Accounts: March 1532 - March 1534

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: March 1532 - March 1534', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: March 1532 - March 1534', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: March 1532 - March 1534". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

March 1532 - March 1534

Thys ys the accompte of vs Willyam

Clarke and Rob't Wyar Wardeynes of the parisshe Churche of Saynt Martens in the ffelde, by Charyncrose in the Countie of Midd's' electe and choson by the consent of the hole bodie of the same parishe ffrome the ffest of Than'nciacõn of or blessed Ladie Saynt Mary the Virgyn in the yere of oure Lorde god Ml CCCCCxxxjti And in the xxiijth yere of the Reigne of or Sou'aigne lorde Kyng Henry the viijth vnto the same ffest of or blessed ladye in the yere of or Lorde God MlCCCCC and xxxiijti And in the xxvth yere of the Reigne of oure said Sou'aigne Lorde Kyng Henry the Eight. hereafter ensuyth, That is to wett, by the Space of twoo hole yerys co'plet. (fn. 1)

Receyts for the fyrste yere for Burialles Obytts And Knellys
Anno p'mo In p'mis Receued the ijde day of Aprell for the midle lightys at the Bvryall of Rob't Penythorns Chylde viijd
Item Receued the xixth day of Aprell for the great lightts at the Buryall of Sir Will'm Pargyter and for. iiij. Torches iiijs
Item Receued the same day for Sir Will'm Pargytors knell xijd
Item Receued the iiijth day of Maye for too smayll lights for A poore woman that dyed in the Strett ijd
Item receued the xth day of June for the greate lights and. iiij. Torches at the buryall of George Semer iiijs
Item Receued the same day for George Semers knell xijd
Item Receued the same day for George Semers Pytt made withein the Churche vjs viijd
Item Receued the viijth day of Julij for the smayll lights at the Buryall of A mayden out of my Lorde of Dvrams place (fn. 2) iiijd
Item Receued the xixth day of Julij for the Smayll lightys at the Bvriall of Peter Johnsons Chylde iiijd
Som' Receued on this syed—xviijs ijd
Item Receued the iiijth day of August for the Smayll lightis At the buriall of Johan' Cobler xijd
Item Receued the xviijth day of August for the greate lights At the buriall of the goodman Lambes wyff iijs
Item Receued the xixth of August for the too smayll lights At the buriall of the goodman Wyrdos Childe iiijd
Item Receued the xxth Day of August for the greate lights and .iiij. Torches At the yeres mynde of Henry Went iiijs
Item Receued the ijde day of Septemb'r for the smayll lights and iiij Torches At the mounthe mynde of Johan' Cobler ijs viijd
Item Receued the iijde day of Septemb'r for the ij smayll lights At the buriall of Wyrdros Childe iiijd
Item Receued the xth day of Septemb'r ffor the smayll lights At the Buryall of the good man Smarte viijd
Item Receued the xviijth day of Septemb'r for the too smayll lights At the buriall of Henry Millers saru'nt ijd
Item Receued the xxvijth day of Septemb'r for the too smayll lights At the buryall of Nycholas Dowsis saru'nt iiijd
Item Receued the xxxth day of Septemb'r for the iiij smayll lightes At the Buriall of Master Stokwodes saru'nt viijd
Item Receued the xxxti day of September for the .ij. smayll lightes At the Buryall of A man out of Henry Myllars howse iiijd
Item Receued the xxxti day of Septemb'r for the iiij lightes At the buriall of A man out of Henry Millars howse xijd
Item Receued the ffirst day of Octob'r for the lights and the Torches At the buryall of Rob't Wyars s'u'nt xvjd
Item Receued the xvij day of Octob'r for the .iiij. smayll lights At the burying of Rob't Wilsons Childe viijd
Item receued the viijth day of Octob'r for the great lights and the Torches At the Buryall of A straunger out of John Goffes howse iiijs
