Australia and Pacific Ocean

History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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'Australia and Pacific Ocean', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Australia and Pacific Ocean', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Australia and Pacific Ocean". History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. , British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.

In this section


British policy towards Australian and New Zealand ambitions in the Pacific, to 1919. Snelling, R.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Literacy and social change in Fiji since 1835. Clammer, J.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gathercole, P.W.


Diverse approaches to the history of modern Hawaii. Maguire, E.M.W.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Ardener, E.W.

German recruitment and employment of labourers in the western Pacific before the First World War. Firth, S.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.


British intervention in New Zealand, 1830-46. Adams, P.W.T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Great Britain, Australia and the Pacific crisis, 1931-41. Wright, P.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Lowe, P.C.

Indigenous resistance to German rule in the Pacific colonies of Samoa, Ponape and New Guinea, 1884-1914. Hempenstall, P.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Pastoralists and their estates in the central hill country, South Australia, 1836-91. Williams, Eleanore
     M.A., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Williams, G.

Women in China: policy developments from the 1930s to the 1950s. Davin, Delia
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Rimmington, D.R.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; 20th Century


The origins of Australian social banditry: bush-ranging in Van Diemen's Land, 1805-18. Canteri, C.L.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Hartwell, R.M.

The strategic illusion: the Singapore strategy and the defence of Australia and New Zealand, 1919-42. Hamill, I.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Dilks, D.N.


The origin and development of the public service in New South Wales, 1788-1856. McMartin, S.T.A.
     Ph.D., London.


Australia and Britain's Far Eastern defence policy, 1937-42. Hemmings, W.J.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Howard, M.E.

The development of government policy in education in Fiji, 1916-66. Hopkin, A.G.
     Ph.D., London.

The influence of British patterns of educational organization on the organization of education in Western Australia before 1895. Fletcher, L.
     Ph.D., London.


Design for convicts in the Australian colonies during the transportation era. Kerr, W.J.S.
     D.Phil., York.

Designing a colonial church: church building in New South Wales, 1788-1888. Kerr, E.J.
     D.Phil., York.


Pacific Island labour in the Queensland sugar industry, 1862-1906. Graves, A.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.


Education and reformation: a study of philosophical idealism as expressed in the industrial schools of England and Van Diemen's Land, 1800-50. Unspecified
     M.Phil., Leeds.


The New Zealand episcopate of George Augustus Selwyn (1842-67), with special reference to Bishop Selwyn's part in the dispute with Archdeacon Henry Williams in respect of the latter's land claims. Sheild, E.O.
     B.D., Oxford.


The New Zealand wars, 1845-70: an analysis of their history and interpretation. Belich, J.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.


Crown Colony government and the regulation of relations between settlers and Fijians, 1880-1910. Robinson, P.B.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Health care on Queensland immigrant vessels, 1860-1900. Woolcock, Helen R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bynum, W.F.

Ministerial responsibility and the Australian Federal Parliamentary Labour party, 1901-75. Harley, T.S.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Johnson, N.


Funu Zazhi and the position of women in Chinese society, 1927-31. Dawson, M.J.
     M.Phil., Leeds.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Social history; 20th Century

The role of the governor in constitutional issues in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales, 1901-25. Morrison, A.S.
     Ph.D., London.


Australia, Britain and the onset of the Pacific War, 1939-42: an imperial relationship under stress. Day, D.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.

John Davies, Tahiti: an example of the missionary awareness of the early Welsh Calvinistic Methodists. James, R.W.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth).

The Presbyterian churches in New South Wales, 1823-65, with particular reference to their Scottish relations. Bridges, B.J.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Cameron, J.K.

Women, equality and education in Singapore from the 19th century to the present day. Eng Lan, Wong
     Ph.D., Bath.
     Categories: Education; Gender and Women; Social history; 19th Century; 20th Century; 21st Century


The Australian federation referenda, 1898-1900: a spatial analysis of voting behaviour. Rhodes, G.T.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, E.

The Australian political reaction to refugees, from Evian agreement 1938 to 1979. Mirana, J.
     M.Phil., London.

The social expectations of Anglican clergymen in England and Australia, 1850- 1910. Nicholls, P.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wilson, B.R.


