The Fraternity of Jesus: Accounts of the wardens, 1533-1544

Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Originally published by Nichols and Sons, London, 1873.

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'The Fraternity of Jesus: Accounts of the wardens, 1533-1544', in Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis, ed. W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'The Fraternity of Jesus: Accounts of the wardens, 1533-1544', in Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Edited by W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"The Fraternity of Jesus: Accounts of the wardens, 1533-1544". Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Ed. W Sparrow Simpson (London, 1873), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


This is thaccompte of Rauffe Aleyn and William Turke, Wardeyns of the ffraternitie or guilde of the most glorious Name of Jh[es]u founded in the Crowdes of the Cathedrall Churche of Seint Paule of London, from the ffeast of Christemas in the yere of our Lorde God mvcxxxiij. and in the xxvth yere of the Reigne of kynge Henry the viijth, vnto the ffeast of Christemas then next ensuyng, that is to say, by the space of one hole yere.

ffyrst, the said Accomptaunts chargen them selffs with tharrerages in the fote of the last accompte ccj li. viij s. iij d.
Also, with tharrerages of Henry Storidge as apperith by obligacon xij li.
Also, with tharrerages of Walter Marke by obligac[i]on vi li. xiij s. iiij d.
Also, with tharrerages of Walter Sheffelde as apperith in the last accompte xiij li. ij s.
Also, with tharrerages of Robert Bryscowe as apperith in the last accompte vj li. xvj s. viij d.
Also, with tharrerages of Hugh Rogiers as apperith in the last accompte vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Also, with tharrerages of Thomas Holmes as aperith in the last accompte v li.
Also, with tharrerages of John Spynke xj li.
Also, with tharrerages of Seynt Asso, Bangour, and Seynt Davys, as apperith in the last accompte xiij li. vj s. viij d.
Also, with tharrerages of John Seston v li.
Also, with tharrerages of Jamys Huntley xl s.
Also, with tharrerages of Henry Thorneton as apperith by obligacon iiij li.
Also, with tharrerages of John Tyler v li.
Also, with iiij li. which he receyued of Richard Calard at the eleccon of his accompte Sm[m] cclxxxxvj li. iij d. iiij li.
Also, with the ferme of two Tenements and certeyn londs lying in the Townes and ffeldes of Vxbridge, in the Counties of Midd. and Buk., letten to John Ocbourne of Vxbridge aforsaid for xl s. by yere, payable at the ffeasts of Seint Mighell tharchaungell and Thannunciacon of our Lady by even porcions, that is to say, for the same ffeasts within the tyme of this accompte xl s.
Also, with the ferme of all the deuocions belonging to the said ffraternitie within the prouince of Yorke, the Dioces of Lyncolne, Norwyche, Worcestour, Chestour, and Herford, letten to John Tyler of Couentry for the somme off xxxiiij li. vj s. viij d., within the tyme of this accompte xxxiiij li. vj s. viij d.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions for parte of the Countie of Essex, letten to Jamys Huntley for xl s. by yere, as aperith by obligacion xl s.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions for the Countie of Midd. and parte of the Countie of Essex, letten to Walter Sheffelde by yere, as aperith by endenture, for the tyme of this accompte xl s.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions for the Citie of London, letten to the said Walter, by endenture for the somme of xx li. x s. by yere, for the tyme of this accompte xxli. x s.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions for the dioces of Canterbury, letten to Crakynthorp v li.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions of the dioces of Chichestre, letten to John Seston of Lewes, by endenture for xxxiij s. iiij d. by yere, for the tyme of this accompte xxxiij s. iiij d.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions of the dioces of Winton and Sarum, letten to Thomas Holme, for v li. by yere, as aperith by obligacion, for the tyme of this accompte v li.
