Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1685

Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.

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'Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1685', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

'Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1685', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

"Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1685". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.

January 1685

1st Thursday, we dined with Baskervile, my family & Mr Venables, Minshall, Mitton & another (astranger to me) we played at cards, supt there; played after supper; went home past 11.

2. Friday. went to Gulston, dined with Lord Maxfield at Holinsheds. Mr Mainwaring, Ben Gerard , Mr Baskervile, Holinshed, his wife & another gentlewoman; past 4 my Lord &c. came to my house to see my daughters; Mr Charleton came thither to him; they drank a bottle of wine, went away before 7, I stayd at home all night; Morgan Whitley came to us &c; Jackson came to take his leave, had a bottle of wine.

3. Satorday, dined at home; Mr Barroby, Lady Wood, daughter, Mrs Shales, Minshall dined with us; in the morning Minshall & I settled Rogers businesse with Taylor; afterwards Prole came to us about John Whitley's businesse; in the evening I went with Barroby, Mainwaring & Minshall to the Stillyard; Biddolph came to us; came home about 10; the barber trimed me & to bed.

4. Sonday, went to Parish Church in the morning. dined at home; Mr Prole came to me & brother-in- law & Morgan Whitley; afterwards Hanson the barber; all about Jack Whitley; in the evening went to visit Lady Gulston (with my daughters),retorned before 7; Morgan Whitley supt with us.

5 Monday, Mr Mont was with me about Rogers businesse & Mr Johnson attorney about businesse of brother Whitley; dined at home, afternoone Norman & his wife came to me to get some money, pretending he had not received all that Allen engaged to pay him on my account (about 26 or 27 yeares since); would feigne have borrowed a guiney; I told him if he would give a release in full of all demands I would doe something on the account of friendship but would owne nothing due as a debt; I went that evening to the Castle, there was Mainwaring, Biddolph, Minshall, Lee & Warburton; we supt there & parted past 10; soe home.

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6. Tuesday, Mr Norman and his wife came to me about getting some money from me; Mr Franks brought some bills about the same time; I told Norman I owed no debt due to him but on account of former friendship would give his wife five pounds; he pressed for ten & went away in a huffe; afterwards came againe; accepted the five pounds & gave a general release; his wife & he had a cutting of beefe off the spit; they offerd a daughter to serve some of my family & went away well satisfyed; dined at home, Mr Lee with us; Lord Brandon sent his servant to desire to speake with me; I went in the evening to the Crosse Keys to meete him; there was Mr Mainwaring, Biddolph, Lee; Minshall (but he stayd not long) then came Lord Brandon; we parted before 10; went home.

7. Wednesday, dined at home; Mr Mont brought Roger's writings; dined with us & Minshall; in the afternoone the writings were sealed; Prole talked awhile with me in the hall; in the evening I went to Gulston, stayd about ½ houer; then to Humfreys; then to Castle Taverne where was Mainwaring Minshall, Biddolph, Roger, Mr Herbert; at last came Lord Brandon; I soone left them; about 8 went to the funerall of Mr Winstanlly; Mr Jekyell gave me his seate; I walked to the church with Mr Ward; came home, found Duncombe there; he complained; he had bin drinking; dranck some poppy brandy; went home about 11 .

8. Thursday, about 11 my daughter Biddolph was brought to bed; there was with her, Mrs Blackmore, Tovey & Mrs Vannam; before dinner Mr Venson came to me about Jack Whitley's businesse; promises to bring him in; Lady Biddolph & her daughter dined with us; I stayd at home all day; Mr Stephens came to visit us in the evening; he & Mr Mainwaring & I dranck a bottle of wine; he went away about 7; I went not out.

9. Friday, I went to the Quest, walked a while with Alderman Chandler in the church; then to the hall &c; Mr Biddolph's sonne was christened by Dr Shaford; he his wife, Lady Biddolph; Mrs Vanham &c & Baskervile & Minshall dined with us; I stayd with them all day; in the evening Duncombe came & stayd till past 8; Morgan Whitley was there about his brother; I supt & to bed.

10. Satorday, Points came about his account; Robert Gleg with a letter from his father about money Roger owes him; I dined at home; was trimed by Cosens in the afternoone; stayd at home all day, without company.

11. Sonday, went twice to church; Hanson came to give me account of Jack Whitley; Minshall, Mainwaring, Biddolph, Tovey dined with us; in the evening I met Hanson & Jack Whitley at the Kings Armes taverne; stayd with them about an houer; retorned home about ½ an houer past 6; stayd at home all night; Minshall & MorganWhitley came to me but stayd not; betwixt dinner & churchtyme Kock came & stayd ½ houer.

12. Monday, I went to Lord Oswaldstone to discourse him about the businesse of the Post Office; stayd but a short tyme, his dinner being on the table; I dined with the Quest at Brewers Hall; the Recorder, Alderman Bathurst &c; after dinner I discoursed awhile with Mr Whitley, a marchant & with Mr Broderick; came away betimes with Baskervile; went before 6 to meete Sir William Gulston & Poins at the Swan; there was also Jones & Hussey; settled accounts; went thence about 8 to the Castle, Fleet Streete; there was Mainwaring, Biddolph, Warburton, Minshall, Gleg, Manley, Lee, MorganWhitley, Rawbone & Roger, we parted past 10.

