
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.

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'1395-99', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1395-99 [accessed 13 March 2025].

'1395-99', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1395-99.

"1395-99". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1395-99.

Long title

In this section


(Newborough and Rug collection)

[9 Mar 1395]

188 x 74mm. Wrapping tie (6-7 mm) at bottom left corner.

Curia ville de Ruthin tenta ibidem coram henrico de Bircheles senescallo de deffryncloyd (fn. 1) die martis proxima ante festum sancti / Gregorii pape Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi (fn. 2) post conquestum Anglie decimo octavo Walterus le Barker et hawisia uxor / eius venerunt hic in curiam coram senescallo prefato (fn. 3) die et anno supradictis (fn. 4) et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini / unum Burgagium cum pertinenciis in Ruthin iacens inter tenementum Nicholai filii Johannis ap Jorum (fn. 5) ex una parte et tenementum / Willelmi Lache ex parte altera ad opus Johannis filii dafydd ap madoc Bean habendum et tenendum predictum / Burgagium cum pertinenciis prefato Johanni heredibus et assignatis suis anglicis de capitali domini feodi illius per servicia / debita et de iure consueta inperpetuum Et predicta hawisia specialiter examinata etc utrum vi (fn. 6) aut / metu fuit introducta ad sursum reddicionem predictum faciendum que dicit quod mera et / spontanea voluntate sua concessit Et fecit fidelitatem et seisina ei liberata salvo iure / cuiuslibet Et dat domino de ingressu iiijs.


Court of the town of Ruthin, held there in the presence of Henry de Bircheles, steward of Dyffryn Clwyd, on Tuesday next before the feast of St Gregory the Pope in the eighteenth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest of England. Walter le Barker and Hawise his wife came here in court in the presence of the said steward on the day and year abovewritten, and surrendered into the hands of the lord a burgage with appurtenances in Ruthin, lying between the tenement of Nicholas son of John ab Iorwerth on one side, and the tenement of William Lache on the other side, to the use of John son of David ap Madoc Bean, to have and to hold the aforesaid burgage with the appurtenances to the aforesaid John, and his English (fn. 7) heirs and assigns, of the chief lord of that fee, by the services due and by right accustomed for ever. And the aforesaid Hawise, specially examined etc whether she was induced by force or fear to make the aforesaid surrender, says that she granted it by her own and spontaneous will. And he did fealty, and seisin is delivered to him saving the right of whomsoever. And he gives to the lord for entry 4s.

[Ruthin (Rhuthun), later Denbs. Court rolls survive at TNA, SC 2/220/9; this court on rot. 37]


(Petre collection, Buckfast Abbey archives, part of Bonneville Axminster deeds).

[27 Apr. 1395]

292 x 140/120 mm. Water damage. No tongue, tag or seal

Heading, outdented: Axeminstre’. Ad curiam legalem manerii tentam ibidem die martis proxima post festum Sancti marci Evangeliste Anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi / decimo octavo /

Willelmus Bonevyle et margareta uxor eius ceperunt de domino unum tenementum in Axeminstre in quo Willelmus colyton modo inhabitat Tenendum / ad terminum vite eorum Reddendo inde annuatim xijd et sectam curie et molendino (fn. 8) sicut alii tenentes faciunt per omnibus serviciis Et post /decessum predictorum Willelmi et margarete totum predictum tenementum integre remanebit Johanni filio predictorum Willelmi et margarete ad terminum vite sue (fn. 9) tenendum per / redditus et servicia supradicta. Dominus concessit quod bene licebit prefatis Willelmi margarete et Johanni tenementum predictum tradere dimittere cuicumque / vel quibuscunque prefati Willelmus margareta et Johannes durante vita eorum Abbate et conventu inde consulto (fn. 10) voluerint seu voluerit

Axminster. Ad the leet court of the manor held there on Tuesday next after the feast of St Mark the Evangelist in the eighteenth year of the reign of king Richard the second.

William Bonevyle and Margaret his wife took from the lord a tenement in Axminster in which William Colyton now lives. To hold for the term of their lives, rendering thence yearly 12d, and suit of court and mill, as the other tenants do for all services. And after the decease of the aforesaid William and Margaret, all the aforesaid land shall wholly remain to John son of the aforesaid William and Margaret for the term of his life, to hold by the rents and services abovesaid. The lord granted that the aforesaid William, Margaret, and John shall be allowed to hand over or let the aforesaid tenement to whomever the aforesaid William, Margaret and John during their lives shall wish to, having consulted the Abbot (fn. 11) and convent.

[Axminster, Devon. No medieval court rolls known]


(Leigh of Stoneleigh, manorial records of Langley)

[14 Jun 1395 [pencil note 16 June 1395, which was a Wednesday]]

210 x 160 mm. Copy text 143 x 60 mm. No tongue; must be copy of copy

Added below: Langeleye

Ad curiam tentam die lune proxima post festum sancti Barnabe Anno xviiio (fn. 12) / concessum est Walteri Sayl et margerie uxori eius unam croftam vocatam le / hallestokkyng et iij seliones in tribus campis de langeley et j dimidiam / acram sub le Farndon iacentem iuxta partem (fn. 13) terre Edmundi Smyth et aliam iuxta / terram quondam Johannis Jones et aliam dimidiam acram extendentem se versus / gerardesmersch habendas et tenendas eisdem Waltero et margerie ad terminum / vite eorum pro servicia octo solidorum per annum et post decessum ipsius margerie / heriettum Et fecerunt fidelitatem Et dant domino pro ingressu iiij pullones

At the court held on Monday next after the feast of St Barnabas in the 18th year, there was granted to Walter Sayl and Margery his wife a croft called the Hallestokkyng and 3 selions in three fields of Langeley, and a half acre under the Farndon, lying next to part of the land of Edmund Smyth, and another next to land once John Jones’s, and another half acre extending towards gerardesmersch, to have and to hold to the same Walter and Margery for the term of their life for the service of eight shillings a year, and, after the decease of the same Margery, a heriot. And they did fealty. And they give to the lord for entry 4 chickens.

Copy is on dorse of 1381 rental, which is attached by a tag to a court roll of Roger Burgulon held at Langeleye Monday next after feast of body (corpor’, presumably Corpus Christi) 6 Richard II. Pencil date 25 May 1383 seems correct. On roll’s dorse is another rental.

[No court rolls known before 1430]


(Foljambe title deeds, Ashford (Derbs.) etc)

[27 Oct 1395]

284 x 53/48 mm. No tongue, seal or cutoff.

Ad curiam de Assheford tentam ibidem die sabbati in vigilia Symonis et Jude Anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie xixo venit in curiam Willelmus Bagshawe per virtutem littere attornati facte per Johannem filium Rogeri in le Dale Johannam uxorem eius et Johannem in le Dale filium eorundem et sursum reddidit in manus domini unum mesuagium / et xij acras terre cum pertinenciis in villa et in campis de Shylladon’ Ad opus Ricardi in le Dale et Thome in le Dale fili eius et heredium eorum legittime procreatorum / Et super hoc venerunt in dictam curiam predicti Ricardus et Thomas et ceperunt de dicto domino predictum mesuagium et predictas xij Acras terre cum pertinenciis tenenda sibi et heredibus / eorum legittime procreatis secundum consuetudinem manerii ibidem Et dant domino pro fine xld et admissi sunt tenentes et habent seisinam

At the court of Ashford held there on Saturday on the eve of Simon and Jude in the 19th year of the reign of Richard the second after the conquest of England William Bagshawe came into court by virtue of letters of attorney made by John son of Roger in le Dale, Joan his wife, and John in le Dale their son, and surrendered into the hands of the lord one messuage and 12 acres of land with the appurtenances in the vill and in the fields of Sheldon. To the use of Richard in le Dale and Thomas in le Dale his son, and their heirs lawfully begotten. And upon this the aforesaid Richard and Thomas came into the said court and took from the aforesaid lord the aforesaid messuage and the aforesaid 12 acres of land with the appurtenances to hold to them and their heirs lawfully begotten, according to the custom of the manor there. And they give to the lord for a fine 40d and they are admitted tenants and have seisin.

