Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Originally published by Nichols and Sons, London, 1873.
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'Index: Persons and places', in Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis, ed. W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Index: Persons and places', in Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Edited by W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Index: Persons and places". Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Ed. W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
The following Abbreviations are employed in this Index:—
R. Rex; Q. Queen; A. Archbishop; B. Bishop (of London, if not otherwise stated); D. Dean; Archd. Archdeacon; C. Canon; M.C. Minor Canon; V. Vicar.
(The rank assigned to each person is usually that which he bore in the Cathedral of S. Paul: even though a Bishop of London subsequently became an Archbishop, he will, in this Index, be usually designated as Bishop.)
Abbott, Geo. B.A. 417, 467
Adams, Mr. Stationer, 274
Adams, Rich. 423
Adelburton, 174
Adelstan, R. 380, 479
Adestanus, see Adelstan
Adelvesnasa, xxvii. 380
Aebana, 380
Aedeldred, R. see Etheldred
Aescwina, 380
Aethelbertus, R. see Ethelbert
Aethelwaldus, R. see Ethelwald
Agathon, Pope, 379
Ailwardus, Rufus, 176
Aiscough, Will. B. Salisbury, 162
Alanus, Comes, 113.
Alanus et Avelina (see Bassett), 143, 146
Alban S. Archdeaconry of, 20
Alban, S. Wood Street, 375
Aldbury or Aldeburi, 21, 24, 381
Alderbury, Walt. de, D. 469
Alexander, Archdeacon of Salop, 186
Alexander, Thesaur. 471
Alexander, Edward, 286
Alexaunder, Jas. 461
Aleyn, John, 462
Aleyn, Ralph, 455, 460
Alfies Lane, see Ivy Lane
Allerthorp, Laurence, C. 148, 153
Alnwick, Will. B. Lincoln, 162
Altham, Roger, Arch. 289, 290, 294, 301, 307
Amadas or Amydas, John, 456, 460
Amen Corner, lxiii.
Anderton, Laurence, 461
Andovere, Rich. 143
Andrews, John, 299
Anicetus, Pope, 46
Anne of Bohemia, Q. 328, 363, 368
Anne and Agnes, SS. Aldersgate Street, 375
Anselm, Abbot of Bury, elected B. not consecrated, 466
Anselm, A. 114 note, 119
Antholin, S. 375
Appelby, see Appleby
Appleby, John de, D. 391, 469
Archer, Francis, Bookbinder, 274
Arcubus, Schola de, 23
Ardelege, see Ardleigh
Ardleigh, xxvii. 24, 380
Armestead, Will. see Ermestead
Arundel, Thos. A. xxxvi. lxvi. 155, 326, 363, 368
Arundell, Edward, Comes, 119
Arundelle, Rich. 156
Asaph, S. Diocese of, 455, 456, 460, 461
Aslyn, Rob. M. C. 358, 359
Asshe, Hen. M. C. 328, 362
Assheweye or Askewye, Thomas de, C. 136
Astry, Francis, Thes. 289, 290
Athelard, Thos. M.C. 362
Atkinson, Mr. M. C. 273, 274
Audeley, Tho. Knt. 452
Augustine, S. 10
Augustine, S. Church of, 375
Ave Maria Lane, lxiii.
Aylmer, John, B. 278, 279, 467
Ayscough, Sam. 480, 481, 483
Bacon, S. 369
Badelesmere, Bartholomew de, 119
Baker, Sam. C. 290
Baker, Thos. M. C. 291, 297
Baldock, Ralph, D. B. xxi. xliii. xliv. 9, 84, 89, 94, 134, 135, 144, 147, 175, 188, 222, 279, 467, 469, 474, 476, 478, 479, 482
Baldock, Rob. Archd. 107, 109
Balliol College, living in gift of, 375
Bancroft, Rich. B. xliv. 272, 419, 467
Bangor, Diocese of, 455, 456, 460, 461
Bardolf, Hugo, 117
Barker, Jas. C. 290, 294, 297
Barker, Roger, 453, 454, 460
Barkstede, Mr. M. C. 274
Barley, Widow, 274
Barling, xxvii.
Barnes, xxvii. lxiii. 380
Barnes, see Barons
Barons, Will. B. 487
Bartholomei, S. Canonici, 176, 177
Barthone, see Barton
Barton, Rob. de, D. 184, 469, 471
Barwick, John, D. lii. 469, 482
Basinges, Will. de, D. 468
Basle, Council at, 398
Bassett, Alanus et Avelina, 143, 146
Bassett, Fulk, B. 143, 144, 146, 147, 184, 467, 471, 479
Bassett, Philip, 143, 144, 146, 147
Bassett, Ralph, 114, 156
Bathe, see Bothe
Bathurst, W. L. 376
Baudake, see Baldock
Bayly, Will. 461
Beauchamp, xxvii. 133
Beaumes, see Belmeis
Beckett, Thomas a, A. lxvi. 52
Beckington, Thos. B. Bath and Wells, 162
Beket, Gilbert 477
Bel, J. 186
Belchamp, 380
Belemeyne, John, 476
Bell, Geo. C. 290, 294
Bello Campo, Thos. de, 122, 156
Belmeis, I. Rich. de, B. 114, 119, 466
Belmeis, II. Rich. de, B. 21, 381, 466
Belt, Walter, 399
Benet, S. Fink, 375
Benet, S. Gracechurch, 375
Benet, S. Paul's Wharf, 375
Benett, Hen. 436, 439
Bennett, Thos. 482
Bentham, Sam. M. C. 291, 301, 307
Bentworth, Rich. de, B. 120, 467
Benyn, Roger, 144
Berne, see Barnes
Berns, see Barnes
Bernyngham, John, 169, 171, 172
Betti, Rich. 169
Bird, Mr. 274
Bisac, R. de, 186
Bishops Court, lxiv.