13.Tuesday, I called on Mr Prole; he was abroad; I went to Mosier; dined at home; yong Turton with us; in the evening Hanson came to me about Jack Whitley; I went with Mr Mainwaring to the Kings Head in Swithins alley; there was Abraham Dashwood, Gerard, Lane, his brother & Gleg. we parted before 11 went home.

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14, Wednesday; one came to me from Prole (his brother-in-law) also Huson came to me about Jack Whitley; I went about 12 o'clock to meete them at the Sunne Taverne by Cripplegate; Jack Whitley gave me the account betwixt him & my sonne; I went thence to Peters coffe house; there was Lord Brandon, Mr Wharton & Mr Godfrey; Lord Brandon & I went to dine at Lord Maxfields; there was only theire owne company; after dinner Mr Enskervile came to us; stayd awhile; I went thence to Mr Kents, he was abroad; thence to Mr Colings office; stayd awhile with Ben; there came in his brother; stayd awhile with him; called at Mr Jones, he was abroad; spoke with the drawer at the doore; took coach there; called on Mr Gerard at the taverne next his house; Adams came to us; afterwards Mr Arrowsmith & a doctor of phisick (a stranger); we dranck 3 bottles of wine; Arrowsmith & Adams left us; we dranck one bottle more; parted about 10, went home; found Morgan Whitley there; he spoke to me about brother Peter's sonne, drank a glasse of wine, soe went to bed.

15. Thursday, Mr Oneby & Jones the scrivener & his man came to seale writings for the house; we stayd about ½ houer; at the doore I met one from Mr Grise for money Roger owes him; also Browne the cook came for money; I dined at home, Minshall &c; after dinner Kent came to me; then Prole; then I went to the Kings Armes by Guildhall where was Barroby, Mainwaring, Minshall & Arrowsmith; the 3 last went in my coach to Fleete Bridge; there we left Arrowsmith; then we went to Lady Woods, then to Laurenson's where we supt; then home about 10.

16. Friday, I went to Humfreys & Gulston but they were both abroad; I dined at home; Arrowsmith, Borroby, Baskervile, Gerard, Kent, Minshall, Lee &c. with us; after dinner Aborey & one Smith came & dranck 2 or 3 bottles of wine with us; I went to Gulston, then to Sir Richard Masons; stayd an houer with him & his Lady; I called at the Derby aleshouse; there Mainwaring, Biddolph, Lee, Minshall, the master of the house & a yong lawyer of Grays Inne (a stranger to me); we parted before 11, came home.

17. Satorday, Prole & Umson were with me about Jack Whitley; also Cosens to trimme me; Mr Davyes of Oxford about his businesse with Lord Maxfield &c; I went to Humfreys, dined at Lord Maxfields with Lord Vaughan, Mr Williams, Titus, Powell, Brandon, Maxfield & Fit Gerard; retorned (with Mr Williams to Grays Inne gate) before 5; I found at home Mainwaring, Biddolph, Minshall, Lee, Rawlins, Rawbone, Hamon & and a surgeon, (who came to dresse the mayds leg); they stayd about an houer after, then parted;. I stayd within all night after.

18. Sonday, went twice to Parish Church; Minshall & Jack Whitley dined with me; in the evening went with Mr Mainwaring, Biddolph & Minshall to bring Jack Whitley to Mr Proles; stayd there about a quarter of an houer, drank a bottle of wine with him;. there were 2 more in the roome with them but I know not theire names; we had no discourse; went home; Dr Lower came to daughter Mainwaring about 7; afterwards dranck a bottle of wine below; went away in ½ houer; Minshall stayd till neare 10. then we parted.

19 Monday Jack Whitley came to me about my sonne's bills &c; I went to Humfreys, dined at home; went in the evening to Hunfreys & Ward; thence to the Castle; there was Mainwaring, Biddolph Minshall, Lane, Lee & Warburton; we parted before 11.

20. Tuesday, I went to Humfreys; there was Lord Duncannon & one Mr Hill; I went to Duncombs; he was abroad; when I came home I found Fit Gerard & Thomson to dine with me; they went away about 4; I stayd within all night. Mrs Wood & Tovey supt with us in daughter Biddolph's chamber; Roger came home about 9.

21. Wednesday, Prole came to me about Jack Whitley then Vosse about Roger's money; I went to Humfreys, he was abroad & to Gulston; was with him ½ an houer; then came home;Mr Mainwaring, Biddolph, Abraham Dashwood, Roger & Kent dined with us, they stayd not long after dinner; Vosse came & had 20 li. in part of Rogers debt, then the elder Kent about Rogers debt; I went to Humfreys, he was abroad; I sate ½ houer with Mr Browne then went to the George by Fleete Bridge; there was Mainwaring, Biddolph, Minshall & Baskervile.