Endorsed in 18th-century hand: 27 October 19 Ric. 2 1395 /Manor of Ashford / Admittance of Richard in le Dale and thomas in / le Dale his son on the Surrender of John son of / Roger in le Dale and Joan his wife and John in le Dale their Son / to a messuage and Twelve Acres of Land / in the town and fields of Shelladon [Ashford in the Water and Sheldon, Derbs]

[No court roll known for this year]


(Donne family of Shrigley deeds)

[31 Jan. 1396]

260 x 159/135 mm. Seal on tongue, black wax, 24 mm diameter

Ad curiam secundam tentam apud Congulton die martis in secunda septimana quadragesime Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum / xixmo – Venit hugo de morton et dedit domino duci lancastrie et domino de halton de fine ijs pro quadam inquisitione ex officio habenda ad / inquirendum si Johannes Filleson filius Willelmi Filleson fuit heres propinquior ad omnia terras et tenementa que fuerunt Willelmi harding avi ipsius / Johannis ex parte Agnetis matris predicti Johannis Filleson cum pertinenciis in Congulton. Et etiam ad inquirendum si idem Johannes Filleson / bene et licite potuit secundum consuetudinem manerii de Congulton dare et vendere ac alienare seu assignare terras et tenementa sua predicta / cum pertinenciis in Congulton prefato hugoni de morton prout per cartam eidem hugoni per ipsum Johannem sibi et heredibus suis factam / in hac curia ostensam plenius declaratur et testatur. per sacramentum Ade Tirelark Thome de Arcludo Petri de Scruetinham / Ricardi del Yate Roberti del Yate philippi del yate senioris Alexandri del Crodok Thome person Johanns Beneyt Roberti Person / Johannis de Westebroke Johannis Geges Thome Ryvyn Willelmi Geges Johannis Marshall Ade Abcoke Johannis haster Ade del / dene Thome Chacehevede Thome Beneyt Thome Deneys Ade le glover Jurdani de Pedeley et Thome / del Cliffe jurati qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Johannes Filleson filius Willelmi Filleson est heres propinquior ad omnia terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis in Congulton que fuerunt Willelmi Harding avi ipsius Johannis Filleson. Et dicunt eciam quod idem Johannes / Filleson bene et licite potuit dare vendere seu alienare omnia terras et tenementa predicta prefato hugoni de morton secundum consuetudinem manerii de congulton (fn. 14) prout per cartam sibi / factam per prefatum Johannem Filleson sibi et heredibus suis plene testatur : In cuius rei testmonium huic Recordo huius inquisitionis matheus de Sale tunc clericus eiusdem curie sigillum suum apposuit die loco et anno supradictis

At the second court held at Congleton on Tuesday in the second week of Quadragesima (fn. 15) in the 19th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest – came Hugh de Morton, and gave to the lord duke of Lancaster and the lord of Halton 2s as a fine, to have a certain official inquisition to inquire if John Filleson son of William Filleson was the nearest heir to all the lands and tenements that were of William Hardyng, grandfather of that John on the part of Agnes, mother of the said John, with the appurtenances in Congleton. And also to inquire if the same John Filleson can well and rightfully, according to the custom of the manor of Congleton, give and sell and alienate or assign his aforesaid lands and tenements with the appurtenances in Congleton to the aforesaid Hugh de Morton, as by a charter to the same Hugh, made by that John to him and his heirs, and shown in this court, is more fully declared and witnessed. By the oath of Adam Tirelark, Thomas de Arcludo, Peter de Scruetinham, Richard del Yate, Robert del Yate, Philip del Yate the elder, Alexander del Crodok, Thomas Person, John Beneyt, Robert Person, John de Westebroke, John Geges, Thomas Ryvyn, William Geges, John Marshall, Adam Abcocke, John Haster, Adam del Dene, Thomas Chacehevede, Thomas Beneyt, Thomas Deneys, Adam le Glover, Jordan de Pedeley, and Thomas del Cliffe, sworn, who say on their oath that John Filleson son of William Filleson is the nearest heir to all the lands and tenements with the appurtenances in Congleton that were of William Harding, grandfather of that John Filleson. And they also say that the same John Filleson well and rightfully can give sell or alienate all the lands and tenements aforesaid to the aforesaid Hugh de Morton, according to the custom of the manor of Congleton, as by a charter made to him by the aforesaid John Filleson, to him and his heirs, is fully witnessed: in witness whereof Matthew de Sale, then clerk of the same court, affixed his seal to this record of this inquisition, on the day and year aforesaid.

[Congleton. Apparently no court rolls known]

152 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES Chirk Castle estate deeds, F12646

[25 Feb 1396]

234 x 72/54 mm. Seal tongue, seal, red wax oval 14 x 12mm, design indecipherable, inscription

Endorsed: Asclawdd. 1396. A copie of court roll dat 25 febr 19 Rici 2 unto Madoc ap Jenaij ap Madoc pro terr in Brynknall

In Margin, heading: Isclaud.

Ad curiam septimanalem ibidem tentam xxvo die Februarij anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi decimonono irrotulatur sic madoc ap Jenna ap madoc qui / calumpniatus fuit ad sectam domini pro illicita occupacione parcelle terre continentis duas acras cum uno mesuagio et gardino adjacenti que ipse madoc / prius tenuit de concessione Jenna patris sui sine licencia domini in villa de Brynknnallt et venit hic coram senescallo et ponit se inde in gracia domini / et fecit finem cum ipso domino pro dimidia marca condicione quod ipse et heredes sui dictas duas acras cum mesuagio et gardino adjacenti habare sic et tenere / potuit tenenda de domino per redditus et servicia consueta secundum vim famam et effectum cuiusdam carte eidem madoc per ipssum jenna ap madoc / patrem eius dudum inde confecte Cuius data est apud Chirc die veneris proxima ante festum nativitate beate marie anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi / decimonono (fn. 16) In cuius rei testimonium huic copie irrotulate Johannes Whethales senescallus tunc dos (fn. 17) ’ et Chirc sigillum suum apposuit datum apud Chirc die et anno supradicto

Isclawdd. At the weekly court held there on 25 February in the nineteenth year of king Richard the second it was enrolled thus. Madoc ab Ieuan ap Madoc, who was challenged (fn. 18) to the suit of the lord for unlawful occupation of a parcel of land containing two acres, with a messuage and garden adjoining, which Madoc himself formerly held by grant of Ieuan his father, without licence of the lord, in the vill of Brynknnallt, and came here in the presence of the steward, and put himself in the mercy of the lord for it; and made a fine with the lord himself for half a mark, on condition that he and his heirs should have and could hold the said two acres, with the messuage and garden adjoining, from the lord by the rents and accustomed services, according to the force fame and effect of a certain charter, recently made to Madoc by the same Ieuan ap Madoc his father, dated at Chirk on Friday next after the feast of the Nativity of Blessed Mary in the nineteenth year of King Richard the second. In witness whereof John Whethales then steward of Dos’ and Chirk affixed his seal to this enrolled copy, given at Chirk the day and year abovesaid.

[Isclawdd. No court roll known for this year]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[4 Apr 1396]

302 x46/44 mm. Seal tongue partly broken off. Seal red-brown wax, 18 mm, no legend, device indecipherable. Stain and erosion damage.

Ad Curiam magnam hugonis Burnell militis tentam apud Wolvernehampton die mercurie in septimana pasche Anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi (fn. 19) / post conquestum xixo Thomas Tawer qui tenuit de domino certas parcellas terre cum quodam... cum mesuagia simul /anexa decessit post cuius mortem accidit domino nomine herietti ex consuetudine – vd. Et super hoc venit henricus Tawer filius et heres / et habet seisinam de dictis tenementis Tenenda de domino sibi heredibus et assignatis suorum imperpetuum secundum consuetudinem manerii per servisia inde prius debita / et consueta qui dat domino de Releivo obolum et fecit fidelitatem etc In cuius rei testimonium sigillum senescalli est appensum (fn. 20) etc Datum die et anno supradictis


At the great court of Hugh Burnell, knight, held at Wolverhampton on Wednesday in Easter week in the 19th year of the reign of King Richard the second after the conquest, Thomas Tawer, who held of the lord certain parcels of land with a certain..... with messuages annexed to it, died, after whose death there falls to the lord by name of heriot out of custom – 5d. And upon this comes Henry Tawer son and heir and has seisin of the said tenements. To hold of the lord to himself, his heirs and assigns for ever, according to the custom of the manor, by the services formerly owed and accustomed from it; who gives the lord a halfpenny as a relief, and did fealty etc. In witness whereof the seal of the steward is affixed. Given on the day and year abovesaid.

[Stowheath manor, Wolverhampton. No medieval court rolls known]


[78/17 is rolled set of copies, not stitched. 1St 2 items pre 1400]

[8 June 1396]


50 x 172 mm. tongue (tie), no seal.

Tybenham. Ad curiam ibidem tentam die jovis proxime ante festum sancti Barnabe apostoli Anno /regni regis Ricardi secundi / a conquestu xix dominus con (fn. 21) Johanni Seman unum inclausum vocatum / Pretisyerd et iij acras terre ad terminum xij annorum tercio incipiente ad festum sancti michaelis / proximum futurum Reddendo inde domino per annum iiijs ad festos pasche et sancti michaelis equis /porcionibus

Tibenham. At a court held there on Thursday next before the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle in the 19 year of king Richard the second from the conquest, the lord granted to John Seman an inclosure called Pretisyerd and 3 acres of land for the term of 12 years, the third beginning from Michaelmas next to come. Rendering thence to the lord yearly 4s at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.

