Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.

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'J', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840, ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/j [accessed 14 March 2025].

'J', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Edited by Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/j.

"J". Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/j.


Jack, Richard, Charles Ct, Westminster, London, u (1749). [Poll bk]

Jackman, James, North St, Ripon, Yorks., joiner/cm (1828–37). [D]

Jackman, Paul, over against Magdalen College, Oxford, cm (c. 1740). His trade card [Landauer Coll., MMA, NY] indicates that he made and sold ‘all sorts of Cabinet Work, as Desks, Buroes, Scrutores, Book Cases, Chests of Drawers, Corner Cupboards, Tea Boards, Tables & Chests, Dressing & Dining Tables, Chairs Matted, or Leather & Glasses in new fashioned Frames from London’. Other items mentioned were ‘Bellows, Cloaths & Hearth Brushes’ and ‘Hard Wares’.

Jackman, Richard, 67 Old Gravel Lane, London, carpenter, cm, broker and undertaker (1803). In July 1803 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £80 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 750469]

Jackman, William, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1831–40). From 1832 shown as William Jackman jnr. [Poll bks]

Jackson, —, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, turner of oval frames (1763). [Heal]

Jackson, —, Marlborough St, London, cm (1795). Birth of 21st child recorded in Gents Mag., August 1795.

Jackson, —, Baliffgate, Alnwick, Northumb., cm and joiner (1834). [D]

Jackson, Benjamin, 2 Dukes Ct, Bow St, London, cm (1776). In 1776 took out insurance cover of £200 of which £80 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods in trust. [GL, Sun MS vol. 246, p. 549]

Jackson, Benjamin, New Compton St, Soho, London, upholder, cm and appraiser (c. 1790). Trade card [Heal Coll., BM] states that he also undertook carving and gilding and acted as an undertaker.

Jackson, C., 60 West St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1839). [D]

Jackson, Charles, 12 Cranbourn St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1839–40). [D]

Jackson, Daniel & Peter, Manchester, carvers, gilders, lookingglass and picture frame makers (1816–38). At 1 Spring Gdns, 1816–25, but by 1828 had moved to 83 Market St. Their bankruptcy was announced in December 1830 and subsequently Peter recommenced trading on his own behalf. He is recorded at Wolstenholmes Ct in 1832 and from 1834 in New Common St, where the number was 35 in 1834 and 29 from 1836. The business probably developed a reputation locally and he supplied items to Lord de Tabley, Tabley Hall, Cheshire. Frames were invoiced on 18 March, 20 April and 17 May 1823 at a total cost of £35, and in October of the same year hearth rugs are listed, at £49 13s. An annual account submitted in January of the following year totalled £130 16s 7d, and included a handsome mahogany cabinet with drawers at £5 and paper hangings. [D; Chester Courant, 14 December 1830; Chester RO, Tabley Hall vouchers DLT]

Jackson, Edward, Fennil St, Manchester, cm and joiner (1772– 73). [D]

Jackson, Edward, Church St, Totnes, Devon, cm and u (1838). [D]

Jackson, Edwin, 33 Charles St, City Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jackson, Ephraim, Charles Ct, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]

Jackson, Frances, Buckingham Rd, Aylesbury, Bucks., u and cm (1839). [D]

Jackson, George, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1774–75). App. to James Lyther, cm, and free by servitude, 1774–75. [Freemen rolls]

Jackson, George, Wisbech, Cambs. and Sutton St Mary, Lincs. cm (1784–1822). Freeman of King's Lynn, Norfolk and possibly the George Jackson who was free, 1774–75. In 1784 at Wisbech and in 1822 at Sutton St Mary. [King's Lynn poll bks]

Jackson, George, Aylesbury, Bucks., cm and broker (1793). [D]

Jackson, George, Lancaster, cm (1802–07). App. to W. Blackburn in 1802 and free, 1806–07. Appears to have moved to London. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]

Jackson, George, Hospital St, Nantwich, Cheshire, cm/joiner (1817–34). Married on 21 January 1817. In 1822 listed also as a joiner. See Joseph Jackson, chairmaker at this address, 1822–28. [D]

Jackson, George, Church St, Berwick-on-Tweed, Northumb., joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Jackson, George, Upper Duke St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1835–39). At 12 Upper Duke St, 1835–37, but in 1839 at no.4. [D]

Jackson, George, Fore St, Hertford, auctioneer, cm and u (1823–39). Probably the supplier of two ‘splat back Windsor chairs’ and ‘two best Windsor chairs’ for Panshanger, Herts. in 1836. These chairs were charged at 5s 6d each. [D: Herts. RO, Panshanger box 56]

Jackson, George, 20 Greengate, Salford, Lancs., carver and gilder (1840). [D]

Jackson, George, 49–50 Rathbone Pl., Oxford St, London, picture frame maker (1756–1840). Established his firm in 1780 using his large stock of boxwood moulds to press out Adam-style composition ornament. He is mentioned in Loudon's Encyclopaedia, 1833, as a maker of looking-glass frames using composition. By 1840 trading as George Jackson & Sons and supplying the Royal household. In March 1840 four ‘large glass frame heads with composition enrichments’ were supplied for the Small Drawing Room, Buckingham Palace at a cost of £39. Also for the same room were six ‘large glass frames richly ornamented with composition husk & acorn with rich festoons of fruit & flowers, brass foliage, bases & ornament laid on glass with carved initial V.R. to design’. With other frames for pictures the total of the goods invoiced in March came to £188. [GL, Sun MS vol. 576, ref. 1339385; Windsor Royal Archives, box 1]

Jackson, Henry, Morpeth, Northumb., cm (1784). [D]

Jackson, Henry, Broughton, Lancs., cm (1784). [D]

Jackson, Henry, London, u and cm (1822–39). At 33 Rathbone Pl., 1822–28, and from 1835 at 76 Gt Queen St. [D]

Jackson, Henry, Bishop St, Coventry, Warks., cm and u (1835). [D]

Jackson, James, Newcastle, u (1730–31). Free by servitude on 27 January 1730/31. [Freemen reg.]

Jackson, James, 2 Husband St, London, broker and cm (1779– 1809). In 1779 took out insurance cover of £200, half of which was for utensils and stock. Probably the James Jackson who subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 361]

Jackson, James, Leadenhall Sq., Hull, Yorks., cm (1790–99). [D]

Jackson, James, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1834–40). At Mabgate Green in 1834 but from 1837 at Millwright St. [D]

Jackson, James, Laycock, Keighley, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Jackson, James & John, Kearsley, Bolton, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]

Jackson, Jasper, Buckingham Rd, Aylesbury, Bucks., cm and u (1823–30). [D]

Jackson, John snr, London, upholder (before 1706). Dead by 1706 when his son John was app. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jackson, John, London(?), carver (1695–1709). Recorded as a carver in the Monson archive from 1695–1702. Submitted an account to Wriothesley, 2nd Duke of Bedford, totalling £15 9s 9d, for work carried out between September 1708 and June 1709. This was for ‘peartree framing’. [Lincoln RO, Monson 28B/6/1; Bedford Office, London]

Jackson, John jnr, London, upholder (c. 1715–51). Son of John Jackson snr, freeman upholder of London. App. to Sarah Jackson, widow of John Jackson snr on 28 October 1706 but not free of the Upholders’ Co. until 2 June 1742. Took as app. Samuel Mann, 1742–1750/51. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jackson, John, London, upholder (1747). Son of Stephen Jackson, freeman upholder of London. App. to his father on 5 March 1739 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 February 1746/47. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jackson, John, Drury Lane, London, cm and upholder (1773– 93). At 43 Drury Lane in 1773, in Broad Ct, Drury Lane in 1774, at no. 24 in 1784, 26 in 1789 and 25, 1790–93. In 1773 shown as cm but from 1784 as an upholder. A Mary Loben is associated with Jackson in 1791 in the insurance of two houses at the corners of Marshall and Silver St, one of which was occupied by Ram, cm. [D; GL, Sun MS ref. 581988, 9 April 1791]

Jackson, John, 9 Aldersgate St, London, upholder and cm (1782–93). A fairly substantial business which insured its stock and utensils in 1782 for £550 and in 1785 for £1,000. Probably the John Jackson who supplied furnishing fabrics and eight chairs in 1786 to Lord Howard de Walden of Audley End, Essex, at a cost of £10 10s. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 229, p. 364; vol. 328, p. 551; Essex RO, D/DBy/A44/6]

Jackson, John, Pendleton, Lancs., joiner and cm (1787). On 5 March 1787 took out insurance cover of £200 on goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 343, p. 209]

Jackson, John, Knutsford, Cheshire, joiner and cm (1790). [D]

Jackson, John, Hull, Yorks., cm (1790–1810). At Saville St, 1790–99 and from 1803 at Bond St. [D]

Jackson, John, Nottingham, cm (1791–98). In 1791 signed the Nottingham Cabinet and Chair Makers’ Book of Prices on behalf of the masters. [D]

Jackson, John, Highgate, Kendal, Westmld, cm/u (1805–34). [D]

Jackson, John, 7 Gt Earl St, Seven Dials, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1816–25). His trade card [Landauer Coll., MMA, NY] states ‘Frames Regilt, Gilt Border Mouldings for Rooms’. [D]

Jackson, John, Castle St, Chester, cm (1812–19). Shown in poll bks as early as 1812 but not sworn a freeman until 18 May 1818. [Poll bks; freemen rolls]

Jackson, John, 109 Gt Portland St, London, u and cm (1820– 23). [D]

Jackson, John, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and joiner (1822–33). At Hick's Lane in 1822 and 1 Portobello St, in 1833. [D]

Jackson, John, Tweedmouth, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumb., cm (1827). [D]

Jackson, John, Whitby, Yorks., cm (1828–30). In 1828 at St John's Staith but in 1830 at St Ann's Staith. [D]

Jackson, John, Tirril, Stockbridge, Barton, Westmld, chairmaker (1829–34). [D]

Jackson, John, Holmfirth, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Jackson, John, Old Malton Gate, Malton, Yorks., joiner and cm (1840). [D]

Jackson, John, High St, Uppingham, Rutland, chairmaker and turner (1835–40). [D]

Jackson, John L., Stockgill, Ambleside, Westmld, cm (1829). [D]

Jackson, John Matthew, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1799–1837). At 2 Middle St Lane, although one directory of 1832 lists 1 Ship St Lane. This may however refer to the same locality. In January 1828 advertised ‘Patent elastic beds, pillows, easy chairs, sofas, carriage seats, invalid beds &c’ and stated that he was the sole agent for the sale of ‘PRATT'S Patent Elastic Couches, Ottomans … Beds, Bolsters, Pillows, Carriage-Seats, small chair seats’. These patent articles were offered at ‘the Manufacturers’ Prices, or by a card of reference to the Inventor's Warehouse, Bond-street, London’. In addition to these items, aimed at those living in, or staying at the spa, for reasons of health, he also stocked a range of conventional furniture such as ‘chairs, couches, French beds and cabinet furniture’ of his manufacture. He also offered ‘brass carriers and cornice rods, stair rods, dry oil cloth, paper hangings, seasoned feathers’ and offered to furnish funerals. Bankrupt October 1830, but recorded in directories as late as 1832 and still living in the town in 1837. [D; poll bk; Brighton Gazette, 22 January 1824; Brighton Herald, 19 January 1828; London Gazette, 5 October 1830]

Jackson, Joseph, London, cm (1754–d. 1799). At 5 Bull Head Ct, Jewin St in 1754 but from the early 1790s this address was renamed 5 The Crescent, Jewin St. By 1794 the number had changed to 9. His father may have been Joseph Jackson, joiner of Cockermouth, Cumb. who took app. between 1720–36. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. In the period 1755–87 took out licences to be renewed quarterly to employ non-freemen, and in the period 1764–87 the number licenced was never less that sixteen. This would suggest a substantial business and confirmation is given from insurance records. In 1777 total insurance amounted to £3,700 of which £2,800 covered utensils, stock and goods in trust. By 1791 it was £6,600 with £3,000 for trade stock. Joseph Jackson died early in 1799 and his stock was offered by auction. This included ‘case furniture, chair frames, glasses also timber, veneers, benches, tools etc.’ It was also stated that his business premises were to let. They consisted of ‘spacious warerooms, work-shops, yards and sheds, with a communication into Red Cross-street and two dwellings in front’. [D: GL, City Licence bks, 1–10; Sun MS vol. 254, p. 54; vol. 287, p. 145; vol. 370, 1791; vol. 397, p. 400; Times, 16 March 1799]

Jackson, Joseph, Carnaby St, London, cm (1781–82). In both 1781 and 1782 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £100 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 290, p. 581; vol. 302, p. 497]

Jackson, Joseph, Aylesbury, Bucks., cm and u (1793–1823). Trading at Buckingham Rd in 1823. A George Jackson was also trading as a cm and broker in the town in 1793. [D]

Jackson, Joseph, Hospital St, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1822–29). A George Jackson, cm, was also trading from this address, 1817–34. [D]

Jackson, Joseph, Hepworth, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Jackson, Joseph & William, 1 and 4 Maze Pond, Southwark, London, cm and chairmakers (1813–39). Directories show Joseph & William Jackson until 1837 but other directories show Joseph Dickenson Jackson at this location from 1823. [D]

Jackson, L., Ambleside, Westmld, cm and joiner (1828). [D]

Jackson, Mary, London, u (1685–92). Supplied mats, hangings, cushions, quilts, chairs etc. for St James's and Whitehall Palaces, 1685–86, 1688–89 and 1692. In February 1685/86 provided furnishings for the mourning of Mary of Modena, (wife of James II) at the death of Charles II. [PRO, LC9/278– 80]

Jackson, Peter, 1 and 2 Harp Alley, Shoe Lane, Fleet St, London, u and furniture broker (1803–39). His billhead in the GL, Dept of Prints lists his trade as ‘Brokers, Upholders, Appraisers and Auctioneers’. At this early stage of the business it was a partnership trading as Jackson & Hind. Hind had probably left the business by 1810 however. Peter Jackson was obviously a person of some substance for in December 1810 he took out insurance cover of £1,000 on two houses that he owned. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 452, ref. 852033]

Jackson, Peter, Bailiffgate Sq., Alnwick, Northumb., joiner and cm (1827–34). [D]

Jackson, Peter, Manchester, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker (1832–38). Recorded at Wolstenholme's Ct, 1832–33, and 29 New Cannon St, 1836–38. [D] See Daniel & Peter Jackson.

Jackson, Ralph, 15 Mill Hill, Manchester, cm (1813). Possibly the Ralph Jackson who was app. to Thomas Astle, cm, on 30 December 1784. [D; app. bk]

Jackson, Richard, Friar St, Reading, Berks., carver and gilder (1820). [Poll bk]

Jackson, Robert, London, upholder and cm (1774–93). At Rupert St in 1774 but from 1789 shown at 16 Berwick St. His trade card [Banks Coll., BM] shows a Sheraton-style cabinet and bed and incorporates the Prince of Wales’ feathers, but no further claim is made on the card to Royal patronage. [D; Heal; Westminster poll bk]

Jackson, Robert, Lancaster (1798). Named in the Gillow records in 1798 in connection with making a door. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/97, p. 1427]

Jackson, Robert, 25 Gt Pulteney St, Golden Sq., London, cm and u (1808). [D]

Jackson, Stephen, London, upholder (1708–47). Free of the Upholders’ Co. on 7 July 1708. His son John was his app., 1739–1746/47, and free by servitude on 5 February 1746/47. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jackson, Thomas, 13 Queen's Row, Hoxton, London, cm (1801–09). On 25 November 1801 took out insurance cover of £300 and of this £120 was in respect of stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 423, ref. 725295]

Jackson, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1811–12). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Jackson, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1817–18). Admitted freeman, 1817–18, when stated ‘of Preston’. [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Jackson, Thomas, 39 Wood St, London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Jackson, Thomas, Selby, Yorks., cm (1822–37). At Ship Yard Row in 1822 but at Ousegate, 1834–37. [D]

Jackson, Thomas, 61 Leonard St, Shoreditch, London, cm (1826). [D]

Jackson, Thomas, Kearsley, Bolton, Lancs., joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Jackson, Thomas, Lancaster, carver (1814–34). Named in the Gillow records, 1814–34. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Jackson, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1826–34). Free 1829–30 when stated ‘of Ulverstone’, Lancs. Named in the Gillow records 1826–27, 1829 and 1834. [Lancaster freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Jackson, Thomas, 25 Northgate, Bradford, Yorks., cm (1830). [D]

Jackson, William, London(?), joiner and chairmaker (1677–85). On 26 February 1677 his app. Richard Blanchard was paid on his behalf £3 6s for seven cane chairs by William, 5th Earl of Bedford. On 23 March 1685/86 Lady Leigh paid a William Jackson £3 for a walnut table bed. It is possible that this maker may be the William Jackson who in 1702 and 1707 took out insurance on property in the parish of St Giles-in-the-Fields, London. [Bedford Office, London; Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, DE 18/5/872; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 2, ref. 2601–02; vol. 5, ref. 836]

Jackson, William, Severn Stoke, Worcs., cm (1747). [Worcester poll bk]

Jackson, William, 14 Brownlow St, Holborn, London, cm (1807–11). Traded in partnership with Whitehead as Jackson & Whitehead. [D]

Jackson, William, 111 Newgate St, London, carver and gilder (1809). [D]

Jackson, William, Lancaster, cm (1809–18). App. to Thomas Lister in 1809 and free, 1817–18 when stated ‘of Middleton near Manchester’. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]

Jackson, William, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1822–33). at 4 Potter's Yd, Eyre Lane in 1822, 9 Pinstone St in 1828 and Fitzwilliam St in 1833. [D]

Jackson, William, Potter St, Bedford, cm and u (1823). [D]

Jackson, William, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1823–41). Aged 18 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Jackson & Graham, 37 and 38 Oxford St, London, cm and u (1836–40). One of the leading furniture makers of the Victorian period but in business at 37 Oxford St by June 1836. An invoice dated 14 June 1836 in the Museum of London is for a French polished rosewood sofa at £19 and other items. A trade card of this early period, giving the address as 37 and 38 Oxford St shows an engraving of the exterior of their premises and states their trade as ‘Upholsterers, Carpet Manufacturers, Furniture Printers and Interior Decorators’. [D; Museum of London, Z1704/190; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gardener Box 63 10A]

Jackson & Jervis, 30 Rathbone Pl., Oxford St, London, u and auctioneers (1820–25). [D]

Jackson & Stalvies, Marsh St, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., cm and u (1836). [D]

Jackson & Wood, Leeds, Yorks., carver (1833). Dissolution of partnership announced in Chester Courant, 26 November 1833.

Jacob, Edward, St Lawrence, Reading, Berks., cm (1754–68). In 1754 took app. named Higgs. [S of G, app. index; poll bks]

Jacob, Jacob & Co., Market St, Falmouth, Cornwall, cm and u (1823–24). [D]

Jacob, John, parish of St Mary, Reading, Berks., u and cm (1718–40). Took apps named Pether in 1719, Whitehouse in 1722, Berry in 1727, and Howell in 1740. [S of G, app. index; GL, Sun MS vol. 7, 21 February 1718]

Jacob, John, Marylebone St, Golden Sq., London, carver and gilder (1772–79). In 1772 supplied Sir John Griffin Griffin of Audley End, Essex with a ‘Glass Girandole Stand’ costing 8s and in 1779 for the same patron repaired a girandole. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A30/2, D/DBy/A37/3]

Jacobs, —, Lancaster (1820). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]

Jacobs, Benjamin, 30 Minories, London u (1829). [D]

Jacobs, F., 64 Northgate St, Canterbury, Kent, u (1838). [D]

Jacobs, Jacob, 74 Northgate St, Canterbury, Kent, cm and furniture broker (1832–38). In 1838 at 65 Northgate St, the same address as F. Jacobs, u. [D]

Jacobs, John, Newbury, Berks., cm (1756). In 1756 took app. named Parce. [S of G, app. index]

Jacobs, Michael, 4 Theatre Ct, Finkle St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–39). [D]

Jacques, Catherine, 12 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, u (1821). [D]

Jacques, John, Holborn, London, carver and gilder (1783–1808). The address is usually given as ‘The King's Arms’, 14 Holborn but in 1808 it was 14 High Holborn and Heal lists an earlier address of 301 Holborn. From the 1790s their work was mostly in composition ornament and the production of chimney pieces. By 1801 Jacques was claiming a Royal appointment. In 1783 Alexander Wedderburn paid this maker £8 7s 9d, probably for picture frames. [D; Heal; Banks Coll., BM; Scottish RO, GD 164/Box 20/177/2–3]

Jacques, John, 102 Hatton Gdn, London, portable desk, dressing case, work box and cabinet case maker (1839–40). [D] Partner and successor to:

Jacques, Thomas, London, turner and Tunbridge-ware manufacturer (c. 1790–1839). The main base of trade was 65 Leather Lane, Holborn, but from 1817–23 used in addition an address at 22 Baldwin Gdns, Leather Lane. Initially specialised in ivory turning, with billiard balls an important product. Hardwoods and bone were also turned and ivory, tortoiseshell and hardwoods dealt in. Tunbridge-ware was also manufactured at an early stage, though there is no indication whether this was purely of turnery items or if cabinet wares were made. Certainly cabinet wares were being made by the mid 1830s and were to form the main part of the business of the firm for the future. In c. 1817 Thomas Jacques took John Jacques as his partner and the business traded under the style Thomas & John Jacques until c. 1839 when it moved to 102 Hatton Gdn and continued under the sole direction of John Jacques. [D; Heal]

Jacques & Hartill, 148 Old St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jafensen, —, address unknown, cm (1679). Paid £1 10s, by Sir Richard Temple of Stowe, Bucks. [Huntington Lib., California, MS ST 155, p. 8]

Jaffrey, Charles, Hanover St, London, u (c. 1772–76). In 1767 ‘Thomas Chippendale, upholsterer’ received a premium of £20 for taking on Charles Jaffrey as an app. for four years. Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., December 1773, but may have recommenced business and is possibly the ‘Jaffray’ who was reponsible for the funeral of the 1st Duchess of Northumberland in 1776 at a cost of £523 2s 2d. [PRO, 1/R1/25; Alnwick MS V.1.53(1)]

Jagger, Benjamin, Norwich, carver, gilder, picture frame maker and printseller (1762–1810). In 1768 recorded in the parish of St Andrew but from 1783 the address is given as 30 London Lane. Freeman of Norwich on 21 September 1762 as a carver but had not served his apprenticeship in the city. Took as apps Samuel Cushion (free 21 September 1770), Jno. Gardiner (free 24 February 1786) and on 13 January 1810 his own son Matthew Anderson Jagger described as ‘Gent’ was also made free. [D; poll bk; freemen reg.; Norfolk Chronicle, 24 April 1784]

Jakeman, —, London(?), cm. Death by drowning reported in Gents Mag., July 1731

Jakeman, John, Hull, Yorks., cm (1823–29). At Church St, Drypool in 1823 and Cent per Cent St in 1829. [D] Possibly:

Jakeman, John, Market Pl., Beverley, Yorks., cm and u (1826). [D]

Jalland, John, Nottingham and London, cm (1737–54). Son of John Jalland, frame work knitter, and app. in 1725 as a cm. Free 1737 and by 1754 resident in London. [Nottingham app. reg., freemen rolls and poll bk]

Jamar, Jervais, 37 Gerrard St, Soho, London, French cm (1820). [D]

Jamar, S., London and Liverpool, cm (1818–26). In 1818 at 29 Wardour St, Soho. In February of that year he advertised his range of furniture in the French manner which he manufactured in London. He claimed that it was ‘equal to any made in Paris, and at a rate that upon calculation will be admitted considerably advantageous than importing from abroad, also without incurring the risk of being damaged on the journey’. He also offered to repair old furniture, bronzes and gilt work. His nationality is not known but in 1819 he claimed to be cm to the King of Holland. He had also changed his address to 37 Gerard St, Soho. From this year he appears to have taken an interest in selling his wares and establishing a trade connection with Liverpool. In September 1819 he advertised in the Liverpool Mercury that he was displaying a range of ‘Superb French Cabinet Furniture from his Manufactory’ in Samuel Smith's Large Room in Lord St. Amongst the items on display were ‘a beautiful Secretaire representing the French coffee house in Paris with 1000 columns; elegant & superb Bedsteads, modelled from one in the possession of the Empress of France; handsome Tables, in rosewood, mahogany & marble; superb antique & musical Clocks, richly ornamented with Sundry Cabinet Furniture’. This furniture was to be sold by auction on 29 September 1819, though the sale appears to have been postponed until 1 October when Samuel Smith conducted it. At the same time that he was promoting his elegant furniture to the affluent citizens of South Lancs. he was also seeking business partners for a venture to utilise two machines for timber conversion. One machine, it was claimed, would ‘cut Six Veneers or more, in the Inch, in Mahogany or any other Wood’. The other was able to ‘saw Sixty Boards at once, of any thickness not less than a quarter of an inch’. This latter machine was claimed to do the work of 120 men. He indicated that he was prepared to lay out his part of the capital before requiring his partners to do so. He was also looking for partners in a venture to manufacture furniture of a similar type to that he was producing in London. Nothing more is recorded about his machines and he does not appear to have set up manufacturing facilities at Liverpool. Perhaps local capital was not forthcoming. He did not however entirely forget his ambitions to serve the Liverpool area and in March 1826 announced that he was opening a repository at 1 Gt Charlotte St. Here he put on a display of furniture ‘which for taste in design & elegance in execution … can find no parallel’, and an admittance fee of a shilling was charged to view it. It is possible that the exhibition may have been of a temporary nature, however, rather than a permanent feature.

