
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.

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'1340s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1340s [accessed 13 March 2025].

'1340s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1340s.

"1340s". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1340s.

Long title

In this section


(Vyner Mss.)

[21 May 1342]

255 x 126 mm. Indented, lower fold, seal tag, seal oval, damaged, black wax.

[Damaged by water etc, repaired]

Hec indentura testatur quod die martis in septimana Pentecoste Anno domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo (fn. 1) / tentam apud markyngton per dompnos Johannem de herle celerarium et petrum de Derinton janitorem de Fon/tibus venit Ricardus Gunwrichtes et reddit sursum unum messuagium et viginti acras et unam rodam terre quod et quas / tenuit de domo de Fontibus in villa et in territtorio de merkyngton quarum vij acre cum friscis non cultis iacent / in le Westelattes _ in Dolfynacr’ una acra _ In Freneby dimidia acra _ In Almeburghum dimidia acra _ Iuxta le /Dounetotes dimidia acra _ In Avenantes 1 acra et dimidia _ In Graystanes 1 roda _ Apud mouskeld 1 roda / In Radepottes dimidia acra _ In hestecroftes dimidia acra _ In Eldinoderacr’ una acra _ in Barnehawe iij acre (fn. 2) / In honshald due acre _ Super Pynchegarth dimidia acra _ Super Grisehowe dimidia acra _ Super Gaselandes 1 roda / et in Crofto dimidia acra et una parcella prati. Et venit dominus Robertus de Neuby capellanus et cepit omnia predicta tenementa / una cum duabus acras terre et pasture quas idem Robertus prius tenuit iuxta moram de Baresnape tenenda et habenda eidem domino / Roberto cum omnibus suis pertinenciis ad totam vitam ipsius domini Roberti pro gersumma sua premanibus data. Et reddendo inde / annuatim sexdecimo solidos argenti ad terminos pentecostes (fn. 3) et sancti martini in hyeme per equales porciones pro omnibus serviciis / et licet predicto domino Roberto parcellas predictorum tenementorum quibuscunque voluerit dimittere ita quod teneantur in adeo / bono statu sicut eas recepit. In cuius rei testimonium parti huius indenture penes predictum dominum Robertum remanenti / predictus dompnus petrus sigillum suum apposuit _ parti penes predictum dompnum Petrum remanenti predictus dominus / Robertus sigillum suum apposuit. His testibus Johanne Gylyotes de merkyngton Waltero de Wallertwaytes / petro filio matilde Alano del Skynnerhous Willelmo de Shaffeld et aliis

This indenture witnesses that on Tuesday in Whitsun week in the year of our lord 1342 at the court held at Markington by lords John de Herele cellarer and Peter de Derinton janitor of Fountains Richard Gunwrichtes (fn. 4) came and surrendered a messuage and twenty acres and a rood of land that he held of the house of Fountains in the territory of Markington, of which 7 acres with uncultivated wasteland lie in the Westelattes, in Dolfynacr’ 1 acre, in Freneby half an acre, in Almeburghum half an acre, next the Dounetotes half an acre, in Avenantes 1 and a half acres, in Graystanes 1 rood, at Mouskeld 1 rood, in Radepottes half an acre, in Hestecroftes half an acre, in Eldinoderacr’ one acre, in Barnehawe 3 acres, in Honshald two acres, on Pynchegarth half an acre, on Grisehowe half an acre, on Gaselandes 1 rood, and in Croft half an acre and a parcel of meadow. And lord Robert of Neuby, chaplain, came and took all the aforesaid tenements together with two acres of land and pasture which the same Robert formerly held next to the moor of Baresnape, to have and to hold to the same lord Robert with all its appurtenances for the whole life of the said lord Robert for his gersum (fn. 5) given in advance. And by rendering thence yearly sixteen shillings of silver at the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas by equal portions for all services; and it is permitted to the aforesaid lord Robert to let parcels of the aforesaid tenements to whomever he wishes, provided that they shall be held in precisely as good a state as he received them. In witness whereof the said lord Peter affixed his seal to the part of this indenture remaining in possession of the said lord Robert, and the said lord Robert affixed his seal to the part remaining in possession of the said lord Peter. With these witnesses: John Gylyotes of Markington, Walter de Wallertwaytes, Peter son of Maud, Alan del Skynnerhous, William de Shaffeld, and others.