[Tibenham, Norfolk. No original 14th-century court rolls known]


(Trevor-Roper of Plas Teg)

[18 July 1396]

264 x 139/127 mm Wrap tongue on left. Seal tongue in centre torn off. No seal. Water (?) damage in middle and other parts, much faint. (fn. 22)

Ad curiam xiijam Ringildi de Bourton ibidem tentam xviijo die Julii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi xxmo irrotulatur sic / madoc ap david Gouch / venit in hac Curia coram senescallo et aliis ministris domini et fecit finem cum domino (fn. 23) xiiijs pro licencia habenda feoffandi madoc ap Grono ap / Eignion capellanum in omnibus terris et tenementis suis infra villam de Bourton habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis eidem madoc ap Grono heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitali domino feodi per servicia (fn. 24) inde debita et de iure consueta imperpetuum Ita tamen / quod prefatus madoc ap grono refeoffabit ipsum madoc ap david gouch de omnibus terris et (fn. 25) tenementis predictis cum pertinenciis tenendis ad terminum / vite sue (fn. 26) de capitali domini feodi Ita quod post decessum ipsius madoc ap david gouch omnia (fn. 27) predicta terre et tenementa cum pertinenciis Iorum ap / madoc ap david gouch et david ap madoc ap david gouch et heredibus de corporibus (fn. 28) Iorum et david legitime procreatis remaneant (fn. 29) / imperpetuum de capitali domino feodi per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta (fn. 30) imperpetuum Et si contingat (fn. 31) prefatos Iorum et david sine rectis heredibus de eorum / corporibus legitime procreatis obire quod tunc omnia predicta terre et tenementa rectis heredibus ipsius (fn. 32) madoc ap david Gouch revertantur et remaneant / imperpetuum Tenenda de capitali domino feodi per servicia debita et consueta Concessum est eciam eisdem (fn. 33) Iorum et david quod ipsi et heredes sui decetero habere /et congaudere poterint omnibus libertatibus liberis consuetudinibus et privilegiis quibus alii liberi tenentes vocati frankeleins in partibus predictis huiusque / debite usi sunt et gavisi etc In cuius rei testimonium huic copie irrotulationis Johannes Whethales tunc Senescallus de Bromfeld et yale sigillum / suum apposuit apud Wrixham die et anno supradictis

At the 13th court of the Ringild of Burton held there on 18 July in the 20th year of the reign of king Richard the second it is enrolled thus: Madoc ap David Gouch came into this court in the presence of the steward and other officials of the lord and made fine with the lord 14s to have licence to enfeoff Madoc ap Gronw ab Einion, chaplain, in all his lands and tenements within the vill of Burton, to have and to hold all the aforesaid lands and tenements, with appurtenances, to the same Madoc ap Gronw his heirs and assigns for ever from the chief lord of the fee, by the services owed from it and by right accustomed. So however that the aforesaid Madoc ap Gronw shall re-enfeoff Madoc ap David Gouch himself of all the lands and tenements aforesaid, with the appurtenances, to hold for the term of his life of the chief lord of the fee. So that after the decease of Madoc ap David Gouch, all the said lands and tenements, with the appurtenances, shall remain for ever to Iorwerth ap Madoc ap David Gouch and David ap Madoc ap David Gouch, and the heirs of the bodies of Iorwerth and David lawfully begotten, [to be held] of the chief lord of the fee by the services thence owed, and by right accustomed for ever. And if it happens that the aforesaid Iorwerth and David should die without right heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, then all the aforesaid lands and tenements shall revert and remain for ever to the right heirs of Madoc ap David Gouch himself. To hold from the chief lord of the fee by the services due and accustomed. It was also granted to the same Iorwerth and David that they, and their heirs, should besides be able to have and enjoy all the liberties, free customs, and privileges which other free tenants called frankeleins in the aforesaid parts hitherto are accustomed to use and enjoy etc. In witness whereof John Whethales, then steward of Bromfield and Yale, affixed his seal to this copy of the enrolment at Wrexham on the day and year abovesaid.

[Burton ringildry. No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Trevor-Roper of Plas Teg)

[18 July 1396, 5 Oct 1426]

260 x 187/168 mm. Wrap tongue and seal tongue torn off. Damage on right side.

Outdent: Bourton / Ring (fn. 34) /

Ad curiam xiiijmo ibidem tentam xviijo die Julii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi xxmo irrotulatur sic / madoc ap david Gouch / venit in hac / Curia coram senescallo et aliis ministris domini et fecit finem cum domino pro xiiijs pro licencia habenda feoffandi / madoc ap Grono ap / Eignion capellanum in omnibus terris et tenementis suis infra villam de Bourton habenda et / tenenda omnia predicta terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis eidem madoc ap Grono heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta imperpetuum Ita tamen quod prefatus madoc ap Grono refeoffabit ipsum madoc ap david gouch de omnibus terris et tenementis predictis cum pertinenciis tenendis ad / terminum vite sue de capitali domini feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta Ita quod post decessum / ipsius madoc ap david gouch omnia predicta terre et tenementa cum pertinenciis Iorum ap madoc ap david gouch et david ap madoc ap david gouch et heredibus de corporibus ipsorum Iorum et David legitime procre/atis remaneant / tenenda (fn. 35) de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita e de iure consueta imperpetuum Et si contingat prefatos Iorum et / david sine heredibus de corporibus eorum / legitime procreatis obire quod tunc omnia predicta terre et tenementa cum pertinenciis suis (fn. 36) / rectis heredibus ipsius madoc ap david Gouch revertentur et remaneant / imperpetuum de capitali domino etc concessum est / eciam eisdem Iorum et david quod ipsi et heredes sui de cetero habere et congaudere poterint omnibus libertatibus liberis consuetudinibus vel privilegiis quibus alii liberi tenentes vocati Frangkleis in partibus predictis huiusque debite usi / sunt et gavisi etc datum in scacario (fn. 37) castri leonum sub sigillo Ricardi Roden Receptoris illarum pertinencium / dominij de Bromsfeld et Yale quinto die Octobris Anno regni regis henrici vjti vto incipiente etc

At the 13th court of the Ringild of Burton held there on 18th July in the 20th year of the reign of king Richard the second it is enrolled thus: Madoc ap David Gouch came into this court in the presence of the steward and other officials of the lord and made fine with the lord 14s to have licence to enfeoff Madoc ap Gronw ap Einion, chaplain, in all his lands and tenements within the vill of Burton, to have and to hold all the aforesaid lands and tenements, with appurtenances, to the same Madoc ap Gronw, his heirs and assigns, for ever from the chief lord of that fee by the services owed from it and by right accustomed. So however that the aforesaid Madoc ap Gronw shall re-enfeoff Madoc ap David Gouch himself of all the lands and tenements aforesaid, with the appurtenances, to hold for the term of his life of the chief lord of that fee. So that after the decease of Madoc ap David Gouch, all the said lands and tenements, with the appurtenances, shall remain for ever to Iorwerth ap Madoc ap David Gouch and David ap Madoc ap David Gouch, and the heirs of the bodies of Iorwerth and David lawfully begotten, [to be held] of the chief lord of that fee by the services thence owed and by right accustomed for ever. And if it happens that the aforesaid Iorwerth and David should die without right heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, then all the aforesaid lands and tenements, with the appurtenances, shall revert and remain for ever to the right heirs of Madoc ap David Gouch himself. To hold from the chief lord of the fee etc. It was also granted to the same Iorwerth and David that they and their heirs should besides be able to have and enjoy all the liberties, free customs, and privileges, which other free tenants called Frangkleis in the aforesaid parts hitherto are accustomed to use and enjoy etc. Given in the chequer of the castle of Lyons, under the seal of Richard Roden, receiver of those appurtenances of the lordship of Bromfield and Yale, on the fifth day of October at the beginning of the fifth year of the reign of king Henry 6th etc.

[No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Orchard Wyndham collection)

[3 Aug 1396]

214 x 150/132 mm. Tongue (? for seal) and cut-off tongue lower left.


