Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.
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'I', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840, ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/i [accessed 14 March 2025].
'I', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Edited by Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/i.
"I". Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/i.
Ibberson, William Covey, Petty Cury, Cambridge, u and cm (1839–40). [D; poll bk]
Ibbe(r)tson, James Mortimer, 29 Bromsgrove St, Birmingham, carver and gilder (1828–30). [D]
Ibbetson, Christopher, 122 Gt Portland St, London, upholder, appraiser etc. (1784–1802). [D]
Ibbotson, J. M., Friar's Wynd, Richmond, Yorks., carver and gilder (1823). [D]
Ibbotson, Thomas, Hartshead, Sheffield, Yorks., cabinet case maker and flour dealer (1821). [D]
Ibbot, Francis, Somersham, Hunts., joiner, carpenter and cm (1830). [D]
Ibetson, Jno., 238 High Holborn, London, carver and chair manufacturer (1835). [D]
Ibetson, John, 19 Lamb's Conduit Passage, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Ibitt, William, London, upholder (1700). Free of the Upholder's Co. in 1700. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Iden, Henry, London, cm and looking-glass seller (1687–88). From 1687–88 traded at the sign of the ‘Looking-Glass’ in Ludgate St. On 16 February 1688 announced that he was leaving off trade; and on 14 June when he advertised ‘All sorts of Cabinet Work to be sold as Cabinets, Secretores, Chest of Drawers, Tables, Stands and Looking Glasses to be sold’ he gave his address as ‘lately at the Sign of the Looking Glass, Ludgate Street’. The address he moved to was Bell Yd, Carter Lane. [Heal; London Gazette, 16 February, 14 June 1688]
Ideson, Francis, Marsden Hall, Nelson, Lancs., cm and joiner (b. c. 1811–1841). Recorded in 1841 Census.
Ifield, E. C., Bristol, bedstead, chair and plane maker (1820–30). At Jacob St, 1820–21, and 73 Old Market St, 1822–24. In 1824 also at 17 West St, and this is given as the sole address from 1825–26. At 31 Milk St, 1829–30 where the trade is given as furniture broker. [D]
Ikin, Abel, against the ‘King's Arms’, Briggate, Leeds, Yorks., u (1729–32). In April 1729 stated that he stocked ‘Bedding viz. Quilts, Rugs, Blankets, Coverlids, Harateens, Chayneys, printed Stuffs, Flordys and English Bed-Ticks of all sorts, Lincolnshire Feathers, choice of new fashioned Paper for hanging Rooms, Bed Buckram, Bed and Saddle Laces, oyl'd Cloth for Floors, Mattin of all sorts …’. In 1732 took app. named Batt. Scattered payments to this maker occur in the Temple Newsam, Leeds, accounts. [Leeds Mercury, 15–22 April 1729; S of G, app. index]
Ikin, William, Mill St, Nantwich, Cheshire, cm/joiner (1822). [D]
Ikin & Biass, 430 Oxford St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Iles, William, 35 Bell Yd, Temple Bar, London, cm, window blind maker and undertaker (1822–27). [D]
Iley, Mary, 77 Marylebone High St, London, broker and cm (1821). On 12 March 1821 took out insurance cover for £2,000 which included £1,100 for utensils and stock. Warerooms and a workshop were maintained at this address. [GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 978110] Successor to:
Iley, William, 77 Marylebone High St, London, u, cm and broker (1802–20). The growth of this business is well recorded in the insurance cover taken out. In January 1802 the total cover was £900 of which £550 was in respect of utensils and stock. The corresponding figures for December 1812 are £1,850 and £1,000; and for January 1810, £2,000 and £1,100. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 424, ref. 725834; vol. 434, ref. 779931; vol. 453, ref. 839437]
