A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Originally published by Clarendon, Oxford, 1908.
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John Stow, 'Cornehill warde', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603, ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp187-200 [accessed 6 March 2025].
John Stow, 'Cornehill warde', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Edited by C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp187-200.
John Stow. "Cornehill warde". A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp187-200.
Cornehill warde
Cornhill ward.; Fleshmarket at Leaden hall and alteration of prices in a short time.
THE next warde towards the south, is Cornehill warde, so called of a corne Market, time out of minde there holden, and is a part of the principall high streete, beginning at the west end of Leaden hall, stretching downe west on both the sides by the south end of Finks lane, on the right hand, and by the North ende of Birchouers lane, on the left part, of which lanes, to wit, to the middle of them, is of this warde, and so downe to the Stockes market, and this is the bounds. The vpper or East part of this warde, and also a part of Limestreete warde, hath beene (as I saide) a market place, especially for Corne, and since for all kinds of victuals, as is partly shewed in Limestreete warde. It appeareth of record, that in the yeare 1522. the Rippers of Rye and other places solde their fresh fish in Leaden hall Market, vpon Cornehill, but forraine Butchers were not admitted there to sell flesh, till the yeare 1533. and it was enacted that Butchers should sell their beefe not aboue a halfe pennie the pound, and mutton halfepennie halfe farthing: which act being deuised for the great commoditie of the Realme (as it was then thought,) hath since proued farre other wayes, for before that time a fat Oxe was solde at London, for sixe and twentie shillings eight pence, at the most, a fat Weather for three shillings foure pence, a fat Calfe the like price, a fat Lambe for twelue pence, peeces of beefe weighed two pounds and a halfe, at the least, yea three pounds or better, for a pennie on euerie Butchers stall in this Citie: and of those peeces of beefe thirteene or fourteene for twelue pence, fat Mutton for eight pence the quarter, and one hundred weight of beefe for foure shillings eight pence, at the dearest. What the price is now, I need not to set downe, many men thought the same act to rise in price, by meane that Grasiers knewe or supposed what weight euery their beastes contained, and so raising their price thereafter, the Butcher could be no gayner, but by likewise raysing his price. The number of Butchers then in the Citie and suburbs, was accounted sixe score, of which euerie one killed 6. Oxen a peece weekely, which is in fortie sixe weekes, 3120. Oxen, or 720. Oxen weekly. The forrein Butchers for a long time stoode in the high street of Limestreete warde on the north side, twise euery weeke, vz. Wednesday, and Saturday, and were some gaine to the tenants before whose doores they stood, and into whose houses they set their blockes and stalles, but that aduantage being espied, they were taken into Leden hall, there to pay for their standing to the Chamber of London. This much for the Market vpon Cornehill.
Standard of Thames water by Leaden hall; The highest ground of the City of London.
The chiefe ornaments in Cornehill warde are these. First at the East ende thereof, in the middle of the high streete, and at the parting of foure wayes, haue ye a water standard, placed in the yeare 1582. in maner following. A certaine German named Peter Morris, hauing made an artificial Forcier for that purpose, conueyed Thames water in Pipes of Leade, ouer the steeple of Saint Magnus Church, at the north end of London bridge, and from thence into diuerse mens houses in Thames street, new fish streete, and Grasse streete, vp to the northwest corner of Leaden hall, the highest ground of all the Citie, where the waste of the maine pipe rising into this standarede, (prouided at the charges of the Citie) with foure spoutes did at euery tyde runne (according to couenant) foure wayes, Plentifully seruing to the commoditie of the inhabitants neare adioyning in their houses, and also cleansed the Chanels of the streete towarde Bishopsgate, Aldgate, the bridge, and the Stocks Market, but now no such matter, through whose default I know not.
The Tunne vpon Cornhill a prison house for night walkers.
Then haue ye a faire Conduit, of sweete water, castellated in the middest of that warde and street. This Conduit was first builded of stone, in the yeare 1282. by Henry Walles, Maior of London, to be a prison for night walkers, and other suspicious persons, and was called the Tunne vpon Cornehill, because the same was builded somewhat in fashion of a Tunne standing on the one ende.
Temporall men punish spirituall persons for incontinency.