Ad curiam feodorum ibidem tentam die Jovis proxima post festum Sancti petri quod dicitur Advincla in anno regni / Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie vicesimo coram Roberto hulle tunc senescallo et Roberto / southdon clerico sui venit Johannes Gyllyngham et dat domino de fine ijs pro licenciam habendam ad feofandum / Willelmum Dyfforde et Walterum Gambon’ de viijs redditu exeunte de uno tenemento in Wytenynch in parochia / de uplomene Et de vijs redditu exeunte de uno tenemento in parochia halbertone cum reversione / dictorum tenementorum quando acciderit Dat eciam predictus Johannes domino de fine vjs viijd pro licenciam habendam / ad feofandum predictos Willelmum et Walterum de uno mesuagio et una carucata terre cum suis pertinenciis in lynour / habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terras et tenementa cum suis pertinenciis predictis Willelmo et Waltero heredibus et assignatis / suis imperpetuum Ita quod predicti feofati pro finibus predictis refeofabunt predictum Johannem Gyllingham et / Johannam uxorem eius de omnibus terris et tenementis predictis cum omnibus suis pertinenciis habendis predictis Johanni et Johanne / uxori sue et heredibus inter eosdem legitime procreatis Et pro defectu huius exitus quod omnia predicta terre et tenementa / cum suis pertinenciis remanere debent rectis heredibus ipsius Johannis imperpetuum In cuius rei testimonium predictus Robertus Southdon clericus sigillum suum presentibus apposuit Datum die loco et anno supradictis

To the court of fees there held on Thursday next after the feast of St Peter that is called in Chains, in the twentieth year of king Richard the second after the conquest of England, in the presence of Robert Hulle, then steward, and Robert Southdon his clerk, comes John Gyllingham and gives to the lord 2s as a fine to have licence to enfeoff William Dyfforde and Walter Gambon’ of 8s rent issuing from a tenement in Wytenynch in the parish of Uplowman; and of 7s rent issuing from a tenement in the parish of Halberton, with the reversion of the said tenements when it shall happen. The aforesaid John also gave the lord as a fine 6s 8d to have licence to enfeoff the aforesaid William and Walter of a messuage and a carucate of land, with its appurtenances, in Lynour (fn. 38); to have and to hold all the aforesaid lands and tenements with their appurtenances to the aforesaid William and Walter, their heirs and assigns, for ever. So that the aforesaid feoffees, for the aforesaid fines, shall re-enfeoff the aforesaid John Gyllingham and Joan his wife of all the lands and tenements aforesaid, with all their appurtenances, to have to the aforesaid John and Joan his wife and the heirs lawfully begotten between them. And for default of this issue, all the aforesaid lands and tenements with their appurtenances ought to remain to the right heirs of John himself for ever. In witness whereof the aforesaid Robert Southdon, clerk, affixed his seal to the presents. Given on the day, place and year abovesaid.

Endorsed: new feiffand [?] in another hand

[Nb this is not the Winkleigh leet court; cf TNA, SC2/168/53, 22 Ric. II. No other court rolls known]


(Peasenhall town lands in Bruisyard manor; Clerk’s Close)

set of four related copies on one MS.

[16 Mar 1397]

238 x 120 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

158) Broseyerd. . . Ad curiam priorisse ibidem tentam die veneris proxima post Festum Sancti Gregorii pape Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi xxmo / jurati presentant quod Willelmus Clerkes qui nuper obiit tenuit de domina die quo obiit v acras terre et pasture native cum pertinenciiis in pesenhale voc campeseycroft per servicia et consuetudines Et quod henricus filius eius est heres inde propinquior et plene / etatis qui venit et dictum tenementum de domina recepit tenendum sibi et heredibus suis faciendo servicia et consuetudines salvo iure etc / Et dat de fine etc Et quia predictus Willelmus detinuit vd de redditu de predicta terra per annum Ideo suaderi est per /curiam quod predictus Henricus et heredes sui solvent predictos iiijd (fn. 39) deinceps ad festum Sancti michaelis annuatim etc

159). Et ad eandem curiam tentam die et anno supradicto iurati presentant quod henricus clerkes extra curiam in manus Johannis / Weyneld ballivi domine in presencia homagii secundum consuetudinem manerii sursum reddidit predictas v acras terre et pasture / native cum pertinenciis In pesenhale vocatas campeseycroft ad opus petri maneyld cui tradita est inde seisina tenendas sibi et heredibus suis faciendo servicia et consuetudines salve iure etc Et dat de fine etc

160). Et ad eandem curiam ibidem tentam die et anno supradicto jurati presentant quod henricus clerkes extra curiam in forma / predicta sursum reddidit 1 acram et dimidiam terre native cum pertinenciis in pesenhale ad opus petri maneyld cui tradita / est inde seisina tenendas sibi et heredibus suis faciendo servicia consuetudines Et dat de fine etc

161) On dorse: Ad curiam tentam apud Broseyerd die et anno infra etc Cum domina concesserit Willelmi Clerk / j peciam terre cum pertinenciis in pesenhale vocatam Crounkyscroft continentem vj acras et dimidiam pro firma ijs viijd / per annum ad terminum annorum completum modo ad istam curiam domina concessit predictam peciam terre / cum pertinenciis petro maneyld tenendam sibi et heredibus suis Reddendo inde domine per annum firmam / precedentem ad terminos usuales Et dat de fine pro ingressu habendo (fn. 40)

158) Bruisyard … At the court of the prioress held there on Friday next after the feast of St Gregory the Pope, in the 20th year of the reign of king Richard the second, the jurors present that William Clerkes, who lately died, held of the lady on the day on which he died 5 acres of bond land and pasture with appurtenances in Peasenhall, called Campeseycroft, for services and customs. And that Henry his son is the nearest heir of it, and of full age; who comes and receives the said tenement from the lady, to hold to him and his heirs, doing services and customs, saving the right etc. And he gives for a fine etc. And because the aforesaid William kept back 5d of the rent of the aforesaid land yearly, therefore it is to be encouraged by the court that the aforesaid Henry and his heirs should pay the aforesaid 4d henceforth at Michaelmas yearly.

159) And at the same court, held on the day and year abovesaid, the jurors present that Henry Clerkes outside the court surrendered, into the hands of John Weyneld bailiff of the lady in the presence of the homage according to the custom of the manor, the aforesaid 5 acres of bond land and pasture with the appurtenances in Peasenhall, called Campseycroft, to the use of Peter Maneyld, to whom seisin of it is handed over, to hold to himself and his heirs, doing services and customs, saving the right etc. And he gives for a fine etc.

160) And at the same court held there on the day and year abovesaid, the jurors present that Henry Clerkes outside the court, in the form aforesaid, surrendered 1 acre and a half of bond land with appurtenances in Peasenhall to the use of Peter Maneyld, to whom is handed over seisin of it, to hold to him and his heirs, doing services and customs. And he gives for a fine etc.

161) At the court held at Bruisyard on the day and year within etc. Whereas the lady had granted to William Clerk 1 piece of land with appurtenances in Peasenhall, called Crounkyscroft, containing 6 acres and a half, for the farm of 2s 6d yearly for a term of years completed, now at the same court the lady granted the aforesaid piece of land, with the appurtenances, to Peter Maneyld, to hold to him and his heirs, rendering thence to the lady yearly the preceding farm at the usual terms. And he gives for a fine to have entry...

NB L3/1/2 implies ordinary hereditary succession of John Maneyld to Peter Maneyld (early 15th century) but L3/1/3 shows the land as already held by trustees 17 Edw. IV (1476). The property in the 16th century was 15 acres called Clerk’s Close held by town lands trustees (L3/1/5 etc).

[No court rolls known]


(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)

[26 Mar 1397] [cat wrongly gives 1396]

278 x 111/96 mm. Seal tongue. Seal red wax, details invisible

162) Ad Curiam de Audeley tentam Die lune proxima post festum annunciacionis beate marie anno regni regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo Agnes / filia Thome le Parker de talke venit in curiam et sursum reddit in manus domine totum ius suum relamenis (fn. 41) que /habet vel habere poterit in uno mesuagio et sexdecim acris terre que Elena uxor Johannis matheu tenet et que fuerunt / Johannis Parker fratris sui in talke ad opus Johannis filii Ricardi de Erdeley et heredum suis (fn. 42) Et predicta Agnes eciam wult et / concedit quod predictum mesuagium et sexdecim acras terre predicte cum suis pertinenciis que sibi acciderent post mortem predicte Elene integre / remaneant predicto Johanni filio Ricardi et heredibus suis tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerij Qui quidem Johannes filius Ricardi venit / in curiam et inde cepit statum et seisinam in forma predicta tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerij et dat domine de Audeley / de fine xiijs iiijd

163) Ad eandem curiam (fn. 43) Agnes filia Thome le Parker de talke venit in curiam et sursum reddit in manus domine totum ius suum relamenis (fn. 44) que / habet vel habere poterit in uno mesuagio et xij acris terre que licoricia que fuit uxor Johannis Wales tenet at opus Thome filii Ricardi de Erde /ley et heredum suorum Et predicta Aungnes ectiam (fn. 45) wult et concedit quod predictum mesuagium et xij acre terre predicte cum suis pertinenciis que sibi acciderent post mortem dicte licoricie integre remaneant predicto Thome filio Ricardi et heredibus suis tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem / manerij Qui quidem Thomas (fn. 46) filius Ricardi venit / in curiam et inde cepit statum et seisinam in forma predicta tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem / manerij et dat domine de Audeley / de fine vjs viijd In cuius rei testimonium Johannes marchall tunc senescallus ibidem sigillum suum / presentibus apposuit

162) At the court of Audley held on Monday next after the feast of Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, in the twentieth year of the reign of king Richard the second, Agnes daughter of Thomas le Parker of Talke comes into court, and surrenders into the hands of the lady all her right of relief that she has or could have in future in a messuage and sixteen acres of land that Ellen wife of John Matheu holds, and that were of John Parker her brother in Talke, to the use of John son of Richard de Erdeley and his heirs. And the said Agnes also wills and grants that the aforesaid messuage and sixteen acres of land aforesaid, with their appurtenances, that should fall to her after the death of the said Ellen, should wholly remain to the aforesaid John son of Richard and his heirs, to hold to him and his according to the custom of the manor. Which John son of Richard indeed came into court and took the status and seisin of it in the aforesaid form, to hold to him and his according to the custom of the manor, and gives to the lady of Audley as a fine 13s 4d.