Iley, William, Church St, Whitby, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]
Iliffe, John, London and Kettering, Northants., upholder (1753–94). Son of William Iliffe of Desborough, Northants., farmer. App. to Elizabeth Hutt of London, upholder, and also to Thomas Burnet. Made free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act on 6 December 1753. Soon after this date he took over the business of Elizabeth Hutt at the sign of ‘The Blue Curtain’, St Paul's Churchyard. During the period that he operated his business from this address it was numbered 5 St Paul's Churchyard. He took as app. William Shore from 1751–67 and Henry Broughton from 1759–63. His trade card [Leverhulme Coll., MMA, NY] states that he made and sold ‘all sorts of Beds and Beding, Mohair, Silk, worstead, and mix'd Damasks … Great Choice of English, French & Turkey Carpets; Screens of every kind, Rich Carved Sconces, Tables & Picture Frames. Brass Lanthorns and Arms with All manner of Glass, Cabinet & Chair Work’. He also undertook funerals and acted as an appraiser. There are no further entries in London directories after 1768, and by 1778 he appears to have left London and returned to his home county. He is shown living in Kettering, 1778–94. [D; GL, Upholders Co. records]
Illidge, Thomas, Wolverhampton, Staffs., papier-mâché maker (c. 1810–20). Trays stamped ‘ILLIDGE’ exist. [Conn., August 1967, p. 251]
Illing, Susannah, Hillgrove St, Bristol, upholder (1794–1805). [D]
Illingworth, James, Ingrow Bridge, Keighley, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]
Illingworth, John, Thornton, Bradford, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Illingworth, Richard, Hebden Bridge, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834). [D]
Illison, —, address unknown, carver (1721). Assisted on carving of the staircase at Chicheley Hall, Bucks. [Records of Bucks., 1961, XVII, pt. 1]
Illsley, Charles, 10 St Mary's Butts, Reading Berks., cm (1820– 26). [D; poll bks]
Image, —, address unknown. In 1738 he was paid £13 for supplying ‘2 glass arms’ and repairing ‘lanthorns & tables’ at Holkham Hall, Norfolk. [V & A archives]
Imber, Edward, 92 Hatton Gdn, London, u and auctioneer (1814). On 23 November 1814 took out insurance cover of £1,550 on the contents of his house which included £1,000 for utensils and stock. The house itself was separately insured for £950. [GL, Sun MS vol. 463, refs 899704–05]
Imeson, Joseph, 2 Union St, Berkeley Sq., London, u and cm (1820). [D]
Impey, William, address unknown, u, cm and brazier (1762–63). In 1762 supplied to Sir John Griffin Griffin at Audley End, Essex, a mahogany silk frame at 14s, a mahogany stand at 15s and a fire screen at 16s 10d. In the following year carried out a number of small repairs. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A15]
Imray, George, 12 Red Lion Close, Spitalfields, London, cm and u (1827). [D]
Imray, J., 84 Curtain Rd, London, cm (1835). [D]
Ince, —, 23 Holles St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm (1803). Included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Ince, John, ‘the Upper End of Bow-street, Covent Garden’, London, glass grinder (d.1748). Sale on his death of his goods and effects at ‘his late Dwelling house’ above, on 6 and 7 April advertised in General Advertiser, 31 March 1748.
Ince, William, see John Mayhew & William Ince.