Bishopsgate, Priory of the New Hospice Without, 384
Blesensis, see Blois
Bloett, Robert, 120
Blois, Peter of, Arch. 21
Blokley, Walter, 143, 146
Blomfield, Chas. Jas. B. xxiv. lv. 317, 318, 371–6, 468
Blunt, Mr. 274
Bohun, Humphrey de, 119
Bokebyndere, Will. le, 328
Bokerell, Isabella, 143, 146
Boniface, A. 382, 383
Boniface IX. Pope, xxxii. 147, 154, 166, 197, 200, 214, 362, 401, 409, 410, 482
Bonn, Ralph de, C. 94
Bonner, Edmund, B. 264, 265, 271, 416, 419, 467
Boreham, Ric. de, M.C. 321
Borham, Hervey de, D. B. 88, 90, 136, 386, 469
Borham, Church of, 24
Bothe, Laurence, D. 469
Botolph, S. Bishopsgate, 375
Boundys, alias Willesdon, 169
Bourne, Gilb. B. Bath and Wells, 265
Boxton (error, for Hoxton), 25
Braiosa, Will. de, 117
Bramforde, John, 136
Brandone, Reginald de, C. 94, 144, 147, 188
Bray, Will. de. C. 107, 109
Braybrooke, Rob. de, B. xxxi. xxxvi. 142, 145, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 163, 166, 171, 197, 200, 214, 256, 258, 274, 326, 362, 368, 391, 393, 395, 467, 482
Braynforde, John, 144, 147
Brent, Na. 423
Brewer, Robert, D. 469
Brian, Will. 147, 148
Bridges, Hen. C. 290
Briewarr, see Briwer
Brightlyngeseye, tithes of, 36, 110
Briscow, Rob. 455, 459, 461
Brithelingeseye, tithes of, 36, 110
Briwer, Will. 117
Broiosa, see Braiosa
Brokett, Will. 460
Bromesbury, Prebend of, xxvii. 25, 170, 283, 465
Bromewell, Will. 438, 441, 443, 447, 462, 484
Brounesbury, see Bromesbury
Brouneswode, see Brownswood
Brown, Thos. B. Norwich, 162
Brownsbury, see Bromesbury
Brownswood, Prebend of, xxvii. 24, 170, 283, 284, 465
Bruce, Giles de, B. Hereford, 123
Bruera, Gilbert de, D. 321, 322, 469
Brueriis, W. de, 123
Bryscowe, see Briscow
Bubbewyth, Nicholas de, B. 467
Bullmere, John de, 471
Bullock, Will. 408
Bumpstead Steeple, 70, 395
Bumsted ad Turrim, see Bumpstead
Burdett, John, 170
Bures, John, 146
Burgate, John, 166
Burnham, Alardus de, D. 137, 141, 187, 468
Burnham, Editha de, 141
Burton, Henry, 158
Burton, Joshua, C. 290, 294
Bury, Rich. de, B. Durham, 122
Butler, Jos. D. 470
Butler, Rich. 482
Butler, Thos. 458
Bylchamp, see Belchamp
Bynteworth, see Bentworth
Caddington, Manor of, xxvii.
-, Major, Preb. of, xxvii. 25,
283, 465
-, Minor, Preb. of, xxvii. 24,
284, 465
Cadindon, Moniales de, 471
Calard, Rich. 455, 459, 460
Cambridge, Bequest to Univ.
Library, 399
-, Copy of Statutes in Univ.
Library, 473
Camera Dianæ, 126
Canon Alley, lxiv.
Canterbury, Abp. of, Livings in
gift of, 375
-, Cathedral, Visitation of, 422
-, D. and C. of, Livings in gift
of, 375
-, Priorand Convent of, 385, 386
Cantilupo, Arnaldus Frangerius de la, D. 469
Cantilupo, W. de, 123
Cantlers, see Kentish Town
Cantuariensi, Rob. de, Archd. 98
Carey, Valentine, D. 469
Carileph, Will. of S., B. Durham, 113
Carter, Geo. C. 290, 294
Cawdery, Rich. 169, 171
Cawod, Mr. 278
Cawood, John, Printer, 278
Chamberlainswood, Chambereleyneswode, Chambyrleyneswode, Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 284, 391, 465
Chambers, Francis, 273, 274
Champants, Thos. 482
Charles I. li.
Charlton, Geo. M. C. 291
Chelmeresfford, see Chelmsford
Chelmsford, 124
Chesewyk, see Chiswick
Chicheley, Hen. de, A. 396
Chichester Cathedral, Visitation of, 423
Chikewelle, Hamo, 143, 146
Chingford, xxvii. 124, 207, 380
Chishul, Edmund, C. 290, 294
-, John de, D. B. xxxviii. 94,
135, 386, 467, 469
Chiswick, Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 169,
284, 465
-, Advowson of, 211
-, Rectory of, 267
Christ Church, Newgate Street, 452
Chrodegang, S. lvii. lviii.
Church, R. W. D. 430, 431, 470
Churchman, John, lvii.
Churston, Rich. M. C. 362
Chyngford, see Chingford
Chyrch, John, Sub–D. 450
Clar, G. de, Comes Glouc. et Essex. 123
Cleeter, Christopher, 482
Clement, S. Eastcheap, 375
Clerk, John, 364
Clerkenwell, Monks of, 384, 385
Cliffe, Will. 265
Clifford, Rich. B. lix. 156, 467
Clothall, Rob. or John, Chanc. 107, 109
Clyfford, Roger de, 124, 125
Cnudus, R. 479
Codenore, Stephen de, 386
Colchester, Archdeaconry of, 13,
20, 24, 80, 147
-, John de, C. 107, 109
Cole, Henry, D. 264, 419, 469
Cole, James, 170
Colet, John, D. xxxi. xxxii. xlv.xlix. 78, 92, 217, 230, 237,
249, 400, 418, 438, 441,
443, 446, 462, 469, 479,
-, His Exhibita criticised, 418
-, His Treatises, lx.