To this prison the night watches of this Citie committed not onely night walkers, but also other persons, as well spirituall as temporall, whom they suspected of incontinencie, and punished them according to the customs of this Citie, but complaint thereof being made, about the yeare of Christ 1297. king Edward the first writeth to his Citizens thus.
The Bishop complaineth. The King forbiddeth the laytie to punish the Clargie men.
Edward by the grace of God, &c. Whereas Richard Grauesend Bishop of London, hath shewed vnto vs, that by the great Charter of England, the Church hath a priuiledge, that no Clarke should be imprisoned by a lay man without our commandement, and breach of peace, which notwithstanding some Citizens of London vpon meere spite doe enter in their watches into Clarkes chambers, and like fellons carrie them to the Tunne, which Henrie le Walleys sometime Maior built for night walkers, wherefore we will that this our commaundement be proclaymed in a full hoystings, and that no watch hereafter enter into any Clarkes Chamber, vnder the forfeyt of 20. pound. Dated at Carlile the 18. of March, the 25. of our raigne.
Citizens of London break vp the Tunne vpon Cornehil, take prisoners from thence, but are punished for their fact.
More, I reade that about the yeare of Christ 1299. the 27. of Edward the first, certaine principall Citizens of London, to wit, T. Romane, Richard Gloucester, Nicholas Faringdon, Adam Helingburie, T. Saly, Iohn Dunstable, Richard Ashwy, Iohn Wade and William Stortford, brake vp this prison called the Tunne, and took out certaine prisoners, for the which they were sharpely punished by long imprisonment, and great fines. It cost the Citizens (as some haue written) more then 20000. markes, which they were amerced in, before William de March Treasurer of the kings Exchequer, to purchase the kings fauour, and confirmation of their liberties.
Th. Walsing.; Citizens of London punished fornication & adulterie in Priests and other without parcialitie.; Priests punished in the Tunne vpon Cornehill forced to forsweane this Citie.; A Priest punished for lecherie.
Also that in the yeare 1383. the seuenth of Richard the 2. the Citizens of London, taking vpon them the rights that belonged to their Bishops, first imprisoned such women as were taken in fornication or aduouterie, in the saide Tunne, and after bringing them forth to the sight of the worlde, they caused their heads to be shauen, after the maner of theeves, whom they named appellators, and so to be led about the Citie in sight of all the inhabitants, with Trumpets and pipes sounding before them, that their persons might be the more largely knowne, neither did they spare such kinde of men a whit the more, but vsed them as hardly, saying, they abhorred not only the negligence of their Prelates, but also detested their auarice, that studying for mony, omitted the punishment limitted by law, and permitted those that were found guiltie, to liue fauourably in their sinne (fn. 1). Wherefore they would themselues, they sayd, purge their Citie from such filthinesse, least through God's vengeance, either the pestilence or sworde should happen to them, or that (fn. 2) the earth should swallow them. Last of all to be noted, I reade in the charge of the Wardmote inquest in euerie warde of this Citie, these wordes. If there be any priest in seruice within the warde, which before time hath beene set in the Tunne in Cornehill for his dishonestie, and hath forsworne the Citie, all such shall be presented. Thus much for the Tunne in Cornehill haue I read. Now for the punishment of Priests in my youth, one note and no more. Iohn Atwod Draper, dwelling in the parish of Saint Michaell vpon Cornehill, directly against the Church, hauing a proper woman to this wife, such a one as seemed the holyest amongst a thousand, had also a lustie Chauntrie priest, of the sayed parish Church, repayring to his house, with the which Priest, the said Atwod would sometimes after supper play a game at Tables for a pint of Ale: it chanced on a time, hauing haste of worke, and his game prouing long, hee left his wife to play it out, and went downe to his shop, but returning to fetch a Pressing iron he found such play to his misliking, that he forced the Priest to leape out at a window, ouer the Penthouse into the streete, and so to run to his lodging in the Churchyard. Atwod and his wife were soone reconciled, so that he would not suffer her to be called in question, but the Priest being apprehended, and committed, I saw his punishment to be thus: he was on three Market dayes conueyed through the high streete and Markets of the Citie with a Paper on his head, wherein was written his trespasse: The first day hee rode in a Carry, the second on a horse, his face to the horse taile, the third, led betwixt twaine, and euery day rung with Basons, and proclamations made of his fact at euery turning of the streets, and also before Iohn Atwods stall, and the Church doore of his Seruice, where he lost his Chauntrie of 20. nobles the yeare, and was banished the Citie for euer.
