the notion of papal monarchy in the 13th century, from Innocent III to Boniface VIII. Harris, Matthew
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Swanson, Robert
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Innocent III (1160/1-1216), pope; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church; Papacy; Boniface VIII (c.1235-1303)
Categories: Medieval
The international legal legitimacy of non-state belligerent actors from the peace of Westphalia to the present. Hupart, Jacob H.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1648–2000
Index terms: Diplomacy, international; Peace of Westphalia (1648)
The relations between England and Flanders, 1066-c.1200, with special reference to the Anglo-Flemish treaties. Oksanen, Eljas I.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1066–1200
Index terms: Flanders, and England; Foreign relations, with Flanders; Treaties, Anglo-Flemish
Categories: Medieval
The Saudi-U.S. strategic relationship, 1962-2006. Hethlain, Naif Bin
Ph.D., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1962–2006
Index terms: United States of American, and Saudi Arabia; Saudi Arabia, and the U.S.A.
The second age of steel: the era of alloy steels, 1858-1914. Morris, A.W.
Ph.D., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1858–1914
Index terms: Steel industry
The Societas Lombardie: the Lombard League, 1164-1225. Raccagni, Gianluca
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1164–1225
Index terms: Lombard League; Societas Lombardie, see Lombard League; Italy
Categories: Medieval
The strategic origins of the British occupation of Cyprus and its role during the Arabi revolt and the resulting Egyptian campaign, 1876-82. Panayiotou, Maria
M.Phil., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1876–1882
Index terms: Arabi revolt (1881-2); Cyprus, British occupation of; Egypt
The unspoken alliance: Israel and apartheid South Africa, 1960-94. Polakow-Suransky, Sasha
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1994
Index terms: Israel, and South Africa; South Africa, and Israel; Apartheid
Upper Lotharingia and Champagne, c.850-c.1100. West, Charles M.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 850–1100
Index terms: Lotharingia, Upper; Champagne; France
Categories: Medieval
Weakness, expansion and 'disobedience': the beginning of Russian expansion into the heart of central Asia, 1864-5. Jamison, Matthew C.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1864–1865
Index terms: Russia, and Asia; Asia, and Russia
Agriculture and trade conflicts between the European Union and the United States in the G.A.T.T. Uruguay round. La Barca, Guiseppe
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Attard, Bernard
Chronological coverage: 1986–1993
Index terms: G.A.T.T., see General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Trade conflicts, international; Agriculture, international; United States of America, and the European Union; European Union, and the U.S.A.; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Uruguay round
Air and public health: an investigation using four historical case studies. Kessel, Anthony S.
M.D., London.
Chronological coverage: -1000–2000
Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare; Air pollution
America, Britain and the Cyprus crisis of 1974: calculated conspiracy or foreign policy failure?. Constandinos, Andreas
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Butler, Lawrence J.
Chronological coverage: 1974–1974
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Cyprus, and America; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Cyprus, and Britain
Anglican church expansion and colonial reform politics in India, New South Wales and the Cape Colony, c.1790-1850. Hardwick, Joseph
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, Miles
Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
Index terms: Anglican church, in the Cape Colony; India; New South Wales; Anglican church, in New South Wales; Anglican church, in India; Cape Colony; South Africa; Australia
Anglo-American relations with South Asia under the Kennedy and Macmillan governments, 1961-1963. McGarr, Paul
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Matthew
Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
Index terms: Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; South Asia; United States of America, and South Asia; Foreign relations, with South Asia; Macmillan, Harold (1894-1986), 1st earl of Stockton, prime minister
Art and education in northern Europe, c.1080-c.1220. Cleaver, Laura
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Lowden, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1080–1220
Index terms: Education, in Europe; Art, in Europe
Categories: Medieval
Business, politics, technology and the international supply of news, 1850-1945. Silberstein-Loeb, Jonathan
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1945
Index terms: Politics, international; Business, international; Technology, international; News, international; Press
Charity in Rouen in the 12th and 13th centuries (with special reference to Mont-aux-Malades). Brenner, Elma H.O.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Charity, in France; Rouen; France; Mont-aux-Malades, France
Categories: Medieval
Conrad III and the Second Crusade in the Byzantine empire and Anatolia, 1147. Roche, Jason
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, Hugh
Chronological coverage: 1147–1147
Index terms: Conrad III (1093-1152), king of Germany; Crusades; Anatolia; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Crusading in Romania: a study of Byzantine-Western relations and attitudes, 1204-82. Chrissis, Nikolaos
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 1204–1282
Index terms: Byzantium; Romania; Crusades
Categories: Medieval
Editing and analysing The Rule of the Master. Gometz, Abigail
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Flynn, William; Wood, Ian N.
Chronological coverage: 500–525
Index terms: Regula Magistri (6th cent.); Rule of the Master (6th cent.)
Categories: Medieval
'Everything begins to recede?' Women journeying abroad, 1870-1940. Robinson, Emma
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Windscheffel, Alex
Chronological coverage: 1870–1940
Index terms: Travel, foreign; Women travellers
Categories: Ethnic and migration history; Population; Gender and Women
Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1935-40. Arielli, Nir
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
Chronological coverage: 1935–1940
Index terms: Fascists, Fascism, in Italy; Middle East, and Italy; Italy, and the Middle East
French memory of the occupation and the Algerian War: construction, evolution and significance from 1945 to the present day. Mievelle-Smith, Vanessa
M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Pilbeam, Pamela M.
Chronological coverage: 1945–2005
Index terms: Algerian War (1954-62); Algeria, and France; France, and Algeria
Imagining Italy: a sociological history of visions of Italy and the Italians in England from 1450 to the present day. Thorpe, Christopher M.
Ph.D., Aberdeen.
Chronological coverage: 1450–2008
Index terms: Italy, visions of
Categories: Medieval
Inter-Allied relations and the German problem, 1944-9. Lewkowicz, Nick
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Mawby, Spencer W.; Young, John W.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1949
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Germany; Allied powers
International sisterhood? International women's organisations and co-operation in the inter-war period. Sandell, Marie
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Ansari, Sarah F.D.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: International women's organisations; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; Social history
Landscapes of conversion in 8th-century Hessia: an interdisciplinary approach to the Anglo-Saxon mission of St. Boniface. Clay, John-Henry
Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Finch, Jonathan; Garrison, Mary
Chronological coverage: 700–800
Index terms: Church, medieval; Germany; Boniface (672x5?–754), saint; Hessia; Missions, Christian
Categories: Medieval
Late medieval pet keeping: gender, status and emotions. Walker-Meikle, Kathleen F.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by D'Avray, David L.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Pets, in the middle ages; Animals, as pets
Categories: Medieval
Manuel I Komnenos and Italy: Byzantine foreign policy, 1135-80. Tolstoy-Miloslavski, Dmitri
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1135–1180
Index terms: Manuel I Komnenos (1118-80), Byzantine emperor; Italy, and Byzantium; Byzantium, and Italy; Foreign policy, Byzantine
Categories: Medieval
Miles juvenis: the upbringing and training of young knights in aristocratic society in the 12th and 13th centuries. Rau, Yeu-Chian (Iris)
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Aristocractic society; Knights, young
Categories: Medieval
Norman naval power in the Mediterranean in the 11th and 12th centuries. Stanton, Charles D.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Mediterranean, medieval; Naval power, Norman
Categories: Medieval
Objects of piety: private devotion in 15th- and 16th-century Florence. Knight, Suzy
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, Kate J.P.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Devotion, private, in Florence; Florence; Piety, in Florence; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Oblation and recruitment in the medieval period. Halliday, Jennifer M.
M.Phil., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Nicholson, Helen J.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Recruitment, religious; Oblation; Church, medieval
Categories: Medieval
Optical devices and early Netherlandish visual culture, c.1400-c.1520. Hanley, Stephen
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Nuechterlein, Jeanne
Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
Index terms: Visual culture, in the Netherlands; Netherlands
Categories: Medieval
Outsiders or insiders? The role of the individual in the development of environmental movements. Fletcher, Timothy
M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1960–2000
Index terms: Environmental movements
Popular violence in late 13th- and early 14th-century France. Wheeler, Hannah
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1280–1320
Index terms: Popular violence, in France; Violence, in France; France
Categories: Medieval
Rational choice theory in history: shed light on Gallipoli and Operation 'Torch'?. Jelks, Stephanie
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Charmley, John D.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1942
Index terms: Operation 'Torch'; World War I (1914-18); Gallipoli
Slavery in Árpád-era Hungary in a comparative context. Sutt, Cameron M.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 850–1301
Index terms: Slaves, Slavery, in Hungary; Hungary, Árpád
Categories: Medieval
Society and the state in Byzantium, 1025-71. Danny, William
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1025–1071
Index terms: State, Byzantine; Society, Byzantine; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
State finance, war and redistribution in Portugal, 1249-1527. Castro Henriques, Antonio M.B. de M.
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
Chronological coverage: 1249–1527
Index terms: War, in Portugal; Finance, state, in Portugal; Portugal
Categories: Medieval
St. Elizabeth's in Koŝice: town, court and church-building in late medieval Hungary. Juckes, Timothy
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: St. Elizabeth's, Koŝice, Hungary; Koŝice, Hungary; Towns, in medieval Hungary; Hungary; Court, in medieval Hungary; Church-building, in medieval Hungary
Categories: Medieval
The 15th-century printing practices of Johann Zainer, Ulm, 1473-8. Bolton, Claire M.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1473–1478
Index terms: Printing, in Germany; Zainer, Johannes (d. 1541), German printer; Germany; Ulm, Germany
Categories: Medieval
The clash of empires: Anglo-Italian relations in the Middle East and the origins of the Second World War, 1935-1940. Fiore, Massimiliano
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by James, Alan; Maiolo, Joseph
Chronological coverage: 1935–1940
Index terms: Middle East, and Italy; Italy, and England; Foreign relations, with Italy; Middle East; World War II (1939-45)
The concept of modernism and the history of modern music. Bagust, Susan J.
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Index terms: Modernism; Music
The construction of scientific knowledge regarding female 'sexuality inversion': Italian, English and American psychiatry compared. Beccalossi, Chiara
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Pick, Daniel M.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: United States of America; Italy; Science; Women; Sex, Sexuality; Gender; Psychiatry
The domestic and papal court between Avignon and Rome in the pontificate of Urban V. Polancec, Ivan V.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
Chronological coverage: 1362–1370
Index terms: Court, papal; Rome; Avignon; Italy; France; Schism, papal
Categories: Medieval
The establishment of the Maliki School in Muslim Spain. Vasquez-Paluch, Daniel A.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Hawting, Gerald R.
Chronological coverage: 750–900
Index terms: Malik School, Spain; Spain, Muslim; Education, in Spain
Categories: Medieval
The function of relics and sacred space in Flodoard's Historia Remensis ecclesiae. Beddoe, Emma C.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 940–966
Index terms: Historia Remensis ecclesiae, of Flodoard; France; Reims, France; Flodoard, of Reims (894-966), French chronicler; Relics, in France; Space, sacred, in France
Categories: Medieval
The Greek church of Cyprus, Morea and Constantinople during the Frankish era, 1196-1303. Kaffa, Elena
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Edbury, P.
Chronological coverage: 1196–1303
Index terms: Morea; Cyprus; Constantinople; Church, Greek; Franks
Categories: Medieval
The internationalisation of colonial problems, 1900-39. Jeronimo, Miguel
M.Phil., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Empire
The legacy of schism: relations between the papacy and the city of Rome, c.1130-1210. Doran, John
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1130–1210
Index terms: Papacy; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church; Rome; Papal schism
Categories: Medieval
The men who would be kings: challenges to royal authority in the Frankish regna, c.500-700. Hofmann, Julia
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 500–700
Index terms: Royal authority, Frankish; Kingship, Frankish; Franks
Categories: Medieval
The papacy and the nations of Christendom: a study with particular focus on the pontificate of John XXII (1316-1334). Layfield, Sarah E.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Frame, Robin F.; Scales, Len E.
Chronological coverage: 1316–1334
Index terms: John XXII (1249-1334), pope; Christendom; Papacy
Categories: Medieval
The papacy and the nations of Christendom: a study with particular focus on the pontificate of John XXII (1316-34). Layfield, Sarah
Ph.D., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1316–1334
Index terms: Christendom; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church; Papacy; John XXII (1249-1334), pope
Categories: Medieval
The role of Bogomilism in the creation of Bosnian identity in the middle ages. Trako, Redzo
Ph.D., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Bogomils, Bogomilism, in Bosnia; Bosnia
Categories: Medieval
The science of Bernardus Silvestris: a study of the Cosmographia. Kauntze, Mark R.A.
Ph.D., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1136–1136
Index terms: Cosmographia, of Bernardus Silvestris; Bernardus Silvestris (fl. 1136), philosopher and poet
Categories: Medieval
The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291. Morton, Nicholas
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 1190–1291
Index terms: Religious orders; Holy Land; Teutonic Knights
Categories: Medieval
The transition from conflict to post-conflict: the role of the democratic peace in the policies of presidents Clinton and Bush in Bosnia and Afghanistan. Hill, Matthew
Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Murray, L.; Roberts, D.; Sharp, A.