Also, with the fferme of like deuocions of the Archdeaconry of Chester and the Isle of Man, letten by endenture to John Hartford for xxxiij s. iiij d. for the tyme of this accompte xxxiij s. iiij d.
Also, with the ferme of like deuocions of the dioces of Seint Asso, Bangor, and Seint Davys, letten to John Phillippes, for the tyme of this accompte iij li. vj s. viij d.
Also, with the fferme of like deuocions for the dioces of Exetour, Bath, and Wells, letten to John Amydas, Sergiaunt at Armys, for the tyme of this accompte vij li.
Also, with wax offered before JJh[es]uus viij s.
Also, of the Wardeyns of the ffelysship of Waxchaundelers of London for an Annuell Rent of xx s. by yere xx s.
Also, of the bequest of Mr Doctour Edmonds v s.
Also, receyued of the Executors of Henry Thorneton for tharrerages by hym due the day of his decease, ouer and aboue tharrerages of iiij li. abouewrytten iij li.
Sm[m]a. lxxxix li. iij s.
Sum total of all the charges & receyts ccclxxxv li. iij s. iij d.
Wherof paide.
The said accomptaunts accompte in payments ordynary, to be made in the Crowdes of the said Cathedrall Church to sondry Ministres of the same Church, beyng present and keping diuine seruice there, in the ffeasts of the Transfiguracion and Name of Jh[es]u, and Masse of Requiem on the morowe then next and ymediately folowing: That is to say, ffirst, to the Subdeane, beyng present at all the premyses, and singing High Masse in the said ffeasts, for either day, ij s.; sm[m]. iiij s. To viij Chauntry Prests bering copes in the said ffeasts, in rewarde, xiij s. iiij d. To xij Pety Canons, xl s. To vj Vycars, xvj s. viij d. To euery High Canon, Pety Canon, Chauntry Preste, Vycar, and Querester, beyng present and bering Coopes in the said ffeasts of the Transfiguracion and Name of Jh[es]u, iiij d. apeace, sm[m] xxvij s. ij d. To a Pety Canon singing Masse of Requiem, and reding the Gospell and Pistell at the said iij Masses, and for saying de profundis, ij s. x d. ffor the collacion there made at the High Mas in the ffeast and Name of JJh[es]uu, iij s. iiij d. To the Sexteyn for garnysshing the Aulters, and bering of the bokes and other ornaments, iij s. x d. To the iiij Vergiers there beyng attendaunt, to euery of them xvj d., with xx d. in Rewarde, vij s. To the bell Ryngers for their labour in the said ffeasts, beside xx s. paied to them quarterly for kepyng of the dores of the said Crowdes, xiij s. iiij d. vj li. xj s. vj d.
Also for Masses of Jh[es]u solempnely by note kepte within the said Crowdes by the Subdeanc, a Cardynall, a Petycanon, vj Vicars, and x Queresters of the said Cathedrall Church, in their habitts and surplices. To a Chauntry Prest singing Masse of Requiem by note euery ffryday ymmediately after Jh[es]us Masse, with vj of the Queresters; that is to say, to the Subdeane, beyng present, iiij d.; to the Pety Canon singing the Masse of Requiem, viij d; to the Chauntry Prest singing the Masse of Requiem, and euery of the Vicars iiij d.; Sm[m]. of all xlvj ffrydayes within the tyme of this accompte vij li. xiij s. iiij d.
Also to the Maister of the said tenne Queresters, for kepyng of thre Salues dayly in the said Crowdes after Complyn doon in the said Cathedrall Churche before the Images of Jh[es]u, our blessed Lady, and Seint Sebastyan, taking for his labour xxvj s. viij d. at iiij termes of the yere; that is to say, according to the ordynaunce xxvj s. viij. d.
Also to the bell Ryngers of the said Cathedrall Churche, for their labour and dayly attendaunce in openyng, closing, and shetting of the dores within the said Crowdes, for rynging of bells, blowing of Organs, lyghting and quenching of Torches and other lyghtes, and for sweping and makyng clene of the said Crowdes, at xx s. by yere, payable quarterly, besides xiij s. viij d. to them alowed in the said ffeasts xx s.
Also for the rewarde of the Wardeyns this yere, lymitted and taxed by the Rectour, Wardeyns, and Assistence of the said ffraternitie, according to the ordynaunce iiij li.
Also for lyneres for clothing for the said Wardeyns, with conysaunces of the name of Jh[es]u, lymytted in lykewyse by the said Rectour, Wardeyns, and Assistence iiij li.