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22 Thursday, I went to Humfreys, then to Mr Williams, he was abroad; I left the order for accompting with his man; I dined at home with Mainwaring, Minshall; Biddolph &c; I went in the evening to Humfreys then to Willliams, then to Lord Maxfield's and Kents; they were both abroad; then to Lady Wood; stayed a houer with her; then to Mr Jones Cellar where was Sir Harry Progers, Rogers, Watkins & Maxwell ; stayed there till 10; then home.

23. Friday, Jack Whitley came to me about the bill on Blackwell also Davyes to get me speake with Lord Maxfield; dined at home; went in the evening with Minshall to meete Lord Brandon &c. at Rose Taverne but they not coming. I retorned home immediatly; about 9 Dr Lower came to Mr Mainwaring. stayd about ¼ of an houer; drank a glasse of Rhenish & went away.

24. Satorday,. Mrs Tovey came to see my daughters &c; we dined in daughter Biddolp's chamber; Minshall came to us; I went in the evening to Humfreys, then to the Master in the Exchequer office (about the order for the account) but the other party came not; past 6, I went to the Rose Taverne; there was Roger & Thomson; then came Mr Gerard then Sir Michael Biddolph; we parted past 10.

25. Sonday, dined at home, Minshall with us; went to church after dinner; in the evening to Lady Wood, then to Mr Jones; sate in the kitchen by the fyer (I & Sir Michael Biddolph); Mr Maxwell came & drank a glasse of wine; after he went Mr Rogers came and did the like then left us; Mr Bradley (& 2 other men) were at a by table in the same roome; when the others went away Mr Bradley sate downe with Sir Michael & me, took a pipe & 2 or 3 glasses of wine; told me that Weston & Polixen had bin with him to borrow money & named Roger to be bound but he refused; he left us; Sir Michael & I went immediatly away & home a little past 9.

26. Monday, Cosens trimmed me; dined at home; went in the evening to Humfreys; with him to the Exchequer office; there was Greames, Bernard &c. with us before Mr Eden about the order; he was opinion it ought to be altered as we desired but they would have it moved to the Court next morning. I went to the Castle; there was Mainwaring, Lee, Warburton, Rawlins, Gerard, Thomson & Roger; we parted past 10.

27. Tuesday, I went to Westminster with Mainwaring the Court had ordered my businesse before I came; we went to Sir Robert Cottons, sate with him & his Lady & daughter about an houer; retorned to Westminster Hall, the Courts were up; we walked awhile in the hall; Mr Wynne (the lawyer) Mr Campion &c; went home to dinner where was Gerard, Thomson, brother Peter, Minshall &c; Thompson & I went about 4 to Mr Harrison's; discoursed with him about ½ houer about my suite in the Exchequer, thence to the Crowne where was Gerard, Mainwaring, Biddolph, Minshall & Mr Jarrett the watchmaker; I went home about 11.

28, Wednesday, dined at home, Mr Lee with us; afternoone came Mr Kent; I paid him 45 li. on Rogers account; about 4 I went to Duncombe; found Shales there, stayd about1/2 houer; dranck one glasse of wine; Shales went first; I immediatly after him; went to Humfreys; then to Sir Richard Mason; Sir Winston Churchill came thither to me; we discoursed of my businesse & other matters above an houer; Sir Richard Masons was abroad; I t then went to Lady Wood; stayd about ½ houer; then to Mr Jones, met Rogers & Maxwell, brought them with me; found there Mr Mainwaring & Lee, stayd till 10, went home.

29. Thursday, dined at home, Mr Fairfax, his wife, Mrs Wood, Tovey with us; Mr Fairefax &c. went away about 4; Mr Scotto came & stayd with me ½ houer; I went about 6 to Humfreys, found him with Bernard &c. in the Exchequer office settling the order for account. I went to Lord Maxfield, there was Brandon & Charleton, I stayd about an houer, came home.

30. Friday, went to church; Baskervile came home with me; stayd ¼ of an houer, went to church in the afternoone; dined about 3, Minshall & Tovey with us; went in the evening to Lady Wood; there was Mrs Gant, stayd ½ houer; went to the Rose where was Mainwaring, Biddolph, Gerard & Thomson; Sir Rowland Gwyn came last & went away first; we parted all a little past 10; went home.

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31. Satorday, went to Westminster to heare Lord Maxwells' businesse in the Exchequer it was put off till Tuesday; walked an houer in the Hall; talked with Waring & Johnson, atturneys, about Rogers businesse; walked with Mr Gray, Palmer, Sir John Huband &c also with Mr Richard Wright of Chester; went with Mainwaring & Minshall to tast wine at Jones cellar; went to Elwicks' coffee house to speake with Mr Page; there was Mr Cannam &c; dined at home &c; went in the evening to Mr Oneby's, he was abroad; Mr Mainwaring, Biddolph & selfe sate ½ houer with Mrs Oneby, there was 2 gentlemen & 2 women with her, strangers to me; thence we went to Barrobys', sate with him & his wife till at most 10; then home where we found Lady Wood & daughter; they went neare 11.