Coleyne, see Cologne
Colingham, Hugh de, C. 94
Cologne, Will, C. 148
Columbere, Matthew de, 124
Compton, H, B. li.–liv. 281–286, 468, 480, 482
Compton, James, 482
Consumpta per Mare, Prebend of xxvii. 25, 85, 465
Cooke, John, 411, 412
Cooke, Mr. Stationer, 274
-, Thos. C. 290, 301, 307
Coole, Widow, 274
Coop, Mr. Hosier, 274
Copleston, Edward, D. 317, 470
Cornhill, Henry de, D. 99, 124, 181, 184, 185, 468, 471, 478
Cornwallis, Fred. D. 470
Costoun, Simon, 410
Cosyn, John, 146
Cotell, Rich. M. C. 328, 362
Coumbe, John, 364
Courtenay, Peter de, 156
-, Will. B. A. 155, 467
Cowike or Cowyke, Will. 411, 412
Crakanthorp or Crakynthorp, Mr. 456, 460
Creed Lane, lxiii.
Cressingham, Hen. de, 94
Cristemasse, John, M. C. 324
Cromwell, Rich. 459
Crosse, John, 461
Croxton, Thos. M. C. 324
Crullyng, Will. 321
Crumbwelle, John de, 119
Curlews, Nicholas, 214
Cusaunce, Gerard de, C. 107, 109
-, W.? de, 107 note
Cuthbert, Thomas, 408
Danby, Robert, 399, 400
Damlet, Laurence, M. C. 365
Darcy, John, 122
David ap Griffith ap ll'm, 462
Davids, S. Diocese of, 455, 456, 460, 461
Dean's Court, lxiv.
Dechair, Edward, M. C. 291, 296
Derby, John de, 386
Deruvianus, see Dumanus
Devereux, John, 156
Dianæ, Domus, xxx. 126
Dibben, Thomas, Prec. 289, 294
Dicers Lane, 476
Diceto, Ralph de, D. lxiv. 10, 33, 63, 109, 124, 125, 141, 153, 174, 187, 279, 468, 475, 476, 478, 482
Dickinson, F. H. 483
Difforde, John, 154
Ditton, John de, C. 107, 109
Dixon, Nicholas, 169, 171
Dokesworth Rob. M. C. 328, 362
Dongeon, see Dungon
Donne, Gabriel, 265, 266, 270,
271, 272
-, John, D. xxviii. 469
-, John, 462
-, Rich. 462
Dormer, Edward, 460
Downam or Dowman, John, 249, 407, 409, 410, 411
Downe, Rich. 461
Dowtford, Rob. de, see Watford
Dractone, see Drayton
Draegton, see Drayton
Drayton, manor of xxvii. 107, 133, 380,
Drayton, Robert de, Thes. 188
Dumanus, xx. 10
Dungon, Ralph., C. 136, 144, 146
Dunmow, Canons of, 384, 385
Dunne, see Donne
Dunstano, S. Geoffrey de, M. C. 144, 146, 321
Eadulfesnæsa, Manor of, see Adulvesnasa
Ealdland, Prebend of, xxvii. 25, 284, 465
Ealdstreet, Prebend of, xxviii. 24, 284, 465
Ealing, parish of, 413
Eardeleage, see Ardleigh
Eccleshall, 387
Edgar, filius Edmundifratris Adelstani, 380
Edgeley, Sam. C. 290, 294, 301, 307, 308
Edmonds, Dr. 456
Edulnesnasse, 380
Edward the Confessor, 112
-, I. 118, 380, 388
-, II. 112.
-, III. 112, 120, 155, 195
-, IV. 111, 365, 368
-, VI. 368
Edwards, Thos. V. 291
Edwardus filius Aluredi R., 380
Egidius, S. see S. Giles
Egmanton, Will. 398, 400
Eldelond, see Ealdland
Eldenyslane, 126
Eldestrete, see Ealdstreet
Eleutherus, Pope, xx. 10
Elham, John de, Archd. 98
Elis, Martin, M. C. 324
Elizabeth, Qu. xxxviii. 369
Elot, Will. 399
Ely, Rich. de, B. 466
Erdelege, Erdelegh, Erdeleye, see Ardleigh
Erkenwald, S. lxiv. 368, 379, 380
-, Feasts of, 11, 52, 53, 81,
-, Shrine of, 81, 398
-, Tenements, lxiv.
Ermesteade, Will. 265, 266, 270, 271, 272, 419
Essex, Archdeaconry of, 13, 20, 24, 80
Esthall, Rob. de, Arch. Wigorn, 385
Estwick, Sampson, M. C. 291, 301, 307, 308
Eswy, see Asshewey
Ethelbert, R. xxvii. 10, 113, 114,
368, 380, 479
-, Feast of, 52
Etheldred, R. 479
Ethelstan, R. 380
Ethelwald, R. 380
Ethenham, John, 364
Eton College, livings in gift of, 375
Eudo, dapifer, 113, 114
Eugenius, Pope, 398
Eune, Ada del, (or de l'Eune) 98
Eure, see Evere
Eustachius, B. Ely, 123
Eustathius, B. i. e. Eustace de Fauconberge
Everdon, John de, D. 98, 110, 469
Everdon, Will. 144, 146, 147
Evere, Thos. de, D. 148, 151, 152, 153, 362, 469
Ewe, Rich. 458
Ewell, Will. de, C. 94
Exton, Thos. 482
Eyton, or Exton, Geoffrey, 144, 147
Fabel, John, 146
Facetus, Will. 74, 189
Faganus, xx. 10
Faith, S. in the Crypt, 278, 328, 375
Falke, Will. 411
Fastulf, Laurence, C. 98
Fauconberge, Eustace de, B. 13,
70 note, 143, 146, 182, 185,
219, 395, 467
-, Philip, Archd. Hunt. 144,
147, 396
Feckenham, John (alias Howman), D. 264, 266, 267, 270, 271, 272, 469
Feringes, Geoffrey de, D. 69, 91, 189, 469
Ferrariis, H. de, 122
-, W. Comes de, 123
Fillol, see Fylol
Finch, Mr. Carpenter, 277
Finchingfield or Finchingfeud, xxxvii. 396
Finesbury, see Finsbury
Finsbury, Preb. of, xxviii. 24, 283, 285, 465
FitzHugh, Rob. B. xxxi. 167,
169, 171, 258, 398, 467
-, His will, 398
-, Ambassador to Rome and
Venice, 398
-, Galfridus, 399
FitzJames, Rich. B. xxxii. xlvi.
213, 216, 245, 252, 260,
400, 401, 411, 413, 414,
419, 467, 482
-, Protest against his statutes,
FitzNeale, Rich. de, alias Ely, B.