A number of pieces of furniture stamped ‘S. JAMAR’ are known. These include a rosewood writing table with gilt mounts (Parke-Bernet NY, 1 April 1967, lot 66), a rosewood table with burr-elm veneered drawers on a turned yew column with four splayed legs (Christie's, 21 July 1966, lot 42), a rosewood cheval mirror (Sotheby's, 8 December 1978, lot 242), a rosewood fall front secretaire (Christie's, 19 November 1970, lot 46) and a similar item in the Egyptian taste inscribed on the lockplate ‘Jamar Cabinetmaker 37 Gerard Street Soho’ (Parke-Bernet NY, 8 March 1968, lot 71). [Morning Chronicle, 16 February 1818; Liverpool Mercury, 24 September 1819, 1 October 1819, 10 March 1826] B.A.

Jamar, William, London, French cm (1817–20). Shown at 29 Wardour St in 1817, an address known to have been used by S. Jamar by February of the following year. In 1820 shown at 37 Wardour St. By this date S. Jamar was at 37 Gerard St and it is possible that this entry may be a directory error. It suggests a close relationship between the two makers. A writing table stamped on the edges of the drawers with this maker's name was sold at Sotheby's, 26 October 1962, lot 168. [D]

James, —, address unknown, turner (1788). In July 1788 he was paid £24 3s for an inlaid table in July 1788 supplied for the Royal Household. [Windsor Royal Archives, 88695]

James, Andrew, 5 Sutton St, Soho Sq., London, timber bender (1829). [D]

James, Charles, Norwich and London, cm (1812–30). In the parish of St Saviour, Norwich, 1812–18 but by July 1830 living at Islington, London. [Norwich poll bk]

James, Edmund, East Walls, Carlisle, Cumb., chairmaker (1793–1810). The death of one of his workmen, John Brown was reported in Gents Mag., March 1807. [D]

James, Edward, High St, Tewkesbury, Glos., chairmaker (1813–30). [PR (bapt.)]

James, Geoffrey, 96 James St and Francis Alley, Devonport, Devon, cm, u and dealer in marine stores (1822–23). In 1823 the business was trading as Geoffrey James & Son. [D]

James, George, Oxford, cm (b. c. 1711–d. by 1778). His address is recorded in 1744 at St Clement's, Bladon, Oxford and later at Bridgesett, St Clement's. At the time of his marriage to Anna Maria Southby of Oxford at St Giles on 28 April 1744 he was aged 33. In the same year he took app. named Badcock and was subsequently to take Simms in 1746, Smith in 1751 and Seabright in 1762. By June 1778 he was dead and in this month the goods in his house ‘at the foot of new bridge, St. Clement's’ were sold. In October of the following year Gabriel Slatter, cm from London, announced that he had taken the shop of the late Mr James ‘at the foot of Magd. Bridge, St. Clements’. James is recorded in connection with furniture for Christ Church Library. On 11 July 1764 he was paid £40 for five mahogany desks and on 26 September 1765, £18 18s for a set of library steps. The latter incorporate a carved floral medallion which also featured in a set of twelve stools supplied by Thomas Chippendale for the Library in the previous year. This furniture is still in use in the Library. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds; S of G, app. index; poll bk; Jackson's Oxford Journal, 14 July 1764, 16 June 1778, 2 October 1779; C. Life, 5 January 1945, p. 29]

James, George, Tiverton, Devon, cm (1778). In 1778 took out insurance cover of £200 of which £50 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 266, p. 270]

James, George, Plymouth, Devon, u and cm (1801). In November 1801 his stock was sold for the benefit of his creditors. Items offered included ‘mahogany wardrobes, chests etc., circular end & square dining tables, octagon, oval, card & pembroke tables, claw tables, chairs with red, green & black Morocco seats, reeded pillar bedsteads etc’. [Exeter Flying Post, 12 November 1801]

James, George, 13 Dover St, Blackfriars Rd, London, cm and undertaker (1808). [D]

James, Hugh, Carlisle, Cumb., chairmaker (1829–34). At St Alban's Row in 1829 and 25 East Tower St in 1834. Possibly the successor of Edmund James. [D]

James, James, Plymouth, Devon cm (1798). [D]

James, John, King's Arms Yd, Holborn, London, carver (1761). On 22 August 1761 his release from Debtors’ Prison was announced. He was stated to be ‘formerly of the Old Bailey, late of King's-arms-yard, Holborn, St. Sepulchre’. [London Gazette, 22 August 1761]

James, John, Old Compton St, Soho, London, joiner and u (1808–20). Shown at 33 Old Compton St in 1808 when his trade was listed as joiner. In 1820 at no. 30 with his trade as u. [D]

James, John, 27 Atherton St, Liverpool, cm (1816–d. 22). App. to Isaac Marsh in 1807 and John Ward Turner in 1810. Petitioned freedom in 1816 but this was at first rejected, as the representatives of I. Marsh refused to take out letters of Administration, and no assignment of his indenture could be obtained. This difficulty does not appear to have deterred him, however, and he set up in business in this year. He was eventually shown free 24 June 1818. [D; freemen's committee bk and reg.]

James, John, 80 Pilgrim St, Newcastle, u, cm and paper hanger (1814–38). Commenced his business in Pilgrim St in June 1814 and before this had been employed by J. C. Ford. In 1833–34 referred to as John & Charles James, at 78 Pilgrim St in 1834. [D; Newcastle Chronicle, 18 June 1814]

James, John & William, 9 Cumberland Row, Newington, London, cm (1826–27). [D]

James, Jordan, St Botolph Without, Bishopsgate, London, carver (1761). Discharged from Debtors’ Prison, September 1761. Said to be late of St Botolph Without, Bishopsgate. [London Gazette, 26 September 1761]

James, Joseph, Bristol, cm and chairmaker (1801–13). In 1801 at Bedminster Causeway as a chairmaker, but from 1805–13 at 58 Castle St, and from 1810 also indicated as a cm. [D]

James, Joseph, Nicholas Steps with factory at Back St, Bristol, basket and chairmaker, fancy brushes and toys (1839–40). [D]

James, Martin, High Wycombe, Bucks., chair turner (1840). [PR (marriage)]

James, Mathew, Rennington, Newcastle, cm (1759). In 1759 took app. named Hood. [S of G, app. index]

James, P., Retreat Pl., Cheltenham, Glos., cm (1839). [D]

James, Philip, 63 Holywell St, Shoreditch, London, u and undertaker (1769–1811). A business of modest size. In 1770 warehouses and workshops were insured for £500 but later figures suggest a decline in cover for trade stock. In 1777 the warehouses and workshops were only covered for £200 and in 1782 a similar figure was thought sufficient for the utensils and stock. Total insurance cover in 1777 was £900, falling to £800 in 1791 and rising again to £1,200 in 1802. Of this latter total however only £60 appears to have been for utensils and stock. The business is included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 110, ref. 68982; Sun MS vol. 255, p. 176; vol. 304, p. 70; vol. 377, p. 615; vol. 423, ref. 732368; vol. 424, ref. 738097]

James, Richard, Bristol, cm and victualler (1754–75). Living in the parish of St Peter in 1754 but soon after moved to the parish of St James and then to Bedminster. He was imprisoned for debt and released in June 1761. In 1774 he was living in Bedminster but in the following year his address was given as 38 Horse St, Bristol. [D; poll bks; London Gazette, 20 June 1761]

James, Richard, Bristol, carver and gilder (1824–32). At 20 North St from 1824–26, 12 Lower Arcade, 1827–28 and 2 Park St, 1829–32. [D]

James, Richard, Emscote, Warwick, cm and u (1835). [D]

James, Robert, Bristol, cm and u (1784–1831). Recorded living in the parish of St Augustine, 1784. In Terill St, 1793–95 and St Michael's Hill, 1799–1801. After 1805 the firm traded from 35 Broadmead and is recorded as Robert James & Co., 1805–06; James, Fry & Co., 1807–13; and once more reverted to Robert James & Co., 1814–15. From 1816 reverted to the pre-1805 style of Robert James. In 1818 he was declared bankrupt, but despite this the business quickly recovered and was probably at its height of achievement in the 1820s. In 1821 he advertised himself as the ‘Manufacturer of the Beautiful Polyanthus Wood’. In the following year he received a Royal patent and thereafter described himself as ‘Manufacturer in British Woods to his Majesty’. Clearly at this stage he was using woods with a wide range of colour variation and intricate grain patterns. He stated in an advertisement that ‘his present manufactured stock of POLYANTHUS AND OTHER BRITISH WOODS … will be found to excel any other yet offered, for beauty of Colours, and variety to the imagination, exhibiting on its highly polished surface, Woods, Landscapes, and in some instances, Animals, Fish &c are represented, which has a grand and pleasing effect’. The Duke of York also appears to have patronised James in 1826. In the 1820s he labelled some of his products, and a number of examples are known. These include a secretaire bookcase [C. Life, 11 June 1953, p. 1882], a yew-wood table [Furn. Hist., 1966], a sofa.table, yew-wood cross-banded with burr wood [Sotheby's, 20 May 1955, lot 157] and a large pedestal table veneered in burr oak and elm, and a tea caddy veneered in rosewood and burr yew, in the BM Coll. [D; poll bk; Exeter Flying Post, 26 February 1818; Furn. Hist., 1976; V & A archives]

James, Robert, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1815–34). Known through the baptisms of his six children at St Sidwell's Church, 1815–34. The eldest son, Robert was bapt. on 26 December 1815, but as this name was given to another child in 1829, it is likely that the previous one did not survive childhood. In 1824 at Bartholomew St and in 1834 at Well Lane. [PR (bapt.)]

James, Robert, Front St, Brampton, Cumb., joiner/cm (1828–29). [D] Possibly:

James, Robert, Rowcliff Lane, Penrith, Cumb., cm/joiner (1834). [D]

James, Stephen, 14 Albemarle St, St John's Sq., Clerkenwell, London, cm (1778). In 1778 insured his house for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 268, p. 124]

James, T. & G., Castle St, Bristol, cm and chairmaker (1814– 35). In 1814 listed as T. & E. James but this may be an error. At 51 Castle St, 1814–15, but thereafter at 58. In 1822 Thomas James is recorded trading on his own behalf, and he continued on this basis until 1835. [D]

James, Theodore, New Bridge St, Exeter, Devon, cm and u (1838–40). [D]

James, Thomas, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1752–74). Took as apps Robert Moore in 1752, Thomas German in 1754 and Hezekiah Holmes in 1758. In 1774 living at Hockley, Nottingham. [Nottingham app. and poll bks]

James, Thomas, Redcross St, Southwark, London, chairmaker (1808). [D]

James, Thomas, Cathay, Bristol, chairmaker (1809–36). In 1816 listed as fancy chairmaker, and from 1821 as ship's mast and chairmaker. In 1835–36 at Prewett St, Cathay. [D]

James, Thomas, Bristol, looking-glass maker (1810–26). At 1 Ellbroad St, 1810–15, but in 1815 shown in addition at Barton Alley. Between 1816–19 4 Barton Alley is the only address shown; but from 1820–22 James traded at St Augustine's Back; from 1823–24 at 17 St John's St and from 1825–26 at Bridewell Lane. [D]

James, Thomas, Castle St, Bristol (1814–35), see T. & G. James.

James, Thomas, James St, Devonport, Devon, cm (1814). [D]

James, William, Halesowen, Staffs., cm (1752). In 1752 took app. named Lane. [S of G, app. index].

James, William, Gt Russell St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1755). Bankruptcy announced in Gents Mag., May 1755.

James, William, 26 Baron's Buildings, Blackfriars Rd, London, cm (1809). [D]

James, William, 1 St John's Bridge, Bristol, cm, u and appraiser (1817–18). [D]

James, William, High St, Tewkesbury, Glos., chairmaker (1820–22). [D]

James, William, Charles St, Truro, Cornwall, cm and joiner (1829). [D]

James, William, Carter's Lane, Poole, Dorset, cm (1830). [D]

James, William, Widemarsh St, Hereford, carver and gilder (1835). [D]

James, William, 17 Paget Pl., Waterloo Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

James, Wilson, Dam Side, Morpeth, Northumb., cm (1828). [D]

James & Co., Charlotte St, Russell Sq., London, cm (1825). [D]

James & Penberthy, Helston, Cornwall, builders, cm and u (1810–24). In 1810 advertised for two cm and six joiners ‘who will meet with constant employ’. In April of this year debtors and creditors of the late firm of Penberthy & James, builders of Helston were asked to settle to, or send their accounts to, James & Penberthy. In 1824 they were in Church St and still advertising themselves as builders, as well as cm and u. [D]

James & Playfair, 14 New Bond St, London, trunk and plate case makers (1797–1817). Claimed to be suppliers to ‘Their Majesties, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York’, and were successors to ‘Mr. Broomfield’. From 1797–1804 patronised by the 5th and 6th Dukes of Bedford for whom they made and supplied knife trays at £1 16s each, and plate buckets at the same price. John James and Thomas Playfair appear to have parted company c. 1810, and in 1813 Playfair was trading from 17 New Bond St, probably the same address, as both are said to be ‘corner of Clifford St’. In 1813 he supplied the 6th Duke for Endsleigh Cottage, Devon, ‘two field bedsteads complete with mattresses, pillows, bolsters, blankets, counterpanes, carpets, furniture, boxes and valises &c. matting &c.’ at £43 12s 6d. For the same property he provided in 1817 ‘two best folding bedsteads’ which with bedding, curtains, carpets and other items came to £44 10s 10d. An oak box covered with tan leather has been recorded with the trade label of ‘James, Military Trunk Canteen and Plate Chest Maker to His Majesty’ giving an address at 25 Coventry St opposite Lanton Sq., London. [Bedford Office, London]

James & Wise, 5 Frederick Pl., Southwark, London, chair and sofa makers (1839). [D]

Jameson, Daniel, Newbro’ St, Scarborough, Yorks., cm and u (1823–30). [D]

Jameson, Daniel, Bridge St, Newark, Notts., cm and u (1832– 35). [D]

Jameson, James, 63 Tythbarn St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1774–77). [D]

Jameson, James, Bristol, cm (1792–1806). At Frog Lane, 1792–95, but from 1799 shown at Frogmore St. [D]

Jameson, John, York, cm, turner and toyman (1780–1806). Noted for the production of spinning wheels for drawing room use. One of his wheels (Pitt–Rivers Museum, Oxford) has ‘John Jameson’ carved on the inside rim of the drawer, and another (Castle Museum, York) has a trade label pasted in the drawer. This gives his address as Carlisle Buildings, Little Alice Lane and stated that at his toy and turnery manufactory work was carried out in wood, ivory, brass and pewter. He was using this address as early as August 1788 when he invited ‘ingenious mechanics to expose their work in his showroom’ and indicated his intention of employing the industrious poor in his manufactory. His address is also recorded as College St. Advertisements regarding the sale of his stock in trade were issued in August 1802 and November 1806. In the latter case the sale was to be by auction. [Furn. Hist., 1978]

Jameson, Peter, Chester, cm (1819–37). In 1819 at Foregate St and in 1837 at Peter Churchyard. [Poll bks]

Jameson, Richard, North Bar St Without, Beverley, Yorks., cm and u (1799–1840). Recorded in a poll bk in 1799, but not in directories until 1814. He was however active between these dates and in 1807–08 supplied furniture for the Sessions House in Beverley. A set of twenty mahogany chairs was made costing £33 and four elbow chairs at £9 10s extra. These still survive at the Sessions House and incorporate some inlay. Other items supplied in October 1807 were three mahogany Pembroke tables at £10 4s, two gilt framed pier glasses at £4 6s a large mahogany dining table at £4 19s 6d and a mahogany frame at £2 16s. Other items supplied in January 1808 included fourteen mahogany arm chairs. The total account for this furnishing scheme came to £109 5s 6d. Richard Jameson was also involved in the supply of furnishings for Grimston Garth, Yorks., and correspondence of 1812 exists, regarding two chaise longues. From 1826 the firm traded as Richard Jameson & Son. [D; E. Yorks. Quarter Sessions accounts and vouchers; V & A archives; poll bk]

Jameson & Smith, Whitehorse Yd, Hull, Yorks., joiners and cm (1803). [D]

Jamison, —, address unknown, u (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Jane, John, 146 Aldersgate St, London, cm (1821). On 3 January 1821 took out insurance cover of £100 but none of this was for tools or stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 486, ref. 974947]

Jaques, John, Parade Row, Hull, Yorks., chairmaker and ship joiner (1823). [D]

Jaques, Thomas, Hull, Yorks., japanner, furniture painter and fancy chairmaker (1806–35). At Parade Row in 1806; 16 St John's St, 1810–22; 7 Wellington Mart, 1820; 59 Humber St, 1831; and 9 Junction St, 1835. [D]

Jaquin, Henry, 10 Richmond St, St James's, London, carver and gilder (1835–57). [D]

Jarman, —, York St, Covent Gdn, London, cm (1736). In April 1736 Earl Fitzwalter paid for furniture supplied by Jarman, for Moulsham Hall, Essex. This consisted of a mahogany chest of drawers at £4 16s and a mahogany table to seat ten at £2 2s. [A. C. Edwards, The Accounts of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter, p. 106]

Jarman, —, address unknown, frame maker (1825). He was paid £257 15s 10d at the desire of Sir William Knighton for work carried out for the Royal Household. [Windsor Royal Archives, 35593]

Jarman, Ann, London, frame maker (1747–50). In March 1747 supplied two frames for Felbrigg, Norfolk at a cost of £2 14s. In 1749 supplied frames for Peter Du Cane of Braxted Park, Essex for his London house in St James's Sq. Three frames supplied in January 1749 were charged at £13 10s and the account paid in March 1750. [Norfolk RO, Felbrigg WKC 7/ 156; Essex RO, D/Dc A80, D/DDc A 12 folio 73]

Jarman, James, Castle Hedingham, Essex, cm (1832). [D]

Jarman, Joseph, London, cm and u (1803–28). At 10 Broad St, Carnaby Mkt, 1803–08, but in 1809 at 8 William St, Manchester Sq. No further directory entries are recorded until 1820–21, when a Josh. Jarmain is listed at 14 Bulstrode St, Manchester Sq. In 1826–28 this maker is shown at 27 Wyndham St, Bryanston Sq. [D]

Jarman, Thomas, London, cm (1803–20). Freeman of Nottingam but resident in London. In 1820 at Smithfield. [Nottingham poll bks]

Jarrett, John, Bristol, cm (1792–95). At Earls Mead in 1792 but Old King St, 1793–95. [D]

Jarrett, John, Evesham, Worcs., cm (1820–28). Addresses given at Bridge St in 1820 and High St in 1828. [D]

Jarrett, Thomas, Bengworth, Evesham, Worcs., cm (1835). [D]

Jarrit, Henry, parish of St James, Bristol, cm (1754). [Poll bk]

Jarrot, Thomas, Evesham, Worcs., cm, joiner and shopkeeper (1778–84). In 1778 insured his house for £100 but in 1779 took out cover for £500 which included £130 for utensils and stock. In 1784 the total insurance was £300 and stock and utensils accounted for £120 of this. [GL, Sun MS vol. 268, p. 44; vol. 278, p. 189; vol. 324, p. 243]

Jarry, William, London, chairmaker (1802–06). Freeman of Norwich but resident in London. [Norwich poll bks]

Jarves, John Jackson, London, cm, chairmaker and clock case maker (before 1787–d. 1823). In 1787 at 76 Newbury St, Boston, Mass., USA. On his trade card [Boston Museum of Fine Arts] he claimed to be from London.

