Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Originally published by Nichols and Sons, London, 1873.
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'Index: Subjects', in Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis, ed. W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Index: Subjects', in Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Edited by W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Index: Subjects". Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Ed. W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
Note.—The first of the above Indices contains about 2072 references, the second Index about 1552; 3624 in all: every reference has been carefully compared with the text since the Indices have been set up in type.
This edition of the Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londinensis consists of two hundred and fifty copies.
Adoptiones, 260
Almanac of Brass, lxiii.
Almoner, xxxix. 10, 76, 133, 147, 228, 282, 343, 358–9, 449
Almonry, 449
-, Boys of, 228
Alms, Licence to Guild of Jesus to collect, 452, 453
Almucium, 67, 323, 324, 327
Altar of Apostles, xxxvii.
-, S. Dionysius, 182
-, S. Katherine, 101
-, B. V. M. xxxvii.
-, S. Thomas, 182
Amice, 67
Amictus, see Almucium
Amys, a grey, 448
Angel noble, coin so called, 459
Angild, 113
Annuallere, 142
Anthems, 282
Apparatum Missæ, book so called, 399
Aratrum, 59
Archdeacon of London, xliv. 283,
-, Colchester, 284
-, Essex, 283, 284
-, Middlesex, 284
-, S. Alban's, xxiv.
-, London, his precedence, lviii.
-, London, his duties, 190
-, installation of, 26
Archdeaconry of London, its poverty, 21
Archdeaconries of Essex, Colchester, and S. Albans, transferred to Rochester, xxiv.
Archdeacons, xxiv. xxv. 13, 20
Armigeri Canonicorum, 126
Arms of Anne of Bohemia, 368
-, Archbishop Arundel, 368
-, Bishop Braybrooke, 368
Arras in Jesus' Chapel, 458
Arreragia, 97
Assartum, 125
Asseres et haspas librorum, 72
Assistants, Twelve, in Fraternity of Jesus, 443
Auditor Compoti, 246, 251, 259, 260
Augustine, S. Rule of, 229
Aula Gratiæ, 399, note
Average, 116
Averia, 59, 116
Averpeny, 116
Bakings, number in the year, 173
Ballivus, 86
Banners with cognisance of Jesus, 450
Barbitonsores at Canterbury, 422
Bassinus, 399
Baudekyns, 89
Beadle, 279
Beer, see Cervisia.
Benefices, collation to, 241
Bell ringers, 278, 279, 291, 304,
-, anciently kept the steeple,
278, 279
-, present at Feasts of Guild of
Jesus, 448, 457
Bible read at dinner in Minor Canons Hall, 1396, 338–9
Bidding Prayer, 283, 305
Bishop, his dignity, xxi. xxii. 217
-, prayers at first reception of,
11, 218
-, present at certain feasts, 11,
-, installation of, 428, 429
-, Prebends free from Episcopal
jurisdiction, 89
Bishops of London, list of, from Norman Conquest, 466
Bishop's Throne at S. Paul's, 398
Blodwite, 116
Blood-letting, xxx. lxiii. 37, 133, 189
Bolla, 69
Bonfire on Feast of Jesus, 450, 457
Bote, 85
Boy Bishop, lix. lx. 91, 93, 129 Erasmus, Concio de Puero Jesu, lx. 92
Braciare, 99
Braciator, 76, 174
Bracini Custos, 10, 30, 75, 76,
96, 164, 176
-, Janitor, 20
Bracinum, 13, 30, 75, 174, 195
Brasses, Monumental, 274, 280
Bravium, 26
Bread, see Loaves
Bread, holy, 457
-, singing, 457
-, money, 314
Brewery, see Bracinum
Brewings, in the year, 75
Bridges, a kind of thread, 458
Briga, 172
Bubulcus, 59
Bull, Boniface IX. xxxii. 197, 410
-, Innocent III. 122
-, Leo X. xxxii. 214, 407
-, Lucius III. 190
-, Martin V. xxxii. 200, 408
-, Urban, 176
Burgagium liberum, 437
Busca, 99
Buxum, 141
Calabre, 323, 324, 327
Camera, 30, 132, 174, 227, 325
Camerarius, see Chamberlain
Camerarius Pistrini, 340
Campanarum Pulsatores, see Bell Ringers
Campanile, 77
Cancellarius, see Chancellor
Candles, tallow, price of, in 1553,
-, not lighted in sufficient numbers by singers, 276
Canons, why so called, lvii.
Canons, Major, see also Residentiarii, xxvii.–xxxiii. 34
-, their number, thirty, 23
-, installation of, 25, 182, 230
-, oath of, 26
-, psalms to be recited by, xxviii.