[Markington. No court rolls known]


(Exeter city archives, Exeter deeds, St John’s Hospital)

[ 20 Jan. 1343]

270 x 140 mm. Seal tag through groove. Seal brown wax, 60 mm diam. Probably City seal. Reverse seal 22 mm diam.

Ad curiam civitatis Exonie tentam die Lune proxima ante festum Sancti Pauli Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu Anglie sextodecimo Regni / vero sui Francie tercio. Frater henricus de holeforde magister hospitalis sancti Johannis Baptiste Exonie Reginaldus de Aysedewill et Johannes de Bolehill / confratres predicti henrici magistri hospitalis predicti attachiati fuerunt ad respondendum Roberto mounteyn de placito quare iniuste ceperunt catalla ipsius Roberti / et ea iniuste detinuerunt contra vadium et plegium etc. Et unde Idem Robertus querit quod predictus henricus et alij die lune proxima post festum Epiphanie / domini &c Anno regni Regis nunc sextodecimo (fn. 6) ceperunt unam pelium et duo hostia ipsius Roberti in Exonia in quodam loco qui est mesuagium in / quo idem Robertus inhabitat situatum in summo vico civitatis Exonie et ea detinuerunt iniuste contra vadium et plegium etc quousque etc. Unde dicit quod deterioratus est et dampnum habet ad valenciam viginti solidorum etc Et inde producit sectam &c Et predicti henricus et alij veniunt et defendunt vim / et iniuriam etc. Et predictus henricus pro se et omnibus aliis etc. advocat predictam capcionem in predicto loco ut de iure hospitalis sui predicti fore iustam / super predictum Robertum ut super verum tenientem suum eo quod idem Robertus de eo tenet ut de iure hospitalis sui predicti dictum mesuagium cum pertinenciis / in Exonia per servicium quadraginta solidorum annui redditus annuatim ad quatuor anni terminos videlicet ad festa natalis dominni et Pasche . nativitas / Sancti Johannis Baptiste et sancti michaelis equis porcionibus solvendus et per Releivum post mortem et mutacionem cuiuslibet tenentis messuagij predicti videlicet / duos solidos et sex denarios secundum consuetudinem civitatis Exonie. De quibus serviciis quidam Johannes Peny quondam custos predicti hospitalis / seysitus fuit per manus Stephani mounteyn patris predicti Roberti cuius heres ipse est ut per manus veri tenentis sui. Et quia decem solidos / Redditus predicti de termino Nativitatis domini proximo preterito die capcionis predicte aretro fuit cepit predicta catalla in mesuagio predicto ut in feodo / suo ut de iure hospitalis sui predicti prout ei bene licuit &c . Et dictus Robertus in propria persona omnia in predicta advocacione contenta fatetur esse / vera ut de iure hospitalis sancti Johannis Baptiste predicti Ideo consideratum est quod predictus frater henricus magister hospitalis predicti habeat returnum de catalllis predictis. Et predictus Robertus in misericordia pro falsa querela sua etc. In cuius rei testimonium huic processui et recordo sigillum comunitatis civitatis antedicte est appositum Datum Exonie die et anno supradictis

At the court of the city of Exeter held on Monday next before the feast of St Paul in the sixteenth year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest of England, but in the third of his reign of France. Brother Henry de holeford master of the hospital of St John the Baptist of Exeter, Reginald de Aysdewill, and John de Bolehill co-brothers of the said Henry master of the aforesaid hospital were attached to reply to Robert Mounteyn about a plea hat they unjustly took the chattels of the same Robert and unjustly detained them contrary to bail and pledge etc. And whence the same Robert complains that the said Henry and others on Monday next after the Epiphany of the Lord in the sixteenth year of the present king they took a palisade and two doors of the said Robert in Exeter in a certain place which is the messuage in which the said Robert lives situated in the upper street of the city of Exeter and detained them unjustly against bail and pledge until etc. Whence he says he is damaged and has damage to the value of twenty shillings etc. And thence he beings suit etc. And the said Henry and others come and defend the force and injury etc. And the said Henry for himself and for all the others etc claims that the said taking in the said place would be just as by right of his hospital upon the said Robert as on a true tenant of his because the said Robert holds the said messuage and appurtenances of him as by right of his hospital by the service of forty shillings of annual rent yearly at four terms of the year viz. at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and Michaelmas, to be paid in equal portions; and for a relief after the death or change of each tenant of the said messuage viz two shillings and sixpence according to the custom of the city of Exeter. Of which services a certain John Peny, warden of the said hospital, was seised by the hand of Stephen Mounteyn, father of the said Robert, whose heir he (fn. 7) is, as by the hand of his true tenant. And because on the day of the said taking ten shillings of the rent of the said tenement of the Christmas term last past was in arrears he took the said chattels in the said messuage as in his fee as of the right of his hospital aforesaid as he was well entitled to etc. And the said Robert in his own person admits that all that is contained in the said claim is true and of the right of the hospital of St John the Baptist aforesaid. Therefore it is decided that the said master Henry shall have the return of the aforesaid chattels. And the said Robert is in mercy for his false complaint etc. In witness whereof to this process and record the common seal of the aforesaid city is affixed. Given at Exeter on the day and year abovesaid.