163) At the same court Agnes daugnter of Thomas le Parker of Talke comes into court and surrenders into the hands of the lady all her right of relief that she has or could have in future in a messuage and 12 acres of land that Liquorice who was wife of John Wales holds, to the use of Thomas son of Richard of Erdeley and his heirs. And the aforesaid Agnes also wills and grants that the aforesaid messuage and 12 acres of land aforesaid, with its appurtenances, that should fall to her after the death of the said Liquorice, should wholly remain to the aforesaid Thomas son of Richard and his heirs, to hold to him and his according to the custom of the manor. Which Thomas son of Richard indeed came into court and took the status and seisin of it in the aforesaid form, to hold to him and his according to the custom of the manor, and gives to the lady of Audley as a fine 6s 8d. In witness whereof John Marchall then steward there affixed his seal to the presents.

[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]

164 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES Coed Coch & Treworth estate deeds, 776

[5 Apr 1397]

214 x 89/82 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Stitching holes on left side.

Ad curiam ville Ruthyn tentam ibidem coram Johanne Euelow senescallo de Deffrencloid die (fn. 47) proxima post festum Sancti ambrosii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum vicesimo irrotulatur sic / Johannes sergant (fn. 48) senior venit hic in (fn. 49) curiam coram prefato senescallo die et anno predictis Et sursum reddidit in manus / domini unum tenementum cum suis pertinenciis in Ruttyn in vico Castri iacentem inter tenementum Jenaij ap dafydd duy ex una / parte et tenementum Almarici le marrek (fn. 50) ex parte altera ad opus Johannis ap Jenaij ap dafydd duy et Johanne uxorem eius / habendum et tenendum predictum tenementum cum suis pertinenciis prefato Johanni ap Jenaij et Johanne et heredibus de corporibus eorundem / Johannis et Johanne exeuntibus de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta inperpetuum / Et si contingat quod predicti Johannes et Johanna obierint sine herede de corporibus suis exeunte tunc/ post decessum predictorum Johannis ap Jeniaj et Johanne predictum tenementum cum suis pertinenciis integre remaneat rectis heredibus / predicti Johannis Sergeant (fn. 51) tenendum de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta/ imperpetuum Et predictus Johannes ap Jeniaj et Johanna fecerunt fidelitatem Et seisina eis liberatur salvo Jure cuiuslibet / Et dant domini de ingressu decem denarios etc

At the court of the town of Ruthin held there in the presence of John Euelow steward of Dyffryn Clwyd on Tuesday next after the feast of St Ambrose in the twentieth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest it was enrolled thus: John Sergant the elder came here into court in the presence of the aforesaid steward on the day and year aforesaid, and surrendered into the hands of the lord a tenement with its appurtenances in Ruthin, in Castle Street, lying between the tenement of Ieuan ap Dafydd Duy on one side and the tenement of Aymery le Marrek on the other part, to the use of John ab Ieuan ap Dafydd Duy and Joan his wife, to have and to hold the aforesaid tenement with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John ab Ieuan and Joan, and the heirs issuing from the bodies of the same John and Joan, of the chief lord of that fee by the services owed and by right accustomed from it, for ever. And if it happens that the said John and Joan should die without an heir issuing from their bodies, then after the decease of the aforesaid John ab Ieuan and Joan, the aforesaid tenement with its appurtenances shall wholly remain to the right heirs of the aforesaid John Sergeant, to hold of the chief lord of that fee by the services thence owed and by right accustomed for ever. And the aforesaid John ab Ieuan and Joan did fealty. And seisin was deliverd to them saving the right of whomsoever. And they give to the lord for entry ten pence etc.

[Ruthin (Rhuthun), Denbs. Court rolls survive at TNA, SC 2/220/9; this court on rot. 58]

165 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES Coed Coch & Trewarth estate deeds, 777

[5 Jun 1397]

295 x 64/58 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Curia ville de Ruthin tenta ibidem coram Johanne de Ewelowe senescallo de Deffrencloyd die martis proxima ante festum Sancti Barnabe appostoli Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo irrotulatur sic / howel de Rowell venit hic in curiam coram prefato senescallo die et Anno predictis et sursum reddidit in manus domini unum tenementum cum pertinenciis in Ruthin iacens inter tenementum magistri Roberti / de Backerum ex una parte et tenementum Johannis le Sergeant (fn. 52) ex parte altera ad opus Johannis le Sergeant senioris. habendum et tenendum predictum tenementum cum suis pertinenciis prefato Johanni ad totam / vitam ipsius Johannis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta . Ita quod post mortem ipsius Johannis predictum tenementum cum pertinenciis integre remaneat Johanni filio Johannis le Sergeant et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis tenendum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad predictum tenementum pertinent inperpetuum. Et si contingat / quod predictus Johannes filius Johannis obierit sine herede de corpore suo legitime procreato tunc post decessum ipsius Johannis filii Johannis predictum tenenmentum cum pertinenciis integre remaneat rectis heredibus / predicti Johannis le Seriaunt (fn. 53) senioris. tenendum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad predictum tenementum pertinent imperpetuum . Et predictus Johannes le Seriaunt senior fecit / fidelitatem Et seisina ei liberatur. Salvo iure cuiuslibet. Et dat domini de ingressu quindecim denarios.

At the court of the town of Ruthin held there in the presence of John Ewelowe steward of Dyffryn Clwyd, on Tuesday next before the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle, in the twentieth year of the reign of king Richard the second, it was enrolled thus: Hywel de Rowell came into the court in the presence of the aforesaid steward on the day and year aforesaid, and surrendered into the hands of the lord a tenement with appurtenances in Ruthin, lying between the tenement of master Robert de Backerum on one side and the tenement of John le Sergeant on the other side, to the use of John le Sergeant the elder. To have and to hold the aforesaid tenement with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John, for all the life of John himself, from the chief lords of that fee, by the services thence owed and by right accustomed. So that after the death of John himself,the aforesaid tenement with his appurtenances should wholly remain to John son of John le Sergeant,and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, to hold of the chief lords of that fee, by the services which pertain to that tenement, for ever. And if it happens that the said John son of John should die without an heir of his body lawfully begotten, then after the death of John son of John the aforesaid tenement, with its appurtenances, shall wholly remain to the right heirs of the aforesaid John le Seriaunt the elder. To hold of the chief lords of that fee, by the services which pertain to that tenement, for ever. And the aforesaid John le Seriaunt the elder did fealty. And seisin is delivered to him. Saving the right of whomsoever. And he gives to the lord for entry fifteen pence.

[Ruthin (Rhuthun), Denbs. Court rolls survive at TNA SC 2/220/9; this court on rot. 59


(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)

[9 Oct 1397]

261 x 74/61 mm. Seal tongue. Seal red wax, 13mm, device letter J reversed

Ad curiam de Audeley tentam ibidem Die martis infesto sancti Dionisii Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo primo Thomas de Erdeley venit in curiam et sursum reddit in manus domine unum mesuagium xxv acras (fn. 54) et iij quarteras terre /iuxta foxley in Audeley Et super hoc idem Thomas et cecilia uxor eius venerunt in curiam et ceperunt de domina / predictum mesuagium et totam terram predictam ex concessione et licencia dicte domine tenendis sibi Thome et cecilie et heredibus et assignatis / suis secundum consuetudinem manerii et dant domine ad ingressum pro dicto statu habendo xijs In cuius rei testimonium Johannes march /all tunc ibidem seneschallus presentibus sigillum suum apposuit

At the court of Audley held there on Tuesday on the feast of St Denis in the twenty-first year of the reign of king Richard the second, Thomas de Erdeley comes into court and surrenders into the hands of the lady a messuage, 25 acres and 3 quarters of land next to Foxley in Audley. And upon this the same Thomas and Cicely his wife came into court, and took from the lady the aforesaid messuage and all the aforesaid land, out of the grant and licence of the said lady, to hold to themselves Thomas and Cicely and their heirs and assigns according to the custom of the manor, and they give the lady for entry to have the said status 12s. In witness whereof John Marchall then steward there affixed his seal to the presents.

[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[17 Oct 1397]

200 x91/75 mm. Wrapping tie torn off bottom left. Central seal tongue. No seal.