A faire well in Cornhill. The tun vpon Cornhill made a Conduit of sweet water. Cage, stocks & pillorie in Cornhill. Bakes, millers, bawds, scolds, and common iuors for rewards, punished on the pillorie.; Ringleaders of inquests, will proffer their seruice, and bend euery way for gain. Careful choice of Iurors is to be had, a man detected, and that had sworn foolishly against his brother, is not to be admitted a common Iuror, neither butcher, nor surgeon, is to be admitted.
By the west side of the foresayd prison then called the Tunne, was a faire Well of spring water, curbed round with hard stone: but in the yeare 1401. the said prison house called the Tunne, was made a Cesterne for sweet water, conueyed by pipes of lead from Tiborne, and was from thenceforth called the Conduit vpon Cornhill. Then was the well planked ouer, and a strong prison made of Timber called a Cage, with a paire of stockes therein set vpon it, and this was for night walkers. On the top of which Cage was placed a Pillorie, for the punishment of Bakers offending in the assise of bread, for Millers stealing of corne at the Mill, for bawdes, scoulds, and other offenders. As in the yeare 1468, the 7. of Ed. the 4. diuerse persons being common Iurors, such as at assises were forsworne for rewards, or fauour of parties, were iudged to ride from Newgate to the pillorie in Cornehill, with Miters of paper on their heads, there to stand, and from thence again to Newgate, and this iudgement was giuen by the Maior of London. In the yeare 1509. the first of Henrie the 8. Darby, Smith, and Simson, ringleaders of false inquests in London, rode about the Citie with their faces to the horse tailes, and papers on their heads, & were set on the pillorie, in Cornhill, and after brought againe to Newgate, where they died for very shame, saith Robert Fabian. A ring leader of inquests, as I take it, is he that making a gainefull occupation thereof, will appeare on Nisi Prius's (fn. 3) or he be warned, or procure himselfe to be warned, to come on by a talles. He will also procure himselfe to be foreman, when he can, and take vpon him to ouerrule the rest to his opinion, such a one shall be laboured by plaintiues and defendants, not without promise of rewards, and therefore to be suspected of a bad conscience. I would wish a more carefull choyse of Iurors to be had, for I haue knowne a man carted, rung with basons, and banished out of Bishopsgate ward, and afterward in Aldgate ward admitted to be Constable, a grand Iuryman, and foreman of their Wardmote inquest, what I know of the like, or worse men, preferred (fn. 4) to the like offices, I forbeare to write, but wish to be reformed.
Conduit vpon Cornhil inlarged.
The foresaid Conduit vpon Cornhill was in the yeare 1475. inlarged by Robert Drope, Draper, Maior, that then dwelt in that warde, he increased the Cesterne of this conduit with an East end of stone, and castellated it in comely maner.
In the yeare 1546. sir Martin Bowes Maior, dwelling in Lombarde streete, and hauing his backe gate opening into Cornehill against the said conduit, minded to haue enlarged the cesterne therof with a west end, like as Robert Drope before had done toward the East: view and measure of the plot was taken for this worke, but the pillorie & cage being remoued, they found the ground planked, and the well aforesaid worne out of memorie, which well they reuiued and restored to vse, it is since made a pumpe, they set the Pillorie somewhat West from the Well, and so this worke ceased.
The weyhouse or kings beam vpon Cornhill.; Sir Thomas Louel his gift to the Grocers.
On the North side of this streete, from the East vnto the West haue ye diuerse faire houses for marchants and other, amongst the which one large house is called the Wey house, where marchandizes brought from beyond the Seas, are to be weighed at the kings beame. This house hath a maister, and vnder him foure maister Porters, with Porters vnder them: they haue a strong cart, and foure great horses, to draw and carrie the wares from the Marchants houses to the Beame, and backe againe: Sir Thomas Louell knight builded this house, with a faire front of Tenements towards the streete, all which hee gaue to the Grocers of London, himselfe being free of the Citie, and a brother of that companie.