Jarvis, A., address unknown, frame maker (1769). In January 1769 supplied John, 4th Duke of Bedford with four peartree frames at 9s each and one other, the total account being £2. [Bedford Office, London]

Jarvis, Alfred, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1839). Shown at Little Preston St in one directory but 60 Preston St in another. [D]

Jarvis, Benjamin, 4 Love Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]

Jarvis, Francis, Cambridge, cm (1816–31). At Sidney St in 1816 and the parish of St Clement, 1831. [PR (bapt.)]

Jarvis, George, Church St, Market Drayton, Salop, cm and builder (1822). [D]

Jarvis, Henry, 171 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, bedstead and cornice manufacturer (1811–20). A William J. Jarvis engaged in the same trade is shown at this address in 1829. [D]

Jarvis, Henry, Norwich, upholder (1829). Admitted freeman 5 December 1829. [Freemen rolls]

Jarvis, John, 54 Goswell Rd, London, (1826). [D]

Jarvis, Robert, Parsons Lane, Banbury, Oxon., cm and u (1830–35). [D]

Jarvis, Samuel, Snow Hill, London turner and looking-glass manufacturer (1740–86). Heal records a hardwood turner of this name at ‘The Rose and Crown and Fowler’ in Snow Hill and quotes from an invoice of 1740 for the supplying of ‘6 small lignum vitae dishes’ at 6s. The property was numbered 41 Snow Hill and this was in use as early as 1775 when the business was trading as Jarvis & Sharp, looking glassmanufacturers. From 1781 traded as Samuel Jarvis & Co., and both turnery and looking-glass manufacture appear to have been carried on. [D; Heal]

Jarvis, Thomas, Wilsford, Wilts., cm (1753). In 1753 took app. named William Proviss. [Wilts. Apps and their Masters]

Jarvis, Thomas, Norwich, u and paper hanger (1768–1834). In the parish of St Peter Mancroft, 1768; St Michael at Thorn, 1799–1802; St Gregory, 1807 and 1830; and St Andrew 1812. Shown at Pottersgate St, 1822. Had two sons Thomas jnr, and Henry, both u and admitted freemen 5 December 1829. Another son, Edward Gibson Jarvis, a plane maker, was made free on 30 April 1834. [D; poll bks; freemen reg.]

Jarvis, Thomas, 12 St James’ St, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and u (1830) [D]

Jarvis, William, 41 Turvile St, Bethnal Green, London, bedstead maker (1829). [D]

Jarvis, William, 10 Etham Pl., Old Kent Rd, London, cm and u (1835–39). Address also shown at Kent St, Southwark. [D]

Jarvis, William J., 171 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, bedstead and cornice manufacturer (1829). See Henry Jarvis at this address, 1811–20. [D]

Jary, Roger, Norwich, chairmaker (1802). Son of Robert Jary, wool comber. Free 18 September 1802. [Freemen reg.]

Jay, Benjamin, Salisbury, Wilts., upholder. (1709). Bankrupt November 1709, but he had possibly already absconded, as a newspaper advertisement required him to surrender to the Bankruptcy Commissioners on 12 and 19 December. [London Gazette, 30 November 1709]

Jay, George, 73 Oxford St, London, u (1826). Freeman of Maldon, Essex. [Maldon poll bk]

Jay, James, London, u (1826–34). Freeman of Maldon, Essex. At 13 Broad St, Golden Sq., 1826–30; but in August 1830 declared bankrupt. He appears to have re-established his business in Welbeck St but was again declared bankrupt in February 1834. [D; Maldon poll bk; London Gazette, 24 August 1830; PRO, C13 942/6; Liverpool Mercury, 21 February 1834]

Jay, Jane, Church St, Hackney, London, u (1823). [D] See Jay and Son.

Jay, Joseph, Church St, Hackney, London, u (1835–39). [D]

Jay, Thomas, 6 Hare Ct, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1775). In 1775 insured his house for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 237, p. 339]

Jay, William, Colchester, Essex, chairmaker (1723). In 1723 took app. named Mays. [S of G, app. index]

Jay, William, address unknown (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Jay, William, London, u and cm (1812–28). At 15 Poland St, Oxford Sq. and then moved to 13 Broad St, Golden Sq. From 1817 the business traded as William & James Jay. [D]

Jay, William, 53 Charlotte St, London, u (1826). Freeman of Maldon, Essex. [Maldon poll bk]

Jay, William, High St, Stroud, Glos., cm and u (1839). [D]

Jay & Son, Hackney, London, u (1826). [D] See Jane Jay.

Jayne, John, Bristol, cm (1754). [Poll bk]

Jaynes, John, Bristol, cm (1793–1801). Shown at Park, 1793–95, and Old Park, 1799–1801. [D]

Jeacock, Caleb, London, cm (1754–83). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. In Oxford St opposite Poland St, 1769–70, and from 1771 the number is listed as 76. On 7 November 1775 paid £100 by Sir Thomas Egerton of Heaton Hall, Manchester ‘for the Green Bed etc’. [D; Preston RO, DD.Eg., bank deposit and account bk]

Jean, Peter Dominique, near Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, ormolu maker (1764–1807). As Jean Dominique, he is recorded in the Royal Household accounts and Jourdain, Regency Furniture trading at Marshall St as a gilder and founder, 1783/95. An important supplier of fine mounts to the leading London furniture makers of his day. On 20 October 1764 he married Marie Françoise, daughter of the cabinet maker Pierre Langlois, and probably thereafter supplied mounts for his father-in-law. He also took Pierre Langlois's son, Daniel, as app. in 1771. It is not only with Langlois that there are clear connections. Amongst the items supplied by Jean in the last months of 1783 were mounts for furniture and chimney pieces, some of which were for delivery to the cm Christopher Fuhrlohg. A further connection with Fuhrlohg is found in the accounts for Audley End, Essex. In 1786 Lord Howard paid Jean for gilding ornaments for two commodes, gilding five sets of locks and ‘gilding and finishing 5 rings for a Cabinet delivered to Mr. Fuhrlohg’. A sum of £27 was paid in November 1786 in settlement. It also seems likely that the mounts on the library desk at Osterley, Middlx came from Jean, and this in turn might point to John Linnell as one of his customers.

Apart from items supplied for the embellishment of furniture and passing through the hands of various cm, Jean supplied ormolu directly to clients. Between October 1783 and midsummer 1786 he provided furnishings for Carlton House to the order of the Prince of Wales amounting to £1,409 16s. Only one detailed invoice survives, and is for the period October to 2 December 1783. The major item in this was a pair of five branch chandeliers with figures and trophies, for which £320 was charged. At Carlton House Jean worked for Gaubert and Holland, gilding ‘the ornaments of an inlaid commode delivered to M. Furlogh’, and supplying mouldings to ‘Mr Walker’ (Wacker?), ‘Mr Furlogh’, and M. ‘Prussurot’. For this work, Jean's bill totalled £480. [RA, Windsor, 34953–54, 25050; Essex RO, D/DBy/A44/7–8; Goodison, Ormolu, pp. 21–22, 173]

Jeanes, Charles, West St, Bristol, cm (1813). [D]

Jeanes, Charles, London cm, u and appraiser (1820–39). At 109 Bermondsey St in 1820 and 4 George Row, Bermondsey in 1839. [D]

Jeanes, Richard, 16 Pithay, Bristol, cm and furniture broker (1838–40). [D]

Jeary A. H. & Co., High St, Salisbury, Wilts., u (1839). [D]

Jebb, John, St Agnes St, Tabernacle Sq., London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Jebb, Joshua, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1722–36). Took as apps Joseph Coultart in 1723; Thomas Revell in 1725; Joseph Conway and John Salter in 1726; Thomas Orme in 1728; Joseph Tims and Timothy Chambers in 1730; John Stephenson in 1734 and George Mycroft in 1736. [App. bk]

Jebb, Richard, 3 Church St, Gt Surrey St, London, carver and gilder (1826). [D]

Jebson, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1812). App. to Thomas Dutton and free, 5 October 1812. [Freemen reg.]

Jee, Edward, Cannon St, Birmingham, picture frame maker (1800–05). Recorded at no. 30 in 1800, also as a printseller. [D]

Jee, Samuel, Mount Sorrel, Leicester, turner and chairmaker (1787). In October 1787 advertised for a journeyman chairmaker to make turned chairs. [Leicester Journal, 13 October 1787]

Jeeves, Jeremiah, 11 and 12 King St, Bloomsbury, London, cm and u (1808–28). In 1808 trading as Jeeves & Holt but from 1809–11 as Jeeves & Co. Thereafter Jeeves & Holt is used for most years but one directory in 1820 and 1827 list Jeeves & Hall. The business was probably substantial and in 1823 insurance cover of £3,500 was taken out of which £850 was for utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 498, refs 1008169–71]

Jefferies, Benjamin, Maldon, Essex, chairmaker (1760–1812). Freeman of Colchester, Essex. In 1760 took app. named Howard. [Colchester poll bks; S of G, app. index]

Jefferies, J., Francis St, Westminster Rd, London, cm (1835). [D]

Jefferies, James W., 76 Old Market St, Bristol, sign and furniture painter and glazier (1827–32). [D]

Jefferies, William, Bristol, upholder (1774). [Poll bk]

Jefferies, William, 12 East Rd, City Rd, London, cm and u (1839).[D]

Jefferis, Richard, 14 Kingsmead St, Bath, Som., joiner, picture framer and cm (1833). [D]

Jefferis, Robert, 26 Well St, Oxford St, London, cm (1809). [D]

Jefferson, G., Lancaster, turner (1805). Named in the Gillow records in connection with making a firescreen. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/98]

Jefferson, Henry, 13 Fish St, Hull, Yorks., cm and shopkeeper (1826). Shown in directories up to 1834 but only as a shopkeeper. [D]

Jefferson, John, Wheelgate, Malton, Yorks., cm and u (1823– 34). [D]

Jefferson, M., Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1798). [D]

Jefferson, Robert, Court 12, Church St, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827). [D]

Jefferson, William, 6 Cleveland St, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jeffery, Benjamin, 12 Meard's Ct, Dean St, Soho, London, glass and picture frame maker (1820–22). In November 1821 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £200 was in respect of utensils and stock. A year later however he insured his dwelling house for £700 with a further £700 for a house in the tenure of Cooke. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 985474; vol. 493, ref. 997751]

Jeffery, John, Stephen's Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and u (1830). [D]

Jeffery, John, 3 Foundling Terr., Gray's Inn Rd, London, cm (1835–39). [D]

Jeffery, Joseph, Queen St, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm, u and chairmaker (1824–39). [D]

Jeffery, Richard, 6 Mulberry Sq., Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jeffery, Samuel, Sherborne, Dorset, cm (1768). [Dorset Nat. Hist. and Arch. Proceedings, LIII, 1931]

Jeffery, William, East Bergholt, Suffolk, chairmaker (1768–84). Freeman of Colchester. [Colchester poll bks]

Jefferyes, George, Durham, cm (1760). In 1760 took app. named Whitefield. [S of G, app. index]

Jefferys, Charles, Brittox, Devizes, Wilts., u and cm (1839). [D]

Jefferys, James, 44 Mytongate, Hull, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]

Jefferys, John & Co., 66 Lowgate, Hull, Yorks., with residence at Anne St, Osborne St, auctioneers, appraisers and cm (1831). [D]

Jefferys, John S., 17 Coldbath Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jefferys, Nathaniel, address unknown, cm (1756). Referred to in the tradesmens’ accounts of the Bowes estate, Co. Durham, receiving £1 13s in June 1756 for a tea board. [Durham RO, D/St/239]

Jefferys, Peter, 33 Gee St, Goswell St, London, cm (1808). [D]

Jeffier, —, address unknown, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.

Jeffrey, Charles, Hanover St, London, upholder (1773). Bankrupt December 1773. [Bailey's list of bankrupts]

Jeffrey, Emanuel, Clayton Pl., Kennington, London, bed and mattress maker (1827–35). Also listed at 14 Kennington in 1827 which may be the same address. [D]

Jeffrey, James, London(?), looking-glass maker (1826–27). In March 1826 supplied Lord Gwydir with a glass 52″ by 42″ with a large mahogany and gold beaded circular top frame’ and also the stained glass round the same’. Subsequently he prepared ‘stained glass, silvered, which was sent to Mr. Dowbiggin who was preparing a glass & frame to match’. The cost of this commission was £52 12s and it was settled in May 1827. [Lincoln RO, 2 ANC 6/202/56]

Jeffrey, James, Calverley-cum-Farsley, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Jeffrey, James, 35 Union St, Middlx Hospital, London, carver and gilder (1837). [D]

Jeffrey, John, Alnwick, Northumb., cm (1767). In March 1767 he announced that he had devised ‘a New Method of Destroying BUGS, entirely unknown to any person or persons whatsoever but himself … He will undertake to kill them either in Beds or in any other Kind of Household Furniture wherein they may be lodged, and will uphold the same to stand for the Term of Seven Years’. [Newcastle Courant, 21 March 1767]

Jeffreys, James jnr, Waterhouse Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]

Jeffreys, Richard, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1811–39). Shown at 23 Byrom St in 1811 and 34 Lime St in 1813. No further directory entries are noted until 1839 when the address was 42 Brownlow St. [D]

Jeffries, Edward, Hurst St, Birmingham, cm (1818).[D]

Jeffries, Henry, 2 St George's Rd, Brighton, Sussex, carver and gilder (1839–40). [D]

Jeffries, John, address unknown, upholder (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.

Jeffries, Thomas, Chester, u (1812–d. 1828). Free 9 October 1812. At Castle St, 1812–18, and thereafter at St Werburgh St. Died on 6 May 1828, a coroner's inquest concluding that he had ‘died in consequence of being suffocated through intoxication’. [D; poll bks; freemen rolls; Chester Chronicle, 9 and 16 May 1828]

Jeffrys, Thomas, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1780). Son Francis bapt. 25 June 1780. [PR (bapt.)]

Jeffs, James, Westgate St, Gloucester, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Jeffs, John, High St, Towcester, Northants., cm (1823–30). [D]

Jeffs, Thomas, 29 Upper Titchfield St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Jeffs, Thomas, High St, Towcester, Northants., cm/joiner (1823). [D]

Jelfe, Peter, King St, Westminster, London, glass frame maker, carpenter and victualler (1770). Bankruptcy announced in Gents Mag., February 1770.

Jelley, Richard, Granby St, Leicester, u and cm (1833–40). Free 1833. His billhead survives (Dept of Prints, V & A). [D; freemen reg.]

Jellicoe, Richard, 62 London Wall, London, upholder (1792). Son of William Jellicoe, upholder and member of the Skinners’ Co. Grandson of Thomas Jellicoe, also a member of the Skinners’ Co. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 14 November 1792. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jellicoe, William, Fleet St, London, u (1760–81). Member of the Skinners’ Co. Traded initially at the sign of the ‘Chair & Anchor’ in Fleet St. He claimed to be the successor to ‘the Widow Smith’ and stated that he made and sold ‘all Sorts of Upholstery Goods. Cabinets, Chairs, Glasses &c in the newest Fashion’. Two copies of his trade card survive and feature a Rococo Chinoiserie frame. [Heal Coll., BM; Leverhulme Coll., MMA, NY] When Fleet St was numbered, his premises became no. 88, but after 1773 no. 135 was used. Betwen 1773–75 the business traded as Jellicoe & Wheeler but by 1781 had reverted once more to William Jellicoe's sole charge. From the late 1760s he held a number of parish offices in St Bride's, Fleet St, being Collector for the Poor in 1766 and then Sidesman and Questman between 1767–70 and finally Church-warden in 1780–81. His son Richard was made free of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony in 1792. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; MS 6561, p. 97; Heal]

Jellings, Thomas, address unknown, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.

Jelly, Richard, Hotel St, Derby, u and paper hanger (1835). [D]

Jeneper, Samuel, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, upholder (1733–44). Elected Common Councillor on 16 October 1733. In 1744 took app. named Judd. [Suffolk RO (Bury), index of Corp. Members; S of G, app. index]

Jenkins, Alexander, Peascod St, Windsor, Berks., cm (1824). [D]

Jenkins, C. & Co., 45 Brewer St, Golden Sq., London, upholstery warehousemen (1816–25). [D]

Jenkins, Edward, 123 Aldersgate St, London, cm and upholder (1825–27). [D]

Jenkins, Edward, Cross St, Ellesmere, Salop, cm and auctioneer (1828–35). Recorded at Cross St in 1828 and Willow St in 1835. [D]

Jenkins, Francis, Bristol and London, carver and gilder (1761). In August 1761 discharged from Debtors’ Prison. Stated to be formerly of Bristol and late of Cockpit Alley, Drury Lane, London. [London Gazette, 12 August 1761]

Jenkins, James, Bristol, cm (1801–10). In 1801 at Charles's St and John's Bridge, but from 1805 at 12 Charles's St only. [D]

Jenkins, James, 48 Strand, London, carver and gilder (1807–37). From 1823–25 one directory lists Martha Jenkins at this address in the same trade. [D]

Jenkins, James, 18 Philadelphia St, Bristol, cm (1820). [D]

Jenkins, James, Axbridge, Som., cm (1830–40). Trading at The Square in 1840. [D]

Jenkins, John, 75 Long Acre, London, upholder and cm (1794– 1808). From 1777 the business traded as Jenkins & Strickland but after 1794 came under the sole control of John Jenkins. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793, and Cabinet Dictionary, 1803, and included in the list of master cabinet makers in the latter. The business was on a fairly substantial scale and in 1800 insurance cover came to £2,350 of which utensils and stock accounted for £600. Undertook work for the 2nd Duke of Northumberland at Northumberland House, London and Syon, Middlx for which he was paid £268 on 30 June 1795. One directory of 1808 lists John Jenkins, cm, u and undertaker at 18 Fulwood's Rents, London. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 419, ref. 709392; V & A archives] See Strickland & Jenkins.

Jenkins, John, Goodman's Fields, London, u and cm (1820–39). In 1820 at 6 Leman St, Goodman's Fields but from 1825 at 61 Gt Prescott St, Goodman's Fields. Recorded as Jno. & J. Jenkins, 1835–39. [D]

Jenkins, John, London, carver and gilder (1820–39). In 1820 at 31 Commercial Rd, Whitechapel, but by November 1822 at 14 Hertford Pl., Commercial Rd. He remained at this address until 1835 but subsequently is recorded at 2 Lucas Pl., Commercial Rd. The business was modest in size, the total insurance in 1822 being £300 of which £80 was for utensils and stock, and the corresponding figures for 1823 are £400 and £150. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 489, ref. 997664; vol. 490, ref. 999964]

Jenkins, John, Exeter, Devon, cm and u (1825–32). In December 1825 announced his removal from his residence in Goldsmith St to a shop previously occupied by ‘Mr. Pillbrow's Grand Musical Repository’ at 150 Fore St opposite St John's Church. Stock advertised included ‘Carpetings, Floor Cloths, Moreen and Chintz Furniture, Paper Hangings &c’ and ‘stoved goose feathers’. The business traded as a ‘Cabinet, Chair and Upholstery Warehouse’. In June 1828 the property was put up for sale and described as ‘brick-built’. It had a cellar, a shop, parlour and kitchen on the ground floor, a drawing room, 22ft square, and three lodging rooms on the first floor, five lodging rooms on the second floor and an equal number on the third. The third floor was at this time being used by Jenkins for workshops. Despite this notice of sale the property appears to have remained in the occupation of John Jenkins. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 22 December 1825, 12 June 1828]

Jenkins, John, 9 Broad Weir, Bristol, cm, u and undertaker (1833–40). From 1835 featured the manufacture of Venetian blinds. [D]

Jenkins, John, Lower Union St, Torquay, Devon, cm and u (1838). It is possible that this is the same John Jenkins who was trading in Exeter, 1825–32. [D]

Jenkins, John, 2 Lucas Pl., Commercial Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jenkins, Joseph, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, cm (1830–32). Declared bankrupt, Exeter Flying Post, 29 March 1832. [D]

Jenkins, Martha, 48 Strand, London, carver and gilder (1823–35). See James Jenkins of the same trade, at this address, 1807–37. [D]

Jenkins, Mary, St Mary's St, Newport, Salop, cm and u (b. 1813–35). Daughter of and successor to Thomas Jenkins who traded at this address as a cm, 1814–28. [D]

Jenkins, Matthew, Liverpool, cm (1790–1803). In 1790 at 21 Vernon St but in 1796 at 77 Tithebarn St and from 1800–03 at no. 81. In 1796 also shown as an earthenware dealer. [D]

Jenkins, R., 18 Fullwood Rents, London, u (1835). John Jenkins, cm, u and undertaker is shown at this address in 1808, and Rd. Jenkinson, cm and u, in 1827. [D]

Jenkins, Richard, 18 Beaufort Sq., Bath, Som., cm (1833). [D]

Jenkins, Samuel, London, upholder (1756). Son of John Jenkins of St Dunstans-in-the-East, mariner. App. to William Guidott on 6 July 1749 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 18 November 1756. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jenkins, Thomas, 21 Gerrard St, Liverpool, cm (1796). [D]

Jenkins, Thomas, 20 Chambers St, Goodman's Fields, London, u (1811). Bankrupt February 1811. Still listed in one directory in 1812 but this may have been an oversight. The bankruptcy proceedings give the address as Prescot St, Goodman's Fields. [D; Sussex Weekly Advertiser, 25 February 1811]

Jenkins, Thomas, St Mary St, Newport, Salop, cm and u (1814–28). Succeeded at this address by his daughter Mary. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Jenkins, Thomas, Gloucester Mews, Clifton, Bristol, paper hanger and u (1836–40). [D]

Jenkins, Uriah, Russell St, Exeter, Devon, carver and joiner (1835). Daughter Mary Jane bapt. at St Sidwell's Church, 27 September 1835. [PR (bapt.)]

Jenkins, William, 16½ Moon Pl., Vauxhall Rd, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Jenkins & Brock, 7 Horfield Rd, Bristol, cm (1825). [D]

Jenkins & Speed, Rownham Pl., Hotwells, Bristol, cm and u (1836–40). [D]

Jenkins & Strickland, see John Jenkins of Long Acre, London, and Strickland & Jenkins.