Inch, John, Little Thomas Lane, Redcliffe St, Bristol, japanner (1822–40). In 1837 the business became John Inch & Son, japanners and painters. [D]
Inchley, Claypole George, Wellington St, Leicester, cm and u (1840). [D]
Inchley, George, Ashwell St, Leicester, cm and paper hanger (1835). [D]
Indermaur, Frederick, Southwark, London, cm (1822–39). Initially at 27 Lant St where on 4 April 1822 he took out insurance cover of £100. This included £50 to cover utensils and stock in the workshop of Hannebuth behind his house in Lant St. By 1835 in partnership with Jacob Indermaur and working from 40 and 27 Lant St. One directory of 1835 records Frederick Indermaur at 71 Union St. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 489, ref. 991224]
Indermaur, John, 8 New St, Carnaby Mkt, London, cm (1781). In 1781 insured his house for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 295, p. 405]
Indge, John, Newington Causeway, London, Windsor chair manufacturer (1820). [D]
Indson, Charles, 27 Little Alie St, Goodman's Yd, London, cm and upholder (1820). [D]
Ingham, John, Church St, Colne, Lancs., Windsor chairmaker (1824–34). The 1834 directory entry states Church Yd. [D]
Ingham, John, Chester and Dublin, cm (1732). Stated to be son of the late William Ingham of Chester, cm, at the time of his freedom on 12 October 1732. In the same year living in Dublin. [Chester freemen reg.; poll bk]
Ingham, John, Todmorden, Yorks., cm (1834–37). In 1834 at Gate Bottom. The 1837 directory entry is for a John Ingham jnr, who may be the son. He was living at Newton Grove, Stansfield, Todmorden, and his trade was given as joiner/cm. [D]
Ingham, Joseph, Jubbergate, York, cm and maker of sky and fan lights (1823). [D]
Ingham, Peter, Cross St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1821). [D]
Ingham, Robert, Chester and Dublin, cm (1732). Free 10 October 1732. Son of the late William Ingham of Chester, cm. In 1732 living in Dublin. [Chester freemen rolls; Chester poll bk]
Ingham, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1812–37). Admitted freeman on 5 October 1812 on servitude to Edward Lowe. By 1818 trading at 84 Gerard St, and from 1821–29 at 2 and 4 Back Pickup St. From 1834–37 working at 6 Ben Johnson St. [D; freemen reg.]
Ingham, William, Chester, cm (1690–1700). Free 24 September 1690. Took as apps Thomas Comerbach in 1696 and Edward Twanbrook before 1700. Father of John and Robert Ingham who were free of Chester as cm in October 1732. Their father was dead by this date. [Freemen rolls; app. bk]
Ingle, Joseph, 20–22 Timble Bridge, Leeds, Yorks., (1826–40). [D]
Ingle, Joseph, Eccleshill, Yorks., joiner and cm (1837). [D]
Inglesant, William, Long Row, Nottingham. joiner and cm (1783–1803). Son of John Inglesant of Nottingham, Gent. App. in 1777 and free, 1783. [D; app. reg.; freemen rolls; poll bk]
Ingleton, Joseph S., London and Macclesfield, Cheshire, carver and gilder (1808–27). Addresses used are 16 Drury Lane, 11 Charing Cross, George Yd, Macclesfield and 27 Frith St, Soho. [D]
Inglis, William, 38 Whitechapel Rd, London, bed and mattress maker (1822). [D]
Inglish, M., 27 Long Alley, Moorfields, London, u etc. (1820– 26). [D]
Inglish, Richard, 5 Little Cheapside, Sun St, Finsbury Sq., London, chair stuffer (1808). [D]
Ingmire, B., 50 Leather Lane, Holborn, London, cm (1809). [D]
Ingold, Robert, Hotel St, Bolton, Lancs., cm (1824). [D]
Ingold, Robert, Clough St, Bury, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]
Ingoldby, James, Maiden Row, Louth, Lincs., chairmaker and turner (1822–40). [D]
Ingram, Benjamin, London, bedstead and cabinet maker (1801–29), At 17 Old Bethlem but later the address changed to 51 Old St, St Luke's. Between 1802–08 the business was listed as J. & B. Ingram, 17 Old Bethlem. [D]
Ingram, Benjamin, 23 and 24 Broker Row, Moorfields, London, cm (1822–25). In 1825 the address is given as 23–24 Eldon St, Finsbury Cresc. [D]
Ingram, Benjamin jnr, 58 Crown St, Finsbury, London, cm and u (1837–39). A maker of the same name and trade is also recorded for this period at 38 Beech St, Barbican. [D]