24, 25, 26, 31
-, elect Dean and Bishop, 23
-, each Canon has two Clerks,
33, 125
-, to entertain Lord Mayor, 126
-, to entertain totum Chorum,
126, 131
-, not to reside far from the
Cathedral in first year,
126, 128
-, Esquires of, 126
-, some were children, 19
-, their first residence. See
-, Residentiaries, whence so
called, 229
-, their duties, 228—232
-, regular Canons and secular,
-, rule of S. Augustine, 229
-, dress, 231–2
-, conduct in Choir, 232
-, might be laymen at institution, 230
-, none but native Englishmen
to hear Capitular secrets,
-, Fees, 202
-, to keep lease books, 314
Canons, Minor, xxxiii.—xxxviii.
-, Book III. 48, 49, 66, 69, 102,
103, 106, 133, 222, 235
-, their existence from very ancient times, 325
-, incorporation into College by
Richard II. 326
-, Statutes of, 329–359, 274,
-, officiate at High Altar, 49
-, seat in stalls, lx. 92
-, their assiduous labour, 149
-, their precedence, 138
-, rarely all present, 137
-, Statutes produced at Visitation of Bp. Gibson, 293,
296, 301
-, their houses, 274, 303, 306
Canons, Minor, Royal Charter of
Incorporation, 326
-, dined in hall in 1598, 274
-, their Butler, 274
-, Litany said by two, 1696, 282
-, Epistle and Gospel said by
two, 1696, 282
-, conduct at table, 338–9
-, reading of Bible in Hall,
-, Senescallus or Steward of,
-, Strangers at their table,
-, Warden of, his election,
-, Pitantiary of, his election,
-, Fines levied by, 352–3
-, Form of Prayer at installation, 370
-, Schedule of livings, 375
-, Present at Feasts of Guild
of Jesus, 447, 449, 456,
-, lease-book to be kept, 306
-, terriers of their estates to be
preserved, 305
-, receive each twenty shillings
on first residence of Canon,
-, their hall, 321, 322, 327,
-, their prebend defined, 325
-, wear almuces, 323–4
-, College called S. Peter's College, lxiv.
-, their college founded, 327
-, their servants, 356–7
-, their seals, 356–7
-, woodcut of, xxxiv.
-, dinner in hall, 338–9
-, Statutes to be read annually,
-, mode of election, xxxv. 330–1
-, oath on admission, 334–5
-, Warden to admit new Fellow,
334 5
-, how designated in Statutes,
-, celebrate Mass of B.V.M.
-, celebrate Apostles' Mass,
-, endowment from Finchingfield, xxxvii.
-, Sudbury, xxxvii.
-, Halstead, xxxviii.
Canons, Minor, of St. Paul's differ
from any other corporation of
Minor Canons, xxxviii.
-, only three in 1661, lii.
Canons Minor, at Hereford
-, College reduced to six, xxxviii
-, subsequently augmented to
ten, xxxviii.
Cantilena, 153
Cantor, see Precentor
Cantus Organicus, 73, 104
Capella, see Chapels
Capellæ Episcopi Capellanus, 13
Capellani, 134, 136, 138, 150, 190, 193, 196, 235
Caps, square, to be worn, 280, 422, 423
Caputium, 67
Cardinals, xxxv.–vi. 101, 102, 103,
127, 147, 150, 173, 222,
273, 282, 325, 327, 448,
449, 477
-, to catechise Choristers, 273,
283, 302, 305, 312, 313
-, to note the absent, 282, 302,
-, exempt from early morning
prayers, 273
-, junior, his duties, 358–9
Cartbote, 85
Carthage, Councils of, cited, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46
Carriagium, 117
Carucagium, 115
Catalla, et bona, 121
Cathedral, first institution of, 9,
-, carrying burdens through,
276, 278
-, first stone of New Cathedral
laid 1675, li.
-, Choir reopened, 1698–9, li.
-, Act, 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 113,
Cathedrals of New Foundation,
-, of Old Foundation, xix.
Caulæ fimus, 59
Cemetery, 31, 118
Cervisia, 130, 163, 170, 174, 176, 177, 190
Cervisiæ Tractator, 76
Chamber office, 277
Chamberlain, 10, 30, 32, 78, 127,
133, 189, 202, 203, 227,
245, 246, 259, 402
-, of the Bake House, 343
Chancellor, xxvi. 13, 16, 18, 23, 24, 49, 51, 78, 183, 205, 226, 283, 285, 413
Chantries, 70, 134, 143, 196, 235
of Bishop Eustace de Fauconberge, 182, 219
-, collation to, 241
-, united, 142, 145
-, of Will. de S. Maria, 173
Chantry Priests, xxxix.