Jenkins & Watson, 25 Maiden Lane, Covent Gdn, London, carvers, gilders etc. (1803–08). [D]

Jenkinson, John, 23 Paradise Sq., Sheffield, Yorks., joiner, cm and u (1777–98). Insurance records indicate a small scale of business in 1777. Total cover was £200 of which £70 was in respect of utensils and stock. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 582]

Jenkinson, John, 6 Featherstone St, City Rd, London, cm (1820–29). [D]

Jenkinson, John, Gt Charles St, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1828–30). Recorded at no. 95 in 1828. [D]

Jenkinson, John, Cockermouth, Cumb., joiner/cm (1828–34). At Gallowberry in 1828, Sand Lane in 1829 and Main St in 1834. [D]

Jenkinson, John, 4 Ironmonger Row, Old St, London, cm (1808). Thomas Jenkinson is shown at this address in 1809. [D]

Jenkinson, Joseph, Reuben Terr., Little London, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837). [D]

Jenkinson, Nehemia, Pinchbeck, Lincs., chairmaker (1716). [Lincoln RO, LCC, ADM. 1716/12]

Jenkinson, Rd., 18 Fullwood Rents, London, cm and u (1827). R. Jenkins, u is shown at this address in 1835 and John Jenkins, cm, u and undertaker in 1808. [D]

Jenkinson, Thomas, 4 Ironmonger Row, Old St, London, cm (1809). A John Jenkinson is shown at this address in 1808. [D]

Jenkinson, William, 19 Cow Green, Halifax, Yorks., u (1837). [D]

Jenks, Robert, Ware, Herts., cm and u (1777). In 1777 took out insurance cover of £200, his utensils and stock being covered for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 257, p. 382]

Jenks, Robert, London, cm and mahogany merchant (1785–96). In 1785 at Bull Stairs, Upper Ground, Southwark, his premises being described as ‘the Mahogany Yard’ but his trade as cm. Insurance taken out in this year valued his utensils and stock at £20. He is shown in directories of 1790– 96 as a mahogany merchant at New Jamaica Wharf, Upper Ground, Christchurch, Surrey. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 328, p. 271]

Jenks, Robert, London, looking-glass manufacturer (1794–1839). From 1794–1807 he traded from an address at 21 Surrey St, Blackfriars. From 1815–25 the business is referred to as Robert Jenks & Son, the address given being either 81 or 82 Fleet St. In 1829 R. J. Jenks, possibly the son, was trading from 16 Gt Distaff Lane and from 1835–39 an address at 55 Bread St, Cheapside was used by Robert Isaac Jenks, probably the same maker. [D]

Jenks, Thomas, Fleet St, London, looking-glass manufacturer, cm and u (1819–37). In 1819 fined for declining office in the parish of St Bride, Fleet St, but in 1824 acted as Overseer. Initially at 81 Fleet St in partnership with J. M. Jenks, 1822– 28. The use of this address from 1822–29 suggests a relationship with Robert Jenks. In the 1830s at 90 Fleet St, and a trade card of this period survives [Landauer Coll., MMA, NY] which lists his trade as ‘Carver, Gilder, Looking Glass & cabinet Manufacturer’. [D]

Jennens, C., 42 Poland St, London, carver and ormolu worker (date unknown). [Heal]

Jennens & Bettridge, Birmingham and London, papier-mâché ware manufacturers (1816–40). In 1816 took over the Birmingham works of Henry Clay, and by 1837 had opened up London showrooms at 3 Halkin St West, Belgrave Sq. In 1825 they took out a patent for ‘ornamenting papier-mâché with pearl shell’ and this technique together with painted decoration and gilding provided a brilliant effect because of the iridescent quality of the mother-of-pearl. The quality of their work was quickly recognised and by 1825 they could claim to be ‘Japanners in Ordinary to His Majesty’. They were patronised not only by George IV, but also by William IV, and Queen Victoria. Initially the bulk of their production was trays and other small wares. By 1839 however they were producing larger items, and in that year supplied Buckingham Palace with two folding screens. One which had a cream ground was decorated with birds and flowers and cost £24 5s; the other was charged at £26 5s. Apart from new items of this nature they were employed on repair of furniture in the Royal collection. The business reached its zenith in the early 1850s with its exhibits at the Great Exhibition, and the opening of branches in New York and Paris. [D; Windsor Royal Archives, box 1, item 2, account bks, 1833–41; PRO, LC11/ 104; Toller, Papier-mâché, pp. 29–32]

Jennens & Co., 316 Oxford St, London, button, military ornament, patent royal footstool and swing chair manufacturers (1820). [D]

Jenner, James, 39 Duke St, Grosvenor Sq., London, u and cm (1819–29). [D]

Jenner, Thomas, 93 Peascod St, Windsor, Berks., carpenter and joiner (1784–1840). First recorded in 1784 as Jenner & Son. By 1824 Thomas Jenner was describing himself as ‘Joiner to His Majesty’. He is recorded in the Royal accounts on numerous occasions from 1827 and from time to time supplied simple furniture. In July 1831 an estimate was received from Jenner for thirty deal dining table tops and six wainscot coat stands. The table tops were to be japanned and they were estimated at £86 out of a total of £110 10s 3d. They were for use in St George's Hall, Windsor, as were also sixtysix trestles estimated at £65 in September 1832 and six strong, one-flap deal tables with two drawers estimated at £21 in March 1833. [D; Windsor Royal Archives, account bks, box 1, item 17; PRO, LC11/77]

Jenner, Walter, 14 Gerrard St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jenner, William, 42 Foley St, Portman Sq., London, undertaker and u (1817–20). [D]

Jennings, —, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Jennings, Charles, West St, Hackney, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jennings, David (or William), Manchester, u (1779). Bankruptcy announced in Gents Mag., November 1779.

Jennings, Henry Kickweed, 17 Bartholomew St, St Luke's, Pimlico, London, cm (b.c. 1807–40). Son of Withers Jennings, farmer, bapt. 14 April 1807 at Great Wakering, Essex. Moved to London and married Sarah Smith. Eldest of their four children bapt. on 8 January 1837. [PR (bapt.)]

Jennings, James, 10 Chapel St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Jennings, John, Newgate St, London, u and cm (1764–1800). Son of John Jennings snr, freeman and member of the Joiners’ Co. John Jennings jnr, was made free of the upholders’ Co. by patrimony under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act on 2 August 1764. Took an app. Josiah Roberts, 1776–84. In 1776–79 he was at 41 Newgate St. A house was insured for £300 in 1776 and houses for £600 in 1779. His business is shown trading from 15 Newgate St, 1786–1800. [D]

Jennings, John, 46 New Compton St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1817). Thomas Jennings of the same trade is shown at this address in 1808 and 1820. [D]

Jennings, John, 24 Cliff, Lewes, Sussex, cm and u (1823–26). [D]

Jennings, John, Meneage St, Helston, Cornwall, cm, carpenter and joiner (1830). [D]

Jennings, John, Spring Gdns, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1838–40). Daughter Mary Ann bapt. on 5 September 1838. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Jennings, John, New St, Woodbridge, Suffolk, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jennings, Leonard, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, cm (1753–57). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. Took one app. in 1753 and another named David Lewis in 1757 at a premium of £31 10s. [S of G app. reg.]

Jennings, M. A., 79 Berwick St, London, carver and gilder (1835–37).

Jennings, Robert, Watling St, London, upholder (1760). Son of John Jennings of Norton Falgate, Middlx, yeoman. App. to Samuel Whiting on 3 September 1747, and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 2 October 1760. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jennings, Robert, Love Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1840). Married on 30 December 1840. [PR (marriage)]

Jennings, Samuel, 5 Goswell St, London, carver and gilder (1824–40). Trade label recorded with address at Duke St, Manchester Sq., Oxford St, claiming to be carver, gilder and printseller to the Queen and the Royal Family. This would appear to be post-1840. [D]

Jennings, Thomas, Skeldergate, York, cm (1758). [Poll bk]

Jennings, Thomas, 46 New Compton St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1804–20). A John Jennings following the same trade is recorded at this address in 1817. In 1804 insurance was taken out by Thomas Jennings on the house he rented in New Compton St for £300. [D; GL, Sun MS vol.431, ref. 767618]

Jennings, Thomas, Tacket St, Ipswich, Suffolk, carver, gilder and barometer maker (1830–39). [D; poll bks]

Jennings, William, Ock St, Abingdon, Berks., cm (1775–1830). In 1775 took out insurance of £200 of which only £30 was cover for utensils, stock and workshop. Listed in directories, 1823 and 1830, but the long span of time between these two sources might suggest that the directory entries refer to a son. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 110]

Jennings, William, Nantwich, Cheshire, Chairmaker (1821). Daughter Ann bapt. on 5 October 1821. [PR (bapt.)]

Jennings & Walkington, the Vine, Long Acre, London, upholders and cm (1754–c. 1770). In 1754 a watch was stolen from the premises and a reward offered. [Public Advertiser, 22 February 1754; Heal]

Jenny, Winslow Thomas, Norwich, cm (1769). Son of Thomas Jenny, Gent. Free 11 January 1769. [Freemen reg.]

Jensen, Gerrit, St Martin's Lane, London, cm (1680–d. 1715). Gerrit Jensen, whose name occurs in the Lord Chamberlain's accounts spelt in fourteen different ways (sometimes anglicized as plain Garrard Johnson), has been called ‘the English Boulle’. The leading London cm in the reigns of William and Mary and Queen Anne, he is also the only one known to have produced furniture employing inlaid metals, and ironically more pieces in this technique can now be attributed to him than to his great French counterpart.

Nothing is known of Jensen's origins, and even the assumption that he was Flemish or Dutch by birth is open to question: one Garrett Johnson, a ‘carver in stone’ who could well have been his ancestor, is found in the records of the Dutch Church living in Southwark as early as 1582–83 [Furn. Hist., 1971, p. 115] and Jensen could thus have been a 3rd or even 4th generation immigrant. His name first occurs in the Royal accounts in 1680 as making a set of furniture which Charles II presented to the Emperor of Morocco. But he may be the ‘Garrett Johnson’ who purchased his freedom of the City in 1667, and the ‘Gerrard Johnson’ who became a liveryman of the Joiners’ Co. in 1685 — steps up the ladder of the London guild system which would not normally have been open to a foreigner.

The patent renewing his appointment as ‘Cabinet Maker in ordinary’ to William and Mary, drawn up in 1689, which exists in the PRO, describes him as ‘Cabbinet maker and Glasse seller … for the makeing provideing and Selling of all Sorts of Cabbinets Boxes Looking Glasses Tables and Stands Ebony Frames, and for the furnishing provideing and Selling of all Sorts of Glasse plates as well plained and polished as not plained and pollished’, an indication of the wide range of Jensen's activities. The Royal Household accounts show that he held a monopoly in supplying overmantel and pier glasses to the palaces during the reign, while at Chatsworth in the same period he supplied the bevelled glass sash panes for the east and south fronts, and the large mirror panels for the doorcase in the State Dining Room, reflecting the enfilade of state rooms beyond. Mirrors such as these were extremely expensive: four measuring 62 inches by 36 inches in the ‘Painted Gardain Roome’ at Hampton Court cost £320 in 1701, while ‘two Glasses each 81 inches long and 45 broad with guilt wooden frames rich & carv'd‘ were supplied for Queen Anne's ‘new Drawing roome’ at St James's for £450 in 1703. By contrast his pieces of carcase furniture, either japanned, or of marquetry, inlaid with walnut, olivewood, prince-wood, ebony, brass, pewter and even silver, seem relatively inexpensive. The personal interest that William and Mary took in Jensen's work is implied by his provision of ‘two modells of a deske and table’ supplied for £6 in 1696, and in the inventory of goods made the following year of ‘her late Maj's Lodgings of Blessed Memory’ at Kensington, which mentions metal-inlaid tables, looking-glasses and stands which were ‘bespoke by the Queen and came in after her death from Mr. Johnson’.

The Westminster City rate bks show that Jensen occupied premises in St Martin's Lane from 1693 onwards, paying an annual rate ranging from £1 6s 8d to £2 8s. According to his will, drawn up on 15 August 1715, and proved the following February, the property consisted of two houses and a warehouse (presumably his workshop) held on lease from the Earl of Salisbury. One of these houses ‘situate on the north side of St. Martin's Church between St. Martin's Lane and Castle Street’ was insured for £50 in 1713, while the other ‘on the west side of St. Martin's Lane’ (presumably including the workshops) was insured for £300. [GL, MS 8674, vol. 12, refs 1250, 1251] Besides these he owned a country house with 1 acre and 3 roods of land at Brook Green, Hammersmith, and also had houses and land at Great and Little Harefield in the parish of Selling, Kent, leased from Corpus Christi College, Oxford. These affluent circumstances are confirmed by his bequests of plate and jewels, as well as portraits painted of himself, his two wives and eldest son. His son by his first wife must have predeceased him, for a daughter-in-law, Anne Jensen, and a grand-daughter Winifred, are mentioned as beneficiaries. His second wife Hellen seems to have borne him four children, Francis, Hellen, Isaac and Katherine, all of whom were under the age of 21 at the time the will was made. The parish registers of St Martin-in-the-Fields record the death of ‘Mr. Garret Johnston’ on 2 December 1715, but unfortunately without revealing his age; but comparison of his signatures on receipts of the 1690s compared with an increasingly shaky hand on later documents seems to suggest that he lived to a comparatively old age. These signatures seem invariably to use the spelling ‘Gerrit Jensen’, which is the form used here.

In style Jensen's furniture is consistently French in form, and particularly close to the work of Pierre Golle, Boulle's famous predecessor. Golle's will mentions a sum of money owed to Jensen for glue, suggesting that close contact existed between the two masters. The catalyst here may well have been Golle's brother-in-law, Daniel Marot, the Huguenot designer and engraver trained under Bérain, who left France before the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, entering the service of William and Mary first in Holland and then in England. Marot's engraved furniture designs show remarkable similarities with Jensen's documented pieces in the Royal Collection, and others attributed to him at Boughton, Drayton and elsewhere. It is possible that Jensen had French craftsmen working for him: for instance one Peter Berew, who signs a receipt on his behalf at Drayton in 1693. French terms, barely anglicized, occur constantly in the accounts, and indeed the ‘beuro’ or ‘scrutore’ (escritoire) with ‘drawers to stand on the top’ (otherwise known as the ‘caddinet’) may be a form which Jensen introduced to this country from France, together with the narrow gateleg table with a folding top. If seaweed marquetry pieces, and other types of carcase furniture dating from the Baroque period, are now more readily associated with Gerrit Jensen's name than is justified by documentary evidence, his output is of such high quality that it deserves, like that of Thomas Chippendale, to stand for the work of a whole generation of English cabinet makers. [DEF; GCM; Conn., vol. 95, 1935, pp. 263–74; Conn., vol. 96, 1935, pp. 188–92; C. Life, 22 May 1942; Conn., January 1963, pp. 31–34]
GOODWOOD, Sussex (1st Duke of Richmond). Supplied a table and stands and a strong box for £10. [BM, Charles Stuart, Duke of Richmond papers, vol. IV — bills 1661–73]
LEVENS HALL, Cumbria. A travelling desk by Jensen is said to survive at the house, together with associated correspondence.
DRAYTON HOUSE, Northants. (2nd Earl of Peterborough and his daughter the Duchess of Norfolk). 1675–1705: Jensen received £50 for furniture supplied for the Earl's embassy to France in 1675 and ‘Mr Johnson Cabinet Maker's Bill’ for 1679–88 includes ‘12 Arm'd chairs’, ‘a folding bed-wallnut’, ‘guilding the mother of pearle cabinet frame’, and ‘a large press of wallnut’. His name also occurs in the accounts of the Earl's daughter, the Duchess of Norfolk up to 1705, and he must undoubtedly have supplied the table and candlestands, inlaid with pewter, brass and ebony, now in the State Bedchamber, as well as other pieces still in the house.
ROYAL PALACES. 1680–1714: Regular bills in the Lord Chamberlain's accounts [PRO] for furniture supplied to all the royal palaces including Whitehall, St James, Somerset House, Kensington, Windsor Castle and Hampton Court, the royal residence at Newmarket, the yachts Fubbs and Isabella, and the House of Commons. Among those pieces still in the Royal Collection that can be firmly attributed to Jensen are a marquetry writing table (probably the ‘Folding writeing table fine Markatree with a Crowne & Cypher’ supplied for £22 10s on 30 October 1690), a glazed cabinet (‘a glass case of fine markatree upon a Cabonett with doors’ costing £30 on 24 July 1693) — both of these supplied ‘for her mats use at Kensington’ — and a ‘fine writing desk table inlaid wth mettall’ made for the King in 1694–95 at a cost of £70, and also intended for Kensington. A pier glass at Hampton Court with the royal cypher and crown in blue glass must be the ‘pannel of glass 13 feet long with a glass in it of 52 inches with a Crown and cypher and other ornaments’, described in a bill of 1699. A marquetry mirror frame at Windsor may well be from an earlier set of furniture supplied to James II in May, 1686 — ‘att Windsor Castle Queenes Side/In ye Gallery/For a Table, Stands a glasse Inlayd in wallnuttree the glasse 39 inches £40’. The last of Jensen's bills for the Royal Household is dated 10 August 1714, five days before his will was drawn up.
BURGHLEY HOUSE, Lincs. (5th Earl of Exeter). Jensen was paid a total of £534 and a writing table inlaid with pewter (similar to one at Drayton) can be attributed to him. [Child's bank ledgers; Exeter MS]
CHATSWORTH, Derbs. (4th Earl, later 1st Duke of Devonshire). 1688–98: Bills for providing glass on south front 1688, for ‘glass for the door of the great chamber [now the State Dining Room] and for japanning the closet’ in 1692. [DEF, 11, 271] The latter, described by Celia Fiennes as ‘wainscoted with hollow burnt Japan’ (i.e. coromandel, or incised lacquer), was dismantled in 1700, when the panels were reused on furniture including two chests on stands now in the State Drawing Room. In 1691, Jensen was also paid £160 ‘for glasses tables and stands for Chatsworth’.
ARUNDEL CASTLE, Sussex (Lord Thomas Howard). 1689: payment ‘to Garrat Johnson in full £143.10s.’ in Lord Thomas Howard's account bk. [Arundel Castle Records A117]
HAMILTON PALACE, Lanarkshire (1st Duke of Hamilton). c. 1690: A small dressing table, now at Lennoxlove, with a top formed of four sliding panels, all inlaid in brass and pewter on ebony, can be firmly attributed to Jensen on stylistic grounds and may well have been acquired by the Duke in the 1690s, when he is known to have patronized other leading London cm.
KNOLE, Kent (6th Earl of Dorset). 1680–1690: On 5 June 1680 Jensen presented his bill amounting to £407 5s for the famous suite of silver furniture consisting of a dressing table, looking glass and pair of candlestands. [U269 A185/2] Among other pieces mentioned in a bill of 21 December 1690 are ‘Table Stands and Glass Japan’. The table and candlestands are thought to be those now in the Spangled Bedchamber; the pier glass is now missing; the set was supplied at a cost of £18. [Kent RO, A192/10]
BOUGHTON HOUSE, Northants. (1st Duke of Montagu). c. 1690–1700: Jensen is listed as one of the Duke's creditors after his death in 1712, for work carried out in the 1690s, totalling £412 13s 6d and including for instance ‘making up two large bookcases upon cabinets with doors of Indian skreen with Glasses in the Door Silver'd’ costing £40. Among the pieces of furniture at the house which can be firmly attributed to him are a magnificent pair of metal-inlaid cabinets, each with nine drawers, and very similar to a documented example at Windsor Castle. These cabinets, in premiere and contre-partie, have a pair of mirrors en suite, one with the monogram of Ralph Montagu under an earl's coronet in the cresting (dating them to between 1689 and 1705), the other with a heart pierced by arrows, perhaps symbolizing his second marriage.

Another pier glass veneered with coromandel and with the same monogram in silver in the cresting, may also be by Jensen, along with its matching table which has a coromandel top and japanned frame. Several other pieces of elaborate marquetry furniture, including a number of caryatid candlestands which are close in style to the engravings of Daniel Marot, could equally have come from Jensen's workshop, though it is tantalizing that the original accounts have not survived.
PETWORTH HOUSE, Sussex (6th Duke of Somerset). c. 1695: Several pieces of furniture including a magnificent pair of verre eglomisée pier glasses in the private dining room, and a seaweed marquetry table top with hinged flaps bearing the Duchess of Somerset's monogram, can be attributed to Jensen on grounds of style.

A bill for £119 15s paid in two parts in 1692 and receipted by Jensen includes: ‘Duchess of Somerset’, ‘Apr. 19, 1690 for Glass in a black Japan frame and a Table to fall Like a Bewro and Stands £16.’ ‘Jan. 22 1691 for a fine Markatree Bewro and Guilt pillars, a pare of Stands and Glass of the same £30’ and ‘for 2 large Cabinets with Dores on the top and Drawers under, for the cornars of the Dressing roome £24’. [W. Sussex RO, Petworth papers, PHA/652]
WELBECK ABBEY, Notts. (1st Earl of Portland). c. 1695–98: An account bk kept by Caspar Frederick Henning, treasurer to the Earl of Portland, Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber to William III, records payments to Jensen in both the Earl's official and personal capacities between 1695 and 1698 totalling £608. [Worcs. RO, 2252/705; 366/1]
CASTLE BROMWICH HALL, Warks. (Lady Bridgeman). 1697–98: bills for ‘chimney glasses’ and other mirrors, including some with frames of ‘Ceader pheneare’, total of £9 5s. [Staffs. RO, D 1287, 18/4/1]
ICKWORTH, Suffolk (1st Earl of Bristol). 1696: Recorded as being paid on 25 May, ‘ye black set of Glass, table and stands and for ye glasses etc. over ye chimneys & elsewhere in my dear wife's apartment £70’ in the 1st Earl's Diary, published in 1874, p. 443.
KENSINGTON, Earl of Albemarle's Lodgings. c. 1699–1703: payments for items including ‘a pair of chimney sconces wrought blue glass & a pair of branches double guilded £4 15s.’ [PRO, LC 9/281]
HATFIELD HOUSE, Herts. (5th Earl of Salisbury). 1710–14: Supplied a verre eglomisée mirror (‘a large looking glass, the frame drawn with scarlet and silver, the mouldings gilt’), another in a japanned frame ‘with a folding table underneath which is also japan’, a ‘walnut writing desk, the top for books and patons and glass in the doors asked’, and many other pieces listed in a detailed bill of June 1710—October 1711 totalling £427; together with another bill of 1714 itemizing ‘gilt tables’, etc. [Hatfield F.P.S. MS 3/179, bills 475, 476]


Jepps, Samuel, Southwark, London, bedstead maker (1826–35). At Redcross St in 1826 and 2 Gt Guildford St in 1835. Samuel Jepps, furniture broker, is recorded at 5 York Pl., Kensington in 1839 and may be the same person. [D]

Jepps, William Henry, London St, Uxbridge, Middlx, cm and u (1826). [D]

Jepps, William Henry, Reigate, Surrey, cm and u (1832). [D]

Jepson, Charles, 27 Basnett St, Liverpool, cm (1827). [D]

Jepson, Joseph, Conisbrough, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Jeram, Francis, Stokesley, Yorks., cm (1757). In 1757 took app. named Potter. [S of G, app. index]

Jerard, I., address unknown (c. 1805). Name stamped on tea boxes in an early Regency mahogany rectangular tea caddy.

