Accounts: December 1577 - December 1579

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1577 - December 1579', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: December 1577 - December 1579', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1577 - December 1579". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

December 1577 - December 1579

The accom[pte]

of Cornelius Godfrie and John [Erpe] Churchewardens of the Parrishe [of Sct] Martine in the ffeildes in the Countie of [Midd'] chosen and appoynted for the terme of twoo wh[ole] yeares, endinge in the ffeaste daie of the birth of [our] Lorde god, 1579, in the xxijtie yeare of the raiyne of [our] Sou'aigne Ladie Elizabeth the Queenes Matie th[at now is] aswell of the receiptes, as paiemtes and other chardges, by t[hem] receyved and paid (in the said twoo yeares) as p'ticulerlie [in this] Accompte is devided into twoo partes (that is to saie) the fi[rste] yeare, and seconde yeare, severallie, as more at lardge is expressed in this booke, and as hereafter followeth (That is to saie)

Johannes huntus Notarius. pu'cus. Scriptor hui[us]

The firste yeare. 1578.


Sct Martyne in the feyldes

Midd' The said Accomptantes chardge themselves wth the receipte of xvli vijd by them receyved of John Trotte and Willyam Wortely late Churchewardens of the p'ishe aforesaid, at their firste entrie into their office of Churchwardenshippe rbli [bijd]
Item Rec' of Mr Doctor Huicke for a yeres rente for the Chamber ou' the Churche layne Due at Christmas 1578 vjs viijd
It'm Rec' by gatheringe for the Clarke and Sextons wages for Pewes and rep'ac'ons of the Churche as by the gatheringe booke appeareth viijli xs xd (?)
It'm Rec' more for half of the Token mony xlvjs iijd ob' (?)
Sum' of the p'celles abouenamed Rec' in this firste yeare xxvjli iiijs vd ob'

Receiptes for burialles and knelles and sutche like in this firste yeare as ensueth

Christemas Quarter.

Decemb'r January In primis the xxiiijtie of December was buried Henry Darbie the worste clothe ijd
It'm the iijd of Januarie was buried Mabel brodebottome for the best clothe xxd & for ij payles (fn. 1) iiijd ijs
It'm the xjth of Januarie was buried Rose Wrighte nihil.
It'm the xvjth of Januarie was buried Anne Shawe the best clothe xxd the knell xiiijd and one peyle ijd iijs
p'tic'l'rs It'm the xviijth of Januarie was buried Robert Careles the Quenes Pinner (fn. 2) for breakinge the grownde in the Churche—vjs viijd for the best clothe xxd thafternoones knell—xiiijd and iiij peyles—viijd xs ijd
It'm the xix of Januarie was buried Edie Marten the worste clothe ijd
It'm the xxij of Januarie was buried Judith a frenchmans childe nihil.
It'm the xxiiij of Januarie was buried John wall the worste clothe ijd
It'm the xxviijth of Januarie was buried Luke Leonarde, the best clothe—xxd ij peiles [iiijd ijs
ffebruary It'm the firste of ffebruarie was bured Robert Hall, the worste clothe ijd
It'm the same daie was buried Anne Bennet A childe nic'.
It'm the xvth of ffebruarie was buried Margaret Goodman a childe nic'.
It'm the xx. of ffebruary was buried Elizabeth Hudson a Childe nic'.
It'm the same daie was buried Nathaniell bennet a childe nic'.
It'm the xxjth of ffebruarie was buried Johan bennet the worste clothe ijd
It'm the xxiij of ffebruarie was buried John Loder a childe nic'.
It'm the xxiij of ffebruarie was buried Anne Gelder from the Spittle nic'
It'm the xxvth of ffebruarie was buried Roger mathew that died in the street nic'
Marche It'm the first of m'che was buried m'garet perry a childe nic'
It'm the viijth of m'che was buried Barbara Hawkes a childe nic'
It'm the xiiijth of m'che was buried Jeames apprie a childe nic'
It'm the xvjth of m'che was buried Annes willyson the worste clothe ijd
It'm the xvijth of m'che was buried [blank] Payne a coblers wief the worst clothe ijd
Sum' of the Rec' for burialles in this first q'tr—xviijs iiijd
Sum' Pag'—xxvijli ijs ixd ob'

The firste yeare. 1578. Receiptes

Burialles in or Lady Daie quarter.