-, present at Feasts of Guild of
Jesus, 448, 449, 456, 457
-, to be examined by Cardinals
and Succentor, 150
-, oath, 203
-, Chaucer's, 142
-, fees on admission, 202, 203
Chapel Royal, some of Cath. Choir belonged to, in 1598, 280
Chapels in the Cathedral,—
-, Dean's, 277
-, Dunstan's, S. 277
-, Deans and Archdeacons in
Parliament time sat in, 277
-, Faith, S. 276, 277, 278
-, George, S. 277
-, Hastings, 478
-, Jesus, 272, 274, 277, 458
-, John, S. 277, 278
-, Katherine, S. 277
-, Kempe, Bishop, 277
-, Lady, xliii. 90, 277
-, Lancaster, Duke of, 277
-, Long, 277
-, Morning Prayer, 277
reopened 1697, li.
-, one converted into School,
1598, 277
-, used as Vestries, 277
-, turned to secular uses, 277, 278
Chapter, 240
-, Weekly Saturday, xxxvii.
xlix. 19, 222, 241, 285,
304, 306
-, had lapsed, 84
-, revived, 19
Chapter House, upper cloister of,
-, Lower cloister of, 278, 279
Charters, Royal—
-, Ethelbert, 113, 114
-, Edward the Confessor, 112
-, William I. 112, 113, 114
II. 114, 119
-, Henry I. 114, 119
II. 381
-, John, 115, 122
Charters, Royal—
-, Henry III. 117, 381
-, Edward I. 118, 388
-, II. 112, 118
-, III. 112, 120, 155
-, Richard II. 142, 154, 326
-, Henry IV. 154, 156
-, V. 154, 156
-, VI. 154, 156, 435
-, Edward IV. 111
-, Henry VIII. 369
-, Elizabeth, 369
Chest, the Great, 207, 208, 212, 245, 269
Chimere, 68
Choreas, 153
Chori Rectores, 22
Choristæ, clerici nuncupati, 402
Chorister boys, 275, 276, 282,
305: and see Almonry
-, ten in Wolsey's time, 254
-, hunting after spur money,
275, 276
-, ten in 1598, 278
-, present at certain Feasts of
Guild of Jesus, 447, 449,
456, 457, 458
-, ten in 1553, 449
-, gowns for, presented by Guild
of Jesus, 449
-, Master of, 449
Chrism, consecration of, 192
Chrodegang, S. rule of, lvii. lviii. 39, 40, 41, 43
Chroniculi S Pauli, London, 77
Ciphus, 399
Classicum, 16
Clerici, unde dicuntur, 40
Clericus Capituli, 202, 203
-, Registri, 73
Coadjutores, 235
Coals, price of, in 1553, 458
Cocliaria, bequeathed, 399
Codeton, super quatuor libros sententiarum, 399
Collationes, 260
Collector Reddituum, 75, 227
College of S. Peter, 236, 241 of Twelve Minor Canons, founded, 327
Collobium, or Colobium, 44
Commissarius Generalis, 203
Commission of Edward III. 195
Communa, 29, 30
-, Manors forming the, xxvii.
Communion, Holy, on Sundays and Feasts, 1696, 285, 305
Communion, Holy
-, Trisagion and Gloria in Excelsis sung, 285
-, Persons in Holy Orders communicate every Sunday at
least, 285
-, Enquiries about, 302, 305
Constancia Pistrini et Bracini, 69
Convocation, Dean's Virger Ostiarius of Lower House of, xlii.
Convocation House, 279
Copes, xlv. 141, 204, 277
-, to be provided at Chichester,
1635, 423
-, Black. worn, 327
Corona, 46
Correction of Ministers, 270
-, of Greater Canons, 270
Cross, Paul's, see Paul's Cross
Crowdes, see Shrowdes
Crowns of the Rose, 459
-, of the Sun, 459
Crucifix in N. Transept, offerings at, 91
Curate of S. Gregory's, 340, 341
Curfew, 71, 76, 109, 124
-, rung in Dean Donne's time,
Custos Bracini, see Bracinum
-, Cameræ, 96, 164, 257
-, Capellæ, B. V. M. 228
-, Novæ Fabricæ, 228
-, Operis, 77, 100, 101, 131
-, Pistrini, 173, 176, 227, 245,
246, 259
-, Veteris Fabricæ, 13
Dance of Death, on Walls of Chapel, xxxiv.
Dapifer, 114
Dean, xxii.—xxiv.
