Accounts: December 1579 - December 1581

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1579 - December 1581', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: December 1579 - December 1581', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1579 - December 1581". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

December 1579 - December 1581

The accompte of

Nicholas Christian and Anthony Harries Churchwardens of the p'ishe of Saincte Martins in the feildes by Charinge Crosse in the Countie of Midd' Chosen and appointed for the space of twoo whole yeares; endinge at the Beirth of our Lorde god, one Thowsand ffive hunderith ffower score and one, and in the ffower And Twentie yeare of the Raign of our sou'aigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England, ffraunce, and Irelande Quene Defendor of the faith &c' Aswell for ye receipte as also for the paymentes and other Chardges by them receyvid and paid, specified & conteyned in this their Accompte, as hereafter followeth &c'

The firste yeare. 1579.


The said accomptantes Chardge them selves wt ye Receipte of ixli xixs vd by them receyvid of John Erpe and Cornelius Godfry late Churchwardens of ye p'she aforesaid at their firste entery into their Office of Churchwardenship ixli xixs vd
Item Receyvid by gatheringe for ye Clarke & Sextons wages for pewes And rep'acons of the Churche the some of xli ijs vd
Item Receyvid for the Token Money xlixs viijd
It'm Receyvid towardes ye Chardges for ye newe castinge of the great Bell as Appeareth by ye gatheringe booke ye some of lixs
Some of ye same Receiptes amounteth to ye some of xxvli xs vjd

Receiptes for Burialls (fn. 1) knelles and sutche like in this our first yeare as followeth.

Christmas quarter. 1579.

December Inprimis the xxvjth of december was buried Rebecca Nicholls daughter of John Nicholls ni'll
January It'm the seconde of January for ye buryall of Sara Hudson the Daughter of william Hudson ye coffin vjd, ye worst cloth ijd viijd
It'm the xijth of January was buried Johane Coppinge (fn. 2) ni'll
It'm the xxvth day of January for ye buriall of Johane fforrest for the grounde in the Churche vjs viijd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth ijs, the fower peales viijd xs vjd
It'm the xxvjth day of January was buried xp'ofer Stapleton ni'll
It'm the xxviijth day of January was buried Robart Tether the worste cloth ijd, the ij peales iiijd vjd
February It'm the vth of ffebruary was buried a chrisome child not baptised of John Evans ni'll
Item the vijth day of ffebruary was buried a man childe of Thomas Grennesmithes ni'll

The firste yeare .1579. Receiptes

Burialles in Christmas quarter.

Marche Item the nynth day of ffebruary was buried Robart Brikott (fn. 3) ni'll
Item the xixth day of ffebruary was buried Leonarde yongham ni'll
It'm the xxth day of ffebruary was buried Mrs Jane Colbrande the grounde in ye Churche vjs viijd, ye afternones knell xiiijd, the best cloth xxd, ye fower peales viijd xs ijd
It'm ye xxjth day of ffebruary was buried Richard williamson ni'll
It'm ye vth day of Marche was buried Anne Hopton worst cloth ijd
It'm the xiijth day of m'che was buried John Walker ni'll
It'm ye same day was Baptised (fn. 4) a chrisome not baptised ni'll
It'm ye xiiijth day was buried Hughe Griffine ye worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xxth day of m'che was buried John Stevenson one of her Maties stable ye ground in ye Churche—vjs viijd the cloth xxd ye iij peales vjd viijs xd
It'm ye xxijth day of m'che was buried Ralf Annyon ni'll
It'm ye xxiijth day of m'che was buried A chrisome ni'll
Som'e of the Receiptes for burialls in this their firste quarter amounteth to xxxjs

Burialles in our Ladie day quarter. 1580.

Marche Item the xxvjth day of Marche 1580 was buried Grace Mynorde the Worst cloth ijd
It'm the same day was buried Johane Smith widdowe the best cloth xxd, ye After nones knell xiiijd, the grave vjd the twoo peales iiijd iijs viijd
It'm ye same day was buried Jane Tether ye Coffin vjd And the peale ijd viijd
Aprill 1580 It'm the viijth day of Aprill was buried Ambrose Stapler ni'll
It'm ye ixth day was buried twoo Twynes not baptised ni'll
It'm the xjth day was buried a poore boy ni'll
It'm the xxth day was buried Robart williams worst cloth ijd
Item the xxvijth day of Aprill was buried Mr Robart Colshill ye best cloth ijs, ye whole dayes knell—ijs iiijd, And the sixe peales xijd vs iiijd
It'm the last of Aprill was buried one Robart from her Mates wood yarde ni'll

The firste yeare. 1580. Receiptes

Burialles in or Ladie day quarter.

May Item the third day of May was buried Katherin whittle (fn. 5) ye best cloth, xxd, ye grave, vjd, ye ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
It'm the vijth day of May was buried Mary Johnson ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried A gerle not baptised (fn. 6) ni'll
It'm the xiijth day of may was buryed John Hewes ni'll
It'm ye xixth day was buried John Smith ni'll
It'm the xxiiijth was buried Robart Boyse ij peales iiijd
June It'm the firste day of June was buried Thomas Hanse (fn. 7) the best cloth xxd, ye Coffin vjd, ye ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
It'm the fourth day of June was buried Agnes West ye best cloth xxd, the Coffin vjd ijs ijd
Som'e of the receiptes in or ladie day quarter xvijs vjd

Burialls in Midsom' quarter.