Chronological coverage: 1990–2005
Index terms: Clinton, William Jefferson (Bill) (b. 1946), president of the U.S.A.; Afghanistan; United States of America; Bosnia; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Bush, George Walker (b. 1946), president of the U.S.A.
The western religious orders in medieval Greece. Tsougarakis, Nickiphoros I.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Lock, Peter; Loud, Graham
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Greece; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses, in Greece
Categories: Medieval
Vernacular theology: Dominican sermons and audience in late medieval Italy. Corbari, Eliana
Ph.D., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Theology, vernacular, in Italy; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, in Italy; Dominican order, in Italy; Italy; Sermons, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
War and collective memory: American military commemoration in Britain and France, 1943 to the present. Edwards, Sam
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Hagopian, Patrick; Constantine, Stephen
Chronological coverage: 1943–2005
Index terms: United States of America; France; Military commemoration, American; War; Memory, collective
A long goodbye: the politics and diplomacy of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, 1980-92. Kalinovsky, Artemy
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Prazmowska, Anita J.
Chronological coverage: 1980–1992
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Afghanistan; Afghanistan, and the U.S.S.R.; Diplomacy, Soviet
American foundations and the 'scientific' study of international relations, c.1920-39. Rietzler, Katharina E.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen M.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1939
Index terms: United States of America; International relations
An annotated critical edition of the treatise Against the errors of the Latins by Macarios, metropolitan of Ankyra, 1397-1405. Triantafyllopoulos, Christos
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos
Chronological coverage: 1397–1405
Index terms: Macarios (fl. 1397-1405), metropolitan of Ankyra; Against the errors of the Latins, of Macarios; Turkey
Categories: Medieval
Antiquity through medieval eyes: the appropriation of antique art in the trecento. Kouneni, Garyfallia
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Art, antique, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Armenia and the German-speaking world in the age of empire. Vahramian, Helen Tamar
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1933
Index terms: Germany, and Armenia; Armenia, and Germany
Aspects of Anglo-Italian musical relations in the 14th century. Pieragostini, Renata
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Music; Music, in Italy; Italy, and England
Categories: Medieval
A study of the early Ottoman Peloponnese in the light of an annotated editio princeps of the TT10-1/14662 Ottoman taxation cadastre, c.1460-3. Liakopoulos, Georgios
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Chrysostomides, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1460–1463
Index terms: Taxation, Ottoman; Peloponnese; Ottoman empire
Categories: Medieval
Body-soul debates in English, French and German manuscripts, c.1200-c.1500. Richards, Emily J.
Ph.D., York.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Index terms: Soul, in Germany; Soul; Soul, in France; Body, in Germany; Body; Body, in Germany
Categories: Medieval
British foreign policy and Jewish refugees in Germany and Palestine, 1945-7. Johnson, Michael
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1947
Index terms: Palestine; Migration, Jewish; Germany; Jews, in Palestine; Jews, in Germany; Foreign policy
Challenges of mass society: German émigré political thought in the United States, 1933-42. Petzschmann, Paul
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Freeden, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1933–1942
Index terms: Germany, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Germany; Migration, German, to the U.S.A.
Civic spectacle and its implications for society in the Burgundian Netherlands and England in the middle ages. Cawsey, Jacqueline A.
M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Civic spectacle; Civic spectacle, in the Netherlands; Netherlands
Categories: Medieval
Cultural geographies of the 'modern' Commonwealth, 1947-73. Craggs, Ruth
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Heffernan, Mike; Matless, David
Chronological coverage: 1947–1973
Index terms: Commonwealth
Discussions of textual criticism of the Latin Bible from the 12th to the 15th century. Linde, J. Cornelia
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1500
Index terms: Textual criticism, biblical; Bible, Latin
Categories: Medieval
Duty: a conceptual history of negligence in the 20th century. Chamberlain, Erika
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Index terms: Negligence; Duty
Economic forgery, 1350-1400. Casson, Catherine
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, Mark; Rees Jones, Sarah
Chronological coverage: 1350–1400
Index terms: Forgery, economic
Categories: Medieval
Encomia to St. Demetrius in late Byzantine Thessalonica. Russell, Eugenia
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Demetrius (fl. early 4th cent.), Saint; Thessalonica; Byzantium; Saints, veneration of
Categories: Medieval
From preponderance to balance of power: U.S. security strategy in Asia, 1991-2008. Twining, Daniel
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Khong, Yuen Foong
Chronological coverage: 1991–2008
Index terms: Asia, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Asia
From the globalisation of the movement (1968) to the movement against globalisation (2001): social movements, photography and representation in the late 20th century. Memou, Antigoni
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Stallabrass, Julian P.
Chronological coverage: 1968–2001
Index terms: Photography; Social movements; Globalisation
German and Indian intellectual history in the 19th century. Daly, Deirdre
Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths Hist.). Supervised by Caygill, Howard
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Intellectual history, in India; Intellectual history, in Germany; India; Germany
Gregory the Great and debate concerning the cult of saints in the early Byzantine Mediterranean and its hinterland during the later 6th and 7th centuries. Dal Santo, Matthew J.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 580–700
Index terms: Saints, cult of; Cult of saints; Byzantium; Gregory the Great (c.540-609), pope; Mediterranean
Categories: Medieval
Imagining the Byzantines: Latin perceptions, representations and memory, *c*.1095-1230. Neocleous, Savvas
Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin.
Chronological coverage: 1095–1230
Index terms: Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
In the name of oil: Anglo-American relations in the Cold War Middle East. Pearson, Ivan L.G.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Piscatori, James
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Cold War; Middle East; United States of America, and England; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.
Italy and the United States in the J.F. Kennedy era. Soddu, Marco
Ph.D., Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Kerr, David
Chronological coverage: 1960–1963
Index terms: Italy, and the U.S.A.; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Italy
Jonas of Bobbio and the Vita Columbani: sanctity and community in the seventh century. O'Hara, Alex
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 600–700
Index terms: Vita Columbani, of Jonas of Bobbio; Columbanus (543-615), Saint; Jonas of Bobbio (c.600-659), monk and hagiographer; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses; Sanctity
Categories: Medieval
Kinship in the Viking diaspora: Icelanders and their relations across the north Atlantic. Vohra, Pragya
Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Garrison, Mary; Townend, Matthew
Chronological coverage: 700–1100
Index terms: Iceland; Vikings; Kinship, Viking; Diaspora, Viking
Categories: Medieval
Knowing the ocean-space: an Atlantic case study. Laloë, Anne-Flore
Ph.D., Exeter. (Geog.). Supervised by Little, Jo; Harvey, David
Chronological coverage: 1492–1800
Index terms: Oceans; Atlantic
Literary culture in 9th-century northern Italy. Pollard, Richard
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 800–900
Index terms: Literary culture, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Lucchese domestic architecture, 1495-1560: the Civitali dynasty and their architectural works. Guy, Neil W.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1495–1560
Index terms: Italy; Architecture, Lucchese; Civitali family
Categories: Medieval
Marginality and social relations in London and the Bruges area, 1370-1440. Spindler, Erik
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rosser, A. Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1370–1440
Index terms: Bruges, and London; Belgium; London, and Bruges
Categories: Medieval
Mobilising resources for war: British and Spanish intelligence in the War of Jenkins' Ear (1739-44). Rivas, Ignacio
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Conway, Stephen R.
Chronological coverage: 1739–1744
Index terms: Intelligence, Spanish; Intelligence; Spain; War of Jenkins' Ear (1739-44_
Monastic forgery in southern Italy during the central middle ages (c.900-1150). Vickers, Julie-Ann
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 900–1150
Index terms: Forgery, monastic, in Italy; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Networks of imperial tropical medicine: ideas and practices of health and hygiene in the British empire, 1895-1914. Johnson, Ryan
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harrison, Mark
Chronological coverage: 1895–1914
Index terms: Empire; Hygiene; Health, Healthcare; Medicine, tropical
Nineteenth-century trade union emigration schemes. Murray, Stephen
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Finn, Margot; Fagge, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Trade unions; Migration
Objects at work: a material and cultural history of the reliquaries of St. Anthony of Padua in the Basilica del Santo, c.1231-1448. Lucchini, Francesco
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Cannon, Joanna L.
Chronological coverage: 1231–1448
Index terms: Saints, veneration of; Reliquaries; Anthony of Padua (c.1195-1231), saint; Basilica del Santo, Padua; Italy; Padua
Categories: Medieval
Objects, people and exchange: material culture in medieval southern Italy, c.600-c.1200. Goskar, Tehmina
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Skinner, Trish
Chronological coverage: 600–1200
Index terms: Exchange, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
On the origin of P.C.s. Atkinson, Paul
Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Music, Hum. & Media). Supervised by Laybourn, K.
Chronological coverage: 1950–2007
Index terms: Personal computers; Computing
Painted chapels and oratories in the households of 15th-century France. Hope, Melena
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Nash, Susie M.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Index terms: Oratories, household, in Frances; Art, religious, in France; France; Chapels, household, in France
Categories: Medieval
Paris en Amérique‘: French Images of the United States, c.1848- c.1886. Thier, Maike
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Körner, Axel
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: United States of America, and Latin America; Latin America, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and France; France, and the U.S.A.
Passionate constructions: democracy and Islam in Anglo-American relations with Iran, 1979-89. Farmanfarmaian, Roxane
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1979–1989
Index terms: Iran, and the U.S.A.; Iran, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Iran; Democracy, in Iran; Islam, in Iran
Peter Damian (c.1007-1072), monastic ideology and the religious revolution of the 11th century. Bannister, Emily A.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Philip J.; Cushing, Kathleen G.
Chronological coverage: 1027–1072
Index terms: Monasteries, Monasticisim, Monastic houses; Peter Damian (c.1007-1072), reforming monk; Religious ideology
Categories: Medieval
Political aspects of Matteo Maria Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato. Cartolano, Antonio
Ph.D., Roehampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Dean, Trevor
Chronological coverage: 1486–1486
Index terms: Orlando Innamorato (1486), of Matteo Maria Boiardo; Boiardo, Matteo Maria (?1441-1494), count of Scandiano
Categories: Medieval
Politics and ideology of white labour in Britain, Australia and South Africa, 1870-1920. Engelken, Dagmar
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Krikler, Jeremy M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1920
Index terms: Australia; South Africa; Labour, white
Prisoners of war in the Hundred Years' War: the golden age of private ransoms. Ambuhl, Rémy
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Given-Wilson, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1337–1453
Index terms: Prisoners of War; Hostages; Hundred Years' War (1337-1453); Ransoms
Categories: Medieval
Projects of 'space' and 'race': imperialism, colonialism and genocide in the 'American West' and the 'Nazi East'. Kakel, Carroll
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Stone, Dan
Chronological coverage: 1700–1945
Index terms: Germany; National Socialists, National Socialism, National Socialist party, in Germany; United States of American; Genocide, in the U.S.A.; Genocide, in Europe; Imperialism, U.S.; Imperialism, German; Colonialism, U.S.; Colonialism, German
Relations between Iran and the U.S.A.: historical development and the public and policy debate, 1989-97. Cheraghi, Aliasghar
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1989–1997
Index terms: Iran, and the U.S.A.; see also Colonial America; United States of America, and Iran
Seeing cannibals: European colonial discourses on the Latin American other. Jiménez-Del-Val, Nasheli
Ph.D., Cardiff.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Europe, and Latin America; Latin America, and Europe; Cannibals, Cannibalism, in Latin America
Sequencing as a way of work: a history of its emergence and mechanisation - from proteins to D.N.A., 1945-2000. García-Sancho, Miguel
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Mendelsohn, J. Andrew
Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
Index terms: Deoxyribonucleic acid, sequencing; D.N.A., see Deoxyribonucleic acid; Science; Genetics
Sikh communities in Southeast Asia and East Africa, c.1870-1970. McCann, Gerard
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1970
Index terms: Sikhs, in Southeast Asia and East Africa
South African reactions to the Chinese labour experiment and the formation of a nation, 1902-10. Bright, Rachel
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1910
Index terms: China, and South Africa; South Africa, and China
Technology and the reconstruction of international relations: liberal internationalist proposals for the internationalisation of aviation and the international control of atomic energy in Britain, U.S.A. and France, 1920-50. Zaidi, Waqar
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Edgerton, David E.H.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1950
Index terms: France, and Britain; United States of America, and France; United States of America, and Britain; Atomic energy; Aviation, internationalisation; France, and the U.S.A.; International relations
The 1856 Declaration of Paris and the abolition of privateering: an international history. Lemnitzer, Jan
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, David
Chronological coverage: 1856–1856
Index terms: Piracy; Declaration of Paris (1956); Privateering
The archaeology of Transylvanian medieval fortified church-villages. Morgan, David
Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Transylvania; Romania; Church-villages, in Transylvania; Archaeology, in Transylvania
Categories: Medieval
The culinary cultures of the monastery of Santa Trinita in 14th-century Florence. Musumeci, Salvatore
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Italy; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses; Cooking, in Florence; Florence; Food, in Florence; Santa Trinita monastery, Florence
Categories: Medieval
The double crisis: China and the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Zhu, Dandan
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
Chronological coverage: 1956–1956
Index terms: Hungary, and China; China, and Hungary
The impact of the New World on economic and social debates in Britain, c.1860-1914. Rogers, Edmund G.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
Index terms: New World, and Britain
The Liber Pontificalis and Franco-papal relations, 824-91. Parton, Frances
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 824–891
Index terms: France, and the Papacy; Papacy, and France; Liber Pontificalis; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church
Categories: Medieval
The meaning and importance of blood in witchcraft from late medieval times to the gothic novel. Matteoni, Francesca
Ph.D., Hertfordshire. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Owen
Chronological coverage: 1300–1900
Index terms: Witchcraft; Occult; Blood, in witchcraft; Gothic novels
Categories: Medieval
The mystical experience of art: medieval Christian themes in the literature on art of the Italian Renaissance. Stowell, Steven
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kemp, Martin; Rosser, A. Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Renaissance, Italian; Italy; Art, Renaissance literature on
Categories: Medieval
The politics of refugee repatriation in the 20th century. Long, Catherine
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Index terms: Refugees, repatriation of; Migration
The representation of Narbonne in late antiquity: 410-720. Riess, Frank Trevor
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 410–720
Index terms: Narbonne, France; France
Categories: Medieval
The representation of violence in 15th-century Florence. Nethersole, Scott
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Rubin, Patricia L.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Index terms: Violence, in Italy; Florence, Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
The settlement of disputes in early medieval Europe: 'processual analysis' and 'rule-based systems'. Ralston, Alexander J.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Fouracre, Paul
Chronological coverage: 900–1100
Index terms: Dispute settlement, in medieval Europe
Categories: Medieval
The vice and sinnekens: a study of dramatic traditions in medieval and 16th-century England and the Low Countries. Steenbrugge, Charlotte
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1600
Index terms: Drama; Drama, in the Low Countries; Low Countries, see also, Belgium, Holland, Netherlands
Categories: Medieval
'Thinking with missionaries': an investigation into missionary discourses about the peoples and places they encountered in India and southern Africa, c.1840-1910. Cleall, Esme R.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1910
Index terms: Africa, southern; India, colonial; Missions, Christian
Toledo cathedral: art and belief in medieval Castile. Nickson, Thomas
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Index terms: Art, religious, in Spain; Spain; Toledo cathedral; Castile; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church, in Spain
Categories: Medieval
Uneasy lives: the history of Chinese immigration in San Francisco from 1849 to 1882. Zhong, Nan
M.A., Kent.