Marche In pris the xxvth Daie of marche was buryed Joh'n Peter the beste clothe—xxd and one peale ijd Coffened vjd ijs iiijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Leonard Collyns a gyrle nichil
Item the xxvjth Daie of marche was buryed Rob't Banfeild a child nichil
It'm the same Daie was buryed Susan Dadche a childe nic'
Aprill Item the second of Aprill was buryed wyddowe Powle oblin the best clothe xxd for twoo peales iiijd coffened vjd ijs vjd
Item the vijth Daie of Aprill was buryed a chrisome nic'.
Item the viijth Daie of Aprill was buryed Edy Cooke the worste clothe ijd
Item the xiiijth of Aprill was buryed Edy ffysher a child nic'
Item the xvijth of Aprill was buryed Johan Banfeild the wieffe of John Banfeilde the beste clothe xxd the afternoones knyll xiiijd ij peales iiijd coffened vjd iijs viijd
Item the xxjth of Aprill was buryed ffowke wedell the sonne of Jeffrey wedell a child nic'
Item the xxvth of Aprill was buryed william Browne the worste clothe ijd
Item the xxixth of Aprill was buryed Joh'n Atkins (fn. 3) the worste clothe ijd
Maye 4 Item the vth of Maye was buryed Barthilmewe Huishe (fn. 4) nic'
Item the iij of Maye was buryed Mary fforrest a childe nic'
Item the xiijth of Maye was buryed ffrances fforrest a gyrle nic'
Item the xiiijth of Maye was buryed Rose ffysher A childe nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Katheryn Jenkinson a childe nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Joyce Shipman the worste clothe ijd
Item the xvth of Maye was buryed Katheryn Dabbes the wieffe of Henry Dabbs the beste clothe xxd
Item the xvijth of Maye was buryed Alice fforrest the Clerkes wieffe nic'
Item the xxth Daie of Maye was buryed Joh'n Martyn a childe nic'
Item the xxjth of Maye was buryed Alice wandall A childe nic'.
Item the same Daie was buryed Joh'n Sallett cutler & collector for the poore the beste clothe xxd the afternoones knill xiiijd Coffened vjd ij pealles iiijd iijs viijd
Item the xxvth Daie of Maye was buryed Joh'n Barker A cobler nic'
Item the xxvijth of Maye was buryed Joh'n Wharton the queenes Mowleketcher (fn. 5) the best clothe xxd twoo peales iiijd the afternoones knell xiiijd & coffened vjd iijs viijd
Item the xxixth of Maye was buryed Mistris Hooke (fn. 6) the worste clothe ijd
June Item the ffyrste Daie of June was buryed Joh'n Taylor the worst clothe ijd & one peale ijd iiijd
Item the second of June was buryed Henry kinge the worste clothe ijd
Item the iij of June was buryed Roger Blague the worste clothe ijd
Item the vjth of June was buryed Rob't Pennythorne carpenter & hed borrowghe (fn. 7) of the p'ishe the best cloth xxd the grave in the churche vjs viijd, the afternoones knell xiiijd, iiij peales viijd. xs ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Peter Hobson a childe nic'
Item the xijth of June was buryed Humfrey Powell Mr Powell's sonne the beste clothe xxd, the grownde in the churche vjs viijd, ij peales iiijd viijs viijd
Item the xviijth of June was buryed Richard Powell the best clothe xxd xxd
Sum'e of Rec' of or. said Lady Daie q'ter—xxxixs vjd

Burialls in Mydsomer q'ter 1578

Julie In primis the xxiiijth of June was Buryed Mary Twyford a childe nic'
Item the xxvth of June was buryed Joh'n garrett nic'
Item the vth of July was buryed Arnold Twyford A child nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Anne Hopwood A child nic'
Item the vjth of July was buryed Nicholas Gaton a poore man nic'
Item the xiijth of July was buryed A chrisome childe nic'
Item the xvjth of July was buryed Edward Twyford A childe nic'
Item the xxth of July was buryed Jesper waler a childe nic'
Item the xxijth of July was buryed Mary ffletcher a childe nic'
Item the xxvth of July was buryed Johan Phillips a poore woman nic'
Item the xxviijth of July was buryed Stephen Stone the beste clothe xxd and ij peales iiijd ijs

The firste yere. 1578. Receiptes Burialls in Mydsomer q'ter.

Auguste Item the iij of August was buryed ffraunces Style a poore childe nic'
Item the iiijth of August was buryed Mary Colshill for ij peales iiijd
Item the vjth of August was buryed Jane Stockdale a childe nic'
Item the vijth of August was buryed Thomas Norman a poore boye nic'
Item the viijth of August was buryed Cornelius Stephenson a childe nic'
Item the xth was buryed wm Jones the afternoones knell xiiijd & ij peales iiijd the beste clothe xxd and coffened vjd iijs viijd
Item the xvijth daie of August was buryed Elizabeth Hamden a childe nic'
Item the xxth daie of August was buryed Alice Hollawaye a childe nic'
Item the xxiijth of August was buryed Anne Gadberry the worste clothe ijd, ij peales iiijd vjd
Item the same daie was buryed Trewe Lighte (fn. 8) a child nic'
Item the xxvijth of August was buryed Joh'n Meekyn a childe nic'
Item the xxviijth of August was buryed ffraunces Barnett a childe nic'
September Item the iij of September was buryed Joh'n Jones the worst clothe ijd and coffened vjd and one peale ijd xd
Item the vjth of September was buryed William ffletcher the beste clothe xxd
Item the vijth of September was buryed Margaret Hollowell (fn. 9) a childe nic'
Item the xvth of September was buryed Susan clarke the worste clothe ijd
Item the xvjth of September was buryed John Hardynge a poore man nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed MrDerrickes man nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Anne Hardyng A childe nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Barthilmewe knowlden a boye nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Dorethy ffletcher a childe nic'
It'm the xxijth Daie of September was buryed Richard Laborne the beste clothe xxd ij peales iiijd coffened vjd ijs vjd
Item the xxvjth of September was buryed ffraunces Lea the worste clothe ijd
Item the xxvijth of September was buryed Alice kinge nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed George Myddleton the worste clothe ijd
Sum'e Rec' of the said Mydsom' q'ter—xijs

Buryalls in Mighelmas q'ter 1578.