June Item the xxxth day of June was buried Thomas Shrif ni'll
July It'm the vijth daye of Julie 1580 was buried Mrs waters ye wif of william waters for ye grounde in ye Churche vjs viijd, ye knell xiiijd, ye best cloth ijs, in wch After none ye great bell by mishappe was broken ixs xd
It'm the xth day of July was buried william Northiver ye worst cloth ijd, for one peale ijd iiijd
It'm ye xviijth day of July was buried hughe Alliford the worst cloth ijd ijd
It'm ye xjth day of July was buried Andrie Lodgoll the worst cloth ijd ijd
It'm ye xiijth day was buried Henry Hewes ni'll
It'm ye xviijth day was buried A poore woman out of ye feild ni'll
It'm the xixth day of Julie was buried Dericke Hell (fn. 8) the knell xiiijd, ye best cloth ijs, ye coffin vjd, ij pels 4d iiijs
It'm ye xxjth day of July was buried Barbara Pettie ni'll
It'm the xxijth day of July was buried Griffin whitney the worst cloth ijd
It'm the same day was buried Johane Semes worst cloth ijd

Receiptes in the firste yeare . 1580.

Burialls in Midsom' quarter.

July Item ye xxijth day of July was buried Mrs Deley ye grounde vjs viijd, ye Afternones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth xxd, ye iij peales 6d xs
It'm the xxiijth day of July was buried John Andrianson the best cloth xxd, the grave vjd, ye ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
It'm the same day was buried Oliver Caine (fn. 9) for ye Coffine vjd
It'm the xxiiijth day of July was buried william watsonne ni'll
It'm the same day was buried a poore woman out of ye covent garden (fn. 10) ni'll
August It'm for the buriall of Mrs Heldon ye grounde vs viijd the After nones knell xiiijd, ye ij peales ijd, Albeit she was buried in ye p'ishe Churche of St Andrewes in Holbourne viijs
It'm ye same day was buried Clinton Hubbard (fn. 11) worst cloth ijd
It'm the xiijth day was buried Peter Bartlet ni'll
It'm ye xvjth day was buried Margarett Sporwes (fn. 12) worst cloth ijd
It'm the xvijth day was buried ffrauncis hartley ni'll
It'm ye xxvijth day of August was buried John Thompson ni'll
September It'm the seconde day of September was buried Mr Robart Power one of ye Equirries of her Maties stable ye best cloth ijs, ye knell And ye ij peales xviijd iijs vjd
It'm the vijth day of September was buried Margarett Dallis the best cloth, coffenid and one peale ijs iiijd
It'm the same day was buried Elizabeth wood ni'll
It'm the same day was buried wynifred Gyett ni'll
It'm the xxviijth of September was buried John Slater ye After nones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth ijs, ye cofine & ij peales xd iiijs
Som'e of the receiptes in this Midsomer quarter is xlvjs

Burialls in Mighelmas quarter. 1580.

September Item the xxixth day of September was buried Agnes Kerrey ni'll
It'm the same day was buried A chrisam from Hartleys ni'll
October It'm ye vth day of October was buried Mrs Dier ni'll
It'm ye viijth day of October was buried Johane Clarke the best cloth xxd, ye Coffin vjd & one peale ijd ijs iiijd
It'm ye xth day of October was buried John Dawson ni'll
It'm ye same Day was buried Isacke Pavior ni'll
It'm ye xxvth day of October was buried Jane Ludforde for the best cloth, ye Coffin, and twoo peales ijs vjd
November It'm ye vth of November was buried Mary ffox ni'll
It'm the viijth day of November was buried Thomas Cogen (fn. 13) xviijs vjd
It'm the ixth day of November was buried Stephen Chauncy ijd
Item ye xiiijth day of November was buried Richard Ap Thomas (fn. 14) the best cloth xxd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, for ij peales and ye Coffin xd iijs viijd

The firste yeare. 1580. Receiptes

Burialls in Mighelmas quarter.

November Item the xvth day of November was buried Margaret from ye spitle ni'll
It'm the xxijth day of November was buried John younge ye best Cloth, the Coffin And two peales ijs vjd
It'm the xxviijth day of November was buried Elizabeth Allen worst cloth ijd
December It'm the seconde day of December was buried Margaret Aldesey ni'll
It'm ye thirde day of December was buried [blank] Hewes ni'll
It'm ye iiijth day was buried John Engram ni'll
It'm ye vth day of December was buried Ellen Stowe ye ground vjs viijd, ye best Cloth ijs, for ye knell & peales xviijd xs ijd
It'm ye xth day of December was buried a Chrisam ni'll
It'm ye xiiijth day was buried George Johannes ni'll
Som'e of ye receiptes in ye said q'ter is—xls
Som'e of ye Receiptes for burialls in this their firste yeare Amounteth vnto vjli xiiijs vjd
Some' totall of ye Receiptes in this their firste yeare together wth ye ixli xixs vd ye wch they receyved of ye other Churchwardens is xxxijli vs


Paymentes in Christmas Quarter. The said Accomptauntes Demaunde Allowance for ymploymentes and Chardges by them paid & Disbursed for ye vse of ye Churche & other ordinary & extraordinary Chardges in this their first yeare Anno 1580, as p'ticulerly is recited in ye contentes hereof as followeth.
Item paid for our Dynners At the swearinge of the sid men And at our meetinge twoo other tymes xvjs
It'm paid for paveinge of three graves At viijd A pece for the same ijs
It'm for washinge of the Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm for A baldricke for the great bell ijs
It'm paid to ye Clarke for his wages xiijs
It'm paid vnto Hampden (fn. 15) vijs
It'm paid vnto the Sexton for his wages xs
It'm paid vnto him for ye kepeinge of the Clocke xxd
It'm for oyle for the Clocke ijd
It'm for bromes for the Churche iiijd
It'm for lyme And sand for ye iij graves this quarter xijd
Som'e of the paymentes in this their first quarter is 54s 8d liiijs viijd

The firste yeare .1580. paymentes

Paymentes in our Ladie day Quarter.