Chronological coverage: 1849–1882
Index terms: China, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and China; Migration, Chinese, to the U.S.A.; San Francisco, Calif.
Urban development in northern Italy: Emilia, Venetia, Liguria and Tuscia (c.400-c.774). Spedale-Latimer, Simona
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Loseby, Simon
Chronological coverage: 400–774
Index terms: Venetia, Italy; Emilia, Italy; Liguria, Italy; Urban development, in Italy; Italy; Tuscia, Italy
Categories: Medieval
Wills, lay piety and the diocese of Mallorca, 1276-1349. Crichton, Sophie
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rycraft, Peter; Dunbabin, Jean
Chronological coverage: 1276–1349
Index terms: Lay piety, in Mallorca; Wills, in Mallorca; Mallorca, diocese
Categories: Medieval
Abolition and empire: West African colonisation and the transatlantic anti-slavery movement, 1822-60. Everill, Bronwen
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
Chronological coverage: 1822–1860
Index terms: Africa, West; Anti-slavery
'Alienated from the womb': abortion in the early medieval West, c.500-900. Mistry, Zubin
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Sennis, Antonio
Chronological coverage: 500–900
Index terms: Women; Abortion, medieval
Categories: Medieval
All the king's men: indigenous peoples of the dominions and the First World War. Winegard, Timothy C.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Strachan, Hew F.A.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
American, British and French responses to the rise of Arab terrorism, 1968-1974. Jennings, Eoin
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrew, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1968–1974
Index terms: United States of America; Arabs; Terrorism, Arab; France
Andalusi Christianity: the survival of indigenous Christian communities in Muslim Spain. Harrison, Alwyn
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Barton, Simon
Chronological coverage: 711–1492
Index terms: Christianity, in Islamic Spain; Spain, Islamic
Categories: Medieval
A resilient elite: German Costa Ricans after the Second World War. Meissner, Carlos A.
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Bessell, Richard
Chronological coverage: 1945–1970
Assessing the wealth of a nation: British and French views of China's political economy during the Enlightenment. Millar, Ashley E.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Rubiés, Joan-Pau
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Enlightenment; France, and China; China, and France; China, and Britain; Foreign relations, with China
A study on the metaphrastic process: the case of the unpublished Passiones of St. James the Persian (B.H.G. 773) and St. Plato (B.H.G. 1551-2), and the Vita of St. Hilarion (B.H.G. 755). Franco, Laura
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos
Chronological coverage: 390–813
Index terms: Saints, lives; James the Persian, St. (d. 421); Plato, St. (c.734-813); Hilarion, St. (c.291-371)
Categories: Medieval
A tale of two chroniclers: Ptolemy of Lucca and Giovanni Sercambi. Mari, Fabrizio
M.A., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1250–1424
Categories: Medieval
A tough job for Donald Duck: Hollywood, Czechoslovakia and selling films behind the Iron Curtain, 1944-51. Bláhová, Jindřiška
Ph.D., East Anglia.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1951
Attesting global arenas of influence: British foreign policy and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 1996-2004. Tzinieris, Sarah
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hill, Christopher
Chronological coverage: 1996–2004
Index terms: Foreign policy; Israel, and Palestine; Palestine, and Israel
Based on a true history: medieval narratives in modern film. Sturtevant, Paul
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Nagib, Lucia; Morris, Richard
Chronological coverage: 1950–2007
Index terms: Film, middle ages
Beethoven's image beyond his lifetime: the significance of posthumous iconography for the reception of the composer, 1827-1902. Francis, Suzanne M.
Ph.D., East Anglia.
Chronological coverage: 1827–1902
Blacks without borders: African-Americans and South Africa, 1984-2007. Ngwenya, Nomfundo X.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Mayall, James
Chronological coverage: 1984–2007
Index terms: African-Americans; South Africa, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and South Africa
Britain and a new world: the Nassau Agreement 1962 and its effect on international and Anglo-European relations, and the Anglo-American 'special relationship'. Melland, Claire
M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Ball, Stuart R.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1962
Index terms: Special relationship, Anglo-American; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of America, and England; Nassau Agreement (1962)
British intelligence and the Zionist, South African and Australian intelligence communities during and after the Second World War. Chavkin, Jonathan S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrew, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1960
Index terms: Zionists, Zionism; Australia; South Africa; World War II (1939-45); Intelligence, Australian; Intelligence, South African; Intelligence, Zionist; Intelligence
Constructing conformity: the international standardisation of measurement. Kershaw, Michael
Ph.D., Imperial College London. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Warwick, Andrew C.; Edgerton, David E.H.
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
Index terms: Measurement, standardisation of
Crusader castles of Cyprus: the fortifications of Cyprus under the Lusignans, 1191-1489. Petre, James
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Pringle, Denys
Chronological coverage: 1181–1489
Categories: Medieval
Cultural identity in the Carolingian and Ottonian worlds. Joseph, Nicholas
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Hughes, Ann L.; Cushing, Kathleen G.
Chronological coverage: 768–1024
Index terms: Ottonian world; Carolingian empire
Categories: Medieval
Designer nature: the papier-mâché botanical teaching models of Dr. Auzoux in 19th-century France, Great Britain and America. Olszewski, Margaret M.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1827–1880
Disciplining the School of Athens: censorship, politics and philosophy, Italy 1450-1600. Tarrant, Neil J.
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, Robert; Whatmore, Richard D.
Chronological coverage: 1450–1600
Index terms: School of Athens, Rome; Philosophy, in Italy; Censorship, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Famine: a crisis of history and rhetoric. Su, Cui
Ph.D., London.
Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
Fighting the good fight: the 'Taktika' of Leo VI and its influence on Byzantine cultural identity. Riedel, Meredith L. D.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Holmes, Catherine J.
Chronological coverage: 890–900
Categories: Medieval
Francia and Scandinavia in the early Viking Age, c.700-900. Lamb, Sally E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 700–900
Index terms: Viking age; Scandinavia; Francia
Categories: Medieval
From Swiss flutes to consorts: history, music and playing techniques of the transverse flute in Switzerland, Germany and France, 'c'.1470-1650. Hadden, Nancy
Ph.D., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1470–1640
Categories: Medieval
From Vietnam to Iraq: counterinsurgency and 'transformational warfare'. Fitzgerald, David
Ph.D., Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Ryan, David
Chronological coverage: 1965–2010
Index terms: Counterinsurgency; Iraq; Vietnam
From war to peace: archery and crossbow guilds in Flanders, 'c'.1300-1500. Crombie, Laura
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Small, Graeme; Strickland, Matthew J.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Categories: Medieval
Gothic church architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, c.1209-1373: design and patronage. Olympios, Michalis
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Crossley, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1209–1373
Index terms: Churches, in Cyprus; Architecture, church, in Cyprus; Lusignan family; Cyprus, Lusignan
Categories: Medieval
Gothic wall painting in Picardy, c.1250-c.1350. Victoir, Geraldine
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Park, David; Crossley, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1250–1350
Index terms: France; Wall painting, in Picardy; Picardy
Categories: Medieval
History and the written word in the Angevin empire, 'c'.1154-'c'.1200. Bainton, William H.J.
Ph.D., York.
Chronological coverage: 1154–1200
Categories: Medieval
'If no Divells, no God': devils, d(a)emons and humankind on the medieval and early modern stage. Bock, Emmanuel
Ph.D., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1700
Categories: Medieval
Illuminating Gutenberg: the Fust Master and decoration of incunables and manuscripts in Mainz and Palatine Heidelberg. Ikeda, Mayumi
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Nash, Susie M.
Chronological coverage: 1420–1466
Index terms: Manuscripts, illumination of; Incunables, illumination of; Mainz; Heidelberg; Fust, Johann (c.1400-1466), German printer; Germany; Fust Master
Categories: Medieval
Inquisition, heresy and life-stage in 13th- and early 14th-century Languedoc. Sparks, Christopher J.P.
Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Biller, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1200–1320
Index terms: Heresy, in France; Inquisition, in France; Languedoc; France
Categories: Medieval
Is the free press free? French and British control of the rising fourth estate in a colonial context, 1880-1914. Soulié, Claire-Amandine
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Swift, Tony; Higgs, Edward J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: France; Press, in France; Press
Local knowledge: indigenous agency in the history of exploration: studies from the R.G.S.-I.B.G. collections. Jones, Lowri
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, Professor Felix F.
Chronological coverage: 1450–1900
Index terms: Institute of British Geographers; Royal Geographical Society; Exploration; Collecting, scientific
Lord Curzon, the 'Persian question' and geopolitics, 1888-1921. Ross, Christopher N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bayly, Christopher A.
Chronological coverage: 1888–1921
Index terms: Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston (1859-1925), politician and viceroy of India; Persia
Magic and possibility: medievalism and the idea of the occult. McWilliams, Stuart J.
Ph.D., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Categories: Medieval
Military obligations in the area of Norman influence, 11th and 12th centuries. Smith, Nicholas
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Gasper, Giles M.; Prestwich, Michael C.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Military, Norman, see also Army
Categories: Medieval
Narrative art in northern Europe c.1140-1300: a narratological re-appraisal. Whatling, Stuart
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Crossley, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1140–1300
Index terms: Art, narrative
Categories: Medieval
Perceptions of eastern Europe: peoples, kingdoms and region in 13th- and 14th-century English sources. Papp, Zsuzsanna Reed
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Murray, Alan V.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Index terms: Europe, perceptions of
Categories: Medieval
Philanthropy and light: the formulation of transatlantic environmental standards for public interiors through Andrew Carnegie's library building programme, 1889-1910. Prizeman, Oriel E.C.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1889–1910
Piracy during the Hundred Years War. Dick, Bryan D.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cohn, Samuel; Small, Graeme P.
Chronological coverage: 1337–1453
Index terms: Piracy; Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)
Categories: Medieval
Representations of female pilgrimage in 12th-century miracle collections. Bailey, Anne E.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, Henrietta
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Categories: Medieval
Rites of purification, c.900-1215. Rowe, Tamsin
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Hamilton, Sarah M.
