A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Originally published by Clarendon, Oxford, 1908.
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John Stow, 'Broadstreete warde', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603, ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp175-186 [accessed 6 March 2025].
John Stow, 'Broadstreete warde', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Edited by C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp175-186.
John Stow. "Broadstreete warde". A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp175-186.
Brodestreete Warde
Brodestreete Warde.; Three Needle streete.; Parish church of Alhallowes in the wall.; Carpenters hall.
The next is Brodestreete warde, which beginneth within Bishopsgate, from the water conduit westward on both the sides of the streete, by Alhallowes church to an Iron grate on the channell which runneth into the water course of Walbrooke before ye come to the Posterne called Mooregate: and this is the farthest west part of that ward. Then haue ye Brodestreete, whereof the ward taketh name, which strecheth out of the former street, from the East corner of Alhallowes churchyard, somewhat South to the parish Church of saint Peter the Poore on both sides, and then by the southgate of the Augustine Friers west, downe Throkmorton streete by the Drapers hall into Lothburie, to another grate of Iron ouer the channell there, whereby the water runneth into the course of Walbrooke, vnder the East end of saint Margarets Church, certaine posts of timber are there set vp: and this is also the farthest west part of this ward, in the said street. Out of the which streete runneth vp Bartholomew lane south to the north side of the Exchange, then more East out of the former street from ouer against the Friers Augustines church south gate, runneth vp another part of Brodestreete, south to a Pumpe ouer against Saint Bennets church. Then haue ye one other streete called Three needle streete, beginning at the Well with two buckets, by saint Martins Otoswich Church wall. This streete runneth downe on both sides to Finkes lane, and halfe way vp that lane, to a gate of a Marchants house on the West side, but not so farre on the East, then the foresaid streete, from this Finkes lane runneth downe by the Royall Exchange to the Stockes, and to a place formerly called Scalding house, or Scalding wicke, but now Scalding Alley, by the west side whereof vnder the parish church of saint Mildred runneth the course of Walbrooke: and these bee the bounds of this warde. Speciall monuments therein are these. First the parish church of Alhallowes in the wall, so called of standing close to the wal of the Citie, in which haue beene buried Thomas Durrem Esquire, and Margaret his wife, Robert Beele Esquire 1601. On the other side of that streete, amongest many proper houses possessed for the most part by Curriers is the Carpenters hall, which companie was incorporated in the 17. yeare of king Edward the fourth.
Curryers rowe.; Lane stopped vp.; Footeway stopped vp.; Sir William Powlet, L. Treasurer, his house. Brodestreet.
Then East from the Curriers row, is a long and high wall of stone, inclosing the north side of a large Garden adioyning to as large an house, builded in the raigne of king Henrie the eight, and of Edward the sixt, by sir William Powlet, Lord Treasurer of England: through this Garden, which of olde time consisted of diuerse parts, now vnited, was sometimes a faire foote way, leading by the west end of the Augustine Friers church straight North, and opened somewhat West from Alhallowes Church against London wall towardes Moregate, which footeway had gates at either end locked vp euery night, but now the same way being taken into those Gardens, the gates are closed vp with stone, wherby the people are forced to go about by saint Peters church, and the East and of the said Friers Church, and all the saide great place and Garden of sir William Powlet to London wall, and so to Moregate.
This great house adioyning to the Garden aforesaid, stretcheth to the North corner of Brodestreete, and then turneth vp Brodestreete all that side to and beyond the East end of the saide Friers church. It was builded by the said Lord Treasurer in place of Augustine Friers house, cloyster, and gardens, &c. The Friers Church he pulled not downe, but the West end thereof inclosed from the steeple, and Quier, was in the yeare 1550. graunted to the Dutch Nation in London, to be their preaching place: the other part, namely Sir Thomas Greshams almes houses the steeple, Quier and side Isles to the Quier adioyning, he reserued to housholde vses, as for stowage of corne, coale, and other things, his sonne and heyre Marques of Winchester sold the Monuments of noble men there buried in great number, the pauing stone, and whatsoeuer (which cost many thousands) for one hundred pound, and in place thereof made fayre stabling for horses. He caused the Leade to be taken from the roofes, and laid tile in place, which exchange prooued not so profitable as he looked for, but rather to his disaduauntage.
Sir Thomas Greshams almes houses.
On the East side of this Brodestreete amongst other buildings, on the backe part of Gresham house, which is in Bishops gate streete, be placed eight proper almes houses, builded of Bricke and timber by sir Thomas Gresham knight, for eight Almes men, which be now there placed rent free, and receiue each of them by his gift sixe pounde, thirteene shillinges foure pence yearely for euer.