October Item the ffyrste Daie of October was buryed Mawde Hill A childe nic'
Item the second of October was buryed Thomas Hollowell the beste clothe xxd twoo peales iiijd Coffened vjd ijs vjd
Item the same Daie was buryed Thomas Steward A childe nic'
Item the iij of October was buryed William Pansfeild the best clothe xxd & ij peales iiijd ijs
Item the iiijth Daie of October was buryed Neme Dobaye (fn. 10) the worst clothe ijd & coffened vjd viijd
Item the same Daie was buryed xp'ofer ffaythold a childe nic'
Item the vjth was buryed [Dorothe] ffletcher a childe nic'
Item the vijthof October was buryed Jane Clarke a childe the worste clothe ijd& coffened vjd viijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Katheryn Pytcher A childe nic'
Item the ixth of October was buryed MrWilliam Hollycon s'vant to the queenes Matie the grownde in the churche viijs, the beste clothe xxd, the afternoones knill xiiijd, ij peales iiijd xjs ijd
Item the xijth of October was buryed william wandoll A childe nic'
Item the xiiijth of October was buryed one william the worste clothe ijd
Item the xvth of October was buryed Dorethy wood a childe nic'
It'm the same Daie was buryed Garret Parys the worste clothe ijd
Item the xxth of October was buryed Thomas Michell the worste clothe ijd
It'm the xxjth of October was buryed Wyddowe Vssher the beste clothe xxd, the afternoones knell xiiijd, the grave vjs viijd, iiij peales viijd iiijs
Item the xxiiijth of October was buryed Joh'n kinge the worste clothe ijd & coffened vjd viiid
Item the same Daie was buryed Agnes Hartley a childe nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed A yonge man owte of St. James ffeild nic'
Item the xxviijthwas buryed Neme Pattricke (fn. 11) wyddowe the beste clothe xxd, the afternoones knell xiiijd, iij peales vjd, & coffened vjd iijs xd
Item the same Daie was buryed Edward Whittle (fn. 12) a childe nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Richard wante (fn. 13) from the Spittle nic'
Item the same Daie was Joh'n kinges child A Crisome nic'
Item the xxixth was buryed one katheryn [blank] A childe nic'
Item the xxxjth was buryed Richard kinge A childe nic'
.Item the same Daie was buryed Alice Johnson A childe nic'

The firste yere. 1578. Receiptes Buryalls in mighlemas q'ter.

november Inprimis the fyrste of November was buryed Joh'n Collyns the worste clothe ijd
Item the vjth of November was buryed Wm Stowe the grownde in the churche vjs viijd, the best clothe xxd. the afternoone knell xiiijd, iij peales vjd not paid nic'
Item the xiijthof November was buryed Rob't Mylls the beste clothe xxd, ij peales iiijd coffened vjd ijs vjd
Item the xiiijth of November was buryed Jeffrey Staunford a poore man nic'
Item the xvth of November was buryed Joh'n wood the worste clothe ijd & one peale ijd iiijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Ellyn Apprice a childe nic'
Item the xxijth of November was buryed Agnes Crowder the worste clothe ijd coffened vjd one peale ijd xd
Item the xxxth of November was buryed [Johan'es] Coppyn a child nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Rachell Martyn a childe nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Christyan Stowe the worste clothe ijd & one peale ijd iiijd
December Item the fyrste Daie was buryed Joh'n Dickinson a child nic'
Item the iij Daie of December was buryed Neme weste a childe nic'
Item the iiijth of December was buryed William Stowe (fn. 14) a bastard nic'
Item the vth of December was buryed Peter of Anwarpe (fn. 15) the worste clothe ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Thomas Vssher the beste clothe xxd, the afternoones knell xiiijd, coffened vjd, and iiij peales viijd iiijs
Item the same Daie was buryed Katheryn Bridgman from the Spittle nic'
Item the vijth of December was buryed Elizabeth Neale the beste clothe xxd & coffened vjd ijs ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed A poore woman owte of the feild nic'
Item the viijth Daie of December was buryed Joh'n Lyngarde a boye nic'
Item the xjth of December was buryed Joh'n Cop'yn a childe nic'
Item the xiijth of December Mathewe kytchen an Irishe boye owte of the feildes nic'
Item the xiiijth of December was buryed katheryn Richardson the worste clothe ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Thomas [Up Richarde] a boye nic'
Item the xixth of December was buryed Mary [Cancke] the worste clothe ijd
Item the xxth of December was buryed Anne Hodges a childe nic'
Som'e R' in the said Mighlemas q'ter—xxxvjs xd
Som'eReceiptes for buryalls (fn. 16) the said fyrst yere—vli vjs viijd
Som'e totall (fn. 17) of Receiptes in this there fyrst yere together wth the xvli vijd Rec' of thother churchwardens at there fyrst entrance into there said office amowntethe to xxxijli xjs jd ob'


The saide Accomptantes Demaunde allowance for ymploymtes and chardges by them paid & Disbursed for thuse of the Churche & other ordynary & extraordynary chardges in this there fyrst yere Anno 1578 as p'ticulerly in there seu'all places ys recyted in the contentes hereof as ffollowethe.