Jeremy, Thomas & Bragg, William, 28 Southampton St, Covent Gdn, London, u and cm (1824–29). In 1824 took out insurance cover of £4,000, all but £300 of which was for stock, utensils and goods in trust. The trade of the partners was stated to be ‘upholsterers & furniture warehousemen’. In 1829 Thomas Jeremy is recorded trading on his own behalf from this address an an u. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 499, ref. 1016381; Heal]

Jermain, —, 10 Broad St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1803). Included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Jermyn, Edmund & John, Harwich, Essex, cm and auctioneers (c. 1790–1830). Edmund Jermyn was Capital Burgess and Chamberlain of the Borough.

Jerome, Jas., New Town, Southport, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., carver and gilder (1830). [D]

Jerome, Josh., New Town, Southport, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., carver and gilder (1823). [D]

Jerrett, Henry, Bridgwater, Som., cm (1780). [Poll bk]

Jerritt, James, 108 Temple St, Bristol, cm (1804–05). Declared bankrupt, Exeter Flying Post, 12 July 1804, though still listed in a directory 1805.

Jerritt, James, Well St, Barnstaple, Devon, cm and u (1823–26). Thomas Smith, an app. aged 16, was committed to the borough gaol in August 1826 for assaulting Jerritt's seven year old daughter. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 17 August 1826]

Jerritt, John, Old King St, Bristol, cm (1794). [D]

Jervis, Frederick, 13 Rathbone Pl., Oxford St, London, u (1826–35). [D]

Jervis, Henry, Stafford St, Market Drayton, Salop, cm (1835– 36). [D]

Jervis, John, Romsey, Hants., cm (1784). [D]

Jervis & Holl, 11 King St, Holborn, London, cabinet manufacturers (1817). [D]

Jess, George, Liverpool, cm (1807–27). At 9 Hodson St in 1807 and 72 Tithebarn St in 1827. [D]

Jessett, Mrs, 67 Chatham St, Reading, Berks., u (1837). [D]

Jessop, Mrs Ann, Fargate, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and u (1833– 40). At 95 Fargate, 1833–37. She succeeded James Jessop at this address and was probably his widow. About 1839 moved to 26 Fargate and used labels to identify furniture supplied. These are known bearing the 26 Fargate address on a Windsor chair, and on another item. The business was described on the label as a ‘Cabinet, Upholstery, Picture Frame, and Looking Glass manufactory’. [D]

Jessop, Benjamin, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm (1798–1818). Recorded at Market Pl. as cm and u in 1818. [D]

Jessop, James, 95 Fargate, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1830). By 1833 Mrs Ann Jessop, probably his widow, had taken over the business at this address. [D]

Jessop, John, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm and u (1822–34). Recorded at Market Pl. in 1828. Executors of John Jessop listed in 1834. [D]

Jessop, Thomas, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1821–22). In 1821 at South St and in 1822 in Little Sheffield. [D]

Jessop, Thomas, Higher Brook St, Tavistock, Devon, cm (1823). [D]

Jeves, William, Poplar, London, cm, u and undertaker (1827– 39). Initially at 64 Pennyfields but later moved to 1 High St. [D]

Jewell, S. & H., 29–31 Little Queen St, Holborn, London, cm (1830–40). A billhead at Standen, East Grinstead, Sussex for furniture supplied to the house on 1 May 1894 by this firm states that it was founded in 1830. No pre-1840 directory entries have been traced.

Jewell, William, The Square, Barnstaple, Devon, carver and gilder (1830). [D]

Jewell, William, London, carver and gilder (1802–37). The business is first recorded as a partnership trading as Jewell & Black at 26 Coventry St from 1802–11. Thereafter William Jewell traded on his own behalf. He is shown in directories at the Coventry St address in 1812 but by 27 April of that year was at his new address of 27 Henrietta St, Covent Gdn. This property he insured for £1,200. He remained here until at least 1820 but by 1823 was at 55 Sloane St (or Sq.), Chelsea. He was to remain at this address until 1837. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 459, ref. 869700]

Jewster, Mary, 2 Angel Ct, Leadenhall St, London, backgammon table maker (1802). Took out insurance in 1802 for £200 of which £100 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 423, ref. 732301]

Jeynes, Joseph, Hereford, cm and u (1830–40). At St Owen St in 1830 and Church St, 1835–40. Patronised by Capt. N. L. Pateshall of Hereford between 1830–36, but over this entire period the accounts only amount to £23 19s 9½ and are concerned with repairs and sundries only. [D; Herefs. RO, FO/212, 229, 274, 618]

Joacham, James, parish of St Augustine, Bristol, joiner and cm (1722–57). In November 1756 married Mrs Chalinder. At this date his address was Horse St. In January 1757 advertised that he was selling up and leaving off the cabinet business. A walnut bookcase with gilt markings by this maker is recorded. [Poll bks; Farley's Bristol Journal, 20 November 1756, 15 January 1757; C. Life, 17 November 1983, supplement, p. 32]

Joachim, John, London, upholder (1786–94). Son of Joseph Joachim of Faversham, Kent, grocer. App. to Thomas Joachim on 2 June 1779 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 5 July 1786. In 1786 at Howard St, Strand, and in 1794 at St Mary at Hill. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Joachim, Thomas, London, upholder (1774–94). Free of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption, 10 August 1774. Stated to be a tea dealer. Took as app. John Joachim, 1779–86. His addresses are Cannon St in 1774, Upper Thames St in 1778, Cannon St again in 1781, Thames St in 1786 and St Mary at Hill in 1794. The latter address is also that given by John Joachim in 1794. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Joad, John, Ramsgate, Kent, upholder (1767–80). Son of Gibb Joad of Ramsgate, mariner. Trained in London and app. to George Kemp, 27 October 1767, and John Button, 6 December 1771. Free of the London Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 23 December 1779–5 January 1780. Probably never worked in London subsequent to this, as his address is given as Ramsgate. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Job, Robert, Hull, Yorks., cm (1774–1805). In 1805 took as app. Henry Fox of Rotherhithe, London. [Poll bk; Hull app. reg.]

Jobson, Robert, Alnmouth, Alnwick, Northumb., cm (1828–34). Listed as cm and joiner at Alnmouth in 1834. [D]

Joel, George, 23 Acorn St, Bishopsgate, London, looking-glass manufacturer (1839). [D]

Joel, M., 14 Crown St, Finsbury, London, (1835). [D]

Joel, Thomas, London, u (1724–38). In 1724–27 recorded at the ‘Angel & Crown’ in Barbican. In 1738 in Houndsditch. In December of this year some ‘rich Linnens of the Chints Pattern for Bed-Quilts’ was stolen from his premises, and Patrick Casey was committed for trial in this connection. [Heal: Daily Post, 19 December 1738]

Joggett, William, Taunton, Som., carver and gilder (1787). Suicide reported in Exeter Flying Post, 3 May 1787.

John, Samuel, London, cm (1785–92). In 1785 at 6 Faulconberg Ct, Sutton St where he took out insurance cover of £137 for household goods. In 1792 shown at ‘The King's Head’, Old Jury with a house at 11 Milk Alley, Dean St, Soho. He took out insurance cover of £200 of which £84 was in respect of his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 329, p. 274; vol. 389, ref. 602605]

John, William, address unknown, chairmaker and carpenter (1778). A simple elm and oak chair is known, inscribed beneath the seat ‘William John, Carpenter fecit/ October 28 1778’. [Furn. Hist., 1976]

Johns, Francis, Killigrew St, Falmouth, Cornwall, cm and u (1830). [D]

Johns, George, Chelmsford, Essex, upholder and cm (1784–93). [D]

Johns, Samuel, Wendron St, Helston, Cornwall, cm, carpenter and joiner (1830). [D]

Johnson, —, address unknown, u (1721). Paid £2 19s 6d by Lady Bowes for ‘hanging the parlour’. Probably a local craftsman from the Darlington area of Co. Durham. [Durham RO, Strathmore MS, D/St/Box 352/2, 30 November 1721]

Johnson, —, Broadgate, Lincoln, cm (1763). In December 1763 his entire stock in trade was offered for sale. This consisted of ‘Desks, Chests of Drawers, Dining and Tea Tables, China Tables, Chairs, Glasses, Tea Chests, Tea Boards and also a large quantity of fine English walnut-tree, well seasoned in blocks, planks and veneers’. [Cambridge Chronicle, 21 December 1763]

Johnson, —, 69 Dean St, London, upholder and cm (1794). Living at the house of a Mr Smith. Took out insurance cover of £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 401, ref. 628211]

Johnson, —, Preston. See Winder & Johnson.

Johnson, —, Newcastle, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Johnson, —, Hurst St, Birmingham, u (1828). [D]

Johnson, A. E., Fletcher Gate, Nottingham, u and paper hanger (1835). [D] See Edwin Johnson.

Johnson, Archibald, 11 Tarleton St, with shop at 1 Williamson Sq., Liverpool, u and mattress maker (1827). [D]

Johnson, B. J., 79 Houndsditch and 10 Kingsland Rd, London, cm and u (1822–25). [D]

Johnson, Barry, London, upholder (1740–d. 1778). Son of Thomas Johnson of Leicester, grocer. App. to Charles Grange, 7 February 1732, and free of the London Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 3 December 1740. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Johnson, Benjamin, Fetter Lane, London, knifecase maker (1785). In 1785 took as app. George Johnson. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS B 1266]

Johnson, Benjamin, 16 Duke St, Lambeth, London, cm and undertaker (1827). [D]

Johnson, Charles Edward, 57 High St, Gravesend, Kent, cm and undertaker (1832–39). See Thomas & Charles Johnson in High St, Gravesend (1823–29). [D]

Johnson, E., 8 Gt Newport St, Long Acre, London, cm (1829). [D]

Johnson, E., 10 Eldon St, Finsbury Circus, London, cm (1829). [D]

Johnson, Edmund, London, cm (1780). Freeman of Hull. [Hull poll bk]

Johnson, Edmund, Moorfields, London, bedstead and cm (1820–37). At 28 Long Alley initially, though subsequently the number was changed to 29. Probably the same maker who was shown in June 1824 at 10 Moorfields, and who insured his stock and utensils in his dwelling house for £300. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 495, ref. 1017522]

Johnson, Edmund, Liverpool, u (1807). Free 6 May 1807. [Freemen reg.]

Johnson, Edward, Newcastle u (1717). Married at the Church of St Nicholas, 28 November 1717. [PR (marriage)]

Johnson, Edward & Bailey, Edmund, 11 Gt Queen St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, brokers and cm (1782). In 1782 took out insurance cover of £200 of which £180 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 304, p. 531]

Johnson, Edward, 14 Catherine St, Strand, London, upholder and cm (1784). Took out insurance cover of £600 in 1784 and of this £400 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 322, p. 466]

Johnson, Edward, London, cm (1790). Freeman of Beverley, Yorks. [Beverley poll bk]

Johnson, Edward & Sons, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincs., carpenters, builders, cm and raft merchants (1793). [D]

Johnson, Edward, Spencer St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1803–06). [D]

Johnson, Edward, 155 Leadenhall St, London, camp, travelling and cabin furniture maker (1839). Advertised in Pigot's Directory, 1839 as late Merriman, makers by appointment to the East India Co. Featured their ‘Newly Invented Metallic Folding Bedstead’ which they claimed was particularly suited for military personnel, emigrants or those who might require to accommodate additional guests. These beds when folded up were said to ‘form an elegant piece of drawing-room furniture’ and to take up ‘less than one-twelfth part of the room occupied by the common French Bedstead’. They also offered swing cots, spring mattresses, portable chests of drawers, wardrobes, bookcases, wash hand stands, camp and cabin chairs and bedding. They offered to fit up at short notice cabins for those about to set off on sea voyages.

Johnson, Edwin, Fletcher Gate, Nottingham, u (1834). [D]

Johnson, Ellen, Market Pl., Wigan, Lancs., u (1805–08). [D]

Johnson, Emanuel, Leicester, cm and joiner (1796). Third son of Emanuel Johnson, deceased. App. to John Brothers, cm, and free by servitude in 1796. [Freemen rolls]

Johnson, Emanuel, Market Pl., Wokingham, Berks., cm (1830). [D]

Johnson, Francis, Long Acre, London, cm (1692). In June 1692 fined as a Papist for refusing the Oath of Fidelity. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Middlx session bk, 498, pp. 76–79]

Johnson, Frederick, 6 Foundling Mews, Gray's Inn Rd, London, cm and u (1835–39). [D]

Johnson, G. & T., 34 Cary St, London, cabinet manufacturers (1802). [D]

Johnson, George, Northgate St, Chester, cm (1765–84). Son of Thomas Johnson, carpenter. Free 16 June 1765. In 1768 took app. named Thomas Cross. Later apps were John Baker (free 1778), and John Norbury (free 1784). [Freemen rolls; app. bk; poll bk]

Johnson, George, New Cut, Lambeth Marsh, London, cm (1809). [D]

Johnson, George, 6 Clarence Pl., Hackney Rd, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Johnson, George, Liverpool, cm (1828–35). App. to John Chesters in 1828 and free, 1835. [Freemen's committee bk]

Johnson, George, 25 Curtain Rd, London cm (1835). [D]

Johnson, George, Ripon, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834–37). At Duckhill Bank in 1834 and North St in 1837. [D]

Johnson, H., Goodramgate, York, cm, u and undertaker (c. 1815–20). Trade card [Banks Coll., BM] shows a chair, sofa, dressing table and a length of wallpaper displaying Regency taste.

Johnson, Henry, Grantham, Lincs., joiner (1770). In March 1770 advertised for two journeymen joiners: ‘better if they can work in the cabinet way’. [Cambridge Chronicle, 31 March 1770]

Johnson, Henry, 11 Bedford Pl., Commercial Rd, London, cm, u and undertaker (1835–39). [D]

Johnson, Henry William, Belgrave Gate, Leicester, cm (1827–40). [D]

Johnson, Isaac, Rea St, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1830). [D]

Johnson, J. & M., Clipstone St, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1822–27). In 1822 at 23 Clipstone St but from 1826–27 the number was 22. [D]

Johnson, J., 13 Eldon St, Finsbury Circus, London, u (1829). [D]

Johnson, J., 41 Edgcumbe St, Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1830). [D]

Johnson, J., London St, Southwark, London, chairmaker (1835). [D]

Johnson, James, ‘The Golden Lion’, The Side, Newcastle, cm (1754–55). Appears to have ceased trading in 1754, since on 28 December his stock in trade was offered including ‘goods in the cabinet-making way together with pier-glasses &c’ and ‘unwrought timber’. The residue was again offered on 8 February 1755 and the shop together ‘with a convenient shade and several workshops’ offered for rental. [Newcastle Courant, 28 December 1754, 8 February 1755]

Johnson, James, Preston, Lancs., joiner and cm (1814–18). At 21 Lord St but one directory of 1818 shows Avenham St. [D]

Johnson, James, 10 City Rd, London, cm (1825). [D]

Johnson, James, 16 Paddington St, Marylebone, London, cm and u (1826–27). [D]

Johnson, James, Stockton, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827– 32). In 1827 at Park Row and in 1832 at Quayside. [D]

Johnson, James, Helmsley, Yorks., tailor and u (1840). [D]

Johnson, Jeremiah, Church Lane, Strand, London, cm (1784). [D]

Johnson, Jeremiah, Hobson St, Cambridge, turner and chairmaker (1823–40). [D; poll bks]

Johnson, Jeremiah, South End, Alford, Lincs., chair turner and joiner (1835). [D]

Johnson, Job, Charlotte St, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1812– 22). Listed as cm and joiner in 1822. [D; poll bks]

Johnson, Job jnr, London, carver (1831). Freeman of Gt Yarmouth but resident in London. [Gt Yarmouth poll bk]

Johnson, John, ‘The Kings Arms’, Long Acre London, cm (before 1695). In February 1695 the widow of John Johnson announced that she was leaving off the trade and was offering at reasonable rates ‘all sorts of Cabinet-makers Goods, both Indian and English’. [London Gazette, 10–13 February 1695]

Johnson, John, address unrecorded, upholder (1764). Son of John Johnson of Surrey, yeoman. App. to Robert Thorpe and Edward Wright, draper, 5 May 1757. Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 2 August 1764 [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Johnson, John, Chester, cm (1771–84). It would seem likely that there were two cm of this name in Chester from the 1770s. One was accepting app. from 1771 whereas the other was not free until 28 October 1772. The first of these took as apps John Griffith (1771), Charles Cans (1774), John Henderson (1774), James Phoenix (1776) and George Thorpe. The latter was assigned to him in 1777 presumably having started his apprenticeship elsewhere. The second John Johnson was the son of Charles Johnson, dyer. Subsequently one of these two cm had a business in Lower Bridge St, and in December 1783 he announced the sale of all his household goods and furniture at this address. By October of the following year one of the John Johnsons announced the opening of ‘Wine and Spirituous Liquor Vaults at the premises formerly occupied by Mr. Davison in Higher Bridge St’. He evidently continued with the cabinet side of the business however, for at the same time he advertised for several journeymen cm. On 24 June of this year one of the John Johnson's was paid 5s 6d for bottoming two rush-bottom chairs at Dunham Massey, Cheshire. [App. bks; freemen rolls; Chester Chronicle, 19 December 1783, 22 October 1784; John Rylands Lib., Manchester Univ., George Cooke's accounts]

Johnson, John, Leicester, cm (1787). Son of Joseph Johnson, cm, and free in 1787. [Freemen rolls]

Johnson, John, Buxton, Derbs., cm (1793). [D]

Johnson, John, Knight St, Berry St, Liverpool, cm (1800–10). At 25 Knight St in 1800 but from 1803–10 at 29. [D]

Johnson, John, Pleasant St, Preston, Lancs., joiner and cm (1818). [D]

Johnson, John, ‘King's Head’, Piccadilly, Shelton, Staffs., victualler, joiner and cm (1818–22). [D]

Johnson, John, Market St, Hanley, Staffs., cm and u (1828). [D]

Johnson, John, Leicester, cm (1826–32). Eldest son of Joseph Johnson, joiner and cm of Leicester. Free 1826 or 1832. [Furn. Hist., 1976; freemen rolls]

Johnson, John, 71 Old St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Johnson, John, 51 Long Alley, Finsbury, London, bedstead maker (1839). [D]

Johnson, John, Magdalene St, Cambridge, cm, u and paper hanger (1839). [D]

Johnson, John, West-end, Kirkbymoorside, Yorks., cm and joiner (1840). [D]

Johnson, Jonathan, Wigan, Lancs., upholder (1792–98). On 20 July 1792 married Miss Markland of Wigan at Hindley Chapel. Trading in Wigan in 1798. [D; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 13 August 1792]

Johnson, Joseph, Leicester, cm (1758–99). Eldest son of William Johnson, joiner and cm, and free on 9 March 1758–60. Took as apps Thomas Johnson his brother (1760–67), John Dugler (Douglas?) (1761–90), John Onely (1764–79) and John Lewin (1767–79). Traded in 1759 from an address in the High St but in 1761 moved to Northgate. A sale of his contents was announced in 1773. It is possible that he gave up the business because of illness, for in December 1799 his wife appealed in the Leicester Journal for information, as he was missing, and was said to be ‘mentally deranged’. [Furn. Hist., 1976; freemen rolls; Leicester Journal, 1759, 1761, 1773, 6 December 1799]

Johnson, Joseph, 7 George's Row, St Luke's, London, bedstead maker and carpenter (1808). [D]

Johnson, Joseph, Liverpool, u (b. 1779–d. by 1840). In Caxton Buildings, 1813–16, and at 1 Lawson Ct, Hodson St, in 1821. Aged 43 in 1822 and dead before 1840. [D; Liverpool RO, 352/CON 5/1 A–J]

Johnson, Josiah jnr, Royston, Herts., u and basket maker (1798). [D]

Johnson, Joshua, 99 Row, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1836–39). [D]

Johnson, Moses, Cauk St, Leicester, cm (1835). [D]

Johnson, Moses, Cank St, Derby, cm (1835). [D]

Johnson, Nathaniel, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and joiner (1757–61). In 1757 took app. named Smith and in 1761, Ribbons. [S of G, app. index]

Johnson, Nicholas, 14 York Pl., Brighton, Sussex, cm (1817–23). In December 1817 when his son Ebenezer was bapt. he was living in Steyne Gdns. The York Pl. address is shown in directories, 1822–23. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Johnson, Peter, 65 Old Sneet Rd, London, cm (1808). [D]

Johnson, R., 84 Crawford St, Montague Sq., London, carver, gilder etc. (1820). [D]

Johnson, Richard, Derby, u (1793). [D]

Johnson, Richard, Berkhampstead, Herts., cm (1793). [D]

Johnson, Robert, Liverpool, carver (1722). Free 26 March 1722. [Freemen reg.]

Johnson, Robert, Newcastle, u (1722). Free by servitude, 12 March 1721/22. [Freemen reg.]