Som' Receued on this syed—xxs vjd
Item Receued the same day for the same Straungers knell xijd
Item Receued the ixth day of Octob'r for the .ij. smayll lightis At the buryall of Nicholas Clarks mayed iiijd
Item Receued the xiiijth of Octob'r for the greate lightys At the Buryall of one of master Stokwodes Saru'nt ijs
Item Receued xviijth day of Octob'r ffor the iiij smayll lights At the Buryall of Rob't Wyers saru'nt viijd
Item Receued on Alhalon day for the gret lights At the yeres mynd of the Wydow callyd the good Wyff Arnolde iijs iiijd
Item Receued the xxiijth day of Octob'r for the ij smayll lightis At the Buryall of master Hallis mayden iiijd
Item Receued the xxiiijth day of Octob'r for the too smayll lightis At the buryall of Another mayden of master Hallis iiijd
Item Receued the xxviijth of Octob'r for the great lights and the Torches At the yeres mynd of Rob't Arnolde iijs iiijd
Item Receued the ffirste day of Noue'b'r for the ij smayll lights At the buriall of one of master Stokwodes saru'nt iiijd
Item Receued the ijde day of Noue'b'r At the buryall of Rob't Hakyns Childe for the ij Smayll lights iiijd
Item Receued the xth day of ffebrewarij for the greate lights and the Torchis At the yeres mynde of master Noris iiijs
Item Receued the xxiiijth day of ffebrewarij ffor all charges At the Bvriall of master Whasshe xiiijs viijd
Item Receued the xxvjth day of ffebrewarij for the great lights At the buriall of A Straung' out of the goodman Ricardes howse ijs
Item Receued the xxth day of marche for the greate lights and the Torches At the mounthis mynde of master Whasshis Mo'nthe mynde iiijs
Som' Receued on this syed—xxxvjs viijd
Som' to'llis of the buryalles Obyttys and Knellis for all the ffirst hole yere iijli xvs iiijd
Receytys for the seconde yere by the sayd Wardeynes ffor Buryallis Obytys and Knelles As here after folowt
In primis Receued the xxvj day of Marche for the greate lights and the Torches at the buriall of master Wylson iiijs viijd
Item Receued ffor master Wilsons Pytt vjs viijd
Item Receued ffor master Wilsons knell xiid
Item Receued the xxvij day of Apreell for the greate lights and the Torches At the Buriall of the good wyff Arnolde the wydow iiijs viiijd
Item Receued for her Pytt vjs viijd
Item Receued for her knell xijd
Item Receued the xxvj day of Julij for the greate lights and the Torchis At the Buriall of John mowsons wyff iijs
Item Receued for her Pytt vjs viijd
Item Receued for her knell xijd
Item Receued At the mounth mynde of the good wyff Arnold the Wydow for the grett lights and the Torches the xxijth day of August iiijs
Item Receued the ijde day of Nouemb'r for the .ij. smayll lights At the Buriall of Agnes Palmers childe iiijd
Item Receued the xxijth day of Januarij for the .ij. smayll lights At the Buryall of A nother childe ijd
Item Receued the xxiijth day of Januarij for the .iiij. smayll lights At the Buryall of Will'm Arnolde xijd
Item Receued for the same Will'm Arnolds knell xijd
Item Receued the xiij day of ffebruarij for the .iiij. smayll lights At the munth mynd of Will'm Arnolde xijd
Item Receued the xvijth day of ffebruarij At the Buryall of John Lesons wyff for the greate lights and the Torches and for her knell and other charges vjs
Item Receued the same day for Thom's Wilsons morthis mynde for the greate lights and the Torches iiijs
Item Receued the same day for the smayll lights At Sendalls Burying iiijd
Som' Receued on this syed—Liijs ijd
Item Receued the xviijth day of ffebruarij for the greate lights and the Torches At the yeres mynde of Henry Wente iiijs
Item Receued the xixth day of ffebruarij for the . ij. smayll lights at the buryall of Will'm Cars maydon ijd