Item paid the xviijth day of Aprill for iij Morris pickes (fn. 16) viijs vjd
It'm paid for heddinge of a morris picke iiijd
It'm paid the same day for gonnepowder for or men to Muster in Tutt hill feild (fn. 17) vijs
It'm paid vnto vj men for the shewinge of our harnes ye same day iiijs iiijd
It'm paid vnto Richarde Hampden for vj newe gerdilles And for the mendinge of the olde vs ijd
It'm paid the same day for matche for or men viijd
It'm paid for or first booke of Articles from the Archdeacon vjd
It'm paid for iiij bookes sett out by her Matie for the Earthquake (fn. 18) xvjd
It'm paid vnto Sexe for a stay for the pulpitt xd
It'm paid vnto mr waters for vernishing of x swordes And for makeinge of them cleane And for iiij newe scabbardes And for the Dressinge of x Dagers vijs viijd
It'm paid vnto Ledford the xxth day of May for the mendinge of the wheeles of the belles xvjd
It'm paid vnto him the xxiiijth of May for stuf & mendinge of ye belfry flower, and for a forme for apewe And nayles As appeareth by his bill therof made vs
It'm paid for a quyer of paper iiijd
Som'e of the paymentes in this their ladie Day quarter is xliiis

paymentes in Midsomer quarter. 1580.

Item paid vnto the Clarke ye xxvjth day of June for his quarters Wages nowe Due xiij
It'm paid vnto Hampden vijs
It'm paid vnto the sexton for his wages xs
It'm for kepeinge of ye clocke xxd
It'm for oyle for ye clocke ijd
It'm for ye washinge of ye churche lynnen this quarter endinge ye xxiiijth day of June xvjd
It'm for bromes for ye same quarter iiijd
It'm paid ye xxvijth day of June for ye booke of Articles At the Bishoppes visitacion xijd
It'm paid more for the makinge of or booke for the Aunsweringe of the same Articles xijd
It'm paid for ye puttinge of or bill into ye Courte ye same day iiijd
It'm laid out the same day for our Dynners viijs
It'm paid vnto iiij men to showe iiij calevers At Islington for the p'ishe ye first of July 1580 iiijs

This firste yeares paymentes. 1580.

Paymentes in Midsomer quarter 1580.

Item paid for iijli of gonnepowder ye said first of July iijsvjd
It'm paid the same day for matche for them iiijd
It'm paid for twoo keyes one for the great chest the other for ye Cubbard where the Regester booke lieth xijd
It'm paid for a hocke (fn. 19) for the pulpit ladder vjd
It'm paid vnto Sex for twoo paire of hinges for old pewes xviijd
It'm paid the xxijth day of August for paveinge of A grave in the South Isle of the Churche viijd
It'm paid the viijth day of September for puttinge of our booke into ye Courte iiijd
It'm paid for takeinge downe of ye great bell & for hanginge of it vpp agayne for carriage & recarriage of the same vnto the bellfounders the first tyme vs vd ob'
It'm paid vnto Sexe for Iron worke and nayles for ye same bell ijs
It'm paid vnto Mathewe Clarke for ballinge (fn. 20) of three Clappers And for Alteringe of them iijs iiijd
It'm paid ye xijth of September for A newe baldridge ijs
It'm paid vnto the Clarke ye xxviijth day of September for his quarters wages for this Midsomer quarter xiijs
It'm paid vnto the sexton for his quarters wages xs
It'm paid vnto Hampden vijs
It'm paid vnto ye sexton for ye kepeinge of ye clocke xxd
It'm paid vnto him for oyle for ye Clocke ijd
It'm for washinge of ye Churche Lynnen xvjd
It'm for bromes for the Churche this quarter iiijd
Some of the paymentes in this their Midsom' q'ter is vli js xjd ob'

Paymentes in Mighelmas quarter.

Item paid for Anewe bell rope ye iiijth day of October Weyinge vijli At iijd ob' the pownd xxjd
It'm paid for paveinge of A grave in ye Middle Isle of the Churche ye vijth day of October viijd
It'm for lyme for ye same grave viijd
It'm paid ye third day of November for carringe of the great bell to ye belfounders & for bringinge of ye same the seconde tyme ijs iiijd
It'm paid for weyinge of the same bell ye first And seconde tyme ijs vjd
It'm paid vnto Ledford for helpinge twoo dayes for the same bell ijs

The firste yeare. 1580. paymentes

Paymentes in Mighelmas quarter.