Then haue ye the said Finkes lane, the south end of which lane on both sides is in Cornehill warde.
The Burse vpon Cornehill, or the Royall Exchange. Swan Alley. New Alley. S. christophers Alley, Householders displaced for building of the Bursse. The Citic charged with buildings of the Bursse.
Then next is the Royall Exchange, erected in the yeare 1566. after this order, vz. certaine houses vpon Cornehill, and the like vpon the backe thereof, in the warde of Brodestreete, with three Allies, the first called Swan Allie, opening into Cornehill, and second new Alley, passing throughout of Cornehill into Brodestreete warde, ouer against Saint Bartholomew lane, the third Saint Christophers Alley, opening into Brodestreete warde, and into Saint Christophers parish, containing in all fourscore housholds: were first purchased by the Citizens of London, for more then 3532. pound, and were solde for 478. pound, to such persons as should take them downe and carrie them thence, also the ground or plot was made plaine at the charges of the Citie, and then possession thereof was by certaine Aldermen, in name of the whole Citizens, giuen to sir Thomas Gresham knight, Agent to the Queenes High nesse, therevpon to build a Bursse, or place for marchants to assemble in, at his owne proper charges: and hee on the seuenth of Iune laying the first stone of the foundation, being Bricke, accompanied with some Aldermen, euery of them laid a piece of Golde, which the workemen tooke vp, and forthwith followed vpon the same with such diligence, that by the moneth of Nouember, in the yeare 1567, the same was couered with slate, and shortly after fully finished.
Queene Elizabeth came to the Bursse.
In the yeare 1570. on the 23. of Ianuarie, the Queenes Maiestie, attended with her Nobilitie, came from her house at the Strand called Sommerset house, and entered the citie by Temple Barre, through Fleetstreete, Cheape, and so by the North side of the Bursse through threeneedle streete, to sir Thomas Greshams in Bishopsgate streete, where she dined. After dinner, her Maiestie returning through Cornehill, entered the Bursse on the southside, and after that she had viewed euery part therof aboue the ground, especially the Pawne, which was richly furnished with all sorts of the finest wares in the Citie: shee caused the same Bursse by an Herauld and a Trumpet, to be proclamed the Royal Exchange, and so to be called from thenceforth, and not otherwise.
The Bursse called the Royall Exchange.; The cause of stone houses builded in London.
Next adioyning to this Royall Exchange remaineth one part of a large stone house, and is now called the Castell of such a signe, at a Tauerne doore there is a passage through out of Cornehill into Three needle streete, the other part of the said stone house was taken downe for enlarging the Royall exchange: this stone house was said of some to haue beene a Church, whereof it had no proportion, of others, a Iewes house, as though none but Iewes had dwelt in stone houses, but that opinion is without warrant: for besides the strong building of stone houses against the inuasion of Theeues in the night when no watches were kept, in the first yeare of Richard the first, to preuent the casualties of fire, which often had happened in the Citie, when the houses were builded of Timber, and couered with Reed, or Straw, Henry FitsAlewine being Maior, it was decreed that from hencefoorth no man should build within the Citie but of stone, vntill a certaine height, and to couer the same building with slate, or burnt tile, and this was the verie cause of such stone buildings, whereof many haue remained till our time, that for winning of ground they haue bin taken down and in place of some one of them being low, as but two stories aboue the ground, many houses of foure or fiue stories high are placed.
From this stone house down to the Stockes, are diuers large houses especially for height, for marchants and Artificers.
Parish church of S.Peter vpon Cornhil.; Archbishops of London hard to bee proued, and therefore not to be affirmed.
On the south side of this high streete is the Parish church of S. Peter vpon Cornehill, which seemeth to be of an ancient building, but not so ancient as fame reporteth, for it hath been lately repayred, if not all new builded, except the steeple, which is ancient: the roofe of this Church, and glasing was finished in the raigne of E. the fourth, as appeareth by armes of Noble men, and Aldermen of London then liuing: there remayneth in this Church a table wherein it is written, I know not by what authority, but of a late hand, that king Lucius founded the same church to be an Archbishops sea Metropolitane, & chief church of his kingdom, & that it so endured the space of 400. years, vnto the coming of Augustin the Monk.