Australia and the search for a stable international order, 1919-45. Twomey, P.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.

Deterrence and reform: transportation to Australia as part of British penal policy, 1787-1868. Quinn, Heather
     M.A., Lancaster. Supervised by Constantine, S.


Scottish emigrants to New Zealand, 1840-80: motives, means and background. McClean, Rosalind R.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Anderson, Michael; Mitchison, Rosalind M.


Cricket, class and colonialism, c.1860-1914: a study of two elite institutions, the Marylebone Cricket Club and the Melbourne Cricket Club. Bradley, James T.A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Barron, T.J.; Duffield, I.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1914

Geopolitics and internal power structures: the state, police and public order in Austria and Ireland in the late 18th century. Axtmann, Roland E.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc.). Supervised by Burrage, M.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
     Categories: Briain and Ireland; 18th Century

New Zealand Catholicism, war, politics and the Irish issue, 1912-22. Sweetman, Rory M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.
     Chronological coverage: 1912–1922

The Australian High Commissioner's office: politics and Anglo-Australian relations, 1901-39. Attard, Bernard P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Newbury, C.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1939

The bushrangers and the convict system of Van Diemen's Land, 1803-46. Maxwell-Stewart, Hamish J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Graves, A.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1803–1846

The Great War and Australian memory: a study of myth, remembering and oral history. Thomson, Alistair S.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Kedward, H.R.; Yeo, C.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1990

The historical development of sport in Fiji. Webb, A.L.
     M.Phil., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
     Index terms: Sport, in Fiji; Fiji

The residential differentiation of occupational groups in late 19th-century Fremantle, Western Australia. Shaw, Brian J.
     Ph.D. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1900

The role of naval power in the N.W. Pacific, 1953-91. Lim, I.S.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff)
     Chronological coverage: 1953–1991
     Index terms: Naval power, in the Pacific; Pacific Ocean


British relations with the Hawaiian kingdom, 1790-1850. MacAllan, Richard S.
     M.Phil. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Hawaii; Hawaii

Missionary practice of Georg Friedrich Vicedom in New Guinea (1929-39): a presentation based mainly on his own writings. Muller, Klaus W.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1939
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in New Guinea; New Guinea; Vicedom, Georg Friedrich (1903-74)

Politics of communal relations in Fiji, 1929-1950s. Tomaru, Junko
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Newbury, C.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1960
     Index terms: Communal relations, in Fiji; Fiji


`Protective supremacy': the Royal Navy, Pacific islanders and the limits of benevolence, 1829-59. Samson, Jane D.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, G.
     Chronological coverage: 1829–1859
     Index terms: Pacific islands; Royal Navy


A history of the child and juvenile migration schemes to Australia. McVeigh, Ann
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, D.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
     Index terms: Migration, to Australia; Migration schemes, child and juvenile; Children

Captain Clayton and the Australia station, 1884-9. Cross, Mary
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1884–1889
     Index terms: Navy; Clayton, Captain (fl.1884-9); Australia

Work, sexuality and resistance: the convict women of Van Diemen's Land, 1820-39. Reid, Kirsty
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Nenadic, Stana S.; Duffield, I.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1839
     Index terms: Convicts, in Australia; Australia; Tasmania; Van Diemen's Land; Women, in Australia
     Categories: Gender and Women; Legal history; Social history; 19th Century


The life and times of James George Beaney, M.D. (1828-91). Blackamore, Michael J.
     M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Armstrong, William A.
     Chronological coverage: 1848–1891
     Index terms: Medicine; Medicine, in Australia; Beaney, James George (1828-91); Australia


English emigration to New Zealand, 1839-50: an analysis of the work of the New Zealand Company. Hudson, Paul
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist./Geog.). Supervised by Pooley, Colin G.; Constantine, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1839–1850
     Index terms: Migration, to New Zealand; Migration, English; New Zealand; New Zealand Company

The geography of citizenship strategies in a rural S. Australian aboriginal community, 1940-93. Sleeman, M.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Baker, Alan R.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1993
     Index terms: Citizenship strategies, in Australia; Aborigines, in Australia; Australia