Item paid vnto men for helpinge of the bell vpp & downe And for Drincke for them xxd
It'm paid for Oyle for ye same bell iiijd
It'm paid vnto Sex for nayles & for mendinge ye Iron worke of ye bell xijd
It'm paid vnto Hughe walker ye belfounder for Chaunginge of our olde bell wch wayed ixc one q'ter And vjli (fn. 21) at vjs viijd C iijli ijs
It'm paid vnto him for iij quarters of a C of newe mettle At vd the pownd xxxvjs iijd
It'm paid vnto his men for ijsyt they sett vppon ye bell ijs
It'm paid vnto Nicholas Bedworth (fn. 22) ye Scriven' for one obligacon wherein ye said Hughe walker stoode bounde vnto vs for ye newe castinge of ye same if any faulte should be vjd
It'm paid vnto ye Corte the xxiiijth of November for the puttinge in of our Aunswer vnto certaine Articles sent from the Bishoppe iiijd
It'm paid more the same day for or Dynners & ye sidmen vjs vjd
It'm paid for ij longe rafters to make ye iiijor newe pewes ijs iiijd
It'm paid for xxxijti single quarters viijs
It'm for iijc of boordes At vjs ye C xviijs
It'm for vj planckes iijs
It'm for carryinge of ye same stuf owt of London viijd
It'm for iiijc of vjd nayles ijs
It'm for doble Tennes (fn. 23) vjd
It'm for v paire of hinges and a half iijs viijd
It'm for one hunderith of iijd nayles iiijd
It'm paid vnto Jesper for ye carvinge of ye hedes of ye same (fn. 24) viijs
It'm paid vnto Ledford for x dayes worke for the same xjs viijd
It'm paid vnto Bellowes for xv dayes worke xvijs vjd
It'm paid for ye makeinge of ij bellwheeles vjs
It'm paid for paveinge of a grave in ye Middle Isle viijd
It'm paid for a whit brushe for ye Churche vjd
It'm paid for lyme for ye said grave vjd
It'm paid for vnderpynninge of ye newe pewes iiijd
It'm paid for Ringinge the xvijth day of November beinge ye chaunge of her Maties Coronacon iiijs
It'm for ijli of Candles the same day vd
It'm paid for A booke of articles sent from ye Counsell iiijd
It'm paid the vjth of December for ringinge At her Maties Comynge to whitehall viijd
It'm paid ye xxth day of December for ye newe bindinge of ye bible and for ye settinge on of ye Clappes (fn. 25) ijs vjd
It'm paid ye same day for ye paveinge of a grave in the south Isle of the Churche viijd
It'm for lyme for the same grave viijd
Item paid for A basket for the Churche iijd
It'm paid vnto Bellowes the xxiiijth day of December for Mendinge of A bell wheele & ye pewe in ye Chaunsell ijs
It'm paid vnto the glasier for glasinge and mendinge all the windowes aboute the Churche ixs
It'm paid vnto mr Waters for ye kepinge of the Armore for this their first yeare xs
It'm paid vnto mr Clarke for ye kepeinge of ye Clocke for this their first yeare vjs viijd
It'm paid for Mattinge of ye iiij newe pewes iiijs viijd
It'm paid for hollie, Ivie, rosemary, and bayes xvjd
It'm paid vnto the Clarke for his quarters wages xiijs
It'm paid vnto Hampden vijs
It'm paid vnto ye sexton xs
It'm paid vnto him for ye kepeinge of ye Clocke xxd
It'm paid for Oyle for the Clocke ijd
It'm paid for Bromes this quarter iiijd
It'm paid for washinge of ye Churche lynnen xvjd
Som'e of the paymentes in this their Mighelmas q'ter is xiiijli xd
Som'e totall of ye firste yeares Receiptes wth ye ixli xixs vd receyvid At thenteringe into our office ye some of xxxijli vs
Some generall of ye paymtes Disbursed in this their firste yeare Amounteth vnto ye some of xxiiijli vd ob'
So resteth in in our handes unaunswerid for haveinge receyvid more this firste yeare then hath ben ymployed the iuste some of viijli iiijs vjd ob'

Receipts The seconde yeare .1581.

The accompte of Nicholas Christian And Anthoney Harrys Churchwardens Aforesaid for the seconde yeare of their office haveinge Comencement from the feast of ye beirthe of or lorde god, 1580, and endinge on ye same feaste of or lorde god, 1581, aswell of Receiptes as paymentes by them receyvid & expended in this their said seconde yeare as p'ticulerly in theis their Accomptes more p[l]aynly Appeareth.


The said accomptantes Chardge them selves with the Remaynder And ou'plus of the receiptes vnaunswered in their firste yeares Accompte the some of viijli iiijs vjd ob'
Item Receyvid towardes the Clarke & Sextons wages & for pewes & rep'ac'ons of ye Churche ye some of ixli xvijs ixd
It'm Receyvid vppon mr Nightingales Obligacon iijli
It'm Receyvid for the Token money lijs jd
It'm Receyvid of mr Marke Steward for twoo yeares rent for ye howse over the Churche lane xiijs iiijd
It'm Receyvid of Harrauld Bingham vppon his bill iiijs
Some of the same Receiptes Amounteth vnto the some of xxiiijli xjs viijd ob'

Receiptes .1581. the firste of the seconde yeares Receiptes

Receiptes for Burialls knelles And sutche like in this seconde yeare as followeth.

