St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.
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'Index of places', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index of places', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index of places". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Names in brackets [ ] occur in the notes.
[Antwerp.] Anwarpe, 304
Arches (Court of), 280
Armory, The (in the Church), 425
Aungell, The, 338
Barne Elmes, 411
Bath, 337
Bedforde Gate, 294
Bedford House, 360, 418, 577; Bedforde House, 541
[Beerhouse], 89; [Beirhouse], 99; Berehouse, 99; Bewhouse, 89; Bruehouse, 89
Bell, The, 95
Blacke Bull, 295
Brainford, 454; Braynford, 340
Brickehills, 460; Bryk Close, 581 (2); Brykhill, 582
Bridewell, 583
Bridge, The, at Charing Cross, 585
Brill (Bucks), 382
[Brookfield], 511
Brookshott, 579, 582
[Bruges]. Bregs, 31; Bryges, 31; Brygges, 20, 103
[Brussells.] Bryssell, 41
[Cadiz], 473, 487, 496
Cage, The, at Charing Cross, 585 (2)
Cales, 487
Calthorpe, 564
[Charing Cross], 85, 88, 94, 114, 143, 582, 585
[Charlton], 294
[Chelsea], 422
Christopher, The, 574
Churche Acre, 9–11, 19, 26, 37–8; Our acre of lande, 48
Church Howse, 290
Church Lane (vide The Lane), 65, 90, 140, 153, 182, 189, 198, 221, 288, 293, 307, 335, 343, 353, 371, 378, 388, 400, 408, 417, 426, 436, 441–2, 444, 458, 466, 477, 489, 508, 517, 540, 553, 563; Church Lanes, 513–5, 516, 522–4, 526, 536, 537, 539, 545–7, 549, 558–9, 560, 562, 567–70; Church Lane, East, 395, 513
[Colliton Haven], 285
Conduit Meadow, 579 (2)
Correction, House of, 585 (2)
[Court of Arches], 280
Covent Garden, 317, 324, 338, 344, 469, 473
Creeplegate, 481
Croydon, 164, 232, 452
Dartford, 459
[Deptford], 184
Dippens Close, 581
Dowgate, 340
Drury Lane, 373, 422, 502, 577–8; Drury House, 581
Durham. Dorham Place, 68; Dorh'm Renttes, 67; Duramrents, 31; Durham Howse, 538; Durham Place, 48; [Durham Rents], 31; Durham Staires, 446; Duram Place, 21, 60
[Ebury], 493; Ebery, 493; Ebrue, 493, 581; Ebury ffarme, 326, 335, 368; Haybery farm, 580; Haybery field, 580; Hebbrye field, 582
Enfilde, 269
[Epsom], 472
Essex, 297, 406
[Essex House], 297
Eyvy Bridge (vide Ivy), 138
Feild, ye, 295, 304, 308, 338, 344–346, 357–360, 367, 379, 393, 459; Feild, ye, 316, 335, 382; Feldes, ye, 85, 87, 93, 98, 458, 521
Flawnders, 370
Fleete Streate, 429; Flet Stret, 156
France, 424
Fyshestreete, 311
Fulham, 240, 342
Garner, The Queen's, 469
Gate House, 569
Gelding's Close, 581
[Greenwich], 184; Greenwch, 291, 297, Greenewich, 284; Greenwitch, 383; Greenewitch, 515, 523; Greenewitche, 514, 546; Greenwych, 279; Gree[n]wich, 560; Gree[n]witch, 488; Grenwch, 222; Grenewch, 310, 311, 363, 374, 407, 422, 430, 462, 465, 472; Grenvche, 246; Grenwich, 229; Grenewiche, 155, 239, 329; Grenewitch, 496; Grenewych, 268; Grenewyche, 228, 272; [Grenwyche], 209