Johnson, Robert, Cambridge, cm (before 1740). Voted for the pewing of Gt St Mary's Church, Cambridge. [BL, Add MS 5833 (William Cole, vol. 32), f. 120]

Johnson, Robert, London, carver and gilder (1745–49). In 1746 shown at St James, Westminster but otherwise at ‘The Golden Head’, Frith St, Soho. In 1746 took app. named Joshua Chenn. His trade card [Heal Coll., BM] states that he made ‘all Sorts of Carv'd frames for Marble Tables & Chimney pieces, Picture frames, and Glass Sconce frames, Prints and Drawings fram'd & Glaz'd, Pictures Clean'd Lin'd & Mended with all other Carv'd & Gilt Ornaments’. Supplied picture frames for Petworth House, Sussex. [Westminster poll bk; Boyd's index to IR app. reg., VI; Heal; C. Life, 25 September 1980, p. 1030]

Johnson, Robert, 3 Talbot Ct, Gracechurch St, London, upholder (1765–75). Son of Richard Johnson of Staines, Middlx, fellmonger. App. to Jacob Grant, freeman of London and a member of the Wheelwright's Co., on 16 June 1752. Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act 1750 on 25 June 1765. His trade card survives (Leverhulme Coll., MMA, NY). The business is described as Robert Johnson & Co. (Late Grant's), Blanket, Carpet and Upholstery Warehouse. Apart from stocking carpets, ‘Cotton, Check, Moreen’ etc. he offered to undertake upholstery work. [D; Heal; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Johnson, Robert, Westgate St, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1801–27). In August 1825 he announced a move of premises in Westgate St ‘to one nearly opposite, a little below the end of Collingwood-street. This new address was numbered 10 in 1827. [D; Durham County Advertiser, 27 August 1825]

Johnson, Robert, 1 Cross St Row, Apollo Rd, London, cm (1808). On 6 September 1808 took out insurance cover of £300. This included £70 for ‘workshops with rooms joined in one building behind’ and £110 for stock and utensils in them. [GL, Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 821024]

Johnson, Rob., 29 Widegate St, Bishopsgate, London, cm (1809). [D]

Johnson, Rob., 85 Fleet Mkt, London, cm (1809). [D]

Johnson, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1812). App. to John Kendall, cm, in 1801, but when he petitioned freedom on servitude in 1812 he declared his trade to be book keeper. [Freemen's committee bk]

Johnson, Robert, Liverpool, u (1820–23). In both 1820 and 1823 shown at Clayton St but a directory of 1821 lists 33 Tarleton St with a shop at 21 Church St. Free 10 March 1820 and in this year he married Miss Elizabeth Dawson at St Anne's Church. Their infant son Julius died in June 1823 aged 22 months. [D; freemen reg., Liverpool Mercury, 14 June 1820, 6 June 1823]

Johnson, Robert, Pickering, Yorks., cm (1834–40). [D]

Johnson, Robert, Epworth, Lincs., cm and joiner (1835). [D]

Johnson, Robert, Lancaster, u (1829–37). App. to L. Redmayne, 1829, and free, 1836–37. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]

Johnson, Robert, 86 Old St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Johnson, Samuel, Chester, cm (1775). Free 4 November 1775. [Freemen rolls]

Johnson, Samuel, 40 Skinner St, Bishopsgate, London, cm (1820–22). [D]

Johnson, Samuel, 13 Old St, London, cm (1826). [D]

Johnson, Samuel W. H, 20 Edgecumbe St, East Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon, cm and u (1838). [D]

Johnson, Thomas, various addresses in and around Soho, London, carver, gilder and designer (b. 1714–c. 1778). Thomas Johnson, son of Thomas and Mary Johnson, was bapt. at the church of St Giles-in-the-Fields, London on 13 January 1714. Nothing is known of his apprenticeship nor of his work as a young man. He made his name as a designer of carvers’ pieces, issuing in September 1755 his first recorded set entitled Twelve Gerandoles from Queen St, Seven Dials, Soho. This property had been rented in the name of his widowed mother in 1747 although she ceased to be the ratepayer in 1748 and her son's name does not appear in the rate bks. However, Thomas evidently retained a connection with Queen St, from which Twelve Gerandoles, engraved by William Austin on four sheets at 2s each, was issued. Very few designs for girandoles in the Rococo style had hitherto been published. Johnson's contribution on this occasion introduced rustic themes often inspired by Francis Barlow's illustrations to Aesop's Fables (1687), and executed in a lively, staccato Rococo style. Their success led to a new venture announced in a broadsheet dated 1755. This document is headed by an illustration of a romantic landscape designed and drawn by Thomas Johnson himself and engraved by William Austin. It advertises the forthcoming publication of designs for ‘Glass, Picture, and Table Frames; Chimney Pieces, Gerandoles, Candle-stands, Clock-cases, Brackets, and other Ornaments in the Chinese, Gothick, and Rural Taste’, to be obtained by subscription from ‘Thomas Johnson, Carver, at the Corner of Queen-street, near the Seven Dials, London’. [BM, 1872, 6–8–543; MMA, NY, Print Room, no. 32.61] The designs, on fifty-two sheets, appeared in four parts in 1756 and 1757. They were engraved by James Kirk and B. Clowes. A collected edition then appeared in 1758 but issued from a new address, Grafton St, Soho, to which Johnson had moved early in 1757. This was without title. Public demand for these animated Rococo designs must have been considerable for yet another edition, this time with a dedication to Lord Blakeney, President of the Antigallican Association and with a formal title One Hundred and Fifty New Designs, containing one additional plate, making a total of fifty-three, was published in 1761. Preparatory drawings for two console tables survive. [V & A, D 731–1906] The style of these designs follows the vigorous, picturesque manner already introduced in the earlier proposals for girandoles. In composing his themes, Johnson constantly studied the work of earlier designers, introducing motifs taken from engraved ornament by Jean Bérain, Daniel Marot, William de la Cour, J. B. Toro and Francis Barlow.

The name of Johnson's workshop in Grafton St was ‘The Golden Boy’. While the two collected editions mentioned above bear witness to Johnson's success as a designer, two further sets of designs published from this address in 1760 reveal another aspect of his involvement in the field of publishing. The first set appeared on 16 December and probably consisted of four sheets, each illustrating a girandole emblematic of the Elements. Only one sheet survives, representing Earth. It is etched in a crayon manner by Thomas Johnson himself and inscribed ‘T. Johnson inv: delin & Sculpt; Published by Act of Parlimt,… by ye Proprietor at the Golden Boy in Grafton Street St. Anne's Soho London where this & all other Ornaments are Carv'd & Gilt’. [BM, 1862, 11–8–219] The second set consisted of a title page inscribed ‘A New Book of Ornaments by Thos. Johnson … T.J. fecit’ and seven plates. These two sets show Johnson experimenting with etchings in imitation of ink and wash drawings. They are close in manner to the aquatinted plates in his book A Brief History of Free Masons, the second edition of which was published in 1784. [BM, Print Room] Johnson was Clerk of the Charlotte St Chapel and Janitor to several other Masonic Lodges. Evidently the method of etching his designs appealed to Johnson and a further set, titled A New Book of Ornaments ‘Designe'd for Tablets and Frizes for Chimney-Pieces Useful for Youth to draw after’ appeared in August 1762. The title suggests that Johnson was concerned with teaching drawing and indeed, he was described in Mortimer's Universal Director, 1763 as a ‘Carver, Teacher of Drawing and Modelling and Author of a Book of Designs for Chimneypieces and other ornaments and of several other pieces’. He even designed a trade card for himself, now preserved in the Heal Coll., BM, inscribed ‘Thos. Johnson Drawing Master at ye Golden Boy in Charlotte Street Bloomsbury London’. It is a drawing showing a pupil working at a table.

While the 1762 designs are still in the Rococo style, one surviving sheet, dated August 1775, from a lost set shows three mirrors or sconces in the Neo-classical taste. [MMA, NY, Print Room 56.586.8]

As a carver, Johnson's achievements are as yet undocumented but a number of pieces directly after his designs are recorded, such as: one pair of mirrors supplied to Paul Methuen of Corsham Court, Wilts. between 1761–63, possibly through George Cole of Golden Sq.; a pair of mirrors ordered for Newburgh Priory, Yorks. and now on loan to Temple Newsam House, Leeds; four candlestands from Hagley Hall, Worcs. two now being at the Philadelphia Museum, one in the V & A and one at Temple Newsam House, Leeds; an overmantel at Fairlawne, Kent; and a chimney piece at Fonmon Castle, Glam.; a number of girandoles and mirrors after published designs have appeared on the art market over the years. While such pieces may well have been carved and gilt in Thomas Johnson's workshop the lack of any supporting documentary evidence makes firm attributions impossible. There are a number of pieces featuring decorative motifs used by Johnson such as a pair of girandoles at Corsham Court and four pier glasses and three console tables supplied to the 2nd Duke of Atholl's Scottish seats, Dunkeld House and Blair Castle between 1761–63 by George Cole. Evidence suggests that Cole may, indeed, have supplied items by Thomas Johnson both to Paul Methuen and to the Duke of Atholl but there are no surviving accounts.

As a carver, Thomas Johnson remains a shadowy figure. A carver of that name, resident in Store St, Tottenham Ct Rd in the parish of St Giles-in-the-Fields, was declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 11–15 September 1764. This may be the author of the designs with whom we are concerned, for after May 1763 he is no longer recorded in the rate bks for Grafton St. If that is so, he continued to live at Store St until 1778, after which his name no longer appears in the rate bks. [A. Coleridge, Chippendale Furniture, 1968; C. Gilbert, Leeds Furn. Cat., nos 268, 272, 355, 1978; H. Hayward, Thomas Johnson and English Rococo, 1964; H. Hayward, ‘Thomas Johnson and Rococo Carving’, The Conn. Year Bk, 1965, pp. 94–100; H. Hayward, ‘Newly-discovered designs by Thomas Johnson, Furn. Hist., 1975, pp. 40–42; M. Heckscher, ‘Gideon Saint, an Eighteenth Century Carver and his Scrapbook’, Met. Museum Bulletin, February 1969, pp. 299–310; Rococo Art and Design in Hogarth's England (Exhib. Cat.) V & A, 1984, nos C23, D29, E22, G47, 48, L19, 20, 43–48, 62, 72, M15, 18, 21, 25, 29, O36 45, S48; P. Ward-Jackson, Furniture Designs of the 18th Century, 1958. H.H.

Johnson, Thomas, Liverpool, carver (1755). In 1755 took app. named Atwood. [S of G, app. index]

Johnson, Thomas, Boston, Lincs., cm (1756). In 1756 took app. named Winpenny. [S of G, app. index]

Johnson, Thomas, Lincoln, joiner and cm (1761–64). Son of William Johnson of Lincoln, cm and joiner. On 14 March 1761 took over the mastership of his father's app. because of his death. Probably the craftsman who supplied Lord Monson with a chest of drawers at a cost of £2 5s in 1764. [App. bk; Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/5, 11/62/S]

Johnson, Thomas, Leicester, joiner and cm (1767). Brother of Joseph Johnson to whom he was app. on 29 September 1759. Free, 20 August 1767. [Freemen rolls; Furn. Hist., 1976]

Johnson, Thomas, Nine Houses, Chester, cm (1767–71). App. to John Croughton and free by servitude, 11 December 1767. [Freemen rolls; poll bk]

Johnson, Thomas jnr, Gravesend, Kent, cm and carpenter (1777). In 1777 insured his workshop, storeroom, utensils and stock for £100 out of a total cover of £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 260, p. 272]

Johnson, Thomas snr, Union St, Cambridge, carver and gilder (1801–35). Recorded working at Trinity College, 1801–33. In 1801 he was paid for gilding organ pipes but the usual work was supplying and gilding frames. At St John's College payments for similar work were made in 1818, 1825, 1829 and 1830. Thomas Johnson jnr, almost certainly his son, is also recorded in Union St, 1832–35. [D; Trinity College, Junior Bursar's accounts; St John's College accounts; poll bks]

Johnson, Thomas & George, 34 Carey St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, cm (1802). [Heal]

Johnson, Thomas, Fleet Mkt, London, cm (1805–09). Bankruptcy announced, September 1805. In 1808 at 85 Fleet Mkt where he insured his stock and utensils for £150. By 1809 at 5 Fleet Mkt and of the £400 insurance taken out £120 was for stock and utensils and £200 for similar items in a warehouse. [D; Leeds Intelligencer, 2 September 1805; GL, Sun MS vol. 442, ref. 814074; vol. 444, ref. 825733]

Johnson, Thomas, 21 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, japanned chairmaker (1808–28). [D]

Johnson, Thomas, 44 Gloucester St, Queen's Sq., London, carver and gilder (1816–37). [D]

Johnson, Thomas, Church St, Guisborough, Yorks., joiner and cm (1823). [D]

Johnson, Thomas, Stockwell St, Leek, Staffs., cm (1818–34). [D]

Johnson, Thomas, Belper, Derbs, cm and u (1822). [D]

Johnson, Thomas & Edward, High St, Gravesend, Kent, cm (1824–29). See Charles Edward Johnson at 57 High St, 1832–39). [D]

Johnson, Thomas, Brook St, Chester, u (1826). Free 12 June 1826. [Freemen rolls; poll bk]

Johnson, Thomas jnr, Union St, Cambridge, carver and gilder (1832–40). [Poll bks]

Johnson, W., Gt Hampton St, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1830). [D]

Johnson, William, Nottingham, carver (1707). [Freemen rolls]

Johnson, William, Lincoln, joiner and cm (1773–d. 1761). Undertook work for Lord Monson in 1733 and 1741–42 at Burton. Most of the work undertaken was general carpentry and repairs but included some simple furniture such as a night table at 18s invoiced on 7 September 1742 and two large walnut arm chairs on 11 September at 16s each. William Johnson took apps named Eubulus Thorold Darwin in 1757, and John Portwood probably earlier. Died in 1761 and his son Thomas, also a cm and joiner, took over his app., probably Darwin. [Lincoln RO, Monson 12, vouchers; app. bk]

Johnson, William, Newtown Linford, Leics., joiner and cm (1750–60). His eldest son Joseph was app. in 1750 and sworn a freeman of Leicester, 9 March 1758–60. Another son Thomas was app. to his brother in 1760. [Leicester freemen rolls]

Johnson, William, address unknown (1765–66). Employed at Kedleston, Derbs. in 1765 lengthening pedestals for silver cisterns and vases, making drawers in the library etc. In 1766 he worked on the organ case for 158 days, including the carving of 62 feet of moulding for it. [Kedleston Hall archives, 3R no. 12; V & A archives]

Johnson, William, 10 Hanover St, Long Acre, London, cm (1791). Took out insurance cover of £200 in May 1791 which included £50 for utensils, stock and goods in trust and £30 for stock and goods in trust in the workshop of Cook, cm in Russeter's Building, Holborn. Also insured a house at Mortlake, Surrey for £60. [GL, Sun MS 25 May 1791, ref. 583759]

Johnson, William, Liverpool, chairmaker (1794–1821). At Derby St in 1794; 17 John St with a shop in Stanley St, 1800–03; 11 Poplar Lane, Cumberland St, 1807 and 1821; and 5 Poplar Lane, 1811–18. [D]

Johnson, William, 2 Chariot St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1817). [D]

Johnson, William, Commercial Rd, London, cm u and appraiser (1820–39). At 3 Devonshire Pl., Commercial Rd. in 1820 but from the following year it appears to have been renamed 3 Collet Pl. and is sometimes referred to as just 3 Commercial Rd. On 7 June 1821 took out two insurance policies amounting to £1,450 and £400 respectively. The first of these included £450 for stock and utensils with a further £100 for a warehouse in the yard behind and £100 in addition for stock and utensils kept there. The second policy was for a house and factory at the corner of Albion St and Commercial Rd in the tennure of a tallow chandler and oilman. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 487, refs 980978–79]

Johnson, William, 2 Castle St, Long Acre, London, broker, and cm (1822–26). On 30 January 1822 took out insurance cover of £600 of which £500 was in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 987881]

Johnson, William, 12 Foley St, London, cm and chairmaker (1822–29). On 14 November 1822 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £70 was for workships behind his dwelling and £130 for stock and utensils in it. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 493, refs 997705–06]

Johnson, William, 14 York Pl., Brighton, Sussex, cm (1822). Nicholas Johnson is also shown in directories at this address in 1822–23. [D]

Johnson, William, Tuxford, Notts., cm and joiner (1822). [D]

Johnson, William & Son, Wokingham, Berks., cm (1823). [D]

Johnson, William, Holbeach, Lincs., chairmaker (1822–26). One of the subscribers to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793 was a Johnson of Lincolnshire. [D]

Johnson, William, Padehole, Louth, Lincs., cm and joiner (1826). [D]

Johnson, William, Leicester, framesmith (1826). Son of Joseph Johnson of Leicester, joiner and cm. [Furn. Hist., 1976]

Johnson, William, Belgrave Gate, Leicester, cm (1828–35). [D]

Johnson, William, Orchard St, Newcastle, trunk maker and u (1827). [D]

Johnson, William, Stockton, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827–32). In Dovecot St, 1827; Brunswick St, 1828; and William St, 1832. [D]

Johnson, William, Bildeston, Suffolk, cm and joiner (1830–39). [D]

Johnson, William, 34 Fargate, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1834–40). [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 269, ref. 1343141]

Johnson, William, Harlow Pl., Mile End Rd, London, cm (1835–39). Bankruptcy announced in Sussex Agricultural Express, 20 April 1839. [D]

Johnson, William, Leathley Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837–40). [D]

Johnson, William, 24 Platt Terr., Kings Cross, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Johnson & Garbutt, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1822–23). At 10 Prince's Pl. in 1822 and 135 North St, 1823. [D]

Johnson & Smith, Stockton, Co. Durham, builders and cm (1818). In October 1818 advertised that they had added auctioneering and appraising to their activities. They also stated that they could supply ‘architectural designs for Plans, Elevations and Sections’. [Durham County Advertiser, 31 October 1818]

Johnson & Son, Gravesend, Kent, cm (1811). [D]

Johnston, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. This entry is in addition to that of William Johnston of London, another subscriber.

Johnston, Archibald, Liverpool, u and broker (1823–34). At 23 Hatton Gdn in 1823 and 3 Williamson Sq. in 1834. [D]

Johnston, D., Bristol, u (1820–30). At 1 All Saints St in 1820, then in Nelson St. The number in Nelson St was 2 from 1821–24, 3 from 1826–29 and 4 in 1830. In 1830 he declared himself to be a feather merchant and manufacturer of beds, hair, wool, millpuff and straw mattresses in addition to an u. [D]

Johnston, Ellen, Williamson Sq., Liverpool, upholder and furniture broker. Successor to Archibald Johnston and probably his widow. At 3 Williamson Sq., 1835–37 but in 1839 the number was 5. [D]

Johnston, James, 1 Algar's St, Everton, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Johnston, Robert, Albion St, Halifax, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Johnston, Stanley J., 34 Berry St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Johnston, Thomas, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1813–d. 1834). In 1813–14 shown at 29 Tarleton St. In 1821–24 the number was 33, in 1827 it was 2 and in 1829 it was 9. Dead by March 1834 when his son William announced his intention of carrying on the business. [D]

Johnston, William, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Another Johnston of London, cm, was also a subscriber.

Johnston, William S., 2 Tarleton St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1834). Son of Thomas Johnston, carver and gilder. Took over his father's business on his death which was probably early in 1834. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 28 March 1834]

Johnstone, James, Chester, cm (1829). Came from Scotland. Had 8s stolen by a female pick-pocket in 1829. [Chester Chronicle, 11 December 1829]

Johnstone, William, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828–29). In 1828 the business was listed as Wm Johnstone & Son. [D]

Joinson, Thomas, Stockwell St, Leek, Staffs., joiner and cm (1818–34). [D]

Jole, William, London, upholder (1736–51). Son of Robert Jole of Chiswell St, London, brazier. App. to Thomas Jole, stationer, 1 February 1736 and to Samuel Sleigh in 1740. Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 3 January 1750/51. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Joliffe, James, 64 Shaw's Brow, Liverpool, mattress and bedstead maker (1827). [D]

Jolit, Francis, 6 Old Broad St, Royal Exchange, London, cm (1802–39). Heal lists the Christian name as Frederick but this would appear to be an error. After 1829 the business traded as Francis Jolit & Son. [D]

Jolley, Richard, Liverpool, cm (1762). In the Preston freemen rolls said to be ‘grandson of John of Hutton’.

Jollie & Sons, Market Pl., Carlisle, Cumb., booksellers and u (1810). [D]

Jolliffe, Paul, Buckingham(?), joiner, carpenter and carver (1660). Reward offered for his apprehension on a charge of murder. [Mercurius Politicus, 16–23 February 1660]

Jolly, Edward, Warrington, Lancs., cm (1759). In 1759 took app. named Lea. [S of G, app. index]

Jolly, Henry, Haverhill, Suffolk, u (1839). [D]

Jolly, James, Goulborne St, Warrington, Lancs., chairmaker (1798–1814). [D]

Jolly, John, 12 Stephen St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Jolly, Richard, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1761). Petitioned freedom on servitude to Richard Jolly. [Freemen's committee bk]

Jones, —, St James's St, two doors above St James's Palace, London, u (1717). [Heal]

Jones, —, London, cm (1793). In addition to John Jones and Thomas Jones, the list of subscribers to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793 contains two entries merely indicated as Jones, London, cm.

Jones, Aaron, Castle St, Westminster, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]

Jones, Aaron, Bristol, carver and gilder (1757–84). At Tower Lane (or Tower Hill) until 1774 when he moved to 10 Clare St. In 1757 he provided a wooden chandelier to the Moravian Chapel in Bristol. In 1758 took app. named Horner. In February 1772 he advertised that he had in his warehouse ‘a large Stock of LOOKING-GLASSES and GERONDOLES, in carv'd and burnish'd Gold Frames’ which he offered for sale both retail and wholesale. He listed ten sizes of square plates that he had available ranging from 12″ x 20″ up to 28″ x 41″. He also offered most sizes in mahogany frames, parcel gilt. He claimed to be the manufacturer of these items and offered to re-polish and re-silver old plates. In 1774 he described himself as a glass grinder. As he was a manufacturer he was anxious to sell to retailers and merchants and ship's captains for export. He particularly featured his range of ‘Swinging and small Dressing-glasses’ as suitable for trade and export purchase. In 1774 after his move to Clare St he described his stock as consisting of ‘a Large Assortment of Oval and Square Glasses, in Burnish Gold Frames, in the newest Taste; Toilet Glasses, in Japan and Burnish Gold; Gerondoles, with double or single Branches; Mahogany Sconces, plain and ornamented; Dressing Glasses of all Sizes’. [D; S of G, app. index; Bristol Journal, 29 February 1772, 27 February 1773, 20 August 1774; B. Little, City and County of Bristol, 1954, p. 221]

Jones, Alexander, Preston, Lancs., cm (1818). Shown at 57 High St in one directory and Shepherd St in another. [D]

Jones, Ann, Bristol, carver and gilder (1759). In 1759 took app. named Taylor. [S of G, app. index]

Jones, Ann, 4 Lawrence Pl., Lawrence St, Liverpool, u (1834– 37). [D]

Jones, Benjamin, Windsor, Berks., cm (1757). [Poll bk]

Jones, Benjamin, parish of St James, Bath, Som., cm (1784). Freeman of Bristol. [Bristol poll bk]

Jones, C., Gt George St, Liverpool, fancy cm (1824). In December 1824 he announced the theft of two tea caddies. One was described as ‘a handsome black rose-wood tea chest, banded with tulip wood hollow round the top, with two canisters & a basin-place in the middle’ valued at £2 14s. The other was ‘a mahogany double tea caddie with bevelled top’ valued at 16s. [Liverpool Mercury, 31 December 1824]

Jones, C., Norwich, cm (1826). On 3 May 1826 William Quilley, cm, app to C. Jones and Jno. Kerry, was admitted a freeman of Norwich. [Freemen reg.]