Chronological coverage: 900–1215
Index terms: Purification rites
Categories: Medieval
Roman philosophy in the political thought of John of Salisbury. O'Daly, Irene A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, Anna B. Sapir
Chronological coverage: 1140–1180
Index terms: Philosophy, Roman; John of Salisbury (late 1110s-1180), bishop of Chartres
Categories: Medieval
Royal ceremonies in late medieval France. Murphy, Neil W.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Small, Graeme P.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Ceremony, royal, in France; France; Royal ceremonies, in France
Categories: Medieval
Sacred space in 14th-century Avignon, 1309-78. Clark, Katie E.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wickham, Christopher J.; Rosser, A. Gervase; Holmes, Catherine J.
Chronological coverage: 1309–1378
Categories: Medieval
Salus civitatis suprema lex: naval intelligence, strategic culture and economic warfare before 1914. Cobb, Stephen
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Philpott, William; Lambert, Andrew
Chronological coverage: 1814–1914
Index terms: Intelligence, naval
Servants of the republic: patrician lawyers in quattrocento Venice. Jones, Scott
Ph.D., Swansea. (Hist.). Supervised by Law, John
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
Sir Frank Lascelles: a diplomat of the Victorian empire, 1841-1920. Bourne, Patrick J.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hartley, Owen; Afflerbach, Holger
Chronological coverage: 1861–1920
Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy; Lascelles, Sir Frank Cavendish (1841-1920), diplomatist
Social meaning and impact of Empire Day both in British and colonial contexts. English, James
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Krikler, Jeremy M.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1959
Index terms: Empire Day
Swords and ploughshares: an analysis of the origins and implementation of the United States Marine Corps strategy in Vietnam, March 1965-November 1968. Strachan-Morris, David
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Phythian, Mark
Chronological coverage: 1965–1968
Telling stories in the medieval north: historical writing and literary artistry in medieval England and medieval Scandinavia. Baccianti, Sarah
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by O'Donoghue, Heather
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Categories: Medieval
The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium, in the years between 1071 and 1108 A.D. Theotokis, Georgios
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Dunn, Marilyn; Strickland, Matthew
Chronological coverage: 1071–1108
Index terms: Military action, Norman; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
The career and significance of John of Brienne, king of Jerusalem, emperor of Constantinople. Perry, Guy J.M.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Tyerman, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1210–1237
Categories: Medieval
The cartographical tradition of Ptolemy's Geographike Hyphegesis in the Palaeologan period and the Renaissance (13th-16th century). Chrysochoou, Stella
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Index terms: Geographike Hyphegesis, of Ptolemy; Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) (c.90-168), Egyptian astronomer and geographer
Categories: Medieval
The construction of episcopal identity: the meaning and function of episcopal depictions within Latin saints' lives of the long 12th century. Mesley, Matthew
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Crick, Julia C.; Hamilton, Sarah M.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1201
Index terms: Saints, lives; Bishops, medieval
Categories: Medieval
The foreign policy of the Douglas-Home government, 1963-4. Holt, Andrew
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Young, John W.
Chronological coverage: 1963–1964
Index terms: Foreign policy; Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick (Alec), 14th earl of Home and Baron Home of the Hirsel (1903-95), prime minister
Categories: Britain and Ireland; 20th Century
The formation and use of 'Romanitas' in a Saxon empire: Ottonian solutions to the challenges of rule in early medieval Europe. Joseph, Nicholas
Ph.D., Keele.
Chronological coverage: 919–1024
Categories: Medieval
The Frankish leges in the Carolingian period. Faulkner, Thomas
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 751–987
Index terms: Law, Frankish; Franks; Carolingian empire
Categories: Medieval
The Gallieni-Lyautey method and pacification campaigning in Tonkin and Madagascar, 1885-1900. Finch, Michael P.M.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Strachan, Hew F.A.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1900
The 'Historia Ierosolimitana' of Baldric of Bourgeuil: a new edition and Latin analysis. Biddlecombe, Steven J.
Ph.D., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1120
Categories: Medieval
The impact of September 11 on the E.U. and E.U.-U.S. relations. Colclough, Tanya
Ph.D., Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Driscoll, Mervyn
Chronological coverage: 2001–2010
Index terms: United States of America, and the European Union; E.U., *see* European Union; European Union, and the U.S.A.; September 11
The impact of U.S.-Asia policy on the Tibetan bid for sovereignty, 1947-59. Halper, Lezlee Brown
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Mayall, James
Chronological coverage: 1947–1959
Index terms: United States of America, and Asia; Asia, and the U.S.A.; Tibet
The Italian reception of Pliny the Elder's account of ancient architecture, c.1430-1550. Fane-Saunders, Peter
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Hope, Charles; Kraye, Jill A.
Chronological coverage: 1430–1550
Index terms: Italy; Architecture, ancient; Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus) (A.D. 23-79), Roman scholar
Categories: Medieval
The literary patronage of Lodovico II Gonzaga, marchese of Mantua, 1444-78. Hare, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1444–1478
Categories: Medieval
The lunette mosaic in the south-west vestibule of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. Dimitriadou, Eleni
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Eastmond, Antony
Chronological coverage: 900–1000
Index terms: Hagia Sophia, Constantinople; Constantinople; Mosaic, in Constantinople
Categories: Medieval
The medieval tournament: chivalry, heraldry and reality. An edition and analysis of three 15th-century tournament manuscripts. Moffat, Ralph
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Childs, Wendy; Watts, Karen
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
The monastic rules of visigothic Iberia: a study of their text and language. Allies, Neil
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by Burton, Philip
Chronological coverage: 600–700
Index terms: Iberia, visigothic; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, in Iberia
Categories: Medieval
The production and display of monumental figural scuplture in Constantinople, A.D. 829-1204. Davies, Simon G.S.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mango, Marlia
Chronological coverage: 829–1204
Categories: Medieval
The religious and ecclesiastical role of women in the church in the city of Rome in the late 8th and early 9th century. Schluter, Lindsay
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Dunn, Marilyn
Chronological coverage: 750–850
Categories: Medieval
The role and influences of the American ambassadors in Europe in creating sympathy and support for American independence. Gobourn, Sam
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Burnard, Trevor
Chronological coverage: 1750–1782
Index terms: Europe, and Colonial America; Colonial America, and Europe; Diplomats, Diplomacy, American
The Romans in Britain: reading Renaissance views of imperialism. Jones, Grace
Ph.D., Newcastle.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Categories: Medieval
The spread and reception of Hiberno-Latin scholarship on the continent in the 8th and 9th centuries. Meeder, Sven M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 700–900
Index terms: Scholarship, Hiberno-Latin
Categories: Medieval
The transatlantic exchanges between American liberals, British labourites and German social democrats from the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s. Häusler, Clemens A. J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1975
Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism, in the U.S.A.; Social democrats, Social democracy, in Germany; Labour party; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; with Germany; Germany, and Britain; and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain; and Germany
The (UN)equal alliance: the United States, Barnes, Robert
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Casey, Steven
Chronological coverage: 1950–1954
Index terms: United Nations; Commonwealth; United States of America; Korean War (1950-3)
The use of ceramic building material in the early medieval period in north-west France and south-east England: a luminescence dating approach. Blain, Sophie E.L.
Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Bailiff, Ian
Chronological coverage: 500–1100
Index terms: France; Ceramic building materials; Ceramic building materials, in France
Categories: Medieval
The World Council of Churches and 'ecumenical consciousness': how the constitutional responsbility of fostering 'ecumenical consciousness' has been reflected in the World Council of Churches' educational and formational activities, 1948-2006. Oxley, S.J.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1948–2006
Thirteenth-century exempla collections and the dissemination of ideas about Jews and Muslims in north-western Europe. Lamm, Sarah E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, Anna B. Sapir
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Jews, in medieval Europe; Muslims, in medieval Europe; Exempla collections
Categories: Medieval
Using cognitive science to think about the 12th century: revisiting the individual in 12th-century Latin texts. Mullins, Edward
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Rider, Catherine R.; Crick, Julia C.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Individualism, medieval
Categories: Medieval
When the people are made the enemy: human rights, military doctrine and the path to atrocity in Vietnam and El Salvador. Stead, Andrew
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Goodall, Alex
Chronological coverage: 1955–1992
Index terms: Vietnam; El Salvador
An annotated edition of the 'Refutation of Errors of the Latins' by Matthaios Blastares. Palaiologos, Konstantinos
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos
Chronological coverage: 1397–1405
Categories: Medieval
Anglican clergymen in Australia and the British empire, 1788-1850. Gladwin, Michael
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1788–1850
Annalistic writing in Normandy, 'c'.1050-1225. Alexander, Alison
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by van Houts, Elisabeth M.C.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1225
Categories: Medieval
'A sure defence against the foe'? Maritime predation & British commercial policy during the Spanish American Wars of Independence, 1810-30. McCarthy, Matthew
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1830
Between the gulag and the Guggenheim: (post) Soviet artists and New York in the 1980s and 1990s. Samman, Nadim
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Wilson, Sarah
Chronological coverage: 1980–2000
British and French servicemen in the Malayan Emergency and the Indochina War: experience and memory. Bollag, Manuel
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Stockwell, Sarah E.
Chronological coverage: 1946–1954
Cells, from icons to symbols: molecularising cell biology in the 1980s. Serpente, Norberto
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Jacyna, Stephen; Satzinger, Helga
Chronological coverage: 1980–1989
Combined airpower: an examination of multinational air operations. Hudson, James
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Stone, John; Sabin, Philip
Chronological coverage: 1941–2007
Cultural expressions of episcopal power, 1070-'c'.1150. Lewandowski, Charlotte
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1070–1150
Categories: Medieval
Developing countries and humanitarian intervention in international society after the Cold War. Virk, Kudrat
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1991–2001
Diplomatic communication between Byzantium and the West under the late Palaiologoi (1354-1453). Andriopoulou, Stavroula
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1354–1453
Categories: Medieval
Economic power and political leadership: the Federal Republic, the West and the re-shaping of the international economic system, 1972-1976. Benning, Elizabeth
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Spohr Readman, A.R. Kristina; Ludlow, N. Piers
Chronological coverage: 1972–1976
Finding a role: the Joint Intelligence Committee and counterinsurgency at the end of empire. Cormac, Rory
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Goodman, Michael S.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1973
Food and status in Saxon and Scandinavian burhs. Holmes, Matilda A.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Richard; Christie, Neil
Chronological coverage: 400–800
Categories: Medieval
Gender and violence in the writings of Gregory of Tours. McRobbie, Jennifer
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Julia M.H.
Chronological coverage: 550–594
Categories: Medieval
German influence on religious practice in Scandinavia, 'c'.1000-1138. Niblaeus, Erik
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1138
Categories: Medieval
Gregory of Tours and the women in his works: studies in 6th-century Gaul. Dailey, Erin T.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, I.N.
Chronological coverage: 550–594
Categories: Medieval
Identity at the far edge of the earth: an examination of cultural identity manifested in the material culture of the North Atlantic, c.1150-1450. Pierce, Elizabeth
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Bailey, Coleen
Chronological coverage: 1150–1450
Index terms: Atlantic, North; Material culture, in the North Atlantic; Identity, cultural, in the North Atlantic
Categories: Medieval
Images of international justice: public consumption of war crimes, 1945-8. Reynolds, Kevin
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Betts, Paul R.; Webb, Clive J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1948
Islamic radicalism unveiled: a study of Hizb-Ut-Tahir in Britain. Wali, Farhaan
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Ansari, K. Humayun
Chronological coverage: 1960–2007
Managing a cross-channel estate. The uses of literacy in a great Anglo-Norman nunnery: Holy Trinity, Caen (11th-13th centuries). Letouzey, Catherine
Ph.D., London and Sorbonne. (Inst. Hist. Res.). Supervised by Bates, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1300
Categories: Medieval
Medieval Albanian churches in the 13th and 14th centuries. Christidou, Anna
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Eastmond, Antony
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Categories: Medieval
Nostalgia and modernism in puppet music of the 1920s. Dorsch, Juliane
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Music). Supervised by Ellis, Katharine
Chronological coverage: 1920–1930
Pagan traces in medieval and early modern European witch-beliefs. Castaldi, Helen
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, James A.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1700
Categories: Medieval
Peter Abelard's construction of a Christian philosopher. Taylor, Carl
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Swan, Mary; Flynn, William T.
Chronological coverage: 1099–1142
Categories: Medieval
'Pirates, robbers and other malefactors': the role played by violence at sea in relations between England and the Hanse towns, 1385-1420. Pitcaithly, William M.E.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Rodger, Nicholas
Chronological coverage: 1385–1420
Categories: Medieval
Praying the passion: lay people's participation in medieval liturgy and devotion. McCullough, Eleanor G.