[Grey Friars], 132
Greyhound, The, 305, 536, 548–9, 559
[Guildhall], 104, 145, 155
Hackney, 379
Hampton Court, 234, 272, 279, 290, 297, 349
Hare and Hound, 418
[Harefield], 560
Harowe, the, 59–60; Harroo, the, 68
Haveringe, 291
Haybery (vide Ebury)
Hebbrye (vide Ebury)
Hermitage, 88, 103
Highegate, 412, 511, 546
Hillfield, 580
[Hinton St. George], 403
Holbourne, 192, 193
Holliwell, 371
Hospital, 578; [Charing Cross], 521; King's benche, 514; Knightsbridge, q. v. 467; Lazarhouse, q. v.; M'shalsey, 514; Sct. Barthelmewes, 345; S. Mary Rownceval, 88, 103; Spitle, 318, 324–326, 328, 336, 337, 346; Spitell, 267, 283, 335; Spittle, 277, 289, 296, 301, 303, 308–9, 344, 345, 358, 368, 370, 393, 401, 402; Spyttle, 308–9
Hospitall Chappell, 426
Howndsdych, 108
[Hungerford Bridge], 36
[Hungerford Market], 36
Hyde Farm, 580
[Hyde Park], 288, 426; Hide P'ke, 467
[Hyde Park Corner], 282, 511
Inns, vide Taverns
Islington, 263, 319
[Ivry], 422
[Ivy Bridge], 138, 353; Ivie, 282; Ivie Bridge, 366–7; Ivye Bridge, 221
Kengyngton, 210
[Kenilworth], 285, 417
Kensington, 517
Kent, 459
Kerbyes Close, 581
Kilbourne, 228
King's Bench, 514
Kinges Gate, 94
Kinges Head, 510
Kinges Streat, 429
Kinges Workes, 98
[King William Street], 521
Kingston, 532
Knightsbridge, 267, 388, 390, 391, 393, 400, 419–20, 428–9, 436–7, 458–9, 466, 469, 479, 481, 489, 520; Knightesbridge, 289; Knightsbryge, 3; Knyghts Brige, 60; Knyght Brydge, 112; Knyght Bryge, 99, 101; Knyght's brygge, 36, 100
Lambeth, 165, 279, 386, 422, 430, 463, 483, 488, 560
Lane (cf. Church Lane), 187, 451–453, 462–4, 472, 474, 482, 484, 487–8, 495–497
Larder, 296
Lazarhouse (Knightsbridge, q.v.), 3, 60, 112
Lecestr Howse, 297
Ledstalle, The, 579
Lincolne, 438
[Locrenan in Bretagne], 158
London, 122, 155, 321, 327, 337, 363, 371, 490, 565
[Long Acre], 277, 367
Longe Lane, 373
Longforde Bridge, 254, 284
Low Countries, 584; Netherlands, 372
Marshalsea, 514
Maryboune, 581 (2)
[Mayfair], 511
Middelsex, 273
Mill, 467, 521
Neate, 439, 580; Neyte, 100
[Netherlands], 372; Low Countries, 584
New Rentes, 201
Nonesuch, 372, 412, 472, 488
[Northumberland House], 88
Norwiche Place [House], 85
Oatelandes, 349
Osulton, Hundred of, 574, 576
[Oxford], 150
Palace, The, 165
Parke, 288, 338
Park Corner. P'ke Corn', 282, 335, 426
Parliament, 411, 451–2, 497, 513, 548
[Pauls S.] Pawles steple, 364; Pooles, 185; Powles, 284, 407
[Plymouth], 487
Pole Head, 311
Portesmouth haven, 329
Pound, The, 581
Prisons. Gate House, 569; Kings Bench, 570; Marshalsea, 570; Newgate, 246, 404
[Queenhithe], 125; Queen hith, 561; Quene Hyve, 125
Quenis Chappell, 188
Richmond, 154, 385, 414, 538, 561, 567; Richmont, 284; Richmound, 525; Richmount, 374, 538; Ritchmond, 522–3; Ritchmound, 516; Ritchmount, 497; Rychmonde, 229, 232
Rosamond's Pool, 470 (et Addenda)
Rouncival, St. Mary, 88, 103