Also to the Preachers at Poulys Crosse and Seynt Mary Spyttell remembryng and praying for all the Brethern and Sustern of the said ffraternitie for xliiij Sondayes and Good ffryday at Poulys Crosse, and thre dayes in Esterweke and Seint Mary Spyttell, at viij d. for euery of the said dayes xxxij s.
Also to the vj Weights, with banners, paynted conysances, enbrowdered with Jh[es]us, goyng all the stretes and suburbs of London playing with their Instruments, to gyne warnyng and knowledge to the people of the said ffraternitie for the said ffeasts of Transfiguracion and Name of Jh[es]u, according to the said ordynaunce, x s., and in rewarde this yere iiij s. iiij d. for the tyme of this accompte xiij s. iiij d.
Also to the Proctour of the said ffraternitie for the bonfire before the north dore of the said Crowdes yerely, in the evenyng of the ffeast and Name of Jh[es]u, ij s. viij d., and for the cresset lyght ij d. ij s. xd.
Also for wax spente in the said Crowdes in the tyme of this accomptaunt iij li. iij s. vj d.
Also for singing breide, (fn. 1) and for breide to make hoolye breide, viij s., and for xxxvj gallons and a quarte of maluesey at x d. the gallon. Sm[m] xxxviij s. ij d. ob.
Also to the Almener of Poulys for x Queresters of the said Cathedrall Churche, seruyng God in their habitts in the said Crowdes, aswell in the ffeasts of the Transfiguracion and Name of Jh[es]u, as euery friday at Masse of Requiem, and at iij Salues kepte dayly by the said ffraternitie iiij li. iij s. iiij d.
Also to John Worsopp, for makyng and engrosing of this accompte xx s., and to his Clerke iij s. iiij d. xxiij s. iiij d.
Also to Thomas Holmes, late Sexten, attendyng dayly in the said Crowdes, keping the vestments and ornaments belonging to the said ffraternitie, for one half yere xx s., and to Richard Skotheropp, his successor, for one other half yere xx s. Sm[m] xl s.
Also to Thomas Butler, Richard Ewe, Wylliam Mystelbroke, and Thomas Penyfather, pouer men appoynted to the Almes of the said ffraternitie, kepyng the Crowdes, helping Prests at Masse, and praying for all the Brethern and Sustern of the said ffraternitie and all Christen soules, euery of them hauyng yerely xl s., payable quarterly according to the ordynaunce Sum viij li.
Also for lyueres gyuen to v pouer men, that is to say, to Walter Sheffelde, Proctour, and to the iiij almes men, iij yards & dim. apece. Sum xvij yerds (fn. 2) at iij s. iiij d. the yard lviij s. iiij.
Sum— 1 li. vj s. iiij d. ob.
Also in sondry expenses necessary, that is to say, ffyrst for the heir of Arras occupied in Jh[es]us Chapell iiij s., and other costs thereto apperteynyng xxiij d.; paied for bromes, and paryng of the stayers at sondry tymes, xiij d.; paied for brede and ale to poore men at sondry tymes, iij d. ob.; paied to a mason for a staple and leade for the forme before Jh[es]u iij d.; paied for setting on of thapparell of iiij lenton vestments iiij d.; paied for sowing ij blak clothes for the Roode j d. ob; paied for mending and sowing of ij lenton vestments ij d.; paied for mending iij vestments, and for iiij stoles, and for satten of Bridges (fn. 3) for setting ouer of thapparell of a blak vestment, and for dim. yarde of bokram xviij d. ob; paied for mending of a vestment with white hartes viij d.; paied for collering of thre Surplices vj d.; paied for a longe brusshe for the wyndowes j d. ob.; paied for iiij quarters of Cooles xvj d.; paied for iiij plates for the pillers iiij d.; paied for a lampe j d.; paied for a lether bag for a Chales iiij d.; paied for v dosen taloughcandells vj s. iij d.; paied for iiij gallons and one pottell of lampe oyle, at xvj d. the gallon, vj s.; paied to the wyff of Thomas Holme, Sexten, for a Gowne cloth for her said husband now deceesed, ix s. vij d.; paied for wasshing the Clothes all the yere xj s. viij d.; paied to the Prests singing Masse on Jh[es]us day and Alhallowen day v s. iiij d.; paied and delte in almes on the said ij dayes vj s. viij d.; paied to iiij Porters keping the dores in the said ffeasts iiij s.; paid for the dyner of iiij pouer men ij dayes iiij s.; paied to ij women for drawing of Ale ij s.; paied for tappes and trayes viij d.; paied for v barrells of Ale at iij s. viij d.; the barrel xviij s. iiij d.; paied for Erbes and garlonds in the said ffeasts iij s. iiij