Ph.D., York.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Categories: Medieval
Preachers, holy men and the governance of late medieval Italian towns. Visnjevac, Stefan
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrews, Frances
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Categories: Medieval
Relative distances: family and empire between Britain, British Columbia and India, 1858-1901. Ishiguro, Laura
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
Chronological coverage: 1858–1901
Index terms: Canada; British Columbia; Empire; India; Family
'Sermons in stone': 11th-century figural sculptures from Croatia. Skoblar, Magdalena
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hawkes, Jane
Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
Categories: Medieval
Siena and its Contado: art, iconography and patronage in the diocese of Grosseto, 'c'.1380-'c'.1480. Cardarelli, Sandra
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Nichols, Tom
Chronological coverage: 1380–1480
Categories: Medieval
Socio-economic conditions in 14th and 15th century Thessalonike: a new approach. Stavrou, Athanasia
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Categories: Medieval
The abandonment/embrace of sovereign state subjectivity. Farnan, J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Holden Reid, Brian; Philpott, William
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
The career, cult and canonisation of St. Colette of Corbie (1381-1447). Campbell, Anna
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Tallett, Frank; Lawrence, Anne E.
Chronological coverage: 1401–1447
Categories: Medieval
The development and production of turbojet aero-engines in Britain, Germany and the United States, 1936-45. Giffard, Hermione
Ph.D., Imperial College London. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Edgerton, David E.H.
Chronological coverage: 1936–1945
The Gesuati in 14th-century Siena. Dallai, Federico
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Italy; Siena; Jesuits, in Italy; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
The logic of the political conflict in the late middle ages: a comparative study of urban political conflicts in Italy and the southern Low Countries, c.1370-1440. Lantschner, Patrick
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase; Vale, Malcolm
Chronological coverage: 1370–1440
Index terms: Conflict, urban, in Italy; Low Countries; Italy; Conflict, urban, in the Low Countries
Categories: Medieval
The origins and meanings of Hans Memling's landscapes. York, Helen
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Nuechterlein, Jeanne
Chronological coverage: 1460–1494
Categories: Medieval
The relevance of democratic thought and practice to Roman Catholic ecclesiology: an historical, theological, and philosophical case. Badini-Confalonieri, Luca
Ph.D., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
Categories: Medieval
The rise of the cardinals, 'c'.1049-'c'.1100: reform, reaction, counsel, ambition and self-awareness. Firth, Peter
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Braun, Harald
Chronological coverage: 1049–1100
Categories: Medieval
The southern flank of N.A.T.O., 1951-9. Chourchoulis, Dionysios
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Ellison, James R.V.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1959
The spread and transformation of anti-slavery sentiment in the transatlantic evangelical network, 1730s-90s. Yoon, Young-Hwi
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, Sarah; Lockley, Tim
Chronological coverage: 1730–1800
The unglamorous side of shopping in late medieval Prato and Florence: the 'Ricordanze' of Taddeo di Chello (1341-1408) and Piero Puro di Francesco da Vicchio (1397-1465). Meneghin, Alessia
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrews, Frances
Chronological coverage: 1361–1465
Categories: Medieval
Travelling art: portability, importation and re-use of Byzantine art in medieval Italy. Gerevini, Stefania
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Eastmond, Antony
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Categories: Medieval
Algeria in France: war and defeat in republican culture. Rockett, Suzannah
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Baycroft, Timothy P.
Chronological coverage: 1870–2008
Index terms: Algeria, and France; France, and Algeria
A melody lodged in the heart: contexualising Can vei la lauzeta mover and its contrafacts. Quinlan, Meghan P.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leach, Elizabeth
Chronological coverage: 1150–1300
Index terms: Music, medieval; Can vei la lauzeta mover (12th cent.), of Bernart de Ventadorn
Categories: Medieval
An aulder alliance? Wales and France in the middle ages. Brough, Gideon
M.Phil., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Cass, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Index terms: Wales, and France; France, and Wales
Categories: Medieval
>Anglo-American relations and the E.C. enlargement, 1969-74. Brummer, Justin A.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen M.
Chronological coverage: 1969–1974
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain; European Community; E.C., see European Community
Anglo-American relations in Saudi Arabia, 1941-5: a study of a trying relationship. Hinds, Matthew
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Ashton, Nigel J.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1945
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain; Saudi Arabia, and the U.S.A.; Saudi Arabia
'Archi-texts' for contemplation in 6th-century Byzantium: the case of the church of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople. Gavril, Iulana-Elena
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by James, E.A.; O'Malley, M.
Chronological coverage: 500–600
Index terms: Byzantium; Hagia Sophia, church of, Constantinople; Constantinpole
Categories: Medieval
Authority in the cities of Italy, c.800-1250. Houghton, Robert
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrews, Frances; MacLean, Simon J.
Chronological coverage: 800–1250
Index terms: Cities, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Medieval
Black internationalism and the historical geographies of nonviolence. Hodder, Jake
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Heffernan, Mike; Legg, Stephen
Chronological coverage: 1917–1968
Categories: 20th Century
Books I-IV of Gregory of Tours' Histories. Smith, Adrian
M.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Halsall, Guy
Chronological coverage: 558–594
Index terms: Histories (6th cent.), of Gregory of Tours; Gregory of Tours (c.538-594), bishop of Tours
Categories: Medieval
Books in art: the symbolic meaning and significance of images of books in Italian religious painting, 1250-1400. McGrath, Anthony
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by James, E.A.; O'Malley, M.
Chronological coverage: 1250–1400
Index terms: Art, religious, in Italy; Books, in Italian art
Categories: Medieval
Breakfast with Mobutu: Congo, the United States and the Cold War, 1964-81. Bechtolsheimer, Goetz
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
Chronological coverage: 1964–1981
Index terms: Mobutu Sese Seko (1930-97), president of the Republic of Congo; Congo, Republic of, and the U.S.A.; Zaire, see Congo, Republic of; United States of America, and the Republic of Congo; Cold War
Brigadistas: The History and Memory of Irish Anti-Fascists in the Spanish Civil War. Convery, David
Ph.D., University College Cork (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Ó Drisceoil, Donal
Chronological coverage: 1936–1939
Categories: Military/naval history; Political history; Britain and Ireland; Europe; 20th Century
British leisure travel within the empire during the 19th century. Cooper, Robyn
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Colls, Robert
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Leisure travel; Empire
British policies compared: Ireland 1919-22 and Palestine 1939-48. Rubel, Tsela
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Bourke, Richard; McBride, Ian R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1948
Index terms: Ireland, and Britain; Palestine, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Palestine; Foreign relations, with Ireland
Byzantine finewares in Italy (10th-14th centuries A.D.): social and economic contexts in the Mediterranean world. D'Amico, Erica
Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Leone, Anna; Gerrard, Chris
Chronological coverage: 900–1400
Categories: Medieval
Coins and commerce: die-linkage in the east Baltic. Orme, Byron T.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 500–1000
Index terms: Baltic; Coinage, in the Baltic
Categories: Medieval
Companies, commerce and politics: Levant and Russia companies, 1714-63. Wagner, Michael
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gauci, Perry L.
Chronological coverage: 1714–1763
Index terms: Russia, see also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Commerce, in Russia; Commerce, in the Levant; Levant
Consigned to the flames: an analysis of the Apostolic Order of Bologna, 1290-1307, with some comparison to the Beguins/spiritual Franciscans, 1300-30. Timberlake-Newell, Elizabeth
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cohn, Samuel; Roach, Andrew
Chronological coverage: 1290–1330
Index terms: Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses; Apostolic Order of Bologna
Categories: Medieval
Constructing criminals: the creation of identity within criminal mafias. Barksby, Kelly
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Maxwell, David J.P.; Gökay, Bülent
Chronological coverage: 1870–2000
Index terms: Crime, organised; Mafia, see Crime, organised
Cultural transactions between Europe and Spanish America: fin-de-siècle debates on the concept of degeneration. Coletta, Michela
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Nicola
Chronological coverage: 1895–1900
Index terms: Spanish America, and Europe; Europe, and Spanish America; Degeneration
Eurocentric Endeavour or Empty Rhetoric? Analysing the EU's Promotion of Human Rights in China through a Normative Power Perspective: 1989-2009. Shen, Wenwen
Ph.D., Bath. (Hum & Soc. Sc.)
Chronological coverage: 1989–2009
Index terms: European Union, and China; E.U., see European Union; China, and the E.U.
Fictionalising the past: 13th-century re-imaginings of recent historical individuals. Bedford, Kathryn
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Gasper, Giles M.; Cartlidge, Neil
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Fiction, medieval
Categories: Medieval
Framing the ineffable: the encounter with God in Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in deum and Dante's Divina Commedia. Zamore, Gustav
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Lesley
Chronological coverage: 1241–1321
Index terms: Divina Commedia (early 14th cent.) of Dante Alighieri; Dante Alighieri (c.1265-1321), Italian poet; Bonaventure (1221-74), saint; Itinerarium mentis in deum (13th cent.), of St. Bonaventure
Categories: Medieval
From seeing to tasting: the role of the senses in western theology and devotion, with particular reference to the Ancrene Wisse and Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines. Kim, Bo Hyun
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sutherland, Annie
Chronological coverage: 1300–1354
Index terms: Senses; Theology, western; Devotion; Ancrene Wisse (early 13th cent.); Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines (1354), of Henry of Lancaster
Categories: Medieval
Gender and humoral theory in English and northern European religious writing, c.1300-1450. Maryan, Rebecca
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Forrest, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1300–1450
Index terms: Gender; Humoral theory; Literature, religious
Categories: Medieval
Gender, power and politics in the late medieval era: the queens of Navarre. Woodacre, Ellie
Ph.D., Bath Spa. (Hist. & Cultural Stud.). Supervised by Marshall, Alan; Anderson, Bobby
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Power, in Navarre; Queenship, in Navarre; Gender, in Navarre; Navarre; Spain
Categories: Medieval
Geoffrey, count of Anjou and duke of Normandy, 1129-51. Dutton, Kathryn A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Marritt, Stephen; Strickland, Matthew J.
Chronological coverage: 1129–1151
Index terms: Geoffrey (1113-51), count of Anjou and duke of Normandy; France; Anjou; Normandy
Categories: Medieval
Gold in the inter-war monetary system: evolution of the gold standard regime. Urban, Scott A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by FitzGerald, E.K.V.; Morys, M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Gold standard; Finance
Gothic Mannerism in Italy: a relief of the 'Virgin and child with two angels' by the Master of San Michele in Borgo Pulpit. Banfield, Elisabeth N.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1300–1325
Index terms: Art, in Italy; Gothic Mannerism, in Italy; Italy; 'Virgin and child with two angels' (c.1300-25), Pisa; Master of San Michele in Borgo Pulpit (fl. 1300-25)
Categories: Medieval
Gothic talismans: magic and the goldsmith-jeweller. Gokarakonda, Susheel
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1100–1500
Index terms: Jewellers, Jewellery; Magic; Goldsmiths
Categories: Medieval
Great Britain and naval arms control: international law and security, 1898-1914. Keefer, Scott
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, David
Chronological coverage: 1898–1914
Index terms: Navy; Arms control, naval; Law, international
Hamburg and the Humber: two 'definite places' in the early medieval North Sea, 800-1100. Feltham, Benjamin M.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Whittow, Mark
Chronological coverage: 800–1100
Index terms: Hamburg; Humber, river; Germany; North Sea
Categories: Medieval
How did European powers use the rise of Japan during the first Sino-Japanese War (1894-5) to facilitate their scramble for concessions in China?. Wiese, Andreas
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gerth, Karl
Chronological coverage: 1894–1895
Index terms: China, and Europe; China, and Japan; Japan, and China; Sino-Japanese War (1894-95); Europe, and Japan; Japan, and Europe; Europe, and China
How the U.S. press interrelated with U.S. foreign policy towards China from 1953 to 1963. Oliva, Mara
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Morgan, Iwan
Chronological coverage: 1953–1963
Index terms: Press, in the U.S.A.; United States of America, and China; China, and the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
Illustrated books and Chinoiseries: translating China in England and France, 1660-1760. Bellemare-Gilbert, Julie
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Clunas, Craig
Chronological coverage: 1660–1760
Index terms: Chinoiserie; Books, illustrated; China; China, and France; France, and China
Inscribed within the image: early Christian mosaics and their inscriptions. Leatherbury, Sean
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Elsner, Jas
Chronological coverage: 400–800
Index terms: Mosaics, Christian
Categories: Medieval
Koreans of the Russian far east: Asian in form, Soviet in content. Chang, John
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Gorlizki, Yoram; Gatress, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1905–1960
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Korea; Korea, and the U.S.S.R.
Late medieval armourers and their workshops. Dupras, Nick
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Watts, Karen; Murray, Alan V.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Armour, Armourers
Categories: Medieval
Lost opportunity to end the Second World War through conclusion of a negotiated peace. Pounder, David
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Newton, Scott
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Diplomats, Diplomacy
Marriage and family in Gregory of Tours. Albanese, Angela E.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad
Chronological coverage: 550–594
Index terms: Marriage; Family; Gregory of Tours (c.538-594), bishop of Tours
Categories: Medieval
Miracle and medicine in medieval Miracula, c.1180-c.1320. Wilson, Louise E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Watkins, Carl S.