FitzWalter, Hubert, A. 117
Flambard, Ralph, 119, B. Durham
Fleminge, Rowland, Virger, 278
Fletcher, Mr. M.C. 273, 274
-, Rich. B. 467
Foliot, Gilbert, B. 466
Foliot, Rich. 143, 146, 184
Ford, Rich. 436, 439
Forster, John, 207
Foster, or S. Vedast, Church of, 375
Fox, Rich. B. Winchester, 400
Frankelyn, Will. M. C. 362
Freeman, John, V. 291
Fresell, see Frisell
Frisell, James, 143, 146
Furnell, Rich. de, 381
Fylol, Giles de, Archd. 94
Fynesbury, see Finsbury
Fyneux, John, Knight, 441, 442
Gabriell, Rich. 364
Galyon, Rob. 399
Gaufredus, filius Petri Comitis Essexiæ, 117
Gaufridus de Magna Villa, 113
Garey, Sam. 421
Garsyndon, co. Lincoln, 166
Gee, Edward, Dr. Div. Lect. 291, 294, 297
George, S., Botolph Lane, 375
Gerveys, Roger, 476
Gibson, Edmund, B. liv.-v. 286– 316, 480, 481, 468
Giffard, Godfrey, B. Worcester,
-, Will. Chancellor, 114
Gilbert, John, B. Hereford, 155
-, Rob. B. xxxi. 169, 171, 173,
-, Universalis (the Universal),
B. 466
Giles, S. Cripplegate, Tithes of,
36, 95, 110
-, Advowson of, xxiv.
Gillman, Thos. mercer, 274
Gloucester, Rich. 143, 146
Gloucester Cathedral, Archiepiscopal Visitation of, 423
-, Members of Foundation of,
Godefridus, Thesaurarius, 381
Godolphin, Hen. D. 286, 289, 293, 296, 300, 470
Goldinge, Mr. M. C. 273, 274, 277
Gooch, Thos. Archd. 289, 294
Gosling, see Gostling
Gostling, Henry, M. C. 291, 297
-, John, M. C. 291, 297, 301
Goth, Reymund de la, D. 469
Gotham, John, M.C. 358, 359
Gotson, Thos. 409, 411, 412
Grantham, John, 13, 143, 146
Gravesend, Rich. de, B. 87, 94, 107, 109, 136, 145, 279, 387, 388, 467
Gravesend, Stephen de, B. 94, 95, 98, 99, 105, 109, 467, 476, 477, 482
Grace, Walter, Apparitor, 287
Green, Maurice, V. 291
Gregory, Pope, 10
-, Rob. C. 430, 431
-, S. Parish of, 409
-, S. Church of, 22, 273, 321,
-, S. Curate of, 340, 1
Grene, Rich. 144, 147
Grey, Will. 467
Grimbald, Peter, 124
Grindal, Edmund, B. 467
Gyles, Mr. 277
Haberdashers' Company, 358, 359
Haddeleye, Nich. M.C. 324
Hadham, 322, 324
Haliwelle, Preb. of, see Finsbury 24, 169
Hall, Will. C. 290, 294, 297
-, Will. Sec. to B. Compton,
480, 481
Halliwelle, Priory of, 384
Halstead, xxxviii.
-, Hen. C. 290, 294, 297
Halywelle, see Finsbury
Hamo, Dapifer, 114
Hamshill, Will. 13
Hankinson, Mr. 274
Hankyns, Mr. 274
Hare, Francis, D. 290, 292, 301, 307, 470
Hareworth, Will. 143, 146
Harlesdon or Harleston, Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 170, 284, 465
Harling, Manor of, 380
Harpesfield, Nich. 265, 271, 272
Harrington, Will. 249
Harsnett, Sam. B. Norwich, 420
Harte, John, 460
Hartford, John, 456
Harroulde, Thos. 275
Harvey, Henry, 265
Harward, Francis, 271
Harworth, see Hareworth
Hassall, John, D. Norwich, 421
Hasshe, Hen. see Asshe
Hastings, Chapel, 478
Hasylwood, Hen. 453, 454
Hatfeld, John, M.C. 362
Haverhull, Will. de, C. 20, 124, 143, 144, 146
Hawkins, Will. C. 290
Hawkyns, Will. 462
Hayter, Thos. B. 468
Helen, S. Bishopsgate, 375, 471
Henchman, Humphrey, B. 287, 316, 468, 482
Henricus, Capellanus, 396
Henry I. 114, 119, 479
-, II. 381
-, III. 117, 381
-, IV. 154, 156, 364
-, V. 154, 156, 364
-, VI. 154, 156, 435, 438,
442, 453
-, VII. 368, 369, 438, 441
-, VIII. 251, 452, 453
Hereford, Domus Comitis, xxx.
-, Minor Canons, xxxviii.
Herla, Maurice de, 186
Herleston, see Harleston
Hervy, Walt. 174
Hikeman, Thos. M.C. 358, 359
Hill, Rich. B. 467
Hobrugg, Gervase de, D. 468
Hokyngton, Rich. M.C. 362
Holborn, Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 141, 284, 465, 482
Holdgrave, Matilda, 399
-, Will. 399, 400
Holeborne, see Holborn
Holme, Adam, 148
-, Rogerus, Cancellarius, 148
Holmes, Thos. 455, 456, 458, 459, 461
Hooker, Richard, lvi.
Horne, Geo. 368
Horsey, Will. 409, 410
Horsheye, see Horsleie
Horsleie, Augustine de, 142
-, Fulco, 141
-, Henry de, 142
-, Thomas de, 142
Horston, Thos. (alias Shapewyke) 153, 154, 166, 364
Hosbonde, see Husbond
Hotchkis, Joshua, C. 290, 294, 297
Hotham, Alanus de, C. 98, 144, 147, 476
Housbonde, see Husbond
Howe, John, Virger, 278, 279
Howlett, Mich. 421
Howley, Will. B.A. 468
Howman, John de, see Feckenham
Hoxton, Preb. of, xxviii. 25, 284, 465
Hughes, Francis, V. 291
Hume, John, D. 470
Humphrey's, Duke, Square, lxiv.