-, manner of election and confirmation, 14, 219
-, prayer for the elected Dean,
-, installation of, 15, 181, 430,
-, oath at installation, 15
-, his proctor, 130
-, his duties, 163, 182, 183,
221, 237
-, double right of presentation
to chantries and benefices,
-, double portion in distributions, 244
-, visitation of manors, 247
Dean, his residence, 238
-, his locum tenens, 238
-, his double dividend, 267
-, reverence to, 239
-, has no seat in Chapter unless
a Prebendary, 390–1
-, always Rector of the Guild
of Jesus, 437, 440
Deans of S. Paul's, list from Norman Conquest, 468
Dean's Chapel, 277
Decenna, 116
Decennier, 116
Denum denarium, 69
Denegeldum, 113
Dene, 133
De profundis, 456
Deputies of Vicars Choral, 317,
-, to be appointed by D. and C.
Dinners on Sundays, xli.
Dirige, 62, 447
Discus, 399
Disena, see Dizena
Dispensations, 247
Distributiones quotidianæ, 176, 242
Divinity lecture, 273, 413
-, lecturer, 291
Dizena, 69, 133
Doubles, see Festivals
Dress of the Clergy, lxii.
Dunstan, S. Chapel, 277
-, Lord Mayor sits there 1598,
Easter Sepulchre, 82, 141
Ebdomadarius, see Hebdomadarius
Election of Minor Canons, Mode
of, 330–1
-, Warden of M. C. 350, 1
-, Pitantiary of M. C. 350, 1
Eleemosinarius, see Almoner
Epistoler, a Minor Canon, 282
Erkenwald, S. Feasts of, lvi. lix.
11, 393
-, Burial of, 393–5
-, Translation of, lvi. 393–5
-, Shrine of, lvi 398
-, Miracles of, 393
-, Indulgences on Feasts of,
-, Ring bequeathed to Shrine
of, 398
-, Prayers of, 81, 393–5
Estovers, 85
Ethelburga, S. Prayer of, 81
Etheldreda, S. Prayer of, 81 margin
Excommunications, 191, 195, 397
Explorator horæ matutinæ, 103
Expositio de Patrellis, 399
Faith, S. Chapel of, 276, 277, 278
-, Epigram on, lxv.
-, Festival of, 133
Falda, 59
Fasciolæ, 39
Feast de Nomine Jesu, 447
Fees on admission to offices, 111,
202, 203
-, to Parish Priests, 194
Feoda, see Fees
Festivals, doubles, simples, 22
Filacium, 452
Fimus caulæ, 59
Fines for absence, 282, 312, 318
-, levied by Minor Canons,
Fire, Great, of 1666. Mr. John Tillison preserved the Cathedral Archives, viii.
Firebote, 85
Fires at the Cathedral, 77, 78,
-, Precautions against, xliii.
Firma, 29, 36, 69, 163
-, Dispute about, 184
-, in country not to be let to
Residentiaries, 247
Firmarius, 29, 174
Fithwite, 116
Flemensfreme, Flemenesfrenthe, or Flemenesfyrinthe, 116
Flemeneswite, or Flemeswite, 116
Flores Benedicti, book so called, 399
Focale, 85
Foot of tre, 460
Forstall, 116
Forestallamentum, 159
Forestaller, 159
Forestalling, 159
Francoplegio, 116
Frater, Derivation of, 338–9
Frateria, 63
Fraternities, see Guilds
Fremensfreche, 116
Garciones, xliii. 109, 124, 225
Garlands, 458
Geldum, 113
Gentaculum, 125
George, S. Chapel, 277
Gloria Patri, Turning to east at, l. lix. 44, 57, 103, 275
Gospeller, a Minor Canon, 282
Gowns for Choristers, supplied by
Guild of Jesus, 449
-, for Wardens of Guild, 445
Grammar School, 226
Gregory, S. Curate of, 340, 1
Grithbreche, 113, 116
Guild of All Souls, lxv.
-, of B. V. M. lxv.
-, of S. Catherine, lxiv.
Guild of Jesus, see lxiv–lxvii. and
Book V.
-, Foundation of, 435
-, Dean of S. Paul's always
Rector, 437, 440
-, Statutes of, 441–452
-, MS. relating to, in Bodleian,
-, Licence to collect alms in
Diocese of York, 452–3
Gula Augusti, 96
Haberdashers' Company, 358, 9
Haia viva, 85
Halimote, Halmote, or Halymotum, 86
Hamsoca, 116
Hankwit, 116
Hastings Chapel, 478
Haybote, 85
Hebdomadarius, 12, 16, 17, 36, 48
Hedgebote, 85
Hengewyte, 116
Herbagia, 58
Herbs for decorations, 451, 458
Heriecta, see Heriot
Heriot, 59
Heyfare, 116
Hidage, 115
Hide of land, 114
Hinfangthefe, see Infangethefe
Holy bread, 457
Holy Communion, see Communion Holy
Hoods to be worn, 302, 305, 423
Hours of divine service 1598, xlix.