Parish church of S. Peters the poore.
Next vnto Pawlet house is the Parish Church of saint Peter the Poore, so called for a difference from other of that name, sometime peraduenture a poore Parish, but at this present there be many fayre houses, possessed by rich marchants and other. Buried in this Church, Richard Fitzwilliams Marchant Tayler, 1520. sir William Roch Maior, 1540. Martin Calthrope Maior, 1588.
Frier Augustines Church part whereof is the Dutch church.
Then next haue ye the Augustin Friers Church, and Church yard, the entring there vnto, by a southgate, to the west Porch, a large Church, hauing a most fine spired steeple, small, high, and streight, I haue not seene the like: founded by Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex, in the yeare 1253. Reginald Cobham gaue his messuage in London to the enlarging thereof, in the yeare 1344. Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex, reedified this Church in the yeare 1354. whose bodie was there buried in the Quier. The small spired steeple of this Church was ouerthrowne by tempest of wind, in the yeare 1362. but was raised of new as now it standeth to the beautifying of the Citie. This house was valued at 57. pound, and was surrendred the 12. of Nouember the thirtieth of Henry the eight.
There lye buried in this Fryers church, amongst others, Edmond first sonne to Ioan, mother to king Richard the seconde, Guy de Mericke Earle of S. Paule, Lucie Countes of Kent, and one of the Heyres of Barnabie Lorde of Millaine, with an Epitaph, Dame Ide wife to Sir Thomas West, Dame Margaret West, Stephen Lindericle Esquier, Sir Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex, Lord of Brekenake, Richard the great Earle of Arundell, Surrey and Warren, beheaded, 1397. Sir Edward Arundell, and Dame Elizabeth his wife, Sir Frauncis Atcourt, Earle of Pembrooke, which married Alice sister to the Earle of Oxeford: Dame Lucie Knowles of Kent, Sir Peter Garinsers of France, the Lord Iohn Vere Earle of Oxeford, beheaded on the Tower Hill, 1463. Aubry de Vere sonne and heire to the Earle of Oxeford, Sir Thomas Tudnam Knight, William Bourser, Lord Fitz Warren, Sir Thomas de la Lande Knight, Dame Ioan Noris the Ladie of Bedforde, Anne daughter to Iohn Vicount Welles, Walter Neuell Esquier, Sir Iohn Manners Knight, the wife of Sir Dauid Cradocke, Knight, the mother to the Lord Spencers wife, Sir Bartlemew Rodlegate, Iohn sonne to Sir Iohn Wingfield, Sir Walter Mewes, Robert Newenton Esquier, Philip Spencer sonne to Sir Hugh Spencer, Dame Isabell daughter to Sir Hugh. The Lorde Barons slaine at Barnet field, buried there, 1471. In the body of the church, Dame Iulian wife to Sir Richard Lacie, Sir Thomas Courtney sonne to the Earle of Deuonshire, and by him his sister, wedded to Cheuerstone, the Daughter of the Lorde Beamont, two sonnes of Sir Thomas Morley to wit William and Raph, Sir William Talmage Knight, Nicholas Blondell Esquier, Sir Richard Chamberlaine, Iohn Halton Gentleman, Sir Iohn Gifford Knight, Thomas Manningham Esquier, Sir William Kenude Knight, Sir William sonne to Sir Thomas Terill, Iohn Surell Gentleman. In the East Wing Margaret Barentin Gentlewoman, Iohn Spicer Esquier, and Letis his wife, Iohn le Percers Esquier, Roger Chibary Esquier, Peter Morens Esquier, Thomas sonne to Sir William Beckland, Ianes Cuthing Esquier, Iohn Chornet Esquier, William Kenley Esquier, Margery wife to Thomas Band and daughter to Iohn Huch, the Lorde William Marques of Barkeley and Earle of Nottingham, and Dame Icane his wife. In the West Wing Sir Iohn Tirrill, and Dame Katherine his wife, Sir Walter of Powle Knight, Sir Iohn Blanckwell and his wife, Dame Iane Sayne, daughter to Sir Iohn Lee, Sir Iohn Dawbeny, sonne and heyre to Sir Giles Dawbeny, William sonne to Sir Roger Scroope, Dame Ioan Dawbeny wife to Sir William Dawbeny, Thomas Charles Esquier, sir Iohn Dawbeny knight, and his sonne Robert, sir Iames Bell Knight, sir Oliuer Manny Knight, Henrie Deskie Esquier, sir Diones Mordaske, sir Bernard Rolingcort, sir Peter Kayor, sir William Tirell, sir William his brother knightes, William Collingborne Esquier beheaded, 1484. sir Roger Clifford knight, sir Thomas Coke Mayor in the yeare 1462. William Edward Mayor 1471. sir Iames Tirell, sir Iohn Windany knights, beheaded 1502. sir Iohn Dawtrie knight, 1519. Dame Margaret Rede, 1510. Edward Duke of Buckingham, beheaded 1521. Gwiskard Earle of Huntington.