[Round Court], 521
[Rycote], 494, 521
Saint. [St. Albans,] 419; [St. Andrew's Chapel, Westminster Abbey], 494; St. Andrewes in Holbourne, 317; St. Andrewes, Undershafte, 490; [St. Bride's Church], 429; Saynct Brides, 156; St. Clements (Danes), 72, 124–5, 154–5, 165, 173, 191, 193, 199, 210, 216–7, 221–3, 229, 234, 239, 263, 268–9, 272–3, 279, 284–5, 290, 306, 311, 329, 340, 342, 348, 360, 366, 382, 453, 472, 558, 568
St. Dunstons, 181
[St. Giles], 3, 481, 568, 579, 581; Saynct Gyells, 153, 155
St. James, 3, 46, 66, 96, 146, 154, 164–5, 217–8, 229, 268, 282, 284, 289, 291, 294, 296, 329, 349–50, 365, 406–7, 451–2, 471; St. Jeames barne, 295; St. James fayer, 511; St. James field, 277, 303, 579; St. James House, 578; [St. James Market Place], 511; [St. James Palace], 511; [St. James Park], 46, 114; St. James Wall, 180, 510
St. Martin's Field, 579
Sct. M'garetes (Westm.), 420, 519, 574
St. Mary Rouncival, 88, 103
[St. Michaels], 419
[St. Pauls], 319; St. Paul's Cathedral, 122, 129, 534; [St. Paul's (Harlesden)], 551
[St. Sepulchre's, Holborn], 311, 404
Salisbury Alley, 429
Salisbury Street, 138
Sand pits, 581
Savoy, The, 344, 369, 468
Scotlande, 114–5
[Shoreditch], 273
Shrewsbury, 306
Somerset, countie of, 317, 429
Somerset House, 272–3, 371, 397, 413–4, 451, 464, 465
[Southampton], 155, 418
Southwarke, 184, 211, 379, 441
Sp'uall Courte, 145
Strand, 353, 360, 418; Strande, 305; Stronde, 581 (2)
Stretforde Abbay, 55
Stylyarde, 186
[Swan], 85; Swann, 480; Swanne, 85
[Swan Close], 272; Swanne Close, 564
Swanne Lane, 272
Taverns, (q.v. throughout this Index). Aungell, Beerhouse, Bell, Christopher, Greyhound, Hare & Hound, Harrow, King's Head, Pole Head, Swan, White Lyon
Temple Churche, 346
[Tempull Bare], 209
Tennys Court, 460
Theames, River, 338
Tiborne, 581
Tilbury, Campe at, 406
Tilt Yarde, 114, 467
Tothill, 272; Tutt hill feild, 319
[Tower], 146, 209
Uxbridge, 366, 560
Vicarage, 60, 67, 85, 86, 97–8, 100, 115
Wansted, 310
Warwicke, 418
Westminster, 59, 88, 94, 122, 145–6, 511; Westm', 28, 65, 122, 186, 188, 194, 222, 272, 296, 367, 420, 429, 453; Westmynster, 122, 124, 130, 133, 154–6, 178, 234; Westm', Abbie of, 390, 427, 479; Westm' p'ishe churche, 519 (vide St. M'garetes); Westm' House, 193.
Whiston, 438
[Winchester], 155
[Windmill Street], 447
Windsor, 123, 222
White Chappell, 473, 516, 548
Whitehall, 85, 94, 114, 146, 154, 268, 269, 279, 290–1, 297, 310, 311, 321, 329, 406, 411, 422, 438, 452, 460, 462, 465, 471–474, 483, 496, 497, 502, 514, 522, 525, 538, 546, 548, 558, 561, 567; Whighthall, 218, 222; Whitehalle, 161; Whithall, 239, 350, 447; Whithaule, 228–9, 232; Whitte haule, 232; Whitte hawell, 232; Whyt hall, 273; Whytte Hawle, 234
White Lyon, 363
Wymbleton, 463
Xp'ofer, The, 574
Yeld Haule (vide Guildhall), 104
Yorksheire, 564
Yslington, 263, 319
[Zutphen], 372