Roger Whitley's Diary: February 1685

Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.

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'Roger Whitley's Diary: February 1685', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

'Roger Whitley's Diary: February 1685', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

"Roger Whitley's Diary: February 1685". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.

February 1685

Feb. 1st Sonday. went twice to Parish Church; Minshall & Lee dined with us; yong Kent came after dinner; in the evening I went with Mainwaring & Biddolph to cosen Fairfaxes'; stayed awhile thence to Mr Jones' cellar; supt there (onely we 3) dranck 2 bottles & soe home.

2nd Monday, Mr Saladine brought word of the Kings's illnesse &c; I dined at Lord Maxfields'; Mr Mainwaring, Biddolph, Charleton, Boden (a lawyer). my Lord & his 2 sons; went thence to Mr Jones where there came Sir Edward Wood to me & Biddolph; went thence past 6 to the Castle where was Mr Mainwaring, Lee, Minshall, Warburton & a stranger; then came Lord Brandon, Gerard & Woosely but stayd not; Minshall went with them; we stayed till 10; then went home.

3 Tuesday, went to the Esaley's Court about Lord Maxfields businesse; Williams & sollcitor argued; we stayd awhile in the Hall then brought Brandon home with Ashton in my coach; went home to dinner; after dinner Rawlins came about Roger's businesse; Biddolph gave him a note for the money (50 li.) to be payd at Lichfied; Biddolph & I went I went Lord Weymouth; stayd neare ½ houer, then to Humfreys; then to Bull Head in Wood Streete where was Mainwaring, Minshall, Baskervile, Barroby & Dr Ishart; we parted at 10.

4. Wednesday, Mr Thorneley came to me about money Roger owed him; Cosens came & trimed me; Jack Whitley about the 95 li. I promised to pay Prole; afterwards he came & brought me 8 guineys on my sons account; promised more on Friday; Sir John Haban, Sir Walter Young & Mr Palmer dined with me; went away neare 5; I went that evening to Sir Edward Wood's, stayd neare an houer; came home about 9.

5. Thursday, dined at home, brother Peter & Mrs Blackmore with us; after dinner Gerard and Thomson came, drank a bottle of wine, stayd about ½ houer; I went about 6 to Humfreys, then to Mr Ben Coling to enquire after the King, then to Sir Edward Wood about the same; stayd not ½ houer; then to Lord Maxfield, then home.

6. Friday, I went to speake with Mrs Wood at Mr Martyn's house to learne what she heard from Whitehall of the King; as I went out I met Mr Dee in the court who told me the King was dead; I dined at home; went about 4 to cosen Humfrey's house to see the Ceremony of Proclaiming the new King; I retorned home; about 9 Minshall came to me & stayd awhile; went home to bed past 10.

7. Satorday, dined at home; went after dinner to Mrs Wood at Mr Martyns (Minshall with me) then to visit Mr Arrowsmith; there was with him, Borroby & 3 more, strangers to me; dranck a bottle of wine; went away in 1/2 houer; thence I went to Humfreys to Auditor Philips; thence to Auditor Done; he was abroad; thence to Lord Maxfeild & Brandon, stayd above ½ houer; then to Kents; stayd with the 2 brothers neare an houer, dranck 2 glasses of wine then home.

8. Sonday, went to Parish Church; dined at home, Minshall with us & Roger, then to church; after sermon came Baskervile & Oneby; after them Richardson; dranck 3 bottles of wine; they went away about 7; Minshall stayed to supper; then came Barroby, stayd till past 9.

9. Monday, a gentleman came with letters from Mr Wall about St John of Jerusalem; then in came Jack Whitley with Black Cloth; I went to Lord Maxfeild saw him & Lord Brandon; [fo. 26] Captaine Gilby came in as I went out; I called to see brother Peters wife; found there Sir John Uband; stayd but a very short time, daughter Charlotte was there & retorned with me; dined at home, Mrs Tovey & Tuttle dined with us; went about 5 to Mr Duncombe's where was Titus, Poultney, Duncombe & Pate; afterwards came in Sir Samuel Dashwood; we stayd till 9; Poultney went first; then all parted.

10. Tuesday, went to Westminster, (took Sir G.G. & his sonne in my coach to Temple Bar interl); dined at home, Minshall with us; Thomson & Fitt Gerard came after diner, then Lord Brandon then Sir Edward Wood, Brandon & Dr Wood, then Minshall went away; Thomson & Gerard went with me in my coach to Temple; I went to Humfreys then to Williams Grays Inne; then went home.