Hunfredus, B. 380
Hunte, Thos. M.C. 328, 362
Huntley, Jas. 455, 456, 460, 462
Huntyngfeld, Will. de, 123
Husband, John, M.C. 291
Husbond, Rich. 146
Huse, Anthony, 265, 271
Hyde, Mr. 274
Hyggyns, Roger, 446
Idesworth, Hen. de, C. 98, 143, 146, 482
Incent, John, D. 271, 419, 469
Ingaldesthorp, Thos. de, D. 91, 188, 386, 469
Inglethorp, see Ingaldesthorp
Innocent II. Pope, 181, 397, 475
-, III. Pope, 21, 122
-, VI. Pope, 324
-, John, see Incent
Iseldone, or Iseldon, see Islington
Islington, Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 284, 465
Ivinghoe, Ralph de, 94, 188
Ivy Lane, 479
Ixworth, Johannes, 170
Jackson, Henry, M.C. 291
-, John B. 428, 429, 468
-, John, 277
James, Ptolomeus, C. 290
Jenner, Geo. 424, 427
Johannes, filius Nigelli, 125
-, Precentor, 385
-, Remembranciarius, 124
John, R. 115, 122
-, S. Baptist, 375
-, S. Zachary, 273, 375
Johns, Rob. 462
Johnson, Rob. 265, 271
Jones, Edward, Chanc. 289
Julius II. Pope, 409
Juxon, Will. B. 281, 467.
Kateryngton, John, 148
Kempe, John, B. 467
-, Thos. B. 204, 245, 467, 474,
Kensworth, xxvii.
Kent, Will. de, 142
Kenteschtonne, or Kentessetown, see Kentish Town
Kentish Town (alias Cantlers), Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 283, 285, 466
Kentwode, Reginald, D. 167, 169, 171, 263, 469
Kilmyngton, Rich. de, D. 323, 469
Kilwardby, Rob. A. 382
Kinaston, Edw. 299
King, Chas. 291
-, John, B. 467
-, John Archd. 289, 292
Kirkby, xxvii.
Knapp, Dr. xxiv.
Knight, Dr. Sam. 481
Kydde, John, 390
Kyngeston, Rob. de, M.C. xxxiv. 321, 322
Lacy, Henry, 461
Lamb, Henry, C. 290
Lambeth, 397, 399
-, S. Mary, 407
Lambourne, Church of, 16, 23
Lancaster, Blanche Countess of, 77, 157, 461
Lancastria, Henry de, 122
Lancastriæ, Johannes Dux, 157
Lanfranc, A. 113
Langford, Ralph de, D. 468, 471
-, Walter de, D. 468
Langley, Thos. M. C. 272, 274
Langton, John, B. Chichester, 119
-, Stephen, A. 122
-, Mr. M. C. 274
Laud, Will. A. 1. 280, 281, 420,
422, 423, 467
-, Visitation of Canterbury by,
-, Chichester, 423
-, Gloucester, 423
-, Lichfield, 423
-, Worcester, 423
-, Letter to D. and C. of Norwich, 420
Laurence, S. College of, 144, 146
-, S. Jewry, 375
Laurentio, S. John de, 185, 186
Layley, Roger, 144
Lee, see Leye.
Leo X. Pope xxxii. 214—217, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 482
Leonard, S. Eastcheap, 375
Lesness, Convent of, 471
Letharius, B. 380
Leune, Ada de, 98
Lewis, David, 292, 294, 297, 308
Leycestria, Ralph de, Chancellor, 124
Leycetor, Blanche, 461
Leye, Roger de la, D. 135, 136, 146, 188, 469
Lichefeld, Will. de, 184, 207, 400, 413, 414
Lichfield, Visitation of Cathedral, 423
Lilly, Will. xlvi. 92
Lisieux, Thos. D. xxi. xliv. 172, 173, 174, 469, 474, 475, 478
Loga, De la, see Leye
Lollards' Tower (S. Paul's), 22
London, Archdeaconry of, 13, 20,
-, Arms of Diocese, 368
-, House Yard, lxiv.
-, Hugh de, Arch. 20, 187
-, Livings in patronage of
Bishop, 375
-, Walter de, D. 98, 468
Long, John, 411
-, Simon, 411
Lopham, Dionysius, 148, 166
Lovel, John, 144, 146
-, Fulk. Archd. Colchest. 136,
144, 147, 386, elected
Bishop but declined office,
Lownes, Mr. 274
Lowth, Rob. B. 468
Luc, or Luk, John de, C. 94, 188
Luca, see Luc
Lucius III. Pope, 190
-, Rex, xx. 10,
Luckett, Jas. Virger, 292
Lucy, Geoffrey de, D. 20, 88,
186, 187, 396, 468
-, Godfrey de, B. Winton, 117
Luffanhale, Manor of, xxvii. 380
Luffanhede, see Luffanhale
Lupton, Jas. M. C. 372
-, J. H. lx.