[Exeter city. No court roll known before 1399. Other copies exist]


(Vernon collection) [In bundle of deeds]

[28 Jan 1343]

252 x 77/60 mm. Seal tongue about 118 mm long, seal blackish wax, approx 18 mm diameter. Seal of arms in foiled surround, outer circle with illegible inscription

curia domini philippi de Weston decani de Wolverunehampton ibidem tenta die martis proxima post festum conversacionis sancti pauli Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu decimo septimo / eodem die Johannes filius Willelmi Oldejohnes de Wednesffeld Adam le Yonge et juliana uxor eius reddunt in manus domini omnia terras et tenementa que vel quas / Willelmus Oldejones pater predicti Johannis condam tenuit de domino in feodo de Wednesffeld sine ullo retenemento ad opus Johannis de Swynnerton seneschalli / foreste de Cannoks habenda et tenenda omnia terre et tenementa predicta predicto Johanni heredibus et assignatis suis secundum consuetudinem manerij imperpetuum. Et predictus /Johannes filius Willelmi Oldejones obligat se et heredes suos inde ad Warantizare predicto Johanni de Swynnerton et heredibus et suis assignatis ac eorum heredibus et assignatis / inperpetuum de ominibus terris et tenementis predictis et predicta Juliana uxor Ade le Yonge inde examinata si invite hoc fecerit que dicit quod ex proprio / assensu et consensu fecit et hoc testificatur in curia et predictus Johannes dat pro fine xijd perplegium Ade le Yonge et Ricardi forester In cuius / rei testimonium Willelmus de Perton tunc senescallus sigillum suum apposuit

Court of lord Philip of Weston, dean of Wolverhampton, held there on Tuesday next after the feast of the Conversion of St Paul in the seventeenth year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest. On the same day John son of William Oldejohnes of Wednesfield Adam le Yonge and Gillian his wife render into the hands of the lord all lands and tenements which William Oldejones father of the said John once held of the lord in the fee of Wednesfield, not holding back anything, to the use of John de Swynnerton steward of the forest of Cannock to have and hold all the aforesaid lands and tenements to the aforesaid John his heirs and assigns according to the custom of the manor for ever. And the said John son of William Oldejones binds himself and his heirs thence to warrant to the said John de Swynnerton and heirs and his assigns and their heirs and assigns for ever of all the aforesaid lands and tenements and the said Gillian wife of Adam le Yonge being examined about that whether she did it unwillingly says that she did it by her own assent and consent and this is testified in court and the said John gives for a fine 12d by pledge of Adam le Yonge and Richard Forester. In witness whereof William de Perton then steward affixed his seal.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


(Ipswich town charities, title, Tooley’s foundation, Tooley Estate in Whitton, Akenham, Great Blakenham, Little Blakenham, Bramford and Claydon, bundle of mainly freehold deeds)

[20 Nov 1343]

210 x 150 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Formerly folded in two, wording only on top 84 mm

Curia de Brannford tenta die Jovis in festo Sancti Edmundi Regis Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij / a conquestu decimo septimo Thomas de Bruges de Gyppeswyco summonitus fuit (fn. 8) ad respondendum Roberto Sperwe / de Brannford et dionisie uxori eius in placito terre unde placitum convencionis motus (fn. 9) fuit inter prefatos Thomam et / Robertum et Dionisia motum fuit (fn. 10) Et tam predicti Robertus et Dionisia uxor eiis quam prefatus Thomas venerunt hic in / Curiam et petierunt licenciam concordandi et habent Et est concordatum tale quod predictus Thomas cognovit tres acras terre in brevi / contentes esse ius ipsorum Roberti et Dionisie ut de iure dicte Dionisie Et pro ista cognitione predicti Robertus et Dionisia recognoverunt / predictas tres acras terre esse ius eiusdem Thome ut illas quas habet de dono et feoffamento dictorum Roberti et / Dionisie et illas in eadem curia predicto Thome et heredibus suis remiserunt habendas et tenendas predictas tres acras terre / cum pertinenciis predicto Thome heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de capitalibus dominis feodi per servicia que ad illas pertinent / Et predicti Robertus et Dionisia uxor eius et heredes ipsius Dionisie predictas tres acras terre cum pertinenciis predicto Thome / heredibus et assignatis suis warrantizabunt imperpetuum Et predictus Thomas dat de fine per plegium Johannis filii Johannis Norman et alij (fn. 11)