-, 1696, 281
-, 1724, 312
Housebote, 85
Hymns, 282–283
Ignitegium, see Curfew
Images of Jesus, 449
-, Our Lady, 449
-, S. Sebastian, 449
Indulgences for Feasts of S. Paul and S. Erkenwald, 393
Infangethefe or Infangtheof, 113, 121
Injunctions of Bishop Compton,
-, Bishop Gibson, 311–314
-, Bishop Blomfield, 317–8
Innocents Holy, Day, lix. lx. 91, 128, 129
Inspeximus, lxii.
Installation of Bishop, 428–9
-, Dean, 430–1
-, Canon, 424–8
Instauramentum or Instaurum, 59
Irreverence in the Cathedral, 79, 275, 276, 311
Jesus, Feast De Nomine Jesu,
-, Fraternity of, see Guild
-, Chapel, 272, 274, 277
John, S. Chapel, 277, 278
Justiciarii itinerantes, 157
Katherine, S. Altar of, 101
-, Chapel of, 277
Keeper of the Vestry, 448
Kempe, Bishop, Chapel of, 277
Lady Chapel, 277
-, Deans and Archdeacons sat
here in Parliament time
1598, 277
Lairwite, 116
Lamp oil, price of in 1533, 458
Lancaster, Chapel of Duke of, 277
Lance æqua, 28
Lateran, second Council, 181
Laymen residing with Minor Canons at Lichfield 1635, 423
Lease books, 303, 306, 314
Lecherwite, 116
Lecture divinity, see Divinity
Legergeldum, 116
Leirwite, 116
Lestagium, 117
Letter of Archbishop Laud to
D. and C. of Norwich,
-, D. and C. of Norwich in
reply, 421
-, Abp. Peckham to Fulk
Lovel, 386
-, Pope Anicetus, 46
Liberatio, 69, 95
Library, 354–5 of Bishop FitzHugh, 398–9
Ligator librorum, 13, 133, 219
Limphatorium, 399
Ling, reserved for the Crown, 121
Litany, said by two Minor Canons 1696, 282
Literati, 29
Loaves, 95, 99, 130, 163, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 182, 190, 213, 325
Long Chapel, 277
Lord Mayor, see Mayor, Lord
Magister Scholæ Cantus, 22, 226
-, Scholæ Grammaticæ, 226
Maiser, see Mazer
Male ingigne, or mal engine, 445
Mandatarius, 288
Manors, Chingford, 208
-, Sandon, 208
-, Sutton, 417
-, Sutton, to be of the Commune,
Manuscripts employed in preparation of this volume, 470– 484
Marescallus, 174
Mark, value of, 173
Marriages, fees, 194
-, of clerks in inferior orders, 40
Mass, see also Missa
-, of Jesus on Fridays, 449
-, Requiem, 447, 448, 449
Master of Choristers, 449
-, Almonry, see Almoner
Matricula, 101
Mayor, Lord, 126, 147, 196, 277,
-, attends Spital Sermon, 451
Mazer, 460
Menestralli, see Minstrels
Mercers' Company, to show by what right they govern S. Paul's School, 280
Meremium or Meremum, 85
Minor Canons, see Canons
-, at Norwich, 420–1
-, at Hereford, xxxviii.
Minstrels, 72
Minutio sanguinis, see Bloodletting
Misericord, 399
Misericordia, 115
Missa Apostolorum, 67, 102
-, Capitularis, 326
-, B.V.M. 67, 68, 102, 104,
Monastery of S. Paul's, 379, 380
Morbus Sonticus, 34, 252
Morning Prayer, early, 272, 282,
301, 304
-, Subdean and Cardinals
exempt from, 273, 282
Morning Prayer Chapel, 277
Muniments, inquiry at visitation, 303
Murders in the Church-yard, 387–8, 396–7
Music, Church, Erasmus on, lx.
-, Thos. Langley on, lxi. lxii.
Nave of S. Paul's, see Paul's
-, Buyers and Sellers in, 79,
Naves of Cathedrals, no standing seats in 1635, 423
Nova fabrica, B. V. M. 70
Novelli Residentiarii, 268
Novi operis Magister, 100, 101
Norwicensis taxatio, 9, 23
O facere suum, 93, 128
O sapientia, 93
Oath of Dean, 15
-, Canon, 111
-, Minor Canon, 334–5
-, Chantry Priest, 203
-, Official, sede vacante, 383
-, Proctor of Guild of Jesus,
-, Twelve Scribes, 78
-, At Visitation, 301
Obits, 236, 245, 350–1
Oblations, lvi. lxvi.48, 100, 184, 185
Officiarius of Archdeacon of London, 202, 203
Officers, Minor, list of, xliii.