d.; paied for lyueres gyuen to the Waxchaundelers and other the Brethern & Susters of the said ffraternitie vij s. iiij d.; paied for the hire of the Sadlers Hall in the ffeast of Jh[es]u aforsaid iiij s. iiij d.; paied to Walter Sheffelde for his rewarde in the said ffeasts ij s., paied to a Clerke which sat with the said Walter iij dayes in the Crowdes, to knowe the perfecte recepte of the same Walter, and to helpe to ouerse the bokes iiij s.; paied to iiij pouer men ffor watching iij s.; paied for xxxix lb. of iron to mende the clapper of the greate bell at iiij d. the lb., with the werkemanship, xiij s.; paide and gyuen in Rewarde to Mr. Rauffe Sadler, Chamberleyn vnto Mr. Secretory, to put his Maistership in remembrance to obteyne of the Kings grace a supplicacion for Jh[es]us Bretherhed, one Aungell noble (fn. 4) vij s. vj d., and ij suger loves waying xiij lb. at vj d. the lb., vj s. vj d.; item gyuen to Mr. Richard Cromwell for like entent two suger loues waying xiiij lb. at vj d. the lb., vij s.; also gyuen to Mr. Popler for like entent two Crownes of the sonne (fn. 5) ix s. iiij d.; paied to John Worsopp for makyng ij supplicacions in parchement to the Kynge for opteynyng of a lycence that the Proctors myght collecte and gather the deuocions of the Brethern and Sustren of the said ffraternitie iij s. iiij d.; item for writing of iiij copies of the suffrages of the said ffraternitie of Jh[es]us iij s. iiijd; item for writing in parchement ij tymes the corporacion of the said Fraternitie graunted by Kynge Henry the vjth, and the confirmacion of Kynge Henry the vijth, xiij s. iiij d.
Sm[m]— viij li. xv s.
Also in potacions necessary, that is to say, at the eleccion of a new Wardeyn xiij s. viij d., and at the Awdyt of Mr Callard xx s., for the dynner on Jh[es]us day iiij li., and for a breakfast on Jh[es]us day at Holmes house to the Assistence iij s. iiij d. Sum v li. xvij s.
Sum total of all the payments and discharges lxiiij li. xviij s. iiij d. ob.
Also the said Accomptant asken allowaunce for the Arrerages of Henry Storydge, as aperith in the last accompte xij li.
Item, for tharrerages of Walter Marke by obligacion, as aperith in the last accompte, vj li. xiij s. iiij d. vj. xiij s. iiij d.
Item, for tharrerages of Walter Sheffelde in the last accompte xiij li. ij s., and of this yeres ferme v li. ix s. iiij d. xix li. xx d.
Item, for tharrerages of Rob[er]t Bryscowe, as it aperith in the last accompte, vj li. xvj s. viij d., and of this yeres ferme xl s., for the ferme of Midd. Sum viij li. xvj s. viij d.
Item, for tharrerages of Hugh Rogiers, as aperith in the last accompt, vj li. xiij s. iiij d. vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Item, for tharrerages of Thomas Holme defuncti in the last accompte v li., and this yere v li. Sm[m] x li.
Item, for tharrerages of John Spynke, as aperith in the last accompte, xj li xj li.
Item, for tharrerages of John Phillippes, Proctour for the Dioces of Seint Asso, Bangor, and Seint Davys, as aperith in the last accompte, xiij li. vj s. viij d., and of this yeres ferme iij li. vj s. viij d. Sum xvj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Item, for tharrerages of John Seston, as aperith in the last accompte v li., and of this yeres ferme xxxiij s. iiij d. Sum. vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Item, for tharrerages of Jamys Huntley, as aperith in the last accompte xl s., and for this yeres ferme xl s. iiij li.
Item, for tharrerages of John Amadas for this yeres ferme vij li.
Item, for tharrerages of John Tyler, as aperith in the last accompte v li., and of this yeres ferme xxxiiij li. vj s. viij d. Sum xxxix li. vj s. viij d.
Item, for tharrerages of John Harte, for the Archdeaconry of Chester and the Isle of Man, for the tyme of this accompte xxij s. vj d.
Also, for tharrerages of Crakynthorpe, for the Dioces of Canterbury, for this yeres ferme v li. Sum cliiij li. x d.
Sum total of all the charges and receipts ccclxxxv li. iij s. iij d.
Sum total of all the payments allowaunces and discharges lxiiij li. xviij s. iiij d. ob.
Sum of the Arrerages cliiij li. x d.
So restith due to the said ffraternitie ouer and aboue the said Arrerages clxvj li. iiij s. j d. ob.