------------------------------------------------------------------------ijs iiijd

Court of Bramford held Thursday on the feast of St Edmund the King in the seventeenth year of King Edward the third from the conquest Thomas de Bruges of Ipswich was summoned to reply to Robert Sperwe of Bramford and Denise his wife in a plea of land whence a plea of agreement was moved between the said Thomas and Robert and Denise. And both the said Robert and Denise his wife, and the said Thomas, came here into court and sought licence to agree and have. And it is agreed such that the said Thomas recognized three acres of land contained in the writ to be the right of the said Robert and Denise as of the right of the said Denise. And for that recognition the said Robert and Denise recognized the said three acres of land to be the right of the said Thomas, as those which he has from the gift and feoffment of the said Robert and Denise; and those [acres] in the same court they remitted to the said Thomas and his heirs to have and to hold the said three acres of land with their appurtenances to the said Thomas his heirs and assigns for ever from the chief lords of the fee for the services which belong to those [acres]. And the said Robert and Denise his wife and the heirs of the same Denise will warrant the aforesaid three acres of land with their appurtenances to the aforesaid Thomas his heirs and assigns for ever. And the said Thomas gives as a fine by the pledge of John son of John Norman and others …...2s 4d.

[Bramford. No court roll before 1354 known]


(Farewell/Vicars Choral of Lichfield)

[4 Dec 1343]

220 x 64 mm. tie [2mm wide at neck]

Memorandum quod ad magnam curiam tentam apud Farewelle die Jovis proxime ante festum sancti Nicholai anno regni Regis Edwardi/ tercij post conquestum septimodecimo coram Nichola de Ruggeleye tunc senescallo hugo filius Johannis heynesone de Cannocbury venit / in plena curia et cepit de Domina Priscilla et conventu unam placeam terre ad superedificandum in campo quod vocatur le newelond et iacet / in longitudine inter terram Johannis filii Johannis le scepeherde et terram priorisse que vocatur le schypehordeyerd et extendit / terra in longitudine ab alta via que vocatur Chorleyereue usque campum priorisse quod vocatur le Newelond habendam et tenendam / dicto hugoni et cecilie uxori eius et heredibus dicti hugonis de corpore suo legitime procreatis et si decedat sine herede de corpore suo / exeunte predicta placea terre cum pertinenciis dicte priorisse et conventui revertatur (fn. 12) Reddendo inde annuatim octo denarios argenti ad quatuor / anni terminos usuales et dat domine ad ingressum iiijs et fecit fidelitatem

Be it remembered that at the great court held at Farewell on Thursday next before the feast of St Nicholas in the seventeenth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, in the presence of Nicholas de Ruggeleye then steward, Hugh son of John Heynesone of Cannockbury came in full court and took from Lady Priscilla and the convent a a plot of land for building on, in the field which is called the Newlond, and it lies in length between the land of John son of John le Scepeherde and the land of the prioress which is called le Schypehordeyerd and the land extends in length from the high road that is called Chorleyereue up to the field of the prioress that is called le Newelond, to have and to hold to the said Hugh and Cicely his wife and the heirs of the said Hugh lawfully begotten of his body; and if he dies without a heir issuing from his body the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances may (fn. 13) revert to the said prioress and convent. Rendering thence yearly eight pence of silver at the usual four terms of the year; and he gives to the lady for entry 4s and does fealty.