Oil, lamp, see Lamp
Olla, 399
Oos, the fifteen, 93
Oratory in Bishop's Palace, 362
Orders, to be in Holy
-, Dean (Priest), 48
-, Canons, 48
-, Vicars, 68
Orfgeld, 113
Organ, 276, 457
-, at Lichfield, 423
Organicus cantus, 73, 104
Organist, no officer of that name in Cathedrals of the Old Foundation. lx.
Osmund, S. Rule of, 52, 56, 57, 58
Othoboni Constitutiones, 41, 66
Othonis Constitutiones, 41
Paagium, 117
Panetria, 228
Panis, see Loaves
Panis benedictus, 174
Palace of Bishop of London, xxxiv. 362
Parictour, 278
Par precum, 399
Pasnagium, Passagium, or Pasuagium, 117
Paternoster Makers, lxiii.
-, Row, lxiii.
Paul, S. Feasts of, lvi. 11, 393
-, Indulgence on Feasts of, 393
-, Responsory of, 11
Paul's Chain, 73
-, Cross, 278, 397, 451, 457
-, Walk, lvi. 79, 276, 278, 391
Paul's, S. School, 78, 92, 279, 280
-, Statutes of, 92
Pedagium, 117
Pelvis, 399
Perambulations in Regation Week, 279
Personæ Majores or Principales, xxii. xxv 26, 219
Peter, S. ad vincula, 34
Petti Canons. place so called, 273
Pewterers' Company, 358–9
Picagium, 160
Picta, 69
Pileum or Pilleum, 67
Pistor, 174
Pistrini Camerarius, 340
-, Custos, 176
Pistrinum, 196, 227, 325
Pitantia, 69, 134
Pitantiarius, xxxvi. 69, 136 of the Minor Canons, his election, 350–1
Pittances, 186
Placebo, 62
Placitum, 115
Ploughbote, 85
Pœnitentiarius, 13, 67, 182, 289
Pontagium, 117
Porters at Canterbury to be Barbers, 422
Potation to brethren of Guild of Jesus, 445
Preachers, at Paul's Cross, &c. 451, 457
Preachers, Dr. Ratcliffe's Gift to, lvi.
Preachers, Shunammites' House, lvi.
Prebendaries, see Canons Major
Prebendal Stalls, 24, 25
Precentor, xxvi. 13, 22, 24, 50, 205, 225, 283, 284
Preciosa, 243
Presbiteri, 135
Processions, 26, 175, 191, 240, 428–9, 430–1, 448
Processions at Pentecost, 79, 184
Proctors of Guild of Jesus, 445
Prosa, 17
Protestation of Residence, see also Residence, 33, 424
Psalmodia, 42, 45, 66, 175, 275, 278
Psalms appointed to each Prebendary, xxviii. 24, 25,
26, 31, 285
-, reference to practice in Dr.
Donne's Sermons, xxviii.
-, appointed to each Prebendary, numbered as in
Prayer Book, 465–6
-, said by Prebendary, whether
present or absent, xxix.
-, chanted in 1696, 282
-, sung harmonicè when so ordered by Dean and Residentiaries 1696, 282
Puchia, 101
Pueri elemosinarii, see Almonry
Pulsatores Campanarum, see Bell Ringers
Pulvinaria, 141
Pupilla Oculi, book so called, 399
Quotidians, 176, 242
Rebinare, 110
Receptor Generalis, 245, 246, 251, 257, 259, 284
Rectores Chori, 22
Regard, Regarder, Regardum, 125
Registrarius, 203
Regrator, 159
Regula Canonica S. Pauli, 38
-, S. Chrodegangi, see S. Chrodegang
Relevia, 59, 115
Requiem, Mass of, 447, 448, 449
Residence, Protestation of, xxix.
33, 125, 254, 424
-, what constitutes, xxix.-xxx.
-, Wolsey's Statuteson, 248–263
-, after first year, 258
-, expenses of first, 402
-, Bull of Boniface IX concern
ing, 197
-, Bull of Martin V. 200
Leo X. 214
-, extract from Register of
Bishop Fitzjames, 400–412
-, first, 33, 106, 125, 128, 151,
187, 255, 257, 401, 402
Residentiaries, xxix.