11 Wednesday, Sir George Gerard came to me, stayd till past 11; aquainted me with his difference with Mr Owens; then I went to Westminster, spoke with Mr Edwards about Warings concerne for Dager &c; went back by cosen Minshall's; dined at home, cosen Kate Morgan with us; after dinner came Hilman the taylor, after him our neighbor Mr Palmer; stayd above an houer; I went to Humfreys then to Wood then home to supper; the barber's man trimed me.

12. Thursday, went to Westminster, dined at the Blew Posts with Lord Castleton, Sir Thomas Lee & Thomas Mears; past 5 we parted; I went to Lord Oswaldstone; stayd with him about an houer then to Mr Jones cellar; where was Sir Edward Wood, Sir Har. Progers, Rogers & Maxwell; we stayd till 9; then went home.

13 Friday, I called at Mr Ben Gerard; went thence to Auditor Philips, desired him to bee faire in the businesse of my account; then home to dinner; Minshall dined with us; I found my olde butler Netsfeild in the kitchen; he dined with the servants; I had no discourse with him; he told me his wife was dead, that he was going with Sir Ga. Syhugens to Denmark; Girling came for some money Roger owed him; I bad Sam Hussey pay it; Mr Lloyd of Edgeworth came to me, stayd about ½ houer; then came Foche, then Dr Stratford, he stayd not long. Foche went soon after; I went to Auditor Dones; he was abroad; then to the Rose spoke with Fit Gerard in the passage by the bar, then home; Roger came soone after.

14 Saterday Sir G. G. sent his servant to know if I would dine at home; he & his sons came & dined with me; before 4 I brought them in my coach to Grays Inne; then I went to Auditor Philips where was Done, Froude, Graham, Barrard & another; then came Humfreys; they debated my businesse, orderd me to bring in an answer in writing on Thursday 4 o'clock; I went thence to the King's funerall at Westminster; then home.

15 Sonday, went to church twice; dined at home; in the evening went to Lord Maxfields; there was Colonel Russell, (I met him going out my Lords chamber away); there was also Thomson & Fit Gerard; they left us; I went immediately after them; saw Mr Coling at his chamber in Whitehall; discoursed my businesse gave him a paper to shew Lord Chamberlaine; went to the Cellar where was Wood, Rogers, Maxwell & Mr Conyers; a little past 9 we parted; I came home.

16 Monday, Jack Whitley came for a bill for 95 li. for Mr Prole; I went to Mr Creed to conferre with him about the Tangier letters; I called on Minshall, spoke with his landlord at the doore; Minshall & Lee dined with me, I went to Sir Thomas Player, there was Sir G.G., then came Woodward attorney to discourse of the disbanding businesse & the suite he managed for us; he went away, then came Cornish, we drank a glasse of wine; Sir G. & I left them; I went to Humfreys to prepare an answer for the auditors; he came home with me, dranck a glasse of ale; left us about 10.

17 Tuesday, I went to Mr Williams, advised about my businesses; Brandon came to him but stayd not; I went to Lady Conway; she desired me to give her sonne my vote for Knight of Flint & Sir John Hanmer for Burgesse. I promised the first; but not the second by reason of my sons pretentions; I found Sir Edward Wood. Roger & Maxwell at my returne; they dined with me; I went to Humfreys; then to the Rainbow. thence we went to the Rose; stayd till 9 then parted & home.

[fo. 27r]

18 Wednesday. I went to Humfreys. then home to dinner; Sir G.G. dined with us; went away after 3; then came Sir Robert Cotton; after him Keck & Jones with writings but had not tyme to read them; then came Foche but stayd not; Sir Paul Neale & Shepheard came, stayd till neare 6; then I went to Humfreys, stayd till past 8; brought him home & dranck a glasse of sage wine with him and his wife; then went home Minshall came with me; went away about 10.

19 Thursday, Cosens came and trimmed me; Abraham Dashwood, Zouch, Wright & Minshall dined with me; I left them past 3, went to Humfreys and Ward; then to Auditor Philips; there was Done, Froude Barnard, Ward, Humfreys; after the businesse was over I went to Lord Maxfield, then home; Minshall and Wright came home about 9, stayd till past 10, then parted.