Lylly, John, 368
Lynne, John, M.C. 362
Lyntone, John, M.C. xxxv. 326, 328, 362
Lytlyngton, John de, M.C. 321
Maicock, Will. M.C. 272, 274
Majendie, H. W. B. Chester, 425
Maldon, Will. de, 328
Mansel, H. L. D. xlvii. 429, 470
Mansfield, Mr. 277
Manyfeld, Rob. 328
Mapesbury, Preb. of xxvii. 24, 169, 283, 285, 466
Mapusburi, see Mapesbury
Maria, Johannes de, 94, 147, 188
-, S. Will. de, D. 468
-, Will. de, B. 88, 91, 115,
123, 183, 187, 188, 466
Marinis, Hugh de, see Marney
Mariscis, Ric. de. Chancellor, 123
Marke, John, 461, 462
-, Walter, 455, 459
-, Will. 461
Marney, Hugh de, D. 468
Marples, Rich. Virger, 292, 301, 307, 308
Martin V. Pope, xxxii. 200, 214,
216, 217, 245, 401, 402, 404,
405, 407, 408, 477, 482
-, S. le Grand, School of, 23
-, S. Orgar, 375
-, S. in Vinetria, 394
Mary, S. Aldermary, 375
-, S. de Arcubus, School of, 23
-, S. Magdalene, Milk Street,
Mary, S. Magdalene, Old Fish
-, Street, 22, 375
-, S. Spital, 451, 457
Matthew, S. Friday Street, 158
Maurice, B. 466, 477
May, Will. D. xlvii. 469
Meleford, see Milford
Mellitus, B. 10, 380
Merchant Taylors' Company, their motto, 348
Merton, Canons of, 173, 174, 177
Michael, S. Bassisshaw, 375
-, S. le Quern, 375
-, S. Queenhithe, 375
Middlesex, Archdeaconry of, 13, 20, 25, 80
Middleton, Will. de, 386
Milford, Will. de, Archd. 98, 107, 109, 144, 147
Millington, John, C. 290
Milman, H. H. D. 372, 376, 470
Monke, John, 438, 441, 443, 447, 462, 484
Molens or Molins, see Mullins
Monstor, 381
Montagu, Jas. B. Bath and Wells, 417
Monte Acuto, Will. de, Comes Sarum, 122, 156
Monteigne, Geo. B. 467
Montford, see Montfort
Montfort, Will. de, D. 83, 102, 469, 477, 482
Moor, Thos. D. 396, 469
Moore, John, B. Ely, 473
Mora, Preb. of, xxviii. 24, 283, 466
Mordon, Thos. 399, 400
Mortival, Roger, B. Sarum, 119
Mortlake, 385
Mortuo Mari, Roger de, 119
Mowse, Rob. 369
Mullins, John, 416
Munden, John, 144, 147
Mystelbrooke, Will. 458
Nastok, Manor of, xxvii. 98, 380
Navestock, see Nastock
Neasdon, Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 169,
284, 424—7, 466
-, Manor of, 380
Nesdon or Neosdune, see Neasdon
Neuport, see Newport
Nevill, H. D. 123
Newington, Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 283, 285, 466
Newport, Peter de, D. 143, 147, 184, 190, 469
Newport, Rich de, D.B. 108, 143, 147, 467, 469, 476
Newton Canonicorum, see Newington
Newton, Thos. D. 470
Nicholas, S. Cole Abbey, 375
-, S. de Flesh Shambles, 328
-, Matthew, D. 469
-, S. Olave, Church of, 273,
Nigellus, de Alb. 114
Niger, Roger, B. 82, 89, 137,
143, 144, 146, 185, 187, 190,
396, 467
-, Walter, 187
Nikke, see Nix
Nix, Rich. B. Norwich, 400
Noir, see Niger
Northborough, Michael de, B. 143, 146, 467
Northbrook, see Northborough
Northflete, Thos. de, C. 94
Norton, xxvii.
Nowell, Alex. D. 415, 416, 419,
-, disclaims Statutes of
Warham and Wolsey, 419
Nykke, see Nix
Ocbourne, John, 455
Odam, Hugh, 410
Offord, John de, A. 98
Olave, S. Silver Street, 375
Olavo, John de S. 143, 146
Oldenese Lane, xxx. 126
Oliver, Edward, C. 290
Orivalle, Hugh de, B. 466
Orrell, Mrs. 274
Orset, 388
Osbaldeston, Rich. B. 468
Osith, S. Abbey of, 384
Osmund, Chancellor, 113
Overall, John, D. 417, 469, 479
Owen, Mr. 274
Oxegate, Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 170, 284, 465, 466
Pace, Rich. D. 88, 453, 469
Packman, R. C. M. C. 372
Palmer, John, M.C. 358, 359
Pancras, S. Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 170,
283, 284, 466
-, Tithes of, 36, 110, 184
Pardon Church Haugh, xxxiv. 321,
Parker, Henry, 482
Passemer, Will. 385
Pateney, John de, 101
Paternoster Row, lxiii.
Pateshull, Martin de, D. 144, 147, 187, 468
Paul's Alley, lxiv.
-, Bake House Yard, lxiv.
-, Brew House lxiv.
-, Chain, lxiv. 73
-, College, lxiv.
-, Wharf, lxiv.
-, Wharf Hill, xxx. lxiv.
Pavior, Will. 460
Peckham, John, A. 386, 387
Peeling, John, C. 290
Pelham Arsa, or Brent, 21, 24,
-, Furneux, 21
-, Sarners, 381
Penyfather, Thos. 458
Peter, S. Cheap, 92, 149
-, S. College, lxiv. 236, 241
-, S. Paul's Wharf, 375
-, S. le Poer, 375
-, des Roches, B. Winton, see
Petit Canons Alley, lxiv.
Petleye, Mr. Carpenter, 278
Petti Canons, place so called, 273
Peverel, Ranulphus, 113
Pevoroll, see Peverel
Pewterers' Company, 358, 359
Phaganus, see Faganus
Phetibon, Mr. 274
Philipp, or Phillippes, John, 456, 460, 462, 461
Picham, 380
Picheford, G. de, 124
Pierpont, Will. xlvii.
Piggott, Ralph, Virger, 292, 297
Pilgrim Street, lxiv.
Plasshey, Rich. 144, 147
Plesshies, or Plesshys, see Plasshey
Poe, Mr. 274
Pomeray, Isabella de, 142
-, Roger de, 142
Ponceby, Mr. Stationer, 274
Poncius, Seneschal Cant., 385
Popler, Mr. 459
Porte, Thos. 411
Porter, Edmund, 421
-, Will. 368
Porteus, Beilby, B. 468, 480
Portpool, Preb. of, xxviii. 24, 170, 284, 409, 466
Pourtpole, see Portpool
Pretyman, Geo. D. alias Tomline, 424, 427, 470
Pulteneye, Joh. 144, 146, 147
Pulter, Thos. 170
Purle, W. de, 186, 396
R. Comes Cestriensis, 123
Radelyff, Roger, D. 469
Ramsey, John, 275
Randolph, John, B. 424, 468
Ranulphus, B. Durham, see Ralph Flambard
Ratcliffe, Dr. lvi.