Library of S. Peters upon Cornhill, now a Grammar Schoole.
Ioceline of Furneis writeth that Thean the first Archbishoppe of London in the raigne of Lucius, builded the said Church by the aide of Ciran chiefe Butler to king Lucius, and also that Eluanus the second Archbishop builded a Library to the same adioyning, and conuerted many of the Druides, learned men in the Pagan law, to Christianity. True it is that a Library there was pertaining to this Parrish Church, of olde time builded of stone, and of late repayred with bricke by the executors of Sir Iohn Crosby Alderman, as his Armes on the south end doth witnes.
Iohn Leyland.; Grammar schooles commaunded by parliament.
This Library hath beene of late time, to wit, within these fifty yeares well furnished of Bookes: Iohn Leyland viewed and commended them, but now those bookes be gone, and the place is occupied by a Schoolemaister, and his Usher, ouer a number of schollers learning their Grammar rules, &c. Notwithstanding before that time, a Grammer schoole had beene kept in this Parrish as appeareth in the yeare 1425. I read that Iohn Whitby was rector & Iohn Stewared schoolmaister there: and in the 25. of H. the 6. it was enacted by Parliament, that foure Grammar schooles in London, should bee maintained, vz. In the parrishes of Allhallowes in Thames streete. Saint Andrew in Oldbourne. S. Peters vpon Cornehill. and Saint Thomas of Acars.
This was accounted the best rint of 6. Belles to bee rung by 6. men that was in England, for harmonye, sweetnes of sound & tune.; Lightnings and thunder with vgly shapes seen in Saint Michaels steeple. The print of clawes to bee seene in hard stone.; Pulpit Crosse in Powles church yearde ouer turned.
Monumentes of the dead in this Church defaced. I reade that Hugh Waltham, Nicholas Pricot, Mercer, Alderman, Richard Manhall, 1503. William Kingston, Fishmonger, gaue his tenements called the Horse mill in Grasse street to this church, and was there buried about the yeare 1298. Iohn Vnisbrugh, Poultar, 1410, Iohn Lawe. Also Peter Mason Taylor, gaue to this Church seauen pound starling yearely for euer, out of his Tenementes in Colechurch parrish, and deceased about the yeare 1416. Iohn Foxton founded a Chauntrie there. A Brotherhoode of Saint Peter was in this Church established by Henry the fourth, the fourth of his raigne. William Brampton and William Askham, Fishmongers and Aldermen, were chiefe procurers thereof for the Fishmongers. Of late buried there Sir William Bowier Mayor 1543. Sir. Henry Huberthorn Mayor, 1546. Sir Christopher Morice Maister Gunner of England to king Henry the eight, Edward Elrington Esquier, chief Butler to E. the 6. Thomas Gardener Grocer,& Iustice Smith and other. Then haue ye the parish Church of S. Michaell Tharchangel, for the antiquity wherof I find that Alnothus the Priest gaue it to the Abbot and Couent of Eouesham, (fn. 5) Reynold Abbot, & the Couent there did grant the same to Sparling the Priest in all measures as he and his Predecessors before had held it, to the which Sperling also they graunted all their landes which they there had, except certaine landes which Orgar le Prowde held of them, and payde two shillinges yearely, for the which graunt, the sayde Sperling should yearely pay one Marke of rent to the sayde Abbot of Eouesham, and finde him and his lodging salt, water, and fier, when hee came to London, this was graunted 1133. about the 34. of Henry the first. Thus much for antiquity, of later time I find that Elizabeth Peake, widdow, gaue the patronage or gift of this benefice to the Drapers in London, shee lyeth buried in the Belfrey, 1518. her monument yet remayneth. This hath beene a fayre and bewtifull Church, but of late yeares since the surrender of their landes to Edward the sixt, greatly blemished by the building of fower Tenementes on the North side thereof towardes the highstreete, in place of a greene Churchyeard, whereby the Church is darkened and other wayes annoyed. The fayre new steeple or Bell Tower of this Church was begunne to bee builded in the yeare 1421. which being finished, and a fayre ring of fiue Belles therein placed, a sixt Bell was added and giuen by Iohn Whitwell, Isabell his wife, and William Rus Alderman and Goldsmith, about the yeare 1430. which Bell named Rus, nightly at eight of the Clocke, and otherwise for Knelles, and in Peales, rung by one man, for the space of 160. yeares, of late ouerhayled by foure or fiue at once, hath beene thrice broken, and new cast within the space of ten yeares, to the charges