-, Profession, 183, 233
-, not to reside in any other
Church, 233, 238
-, leave of absence, 234, 243
-, their duties, 239
-, to keep one Canonical hour,
at least, 239
-, to attend Choir on Sundays
and Great Feasts, 210, 239
-, payments by new, to Bishop,
Minor Canons, &c. 254
-, disputes between themselves,
-, disputes between them and
Dean, 242
-, daily distribution to, 242
-, quarterly distribution to, 243
-, during first residence called
Novelli Residentiarii, 268
-, Novelli Res. not to have same
portion as old Resid. 268
-, limited to four, 238
-, eleven, 183
-, five, 198, 201, 215
-, six in 1520, 419
-, one, 88
-, two or three, 212
Responsorium, S. Pauli, 11
Reverence to the east, 239
-, to Dean, 239
Rewardum, 125
Rocheta or Rochetum, 68
Rood in Jesus Chapel, 458
Ritual, lix.
Rule of S. Chrodegang, see S. Chrodegang
Sacha or Saka, 112, 121
Sacrist, xxv. 10, 21, 30, 73, 101, 124, 147, 173, 202, 204, 205, 223, 245, 246, 402
Sacrista, see Sacrist
Salsaria, 399
Salves, to be said, 449
Sarum use, introduced at S. Paul's, lix.
Saturday Chapter, see Chapter
Scamna or Scanna, 141
Schola Cantus, 226
-, Grammatica, 23, 78, 226
Scholæ de Arcubus, et S. Martino Magno, 23
Scholarum Magister, 78
School held in one of the Chapels 1598, 277
Scriba Capituli, 241
Scribe, errors of, 46
Scriptor librorum, 13, 173, 219
Scriptores duodecim, 78
Scutifer, 398
Sea, encroachments of, xxvii.
Seals of the Cathedral, 132
Seal of Guild of Jesus, 444
-, Chapter, 269
-, Minor Canons, xxxiv. 356–7
-, Sigillum ad Causas, 270–71
Sebastian, S. image of, 449
Secutores Chori, 235
Sede vacante, charter as to temporalities, 388
-, jurisdiction of, D. and C. xxiv.
Selda, 194
Senescallus, see Steward
Senescallus Curiarum, 246
Sepulchre, Easter, 82, 141
Sequentia, 17
Sermon, appointment of Preacher,
-, Order of Preaching, 283–5
-, in Lent, 284–5
-, inquiries at Visitations about,
302, 305, 312
-, founded 1570, 415
-, at Paul's Cross, 397
-, at S. Mary Spital, 451
Sermons, 273, 278, 279, 451, 457
Service, hours of, 1598, xlix. 272
-, 1696, liii. 281
-, 1724, liv. 312
-, 1869, liv.
Serviens Communis, 20
Servientes, see Virgiferi
Sexton, 448, 456
Seysina, 86
Shrowdes, or Crowdes, 278, 279, 435
Shunammites' House, lvi.
Sigillum ad causas, see Seal
Sincrafa, 379
Singing bread, 457
Socagium, 115, 437
Socha or Soka, 112, 121
Sowning (answering to), 445
Species, 128
Spital Sermons, 451
Spur-money, 275
-, Duke of Wellington, demanded of, 275
Stacionarius, see Stagiarius
Stadiarius, see Stagiarius
Stagia, 35
Stagiaries, 350–1
Stagiarius, xxix. 35, 101, 236
Stallagium, 117
Stalls occupied by Minor Canons as well as Major, lx.
Stationarius, xxix. 35
Statuta Majora, 470
-, Minora, 472
Statutes, Book of, to be kept in
Chapter House, 313
-, Ancient Manuscripts of,
-, Transcripts of, 480
-, Book of, Members of Cathedral may make extracts
from, 313
-, D. and C. cannot alter without consent of Bishop, xlix.
-, Dean Colet's Exhibita tentative, 247
-, Dean Colet's xlv-xlix.
-, Cardinal Wolsey's, xlix.
-, Warham's, Protest against,
-, Warham's, disclaimed by
Dean Nowell, 419
-, Wolsey's, Protest against,
-, FitzJames', Protest against,
-, of Minor Canons, 329–359
-, produced at Visitation, 293,
296, 301
-, of Cathedrals printed. Canterbury, Ely, Lichfield,
Lincoln, Peterborough,
Westminster, York, xix.
of Guild of Jesus, 441–452
Sterlingus, 152
Steward of Minor Canons, 340–1
Subdean, xxiv lxvi. 94, 173, 222,
273, 282, 283
-, present at certain feasts of
Guild of Jesus, 447–8,
-, signs Statutes of Guild of
Jesus, 450
-, always a Minor Canon, xxiv.
to appoint music in 1696, 283
exempt from early Morning
Prayers, 273, 282
Subdean, claimed living of S. Giles, Cripplegate, xxiv.
