Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 16 (transcrip pp.60-61)

London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 16 (transcrip pp.60-61)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320, ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online [accessed 11 March 2025].

'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 16 (transcrip pp.60-61)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Edited by Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online, accessed March 11, 2025,

"Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 16 (transcrip pp.60-61)". London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online. Web. 11 March 2025.

Membrane 16

[m 16.] The Court of the Prior of Holy Trinity is allowed in the case of Richard of Alegate, def., v. Andrew of Tyndale in a plea of debt; and a day is given to the
parties by the sokereve of the said Prior that justice may be speedily done etc.

Christina of Caunterberi, pl., appears v. John, son of John Giffard in a plea of debt. The said John had a day by essoin to make his law, but now, although present in court, he has not his law. Therefore he is convicted of the said debt and it is ordered that he be in mercy.

The same Christina appears v. the same John in a plea of trespass, but the said John, who had as day to make his law, appears without it. Therefore he is convicted of the trespass. Damages 12d. It is ordered that the def. go to prison until etc.


John of Pikenham, pl., appeared v. Robert of Uptone in a plea of debt of 48s. It is testified by the serjeant that the said Robert was summoned to hear judgment concerning his failure to make his law which he waged etc., but he does not come. Therefore he is convicted of the demand aforesaid, and is adjudged to be in mercy.
misericordia John Tedmar, pl., appears v. William of Codyngtone in a plea of debt of
£7. 10. 0. It is testified as above etc.
proxima Jury between John del Gout, pl., and Robert of Thame in a plea of debt respited etc.
Between Richard Heigne and Maude his wife, pl., and the executors of Robert Heigne in a plea of debt, respited etc.
patrie Between William of Messheford, pl., and Edmund of Kersaltone, tailor, in a plea of trespass, respited etc.
John of the Chamber, pl., appears v. Maunde Russel in a plea of debt.
[p. 61] respectu The said Maude had a day to hear the verdict, but now she does not come. Therefore let the inquest be taken etc. but the jury does not come. Therefore it is in respite.
misericordia William of Hallyngberi, pl., and James Beauflour are agreed by licence of
the court in a plea of debt, William remitting to James his action etc.
Stephen of Bercote, pl., and Henry of Sechesford, taverner, are agreed etc.
[At this point the membrane is cut across]
[m 16d.] Adam of Wederhale and Idonea his wife in mercy for not prosecuting their plaint v. Thomas of Danyngtone in a plea of trespass. The same Thomas in mercy because he did not come.
Simon le Armurer of Fletestrete in mercy for a default v. Richard of Nasyngge,
'gerdlere', in a plea of trespass.
Henry of Sechesford, 'taverner', in mercy for a default v. Stephen of Bercote in a plea of debt.
misericordia Robert of Wodetone in mercy because he did not prosecute his plaint v.
Margaret of Henle in a plea of debt.
Henry Dymmoke in mercy for a default v. Oliver Brounynge in a plea of debt.
Thomas le Barber of la Tourstrete in mercy for a default v. Richard of Crepelgate, blader, in a plea of debt.
William of Daventre in mercy for not prosecuting his plaint v. Ralph le Porter and Agnes his wife in a plea of trespass. The same Ralph and Agnes in mercy because they did not come.
manucaptores de
Pledges of peace of Robert of Farnham, attached v. Robert le Chaundeler by writ de minis Richard of Aillesbery, John of Krenle, John Giles, Alexander of Toniestone, Richard le Barber and Walter Donsterre.
vadium captum Pledge taken from Robert le Gaunter at the suit of John of Kingestone, pelter;
viz. 1 cup, valued by David of Enefeld and Walter le Mazerer
at 12 d. Robert is ordered to acquit the said pledge within the quindene, otherwise it will be delivered to the pl. Afterwards the pledge was to delivered because Robert did not acquit it.
Pledges taken from Robet le Ken, 'schepeman', and Margery his wife, at the suit of Emma, relict of Robert le [blank] for a debt of 24s., valued by Robert of Alegate and William of Alegate:- viz. a chest, worth 18d; a chequer-board [' abacus '] worth 12d; eight hard stockfish worth 8d; an old pot with two feet broken, worth 18d; an old brass pan holding two gallons, worth 6d; three old small pans, worth 12d; three [blank] of which two are broken, worth 18d; two [blank] of which one is broken, with a basin worth 9d; one little old iron pan worth 3d; one old and broken grid iron, worth 1d. Robert and Margery are ordered to acquit the same, otherwise etc.