of that Parrish, more then 100. Markes. And here a Note of this Steeple, as I haue oft heard my Father report, vpon S. Iames night, certaine men in the lofte next vnder the Belles, ringing of a Peale, a Tempest of lightning and Thunder did arise, an vglie shapen sight appeared to them, comming in at the south window, and lighted on the North, for feare whereof, they all fell downe, and lay as dead for the time, letting the Belles ring and cease of their owne accord: when the ringers came to themselues, they founde certaine stones of the North Window to bee raysed and scrat, as if they had been so much butter, printed with a Lyons clawe, the same stones were fastened there againe, and so remayne till this day. I haue seene them oft, and haue put a feather or small sticke into the holes, where the Clawes had entered three or foure inches deepe. At the same time certaine maine timber postes at Queene Hith were scrat and cleft from the toppe to the bottome, and the Pulpit Crosse in Powles Churchyearde was likewise scrat, cleft, and ouer turned, one of the Ringers liued in my youth, whom I haue oft heard to verifie the same to bee true: but to returne, William Rus was a speciall Benefactor to this Church, his Armes yet remayne in the Windowes. William Comerton, Symon Smith, Walter Belengham were buried there, and founded Chaunteries there, Iohn Grace 1439. Robert Drope Mayor, buried on the North side the Quier vnder a fayre Tombe of Grey Marble, 1485. hee gaue to poore maides marriages of that parrish twenty pound, to poore of that Warde ten pound, shirtes and smockes 300. and gownes of broade cloath 100.&c. Iane his wife, matching with Edward Gray, Vicecount Lisle, was buried by her first husband 1500. she gaue ninetie pound in money to the beautifying of that Church, and her great messuage with the appurtenance, which was by her Executors W. Caple and other 1517. the ninth of Henry the eight, assured to Iohn Wardroper, Parson, T. Clearke, W. Dixson, and Iohn Murdon Wardens of the saide Church, and theyr successors for euer, they to keepe yearely for her an obite, or aniuersary, to bee spent on the poore, and otherwise, in all three pound, the rest of the profites to bee employed in reparation of the church. In the 34. yeare of Henry the eight Edward Stephan Parson, T. Spencer, p. Guntar and G. Crouch, (fn. 6) Churchwardens, graunted to T. Lodge, a lease for 60 yeares of the saide great messuage, with the appurtenance, which were called the Ladie Lisles landes, for the rent of eight pound, thirteene shillinges, foure pence the yeare, the Parishioners since gaue it vppe as Chauntery land, and wronged themselues, also the saide Robert Drope and Lady Lisle (notwithstanding their liberality to that Church and Parrish) their Tombe is pulled downe, no monument remayneth of them. Peter Hawton late Alderman is laid in their vaulte, 1596. Robert Fabian Alderman that wrote and published a Cronicle of England, & of France, was buried there, 1511. with this Epitaph.
Like as the day his course doth consume,
And the new morrow springeth againe as fast,
So man and woman by natures custome,
This life to passe, at last in earth are cast,
In ioy, and sorrow which here their time do wast,
Neuer in one state, but in course Transitory,
So full of change, is of this world the glory.
John Tolus his gift to the Church not performed but concealed.
His monument is gone: Richard Garnam, 1527. buried there, Edmond Trindle, & Robert Smith, William Dickson and Margaret his wife, buryed in the Cloyster vnder a fayre Tombe now defaced, Thomas Stow my Grandfather, about the yeare 1526. and Thomas Stow my father, 1559. Iohn Tolus Alderman 1548. he gaue to Iohn Willowby Parson of that Church, to Thomas Lodge, G. Hind, P. Bolde, churchwardens, and to their successors towardes the reparation of that Church, and reliefe of the poore for euer, his tenement with the appurtenances in the parish of Saint Michael, which hee had lately purchased of Aluery Randalph of Badlesmeere in Kent: but the Parish neuer had the gift, nor heard thereof by the space of 40. yeares after, such was the conscience of G. Barne, and other the executors to conceale it to themselues, and such is the negligence of the Parishioners that (being informed thereof) make no claime therunto. Philip Gonter that was Alderman for a time, and gaue foure hundred pound to be discharged thereof, was buried in the cloyster, about the yeare 1582. and Anne his wife, &c. Thomas Houghton father to the said Peter Houghton, Francis Beneson, and William Towerson.