The which said some of clxvj li. iiij s. j d. ob., and also an Image of Jh[es]us of siluer and gilte with a fote of tree (fn. 6) ouer gilte, ij basons of siluer parcell gilte, and a greate maiser (fn. 7) with a brode bonde with a Bosse in the middle of siluer and gilte, the said Accomptaunts have delyuered into thands of the said William Turke and Rogier Barker before the Auditours according to the ordinaunce. Wherof is put into a Chest belonging to the said ffraternitie exlvj li. iiij s. j d. ob.; and therof remayneth in thands of the said William Turke xx li., and all the parcells aforesaid.

Mem. That the Auditors of this Accompte haue founde that Richard Calard charged hymself in his accompte with iiij li., which he receyued of Willm Pavior, where he shulde not haue charged hymself, for yt was to hymself due according to the ordynaunce in the tyme of his accompte. And in likewise the said Richard Calard charged Rauff Aleyn with the said some iiij li., which he shulde not haue doon; wherfore the said Auditours, considering the premysses, in consciens haue alowed the said Rauff Aleyn the said some of iiij li. ouer and aboue the Alowaunces abouewritten, and so remayneth clere to the said ffraternitie exlij li. iiij s. j d. ob.

Per me William Broket. Per me Walter Wyllett.
Per me Rychard Calard. Per me Edward Dormer.

Obligacions delyuered by thandes of the said Rauffe Aleyn, Accomptaunt, into thands of Wittm Turke, and Rogier Barker, Wardeyns for this yere next ensuyng: that is to say, from Christemas in the xxvj yere of the Reign of Kynge Henry the viijth vnto the ffeast of Cristmas then next ensuyng.

ffyrst, an obligacion of John Tyler of Couentry of x li vj s. viij d.

Item, an endenture of Blaunche Leycetor of the lease of the Archdeaconry of Chester and the Isle of Man, and an Obligacion with condicion of x li for the perfourmance of the couenaunts of the same endenture.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of Henry Storidge of xx li to pay xij li.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of Will[ia]m Marke, John Philipp, and John Marke of Lyskard of xx li to pay vj li xiij s. iiij d.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of Henry Thorneton and Jamys Alexaunder of x li to pay vij li.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of Rob[er]t Briscow of v li.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of Hugh Rogiers and Richard Downe of Ludlowe of iij li vj s. viij d. for the Dioces of Seint Davis, Seint Asso, and Bangour.