Item Receued the xxjth day of ffebruarij for the smayll lights at the buryall of Peter kelks s'u'nt iiijd
Item Receued the xxij day of ffebruarij for the smayll lights At the buryall of Antony Coblers childe iiijd
Item Receued the xxvjti day of ffebruarij for the greate lights And the Torches At the yerys mynde of Rob'rt Arnolde iiijs
Item Receued the xxviijth day of ffebruarij for the greate lightys At the buryall of John Goff ijs
Item Receued the same Day ffor John Goffs knell xijd
Item Receued the xth day of marche for the iiij smayll lights At the monthe mynde of John Goff xijd
Item Receued the xijth day of Marche for the smayll lights and the Torches At the buriall of Will'm Whasshis childe ijs iiijd
Item Receued the xiiijth day of Marche for the smayll lights At the buriall of Henry Romans saru'nt iiijd
Item Receued the xvij day of Marche for the greate lights and the Torchis At the yeres mynde of Rycharde Whasshe iiijs
Item Receued the xx day of Marche for the greate lights At the buryall of master Evans yeman Portar of the kyngs howse ijs
Item Receued the same day for his knell xijd
Item Receued [for the] great lights and the Torches and knell at the buryall of Master wodds Mother xijd
Item ffor the smayll lights at the buryall of James Acollens childe viijd
Som' Receued on this syed—xxiiijs ijd
Som' to'llis of the buryalles Obittys and Knelles for all this second yere iijli xvijs iiijd
Som' to'llis of alle thes too yeres Receyttes for burialles obittis and knelles vijli xijs viijd
The Gatheryng at the Quarter days the fyrst yere of this Accompt, wt the gatheryng on goodfryday Pascall Money and the Sepulcre light, wt the Money gathered on Hokmonday and Tewsday
ffyrste Receued of the money Gathered in or Lady Daye Qvarter in the ffirste yere of the Accompte vijs xd
Item Receued and gathered in Midsom' quarter the same yere viijs ijd
Item Receued and gathered in Michelm's quart' the same yere vijs vijd
Item Receued and gathered in Christemas quart' the same yere vjs xjd
Item receued of Henry Romayne for the same yeres Rente for the Churche Acre ijs
Som'—xxxijs vjd
Item Receued and gathered on good ffryday the same yere iijs xjd
Item Receued and gathered of Pascall money At Ester the same yere xijs xd
Item Receued and gathered ffor the Sepulcre light the same yere vjs vjd
Item Receued and gathered of the money for Hoc Tewsday (fn. 3) iijs iiijd
Som'—xxvjs vijd
Som' to'llis of thys ffirste yeres Gatheryng lixs jd
Anno. Receytes by the said Wardens of the gatheryng at the quarter Days the second yere wt Goodffryday Pascall Money and the Sepulcre light wt the Money gathered on Hok Monday and Tewysday
ffyrste Receued of the Money gathered in or ladyday quart' for ye ijde yere viijs jd
Item receued and gathered in Midsom' quartar the same yere vijs xjd
Item receued and gathered in Michilm's quarter the same yere vjs vijd
Item receued and gathered in Christem's quarter the same yere vijs iijd
Item receued of Henry Romayne for the Rente of the Churche Acre for this yere ijs
Som'—xxxjs xd
Som' receued on this syed—iiijli xs xjd
Item receuede and gathered on good ffryday the same yere vs iijd
Item Receued and gathered of Pascall money at Ester the same yere xijs iijd
Item Receued and gathered for the Sepulcre light the same yere iiijs xjd
Item Receued and gathered of the money for Hoc Tewysday the same yere ijs
Som'—xxiiijs vd

Som' to'llis of thys ijde yeres gatheryng Lbjs iijd

Som' to'llis of the hole receytes for the forsaid too yeres xiijli viijs
The sayd Accomptanttes aske alowance for paymenttes by them layed oute to and for the Churche Vse in the ffyrste yere of this Accompte, As p'tyculerly ensuyth.