[Farewell priory manor, Staffs. Court rolls formerly at Lichfield Record Office, D30/4/4/1]


(Battle, Huntington Library)

[10 Feb 1345]

245x 94 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. [Signs of stitching on left edge. Markedly curved bottom edge but not indented]

Memorandum quod ad curiam de Bello tentam die Jovis proxima ante festum Sancti Valentini Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum / xixo preceptum fuit bedelli / quod caperet in manus domini quandam placeam gardini cum domibus superedificatis quam quidem placeam Thomas de Wales perquisivit de petro Flechier et quod / de exitibus inde provenientibus domino responderet eo quod dictus petrus dictam placeam cepit de domino Stephano de London nuper sacristi de Bello tenendam ad / voluntatem domini secundum consuetudinem ville et eam dimisit dicto Thome per cartam suam tenendam de se proprio contra voluntatem domini et contra concessionem predictam / Et super hoc venit idem Thomas et liberavit domino cartam predictam et reddidit in manus domini dictam placeam gardini cum domibus predictis et remisit et / quietclamavit domino totum ius quod habuit in eadem. Ita quod (fn. 14) idem thomas nec aliquis pro ea aliquid juris seu clameum in eisdem decetero exigere / potuerit vel vendicare in futurum. Et dominus Abbas de gratia sua dedit eidem Thome Ls pro expensum et dampnis suis ibidem Et insuper /concessit eidem Thome quod ipse amovere et abducere possit domus predictas et totum meremium simul cum omnibus bonis et catallis que habet / in dictam placeam ante festum Sancti Michaelis proximum futurum. Et preterea dominus abbas de gratia sua speciali concessit quod dicta placea remaneat / domino Johanni de Wy nunc sacriste. ad officium sacristarie exeuntem sicut antea consuevitur etc (fn. 15)

Be it remembered that at the court of Battle held on Thursday next before the feast of St Valentine in the 19th year of king Edward the third after the conquest the beadle was ordered to take into the lord’s hands a certain garden plot with buildings erected on it, which plot Thomas de Wales bought of Peter Flechier, and that he should answer to the lord for the issues coming thence because the said Peter took the said plot from lord Stephen of London lately sacrist of Battle to hold at the will of the lord according to the custom of the town, and let it to the said Thomas by his charter, to be held from himself, against the will of the lord, and contrary to the aforesaid grant. And on this the same Thomas came and released the said charter to the lord, and rendered the said garden plot with the aforesaid buildings into the hands of the lord, and remitted and quitclaimed to the lord all the right that he had in it. So that neither the same Thomas nor anyone can demand any right for it or any claim to those things again, or vindicate a claim in future. And the lord abbot of his grace gave to the same Thomas 50s for his expense and damages there. And moreover he granted to the said Thomas that he could remove and take away the said buildings and all the timber, together with all goods and chattels that he has in the said plot, before Michaelmas next to come. And moreover the lord abbot of his special grace granted that the said plot should remain to lord John de Wy now sacrist, [the proceeds] issuing to the office of the sacristy as it was formerly accustomed.

[No court rolls survive from before 1400. An entry in a late-medieval calendar may survive]


(God’s House alias Great Hospital, Norwich, including mostly freehold deeds)

[21 Feb 1347]

168 x 42 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam tentam apud Erpyngham die mercurie proxima ante festum sancti Petri in Cathedra anno / regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu xxjo – Willelmus filius Johannis Popy sursum reddidit in manus messoris secundum consuetudinem manerij unam rodam terre in Erpyngham ad opus Bartholomei man Cui tradita / est seisina tenendam sibi et heredibus suis faciendis serviciis et consuetudinibus (fn. 16) salvo jure etc Et dat de fine …. (fn. 17)

At the court held at Erpingham on Wednesday next before the feast of St Peter in the Chair in the 21st year of the reign of King Edward the third from the conquest – William son of John Popy surrendered into the hands of the hayward according to the custom of the manor one rood of land in Erpingham to the use of Bartholomew Man to whom seisin was handed over to him and his heirs, doing the services and customs, saving the right etc. And he gives as a fine...

[Erpingham. No 14th-century court roll known]


(Willoughby de Eresby collection)

[7 Jun 1347]

274 x 85/105 mm; No tongue, tag or seal. Rubbings/erasures in places

Heading: Curia de Bolingbrokes tentam ibidem die jovis proxima ante festum sancti Barnabe apostoli Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij A conquestu xxjo