Item, an Endenture of Laurence Anderton of the lease of the Archediaconry of Chester and the Isle of Man, with an obligacion for the perfourmaunce thereof.

Item, an Endenture of John Seston of Lewes of the lease of the Dioces of Chichester, and an obligacion of v li for the trewe perfourmauuce of the Couenaunts of the same Endentures. and and other obligacion for the delyuere of almaner of bookes and Regestres.

Item, an obligacion with condicion wherein the said John Seston is bounde in xx li to delyuer to the said Wardeyns almaner of bookes, Regestres, escripts, serowes (fn. 8) and mynyments consernyng the names of the Brethern and Sustern of the said ffraternitie.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of Roger Wayte, John Crosse, and Henry Lacy.

Item, an Inuentory of all the Juells, goods, and ornaments belonging to the said ffraternitie.

Item, an Indenture of Walter Sheffelde of the Citie of London and parte of the Countie of Midd. and the v. hundreds of Essex, with an obligacion of xl li. for the perfourmaunce of the Covernaunts of the same Endentures.

Item, two Endentures of the lease of the londs in Vxbridge letten to Will[ia]m Bayly and Jamys Standisdayle.

Item, and Endenture of John Spynke and an obligacion with condicion of x li. to perfourme the couenaunts therof.

Item, an Endenture of Thomas Holmes of the Dioces of Salysbury, Wynchester, and the Isle of Wyght.

Item, an obligacion of Walter Sheffelde of iiij li. to pay xl s.

Item, an obligacion of Henry Storedge of vj li. xiij s. iiij d., with condicion that if Will[ia]m Marke, of Lyskard, in the Countie of Cornewall, yoman, John Philip, and Joln Marke of the same, yomen, do pay vj li. xiij s. iiij d.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of David ap Gryffith ap [?Willia]m, of Wrexham within the lordeship of Bromefeld in Northwalys, yoman, & Robert Johns of the same, yoman, of the some of xl s. to pay xxiij s. iiij d.

Item, an obligacion of Jamys Huntley of Chelmesford, in the Countie of Essex, parson Sharpe, and Thomas Turnbull, ffysshemonger, of iiij li. to pay xl s.

Item, an obligacion of John Donne of Rednour in the marches of Walys, and Richard Donne, Haberdassher, of London, of xxiij s iiij d.

Item, an Indenture made betwene Mr. John Colett, late Rectour of the said ffraternitie, Will[ia]m Bromewell, Mercer, and John Monke, Waxchaundeler, then Wardeyns of the said ffraternitie on the one partie, and William Hawkyns of London, Salter, on the other partie, consernyng londs and a quytrent in Uxbridge.

Item, an obligacion wherin John Philippes and other stonde bounde to pay xxxiij s. iiij d., payable at Cristmas and Easter.

Item, an obligacion with condicion wherin John Tyler and other stonden bounde in xl li., to pay xxxviij li., payable at Cristmas and Mydsomer next.

Item, an obligacion of John Seston of vj li. xiij s. iiij d., to pay iiij li. iij s. iiij d.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of John Philippes and other of vj li. to pay iiij li., payable at Cristmas and Ester.

Item, an obligacion with condicion of John Aleyn and other of vi li to pay iij li. at Cristemas and Mydsomer nexte.


  • 1. Bread for the celebration of the Eucharist.
  • 2. Sic, but the sum should be xvij yards and a half.
  • 3. Bridges, a kind of thread. Halliwell's Dictionary.
  • 4. Angel noble: a gold coin varying in value from about 6s. 8d. to 10s. It was introduced by Edward IV. in the early part of his reign. Halliwell's Dictionary.
  • 5. Crowns of the Sun: a gold crown so called from the mint mark, worth about 4s. 6d. Crowns of the Rose were coined by Henry VIII. in 1526, and were worth the same sum. Halliwell's Dictionary.
  • 6. A fote of tree, that is, a pedestal of wood.
  • 7. Maiser, that is, a mazer bowl, or bowl of maple wood.
  • 8. Scrowes and mynyments, i.e. scrolls and muniments.