In p'mis Payed for A Sake of greate Collis agaynst Ester vd
Item payed for lampe Oyle for the lampe for this hole yere vjs
Item payed for ffraunkynsence for the churche for this hole yere xviijd
Item payed for mendyng of the glase wyndow before the sacrame't (fn. 4) xxjd
Item payed to Nicholas Clarke for wachyng of the Sepulcre ijs
Item payd for wasshing of the Church Clothis for this hole yere iiijs ijd
Item payed for Skowryng of sartayne necessaris for this hole yere belongyng vnto [the] said Churche ijs iiijd
Item payed for too new belropes for the Churche xxjd
Item payed for mendyng of the Copes and other vestementes to the same Church belongyng for this hole yere iijs jd
Item payed the Sexten for his wages for this yere iiijs
Item paied for byrche at Midsom' and holly and Eve At Cristemas iiijd
Som' payed on this syed—xxvijs iiijd
Item payed for mendyng of the long pew and plates of Iron viijd
Item for Another Belrope xd
Item payed for A Loode of Tyell for the Churche vs
Item payed for Soderyng and mendyng of the Gvtter of saynt Johan's Chapell (fn. 5) of the same church ixs vjd
Item payed to the wax chaundeler for wax Torches and Tapars and alle otheir lights occupyed wt in the said Churche for this hole yere as more at Large shall A pere by A byll of the waxchaundelers owne hande liiijs iijd
Item payed for Tallow candell for the churche xijd ob'q'
Item payed for Rvff tyell for the said Churche iiijd
Item payed for A horsloode of lyme xd
Item payed for A Tyller and his Laborar for iij days worke in tylyng of the Rouff of the said Churche iijs iijd
Item payed to the glacyar of Westm' for mendyng dyu's glase wyndowes in the said Churche vs
Item payed for mendyng of the cheste in the quyer and for bandes of Iron and mendyng of the loke to John Myller vijd
Item payed for bred ale and Chese at the takyng of the Inve'tory of the churche goodes xijd
Item payed for ix lb' of tallo candell agaynst Cristemas xjd q'
Item payed for holy and Ive ijd
Item payed to John Tomson for paryng (fn. 6) of the Aleyes about the churchyard ijs
Item payed for mendyng of the organs all this yere xijd
Item payed for bromes for this hole yere iiijd
Item payed for mendyng of the claper of the Midull bell xvjd
Item payed for the deske that the garnysshing of the Rodlight standeth on to Henry Revell iijs
Item payed to John Millar for makyng of iiij Irons wt A wyer to sustayne the same light ijs vijd
Item payed for the Pagantes played (fn. 7) on palme sonday xvjd
Item payed to Nicholas Clarke for kepying of the Buryall Boke iiijs
Item payed for Syngyng bred on palme sonday iijd
Som' payed on this syed—iiijli xixs iijd
Som' of alle the pamentes of this ffirst yeres Accompt vjli vjs vijd
The sayd Accomptanttes aske alowance for paymentes by them layed oute to and for the Churche Vse in the seconde yere of this Accompte As p'tyculerly ensuyth
In p'mis payede for A Sake of great Collis agaynst Ester vd
Item for lamp Oyle for the lampe for this hole yere vjs
Item payed for ffrankencens for this hole yere xviijd
Item payed to the Clarke for wachyng of the Sepulcre ijs
Item payed for wasshyng of the Churche clothis for this yere vs xd
Item payed for Skowryng of certayne necessaries to the churche belongyng for this yere iijs
Item payed for mendyng of ceytayne vestmenttes and other Necessarijs to the said church belongyng vs xjd
Item payed to the Sexten for this yeres wages iijs
Item payed to the waxchaundeler for wax Torches and Tapers and all other lights occupyed wt in the said Churche for this p'sent yere, As more at large shall Apeere by A Byll of the waxchaundelers owne hande xxiiijs xjd
Item payed for Tallo candell for the churche for this yere xijd
Item payed for pavyng Tyell to paue the grownd wher graves were made iijs iijd
Item paye to A pavyer for pavyng of the graves and other placis about the said Church where as nede requyred xijd
Item for A Sake of lyme ijd
Item for holy and Ive agaynst Cristemas ijd
Item for Collis for them that wached ijd
Item for A lyne for the mase bell (fn. 8) iiijd
Item for Bromes for the Churche iiijd
Item for a new deske for the queer (fn. 9) iijs
Item for mendyng of A Challice xd
Som' payed on this syed—iijli ijs xjd
Item payed to the Clarke for kepyng of the buryall boke iiijs
Item payed for bred and Ale on christemas Eve ijd