Ravenston, Will. de, 321
Ravis, Thos. B. 467
Reculverland, Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 169, 284, 466
Reculverislonde, see Reculverland
Rede, Ric. 369
-, Rob. 441, 442
Rediswelle, Rob. de, 98
Reicolverislond, see Reculverland
Reginald, Arch. Middlesex, 396
Renham, Will. de, 98
Reyner, Will. M.C. 291
Richard II. 326, 363, 364, 365
-, literæ patentes, 142, 154
Richardus, Chancellor, 120
Ridley, Nicholas, B. 467
Roberts, Foulke, 421
Robinson, John, B. 468
Roche, Manor of, 380
Roches, Peter de, B, Winton, 123
Rode, Will. M.C. 328
Rogemer, see Rugmere
Roger, S. see Niger
-, Canonicus, 144, 146
-, Comes Saropesberiæ, 113
-, Chancellor, 114
-, Nepos Huberti, 114
-, B. Salisbury, 119
Roggemere, see Rugmere
Rogiers, Hugh, 455, 459, 461
Romayn, John, 143, 146
Rosamundi Domus, xxx. 126
Roydon, Mr. M.C. 274
Rufus, Ailwardus, 176
Rugmere, Preb. of xxvii. 24, 284, 466
Rumeseye, Nicholas de, 124
Rumpeola, Manor of, 380
Runewell, or Runwell, Manor of, xxvii. 380
Russell, Rob. 407, 411
Ryffyn, Will. M.C. 328, 362
Rygeley, Thos. 148
Rytthyn, see Ryffyn
S. Comes Wintoniensis, 123
Sadler, Ralph, 459
Sadlers' Hall, 458
Saeberht, R. 380
Salerne, Walt. de, D. 468
Salisbury, John, 169
Salmon, John, B. Norwich, 119
Sampson, Rich. D. 419, 469
Sancroft, Will. D.A. 15, 469, 482
Sandale, John de, D. 469
Sandes, see Sandys
Sandon, Manor of, xxvii. 207, 208, 252, 262, 266, 267, 272, 380
Sandwich, Henry de, B. 382, 467
-, Stephen de, 385
Sandys, Edwin, B. 467
Saracenis, Henry de, 107, 109
Sargeants' Inn, 273
Sarneriis, Will. de, 381
Sarum, Bishop of, 16
Savage, Thos. B. 260, 467
Saxton, John, 170
Say, Will. D. 436, 439, 469, 475
Scroope, Rich. le, 156
Seacole Lane, 365
Secker, Thos. D. 470
Seffride II. B. Chichester, 117
Segrave, Gilbert de, B. lvi. 118,
-, Stephen de, Archd. 107, 108,
Selengere, Ralph, 147
Selvistone, John de, C. 135
Sermon Lane, lxiii.
Seston, John, 455, 456, 460, 461, 462
Sewell, Thos. 249
Sextinus, John, 411
Shadwell, 15
Shapewyke, Thos. alias Horston
Sharpe, Parson, 462
Sheffelde, Walt. 455, 456, 458, 459, 461
Sheldon, Gilbert, B. 467, 482
-, Joseph, 482
Sherbourn, see Shirbon
Sherlock, Thos. B. 290, 294, 468
-, Will. D. 282, 470
Shilyngford, John, 147
Shirbon, Rob. de. D. 207, 469
Shoreditch, Church of, 24
Shunammite's House, lvi.
Sigillo, Rob. de, B. 466
Skeet, Geo. Virger, 292
Skelton, Will. Registrar, 287–316
Skirlawe, Walt. B. Durham, 155
Skotheropp, Rich. 458
Slegge, Mr. 274
Smith, John, 249
-, Lancelot, C. 290, 294
-, Mr. 274
Smythe, Rich. Virger, 277
Sneating, Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 284, 466
Snetynge, see Sneating
Sokens, the, xxvii.
Somerset House, lxiii.
Sonday, Will. 147, 148
Sonnebury, Tithes of, 36, 110
Spaldwyk, Will. 148
Spendlove, John, 421
Spital Sermons, 451, 457
-, S. Mary, 451, 457
Spynke, John, 455, 459, 461
Stafford, John A. 162, 474
Stamford, Taurinus de, D. 468
Stanbrugg, Simon de, 94, 188
Standisdayle, James, 461
Stanhope, Michael, C. 290, 294
Stanley, Will. Archd. 289, 290, 292
Stephanus, Archd. 385
Stephen, R. 173
Stevecle, Will. 154
Steynton, Simon, 148
Stickett, Will. 272
Stillingfleet, Edward, D. 470, 482
Stillman, John, see Twyte
Stoberd, John, 407, 408, 411, 412
Stoke, Prior and Convent of, 395
Stokes, John, 169
Stokesley, John, B. 467
Stone, Lucie atte, 328
Storidge, Henry, 455, 461
Stortford, Church of, 24
-, Thos. de, Precentor, 186, 472
-, Will. 154
Stowe, Rob. de, 188
-, Thos. D. 147, 148, 154, 165,
166, 469
Strahan, Will. 297, 298, 299
Stratford, John A. 122
-, Ralph de, B. 467
-, Rich. de, 386
-, Rob. B. Chichester, 122
Styvecle, see Stevecle
Suckling, Edmund, D. Norwich, 420
Sudbury, Sunbury, Sonbury, Sunneburi, Sonnesbury, Suineberi, xxxvii.
Sudbury, John, 170
-, Simon A. xxxiv. 163, 195,
322–323, 324, 325, 390,
Sudmonster, 381
Sumner, Chas. R. D. 470
Surrey, Thos. Earl of, 441, 442
Suthfeld, Walt. de, B. Norwich, 9
Sutton, manor of, xxvii. 211, 251,
252, 262, 266, 267, 268,
-, Will de, 391
Swereford, Alex. 144, 146
Swinefield, Rich. de, 188
Syward, Rich. 328
Tabor, Dr. 273, 274
Tait, A. C. A.B. li. 468
Talbot, Rich. D.B. 467, 469
Talkarn, John, 411
Terrick, Rich. B. 468
Testa, Vitalis de, D. 469
Thaxted, 396
Theaker, Mr. 274
Thetford, Prior of, 396
Thomas, S. the Apostle, Church
of, 375
-, Arch. of York, 113
Thomlinson, Rob. C. 290, 294
Thompson, Will. 288, 292, 295
Thorneton, Henry, 455, 456, 461
Thorp, Walter de, C. 107, 109, 143, 146
Thorpe, xxvii.