Jones, C. H., 98 High St, Guildford, Surrey, carver and gilder (1840). Announced that he had recently ‘commenced in the above Business in all its Branches’. He offered ‘every description and pattern of Maple, Rose-wood and Oak Frames’. He also offered ‘Gold Bordering for Rooms’ and the re-gilding of old frames and the re-silvering and re-polishing of old mirror plates. [Russell's Guildford Almanack]

Jones, Cad., 4 John St, Curtain Rd, London, cm (1809). [D]

Jones, Charles, London, upholder (1709–24). Free of the Upholders’ Co., 5 August 1709. Took as apps Joseph Richard Lee (1709) and Paul Mombray (1713 and free 1723–24). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Charles, parish of St Leonard, Shoreditch, London, cm (1758). Thomas Jones, son of Charles Jones, cm, admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 1758. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Charles, 57 Castle St East, Oxford Mkt, London, carver and gilder (1817). [D]

Jones, Charles Edward, Windy Bank, Colne, Lancs., joiner and cm (1824). [D]

Jones, Charles, Gloucester, cm (1836). Child bapt., church of St John the Baptist. [PR (bapt.)]

Jones, Daniel, Liverpool, cm (1803–35). In 1803 subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary. At Addison St in 1810, 8 Freeman's Row in 1818, and 39 Banastre St in 1835. [D]

Jones, David William, Oxford, carver and gilder (1782–98). On 5 October 1782 married Ann Benwell of Oxford at St John's Church. At the time he was aged 24 and declared his trade as japanner. In 1793 living in the parish of St Mary when he took out insurance cover of £700. This included £100 for utensils and tools. In conjunction with William Folker he furnished the rooms at Christ Church, Oxford for Lord William Russell when he was an undergraduate there (1784–87). In April he received £6 15s in connection with this work. In January 1786 a burnished gold mirror was supplied to the same patron at a cost of 10s 6d. [D; Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds; GL, Sun MS vol. 395, p. 609; Bedford Office, London]

Jones, David, 15 Castle St, Long Acre, London, broker and cm (1795–1812). In 1795 took app. named David Francis. On 16 November 1812 took out insurance cover of £400 of which stock and utensils accounted for £360. [GL, Sun MS vol. 459, ref. 875671; Westminster Ref. Lib., MS 4309]

Jones, David, Liverpool, cm (b. 1799–1829). Born 2 April 1799, son of Thomas Jones, cm. Free by patrimony, 16 October 1827. Shown at Richmond Fair and Norris St, but a directory of 1829 lists his trade address as 12 Gladstone St. [D; freemen's committee bk]

Jones, Dodo, St Leonard's Churchyard, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1829–35). [D]

Jones, Dorothy & Ashworth, T., York, cm (1825). Bankrupt 11 June 1825. [Liverpool Mercury, 17 June 1825]

Jones, Edward, London, upholder (1706). Free of the Upholders’ Co. on 8 November 1706. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Edward, King's Head Ct, St Martin-le-Grand, London, cm (1736). Offered reward for the apprehension of the person who stole several items of value from him. [Daily Post, 6 October 1736]

Jones, Edward, London, cm (1750). Member of the Joiners’ Co. [GL, Joiners’ Co. records, Livery lists]

Jones, Edward, Frodsham, Cheshire, cm and victualler (1790). [D]

Jones, Edward, Liverpool, cm (1797–1806). App. to Samuel Chubbard in 1797 and free, 1806. [Freemen's committee bk]

Jones, Edward, Manchester, cm (1828–29). At 67 Post St in 1828 but 71 Hart St in 1829. [D]

Jones, Edward, Bromsgrove St, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1830). [D]

Jones, Edward, 53 Dudley St, Birmingham, cm (1835). [D]

Jones, Edward, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham, carver, gilder and toilet looking-glass manufacturer (1835). [D]

Jones, Edward, Beastmarket Hill, Nottingham, cm and u, paper hanger (1825–40). Trading at Chapel Bar in 1825; Market Pl., 1828–35; and Beastmarket Hill, 1834–40. In 1834 took app. named James Hopkinson, whose memoirs were published in 1968 under the title Memoirs of a Victorian Cabinet Maker (ed. J. B. Goodman). [D]

Jones, Edward, Tamworth, Staffs., cm and u (1818–35). Addresses given at Silver St in 1818, George St in 1822, and Colehill, 1828–25. [D]

Jones, Elizabeth, Farquhar, John & Crumin Michael (also recorded as Jones, Elizabeth & Maccrumin, John Farquhar), Bridge St, Westminster, London, u (1792). Bankrupt June 1792. [Bailey's list of bankrupts; Derby Mercury, 21 June 1792]

Jones, Ellis, Oswestry, Salop, cm (1797–98). [D]

Jones, Francis, Bloomsbury, London, upholder (1719). [Heal]

Jones, Francis, Bishop Stortford, Herts., upholder etc. (1745). In 1745 took app. named Berry. [S of G, app. index]

Jones, Francis, Ann St, Birmingham, cm u and broker (1828– 30). Recorded at no. 29 in 1828. [D]

Jones, Garnett, Market St, Tring, Herts., cm and u (1839). [D]

Jones, George, Rownham Wharf, Bristol, cm and joiner (1805– 06). [D]

Jones, George, Tempest-hey, Liverpool, carver (1833). [Liverpool Mercury, 12 April 1833]

Jones, George, Liverpool, furniture carver (1834–39). At 50 Lime St in 1834; Whiteheads’ Buildings, 1 Mill Lane, Shaws Brow in 1837; and 17 Mill Lane with a shop at 66 Lime St in 1839. [D]

Jones, George, High Wycombe, Bucks., chair turner (1838). [PR (marriage)]

Jones, Henry, Hackney, London, upholder (1702–10). In 1702 and 1710 insured two houses on Ludgate Hill, London for £300. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 8, refs 3300–01]

Jones, Henry, 40 Kirby St, Hatton Gdn, London, carver and gilder (1817). [D]

Jones, Henry, 32 Plat Terr., Islington, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Jones, Henry, 9 Gloucester Terr., London, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker (1839). [D]

Jones, Henry, Wednesbury, Staffs., u (1839). [D]

Jones, Hugh, Peter St, Westminster, London, upholder (1727). [Heal]

Jones, Hugh, Liverpool, cm (1806–34). App. to Samuel Chubbard and free on 2 November 1806. Took app. named William Cubbins in 1819. At Nelson Ct, Gt Nelson St East initially, but by 1818 had moved to 1 Naylor St and in 1834 was at 21 Islington. [D; freemen reg.; app. bk]

Jones, Isaac, Salford, Lancs., chairmaker (1811–13). In 1811 at 11 Cooke St and in 1813 at 14 Chapel St. [D]

Jones, Isaac, 37 Duke St, Aldgate, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jones, J., Cross St, Oswestry, Salop, cm and joiner (1828). [D]

Jones, J., Bridge St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and u (1828). [D]

Jones, J., 12 Denmark St, Soho, London, looking-glass frame maker (1835). [D]

Jones, J., 2 Church St, Spitalfields, London, fancy cm (1837). [D]

Jones, James, parish of St Nicholas, Bristol, carver (1784). [Poll bk]

Jones, James, 147 Old Gravel Lane, London, carver and gilder (1790–93). [D]

Jones, James, 49 Anchor & Hopeall, Wapping, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Jones, James, 6 Catherine St, Strand, u (1816). [D]

Jones, James, 4 Holme St, Blackburn, Lancs., carver and gilder (1824–34). [D]

Jones, James, West St, Warwick, chair manufacturer (1830–35). [D]

Jones, James, Liverpool, cm (d. 1819). Death on 14 April 1819 reported in Liverpool Mercury, 23 April 1819.

Jones, James, Hanley St and Wood St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1834–39). In 1834 at 6 Hanley St and 10 Wood St; in the following year at 6 Hanley St and 6 Wood St; in 1837 at 7 Hanley Ct and 63 Wood St; and in 1839 at 8 Hanley Ct and 25 Wood St. [D]

Jones, James, 3 Cumberland Pl., Newington Butts, London, cm (1835). [D]

Jones, James, Worcester, cm (1835). Free 1 December 1835. [Freemen rolls]

Jones, James, Handbridge, Chester, cm (1838). Free 28 July 1838. [Freemen reg.]

Jones, James, Market Pl., Wantage, Oxon., cm and u (1840). [D]

Jones, John, ‘The Angel’, Minories, London, u (1708). Household and trade goods sold by auction March 1708. His stock included ‘Standing-Beds, Suits of Curtains, Quilts, Blankets etc’. [Daily Courant, 1 March 1708]

Jones, John, London, upholder (1711–25). Son of John Jones of Oxford, tobacconist. App. to Arthur Osborn on 18 October 1711, but not free of the Upholders’ Co. until 3 April 1723. Took as app. John Brown, 1718–25. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, John, Liverpool, cm (1761–77). Free 4 February 1761. Took as app. Edward Bostock (free 1777). In 1774 in Cleveland Sq., and in 1777 at 14 Prussia St. His son John was born in 1777; and in 1804, when he petitioned for freedom, was a master mariner. [D; freemen reg.]

Jones, John, 1 Pitchey Ct, Bell Alley, Coleman St, London, carver (1775). In 1775 took out insurance cover for £300 of which £100 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 240, p. 398]

Jones, John, 44 Ludgate Yd, Half Moon Alley, Bishopsgate St Without, London, carver and gilder (1775). In 1775 insured his house for £200 and household goods for a similar sum. [GL, Sun MS vol. 236, p. 52]

Jones, John, 3 Meards Ct, Dean St, Soho, London, cm (1779– 84). In 1779 insured his house for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 270, p. 489; poll bk]

Jones, John, Cambridge St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1790–93). Possibly the person who subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D]

Jones, John, London, u etc. (1808–11). In 1808 at 112 Wardour St, Soho and in 1811 at 38 Davies St, Berkley Sq. [D]

Jones, John, 2 Bream's Building, Chancery Lane, London, carver and gilder (1808–19). In 1809 listed as carver and gilder to HRH the Princess of Wales. [D]

Jones, John, Stanley St, Liverpool, chairmaker and household broker (1811–21). At 11 Stanley St in 1811, but from 1813– 21 at 12. [D]

Jones, John, Peas Market Hill, Cambridge, cm, builder, acutioneer and appraiser (1816–21). In 1816 advertised for an app. in the cm and building trade. In March 1818 stated that he had taken up auctioneering and appraising. Three children bapt. at the Church of St Edward, 1817–21. [PR (bapt.); Cambridge Chronicle, 6 September 1816, 27 March 1818]

Jones, John, Liverpool, cm (1818). Married on 29 June 1818 Miss Mary Harrison at Walton Church. [Liverpool Mercury, 10 July 1818]

Jones, John, Berwick St, Soho, London, tea chest and cabinet inlayer (1819–29). At 41 Berwick St, 1819–23, but in 1826 the number was 35 and in 1829 it was 8. [D]

Jones, John, Liverpool, u (1821–37). Had a shop at 12 Derby St in 1821, but from 1827–29 in Wilde St. The number is shown as 12 in one directory of 1827 and 8 in another. It was 8 in 1829. By 1835 he had moved to 6 Hart St and in 1837 was at 3. [D]

Jones, John, Liverpool, cm (1823). On 8 September 1823 married Miss Margaret Wilcock of Liverpool. [Liverpool Mercury, 3 October 1823]

Jones, John, Lime St, Liverpool, cm (1823–32). At 22 Lime St from 1823–27 but shown at 25 in 1829 and 23 in 1832. In May 1832 he advertised that he was declining the business ‘through indisposition’ and that the enterprise would be carried on by his son at 1 Commutation Row. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 25 May 1832]

Jones, John, Congellers, Wolverhampton, Staffs., joiner and cm (1827). [D]

Jones, John, Marylebone Lane, London, cm and u (1827–35). In 1827 at 18 Marylebone Lane but in 1835 at 17. [D]

Jones, John, Mellbecks, Kirkby Stephen, Westmld, cm (1828–34). [D]

Jones, John, Cross St, Oswestry, Salop, cm (1828–35). [D]

Jones, John, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm, u and chairmaker (1830–39). Trading at 21 St James’ St in 1830 and Hanover St in 1839. [D]

Jones, John, 5 Adam's Ct, Stoke's Croft, Bristol, cm (1832–34). [D]

Jones, John, Summer Gdns, Kirkdale, Liverpool, cm (1834). [D]

Jones, John, Chester, cm and furniture broker (1834–40). At Foregate St in 1834; Princess St in 1838, and Francis St in 1840. [D]

Jones, John, 12 Dean St, Soho, London, carver, gilder, lookingglass maker (1835–37). In 1835 trade stated to be ‘wholesale fancy cabinet & dressing glass manufacturer’. [D]

Jones, John, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1811–41). Son bapt. in 1839. Aged 30 at the date of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Jones, John, Liverpool, cm (1840). Free 28 July 1840 on servitude to John Atkinson. [Freemen reg.]

Jones, Jonathan, Duke St, Grosvenor Sq., London, upholder (1803–29). Most directories list either 28 or 29 Duke St although there are a few entries which state 23. A Joseph Jones, upholder, is shown at 29 Duke St in 1817 in one directory but this is probably an error. [D]

Jones, Joseph, King St, Twickenham, Middlx, cm and u (1823– 39). Recorded at London Rd, 1823, and King St, 1826–39. [D]

Jones, Lewis, George's Yd, Grosvenor Sq., London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Jones, M., 38 Crucifix Lane, Bermondsey, London, u (1820). [D]

Jones, M., Liverpool, chairmaker (1822). His son William was aged 15 in 1822. [Liverpool RO, 352/CON 5/1 A–J]

Jones, M., 30 Old Compton St, London, u and haberdasher (1820–29). [D]

Jones, Margaret, Pitt St, Liverpool, u (1810–18). At 10 Pitt St in 1810 but in 1818 at no. 14. [D]

Jones, Mary, High St, Folkestone, Kent, cm (1838). [D]

Jones, Matthew, London, upholder (1742). Son of Matthew Jones of Whitefriars, London, victualler. App. to Richard Evatt on 6 August 1735 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 1 September 1742. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Morgan, London, upholder (1715–30). Son of Samuel Jones of Cheriton, Hants., yeoman. App. to Richard Wood on 5 December 1715 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 4 February 1729/30. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Nicholas, Barnstaple, Devon, cm (1830–38). On the Quay in 1830 but in 1838 in Boutport St. [D]

Jones, Owen, address unknown, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.

Jones, Owen, 18 Fazakerley St, Liverpool, cm (1818). The DEF has an illustration of a work table of Regency date which bears an engraved brass plaque inscribed ‘OWEN JONES FECIT’ which may refer to this maker. [D]

Jones, Peter, within two doors of Durham Yard, Strand, London, upholder and cm (d. 1744). [Heal]

Jones, Pilcher, High St, Folkestone, Kent, furniture broker and cm etc. (1823–32). [D]

Jones, Rice, near Princes St, Swallow St, London, cm (1774–76). In 1776 insured his utensils, stock and goods for £200. [Westminster poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 248, p. 419]

Jones, Richard, Clifton, Bristol, cm (1719). In 1719 took app. named Daniel. [S of G, app. index]

Jones, Richard, near King Edward's Stairs, Wapping, London, cm (1720). [Heal]

Jones, Richard, parish of St James, Bristol, cm (1754). [Poll bk]

Jones, Richard, London, upholder (1774–1802). Free by redemption as a member of the Upholders’ Co., 6 April 1774. His trade was stated to be warehouseman. At Princes St near the Mansion House, 1774–81; St Mildred's Ct, Poultry in 1786; and yet again at Princes St in 1802. He took as app. Thomas Wakeman (free 1798). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Richard, St Ann's Ct, Dean St, Soho, London, cm (1776). In 1776 insured his utensils, stock and goods for £180 out of a total insurance cover of £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 585]

Jones, Richard, address unknown, u. Given a cash allowance when he worked at Audley End, Essex. Payments were made to Jones from the 1760s–90s. [Williams, Audley End, p. 22]

Jones, Richard, Mardol, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1796). [Freemen rolls]

Jones, Richard, Liverpool, cm (1810–29). At 5 Brownlow Hill in 1810–11 and at no. 6, 1813–14. Shown at 6 Turnbock St in 1816; 8 Stanley St, 1823–24, 77 Stanley St in 1827; and 51 Shaws Brow in 1829. [D]

Jones, Richard, 41 Princes St, Soho, London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Jones, Richard, 1 Leicester Pl., Camberwell New Rd, London, cm and u (1835). [D]

Jones, Robert, 15 School Lane, Paradise St, Liverpool, cm (1804). [D]

Jones, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1816–37). Free 10 June 1816. At 7 Stanley St, 1827–29 and at 1 Grove Pl., Kirkdale, 1834–37. [D; freemen reg.]

Jones, Robert, London, designer (1817–23). A designer employed by Frederick Crace at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, 1817–23. Undertook a wide range of design work including furniture. A set of nine light chairs with stuffed seats and backs, the frames carved and gilt, were supplied for the Prince Regent to Jones’ design at a cost of £697. [Musgrave, Royal Pavilion, 1951, p. 89; C. Life, 28 November 1963, p. 1399]

Jones, S., 5 Cumberland Row, Bath, Som., cm (1819). [D]

Jones, S., 11 Vere St, Clare Mkt, London, portable desk maker (1820). [D]

Jones, Samuel, ‘The Woolpack & Crown’, Strand, London, upholder (1729). [Heal]

Jones, Samuel, ‘The Three Chairs’, facing the south gate, St Paul's Churchyard, London, chair and cabinet maker (1728– 40). A Jones appears in the Holkham Hall, Norfolk, accounts, 1728–42, and may be this maker. The frequency of the surname, however, coupled with the fact that some of the entries refer to an u, may mean that some under this name refer to another craftsman. In 1728 £37 8s was paid, and in the fourth quarter of 1732 the amount was £63. In 1734 two amounts totalling £41 were paid; and in 1737, £63 was expended on furniture for the London house. Sixteen chairs and a couch were supplied for the dining room. A further account of 1737 was for £11 is and concerned the supply of three sconces and two glasses, credit being given on an old glass taken in part exchange. The last entry of 1742 was for a chest of drawers charged at only 14s 2d. This latter item is unlikely to have been supplied by Samuel Jones for his business appears to have terminated in May 1740 when his stock was sold by auction. It consisted of a ‘variety of Chairs, Cabinet Work, Sconces etc.’. Jones also supplied the Royal Household, an account for £68 11s 6d surviving for furniture supplied to Windsor, St James's, Hampton Court, Kew and Richmond. [Heal; V & A archives; GCM; Daily Post, 29 April 1740]

Jones, Samuel, 33 Lamb St, Bristol, victualler and cm (1775). [D]

Jones, Samuel, Gloucester, cm (1817–39). Five children bapt., parish of St Michael, 1817–31. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Jones, Samuel, North St, Colchester, Essex, carver and gilder (1823). [D]

Jones, Samuel, Bolt Ct, Eastgate St, town unspecified, cm and u (1830). [D]

Jones, Sandys, Pall Mall, London, upholder (1706–63). Son of William Jones of Cricklade, Wilts., Gent. App. to Christopher Broughton, 3 July 1706, and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 14 November 1722. The reason for the considerable lapse of time between the commencement of his apprenticeship and his freedom is not clear, but as early as 1719 he was referring to himself as upholder living at Durham Yd, Strand, where he took out insurance on goods and merchandise. Attracted influential patronage and in 1728 was supplying the household of Frederick, Prince of Wales. He supplied a feather bed and bolster, a bedstead, tacking and bedding costing £35. Employed by Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter of Moulsham Hall, Chelmsford mainly in connection with his London home, Schomberg House, Pall Mall. Accounts for this patron commence in 1736 and continue until 1746. In February 1737 he submitted an account for work done at the London house ‘hanging the yellow drawing room below-stairs. Putting up the Blew Mohair Bed and hanging the bed-chamber … and putting the blew-mohair bed and hanging my Lord Holdernesses Bed Chamber’. The cost was £64 17s 6d. On 29 December of this year £13 13s was paid on account in connection with a bill of £43 10s 6d for goods ‘sent to Hampton Court’. A payment of £89 17s 3d was made in May 1740 but thereafter the sums are smaller though they continued until July 1746. In 1738 paid £16 9s by the Duke of Montrose for a Chinese bed for his house at Cley in Norfolk. Took as app. Jeremiah Bullock, 1743–63. [GL, Upholders' Co. records; Duchy of Cornwall household accounts; A. C. Edwards, The Account Books of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter, pp. 99–111; Scottish RO, GD 220/6/32/P728]

Jones, Stephen, 50 London Wall, London, carver and gilder (1789–93). [D]

Jones, Thomas, ‘The Seven Stars’, St Paul's Churchyard, London, cm and looking-glass seller (1724–25). In 1725 announced that he was ‘leaving off shop-keeping and moving to his marble manufactory at Craven House in Wych St. [Heal; Wills, Looking-Glasses; Daily Post, 29 November 1725]

Jones, Thomas Cason, London, upholder (1733). Son of Charles Jones of Battersea, London, Gent. App. to John Watson, 18 November 1725, and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 1 August 1733. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, Thomas, ‘The Golden Plow’, corner of Little Moorgate and London Wall, London, upholder (1758–d. 1769). Son of Charles Jones of the parish of St Leonard, Shoreditch, cm. App. to Samuel Phene, member of the Stationers’ Co., 7 August 1750, and free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 1 June 1758. Went into partnership with Samuel Phene at ‘The Golden Plow’ and this arrangement continued until his death on 8 October 1769. Recorded employing non-freemen, 1762–69 on a continuous basis. From 1764 the licences covered eight and occasionally ten workmen. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; City Licence bks, vols 3–6; Gents Mag., October 1769]

Jones, Thomas, London, u (1758). Freeman of Canterbury. [Canterbury poll bk]

Jones, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1784–1811). Free 2 April 1784. At back of 33 Mersey St, 1790; 48 Frederick St, 1796; 30 Upper Frederick St in 1804; 21 Scotland Rd in 1805; 5 Wood St in 1810 and 6 Wood St in 1811. His three sons, Thomas Jones jnr, carver and gilder, Owen, musician and David, cm, all petitioned freedom by patrimony. [D; freemen reg. and committee bk]

Jones, Thomas, Liverpool, u (1787–93). In 1787 at Tarleton St and in 1790 at 7 Church Alley, St Peters. Bankrupt by November 1793. [D; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 4 November 1793]

Jones, Thomas, 104 High Holborn, London, carver and gilder (1789–1825). In 1789 listed also as a glass grinder. A medium size business reflected in the £700 insurance cover taken out on utensils, stock, plate and workshop on 3 July 1792. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 389, ref. 602288]

Jones, Thomas, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Jones, Thomas, Liverpool, chairmaker, japanner and broker (1810–35). At 10 Stanley St in 1810; 5 Webster St in 1818; 8 Highfield St, 1821–24 and 5 Stanley St in 1835. In 1824 he lived at 83 Highfield St. Chairmaking is only mentioned in 1810 and from 1818–24 the trade is described as ‘japanner & varnish maker’, with ‘tin plate worker’ added only in 1824. [D]

Jones, Thomas, 64 Stoke's Croft, Bristol, cm (1814). [D]

Jones, Thomas jnr, Garden Ct, Comus St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1816). Son of Thomas Jones, cm. Free by patrimony, 10 June 1816. [Freemen reg.]