Item payd for A corde for the santis bell (fn. 10) ijd
Item payed for A litull braunche sett before or ladie of petie (fn. 11) ijd
Item payed for byrche At Midsom' ijd
Item payed for Parch'ent for to writt this present Accompt vjd
Item payed for A padloke and A keye for the churche dore vd
Item payed for surselyng (fn. 12) of A howselyng Towell (fn. 13) and xj towells for prests hands at Mase iiijd
Item for mendyng of the church dore key iiijd
Item for wrytyng and castyng of this two yeres Accompte and for wrytyng of the gatheryng boke and for papar iijs viijd
Som' payed on this syed—viijs xjd
Som' of alle the paymentes of this seconde yere iijli xjs xd
Som' to'llis of alle thys two yeres Accompt for the paymenttes ixli xviijs vd
Item ther remaynythe in the Clarkes hands of this Accomp'e in redye money Due to the churche xjs
And soo reste due of this two yeres Accompt wt the clarkes money iijli ixs vijd
Gyftys geuen to the sayd churche
Inp'mis Receued of the gefte of or sou'aigne Lorde Kyng Henry the viijth at the instaunce of master Thom's Alfford gentilman and of the counsaill of or Sou'aigne lorde the Kyng Afforsaid one Cope of blew velvell wt. Stars of golde, wt the Deacon and subdeacon (fn. 15) wt Abbys and all others appartaynyng to the same, and the Offrys (fn. 14) of clothe of golde
Item Receued more of the gyfte of or said sou'aigne Lorde the Kyng A Vestement of Blake velvet the Offres of Red velvet wt deacon and subdeacon (fn. 15) wtout Abbis or others appartaynyng to the same
Item Receued of the gefte of Will'm Clarke of the p'isshe of saint Martens A Cheste remaynyng in the said Churche
Item Receued of the gyfte of Thom's Machen pewterar An Auter Clothe (fn. 16) paned of Satten of Bryges being of Red and grene for saynt Cvtberds auter for Above
Item Receued of the wymen of Duramrents (fn. 17) the nether p'te of the clothe for the said Auter being of satten of bregs of the forsaid collo's paned which was bought wt the Money that was gathered amongst the wymen in Duram Rent on Hoke Monday
Item Receued of the gyft of W Hebyltwayte two Curtaynes of sarcenet colored lyke (fn. 18) being bought [wt] parte of the said Money gathered on hokmonday
It'm Receued of the gyfte of Michell brysell Wyff A frenge to the seid Awter cloth of Sylke
It'm Receued A long dyaper (fn. 19) towell of the gyfte of Arnold Wyffe


  • 1. 1531 and 23 H. viii cannot both be right. I believe the regnal year to be correct, in which case this book of accounts (p. 21 to 31) covers the period from Lady-day, 1532 to Lady-day, 1534.
  • 2. i.e. The Bp. of Durham's Palace.
  • 3. Tuesday was the men's gathering day, vide pp. 27, 37, 38, for other small sums collected by them. The Monday (women's) receipts this year were spent on altar hangings, vide p. 31.
  • 4. i.e. the reserved sacrament; kept in (1) a dome-shaped pyx suspended above the altar, or (2) a pyx kept in a cupboard on the superaltar, or (3) a cupboard in the wall, or (4) a detached erection on the Gospel side of the choir (Pugin) this probably refers to 2 or 3, vide n. 1, p. 61.
  • 5. for other chapels, vide pp. 20, 30: our Lady of Pity. pp. 31, 61, 72, 74, 90; St. Cuthbert's.
  • 6. qy. repairing; or mistake for paving—but the latter would have been more expensive.
  • 7. vide also pp. 58, 60.
  • 8. vide Sanctus Bell, n. 1, p. 30.
  • 9. Choir.
  • 10. Rung at the Sanctus in the Mass—sometimes two bells, a handbell rung in the church and a bell hung outside the building. At St. Martin's there appears to have been only one, the latter, vide p. 64.
  • 11. A picture of the Virgin supporting the Lord's body after the descent from the Cross.
  • 12. qy. cleaning, cf. searsing, i.e. a cleansing (Halliwell).
  • 13. Strip of linen spread over the altar rails (if there were any), or held by two acolytes during the communion.
  • 14. Richly embroidered bands attached to most of the vestments, e.g. along the straight edge of the cope.
  • 15. i.e. with the suitable vestments for the deacon and subdeacon.
  • 16. This term would include any kind of altar hangings.
  • 17. In the Strand, very near where now is Durham Street.
  • 18. i.e. red, like the two parts of the altar cloth, presented by Machen and the women of Durham Rents.
  • 19. i.e. of fine linen entirely covered by a closely woven pattern.