December. Inprimis the xxviijth day was buried John Sambracke ni'll
It'm the same day was buried John Wavers Childe not baptised ni'll
It'm the same day was buried A poore Child out of ye covent garden ni'll
January. It'm the fourth day of January was buried Jooane Cane (fn. 26) ye wif of Robart Cane, ye after nones knell—xiiijd, ye best cloth xxd, ye coffine And ij peales—xd iijs viijd
It'm the xiijth was buried [Ursula] wardor ye daughter of mr Chidiocke Wardor for ye ground in ye Churche & ye after nones knell vijs xjd, ye ij peales iiijd viijs iijd
Item the same day was buried Margery Depinge ni'll
It'm the xvjth was buried Abraham Demillion ni'll
It'm the xxiijth was buried Christopher Moore ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried Margarett Edwardes ye worst cloth & j peale xd
It'm ye xxvijth was buried William Gibson ni'll
It'm ye xxxth day was buried Miles Lacon gent' for ye ground in ye Churche vjs viijd, for ye best cloth & Afternones knell ijs xd for ij peales iiijd ixs xd
ffebruary. It'm the xxth day of ffebruary was buried Elizabeth Twist for ye ground in ye Churche vjs viijd, ye Afternones knell xiiijd, for ye worst cloth And j peale 4d viijs ijd
It'm ye xxjth was buried Sir will'm Hyllones sonne not baptised ni'll
It'm ye xxijth was buried widdowe Bracey for ye ground in ye Churche vjs viijd for ye best cloth xxd viijs iiijd
It'm ye xxviijth was buried John kinge from ye spitle ni'll
It'm ye xxixth was buried Rob't hardinge Child not baptised ni'll
Marche. It'm the xjth day was buried Elizabeth Rocabecke for ye ground in ye Churche vjs viijd ye best cloth xxd the After nones knell xiiijd, And ij peales—iiijd ixs xd
It'm ye xxijth day was buried Henry Stockedale ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried Alice Bruton from ye spitle ni'll
Som'e of the Receiptes for burialls in this their first quarter of their second yeare Amounteth vnto ye some of xlviijs xjd
Marche. Item the xxvth day was buried Mary Cornelius ni'll
It'm the xxvjth day was buried Dorothie Glassington ni'll
It'm ye xxixth day was buried Agnes Johnson ni'll
Aprill. It'm the vth of Aprill was buried Leonarde Hewes ni'll
It'm ye ixth day was buried Ellen Merricke ni'll
It'm ye xth day was buried one Alice (fn. 27) from ye spitle ni'll
It'm the xiiijth day was buried James Kinaston from mr Roses for ye ground in ye Churche vjs viijd ye after nones knell xiiijd ye best cloth xxd, ye iij peales vjd xs
It'm ye xxth day was buried katherin A foundlinge ni'll
May. It'm ye first day of May was buried Joane weston worst cloth ijd
It'm ye same day was buried A chrisome of Gillam Bowens ni'll
It'm ye vjth day was buried Constance Harvie ni'll
It'm the same day was buried Repentant Browen ni'll
It'm the ixth day was buried Elizabeth Price ni'll
It'm ye xijth day was buried Elizabeth Gibbes ni'll
It'm ye xvjth day was buried Elizabeth Brathwhite ni'll
It'm ye xvijth day was buried Thomas Anderson worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xxijth day was buried one Garratt from ye spitle ni'll
It'm ye xxvijth day was buried John Basebrowne ye ground in ye Churche vjs viijd, ye best cloth xxd, ye Afternones knell xiiijd, ye ij peales iiijd ixs xd
It'm ye same day was buried A chrisome of william Baylie ni'll
It'm ye xxixth day was buried Imago seculi A foundlinge ni'll
It'm ye xxxth day was buried John Hodson ni'll
June. It'm ye second day of June was buried Garrat williams ni'll
It'm ye vth day was buried Agnes Love ni'll
It'm the viijth day was buried one [Tho: Malyn?], from ye spitle ni'll
It'm the ixth day was buried mr Launcellott Lacon for ye best cloth ijs xd, ye After nones knell xxd the ij peales viijd vs ijd
It'm the ixth day was buried Martha Glassington ni'll
It'm ye xxiiijth day was buried Mary Poulteney ni'll
Some of the Receiptes in or said ladie Day quarter is xxvs iiijd

The seconde yeares Receiptes .1581.

Bvrialls in Midsom' quarter.

July. Item the seconde day of Julie was buried Jacobe Brabrocke gent for ye best cloth ijs, ye after nones knell xiiijd, ye ij peales iiijd iijs vjd
It'm ye xiiijth day was buried Richard Hampden ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried Humfery Syden A chrisome ni'll
It'm the xvth day was buried Sara Bret ni'll
It'm ye xviijth day was buried A child from Colman hedge (fn. 28) ni'll
It'm ye xxiijth day was buried A chrisome found at ye spitle ni'll
It'm ye xxiiijth day was buried Ciceley Smith worst cloth ijd
August. It'm ye xijth day of August was buried Isabell Johnson ni'll
It'm the xvth day of August was buried Mary Coborne ni'll
It'm ye xviijth day was buried Anne Streamer ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried Elizabeth Evans ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried Thomas Poultney ni'll
It'm ye xxth day was buried a chrisome of Phillippe Conway ni'll
It'm ye xxiijth day was buried Thomas Rastell (fn. 29) ye best cloth xxd, ye coffine vjd, & one peale ijd ijs iiijd
It'm ye xxixth day was buried Richard Brigges ni'll
September. It'm ye third day of September was buried Margaret wayley ni'll
It'm the vijth day was buried Rachell Smith ni'll
It'm ye xth day was buried Agnes Wilsmith (fn. 30) worst cloth ijd
It'm ye sam day was buried Otty Roud & ffraunces [blank], from Neales ni'll
It'm the xvjth day was buried Elizabeth Harman coffened vjd
It'm ye same day was buried [Bridgetta] Ireland ye daughter of George Ireland ye best cloth xxd, ye grave vjd, j peale ijd ijs iiijd
It'm ye same day was buried Thomasine [blank], from Leonardes, cofine vjd
It'm ye xvijth day was buried Emry Ireland ye best cloth xxd, ye knell xiiijd, ye coffine vjd, & one peale ijd iijs vjd
It'm ye same day was buried A childe of Lott Arnoldes ni'll
It'm ye xviijth day was buried Margaret [blank], from mr Pynfoldes ijd
It'm ye same day was buried Rob't [blank], from ye buckler makers ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried A poore man from Ebury ffarme ni'll
It'm ye xixth day was buried George Ireland ye best cloth xxd, ye knell xiiijd, ye coffine vjd iijs iiijd
It'm ye xxjth day of September was buried Elizabeth Ireland his wif, ye knell xiiijd, ye iij peales vjd, ye coffine vjd ijs ijd
Some Pag'—xviijs viijd