Chronological coverage: 1180–1320
Index terms: Miracula; Medicine
Categories: Medieval
Narrating unity? Italia 61: commemorating a century of Italian unification in Turin and Philadelphia. Owen, Samantha
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Bosworth, Richard
Chronological coverage: 1961–1961
Index terms: Italy; Unification, Italian; Turin; Italia 61; Commemoration, in Italy
Narrative structures in the works of Paul the Deacon. Heath, Christopher
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Fouracre, Paul J.
Chronological coverage: 740–799
Index terms: Paul the Deacon (c.720s-799), monk and historian
Categories: Medieval
Paris and Mexico City: 1968 student activism. Stokes, Sarah L.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.; Gildea, Robert N.
Chronological coverage: 1968–1968
Index terms: Student activism, in Mexico; Student activism, in France; France; Mexico City; Paris
Perceptions of the Knights Templar in Outremer, c.1119-1314. Duckwith, Andrew L.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tyerman, Christopher
Chronological coverage: 1119–1314
Index terms: Outremer; Knights Templar
Categories: Medieval
Peter Damian and 'the World': asceticism, reform and society in 11th-century Italy. Gledhill, Michael
Ph.D., King's College London. (Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.; Ferente, Serena
Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
Index terms: Italy; Damian, Peter (1007-72), Saint; Asceticism, in Italy
Categories: Medieval
Pope Gregory X and the crusades. Baldwin, Philip
M.Phil., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Asbridge, Thomas S.
Chronological coverage: 1271–1276
Index terms: Crusades; Papacy; Gregory X (c.1210-1276), pope
Categories: Medieval
Power and honour in Iceland in the Sturlungaöld. Hoctor, Thomas E.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Donaghue, Heather
Chronological coverage: 1220–1264
Index terms: Power, in Iceland; Honour, in Iceland; Iceland; Sturlungaöld
Categories: Medieval
Reassing civil conflicts in Genoa, 1160-1220. Inguscio, Agostino P.M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1160–1220
Index terms: Conflict, civil, in Italy; Italy; Genoa, Italy
Categories: Medieval
Representations of the 'Third World' and conceptions of development in publications of non-governmental organisations in the 1970s-80s: a transitional study. Strehle, Stephanie A.L.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Reimann, Aribert
Chronological coverage: 1970–1990
Index terms: Development, in the ; Third World'; India; Non-governmental organisations; N.G.O.s, see Non-governmental Organisations; 'Third World'
Representing women in screwball comedy. Vincent, Brenda
M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Stokes, Melvyn B.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
Index terms: Comedy, screwball; Women, in film; Film
Roman group identity in the Byzantine empire, AD 600-815. Whalin, Douglas
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Whittow, Mark
Chronological coverage: 600–815
Index terms: Romans, in Byzantium; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Rural Byzantine landscapes and societies: new approaches to characterisation and analysis. Green, Katie
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Turner, Sam; Jackson, Mark
Chronological coverage: 300–1200
Index terms: Landscape, rural, in Byzantium; Byzantium
Categories: Medieval
Settlement patterns in Sicily and Calabria in the pre-Norman and Norman periods. Lincoln, George
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Jotischky, Andrew; Metcalfe, Alex
Chronological coverage: 800–1200
Index terms: Sicily; Calabria; Settlement, in Sicily; Settlement, in Calabria
Categories: Medieval
Simpliciter et sine glossa: what commentaries on the Franciscan Rule can tell us. Yee, Ethan L.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Lesley
Chronological coverage: 1239–1300
Index terms: Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses; Franciscan Rule
Categories: Medieval
Soviet involvement in Ethiopia and Somalia, 1947-91. Yordanov, Radoslav A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pravda, A.; Anderson, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1947–1991
Index terms: Somalia, and the U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Somalia; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Ethiopia; Ethiopia, and the U.S.S.R.
St. Cnut of Denmark, king and martyr: his Lives, their authors and the politics of his cult (c.1086-1200). Marchlewski, Ann-Katrin
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Hayward, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1086–1200
Categories: Medieval
Strategic implications of the Sino-Indian border war of 1962: Anglo-American perspectives. Ward, Jonathan D.T.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitter, Rana S.R.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1962
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Sino-Indian border war (1962); China, and India; India, and China; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.
The British are coming: the economics, rhetoric and politics of Anglophobia, 1882-96. Ormsby, Cameron W.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay; Sim, David
Chronological coverage: 1882–1896
Index terms: Anglophobia
The Byzantine artist between 306 and 730. Raynor, Rebecca
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by James, Elizabeth A.
Chronological coverage: 306–730
Index terms: Byzantium; Art, Artists, Byzantine
Categories: Medieval
The career of Geoffrey de Montbray and the diocese of Coutances, c.1050-c.1100. Dennis, Chris
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Cass, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1050–1100
Index terms: Montbray, Geoffrey de (d. 1093), bishop of Coutances; Coutances, diocese; France; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: Medieval
The church in 14th-century Iceland: ecclesiastical administration, literacy and the formation of an elite clerical identity. Sigurdson, Erika
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Loud, Graham; Hall, Alaric
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Elite, clerical, in Iceland; Literacy, in Iceland; Administration, ecclesiastical, in Iceland; Church, in Iceland; Iceland
Categories: Medieval
The creation of a First Crusade hero: Godfrey of Bouillon in history, literature and memory, c.1100-c.1300. John, Simon A.
Ph.D., Swansea. (Hist.). Supervised by Power, Daniel J.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Crusades; Godfrey of Bouillon (c.1060-1100), Frankish knight and Crusader
Categories: Medieval
The decline and dissolution of the Gilbertine order. Stephenson, Frederick
Ph.D., Worcester. (Hum. & Creative Arts). Supervised by Crompton, Frank; Oldridge, Darren
Chronological coverage: 1400–1536
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Gilbertine Order
Categories: Medieval
The E.C.'s China policy, 1975-80. Chenard, Marie J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Ludlow, N. Piers; Westad, O. Arne
Chronological coverage: 1975–1980
Index terms: European Community, and China; China, and the E.C.
The extreme religious behaviour of Saint Francis of Assisi. Tomassi, Raffaella M.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Lesley
Chronological coverage: 1201–1226
Index terms: Francis of Assisi (1181/2-1226), saint
Categories: Medieval
The friendly planet: friendly societies in the English-speaking world and Australia in the long 19th century. Downing, Arthur
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Oxley, Deborah
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Friendly societies; Friendly societies, in Australia; Australia
The history of algae-derived bio-diesel. Howard, Richard D.
M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Corsi, Pietro
Chronological coverage: 1978–2010
Index terms: Bio-diesel
The Immaculate Conception, 1100-1700: para-magisterial powers and their politics. Gaspar, Barbara
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1700
Index terms: Immaculate conception; Mary, Virgin; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: Medieval
The medieval bestiary and its textual tradition. Stewart, Patricia
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 900–1300
Index terms: Bestiaries
Categories: Medieval
The old French translation of William of Tyre. Handyside, Philip
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Edbury, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1220–1230
Index terms: William of Tyre (c.1130–1186), chronicler
Categories: Medieval
Theories of national identity in early medieval Ireland. Wadden, Patrick J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M.O.
Chronological coverage: 800–1200
Index terms: Identity, national, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: Medieval
The poems of Dracontius in their Vandalic and Visigothic contexts. Tizzoni, Mark
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Moxon, Ian; Wood, Ian N.
Chronological coverage: 475–505
Index terms: Vandals; Visigoths; Dracontius, Blossius Aemilius (c.455-c.505), poet
Categories: Medieval
The politics of Anglo-Portuguese relations and their protagonists in the later middle ages (c.1369-1449). Viula de Faria, Tiago A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Watts, John L.; Vale, M.G.A.
Chronological coverage: 1369–1449
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Portugal; Portugal, and England
Categories: Medieval
The politics of interpretation: language, philosophy and authority in the Carolingian empire (785-820). Carlson, Laura M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Christopher J.; Leyser, Conrad C.
Chronological coverage: 785–820
Index terms: Language, Carolingian; Philosophy, Carolingian; Authority, Carolingian; Carolingian empire
Categories: Medieval
The power of the bishop in the dioceses of Lincoln and Cremona (1067-1340): a study in comparative history. Silvestri, Angelo
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Coss, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1067–1340
Index terms: Episopacy, in Italy; Episcopacy; Church, in Italy; Church, medieval; Lincoln, diocese; Cremona, diocese
Categories: Medieval
The practice of Palaeologan diplomacy, 1261-1453: routine to ad hoc?. Dizdar, Irma
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Whittow, Mark
Chronological coverage: 1261–1453
Index terms: Byzantium; Diplomats, Diplomacy, Palaeologan; Palaeologan dynasty
Categories: Medieval
The rebirth of fertility: the Trotula and her travelling companions c.1200-1450. Tyers, Theresa L.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Lutton, Rob; Balzaretti, Ross
Chronological coverage: 1200–1450
Categories: Medieval
The resurrection of the body: post-death conversion in 'St. Erkenwald' and the Munich 'Oswald'. Boyle, Mary R.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ghosh, Shami; Volfing, Annette
Chronological coverage: 1175–1386
Index terms: Conversion, post-death; Earconwald, St. (d. 693), abbot of Chertsey and bishop of the East Saxons; Erkenwald, see Earconwald; Munich 'Oswald' (15th cent.)
Categories: Medieval
The significance of space: retracing pathways through the Holy Land in late medieval Italy. Stinton, Pandora M.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Italy; Holy Land
Categories: Medieval
The vice: the origins, meaning and uses of spiral stairs in medieval stone castles, pre-1500. Ryder, Charles
Ph.D., Chester. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Gaunt, Peter G.I.; Costambeys, Marios
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Architecture; Castles; Stairs, spiral
Categories: Medieval
'Translating objects': material culture and the creation of meaning in late medieval wills. Boeles Rowland, Anna C.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Forrest, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Material culture, medieval; Wills
Categories: Medieval
Transnational trauma: post-war trauma and psychiatry in the world and Taiwan, 1945-95. Wu, Yi-Jui 'Harry'
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan C.; Gerth, Karl
Chronological coverage: 1945–1995
Index terms: Psychiatry; Combat stress; Combat stress, in Taiwan; Psychiatry, in Taiwan; Taiwan
Trompe l'oeil: a curious art. Godsland, Judith
M.St., Oxford. Supervised by Grootenboer, Hanneke
Chronological coverage: 1400–2000
Index terms: Trompe l'oeil; Art, Artists
Categories: Medieval
U.S.-North Africa policy under the Nixon-Ford presidencies, 1969-76. Ghettas, Mohammed
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
Chronological coverage: 1969–1976
Index terms: United States of America, and Africa; Africa, and the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-94), president of the U.S.A.; Ford, Gerald Rudolph (1913-2006), president of the U.S.A.
Was Byzantine Egypt a legal anomaly? Looking at testamentary documents for evidence using modern tools. Buchanan, Elizabeth
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Whittow, Mark
Chronological coverage: 400–800
Index terms: Egypt, Byzantine; Wills, in Byzantine Egypt
Categories: Medieval
'We shall win our freedoms together': African Americans, South Africa and black international protest, 1945-60. Grant, Nicholas G.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dossett, Kate M.; Doyle, Shane D.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: United States of America, and South Africa; South Africa, and the United States of America; African Americans; Black protest movement
What we put in black and white: George Padmore and the practice of anti-imperial politics. James, Leslie
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Joanna
Chronological coverage: 1923–1959
Index terms: Padmore, George, see Nurse, Malcolm Ivan Meredith (1902–59), anti-colonial political activist and author; Nurse, Malcolm Ivan Meredith (1902–59), anti-colonial political activist and author
A history of the Counts of Brienne (950-1210). Asmoui, Ismail D.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 950–1210
Categories: Medieval
An annotated critical edition of Demetrios Chrysoloras' unpublished Dialogue on Demetrios Kydones' Antirrhetic against Neilos Kabasilas. Pasiourtides, Vasos
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos
Chronological coverage: 1391–1425
Categories: Medieval
An annotated critical edition of Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos' seven ethico-political orations. Kakkoura, Christina
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos
Chronological coverage: 1370–1425
Categories: Medieval
An archaeology of sensory experience: pilgrimage in the medieval church, c.1170-c.1550. Wells, Emma J.
Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Scarre, Chris; Skeates, Robin; Graves, Pam
Chronological coverage: 1170–1550
Categories: Medieval
A nation's power: comparing the place of America in the political philosophies of Max Weber and Werner Sombart. Mumford, James A.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ghosh, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1883–1991
An international comparative history of youth football in France and the U.S., c.1920-2000: the age paradigm and the demarcation of the youth game as a separate sector of the sport. Marston, Kevin T.
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Lanfranchi, Pierre
Chronological coverage: 1920–200
Armchair occupation: American wartime planning for post-war Japan, 1937-45. Barnes, Dayna
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Best, Antony M.