(That ys to saie)

Paymentes in or Lady Daie quarter 1578.

Inprimis lend to Harrold Bingham by the consente of the Masters of the p'ishe ixli
Item lente to father ffuller by there consente xxs whereof gathered xjs and so reste ixs
Item for ij baldreckes iiijs
Item pd for caryinge of the gonnes vjd
Item pd to the Clerke for his wages xiijs
Item pd to Hamdon (fn. 18) for his wages vijs
Item pd for A newe bell rope xxd
Item pd for A paper booke xijd
Item pd for ij baldreckes iiijs
Item pd for pavinge of A grave in the southe Ile the xxviijth of January viijd
Item pd for iij sackes of Lyme vjd
Item pd to the sexten for his wages xs
Item pd for A quyre of paper iiijd
Item pd for Rynginge for the queene the xixth of ffebruarye viijd

The firste yere. 1578. paymtes

Paymentes in or Ladye Daye quarter

Item paid for wasshinge of the churche lyn'en xvjd
Item pd for kepinge of the clocke xxd
Item pd for broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd for oyle for the clocke iiijd
Item pd for the mendinge of ij foormes xijd
Item pd for or Dynner the same Daie as the sidemen and we were sworne at Mr Earpes howse xiiijs
Som'e of or Lady Day q'ter xijli xiiijs vd Item another tyme pd for or Dynner at Nicholas Christyan his howse ijs vjd
paymentes Item pd for a Drynckinge in an afternoone betweene goodman Stowell & a woman towchinge there agreamte at Mr Earpes howse xijd
n Mydsom' q'ter It'm pd when we were sente for to the bisshop' by his pursefante (fn. 19) xvjd
Item pd the same tyme for or oothes viijd
Item pd to him that kepte the Doore as his Dutie xijd
Item pd the same tyme at Raphe Sympsons for A drinckinge ijs vjd
Item pd for iiij ropes for the bells vjs viijd
Item pd for A basket vjd
Item pd to the Clarke for his wages xiijs
Item pd to Hamden for his wages vijs
Item pd to the sexton for his wages xs
Item pd for kepinge of the Clocke to the sexten xxd
Item pd for wasshinge of the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd for pavinge of A grave the iiij of July in the Myddle Ile viijd
Item pd for pavinge ij graves in the Sowthe Ile xvjd
Item pd for broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd for oyle for the clocke iiijd
Item pd for iiij sackes of Lyme viijd
Item pd for makinge of A key viijd
om'e of lydsom' q'ter xlixs vijd Som'e Paymtes this Or Lady Daie q'ter and Mydsom' quarter xvli iiijs

Paymentes in Mighlemas quarter .1578.

Inprimis pd for a Baldrecke ijs
Item pd to Sexe for mendinge of A locke and for makinge of iij newe keyes ijs
Item pd for mendinge the beare xvjd
Item pd for nayles to mende the belfrey xd
Item pd for A quyer of Paper iiijd
Item pd for or Dynner when we gave vp or p'ntemte at Mr Cornelius howse iiis iiijd
Item pd the same Daie com'ynge home from Strande xvjd
Item pd to the Clarke for his wages xiijs
Item pd to Hamden for his wages vijs
Item pd to the sexten for his wages xs
Item pd for kepinge the clocke xxd
Item pd for iij sackes of Lyme vjd
Item pd for wasshinge the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd for pavinge of ij graves in the churche xvjd
Item pd for oyle for the Clocke iijd
Item pd for A quyer of paper iiijd
Item pd for A staffe broome ijd
Item pd for Broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd at the grey hounde when Mr controller Mr Colbran Mr Downes and the sidemen and others beinge together abovte matters for the church in bread & [wyne then ijs vjd
Som'e paymentes of this Mighlemas quarter 7s xlixs vjd