Thurlow, Thos. D. 470
Tidpolditun, or Tidwolditun, or Tidwoldurcon, manor, xxvii, 380
Tillincgeham, see Tillingham
Tillingham, Manor, xxvii. 380
-, Hall, xxvii.
-, Church of, 24
Tillison, John, viii.
Tillotson, John, D. 470
Tillynge, Church of, 24
Tomline, see Pretyman
Totenhale, see Tottenhall
Tottenhall, Preb. of, xxvii, 24, 169, 283, 285, 466
Tourneham, Stephen de, 117
Tregonwell, John, Sir, 265
Trillick, Thos. D. 469
Trinity, Holy, the less, 375
-, Holy, Canons of, 173, 177
Trinity, Holy, Convent of, London, 472
Troteman, Josceline, B. Bath and Glastonbury, 123
Tunstall, Cuthbert, B. 467
Turke, Rob. 146
-, Will. 453, 455, 460, 461
Turnbull, Thos. 462
Turner, Will. Mus. Doc., V. 291, 301, 307, 308
Tuyford, see Twyford
Tyler, John, 455, 460, 461, 462
Twiford, see Twyford
Twyford, Preb. of, xxvii. 24, 169, 284, 466, 472
Twyte, John, alias Stillman, 410
Ufford, John de, see Offord
Ule, Mr. 274
Ulstan, D. 468
Underwood, Mr. 274
Universalis, see Gilbert
Urban VI. Pope, xxxv. 176, 324
Uxbridge, 483
Valencia, Ademarus de, Comes Pembroc, 119
Van Mildert, Will. D. 470
Vaughan, Rich. B. 467
Vedast, S. or Foster, Church of, 375
Veer, Rob. de, 123
Victore, Hugh de S. 9
Vint, Will. 423
Vowell, Will. 446
W. Archidiaconus London, 186
W. filius Geroldi, 123
W. filius Roberti, 186
Walber, Thos., C. 169
Walden, Roger, B. lix. 467
Walker, Mr. M.C. 274
Walley, Mrs. 274
Wallis, Hugh, B. Lincoln, 123
Walls, Geo., C. 290, 294
Walter, B. Chichester, 117
Waltham, John, B. Sarum, 155
-, Roger de, C. 98, 107, 109,
144, 147, 474
-, Walter de, 124
Walton on the Naze, xxvii.
Warde, Thos. C., 169, 171, 172
-, Mr. 274
Ware, John, 321
Warelwast, Will. 120
Warham, W., B.A. xxxi xxxii.
206, 222, 245, 251, 252,
253, 260, 262, 403, 404,
417, 418, 441, 442, 467,
475, 479, 482
-, Protest against his Statutes,
-, Statutes said to be disclaimed
by Dean Nowell, 419
Warren, arms of, 368
Warreno, Will. de, 117, 123
Warwick, Hospitium Comitis de, 126
Warwick lane, xxx. 126
Washburne, Will. M.C. 291
Watford, Rob. de, D. 184, 185, 187, 468
Watham, see Waltham
Watkyn, Rich. 411
Watts, Rob. 480
-, Thos. Archd. 415–6
-, Extract from his will, 415
Wayte, Roger, 461
Weathershead, Rich. de, D. 468
Weldland, Preb. of, xxvii. 25, 169, 284, 466
Welebourn, Will. 88
Wellesley, G. V., C. 424–8
Welloksburi, see Wenlocksbarn
Wells Cathedral, Statutes of, 19, 44, 62, 71, 79, 80
Wendovere, John de, 125
-, Rich. 144, 147, 187, 188
Wengham, Henry B. 143, 146,
385, 467
-, John de, C. 94, 135, 144, 147
Wenlakesharn, see Wenlocksbarn
Wenlock, Will., C. 148
Wenlocksbarn, Preb. of, xxviii. 24, 283, 466
Weston, S. R., C. 424–7
Wharton, Henry, his MSS. 390
Wheely, Sam., V. 291
Whytbroke, Will. 369
Wickham, manor of, xxvii. 88, 380
Wight, Mr. Stationer, 274
Wildeland, see Weldland
Wilesdone, see Willesdon
Willesdon, Preb. of, xxvii. 25,
169, 284, 466
-, Tithes of, 36, 110, 184
-, Manor, 380
-, Green, 25
Willesdune, see Willesdon
William I. 112, 113, 114, 477,
-, II, Rufus, 114, 119, 479
Williams, James, Pænit. 289, 290
-, Mr., M.C. 274
Willielmus, de S. Carileph, B.
Durbam, 113
-, Marescallus, comes de Pembroc, 117, 123
-, de Ecclesia S. Mariæ, see
Maria S.
Willielmus, B. of Rochester, 117
-, D. 468
-, B. 466
-, filius Roberti, C. 396
Winchelsey, Rob., A. 126
Windsor, 382, 390
Wingham, see Wengham
Winniffe, Thos., D. 281, 469
Wllman, D. 468
Wobode, Grangia quæ vocatur, 98
Wokyndon, Joan, 144, 147
-, Rich. 144, 147
Wolsey, Thos. Cardinal, xxxi.
xxxii. xlv. xlvi. 237, 248,
249, 263, 417, 418, 479,
481, 482
-, Authority of his statutes denied, 418
Worcester Cathedral, Visitation of 423
Worseley, Will. D. 469
Worsopp, John, 458, 459
Woxbrigge, see Uxbridge
Wren, Thos. 292, 297
Wucham, see Wickham
Wyke, John, 364
Wykeham, Will. de, B. Winchester, 155
Wykham, see Wickham
Wyldelonde, see Weldland
Wylesdone grene, see Willesdon
Wyllesdon alias Boundys, see Willesdon
Wyllett, Walter, 460
Wyngham, see Wengham
Wynterbourne, Thos. D. 469
Wytby, Will. de, 154
Yeling, see Ealing
Yong, John, 368
Younge, Edward, 421
Younger, John, C. 290, 292, 293, 311