Pulpit crosse in S. Michael churchyard.; Math. c. s.
This parish church hath on the southside thereof a proper cloister, and a fayre Church yard, with a Pulpit crosse, not much vnlike to that in Paules churchyard. Sir Iohn Rud-Stone, Maior, caused the same Pulpit crosse, in his life time to bee builded, the Church yarde to bee inlarged by ground purchased of the next parish, and also proper houses to be raysed, for lodging of Quire men, such as at that time were assistants to diuine seruice, then dayly sung by noate, in that church. The said Iohn Rudstone deceased, 1531. and was buried in a vault vnder the Pulpit crosse: hee appoynted Sermons to be preached there, not now performed: his Tombe before the pulpit crosse is taken thence, with the Tombe of Richard Yaxley Doctor of Phisicke to king Henrie the eight, and other. The Quire of that Church dissolued, the lodgings of Quire-men were by the graue fathers of that time charitably appoynted for receipt of auncient decayed parishioners, namely widowes, such as were not able to beare the charge of greater rents abroade, which blessed worke of harbouring the harbourlesse, is promised to be rewarded in the kingdome of heauen.
Birchovers lane.
Then haue ye Burcheouer lane, so called of Birchouer, the first builder and owner thereof, now corruptly called Birchin lane, the North halfe whereof is of the said Cornehill warde, the other part is of Langborne warde.
Vpholders sellers of olde stuffe in Cornehill.
This lane, and the high streete neare adioyning, hath beene inhabited for the most part with wealthie Drapers, from Birchouers lane on that side the streete downe to the Stockes: in the raigne of Henrie the sixt, had yee for the most part dwelling Fripperers or Vpholders, that solde olde apparell and housholde stuffe.
Popes heade Tauerne in Cornehill. Wine one pint for a pennie, & bread giuen free.
I haue read of a Countrey man, that then hauing lost his hood in Westminster hall, found the same in Cornehill hanged out to be solde, which he chalenged, but was forced to buy, or goe without it, for their stall (they said) was their Market. At that time also the Wine drawer of the Popes head Tauerne (standing without the doore in the high streete) tooke the same man by the sleeue, and said, sir will you drinke a pinte of wine, whereunto hee aunswered, a pennie spend I may, and so drunke his pinte, for bread nothing did he pay, for that was allowed free.
The kings house in Cornehill.
This Popes head Tauerne, with other houses adioyning, strongly builded of stone, hath of olde time beene all in one, pertaining to some great estate, or rather to the king of this Realme, as may be supposed both by the largenesse thereof, and by the armes, to wit, three Leopards passant, gardant, which was the whole armes of England before the raigne of Edward the thirde, that quartered them with the Armes of Fraunce, three Flower de Luces.
Arms of England supported by Angels.; Hubert de Burgho Earle of Kent sent to Cornehill.; The Cardinals Hat Tauerne.
These Armes of England supported betweene two Angels, are faire and largely grauen in stone on the fore front towardes the high street, ouer the doore or stall of one great house, lately for many years possessed by M. Philip Gunter. The Popes heade Tauerne is on the backe part thereof towards the south, as also one other house called the stone house in Lombard streete. Some say this was king Iohns house, which might be so, for I finde in a written copie of Mathew Paris his historie, that in the yere 1232. Henrie the third sent Hubert de Burgho Earle of Kent, to Cornehill in London, there to answere all matters obiected against him, where he wisely acquited himselfe. The Popes head Tauern hath a foote way through, from Cornehill into Lombard streete. And downe lower on the high streete of Cornehill, is there one other way through by the Cardinals Hat Tauerne, into Lombard street. And so let this suffice for Cornehill warde. In which be Gouernors, an Alderman, his Deputie, common Counsellors foure, or sixe, Constables foure, Scauengers foure, Wardmote inquest sixteene, and a Beedle: it is charged to the fifteene at sixteene pound.