The firste yere .1578. paymentes

Paymentes in Christmas quarter

Inprimis pd the vijth Daie of November for or Dynners when the sidemen & we wente to gyve vp or p'ntemte to St Clementes ixs iiijd
Item pd to Mr Rachell for A bill to gather for Browne of Shrewsbury (fn. 20) vjd
Item pd to the Sexten for rynginge for the queene the xvijth of November iiijs iiijd
Item pd for A Bell rope. xxd
Item pd for mendinge of the Beare iijs
Item pd for mendinge of A foorme xijd
It'm for wasshinge the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd to the Sexten for kepinge the Clocke xxd
Item pd for Holly and Ivye xvjd
Item pd for iiij sackes of Lyme viijd
Item pd for broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd for oyle for the Clocke iijd
Item pd for a pownde of Candles iijd
Item pd for pavinge of A grave in the Myddle Ile the xvjth of December viijd
Item pd for pavinge of A grave in the Sowthe Ile viijd
Item pd to the Clarke for his wages xiijs
Item pd to Hamden vijs
Item pd to Mr waters for kepinge clene of the harnes xs
Item pd to the Sexten for his wages xs
Item pd to Mathewe Clarke for kepinge the Clocke vjs viijd
Som'e paymentes of this Christmas q'ter—iijli xiijs vijd
Some Total of the ffyrst yeres Receiptes wthe the xvli vijd Rec' at the entringe in of there Chardge amountethe to the som'e of xxxjli. xjs. jd ob'
Some generall of the paymtes Disbursed in this fyrste yere amounteth to the som'e of xxjli. vijs. jd ob'
So Restethe in or Handes vnaunsweared for havinge Receyved more this fyrste yere then hathe ben ymployed otherwise in this or fyrste yeres accompte the iuste Som'e of xli iiijs ob'
Receiptes The seconde yeare .1579.

The accompte of Cornelyus Godfrey and John Earpe Churchwardens aforesaid for the second yere of there office havinge com'encemte from the feaste of the Byrthe of or Lord god 1578 and endinge on the same feaste of or Lord god 1579 aswell of Receiptes as paymtes by them receyved and expended in this there said second yere as p'ticulerly in this accompte in there seu'all titles natures and kyndes more fullie and playnlie Dothe & maye appeare as followethe, viz


The saide Accomptantes chardge them selves wth the remaynder and overplus of the receiptes vnaunswered in there said fyrste yeres accompte As by the same Dothe appeare the iuste som'e of xli. iiijs.
Inprimis Receyved of Mr Doctor Huicke for one yeres rente for the Chamber over the churche Lane Due at Christmas Laste 1579 vjs viijd
Item Receyved for Clarke and Sextens wages for pewes Rep'ac'ons of the churche by the gatherynge booke As by the same maye appeare the som'e of viijli xs xd
Item Rec' more for half of the token money xlvjs iiijd
Item Receyved of MrDarloe-vjs, of MrTrotte-vjs, & of Henry Stephenson-vjs wch was for James Spice (fn. 21) xviijs
Som'e of the Receiptes of the p'cells above named ys—xxijli vs xd

Receiptes for buryalls (fn. 22) knells and suche like in this second yere as followethe

Christmas Quarter

December Inprimis the xxvijth of December was buryed Richard Rice A childe nic'
Item the Laste Daie of December was buryed Edward Hobson the worst clothe ijd
S'ma Pag' [£22. 6s.]

The seconde yere .1579. Receiptes Burialls in Christmas quarter.

January Item the iiijth of January was buryed Davy Apple a bastard nic'
Item the vjth of January was buryed Mary Downes the afternoones knell xiiijd, ij peales iiijd, the worste clothe ijd, and coffened vjd ijs ijd
Item the vijth of January was buryed Mr Andrewe Sylvertopp for breakinge the grownde in the churche viijs, the afternoones knell xiiijd, iiij peales viijd ixs xd
Item the viijth was buried Mary yan a childe nic'
Item the ixth of January was buryed Thomas Goodacres the worste clothe ijd
Item the xth of January was buryed James Harman the best clothe xxd, the after noones knell xiiijd, iiij peales viijd, coffened vjd iiijs
Item the xxvth of January was buryed Joh'n Smythicke a poore child from ye spyttle nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Thomas Brales the worste clothe ijd
ffebruary Item the vijth of ffebruary was buryed Joh'n Berte (fn. 23) the worste clothe ijd
Item the viijth of ffebruary was Buryed Thomas Hall the beste clothe xxd
Item the xvjth was buryed a crisome childe nic'
Item the xviijth of ffebruary was buryed A crisome child nic'
Item the xxth of ffebruary was buryed ffrances wedall a gyrle nic'
Item the xxvijth of ffebruary was buryed Joh'n Geno a childe nic'
Marche Item the vth of Marche was buryed Margeryt Hunte a childe nic'
Item the ixth of Marche was buryed Sr Nicholas Bacon (fn. 24) Late Lord keper of the greate Seale of England the best clothe xxd, the whole daies knell ijs iiijd, vj peales xijd vs
Item the xvijth of Marche was buryed Elizabeth Gubbe (fn. 25) the best clothe xxd nic'
Item the xviijth of Marche was buryed Thomas Moore the best clothe xxd, ij peales iiijd ijs
Item the xxiijth of Marche was buryed Thomas Abell the worste clothe ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Abraham Higgins the worste clothe ijd
Som'e of Receiptes of the said Christmas q'ter—xxvs viijd