20. Friday, I went to Serjeants Inne Hall, thence to Lord. Oswaldstone; then to Waring. dined at home, Minshall and Barroby with me; Baskervile came about 3; I left them presently, went to Serjeant's Inne Hall; had a hearing; went thence to Jones' cellar; found Roger and Minshall there; then Sir John Hanmer came to me, spoke for my votes, for him Sir John Conwey in Flintshire; he went presently away, yong Kent was there; we presently parted; I went to the 3 Tunns in Lad Lane; found there Dr Tims, Mr Page, Baskervile, and another gray man; we parted past 10.

21. Satorday, Sir G. G. came to me & went together to Gray's Inne; I went to Williams chamber; Major Wilman came thither; I stayd not, Wilman went to the gate with me where we parted; I left Sir G. G. and his sonne talking with him by the gate; I went home to dinner &c; Minshall and Lee came towards evening but stayd not; I went to Sir Thomas Player, Mr Griffith came to us; I presently left them, went to the Kings Armes neare Guildhall where was Minshall, Barroby and Baskervile; we parted about 10; went home.

22.. Sonday, went twice to Parish church; Minshall dined with us; he and Baskervile dranck a bottle with me; after evening sermon Lady Wood and her daughter came to see us; I went to Jones cellar where was Sir Edward Wood, Rogers, his brother Franck and Coling. Coling stayd by awhile; we all parted past 9; came home.

23. Monday, Cosens trimmed me, Foche came about Mrs Marbery's businesse; Captaine Reynolds about Rogers debt; they stayd but a while;. Thomson, Woosely and Minshall dined with me; they parted before 5; I went to Humfrey's, to Mr Oniens and Williams of Gray's Inne; retorned home betimes.

24. Tuesday, Sir G.G. came to me in bed; sate by me neare an houer, then came Humfreys then Berisford (about Roger); they breakfasted with me; then Humfreys and I went to the Lord Justices; he was not at leasure; Humfreys went home; Abney came about Roger's business &c. & Mrs Vosse; she dined with us; Minshall came to me; I went in that evening to Lord Maxfeild then Jones cellar, there was Minshall; then came Franck Rogers, dranck a glasse and left us; then came Roger, after him Franck Rogers, his brother; and Maxwell; we parted before 10 &c; found Mrs Tovey with daughter Mainwaring.

25 Wednesday, cosen John Lloyd came to me about my almanack and a monasticon &c; I went to Mr Wilmot; called on Minshall; went with him to Mr Jones; dined there with Roger; after dinner Sir Edward. Wood came to us; stayd about an houer; I went to Lord Oswaldstone, them home.

26. Thursday, dined at home; Minshall with me; went about 4 with Minshall and my 2 daughters towards Whitehall; met Mr Zouch in the streete, went out of my coach, talked with him about a 1/4 of houer about Froude and my businesse; went then to Lady Wood, left daughters there; Roger came to Mr Martyn, and his wife; I went to Mr Cooke, gave him a paper and discoursed him about my businesse; met in the court a gentleman that was once Marshall to Lord. Maxfield's Troop; he told me he lived at Groome Porters; offered me a bottle of wine there; I refused it; went to Sir Edward Wood's agen, he came in; I went thence to the Cellar, met Minshall and Roger there after we had settled our businesse; they went away; then came Sir Edward Wood, Coling, Rogers, Maxwell; we parted past 9, daughters called on me, went home.

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27 Friday, Howseman's unkle came to me, discoursed of funds at Kitterminster & Worcestershire; I dined with Sir G.G. & his sonne at Mr Cooks; went thence to Grays Inne to Mr Williams; thence to the 3 Tunns in Lad lane where was Gold, Chandler, Tims, Page & Baskervile we parted before ten 28 Saterday, I went with Humfreys to the Lord Cheife Justice at Serjeants Inne; was neare 1/2 an houer with him; he sayd it was not tyme for my businesse; advised against myne or my son's standing to be members of Parlement &c; I went thence to Garroways; met there Gulson, Foche, Harrison, Scotto, Booth &c; dined with Duncombe & one Fitz (stranger to me) then Pate came in, then Sir William Poultney; I left them, went to Sir Thomas Player; there was Alderman Cornish; I stayd but awhile, talked with him about Rogers businesse, went then with my 2 daughters to Lady Conway; there was her 2 daughters, Mrs Lloyd; Sir St. John Guillims & his lady; they went presently away; we soone after; my daughters went home; I went to the Devill Taverne to Brandon; he was sealing writings with Hadley, Foche, Mr Freeman & Owens; the 2 last left us; the rest stayd till past 10; Foche & I went in a hackney coach together; he left me at my gate. I went home to bed.