A cultural history of women in Chilean Patagonia. Green, Mary
     M.Phil., London. (K.C.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Chile; Patagonia, Chilean; Women
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Latin America and West Indies; 20th Century; 21st Century; Modern


'A place in England called Australia': popular images and perceptions of Australia in inter-war Britain. Mahony, Edel
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Griffiths, Thomas R.; Holland, Robert F.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
     Index terms: Australia; Foreign relations, with Australia

Korean 'comfort women' and military sexual slavery in World War II. Ahn, Yonson
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Women's Stud.). Supervised by Liddle, Joanna
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
     Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Japan; Sex slavery, in Japan
     Categories: 20th Century; Military/naval history; Gender and Women

Making territorial rights of the natives: Britain and New Zealand, 1830-47. Hickford, Mark C.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1847
     Index terms: Britain, and New Zealand; New Zealand, and Britain

Recreating identity: Scottish-Australian cultural organizations and changing identities in New South Wales, 1945 to the 1990s. Johnston, Craig D.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Bates, Crispin B.; Duffield, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1999
     Index terms: Australia, and Scotland; Scotland, and Australia; New South Wales, Australia


Healing Hawaii: the recovery of an island's identity. A socio-historical study of cultural resistance from the 1840s to the 1990s. Chait, Melanie L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Carey, Peter B.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1840–1999
     Index terms: Hawaii


A political history of Hawai'ian health policy, c.1938-1998: a case study of state health policy in the United States. Taniguchi, Cullen M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1938–1999
     Index terms: United States of America; Public health, Public healthcare, in Hawaii; Hawaii


Administering emigration: Thomas Elliot and government-assisted emigration from Britain to Australia, 1831-55. Ray, Margaret
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Philip A.
     Chronological coverage: 1831–1855
     Index terms: Migration, to Australia; Australia

Convicts, communication and authority: Britain and New South Wales, 1810-30. Phillipps, Christina J.V. Picton
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Nenadic, Stana; Duffield, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1810–1830

From cannibal to terrorist: state violence, indigenous resistance and representation in West Papua. Kirksey, S. Eben
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Hanlon, M.; Carey, Peter B.
     Chronological coverage: 1526–2001

Nature speaks theology: colonialism, cultivation, conversion and the Pacific, 1795-1850. Sivasundaram, Sujit P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Secord, Jim A.
     Chronological coverage: 1795–1850

Yoked to the plough: male convict labour, culture and resistance in rural Van Diemen's Land, 1820-40. Hindmarsh, Bruce
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffield, Ian; Bates, Crispin P.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1840


The end of the affair: Britain's turn to Europe as a problem in Anglo-Australian relations, 1961-72. Benvenuti, A.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1972
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Europe; Australia, and Britain; Europe, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Australia


'Savagery' and 'civilisation': the convergence of Europeans and Papuans up to the proclamation of the British New Guinea Protectorate in 1884. Boore, Roger Pryse
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea)
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1884
     Index terms: Europe, and Papua New Guinea; Empire; Papua New Guinea, and Europe

Settler physics in Australia and Cambridge, 1850-1950. Dean, Katrina J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Schaffer, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1950
     Index terms: Education, Higher, Scientific; Cambridge, and Australia; Australia, and Cambridge; Physics, Physicists

The early days of British influence in south-east New Guinea. Boore, Roger P.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Dunthorne, Hugh L.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1884–1995
     Index terms: New Guinea

Through the vale of darkness: history in South Malakula, Vanuatu. de Lannoy, Jean
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1500–2000
     Index terms: South Malakula, Vanuatu; Vanuatu

Views in the South Seas: writing Pacific nature, culture and landscape, 1700-75. Johnson, Sarah A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Leask, Nigel J.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1775
     Index terms: Culture, in the Pacific; Nature, in the Pacific; Pacific; South Seas; Landscape, in the Pacific


Imperfect machinery? Missions, imperial authority and the Pacific labour trade, c.1875-1901. Takeuchi, Mahito
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1875–1901
     Index terms: Pacific region; Trade, labour, in the Pacific; Missions

Korean Bible women; their vital contribution to Korean Protestantism, 1895-1945. Chang, Sung-Jin
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1945
     Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism, in Korea; Women, in Korea; Korea
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 19th Century; 20th Century