Ingram, George, New Bedminster Bridge, Bristol, chairmaker (1822–23). [D]
Ingram, George, West St, Wilton, Wilts., cm (1839). [D]
Ingram, John, London, japan and Windsor chair manufacturer (1803–39). At 1 Worship St in 1803 but from 1804 at 29 City Rd, Finsbury Sq. A substantial maker who specialised in fancy and rustic chairs. Stock in 1803 was valued at £1,100 and in 1804 one insurance policy was effected on 20 January which provided cover of £1,000 of which stock and utensils accounted for £700, and a further policy was effected on 28 July for £300 more. This latter covered a workshop and store in Tabernacle Row nearby, a japanning shop and their contents. By November 1806 the cover had increased to the impressive sum of £5,500 all but £300 of which was in respect of utensils and stock in various warehouses and workshops. In 1812 the business was termed a ‘RUSTIC MUSEUM, and cheap Japan and Windsor Chair Manufactory’. In July Ingram informed the public of the success of a twelve day public auction which had cleared his warehouses of their old stock. They were now filled with the very latest goods which included ‘every description of fancy japanned Windsor, mahogany and dyed chairs, sofas, couches, bedsteads, cornices, flower-stands, garden and rustic seats, bridges, alcoves, summer-houses &c.’ He was offering a similar range in 1820. His trade card [Johnson Coll., Bodleian Lib., Oxford] lists similar wares and informs the public that he undertook funerals. From 1829 the business traded as John Ingram & Son. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 745088; vol. 430, refs 764524, 757653; vol. 438, ref. 798035; Times, 9 July 1812, 7 April 1820]
Ingram, John, Clapham, London, upholder (1808–26). Recorded at High St in 1826. [D]
Ingram, Joseph, Gt Yarmouth and Hickling, Norfolk and London, cm (1818–31). Freeman of Gt Yarmouth and living in that town in 1818. In March 1820 at Hickling and in April 1831 in London. [Gt Yarmouth poll bks]
Ingram, Stephen, Bristol, carpenter, joiner and u (1817–27). At Smith's Cottage, Hotwell Rd in 1817 but from then until 1822 had additional premises at Clifton. From 1823 the address changes to Lodge House, Hotwell Rd but this may be just an alteration of house name. The Clifton premises, now given as Clifton Pl., became the sole address in 1827. [D]
Ingram, T., 16 Tavistock St, Covent Gdn, London, carver and gilder (1835). [D]
Ingram, Thomas, 1 Church St, Camberwell, London, u (1835). [D]
Ingram, William, 11 City Rd, Finsbury, London, upholder and auctioneer (1817). [D]
Ingram, William, Parsonage House, Coney St, York, house, sign, furniture and coach painter (1823). [D]
Inkpen, Joshua, 42 St Thomas St, Weymouth, Dorset, cm and u (1840). [D]
Inman, James, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1823–24). In 1823 at 10 Frederick St, St James’ but in 1824 at 26 St James’ St. [D]
Inman, Joseph, 30 Manor St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1827). [D]
Inman, S., Tonbridge, Kent, cm (1803). Possibly the Inman who subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D]
Innebe, Thomas, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1786). Freeman of Norwich. [Norwich poll bk]
Innes, James, Croydon, Surrey, cm, broker and u (1793). [D]
Innes, John, address unknown (1765). In 1765 supplied a tea chest to Blair Castle, Perthshire. [V & A archives]
Inns, William, High St, Towcester, Northants., cm/joiner (1823). [D]
Insull, Henry, New St, Worcester, cm (1812–40). App. to John Timmings of Worcester, cm and u, and free 5 October 1812. In 1830 may have been employed by Anderson & Perry of 59 Foregate St, as an Insull appears in an account sent to J. S. Russell of Powick Court, near Worcester. Insull and Jno. Perry appear to have fixed hooks for lamps in the drawing and dining rooms at High Park, Salwarpe on 6 April and Insull alone was responsible for fixing a hook in the dining room ceiling at Powick. [Freemen rolls; poll bk; Worcs. RO, 2309/ 705:380/18(i)]