Throgmorton streete.; T. Cromwell his house.
On the south side and at the West end of this Church, many fayre houses are builded, namely in Throgmorton streete, one very large and spacious, builded in the place of olde and small Tenementes by Thomas Cromwell Maister of the Kinges Iewell house, after that Maister of the Rols, then Lord Cromwell knight, Lord Priuie seale, Vicker Generall, Earle of Essex, high Chamberlaine of England, &c. This house being finished, and hauing some reasonable plot of ground left for a Garden, hee caused the pales of the Gardens adioyning to the northe parte thereof on a sodaine to bee taken downe, 22. foot to bee measured forth right into the north of euery mans ground, a line there to bee drawne, a trench to be cast, a foundation laid, and a high bricke Wall to bee builded. My Father had a Garden there, and an house standing close to his south pale, this house they lowsed from the ground, & bare vpon Rowlers into my Fathers Garden 22. foot, ere my Father heard thereof, no warning was giuen him, nor other answere, when hee spake to the surueyers of that worke, but that their Mayster sir Thomas commaunded them so to doe, no man durst go to argue the matter, but each man lost his land, and my Father payde his whole rent, which was vi.s. viii.d. the yeare, for that halfe which was left. Thus much of mine owne knowledge haue I thought good to note, that the suddaine rising of some men, causeth them to forget themselues.
The Drapers Hall.; The Drapers armes.; Lethbury, or Lothbury. Bartholomew lane.; Abbot of S. Albons his Innes. S. Anthonies schoole.; Three needle streete.; S. Martins Oteswich a parish church.; Taylers and linnen armorers their alms houses in Brodestreete warde: looke more in Portsoken ward.
The Company of the Drapers in London bought this house, and now the same is their common Hall, this Company obtayned of king Henry the sixt, in the seauenteenth of his raigne to bee incorporate, Iohn Gidney was chosen to bee their first Maister, and the foure Wardens were, I. Wotton, I. Darbie, Robert Breton, and T. Cooke. The Armes graunted to the said Company by sir William Bridges Knight, first Gartier king at Armes in Blason are thus: Three sunne Beames issuing out of three clowdes of flame, crowned with there Crownes imperials of gold, upon a shield axure. From this hall on the same side down to the grates and course of Walbrook have ye diuers faire houses for marchantes and other, from the which grates backe againe on the other side is Lethbury (fn. 1) so called in Record of Edward the third, the 38. yeare, and now corruptly called Lothbury, are candlesticke founders placed, till yee come to Bartholomew lane, so called of S. Bartholomewes church, at the southeast corner thereof. In this lane also are diuers faire builded houses on both sides, and so likewise haue ye in the other street, which stretcheth from the Fryers Augustins south gate, to the corner ouer against S. Bennets Church. In this street amongst other fayre buildings the most ancient was of old time an house pertayning to the Abbot of S. Albons, Iohn Catcher Alderman now dwelleth there: then is the free schoole pertaying to the late dissolued Hospitall of saint Anthony, whereof more shall bee shewed in an other place, and so vppe to Three Needle streete. On the south parte of which streete, beginning at the East, by the Well with two Buckets, now turned to a Pumpe, is the Parrish Church of saint Martin called Oteswich, of Martin de Oteswich, Nicholas de Oteswich, William Oteswich, & Iohn Oteswich founders thereof. There bee monumentes in this Church, of William Constantine Alderman, and Emme his wife, Katherine wife to Benedick Augustine, Sir William Drifield knight, Iohn Oteswich and his wife vnder a fayre monument on the south side, Iohn Churchman one of the Shiriffes, in the yeare 1385. Richarde Naylor Taylor, Alderman, 1483. Iames Falleron, Iohn Melchborne, Thomas Hey and Ellen his wife, William Clitherow & Margaret his wife, oliuer and William sons to Iohn Woodroffe esquier, Hugh Pemberton Taylor, Alderman, 1500. & Katherine his wife, Mathew Pemberton Marchant Taylor about 1514. he gaue 50. pound to the repaying of S. Lawrence Chappel. The aforesaid Iohn Churchman for William and Iohn Oteswich by licence of Henry the fourth, the 6. of his raigne gaue the aduowson or Patronage of this church, foure messuages, & 17. shops with the appurtenances in the parrish of S. Martins Oteswich, &c. to the Maister and Wardens of Taylors and linnen armorers, keepers of the Guild and fraternity of S. Iohn Baptist in London, and to their successors in perpetuall almes, to bee employed on the poore Brethren and sisters, whereupon adioyning vnto the West end of this parish church, the said maister & wardens builded about a proper quadrant or squared court, seauen almeshouses, wherein they placed seauen almes men of that company, and their wiues (if they had wiues) each of these 7. of old time had xiiii.d. the weeke, but now of later time their stipend by the said maister and Wardens hath beene augmented to the summe of xxvi.s. the quarter, which is v. pound iiii.s. the yeare to each of them, besides coales: more, to each of them xx.s. the yeare by gift of Walter Fish sometime mayster of that Company and Taylor to her Maiestie.