Chronological coverage: 1937–1945
Assets and liabilities: refugees from Hungary and Egypt in France and in Britain, 1956-60. de Aranjo, Alexandre G.A.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Adler, Karen H.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1960
Beyond the Christ child: children as an obstacle to the religious life. Franklin, Alexander
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Orme, Nicholas; Leyser, Henrietta
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Categories: Medieval
Bodies of men: manhood and masculinity in England and northern France, c.1100-c.1250. Middlemass, Rachel
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Balzaretti, Rossano; Barrow, Julia
Chronological coverage: 1100–1250
Categories: Medieval
Britain and the Olympic Games, 1908-20: perspectives on participation and identity. Harris, Luke
Ph.D., Canterbury Christ Church. (Hist.). Supervised by Hennessey, Thomas
Chronological coverage: 1908–1920
British Intelligence, Counter-Subversion, and 'Informal Empire' in the Middle East, 1949-1963. Hashimoto, Chikara
Ph.D., Aberystwyth. (Int. Pol.). Supervised by Vaughan, James; Scott, Len
Chronological coverage: 1949–1962
Categories: 20th Century; Britain and Ireland; Asia and Middle East
Broadly speaking: lowland language, imperial identities and the Scottish diaspora. Murphy, Sean
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
Chronological coverage: 1750–1950
Congress, China and the Cold War: domestic politics and Sino-American rapprochement and normalisation, 1969-80. Coyer, Paul
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Casey, Steven
Chronological coverage: 1969–1980
De arte amandi cum avibus or On the Art of Loving with Birds: the falcon as lyric referent in Sicily and beyond. Scarborough, Margaret W.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lombardi, Elena; Gragnolati, Manuele
Chronological coverage: 1200–1800
Categories: Medieval
Demons and demonology in Romanesque Burgundy: spiritual struggle among the viewers of Vézelay. Ryan, Meredith
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase; de Visscher, Eva
Chronological coverage: 1050–1200
Categories: Medieval
Ethical valorization and morality of ruse in the Anglo-Norman and Welsh Boeve de Haumtone and their literary contexts. Prost, Marco J.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Marnette, Sophie; Charles-Edwards, Thomas
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Categories: Medieval
'Fighting the fog of trillions': a comparison of unions' policies during hyperinflations - the example of Germany (1922-3) and Zimbabwe (2007-8). Take, Gunnar K.
M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ploeckl, Florian
Chronological coverage: 1922–2008
Flodoard of Reims and the 10th century. Roberts, Edward
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by MacLean, Simon J.
Chronological coverage: 919–966
Categories: Medieval
Framing disinterest: Anglo-American press responses to the Holocaust, Bosnia and Rwanda. Patrick, David
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Zimmerer, Jürgen
Chronological coverage: 1940–2008
From Prague to New York: Hans Kohn's (1871-1971) intellectual biography. Langeheine, Romy
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Betts, Paul R.
Chronological coverage: 1891–1971
From Romans to Goths and Franks: ethnic identities in 6th- and 7th-century Spain and Gaul. Buchberger, Erica
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Chris; Ward-Perkins, Bryan
Chronological coverage: 500–1000
Categories: Medieval
Henry de Lancaster's army in Aquitaine, 1345: recruitment, service and reward during the Hundred Years' War. Gribit, Nick
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Watts, Karen; Murray, Alan V.
Chronological coverage: 1344–1346
Categories: Medieval
Inventing new worlds: a Franciscan reflection. McClure, Julia
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Staub, Martial J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1550
Categories: Medieval
Italian queens in the 9th and 10th centuries. Cimino, Roberta
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by MacLean, Simon J.
Chronological coverage: 800–1000
Categories: Medieval
Late medieval mother-of-pearl carvings, making and meaning: an examination of a material in context from the late 14th to the late 15th century in France, England and Italy. Darell, Samantha
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Nash, Susie M.
Chronological coverage: 1380–1480
Categories: Medieval
Legislation and resistance: limitations of royal power on the Catalan and Aragonese frontiers, 986-1134. Garcia-Velasco, Rodrigo I.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jarrett, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 986–1134
Categories: Medieval
Life, death and cosmology in mid-Byzantine Anatolia, 9th-12th century A.D.: a holistic approach to mortuary practice. Moore, Sophie
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fowler, Chris; Jackson, Mark
Chronological coverage: 800–1200
Categories: Medieval
Lucchese artistic patronage, 1400-30. Nuttall, Geoffrey
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Rubin, Patricia L.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1430
Categories: Medieval
Luxury, sensibility, climate and taste: 18th-century worldwide racialisation of difference. Cadelo-Buitrago, Andrea
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Earle, Rebecca
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Minds, machines and monsters: a cultural history of chess. Sharples, John J.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Rohkramer, Thomas; Richards, Jeffrey
Chronological coverage: 1600–2000
Miracle collections in medieval Norway and England: a comparative study. Goff, Charlotte
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Donaghue, Heather; Abrams, Lesley
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Categories: Medieval
Miracles and the sacralisation of the civic space in Renaissance Tuscany. Goodman, Rosa L.L.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Geraldine
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Categories: Medieval
Monstrous Predatory Vampires and Beneficent Fairy Godmothers: British Post-War Colonial Development in Africa. Riley, Charlotte
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen M.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1952
More than mere 'appendages of feminine costume': fans as a means of communication in the West and the East. Pratikaki, Vera
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gerth, Karl
Chronological coverage: 1700–2000
Narration in Byzantine icons. Aslanovski, Davor
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Elsner, Jas
Chronological coverage: 700–1200
Categories: Medieval
Of pinafores and penises: feminist art of the 1970s. Metivier, Michelle E.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wright, Alastair
Chronological coverage: 1970–1980
Pope Honorius III and the Holy Land crusade, 1216-27: a study in responsive papal government. Smith, Thomas W.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1216–1227
Categories: Medieval
Power, lordship and landholding in Anjou, c.1000-c.1150. McHaffie, Matthew
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Hudson, John J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1150
Categories: Medieval
(Re)Activating space/non-space: structuring engagement in the work of Conflict Kitchen, Oliver Ressler and Women on Waves. Linden, Grace D.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wright, Alastair
Chronological coverage: 1990–2013
Rediscovering Ireland's ancient laws. Herron, Patricia
Ph.D., University of Limerick. (Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, A.
Chronological coverage: 1170–1900
Categories: Medieval
Rethinking the spaces and institutions for the governance of flood management. Roger-Wright, Alexia
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Bankoff, Greg
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Revolutionary allies: Sino-Egyptian and Sino-Algerian relations in the Bandung decade. Haddad-Fonda, Kyle
D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Rogan, Eugene L.; Newby, Laura
Chronological coverage: 1955–1965
Royal wives as convertors in early medieval narratives of Christian proselytization. McNally, Jessica L.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad
Chronological coverage: 600–900
Categories: Medieval
'Seeking the bubble reputation': continuities in combat motivation in Western warfare during the 20th century, with particular emphasis on the Falklands War of 1982. Eyles, David C.
D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Gazeley, Ian S.; Robinson, Lucy
Chronological coverage: 1900–1982
Social memory and political society: 15th-century chronicles and the changing structures of politics. Biggs, Elizabeth C.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Moss, Rachel
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
Stained glassworlds: stained glass at the international Exhibitions, c.1851-1900. Allen, Jasmine
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Edwards, Jason; Ayers, Tim
Chronological coverage: 1851–1900
Studies in historical living standards and health: integrating the household and children into historical measures of living standards and health. Schneider, Eric
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Oxley, Deborah J.; Allen, Bob
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
The American press and the U.S. occupation of Japan, 1945-52. Ward, Christopher J.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1952
The art patronage of Leonor of Viseu during her widowhood. Souza, Chelsea E.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Geraldine
Chronological coverage: 1495–1525
Categories: Medieval
The balancing act: American foreign policy and the Kurdish-Iraqi civil war, 1961-75. Gibson, Bryan
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Ashton, Nigel J.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1975
The 'baroud d'honneur' of the French empire? Maghribi soldiers in the Indochina War, 1947-54. Holt, David G.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McDougall, James
Chronological coverage: 1947–1954
The iconography of saintly visions in early Renaissance Tuscany and Umbria. Milk, Joanna
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Rubin, Patricia L.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
The Latin reception of Arabic astronomy and cosmology in mid 12th-century Antioch: the Liber Mamonis and the Dresden Almagest. Grupe, Dirk
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Burnett, Charles S.F.
Chronological coverage: 1130–1170
Categories: Medieval
The limits of candour: Jimmy Carter, the Arab-Israeli dispute and the domestic constraints on an open foreign policy. Strieff, Daniel
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by E. Schulze, Kristin; Casey, Steven
Chronological coverage: 1977–1990
The management of the urban property portfolio of the Società S. Salvatore, Rome, 1500-26. McDougall, Elizabeth C.R.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Clarke, Georgia M.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1526
Categories: Medieval
The medieval ‘vates’: prophecy, history and the shaping of sacred authority, 1120-1320. FitzGerald, Brian D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kempshall, Matthew S.
Chronological coverage: 1120–1320
Categories: Medieval
The notion of imagination in Ficino's Commentary on Plotinus. Corrias, Anna
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.; Giglioni, Guido
Chronological coverage: 1453–1499
Categories: Medieval
The split of west Germanic from northwest Germanic through the analysis of the runic inscriptions in the Elder Futhark. García Losquiño, Irene
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Wills, Tarrin; Brink, Stefan
Chronological coverage: 100–799
Categories: Medieval
The transformations of capoeira practice in Brazil and Europe: a comparison between different strategies of insertion. Granada Da Silva Ferreira, Daniel
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Röhrig Assunção, Matthias
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
The virgin at the foot of the cross in 15th-century Florentine art. Costelloe, Harriet M.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Geraldine
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
The War of Jenkins' Ear: New Granada and great power conflict in the early 18th century. Fajardo, Luis E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, Malcolm D.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1750
'Tommy Atkins' wrath: British military wrongdoing in Palestine, Malaya, Cyprus and Aden, 1945-67. Standley, Charles
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Major, Patrick
Chronological coverage: 1945–1967
Treatment of the 'special' dead in the early middle ages: Anglo-Saxon and Slavic perspectives. Kaznakov, Vladimir
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Dunn, Marilyn; Smith, Julia
Chronological coverage: 500–1000
Categories: Medieval
'Under our protection, that of the church and their own': papal and secular protection of the families and properties the Crusaders left behind, c.1095-1226. Park, Danielle
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1095–1226
Categories: Medieval
Visualising the werewolf in the later middle ages. Sargan, Kate A.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Roper, Lyndal A.; de Visscher, Eva
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Categories: Medieval
Words and artworks in the 12th century and beyond: the 13th-century manuscript Marcianus gr. 524 and the 12th-century dedicatory epigrams on works of art. Spingou, Foteini
D.Phil., Oxford. (Med. ; Mod. Lang. ; Lit.). Supervised by Lauxtermann, Marc
Chronological coverage: 1100–1400
Categories: Medieval
Affecting images: photographic reproduction and sensing of art. Paz, Anita
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Grootenboer, Hannete
Chronological coverage: 1850–2014
Alexander Archipenko and cultural exchange between the wars: from European avant-gardes to avantgardism in the United States. Keiser, Alexandra
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Behr, Shulamith
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Angels and the book: an analysis of 'angelic' devotional material from a sample of 15th-century manuscript Books of Hours. Sarson, Delia
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Gill; Lawrence, Anne E.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Categories: Medieval
An investigation into the structural causes of German-American mass migration in the 19th century. Boyd, James
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. and Archaeol.). Supervised by Strobl, Gerwin; Jones, Bill
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Approaches to community and otherness in the late Merovingian and early Carolingian periods. Broome, Richard
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
Chronological coverage: 660–840
Categories: Medieval
Aspects of the Renaissance in Ireland and Sweden, c.1345-1662. Meehan, Sorcha
Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Kelly, B.; O'Ciardha, E.
Chronological coverage: 1345–1662
Categories: Medieval
At the intersection of science and politics: the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, 1894-1914. Ure, Pinar
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Lieven, Dominic
Chronological coverage: 1894–1914
Black internationalism and the historical geographies of non-violence. Hodder, Jake
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Heffernan, Mike; Legg, Stephen
Chronological coverage: 1917–1968
Book illumination in Milan around the year 1000: the prayerbook of Arnulph II. Demarchi, Francesca
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Lowden, John H.
Chronological coverage: 998–1018
Categories: Medieval
British graphic art, 1660-1735: an Atlantic perspective. Moore, Peter
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hallett, Mark L.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1735
Clerical celibacy: England, northern France and Byzantium (c.1000-1140). Perisanidi, Maroula
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Barrow, Julia S.; Taylor, Claire
Chronological coverage: 1000–1140
Categories: Medieval
Commodity boycotts, activist bodywork and race: a study of the anti-apartheid campaigns of Boycott Outspan Action (1970-1992) and the anti-trafficking campaigns of Stop The Traffik (2006-2013). Crosfield, Hugh
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Lambert, David
Chronological coverage: 1970–2013
Commonwealth and Common Market revisited: Thatcher, New Zealand and Europe, 1979-82. Weinberg, Samuel M.