Quia Johannes de Welughby miles dominus de Eresby venit in curiam clamans ut jus suum unum toftum cum pertinenciis in Hundelby quod Henricus Ward / de wac (fn. 18) manente in Hundelby quondam tenuit in feodo qui convictus pro quadam felonia et pro eadem suspensus tanquam Escaetam suam eo quod predictus Henricus de / eodem tenuit etc quod quidem toftum domina Alesia comitissa Lincolnie in manum sua predicta seisivit tanquam jus suum supponens illud tenuit de se per / quod per assensum dictorum domine comitisse et domini Johannis capta est inquisitio per sacramentum Ricardi de Ratheby Ricardi filii Galfridi de Hundelby Ricardi Day de eadem / Ricardi West de eadem Simonis Chapman de eadem et Rogeri Waceson (fn. 19) de Estkele Willelmi filij Galfridi de eadem Willelmi Waceson de eadem Willelmi / maudelayn de Westkele Willelmi Freman de eadem Willelmi Poryel de eadem et Willelmi West de eadem. quod henricus Ward manens in hundelby predictum toftum tenuit de predicto Johanne domino de Eresby ut parcella de feodo de Bylyngay quod feodum predictus dominus Johannes tenet de predicta domina / comitisse set antequam idem henricus iudicatus fuit de aliqua felonia fecit fidelitatem domino Johanni de Welughby et alia servicia etc. Dicunt etiam quod predictus Henricus / et tenentes dicti tofti a tempore quo non extat memoria soluerunt annuatim duodecim denarios ad sustentacionem cuiusdam Luminis in ecclesia de hundelby et sic / dicunt quod predictus dominus Johannes habet maius ius habendi predictum toftum tanquam escaetam suam secundum legem terre quam predicta domina comitissa Ideo preceptum est Ballivo quod / modo manum suum auferret (fn. 20) etc


Heading: Court of Bolingbroke held there on Thursday next before the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle in the 21st year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest

Because John de Willoughby, knight, lord of Eresby, came into the court claiming as his right a toft with its appurtenances in Hundleby that Henry Ward of Wac..., residing in Hundleby, once held in fee, who was convicted for some felony, and hanged for the same, as his (fn. 21) escheat because the said Henry held it of him etc; which toft indeed lady Alice, countess of Lincoln, seised in her aforesaid (fn. 22) hand as her right, supposing that he (fn. 23) held it of her, for which by the assent of the said lady countess and the says lord John an inquisition was taken by the oath of Richard de Ratheby, Richard son of Geoffrey of Hundleby, Richard Day of the same, Richard West of the same, Simon Chapman of the same, and Roger Waceson of East Keal, William son of Geoffrey of the same, William Waceson of the same, William Maudelayn of West Keal, William Freman of the same, William Poryel of the same, and William West of the same. [Who say] that Henry Ward while living in Hundleby held the aforesaid toft of the said John lord of Eresby as a parcel of the fee of Billinghay, which fee the said lord John holds of the said lady Alice the countess; but before the same Henry was adjudged of some felony he did fealty to lord John of Willoughby and other services etc. The also say that the aforesaid Henry and the tenants of the said toft, from time immemorial paid yearly twelve pence for the maintenance of a certain light in the church of Hundleby and thus they say that the aforesaid lord John has greater right of having the said toft as his escheat, according to the law of the land, than the said lady countess. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to remove his hand now etc.

[Bolingbroke, Lincs. No court roll for this year known]


(Leveson-Gower, Wolverhampton deeds)

[19 Jun 1347]

217 x 87/67 mm. Seal tongue, no seal.

Curia domini Philippi de Weston decani de Wolvrunehampton tenta die martis proxima post festum sancti Botulphi Abbatis / anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij A conquestu vicesimo primo /

Inquisicio capta per sacramentum Ricardi molendinarii Johannis le Kyng henrici Lewyn Thome le Barkere Johannis le Noake Rogeri / le Barkere Roberti Lewyn Nicholai Rogere Ricardi de Folbrigge Simonis de Gorstcote Ricardi Underhule et Stephani / atte Halleyate utrum Stephanus le Persones de Codeshale et Idonia uxor eius coniunctim tenuerunt tenementa sua in / Codeshale necne qui dicunt quod predictus Stephanus et Idonia uxor eius et Johannes filius eorundem simul feofati fuerunt in omnibus predictis tenementis In cuius rei testimonium sigillum Willelmi de Pertone tunc Senescalli presentibus estappensum

Court of lord Philip of Weston dean of Wolverhampton held on Tuesday next after the feast of St Botolph the Abbot in the twenty-first year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest. Inquisition taken by the oath of Richard the miller, John le Kyng, Henry Lewyn, Thomas le Barkere, John le Noake, Roger le Barkere, Robert Lewyn, Nicholas Roger, Richard de Folbrigge, Simon de Gorstcote, Richard Underhule, and Stephen atte Halleyate whether Stephen le Persones of Codsall and Idonia his wife held their tenements in Codsall jointly or not; who say that the aforesaid Stephen and Idonia his wife and John their son were enfeoffed at the same time in all the aforesaid tenements. In witness whereof the seal of William de Pertone then steward is appended to the presents. (fn. 24)