Taylers and linnen armorers hall. Antiquitie of the Taylers feast by authoritie. A pilgrim to trauaile for the Taylers now called master purueyers of alms now called Wardens.; Taylers purchase theirhal.
Some small distance from thence is the Merchant Taylors hal pertayning to the Guilde and fraternity of S. Iohn Baptist, time out of mind called of Taylors and linnen armourers of London, for I find that King Edward the first in the 28 of his raigne confirmed this Guild by the name of Taylors and linnen armourers, and also gaue to the brethren thereof authority euery yeare at midsommer to hold a feast, and to choose vnto them a gouernour, or Mayster with wardens: whereupon the same yeare 1300. on the feast day, of the natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptist, they chose Henry de Ryall to be their pilgrim, for the maister of this misterie (as one that trauelled for the whole companie) was then so called vntil the II. of Richard the second: and the foure wardens were then called Purueyors of almes, (now called quarterage) of the said fraternitie. This Marchant Taylers hall sometime pertaining Taylers purchase their hal. to a worshipful gentleman named Edmond Crepin, Dominus Creping after some Record, he in the yere of Christ 1331 the sixt of Edward the third, for a certaine summe of money to him paid, made his grant thereof by the name of his principall messuage in the wardes of Cornehill and Brodestreete, which sir Oliuer Ingham knight did then hold, to Iohn of Yakley the kinges Pauilion maker. This was called the new hal, or Taylers Inne, for a difference from their olde hall, which was aboute the backe side of the red Lion in Basing lane, and in the ward of Cordwayner streete.
Taylers hall.; The marchant taylers armes.;Taylers & linnen armorers incorporate marchant Taylers.
The 21. of Edward the fourth, Thomas Holme, alias Claren ciaulx king of Armes for the south part of England, granted by his patternts to the said fraternitie and guild of Saint Iohn baptist, of Taylers and linnen Armourers, to beare in a field siluer, a Pauilion betweene two mantels imperial, purple, garnished with gold, in a chiefe Azure an holy Lambe, set within a sunne, the creast vpon the helme, a pauilion purple garnished with gold, &c. After this king Henrie the seuenth, being himselfe a brother of this fraternitie, or Guild of Saint Iohn Baptist, of Taylers and linnen Armourers (as diuerse other his predecessors kinges before him had beene, to wit, Richard the thirde, Edward the fourth, Henrie the sixt, Henrie the fist, Henrie the fourth, and Richard the second). And for that diuerse of that fraternitie had time out of minde beene great marchants, and had frequented all sortes of marchandises into most partes of the worlde, to the honour of the kinges realme, and to the great profite of his subiects, & of his progenitors, and the men of the said misterie during the time aforesaid, had exercised the buying and selling of all wares and marchandises, especially of woollen cloth, as well in grosse, as by retaile, throughout all this realme of England, and chiefly within the said Citie, therefore he of his especiall grace did change, transferre, and translate the Guilde aforesaide, and did incorporate them into the name of the master and Wardens of the Marchant Taylers of the fraternitie of Saint Iohn Baptist, in the Citie of London.
Finke lane.; Parish church of S. Bennet Finke.