Receiptes the seconde yeare .1581.

Burialls in Midsom' quarter.

September. Item the xxiijth day of Septembr was buried John Pillington ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried A poore boy out of London yt died in ye streat ni'll
It'm the xxiiijth day was buried Joyce Northever ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried Ellenor Manfeild ni'll
It'm ye xxvth day was buried Thomas Evans ye best cloth xxd ye knell xiiijd, ye grave vjd, ye ij peales iiijd iijs viijd
It'm ye xxviijth day was buried a chrisom of John Smith not baptised ni'll
It'm ye xxxth day of September was buried Reynold Harman And Peter Harman ye sonnes of Leonard harman for the Coffine And one peale viijd
Some of ye receiptes in this or Midsom' q'ter is xxiijs

Burialls in Mighelmas quarter.

October. Item the seconde day of October was buried Peter velia worst cloth ijd, ye Coffine vjd, one peale ijd xd
It'm ye same day was buried Roger Steyman worst cloth ijd
It'm ye iiijth day was buried Joane Bad worst cloth ijd
It'm ye same day was buried Thomas Ireland ye sonne of ye Aforesaid George Ireland, ye After nones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth xxd ye coffine vjd, ye ij peales iiijd iijs viijd
It'm ye same day was buried Christian Blackeborne ni'll
It'm ye viijth day was buried Godfry Thompson worst cloth ijd
It'm ye same day was buried Henry Shortread ni'll
It'm y e ixth day was buried Margaret fflower worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xth day was buried Joane woodward ye best cloth xxd
It'm ye xiijth day was buried Catherin Harman worst cloth ijd
It'm ye same day was buried Samvell wallis worst cloth ijd
It'm the xiiijth day was buried Elizabeth Moone ni'll
It'm ye xxth day was buried Alice Deane ye best cloth & knell ijs xd
It'm the xxijth day was buried Edward Alison ni'll
It'm ye xxiiijth day was buried Joane kynder worst cloth ijd
It'm the xxvth day was buried John Story ni'll
It'm ye xxixth day was buried Rob't waterman worst cloth ijd

Receiptes the seconde yeare .1581.

Burialls in Mighelmas quarter.

November. Item the Seventh day of November was buried Mary walles ni'll
It'm ye xiiijth day was buried Nicholas Heron ni'll
It'm ye xvijth day was buried Bernard Looke worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xxvjth day was buried ye daughter of Rob't Storey not baptised ni'll
It'm the same day was buried Abraham Hvgine ye coffine vjd
It'm the xxxti day was buried Edward Story ni'll
It'm ye same day was buried John Bird worst cloth ijd ijd
December. It'm ye first day of december was buried John Story ni'll
It'm ye vijth day was buried John Brewter from ye spitle ni'll
It'm ye ixth day was buried Beatris Crowe worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xvijth day was buried Susan wright worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xxjth day was buried Elizabeth ffourd ni'll
It'm ye xxiiijth day was buried Elizabeth Heayes worst cloth ijd
Some of ye receiptes in this or Mighelmas q'ter is xjs viijd
Som'e of the receiptes for burialls (fn. 31) in this or seconde yeare is yr some of vli viijs xjd
Some totall of ye Receiptes in this or seconde yeare together wth ye viijli iiijs viijd ob' remayninge in or handes vnaunswerid in or first yeares Accompt is xxxli vijd ob'


The said accomptants Demaund Allowance for Disbursementes & expences by them ymployed & expended for ye vse of ye Churche & other ordynary & extraordinary Chardges in this their seconde yeare 1580 & 1581, As p'ticulerly in theis their Accomptes followinge more at lardge it doth & may Appeare

Paymentes in Christmas quarter.

Inprimis paid for A bell Rope ye viijth day of January wayinge vijli xxd
It'm pd for ij graves paveinge in ye Midle Isle of ye Churche yr xiiijth And xvth daies of Marche xvjd
It'm pd for ye paveinge of iij graves in ye north Isle of ye Churche ye xvjth And xvijth dayes of Marche ijs

paymentes in the seconde yeare .1581.

Paymentes in Christmas quarter.

Item for Lyme for ye Aforesaid Graves xiiijd
It'm for A quier of paper iiijd
It'm for ye Ringinge At her Maties Remove from white hall to Sainct James ye xxth day of Marche viijd
It'm paid vnto Nicholas Bedworth ye Scriven' for writinge of ye gatheringe booke for this or seconde yeare & for writinge of ye gatheringe Booke for Portesmouth haven xviijd
It'm paid vnto ye Clarke for his wages xiijs
It'm paid vnto Hampden vijs
It'm paid vnto Oliver ye Sexton for his wages xs
It'm pd vnto him for kepeinge of ye clocke & for oyle ys q'ter xxijd
It'm pd vnto him for washinge ye Churche lynnen & for broomes xxd
Some of this their xp'imas q'ter is xlijs ijd

Paymentes in or ladie day quarter. 1581.