Curia magna Johannis Dybon prebendarius prebende de kynwaston tenta apud Wolvernehampton die mercurie proxima / ante festum sancti luce evangeliste anno regni Regis Ricardi Secundi a conquestu vicesimo primo Quo die Willelmus atte lee venit in plena curia et sursum reddidit in manus domini omnia terras et tenementa prata pasturas / pastura (fn. 55) et marlere haias cum omnibus pertinenciis que ei accidebant apud lee de iure hereditario post mortem Gilberti atte lee patris sui ac eciam iij seliones in le Bukfot iacentes iuxta terra quondam / Johannis Tunstale et x seliones iacentes in barndleybruche cum iij marlere ibidem ad opus Rogeri loveden Capellani Rogeri atte Dammylne et Ricardi filius Thome in the lone heredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum Tenenda de domino secundum consuetudinem qui dat domino pro seisina etc

Great court of John Dybon, prebendary of the prebend of Kinvaston, held at Wolverhampton on Wednesday next before the feast of St Luke the Evangelist in twenty-first the year of the reign of King Richard the Second from the conquest. On which day William atte Lee came in full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord all the lands tenements meadows pastures pasture and marlpits [and] hedges, with all appurtenances, that fell to him at Lee by hereditary right after the death of Gilbert atte Lee his father, and also 3 selions in le Bukfor lying next to the land once of John Tunstale, and 10 selions lying in Barndleybruche, with 3 marlpits there, to the use of Roger Loveden, chaplain, Roger atte Dammylne and Richard son of Thomas in the Lone, their heirs and assigns for ever, to hold from the lady according to the custom; who gives (fn. 56) to the lord for seisin etc

(Kinvaston prebend in Wolverhampton college. No medieval court rolls known)]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[23 Oct 1397]

228 x 68/56 mm. Seal tongue cut off. No seal.

Ad Curiam magnam domini laurencii Allerthorp decani de Wolvernehampton / tentam ibidem die martis proxima post festum sancti luce (fn. 57) Anno regni regis Ricardi / secundi xxjo etc Thomas Hendeson venit in plena Curia et sursum reddidit in manus domini duas placeas terre prati et pasture cum pertinenciis / iacentes apud Willenhale inter venellam vocatam le Brodelone ex una parte et venellam vocatam le smalelone ex altera parte et exten/dunt se in longitudine a terra Ricardi leveson de Willenhale usque ad terram Willelmi Blumenhull ad opus ipsius Willelmi heredum / et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum et habet inde seisinam Tenenda de domino secundum consuetudinem manerij per servicia ut prius debita et consueta Et super / hoc idem Willelmus concedit predicto Thome medietatem predictarum placearum terre cum pertinenciis Tenenda sibi ad terminum vite sue ita quod post / eius decessum predicta medietas dictarum placearum cum pertinenciis michi prefato Willelmo heredibus et assignatis meis revertant et remaneant imperpetuum / qui dant domino pro seisinam habendo iijs iiijd In cuius rei testimonium Robertus Russell tunc senescallus curie etc

At the great court of lord Laurence Allerthorp dean of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday next after the feast of St Luke in 21st the year of the reign of king Richard the second etc Thomas Hendeson came in full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord two plots of land, meadow, and pasture, with appurtenances, lying at Willenhall between the lane called le Brodelone on one side, and the lane called le Smalelone on the other side, and they extend in length from the land of Richard Leveson of Willenhall up to the land of William Blumenhull, to the use of that William, his heirs and assigns, for ever, and he has seisin of it. To hold from the lord according to the custom of the manor by services as previously owed and accustomed. And upon this, the same William granted to the aforesaid Thomas a moiety of the aforesaid plots of land with appurtenances, to hold to himself for the term of his life, such that after his death the said moiety of the said plots, with its appurtenances, shall revert and remain to me the aforesaid William my heirs and assigns. Who give to the lord 2s 4d to have seisin. In witness whereof Richard Russell then steward of the court etc.

[Wolverhampton deanery. Court rolls for 1397-9 survive ibid. D 593/J/1/1]


(Foljambe title deeds, Ashford (Derbs.) etc)

[10 Nov 1397]

252 x 73 mm. No tongue, tag, seal or cutoff.

Outdent Curia de Assheford tenta ibidem die sabbati proxime ante festum sancti martini episcopi Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum vicesimo primo /

Indent Rogerus Inthedale venit hic in curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini unam placeam iacentem in le halle ende ac unam bovatam terre adjacentem et unam aliam placeam / in le halle ende ac eciam unam aliam placeam vocatam maykeberne cum una bovata terre adjacentem cum quadam parcella prati vocata swyndalmedowe cum / una parva parcella terre de Forlond vocata Fyndonford cum pertinenciis suis in Assheford (fn. 58) et unam placeam et duodecim acras terre in Sheladon cum pertinenciis suis ad opus et usum Johannis filii eiusdem / Rogeri qui vere venit hic in curiam et cepit de domino omnia terras et tenementa predicta cum pratis supradictis et cum omnibus pertinenciis suis habenda et tenenda sibi et heredibus de corpore suo legitime / procreatis reddendo et faciendo omnia redditus et servicia (fn. 59) tenementis predictis secundum consuetudinem manerii etc (fn. 60) pertinentem Et si contingat ipsum Johannem sine heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis obire quod /absit tunc tenementa predicta cum pratis supradictis et cum omnibus aliis pertinenciis suis integre reverterent prefati Rogero et heredibus et assignatis suis et remaneant in perpetuum habenda et tenenda de domino et / heredibus secundum consuetudinem manerii in forma supradicta in perpetuum Et dat domino ad ingressum ixs plegius predictus Rogerus etc et habet diem ad faciendum fidelitatem etc eo quod est infra etatem etc / tamen inde habet seisinam etc

Court of Ashford held there on Saturday next before the feast of St Martin the Bishop in the twenty-first year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest.

Roger Inthedale came here into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord a plot lying in le halle ende, and an oxgang of land adjoining, and another plot in le halle ende, and also another plot called Maykeberne, with an oxgang of land adjoining, with a certain parcel of meadow called Swyndalmedowe, with a little parcel of land of Forlond called Fyndonford, with its appurtenances in Ashford, and a plot and twelve acres of land in Sheldon with its appurtenances, to the use of John son of the said Roger, who truly came here into court, and took from the lord all the aforesaid lands and tenements, with the abovesaid meadows, and with all their appurtenances, to have and to hold to himself and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, rendering and doing all rents and services [for] the aforesaid tenements according to the custom of the manor etc pertaining. And if it happens that John himself should die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten, which heaven forfend, then the aforesaid tenements, with the abovesaid meadows and with all their other appurtenances, shall wholly revert to the aforesaid Roger and his heirs and assigns, and remain for ever, to be had and held from the lord and his heirs according to the custom of the manor, in the abovesaid form, for ever. And he gives to the lord for entry 9s. Pledge the aforesaid Roger etc, and he has a day to do fealty etc because he is under age etc however he has seisin of it etc.

NB cf DD/FJ/1/44/4: Gift 26 Oct 1404. (1) John in le Dale of Assheford to (2) Wm. de Bagshawe, sen. and Nich. in le Dale, son of (1). (1) to (2) all his lands, tenements & services in Derbs. Witnesses include Thos. Nicholson. Further grants (1/44/5-10) include e.g. /10 power of attorney to deliver seisin in the court of Richard duke of Gloucester of lands as above.

[Ashford in the Water. No court roll known for this year]


(Donne family of Shrigley deeds). Endorsed Bolynton in 15th century hand

[12 Nov. 1397]

270 x 166 mm. Seal tag through groove in fold of 24 mm. Red wax seal of arms 24 mm diameter, inscription surround, not legible

Heading: Hallemota Foreste de macclesfeld tentum apud macclesfeld coram petro de legh senescallo domini ibidem die / lune proxima post festum sancti martini episcopi Anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo primo

Robertus Filius Willelmi del Dounes venit hic in pleno hallemoto supradicto coram petro de Legh Senescallo domini de macclesfeld / Johanne filio Roberti de Legh Receptore ibidem Willelmo Slegh tunc maiore de macclesfeld Galfrido del Dounes Roberto Byran / Johanne de Cressewall Ricardo de Kyngeslegh clerico et aliis eiusdem domini fidelibus ibidem tunc presentibus et cepit de domino / de macclesfeld per senescallum suum predictum omnia illa terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis que fuerunt roberti de Worth de / Tyderynton et Thome filii eius que vocantur les Shupenstydes in villa de Bolynton que quidem terre et tenementa a diu relicta sunt in decasu et inculta et que nuper in manus dictorum dominorum de macclesfeld pro redditibus et serviciis inde de diversis annis aretro existentibus secuestrata fuerunt per proclamacionem debitam inde prius factam et que antiquitus reddere solebant domino de macclesfeld qui pro tempore fuerat decem solidos et unum obolum per annum Habenda et tenenda prefato /Roberto del Dounes et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii de macclesfeld inperpetuum Reddendo inde / annuatim domino de macclesfeld que pro tempore fuerit quatuor solidos ad festum sancti Michaelis archangeli de se et heredibus / suis pro toto anno. De quibus quidem terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis plena seisina secundum consuetudinem predictam / per dictum senescallum prefato Roberto del Dounes in forma predicta liberata fuit die et anno supradictis Et idem / Robertus del Dounes nichil ad presens dabit dictis dominis pro ingressu terrarum et tenementorum predictorum eo quod ipsa eadem / terre et tenementa per longum tempus elapsum in decasu iacencia et inculta ut premittitur existencia per / super fluiditatem et densitatem merutarum veprinum et tribulorum in eisdem crescencium totaliter/ sunt vastata etc / In cuius rei testimonium prefatus senescallus huic recordo sigillum suum apposuit die et anno supradictis

Hallmoot of the forest of Macclesfield held at Macclesfield, in the presence of Peter de Legh steward of the lord there, on Monday next after the feast of St Martin the Bishop in the twenty-first year of the reign of King Richard the second.