Buryalls in or Lady Daie q'ter

Aprill Inprimis the iijth of Aprill was buryed Susan Bend A crisome nic'
Item the vijth of Aprill was buryed A crisome nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Elizabeth Shortredd the best clothe xxd, coffened vjd and ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
Item the xvjth of Aprill was buryed Henry yemongham (fn. 26) the worst clothe ijd & onepeale ijd iiijd
Item the xvijth of Aprill was buryed Agnes Owen owte of the feild nic'
Item the xviijth of Aprill was buryed Agnes Grenebancke owte of the feild nic'
Item the xixth of Aprill was buryed [Catherine] ffysher nic'
Item the xxiiijth of Aprill was buryed Margaret Harryson from the spittle the beste clothe xxd & ij peales iiijd ijs
Maye Item the ixth of Maye was buryed Mary fforrest a child nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed William Meller the worste clothe ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Jo'an Bagnall for breakinge the grownde in the churche vjs viijd, the beste clothe xxd, and ij peales iiijd viijs viijd
Item the xiijth of Maye was buryed Elizabeth Meller a childe nic'
Item the xixth of Maye was buryed Johan Ingram one peale ijd
Item the xxiijth of Maye was buryed Isbell Wilkinson A gyrle nic'
June Item the vth of June was buryed Joh'n Bradshawe Alebruer the afternoones knell xiiijd, the worste clothe ijd, ij peales iiijd, and coffened vjd ijs ijd
Item the same Daie was buryed William Wakrell iij peales vjd, Coffened vjd and the worste clothe ijd xiiijd
Item the viijth of June was buryed Ananias Wilson a childe nic'
Item the xixth of June was buryed Henry Powell A poore man nic'
Some of Receiptes of or said Lady Daie q'ter—xvijs ijd

The seconde yere. 1579. Receiptes

Buryalls in Mydsom' q'ter

June Inprimis the xxvijth of June was buryed A poore man owte of the feildes whose name we knowe not nic'
Item the same Daie was buryed Alexander Bayly a child nic'
Julie Item the iijde of July was buryed Joh'n Owen the worste clothe ijd, ij peales iiijd vjd
Item the iiijth of July was buryed Katheryn Bickerstaffe nic'
Item the vth of July was buryed William Cocke (fn. 27) the worste clothe ijd
Item the vjth was buryed William [blank] nic'
Item the viijth of July was buryed Joh'n Peterffeild the worste clothe ijd and Coffened vjd viijd
Item the xiijth of July was buryed Christyan Archer the worste clothe ijd ijd
Item the xvth of July was buryed A Crisome nic'
Item the xxijth of July was buryed Thomas Mericke A childe nic'
Item the laste of July was buryed Edward Bakehawse A childe nic'
Item the second of Auguste was buryed Luce Bocher (fn. 28) the beste clothe xxd, the forenoones knell xiiijd, ij peales iiijd & coffened vjd iiijs vjd
Item the xjth of Auguste was buryed Rob't Lenwood (fn. 29) the best clothe xxd, one peale ijd xxijd
Item the xijth of August was buryed A Crisome nic'
Item the xvjth of August was buryed Margaret Gyet A child nic'
September Item the iijde of September was buryed Garret ffolken the best clothe xxd, coffened vjd and ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
Item the vth of September was buryed A Crisome nic'
Item the vjth of September was buryed Thomas Gerves from the spyttle nic'
Item the vijth of September was buryed Edward Smalewood the worst clothe ijd
Item the xiijth of September was buryed Hoyes Willi'mson the worste clothe ijd, Coffened vjd & one peale ijd xd
Item the xxiijth of September was buryed Margaret wikes A childe nic'
Item the xxiiijth of September was buryed [Elizabeth Willowes] A childe nic'
Item the xxvjth of September was buryed William Stokes A poore man nic'
Some of Receiptes of this Mydsom' q'ter—xjs iiijd

Buryalls in Mighlemas quarter

October In primis the iijde of October was Buryed yeme Hodges the worste clothe ijd
Item the ixth of October was buryed Johan James from the Spittle nic'
Item the xixth of October was buryed Elizabeth Arnoll for breakinge the grownde in the churche vjs viijd, the beste clothe ijs, the knill xiiijd, iij peales vjd xs iiijd
November Item the vjth of November was buryed Margaret Harman the best clothe xxd, the forenoones knell xiiijd, one peale ijd, and coffened vjd iijs vjd
Item the xth of November was buryed Luce Linge (fn. 30) the grave vjd, the knell xiiijd xd
Item the xiijth of November was buryed Thomas Degell (fn. 31) the worste clothe ijd
Item the xvjth of November was buryed Thomas Gravener the knells ijs iiijd the beste clothe ijs, iiij peales viijd vs
Item the xxiiijth of November was buryed Joh'n Stone A childe nic'
Item the xxvth of November was buryed Rob't Hadon A childe nic'
Item the xxviijth of November was buryed Clare Take the best clothe xxd, one peale ijd, coffened vjd ijs iiijd
Item the same Daie was buryed Joh'n fforton the worst cloth ijd & coffened vjd viijd
December Item the vth of December was buryed Anne weston the worst clothe ijd
Item the viijth of December was buryed Jane White the worst cloth ijd & one peale ijd iiijd
Item the xjth of December was buryed Joh'n Browne from the spittle nic'
Som'e Rec' in this Mighlemas q'ter for buryalls ys—xxvs iiijd
Som'e Rec' for buryalls in or second yere ys—iijli xixs vjd
Som'e Totall of Receiptes in this or Second yere together wth the ixli js ob' (fn. 32) remayninge in or Handes vnaunswered in or fyrst yeres accompte ys xxvjli vs vd


The seconde yere .1579. paymentes

The saide Accomptantes Demaunde allowance for Disbursemtes and expences by them ymployed and expended for the vse of the churche and other ordynary and extraordynary chardges in this there second yere Anno 1578, and 1579, as p'ticulerly in there seu'll places in the contentes hereof nowe followinge at lardge appeareth (That is to saie)

Paymentes in or Lady Daie quarter.