Item paid ye xxth day of Aprill for Ringinge At her Maties Remove from St James to whithall viijd
It'm pd for paveinge of A grave in ye Midle Isle of ye church viijd
It'm pd for paveinge of A grave in ye North Isle of ye Churche viijd
It'm for Lyme for ye same ij graves vjd
It'm pd ye xxth day of June for Ringinge At her Matie remove from whitehall to Grenewiche viijd
It'm pd for or dynn's & ye sidmen when we weare at St Clemtes ye xiiijth day of June vs
It'm paid vnto Hampdon & ye Clarke for his wages xxs
It'm pd vnto Oliver ye sexton for his quarters wages xs
It'm pd vnto him for kepeinge of ye clocke & for oyle of it xxijd
It'm pd vnto him for washinge of ye Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm for bromes for ye Churche this q'ter iiijd
Some of this their ladie day quarter is xljs viijd

paymentes in the seconde yeare .1581.

Paymentes in Midsom' quarter.

Item for Abooke that was sent from the Bishoppe for the p'sentinge of those wth will not come to Churche (fn. 32) vjd
It'm paid ye xxviijth day of July for three loode of Tyle At xjs the loode xxxiijs
It'm paid for Rof Tyles ijs
It'm paid vnto Robart ffrayne for v dayes worke aboute the rep'acioninge of ye Churche at xvjd aday vnto A laborer to helpe him ye same tyme at xd ye day xs xd
It'm paid ye vijth of August vnto Robart ffrayne & Rob't wilkinson Tylers for v dayes worke & A half at xvjd ye day xiiijs viijd
It'm paid vnto ij Laborers for vj dayes worke at xd ye day xs
It'm paid for A bushell of haire vjd
It'm paid vnto A laborer for half a dayes worke at xd ye day vd
It'm paid vnto william Clarke for ij q'ters to lyne ye rafters vjd
It'm paid vnto him for Aboord for ye gutter vjd
It'm paid for vjd nayles for ye same iiijd
It'm paid for drincke for ye workemen ij dayes iiijd
It'm pd ye viijth of August for Eves boord for ye Churche xixd
It'm pd for ij thowsand of rep'acioninge nayles iijs
It'm pd for iij bushell of Tyle pynes iiijs
It'm pd for drincke for ye worke men iiijd
It'm pd on saterday ye xijth of August to goodman ffrayne for vj dayes tylinge viijs
It'm pd vnto Sleyman his man for vj dayes worke vijs
It'm pd vnto Thomas Williamson & one other laborer for v dayes worke And a half ixs
It'm pd vnto John Chadesley for iij dayes & a halfes worke iijs
It'm pd vnto Oliver Depinge ye sexton for vj dayes worke vs
It'm pd vnto Richard Bartlet for glasinge of ye north windowe iiijs iiijd
It'm pd for xiiij boundle of lath for ye north side xiiijs
It'm pd for CC & A half of lyme xvs
It'm pd for iiij loodes of sand ijs viijd
It'm pd vnto Ledford for ij planckes for ye gutters xijd
It'm pd vnto Rachell for our Apparance viijd
It'm pd vnto Sex for Alocke for ye presse xvjd
It'm pd for A sturroppe for ye bell whele iiijd
Some Pag'—vijli xiijs xd

paymentes in the seconde yeare .1581.

Paymentes in Midsom' quarter.

Item for Lyninge of ye same ij gutters iiijd
It'm for nayles for ye same iijd
It'm pd for bourdes for ye tope of ye steeple & nayles & for workemanshippe xijd
It'm pd for drincke for ye workemen iiijd
It'm pd for viij bondle of lath for ye gutter side of ye north sid of ye Churche viijs
It'm pd for wood for ye plommer ixd
It'm pd for A quarter to s'ue ye Rafter iijd
It'm pd for drincke for the workemen ij dayes iiijd iiijd
It'm pd vnto Ledforde for viij rafters ijs
It'm pd vnto him for mendinge of ij pewes & for settinge vp a forme xijd
It'm pd vnto ye plom' for ye Chaunge of or olde lead & for C & xviijli of newe lead for workemanshippe carriadge And sodder xxxvjs vjd
It'm pd for half a loode of Tyles vs iiijd
It'm pd vnto ij laborers ye xvth & xvjth dayes of August for ij dayes worke at xd ye day iijs iiijd
It'm pd vnto Rob't ffrayne for iiij dayes worke & A half vjs
It'm pd vnto his Laborer for iij dayes worke ijs vjd
It'm pd vnto Richard woodlocke for [blank] of nayles xxjs iiijd
It'm pd vnto ye plom' for ye exchaunge of ye olde lead for half of ye Chauncell gutter xvs
It'm pd unto ye Lyme man for ij loode & ij saxes of lyme ye xxth of August ijs viijd
It'm pd for ij basketes & makeinge cleane of ye clockehowse & belfry xijd
It'm pd vnto Oliver for carryinge ye rubbishe out of ye churchyard vjd
It'm pd vnto Bellowes for mendinge of ye pewes ye xxvijth day of September viijd
It'm pd for A ball rige (fn. 33) for ye forebell ye same day ijs
It'm pd for A quier of paper iiijd
It'm pd vnto ye Clarke And Sexton for their q'ters wages xxxs
It'm pd vnto ye sexton for kepeinge ye clocke & for oyle for yt xxijd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm pd for bromes for ye Churche this quarter iiijd
Some Pag'—'vijli iiijs xjd
Som'e of this their Midsom' quarter is ye some of xiiijli xviijs ixd

paymentes in the seconde yeare .1581.