Robert the son of William de Dounes came here in the full hallmoot abovesaid in the presence of Peter de Legh, steward of the lord of Macclesfield, John son of Robert de Legh, receiver there, William Slegh, then mayor of Macclesfield, Geoffrey del Dounes, Robert Byran, John de Cressewall, Richard de Kyngeslegh, clerk, and other faithful men of the same lord then being present there, and took from the lord of Macclesfield, through his steward aforesaid, all those lands and tenements with appurtenances that were of Robert de Worth of Tytherington and Thomas his son, which are called les Shupenstydes in the vill of Bollington, which lands and tenements indeed for a long time were left in decay and uncultivated, and which lately were sequestrated into the hands of the said lords of Macclefield, by a due proclamation made previously of them, by reason of rents and services from them being for several years in arrears, and which anciently used to render to the lord of Macclesfield for the time being ten shillings and a halfpenny yearly. To have and to hold to the aforesaid Robert del Dounes and his heirs, according to the custom of the manor of Macclesfield for ever. Rendering thence yearly to the lord of Macclesfield for the time being four shillings at Michaelmas from himself and his heirs, for all the year. Full seisin, according to the aforesaid custom,of those lands and tenements, with appurtenances, was delivered by the said steward to the aforesaid Robert del Dounes in the form aforesaid, on the day and year abovesaid. And the same Robert del Dounes at present shall give nothing to the said lords for entry to the said lands and tenements, because the same lands and tenements, for a long time past lying in decay and persisting uncultivated, are totally waste through the excess and thickness of brooms, thorns, and thistles growing on them. In witness whereof the aforesaid steward affixed his seal to this record on the day and year abovesaid.

[Macclesfield forest hallmoot. No court roll known for this year]


(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)

[13 Dec 1397] [cat wrongly gives 18 Oct, St Luke’s day]

270 x 85/78 mm. Seal tongue. Seal red wax, details invisible

Ad curiam de Audeley tentam ibidem in festo sancte lucie virginis Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo primo licorisia que fuit / uxor Johannis Wales venit in curiam et sursum reddit et concessit Thome filii Ricardi de Erdeley totum statum suum quem habet in re/versione unius mesuagii et duodecim acrarum terre que fuerunt Johannis Wales viri sui in Talke Ita quod post decessum eiusdem licorisie predicta tenementa remaneant predicto Thome filio Ricardi sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii Et dictus Thomas dat domine pro /dicto statu habendo reversionis tenementorum predictorum post decessum dicte licorisie ijs (fn. 61)

Ad eandem curiam Ricardus de Erdeley venit in curiam et sursum reddit in manus domine unum mesuagium et v acras terre in Talke (fn. 62) / que fuerunt Johannis Wales ad opus licorisie que fuit uxor predicti Johannis tenenda ad terminum vite dicte licorisie Ita quod post decessum dicte licoricie predictum mesuagium et v acre terre predicte remaneant Thome filio predicti Ricardi tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii / et dant domine de fine ijs In cuius rei testimonium Johannes marschall tunc ibidem senescallus sigillum suum apposuit

At the court of Audley, held there on the feast of St Lucy the Virgin in the twenty-first year of the reign of king Richard the second, Liquorice who was the wife of John Wales came into court, and surrendered and granted to Thomas son of Richard de Erdeley all her status that she has in the reversion of a messuage and twelve acres of land that were of John Wales her husband in Talke. So that, after the death of the same Liquorice, the aforesaid tenements shall remain to the said Thomas son of Richard, himself and his, according to the custom of the manor. And the said Thomas gives 2s to the lady to have the said status of reversion of the aforesaid tenements after the death of the said Liquorice.

At the same court Richard de Erdeley came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lady a messuage and 5 acres of land in Talke that were of John Wales, to the use of Liquorice who was wife of the aforesaid John, to hold for the term of the life of the said Liquorice. So that, after the death of the said Liquorice, the aforesaid messuage and 5 acres of land aforesaid shall remain to Thomas, son of the aforesaid Richard, to hold to himself and his, according to the custom of the manor, and they give to the lady for a fine 2s. In witness whereof John Marschall then steward there affixed his seal.

[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]


(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)

[12 Sep 1398]

207 x 96/81 mm. Seal tongue apparently cut off. No seal visible.

Ad curiam de Audeley tentam ibidem Die jovis proxima post festum nativitatis beate marie Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo secundo Ricardus de Erdeley venit in curiam et sursum reddit in manus domini unum mesuagium quatuor / cotagia sexaginta et sex acras terre in Audeley et Talke Et super hoc venit idem Ricardus et cepit /de domino omnia predicta tenementa cum suis pertinenciis tenenda sibi et heredibus suis de corpore Agnetis uxoris sue legitime / procreatis Et si contingat quod predictus Ricardus (fn. 63) obierit sine heredibus de corpore predicte Agnetis exeuntibus tunc / concessum est tam per dictum Ricardum quam per dominum quod predicta Agnes teneat et habeat omnia tenementa predicta cum / eorum pertinenciis ad terminum vite predicte Agnetis Et post decessum predicte Agnetis omnia predicta tenementa cum suis pertinenciis remaneant rectis heredibus dicti Ricardi. Et pro isto statu habendo predicte (fn. 64) Agnes dat domino Rogeri hillari xiijs iiijd / In cuius rei testimonium Johannes marchall tunc ibidem senescallus sigillum suum presentibus apposuit

At the court of Audley, held there on Thursday next after the feast of the Nativity of Blessed Mary in the twenty-second year of the reign of king Richard the second, Richard de Erdeley comes into court and surrenders into the hands of the lord a messuage, four cottages, [and] sixty-six acres of land in Audley and Talke. And upon this came the same Richard, and took from the lord all the aforesaid tenements with their appurtenances, to hold to him and his heirs of the body of Agnes his wife lawfully begotten. And if it happens that the aforesaid Richard shall die without heirs issuing from the body of the aforesaid Agnes, then it is granted, both by the said Richard and by the lord, that the aforesaid Agnes shall hold and have all the aforesaid tenements, with their appurtenances, for the term of the life of the aforesaid Agnes, and after the death of the aforesaid Agnes all the aforesaid tenements, with their appurtenances, shall remain to the right heirs of the said Richard. And for having this status the aforesaid Agnes gives the lord Roger Hillary 13s 4d. In witness whereof John Marchall then steward there affixed his seal to the presents.

[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]


[1 Jan 1399] [78/17 is rolled set of copies, not stitched. First 2 items pre 1400]

263 x 32 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Tybenham. Ad curiam ibidem tentam die veneris proxima ante festum Epiphanie domini Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi xxijo Dominus concessit extra manus suas unum tenementum / vocatum Netys Johanni Seman tenendum eidem Johanni et heredibus suis ad voluntatem domini per virgam Reddendo inde domino per annum iijs vjd ad terminos /usuales manerii pro omnibus serviciis et consuetudines preter servicium domini Regis et Romeskot Salvo iure etc Et dat domino de fine (fn. 65)

Tibenham. At the court there held on Friday next before the feast of Epiphany of the Lord in the 22nd year of the reign of king Richard the second, the lord granted out of his hands a tenement called Netys to John Seman to hold to the same John and his heirs at the will of the lord by the rod. Rendering thence to the lord yearly 3s 6d, at the usual terms of the manor, for all services and customs, beside the service of the lord King and Romeskot. Saving the right etc. And he gives to the lord as a fine...

[Tibenham, Norfolk. No original 14th-century court rolls known]


(Bagshawe) (fn. 66)

[8 Apr 1399] [cat wrongly gives 1 Apr]

144 x 73/69 mm. Centre tongue. No sign of seal.