Jones, Thomas, Birmingham, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker (1818–35). At Alcester St and Bradford St in 1818; 8 Moat Row in 1830; and 47 Dudderston Row in 1835. [D]

Jones, Thomas, 3 Plant's Ct, Preston, Lancs. cm (1825). [D]

Jones, Thomas, 8 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, u and undertaker (1826). [D]

Jones, Thomas, 56 Seymour St, Euston Sq., London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Jones, Thomas, Barnstaple, Devon, cm (1828). Married Elizabeth Sloly of Barnstaple. [The Alfred, 1 January 1828]

Jones, Thomas, Exeter, Devon, cm (1829–34). At Spiller's Lane, 1829–32, but in 1834 at Cheke Lane. Five children bapt., 1829–34. [PR (bapt.)]

Jones, Thomas, Portland St, Leamington, Warks., cm (1830). [D]

Jones, Thomas, Commutation Row, Liverpool, cm and u (b. 1809–39). Born 27 May 1809 and free by patrimony in 1831. His father was John Jones, cooper. In 1834 had also a shop at 2 Back Commutation St. [D; freemen's committee bk]

Jones, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1840). Free 23 July 1840. [Freemen reg.]

Jones, W., 6 Porter St, Newport Mkt, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]

Jones, W. G., 56 Ratcliffe Highway, London, bedstead, chair and cabinet maker (1820). [D]

Jones, William snr, Tower Hill, London, upholder (1712–50). Father of William Jones jnr, also an upholder. Free of the Upholders’ Co., 6 August 1712 and master in 1745. Took as apps Ambrose Pearman, 1713–23; Ebenezer Braithwaite, 1717–26; Joseph Nicholson, 1721–29 and William Pryce, 1729–35. On 4 April 1717 took out insurance of £300 on a house on Little Tower Hill described as being of timber construction. Although this address was to feature throughout his career he also took out insurance cover on rented property in Mary Gold Alley, Strand in 1718 and the Griffon, Cloth Fair in 1728. These may have been dwelling houses. In 1728 described as a draper in partnership with Oliver Edwards, u. In this year they insured six bales of silk valued at £1,000 jointly. Subscribed to the Gentleman's and Builders’ Companion, 1739. On 3 April supplied to St Bartholomew's Hospital bedding and curtains. The only other patron known is Lord Monson, to whom a four-leaf fire screen was supplied, for which £2 4s was paid in February 1744. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Hand in Hand MS vol. 17, p. 53; vol. 18, p. 293; vol. 18, p. 328; Sun. MS vol. 27, ref. 45533; Heal; St Barts Hospital Journal, Ha 1/11; Lincoln RO, Monson 12, vouchers 1731–43]

Jones, William jnr, London, upholder (1748–59). Son of William Jones snr. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony, 4 February 1748. Took as apps William Bellingham, 1749–56; George Bowditch, 1754–59; John Boulton, 1752–57. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, William, 54 Horse fair, Bristol, victualler and cm (1775). [D]

Jones, William, 8 Canterbury Row, Newington, London, upholder (1788–1802). Son of William Jones of Mold Mountain, Flintshire, North Wales, Gent. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption, 23 January 1788. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Jones, William, Price St, Birmingham, picture framer and gilder (1803). [D]

Jones, William, Horse fair, Bristol, cm (1805–07). [D]

Jones, William, 39 Dartmouth St, Westminster, London, cm (1809). [D]

Jones, William, 31 Old Compton St, Soho, London, u and haberdasher (1812–19). In 1813 the business was listed as William Jones & Co. In 1819 trading at 30 Old Compton St. [D]

Jones, William, Liverpool, cm (1821–39). At 2 Downe St with a shop at 1 Swan Corner, Feather St in 1821–23 but in 1824 at 2 Bridport St with a house at 60 Renishaw St. After 1827 in Circus St, the number being 17 from 1827–35, 18 in 1837 and 35 in 1839. One directory of 1829 gives an address at 10 Shaw's Brow. [D]

Jones, William Lewis, 5 Lower Castle St, Bristol, cm (1822). [D]

Jones, William David, Market Pl., Cambridge, carver and gilder (1824–30). In 1830 the address is recorded as Market Hill. Paid in 1827 for new picture frames by Trinity College. [D]

Jones, William, Liverpool, cm (1834–35). At 15 Dryden St in 1834 and 3 Prescott St in 1835. [D]

Jones, William, Cirencester, Glos., carver and gilder (1827–29). Children bapt. in 1827 and 1829. [PR (bapt.)]

Jones, William, Liverpool, carver (1828–39). Born 14 May 1807, son of Hugh Jones, cm. Free by patrimony in 1828. Took app. named Alexander Wells, 1829–39. [Freemen's committee bk]

Jones, William, Bristol, turner, bedstead maker and cm (1829– 36). In Mark Lane, 1829–35, but in 1836 at St John's steps. Turning appears to have been his main occupation and cabinet making is not mentioned until 1836. [D]

Jones, William, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1830–39). Free 17 November 1830 at which date he was at 30 Duncan St. From 1835 in Russell St, the number being 40 from 1835–37 and 4 in 1839. [D; freemen reg.]

Jones, William, Finsbury, London, cm and u (1835–39). At 61 St Paul St in 1835 and 23 Tabernacle Walk in 1839. [D]

Jones, William, Tipton, Staffs., cm/u (1838). [D]

Jones, William, Ipswich, Suffolk, carver and gilder (1839). Shown in one directory at St Margaret's Green and in another at Soame St. [D]

Jones, William, 22 Rahere St, Goswell Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Jones, William, High St, Folkestone, Kent, cm (1839). [D]

Jones, William, 67 and 68 Broadmead, Bristol, cm and u (1840). [D]

Jones, William, Beastmarket Hill, Nottingham, cm (1840). [D]

Jones & Barker, 16 Lichfield St, Birmingham, makers of brass cabinet furniture (1793–1803). An oval brass repoussé picture frame is known with their trade label affixed. This states that they were ‘manufacturers of brass furniture, for cabinet makers & upholsterer's use’. Their products included locks, knobs, coffin furniture, oval and square picture frames and looking-glass frames, ‘ornaments and borders for rooms, in stampt, burnish’d & gilt metal, composition carved ornaments, chimney pieces etc’. [D]

Jones & Cowen (or Cowan), London Rd, Manchester, cm, furniture brokers and chairmakes (1838–40). At 5 London Rd in 1838 and 20 in 1840. [D]

Jones & Farquhar, see Elizabeth Jones, John Farquhar and Michael Crumin.

Jones & Macrumin, see Elizabeth Jones, John Farquhar and Michael Crumin.

Jones & McLauchlan, London, carvers, gilders and u (1819–23). Shown at 9 Cooke's Ct, Carey St as carvers and gilders in 1819, and 17 Mount St, Grosvenor Sq. as u in 1823. From 1819–25 Jones & Sheldon, u, are also shown in the same directory at 17 Mount St. [D]

Jones & Parry, 2 Williamson Sq., Liverpool, u (1790). [D]

Jones & Perkins, 3 Walker's Pl., Hatton Gdns, Liverpool, cm (1823–27). [D]

Jones & Sheldon, 17 Mount St, Grosvenor Sq., London, u (1819–25). See Jones & McLauchlan, u, at this address in 1823. [D]

Jones & Son, Bath, Som., cm (1819–26). Listed at 52 Walcot St in 1819 and 4 Abbey St in 1826. [D]

Jones & Weller, London, upholsterer's warehouse (1820–25). In 1820 shown in one directory at 7 New Rd, Somers Town and in another at 8 Charles St, Middlx Hospital. After 1820 all directories list the Charles St address. [D]

Jonstones, —, Barton, Lincs., cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Joplie, James, address unknown, u (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Jopling, John, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1793). [D]

Jopling, Joseph & Thomas, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1828–34). In 1834 Joseph Jopling is shown trading on his sole behalf. [D]

Jopling, William, Newcastle, u (1774). App. to Edward Coates and free, 11 October 1774. [Freemen reg.]

Jordan, David, Tubwell Row, Darlington, Co. Durham, cm/ joiner (1834). [D]

Jordan, George, Newcastle, joiner, cm and broker (1811–34). At Dog-bank, 1811–16, but in July 1816 announced his move to ‘a large house adjoining the old Bird-in-Bush Inn, Pilgrim St.’. In 1827 an address at Fountain Yd, Pipewell St is shown in one directory but the Pilgrim St premises appear to have been retained and in 1833–34 were numbered 189. In this year he was also using 43 Carliol St. He kept a stock of new and secondhand furniture and claimed to manufacture new goods. His stock consisted of ‘double, dressing, straight & circular fronted lobby chests of drawers, new & second-hand; sets of dining tables, single large & small ditto, turnover pembroke & wainscot ditto; mahogany chairs, beech, black, rush & cane bottomed ditto; sofas; night tables; wash stands; dressing tables; mahogany four-post bed steads; birch & beech ditto, camp ditto, with or without hangings; mahogany circular & straight-fronted lobby beds, wainscot ditto; mahogany wardrobe beds & other ditto; secretaires & bookcases; feathers & feather beds; new and secondhand carpets, carpeting etc. best hangings in different-kinds. KITCHEN FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS’. He stated that he bought, sold and exchanged all sorts of furniture and supplied goods on advantageous terms to country dealers. [D; Durham County Advertiser, 13 July 1816, 25 October and 7 June 1817, 16 May 1818]

Jordan, Henry, London, carver and gilder (1835). The 1835 edition of Robson's Directory has two entries under this name, one at 29 Lower Eaton St, Pimlico and the other at 34 Broad St, Golden Sq. Both worked in the same trade.

Jordan, J., 39 Fort St, Spitalfields, London, cm (1803). [D]

Jordan, J. L., Edde Cross St, Ross, Herefs., cm (1840). [D]

Jordan, James, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Jordan, James, Leighton Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1834–40). Initially at 4 Leighton Lane but later the number was changed to 7. [D]

Jordan, James, South Pl., Finsbury, London, u (1839). [D]

Jordan, John, 15 Artillery St, London, cm and chairmaker (1789–1804). Included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. William James Jordan is shown at 16 Artillery St, 1808–13, and Thomas Jordan in 1813. [D]

Jordan, John, 7 Norton Falgate, near 39 Stewart St, Spitalfields, London, chair and cabinet maker (1793–1816). In 1803 took out two insurance policies, one for £300 and the other for £650 of which £350 was for utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 745760; vol. 427, ref. 747780]

Jordan, John Nathaniel (or Nathaniel John), 18 Silver St, Golden Sq., London, carver and gilder (1801–20). In 1801 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £100 was for utensils and stock. In 1820 the cover was £400 of which ‘household goods in dwelling house and workshops’ accounted for £230. William Evans also traded from this address, in partnership, 1808–11. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 419, ref. 712742; vol. 483, ref. 962590]

Jordan, Joseph, Alton, Hants., cm and auctioneer (1784–d. 1818). [D; Hants. RO, will]

Jordan, Joseph jnr, High St, Alton, Hants., cm and auctioneer (1823–39). Probably succeeded his father in 1818 when he died but there are no directory entries until 1823. [D]

Jordan, Thomas, adjoining ‘The Rose & Crown’, Snow Hill, London, turner and cm (1703–35). Insurance policies taken out between 1703–18 list his trade solely as a turner. He appears to have been a substantial property owner and in 1712 insured 27 other properties in addition to his own house. Although many of these buildings were insured for as little as £50 each, one house in 1703 was covered for £250 alone. His stock in trade was sold off in March 1735 and on the cabinet side included ‘fine Mahogany, walnut-tree & other Bookcases, Buroes, Chest-tables, Pier & chimney glasses, sconces etc’. [Heal; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 2, refs 4405–11; vol. 4, 22 October 1705, ref. 11508; vol. 10, ref. 11508; vol. 19, ref. 36883; General Evening Post, 13–15 March 1735]

Jordan, Thomas, Duke St, Chester, u (1808–40). Free 21 January 1808. [D; poll bks; freemen rolls]

Jordan, Thomas, 16 Artillery St, Spitalfields, London, chairmaker (1809–11). John Jordan traded from 15 Artillery St, 1789–1804, as a cm and chairmaker, and William James Jordan traded from 16 Artillery St, 1808–13. [D]

Jordan, Thomas, Leicester, u and paperhanger (1828–35). Trading at Churchgate in 1828 and Colston St in 1835. [D]

Jordan, William, Milton, near Sittingbourne, Kent, upholder and ironmonger (1794). [D]

Jordan, William James, 16 Artillery St, Bishopgate, London, chair and cm (1808–13). In 1808 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £120 was in respect of utensils and stock. The corresponding figures for January 1810 were £500 and £150. By November 1810 he had moved his residence to 10 Wormwood St and increased his insurance cover to £600. Stock and utensils at the new address were insured at £150 while those at Artillery St were valued at £100. Directory entries continue to use the Artillery St address. John Jordan was trading at 15 Artillery St in the same trade, 1789–1804; and Thomas Jordan, chairmaker, at 16 Artillery St in 1813. [D; GL Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 823331; vol. 451, rev. 841315; vol. 452, ref. 850356]

Jordan, William Jones, Bordesley St, Birmingham, chairmaker and cm (1822–30). [D]

Jordan, & Evans, 18 Silver St, Golden Sq. See John Nathaniel Jordan.

Jordan, John, Truro, Cornwall, upholder (1757). In 1757 took app. named Prisk. [S of G, app. index]

Jorden, John, Dean House, Holme, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Joscelyne, Benjamin, High St, Braintree, Essex, cm and u, furnishing undertakers (1823–40). From 1832–39 the business was styled Benjamin Joscelyne & Son. Probate was granted on the father's will 1840. [D; Wills at Chelmsford]

Joscelyne, Benjamin jnr, High St, Chelmsford, Essex, cm and u (1832). [D]

Joscelyne, John, Stowmarket, Suffolk, cm (1824). [D]

Joscelyne, Samuel, Market Hill, Sudbury, Suffolk, cm (1830–39). [D]

Joseph, B, 113 Wardour St, Soho, London, cm (1829–33). In June 1833 the 3rd Lord Braybrooke of Audley End, Essex paid Joseph for a commode and slab costing £10. It is uncertain for which of Lord Braybrooke's houses this piece of furniture was intended. [D; Essex RO, D/DBy A358, A363]

Joseph, Benjamin, Mint St, Southwark, London, cm (1808). [D]

Joseph, Sarah, 42 Dudley St, Birmingham, cm and u (1830). A Sarah Josephs, cm was trading at 57 Edgbaston St, date unspecified. [D]

Joseph, William, Suffolk Pl., Southwark, London, cm (1761). Discharged from Debtors Prison, August 1761, and said to be late of Suffolk Pl., Southwark. [London Gazette, 12 August 1761]

Joseph, William, 21 Grange Rd, Bermondsey, London, cm (1826). [D]

Joubert, A., 8 Maddox St, Regent St, London, u (1839). [D]

Jourd, William Handel, 13 Kingsgate St, Winchester, Hants., cm and u (1830). [D]

Jouret, Henry, London, carver, gilder and frame maker (1755– 75). Initially at ‘The Architectural Frame’, Grafton St, Soho, but subsequently moved to ‘The Gold Frame’, Maiden Lane, Covent Gdn. His trade card [Heal Coll., BM], displays a fine Rococo frame, and was engraved for him by Matthias Lock. In addition to making frames in ‘Black and Gold’ for ‘Paintings, Prints and Glasses’, he undertook carved ornaments, gilding and the sale of prints. Lord Monson paid him for a pear-tree looking-glass frame in June 1755. Records of payments also exist, of 10s 6d for a gilt frame; and of £5 5s for a frame and Packing Case D° Wright Picture’ on 27 January 1775. This latter was paid by a ‘Mr. Crosse’. [Heal; Lincoln RO, Monson 12; V & A 86R12]

Joy, George, London(?), cm (1796). Thomas Haig in 1796 bequeathed £110 to ‘my late maid servant Elizabeth Pyle now the wife of George Joy, cabinet maker’.

Joy, Heronles(?), Bristol, carver (1760). In 1760 took app. named Radford. [S of G, app. index]

Joyce, George, Basingstoke, Hants., turner, chair and basket maker (1823–30). Listed at Church St in 1830. [D]

Joynson, Richard, see Caleb Welch.

Joyner, John, address unknown, u (1664). Recorded in the Royal Household accounts in 1664 supplying feather beds, bolsters etc. to a value of £63. [PRO, LC5/39]

Joyner, Thomas, Smith St, Warwick, cooper and chairmaker (1831). [Poll bk]

Joynes, John, Hoole, Cheshire, upholder (1747). Son of Mary Joynes and app. to John Kirkes of Chester, u. Free 13 July 1747 and shown at Hoole in the Chester poll bk of that year. [Freemen rolls]

Joynson, —, Lancaster, japanner (1788–89). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]

Joynson, Richard, 119 Fleet St, London, horse hair weaver and cm (1791). In 1791 took out insurance cover of £2,200 of which £2,000 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 379, p. 547]

Joys, Richard, Baxtergate, Grimsby, Lincs., joiner, cm, furniture broker and builder (1831–40). Recorded also at Loft St in 1835. [D]

Joys, Robert, Fluttergate, Grimsby, Lincs., joiner, cm, builder and timber merchant (1826–31). In 1831 also a surveyor. [D]

Jubb, William, Crofts, Rotherham, Yorks., cm (1830). [D]

Juckes, Edward, 111 Newgate St, Cheapside, London, carver and gilder (1817). William Juckes operated from this address in the same trade, 1807–35, and Elizabeth Juckes in 1820. [D]

Juckes, Elizabeth, 111 Newgate St, London, carver and gilder (1820). William Juckes operated from this address in the same trade, 1807–35, and Edward Juckes in 1817. [D]

Juckes, Robert, Southend St, Ledbury, Herefs., cm (1830–40). [D]

Juckes, William, London, carver and gilder (1802–35). In 1802 at 12 Giltspur St. On 24 July insurance cover of £500 was taken out of which £300 was in respect of utensils and stock. In October of the same year these figures were both revised upwards by £50. At 111 Newgate St from 1807, and also operating from this address in the same trade were Edward Juckes in 1817 and Elizabeth Juckes in 1820. There is a trade card, c. 1800 [Museum of London] of ‘JUCKES’, carver and gilder, with an address at 93 Fenchurch St. He described himself as ‘Carver, Gilder, Glass Grinder & Picture Frame Maker’. [D; GL Sun MS vol. 423, ref. 730147; vol. 424, ref. 735190]

Judd, John, 42 London Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Judd, Robert, 145 Powis St, Woolwich, London, cm (1823–39). Freeman of Rochester, Kent. [D; Rochester poll bk]

Judge, Joseph, 3 Wellington St, Goswell St, London, cm, picture and looking-glass frame maker (1835–39). [D]

Judson, Charles, 27 Little Alie St, Goodman's Fields, London, cm and u (1820–28). From 1823 the business styled itself Judson, Cook & Judson, or Judson & Cook. [D]

Judson, Charles, North St, Ripon, Yorks., cm and u (1822–37). Bankruptcy announced of Charles Judson jnr, 25 December 1829. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 1 January 1830]

Judson, John, Bogthorn, Keighley, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Judson, Jonas, Horton, Gisburn, near Colne, Lancs., cm (1822). [D]

Judson, Robert, Regent St, Pocklington, Yorks., cm (1828–40). [D]

Judson, Thomas snr, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1807–21). Five sons and one daughter bapt., 1807–21. [PR (bapt.)]

Judson, Thomas jnr, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1830–38). Son of Thomas Judson, bapt. on 14 December 1809. Married on 28 December 1830, and two sons and two daughters bapt., 1832–38. [PR (marriage and bapt.)]

Judson, William, Cherry Villa, Pocklington, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]

Jump, Edward Tyror, New Rd, Prescot, Lancs., joiner and cm (1816–34). [D]

Jump, Richard, Harrington St, Liverpool, cm (1772–73). [D]

Junipee, Thomas, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1780–84). Freeman of Norwich. (Norwich poll bks)

Juniper, —, 16 Cranbourn St, West St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1837). Tenant of a shop and dwelling house. In 1837 the property was taken over by Mr Gordon, cm. [Brighton Ref. Lib., particulars of sale]

Jupe, Henry, Quay St, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., cm and u (1823). [D]

Jupe, Robert, 47 Welbeck St, Cavendish Sq., London, u (1839– 40). [D]

Jupp, Elizabeth & Thomas, 5 Eagle St, Red Lion St, London, frame makers and gilders (1790–93). [Heal]

Jupp, John, St Giles, London, upholder (1792). [Bailey's list of bankrupts]

Jupp, Stephen, High Holborn, London, cm (1714). His app. Edward Anderson, aged ‘about 15 years’ absconded, 31 March 1714. [London Gazette, 12 April 1714]

Jupp & Batchelor, 5 Palace Row, New Rd, London, cm, u and undertaker (1839). [D]

Jury, Edward, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1830–38). In St Faith St, 1832–38, but in 1837 shown in High St. [Poll bks]