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court roll before 1397 known. Other copies exist]


(Honor of Clare)

[8 Aug. 1347 or 31 Jan. 1347]

45 x 215 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam die mercurii proxima ante festum sancti Laurentii (fn. 25) Anno regni regis Edwardi / tertij a conquestu xxjmo Coram Johanne Bataille tunc ibidem senescallo Johannes Yongman / finem fecit pro ingressu habendo in una roda terre perquisita de Thoma Ber-neman de feodo domine in Russheworthe pro ijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held on Wednesday next before the feast of St Laurence in the 21st year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest in the presence of John Bataille then steward there John Yongman made fine to have entry in one rood of land purchased ot Thomas Berneman of the fee of the lady in Rushworth for 2d (fn. 26)

[original court roll missing]


(Barnard collection)

[probably 16 Apr 1348] (fn. 27)

228 mm x/75/66 mm. appears to have torn-off tongue.

Ad curiam ville de Oswaldstre tentam coram Johanne de Delves senescallo die mercurii proxime ante festum Pasche anno/ xxijo (fn. 28) – Adam Dune et Elienora uxor sua venerunt et recognoverunt se feoffasse Johannem Loyd et / Emmotam uxorem suam in quinque solidos annualis redditus percipiendos de uno tenemento quod Lewellyn ap dafyddloyd / de eisdem tenet ad firmam perpetuam in Badrichstretes (fn. 29) iacens (fn. 30) inter tenementum Willelmi Cliter ex una parte et / tenementum Rogeri de haston’ ex altera et extendit in longitudine ab alto vico usque ad croftum quondam Johannis Daa / capellani . habendum et tenendum predictum redditus sibi (fn. 31) et heredibus suis vel assignatis ut plenius continetur in quadam / carta per predictos Adam et Elyenoram eisdem inde confecta Et super hoc predicta Elyenora per senescallum examinata / et confessa que dicit quod neque vi neque ducto set ex mera et spontania voluntate sua predictum redditum / eisdem per feoffamentum predictum concessit &c

At the court of the town of Oswestry held in the presence of John de Delves, steward, on Wednesday next before Easter in the 22nd year – Adam Dune and Eleanor his wife came and recognized that they had enfeoffed John Loyd and Emmot his wife in five shillings of annual rent to be levied from a tenement that Llewellyn ap Dafydd Loyd holds of them at perpetual farm in Badrichstretes, lying between the tenement of William Cliter one one side and the tenement of Roger de Haston’ on the other, and it extends in length from the high street to a croft once of John Daa, chaplain; to have and to hold the said rent to him [them] and his heirs or assigns as is more fully contained in a certain charter made to them by the said Adam and Eleanor. And upon this the aforesaid Eleanor, examined by the steward and confessing, says that, neither by force or inducement, but out of her mere and spontaneous will, she granted the said rent to them by the aforesaid feoffment etc.

[Oswestry, Shropshire. No medieval court rolls known]


Hand of 1390 x 1450, arguably nearer the latter

[Williams Wynne, Wynnstay]

[4 Sept 1349]

297 x98 mm. No tongue, tag, seal or cutoff.

Curia de Collyan tenta die veneris proxima post festum decollacionis sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno xxiijo Edwardi tercij Willelmus de Dalby et Alexander / filius eius veniunt hic in curiam per attornatum predicti Willelmi et reddunt in manus domini omnia terras et tenementa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis que et quas habuimus (fn. 32) ex / dono et feoffamento Willelmi le Warde de Wavynden (fn. 33) in Deffrencloit in comota de Collyan in maysemaynkymro (fn. 34) ad opus margerie que fuit / uxor Willelmi le Warde de Wavynden ad terminum vite sue (fn. 35) habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terre et tenementa predicte margerie ad terminum vite sue et quod / post decessum vite predicte margerie predicta terre et tenementa heredibus Willelmi le Warde remaneant imperpetuum et heredibus sive assignatis suis Anglice iure hereditariis / ut in dominicis villeinagijs homagijs Wardijs releivis escaetis redditibus servicijs pratis pasturis moris mariscis aquis piscarijs boscis planis cum omnibus / libertatibus et ayseamentis dictis terris et tenementis spectantibus simul cum estoverijs sibi et heredibus suis sive assignatis dictas terras et tenementa tenentibus pro voluntate sua in bosco / de Bryncredykes habenda ad omnia necessaria eorum sine visu forestarorum domini capiendo prout in carta domini Reginaldi Grey Waltero Cosco inde confecta / plenius continetur de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta Et nos vero predicti Willelmus et Alexander per attornatum predicti / Willelmi et heredes nostri omnia predicta terras et tenementa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis ut predictum est contra omnes gentes Warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendimus Et fecit / fidelitatem etc