Inprimis paid for ringinge for the queene the xxiiijth Daie of January at her com'ynge to Whitehall viijd
Item pd the xxiiijth of Marche for pavinge a grave in the southe Ile of the churche viijd
Item pd for iiij sackes of lyme viijd
Item pd to the Sexten for kepinge the clocke xxd
Item pd for wasshinge of the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd for broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd for oyle for the clocke iijd
Item pd for A Claps (fn. 33) for the Pulpet iijd
Item pd for A baldrecke for the forebell ijs
Item pd for A rope for the forebell, an other for the Sance bell and one for the clocke weyinge in all xxli vs
Item pd for C di' of pavinge tyle & for the Caryadge of the same by water ixs iijd
Item pd for A loade of sande viijd
Item pd to Hamden for his wages vijs
Item pd to the Clerke for his wages xiijs
Item pd to the Sexten for his wages xs
Item pd for A quyer of Paper iiijd
Som'e paymentes of this or Lady Daie q'ter—liijs

Paymentes in Mydsomer quarter.

Inprimis pd the ijde of Maye to the crowne office for the inditemte for ye p'ishe xxvijs iiijd
Item pd the same daie for A staple for the weste gate of the churche yard & for other thinges xvjd
Item pd the xxijth of June for ij baldreckes iiijs
Item pd for A rynge & a pynge for one of the baldreckes vjd
Item pd the xxvth of June for A key for the west gate in the churche yarde and for mendinge the locke xiiijd
Item pd for A quyer of Paper iiijd
Item pd for A booke of Articles vjd
Item pd the xviijth of June for sweringe of Nicholas Christyan viijd
Item pd for rynginge for the queene at her goinge to wynsor the xxviijth of Aprill viijd
Item pd for rynginge for the queene the ij of Maye at her com'ynge from Wansted (fn. 34) to Whitehall viijd
Item pd the same Daie for ij sackes of lyme iiijd
Item pd for A loade of Sande viijd
Item pd for broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd for A rope xxd
Item pd for oyle for the clocke ijd
Item pd for washinge the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd for kepinge the clocke xxd
Item pd for gresse for the bells iijd
Item pd the xxvjth of June for rynginge for the queene at her comynge from Wansted vnto Whitehall viijd
Item pd for rynginge for the queene the ij of July at her goinge awaie from White hall to grenewch viijd
Item pd for the Clerkes wages xiijs
Item pd to Hamden vijs
Item pd the Sexton for his wages xs
Som'e paymtes in this Mydsom' q'ter—iijli xvs vjd

The seconde yeare. 1579. paymentes

Paymentes in Mighlemas quarter

Inprimis pd the xth of July for fetchinge owte the first coppies for the viccar xviijd
Item pd to him that sat wth Mr Rochells the same tyme xvjd
Item pd the xxiiijth of July to Mr Rochell for Drawinge owte the coppyes iiijs xjd
Item pd to his man xijd
Item Laid owte when Mr Rochell and Mr Water Cutler and we were at the Pole head ijs
Item Laid owte the vjth of auguste in ffyshestreete ijs ijd
Item Laid owte the xiijth of Auguste in bread and wyne when Mr Gravet (fn. 35) did preache xijd
It'm pd the xijth of September for A baldrecke and A rope iijs viijd
Item pd the xvjth of September for A baldrecke ijs
Item spente the xxjth of September for or Dynner at Mr Cornelius howse when we came from St Clementes ixs
Item pd for iiij sackes of Lyme viijd
Item pd to the Clerke for his wages xiijs
Item pd for pavinge the side of the churche xxijd
Item pd to Hamden vijs
Item pd to the Sexton for his wages xs
Item pd to A key to the churche doore xijd
Item pd to A baldrecke ijs
Item pd to iij ropes vs
Item pd to the Sexton for kepinge the Clocke xxd
Item pd for washinge of the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd for broomes for the churche iijd
Item pd for oyle for the clocke ijd
Som'e paymentes of this Mighlemas q'ter—iijli xijs vjd

paymentes in christmas q'ter.