Insull, William, Worcester, cm and u (1820–30). At 17 Foregate St in 1820, no. 18 in 1822; High St in 1828 and New St in 1830. [D]
Introvino, Antonio, Liverpool, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker (c. 1817–24). Set up on his own account after the breakup of the partnership with Gaspar Introvino. In October 1818 he announced his move from Old Hall St, Lord St to 128 Duke St. He claimed to manufacture ‘all sorts of Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers & Hygrometers’ He offered a framing service, the re-gilding of old frames and the re-silvering of mirror plates. Old lookingglasses and pictures would be taken in part exchange. He also stocked ‘Prints, Medallions, Gold Borders & Ornaments. Gold, Fancy & Drawing Paper, Colours, Brushes & Pencils, Drawing Books etc.’. By 1821 at 138 Duke St and by 1823 this number had changed to 140. In an advertisement of December 1823 he admitted that he had been forced into bankruptcy in 1820 because of bad debts, and rumours of his financial difficulties which caused his creditors to press for payment. Afterwards, with the support of ‘gentlemen who wished well to him’, he re-established his business. In addition to the range of goods that he had on offer he also informed the public that he would teach the Italian language to those who wished to learn, As a native of that country he felt himself well qualified to undertake such work. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 9 October 1818, 19 December 1823]
Introvino, Antonio & Gaspar, Manchester, barometer and looking-glass makers (1814–16). At 49 Thomas St in 1814 but in 1816 shown at both 43 Thomas St and 39 Bridge St. A. Introvino was trading at 30 Bridge St in 1815 as carver, gilder and printseller. [D]
Introvino, Gaspar, 43 Thomas St, Manchester, carver, gilder, barometer, mirror and picture frame maker (c. 1817–40). When the partnership with Antonio Introvino broke up he took over the premises in Thomas St that they had previously used. [D]
Inwood, Benjamin, St Giles St, Northampton, chair turner (1826). [Poll bk]
Inwood, John, High St, Leighton Buzzard, Beds., cm and u (1830–39). [D]
Inwood, Jno., Market Pl., Stoney Stratford, Bucks., cm (1839). [D]
Ion, Christopher Appleby snr, London, upholder (1741). Son of Thomas Ion of Paulet, Som., clerk. App. to Benjamin Baron on 21 April 1732 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 6 May 1741. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Ion, Christopher Appleby jnr, London, upholder (1768). Son of Christopher Appleby Ion snr. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony, 2 March 1768. In 1771 either father or son was living at Coal Harbour, Upper Thames St. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Ireland, —, Prince's House, Leicester Fields, London, u (d.1726). Died in 1726 and said to be ‘Upholsterer to their Royal Highnesses’. [Heal]
Ireland, Benson Harrison, Lancaster, cm (1823–30). App. to L. Redmayne in 1823 and free, 1829–30. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Ireland, E. & Hollier, C. W., London (1793). Supplied Gertrude, Dowager Duchess of Bedford of 112 Pall Mall with ‘a neat inlaid case with a bottle & place for sugar & tea spoon’ (a tea caddy). [Bedford Office, London]
Ireland, Edward, St John's Hill, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1796). [Freemen rolls]
Ireland, Hugh, 25 and 5 Dean St, Soho, London, u (1815–16). [D]
Ireland, John, Bow St, London, upholder (1779). [Bailey's list of bankrupts]
Ireland, John, London, upholstery warehouse (1783–99). At 3 Friday St and 26 Watling St, 1783–88, and then at 29 Compton St. In 1786 took out insurance cover of £2,000 of which £1,500 was for utensils, stock and goods in trust. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 339, p. 217]
Ireland, John, Horsham Sussex, ironmonger and cm (1811). [D]
Ireland, John, Duck Lane, Bilston, Staffs, cm (1835). [D]