Some distance West from this the Marchant Taylers hall is Finkes lane, so called of Robert Finke, and Robert Finke his sonne, Iames Finke, and Rosamond Finke. Robert Finke the Parish church of S. Bennet Finke. elder new builded the parish Church of Saint Bennet Commonly called Fink of the founder, his tenements were both of S. Bennets parish, and saint Martins Oteswich Parish: the one halfe of this Finke lane is of Brodestreete warde, to wit, on the West side vp to the great and principall house wherein the saide Finke dwelled: but on the other side, namely the East, not so much towards Cornhill. Then without this lane in the foresaid Three needle streete, is the said parish Church of S. Bennet, a proper Church, in which are these monuments of the dead. Robert Simson, and Elizabeth his wife, Roger Strange Esquire, Treresse, William Coolby, Iohn Frey, Thomas Briar Plummar, 1410, &c.
Some distance west is the Royall Exchaunge, whereof more shall be spoken in the warde of Cornhill, and so downe to the little Conduit, called the pissing Conduit, by the Stockes Market, and this is the southside of Three needle streete.
Hospitall of S. Anthonie sometime a Synagogue of the lewes. Patent record.; Free Schoole of S. Anthonies builded. Almeshouses of S. Anthonies builded.; Gift of Henry the 6 to saint Anthonies.
On the northside of this street from ouer against the East corner of S.Martins Oteswich Church haue yee diuerse faire and large houses til you come to the hospital of S.Anthonie, sometime a Cell to saint Anthonies of Vienna. For I reade that King Henrie the third granted to the brotherhood of saint Anthonie of Vienna, a place amongst the Iewes, which was sometime their Sinagogue, and had beene builded by them about the yeare 1231, but the Christians obtained of the king, that it should be dedicated to our blessed Ladie, and since, and hospitall being there builded, was called saint Anthonies in London: it was founded in the parish of saint Bennet Finke, for a Master, two Priests, one schoolemaster and 12. poore men: after which foundation, amongst other things was giuen to this Hospitall one messuage and Garden, whereon was builded the faire large free schoole, and one other parcell of ground containing 37. foote in length, and 18. foote in breadth, whereon was builded the Almes houses of hard stone and timber, in the raigne of Henrie the 6. which said Henrie the 6. in the 20. of his raigne, gaue vnto Iohn Carpentar doctor of Diuinitie master of saint Anthonies Hospitall, and to his brethren, and their successors for euer, his Mannor of Poinington, with the appurtenances, with certaine pencions and portions of Milburne, Burnworth, Charlton, and vp, Wimborne, in the Countie of Southampton, towards the maintenance of fiue schollers in the Universitie of Oxford, to be brought vp in the facultie of Artes, after the rate of ten pence the weeke for euerie scholler: so that the sayde schollers be first instructed in the rudiments of Grammer at the Colledge of Eaton, founded by the said king.
In the yeare 1474. Edward the fourth granted to William Say, Batchler of Diuinitie, maister of the said Hospitall, to haue Priests, Clarkes, schollers, poore men, and brethren of the same, Clarks, or lay men, Queresters, Procters, messengers, seruants in household, and other things whatsoeuer, like as the Prior, and Couent of saint Anthonies of Vienna, &c. Hee also annexed, vnited, and appropriated the said Hospital, vnto the Collegiate Church of saint George in Windsore.
S. Anthonies pigs fed on the dungue hilles.
The Procters of this house were to collect the beneuolence of charitable persons, towards the building and supporting thereof. And amongst other things obserued in my youth, I remember that the Officers charged with ouersight of the Markets in this Citie, did diuers times take from the Market people pigs sterued, or otherwise vnholsome for man's sustenance, these they slit in the eare: one of the Proctors for saint Anthonies tyed a Bell about the necke, and let it feede on the Dunguehils, no man would hurt, or take them vp, but if any gaue to them bread, or other feeding, such would they know, watch for, and dayly follow, whining till they had some what giuen them: whereupon was raysed a prouerbe, such a one will follow such a one, and whine as it were an Anthonie pig: but if such a pig grew to be fat, & came to good liking (as oft times they did) then the Proctor would take him vp to the vse of the Hospitall.
In the yeare 1499, sir Iohn Tate, sometime Alebrewer, then a Mercer, caused his Brewhouse called the swan neere adioyning to the sayd free Chappell, Colledge, or Hospitall of saint Anthonie, to be taken downe for the enlarging of the Church, which was then newly builded, toward the building whereof the said Tate gaue great summes of money, and finished it in the yeare 1501. Sir Iohn Tate deceased 1514. and was there buried vnder a fayre monument by him prepared, Doctor Taylor maister of the Rols, and other.