Inprimis pd for A bald rope (fn. 36) vppon symon & Jude Daie ijs
Item pd the xvijth of November for iij ropes iijs iiijd
Item pd the xvijth of November for rynginge for the queene iiijs xd
Item pd for iij C of tyles for the churche vs
Item pd to belles (fn. 37) for footinge of A foorme & mendinge the Pewes ijs xd
Item pd for mendinge of A locke and A key xvjd
Item pd for A lode of Sande viijd
Item pd for mendinge of certen glasse abowte the churche ixs iiijd
It'm pd to Olyver for A lode of Lyme for tylinge the churche xiiijd
Item pd for iiij sackes of Lyme viijd
Item pd the xxth of December for pavinge of A grave in the myddle Ile of the churche viijd
Item pd to the Laborer for ij daies worke for tylinge of the churche iijs viijd
Item pd the xxijth of December for rynginge for the queene at her com'ynge from grenewch to Whitehall viijd
Item pd for A quyer of Paper iiijd
Item pd to the Clarke for his wages xiijs
Item pd to Water Cutler for makinge Cleane of the Harnes xs
Item pd to Mathew Clarke for kepinge the Clocke vjs viijd
Item pd to Hamden vijs
Item pd to the Sexton for his wages xs
Item pd for washinge the churche Lynen xvjd
Item pd for kepinge the clocke xxd
Item pd for broomes for the Churche iiijd
Item pd for oyle for the clocke ijd
Item pd for Holly and Ivye for the churche xvjd
Item pd to Joh'n Hunte Scr' for engrossinge or booke xxs
Item pd for A Supper for the Maisters of the p'ishe at the gyvinge vp of or accompte xxs
Som'e paymtes of this Christmas q'ter—vjli viijs
Som'e Totall of the paymtes of this or Second yere—xvjli ixs
Som'e of the Receiptes of this or seconde yere ys only the true som'e of xvjli js iiijd ob'
Som'e of the Receiptes and chardge of the Second yere together wth the xli iiijs ob' vnaunswered in or fyrste yeres accompte ys xxvjli vs vd
Som'e of the paymtes made in this or second yere amountethe to the som'e of xvjli vjs
So Remaynethe in or handes vndisbursed ixli xixs vd
Som'e Totall of all the Receiptes in this or saide twoo yeres accompte over and besides one obligacon of Mr Nightingale for the paymte of ixli wch was lente to Mr Bingham And wch bonde ys nowe redy to be delyu'ed to the vse of the p'ishe amountethe to the som'e of xlvijli xijs vjd
Som'e generall of the paymtes by vs ymployed Duringe the chardge of or accompte for twoo yeres ys xxxvijli xiijs jd
So Restethe in or Handes nowe redy to be delyu'ed to the newe churchewardens the daie & yere aforesaide aswell the said Obligacon of ixli a note of Arrerages by vs lefte vngathered vp by or tyme As also in redye moneye wch altogether in money and valewe amounteth to the som'e of xxvli xiiijs viijd


The saide Obligacon to be recou'ed as due Debte amountethe to the som'e of ixli
Also in Arrerages As by the said note Appearethe the iuste som'e of vjli xvs iijd
And finally in redy money nowe redy to be delyu'ed to the saide newe churchewardens at the yeldinge vp of this or accompte ixli xixs vd

[mark] Thom's ffowler
ffranc' haeck
Wyll'm Downes
Anthony harris
Christofer Heyward vicar
David [mark] Powell
John Colbrand
Wyll'm Wortlay
Wyll'm Jesper
By me Edward Stylkrag


  • 1. Peals.
  • 2. qy. Pinmaker, or maker of pinners, i.e. the cloth round the neck of a lady's dress (Halliwell).
  • 3. Atkinson (R.)
  • 4. Hewes (R.)
  • 5. Mole-catcher.
  • 6. alias Huicke (R.)
  • 7. vide note 1, p. 266.
  • 8. Probably an illegitimate child or a foundling.
  • 9. Hollowaye (R.)
  • 10. Emma Dubba (R.)
  • 11. Emma Fife (R.)
  • 12. Wheatley (R.)
  • 13. Vaunt (R.)
  • 14. Stowell (R.)
  • 15. qy. Antwerp. Register says "Petrus a Dutchema'."
  • 16. The plague was severe this year. The total of burials in St. Martin's was at least 70 above the average.
  • 17. vide p. 306; according to the summary it should be "xjs" but might, from the writing, as well be xij or xiij.
  • 18. vide note I, p. 318.
  • 19. Pursuivant.
  • 20. The practice of getting a brief, or licence to beg, became a nuisance in the next century. Pepys recorded his objection to the system.
  • 21. vide n. 2, p. 298.
  • 22. The burial total (75) is almost normal.
  • 23. qy. Tho: Byrrett (R.)
  • 24. Father of Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Albans, who was baptised at St. Martin's on Jan. 25, 1560–1. Sir Nicholas was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral (Nat. Dict. Biog.)
  • 25. Guppe (R.)
  • 26. Mongham (R.)
  • 27. Cooke (R.)
  • 28. Lucia Butcher (R.)
  • 29. Middlesex County Sessions Records, 21 Eliz. Lenwood and others exchanged "contumelious words" at a tavern in the parish and went out and fought; Lenwood was killed.
  • 30. Livinge (R.)
  • 31. Duglesse (R.)
  • 32. Should be £10 4s.
  • 33. Clasp.
  • 34. The seat of the Earl of Leicester.
  • 35. Probably Wm. Gravet, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, Holborn, 1566–1599 (Nov. Repert. Lond. ed. Hennessy).
  • 36. i.e. baldrick.
  • 37. i.e. Bellowes.