Arthur Boyd: a life. Bungey, Darleen
     Ph.D., Kingston. (Soc. Sc.)
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1999
     Index terms: Boyd, Arthur Merric Bloomfield (1920–99), artist; Art

Little gems or tough nuggets: children, the hidden treasures of the Australian goldfields. Altheer, Rowena
     M.Phil., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
     Index terms: Mines, Mining, Gold, in Australia; Children, in Australia; Australia

Scottish shipbuilding and the Australian market, 1901-71. MacDonald, Michael J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.)
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1971
     Index terms: Shipbuilding, in Scotland; Australia, and Scotland; Trade, with Australia; Scotland, and Australia

The province of science: James Hector and the New Zealand Institute, 1867-1903. Reid, Francis L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1867–1903
     Index terms: Science; Hector, Sir James (1834–1907), geologist; New Zealand Institute


Communication, trade and steamship operation between Britain and Australia in the mid 19th century: what were the problems faced by steamship operators on the long-distance run to Australia?. Elston, Jacqueline A.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Australia; Australia, and Britain; Steamships; Trade, with Australia; Communication, with Australia

Disease at sea: convicts, emigrants, ships and the ocean in the voyage to Australia, c.1830-1860. Foxhall, Katherine
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Hodges, Sarah; Finn, Margot
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1860
     Index terms: Disease, at sea; Migration, to Australia; Australia

George Henry Haydon (1822-91): an Anglo-Australian life. Haydon, Katharine R.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1842–1891
     Index terms: Haydon, George Henry (1822-91), Australian artist and writer; Australia

Group exhibitions of Australian painting and Australian artists in London, 1953-65. Pierse, Simon J.
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth.
     Chronological coverage: 1953–1965
     Index terms: Australia; London; Art, Artists, Australian; Exhibitions, Art


Constituting the settler colony and reconstituting the indigene: the native administration and constitutionalism of Sir George Grey, K.C.B. during his two New Zealand governorships (1845-53, 1861-8) until the outbreak of the Waikato War in 1863. Cadogan, Bernard F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1863

Philanthropy in Birmingham and Sydney, 1860-1914: class, gender and race. Harvey, Elizabeth A.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
     Index terms: Philanthropy, in Australia; Philanthropy; Gender; Gender, in Australia; Australia; Syndey, Australia; Birmingham


Anglo-Australian naval relations and co-operation, 1945-75. Gjessing, Mark
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Spiers, Edward M.; Hartley, Owen A.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1975


Joint army-marine operations in the central Pacific campaign. Tosi Lacey, Sharon
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1945
     Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Pacific; Navy, U.S.; Army, U.S.

Mineral booms, taxation and the national interest: the impact of the 1974 Fitzgerald Report on the contribution of the mineral industry to Australian welfare. Burnside, Sarah E.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1974–1990
     Index terms: Taxation; Fitzgerald Report (1974); Australia; Mineral industry, in Australia; Mines, Mining, mineral, in Australia


‘A failed bid for independence’? Anglo-New Zealand relations, 1935-9. McCrostie, Jonathan H.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Belich, James
     Chronological coverage: 1935–1939

Benjamin Duterrau and the art of conciliation. Lehman, Gregory P.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by West, Shearer
     Chronological coverage: 1832–1851

Observing human 'difference': the case of the Endeavour and Resolution journals. Barsky, Roxane K.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.
     Chronological coverage: 1768–1791

Reception and response: the impact of British art in late 19th-century Melbourne. Watts, Emma
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Turner, Sarah; Lillie, Amanda
     Chronological coverage: 1875–1900


Criminal justice, race and gender in the colonial south-west Pacific, 1880-1920. Stevens, Kate
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Sivasundaram, Sujit P.; Thomas, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1920

New evidence on the development of Australian refugee policy, 1976-83. Higgins, Claire
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Oxley, Deborah J.
     Chronological coverage: 1976–1983

The order of the empire: the Knights of Labor in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, 1880-1900. Parfitt, Steven
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrigley, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1900

Turning the 'wilderness' into a 'flowering garden': exploring the survival of Cape Bedford Mission, far North Queensland, 1887-1909. Allen, Laurence P.
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Zimmer, Oliver
     Chronological coverage: 1887–1909