      Datum (fn. 36) pro copia

Court of Colion held on Friday next after the feast of the Decollation of St John the Baptist in the 23rd year of Edward III. William de Dalby and Alexander his son come here into court by the attornment of the aforesaid William and render into the hands of the lord all lands and tenements with all their appurtenances which we [they] held, by the gift and feoffment of William le Warde of Wavendon, in Dyffryn Clwyd in the commote of Colion in Maesmaencymro, to the use of Margery who was the wife of William le Warde of Wavendon for the term of her life, to have and to hold all the said lands and tenements to the aforesaid Margery for the term of her life and that after the decease of the said Margery the said lands and tenements shall remain to the heirs of William le Warde for ever, and to his heirs or assigns who are hereditary in English law, as in demesnes, villeinages, homages, wards reliefs, escheats, rents, services meadow, pastures, moors, marshes, waters, fisheries, woods, plains, with all liberties and easements belonging to the said lands and tenements; together with estovers to him and his heirs or assigns holding the said lands and tenements by his will in the wood of Bryncredykes, to have all necessaries of them without the view of the foresters of the lord being taken, as is more fully contained in a charter of it made by lord Reginald Grey to Walter Cosco, of the chief lords of that fee, by the services owed thence and accustomed by right. And we the said William and Alexander by attornment of the said William and our heirs will warrant and forever defend all the said lands and tenements with all their appurtenances as is aforesaid against all people. And he did fealty etc. Below: Given for a copy.

Note: Associated deeds of 1348 (DD/WY/81 and /82) deal with the same transfer; 15th-century deeds in the collection are unrelated; but a quitclaim 24 Dec 1396 (DD/WY/83) by Wm Whitbrede of Shytlyngton (fn. 37) might explain the context for a new copy.

[Colion or Coleigion commote, Dyffryn Clwyd lordship; entry not found (fn. 38) in court rolls in TNA SC 2/217/14 or 218/1]


  • 1. damaged: probably secundo ad curiam.
  • 2. di erased.
  • 3. pent’ in text.
  • 4. Probably does mean Gunwright.
  • 5. i.e. a fine.
  • 6. 13 Jan. 1343.
  • 7. i.e. Henry.
  • 8. inserted: jre.
  • 9. recte motum.
  • 10. Sic – repetition.
  • 11. For aliorum presumably.
  • 12. Possibly reverterit.
  • 13. Or shall.
  • 14. Nec omittted.
  • 15. Below, perhaps in another hand: Sharndenne (apparently the subscription of Robert Harndenne, steward).
  • 16. Or faciendo servicia et consuetudines.
  • 17. Fine left blank.
  • 18. Erasure.
  • 19. Rubbed, name from catalogue.
  • 20. Rubbed, reading uncertain.
  • 21. i.e. Willoughby’s escheat.
  • 22. Presumably referred to higher up the original roll – not in this document.
  • 23. i.e. Henry.
  • 24. i.e. to the present document.
  • 25. The feast of St Laurence, martyr, is on 10 August, that of St Laurence, archbishop, on 3 February.
  • 26. Price is the fine, not the purchase price.
  • 27. Note on date: 16 Apr 1348 or 26 Mar 1399. Cat. and handwriting suggest the earlier date.
  • 28. The unnamed king is either Edward III or Richard II.
  • 29. Beatrice Street in 2020.
  • 30. Recte iacente.
  • 31. Sic, in the singular. Cf eisdem on the last line.
  • 32. Rectius habuerunt.
  • 33. Wavendon, Bucks, where Wards is a reputed manor.
  • 34. Maesmaencymro, township in Llanynys, Denbs.
  • 35. Oddly placed here, repeated at the end of the line.
  • 36. Possibly data.
  • 37. Shillington, Beds.
  • 38. Inf. from Dr Nat Alcock, who kindly searched them in December 2020.