Ireland, Richard, Bow St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1769–84). Fellow of the Society of Arts, 1770–74. Bankrupt 1779. Attracted a number of influencial patrons. He is probably the ‘Ireland’, u, mentioned in the letters of Edward Gibbon as the supplier of white and gold bookcases for his house at 7 Bentwick St in 1772. He supplied furniture and undertook work on a regular basis for Richard Hoare of Boreham House, Essex between 1769–76, possibly for his London house. In total the patronage amounted to £157 13s, the largest sum being £59 5s paid on 8 November 1774. [D; poll bk; Heal; Leicester Journal, 19 June 1779; Essex RO, D/Du 649/2]
Ireland, Richard, Norwich, upholder (1771–86). Son of Daniel Ireland, weaver, admitted freeman on 31 August 1771. [Freemen rolls; poll bk]
Ireland, Richard, London, cm (1807–11). In 1807 at 18 Richmond St, Old St where he took out insurance cover of £400, half of which was for utensils and stock. By March 1811 he had moved to 24 Gt Mitchell St, Brick Lane, Old St. Here the insurance cover was £700 of which £400 was for stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 438, ref. 800308; vol. 449, ref. 854905]
Ireland, Richard, 19 Blackman St, Southwark, London, carver and gilder, upholstery and looking-glass warehouse (1821–25). In 1821 and 1823 took out insurance cover of £500 though some of this was for household goods. He had warerooms, a gilding shop and a glass room and three stores. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 484, ref. 978358; vol. 490, ref. 1001514]
Ireland, William, North St, Ripon, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]
Iremonger, Thomas, ‘The Three Chairs’, Drury Lane, London, cm (1727). His dwelling house was at the corner of Middlx Ct, Drury Lane. On 13 January 1727 he took out insurance cover of £300 on household goods and stock in trade kept there. [GL, Sun MS vol. 25, ref. 43544]
Irish, John, 36 Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Irlam, Jane, Manchester, u (1817–39). In 1817 at 17 Sandywell Lane, Salford. No further directory entries are recorded until 1838–39, when she was at 3 Buxton St, Manchester. [D]
Irlam, John, Sandywell, Salford, Lancs., u (1808). [D]
Irlam, Mary, Salford, Lancs., u (1813–25). At 12 Barlows Croft in 1813 and 3 Irwell St in 1825. [D]
Iron, John, Clifford St, Westminster, London, upholder (1749). [Poll bk]
Iron, John, Leicester, u (1798). Son of Nathaniel Iron of Ipswich, u. In 1789 app. to Mark Oliver, possibly Mark Oliver Iron of Ipswich, u. Free 1789. [Leicester freemen rolls]
Iron, Mark Oliver, Old Butter-market, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and u (1809–39). Married in 1809 at the Church of St Lawrence, Ipswich. Probably the son of Nathaniel Iron of Ipswich, u. His business from 1805–09 was described as Nathaniel Iron & Son. Mark Oliver Iron is first recorded trading on his own behalf in 1817. [D; Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/114, pp. 77–78, 50/19/3.5; poll bks]
Iron, Nathaniel, Butter-market, Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1759–1809). Married on 1 January 1759 and trading in the Buttermarket as early as 1784. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. After 1805 the business is listed as Nathaniel Iron & Son. [D; Ipswich Journal, 8 September 1804, 3 June 1809, Suffolk RO, FAA 50/2/89–93]
Ironmonger, William, Sittingbourne, Kent, cm (1839). [D]
Irvin, —, Wigan, Lancs., cm (1798). [D]
Irvin, George, Newbeddin, (Newbiggin) Richmond, Yorks., joiner and cm (1813–40). [D; PR (bapt.)]
Irvin, Richard, Lancaster, (1818–40). Named in the Gillow records, 1818–19, 1821–40. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]
Irvin, Thomas, Garden Ct, Roscoe St, Liverpool, cm (1827). [D]
Irving, Edward, Wigton, Cumb., jointer/cm (1828–34). At Black Swan Lane, 1828 but from 1829 at Water St. [D]
Irving, John, Rickersgate, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner/cm (1829). [D]
Irwin & Potter, 5 Paradise St, Liverpool, cm (1790). [D]
Isaac, A., address unknown, chairmaker (c. 1840). A high back Windsor chair at Temple Newsam House, Leeds, is stamped ‘A ISAAC’.