Ad curiam dominorum decani et capituli lichfeldi tentam apud hope die martis proxima post octabo (fn. 67) Pasche Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post / conquestum Anglie vicesimo secundo coram Thoma de Wednesley milite seneschallo predictorum dominorum ibidem venerunt in eadem curiam / Willelmus le Clerke et Johannes Wele capellani et sursum reddiderunt in manus dominorum unum mesuagium et j bovatam terre que nuper habuirunt ex dono Ricardi / de Calton ad opus matilde filie Ricardi de Calton sibi et heredibus suis inter ipsam Matildam et Johannem filium Johannis de Rouworth (fn. 68) legitime / procreatis Et super hoc venerunt in eadem curiam predicti matilda et Johannes et ceperunt de dominis dictum mesuagium et terram Tenendis de dominis secundum consuetudinem / manerii Reddendo inde per Annum xijd Ita quod si contingat predictam matildam obire sine heredibus inter ipsam et predictum Johannem ut supra tunc / predictum mesuagium et terra predictam (fn. 69) revertere debent Johanne filie ipsius Ricardi de Calton Tenenda de dominis sibi et heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum / Reddendo inde per annum ut supra inperpetuum Et inde fecit (fn. 70) fidelitatem et dant pro releivo ijs plegio inde ballivus

At the court of the lords dean and chapter of Lichfield held at Hope on Tuesday next after the octave of Easter, in the twenty-second year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest of England, in the presence of Thomas de Wednesley, knight, steward of the aforesaid lords there, there came into the said court William le Clerke and John Wele, chaplains, and surrendered into the hands of the lord a messuage and 1 oxgang of land, which they lately had from the gift of Richard de Calton, to the use of Maud daughter of Richard de Calton, to herself and to the heirs lawfully begotten between Maud and John son of John de Rouworth. And upon this the aforesaid Maud and John came into the same court, and took from the lords the said messuage and land. To hold from the lords according to the custom of the manor, rendering from it yearly 12d. So that if it happens that the aforesaid Maud should die without heirs between her and the aforesaid John as above, then the aforesaid messuage and the aforesaid land should revert to Joan daughter of Richard de Calton himself. To hold from the lords, to her and her heirs and assigns, for ever. Rendering thence yearly as above for ever. And they do fealty and give for a relief 2s, the bailiff [being] pledge thereof.

[Hope, Derbs. No court rolls known before 1597]


(Honor of Clare)

[28 May 1399]

248 x 40/31 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Left stitch marks.

Ad Curiam honoris de Clare tentam ibidem xxviijo die mensis Maii Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xxijdo coram Johanne Bussy milite tunc ibidem senescallo / Edwardus Tweyth et socii sui fecerunt finem pro ingressu habendo in uno manerio cum pertinenciis perquisitis de Willelmo Bretenham et sociis suis / de feodo domini in Bretenham ad etc (fn. 71)

At the court of the honor of Clare, held there on 28th May in the 22nd year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, in the presence of John Bussy, knight, then steward there, Edward Tweyth and his associates made fine to have entry in one manor and its appurtenances bought from William Bretenham and his associates, of the fee of the lord in Bretenham, for etc.

[Note: the copy was read as 18 May (xviijo), but original court roll entry at TNA, SC 2/213/43 rot. 3D gives 28 (xxviijo) May, 3 weeks exactly after the previous court, and adds that the fine was 40s.]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[1 Oct 1399]

274 x 81/66 mm. Possible cut-off seal tongue at bottom, not visible at edge of photograph.

Curia magna Thome Wrottesley Capellani Cantarie beate marie de Wolvernehampton tenta ibidem die mercurie proxima post festum sancti michaelis Archangeli / Anno regni Regis

line break

Quo die Willelmus othe Grene per Johannem Sareson ballivum attornatum suum reddidit in manus domini unum cotagium cum quodam curtilagio / adiacentem cum eorum pertinenciis in Willenhale inter terram Rogeri Leveson ex una parte et terram Thome Marchal ex parte altera ad opus Willelmi / filii sui heredum at assignatorum suorum imperpetuum qui dat domino pro seisina viijd et habet inde sesinam tenendum sibi et heredibus suis imperpetuum secundum / consuetudinem manerii per servicia inde debita et consueta et quia predictus Willelmus dimisit se de toto quod tenet de domino dat domino nomine / herietti vjd etc. Postea predictus Willelmus filius Willelmi reddidit in manus domini predictum cotagium cum curtilagio predicto cum eorum / pertinenciis ad opus predicti Willelmi Patris sui habendum et tenendum sibi ad terminum vite sue

Great court of Thomas Wrottesley, chaplain of the chantry of Blessed Mary of Wolverhampton, held there on Wednesday next after Michaelmas in the year of King

On which day William othe Grene, by John Sareson, the bailiff, his attorney, surrendered into the hands of the lord a cottage with a certain curtilage adjoining, with their appurtenances, in Willenhall, between the land of Roger Leveson on one side, and the land of Thomas Marchal on the other side, to the use of William his son, his heirs and assigns, for ever; who gives to the lord for seisin 8d and has seisin of it, to hold to him and his heirs for ever, according to the custom of the manor, by the services thence owed and accustomed. And because the aforesaid William divested himself of everything that he holds of the lord, he gives to the lord by name of a heriot 6d etc. Afterwards the aforesaid William son of William rendered into the hands of the lord the aforesaid cottage, with the aforesaid curtilage, with their appurtenances, to the use of the aforesaid Willam his father, to have and to hold to him for the term of his life.

Note: Wrotteseley was ratified as chaplain on 19 Aug 1398 (Cal. Pat. 1396-9, 387). In the later 1390s the Wednesday after Michaelmas regressed closer to the feast until 1399, when it fell on 1 Oct. In 1400 it fell on 6 Oct. Richard II’s last year ended on 29 Sep, and Henry IV’s usurpation was dated from 30 Sep. A clerk in Wolverhampton on 1 Oct could not have been sure who the king was: strong evidence that the court was held on that day and that the copy is contemporary.

[Wolverhampton collegiate church, St Mary’s chantry. No court rolls known]


  • 1. deffr’ in copy, deffryncloyd in court roll.
  • 2. secundi omitted in copy.
  • 3. Court roll has prefato senescallo.
  • 4. Court roll has predictis.
  • 5. Iorwerth- cat.
  • 6. vi inserted.
  • 7. i.e. according to the law of England.
  • 8. rectius molendini.
  • 9. ad terminum vite sue inserted.
  • 10. tradere deleted – just below other tradere.
  • 11. The abbot is presumably of Buckfast.
  • 12. King not stated but must be Richard II.
  • 13. Text illegible here, reading uncertain.
  • 14. secundum consuetudinem manerii de congulton inserted.
  • 15. i.e. Lent.
  • 16. 3 Sep 1395.
  • 17. Possibly doo’. Not identified. Whjethales was also steward of Oswestry lordship in 1395: Llinos Smith, ‘ The Lordships of Chirk and Oswestry, 1282-1415’( Univ. Of London Ph. D. thesis, 1970), p. 443 (reference kindly supplied by Dr Adam Chapman). Perhaps ‘d’os[waldstre]’ is meant.
  • 18. Orclaimed’.
  • 19. Text illegible here.
  • 20. Text damaged here. Probable reading given.
  • 21. For concessit; no abbreviation indicated.
  • 22. Text restored by comparison with no 156.
  • 23. inserted: xiiijs.
  • 24. Per servicia damaged.
  • 25. damaged: de omnibus terris et.
  • 26. damaged: vite sue.
  • 27. damaged: post decessum ipsius madoc ap david gouch omnia.
  • 28. damaged: avid ap madoc ap david gouch et heredibus de corporibus.
  • 29. damaged: eant.
  • 30. damaged: inde debita et de iure consueta.
  • 31. Si contingat damaged.
  • 32. Ipsius damaged.
  • 33. damaged: eisdem.
  • 34. Ringildry.
  • 35. damaged: tenenda.
  • 36. damaged: tinenciis suis.
  • 37. Chequer tower.
  • 38. Not identified.
  • 39. Nb one penny dropped.
  • 40. Etc omitted.
  • 41. Recte relevaminis.
  • 42. Recte suorum.
  • 43. Venit deleted.
  • 44. Recte relevaminis.
  • 45. For etiam or eciam.
  • 46. Thomas inserted.
  • 47. Day left blank; martis in court roll.
  • 48. le s[er]iaunt in court roll.
  • 49. Flourish here.
  • 50. marreys in court roll.
  • 51. le s[er]iaunt in court roll.
  • 52. S[er]iaunt in court roll here and at each subsequent reference.
  • 53. Copy here conforms to the court roll.
  • 54. Terr’ deleted.
  • 55. Pastura repeated.
  • 56. Should be give.
  • 57. Not identified as Evangeliste, but definitely sancti luce, not sancte lucie, and no virgin flag.
  • 58. cum pertinenciis suis in Assheford inserted.
  • 59. Pro, in or de missing here.
  • 60. manerii etc inserted.
  • 61. Sum uncertain.
  • 62. Talke supplied; concealed by crease.
  • 63. Ricardus inserted.
  • 64. Rectius predicta.
  • 65. Sum omitted.
  • 66. This document was transferrred to Derbyshire from Sheffield City Libraries.
  • 67. For octavo.
  • 68. Rowarth, Derbs.
  • 69. Sic, for predicta.
  • 70. Rectius fecerunt.
  • 71. Fine not given.