Succentor, xxvi. 202, 226
-, to examine Chantry Priests,
150, 236
-, his weekly report on attendance of Vicars Choral, 318
Subscriba Capituli, 227
Summa Confessorum, book so called, 399
Sunday dinners, xli.
Supervisor, 257–259
Supper at five o'clockin 1396, 338–9
Sutton, manor of, to be of the Communa, 268
Tabulæ Scriptor, 105
Tallagium, 117
Tallia, 29, 58, 174, 175
Tapestry, 399, 458
-, in Minor Canons' Hall, 358, 9
Team or Tem, 113
Terriers of estates to be kept, 303
Testamenta, see Wills
Theame or Theme, 113
Theolonium, 86, 113
Thethingpenny, 116
Thol, 113
Tithes of Willesdon and S. Pancras, 184
Tol or Tolnetum, 113
Tonsure, lxii. 28, 41, 45, 46, 47, 66
Treasurer, xxv. 13, 21, 24, 30, 205, 223, 225, 283, 284
Trenchurbred, 325
Turbaria, 115
Turris, 110
Twigild, 113
Union of Chantries, see Chantries
Utfangtheof, 121
Use of S. Paul's, lix.
Use of Sarum introduced at S. Paul's, lix
Valettus, 398
Vaults beneath Cathedral let out for hire, 281
Vespers and Compline to be said without interval, 189
Vestry, 277
-, Chapels used as in 1598, 277
-, Keeper of, 448
Vicars, xxxix.-xli. 18, 19, 67,
69, 97, 102, 103, 104, 106,
138, 150, 186, 187, 189, 282,
303, 304
-, dispute as to precedence, 138,
-, to know the whole Psalter,
234, and see also 68
-, fines for absence, 318
-, their muniments, 395
-, donation of Steeple Bumpstead to, 395
-, donation of five marks from
Finchingfield to, 395
-, all rarely present, 137
-, six only in Dean Colet's time,
234, 254
-, six only now, xli.
-, some married in Dean Colet's
time, 234
-, not to be proctors, attorneys,
or executors, 234
-, present at certain Feasts of
Guild of Jesus, 447, 449,
456, 457
-, read first lesson in Bishop
Compton's time, 282
Vicars gave out Anthem in 1696,
-, Bishop Blomfield's Statute
concerning, 317, 318
-, deputies, 317, 318
Vice Comes (Sheriff) 197
Vidimus explained, lxii.
Villenagium, 86
Vincula, S. Peter ad, Feast of, 34
Virger, the Dean's, Ostiarius of Lower House of Convocation, xlii.
Virgers, xli.-xliii. 21, 71, 75,
109, 124, 125, 140, 202,
210, 224, 278, 279, 303
-, give up their rods at Michaelmas, 91, 225
-, their duties, 306
-, to be unmarried, 225
-, demand money for opening
seats, 312
-, present at certain Feasts of
Guild of Jesus, 448
Visitation of S. Paul's Cathedral
-, Bishop Bancroft, xlix-l. 272
-, Archbishop Laud, l. 280
-, Bishop Compton, li.-liv. 281
-, Bishop Gibson, liv.-lv. 286
-, Bishop Blomfield, xxiv. lv.
-, Bishop Sudbury, 324–5
-, Protest of the Dean and
Chapter against Archbishop
Laud's, l.
-, Reply of Charles I. to Dean
and Chapter, l.
-, Metropolitical, li.
Visitation by Archbishop of his
own Diocese, li.
-, of Manors, 96
-, by Archbishop Laud, of Cathedrals of Canterbury,
Chichester, Gloucester,
Lichfield, and Worcester,
-, Oath at, 301
-, Proceedings at Bishop Gibson's, 286–316
-, Schoolmasters, Surgeons,
Physicians, and Midwives,
cited to appear in 1724,
Visus franci plegii, 116
Waits, 450, 457
Walle Mariscorum, 85
Warden of Minor Canons, election of, 350–1
-, of Guild of Jesus, 443
-, to have gowns, 445
Wardepenny, Warpenny, or Warthpenny, 116
Warecta, 59, 60
Warectare, 110
Wax Chandlers, Company of, liveries provided by Guild of Jesus, 451, 456
Wax tapers, 74
Wells Cathedral, Statutes of, lviii. 19, 44, 62, 71, 79, 80
Wergeld, 113
Weyf et Strewas, 121
Wilkyn, a kind of beer, 325
Will of Bishop Fitz Hugh, 398
-, Archdeacon Watts, 415
Wills, 194