Isaac, Isaac, Precinct of Bedford, Exeter, Devon, cm (1803). [Militia Census]
Isaac, John, Liverpool, cm (1739). In 1739 took app. named Harrison. [S of G, app. index]
Isaac, John, Exeter, Devon, cm (1813–40). Living at Excise Passage, 1813–14, when his daughter Ann and son John were bapt. In 1817 at Gandy St and from 1831 at 24 Holloway St. [D; poll bk; PR (bapt.)]
Isaac, William, London, upholder (1767). Son of Abraham Isaac of St Luke's, London, purse maker. App. to J. Chapman of the Armourers’ & Braziers’ Co. on 8 May 1760. Free of the Upholders’ Co. on 4 June 1767 under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Isaac, William, Market St, Weymouth, Dorset, cm (1779–98). Insurance cover on utensils and stock rose from £100 in 1779 to £200 in 1785. By the latter year he had a warehouse and workshop which were insured for an additional £100. In 1789 his dwelling house and shop and trade goods kept there were insured for £200 and a further £400 was taken out on a warehouse, outhouse and workshop and their contents. He also owned in this year a house in St Thomas's St tenanted by a T. Smith, linen draper. In 1789 his business was described as an u, cutler and cm and in 1798 as a joiner, cm and auctioneer. In 1789 he was described as William Isaac jnr. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 276, p. 204; vol. 330, p. 96; vol. 362, p. 601; vol. 386, p. 165]
Isaack, Jonathan, London, upholder (1718–29). His father was William Isaack Esq., a native of Devon. App. to Randolph Baron on 16 January 1718/19, and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 March 1728/29. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Isaacs, Henry, 6 Colonnade, Salford, Lancs., cm and joiner (1828). [D]
Isaacs, Matthew, Excise Passage, Exeter, Devon, carver (1832). His son Matthew bapt. at All Hallows, Goldsmith St on 17 February 1832. [PR (bapt.)]
Isaacson, Philip, Cambridge, cm, u, auctioneer and appraiser (1796–1803). An advertisement appeared in the Cambridge Chronicle and Journal for 3 September 1796, from Philip Isaacson, ‘Upholsterer and Cabinetmaker in the Petty Cury, Cambridge’ wanting a journeyman cm. He again advertised on the 1 April 1797 that he was taking up the business's of auctioneer and appraiser. The Corporation day bk records on 14 November 1797: ‘Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Mr Isaacson his bill of £209. 6. this day delivered for chairs for the Aldermans Parlour’ and for 9 January 1798 ‘Ordered that the Mayor pay to Mr. Philip Isaacson the sum of Twenty pounds in full for his bill this day delivered for Furniture for the Aldermans Parlour’. The newspaper for 15 December 1803 advertised the sale by auction of ‘All the stock in Trade, Household Furniture and other effects of Philip Isaacson, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker in Petty Cury, Cambridge’ with details of the furniture and materials to be sold. [Cambs. RO, Corp. day bks] R.W.