Paymentes in Mighelmas quarter.

Item paid for our Dynner ye thirde day of October At the Archdeacon his visitacion vs
It'm paid ye same Day for puttinge or bill into ye courte iiijd
It'm paid to ye Parrater for bringinge of c'tine Articles ye xvijth day of October iiijd
It'm pd for ye deliu'y of or bill into ye Court ye xxviijth of october iiijd
It'm paid to Thomas williamson for iiij dayes worke in the Churche lane At viijd ye day ijs viijd
It'm paid vnto Oliver for seelinge (fn. 34) ye northe windowe xijd
It'm paid vnto Oliver ye xvijth day of November for ringinge At ye Chaunge of her Maties Raign iiijs
It'm for ijli of Candles ye same night vjd
It'm pd for a quier of paper iiijd
It'm pd for ye deliu'y of or bill into ye Archdeacon his Court ye xvth day of December iiijd
It'm pd for or Dynn's ye same day iiijs viijd
It'm pd for x loodes of gravell to lay in ye Churche lane vjs viijd
It'm pd for carryinge of ye same gravell into ye lane xxd
It'm pd vnto Bellowes for settinge vpp of A forme And for mendinge of ij pewes ye xxiijth of December xviijd
It'm pd vnto william waters for makeinge cleane of ye harnes xs
It'm pd vnto Mathewe Clarke for kepeinge of ye clocke vjs viijd
It'm pd vnto ye Clarke for his quarters wages xxs
It'm pd vnto the Sexton for his quarters wages xs
It'm pd vnto him for kepeinge of ye clocke And for oyle to it xxijd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm pd for greese for ye bells iijd & for bromes iiijd vijd
It'm pd for holley And Ivie for ye Churche xvjd
It'm pd vnto Nicholas Bedworth Scr' for ingrossinge of this or booke & for writinge of ye gatheringe booke xvs
It'm pd for A supper for ye maisters of ye p'ishe At ye giveinge vpp of this or Accoumpt xxs
Some of this their Mighelmas q'ter is vli xvjs jd
Som'e Totall of or seconde yeares Receiptes Amounteth vnto ye some of xxxli vijd ob'.
Some Totall of our paymtes in this our seconde yeare Amounteth vnto the some of xxiiijli xviijs viijd
And so remayneth in or handes redie to be deliu'ed vnto the newe Churchewardens At the giveinge vpp of this our Accoumpte, this p'nt sonday the xviijth of ffebruary, 1581 the some of vli js xjd ob'

Made And examyned ye day And yeare Abouesaid by the mrs of the p'ishe hereunder named

p' me xp'oforu' Heyward
Thom's ffowler
John Colbrand
Wylly'm downes
william [mark] waters
John [mark] Earpe.
Peter [mark] Tonney
franc' haecks David [mark] Powell
thomas browne
John [mark] Trott
Cornelius [mark] Godfry.


  • 1. The total (84) is above the average.
  • 2. Coppyn (R.)
  • 3. Byrkott (R.)
  • 4. Should be "Buried."
  • 5. Wheatley (R.)
  • 6. Daughter of John Knolden (R.)
  • 7. Henshawe (R.)
  • 8. Hill (R.)
  • 9. Canve (R.)
  • 10. First mention in these accounts. According to a map made in 27 Eliz. this stretched westward as far as St. Martin's Lane.
  • 11. Hubbarde Clynton (R.)
  • 12. Sprowse (R.)
  • 13. Tho: Coggan de Charde in Comitate Somersett (R.)
  • 14. Tho: up Richarde (R.)
  • 15. Richard Hampden had been Parish Clerk till October, 1577, when the post was given to Richard Forrest, who agreed to pay 28s. a year as a pension for his predecessor (Vestry Minutes). The first of these payments is recorded on p. 304, Lady Day Quarter, 1578.
  • 16. Morris-pike, a large pike (Halliwell).
  • 17. A favourite place for tournaments, reviews and musters (London Past and Present).
  • 18. The earthquake, which damaged St. Paul's, occurred in April 1580. An "order of prayer and other exercises, upon Wednesdayes and Frydayes, to avert...God's wrath from us...threatned by the late...earthquake," was issued by authority.
  • 19. Hook.
  • 20. i.e. fastening leather covers on the clappers for tolling (N. and Q., 9th S., vi, 276, 394), or perhaps simply re-weighting the clappers.
  • 21. 9 cwt. 1 qr. 6 lbs.
  • 22. In 1588 he became parish clerk.
  • 23. Large nails.
  • 24. New pews.
  • 25. Clasps.
  • 26. qy. Cave; Register has Canve, cf. note 1, p. 317.
  • 27. qy. Avice Cannon (R.)
  • 28. "yt was night or her grace cam over beyond Sent Gylles in the feld by Colman hege." (vide p. 267, Diary of Henry Machyn, Camden Society, 1847).
  • 29. Raskell (R.)
  • 30. Wyesmith (R.)
  • 31. The total (about 110) is very considerably above normal. The Ratebook contains several references to "searchers," showing that the plague was in the parish.
  • 32. Result of the Recusancy Act of 23 Eliz.
  • 33. Baldrick.
  • 34. Plastering.