Walter Champion Draper, one of the Shiriffes of London 1529. was buried there, and gaue to the Beadmen twentie pound. The landes by yeare of this Hospitall were valued in the 37. yeare of Henrie the eight to bee fiftie fiue pound, sixe shillings eight pence.
Schoole master of S. Anthonies made Prebend of Windsore, spoyled the schoole and hospitall.
One Iohnson (a Schoolemaster of the famous freescoole there) became a Prebend of Windsor, and then by little and little followed the spoyle of this Hospitall: he first dissolued the Quire, conueyed the plate and ornaments, then the bels, and lastly put out the Almes men from their houses, appointing them portions of twelue pence the weeke to each (but now I heare of no such matter performed) their houses with other be letten out for rent, and the Church is a preaching place for the French nation.
This Schoole was commaunded in the raigne of Henry the sixt, and sithence also (fn. 2) aboue other, but now decayed, and come to nothing, by taking that from it what thereunto belonged.
Parish church of saint Bartholomew.
Next is the parish Church of Saint Bartholomew, at the end of Bartlemew lane. Thomas Pike Alderman, with the assistance of Nicholas Yoo, one of the Shiriffes of London, about the yeare 1438. new builded this Church, Sir Iohn Fray knight was buried there, Margerie his daughter and heyre, wife to sir Iohn Lepington knight, founded there a Chauntery the 21. of Edward the fourth. Alderban a Gascoyne was buried there: sir Wil. Capell Maior, 1509. added vnto this Church a proper chappell on the South side thereof, and was buried there: sir Giles Cappell was also buried there: Iames Wilford Tayler, one of the shiriffes 1499. appoynted by his Testament a Doctor of Diuinitie euerie good Fryday for euer, to preach there a Sermon of Christes passion, from 6. of the clocke, till 8. before noone, in the said church. Io. Wilford marchant tailer, Alderman, 1544. sir Iames Wilford, 1550. sir George Barne Maior, 1552. Iohn Dent, Miles Couerdale Bi. of Excester, Thomas Dancer & Anne his wife.
Parish church of S. Christopher.; An Alderman of London put to penance by the Clargie for wedding of a widow professed to chastitie.
Then lower downe towards the Stocks Market, is the parish Church of Saint Christopher, but reedified of new: for Richard Shore one of the shiriffes 1506. gaue money towards the building of the steeple. There lie buried Richard Sherington, 1392. who gaue landes to that Church, the Ladie Margaret Norford 1406. Iohn Clauering 1421, who gaue lands therevnto, Iohn Gidney (fn. 3) Draper, Maior, 1427. This Gidney (fn. 3) in the yeare 1444. wedded the widdow of Robert Large late Maior, which widdow had taken the Mantell and ring, and the vow to liue chast to God tearme of her life, for the breach whereof, the marriage done they were troubled by the Church, and put to penance, both he and she. William Hampton Maior, 1472. was a great benefactor, and glased some of the church windowes, sir William Martin Maior, 1492. Roger Achley Maior, 1511. hee dwelt in Cornehill warde, in a house belonging to Cobham Colledge, rented by the yeare 26. shillings, 8. pence, Robert Thorne Marchant Tayler, a Batchler, 1532. he gaue by his Testament in charitie, more then 4445. pounds: Iohn Norryholme, Raph Batte, Alice Perciuall, Iane Drew, William Borresbie, Iohn Broke, Richard Sutton, William Batte, Iames Well, Henrie Beacher Alderman, 1570.
Scalding house or Scalding wicke.
West from this Church haue ye Skalding Alley, of old time called Scalding house, or Scalding wike, because that ground for the most part was then imployed by Poulterers that dwelled in the high streete, from the Stocks market to the great Conduit. Their poultrie which they sold at their stalles were scalded there, the street doth yet beare the name of the Poultrie, and the Poulterers are but lately departed from thence into other streets, as into Grasse street, and the ends of saint Nicholas flesh shambles. This Skalding Wike is the farthest west part of Brodestreete warde, and is by the water called Walbrooke parted from Cheap ward: this Brodestreete warde hath an Alderman, with his Deputie, common Counsellors ten, constables ten, Scauengers eight, Wardmote inquest thirteene, and a Beedle. It is taxed to the fifteene, in London at seuen and twentie pound, and accounted in the Exchequer after twentie fiue pound.