M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Rourke, Kevin
Chronological coverage: 1979–1982
Convicting the dead: heresy and communitas in the middle ages. Hardstaff, Rachael M.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Forrest, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Categories: Medieval
Count Hugh of Troyes and the early crusading era. Doherty, James
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Jotischky, Andrew
Chronological coverage: 1094–1125
Categories: Medieval
Creating the hermit-preachers: narrative, textual construction and community in 12th- and 13th-century northern France. Parker, Robyn
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Power, Amanda L.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Categories: Medieval
Cultural life in the 13th-century papal court. Ross, Matthew
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Categories: Medieval
Curating the global city. Miles, Ellie
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Gilbert, David
Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
Denial of the Armenian genocide in American and French politics. Herron, Michael
Ph.D., Kingston. (Econ., Hist. and Pol.). Supervised by Spencer, Philip; Brivati, Brian; Davis, John R.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1923
Diplomatic relations between the German Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of China in the 1980s: conditions and consequences. Chen, Zhong
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Spohr Readman, A.R. Kristina
Chronological coverage: 1980–1990
Easter in the world of Gregory of Tours. West, Daniel E.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad; Ward-Perkins, Bryan
Chronological coverage: 538–594
Categories: Medieval
Elementary and grammar education in late medieval France: Lyon, 1285-1530. Lynch, Sarah
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Flynn, William T.; Black, Robert
Chronological coverage: 1285–1530
Categories: Medieval
Ethnicity in Viking age England and Francia. Cross, Katherine
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Sennis, Antonio
Chronological coverage: 800–1066
Categories: Medieval
Franciscan voluntarism: the freedom of the will in the political thought of Peter John Olivi and John Duns Scotus. Chen, Ziang
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kempshall, Matthew
Chronological coverage: 1266–1308
Categories: Medieval
Gender and civil litigation in late medieval urban society. Phipps, Teresa
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Goddard, Richard; Balzaretti, Ross
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Categories: Medieval
German prisoners of war and civilian internees in the extra-European theatre of the First World War. Murphy, Mahon
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, David
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Gothic ivories as Andachtsbilder: a case study on four diptychs from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Gambert-Jouan, Anabelle
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1200–1530
Categories: Medieval
‘Go west and grow up with the country’: a study of German and Irish immigrant communities in the American Midwest, 1850-1900. Donlon, Regina
Ph.D., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Mancini, JoAnne; Moran, Gerard
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Herbert Ward: sculpture, politics and exploration in the Atlantic world, 1884 to the present. Breedon, Kirsty
Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Edwards, Jason
Chronological coverage: 1884–2012
Hunting the savage: comparing U.S. and British counterinsurgency approaches during the Philippine-American war and the second Boer War, 1899-1902. Arras, Samuel R.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lemnitzer, Jan M.
Chronological coverage: 1899–1902
Ideals of poverty: examining a spiritual Franciscan and a Wycliffite commentary on the Rule of St Francis. Wood, Hannah K.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ghosh, Kantik; Fitzpatrick, Antonia
Chronological coverage: 1209–1226
Categories: Medieval
'If the doors of perception were cleansed': a theoretical exploration of dream machines, ganzfelds and other attempts to create hallucinogenic art. Zagoury, David
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Grootenboer, Hanneke
Chronological coverage: 1970–1990
In aid of conflict: a study of American activism and American medical relief to Spain and China, 1936-9. Wetherby, Aelwen
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Mark; Davies, Gareth
Chronological coverage: 1936–1939
Independence, dependence and Third World solidarity: Sino-Tanzanian relations, 1964-75. Altorfer-Ong, Alicia
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Joanna E.
Chronological coverage: 1964–1975
International news supply in Ireland, 'c'.1899-1949. O'Donnell, James
Ph.D., N.U.I. Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Mary N.
Chronological coverage: 1899–1946
Irish Policemen in the Palestine Mandate, 1922-48. Gannon, Sean
Ph.D., Mary Immaculate College. (Hist.). Supervised by McMahon, Deirdre
Chronological coverage: 1922–1948
Categories: 20th Century; Britain and Ireland; Asia and Middle East; Legal history
Jordan, Palestine and the British World System, 1945-57: Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion. Jevon, Graham
Ph.D., Oxford. (Mod. Hist. ). Supervised by Rogan, Eugene L.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1957
Categories: Political history; 20th Century; Britain and Ireland; Asia and Middle East; Imperial and colonial
King Aethelstan in the English, continental and Scandinavian traditions of the 10th-13th centuries. Smith, Angela
Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Swan, Mary; Hall, Alaric
Chronological coverage: 900–1300
Categories: Medieval
Knowledge and thinking in Renaissance Florence: a computer-assisted analysis of the diaries and commonplace books of Giovanni Rucellai and his contemporaries. Tóth, Gabor
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davidson, Nicholas S.
Chronological coverage: 1423–1481
Categories: Medieval
Late antique cities in the Rhineland: a comparative study of Trier and Cologne in the 4th and 5th centuries. Davison, Christine
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Loseby, Simon
Chronological coverage: 300–500
Categories: Medieval
Literature as image in digital culture. Lamont, Bethany
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Grootenboer, Hanneke
Chronological coverage: 1970–2014
Masculinity and spirituality in Renaissance Milan: the role of the beautiful body in the art of Leonardo da Vinci and the Leonardeschi. Corry, Maya
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1472–1519
Categories: Medieval
Materiality in contemporary art. Sveidahl, Maria
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Geraldine
Chronological coverage: 2000–2100
Moments of self-determination: the concept of 'self-determination' and the idea of freedom in 20th- and 21st-century international discourse. Knudsen, Rita Augestad
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Spohr, A.R. Kristina
Chronological coverage: 1900–2014
Monastic and scholastic biblical commentary in the early to mid 12th century: a comparative study of the exegetical approaches of Peter Lombard and Hervaeus of Bourg-Dieu in their commentaries on Galatians II. Mostyn, Patrick
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kempshall, Matthew
Chronological coverage: 1100–1164
Categories: Medieval
Money in Jean de Joinville's Vie de Saint Louis: the ideal representation of a king?. Radome, Thibaut
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayhew, Nicholas
Chronological coverage: 1248–1254
Categories: Medieval
Music goes to war: how Britain, Germany and the U.S.A. used jazz as propaganda in World War II. Studdert, Will
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Welch, David; Connelly, Mark
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Muslim penetration and imperial revival in 9th-century southern Italy. Bondioli, Lorenzo
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Whittow, Mark
Chronological coverage: 800–900
Categories: Medieval
O Radix Jesse: Tree of Jesse iconography in northern Europe, c.1450-1550. Green, Susan
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Nash, Susie M.
Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
Categories: Medieval
Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and anti-Soviet jihad. Siddiqi, Ahmad
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Robert; Devji, Faisal
Chronological coverage: 1979–1989
Perceptions of illness and health in Italo-Greek hagiography (10th-13th centuries). Zanetti Domingues, Lidia L.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Christopher J.; Booth, Philip
Chronological coverage: 900–1300
Categories: Medieval
Perceptions of temporal and spiritual authority in the late medieval cult of St. Thomas Cantilupe. Fleming, Andrew
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Forrest, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1238–1282
Categories: Medieval
Pluralism and consensus: a comparison of the intellectuals of Egypt and Iraq, 1920-58. Yip, Wen Yen S.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McDougall, James
Chronological coverage: 1920–1958
Preaching history, constructing identity: sermons and the social memory in 5th- and 6th-century Gaul. Meer, Marcus
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad; Moss, Rachel
Chronological coverage: 500–600
Categories: Medieval
Rails of reform: foreign investment in Mexican railways during the era of Porfirio Díaz. Fitzgerald, Zoe E.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
Chronological coverage: 1884–1911
Revolutionising the 'Rose': appropriation, crossover and divergence in manuscripts and printed editions of Le roman de la rose. Hartigan, Caitlin
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Swift, Helen; Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1230–1274
Categories: Medieval
Seeking the sacred within the secular: a study of the Aspremont-Kievraing psalter's marginalia. Sedovic, Katherine A.
M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1254–1305
Categories: Medieval
Sewing for Spain: the trans-Pacific and Atlantic trade of Chinese silks and the fashioning of female identity in Spain, c.1800-1900s. Pleydell, Bethany H.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Clunas, Craig
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
Sigismund von Luxemburg and the imperial response to the Ottoman Turkish threat, c.1396-1437. Whelan, Mark
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1396–1437
Categories: Medieval
Social change in the county of Nevers, c.900-c.1100. O Suilleabhain, Niall
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 900–1100
Categories: Medieval
Social histories of the Last Judgement in Byzantine art. Bhalla, Niamh
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Eastmond, Antony
Chronological coverage: 1000–1453
Categories: Medieval
State building as strategy: a rationalist interrogation of N.A.T.O.’S comprehensive approach in Afghanistan between 2006 and 2011. Eustace, Daniel
Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Cosgrave, Michael
Chronological coverage: 2006–2011
Straddling the boundaries of femininity in Renaissance art. McGilligan, Kathleen S.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Geraldine
Chronological coverage: 1400–1525
Categories: Medieval
The Celestine monks of France, 1350-1450: monastic reform in an age of schism, councils and war. Shaw, Robert L.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Benjamin J.; Vale, Malcolm G.A.
Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
Categories: Medieval
The dove and the eagle: Mariano Rumor, the Italian Christian Democratic Party and the U.S.A., 1968-76. Fornasier, Roberto
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Young, John W.
Chronological coverage: 1968–1976
The Ford administration, Angola and the perception of post-Vietnam US credibility, 1974-6. O'Sullivan, Steven
Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Ryan, David
Chronological coverage: 1974–1976
The hidden face of slavery: an examination of the slave trade, 1500-2000. Plaxton, Samuel
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Major, Andrea; Gould, William
Chronological coverage: 1500–2000
The inextinguishable struggle between north and south: American sectionalism in the British mind, 1832-1863. O'Connor, Peter
Ph.D., Northumbria University. (Hist.). Supervised by Gleeson, David
Chronological coverage: 1832–1863
Categories: 20th Century; Britain and Ireland; Political history; 18th-19th Century; North America; Military/naval history
The insecurity-intimidation complex: an intertwining relationship between three different empires. Holloman, Tiffany
M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Rowlands, Alison
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
The international committee of the Y.M.C.A. and its foreign work in China, 1895–1937. Heavens, John
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Preston, Andrew
Chronological coverage: 1895–1937
The mediating justice: statutes in Venetian guilds, 1300-1600. Kang, Ning
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Bamji, Alex; Loud, Graham
Chronological coverage: 1300–1600
Categories: Medieval
The monastery of Montevergine: its development and early history, 1118-1210. Bolognese, Isabella
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.
Chronological coverage: 1118–1210
Categories: Medieval
The moral profile and code of conduct of the professional podestà in 13th-century Italy. Napolitano, David
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Categories: Medieval
The most praiseworthy journey: Scandinavian market networks in the Viking age. Horne, Tom
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Batey, Colleen
Chronological coverage: 800–1066
Categories: Medieval
The North Atlantic Triangle and the genesis and legacy of the American occupation of Greenland during the Second World War. Berry, Dawn A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by MacMillan, Margaret O.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
The outlaw in Icelandic law and literature. Cahilly-Bretzin, Glenn M.
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Abrams, Lesley; O'Donoghue, Heather
Chronological coverage: 900–1100
Categories: Medieval
The papal response to the 13th-century 'plurality of forms' debate. Fitzpatrick, Antonia
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David
Chronological coverage: 1275–1300
Categories: Medieval
The pecia system and its use by the cultural milieu in Paris, 1250-1330. Ray, Alison
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David
Chronological coverage: 1250–1330
Categories: Medieval
The portrayal of inter-cultural exchange in 13th- and 14th-century travel narratives: a comparison between the travel accounts of William of Rubruck, Raban bar Sauma and Odoric of Pordenone. Rublack, Argula
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, Catherine; Varnam, Laura
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Categories: Medieval
The relationship between Iceland and Norway, 'c'.870-1100. Long, Ann Marie
Ph.D., University College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, Elva
Chronological coverage: 870–1100
Categories: Medieval
The role of the Dominions in British victory, 1939-45. Johnston, Iain E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
The U.S.A. and Southern Rhodesia, 1953-69. Boxer, Andrew K.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay; Tuck, Stephen G.N.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1969
The wartime experience of the League of Nations, 1939-47. Edwards, Emma M.
Ph.D., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Ribeiro de Meneses, Filipe
Chronological coverage: 1939–1947
Twelfth-century kingship: knighthood, virtue and honour in the age of Frederick Barbarossa. Kemp, Ryan
M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad; Nightingale, John
Chronological coverage: 1122–1190
Categories: Medieval
Writing history, narrating fulfilment: the ‘Isidore-moment’ and the struggle for the ‘before now’ in late antique and early medieval Hispania. Kelly, Michael
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
Chronological coverage: 500–1000
Categories: Medieval
Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Carter administration, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Tobin, Conor
Ph.D., University College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Gerwarth, Robert
Chronological coverage: 1977–1981