Isherwood, —, London(?) (1773–74). In the Digby papers for 1774 is a list headed ‘For Furniture sent to Sherborne last year’. This includes a sum of £52 against ‘Isherwood’. [Sherborne MS]
Isherwood, I. F., 20 Lamb's Conduit St, London, painter, paperhanger, carver and gilder (1835–37). In 1837 also at 6 New Bond St. [D]
Isherwood, John, 6 New Bond St, London, decorator and u (1840). [Heal]
Isherwood, Nicholas & Son, 35 Ludgate Hill, London, house painters, carvers and gilders, looking-glass makers and paper hangers to Their Majesties (1835–39). [D]
Isherwood & Bradley, ‘The Golden Lyon’, 35 Ludgate Hill, London, u, decorators and paper stainers (1787–92). Their trade card [Heal Coll., BM] states that they were partners with Thomas Bromwich. The business was described as a ‘Paper-Hanging, Carving, Gilding, Looking-Glass and Screen Warehouse’. [D; Heal; Conn., vol. 130, p. 108]
Isherwood & Smith, 7 Gt Eastcheap, London, wholesale u and cotton merchants (1769–74). In 1772 an address at 129 Upper Thames St is given in one directory. [D]
Isle, Sussana, Vollan's Row, Hunslet Lane, Leeds, Yorks., working u (1830). [D]
Ismay, Joseph, Whitehaven, Cumb., joiner/cm (1829–34). In 1829 at 145 Queen St and in 1834 at 8 Duke St. [D]
Issard, John, Half Moon Alley, Bishopsgate St, London, cm (1765). [Heal]
Issit(t), Mary, Belvoir St, Leicester, working u and paper hanger (1828–35). [D]
Issott, Joseph, Butcher Row, Beverley, Yorks., gilder and painter (1831–40). [D]
Ives, Edmund, 124 High Holborn, London, cm and u (1835– 39). [D]
Ives, John, London, upholder (1713–23). Son of William Ives of Wickham, Hants., Gent. App. to Benjamin Powell on 10 December 1713 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 December 1723. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Ives, William, Byland(?), Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1834). Daughter Sarah bapt. at St David's on 3 July 1834. [PR (bapt.)]
Ives, Dialls & Co., 6 Long Acre, London, varnish and japan manufacturers (1801–07). Trade card [Banks Coll., BM] states ‘Late Wall's, Japanners to their Majesties and the Prince of Wales’. [D]
Ivey, J., 32 Temple St, Bristol, plasterer, painter, glazier, plumber, Windsor and fancy chairmaker (1836–37). [D]
Ivison, James, Keswick, Cumb., joiner/cm (1828–34). [D]
Ivory, John, Cambridge, carver and gilder (1668–70). In 1668 paid by Trinity College for gilding ‘ye noblemans table in ye Buttery’ and for putting names on it. In 1670 he was paid £3 10s by St John's College for making a new table of Benefactors and Masters of the College and framing a picture.
Ivory, Richard, St Clement's, Oxford, cm (1802–08). [D; poll bk]
Ivory, Robert, St Leonard, Shoreditch, London, carver (1761). [GL, P91/LEN]
Ivory, Thomas, St Martin's at Oak, Norwich, joiner and cm (1744). On 26 May 1744 advertised his ability to carry out joinery or cabinet work in mahogany and offered to supply the trade with mahogany at London prices plus the cost of carriage to Norwich. In June of the same year he offered furniture to the public in walnut or mahogany such as chairs and settees and table frames. He claimed that his standards of workmanship and prices were equal to those of London makers. [Ipswich Journal, 26 May 1744, 16 June 1744]
Ivory, William, address unknown, cm (1784–96). Supplied furniture to Audley End, Essex for Lord Howard, 1784–96. Probably a local Essex craftsman. In 1784 and 1786 an assortment of furniture made of fruitwood, mahogany, oak and olivewood was supplied. In 1794 a one leaf dining table of deal was charged at 18s. This was for the Steward's Room but a wainscott chest of drawers supplied at the same time and costing £3 10s was for Lord Howard's Dressing Room. In 1795–96 a mahogany dressing table with ten drawers was charged at £3 3s, a deal ‘closett chest’ with folding doors and six drawers at £3 5s and one with four drawers at £2 16s. Essex RO, D/DBy/A52/6, D/DBy/A54/1]
Izard, John, 18 St James St, Brighton, Sussex, Tunbridge-ware manufacturer and fancy repository (1822–40). [D; poll bk; rate bks]
Izon, John Parnell & Sons, Dale End, Birmingham, cm and u (1822–28). Recorded at no. 33 in 1822 and no. 32 in 1828. [D]
Izon, John, George & Thomas, Dale End, Birmingham, cm, paper hangers and u (1829–30). Shown at 33 Dale End in 1829 but by 1830 at no. 32. [D]
Izott, Joseph, Kirkgate, Wakefield, Yorks., cm (1814–20). [D]